improved evaluation

My magazine goes by conventions because the layout is what would be expected in a magazine and also the format and colours go with the theme to my magazine. The contents page is also conventional because it gives page numbers of particular articles and a brief outline of what the article is about, again with a similar colour scheme and a picture in the background. The double page spread which I made goes by conventions in some ways because it has reasonably sized pictures and text with a relevant background however it gets quite repetitive because the layout hardly changes throughout, also the layout is rather boring I think because it is plain and there is nothing really that stands out.

Transcript of improved evaluation

Page 1: improved evaluation

My magazine goes by conventions because the layout is what would be expected in a magazine and also the format and colours go with

the theme to my magazine. The contents page is also conventional because it gives page

numbers of particular articles and a brief outline of what the article is about, again with a similar colour scheme and a picture in the background. The double page spread which I made goes by

conventions in some ways because it has reasonably sized pictures and text with a relevant background however it gets quite repetitive because the layout hardly changes throughout, also the layout is

rather boring I think because it is plain and there is nothing really that stands out.

Page 2: improved evaluation

My magazine represents rock and heavy metal fans well; the theme of the magazine and the colour scheme represents them as being aggressive and sinister because of the dark colours and reds and fire patterns. Also the language used in the articles is informal and aggressive and sometimes rude which represents them as being outspoken and self confident. The pictures that I took of the bands on my double page spread were taken at various angles, some were taken at a high angle to show them as being small and inferior however standing for what they believe, some are taken at a low angle to show they are superior and powerful and some pictures are taken at an eye level to show that they are equal.

Page 3: improved evaluation

I could advertise my product at first by giving out free leaflets and by putting up posters; this should promote it enough for a few people to buy it. Then if the customers are impressed, then word of mouth will attract more people to my magazine. I might also decide to give something free with the magazine such

as a CD or a wristband etc.

Page 4: improved evaluation

My magazine isn’t aimed at any particular gender or age, but it is aimed at people who are in to rock and heavy metal music in general, this gives me a

wider target audience than if I were to target age and gender.

Page 5: improved evaluation

I have learnt a lot about technologies while doing my media product. I have learnt how to create my own blog on the internet and how to post my work

onto it. I have also learnt how to take pictures in a professional way, for example how to take light and background into consideration to get the best quality picture, and also developed my knowledge on fireworks to improve

the pictures to get a more customized effect. Before taking this media course I had very little knowledge about how media

actually worked. I have learned how the media distributes various types of products.

Page 6: improved evaluation

Looking back on my preliminary product, I have visibly improved my on my computer editing skills and my ability to use colours more effectively. I also now have more knowledge about the layout and format of magazines and what attracts the audience more.