Important Vacablery

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Transcript of Important Vacablery

  • 7/27/2019 Important Vacablery


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    Aberration Unusual and unacceptable, oddness, deviation from standard, irregularity. For example,He was not normal at that time. His act was aberrational.

    Abstruse Hidden, difficult to understand, deep

    Accumulation Gather, collect

    Acrimonious Angry and bitter feelings / words

    Affection Love

    Affront To insult

    Aggravate To make worse

    Alleviate To make sth less severe. Synonym: Ease

    Ameliorate Improve

    Amenable Agreeable

  • 7/27/2019 Important Vacablery


    Anomaly Irregularity. For example, A man ordered 5kg rice, but the shopkeeper sent 4kg. So, thereis anomaly in supply.

    Apart Away, separate, distant

    Archipelago A group of islands. Few islands make archipelago.

    Argumentative A person who argues, Not willing to obey sth

    Arrogant Behaving in a proudy way, that is unpleasant for others, Considering oneself superiorthan others

    Auspicious Favourable, Likely to be successful, Promising

    Baleful Harmful and damaging

    Beget To make sth happen, cause to exist

    Bevy Large group



    Cacophony A mixture of unpleasant sounds, noice

    Cajole Deceive. Synonym: Coax

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    Candid Honest, saying as it is. (2) A candid photo is one that is taken without knowledge of theperson

    Capricious Shaky, uncertain

    Carnivorous Any animal that eats meat

    Cautious Careful in what you say or do

    Chary Not taking risks, cautious. Synonym: Wary

    Chide To criticize or blame sb because they have done sth wrong

    Coax Deceive. Synonym: Cajole

    Congnizant Aware

    Compliant (1) Willing or ready to obey. Synonym: Submissive. (2) Agreement


    Hidden, difficult to understand, deep

    Confront To face

    Conjoin Join together

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    Consensus Agreement

    Console to give comfort or sympathy to somebody who is unhappy or disappointed

    Consul A government official who is the representative of his/her country in a foreign city

    Contraction becoming smaller

    Council Ruling body, committee

    Counsel (1). advice (2). Lawer on behalf of somebody

    Crestfallen Sad and disappointed

    Curtail To limit something OR to shorten something

    Deleterious harmful and damaging

    Demise Death

    Deteriorate To become worse. Antonym: Improve

    Detraction Making something less good/enjoyable/important

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    Disavow Deny



    Doctrine Established belief

    Doting Liking/Loving sth very much


    Drawn from many sources, wisely chosen

    Elated Very happy and excited

    Eminent Famous

    Enamoured Liking something a lot

    Enigma A person, place or thing that is mysterious and difficult to understand. Mystery, Riddle

    Entail To involve something that cannot be avoided

    Erudite Deeply learned, Scholarly learned

    Euphony Pleasant sounds


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    Disapperaing quickly, short lived, fleeting

    Evasive Wordy, Not up to the point, using too much words than necessary

    Exigent Urgent

    Fallow Not used

    Feckless Careless

    Feeble Weak, Inefficient

    Fleeting Disappearing quickly, short lived

    Foe Enemy

    Fond Liking/Loving sb/sth

    Frightened Afraid, feeling of fear


    Sad and without hope, No hope of success or happiness in future

    Herbivorous Any animal that eats only plants

    Hone (1) To sharp, sharpen. (2) To develop and improve sth

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    Imminent About to happen

    Impartial Neutral

    Impecunious Poor, penny less

    Indifferent not interested OR no concern

    Integrity (1) Honesty (2) Whole, Not devided

    Intrinsic Inherent, belonging to sb/sth

    Later At a time in future. Antonym: Earlier

    Levy Government taxes

    Melancholy A deep feeling of sadness, very sad

    Mercy A kind and forgiving attitude

    Minatory Threatening

    Morose Extremely sad, depressed. Synonym: Gloomy

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    Mulish Not changing opinion/attitude, stick to his own opinion


    A person, place or thing that is mysterious and difficult to understand. Enigma, Riddle

    Naive (1) Inexperienced, Lacking knowledge. (2) Innocent and simple

    Narrate Tell



    Nepotism Favoritism

    Obstinate Not changing opinion/attitude, stick to his own opinion, Stubborn

    Offensive rude and annoying

    Pragmatic Practical

    Precede Before, happen before of sth

    Probity Honesty

    Ratify to make an agreement officially valid by voting for or singning it


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    Starving, extremely hungry

    Skeptical Unbelievable

    Static Not moving

    StrutWalk proudly

    Stubborn Not changing opinion/attitude, stick to his own opinion

    Stuffed Full

    Sunninct Concise

    Partisan Showing support to a person/group/idea, not nuetral, biased

    PilloryTo criticize sb strongly in public

    Touchstone Criteria


    Easy to deal/control, Easily handled

    Tranquil Quite and peaceful

    Transient Disappearing quickly, short lived, fleeting

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    Trepidation Fear

    Urbane Wise

    Vacous Stupid

    Vindictive Trying to harm sb

    Volatile Changing easily/suddenly

    Vouch To say that somebody will behave well, and you are responsible for his actions

    Vow a formal and serious promise

    Wary Not taking risks, cautious. Synonym: Chary