Importance of Homeopathic Treatments in General Life

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Page 1: Importance of Homeopathic Treatments in General Life


Dynamic Homeopathy

Page 2: Importance of Homeopathic Treatments in General Life

What is Homeopathy ?

Homeopathy is a medical science developed by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), a German physician. It is based on the idea that "like cures like". Homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself.

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Benefits of Homeopathy

The major benefits with homeopathy could be listed as under :- Homeopathy gives long lasting to permanent cure Homeopathic medicine is non-invasive Homeopathic remedies are gentle, non-toxic, harmless, safe Homeopathic remedies can be stored for long periods of time Homeopathic remedies are readily available and can, therefore, be used by anyone Homeopathic medicine is more Effective and Gives lasting relief

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What is the Alternative Treatment of Migrain?

Migraine is a form of headache. The pain is usually throbbing and bursting in character.

If ever there was a permanent cure for migraine, homeopathic medicines are the only one that can do this miracle.

The top Seven homeopathic medicines that I have found to work best to cure migraine headaches are :-

Glonoine, Belladonna, Iris Versicolor, Sanguinaria, Natrum Mur, Epiphegus and Nux Vomica.

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Treatment for Phobias

A phobia is an irrational fear of specific objects, places or situations, or activities.

Three categories of phobias are important to discuss social phobia, specific phobia, and agoraphobia. That is basically depends on our thinking power.

Some important remedies are given below for homeopathic treatment of phobia: Aconite, Stramonium, Opium, Bryonia, Succinum, Belladonna

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