Import Model 2

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of 206

Transcript of Import Model 2

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    MaxConne KMultiply KOfset FlangeDia ElevationC Length InternalDia

    1 0 0 50! 0 0 "0"##51$

    1 0 0 50! 0 0 "0"##51$

    1 0 0 50! 0 0 "0"##51$

    1 0 0 0 0 "0"##51$

    1 0 0 50! 0 0 "0"##51$

    1 0 0 #5% 0 0 "0"##51$1 0 0 #5% 0 0 "0"##51$

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &che'ule (ominalDia)oughness Material *hic+ness ,se-ipeCla )ate'Flo.

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0%0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    nalysisDir (ame Location Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC &cenario(

    2D3 $#0 4 -F" 1 #6(76100 1 'ia8atic 1

    2D3 $"0 4 -F" 1 #6F&61115 1 'ia8atic 1

    2D3 $50 43 %1#09 1 #6F&6111" 1 'ia8atic 1

    -3$5# 1 1#6F&6100 1 'ia8atic 1

    2D3$0043 %$"09 1 #6F&6101# 1 'ia8atic 1

    )O $0 -F" 1 16)76100 1 'ia8atic 1)O $1 -F" 1 16)76100 1 'ia8atic 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &ource(amMassFlo. Ignore' -resllo. Outlet*empInlet*emp Inlet*emp&

    2D3 $#0 4 5"!"5 0 5 #5 $:!" 0

    2D3 $"0 4 1:1$# 0 5 #5 $:!" 0

    2D3 $50 4 "5$ 0 5 #5 #5 0

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    2D3$0043 15#!5 0 5 6:: 6::$1" 0

    )O $0 %%55"5: 0 5 #5 #5 0)O $1 111"!"$ 0 5 #5 #5 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Inlet-ressu Loc+M2- 3LEMetho'FittingLoss Isothermal *.o-haseC &.ageMet

    10#1% 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10#"1: 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10#5$1 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10 0 61 1 0 1 1

    !"%55% 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10! 0 61 1 0 1 110! 0 61 1 0 1 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Compressi 3apourFrac 3apourMol IsentropicE &i=ingMeth 2ac+-ressuMulti-hase

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$510 05 # 0$5

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Li>ui'C' K8 )uptureDis -resCalc DenCalc 3elCalc(on 3elCalc)at

    0:5 0 1"#!#!$1 0!:1##%$ !5:"!$% !5:"!$%

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    0:5 0

    0:5 0 1"501"5" 1":#"%%# 15!##0# 15!##0#

    0:5 0 %#5"1#% #$#$"05 !"%1!"$% !"%1!"$%0:5 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    3elCalc *empCalc Cho+eMeth Energy Enthalpy Entropy ?uality

    !5 #5 "#$$"00$ 15!!$0!! #%15":#% 1

    #"#5 #5 $!%5!:# 15!!$0!! #%15":#% 1

    11: #5 ":015""% 11"1"1" ##!:#!" 1

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    !"% #5 #!5101 100#!:#5 ##1$1:! 1:$:#51! 100#!:#5 ##1$1:! 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


     *empincalc &onicCalc (on)ecove Inlet3eloci Inlet3eloci Inlet3elocit InletDensit

    $:!" %%!!5:$ 0 0"!:!0" 0"!:!0" 0"! 5"5"$#"%

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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &tatic-resD*otal-resDr@as-ro8le @ea'er3ap @ea'er3ap @as-ro8le @as-ro8le

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 1 0 0

    0 0 1 0 00 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le 3

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &tagnation Flo.-athC Flo.-ath( Flo.-ath*y )ate'Flo. ContingencLoc+)ate'F

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 00 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Loc+)elievi CpCv)atio Compressi Inlet-res*ot-res*otalCaMach(o )ho3#Calc

    0 11#$"! 0$"5511 10#1% 1"5$$ 01$1 :"#1

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    0 1"00:"" 0$!%!1: 10!00#1 %"5%$$ 01$# #0"%%0 1"00:"" 0$!%!1:

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    MolarFlo. Mol;t &tatic-res *otal-resD &cenario( &ource(amFlui'*ype

    ""5: 1:0%#$ !!!$1! !!55! 'ia8atic 1 2D3 $#0 4 0

    100!5 1:0%#$ !!0# !5%%$$ 'ia8atic 1 2D3 $"0 4 0

    %5!! 1:0%#$ !$"5!1 !!:5" 'ia8atic 1 2D3 $50 4 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -3$5# 0

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    ## 1:0%#$ 6"1"1#5 6"#%$: 'ia8atic 1 )O $0 0:$%" 1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 )O $1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    2asis Mol;t FractionMe FractionEth Fraction-ro Fractioni62 Fractionn62

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 00 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fractioni6- Fractionn6- Fractionn6 Fractionn6@Fraction(it FractionCO Fraction@#

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fraction*E Fraction@# Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Item(ame A-osition B-osition La8elA-ositLa8elB-osit)otationFlip*ype

    2D3 $#0 4 ::$#:5: #0151#% ::$#:5: #0001#% 0

    2D3 $"0 4 "0#1$1 1501155 "0#1$1 1%!:155 0

    2D3 $50 4 :!!"$1 1:15%0! :!!"$1 1:00%0! 0

    -3$5# !0%1# 1":$#1% !0%1# 1"5%#1% 0

    2D3$0043 !5""!: #!::1 !5""!: #:"::1 0

    )O $0 %%$"!1 #%#%:$" %%$"!1 #%0$:$" 0)O $1 5$0!$ #1$% 5$0!$ #0#$% 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    m8ient*e tmospheriChec+Cho+ Cho+e @eat*rans< External)a Calculatio

    15 101"#5 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    )ate'Flo. )ate'Flo. )ate'Flo.*;in'&pee',seKinetic Ignore&epKKineticEner

    0 0 0 10 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    CalcIgnore Ma8pForIn Ignore&our Maximum& ll&cenario 3LE Enthalpy

    0 0 1 500 1 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    3le&ource Enthalpy&o@ori=ontal Incline' 3ertical Elements FrictionFact

    1 1 0 0 0 10 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    ;arn2-For ;arnCho+e;arn&lugF ;arn*empF;arn-ress ;arn-hys- ;arn@eat2

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    ;arnCho+e ;arn-resD ;arnLi>;it ;arnCorr) ;arnInit;h;arn&i=eC ;arnLimit)

    1 1 1 1 1 1 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &olverEngi -res*ol-rop-res*ol,nit -res*olLoo Mass*olLoo Iterations- IterationsL

    1 00001 0001 001 1 #5 500

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Damper-ro DamperLo LoopMetho LoopnalysEchoLoops Keep2a' ,p'ateEsti

    1 1 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Inital-ressuLengthMult Init-haseM ,pstreamMDo.nstrea ,pstreamMDo.nstrea

    101"#5 1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    InletFlo.C 7augeInlet IgnoreInlet DesignOpti Design&ch @ol',pCorrFor22-resD

    0 0 %0 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2



  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    (ame Option3elC Done @ea'Mach @ea'3ap3e@ea'Li>3el @ea')v#

    'ia8atic 0 0 0 0 150000

    'ia8atic 1 0 0 0 150000

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    @ea'(oise *ailMach *ail3ap3el *ailLi>3el *ail)v# *ail(oise -ressure

    100 0 150000 100

    100 0 150000 100

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    CalculateM CollectDetaile')esults

    1 0

    1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    @ypothetic (ame ID *ype Formula C&( Mol;t

    0 Methane 1 0 %6!#6! 1:0%#$

    0 Ethane # 0 %6!%60 "00:$$

    0 -ropane " 0 %6$!6: %%0$

    0 i62utane % 0 56#!65 5!1#%

    0 n62utane 5 0 10:6$6! 5!1#%

    0 i6-entane : 0 !6!6% #1510 n6-entane 0 10$6::60 #151

    0 n6@exane $ 0 11065%6" !:1$

    0 n6@eptane 1% 0 1%#6!#65 100#05

    0 (itrogen 5$ 1 #6"6$ #!01"

    0 CO# 5" 1 1#%6"!6$ %%00$

    0 @#& 5% 1 !"60:6% "%0:

    0 *E7lycol 1"# " 11#6#6: 1501:$

    0 @#O :1 1 "#61!65 1!0151

    1 ma8p"%0 10001 0 11

    1 ma8p%"# 1000# 0 101 ma8p%$ 1000" 0 1$!

    1 ma8p50 1000% 0 #"%

    1 ma8p:% 10005 0 #$:

    1 ma8p!0 1000: 0 %"%

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    (2- &t'Density ;atsonK -c *c 3c 3char

    111:#5 #$$"$% 1$5:" %:%0 1$0:$$ 00$$ 00$$"$

    1!%55 "55:!" 1$%1 %!!"$ "05%#! 01%! 01%55

    #"10%! 50::! 1%"# %#5: ":$!$! 0# 0#000!

    #:1%# 5:1$:: 1"!%1 ":%: %0!0$: 0#:" 0#5:!"

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    "%1!! ::#::% 1#!": "0"1: 50!$! 0":! 0":!#

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    1$%5$! !#5""5 !5%1 " "0%1 00$"$ 00$"!"

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    550% 11#!%5 !!"% 1%1!: # 0%%: 0"%!$"%

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    %$5"5 !#: 11:#!5!% #1%$ :!::5 0:5%$ 0:$#%:5"1%5 !%$ 115!1$# 1$$! 1!5 0#"1 0$"%00!

    51%5 !% 115#:1%1 1!1: :#%5 0!"1% 0$"01:!

    :#$!5 $00 115:#1:1 1%$ !1505 10:% 11$!5!%$

    "!5 $%: 11:0050 105%! $0!%5 15:$ 1!#:"55

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Omega Omega&)K @a @8 @c @' @e

    00115 000% 6#0!#":! "$"%!! 600"%#11 $0!E6005 6:0E600!

    00$!: 00$!" 65"1%!55 "%"::!$ 6000$"1 00001#: 610E600

    015#% 015"# 1%1"%# 1%1!"# 00$"##5 15E6005 6#$E600!

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    050# 050# 1:#%:#11 6!0$:!#% 0%!!#!0! 600001## 005:5: 05:5: 1$"#::# 61#%5055 05:$$!0$ 600001%" 0

    0:1"$ 0:1"$ 1$!%!## 61!$0%"! 0:51:% 600001 0

    0:$" 0:$" 1$51## 6#1!%05 0!55$$1 60000#1 0

    0!$!# 0!$!# 1"::!%1 6#$510% 1#5$::" 60000"## 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    @< & 3isc 3isc2 @eatO

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2



    1 Methane Ethane 000#$5#$ 000#$5#$

    1 Methane -ropane 000%# 000%#

    1 Methane i62utane 001":$$" 001":$$"

    1 Methane n62utane 001#!$$ 001#!$$

    1 Methane i6-entane 001!155 001!155

    1 Methane n6-entane 001!%1 001!%11 Methane n6@exane 00#"$! 00#"$!

    1 Methane n6@eptane 00#$""05 00#$""05

    1 Methane (itrogen 0 0

    1 Methane CO# 0 0

    1 Methane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 Methane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 Methane @#O 05 05

    1 Methane ma8p"%0 00"!""!$ 00"!""!$

    1 Methane ma8p%"# 00%$:1: 00%$:1:

    1 Methane ma8p%$ 005#!""" 005#!"""1 Methane ma8p50 00:00%"% 00:00%"%

    1 Methane ma8p:% 00""1" 00""1"

    1 Methane ma8p!0 00$511 00$511

    1 Ethane -ropane 0001!5#$ 0001!5#$

    1 Ethane i62utane 000511" 000511"

    1 Ethane n62utane 000%:%#$ 000%:%#$

    1 Ethane i6-entane 000$1$: 000$1$:

    1 Ethane n6-entane 000!11": 000!11":

    1 Ethane n6@exane 0011!!0# 0011!!0#

    1 Ethane n6@eptane 00155: 00155:

    1 Ethane (itrogen 0 0

    1 Ethane CO# 0 0

    1 Ethane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 Ethane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 Ethane @#O 05 05

    1 Ethane ma8p"%0 00##:1# 00##:1#

    1 Ethane ma8p%"# 00"0#!0$ 00"0#!0$

    1 Ethane ma8p%$ 00"%#:# 00"%#:#

    1 Ethane ma8p50 00%0#55$ 00%0#55$

    1 Ethane ma8p:% 0051$10" 0051$10"

    1 Ethane ma8p!0 00#!1%: 00#!1%:

    1 -ropane i62utane 00015"!5 00015"!5

    1 -ropane n62utane 0001"## 0001"##

    1 -ropane i6-entane 000"050! 000"050!

    1 -ropane n6-entane 000"1:5$ 000"1:5$

    1 -ropane n6@exane 00055#$ 00055#$

    1 -ropane n6@eptane 000!#! 000!#!

    1 -ropane (itrogen 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    1 -ropane CO# 0 0

    1 -ropane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 -ropane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 -ropane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 -ropane ma8p"%0 001"%%0" 001"%%0"

    1 -ropane ma8p%"# 001$5#$" 001$5#$"

    1 -ropane ma8p%$ 00##!!% 00##!!%1 -ropane ma8p50 00#$01 00#$01

    1 -ropane ma8p:% 00":1 00":1

    1 -ropane ma8p!0 005:#%$ 005:#%$

    1 i62utane n62utane 0000%#5 0000%#5

    1 i62utane i6-entane 0000#: 0000#:

    1 i62utane n6-entane 0000!1%: 0000!1%:

    1 i62utane n6@exane 0001$5!5 0001$5!5

    1 i62utane n6@eptane 000"5!5 000"5!5

    1 i62utane (itrogen 0 0

    1 i62utane CO# 0 01 i62utane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 i62utane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 i62utane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 i62utane ma8p"%0 0001"0: 0001"0:

    1 i62utane ma8p%"# 0011##$ 0011##$

    1 i62utane ma8p%$ 001%#$1" 001%#$1"

    1 i62utane ma8p50 001!""!! 001!""!!

    1 i62utane ma8p:% 00#::!$1 00#::!$1

    1 i62utane ma8p!0 00%#!5 00%#!5

    1 n62utane i6-entane 0000$#:" 0000$#:"

    1 n62utane n6-entane 0000$: 0000$:

    1 n62utane n6@exane 000##:% 000##:%

    1 n62utane n6@eptane 000%0151 000%0151

    1 n62utane (itrogen 0 0

    1 n62utane CO# 0 0

    1 n62utane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 n62utane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 n62utane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 n62utane ma8p"%0 000%"! 000%"!

    1 n62utane ma8p%"# 001#50! 001#50!

    1 n62utane ma8p%$ 0015155 0015155

    1 n62utane ma8p50 001$"1"1 001$"1"1

    1 n62utane ma8p:% 00#!51: 00#!51:

    1 n62utane ma8p!0 00%%##" 00%%##"

    1 i6-entane n6-entane 0000% 0000%

    1 i6-entane n6@exane 0000!0$ 0000!0$

    1 i6-entane n6@eptane 0001!01 0001!01

    1 i6-entane (itrogen 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    1 i6-entane CO# 0 0

    1 i6-entane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 i6-entane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 i6-entane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 i6-entane ma8p"%0 000%%00: 000%%00:

    1 i6-entane ma8p%"# 000!10% 000!10%

    1 i6-entane ma8p%$ 0010#:5" 0010#:5"1 i6-entane ma8p50 001"%"% 001"%"%

    1 i6-entane ma8p:% 00#111" 00#111"

    1 i6-entane ma8p!0 00"5:$! 00"5:$!

    1 n6-entane n6@exane 0000:0$ 0000:0$

    1 n6-entane n6@eptane 00011" 00011"

    1 n6-entane (itrogen 0 0

    1 n6-entane CO# 0 0

    1 n6-entane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 n6-entane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 n6-entane @#O 0%! 0%!1 n6-entane ma8p"%0 000%#55 000%#55

    1 n6-entane ma8p%"# 000$0 000$0

    1 n6-entane ma8p%$ 00100"$% 00100"$%

    1 n6-entane ma8p50 001"%!## 001"%!##

    1 n6-entane ma8p:% 00#0$5" 00#0$5"

    1 n6-entane ma8p!0 00"5"55 00"5"55

    1 n6@exane n6@eptane 0000:115 0000:115

    1 n6@exane (itrogen 0 0

    1 n6@exane CO# 0 0

    1 n6@exane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 n6@exane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 n6@exane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 n6@exane ma8p"%0 000#1"%$ 000#1"%$

    1 n6@exane ma8p%"# 000%!#!" 000%!#!"

    1 n6@exane ma8p%$ 000:51%: 000:51%:

    1 n6@exane ma8p50 000$"":$ 000$"":$

    1 n6@exane ma8p:% 00155!0: 00155!0:

    1 n6@exane ma8p!0 00#!5%:: 00#!5%::

    1 n6@eptane (itrogen 0 0

    1 n6@eptane CO# 0 0

    1 n6@eptane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    1 n6@eptane *E7lycol 0 0

    1 n6@eptane @#O 0%! 0%!

    1 n6@eptane ma8p"%0 0000$#"5 0000$#"5

    1 n6@eptane ma8p%"# 000#5 000#5

    1 n6@eptane ma8p%$ 000%0:!1 000%0:!1

    1 n6@eptane ma8p50 000:"%# 000:"%#

    1 n6@eptane ma8p:% 0011:":: 0011:"::

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    1 n6@eptane ma8p!0 00#"155 00#"155

    1 (itrogen CO# 0 0

    1 (itrogen @#& 0 0

    1 (itrogen *E7lycol 0 0

    1 (itrogen @#O 0 0

    1 (itrogen ma8p"%0 0 0

    1 (itrogen ma8p%"# 0 01 (itrogen ma8p%$ 0 0

    1 (itrogen ma8p50 0 0

    1 (itrogen ma8p:% 0 0

    1 (itrogen ma8p!0 0 0

    1 CO# @#& 0 0

    1 CO# *E7lycol 0 0

    1 CO# @#O 00%%5 00%%5

    1 CO# ma8p"%0 0 0

    1 CO# ma8p%"# 0 0

    1 CO# ma8p%$ 0 01 CO# ma8p50 0 0

    1 CO# ma8p:% 0 0

    1 CO# ma8p!0 0 0

    1 @#& *E7lycol 0 0

    1 @#& @#O 0 0

    1 @#& ma8p"%0 00!:""" 00!:"""

    1 @#& ma8p%"# 00!:#$$$ 00!:#$$$

    1 @#& ma8p%$ 00!%$$15 00!%$$15

    1 @#& ma8p50 00!"00"! 00!"00"!

    1 @#& ma8p:% 00!5%$5 00!5%$5

    1 @#& ma8p!0 00:"!#" 00:"!#"

    1 *E7lycol @#O 6055"1 6055"1

    1 *E7lycol ma8p"%0 0 0

    1 *E7lycol ma8p%"# 0 0

    1 *E7lycol ma8p%$ 0 0

    1 *E7lycol ma8p50 0 0

    1 *E7lycol ma8p:% 0 0

    1 *E7lycol ma8p!0 0 0

    1 @#O ma8p"%0 0%! 0%!

    1 @#O ma8p%"# 0%! 0%!

    1 @#O ma8p%$ 0%! 0%!

    1 @#O ma8p50 0%! 0%!

    1 @#O ma8p:% 0%! 0%!

    1 @#O ma8p!0 0%! 0%!

    1 ma8p"%0 ma8p%"# 0000$05 0000$05

    1 ma8p"%0 ma8p%$ 0001%!5# 0001%!5#

    1 ma8p"%0 ma8p50 000#$##1 000#$##1

    1 ma8p"%0 ma8p:% 000::0 000::0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # Ethane ma8p50 00%0#55$ 00%0#55$

    # Ethane ma8p:% 0051$10" 0051$10"

    # Ethane ma8p!0 00#!1%: 00#!1%:

    # -ropane i62utane 00015"!5 00015"!5

    # -ropane n62utane 0001"## 0001"##

    # -ropane i6-entane 000"050! 000"050!

    # -ropane n6-entane 000"1:5$ 000"1:5$# -ropane n6@exane 00055#$ 00055#$

    # -ropane n6@eptane 000!#! 000!#!

    # -ropane (itrogen 0 0

    # -ropane CO# 0 0

    # -ropane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # -ropane *E7lycol 0 0

    # -ropane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # -ropane ma8p"%0 001"%%0" 001"%%0"

    # -ropane ma8p%"# 001$5#$" 001$5#$"

    # -ropane ma8p%$ 00##!!% 00##!!%# -ropane ma8p50 00#$01 00#$01

    # -ropane ma8p:% 00":1 00":1

    # -ropane ma8p!0 005:#%$ 005:#%$

    # i62utane n62utane 0000%#5 0000%#5

    # i62utane i6-entane 0000#: 0000#:

    # i62utane n6-entane 0000!1%: 0000!1%:

    # i62utane n6@exane 0001$5!5 0001$5!5

    # i62utane n6@eptane 000"5!5 000"5!5

    # i62utane (itrogen 0 0

    # i62utane CO# 0 0

    # i62utane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # i62utane *E7lycol 0 0

    # i62utane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # i62utane ma8p"%0 0001"0: 0001"0:

    # i62utane ma8p%"# 0011##$ 0011##$

    # i62utane ma8p%$ 001%#$1" 001%#$1"

    # i62utane ma8p50 001!""!! 001!""!!

    # i62utane ma8p:% 00#::!$1 00#::!$1

    # i62utane ma8p!0 00%#!5 00%#!5

    # n62utane i6-entane 0000$#:" 0000$#:"

    # n62utane n6-entane 0000$: 0000$:

    # n62utane n6@exane 000##:% 000##:%

    # n62utane n6@eptane 000%0151 000%0151

    # n62utane (itrogen 0 0

    # n62utane CO# 0 0

    # n62utane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # n62utane *E7lycol 0 0

    # n62utane @#O 0%! 0%!

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # n62utane ma8p"%0 000%"! 000%"!

    # n62utane ma8p%"# 001#50! 001#50!

    # n62utane ma8p%$ 0015155 0015155

    # n62utane ma8p50 001$"1"1 001$"1"1

    # n62utane ma8p:% 00#!51: 00#!51:

    # n62utane ma8p!0 00%%##" 00%%##"

    # i6-entane n6-entane 0000% 0000%# i6-entane n6@exane 0000!0$ 0000!0$

    # i6-entane n6@eptane 0001!01 0001!01

    # i6-entane (itrogen 0 0

    # i6-entane CO# 0 0

    # i6-entane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # i6-entane *E7lycol 0 0

    # i6-entane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # i6-entane ma8p"%0 000%%00: 000%%00:

    # i6-entane ma8p%"# 000!10% 000!10%

    # i6-entane ma8p%$ 0010#:5" 0010#:5"# i6-entane ma8p50 001"%"% 001"%"%

    # i6-entane ma8p:% 00#111" 00#111"

    # i6-entane ma8p!0 00"5:$! 00"5:$!

    # n6-entane n6@exane 0000:0$ 0000:0$

    # n6-entane n6@eptane 00011" 00011"

    # n6-entane (itrogen 0 0

    # n6-entane CO# 0 0

    # n6-entane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # n6-entane *E7lycol 0 0

    # n6-entane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # n6-entane ma8p"%0 000%#55 000%#55

    # n6-entane ma8p%"# 000$0 000$0

    # n6-entane ma8p%$ 00100"$% 00100"$%

    # n6-entane ma8p50 001"%!## 001"%!##

    # n6-entane ma8p:% 00#0$5" 00#0$5"

    # n6-entane ma8p!0 00"5"55 00"5"55

    # n6@exane n6@eptane 0000:115 0000:115

    # n6@exane (itrogen 0 0

    # n6@exane CO# 0 0

    # n6@exane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # n6@exane *E7lycol 0 0

    # n6@exane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # n6@exane ma8p"%0 000#1"%$ 000#1"%$

    # n6@exane ma8p%"# 000%!#!" 000%!#!"

    # n6@exane ma8p%$ 000:51%: 000:51%:

    # n6@exane ma8p50 000$"":$ 000$"":$

    # n6@exane ma8p:% 00155!0: 00155!0:

    # n6@exane ma8p!0 00#!5%:: 00#!5%::

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # n6@eptane (itrogen 0 0

    # n6@eptane CO# 0 0

    # n6@eptane @#& 00%0:%$1 00%0:%$1

    # n6@eptane *E7lycol 0 0

    # n6@eptane @#O 0%! 0%!

    # n6@eptane ma8p"%0 0000$#"5 0000$#"5

    # n6@eptane ma8p%"# 000#5 000#5# n6@eptane ma8p%$ 000%0:!1 000%0:!1

    # n6@eptane ma8p50 000:"%# 000:"%#

    # n6@eptane ma8p:% 0011:":: 0011:"::

    # n6@eptane ma8p!0 00#"155 00#"155

    # (itrogen CO# 0 0

    # (itrogen @#& 0 0

    # (itrogen *E7lycol 0 0

    # (itrogen @#O 0 0

    # (itrogen ma8p"%0 0 0

    # (itrogen ma8p%"# 0 0# (itrogen ma8p%$ 0 0

    # (itrogen ma8p50 0 0

    # (itrogen ma8p:% 0 0

    # (itrogen ma8p!0 0 0

    # CO# @#& 0 0

    # CO# *E7lycol 0 0

    # CO# @#O 00"$# 00"$#

    # CO# ma8p"%0 0 0

    # CO# ma8p%"# 0 0

    # CO# ma8p%$ 0 0

    # CO# ma8p50 0 0

    # CO# ma8p:% 0 0

    # CO# ma8p!0 0 0

    # @#& *E7lycol 0 0

    # @#& @#O 0 0

    # @#& ma8p"%0 00!:""" 00!:"""

    # @#& ma8p%"# 00!:#$$$ 00!:#$$$

    # @#& ma8p%$ 00!%$$15 00!%$$15

    # @#& ma8p50 00!"00"! 00!"00"!

    # @#& ma8p:% 00!5%$5 00!5%$5

    # @#& ma8p!0 00:"!#" 00:"!#"

    # *E7lycol @#O 6055"1 6055"1

    # *E7lycol ma8p"%0 0 0

    # *E7lycol ma8p%"# 0 0

    # *E7lycol ma8p%$ 0 0

    # *E7lycol ma8p50 0 0

    # *E7lycol ma8p:% 0 0

    # *E7lycol ma8p!0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # @#O ma8p"%0 0%! 0%!

    # @#O ma8p%"# 0%! 0%!

    # @#O ma8p%$ 0%! 0%!

    # @#O ma8p50 0%! 0%!

    # @#O ma8p:% 0%! 0%!

    # @#O ma8p!0 0%! 0%!

    # ma8p"%0 ma8p%"# 0000$05 0000$05# ma8p"%0 ma8p%$ 0001%!5# 0001%!5#

    # ma8p"%0 ma8p50 000#$##1 000#$##1

    # ma8p"%0 ma8p:% 000::0 000::0

    # ma8p"%0 ma8p!0 001:0$# 001:0$#

    # ma8p%"# ma8p%$ 0000#:"1 0000#:"1

    # ma8p%"# ma8p50 0000!$# 0000!$#

    # ma8p%"# ma8p:% 000""1 000""1

    # ma8p%"# ma8p!0 0010%!%1 0010%!%1

    # ma8p%$ ma8p50 0000"5:% 0000"5:%

    # ma8p%$ ma8p:% 000#10!! 000#10!!# ma8p%$ ma8p!0 000!#"$# 000!#"$#

    # ma8p50 ma8p:% 0000!:" 0000!:"

    # ma8p50 ma8p!0 000551$ 000551$

    # ma8p:% ma8p!0 000#0005 000#0005

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    FittingLoss Isothermal *.o-haseC &.ageMet Compressi Length ngle

    1 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $01 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 1!0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $01 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 1!0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $01 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 1!0

    1 0 1 1 10 %5

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

    1 0 1 1 10 $0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Cho+eMeth MaxConne )ate'Flo. nalysisDir (ame Ignore Location

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector: 0# 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector! 0

    # 0 Connector$ 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector1 0# 0 Connector1 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector# 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector" 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0# 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector5 0

    # 0 Connector: 0

    # 0 Connector: 0

    # 0 Connector: 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC Do.nstrea Do.nstreamConnectiont

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

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    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1# 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

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    # 1#6F&610# # 1#6F&610# 1

    # 1#6F&610# # 1#6F&610# 1

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    # 1#6F&610# # 1#6F&610# 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&610# 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1# "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    1 -ipe" 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # -ipe# 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # :6F&6100 # :6F&6100 1

    # :6F&6100 # :6F&6100 1

    # :6F&6100 # :6F&6100 1

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    # #6(76100 # #6(76100 1

    # #6(76100 # #6(76100 1

    # #6(76100 # #6(76100 1

    # !6F&6100! # !6F&6100! 1

    # !6F&6100! # !6F&6100! 1

    # !6F&6100! # !6F&6100! 1

    # #6F&61115 # #6F&61115 1

    # #6F&61115 # #6F&61115 1

    # !6F&6100# # !6F&6100# 1

    # !6F&6100# # !6F&6100# 1

    # !6F&6100# # !6F&6100# 1

    # #6F&6111" # #6F&6111" 1

    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

    # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6100 1

    # !6F&6100$ # !6F&6100$ 1

    # !6F&6100$ # !6F&6100$ 1

    # !6F&6100$ # !6F&6100$ 1

    # !6F&6100$ # !6F&6100$ 1# !6F&6100$ # !6F&6100$ 1

    # #6F&6101% # #6F&6101% 1

    # #6F&6101% # #6F&6101% 1

    # #6F&6101% # #6F&6101% 1

    # #6F&6101# # #6F&6101# 1

    # #6F&6101# # #6F&6101# 1

    # #6F&6101# # #6F&6101# 1

    # #6F&6101# # #6F&6101# 1

    # 1#6F&6101 # *ip @ight #

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Li>ui'LevelDiameter FittingLoss Isothermal *.o-haseC &.ageMet Compressi

    %50 #00 1 0 1 1 10

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    3settling Is*ear -res2o'y *emp2o'y 3el2o'y Den2o'y MaxConne

    0 1#1"%05 6":"111# 1#::%"01 0$$#$% "

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    )ate'Flo. nalysisDir (ame Ignore Location Connecte' ,pstreamC

    0 3%$10 0 -F" # 1#6F&610#

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Flui'*ype 2asis Mol;t FractionMe FractionEth Fraction-ro Fractioni62

    0 1 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fractionn62 Fractioni6- Fractionn6- Fractionn6 Fractionn6@Fraction(it FractionCO

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fraction@# Fraction*E Fraction@# Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fractionma Fractionma8p!0

    0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    FittingLoss Isothermal *.o-haseC &.ageMet Compressi Do.nstrea ,pstreamD

    1 0 1 1 10 0$

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Diameter Cho+eMeth MaxConnec)ate'Flo. nalysisDir (ame Ignore

    # 0 Orice-late 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Location Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC Do.nstrea Do.nstreamConnectio


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2



  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Limit)each *ailpipe &i=ea8le ,se-ipeCla ;all*hic+n InternalDia &che'ule

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 1 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #00 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 0 0 :"5 "1115 #0

    0 0 1 0 :"5 "1115 #00 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 1 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %0

    0 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %0

    0 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %0

    0 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %0

    0 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %00 0 0 0 !1$ #0#1 %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 "$1# 5#50# %0

    0 0 0 0 10"1#% "0"##51$ %00 0 0 0 5%!: $# %0

    0 0 0 0 ":!" %0!$% %0

    0 0 0 0 $5#5 10%5 &*D

    0 0 0 0 ""! #::%5 %0

    0 0 0 0 ""! #::%5 %0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    (ominalDia*hermalCo )oughness Material ElevationC Length FittingsLos

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 :%!5 :%!5 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 0051 %:5 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 00% %1$! 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 00!" !"!$ 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 001 1 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 "#5 %5$:# 01# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 0!0# 0!0# 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 00"# 15 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 105 105 1%

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 605:! 05:! 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 600" "#$! 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6000: #$5 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6#1! #1! 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6005% %!% 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6001# 101: 0

    1# inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6000: 0051 0" inch 51$1 00%5# 0 60%1 05!$ 0

    " inch 51$1 00%5# 0 60005 # 0

    " inch 51$1 00%5# 0 60005 050: 0

    " inch 51$1 00%5# 0 60005 0:1$ 0

    " inch 51$1 00%5# 0 6001! 1!$ 0

    " inch 51$1 00%5# 0 555$ 555$ 0

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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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    1 0 0 :# 0 0 "0"##5

    1 0 0 0 0 "0"##5

    1 0 0 :# 0 0 "0"##5

    1 0 0 0 0 "0"##5

    1 0 0 0 0 "0"##5

    1 0 0 0 0 "0"##51 0 0 0 0 "0"##5

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &che'ule (ominalDia)oughness Material *hic+ness ,se-ipeCla )ate'Flo.

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

    %0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0%0 1# inch 00%5# 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    nalysisDir (ame Location Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC &cenario(

    -&3 115 43 -F" 1 :6F&6100 1 'ia8atic 1

    -&3 1#" 43%1109 1 !6F&6100! 1 'ia8atic 1

    -&3 1%# 4* -F" 1 !6F&6100$ 1 'ia8atic 1

    -&3$05 43%$"09 1 #6F&6101% 1 'ia8atic 1

    -&3 $5" 43%1#09 1 !6F&6100# 1 'ia8atic 1

    -&3 $:1 4) -F" 1 #6F&6100" 1 'ia8atic 1-&3 $0 4) -F" 1 1 1#6F&61 1 'ia8atic 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &ource(amMassFlo. Ignore' -resllo. Outlet*empInlet*emp Inlet*emp&

    -&3 115 43 10$$# 1 55 105 #5 0

    -&3 1#" 43 0 1 5 #5 #5 0

    -&3 1%# 4* 0 1 5 #5 #5 0

    -&3$05 43 0 1 5 #5 #5 0

    -&3 $5" 43 0 1 5 #5 #5 0

    -&3 $:1 4) 0 1 5 #5 #5 0-&3 $0 4) 0 1 5 #5 #5 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Inlet-ressu Loc+M2- 3LEMetho'FittingLoss Isothermal *.o-haseC &.ageMet

    1# 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10 0 61 1 0 1 1

    1$ 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10 0 61 1 0 1 1

    10 0 61 1 0 1 110 0 61 1 0 1 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Compressi 3apourFrac 3apourMol IsentropicE &i=ingMeth 2ac+-ressuMulti-hase

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$5

    10 05 # 0$510 05 # 0$5

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Li>ui'C' K8 )uptureDis -resCalc DenCalc 3elCalc(on 3elCalc)at

    0:5 0

    0:5 0

    0:5 0

    0:5 0

    0:5 0

    0:5 00:5 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


     *empincalc &onicCalc (on)ecove Inlet3eloci Inlet3eloci Inlet3elocit InletDensit

    #5 0

    #5 0

    #5 0

    #5 0

    #5 0

    #5 0#5 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &tatic-resD*otal-resDr@as-ro8le @ea'er3ap @ea'er3ap @as-ro8le @as-ro8le

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le @as-ro8le 3

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    &tagnation Flo.-athC Flo.-ath( Flo.-ath*y )ate'Flo. ContingencLoc+)ate'F

    1:%!: 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 0 0

    0 1 00 1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Loc+)elievi CpCv)atio Compressi Inlet-res*ot-res*otalCaMach(o )ho3#Calc

    0 11$$!#$ 0$#$"#$

    0 11$$!#$ 0$%1%505

    0 101$5!1# 0"000115

    0 1#10!:$# 0$:0#$

    0 1#0:#:% 0$5$##1$

    0 1#0:#:% 0$5$##1$0 1#10!:$# 0$:0#$

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    MolarFlo. Mol;t &tatic-res *otal-resD &cenario( &ource(amFlui'*ype

    :!51: 1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 115 43 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 1#" 43 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 1%# 4* 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3$05 43 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 $5" 43 0

    1:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 $:1 4) 01:0%#$ 'ia8atic 1 -&3 $0 4) 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    2asis Mol;t FractionMe FractionEth Fraction-ro Fractioni62 Fractionn62

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

    0 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 00 1:0%#$ 1 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fractioni6- Fractionn6- Fractionn6 Fractionn6@Fraction(it FractionCO Fraction@#

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Fraction*E Fraction@# Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma Fractionma

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 0

    0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2









  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    2o'y *heta *hetas)e FittingLoss MillerChart ConnectorI Isothermal

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 01 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 01 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

    1 " $0 # 0 0 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Cannot*earMaxConne )ate'Flo. nalysisDir (ame Ignore Location

    " 0 *ee1 0

    " 0 *ee# 0

    " 0 *ee" 0

    " 0 *ee% 0

    " 0 *ee5 0

    " 0 *ee: 0" 0 *ee 0

    " 0 *ee! 0

    " 0 *ee$ 0

    " 0 *ee10 0

    " 0 *ee11 0

    " 0 *ee1# 0

    " 0 *ee1" 0

    " 0 *ee1% 0

    " 0 *ee15 0

    " 0 *ee1: 0" 0 *ee1 0

    " 0 *ee1! 0

    " 0 *ee1$ 0

    " 0 *ee#% 0

    " 0 *ee#: 0

    " 0 *ee# 0

    " 0 *ee#! 0

    " 0 *ee#$ 0

    " 0 *ee"0 0

    " 0 *ee"1 0

    " 0 *ee"# 0

    " 0 *ee"" 0

    " 0 *ee"% 0

    " 0 *ee"5 0

    " 0 *ee": 0

    " 0 *ee" 0

    " 0 *ee"! 0

    " 0 *ee"$ 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC 2ranchstre 2ranchstre Do.nstrea Do.nstrea

    " 1#6F&610# # "6F&61005 # 1#6F&610# 1

    " "6F&61005 # #6F&6101% # "6F&61005 1

    " "6F&61005 # #6F&6101# # "6F&61005 1

    " "6F&61005 # &71001 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1# "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

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    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1# "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    " "6F&61005 # &7 101: # "6F&61005 1

    # "6F&61005 # "6F&61005 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # 1#6F&6100 # 1#6F&6101 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # !6F&6100$ # 1#6F&6101 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # #6F&61115 # 1#6F&6101 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # !6F&6100# # 1#6F&6101 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # !6F&6100! # 1#6F&6101 1

    " 1#6F&6101 # :6F&6100 # 1#6F&6101 1

    " :6F&6100 # #6(76100 # :6F&6100 1

    # #6F&61115 # #6F&61115 1

    " !6F&6100# # #6F&6111" # !6F&6100# 1

    # !6F&6100# # !6F&6100# 1

    # !6F&6100# # !6F&6100# 1

    " -ipe# # #6F&6100" # 1#6F&6101 1

    " -ipe" # 1 1#6F&61 # "6F&61005 1

    # 16)76100 # 1#6F&6101 1

    # 16)76100 # "6F&61005 1

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2



  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Diameter Compressi Metho' *.o-haseC Isothermal FittingLoss FittingLoss

    10!! 0 0 0 1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    ,seCurves (umCurve Flo.Extrap Mol;tExtra-ressureCo )e

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    ,se-ipeCla ;all*hic+n InternalDia &che'ule (ominalDia*hermalCo )oughness

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Material Cho+eMeth MaxConnec)ate'Flo. nalysisDir (ame Ignore

    1 0 Flare*ip1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Location Connecte' ,pstreamC ,pstreamC Mol;t Curve(um MassFlo.

    -F" 1 *ip @ight 1 1: 1 0

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2




  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


     *ip(ame CurveData Mol;t

    Flare*ip1 1:

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    -resllo. &cenario( &egment(aMol;t MolarFlo. MassFlo. ,pstream*

    'ia8atic 0 Flare*ip1 #5::#$$ 61"0: 6%%5!":

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# #5::#$$ 1"0:5 %%5!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:'ia8atic 0 1#6F&610# 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 "6F&61005 #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 "6F&61005 #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 "6F&61005 #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 "6F&61005 #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

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    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&6101# #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 15%#55# ""0"0#$# 5$%"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1:!#"10 #$!%$ 50#1"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1:!#"10 #$!%$ 50#1"5:

    'ia8atic 0 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ #151" %%55"5:

    'ia8atic 0 :6F&6100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    'ia8atic 0 :6F&6100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    'ia8atic 0 #6(76100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    'ia8atic 0 #6(76100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    'ia8atic 0 #6(76100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    5 'ia8atic 0#6(76100 ##5$:! #0:%51 5::

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&61115 ##5$:! :#1%:$: 1:$%

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&61115 ##5$:! :#1%:$: 1:$%

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&61115 ##5$:! :#1%:$: 1:$%

    5 'ia8atic 0 #6F&61115 ##5$:! :#1%:$: 1:$%

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    'ia8atic 0!6F&6100# #%#$0%"$ "1!#"## "

    'ia8atic 0!6F&6100# #%#$0%"$ "1!#"## "

    'ia8atic 0#6F&6111" #%#$0%"$ "1!#"## "

    5 'ia8atic 0#6F&6111" #%#$0%"$ "1!#"## "

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&6101# #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&6101# #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0 #6F&6101# #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$05 'ia8atic 0#6F&6101# #5!%051 1"%%:1: "0$0

    'ia8atic 0-ipe# 1$0!105 "$#%%$!! %!!"5:

    'ia8atic 0 *ip @ight #5::#$$ 61"0: 6%%5!":

    5 'ia8atic 0 16)76100 1:0%#$ #151" %%55"5:

    'ia8atic 1 Flare*ip1 1:0%#$ 61%"!%01 6#"0:1"

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

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    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ 1%"!%01" #"0:1#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&610# 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 "6F&61005 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

    'ia8atic 1 "6F&61005 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

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    'ia8atic 1 "6F&61005 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

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    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

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    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ %5$$!% "%:#!

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&6101# 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ "51%$1% 5#$0!

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ "11#"5$ %$$""1

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ "11#"5$ %$$""1

    'ia8atic 1 1#6F&6101 1:0%#$ #151" %%55"5:

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    'ia8atic 1 :6F&6100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    'ia8atic 1 :6F&6100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    'ia8atic 1#6(76100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    'ia8atic 1#6(76100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    'ia8atic 1#6(76100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    5 'ia8atic 1 #6(76100 1:0%#$ ""55!%5$ 5"!"5

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&61115 1:0%#$ 100!%$: 1:1$#'ia8atic 1 #6F&61115 1:0%#$ 100!%$: 1:1$#

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&61115 1:0%#$ 100!%$: 1:1$#

    5 'ia8atic 1 #6F&61115 1:0%#$ 100!%$: 1:1$#

    'ia8atic 1 !6F&6100# 1:0%#$ %5!555$ "5$

    'ia8atic 1 !6F&6100# 1:0%#$ %5!555$ "5$

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&6111" 1:0%#$ %5!555$ "5$

    5 'ia8atic 1 #6F&6111" 1:0%#$ %5!555$ "5$

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&6101# 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&6101# 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

    'ia8atic 1 #6F&6101# 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!55 'ia8atic 1 #6F&6101# 1:0%#$ $!0%0#55 15#!5

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    'ia8atic 1 *ip @ight 1:0%#$ 61%"!%01 6#"0:1"

    5 'ia8atic 1 16)76100 1:0%#$ #151" %%55"5:

  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


    Do.nstrea 'pF 'p 'pE '- (oise @tcInternal


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  • 8/17/2019 Import Model 2


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