Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects


Transcript of Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 1





Dr. M. Naveen Kumar




Sripradha. G, J. Vanathi





Voore Subba Rao, N.Santhosh Ramchander, S.Raghu


Vanitha N




Dr. D. Stalin David, Mr. D. Saravanan








Dr. J.Jebathangam, M.Nisha




M.Praneesh, Dr. R.Annamalai Saravanan, Dr V Sangeetha



Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 2


S.Belina V J Sara (sr.g), Dr.S.Silvia Priscila




Dr. K. Rajeshwar Rao, N Sainath



Dr. Y. Venkateswarlu, Dr. T. G. Vasista


Dr. Deepa.S , Dr. Alli.A

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 3

Internet of Things: implications of security and privacy

Dr. M. Naveen Kumar

(System Administrator, Telangana University, Nizamabad -503322, Telangana State)

Email id: [email protected]

Abstract-Internet of things (IoT) is a technology that has the potential to revolutionize your lifestyle, from

transportation to health, from entertainment to communication with government. This wonderful opportunity also

presents many significant challenges. The number of devices and the pace of that growth meet the challenges to our

security and independence as we begin the battle to develop policies, standards and administrations that shape these

developments without bringing innovation. This paper discusses the evolution of IoT, its various definitions and

some of its key areas. Security and privacy considerations and further challenges are discussed in general and in the

context of these applications.

In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has established considerable research attention. The IoT is

measured as future of the internet. In future, IoT will play a essential role and will transform our living styles,

standards, as well as business models. The practice of IoT in different applications is predictable to increase rapidly

in the upcoming years. The IoT permit billions of devices, peoples, and services to connect with others and swap

over the information.

The devices that have turn out to be part of the IoT facilitate the storage, analysis, monitoring, and sharing

of vast quantities of data with other networked devices and users. Users' privacy is threatened because of their

limited control and choice over the collection, retention, and distribution of their data. The risk of an insufficient

legal framework regulating the IoT requires urgent action in legal analysis and may require new approaches in

legislation. Due to the increased usage of IoT devices, the IoT networks are horizontal to various security attacks.

The exploitation of efficient security and privacy protocols in IoT networks is tremendously desirable to make

certain access control, authentication, confidentiality, and integrity, among others. Wireless communication

networks are an exceedingly prone to security threats.

The major applications of wireless communication networks are in military, healthcare, retail,

transportations and business. These systems use wired, cellular, or adhoc networks. Wireless sensor networks,

vehicular networks and actuator networks have received a great concentration in society and industry. The main

objectives of IoT are the configuration of a smart environment and self-conscious independent devices such as

smart items, smart health, smart living, and smart cities among others. In this paper - IoT applications, analysis of

different attacks and their possible solutions, brief overview of security requirements followed by security threats in

IoT are discussed, and also an extensive comprehensive study on security & privacy issues in IoT networks is

provided. The applications of IoT in home automation, industries, and in medical field are discussed in this chapter.

Keywords-Wireless communication; privacy protocols; Internet of Things (IoT); security issues in IoT; security;


Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 4


The new technology has given users the ability to check the security status of their home from

a smartphone, launch their car with a mobile phone app and open and close their garage door

remotely from anywhere in the world. These technologies are becoming part of what is known as

the Internet of Things (IoT).

In its most basic sense, IoT refers to the connection of everyday objects with the Internet. It

monitors real time and collects huge amounts of information about property, people, plants and

animals. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a development that can make a dramatic difference in our

lives. It is known as a competent that enhances efficiency in many areas including transportation

and logistics, health and manufacturing.

IoT will assist in process optimization through advanced data tics analytics and will be a

catalyst for new markets by leveraging its cyber physical features, with the emergence of cross-

cutting applications and services.

Evaluation of IoT:

The idea of connecting ‘things’ to the Internet goes far beyond the use of the term ‘Internet of

Things’, In the early 1980's, students at Carnegie Mellon University installed photogenes connected

to the Internet on a machine that sold soft drinks, allowing them to count the number of cans

delivered. This gave anyone access to the internet to determine how many drinks were delivered

and how many were left.

John Romkey and Simon Hackett introduced the Internet-connected toaster in 1990, before

the first webpage was created. Romky's presentation at the Intern Conference in 1990 showed the

Internet-connected Sunbeam Deluxe Automatic Radiant Control Toaster, and as a result it emerged.

There is a challenge at last year’s Intern president Dan Lynch, Romkey’s conference. Lynch had

promised the Romkey Centre stage if he won the tournament. The toaster was connected using TCP

/ IP and had a simple networking management protocol management information base (SNMP

MIB) controller; one of its functions is to turn electricity on or off.

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 5

Growth of IoT:

There has been a rapid increase in the number of devices connected to the Internet. Many

analysts, including Cisco and Ericsson, estimate that 50 billion devices will be connected to the

Internet by 2020. Of course, it’s hard to say with confidence these predictions, and both have now

revised their predictions down. Evans now estimates at Stringifa that by 2021 Ericsson has

projected 28 billion.

One reason why it is difficult to predict growth is that there are no consistent statistics for

the number of devices connected to the Internet today. Using the same definition not only shows

significant differences in statistics but also affects the problem of different explanations of IoT.

Some statistics clearly point out the differences between machine-to-machine (M2M) and IoT

devices, in GSMA, whose analysis of M2M focuses on cellular M2M connectivity and does not

include computer devices in consumer electronics such as smartphones, e-readers. . , Tablets, as

well as other types of M2M connection technology that support the wider universe of the Internet

of Things (IoT). Machine Research's 2015 report predicts that the number of M2M connections will

increase from 201 billion in 2012 to 2 billion in 2024 billion in 2016. 9 billion and IHS estimate

17.6 billion. A similar study by Juniper Research estimates that there are 16 billion devices.

Related Risk with IoT:

IoT creates a massive attack surface by creating more access points on the Internet that need to

be safely monitored. The higher the attack surface, the more vulnerability that can be used,

therefore, bringing new equipment online into the home, office or other areas poses many new

risks. In 2016 new, Europol identified these new threats: 'With more and more goods connected to

the Internet and the creation of new types of critical infrastructure, we can expect to see targeted

attacks on existing and emerging infrastructure, including new types of blackmailing and ransom

schemes, Data theft, physical injury and potential death and new types of botnets.

These new devices that connect property, people, plants and animals to the Internet are

vulnerable to hackers. Hackers can gain unauthorized access to IoT devices due to their set up; That

is, these devices are connected, are Internet-enabled, and lack the necessary protective measures.

Because of this vulnerability, personal information collected by IoT devices can be misused.

Specifically, if a device collects and stores personal, medical and / or financial data, a hacker may

steal this information to facilitate identity theft.

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

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The IoT device has been compromised The Denial of Service (DOS) attack 13 can be used to

launch or it can be used to spread malware (i.e. malicious software). The cases in the case are

medical equipment. Even though medical device manufacturers do not consider hacking and

malware in the design of their products, such devices are becoming internet-enabled. These devices

can be controlled remotely and the settings of this device can be changed remotely.

These devices additionally have backdoors that make them vulnerable to potential life-

threatening attacks in the event that existing settings are changed. Specifically, attackers who know

the device's default passwords can exploit the backend and change critical settings or completely

replace the official firmware. Depending on the equipment, these actions can cause serious illness,

injury and even death. This makes it clear that the safety of this device is paramount.

IoT devices or devices that do not have proper safeguards e.g. Antivirus and antispyware

software, firewalls and intrusion detection systems / intrusion protection systems can threaten the

entire IoT system. Endpoints that are poorly protected thus become a gateway for cyber techs to

take these devices offline, modify their settings, or render them unusable for a period of time.

Inadequate protection of IoT devices and the data collected, stored and transferred by them can lead

to data breaches leading to the theft or compromise of individuals' data.

Securities of IoT:

If security issues are pervasive in IoT devices identified as unsafe, class action and product

liability lawsuits may be filed against IoT device manufacturers by affected customers. Other IoT

stakeholders can also be held accountable; this will be determined by their level of responsibility

for the event that caused the damage or incited the loss. In addition, companies in the USA may be

charged under unfair or fraudulent practices that adversely affect consumer safety and privacy

under the Federal Trade Commission Act 1919.

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, TREND net’s ‘practice can cause

significant harm or cause harm to consumers or to customers who are not in the best interests of the

competition and cannot be avoided by consumers.

In its enforcement action, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission persuaded TRND Net to loosen

security practices and mislead consumers by claiming their IoT devices were safe. In fact, these

devices contained faulty software, exposing the private lives of hundreds of customers; In

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particular, the hacker took advantage of flaws in the software and posted links to a live feed of

about 700 consumer cameras.

The use of active firewalls and comprehensive security systems is required to protect IoT

devices and detect threats. An example of such software is Bit Defender. Bit Defender is currently

promoting one of its products, the Bit Defender box, to protect everyday objects connected to the

home network from malicious software. In addition, to protect IoT devices, general security

practices and standards are required.

However, not every IoT device requires the same level of security. ‘Equipment that collects

sensitive information, poses a physical safety or security risk, or interacts with other devices or

networks in a way that enables intruders to access those devices or networks, instead of just room

temperature control devices, includes miles or calories’. According to this argument, Article 1 of

the EU Data Protection Guidelines states that the level of security should be conducive to the risks

posed by the information selected, stored and transmitted.

Validation and Identity Management:

Authentication in IoT is important, as without proper authentication privacy, integrity and

system availability can be compromised. This is because if an adversary is able to authenticate as a

legitimate user, they will have access to any data that the user has and the user can view, modify

and delete or restrict availability in that way.

Identifying and identifying users in IoT is an important challenge. Currently, username /

password pairs are the most common form of authentication and user identification in electronic

systems, although shared keys can be used in other ways, such as digital certificates or biometric

credentials. However, showing IoT as ubiquitous will eliminate most of the physical interactions

that provide usernames and passwords.

The ability to take advantage of a single-sign-on (SSO) system in a traditional electronic

environment can be useful, allowing users to authenticate only once to interact with different

services. Systems like Shibboleth Open ID and Oath were not designed to complement the IoT

system, and although work is being done to optimize Ooth, IoT cannot provide comprehensive SSO

in the environment. Citizens in IoT environments may wish to choose their identity provider, and

using existing protocols is challenging.

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The lifecycle of an IoT system has many perspectives based on the roles of those making,

operating, and using the system. Below Table 8.1 summarizes these various roles and associated

operational expectations and perspectives.

Table 8.1: Operational Perspectives

Role Expectations Issues


Ease of use

Privacy of information

Security of the system


Easy availability of

collected information in a

format easy to use

• Unknown privacy impact

• Unknown security status

• Maintenance of username

and password

• What is the relationship

with the administrator?

• What is the authentication

method with the


System Administrator

• Simple administration •

Will conform to existing

security environment

• Strong authentication of

system administrators

• Can be incorporated into

an enterprise’s identity and

access control system

• Can escalate problems

with the provider

• Unknown security

implications on internal


• For home users, this is

generally a non-‐technical

user • What is the

relationship with the


• What is the authentication

method with the provider?

Service Provider

• Rapid deployment of

service end-‐to-‐end system

• Minimize support


• Gathering of data from

IoT devices to provide

• May not use best cyber

practices in the creation of

the system

• Supporting the setup of

the system with the

administrator • Maintaining

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

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service to the device user,

as well as potential

monetization of the


• Wants to introduce new

devices and services to

expand market share

the relationship with the


• Eager to make money,

business plan probably

includes selling data

• Must maintain support of

older devices and system,

even after they may not be

supported by the maker

Maker (Manufacturer)

• Make the IoT devices as

cost effective as possible

• Leverage existing codes

bases for new devices

• Rapid development and

sale • Rapid obsolescence

to drive sales

• Support for old devices is

a cost issue

• Common code basis

equals common mode

security vulnerabilities

Data Integrator

• Looking to mine data

from multiple service


• Does not require a

relationship with the actual

IoT users

• Trust that the IoT service

provider does not send

certain information to the

data Integrator based on

privacy norms or regulation

• Data Integrator can

leverage multiple data

sources and feeds that can

be used to identify IoT

users in ways that the user

never intended to be public

Privacy Challenges in IoT:

Privacy is seen as a major concern in IoT and IoT has provided a wealth of data, not just to the

World Wide Web, but to ordinary citizens, groups and organizations. It can be used to establish

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things that interest us, where we go, and our purpose. This may lead to better opportunities for

improved services, but it should be weighed against our desire for privacy.

It is very important for customers to trust the services they invest in in order to respect their

privacy. Trust is a fundamental factor in the formation of any relationship and it is an important

factor in adopting new technology. People will not use new technologies unless they have sufficient

confidence in the protection of privacy, security and safety, and this is true in complex systems like


Purposefully, there are billions of IoT devices; Each of them is designed to store, store and

communicate data. This data can be easily used for real time information about a person / her health

and finances, locations, contacts, habits, behaviours and activities. In addition to disclosing this

type of personal information, this data can also be used to detect changes in individuals' routines

and unusual behaviours.

Finally, IoT devices create an environment where each person's information can be stored,

analysed, monitored, made available, and shared with other networking devices and potentially

other users. As IoT devices, people, and companies collect, process, store, and exchange

information about individuals, there is a significant opportunity to create a detailed account of the

private lives of millions of users.

Privacy is an essential human right and is protected in domestic, regional and international

human rights instruments. An essential element of privacy is the ability to keep certain things

secret. IoT users may have difficulty ‘keeping things secret’ because ‘full development of IoT

capabilities can strain the current possibilities of unknown services and generally limit the

possibility of no one noticing’.

Another essential element of privacy is the right to control the information held by others

and access about oneself. Users may have difficulty controlling their information because

communications and data exchanges between IoT devices can be 'triggered' automatically as well

as by default, without anyone realizing it '. To protect personal data, self-regulation is advocated by


The person should be able to control and choose what data is collected, who stores it and

when it happens. IoT is basically a repository for every aspect of a person’s life. At the very least,

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‘applications should facilitate the exercise of the right to personal information, access, modification

and deletion data collected by IoT devices’.

In addition, consent to the use of an IoT device must be provided by users and the data

collected by the device is ‘informed’ and free. Users should not be penalized or denied access to the

capabilities of their devices if they decide not to use the device or certain services. ‘Currently, users

may be fined or denied access to important services for choosing not to 'opt in' or 'consent' to the

collection of their data.

In the U.S. automotive industry, ‘consumers who do not approve of data collection may be

denied access to valuable vehicle features. For example, the only way consumers can turn on

navigation features in their vehicles is to share geographic location information for marketing


Analysis of Different Types of Attacks and Possible Solutions

The IoT is facing various types of attacks including active attacks and passive attacks that

may easily disturb the functionality and abolish the benefits of its services. In a passive attack,an

intruder just senses the node or may steal the information nbut it never attacks physically. However,

the active attacks disturb the performance physically.

These active attacks are classified into two further categories that are internal attacks and

external attacks. Such vulnerable attacks can prevent the devices to communicate smartly. Hence

the security constraints must be applied to prevent devices from malicious attacks.

Different types of attack, nature/behaviour of attack and threat level of attacks are discussed

in this section. Different levels of attacks are categorized into four types according to their

behaviour and propose possible solutions to threats/attacks.

1) Low-level attack: If an attacker tries to attack a network and his attack is not successful.

2) Medium-level attack: If an attacker/intruder or an eavesdropper is just listening to the medium

but don’t alter the integrity of data.

3) High-level attack: If an attack is carried on a network and it alters the integrity of data or

modifies the data.

4) Extremely High-level attack: If an intruder/attackerattacks on a network by gaining unauthorized

accessand performing an illegal operation, making the networkunavailable, sending bulk messages,

or jammingnetwork.The Table I presents different types of attacks, their threatlevels, their

nature/behaviour, and possible solution to handlethese attacks.

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The main emphasis of this paper was to highlight majorsecurity issues of IoT particularly,

focusing the security attacksand their countermeasures. Due to lack of security mechanismin IoT

devices, many IoT devices become soft targets andeven this is not in the victim’s knowledge of

being infected.In this paper, the security requirements are discussed suchas confidentiality,

integrity, and authentication, etc. In thissurvey, twelve different types of attacks are categorized

aslow-level attacks, medium-level attacks, high-level attacks, andextremely high-level attacks

along with their nature/behaviouras well as suggested solutions to encounter these attacks


Considering the importance of security in IoT applications,it is really important to install

security mechanism in IoTdevices and communication networks. Moreover, to protectfrom any

intruders or security threat, it is also recommendednot to use default passwords for the devices and

read thesecurity requirements for the devices before using it for the firsttime. Disabling the features

that are not used may decrease thechances of security attacks. Moreover, it is important to

studydifferent security protocols used in IoT devices and networks.

Not a day goes by during the final editing of this paper that another revelation in the media,

either a news report of stolen information or a new product or service, does not drop right into one

of our hot button items. What we do not see is the concerted effort to address the fundamental

weaknesses of a new set of technical capabilities that is being unleashed into a public that is still

challenged in maintaining the security of home laptops, pads, and smart phones.

This paper offers market-available solutions to deal with the lack of identity, access, and

trust for IoT products and services; proposes new data-computing models to address the scalability,

complexity, and management of the environment; and elaborates on the concept of security by

design to meet the requirements for device management. Although this paper advises IoT makers to

seek new ways and methods to adapt their offerings to the new ecosystem and move away from

traditional IT security practices, more research is needed on the topic.

The responsibility for implementing proper security solutions does not depend on a single

party of the IoT ecosystem, but rather on all the actors involved, from silicon suppliers to

manufacturers, to developers, to lawmakers, and the final customer. Mitigating risks associated

with security breaches are possible, if security receives consideration from early product planning

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

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and design, and if some basic prevention mechanisms are in place. Enactment and standardization

will simplify the manufacturing and development processes, give the market an incentive for mass-

adoption, and also increase the security posture of IoT products and services. Security will have to

be inbuilt so that IoT can withstand a chance against the threats that technology advancements will

bring along.

With the technological advancements of quantum computing, AI, and cognitive systems,

and with the continuous development and mass adoption of IoT ecosystem, the current security

practices and methodologies will become part of the past. Quantum computing, not only that it can

break through any form of security that is known to human kind, but it can also offer the solution to

finding the formula for tight security. IoT will vastly benefit from these technology advancements,

especially from the quantum mechanics science on a microchip. Further research is recommended,

once the technology matures and evolves, to discover how the security of the future impacts on the

Internet of things ecosystem.

Protecting IoT devices is a multifaceted and complex process. Inadequate legal framework

requires immediate action in legal analysis of existing risks and may require new approaches in

law. To effectively address existing IoT vulnerabilities, it is recommended that an in-depth analysis

of the existing applicable legal framework be carried out and, where necessary, new components be

developed to address the risks associated with IoT deployments.


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Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 15

Self-defence Alarm Fortification Embedded (SAFE) Jewellery

for Womanhood - An IoT Enabled Smart Gadget

SriPradha. G

Research Scholar, State Resource Centre, University of Madras,Chennai.

Email id: [email protected]

J. Vanathi

Head, Dept. of Information Technology, Guru Nanak College, Chennai.

Email id:[email protected]

Abstract-The Internet of Thing also called as IoT is the new buzzing technology which refers to all those devices that

has the ability to connect to the internet, collect and share data. These devices can be embedded in everyday objects

like Phone, Television, Air-conditioner, Lights, Vehicles enabling them to send and receive data through the

internet. In this paper, we are proposing a new dimension to this trending technology and is intended for the safety

of Womanhood. While we all know, jewellery dates back to thousands of years, it would be interesting to transform

jewellery with embedded digital technology that acts as a self-defence gadget for women. This fortification gadget

resembles a normal pendant which is embedded with a push button switch, which when pressed connects to the

mobile phone using Bluetooth and tracks the latitude and longitude of the individual’s location using Global

Positioning System (GPS) technology and sends an alert SMS to three emergency contact numbers using Global

System for Mobile communication (GSM) technology. The IoT module helps to continuously track the location of

the individual which would help us keep a track on the victim’s whereabouts in case of an emergency. The added

pro of the proposed system is that, even when the individual’s phone doesn’t have internet connection, it can work in

offline mode and send alert SMS to the contacts in case of any unprecedented scenario. This proposed SAFE gadget

is small in size but can contribute towards women’s and even children’s safety to a larger extent in near future.

Keywords-Smart jewellery, Security Gadget, Wearable technology, GSM, GPS, IoT Module


Internet of Things also known as IoT is inter-networking of things that are embedded with

software, sensors and also network connectivity which enables these things to collect and share data

amongst themselves. IoT allows things to be sensed and controlled remotely which results in

improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefits with minimal human intervention. “Things”

in IoT include everything from temperature sensors, heart beat sensors, cameras, smart phones,

automobiles, appliances and almost anything we can think of. IoT can basically be seen as

extension of service provided by the internet[1] It’s a technological revolution which has an

efficient hardware and a high throughput network that has paved way for connecting and

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transmitting data amongst millions of devices. IoT is not just deep vision for future, it is under

implementation and soon it will have a huge impact on not just on the technical development but

also in our day to day lives[2]. IoT basically refers to a platform on top of which many design

techniques with various efficiency and performance objective can be developed.

Even with so much of technological advancements, women safety across the globe is still a

concern. Most women don’t feel safe when traveling alone especially at night[3]. In this research

article, we are proposing a simple but efficient SAFE Pendant jewellery for women. During an

unsafe situation, this system will act as a self-defence and as well as an alert triggering device.

Evolution of IoT

The phrase Internet of Things (IoT) was coined by Kevin Ashton, the British technology

pioneer and also the co-founder of Auto-ID Labs at MIT back in 1999. Later, in 2013, during the

launch event of RFID technology, Ashton reiterated the importance of IoT in his pre-recorded

video [2]By the late 2000s to early 2010s, corporations around the world were starting to get really

excited about the Internet of Things – much in the way they’re getting excited about artificial

intelligence and machine learning today. Non-IT companies like BBC also had plans for deploying

IoT to publicize their cutting-edge technologies. The IoT devices employs IPv6 addressing for an

enormous address space that makes it effective with active monitoring by computers with network

connectivity and controlled by sensors embedded devices. It was later this working principle was

employed in smart home automation systems, where one can control the air conditioner while being

away from home.

The below figure 1 explains the evolution of IoT through various other technologies.

Figure 1. Evolution of IoT

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As the number of things or devices to be connected is growing, their connectivity becomes

an important issue. A number of IoT applications are used in a small coverage area and their

connectivity can rely on short-range wireless technologies such as Bluetooth, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, and

optical wireless communication [4]With the introduction of the 5th generation (5G) wireless

technology, the IoT has drawn much attention in particular with the emergence of machine type

communications (MTC).

Literature Review

The ubiquitous sensitivity powered by wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies cuts

through many areas of modern life. It provides the ability to measure, predict and understand

environmental indicators ranging from subtle ecological and natural resources to urban

environments. According to the authors, following the RFID technology, increase in the

employment of embedded sensors on to devices had taken IoT to a next generation of future

internet[5]. They conclude their IoT vision by reiterating on the need for merging of Wireless

Sensor Network with the Internet and distributed computing.

According to Tejonidhi et al., a survey which was conducted by World Health Organization

(WHO) indicates that 35% of women across the globe are facing some form of exploitation and

physical violence. They have introduced a system to ensure women safety. They have designed a

wrist band which gets activated by the press of a button and sends alert messages to contacts and to

police as well. The authors suggest that this system will ensure reduction in crime rate against


In another research work done by Sindhu et al., claim that in panic situation, when we humans

can’t respond properly and hence some smart device is needed to automatically sense and rescue

the victim back to safety. They have devised an integration of multiple devices that share data and

communicates through the internet. But, in case of the absence of internet this system might not be

very helpful[7]

ProTecht, a 3 way women safety device has also been devised by T.Sen et al. for self-alert and

protection. The proposed prototype was designed to get activated with a voice command

“Emergency”[8]. This system used separate modules for GSM, GPRS connectivity and also

Raspberry Pi 3 b+. Since this system uses additional modules for GSM and GPRS the device size

will be larger and hence cannot be used for implementation in the form of a jewellery.

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In 2016, D.Chand et al., introduced a mobile application called as WoSApp (Women’s Safety

App)[9]. This app was designed to provide assistance in an emergency situation. The individual can

contact the nearest police station by simply shaking the phone or by simple pressing the panic

button in the mobile application. The technical implementation of the same has been elaborately

discussed in this paper. But again, this system needs human intervention to get activated which

might be a challenge under any given panic situation.

In another interesting proposal, Sathyasri et al., had introduced a wristband which has a buzzer

embedded along with a neuro simulator[10]. On pressing the trigger, the buzzer acts as an alarm to

people around indicating an emergency situation in the neighbourhood. The neuro simulator in this

device is used to generate mild electric shock in case of a panic situation as a self-defence.

As discussed above, we can understand that these systems either need internet connection to

work effectively or need human intervention to get activated. We are proposing a SAFE jewellery

which neither needs internet to send alert SMS to the emergency contacts and works efficiently

without human intervention.

Architecture Model

Internet of Things includes variety of sensors, actuators and many devices that

communication and exchange data amongst themselves. In figure 2 below, the abstract edge

architecture model that describes the key elements of IoT are represented in the form of a layered


Figure 2. Edge Architecture of IoT

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The important element in our architecture is the “Thing,” which is the critical product or

environment that is the core reason for our IoT system build.

Sensors & Actuators

In the next layer, sensors and actuators provide the read and write capabilities for the Thing in the

layer below. Sensors embedded in smart objects acts as the central to the functionality and utility

for the Internet of Things. These sensors are responsible for detecting any changes in a specific

quantity and communicating the event to the cloud for further action. With the advancement in

technology, MEMS has paved way for embedding microscopic scale sensors.

Some of the sensors used often in IoT include:

• Temperature sensors

• Light sensors

• Moisture sensors

• Heartrate sensors

• Vehicle on-board diagnostics

• GPS receivers

Actuators has an impact on the logical state of a product. They act as the main component of the

entire system. These can be in the form of switch that can be turned on or off or even a regulator

that can be opened and closed depending on the requirement.

Examples of actuators include light, regulators, motors etc.


The layer above actuators is the controller. This controller can be either a software or a hardware

that communicates with the sensors and the actuators in the system. It is responsible for collecting

the necessary data from the device. The controller can be placed at any place depending upon the

environmental factors, security settings and the front-end device.

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The agent acts as a bridge connecting the cloud and the controller. The agent takes responsibility of

which data to be sent at what interval of time. The agent is usually an embedded program that runs

in the IoT device.

Long Haul Communication

On the top layer of our architecture, we find our long-haul communication to the Internet. IoT

solutions invariably require that environment or device status be made available to a cloud-based

application for consumption by a variety of stakeholders.Once an agent receives information over a

short distance, it must return that information to the cloud. The looked-for characteristics of these

long-distance protocols are very different from those of short-distance travel, especially in the areas

of safety, track and reliability. A lot of long-distance options are available for IoT solution and it

depends on the application case; They include cellular and satellite, Wi-Fi and wired Ethernet

Machine to Machine Communication

Machine-to-Machine (M2M) denotes the exchange of message between computers,

embedded processors, smart sensors, actuators and mobile devices. A precursor to IoT, M2M has

been used as a typical technology in telemetry for decades before the invention of the Internet

because it involves a connection between two or more machines without human intervention.

Key components of the M2M system include sensors, RFID, a Wi-Fi or cellular

communication connection, and automated computer software designed to interpret and make

decisions about a network device. The application of M2M communication is increasing these days

at a faster pace. Machine receives the information and perform the operation with the help of

actuators, sensors, embedded processors and application software. Now a days, there are approx. 2

billion wirelessly connected devices which can gather information from the sensors, analyse this

data and send the information to other devices to perform some task. And it is expected to grow in

the coming years.

Application areas of IoT

With a rich inter-connection of various computing devices, IoT can be fruitfully used in

various domains to add more value to our lives. Some of the domains where IoT has been used

popularly are shown below in figure 3.

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Figure 3. Application Areas of IoT

Home Automation

a) Smart Lighting: helps in saving energy by adjusting the illumination to the environmental

conditions and turning on/off or diming the light when needed.

b) Smart Appliances: make the maintenance easier and also deliver statistics to the users remotely.

c) Intrusion Detection: Use PIR sensors and door sensors to detect abnormalities and raise alerts.

Alerts can be in the form of SMS, instant messages or email sent to the user.

d) Smoke/Gas Detectors: Smoke detectors are fitted in homes and office buildings to detect smoke

that is typically an early sign of fire. Alerts raised by smoke detectors can be in the form of signals

to a fire alarm system. Gas detectors can detect the presence of harmful gases such as CO, LPG etc


a) Smart Parking: make the search for parking space easier and convenient for drivers. Smart

parking is powered by IoT systems that detect the no. of empty parking slots and send information

over internet to smart application backends.

b) Smart Lighting: for roads, parks and buildings can help in saving energy.

c) Smart Roads: Equipped with sensors can provide information on driving condition, travel time

estimating and alert in case of poor driving conditions, traffic condition +and accidents.

d) Structural Health Monitoring: uses a network of sensors to monitor the vibration levels in the

structures such as bridges and buildings.

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e) Surveillance: The video feeds from surveillance cameras can be aggregated in cloud based

scalable storage solution.


a) Weather Monitoring: Systems collect data from a no. of sensors attached and send the data to

cloud based applications and storage back ends. The data collected in cloud can then be analysed

and visualized by cloud-based applications.

b) Air Pollution Monitoring: System can monitor emission of harmful gases (CO2, CO, NO, NO2

etc.,) by factories and automobiles using gaseous and meteorological sensors. The collected data

can be analysed to make informed decisions on pollutions control approaches.

c) Noise Pollution Monitoring: Due to growing urban development, noise levels in cities have

increased and even become alarmingly high in some cities. IoT based noise pollution monitoring

systems use a no. of noise monitoring systems that are deployed at different places in a city. The

data on noise levels from the station is collected on servers or in the cloud. The collected data is

then aggregated to generate noise maps.

d) Forest Fire Detection: Forest fire can cause damage to natural resources, property and human

life. Early detection of forest fire can help in minimizing damage.


a) Inventory Management: IoT systems enable remote monitoring of inventory using data

collected by RFID readers.

b) Smart Payments: Solutions such as contact-less payments powered by technologies such

as Near Field Communication (NFC) and Bluetooth.

c) Smart Vending Machines: Sensors in a smart vending machines monitors its operations and

send the data to cloud which can be used for predictive maintenance.

Health and Lifestyle

a) Health & Fitness Monitoring

b) Wearable Electronic


a) Smart Irrigation: to determine moisture amount in soil

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b) Green House Control: to improve productivity.


a) Machine diagnosis and prognosis

b) Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Existing System

With a sharp increase in the number of crime cases against women, their safety has taken

the utmost significance for our Indian government. There are a number of women safety mobile

apps like that’s available at the online market which can be easily downloaded and used in case of

emergency. These apps are designed for women security and safety. Safetipin, Raksha,

smart24x7 are few apps which are supported by various state police to ensure women’s safety.

These apps need human intrusion to send messages to family members like pressing a buzzer or so.

The working system of these apps are discussed below


Safetipin integrates various vital features like tracking of the individual’s Global Positioning

System, connecting to relatives in case of an emergency and also includes the directions to the

nearby safe location[11]. Its available in multiple languages also. Even though this app is popular in

our capital city Delhi and other parts of India, there is an observation, that the amount of data this

Safetipin collect at the background is threating. Especially when the user is primarily women, high

amount of declaration of personal data increases the risk of data leak to stalkers.


This mobile application comes with a press button, which when triggered sends an alert

message to the emergency contacts. The advantage of this application is that even when the mobile

is switched off, if the user presses the volume key for 3 seconds continuously, it will create alert

along with the location details of the victim. Though this is a free app, it will be helpful only for

women with mobile data. It doesn’t provide a feature of sending SMS in the absence of internet

connectivity. In India there are a lot of women who cannot afford internet charges.

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This mobile app Smart24x7 is recommended by police department in many states of India.

Apart from sending alert messages to emergency contacts, this mobile app also takes photos

periodically and records the audio as well. These data are transferred to the nearest police station

for further action. Though this app sends SMS to the contacts in the absence of internet, this app is

slow-running and has been reported to have few technical glitches like unresponsive at times and

not much user-friendly.

Apart from the above discussed mobile applications, certain women safety devices like

Triplet ProTech have also been designed to provide self-defence mechanism to the individual by

providing the location information and also recording the same for future reference. The device gets

activated when the buzzer is pressed. The nerve stimulator and the video camera are turned on

simultaneously. This device records evidence, acts as a self-defence and also helps in tracking the

location. The downside of this is that it is not a wearable device and is not compactly designed as


The main objective of understanding the existing system is to propose a safety mechanism

for women in the form of a small portable user-friendly device that can act as a self-defence, alert

family/friends in emergency situation, provide the latitude and longitude details and if required, the

distress algorithm will get activated which eliminated human intervention. We need a new system

which can also automatically sense the situation using certain health parameters like heartbeat,

temperature of the women.

Proposed System

In this digital era, where technology is being used in various walks of life, we propose a system

in which the M2M technology can be effectively employed to increase the level of women safety.

This system is designed to serve dual purpose, primary for alerting in emergency situation and can

also act as a self-defence device. The following are the main components of the proposed “Safe

Pendant” device

1. Temperature Sensor

2. Heart Beat Sensor

3. Serial Camera to capture the attacker’s picture.

4. LinkIt ONE board.

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5. Push button (in case of Manual activation)

The proposed system can be activated manually or it can be activated if the vital parameters values

exceed the threshold level as sensed by the sensors. We will discuss the functions of each of these

blocks in the next section. The block diagram of the proposed system is shown below in figure 1.

Figure 4. Block Diagram of SAFE Jewellery System

The main components of the system are:

LinkIt ONE board:

In this era of IoT and wearables, a large amount of innovation is expected to come from the

developer and manufacturing community. LinkIt ONE board is a high performance, open-source

board which is widely used for wearables & also in IoT devices. LinkIt ONE is world’s best chipset

that provides an easy way to connect various sensors and other peripheral devices. The entire board

weighs less than 100gms and has a dimension of 3.3 X 2.1 inches which makes it easy to be used in

the implementation of a decent sized SAFE pendant jewellery. The chipset includes ARM7 EJ-S,

GSM Module, GPRS Module, Wi-Fi Module, Bluetooth BR/EDR/BLE, GPS, Audio codec, and

also an SD card connector along with ready to use APIs and all these are all embedded on a single

board. So, instead of using separate modules for GPRS, GSM, Wi-Fi and connecting it to an

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Arduino board, LinkIt ONE is one feature-rich development board that integrates all the above

modules in a single port and acts as a bridge between the traditional components and the newly

connected IoT objects. The various data collected by the sensors can be successfully uploaded to a

cloud platform which will help for real-time monitoring and data retention.

Heartbeat sensor:

Heart rate is a vital parameter that helps to study an individual’s activity as well as anxiety

levels. Though the average heart rate is said to be 72 beats per minute, in a panic situation it tends

to increase. In this system, we have also proposed a heart rate sensor for measuring the heart rate of

the individual. The sensors which work on the principle of Photoplethysmography keeps a track of

the heart rate at a regular interval of time. At any given point of time, if the heartbeat is above 90

bpm, the system will stay in the loop to capture his/her heart rate. If the number of beats per minute

is high for a time period of above 5 minutes then it activates the GSM/GPS module to send alert

messages to the emergency contacts.

Temperature sensor:

A simple infrared temperature sensor like MLX90614 can be used to read the body

temperature. These sensors are capable of detecting the temperature in both degrees Celsius and

Fahrenheit. Given a threshold level of 36-37 degree Celsius, if the sensor’s readings are not in

normal range for a long interval of time, then this also activates the LinkIt ONE board which

triggers the messages to the contacts.

TTL Serial Camera:

For wearable devices TTL serial camera is being used for capturing images. The TTL camera

module with NTSC output can be used to take images of the surroundings when the system is

triggered and the same can be sent to the across the network for identifying the surrounding areas of

the individual in case of an emergency. It can monitor a distance of 10 to 15 meters. This TTL

module has built in features like brightness control/saturation and hue of picture which helps to

capture a better-quality picture.

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Push Button:

As discussed earlier, this system can be activated in two different scenarios. For our proposed

SAFE jewellery, the momentary button or switch can be attached at the top of the pendant and

when this button is pushed, the surroundings images are captured, the in-built GPRS module would

collect the location details of the individual, along with certain information like the vital parameters

reading of the sensors will all be sent as MMS and SMS to the emergency contacts linked to the

LinkIt ONE module. The GSM and GPRS needs to be activated with the help of a Subscriber

Identity Module (SIM) Card on the chipset. The latitude and longitude co-ordinate details are

provided by satellite communication with which the location of the individual can be recognized.

All these data including the pictures captured will be stored in the SD card automatically for data


This system needs to be coded in such a way that the details of whereabouts of the individual

and the sensor readings can be sent to the emergency contact three times continuously with a delay

of 20 seconds between every transmission. After sending 3 times the system will automatically start

to record the audio and video in the SD Card.

SAFE System Flowchart

Let’s now look into the logical steps taken in the implementation of the Women SAFE

jewellery system. A simple pictorial representation in the form of flowchart of our proposed system

is shown in the figure 2 below:

As shown above in the flowchart, the SAFE system can be activated either by pressing the push

button switch or when the sensors sense an abnormal value. Once the microcontroller is activated,

the GSM, GPRS and camera modules are turn on and further course of action of sending alert

messages with details of location, images are shared to the emergency contacts. An inbuilt delay

circuit can be constructed to wait for 3 minutes after which the details are again sent to the contacts

the second time as well. This process is repeated thrice to ensure the message is delivered and gets

noticed by the contacts of the individual. The advantage here is since the GSM uses 2G Sim, even

if there is no internet connection, we will be able to send the SMS alert messages.

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Figure 5. Flowchart of Proposed SAFE Jewellery System

Software Requirements:

LinkIt ONE is an open-source development board which is similar to Arduino with some add-

on features. To program this board, we need the following software components.

1. Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

2. USB COM Port driver.

3. LinkIt ONE Software Development Kit (SDK)

Arduino IDE has text editor for easily writing the code and to upload the same on the board.

The source code which is also called as Sketch will generate a Hex file which will be transferred to

the controller in the LinkIt ONE board. This supports C and C++ programming languages.

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USB COM port driver is a software which helps to communicate LinkIt over the USB port.

This acts as an interface between the board and the Computer through the USB Port.

LinkIt ONE SDK is a plug-in for Arduino IDE that helps to test prototype ideas for wearables

and IoT devices in the board. This SDK compiles the source code and is supported by various

operating systems like Windows, UNIX and MAC.

Thus, the board can be programmed as per our requirements and can embedded in any wearable

device and can act as a self-defence safety system for women.

Benefits of Using IoT to enhance Women’s Safety

As we all know, IoT is Internet of Things. Things in IoT refers to a wide range of devices

starting from sensors, cameras, appliances, wearable devices and the list goes on. These devices

collect beneficial data and without any human intervention transfer the data to other devices.

Though we live in a technologically advanced world, women safety is still a big question across the

globe. These challenges faced by women and children can be addressed by Internet of Things. IoT

helps in creating a variety of apps and smart devices that can autonomously sense, make a decision

and also act in accordance to the situation without the need for human intervention. The other

benefits of IoT are that its easy to use, reduced investment, can work with Bluetooth technology

which is much more durable and consumes less energy. With enhanced security measures the

possibilities of IoT are endless.

Figure 6. Benefits of IoT

Some of benefits which make IoT as a very good platform for the safety of women is shown

above in figure 3. IoT deals with data collection, data tracking, M2M communication at a reduced

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cost and time. All these qualities will definitely pay way for a better quality of life for every human

being. IoT will soon act as a bridge between our everyday lives and the enterprise network. Hence

this technology can be effectively used in building up a society that makes women’s life safe and


Future Scope

With the introduction of 5G technology, it is predicted by experts that billions of smart devices

will be coupled to the internet in mere future. This concept of integrating various devices has been

around for almost a decade now. So, the actual work lies in building up a platform that requires

wearable gadgets with minimal human interference. Researchers and industry experts put in their

time and effort to bring in new technology that will ensure a safe environment across the globe. In

this research article, we have proposed a simple but efficient smart device which can be embedded

in a pendant and can be worn as an elegant jewellery by women. In future, the same can be

extended to alert not just the known contacts in case of an emergency but also to the nearest police

station for a faster response. Further, IoT device can be implemented for safety of not just Women

but also children as well, thereby ensuring a complete safety solution to the society.


In this research work, an IoT based self-defence framework which can be worn as a simple

jewellery that can help women in an emergency situation has been proposed. Usage of separate

modules for Wi-fi, GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth and SD card connector will considerably increase the

size of the device, which will make it unfit to be worn as a pendant. Hence, we have proposed to

use a high performance, IoT enabled, extensible and open source LinkIt ONE board. This highly

compatible board has all the features integrated in a single small sized PCB and hence can be used

in any wearable device like watch, pendant, band etc. We are hopeful that these new technologies

can be fruitfully employed to dispel the fear that lingers over women about their safety and security

in the near future.

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[1] J. C. Shovic and J. C. Shovic, “Introduction to IOT,” in Raspberry Pi IoT Projects, 2016.

[2] T. Kramp, R. van Kranenburg, and S. Lange, “Introduction to the internet of things,” in Enabling Things to Talk:

Designing IoT Solutions with the IoT Architectural Reference Model, 2013.

[3] W. Akram, M. Jain, and C. S. Hemalatha, “Design of a Smart Safety Device for Women using IoT,” 2019, doi:


[4] A. Al-Fuqaha, M. Guizani, M. Mohammadi, M. Aledhari, and M. Ayyash, “Internet of Things: A Survey on Enabling

Technologies, Protocols, and Applications,” IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2015, doi:


[5] J. Gubbi, R. Buyya, S. Marusic, and M. Palaniswami, “Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and

future directions,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2013.01.010.

[6] M. R. Tejonidhi, Aishwarya, K. Chaithra, M. K. Dayana, and H. Nagamma, “IoT Based Smart Security Gadget for

Women’s Safety,” 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICAIT47043.2019.8987242.

[7] B. Sindhu Bala, M. Swetha, M. Tamilarasi, and D. Vinodha, “Survey on Women Safety Using IoT,” International

Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends, 2018, doi: 10.22362/ijcert/2018/v5/i2/v5i201.

[8] T. Sen, A. Dutta, S. Singh, and V. N. Kumar, “ProTecht - Implementation of an IoT based 3 -Way Women Safety

Device,” 2019, doi: 10.1109/ICECA.2019.8821913.

[9] D. Chand, S. Nayak, K. S. Bhat, S. Parikh, Y. Singh, and A. A. Kamath, “A mobile application for Women’s Safety:

WoSApp,” 2016, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2015.7373171.

[10] B. Sathyasri, U. J. Vidhya, G. V. K. Jothi Sree, T. Pratheeba, and K. Ragapriya, “Design and implementation of

women safety system based on Iot technology,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, 2019.

[11] K. Viswanath and A. Basu, “SafetiPin: an innovative mobile app to collect data on women’s safety in Indian cities,”

Gender & Development, 2015, doi: 10.1080/13552074.2015.1013669.

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 32

Smart Agriculture enabled Internet of Things(IoT) for Real-Time Experimental

Results On Soil Nutrient Identification with pH

Voore Subba Rao

Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India

E-mail: [email protected]

N.Santhosh Ramchander

Asst.Professor, Dept. of CSE, Sreyas Institute of Engg and Tech, Hyderabad, India

E-mail: [email protected]


Asst.Professor, Dept. of CSE, Chaitanya (Deemed to be University, Warangal)

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract –The smart agriculture is an emerging technology for cultivate of plants. Mostly the Indian economy

depends on agriculture products. It is essential to produce better products. These agriculture crop grow in healthiest

environment that depends on nutrients of the soil. The cultivation of land for production of crops is difficult without

knowledge of monitor about parameters of soil. There is a lot of changes happening in research for crop by

improving new technology throughout the world. With new technology like Internet of Things(IoT) findout the

nutrients in the soil for irrigation and provide information about the type of nutrients in the soil without any

spending cost by farmers. The soil pH is for improve crops more efficient in all season. According to irrigation of

crop growth-level is depend on nutrients available in the soil.. To findout the availability of nutrients in soil, authors

proposed a brief overview of soil monitoring system by using sensors enable Internet of Things technologies. The

sensors are tiny devices that recognize the nutrients level of the soil and capture these from soil and send this data to

Internet. According to this data, we know the present nutrients level in the soil. As per this information the farmer

can analyze to cultivate the suitable crop for better profit. Nutrient available is monitor by ‘Things’ of ‘IoT. Internet

of Things based sensors are monitor, sense and capture these data and ultimately send these collected data to the

server. The server send these data to the cloud for further processing. From the cloud, the data about nutrients and

soil information send to the farmer’s mobile to take better decision of suitable crop for cultivation.

Keywords –soil nutrient, smart agriculture, Internet of Things (IoT), microcontroller, pH sensor, temperature

sensor, humidity sensor.


Internet of Things (IoT) is a sensor and cloud enable technology that use agriculture in all aspects of

technology for better growth of crops in and make high commercial a agricultural system. The Internet of

Things is a new technology that provides innovative techniques to farmers for maximization of profit and

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also minimization of risks. These technology provide techniques to know about whether conditions,

moisture conditions soil pH levels to better improvement of crop as per seasons and also as per nutrients

available in soil. These techniques improves increasing efficient farming of crops for better products [1]. If

the soil having less nutrients, then the farmer un-knowingly purchase the fertilizers and put these more

measurity of fertilizers in the soils for better agriculture. Then the soil fertilization levels comes down. So

the IoT technology prefer to known soil nutrient condition, according to this, the farmer cultivate the crop as

suitable fertility of the suitable crop.

In a traditional system, the soil monitoring system have been done by research centres. The farmers

usually charging for soil testing professionals of soil research centres. Now new technology Internet of

Things(IoT) introduced by using color sensors, temperature sensor, humidity sensor and pH sensor used to

the level of nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium for better growth of crop in the soil. And

also by using these sensors the farmer knows the whether and climate atmosphere conditions of the

agriculture area. Phosphorous needs for improvement in plant. The Potassium for of the plant growing. The

Potassium needs to plant shading and growth of leaves. According to sensing of the soil, the farmers will get

suitable data for soil nutrients and suggestible fertilizers for better crop [2]..

Soil testing is a diagnostic testing tool for find out nutrients level in soil for plants grow in agriculture.

Naturally all soils having better energy nutrients [3] for plant growth. But in some areas having less nutrients

available in soil that cause harmful to growing crops in that particular soils. Some times in the soils find

waste materials such as animal manures and industrial released by-products and chemicals that harm the

nutrients of the soil and also harmful to the environment. But soils keep on testing nutrients capacity[2] by

Internet of Things(IoT) technology[4]. And also its better to test harmful nutrients like

arsenic(As),cadmium(Cd),nickel(Ni),lead(Pb),mercury (Hg),and selenium(Se)etc. Phosphorus (P)

for plant growth.By using Internet of Things and sensors technology, the farmers know soil nutrients for

better management of agriculture for higher production of crop[5].


In this paper identification to soil nutrients using value. In a literature survey it is observed that

when the farmers was grow the crop and suddenly the crops fails so they don't know the reason

behind this why the crops fails. For the better cultivation of crops they need to study first about the

literature of nutrients which are present in soil and which soil is suitable to grow which type of


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In [5] authors G.V. Satyanarayana "Wireless Sensor Based Remote Monitoring

System for Agriculture using ZigBee and GPS", Conferenceon “Advances in Communication and

Control Systems”, 2013.

In [6] authors Prachi Sharma a framework for analysis of soiltest ultimately result

are displayed by Internet of Things.

In [7] authors Shylaja N research for how much nutrients are available in soil fertility and

test by sensor devices and information is processed from cloud.

In [8] authors VaibhavIngale sensor devices for measuring the macro-nutrient

quantity in soil suing fgpa method..

In [9] authors Prachi Sharma proposed Internet of Things based soil analyzer for fertilizing of

soil for produce better crop.

In [10] authors Bah A. et al. proposed to discuss the various sensor are involved in testing

nutrients in the soil for better cultivation of agricultural land.


The existing system deals only about automatic irrigation, manual fertiliser spraying without testing

of soil. Soil testing is not done by farmers. So farmers feed the fertilizers as it is in the field without

any proper knowledge. Mostly fertilizers are feed in agriculture land manually by the farmers. The

main drawbacks are feeding fertilizers manually will spoil the crops. Because unknowingly the

farmers, feed more or less quantity of the fertilizers in the soil for better growth of crop. If the

fertilizers level high then the crop will be damaged and make a loss to the farmers. It is suggested

to every farmer, before starting to farming their crop, use suggested quantity of fertilizers and pH

value of soil to irrigation.


This proposed work will help the farmer to put fertilizers in correct ratio and in correct time.

This will be automatically done by mixing the fertilizers in the water tank and spraying it evenly so

that incorrect mixing of fertilizers will be avoided. The main advantage is it requires proper amount

of fertilizers and maintaining the value of pH in soil [11]. So that the fertilizers will be evenly

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distributed in agriculture land. The damage due to fertilizers will be reduced by using this proposed

system. The overall process will be controlled by the Arduino and Humidity sensors. . This system

helps to improve productivity of crop by getting quick result of soil quality and recommending

proper fertilizer.

In agricultural soil to estimate quantity of hydrogen by pH sensor.pH sensor frequently

utilizing industrials, chemical laboratory and form lands etc. The connectivity of Arduino

microcontroller with pH sensor to estimate pH of nutrients in soil[11]. Sensors are sensed the soil

afterthat collect information in he form of data nd store these data at IoT cloud for processing final

results to view former and other experts. pH intimate 0-14 is denotes neutral, whether < 7 is acidic.

Whether >7 is alkaline. The level of water in soil is test by soil moisture sensor this way farmers

know the soil moisture content for better irrigation process.

Various Internet of Things based sensor are introduced for better crop in agricultural areas.

The Color sensor is for nutrients amount for calculating high, medium and low rate. The water

level sensors are used to monitor the utilization of adequate amount of fertilizer also reduces the

water wastage. Various sensors are used for farming and to help the farmers by sending these

recorded information multi media messaging service (MMS). Then the farmer immediately can

alert for protection of crop.


Node MCU: The node microcontroller unit is an open source software that embedded into IoT

platform , the electronic circuit board is like arduino board with a (ESP8266) wifi facility already

built-in it. Node-MCU useful in a decision making system for this proposed system and also store

and process the applications and transfer these processed data into cloud environment for final


A. pH sensor:

pH is used measure soil pH and store and process that data to controller. Testing of Soil pH is a

very important for any type of crop for production of agriculture system. The nutrients properties

are depends upon pH value of soil and these affects are depends the plant growth. For the growth of

the plant measurement of hydronium ion(H++) in soil pH for that the farmer know how much

fertilizers can mixed with soil in agriculture land. The recent development technologies that

focusing for the soil pH testing to know the concept of availability information of pH value and

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according to this information the farmers get suggested to know the fertilizers to put in the soil for

crop growth. Without IoT technology soil pH testing becomes expensive, time consuming method

and also in-convenience to farmers. But with IoT technology soil pH testing is very easy, not

expensive, time saving method for farmers to know the status of nutrients in their agricultural


B. Temperature/Humidity Sensor

A humidity sensor (or hygrometer) is one of type of sensor that used to sense, measure and

ultimately capture the data from environment and send these data to internet for final process and

analyze. The results are regarding about the both know the information for moisture and also

know temperature. We can know the ratio of air temperature and highest quantity of moisture at a

particular place of air temperature is known as humidity.

Fig1 – Temperature and humidity sensor

C. Color Sensor –

The color sensor is used to know the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium like nutrients available in

soil. According to this testing, the farmer can estimate what type of fertilizer is put in to the soil for

better plant growth for a particular crop. The nutrient like potassium chloride is important nutrient

for availability of nitrogen in soils[15].

Fig2- Color sensor TCS 3200

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D. pH Sensor –

It is used to know alkalinity of soil. This testing know the hydrogen particles (H++) in that soil.

While testing the pH level, we know the ranges from 0-14. Soil pH range estimations are different

categories. An important thing is soil pH is essential for soil for better growth of the plant.

Fig3 – pH sensor

E. Aurduino Micro-controller

An Arduino a microcontroller based kit used to connect embedded devices in a network. It is used

in communications and in controlling andalso operating many devices.

Arduino’s processor uses two types of memory for the program code and programe data having

separate memories i.e. program memory and programe data. The standard micro-controller board

for Arduino is Uno.[12] The code is stored in flash memory and data is stored in data memory. The

specifications are Atmega328 has 32 KB of flash memory for storing code in that 0.5 KB is used

for the purpose of bootloader, 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM to operates clock speed of


Fig4. Arduino with parts

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The proposed research paper for finding soil nutrient by Internet of Things (IoT) contain micro-

controller and pH sensors[13]. For this implementation of proposed method, the following flow

chart is as follow Fig5.

Fig5. Flow-chart soil fertility

Following is inter-connected of various sensors like ultrasonic sensor, color sensor, pH sensor and

these sensor devices connected with micro-controller for find know pH in the soil and know

nutrients available in the soil.

Fig6. System architecture

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Step 1:Start

Step 2: Fit the sensors in soil.

Step 3: Connect the ph sensor to node MCU

Step 4: Node MCU communicates with sever and sends the data on the web page .

Step5:Suitable crop and nutrients values will Be displayed.

Step 6: Stop.

The following table is important for to know the name of the crops and their suitable pH value.


Table1: Representing some crops according to it's ph value

Crops Ph Value

Blueberries 6.76

Irish Potatoes 6.76

Sweet Potatos 6.76

Wheat 5.5-6.5

Rice 5.5-7

Orange 6-7.5

Sugarcane 5-8.5

Tomato 6-6.8

Apple 5.5-6.5

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Fig 8 – Information about crop, temp, humidity, moisture and pH value


This proposed system give information with experimental results for fertilizer details to

farmer for farming a crop without any deficiency for crops. Before cultivation of agriculture land,

the farmer will get proper information about soil pH value and nutrients contents like nitrogen,

phosphorus and potassium levels. The authors proposed this research paper with experimental

results for benefit a former for better cultivation and also for better grow of crops. This proposed

system utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) technology with sensor devices and micro-controller

with intelligent techniques.

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[1]G.V. Satyanarayana , S D. Mazaruddin, "Wireless Sensor Based Remote Monitoring System for Agriculture using

ZigBee and GPS", Conference on Advances in Communication and Control Systems, 2013.

[2] Pravallika, G. Sai, et al. "Proficient Smart Soil based IoT System for Crop Prediction." 2020 Second International

Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). IEEE, 2020.

[3] Shylaja, S. N., and M. B. Veena. "Real-time monitoring of soil nutrient analysis using WSN." 2017 International

Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing (ICECDS).IEEE, 2017.

[4] VaibhavIngale, Rashmi Vaidya, AmolPhad, PratibhaShingare, “A Sensor Device for Measuring Soil Macronutrient

Proportion using FPGA” International Conference,2016.

[5] Prachi Sharma, Dr. D.V. Padole, “Design And Implementation Soil Analyser Using IoT” 2017 International

Conference on Innovations in Information.

[6] Sharma, Prachi, and Susheel Sharma. "Paradigm shift in plant disease diagnostics: a journey from conventional

diagnostics to nano-diagnostics." Current trends in plant disease diagnostics and management practices.Springer,

Cham, 2016.237-264.

[7] Sharma, Prachi, and Susheel Sharma. "Paradigm shift in plant disease diagnostics: a journey from conventional

diagnostics to nano-diagnostics." Current trends in plant disease diagnostics and management practices.Springer,

Cham, 2016.237-264.

[8] Shailaja N, Angus, Annette A., et al. "Nodulation and effective nitrogen fixation of Macroptilium atropurpureum

(siratro) by Burkholderia tuberum, a nodulating and plant growth promoting beta-proteobacterium, are influenced by

environmental factors." Plant and Soil 369.1-2 (2013): 543-562.

[9] Ingale, Vaibhav, et al. "A sensor device for measuring soil macronutrient proportion using FPGA." 2016

International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP).IEEE, 2016.

[10] Sharma, Prachi, and D. V. Padole. "Design and implementation soil analyser using IoT." 2017 International

Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS).IEEE, 2017.

[11] Kargar, B. Amir H., et al. "Automatic measurement of physical mobility in Get-Up-and-Go Test using kinect

sensor." 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.IEEE,


[12] Adamchuk, V. I., M. T. Morgan, and D. R. Ess."An automated sampling system for measuring soil

pH." Transactions of the ASAE 42.4 (1999): 885.

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[13] Badamasi, Yusuf Abdullahi. "The working principle of an Arduino." 2014 11th international conference on

electronics, computer and computation (ICECCO).IEEE, 2014.

[14] Rajkumar, M. Newlin, S. Abinaya, and V. Venkatesa Kumar. "Intelligent irrigation system—An IOT based

approach." 2017 International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies

(IGEHT).IEEE, 2017.

[15] Rudolph, Nicole, et al. "Spatio-temporal mapping of local soil pH changes induced by roots of lupin and soft-

rush." Plant and Soil 369.1-2 (2013): 669-680.

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A Study on the applications of Drones in Smart Farming

Vanitha N

Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.

Email id: [email protected]

Abstract-Nowadays, the drones or an Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s) become the part and parcel of our lives.

The People of the Internet of things (IOT) era, will make use of smart things to do a smart application. This paper

deals with the application of Drones or UAV’s in a smart farming. The Drones (UAV’s) assists the farmers for doing

their agriculture in a smart way. The drones can be used in a lot applications like military, civilian, search and

rescue, monitoring etc. The UAV’s are unmanned aerial vehicles; humans can control or activate it by using the

remotes from the ground. It may be a small land or the large acres of land these drones will help the farmers to

monitor their crops, land, cattle fields and all the thing in their farmhouse. This paper gives the brief study of the

applications of the agricultural drones and different types of the drones used for doing the agriculture in a smart

way. Some of the major applications of the drones in farming are monitoring the crop field, identifying the plant

damage after the plantation, soil analysis and cattle field monitoring.

Keywords-Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s), agriculture, smart farming

1. Introduction

Internet of Things (IoT) becomes a part and parcel of the human lives. IoT has been applied in

various applications including military, Civilian, agriculture, industries, foundries etc., The

use of drones in almost every sector of the economy is growing fast, but drone usage in the

agricultural industry is booming. a drone is a flying robot that can be remotely controlled or

fly autonomously through software-controlled flight plans in their fixed systems, working in

conjunction with onboard sensors and GPS. While drones serve a spread of purposes, admire

recreational, photography, industrial associated military, their 2 basic functions are flight and

navigation. Drones need a controller, that employed remotely by an operator to launch,

navigate and land it. Controllers communicate with the drone victimization radio waves,

together with wi-fi. Smart Farming is focussed on the utilization of knowledge nonheritable

through varied sources (historical, geographical and instrumental) within the management of

farm activities. Technologically advanced doesn’t primarily mean that it's a sensible system.

Smart systems differentiate themselves through their ability to record the info and add up out

of it.[1][2]

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Law enforcement




Applications of drones



t Aeria








Search and

rescue Geographical




Applications of drones

Drones have been used in variety of fields, figure 1 denotes the various applications of drones.

Figure 1. Applications of Drones

Drones in smart farming

UAV Aerial Imagery with Machine Learning frameworks for Crop yield figures, precise

harvest check, crop development investigation, water system observing, crop wellbeing, crop harm

evaluation, field soil examination, and so forth High-quality drone data and Photogrammetry guard

crops and to equip farmers with all benefits accessible. There are lot of applications of drone

available, this chapter concentrates on the applications, monitoring the crop field, identifying the

plant damage after the plantation, soil analysis, drone spraying and cattle field monitoring. Figure 2

denotes the applications of drones in Smart Farming.[1]

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Figure 2. Applications of Drones in smart farming

11.Background Study

In 2019, P. K. R. Maddikunta et al published a journal in IEEE Sensors on the topic of

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart Agriculture. In this article, the authors using multi rotor

UAV s such as Visible Light Sensors (RGB), Multi-spectral Sensors, Hyper-spectral Sensors

for smart agriculture and got benefited.

In 2019, Yoshio Inoue, Masaki Yokoyama published a journal in Remote Sensing

Environment on the topic of Drone based optical thermal, and 3d sensing for diagnostic

information in smart farming system and algorithms using Multi copter drone.

In 2018, A. K. Saha et al. published a journal in IEEE Annual Computing and Communication

Workshop and Conference (CCWC) on the topic of IOT-based drone for improvement of crop

quality in agricultural field using drone using Raspberry Pi 3 B module, gas sensor, RGB-D

Sensor, Adafruit AMG8833 IR Thermal Camera and Use of thermal or heat-seeking cameras

can help agriculture management greatly by monitoring thermal properties of plants and crops

and by also detecting the presence of harmful wildlife in the crop fields to achieve a good


In 2018, M. Bacco et al, published a journal in IEEE Conference IoT Vertical and Topical

Summit on Agriculture – Tuscany, on the topic of Smart farming: Opportunities, challenges and

technology enablers using Lora WAN technology.


overall crop



Soil and



Cattle filed





Drones in smart


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In 2017, N. Vanitha et al, published a journal in International Journal of Engineering and

Management Research (IJEMR) to identify the plant damage after plantation using smart drones to

monitor the field and send the images to ground station, so that the farmers can take necessary steps

to save the plants or replant the damages plant in the crop field to get good yield in the future.

Table 1. Background Study

S.No Author Year Journal Title of




1 P. K. R.

Maddikunta et


2019 IEEE Sensors Unmanned


Vehicles in



Multi rotor UAV


2 Yoshio Inoue,



2019 Remote



Drone based


thermal, and

3d sensing for


information in

smart farming

system and


Multi copter


3 A. K. Saha et


2018 IEEE Annual

Computing and


Workshop and




drone for


of crop

quality in



drone using

Raspberry Pi 3 B


4 M. Bacco et


2018 IEEE

Conference IoT

Vertical and




Lora WAN


Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 47


Summit on

Agriculture -






5 N Vanitha et 2017 International A study on Control loop for

al Journal of agriculture agricultural

Engineering UAV for application in

and identifying drones to control

Management the plant wind intensity to

Research damage after reduce plant

(IJEMR) plantation damage

III. Applications of Drones

There are enamours applications were available under IoT, Drone plays an important role. Drones

were used in lot of places, Agriculture and smart farming plays a vital role in day today life of

farmers and each and every human being of the world. The following are the some of the

applications this chapter concentrates.

1. Monitoring the Crop Field

Crop Field monitoring is the one of major work done by drone in order to reduce the work

load of the farmers, because nowadays no humans were available to do farming, especially in India.

Drone technology has left a long-lasting impact on the Agriculture industry of India and its

efficiency. Innovative Aerial Surveying drones furnished with cutting edge sensors, like RGB and

Multispectral Sensors, to get exact information. Robots, for example, DJI Inspire 2 gather high-goal

crop information to distinguish any issues with the harvests and tell them for sure fire activity

before harm happens. Geo-labelling Aerial Images give important data that diminishes cost and lifts

yield by a critical rate. Florian De Rangu e.t. al have proposed the use of a test system that is fit to

the horticultural fields. This test system would facilitate with the UAV and control the movement

of the UAV within the sight of unsafe bugs in the yields. It would likewise consider different

boundaries like energy and the correspondence scope of the robots. One of the critical parts of

exactness cultivating is the need to send information from/to different gadgets, specifically for: I)

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recovering large measure of information to be traded and expounded; ii) pushing order and control

information; iii) fast ongoing correspondence and participation among bunches of gadgets working

in a similar ground, and iv) sharing detected information. To represent these various qualities, a few

correspondence guidelines can be utilized to execute the brilliant cultivating worldview. In the

following, we classify these standards in terms of short- and long-range communication

capabilities. The use of computer vision techniques from drones will allow to water or spray only

where necessary applying a selective spraying in sections of the field that need the treatments.

From caught pictures it is additionally conceivable to dissect the watering level inside plants, to

design crops with exactness and perhaps robotize farm trucks.

2. Identifying the Plant Damage After the Plantation

Plant damage after plantation is identified using drone images sent by the drone while

monitoring the filed. The farmers can get the images from ground station and do the plantation

again in the damaged area. Early detection of plant damage is necessary in order to get the good

yield in the crop filed. Drone pilots can obtain high-resolution data which will provide vital

information for measuring and documenting damage to crops from unforeseen factors like floods,

fires, pests, weather events, etc. Data from drones with remote sensing capabilities and

Photogrammetry acts as evidence for farmers or government authorities to say crop insurance or to

get an estimate accordingly. Information recovered from cutting edge sensors addressed as 2D or

3D Orth mosaics assist ranchers with comprehension and discover novel choices to broaden crop

yields and decrease crop harm at the same time. Marthinus Reinecke et al. have proposed the

utilization of robots for the improvement of yield quality. This could help the ranchers increment

their creation by distinguishing the escape clauses already. The harvests could be overseen by

utilizing explicit cameras associated with the robots to distinguish water deficiencies and unsafe

nuisances. Florian De Rango e.t. al have proposed the utilization of a test system that is fit to the

farming fields. This test system would facilitate with the UAV and control the action of the UAV

within the sight of hurtful creepy crawlies in the harvests. This helps reduce the cost of pesticide

application. The sprayer is said to comprise of 6 BLDC engines. A 5L limit cone shaped chamber

was utilized to hold the pesticide arrangement. A DC engine combined with a siphon was utilized

to compress the arrangement into fine drops by methods for four spouts. The entire process was

controlled with the help of a transmitter at ground level. A camera was utilized to screen the live

showering activity. Utilization of warm or warmth looking for cameras can help farming

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administration significantly by checking warm properties of plants and crops and by additionally

recognizing the presence of unsafe natural life in the harvest fields. Also, thermal imaging helps us

to monitor plant diseases, lack of water and other physiological processes [6][7].

3. Soil Analysis

Today, the vast majority of the farming field work is completed with human driven machines

in broadacre cultivating. In light of serious cultivating techniques in motorized agribusiness,

ranchers need active involvement in detecting the state of the field. The dirt nature of harvests can

either represent the deciding moment a rancher's profitability. Soil Analysis is a critical advance to

be taken by ranchers during the yield cycle. drones, for example, the DJI Phantom 4 Pro, give

ongoing and exact examination of soil's general wellbeing. Through Precision Agriculture, one can

recognize issues encompassing soil quality, supplement the board, or dead soil zones. This

information underpins ranchers in deciding the best cultivating examples of planting, overseeing

harvests, and soil. Also, field soil examination likewise builds the security and wellbeing of

laborers. Like with IOT (Internet of Things), IOS ('Internet of the Soil') is a methodology where

soil conditions like stickiness, temperature, electrical conductivity, are being observed. Far off

detecting strategies have been proposed to help in accuracy cultivating to accumulate information,

and with legitimate investigation the development during the season can be observed. Increasingly

more satellite imaging information is accessible during the season. For instance, satellite images

from Sentinel-2 satellites are available and provided by European Space Agency (ESA) Sensors.

Drones are another source for remote sensing. With drones, imaging is conceivable in shady

conditions though satellite-based imaging is restricted in these circumstances. In any case, working

with drones requires more exertion both in pre-flight stage, flying and the post handling of pictures

than satellite-based imaging. Nonetheless, with satellites, the resolution unit of images is in meters

whereas drone imaging has a higher resolution in centimetre-level drone-based remote sensing

system under various farming conditions in local farms in Japan. Basically, the standard flight

condition was at the altitude of 100 m and speed of 4 m sec-1. Radiometric and geometric

calibrations as well as the Orth mosaic processing of such image-data were conducted semi-

automatically using GPS and calibration source data by our integrated data processing system

which included the core part of Photos also can [5].

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4. Drone Spraying

Robots are likewise ideal for crop showering by checking the field first and adjusting the

specific measure of water or manure to be splashed in the right regions. Yallappa et al have

proposed the plan of a robot which would be useful for showering essential synthetics on crops.

This helps reduce the cost of pesticide application. It is accounted for that drones-based harvest

showering should be possible multiple times quicker than conventional homestead hardware. The

use of computer vision techniques from drones will allow to water or spray only where necessary

applying a selective spraying in sections of the field that need the treatments. From caught pictures

it is additionally conceivable to examine the watering level inside plants, to design crops with

accuracy and potentially computerize farm haulers. With the assistance of hyper-ghastly measures,

it is conceivable to assess the water driven pressure of locales grouping them dependent on the

anxiety, survey the chlorophyll content, confirm ozone harm on leaves and separate plant species

dependent on leaves properties[3][4].

5. Cattle field monitoring

The utilization of robots for observing domesticated animals is gradually acquiring energy in

different nations. Australia and Israel have effectively begun utilizing bunches of dairy cattle

checking drones. drones are watching out for the domesticated animals, are in less need of labor; all

things being equal, they can undoubtedly monitor their creatures without getting into their trucks or

recruit labor on horseback. When utilizing dairy cattle observing robots' ranchers can locate the lost

domesticated animals effectively, as these robots are inserted with warm detecting innovation, that

is they can discover any of the animals utilizing their internal heat level. The robots give clear

warm pictures which effectively uncover the distinction between one creature versus another. These

robots additionally assist ranchers with getting criminals far from the dairy cattle field as they can

be effortlessly distinguished by warm robots [4][3].

Conclusion and Future Work

Accordingly, we can presume that the Drones have as of now immeasurably adjusted the rural

business and will keep on filling in the coming years. While drone use is getting more helpful to

little ranchers, there is as yet a best approach before they become part of each rancher's hardware

list, especially in agricultural countries. Guidelines around drone use should be made and amended

in numerous nations and more exploration should be done on their adequacy at specific

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assignments, like pesticide application and showering. There are numerous ways robots can be

valuable to ranchers, yet it is essential to comprehend their restrictions and capacities prior to

putting resources into costly gear. Convey, a horticultural robot provider and programming

organization, recommend beginning little and joining drone information into your association

gradually for the best outcomes. Robots and computerized reasoning are addressing the capacity to

scale how yields are created and give an answer of how to take care of a planet of 8-billion

individuals by 2030.

6. References

[1] P. K. R. Maddikunta et al., "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Smart Agriculture: Applications, Requirements, and

Challenges," in IEEE Sensors Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2021.3049471

[2] P. Tripicchio, M. Satler, G. Dabisias, E. Ruffaldi and C. A. Avizzano, "Towards Smart Farming and Sustainable

Agriculture with Drones," 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015,

pp. 140-143, doi: 10.1109/IE.2015.29.

[3] A. K. Saha et al., "IOT-based drone for improvement of crop quality in agricultural field," 2018 IEEE 8th Annual

Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2018, pp. 612-615, doi:


[4] M. Bacco et al., "Smart farming: Opportunities, challenges and technology enablers," 2018 IoT Vertical and Topical

Summit on Agriculture - Tuscany (IOT Tuscany), Tuscany, Italy, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IOT-


[5] Inoue, Y., Sakaiya, E., and Zhu, Y., Takahashi, W.: Diagnostic mapping of canopy nitrogen content in rice based

on hyperspectral measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment, 126, pp. 210-221, 2012.

[6] Inoue, Y., Darvishzadeh, R., and Skidmore, A: Hyperspectral assessment of Eco physiological functioning and

biochemical properties for diagnostics of crops and vegetation. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Vegetation Vol. 3

(Eds.: P.S. Thenkabail, J.G. Lyon and A. Huete), pp. 25-72, CRC Press, New York, 2019.

[7] Vanitha N, Vinodhini V, and Rekha S, A study on agriculture UAV for identifying the plant damage after

plantation, International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR), Vol. 6, pp. 310-313, Vandana

Publications, 2017.

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Certain investigation on IoT therapeutic image recognition and

rivaroxaban preclude thrombosis in patients

Dr. D. Stalin David

Assistant Professor1, Department of CSE, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram,

Email id: [email protected]

Mr. D. Saravanan

Associate Professor, Department of CSE, IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram,

Email id: [email protected]

Abstract-The most commonly recognized cardiac arrhythmias are atrial fibrillation, and the risk of stroke and

thromboembolism is associated with increased confusion. Atrial fibrillation patients exhibiting electrical and

pharmacological cardiac function and emotional control programs have been proposed. In March dodge to get re-

established anticoagulant therapy thrombus function is so defined from the prior sinus mood and signs of heart.

Transesophageal echocardiography cardiac performance has an important part in the formation of blood clots is

missing the left atrium members of this set.Study point was the left atrium limb of the trip to detect and treat a

variety of anticoagulant therapy adequacy limb stroke before adapting part to the dynamic echocardiogram of the

heart, the left atrium and the disease. Consider the factors and transmission of risk.

Keywords-Atrial fibrillation; defibrillation; oral anticoagulant therapy; thrombosis in left atrial

appendage.Transesophageal echocardiography.


The most widely recognized supported arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation (AF), with a

pervasiveness of 0.4 percent in all and 9 percent in octogenarian patients. AF patients are at greater

risk of cardiovascular difficulties, including a 3-5-old increase in stroke. A 4-5 false risk of

fundamental embolism and a higher risk of progression of cardiovascular breakdown. In patients

with AF, the cardio version (both electrical and pharmacological) is associated with a non-

immaterial risk of thromboembolic function without prior satisfactory anticoagulation [5].

Therefore, for patients with AF >48 h at baseline, the current rules suggest that anticoagulant

therapy should be started in any case three weeks before and a month before.

Transesophageal echocardiography (TOE) that, by evaluating the capacity of the left atrium

and the life points of the body, the dot structures are considered to be the best level of quality[6] or

to distinguish between the left and the prohibited LAA pen. This is a strategy for indexing. The

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highest level of quality, the prevention of CV thromboembolism, is generally considered to be the

enemy of prior nutrition. New oral anticoagulants (NOACs) In both cases, similar programs will

gradually be used in this setting. The aim of this research is to discuss who displays CV mode risk

factors in patients with AF through the left atrial appendage and stroke, and to provide an overview

and update the repair system.

Exceptional problems with the coronary artery and atrial fibrillation (AF) are both

representative of the same patient. In 33 per cent slower broken 16 per cent of patients, comparison

AF is present given the way in which the heart muscle limited downward corruption (MI). Up to 36

percent of AF patients, from another point of view, have a cooperative coronary artery elegance

course disease among people with a previous MI of 45 percent. A double anti-platelet treatment of

relevance is required for the treatment of ACS, irrespective of the presence or absence of

percutaneous coronary arbitration (PCI) to prevent damage to the MI boredom and stent blood


Oral anticoagulation (OAC) has been shown in many patients with atrial fibrillation to

prevent stroke and embolism. Therefore, if the precondition is to distinguish between AF and ACS

patients and anti-thrombotic therapy, and if there are two, consider carefully the two conditions

associated with future ischemia. The ideal antithrombotic therapy to reduce the risk function is

expected to be determined.

In both cases, the high mix of DAPT and OAC alone causes a higher death rate, which may

be greater than the risks associated with OAC occurring more than once. Risk drainage should be

kept at the base, deployment and mortality after PCI has been shown to be significantly oozing.

Here, a sensitive harmony between access and overview proof drain back to the doctor and ACS

patients with atrial fibrillation at risk is intended to determine whether anti-thrombotic is


After the ACS, aspirin has been the basis for CAD processing for a very long time, adding

the main P2Y12 inhibitor to further reduce unfriendly cardiac function. The ACS is set to contain a

DAPT headache drug conjugate containing a stronger ticagrelor plunger or P2Y12 inhibitor than

that of MACE and containing DAPT cropidgrel ibuprofen. In either case, tickagrel or plunger

cropidgrel and the additional flaw in the development and penetration of these comparison

operators and cropidgrel, which is healthy and compromise-compensated.

There are still more than those MACE tickagrelor patients who have proven to compare

recurrence and patient tickagrelor or plunger random plunger drainage treatment. The bookings. In

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addition, cropidgrel reduces drainage, MI, net clinical benefit for death, which is out of

specification results, the popular age-old reserve (about 70 years old), highly non-ST ACS patients

without AF. Stroke and then he died, Ticagrelor's random comparison confirmed.

OAC treatment is shown to counteract stroke and basic embolism in patients with AF with a

score of ⁇ 2, and is more viable than antiplatelet therapy. Because of their boss safety and adequacy

profile, the non-vitamin K opponent oral anticoagulants (NOACs) apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban,

and rivaroxaban are best for qualified patients (i.e. without mechanical heart valve, moderate to

severe mitral stenosis, and extreme renal deficiency) over nutrient K adversaries (VKA). In

particular, NOAC treatment is associated with half the lower risk of intracranial discharge

compared with VKA.


LAA is LA thrombus formation, the most unmistakable website development, and more

than 90% of this internal anatomy is generated by thrombosis. LAA thrombus is usually present, as

stroke is a very rare finding in non-valvular atrial fibrillation of the extra limbs. The CHA2DS2-

VASC score is defined as the ratio of increased risk factors for stroke in routine clinical practice

and integration into normal anticoagulation management in patients with atrial fibrillation.

The type of AF, the autofocus, and the ability of the kidneys to increase. The VASC scores

can better isolate the thromboembolism risk and differentiate between patients who do not require

TOE pre-treatment. When thromboembolism is low in risk AF patients, such as occurs in 2

comments, it is assumed that CHA2DS2-VASC points contain as many as 1,100 atrial fibrillation

patients without left atrial appendage thrombus, left atrial appendage, and blood clotting is possible.

It seems to be general security and convenience when the low-resolution CHA2DS2-VASC score is


Each AF recognized transthoracic echo (TTE) should be a clinical assessment of

transthoracic echo. TTE is important for the cardiovascular system, and a far-reaching assessment

of the ability to identify patients with a high risk of stroke in the left atrial appendage can help

characterize the type of AF. First of all, it is important that the valve AF, characterized by moderate

severe mitral stenosis or prothetic valve, is considerably present in the echocardiographic

evaluation analysis and that VKA anticoagulation is processed.

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Previous CV, TTE tag to provide two left ventricle strokes as a thrombosis risk and overall

evaluation of the presence of L-ascorbic acid drainage. LVEF is also commonly used in left atrial

appendage in patients with atrial fibrillation who have been recruited by LA-associated low-

common TOE evaluation, but A LVEF <40 percent also examines the risk of CHA2DS2-VASC

congestive heart failure model evaluation score. LAA stroke with significant and productive

potential for tempo control. In order to assess the highest level of quality, Antero back to the LA

width estimate is generally considered a LA measure. . Nevertheless, we recommend LA volume

file (LAVI), proof of its creation.

TTE provides markers before CV to foresee the probability of fruitful beat control. The

outcome of the beat control technique can affect LAVI, LVEF, diastolic capacity, E/è wave

proportion, and LV hypertrophy. The HATCH score (representing hypertension, age 75,

thromboembolic function, pneumonic disease, and HF) summarizes the main markers influencing

the likelihood of being effective.

As the next 2D point and Los Angeles assessment, echocardiography (STE) is a promising

device for the clinical evaluation of patients with atrial fibrillation. STE with typical LA strain test

in three stages I AF patients with insufficient stage siphon supporters, most solid boundaries are

apical systolic strain library, the LA to ventricular diastolic phase (siphon) siphon stages (channels),

the exhaust promoter removed, dynamic fill phase (storage) end portion of the withdrawal stages.

In the index scale reconstruction of very AF patients, STE strain between LA and fibrosis occurs in

line with the survey.

The TOE is considered the highest level of the method of quality affectability and explicit

analysis of 95-100 percent left atrial appendage thrombosis. Current rules are defined as patients

with TOE>AF during 48 hours of each program or when the option of AF episodes to be

anticoagulated cannot be resolved over a specific period of time. Furthermore, recurrent TOE CV

before anticoagulation therapy after three months should be considered for patients with different

strokes. The current or other potential sources within the heart of a multi-lane TOE embolism are

supported by visually assessed (FIG. 1). Thrombosis with LAA.The predecessor thrombosis of

TOE is more prominent and also has a "smoke" (FIG. 2B) and "slope" (FIG. 2A) and the SEC's

thickness to check the contrast of unrestricted reverberation (SEC). Allowed, visual prognosis

greater than a single cigarette. When the beat Doppler TOE from the test volume is placed in LAA

caves of 1cm or less, the LAA machine capacity can be assessed. 48 H AF LAA discharge or

specific span, and the AF start length cannot be resolved. Furthermore, recurrent TOE CV before

anticoagulation therapy after three months should be considered for patients with different strokes.

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The current or other potential sources within the heart of a multi-lane TOE embolism are

supported by visually assessed (FIG. 1). LAA thrombosis Of the TOE, also known as "smoke"

(FIG. 2B), the more prominent unconstrained reverberation contrast examination (SEC), by the

"mud" (FIG. 2A), and the thickness before placement of the clot. Prognosticity allows the

individual cigarette to come to a visual conclusion. The LAA machine capacity investigation can be

set from the 1 cm LAA pit below TOE beat Doppler test volume. Speed of LAA cleaning.

CV is related to the risk of thromboembolic function expansion and stroke. The current

rules for the first patient with AF> 48 hours suggest anti-coagulation therapy for CV after 3 weeks

ago and the moon anyway. Acquiring a description after three weeks of anticoagulant therapy prior

to electrical CV is, at any rate, 14 days after the proposed examination that clot invasion and LAA

fibroblast need to be combined. Doppler's decision to withdraw LA after the CV was engraved in a

little less of the file to the month of anticoagulant therapy, and added it to the high risk of

thromboembolic stroke, which is expected to post stunning LA procedures.

VKA is considered to be the highest level of quality pre-CV thromboembolic prophylaxis,

and the main recommendations are in patients with valvular AF[6]. The frequency of treatment

advice and VKA test past the LA/LAA stroke was 0.6 percent and 7 percent, depending on the

scope of research and testing, between the population size. Vitamin K antagonist therapy is seen as

a problem with major limitations in adhering to the type of thin repair period to reach the target


NOAC is protected and considered a viable option in comparison with VKA therapy and is

used to predict non-valvular AF line therapy in long-distance stroke patients. In various clinical

situations, the general safety and efficacy of NOAC has been demonstrated. The upcoming three

NOAC qualifications tend to have random clinical symptoms of intense and selective resume

settings. In a preliminary X-VERT, rivaroxaban or VKA patients were randomly assigned a CV of

48 hours or duration in 1504 cases per day to clear AF patients. The composite endpoint of CV to

VKA occurred in 0.51 percent of patients with a Li Basha class of 1.02 percent after basic stroke

and embolism. ,More like the bottom half of 2199 cases.Perhaps this demonstrates that the use of

NOAC models to expand NOACs and significantly ease the use of vitamin K antagonists[67]

continues to tend to the NOAC method to demonstrate previous multi-agency resumes. However,

68.5 percent of patients with pre-CV VKA anticoagulant therapy and doctors seem to understand

NOAC swing CV use before this library[67]. Yes, approved in clinical situations, CVs are

generally limited to multiple Walfarin [62] and NOACs. In addition, tests have shown that the use

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of the rivaroxaban Shaaban consumer unrest system early on before possible DC CV can contribute

to significant cost savings in methodology identification. Therefore, taking into account the clinical

characteristics of this positive focus and the convincing use of Walfarin, it is wise to increase the

use of pre CV NOAC anticoagulation in the coming years. Although random qualifications, due to

the survival and clinical features prior to its Walfarin and NOACs CV, the tendency for LA / LAA

blood clotting after adequate anticoagulation is prevalent to solve the problem. The left atrial

appendage (18.2%) of moderately high initial burst through events prior to the TOE 33 Li visible

thrombus theme CV in the X-VERT study.


In this section, we describe the preparation of data required to feed pre-treatment step model

initially proposed. After that, we will explain in detail the main components of the method.

Figure 1:A simplified approach to the diagnosis of narrow-complex tachycardias on

electrocardiogram. AVNRT = atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia, AVRT =

atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia.

3.1 Evidence Used In This Review

"Participation", "supraventricular tachycardia", "atrial tachycardia", "room staggering,"

"reproduction tachycardia atrioventricular nodule" and "AV reproduction tachycardia" officials or

therapy: delete leadership or additional terms, the study section of the write search I used "atrial

fibrillation" as an option that includes English and human adult research.

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3.2 Acute treatment

Normal vein tissue SVT intensive treatment of patients was suggested for adenosine (Class I

recommendation, level B -R certification)In the bloodstream of patients with SVT kinetically stable

partner intensive treatment, synchronized cardiac morphology was proposed when inadequate or

contraindicated medications (Class I recommendation, level B -NR proof) were proposed.

3.3 Ongoing administration

Oral β-blockers, zirchiazem verapamil or therapeutic index and SVT patients with no

premature sinus ventricular beats in excitation (Class I recommendation, Class B-R proof) useful

for executive promotion. Electro concentrates frequency selection and catheter removal to be useful

for determining expected SVT therapy (Class I suggested grade B-NR proven). Patients should be

the best way for SVT to teach stray neuronal migration to continuous SVT administration (Class I

recommendation, Class C-LD proof)

3.4 Referral for radiofrequency catheter removal

The medium is removed via the AVNRT conduit (Class I recommended level, which is the

central atrial tachycardia in a patient in whom the catheter is removed as indicated in the proposed

comparison of pharmacological treatment options (Class I recommended level) recommendations

patients showed B-NR) patients showed B-NR) catheter removal Ruffled proposed tachycardia or

fibrillat pathway

It is essential to survey the hemodynamic status of the patient quickly when evaluating a

patient with suspected SVT. Supraventricular tachycardia is rarely fatal, yet the annual risk of

abrupt cardiovascular death among Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome patients is 0.02 percent-0.15

percent.13 However, certain heart comorbidity patients may not endure the basic rapid ventricular

rate, which may cause hemodynamic shakiness, exacerbated congestive cardiovascular breakdown,

or angina. Synchronized electrical cardio form may be warranted in the event that the patient is

considered insecure because of the SVT and a preliminary of vagal movements or intravenous

adenosine is ineffective or not achievable.

3.6 Assess the kind of SVT

The main demonstrative advance is to acquire a 12-lead ECG on the off chance of the

patient being a hemodynamic partner and clinically stable. The four-venture approach outlined in

figure.1 is recommended to analyze the basic mood when the ECG is obtained. Decide whether the

QRS complex is tight (< 120 ms) or wide (~ 120 ms) to begin with. The supraventricular cause of

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the arrhythmia is affirmed by a tightly intricate; a broad mind boggling may speak with distortion

to ventricular tachycardia or SVT.


It is understood that learning basic information about the ECG system is valuable. 150-250

times / minute in SVT from ventricular rate by variation. In patients with more determined rates,

this rate may be slower and the drug may be taken to suppress AV nodules (i.e., calcium channel

blockers and beta blockers of digoxin). An electronic circuit in the AV hub frame comprises

AVNRT patients, two substantially specific routes within a large capacity as stated AV hub rapid

and appropriate routing. The ECG data used in lead V1 read a mediocre R1 pseudo S-wave wave

and the dummy. Such QRS results are complex after seeing a retrograde P-wave.The resting ECG

WPW instruction can be given after completion. A spectacular enlarged QRS, short stretch PR and

δ wave. Three symptoms were combined in the pre-excitation white disease syndrome, early

excited see FIG resting ECG, stirred.

Table 1: Typical features of supraventricular tachycardia (SVTs)*5, 6

The proposed audit depends on the rules of the American Heart Association and the Heart

Rhythm Society 2015 of the American College of Cardiology on supraventricular tachycardia and

adult administration.

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Figure 2: Electrocardiographic clues to the diagnosis of atrioventricular re-entrant

tachycardia and atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia

Tachycardia involving complex forward conduction through the AV node and additional

hub hem route (step package) in AVRT patients, both the associated adjacent cardiac chamber and

QRS AVRT ventricle.10. Retrograde conduction via the decorative path of the AV center. The

resting ECG WPW instruction can be given after completion. The QRS complex is extended and δ

waves and short PR are extended. Wolff - Parkinson - White state, three-pronged agitation

indicators (including additional ways, such as re-athlete tachycardia) occur in the early excitement

of the resting ECG chart.

Figure 3: Electrocardiogram showing classic triad of an accessory pathway (bypass tract) in

lead V6 — short PR interval, wide QRS complex and delta wave

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ECG, P waves are usually observed before each complex QRS and there is an unexpected hub in

the sinus P-wave. The P-wave may fall entirely on the implantation or shading of the T Beaumont

ear T wave in the heart at high room rates.

Figure 4: Electrocardiogram showing ectopic atrial tachycardia. The ectopic P wave (arrows)

axis is positive in lead II. Although sinus tachycardia may give a similar P wave axis

Atrial shadder began in the recurrence circuit of the atrium anatomy. Counterclockwise, in

the right chamber, the most widely recognized (normal) ripple cavotricuspid atrial isthmus (the

region between the aneurysm and the poor triadal annulus) is conducted along the anatomical

circuit. pacing ripple that is 150 times / min 7.

Figure 5: Electrocardiogram showing atrial flutter with 2:1 atrioventricular nodal

conduction, with negative flutter waves in inferior leads II (thick arrow), III and aVF and

positive flutter waves in V1 (thin arrow).

Atrial interrelated with a variety of conditions, including cardiovascular rupture, residual

obstruction, permanent aspiratory history, previous stroke, hyperthyroidism, coronary artery disease

apnoeal volvuli, pericardial infection, and post-cardiac associated medical procedures. Hey, do this.

This can be recognized as the ECG.

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Due to the requirement for consolidated antithrombotic treatment, patients with

accompanying AF and ACS are at greater risk of seeping. In all patients, DAPT stacking should be

considered upon introduction. In the absence of a long-term OAC sign in patients with established

AF, the P2Y12 decision inhibitor is normally clopidogrel, except in patients at high ischaemic risk

where ticagrelor or prasugrel may be considered. All patients should be given DAPT per procedure

and extra intraprocedural parenteral anticoagulation, with the exception of those on VKA with an

INR > 2.5. A routine of double antithrombotic treatment including a P2Y12 inhibitor and a NOAC

inhibitor is shown for most patients.Without specific preliminaries in AF and ACS, and a sign of an

increase in MI and stent apoplexy with double versus triple therapy, an underlying period of 1

month of triple therapy should be considered and suggested for high thrombotic risk patients and

people who do not have an unnecessary drainage risk. In all, powerful P2Y12 inhibitors should be

avoided due to the risk of overabundance drainage, and hereditary testing can be taken into account

before accelerating from clopidogrel to more intense operators. Cautious thinking of thrombotic

and draining hazards is warranted in each patient, in order to reduce the risk of ischaemic and

draining functions.


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Machine, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 12, Issue 2, PP.713-724.

30. Jaswanth K S, Dr. D. Stalin David, "A Novel Based 3d Facial Expression Detection Using Recurrent Neural

Network", International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology

(IJSRCSEIT), ISSN : 2456-3307, Volume 6 Issue 2, pp. 48-53, March-April 2020.

31. D Stalin David, 2020, ‘An Intellectual Individual Performance Abnormality Discovery System in Civic

Surroundings’ International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Volume 9, Issue 5, PP.2196-


32. D Stalin David, 2020, ‘Machine learning for the prelude diagnosis of dementia’, International Journal of

Pharmaceutical Research, Volume 13, Issue 3, PP.2329-2335.

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33. Stalin David D , Saravanan M, 2020, ‘Multi-perspective DOS Attack Detection Framework for Reliable Data

Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Trust’, International Journal of Future Generation Communication

and Networking , Volume 13, Issue 4, PP.1522–1539.

34. J. K. S and D. S. David, "A Novel Based 3D Facial Expression Detection Using Recurrent Neural Network," 2020

International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN), Pondicherry, India, 2020,

pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICSCAN49426.2020.9262287.

35. Stalin David D, Saravanan M, “Enhanced Glaucoma Detection Using Ensemble based CNN and Spatially Based

Ellipse Fitting Curve Model”, Solid State Technology, Volume 63, Issue 6, PP.3581-3598.

36. Stalin David D, Saravanan M, Jayachandran A, “Deep Convolutional Neural Network based Early Diagnosis of

multi class brain tumour classification”, Solid State Technology, Volume 63, Issue 6, PP.3599-3623.

37. D. Jayakumar; Dr.U. Palani; D. Raghuraman; Dr.D. StalinDavid; D. Saravanan; R. Parthiban; S. Usharani.



Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 9, 2021, 2477-2494.

38. R. Parthiban; S. Usharani; D. Saravanan; D. Jayakumar; Dr.U.Palani; Dr.D. StalinDavid; D. Raghuraman.


FEATURE SELECTION METHOD". European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 9, 2021, 2511-2530.

39. Dr.U. Palani; D. Raghuraman; Dr.D. StalinDavid; R. Parthiban; S. Usharani; D. Jayakumar; D. Saravanan. "AN


European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 9, 2021, 2495-2510.

40. Dr. D. Stalin David; R. Parthiban; D. Jayakumar; S. Usharani; D. RaghuRaman; D. Saravanan; Dr.U.


LIVER DISEASE DIAGNOSIS". European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 9, 2021, 2559-2571.

41. D.Raghu Raman; D. Saravanan; R. Parthiban; Dr.U.Palani; Dr.D.Stalin David; S. Usharani; D. Jayakumar."A


THINGS". European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7, 9, 2021, 2531-2557.

42. D.Saravanan; Dr.D.Stalin David; S.Usharani; D.Raghuraman; D.Jayakumar; Dr.U.Palani; R.Parthiban. “AN


INWIRELESS NETWORKS”. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 11, Pages


43. S. Usharani; D.Jayakumar; Dr.U.Palani; D.Raghuraman; R.Parthiban; D.Saravanan; Dr.D.Stalin David.


LEARNING”. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020, Volume 7, Issue 11, Pages 5684-5703.

44. R.Parthiban, Dr.K.Santhosh Kumar, Dr.R.Sathya, D.Saravanan,” A Secure Data Transmission And Effective Heart

Disease Monitoring Scheme Using Mecc And Dlmnn In The Cloud With The Help Of Iot”, International Journal of

Grid and Distributed Computing, ISSN: 2005 – 4262, Vol. 13, No. 2, (2020), pp. 834 – 856.

45. R.Bhavya, G.I.Archanaa, D.Karthika, D.Saravanan,” Reflex Recognition of Tb Via Shade Duplicate Separation

Built on Geometric Routine”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 119 (14), 831-836.

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46. D Saravanan, R Bhavya, GI Archanaa, D Karthika, R Subban,” Research on Detection of Mycobacterium

Tuberculosis from Microscopic Sputum Smear Images Using Image Segmentation”, 2017 IEEE International

Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC).

47. D Saravanan, R Parthiban,” Automatic Detection of Tuberculosis Using Color Image Segmentation and Statistical

Methods”, International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 10.

48. U.Palani, D.Saravanan, R.Parthiban, S.Usharani,” Lossy Node Elimination Based on Link Stability Algorithm in

Wireless Sensor Network”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume 7, Issue 6S5.

49. S.G.Sandhya, D.Saravanan, U.Palani, S.Usharani,” Handover Priority to the Data at Knob Level in Vanet”,

International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume 7, Issue 6S5.

50. D.Saravanan R.Parthiban, U.Palani S.G.Sandhya,” Sheltered and Efficent Statistics Discrimnation for Cluster

Based Wireless Antenna Networks”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume 7,

Issue 6S5.

51. D.Saravanan1, Dr. K.Santhosh Kumar2,, R.Sathya3, U.Palani4, “An Iot Based Air Quality Monitoring And Air

Pollutant Level Prediction System Using Machine Learning Approach – Dlmnn”, International Journal of Future

Generation Communication and Networking, Vol. 13, No. 4, (2020), pp. 925–945.

52. Raghu Raman D, Saravanan D, Nivedha R,” An Efficacious E-Portal for Rancher to Buy

Seeds and Humus”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Volume-8, Issue-1S5, June


53. M.Sudha, D.Saravanan, S.Usharani,” Security Improvement of Dropper Elimination Scheme for IoT Based

Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) ,Volume-45 Number3 -

March 2017.

54. K. Gayathri, D.Saravanan,” An Innovative IOT security Enhancing Schema Based Gamed Theory Decryption

Percentage”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science and Technology, Volume 6, Issue2, 2017, pp. 666-


55. E.Kowsalya, D.Saravanan, R.Parthiban,” Energy Aware Resource Allocation for Throughput Maximized IOT

Network”, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – Volume 45 Issue 2- March 2017.

56. D Saravanan, J Feroskhan, R Parthiban, S Usharani, “Secure Violent Detection in Android Application with Trust

Analysis in Google Play”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1717 (1), 012055.

57. D Saravanan, E Racheal Anni Perianayaki, R Pavithra, R Parthiban, ” Barcode System for Hotel Food Order with

Delivery Robot”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1717 (1), 012054.

58. D Raghu Raman, S Gowsalya Devi, D Saravanan, ”Locality based violation vigilant system using mobile

application”, 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN-IEEE).

59. R Parthiban, R Ezhilarasi, D Saravanan, “Optical Character Recognition for English Handwritten Text Using

Recurrent Neural Network”, 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking


60. R Parthiban, V Abarna, M Banupriya, S Keerthana, D Saravanan, ” Web Folder Phishing Discovery and Prevention

with Customer Image Verification”, 2020 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and

Networking (ICSCAN-IEEE).

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61. K Dhivya, P Praveen Kumar, D Saravanan, M Pajany,” Evaluation of Web Security Mechanisms Using

Vulnerability & Sql Attack Injection”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, Issue 14,


62. D Saravanan, R Parthiban, S Usharani, K Santhosh Kumar,” Furtive Video Recorder Using Intelligent Vehicle with

the Help of Android Mobile”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119, Issue 14, 2018.

63. K Dheepa, D Saravanan, R Parthiban, K Santhosh Kumar,” Secure And Flexible Data Sharing Scheme Based On

Hir-Cp-Abe For Mobile Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 119,

Issue 14, 2018.

64. D.Saravanan S. Usharani,” Survey on Security Based Novel Context Aware Mobile Computing Scheme Via

Crowdsourcing”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information


65. S. Usharani, D.Saravanan,” Security Improvement of Dropper Elimination Scheme for Iot Based Wireless

Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology.

66. R Parthiban, S Usharani, D Saravanan,” Survey of Security Improvement of Dropper Elimination Scheme for IoT

Based Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT).

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 68

Analysis of Internet of Things for Post Disaster Management


Department of Computer Science, Immaculate College for Women, Cuddalore


Department of Computer Applications, VISTAS, Chennai.

Email id: [email protected]

Abstract - In current and previous decades, crucial and natural or disasters like floods, earthquakes, tsunami

which are all man-made have occurred with various catastrophic consequences. Aftermath of natural disaster, it

is very important process that the rescuers must be immediately available to practice track who were trapped and

also to coordinate with the relief measurements to reduce the loss of lives or damages. The emergency

management is an area where the technology growth was not reflected. Rapidly, Internet of Everything and

Anything evolved by Internet of Things are introduced to the scenarios of Disaster Management System (DMS).

For appropriate and proper management approach through the IoT only the rescue events are interlinked. So,

rescue methods, follow-up, regulation technique and disaster warning system or conjugated oftentimes. This

paper is introduced for the systems of completely unique architecture for productive management of disaster

which reduces the disaster phenomenon fatality by using IoT techniques.

Keywords- Disasters,IoT techniques.


Disaster management is all about eliminating the threats and not about averting . Instead of

decreasing the disasters, plans are created and emphasized[1]. Natural and man-made are the

types of disasters. Natural disasters like Tsunami, hurricanes and earthquakes are not

considered as a cause of devastating evidence into transport infrastructure and building

structures but also in critical and essential infrastructures like communication systems, utility

services and power grids. Immediately after various disasters like earthquakes happened in

Haiti on January 2010, Christchurch on February 2011 and the people by the relief teams are

also collapsed by these natural disasters. The man-made disasters are events like nuclear leaks,

chemical leaks, structural damage, terrorist attacks and road accidents.

Because of globalization and urbanization, all those mentioned disasters are happening

most frequently in this century. Even though numbers of early warning systems were

available, the techniques of management are restricted to regulations and rules. In India, every

year the happening of disaster is increased.

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In 2015, earthquake at Nepal, the communication system was in lack of ingenuity for

usage even though the communication technologies have great advancement. In such

kind of disasters-stricken areas, we know that the location assessing is crucial for 24 to

48 hours initially. To take decision analytically in life saving efforts, communication

plays a vital role. The victims who were trapped may have frequent questions like :

Where to get drinking water?

Where to get medical support?

Can this road lead to safer place?

How to shelter themselves from unconditional weather?

Those questions were answered with most proper and accessible information [3]. The

authorized officers and a rescue workers together coordinates and put efforts to access

the location of the victim who may get trapped or injured, but the relief efforts may get

delayed or often paralyzed, if the agency to response may fail to communicate with each

other. In early 70's the government organizations were established to control the damage

caused by disasters. Fuel challenges made by the organizations are insufficient IT

resources, lack of in-house employees and budget limitations. A vital role can be played

for better in-house expertise and special dish by ourselves. To satisfy the requirements, it

can be connected to the internet by interlinking them to the server which enables us to

satisfy. Because of the witnessed rapid growth in IoT, the embedded area exposes for

research with good opportunity. This paper deals about the technological area for the

implementation of an efficient management. For interlinking every department works

together, the connections support IoT is utilized oftentimes. So every department and

organization can work together as a unit for the effective output for rescuing plan of the



The future internet of various interconnected devices is envisioned by the communication

paradigm called Internet of Things (IoT). Ashton Kevin coined the term in 1999 and

stating that IoT is an interoperable and identifiable connected objects by using a

technology called radio-frequency identification (RFID). In Tunis on November 17, 2005

in World Summit of Information Society ( WSIS), the concepts of IoT are recommended

by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) by releasing Internet Report of ITU

2005, 10 the IoT definition became very clearer[4]. IoT advancements can't prevent

calamities from occurring,

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yet can be extremely valuable for catastrophe readiness, like expectation and early

admonition frameworks. In this manner IoT can make up for a helpless framework that

places creating and arising nations in an especially weak position [5]. To all applications,

the IoT ensure services with the privacy and security requirements and it makes use of

things completely by taking various benefits of data capture, device identification,

processing capabilities and communication capabilities. From the wider perspective, the

IoT is a technology that perceives a vision with societal and technological implications

[6]. The IoT European Research Center (IERC) characterizes that IoT is "An organization

foundation which is all around the world dynamic with self-arranging capacities and

interoperable correspondence conventions where virtual and physical "things" have

physical attributes,virtual characters, personalities and utilize the astute interfaces, and

are incorporated into the data network consistently" [7]

Fig.1The IoT defined [8]

According to specialized perspective, the IoT is a worldwide foundation for the empowering

the high level administrations by interconnecting the things that are existing and advancing

interoperable ICT. Here, it is predicted that IoT is integrated with various leading advanced

technologies like automatic networking, machine-to-machine learning, decision making and

processing, cloud computing and privacy and security protection to interact with advanced

actuation and sensing technologies.

Fig. 2 IoT Dimension [4]

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In Fig 2, it is shown that IoT already provides "any PLACE" and "any TIME"

communication and it adds the dimension of "any THING connection" to the ICT. In

recent years, the IoT is considered as a network that interconnects globally and

enables various interconnected services that are interoperable. The IoT enabled

technologies are illustrated in Fig 3.

Fig. 3 Enabling technologies for IoT [9]

The innovation behind this is Internet of Things (IoT), which is a high level and

productive answer for associating the things to the web and to interface the whole

universe of things in an organization. Here things may be whatever like electronic

devices, sensors and auto electronic gear. The torrent waves cause impressive

obliteration and slaughters individuals. The identification segment of the proposed

framework comprises of a microcontroller and a capacitive sensor to distinguish the

Tsunami event. The framework manages checking and controlling the conditions like

floods, Earthquakes with sensors and sends the data to the web page just as cautions

through SMS and afterward plot the sensor information as graphical measurements.

The information refreshed from the actualized framework can be available in the web

from anyplace on the planet.

Fig. 4 The connected devices growth [11]

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In implementation point of view,the Fig 5 shows that the disaster management

systems can be classified as follows (a) Service-Oriented (b) Natural, (c) Man-made

and (d) Post-disaster management systems. The nature disaster that executives

incorporate timberland fire, tremors, volcanic and flood though the debacle the board

frameworks of man-made predominantly consider the mechanical and metropolitan

calamity and psychological oppressor assaults. The frameworks of post calamity the

board mostly center around casualty situating and localization.

A. Service-Oriented DMS

The novel techniques of DMS considers that the boosting objective of Crowdsourcing

``people as sensors'', is an idea which is recognized recently within the domain of

disaster management for incorporating huge and new datasets which will be

processed for retrieving information that are required. Crowdsourcing can be

either dynamic or passive, where people participate to supply data willingly or

typically platforms of social media are used to collect the data with or without

knowledge of the contributors. The platforms of active crowdsourcing are deployed

by authorities (Government or CSOs/NGOs) to accumulate the real-time information

from people who were affected by the disaster for improving the resource allocations

and emergency response. A variety of web-based and mobile based applications are

available for enabling active crowdsourcing in disaster-affected area.

B. Volcanic Disaster Management

In various ways, destruction and disaster are caused by Volcanoes in worldwide. The

volcanic eruption causes the drop of rock or harmful explosion. Second, during the

volcano eruption, lava could also be produced. Finally, volcanic ash may also form a

cloud, and may settle thickly in the nearby locations. Millions of lives are taken in last

century by Volcanic eruption. Artificial intelligence and Machine learning algorithms

are currently preferences to discover the patterns that are suspicious in the activities

of volcano.

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Fig. 5 IoT-Based Classification for Disaster Management Systems

C. Flood Disaster Management

The most unfortunate occasions that happen in different nations around the globe

for every single year is Flood. As of late, to save the lives among influenced zones,

IoT has been applied. A coordinated flood and climate discovery and warnings

framework are proposed where Short Message Service (SMS)- based notice,

circumstance of the flood influenced territories, discernible alerts, perception that

depend on online interface is facilitated[12].

D. Forest Fire Disaster Management

The old accidents that happens on the earth is Forest Fire. As of late, different

ruinous occurrences were occurred, (i.e.) in Uttarakhand, India 7 individuals kicked

the bucket in the woodland fire where 4,048 hectares were scorched. Numerous

episodes likewise are going on around the globe all through year routinely [13].

Thinking about the Internet as a spine, novel FWI calculation was proposed in [14]

utilizing sensors alongside WSN for deciding the event of woods fire and dynamic.

E. Landslide Disaster Management

It happens at brief period, after fast deforestation or seismic tremor ordinarily

followed by hefty downpour. As of late, at Sikkim, a slope state in India, hardly any

setbacks was accounted for because of the successive rehashed avalanches. The

radiant showing is done at Dehradun, India, by fusing pressure sensor, dampness

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sensor, slant sensor, strain measure with Arduino, geophone. The Zig-honey bee

handsets are utilized to send and get the dirt shifting data and dampness level. At

Idukki locale, Kerala, India, a comparative methodology is performed by Ramesh [15]

where downpour fall actuated avalanche was observed.

F. Earthquake Disaster Management

Tremor is the regular occasions which happen nearly 24 hours in many pieces of the

earth. It causes numerous individuals as destitute and bites the dust. The most current

occasion that was recorded in Nepal, April 2015, took around 9,000 living souls and

22,000 individuals were much harmed. Nonetheless, the scientists are tenaciously

connected with to devise and build up the IoT based model which will advise us the

potential areas of casualties that are distantly before the episode happens. At

Onagawa, Japan, one ongoing progression which is world class towards the IoT

joining with the quake observing is executed by 'NerveNet' [16].

G. Industrial Disaster Management

They are sufficiently enormous to get human lives and furthermore to harm the

laborers monetary condition, government and plants. The possibility of event becomes

higher with regards to coal, gas, oil and electrical ventures [16].

H. Urban Disaster Management

In metropolitan territories, the rundown of accidents are expanded in view of different

appalling occurrences. Predominantly, gigantic accidents, development mishap,

unapproved development of air vehicles and metropolitan flood are as often as

possible noticed. The danger factor will be high, when the catastrophe is identified

with any keen urban communities with greatest inclusion zones which are completely

furnished with advanced infrastructures. A tale procedure at this setting parts with of

checking the perils with its outskirts [17].

I. Terrorist Attack Management

It is one among the human-made calamities. Thus, powerful procedures were needed

to fight and protect the people in question. To anticipate the assaults, an engineering

which depends on IoT is proposed in [18].

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J. Victim Localization

To more secure the casualties from a calamity, proficient confinement framework and

situating framework are fundamental [19]. Miniature Air Vehicle (MAV) was moved

toward productively in a shocking situation. To follow the person in question, Basiri

et al. [20] applied the idea of MAV to find a casualty with the assistance of a receiver

that has been appended.


A. Disaster management need

Disaster that management endeavors intend to lessen or dodge the expected misfortunes

from perils, guarantee fast and suitable help to the casualties of a calamity, and accomplish

a quick and compelling recuperation. It is essential that emergency clinics stay protected

and utilitarian during and after fiascos. Debacle the board alludes to the preservation of

lives and property during regular or man-made fiascos. Calamity the management plans

are multi-layered and are intended to address issues like floods, typhoons, fires, mass

disappointment of utilities, fast spread of sickness and dry seasons.

C. Managing Issues

Fig. 6. A disaster is occurring in given area.

In disaster management, lack of technical support is the main issue. Coordination in

preparing ourselves against disaster to face, management of team work while disaster

is occurring and meeting after effects which are never scheduled the

scenarios are considered while preparing to face a disaster as shown in Fig 6.

The events should be followed at the occurrence of disaster are:

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i. Medical and ambulance services

ii. Transportation facilities

iii. Providing alert message to public and update.

iv. Rescue team arrival and Police

v. Food, water, hospitality, shelter, and electricity which are Short term needs.

vi. Based on the demolition Providing rehabilitation, relief and packages.


By above mentioned issues, a developed system to interlinking one with other by

technology for proper management. The systems are connected by the IoT technology.

The Fig 7.shows about the various department and contorl station with two way

communication which are involved. Likewise, the control station is centralised, so the

communication among the departments takes place easily. Thus, every department can be

brought which provides events control and flexibility. The entire rescue management can

be handled by an administrator or by administrating team. The disasters can be monitored

by the mobile application.

Fig. 7 Bi-directional correspondence model between the control community and different offices working

with disaster management.


In this paper, we discussed about using IoT for techniques of disaster management. The

damages by the disaster can be reduced by interlinking the departments via IoT. To handle

the emergency technologies like IoT, Embedded systems and Sensor networks can be

used. If the system we proposed can be implemented, any disaster can be faced. In future,

this methodology includes algorithm preparation with department coordination,

communication with satellite by linking and every event occurrences are track and rescue


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signals from Micro Air Vehicles,” IEEE Int. Conf. Intell. Robot. Syst., pp. 4737–4742, 2012.

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 77

Smart IoT System for the Reduction of Post-harvest Spoilage in Food



Professor, Department of IT, Malla Reddy Engineering College for Women, Secunderabad, India

Email id: [email protected]


Professor, Department of CSE, St. Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, India

Email id: [email protected]


Principal & Professor in CSE, St. Martin’s Engineering College, Secunderabad, India

Abstract-With rapidly increasing global population fulfilling their food demand is a challenging and

major concern across the globe. Many people are already facing the issues of hunger due to urbanization

and different climatic conditions. More than one third of food is wasted due to improper maintenance

after harvesting. Postharvest losses are high developing countries comparing with developed countries. In

order to reduce post -harvest losses, a sustainable solution is needed with affordable cost. Post-harvest

spoilage detection increases the agricultural productivity, food availability, and eliminates the poverty of

farmers. Especially, cereal grains are highly affected due to post-harvest storage among all the

agricultural products and it is a most widely food in many countries. It is essential to develop highly cost-

effective system to prevent post-harvest losses of grains. With advancement of latest technologies, the post-

harvest losses can be reduced significantly with real time monitoring system. This paper introduces a low

cost IoT solution and advanced analytics to alleviate the problems faced by farmers.

Keywords-Post harvest losses, food safety, food grain, Internet of Things, Arduino, Sensors.

1. Introduction

The global population is increasing rapidly and it will reach 9 billion by 2050[1]. There

will be a huge demand for food supply to the entire population. The gobal food production

have to be increased and food safety need to be ensured. Also many people are

undernourished due to poor agricultural practices. Most of the countries focused on

increasing agricultural production and proper usage of land for cultivation to satisfy their

food needs. But the food wastage also increased because of post harvest losses and it

requires extra attention. Especially in developing countries majority of losses occuring

between harvest and distributing to the customer. Considering the total loss, 75 per cent of

the post-harvest losses occur at the farm level and about 25 per cent at the market level

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[15]. Mainly, controlling the humidity of the non-perishable foods are essential for

maintaining the qualtiy in storage. The figure 1 shows the improper storage of food that

leads to the loss of quality and quantity. The post harvest loss includes quantitative and

qualitative loss along with supply chain starting from the harvest to consumption. The

figure 2 shows the post harvest loss components. The quantitave loss may be measured by

weight of the food. The qualitative loss is measured interms of nutritional value, color and

change of taste in the food. The quantitative loss may occur due to pests or environmental

changes. Qualitative loss may occur due to pests, rodents and birds.In developing

countries, agricultural sector provides major source of economy . Unfortunately, the poor

farmers are not able to afford the advanced technologies for food protection. Thus it is

neceassry to develop solutions to reduce the post harvest losses with minimal investment

and increase the high return to farmers.

Post harvest loss includes the loss during the process of harvesting of crop,

threshing, winnowing, drying, bagging, storage, and transportation until its consumption.

The loss in every stage can not be completely controlled but it can be lessened. The loss

due to poor harvest management is one third of the harvest. This high loss is due to

inappropriate management of food grains and inadequacy of facilities [12].

Figure 1. Improper stroage of food

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Quantitative Loss

Qualitative Loss

Storage of foods play a major role in eliminating hunger problems of many people.

Proper storage and maintenance of foods after harvesting increases the profit of the

farmers. But the unscientific design of storage structure may leads to the loss and it cannot

gurantee the protection against pests, moisture and other unpredicted happenings [13].

Most of the farmers are storing their food grains in open space, baskets and polypropylene

bags. These poor storage methods results in loss and leads to food insecurity. Therefore an

efficient infrastrucutre need to be developed with the help of latest technologies to prevent

the post harvest loss of food grains. Timely monitoring of parameters are essential inorder

to preserve the quality of the grain. Also in developing countries various extension

programs need to be conducted to farmers [14].

Figure 2. Components of Post Harvest Loss

Post harvest loss is a multifaceted problem and it varies depending on the storage

practices, weather conditions and the economical position of the countries. Many countries

depend on grains for satisfying the needs of an individual. The grains should be stored and

monitored properly until its consumption [19, 20]. Due to vital importance, monitoring of

grain storage is an significant task and requires a technology intervention. It is very

imporatnt to provide safety for grains to ensure quality that have direct impact on the

people those who are having grains as essential food. The effective monitoring system

with differenet measure and means need to be deployed to ensure safety and increasing

farmer’s revenue. To avoid spoilage of the grains a safe storage management must be

provided. In Internet of Things(IoT) different objects are connected through wired or

wirless connection. The objects in IoT exchange the information and provide intelligent

services to the user with the help of Internet. The IoT devices performs sensing, gathering

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and processing the data. IoT provide various services such as tracking the objects,

healthcare, environmental moniotring, home automation and smart security. The proposed

system introduces an IoT based solution to protect food grains from post harvest loss and

also provide real time information about the storage area. The main contributions of the


1. Building and developing an IoT based system that monitors the environment parameters

like temperature, humidity and CO2 level of storage area.

2. Develop notification system to dispatch the stock in correct sequence.

The content of the article is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses about relevant work

that are related to providing safety to the food grains and preventing post hjarvest loss.In

Section 3 issues and challenges of existing storage methods are discussed. Section 4

provide the quality measure for the grain storage sysetm. Section 5 presents model of the

proposed system. Section 6 provides the conclusion.

2. Related Review

Purandare et al[2] proposed a machine learning approach to increase the productivity and

reduce the post-harvest loss of the farmers. Machine learning technique is used to predict

the harvesting time, probable diseases based on collected data dynamically and send

notification early to the farmers. Sensors are used for measuring the temperature and

humidity of the grains stored in go down. Shilpa and Sheeba [3] proposed an automated

real time monitoring system to monitor the temperature and humidity of storage area and

communicate the status to the farmers. The system was designed using Arduino and GSM

module to improve the quality of storage place. They also used flip switch for security

purpose and ultrasonic sensor for detecting the pests.

Akilaand Shalini [4] proposed an automated storage system using humidity, temperature

andgas sensors. These sensors are used to measure the quality food grains stored in go

downs. The proposed system monitors the environmental parameters and send notification

to the system administrator. Nayanietal.[16] proposed an IoT device to capture the moisture and

temperature inside the warehouse. Based on the captured value, the alert message will be sent to

the warehouse manager or farmer. This system used temperature sensor and humidity sensor to

monitor the status of grains in storage.

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Onibonoje and Olowu [17] introduced an application based wireless sensor network to provide

automated monitoring system. They have considered the real time variation of temperature,

humidity and light illumination parameters for controlling the monitoring system. The different

hardware components used in their model are XBee transceiver, Arduino platforms, and relay

modules. The accuracy of this monitoring system was 96%. Kumar and Lakkannavar [18]

proposed a granary environmental monitoring system using ARM and ZigBee. They are using

sensor nodes to determine the environmental parameters. Their model considered temperature,

CO2, humidity and light intensity as a variation parameter to measure the quality of grains.

In addition to that various food storage monitoring systems are developed to monitor various food

items like apple, longan fruit, maize and others [5,7, 9,]. These monitoring systems used Fuzzy

logic controllers [8], Raspberry pi [11], microcontroller with relay module [10] and ESP8266

microcontrollers [21]

The main goal of the proposed approach is to reduce the post-harvest loss by deploying

various sensors and increases the profit to farmers.

3. Issues and Challenges in Existing Storage System

Generally, the grains are stored in bags or bulk mode. The common storage structure for storing

food items are underground structures and surface structures [21]. In underground storage structure

well like structure is preferred. These structures are made up of mud, stone, brick and cement bin.

The storage capacities of these structures are in the range of 1.5 to 150 tones. In surface storage

structure, the grains are stored in either bags or bulk storage. If the grains are stored in bags it is

easy for transportation. Bag Storage is safety and maintains the grains always dry. In bulk storage

the grains are stored in either bin or silos to store large quantity. In this method, the grains are

stored in air tight container and it is protected from pests and other threats.

The most common methods for storing food grains are covered storage, Silos, Cover and Plinth. In

covered storage method, the food items are grains are stored in bags and the bags are kept in

godowns. In CAP storage method, the grains are covered with water proof material. CAP storage

is subject to vulnerable to wind and it should monitor frequently to prevent the damage. In silo

storage method, the grains are stored in bulk. Steel or reinforced concrete is used for constructing

silo structures. In the existing storage methods various issues need to be considered to ensure the

safety of food.

The different issues faced by these storage structuresare food degradation, poor storage facilities,

frequent changes in environment parameters, unavailability of storage capacity, handling pests and

insects [21]. Whatever may be the storage method, food degradation is a serious problem while

considering the quality. Due to various reasons such as environmental conditions, chemical

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reactions and insect manifestation the food undergoes deterioration. Later, the food grains are unfit

for consumption. Due to poor economic conditions the farmers are not having proper storage

facilities to store grains. The food grains are affected by pests and insects. Lack of safe storage

structure leads to cracks, shrinking and breaking of grains. Changes in environmental parameters

like temperature and moisture affects the quality and leads to the growth of molds.

4. Quality Measures

Maintaining the quality of grains stored in warehouse is essential for ensuring the food

safety of millions of people. The various threats to grains stored in warehouse are insects,

fungi, sprouting, loss of germination, handling damage, rodents and birds. This leads to

both quantiative as well as qualitative loss. Various factors such as humidity,temperature

and CO2 levels are mainly affect the quality of grains.The temperature is a major factor

that affects the quality of storage. Constant temperature need to be maintained to preserve

the quality of the grains. During storage, the following characteristics of grains need to be

considered like grain volume weight, pourability, temperature, moisture content, purity

levels. Extraneous temperature and moisture have a significant impact on the quality of the


It is important to monitor the variation in temperature in order to maintain the quality of

grains. If the temperature is greater than 15o C then the insects and molds are grow well

and also leads leads to mycotoxin development and insect activity. If the temperature is

low, then the growth of insects and other threats are avoided. In order to maintain constant

temperature a sensor is required for continuous monitoring.

High moisture content affect the quality of the grains, which leads to fungal, pest problems

and germination. The moisture level of the grains are measured using mixing ratio, relative

humidity, absolute humidity, specific humidity, dew point, frost point, volume ratio.

5. Grain Storage Monitoring System

This section provides the methodology adopted for monitoring the stroed grains in storage.

The figure 3 show the working of real time monitoring system. This system uses three

sensors namely, temperature, humidity and gas sensors in storage area and sends the

information to the IoT device.

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Figure 3. Model of a Grain Storage Monitoring System

DTH11 sensor is used as a Temperature and Hunidity sensor that is interfaced with

Arduino microcontroller to measure the varitions in temperature and moisture content.

Temperature and humidity sensor is connected to 3rd pin of Ardunio controller. This

sensor monitors the variation of temperature in stroage area. It also measures the water

content that is present in the atmosphere and it moniors the humidity level.

Gas sensor is used to measure the concentration of CO2 present in the stroage place. This

sensor is connected to 5th pin of micro controller. Based on the variation of CO2 value this

sensor gives the various output voltage. MQ-2 sensor is used as gas sensor which is highly

sensitive to alcohol, LPG and smoke. The gas sensor measures the value of CO2 in terms

of PPM only. The figure 4 represents hardware of the IoT Monitoring System.

Figure 3. Hardware of IoT Monitoring System

The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on a removable, ATmega328 AVR

microcontroller. This controller consists of 20 digital input/output pins out of which 6 can

be used as PWM outputs and 6 can be used as analog inputs. Programs can be loaded on to

it from the easy-to-use Arduino computer program. This microcontroller is able to read

inputs from sensors and a finger on a button and produces output in different methods.

Gas Sensor

Mobile Application Humidity Sensor

IoT Device

Temperature Sensor

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No When

Threshold less

than or more


Alert message

Inspection for Threshold Value

Read sensor data

Initialize the System

Arduino IDE environment is used to program Arduino controller and other sensor nodes.

The IoT device inspects the values of sensors on different timestamps round the clock.

Then these values are compared with threshold value. If the environment parameter values

are more or less than the threshold value an alert message will be send to the

corresponding person. The workflow of the monitoring system is depicted in figure 5. This

automated monitoring system has been suitable for all types of strorage structures.

Figure 5. Flow of Monitoring Grains in Warehouse

MQ-2 sensor is used to measure the carbon dioxide present in the storage area. This sensor

is used to detect the spoiled food grains. Whenever carbon dioxide gas is detected the

Arduino conroller sends the message to warehouse manager or farmer then the corrective

action will be taken to protect the grains. The temperature, humidity and CO2 value is

monitored at different timestamps.

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6. Conclusion

Production of food grains in India is 291.95 million tonnes during the year 2019-2020

which was higher by 6.74 million tonnes than the production of foodgrain of 285.21

million tonnes achieved during2018-19. Eventhough the production is huge, the post

production loss is heavy due to various reasons. It is necessary to strengthen the

conventional stroage system to minimize the post-harvest storage losses. Ensuring safety

to food stored in storage area is the current need. The proposed system introduced

automated monitoring system to protect the grains stored in storage area using different

sensor devices such as MQ-2 and DH11 sensor by reducing the usage of man power. In

future, the concept of machine learning can be incorporated to make the system intelligent

and smarter.


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Dr. J.Jebathangam

Assistant Professor, Dept. of Comp Science VISTAS,Chennai,India.

Email id: [email protected]


Research Scholar, Dept. of Comp Science VISTAS,Chennai,India

ABSTRACT-Billions of devices connected to internet for sharing data or for collecting data around the world

is referred as the Internet of Things (IoT). Different technologies are already been used in Business world,

the strength of Digital has provided the world of business a chance to adopt Internet of Things. As the

advancement of internet technology is rapid the retailers are urged to use IoT technology to improve

efficiency and customer relationship. The Internet of things has helped the retailers in innovating their

services successfully. Smart retail is the combination of traditional shopping with “smart” technologies.

Using GPS sensors, the retailers can get a clear picture of movement of goods, in addition IoT applications

can generate data from mobile and social media and it is used to check inventory and order for products

based on the data analytics obtained from IoT data. The proposed system focuses mainly on building smart

retail infrastructure and developing a good customer relationship. The system includes IoT based sensors,

Server and Data analytics algorithm to improve the business. The Proposed IoT based smart retail system is

integrated with Loadcell, HX711 sensor, RFID tag and a web interface to provide increased efficiency and

ensures quality and sustainable output.

Keywords-smart retail, inventory management, Retailers,Load cell, HX711 Sensor, RFID tag.

I. Introduction

The Retail industry in India has been grown abundantly that it has become one of the

top places for global investment. In Indian Economy retailing has become one of the main

pillars as it gives more income to the government. Creating a customized solution in Retail

sector will mainly help the customers in getting a proper delivery of goods, service and a

good customer experience.To improve the customer experience in shopping the retailers

have started using smart devices and IoT. Retailers are focusing on emerging technologies

to give a better shopping experience for the customers.

IoT refers to Network between physical objects called things, these things are

embedded with electronics, networks, software and sensors. The emerging of IoT has

improved many things in our life. The main four fundamental concepts of IoT are

sensors/Devices, connectivity, Data processing and User interface. The data from the

environment is collected by the sensors. Each data collected from the environment has

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different level of complexity in collecting it. The data can be either in the form of video,

monitoring temperature or any type of values. The datas collected through sensors are

stored in cloud infrastructure. A communication medium is used to connect the sensors

collecting data with the cloud infrastructure. The connectivity medium either can be

mobile, wifi, WAN, Bluetooth and satellite networks. Data Processing is done on the

gathered data in the cloud. The processed information will be seen by the end user through

their mobile phones by SMS and by sending E-mail or any other text messages. The user

need an interface to interact with the IoT, the user interface is just an application in a

device used by the customer. The device can be a laptop, mobile phone or a desktop. The

user interface can be done by touching , Voice controlled or any other interface through


Some of the main applications of IOT are Smart Thermostats, Connected Cars,

Activity Trackers, Smart Outlets Parking Sensors, Connect Health, Smart home, Smart

supply chain.

II. Related Work

The Warehouse inventory management must take into account several aspects, the

tracking of inventory must be done perfectly even there is no direct contact with the

product. Smart communication technologies like Facial Recognition, Vision technology

and RFID has to be used in the stores to change them in to smart stores[1].Smart retailing

is the combination of smart technologies like IoT with retail to give a better outcome.

Identifying the location of the product is called Localization which is important for smart

retail. Component Location, Data filtering, data collection and data mining component are

the four components for Localization[2]. RFID technology in the retail industry does not

need any human to keep track of the product location in the shop.Moreover web 2.0 tools

has made a great impact on the retail organization in increasing its productivity ,the

organization revenue is improved and it is mainly useful to help in the satisfaction of the

customers while purchasing[3].

i) Benefits of IOT in Retail Business

The retail sector has number of benefits with IOT. Stocks should be updated

correctly for good retail business, so now a days retailers have started using solutions

based on IOT to improve Inventory control. Many Ecommerce retail has started using

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smart shelves with the help of cameras and sensors collect information about all the

customers and the goods purchased by the customers. This technology helps the retailers

to categorize the products by its color, size etc. and also to to know in prior the

information about the items that run out of stock. IoT is also helping the retailers in

logistics. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global Positioning System (GPS) is

playing a vital role in delivering the product to the customers. The information is gathered

in cloud by tags so that the system can track the item and inform the person incharge about

the status of the product. Retailers can easily identify where the product is mishandled

during online shopping. The customers are mainly important for any type of business. So

IoT devices are connected with mobile, desktop or any social media to collect all the

information about the customers. The informations will be like what customers have

bought earlier and what product they like to buy in future, customer age, occupation,

gender etc. E-purchase of clothes has made a revolution by introducing smart mirrors.

Smart mirrors has given a new online shopping experience by giving voice recognition

and face recoginition to help the customers to find their matching clothes and other

suggestions by giving the customers tips personally. Sensors are used to automate the

service which efficiently increase the production level. Automated inventory system helps

to reduce cost in losses obtained by overloading of stock. Money spent on sales person or

security is also reduced. By these methods IoT has brought a great change in the Retail

Industry. It is acknowledged that IoT will disrupt the retail industry quickly in the future.

ii) Automatic Business process by IOT

According to the standard Industrial Classification (SIC) retail industry is defined as a

business which buy new or old goods from any other business or manufacturers and sell it

to the public without making changes or alteration to the goods. Everyday IoT has

significantly changed the business process, Using IoT the customer will be guided directly

to the product what they want to buy using the devices enabled with IoT. IoT devices are

helpful in creating new models , to increase the productivity which in turn increases the

sale. Checkout process is optimized in retail business using IoT where the customer is

charged and the checkout process is done automatically and they need not stand in Queue.

Labour cost and time is reduced due to this automatic process.

RFID is mainly used for identifying and tracking the product because it is mainly

focusing on the identification number which is unique. The tag has 3 main sections they

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are active, passive and semipassive tags. Among the three tags passive tag has gained

more importance because of its low size, consumes less power and there will not be any

interference issue in any type of hard environments. The carrier signal in the reader

specially powers the passive tag. When the passive tag passes through electromagnetic

zone the tag gets activated. It is very hard to use the active and semi-passive tag as it is of

big size and it operates by battery. Even though in many applications RFID tags are used it

is very well suited by identifying and tracking the objects in inventory[4].

Intelligent warehouse data management system supported the IOT get a great deal of

information of various product through the utilization of advanced sensing element

technology, and on the basis of web and cloud computing technologies, achieves

intelligent process and management of the products in in/out of storage and product

handling method, rising the efficiency of warehouse management and cut back the error

rate for enterprises. Also reduces prices and also the work of workers. a lot of and a lot of

enterprises can adopt it to urge greater help for the socio-economic and speedy

development of enterprises[6]. The Bar code reader alone cannot help to improve the

inventory system with the low level of Technology. The proposed system here uses the

902 MHZ RFID tag, Microsoft visual studio and MYsql and the platform is developed in

C# in ASP.NET. This work helps to reduce the human effort in inventory management

and it is also used to increase the improvement in Inventory management in Warehouse.

AS usage of RFID is increased in the application of inventory management.[12]

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III Technologies used for IoT in Retail Business

i) Load Cell

Load cell is a device that produces electrical signal propotional to the force applied.

For different types of Load cell the configuration to hook the load cell to the surface will

differ. Bar type Load cell is used for this research work. It is a weight measurement device

which is used to display the weight of the product in figure.

ii) HX711 Sensor:

Measurable data from the load cell is obtained through the HX711 amplifier. It is a

analog to digital converter(24 bit) used to interface directly with the Load cell. When

compared to the other sensors it has only basic functions and integrated with other

features to give a fast response. The performance and reliability is more with lower cost.

Load cell joined to the HX711 Amplifier board.

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Open HX711 Arduino library .Zip file can be downloaded from the GitHub repo and the

library is installed manually. It is a open source software in which coding is easier. Programming

languages like C and C++ is supported in this IDE.

Installation of HX711 Arduino library

#include “HX711.h

#define DOUT 3

#define CLX 2

HX711 scale;

Float calibration_factor =-7050;

Void setup()



Serial.println(“HX711 calibration sketch”);

Serial.println(“Remove all weight from scale”);

Serial.println(“After readings begin, place known weight 0 n scale”);

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Serial.println(“press + or a to increase calibration facto r”);

Serial.println(“press – or z to decrease calibration facto r”);

Scale.begin(DOUT, CLK);



Long zero_factor = scale.read_average();

Serial.print(“Zero factor: “);


Void loop()



Serial.print(“Reading: “):

Serial.print(scale.get_units(), 1);

Serial.print(“ lbs “);

Serail.print(“calibaration_factor: “);





Char temp =

if(temp == ‘+’ || temp == ‘a’)

calibration_factor +=10;

else if(temp == ‘-‘ || temp == ‘z’)

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calibration_factor -= 10;




Radio Frequency Identification tags used along with IoT will be able to maintain a

correct record of the items stored in the shop. It is cost effective as it works with a battery and

does not need any power supply separately. It makes the inventory management more accurate ,

and the time is also saved as there is no barcode scanning. RFID helps the retailers to spot each

product in the shop and it helps to trace the product from the first level of production till the sales

of the product. This technology uses radiowaves to read from the device. It has a microchip

installed in its antenna. The reader will be able to either read and write information in tag. The

tag is a tiny microchip embedded with a small aerial which holds all the information about the

product in digital format. The tag is of material like plastic or paper attached to the product

package or in the truck carrying the product. The information collected by the reader is

processed by computer program. The reader can be placed any where in the shop or organisation

to track the items when it is moved. RFID tracking has more advantage than the barcode reader.

Even at a distance of several metres the tags can be read. At a particular time several tags can be

read simultaneously. It avoids stock being overloaded or understock of any item in the

enterprise. It also provides security to the item. As the cost of RFID tagging is reduced it has

attracted many retailers recently.

III Methodology

A model is proposed in this research work to reach the full potential in IoT. In this

section the technologies and the method used in the proposed system is discussed. Arduino

UNO is used to track the stock in the shop and give an alert when the stock is decreased.

RFID is used to read the information related to the product. This RFID technology is used

to locate the product, read the product, compute the information about the product and

updating about the location of each product. The RFID tag can be attached with the

shopping cart to get a better experience and give a stress free shopping to the customers.

The network connectivity is provided by WIFI . The status, availability and the details of

the product are stored in the cloud. All these data can be accessed through the application

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which can be installed in our device. The application is designed only for the ease of the


The customers can perform following operations on the app.

Create a list of items to be purchased

Can View the product list

Can search for an item in shop

Can collect the details of an item.

The retailer can perform the following operations in the app

Can manage the administrator profile

Can add the product

Can delete the product

Can update the product.

FIG.1 Flow diagram of the inventory manageme

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Load cell




Functional Reqirements of the proposed Inventory management system:

1. RFID is used to capture the correct stock.

2. To create an alert for damaged product so that it can be removed

3. The Inventory manager is alerted periodically to take necessary decision.

4. Helps to track the misplaced stock.

Non-Functional Requirements of the proposed Inventory Management System:

Depending upon the size of the organization, the number of products to be

tracked will vary. The proposed system should be able to store large amount of

information regardless of the size of the organization. The inventory must be up to date,

the response time of keeping track of the product should not have any delay. The system

should provide the accurate information of the product to the customer. The backup of

data should be done properly to maintain the correct data in case of any failures or to

prepare report of the inventory.

For a real time, inventory management, a proper communication has to be set

between the server and the inventory tracking system. The quantity of the item is updated

Fig.2 Block diagram of the proposed system


LAPTOP Web service



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Webservice Interface

This interface is loosely coupled programmable web application. It is used to

exchange information without the interference of other software. The device uses simple

interface function to know the updates about the product. A set of system functions is used

for this interface.


The ability of the computer system to exchange information worldwide between apps

and the web, the retail business has started replacing its products from its shop to ecommerce.

Big data analytics and IoT has automated & optimized the operations and made the decision

making simpler. IoT has helped the retail business to connect the product with the revenue and

in turn customer to the products. This research work has proposed a model to improve the retail

business and the customer shopping experience. The customers and the owners will be able to

know the availability of the product and the customers can use the application to search for the

product they wish to buy. The application can be used by the retailer to monitor the sales of the

product, monitor the stock and to order for the product if necessary.


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Multi-Hop Wirless Body Area Network Construction for Health Care

Using IoT


Assistant Professor ,PG & Research Department of Computer Science ,Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts

and Science

[email protected]

Dr. R.Annamalai Saravanan

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Nehru Arts and Science College

[email protected]

Dr V Sangeetha

Associate Professor,Department of Computer Science,Karpagam Academy of Higher Education

[email protected]

Abstract-With an improvement in innovation and scaling down of sensors, there have been endeavors to

use the new innovation in different territories to improve the nature of human existence. One primary

region of examination that has seen a reception of the innovation is the medical care area. The

individuals needing medical care administrations think that its pricey this is especially evident in

agricultural nations. Therefore, this paper is an endeavor to take care of a medical care issue right now

society is looking in our country. The fundamental goal of the paper was to plan a far off medical care

framework. It's involved three principle parts. The initial segment being, recognition of patient's vitals

utilizing sensors, second for sending information to distributed storage and the last part was giving the

recognized information to far off survey. Far off review of the information empowers a specialist or

watchman to screen a patient's wellbeing progress away from emergency clinic premises. The Internet of

Things (IoT) ideas have been broadly used to interconnect the accessible clinical assets and offer

brilliant, solid, and viable medical care administration to the patients. Wellbeing checking for dynamic

and helped living is one of the standards that can utilize the IoT preferences to improve the patient's way

of life. In this paper, we have introduced an IoT design tweaked for medical care applications. The point

of the paper was to fabricate a Remote Health Monitoring System that can be made with locally accessible

sensors with the end goal of making it moderate if it somehow managed to be mass created. Thus the

proposed design gathers the sensor information through Arduino microcontroller and transfers it to the

cloud where it is prepared and broke down for far off survey.

Keywords-Health care, Sensors, microcontroller, relay.

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The Internet of Things, generally curtailed as IoT, alludes to the association of

gadgets (other than commonplace toll like PCs and cell phones) to the Internet. Vehicles,

kitchen machines, and even heart screens would all be able to be associated through the

IoT. What's more, as the Internet of Things fills in the following not many years, more

gadgets will join that rundown. IoT system encourages sellers to receive arising IoT

innovation and convey it in the most limited time conceivable[4]. With the assistance of

IoT system, merchants will actually want to diminish the time it takes to create items and

administrations dependent on the Internet of Things. IoT structure enhances items

dependent on it to find different gadgets, look after availability, send information and deal

with that information cleverly. The IoT structure by Allerin is based upon a protected

establishment where security, character and information authorizations are given first

concern system lessens the general chance to construct IoT-empowered items by

quickening the improvement cycle which thus decreases the time needed to send the item

and invigorates development[2].

As we are moving towards a cutting edge world, the need for a more brilliant and

shrewd wellbeing observing framework is getting vital both in rustic and metropolitan

hospitals. According to a study led by GSMA, by 2020, there will be 2.0 billion IoT

gadgets sent yearly to the consumers.10% of these gadgets will liable to be utilized for

more astute medical care. Patient’s physiological information is utilized by specialists and

experts to all the more likely comprehend their wellbeing. These data is moreover used by

friendly protection affiliations, and drug associations to all the more likely manage human

administrations, expenses, prosperity, and repayments A.Mdhaffar,T Chaari discussed this

possible eventual fate of numerous organizations being developed of IoT items for clinical


In this chapter, we propose an ease, far off, solid IoT-based wellbeing observing

framework R3HMS that permits the specialists and clinical staffs to screen patients in a

more adaptable manner. The methodology depends on gathering physiological

measurements by means of clinical sensors and sending gathered information to a far off

worker through remote web passage. A specialist or an approved clinical individual can

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get to this information from any far off place from the cloud or portable application and

can call for crisis estimations if there should arise an occurrence of basic condition. This

task gives us the improvement of an auduino based framework for remote heartbeat and

temperature checking utilizing WiFi module[4]. By this we can undoubtedly give

continuous data accessible to numerous clients and can send them alert in basic conditions

over web. In India numerous patients are passing on account of coronary failures and

explanation for this factor is that they are not getting appropriate assistance during the

time frame. To give them ideal and legitimate assistance first we need to persistent

observing of patient wellbeing. The fixed observing framework can be utilized just when

the patient is lying on bed and these frameworks are colossal and just accessible in the

emergency clinics in ICU. The framework is produced for home use by patients that are

not in a basic condition but rather should be convenient checked by specialist or family.


Day by day observing of medical issue at home is significant for a compelling plan

for early determination, therapy, and anticipation of way of life related illnesses like

adiposis, diabetes and cardiovascular infections. While numerous monetarily accessible

gadgets for home medical care observing are generally utilized, those are lumbering as far

as self-connection of natural sensors and self-activity of them. From this perspective, I

have been building up a non-cognizant physiological checking framework without

connection of any sensors to the human body just as any tasks for the estimation. I built up

certain gadgets introduced in a latrine, a shower, and a bed and showed their high

estimation accuracy by examination with synchronous accounts of conventional organic

sensors straightforwardly connected to the body. To research that relevance to the ailment

observing, I have built up a checking framework in mix with all the checking gadgets at

emergency clinic rooms and recently did the estimations of patients' medical issue.

Further, in this investigation, the ailments were estimated in 10 patients with

cardiovascular illness or rest issue. From these outcomes, the patients' ailments, for

example, the body and discharge weight in the latrine, the ECG during scrubbing down

and the beat and breath rate during resting were effectively observed in the medical clinic

room, exhibiting its handiness for checking the ailment of the subjects with cardiovascular

illness or rest problem [3].

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These days, Heart-related infections are on the ascent. Heart failure is cited as the

significant supporter of the abrupt and surprising passing rate in the advanced pressure

filled way of life around the world. A framework that cautions the individual about the

beginning of the illness prior naturally will be a help to the general public[7]. This is

reachable by sending progresses in remote innovation to the current patient observing

framework. This paper proposes the improvement of a module that gives portability to the

specialist and the patient, by receiving a basic and mainstream strategy, recognizing the

irregularities in the bio sign of the patient ahead of time and sending a SMS caution to the

specialist through Global System for Mobile(GSM) subsequently taking appropriate

careful steps consequently diminishing the basic level of the patient. Overall reviews led

by World Health Organization (WHO) have affirmed that the heart-related sicknesses are

on the ascent. A considerable lot of the heart related issues are ascribed to the cutting edge

ways of life, food propensities, weight, smoking, tobacco biting and absence of actual

activities and so on the post-usable patients can create entanglements whenever they are

released from the medical clinic. In certain patients, the heart issues may reoccur, when

they begin accomplishing their normal work. Henceforth the ECG of such patients should

be checked for quite a while after their treatment. This aides in diagnosing the ill-advised

working of the heart and play it safe [5]. A portion of these lives can regularly be saved if

intense consideration and cardiovascular medical procedure is given inside the purported

brilliant hour. Along these lines, the requirement for guidance on direct clinical

consideration and advancement of good wellbeing by quiet observing and follow-up gets

unavoidable. Thus, patients who are in danger necessitate that their heart wellbeing to be

checked much of the time whether they are inside or outside so crisis treatment is

conceivable. Telemedicine is generally viewed as a component of the inescapable eventual

fate of the advanced act of medication [4].


Web of Things (IoT) is the arising worldview, which contains colossal measure of

brilliant item and keen gadgets associated with the web for speaking with one another.

These keen gadgets are utilized to gather heartbeat, temperature and so forth, which are

utilized to assess the medical issue of the patient. Conveying the gathered data to the

specialist, settling on precise choice on the information gathered and advising the patient

is the difficult errand in the IoT. This framework recommends the patient with clinical

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consideration and subsequent stage to be continued in the event of basic circumstance. The

PHMS framework is assessed for specific boundaries and the choices made on the

information acquired from the source are expected to assess the framework. The

reproduced results analyze the accuracy and viability of the proposed framework.

a) Hardware Specifications

Heartbeat Sensor is a very much planned fitting and-play pulse sensor for Arduino.

The sensor cuts onto a fingertip or ear cartilage and plugs directly into Arduino. It likewise

incorporates an open-source checking application that diagrams your heartbeat

progressively. The front of the sensor is the covered with the Heart shape logo. This is the

side that connects with the skin. On the front you see a little circular opening, which is the

place where the LED radiates through from the back, and there is likewise somewhat

square under the LED. The square is an encompassing light sensor, precisely like the one

utilized in mobile phones, tablets, and workstations, to change the screen splendor in

various light conditions. The LED focuses light into the fingertip or ear cartilage, or other

slender tissue, and sensor peruses the measure of light that ricochets back. That is the way

it ascertains the pulse. The opposite side of the sensor is the place where the remainder of

the parts is mounted.

Figure 1 - Pulse rate sensor

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B) Configuring Thing Speak to record Patient Data Online

Thing Speak provides very good tool for IoT based projects. By using Thing

Speak site, I can monitor the data and control the system over the Internet, using the

Channels and WebPages provided by Thing Speak. Thing Speak ‘Collects’ the data from

the sensors, ‘Analyze and visualize’ the data and ‘Acts’ by triggering a reaction. Here I

am briefly explaining to use Thing Speak for this IoT Patient Monitoring Project. I am

using Thing Speak to monitor patient heartbeat and temperature online using internet. I

am also using IFTTT platform to connect Thing Speak to email/message service so that

alert message can be sent whenever the patient is in critical state.

Figure 2 – Results of Pulse rate

Figure 3 – Results of Temperature rate

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The primary target of the undertaking was effectively accomplished. All the

individual modules like Heartbeat identification module and far off survey module gave

out the expected outcomes. The planned framework modules can additionally be improved

and created to a last single circuit. More significant actuality that surfaced during project

configuration is that all the circuit segments utilized in the far off wellbeing discovery

framework are accessible without any problem. With the improvement in the coordinated

circuit industry, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMs) and microcontrollers have

gotten reasonable, have sped up, scaled down and force productive. This has prompted

expanded advancement of implanted frameworks that the medical care experts are

embracing. These inserted frameworks have likewise been received in the Smartphone

innovation and with expanded web infiltration in most agricultural nations through cell

phones, and with utilization of Internet of things (IoT) will get embraced at a quicker rate.

Far off Health Care framework uses these ideas to concoct a framework for better personal

satisfaction for individuals in the public eye. From a designing viewpoint, the undertaking

has seen ideas procured through the software engineering and implanted examination

period being basically applied. The Electric circuit examination information was utilized

during plan and manufacture of the individual modules. Electromagnetic fields

investigation utilized in the remote transmission among microcontrollers, Software

programming utilized during programming of the microcontrollers to think of a last

completed circuit framework.


1. A. Mdhaffar,T Chaari, K. Larbi, M. Jmaiel and B. Freisleben, ”IoTbased Health Monitoring via LoRaWAN

”, IEEE EUROCON 2017 -17th International Conference on Smart Technologies, July 2017.

2. Ruhani Ab. Rahman, Nur Shima Abdul Aziz, Murizah Kassim, Mat Ikram Yusof, ”IoT-based Personal

Health Care Monitoring Device for Diabetic Patients” 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications &

Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE), April 2017.

3. Z. Ul Abideen,M. Ali Shah,”An IoT Based Robust Healthcare Model for Continuous Health Monitoring”,

2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC),Sept. 2017.

4. M.F.M Firdhous,B.H Sudantha,P.M Karunaratne, ”IoT Enabled Proactive Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

System for Sustainable Health Management”, 2017 2nd International Conference on Computing and

Communications Technologies (ICCCT),Feb. 2017.

5. G. Neagu, S. Preda, A. Stanciu, V. Florian, ”A Cloud-IoT Based Sensing Service for Health Monitoring” E-

Health and Bioengineering Conference (EHB), 2017, June 2017.

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6. S. M. Riazul Islam,Daehan Kwak,MD. Humaun Kabir. ”The Internet of Things for Health Care: A

Comprehensive Survey” IEEE Access pp. 678 - 708, June 2015.

7. Yu-Pei Huang,Ke-Nung Huang , ”Monitoring of Breathing Rate by a Piezofilm Sensor Using Pyroelectric

Effect” 2013 International Conference on Orange Technologies (ICOT),March 2013.

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Dr. K.SHARMILA., M. Sc., M.Phil., PhD

Associate Professor , Department of Computer Science, School of Computing Science, VISTAS, Pallavaram,



Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Agurchand Manmull Jain College,


Abstract—This paper explains the assuring field of food processing data analytics in preservatives using

Internet of Things and data mining techniques. Data mining concerns large-volume, growing data sets

with multiple, autonomous sources. With the data storage, and the data collection capacity, IoT is now

rapidly expanding for detective researchers and practitioners. In Food industry, data mining is becoming

progressively more popular, if not increasingly essential. Food industry today faces the large amount

contaminants and complex data about preservatives. Hotels, Restaurant resources, Whole sale markets

are preservative diagnosis by Internet of things devices records. The large amount of data is a key

resource to be processed and analyzed for knowledge extraction that enables support for saving health

care and decision making. IoT techniques that can be applied to this processed data to discover hidden

toxins and also provides food care professionals an additional source of knowledge for making decisions.

In the past few decades, data collection related to food preservative field saw a massive increase, referred

to as data mining. These massive datasets bring challenges in storage, processing, and analysis. In Food

industry, IoT is expected to play an important role in detections of preservatives and hazards of disease

occurrence or reoccurrence, and in improving organic food, natural food for healthcare eminence.

Keywords— IoT, IoE, Data mining, Food preservatives , Contaminants, Healthcare,


The Internet of Things (IoT) is the system of physical gadgets, vehicles, home

apparatuses, and different things inserted with hardware, programming, sensors, actuators,

and network which empowers these things to interface and trade information, making open

doors for more straightforward joining of the physical world into PC based systems,

bringing about proficiency enhancements, monetary advantages, and decreased human

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4 109

efforts. The quantity of IoT gadgets expanded multi year-over-year to 8.4 billion out of

2017 and it is assessed that there will be 30 billion gadgets by 2020. The worldwide

market estimation of IoT is anticipated to reach $7.1trillion by 2020. IoT includes

broadening web network past standard gadgets, for example, work areas, workstations,

cell phones and tablets, to any scope of customarily idiotic or non-web empowered

physical gadgets and regular items. Installed with innovation, these gadgets can convey

and interface over the web, and they can be remotely observed and controlled.

IoT includes expanding web availability past standard gadgets, for example, work areas,

workstations, cell phones and tablets, to any scope of customarily stupid or non-web

empowered physical gadgets and ordinary articles. Implanted with innovation, these

gadgets can impart and associate over the web, and they can be remotely checked and

controlled. Figure 1 shows the fundamental model of a ‘Web of Things’ based checking


Figure 1 Internet of Things based monitoring service.

Preservative Identifier Device(KENT)

The levels of food contamination have reached an all-new level. To preserve the taste,

freshness, and color of the foods, even fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with chemicals

and preservatives. Taking into consideration the increased use

of chemicals and preservatives, it is extremely important to avoid junk food. However, when

it comes to fresh fruits and vegetables, it is impossible to avoid them considering their dietary

significance. This is the reason why it is extremely important to wash fruits and vegetables in

the right way using a vegetable and fruit cleaner. To help you understand the side effects

of preservatives, in this blog we discuss the diseases caused by excessive use of


Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

110 ISBN: 978-81-948555-1-4

Types of Preservatives

There are two types of preservatives that are mostly used:

Natural Preservatives

There are some preservatives that don’t use any chemicals to alter the composition or are

not mixed with any synthetic items. These preservatives have antioxidant properties,

which delay the oxidation or aging process of food items. Sugar, oil, and salt are some of

the naturally occurring preservatives. This is the reason why pickles last for years as a

result of the combination of oil and salt. Curing, jellying fermentation, and freezing are

some of the natural methods to preserve foods.

Artificial Preservatives

These preservatives are artificially produced and also synthetic in nature. The food

products that have artificial preservatives come with ‘additive’ food label. Jams, different

types of spreads, packed juices, ketchup, and baked foods are loaded with artificial

preservatives. This is the reason why you need to check the food label carefully before

purchasing a food item.

As the name suggests, preservatives are used to preserve food items. These preservatives

help in increasing the shelf life of food items and also maintain the flavor of food for a

long time. However, all preservatives used in the food items are not bad for health. Natural

preservatives, which are used to preserve food ‘as is’ are not harmful to your health. The

reason is they are not mixed with synthetic items and the chemical composition is not


Artificial or Chemical preservatives which are used to delay the contamination of

foods are the ones which lead to health problems. These preservatives are artificially

produced and synthetic in nature. These are often labeled as additives on food labels.

Diseases Caused by Preservatives

Using a lot of preservatives have a negative impact on your health. Listed below are some

of the health problems that you may suffer from if you eat foods loaded with


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Heart Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases have become quite common and the presence of preservatives on

food items is one of the main causes of increasing heart problems. A research conducted

by InChem suggested that food preservatives can weaken the heart tissues. When you

consume the food items that have a residue of the preservative on the surface, it can

increase the chances of heart damage.

Breathing Problems

Preservatives and chemicals present on the food items also increase the chances of

breathing problems. According to research by MayoClinic, removing foods with

preservatives from the diet can help in reducing the symptoms as well as the severity of

breathing problems and asthma. Some of the preservatives present in food items such as

aspartame, sulfites, and benzoates aggravate breathing problems.


One of the most harmful effects of preservatives on food items is their ability to transform

into carcinogen agents. Some of the food items consist of nitrosamines, a preservative

which has nitrites and nitrates, which mix with the gastric acids and form cancer-causing

agents. To ensure that you avoid eating this preservative, you need to avoid snacks or

meals that are loaded with nitrites and nitrates.

Tags:KENT Table-Top Vegetable Cleaner, Kent Vegetable Cleaner, Ozone fruit and

vegetable cleaners, ozone vegetable cleaner, uses of a vegetable cleaner, vegetable cleaner

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Those were some of the harmful effects of preservatives on our health. Considering these

harmful effects, it is advisable to pay special attention to what you eat. Avoid junk as

much as possible and make sure you wash the fruits and vegetables with care. Instead of

washing the food items with plain water, you can use the vegetable and fruit

cleaner from KENT, which helps in removing chemicals and pesticides from the surface

of the food. To find out more about KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner.

Vegetable Cleaner from KENT: The Benefits doesn’t compromise on purity KENT

Vegetable Disinfectant makes the consumption of fruits and vegetables as safe as it gets. It

kills viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens, which are a threat to you and your

family’s health and safeguards from possible ailments while keeping all the essential

nutrients intact for your well-being.

Implication of IoT [Internet of Things] in Public Projects

The secret to longevity

Fruits and vegetables decontaminated with a vegetable purifier remain garden-fresh for

longer and enjoy a prolonged shelf-life. In addition to this, a vegetable cleaner also

deodorizes them while keeping their scent intact.

Not biased against meat

A vegetable disinfectant acknowledges and decontaminates meat and seafood as well. It

oxidizes residual chemicals from food items and makes their consumption safe. It

eliminates the deadly pathogens present on meat as well as seafood, making it safe for


Time saver cum lifesaver

With a vegetable disinfectant, you can skip the hassle of scrubbing and rinsing your

vegetables and fruits in warm water, which, nonetheless, doesn’t eliminate the residual

traces of pesticides and other harmful chemicals they are subjected to. Hence, a vegetable

cleaner, not only defends you against diseases but also saves precious time and energy.

Designed for comfort

The sough-after and sleek KENT Vegetable Disinfectants come in two designs – wall

mountable and countertop. KENT Wall Mounted Vegetable Disinfectant can be installed

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on the wall and saves you a significant room, while KENT Counter Top Vegetable

Disinfectant has a sleek and compact design that can be easily placed in the kitchen with

other utensils.

Need for KENT Vegetable and Fruit Cleaner

Most of the fruits and vegetables that we purchase from the market come laced with

harmful contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and several other infectious agents. Simply

rinsing the food items with water does not remove these pathogens. Also, shell for some of

the vegetables like spinach can’t be removed to clean harmful chemicals, bacteria, and


KENT Vegetable and fruit cleaner uses revolutionary ozone disinfection technology for

cleaning fruits & vegetables. The vegetable and fruit cleaner kills bacteria, viruses, fungi,

and other pathogens that are present on the surface of food items and keeps you safe from

foodborne diseases. Ozone technology used by the vegetable cleaner effectively oxidizes

residual chemicals from food items, making it safe for consumption. It has been found that

Ozone gas can, not only controls but can also kill Bacteria, harmful Viruses.

The state-of-the-art KENT Vegetable Disinfectant uses ozone disinfection technology to

sterilize fruits, vegetables, meat, and seafood, making it perfectly safe for human

consumption while keeping its natural scent and freshness intact.

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Input Voltage

Rated Power


13 Watts

Timer Options 15 mins/30 mins

Ozone output 200 mg/hour

Noise Less than 45db






0-40degree C

Dimensions L260 W145


Net Weight 1723 gms

Different food items are required to be purified for different period of time.


Food Items Time





and Bean





Reduce harmful


ria and viruses from












Reduce harmful


ria and viruses from


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Strawberry ,






Oxides and harmful


Lemon ,






Oxides and harmful







Eliminates deadly


And germs from

Seafood and meat








Remove Pesticides

Cysts and germs

From the grains

Further Research

Finally, multipurpose of the devices from an Applied Research Perspective opportunities

and challenges of IoT and IoE have been addressed especially the security and privacy

risks of using the possible countermeasures. By addressing the extensive use of the decices

in IoT and IoE applications in this paper, we consider that the detective device is the

ultimate IoT and IoE device.


The Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Everything (IoE) are rapidly finding their

paths in our modern lives, allowing connecting and automating everything around us. This

paper gave an overview about these new trends, their enabling technologies, architecture,

and application

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fields such as device homes and healthcare. In this chapter, we also talked about the

different IoT and IoE enabling technologies available in the devices and examples of its

use in IoT and IoE scenarios. As in the need in IoT networks for long battery life, support

for a massive number of devices, scalability, low device and deployment costs, and

extended coverage.


1. Zhao S, Yu L, Cheng B, et al. IoT Service Clustering for Dynamic Service Matchmaking. Sensors.


2. Pasha S. ThingSpeak based sensing and monitoring system for IoT with Matlab Analysis. International

Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR). 2016;2(6):19‒23.

3. Mhatre L, Rai N. Integration between wireless sensor and cloud. In: I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile,

Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). IEEE. 2017:779‒782.

4. Sinha N, Pujitha KE, Alex JSR. Xively based sensing and monitoring system for IoT. Computer

Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). 2015:1‒6.

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6 Miraz MH, Ali M. A review on Internet of Things (loT), Internet of Everything (IoE)and Internet of Nano

Things (IoNT). In: Proceedings of the ITA 2015; 8-11 September;Wrexham. 2015. pp. 219-224

7. Zielinski JS. Internet of Everything (IoE) in Smart Grid [Internet]. 2015. Available from: Smart_Grid [Accessed: 7

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8. Mitchell S, Villa N, Stewart-Weeks M, Lange A. The Internet of Everything for Cities:Connecting People,

Process, Data, and Things to Improve the ‘Livability’ of Cities and Communities[Internet]. 2013. Available

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9. Machination. The Development of the Internet of Everything [Internet]. 2014. Available


10. Hausenblas M. Smart Phones and the Internet of Things [Internet]. 2014. Available

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12. Tempest A. The Internet of Everything [Internet]. 2014. Available from: [Accessed: 7 March 2017]

13. Ullah K, Shah MA, Zhang S. Effective ways to use Internet of Things in the field of medicaland smart

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Islamabad, Pakistan. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/INTELSE.2016.7475151

14. Conrad D. Three Reasons Carriers Are Building New Cell Networks for the Internetof Things [Internet].

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15. Nokia. LTE Evolution for IoT Connectivity [Internet]. 2017. Available from: http://resources.alcatel- [Accessed: 7 March 2017]

16. Ericsson. Cellular Networks for Massive IoT [Internet]. 2016. Available from: https:// [Accessed: 7 March 2017]

17. FTC Staff Report. Internet of Things: Privacy & Security in a Connected World [Internet]. 2015. Available

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18. The Internet of Things: An Introduction to Privacy Issues with a Focus on the Retailand Home

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19. Khan MH, Shah MA. Survey on security threats of smartphones in Internet of Things. In: Proceedings of

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Wivenhoe Park Colchester, UK. 2016. DOI: 10.1109/IConAC.2016.7604979

20. Haley K. Mobile Apps and IoT Devices Are an Overlooked Security Risk by Consumers—And that’s a

Problem [Internet]. 2016. Available from:

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IoT In Maas And EPC-Global Network



Email id: [email protected]




Email id: [email protected]

Abstract-The Internet of Things, as a technical compound, is driving vast revolutions in a variety of fields. In

this article, we look at one new situation, Mobility as a Service, in which the technological, legislative, and

social elements are all intertwined. We argue for the importance of interdisciplinary analysis that considers

all aspects of a framework that, in summary, seeks to improve the quality of urban life by gathering personal

data, monitoring citizens' activities, correlating it with a variety of other sources of data, and making the

findings publicly accessible. An architecture for the Internet of Things and People that is free, scalable,

mobile, and stable.The EPCglobal Network is broadly embraced, with IT businesses adopting the

standardised protocols into their own implementations providing the most support. For the good of humanity,

a user-centric, customisable "Internet of Things" with interaction possibilities. Flexible billing and

opportunity capabilities to encourage knowledge exchange are among the new dynamic industry models for

the Internet of Things.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Mobility as a Service,EPCglobal Network

1. Introduction

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot subject in the electronics industry, politics

circles, and engineering circles, and it's making waves in both the trade and mainstream

press. This technology can be used in a wide range of networked products, applications, and

sensors that take advantage of advances in computing power, electronics miniaturization, and

network interconnections to have previously unattainable capabilities.Many conferences,

papers, and news stories address and debate the future effects of the "Internet of Things

movement," from emerging commercial possibilities and business models to security,

privacy, and technological interoperability issues. Infrastructures, administrations, and people

have all been intertwined in a mutual, albeit non-linear, social growth loop in the past. In both

developed and emerging countries, transportation is a hot issue for major cities and

metropolitan districts. Public transportation is becoming an ever more important theme for

long-term sustainability, especially in densely populated areas.If it is accurate that the time

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expenditure (in hours) allocated to urban transportation has remained constant since the

1950s although the number of kilometers has gradually increased, it means that at least some

of the possible positive effects of transportation technologies (alternative modes of

transportation, advanced mobility systems) have not been completely deployed and therefore

have been wasted.

Now, instead of seeing mobility as an infrastructure challenge, people are planning

mobility as a service (MaaS) for the city.The modern smart and sustainable optimization of

urban mobility in dynamic and multidimensional metropolitan regions, however it

necessitates widespread, real-time data collection and study, rendering it an ideal Internet of

Things (IoT) implementation. As a result, it is essential to begin exploring both the

technological and social ramifications of IoT in order to fully understand the future benefits.

In this article, we look at the technological and social ramifications of the Internet of Things

in a particular setting: urban public transit. Recognizing the vital position of transit networks

for tomorrow's'smart' regions and towns, we suggest a new way of thinking about public

transportation based on a new premise: mobility should no longer be thought of as a simple

and standard public regulation, but as a commodity. As a result, mobility becomes an integral

part of urban policy growth. IoT allows for this creative approach to Mobility as a Service

(MaaS) that connects to stringent urban and social challenges from a technical standpoint.

From a sociological perspective, we focus on three major issues: the city as a whole,

constructive regulatory approaches, and technological confidence.Using a multidisciplinary

approach to mobility research has also helped to define critical fields for future research.

2. Internet of Things Communications Models

It's useful to understand how IoT systems link and collaborate in terms of their

technological communication models from an organizational viewpoint. The Internet

Architecture Board (IAB) published a guiding architectural paper for smart object

networking,39 which outlines a system of four common IoT communication models. The

following discussion introduces this structure and discusses the main features of each

paradigm within it.

2.1 Device-to-Device Communications

Instead of using an intermediate application server, the device-to-device communication

paradigm describes two or more computers that connect and interact directly with one

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another. This systems use a variety of networks to connect, including IP networks and the

Internet. These devices, on the other hand, often use protocols such as Bluetooth40, Z-

Wave41, and ZigBee42 to create direct device-to-device communications[1].

This device-to-device networks enable computers that follow a certain communication

protocol to connect and exchange messages in order to accomplish their goals.This

communication model is widely used in applications such as home automation systems,

which usually use small data packets to communicate between devices with low data rates. In

a home automation environment, residential IoT devices such as light bulbs, light switches,

thermostats, and door locks usually transmit tiny quantities of information to each other (e.g.,

a door lock status message or a turn on light command)Fig.1. Many of the interoperability

problems are highlighted in this device-to-device connectivity strategy.

Fig.1 Device-to-device communication model.

3. MaaS and the Future for Mobility

Mobility as a Service is a revolutionary solution to the convergence of public and

private transportation, made possible by the integration of the innovations discussed in the

previous segment into an organized infrastructure. As emerging technology and social

movements evolve, this model is beginning to expand across Europe and beyond, with the

goal of establishing norms for interoperability between various (even country) operators and

encouraging the development of alternative alternatives to the traditional "public transit /

private car" duality.In a nutshell, the MaaS theory says that travelers do not need to agree to a

single mode of transportation as long as every aspect of demand and supply for transportation

services is understood in real-time[2].

Instead, they would have a wide range of options from which to select, depending on

the needs of the moment. One could, for example, define a very specific collection of

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restrictions in terms of convenience and scheduling, which is likely to contribute to the use of

premium means, while another could simply convey the need to get to a destination at the

cheapest price, purchase a virtual ticket, and receive real-time guidance on which means to

use to complete the journey.There are several business models that can be used. A MaaS

operator could literally be a smart broker for arranging and paying trips on existing networks

in its most simplistic form. Selling mobility bundles that enable travelers to use pre-

configured numbers of various modes of transportation will be a more creative approach. A

MaaS network could be a fantastic opportunity for transport operators to optimize

convergence and maximize unused power[3].

For example, a taxi company that exposes vehicle availability and location in real-

time could provide cheaper fares at off-peak hours, making it appear as a viable alternative to

mass transit; data mining could enable operators to predict connections between different

factors (events, weather, accidents) and transportation needs, allowing them to distribute

materials in the most efficient manner possible. In an ideal world, the ICT infrastructure

supports these models by monitoring the timing, location, and availability of trains, buses,

subways, shared bikes, shared vehicles, taxis, Uber cars, Lyft cars, and other modes of

transportation, as part of a larger initiative to open data and standardize access interfaces.In

short, in a mobility sense, both users and operators will benefit from smart trip concepts,

provided there is adequate data storage and processing performance[4].

This is precisely the sort of difficulty that IoT architectures face. It's worth noting that

this move can cause major confidence problems in many ways. The organisation of

transportation infrastructures by public authorities means (at least in theory) that the rights of

travelers are secured. It can be impossible to check how confidential data is stored in a more

hazy situation.The central cloud is an IoT architecture term that refers to a diverse range of

networks, technology, and interactions. The consumer benefits from the IoT infrastructure's

massive capacity and large databases while also enriching the IoT by delivering useful data

from mobile devices' sensors and his own user interface, as well as adding additional

computing power[5].

The MaaS serves a dual purpose in that it combines infrastructure roles and user data to build

several layers of value-added applications that expand the range of IoT services available


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Fig.2 Maas, IoT and User work-flow

4.A Possible Architecture for the Future Internet of Things

Although it is clear that there are and will be various approaches to the Internet of

Things, resulting in a wide set of Internet of Things implementations, we recommend an

architectural solution focused on extensions of a popular standardised open infrastructure –

the EPCglobal Network. A large number of items have been created and approved. Despite

the fact that it is still under progress, the EPCglobal Network provides a stable base.

However, as previously said, the Internet of Things necessitates a more holistic architecture.

The EPCglobal Architecture Framework can be used as a foundation for this.Layering of

specifications, isolation of data models and interfaces, availability of extension frameworks,

and definition of data models and interfaces, first in a neutral abstract fashion (e.g., utilizing

UML), then with explicit transport bindings (e.g., online services) and schema bindings are

all examples (e.g., XML)[6].

To address and balance core social and economic needs, a potential Internet of Things

must integrate stakeholders that will be impacted by the Internet of Things, such as residents,

small and medium companies, public agencies, and politicians.Users, enterprises, culture, and

the world all require applications that recognize and enhance the essential quality of life. For

new groups of smart Internet/Web-based public and business systems, the foundation would

need to include transparent architectures, protocols, and technologies. Business-centric apps

can be combined with social media for sharing knowledge and personalised perspectives.

Technology for serendipity can allow the discovery and extraction of valuable and

meaningful knowledge that is beyond personal expectations.Users would be able to get more

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detail on items (for example, where was an object made? – who historically owned it?). -

What was the purpose of it?) Instantly available at their fingertips, subject to privacy


People would be able to contribute info, presentation, and functionality to the Internet

of Things through mash-ups and end-user programming. Things-generated ‘physical

environment' content from Auto-ID, sensors, actuators, or mesh networks can be mixed with

knowledge and activities from ‘virtual environments,' such as business databases and social

media, and analyzed utilizing modern business intelligence principles[8].

The results will be presented in a user-friendly format with simple interfaces and Web

2.0 features. The Internet of Things machine interfaces and the implementation of agile

methods would support direct action on the real world. Purchasing decisions can be assisted

by prompt access to critical information. In this case, agile methods apply to real-time

management and implementation skills when taking into account competing optimization

principles (e.g., shipment size).Information collaboration will be compensated with benefits,

such as transparent, flexible billing interfaces between a range of stakeholders, changing the

Internet of Things from a cost-focused infrastructure to a benefit-focused architecture that

will stimulate market creativity[9].

Integrated billing would fix distributed data ownership throughout the object life

cycle. Information can be traded in the same way as goods and services.The introduction of

open interfaces, protocols, and lookup services, as well as information services on mobile

devices, would bridge the gap between distributed intelligence principles (e.g., autonomous

logistics) and the Internet of Things, serving as a mediator among decentralized information

systems. As part of the core architecture, openness, scalability, and security will be discussed.

The social (e.g., government, privacy), operational (e.g., industries), and technological (e.g.,

infrastructures, identifiers) aspects of transparency are all essential[10].

The platform's connectivity and interoperability with mainstream enterprise software

systems will be improved, and its accessibility will demonstrate one potential situation in

which service creators (producers) and content customers (consumers) use the Internet of

Things to share benefits. Product and consumption statistics, as well as business ethics, are

examples of company data that can affect purchasing behavior. Citizens and public agencies

will both be able to contribute material. An improved Internet of Things infrastructure, which

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includes edge devices, back-end services, and front-end user interfaces, would allow new

services and market innovationFig.3.

Fig.3 A Holistic Internet of Things Scenario Including Companies, Public Institutions and People.


Mass transit is accepted as an infrastructure, it has the ability to become a smart tool

for local government. Urban mobility can be modified not only by a combination of

innovative and current technologies, but it can also be formed in response to evolving social

developments in the public and private sectors that impact urban life. In order to proactively

design smart strategies, it is critical to collect and store urban information that is not related

to urban mobility. Furthermore, IoT and MaaS can provide new opportunities for developing

and consolidating consumer trust and confidence in technology.Companies, governmental

agencies, and individuals will be able to use data for their own benefit, and financial and non-

financial benefit compensation will contribute to the Internet of Things' rapid adoption. As a

result, technical innovations have the potential to really inspire and support disruptive mobile

solutions. Yet, it may be so, only if we share a view where social, political and urban

demands match technical opportunities.

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[1] H. M. Reeve, A. M. Mescher, and A. F. Emery, “Experimental and numerical investigation of polymer

preform heating,” Am. Soc. Mech. Eng. Heat Transf. Div. HTD, vol. 369, no. 6, pp. 321–332, 2001.

[2] M. Mohammadi, A. Al-Fuqaha, S. Sorour, and M. Guizani, “Deep learning for IoT big data and

streaming analytics: A survey,” IEEE Commun. Surv. Tutorials, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 2923–2960, 2018,

doi: 10.1109/COMST.2018.2844341.

[3] C. Paper, R. De Janeiro, and R. De Janeiro, “,” 2014.

[4] S. Huh, S. Cho, and S. Kim, “Managing IoT devices using blockchain platform,” Int. Conf. Adv.

Commun. Technol. ICACT, pp. 464–467, 2017, doi: 10.23919/ICACT.2017.7890132.

[5] I. Lee and K. Lee, “The Internet of Things (IoT): Applications, investments, and challenges for

enterprises,” Bus. Horiz., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 431–440, 2015, doi: 10.1016/j.bushor.2015.03.008.

[6] O. Novo, “Blockchain Meets IoT: An Architecture for Scalable Access Management in IoT,” IEEE

Internet Things J., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1184–1195, 2018, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2812239.

[7] M. A. Khan and K. Salah, “IoT security: Review, blockchain solutions, and open challenges,” Futur.

Gener. Comput. Syst., vol. 82, pp. 395–411, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2017.11.022.

[10] S. Li, L. Da Xu, and S. Zhao, “The internet of things: a survey,” Inf. Syst. Front., vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 243–

259, 2015, doi: 10.1007/s10796-014-9492-7.

[11] F. Khodadadi, R. Buyya, and A. V. Dastjerdi, “Internet of things: An overview,” arXiv, no. October,

2017, doi: 10.9790/0661-180405117121.

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Intelligent Cargo – Using Internet Of Things Concepts To Improve

Logistics System and SCM

1Dr. K. Rajeshwar Rao

Professor, CSE Department

SIDDHARTHA Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibragimpatnam, Hyderabad.

2 N Sainath


SIDDHARTHA Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Hyderabad

Abstract-Technology advances and the growing need for more efficient company processes necessitate new

forms of collaboration. The Internet of Things has been recognized as a significant future technology in

recent years, offering new possibilities for facilitating the sharing of information and real-time status alerts

on company operations. As a result, many companies have incorporated Internet of Things concepts to

develop their activities. This chapter discusses the difficulties that exist when putting the Internet of Things'

concepts into practice in terms of hardware, interoperability, and the design of IoT-compatible systems. This

chapter introduces the core theories and principles used to address the above issues of Internet of Things

implementations, as well as the EURIDICE project, which aims to conduct Internet of Things concepts to

provide an open intelligence forum for the transportation field using "Intelligent Cargo."

Keywords- EURIDICE project, Internet of Things, Intelligent Cargo.

1. Introduction

Technological advances such as RFID and intelligent mobile devices, which can be

connected to any form of product, are pushing the Internet of Things and Services vision.

These technologies bridge the divide between the physical world and its simulated

representation by allowing smooth recognition and interaction with other devices and the

environment, for example. This would result in a world of billions of objects that can

communicate their position, identity, and history by communicating with other objects or

systems through wireless connections.This vision will support potential opportunities for

business operations and business process management through organizations and SMEs

participating in the systems, but it will also pose new problems in terms of interoperability

and data consistency. While various implementations exist, most of which are inter-

organizational, transparent and standards-based systems are still needed for the realization of

the Internet of Things and Services vision in the logistics and supply chain management

sectors (SCM).The European Commission has initiated the EURIDICEproject as part of the

Framework Programme to recognise the possibilities that are unleashed in the transportation

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field through the availability of low and high cost technologies pushing the ideas of the

Internet of Things, such as RFID chips. The aim of this project is to use the technology and

resources offered to integrate a part of the Internet of Things and Services for the

transportation logistics domain, allowing for the long-term implementation of Intelligent

Cargo for the various stakeholders involved in the transportation business. Customs, ports,

airports, shippers, and forwarders are also examples of this.The EURIDICE project has over

20 partners from multiple industry sectors and government departments, meaning that the

project can have a transparent forum. The platform helps service providers to integrate

multiple transportation-related services, such as unsafe or high-value transportation, in an

open and freely customisable manner. For the project's assessment, transportation providers

and agencies are interested in the platform's design process, and pilots are set up for them to

demonstrate the system's applicability.

Through implementing value-added cargo-centric services on an object basis, the EURIDICE

framework and architecture open up new possibilities for collaboration across logistics and

transportation chains, enabling the vision of the Internet of Things and Services and the

introduction of Intelligent Cargo principles. EURIDICE presents these programs as Online

Services through a transparent, standards-based environment allowing enterprises to

seamlessly connect into their back-end structures, as well as facilitating the introduction of

business processes through organizations within the platform using these services.The

EURIDICE platform's foundation, which is focused on mobile agents, web servers, and their

mediation, will be discussed later in this segment.

In order to truly include a framework that meets the criteria of the Internet of Things model,

three interoperability viewpoints must be met:

a. The human-centric nature of interoperability is covered by the organizational

perspective, which includes universal approaches and mutual interpretation of values,

systems, attitudes, and terminology. This requires, for example, that a process's

initiator (e.g., an external system's functionality) is well aware of the (semantic)

effects of a service it consumes.

b. The IT systems viewpoint deals with the interconnection of two systems. This

viewpoint assesses interoperability on a physical level, which serves as the foundation

for two structures to communicate.

c. c. Code interoperability problems on the device level, such as the provision of the

appropriate data, data-formats, and representation, are addressed by the data

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perspective. It's worth noting that the data viewpoint recognizes all interoperability-

domains: semantic interoperability, which ensures that the principles and

understanding underlying the data are the same in all systems, and syntactical

interoperability, which refers to the readability of the dataformats. The first section of

this chapter, which covers facets of business operations and the Semantic Web, such

as automation, is closely related to the organizational viewpoint.

d. Autonomous action and reconfiguration, as well as a brief overview of key

technologies The second section discusses the IT structures and data perspectives.

e. e. The paper is divided into two parts, the first of which discusses the role of

ontologies in agent technologies and the second of which discusses the mediation of

agent technologies and web services in the sense of EURIDICE. The final section of

this chapter offers a review and perspective on the effect of Intelligent Freight on the

logistics industry and supply chain management, as well as future trends.

2. Semantic Web

The vision of the Semantic Web, also known as Web 3.0, is used to build and identify

supporting technology and principles for the realization of the Internet of Things and

Services. This vision explains how existing data can be given new significance, allowing for

the transformation of business operations through the use of various technologies. The

Semantic Web's core philosophy is to enrich accessible content with semantically defined

definitions in order to promote information processing and program integration.The Semantic

Web would give people access to a massive amount of human intelligence while still making

it machine-processable. This will allow the development of a variety of automated services

that will assist consumers and organizations in achieving their objectives by allowing them to

view and process data in a machine-readable format[1]. As a result, distributed

knowledgeable networks, like diversified logic facilities, may be implemented.As a result,

semantic convergence at various levels within an organization opens up new opportunities for

process integration, both within and across organizations, as well as across industries and

entire supply chains. The fundamental technologies for incorporating these processes at the

highest level, the corporate viewpoint, is Semantic Web Resources.

2.1 Semantic Web Services

The Semantic Web's innovations are designed to transform the web into a knowledge

source that computers can understand. This can lead to a network where computer algorithms

can process and reason with data that is currently only accessible in human-readable form.

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Web Applications technology and the principles of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA),

which are designed to promote an ecosystem where companies can have access to their

abilities through the Internet, are widely used to incorporate services that allow access to a

company's capabilities.A Web Services interface encapsulates computational resources,

enabling other organizations to find it via a registry (Universal Definition, Discovery, and

Integration–UDDI) and communicate with it through an interface description (Web Services

Description Language – WSDL). These well-known and generally recognized principles for

program delivery run on a syntactic basis, requiring a significant amount of human

interaction. It is important for developers to look for suitable Web Services in order to merge

them in order to incorporate those services. This limits scalability and significantly reduces

the economic benefit anticipated with the introduction of Web Services.Semantic Web

Services are an attempt to address these problems[2].

The Semantic Web Services vision seeks to tie together the Semantic Web's insights

and current Web Services technology. This would facilitate automated and interactive

connectivity between software systems, allowing the Internet of Things and Services to be

implemented. Web Services technology currently only supports a standard interface

definition, with no machine-interpretable detail about the features of the software framework.

Semantic Web Services principles resolve this problem by incorporating semantic knowledge

to Web Services.The aim is to explain them in a machine-readable way, with details about

what the program does and how it does it. This semantic knowledge opens up more

sophisticated possibilities for operation exploration than UDDI actually allows. Since

programs can be marketed and found more automatically and at a high speed, the

convergence of these innovations would allow the creation of more complex applications.

Furthermore, services may be automatically paired with more complicated services and


Company procedures can also be improved; If a service is unavailable, a replacement

should be easily identified and added to ensure that the complicated service or procedure is

not interrupted. Semantic Web Applications technologies allows the identification of services

and infrastructure capabilities, as well as their exploration and interoperability. Semantic

Web Systems by themselves are inadequate for dynamic situations such as logic. Semantic

Web Services technology, on the other hand, is the enabler for the implementation of

automated web processes.

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2.2 Semantic Web Services Processes and Lifecycle

The implementation of Web Services was intended to allow for the composition of

loosely coupled web systems. Web processes, which are made up of Web Services, allow for

the depiction of dynamic relationships between various organizations and are an

advancement over current workflow technologies. As seen in the network process lifecycle,

applying semantics to web services can play a significant role. Web service semantics can be

categorized into:

a. Functional semantics describes the goals of programs and processes, as well as

knowledge about required inputs and outputs.

b. Data semantics are definitions of the input and output data formats for exploration

problems and a general understanding in correspondence of which data type to be

submitted and how the received data should be semantically understood.

c. Service Efficiency (QoS) Semantics are required for selecting the most appropriate

service. Different consistency aspects can be found in services, such as the cheapest

offer, the quickest delivery, and so on This opens up the prospect of finding and

choosing the service that ideally fits a desired standard criteria in terms of QoS. This

also allows for QoS-based monitoring of web operations and the evaluation of

potential solutions for future process changes.

d. Implementation Semantics describe the flow of message sharing and offer a

conversation pattern for the operation of web services, as well as the flow of behavior,

preconditions, and results on web service invocation, among other things. They are

discussing the required organizational experiences with a provider, which is

particularly critical for long-running interactions and complicated communications

involving multiple parties' services Fig.1.

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Fig.1 Web Process Lifecycle and Semantics

These semantics form the framework for the automated composition and realization of

semantic web operations, as well as the lifecycle that underpins them. The lifecycle starts

with the definition / annotation, then advertising, discovery, collection, and composition of

Web Services to create the web process, and finally the web process execution[4]. These

stages are all necessary for the web process's progress and should be followed by the

following steps:

a) Semantic Web Service Annotation

Web Services are defined with the various types of semantics that are available for

Web Services.

b) Semantic Web Service Advertisement

Syntactical and technical features of the service are published in a library using

semantics (different technologies are available, centralised, e.g. UDDI, and even peer-


c) Semantic Web Service Discovery

Syntactic knowledge, data, functional, and QoS semantics are used to discover

suitable resources prior to selection.

d) Semantic Web Services Selection

The best quality criterion match is obtained by choosing the most fitting service that

matches specified QoS metrics.

e) Semantic Process Composition

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Across supply chains, automating inter-organizational processes faces major

obstacles. Since Web Services are extremely autonomous and heterogeneous,

composition is a crucial step. Semantics improve the interoperability of Network

Services and the composition of web processes.

3. The Internet of Things in Context of EURIDICE

The Intelligent Cargo, which is expected to be a paradigmatic shift in the field of ICT

applications for transportation logistics, is the focus of the European Integrated Project

EURIDICE. Despite the availability of key technology such as RFID, high-speed broadband

networks, and Online Platforms, the majority of products continue to travel without the

assistance of information services, resulting in process inefficiencies, inadequate coordination

between supply chain players, and higher societal costs in terms of environmental effects,

protection, and security risks.Intelligent Freight, according to the EURIDICE view, links to

logistics service providers, industrial customers, and authorities to share transportation-

related information and provide relevant services as required in the transportation chain. In

order to function effectively, the logistics sector requires knowledge exchange between

logistics suppliers, customers, users, regulators, and other stakeholders.The aim of

EURIDICE is to provide a services portal based on the actual cargo item and its relationship

with the external world and the customer, allowing cargo objects and devices to conduct

simple transactions on their own and, as and when necessary, involving the users' information

systems. Consider the case of fresh fish being shipped by truck from an African supplier plant

to a local airport, where it is palletized and shipped to Europe by rail, going through customs

upon arrival, and then being transferred by train to a distribution center and then to the actual

customers who purchased the fish.Since fish is perishable, time is of the essence in this

situation, and quick handling is essential for a successful operation, particularly when the

cargo is passed from one operator to the next. However, the numerous organizations

participating with those supply chains often use proprietary Information Structures, which

makes it impossible to share the requisite data. This situation illustrates the interoperability

problems that EURIDICE faces[5].

The EURIDICE project aims to make it easier for different supply chain players to

collaborate by offering a shared forum with facilities for sharing transportation-related

data.The EURIDICE platform turns cargo into Intelligent Cargo by placing it at the middle of

the operation by supplying it with connectivity and processing capability. The Intelligent

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Cargo will take an active role in the transportation process by communicating with its

surroundings, accessing resources, and even providing services that are important to the

current situation, resulting in the development of an Internet of Things[6].

4. Interoperability in EURIDICE

Interoperability and standardised data structures are particularly important to the

EURIDICE project. The semantic barrier to cross-domain communication is minimized by

utilizing standard data structures and ontologies. This has been developed by the use of a

semantic structure that serves two purposes:

a) Encourage reusability, component-based architecture, and interoperability between

EURIDICE's core services and other business-specific services, such as end-user applications

and legacy systems.

b) Assist the EURIDICE service platform's context-awareness by defining a schema that

describes the cargo's conceptual knowledge and the associated application domains.

The EURIDICE Context Model (ECM) is a data and knowledge system that allows users to

access cargo-related data and resources from a variety of contexts and actors participating in

Intelligent Cargo applications. The ECM is built and defined around a central framework that

identifies the physical cargo, vehicle, and location. The model knowledge is arranged in

different layers across the physical kernel, adding details to enrich the background

description at different levels, as defined in the following sections.The Physical Layer

(kernel) defines the physical background of a cargo object when it can be sensed by on-the-

ground technologies (tags, readers, sensors, communication devices, etc.). The

Organizational Layer defines the freight context in terms of the entities that are involved in

cargo distribution, storage, and management. The Organizational Layer defines the freight

background in terms of cargo, vehicle, and infrastructure status (such as cargo temperature,

congestion, and so on), as well as current and scheduled operations.The Regulatory Layer

describes the cargo context in terms of laws, conventions, and policies developed by the

various public and private stakeholders involved. The three domains listed above are

interconnected by the Cargo Domain, Transportation Domain, and Environment Domain.

Because of its transparency, familiarity with the Cyc-ontology, and interoperability

characteristics from the IT structures and data perspectives, the EURIDICE Context Model is

portrayed in the Cyc Knowledge Base.The Cyc-ontology is often used as a top-level ontology

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to support the EURIDICE Meaning Model. Cyc enables logic and incorporation of live data

as well as on-the-fly error detection since it has a large commonsense knowledge base[7].

The concept of Cyc micro hypotheses, entities, collections, and predicates is used in the

framework for domain information formalisation in Cyc. Micro theories are used to represent

ontology's thematic subsets or meaning. Cyc collections are classes that share similar

attributes among their instances. The EURIDICE was integrated using the following


a) Domain information identification

Domain experts determine which EURIDICE-related domain keywords are relevant.

Domain-specific details, such as EURIDICE Context Model entity names and

descriptions, are determined in this module. Hundreds of transport and cargo-related

business records, such as bill of ladings, consignment notices, customs documents,

and so on, are also analyzed and consolidated.

b) Domain subset extraction

In the domain subset extraction module, the appropriate domain ontology subset is

extracted from a multi-domain ontology based on the defined domain knowledge. The

upper-level domain extractor uses keywords to limit the multi-domain ontology to the

unique domains of interest at the beginning. The domain knowledge extractor then

uses the information from the EURIDICE Context Model entities to create the

EURIDICE-relevant Cyc Knowledge Base subset.

c) Domain relevant information preprocessing

The relation recognition module linguistically preprocesses the information from the

domain information module and the derived EURIDICE-relevant Cyc KB subset.

Tokenisation, stop word elimination, and stemming are all part of the preprocessing


d) Relation Identification

A prioritized list of important Cyc principles and potential new relationships is

developed. The EURIDICE Context Model uses entities and definitions, as well as a

related subset of the Cyc Knowledge Base, to generate a ranking list of similar terms

for each EURIDICE Context Model object during relation recognition. The

EURIDICE Context Model is used to capture transportation domain information. This

expertise is built on a foundation of domain-specific and standardised knowledge.

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e) The EURIDICE Architecture

The EURIDCE project does not seek to develop a new supply chain management

mechanism that can be used by all members and will replace current systems; rather,

it will enable them to exchange relevant knowledge and resources on a shared,

trusted, open forum. Open specifications such as SOA, Online Services,

Frameworkfor Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) principles, Business Process

Execution Language (BPEL), and ontologies are used to construct the platform.

There are modules on the fixed network that provide facilities for a variety of

products. The identification and discovery aspect offers services for uniquely

identifying an entity and locating its ACA using that identifier. Since information

about one object may be categorically passed to other objects in the same hierarchy,

hierarchical positioning allows for the elimination of contact actions. The location of

all freight items shipped in the same vehicle, for example, is approximately similar.

The EURIDICE Meaning Model and ontologies are included in the Semantic System,

as defined.

The EURIDICE network is divided into two sub-platforms: the fixed platform, which

includes the back end and services, and the mobile platform, which includes the computers

and services that accompany the freight in the sector. The following are the Agents that

represent an Intelligent Cargo item:

a) The Assisting Cargo Agent (ACA). The ACA is the simulated world's reflection of

the freight. It uses traditional Web Server interfaces to provide services to other back-

end services and programs. It also serves as a single point of contact for dealing with

the individual freight object in the region, and where back-end resources are needed,

it acts on its behalf. As a consequence, in the EURIDCIE fixed platform, it is

conceptually the freight object itself.

b) The Operational Cargo Agent (OCA). The OCA assists the actual cargo object in

the real world by communicating and engaging with its climate, as well as tracking

cargo requirements such as temperature restrictions. It senses the cargo's geographical

background and invokes or provides local services, such as customs clearance papers.

It may also invoke global resources in the back-end, such as traffic statistics, through

the link with the corresponding ACA Fig.2.

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Fig.2 EURIDICE Architecture Overview

A single freight object is supported by the mobile platform modules as it travels

through the transportation phase. It can scan for and access sensors in its immediate vicinity

thanks to the sensor access component. The local rationale and business logic elements

provide a local context based on the observations and define violations of the cargo's mission,

such as delays or temperature limit violations. Both platforms provide a virtual service point

that serves as a portal to the EURIDICE components, allowing custom apps and services to

be developed[8].

6. Integration

To take advantage of the EURIDICE infrastructure's services, new technologies must be

designed on top of it, and existing legacy systems, such as ERP systems, must be adapted and

made interoperable between organizations across the supply chain. The EPC Information

Services (EPCIS) standard for data exchange across organizations is a well-known and

commonly used EPCglobal standard. It provides facilities for capturing, querying, and

subscribing to market object-related activities. The EURIDICE Infrastructure expands on this

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standard, making it applicable to all things handled by it.Enterprises who already use EPCIS

services can explicitly access and communicate with Intelligent Cargo items; otherwise,

adapters can be added to the VSP to translate data from the EURIDICE Background Model

into a system-specific representation[9]. As seen in the diagram, the orchestration part of the

EURIDICE architecture will create and implement cross-organizational business processes

based on these and other EURIDICE resources Fig.3.

Fig.3 Combination of EURIDICE Services to Business Processes

Since the architecture is heavily dispersed among the participating organizations, identifying

the correct service provider for a specific freight item is critical to effectively operating these

business processes. The ACA for the freight package is the primary source of knowledge and

is specifically linked to the item; it can be identified using the discovery app. It may be able

to provide additional information sources, such as the EPCIS services in charge of this

particular piece[10].

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7. Conclusion

While the idea of the Internet of Things and Services has been around for a while,

real-world implementations have yet to appear. It envisions a world where companies and

customers will profit from value-added services. Technology is advancing in accordance with

this vision, however, as with all visions and their applications, research and development are

needed to pave the foundations for meeting the priorities and objectives. It is undeniable that

it can be done; however, specifications and transparent interoperable platforms are needed to

enable effective implementation using existing ICT infrastructures.There are tools for

implementing virtual business processes; the next step is to incorporate business processes

that are linked to real-world objects. As a consequence, methods for allowing these objects to

live in a virtual environment are needed. The technical framework, as well as the definition of

agents and related technology, are all available. However, in order for the Internet of Things

vision to be broadly embraced and applied, open standards-based frameworks for simple

adoption and participation of companies in an integrated virtual and real world are needed.

For the logistics field, EURIDICE seeks to fill the difference between the virtual and physical

worlds.It adopts the principles of Multi-Agent Systems and enables convergence with current

and future systems through a SOA, providing a shared language for all three viewpoints of

enterprise, IT systems, and info. Such systems aid the transition from conventional, structured

planning and decision-making systems to distributed, intelligent, cooperative systems,

placing human objects and their relations with their environments at the core of processes.

The Internet of Things and Services are expected to become a possibility in the future as the

requisite technology become accessible and applicable. It's no longer science fiction; it's the

near future.


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vol. 78, pp. 659–676, 2018, doi: 10.1016/j.future.2017.04.036.

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Smart Drip Irrigation System using Internet of Things (IoT)

Dr. Y. Venkateswarlu1 and Dr. T. G. Vasista2

1Dean & Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Engineering

1 & 2 International School of Technology and Science (for Women),

East Gonagudem, Rajanagaram, Rajamahendravaram, India, 533294 [email protected] and [email protected]

Abstract: According to US Census Bureau projection, India would surpass China as the most

populous country of the world with its projected value of 1.396 billion against China

population of 1.394 billion. Further India would consolidate its position as the most populous

country of the world by 2050 with 1.656 billion people against China with 1.303 billion [76].

According to World Bank Report released in June 2013, 2o C rise in the world’s average

temperature can be expected in the coming decade, which will make India’s summer monsoon

highly unpredictable. The situation of rain pattern leaves some areas with under water and

without water for power generation, irrigation and may be in some cases even for drinking

water too. It was warned that India will see a significant reduction in crop yields as a result of

extreme heat by the year 2040. The situation of water precipitation availability will be

reduced and further ground water resources will fall down to critical levels. About 15 percent

of the country’s ground water tables are overexploited. Water resources from river basins are

expected to reduce further which could impact food adequacy for about 63 million people

[43]. In order to better manage the water demand optimally there is a need of adopting new

and innovative techniques which will conserve the need of water for irrigation process. This

chapter describes the smart drip irrigation system using Internet of Things technology based

application controlled monitoring system through sensors and its applications in drip

irrigation system under prototype development methodology approach.

Keywords: Automated Irrigation Monitoring, Internet of Things, IoT Applications, Sensor

applications, Smart Irrigation System.

1. Introduction

Food and Water are the basic needs of human sustainability. It is important to focus on crop

productivity and yield. Insufficient crop production could lead to starving for food situation.

Water plays predominant role in crop production and supplying water for dry lands is known

as irrigation [6]. Agriculture contributes to a major share in the Indian economy and most of

Indian people are dependent on agriculture for their livelihood [51]. According to Statista

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Research Department (2021), approximately 60 percent of the Indian population works in the

agriculture industry, contributing to 18 percent to India’s GDP [64]. According to US Census

Bureau projection, India would surpass China as the most populous country of the world with

its projected value of 1.396 billion against China population of 1.394 billion. Further India

would consolidate its position as the most populous country of the world by 2050 with 1.656

billion people against China with 1.303 billion [76]. According to World Bank Report

released in June 2013, 2oC rise in the world’s average temperature can be expected in the

coming decade, which will make India’s summer monsoon highly unpredictable. The

situation of rain pattern leaves some areas with under water and without water for power

generation, irrigation and may be in some cases even for drinking water too. It was warned

that India will see a significant reduction in crop yields as a result of extreme heat by the year

2040. The situation of water precipitation availability will be reduced and further ground

water resources will fall down to critical levels. About 15 percent of the country’s ground

water tables are overexploited. Water resources from river basins are expected to reduce

further which could impact food adequacy for about 63 million people [43]. Thus, the natural

irrigation system is under pressure due to the growing water shortages, which is mainly

caused by population growth and climate change, and this change in climate affects the

agriculture crops production significantly. Prediction of harvesting yield well before

harvesting enables the farmers and government officials to take necessary strategies and

measures related to water resources management through measuring various parameters

related to irrigation system [56]. Approximately, 70% of the water withdrawn from various

fresh water resources is used for agricultural activities and better irrigation practices [26].

Drip irrigation has received considerable attention from policy makers, researchers and

economists for its significant capability of contributing to improve water resources

development, agricultural productivity and economic growth as well as environmental

sustainability [36]. In order to better manage the irrigation demand optimally there is a need

of adopting new and innovative techniques which will help conserve the need of water used

through drip irrigation process. IoT under wireless sensor networking environment as an

innovative technique can be used not only in monitoring the environment, agriculture

informatics and disaster management [56] but also to monitor various parameters related to

drip irrigation practices [62] [7] [79][56][63][64].

2. Objective of the Chapter

Effective irrigation water management begins by regulating and timing the irrigation water

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application in a way that will satisfy the need of crop without wasting water, soil and crop

nutrients. It involves water supply to the crop at tolerated rates as per the soil characteristics.

Thus measuring volume of water flow with water flow meter and regulating it in fields is

becoming essential in irrigation water management [70].

Therefore objective of this chapter is to explore and inform about the use of latest information

communication technologies with sensor controlled and automated methods of drip irrigation

to measure regulate and optimize water usage.

3. Previous Works done on Drip irrigation & Sensor Controlled Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation and Fertigation technology were practiced earlier for the purpose of

improving yield and improving use efficiency of water and fertilizers [25]. Under the drought

conditions and little rain, managing water resources for irrigation purposes become crucial. At

present, drip irrigation technology is a modern water-saving system with more precise water

quantity control and higher water use efficiency. Irrigation for better crop growth and yield

would depend on environmental conditions such as water, fertilizer, gas, heat and the soil

water [82].

In the past, some of the following researchers have carried out work on IoT related automated

or smart irrigation system.

Nawandar & Satupte (2019) [51] worked on IoT based low cost and intelligent module for

smart irrigation system to provide intelligence to the device that considers current sensor input

in order to provide decision support on irrigation schedules for efficient irrigation. Shekhar,

Dagur, Mishra, Tom, Veeramanikandan & Sankaranarayanan (2017) [66] worked on

developing intelligent IoT based automated irrigation system for the purpose of sensing data

pertaining to soil moisture and temperature captured and accordingly KNN (K-Nearest

Neighbor) classification machine algorithm deployed for analyzing the sensor data for

predicting towards irrigating the soil with water. Intelligent IoT has the capability to provide

decision support by actuating irrigation schedules, fertilizer schedules, crop rotation decision

and information about birds scaring system to farmer mobiles (Kait, Kai, Khoshdelniat, Lim

& Tat, 2007) [35]. IoT also helps in developing an automated field specific irrigation system

with soil moisture sensor and sprinkler valve controller [81]. IoT can be considered as a low

cost technological solution for providing sensor based networks for better crop management

[48]. Abioye et al. (2020) [1] have worked on IoT based monitoring and data driven modeling

for drip irrigation system for mustard leaf cultivation experiment. They developed a robust

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monitoring framework for irrigation system to predict the volumetric soil water content.

Further the application of Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for

monitoring smart irrigation system has been successfully implemented by [57][58] in passing.

An IoT is used for smart irrigation management system using machine learning and open

source technologies [24].

Also the previous works on IoT based drip irrigation system include the works of Pratyusha &

Suman (2012) [60], Swamy, Rajesh, Pooja & Ramakrishna (2013) [74], Shiraz Pasha &

Yogesh (2014) [67] & Awati & Patil, (2018) [8]. Ouedraogo, Kebre & Zougmore (2021) [54]

have worked on using simulation technique for simulating water dynamics in soil under drip

irrigation in arid regions to better manage irrigation water.

4. Theoretical Background

Drip irrigation has received considerable attention from policy makers, researchers and

economists for its significant capability of contributing to improve water resources

development, agricultural productivity and economic growth as well as environmental

sustainability [36].

Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation method. It allows slow application of water to

the soil consistency over longer period of time. In this method water is applied to field even

under low pressure to all plants [9]. Higher efficiency through drip irrigation is observed as

the water is supplied only to the roots before it gets evaporated and spraying all over the fields

[63]. Water use efficiency can be determined as follows [42]:

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) = 𝑊𝑢

𝑊𝑑 x 100


Eu = Water use efficiency per cent

Wu = Water beneficially used

Wd = Water delivered

Water use efficiency is defined further as (i) crop use efficiency and (ii) field water efficiency

(i) Crop Water use efficiency = Yield of Crop / Amount of water depleted by crop in


CWUE = Y/ET (kg/ha/cm3)

(ii) Field Water Use Efficiency = yield of crop (Y) / Total amount of water used in the


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FWUE = Y/WR (kg/ha/cm)

Drip irrigation consumes 40-60% less water than other types of irrigation farming (Bahinipati

& Viswanathan, 2019) [10]. It requires less labor for irrigation. A basic drip irrigation system

consists of a water supply unit, pumping unit, mainlines, laterals and emitters. Regulatory

components such as filters, pressure regulators, valves, fertilizer unit gate valves etc are also

become part of it. These pipes are made usually with Galvanized iron material. The minimum

cost of deploying a drip irrigation system for 1 acre of land is estimated to be around 60,000

to 75,000 INR [63].

IoT based smart irrigation management system can help in achieving optimum water-resource

utilization. It also help to predict the irrigation requirements of a field using the sensing of

ground parameter like soil moisture along with weather forecast data from the Internet [80].

Weather forecast parameters like precipitation, air temperature, humidity and UV. Sensor data

can be collected wirelessly over the cloud using web-services and a web-based information

visualization, decision support system and a real-time information system to provide analysis

and insights on a closed loop control of the water supply to an autonomous irrigation scheme

[24]. The data generated by different sensors in via IoT platform for conducting modern

agricultural operations enable better understanding in the interaction of dynamic changes of

the crop, soil and weather conditions, which help in predicting more accurate and faster

decision making in real-time towards achieving water-saving in agriculture [17]. Sukriti et al.

(2016) [72], have focused on reducing water wastage using smart irrigation system to achieve

optimal irrigation for continuously monitoring the water level.

5. Public Projects related to Drip Irrigation in India

Irrigation has been classified as a state subject in the Seventh Schedule of the Indian

Constitution and has been given infrastructure status by March 2017 by the Department of

Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers

Welfare of India, the status of Micro-Irrigation development statistics is given as follows:

India has approximately 160 Million Hectares of cultivable land. Only approximately 65

Million Hectares (MHa) i.e. 41% of this land is covered under irrigation (for FY 2012). Area

covered under Micro Irrigation was only 8.6 MHa. Compared to the potential of 69.5 MHa, in

which 4.7 MHa is covered under sprinkler irrigation (54.64%), while 3.9 MHa is covered

under drip irrigation (45.4%). Six states of India are covering 81% of the total area under

Micro Irrigation viz., (i) Rajasthan (20% share), (ii) Andhra Pradesh (15%), Maharashtra

(15% share), Gujarat (13%), Karnataka (11%) and Haryana (7%) [53].

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The water usage efficiency under various irrigation systems has been show in the Chart 1.

Chart 1: (Source: Niti Ayog, 2017) [53]

Right now India is developing micro-irrigation based on Public Private Partnership

Program. Some of the expected outcomes of this program include water use efficiency and

increase in revenue to farmers [53].

World’s largest drip irrigation project in Hungund taluk of Bagalkot district of Karnataka

State of India was started in October 2016. It is a768-crore scheme benefiting around 15000

small and marginal farmers in 30 villages of Hungund taluk. It is being handled in joint

venture by Netafim India Private Limited and Jain Irrigation to run under BooT (Build, Own,

Operate, and Transfer) model [49]. This project has been executed under Krishna Bhagya Jal

Nigam Limited, a division of Water Resources Department of Karnataka to cover 12300

hectares of area with a worker order value of 4850 Million completed in 18m. The scope

includes the construction of water distribution system using High Density PolyEthylene

(HDPE) pipes, which is a thermoplastic polymer produced from the monomer ethylene to be

used for low pressure requirements and Poly Venyl Chloride (PVC) pipes for relatively high

pressure requirement because PVC pipes are must stronger and have stiffer materials [50].

The role of Netafim Company is to deal with precision irrigation, digital farming and

sustainable agriculture Digital farming helps farmers to get more yield from the crop, more

savings, more time for family. Drip irrigation transforms the life of farmers by enabling

higher yields while saving water, fertilizer and energy [52]. In this context Davinia Lamme,

the managing partner of Larive International, a Netherlands based company under public-

private partnership stated that to be made the solutions contemporary to the year 2030 in this

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automation era, “it is important to adopt long-term perspectives to water resources

management to solve the issues with innovative ideas and techniques” [45]. Therefore the

present focus is to see how best the water resources can be managed using IoT technology

applying to drip irrigation.

6. Methodology

Automated Irrigation system refers to the operation of the system that does surveillance and

works with minimum or no manual intervention. By adopting automation techniques, timers,

sensors, mechanical and computer appliances are used to make the irrigation process more

efficient by allowing workers to focus more on other important farming tasks. It eliminates

the manual operations of opening and closing valves, it optimizes the frequency of irrigation

and fertigation processes. Increased efficiency in water and fertilizer use and also minimizes

the loss of water from evaporation by allowing the system to operate during the night times

too. Thus it also optimizes energy requirements. However the system could be expensive and

demands uninterrupted electric power supply [71].

From the perspective of adopting it to projects (as a business process), basically CRASP

(Customer-Respond-Adapt-Sense-Provider) methodology [2] is adopted and then

subsequently found that it has been imbibed in Design Thinking methodology. CRASP

methodology is introduced by Dr. Mohammed Al-Sudairi and Dr. T G Vasista conceptually

with its corresponding diagram for the first time during the year 2013 at King Saud

University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and got accepted as a research paper by the prestigious

IBIMA Conferences during the year 2013. Design methodology is introduced in Hasso-

Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University in California. The goal of design thinking

methodology is to help achieve innovating in computer engineering field in order to find

insights in terms of developing new projects and solutions. This methodology refers to an

Unified three-activity phases viz., innovation phase, execute phase and synthesis phase,

However its original design thinking approach is well known through its functional diagram

that refers to follow (i) empathize, (ii) define (iii) ideate (iv) prototype and (v) test [75].

In this study, a design methodology based on prototyping approach is proposed to be

followed. This methodology is intended to enhance the functionality of the test. Prototyping

process involves hypothesis setting, experimental planning and verification of failure factors


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It enables designers (represented by students and teachers) to apply materials and

manufacturing methods using digital models and physical methods rather than representing in

the form of images, which might convey a message of simple science fiction [39].

Rapid prototyping using experimental setup and its methods leads to depict itself as a

working model of an instructional product. It can be used early in a process to assist in the

analysis, design, development and evaluation of a product or project innovation [34]. The

purpose of opting the Rapid prototyping methods is to realize conceptual structure of the final

product without incurring much of the expenses as done for the full product development

cycle [33] so that feasibility of completing and the risks involved in the intricacies can be

understood better.

6.1 Techniques of Water Conservation in Agriculture

The following are some of the Technologies used for water conservation:

In-situ moisture conservation, reduction in seepage loss in channels, rain water harvesting,

surface and ground water management, use of water and energy efficient irrigation devices

automation of micro-irrigation (drip irrigation system etc are developed and available in India


(i) Research experience has proved that use of ‘mulch’ is an effective technology of in-situ

moisture conservation and it helps in reducing water requirement of crop from other sources

besides maintaining good crop yield [77].

(ii) Unlined tanks prone to heavy seepage losses (e.g. 300-400 litres/day/m2) and it is important to

reduce seepage loss to minimum level in a cost effective way thus can make the tank water

storage more effective. For this purpose Low Density PolyEthelene (LDPE) film can be used

successfully to effectively control the seepage loss. The film uses 200-250 micro thickness of

plastic film for lining tanks, ponds and reservoirs. By using this technique, about a maximum

of 95% seepage loss can be reduced. It costs about 15 lakhs of INR per unit in plain areas and

17.25 lakhs/unit in hilly areas. For the water harvesting scenarios, it costs 1.20 lakhs/unit in

plain areas and 1.38 lakhs/unit in hilly areas for a maximum commanded area of 2 Ha [83].

(iii) Development of rigid PVC tube wells, improved propeller pumps, improved foot valve, chain

pumps for water lifting in tribal area can suggested. Efficient reflux valve, safety device

against overheating of diesel engines, low cost well screens for shallow tube wells are some

of the water use efficient technologies developed under All India Coordinated Research

Project (AICRP) on optimization of ground water utilization through wells and pumps [77]

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However, this chapter deals with using the technique of automated micro-irrigation system. It

consists of three integral components viz. sensors, control valves and monitoring

software/decision support systems.

6.2 Automated Drip Irrigation

Automation in micro-irrigation system is achieved by having a centralized decision making

control device support with a set of hardware units such as controllers, valves, metering

pumps, flow transducers, sensors, relays etc., to carry out irrigation commands and sensors to

input environmental measurements for making better irrigation decision [19].

Precision engineering is defined as an efficient technique of water allocation characterized by

the optimal management and best collaboration of factors relevant to irrigation process

considering the agricultural production and crop cultivation. It highlights the water allocation

and integrated management contributing to the high-efficiency performance. There is a need

of taking the support of cloud and data oriented computing techniques for achieving irrigation

management and performance based water allocation in order to facilitate the promotion of

irrigation productivity with higher accuracy and reliable returns [46].

6.3 IoT Architecture for Drip Irrigation

In agricultural fields the problem of lack of water resources is minimized by better

managing the water resources. Our proposed Smart irrigation system diagram is shown in this

section that uses IoT system for conducting and regulating the drip irrigation method. A

Raspberry Pi3 B+ based micro controller system is proposed to be adopted to better manage

and control the water. Correspondingly the environmental parameters like soil moisture,

temperature and humidity will be observed and also the threshold value is set for operating the

pump i.e. to automatically switch off/on [27]. This proposed system will send the health of the

crop information to a web page of the internet and to a mobile phone. It uses sensors to

monitor the soil moisture content which depends on the valves of the system. These valves

can get turned ON/OFF automatically. Soil moisture, temperature and other parameter

conditions of the weather are sensed and the same information is sent to the micro controller

(i.e. Raspberry Pi in this case). The micro controller takes action corresponding to the sensed

and processed data. This information is provided to GSM (Global System for Mobile)

Communication, the signal of which is sent to user mobile as SMS (Short Message Service).

Thus capturing the total crop condition using IoT is possible to send it to nearest weather

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station [23]. IoT Weather station using Raspberry Pi monitors humidity, temperature and

pressure over internet and thus measures environmental conditions.

7. Smart Irrigation System Component Description

(i) Water Flow Meter Sensor: Accurate flow measure both in terms of qualitative and economic

point of view is important in order to regulate the water flow rates in the irrigation water

supply pumps to avoid excess water supply thus damanging crops [70].

Hall effect flow sensor: YF-S201 ½ inch water flow sensor can be used that sits in line with

the water line and contains a pinwheel sensor to measure the quantity of water pumped

through it ( [20]. The flow meter works on the principle of Hall Effect

sensor (Suresh, Balaji, Anto & Jenith, 2014) [73]. The Hall effect sensor is a transducer

whose output voltage varies in response to magnetic field ( [47].

The flow meter is capable of measuring 1-30 liters per minute. It can withstand the pressure of

water <= 2.0 MPa. The water flow sensor is connected to a ½ inch pipe. As water flows

throguh water flow meter, Hall effect sensor senses the water flow and sends the data to

Arduino and from where the data is uploaded to raspberry pi [73].

Electro-Valve: Solenoid valves replace the traditional valves to control the flow. These valves

are operated either in ON mode or OFF mode and a pulse-width modulation approach is used

to control the water flow (Ibrahim, 2014). The qunatitiy of water flow is proportional to the

time-period for which the valve is being operated in ON state for a particular duration of

period. A 24v relay is used to ON or OFF the solenoid valve [61].

Drip Emitter: It is also called dripper or emitter. It is used to transfer water from water from

pipe. Typical emitter flow rate ranges from 1.52 – 15 litres/hour. Drip emitters employ silicon

diaphrams or other means to allow them to transfer to main line with a range of pressure

ranging from 56 – 280 KPa (8 to 40 psi) [42].

(ii) Soil Moisture Sensor

The soil moisture sensor is used to guage the volumetric content of water within the soil. It

works on the principle of voltage comparison (Geetha, Dhamodharan, Barani, Jegadheesan &

Gowthamkrishnan, 2020) [22]. Based on the value being displayed, control circuit motor will

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start and it will pump the water. The value indicates whether the soil is dry or wet.

Corresponding the motor operate in order to fulfill the conditions of making the soil moist

(Das, Pal, das, Sasmal & Ghosh, 2017) [15]. A Soil moisture sensor (for e.g. YL-69) is also

called hygrometer.

Figure 1: Smart Irrigation System Prototype (Source: Google Images)

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Figure 2: Sensor relevant to Smart Irrigation (Source Google Images)

DHT11 Sensor: It is a basic digital humidity and temperature sensor that measures humidty

and temperature [20].

(iii) Water Storage Tank & Irrgation Pipe

The water storage tank monitoring system uses ultrasonic sensor to measure the water level

inside the tank. It is automated to switch ON and OFF the motor by comparing a threshold

level. It also uses a DHT sensor, which prevents the motor leakges by switching off the motor

automatically. Correspondingly it uses a GSM module to communicate the status of water

level in the tank for irrigation purposes to the user mobile [44].

Ultrasonic Water Level Sensor: The WL705 Ultrasonic water level sensor uses the latest

ultrasonic distance measuring technology for accurate results of water level monitoring. It is

an industry standard compliance 4-20mA output transducer. It requires no programming and

calibration [30]. It can be used in irrigation water supply applications for monitoring water

level in tanks and open channels.

BMP280 Pressure Sensors: In irrigation water supply application, it helps to monitor the

abnormal perssure of the pipe and a message is transmitted to the corresponding solenoid

valve to shutdown the system through a communication module such as Zigbee/802.15.4. A

Low pressure value indicates broken pipe or pipe failure topen valves. High pressure value

indicates that a value is not closed properly. Correspondingly drip irrigation system

communication is shown in the figure [12].

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Figure 3: Sensor Communciation in Drip Irrigation System

(Source: Bennis, Fouchal, Zytoune, Aboutajdine, 2015) [12]

(iv) Jumper Cables: A jump wire is an electric wire with a connector at each end that connects the

components on the breadboard (a device for temporary prototype with electronic test circuit

designs. It is used for interconnecting other devices used along with micro controllers like

sensors) internally with other equipment or components without soldering [4].

Figure 4: Jump cables, Breadboard & GSM SIM Module (Source: [4][5]

(v) D. C. Motor

Crops need an optimum level of water for agricultural production. But farmers cannot find

this optimal point, Farmers think supply and application of more water means more

agricultural production. But automated drip irrigation can help the farmers to find this optimal

point. To supply water through pipes, a DC motor pump under 12V is requierd [65].

(vi) Relay: Relay is an electromechanical switch. It is operated by a small amount of electric

current, which can control the switching activity of the large electric current operating devices

(where Arduino UNO can not) [55]. When the soil sensor gives the status of the soil to the

sensor amplifier, the micro controller displays the status of the soil on the LCD panel[41] and

controls the pumping motor through the relay [3].

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(vii) Power Supply: To aid in powering the board, a single 12V power supply component is used


(viii) IoT Weather Station: A weather station is an instrument or device that provides information

about the weather of neighbouring environment such as temperature, barometric pressume,

humidity etc. It basically senses and measures these parameter values. In addition to it it also

measures the light intensity, atmosphereic pressure and rain value [39].

(ix) Hybrid NodeMCU: UNO+WIFI R3ATMEGA328P+NODEMCU ESP8266 (compatible for

Arduino UNO) ( This Hybrid nodeMCU is directly connected to the universal

serial bus port of the Raspberry Pi. The brain of the prototype is the ESP8266 based Wi-fi

module NodeMCU (12E) [39].

(x) Raspberry Pi, Cloud & Router: Raspberry Pi is a light weight micro computer that runs on

Linux Operating system capable of handling various hardware interfaces. Raspberry can use

Python as a coding language to receive data from serial port and resends it to the server

computer [73].

(xi) GSM SIM 800L: The SIM800 is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS module, that can be

embedded easily with the micro controller. It provides an industry-standard interface. It

delivers GSM/GPRS850/900/1800/1900MHz perforamnce for voice, SMS and Data with

lower power consumption [29].

(xii) Wireless Sensor Network and Zigbee technology: It helps to control the soil mositure, air

humidy and temperature and regulates the water pump, relay and buzzer. The data is

transmitted to web server using GPRS throguh mobile network [18].

Figure 6: Sensors to be used in Smart Irrigation (Source: [4]

(xiii) Computers & Mobile: Host computer (Supervisor) performs data processing to deterime the

irrigation time and outputs commands to drive appropriate actuators. Host computer stores the

the transmitted data related to status of irrigations sytem and display the overall system on PC

Screen in an interanactive way. Windows based Laptop pc uses a Delphi based software

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program to interact with embedded micro-processor based system through the serial port. The

Delphi program code consists of the code to initialize the bi-directional serial communication

between the PC and embedded micro-processor; the code can also be written to control the

water flow valves and fertilizer usage [13].

(xiv) User: User sents message to Raspberry Pi module. Pi also receiveds commands from micro

controller using Zigbee. Microcontroller controls the relay and ultirasonic sensor. If the water

level was low, Micro controller sends signal to the Raspberry Pi. It then sends signal to the

valve to turn ON/OFF as per the context [21].

8. Working Principle

This project is aimed to work on the principle of automatically sensing the data from various

sensors like soil moisture, water flow meter sensor, weather parameters like temperature,

pressure, density, humidity and rain value etc as mentioned earlier and transmitting the data

using Wireless Sensor Network to the microcontroller. Micro controller then will make a

decision on whether to start or when to start and stop the motor pump. In case of raining, rain

sensor value helps to send the command to microcontroller to switch of the motor. Thus the

real time sensing data helps in minimizing the wastage of water used during the irrigation

process. Similarly the soil moisture level monitoring system helps to control the water flow

available in the pipe [37]. It is proposed to use Hybrid system of microcontroller keeping the

alternate plan of making other micro controller to work continues to work. Raspberry Pi posts

the received values on the webpage [16]. ThingSpeak cloud server as a free cloud storage

provider helps Prototyping projects to make it cost-effective. The data from the cloud server is

fetched using HTTP POST request and stored in JSON format and can be extracted by the

android based ThingSpeak App. This app displays the data to the user in their mobiles [14].

Steps in Smart Irrigation System Work Flow [59]:

1. System initializes with Raspberry Pi.

2. Water level sensor checks the level of water in the water tank

3. The soil moisture sensor checks the soil moisture content constantly

4. The camera installed with Raspberry Pi monitors the visual field scenario

5. All the sensors data through Wireless sensor network system gets updated to the web server

6. If the permissible level of water is reduced, then the relay connected to Raspberry Pi through

NodeMCU will turn ON the motor.

7. If the soil becomes dry, the motor connected to the relay will be switched ON to wet the agri-


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9. Conclusion

IoT based smart irrigation system is beneficial to users to work in a cost-effective manner. It

helps in reducing the water consumption and water wastage. This system is useful in installing

near green fields and will become highly useful where there is scarcity of water. It improves

the harvesting efficiency and increases the crop yield. It helps in optimizing the water

resources for irrigation and domestic use purposes too.


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Solar based Flood Detection alert communication system using IOT

Dr.Deepa.S 1, Dr.Alli.A2

1,2 Associate professor Department of computer Applications, Presidency College, Bengaluru , India.


Internet is a backbone to all the Electronics Devices. The IOT is a one of the emerging trend in

Computer science and Communication. The proposed System architecture involves of wireless water

level and temperature/humidity level observing system and it is a tiny model for solar based flood

detection messaging system. This research work explains all the components used for constructing the

system model.. The wireless Sensors are playing the major role for detecting the flood location and send

the message to users mobile or personal computer. .If the water level and temperature/humidity value is

greater than the thresh hold value the system model generates security alerts and delivered to end user.

This system is constructed using wireless and radar based digital devices, can able to give accurate data

compare to the existing System.

Keywords: IOT, Sensors, Flood Detection ,LCD, Micro Controller, GSM module, SMS

1.An overview of IOT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of interrelated computers with different accessories to

automate the day today operations between the source and destination using digital network technology.

It has the ability to transfer or exchange the between different locations using embedded techniques. The

major goal of IOT is to extend the services to the users with the help of various digital systems such as

computer systems, digital tablet, sensors, printed circuit boards etc.,

The term IOT was coined by Kevin Ashton in the year 1999,which was the base John Rokey’s toaster

system which enables or disables the connection over the internet. In late 2000 IOT was born and

extensively developed and incorporated in various applications by researchers to name a few smart

watches ,smart phones and other automated devices.

IOT systems are meant for smart system development in the virtual environment. It assist us collecting

the required data, with embedded components ,soft computing based algorithms users will be able to

process the data and produces the feasible output .The expected outputs can be achieved by the users

with a built in automated decision making system.

1.1 Components of an IOT system:

1) Sensor: It is a major component which is used to collect the data from the surroundings to analyse the

different levels of data. It is used to feed the data into the devices in continuous manner to produce the

expected output.

2)Network connection: Cloud technologies plays a major role to collect, store and transmit the data

as per the requirement.The sensors could be built in or external mode which can be connected using

different communication medium such as satellite and other wireless networks.

3) Processing the data: It fetches the data from the cloud and performs the respective operation

based on the application.The process could be temperature, reading on devices such as coolers or

heaters. However, it can sometimes also be very complex like identifying objects, using computer vision

on video.

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4)User Interface:The end-user should have the available information in different forms such as

o Alarms on their phones

o Notification through email

o Mobile notification

o Text message.

It’s always two-way communication. Depending on the IoT application and complexity of the system,

the user may also be able to perform certain operations.

1.3 Challenges in IOT

Testing and updation operation is complex

Data security is challenging task

Software complexity

Data interpretation is complex

Automating the process with AI is challenging

Devices needs continuous power supply is darwback

Interaction and short-range communication

1.4 Benefits of IOT in automated system

Technical Optimization: IoT concepts helps the developers to improve the technologies and making

them better. Example, Two-wheeler and four wheeler manufacturers is able to collect data from

different sensors to improve its design and make them more efficient.

Improved Data Collection: Data collection in a traditional way has its limitations and its design for

passive use. It provides immediate action on data.

Reduced Waste: IoT offers real-time information leading to effective decision making & management

of resources.

Improved Customer Engagement: It allows the developer to improve customer experience by

detecting problems to find possible solutions.

1.5 Disadvantages IoT

Insufficient Security. Privacy issues.

Flexibility is a concern regarding integrating with another system as there are many diverse systems

involved in the process.

Complexity in design and automation process

It has its own set of rules and regulations.

1.6 Applications of IOT

Automated home services

Automated health care systems

Smart city

Smart supply chain management

Activity trackers

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Smart irrigation system

Smart flood detection system

2. Flood Control and Disaster Management

Flooding is a sudden surplus of water onto land that is generally dry. Floods are the most common

disaster in the earth. If you are not leaving flooded areas, it leads to death. The main reasons for floods

are heavy rain for long time, storms and dams overflow. It damages in the buildings It damages property

and the lives of humans To avoid this, the flood control and disaster management system is required to

avoid these kind of problems. Flood control refers different methods to decrease or avoid the harmful

effects of flood waters

3. Literature review

The Neuro-fuzzy controller based flood monitoring system using wireless sensor network (Syed

NazmusSakib etal 2016) comprise of the disseminated sensor nodes uses IEEE 802.15.4 protocol to

accumulate the sensor information it includes water level data from the river level, rainfall , wind speed

and air force related data from a designated location and to evaluate the proposed flood monitoring

system, The location considered as Chadpur, a flood affected region of Bangladesh. The sensors

statistics are sent to the disseminated alert centres using Arduino microcontroller and the XBee

Transceivers. At the disseminated alert centres, XBee Transceiver and a Raspberry Pi microcomputer

are used to create flood alert built using on sensor data that is stored in a database. Sensor information

are examined by the intelligent neuro-fuzzy controller built in Raspberry Pi microcomputer to broadcast

the flood signals. The wireless sensor network is formed using mesh topology which is used for

sending signals to far distance. The proposed system precisely identify flood alert with respect to the

existing flood alert system.

IOT Enabled Water Monitoring System IEEE Explore (Thinagaran Perumal, MdNasir Suleiman, C. Y.

Leong.,2015)In this paper [10],[11],[12] suggested an water level monitoring system using IOT that

quantify the water level in real time. The model is constructed based on the level of water ,it is an

significant parameter with respect to the flood incidences particularly in disaster disposed area. A water

level sensor is for finding as preferred factor and if the water level touches the parameter the indication

will be autonomously in real time to social network like Twitter.

A cloud server used to store these data and database is maintained in server. The water level values are

exhibited in remote control panel. The proposed system with built in sensors that permits internal

checking of water value. Warnings and significant data are diffused through the internet to a cloud server

and can be acknowledged by user work station.

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4. Hardware components the system

4.1.Solar unit

Solar panels are devices and it is used to take sun rays as input and produce the electricity as the output

Fig1:Solar panel

A solar panel is a group of solar photovoltaic cells, it is used to produce electricity using photovoltaic

effect. The cells are placed in a grid pattern on the top of solar boards.

Majority of solar panels are constructed with crystalline silicon solar cells. The Solar panels are always

by default it produce direct current voltage, and if linked to an electrical circuit, they create

direct current (DC).Direct Current (DC) denotes to the one side directional movement of electrons and

is the form of power . DC power is commonly used in low voltage applications.

4.2. Stabilizer

A voltage stabilizer is an electronics device it provides a persistent voltage to a load at its output

stations, irrespective of the fluctuations in the input or received source voltage. It guards equipment or

machinery from high or low voltage surges.

4.3. Display units

EmbeddedSystems that involves user communications, essential to have display units. Liquid Crystal

Display (LCD) is the one of the commonly used display Unit.: The different type of LCDs are 2

line(Fig2) shows with eight characters per line, four line display with 12 characters per line. LCDs are

integrated with the embedded systems with a distinct software (LCD Driver) for showing the data on

LCD units. In this System LCD is used for displaying the alert message.

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Fig:2 LCD Display Unit

4.4 Temperature and humidity sensor

The DHT22(Fig2) component holds a capacitive moisture sensor, DS18B20 temperature sensor and 8-

bit microcontroller. As per the datasheet, it is capable of identifying 0 to 100% comparative humidity and

temperatures from -40 to 125 degree celsius. The determination for humidity as well as temperature is

0.1and the level of accuracy is +/ 2 for humidity and +/ 0.3 for temperature. This component is used for

measuring the Humidity and Temperature in the from the place dynamically and it sends the data to

Micro control Unit in this System

Fig3: DHT22 Sensor

4.5. Wireless river channel level sensor

The CS477(Fig:4) is a radar-ranging sensor that observes water level of rivers, lakes, tidal seas, and

reservoirs. It can measure distances up to 70 meters. The CS477 produce a digital SDI-12 signal to show

the distance and phase.

Fig:4 wireless river channel level sensor

With the help of lithium battery and Solar power, to communicate the data by GPRS and RS485 SIM

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card. In this system, radar sensor is used for measuring the water level and it sends the data to Micro

control Unit .

4.6. Ultrasonic Sensor

Fig5: Ultrasonic Sensor

An ultrasonic sensor(Fig5:) is an microelectronic component that measures the distance of a target

object by radiating ultrasonic sound waves, and transforms the replicated sound into an electrical signal.

Ultrasonic waves travel faster than the speediness of audible sound. In this system architecture it

measures the sound of the distant waves and send the information to Micro controller unit.

4.7. Micro controller unit

A microcontroller(Fig 6:) is a solitary chip microcomputer invented from VLSI production. A micro

controller is also called as embedded controller.The different types of microcontrollers are existing with

Various word size like 4bit, 8bit, 64bit and 128bit microcontrollers. Microcontroller is a compacted

version of micro computer is manufactured to regulates the work of embedded systems.. A

microcontroller is consist of memory, peripherals and a processor. Microcontrollers are essentially

working in devices that requires a amount of control to be functional by the user’s device.

Fig:6 Micro Controller

The Arduino Uno R3 is a microcontroller board based on a removable, dual-inline-package (DIP)

ATmega328 AVR microcontroller. It comprises of 20 digital input/output pins and it can be used as

PWM outputs and analog inputs. Embedded programs can be loaded on to it The Arduino is most

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widely used and it is simple approach to get started working with embedded electronics. In this

architecture all the sensor data like humidity temperature, Water level data are given as input to the

micro controller and it produces the output and sends to the GSM module.

4.8. GSM Module

GSM Module is fundamentally a GSM Modem , SIM 900A(Fig 7:) connected to a PCB it produces the

different types of output from the board like Arduino, 8051 and other microcontrollers and RS232

Output to interface with a personal computer.

Fig:7 SIM 900 A GSM Board

The board has a facility to connect mic and speaker with+5V of power and ground connections.

SIM900A is an compressed and consistent wireless module. The SIM900A is a complete Dual-band

GSM/GPRS solution and it can be embedded in the client applications.

A network of the series connected devices can be fabricated to form the Solar Based flood detection

Messaging System

5. Methodology for Flood detection system Architecture

Fig1: Flood detection system Architecture

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5.1 Working flow of the Flood detection System.

This architecture consist of different components to construct the flood detection and send alert messages

to end user. The architecture comprise of Solar panel and it is connected to DC unit, it supplies electricity

to all connected devices in this system. The stabilizer takes the input from DC unit, regulates and send to

Micro Controller Unit.

The input unit consist of Temperature /humidity Sensor, Wireless river channel level Sensor and Ultra

sonic sensor. The selection of Sensor is to measure the temperature/humidity of the surrounding of the

river area. The DHT22 sensor is used in this system to measure the humidity and temperature and sends

the data frequently to Micro Controller Unit and the same is processed. If the value is greater than the

thresh hold, the information is send to GSM module.

Wireless river channel level Sensor is used for assessing the level of water in the river and send the input

Micro controller Unit. Ultrasonic sensor quantifying the force and sound of the water flow and send the

data to Micro controller Unit. The SIM900A card is used wireless based GSM is used in this System.

All these data are processed by Micro controller and it exceeds the thresh hold value it send the message

to GSM module, it sends the alert SMS to users Mobile in that surrounded area using the WiFi. The same

can also send to Wifi Connected PC to Mail and Social medial like Face Book, twitter.

6. Conclusion

Disasters the term proposes, brings about countless destruction on lives and belongings universally

transversely the world. Emerging countries it experiences more damage compare to the developed

countries and also very difficult to deal with the post results of these disasters. In recent years in

different states like Kerala , Utharkhant and Tamilnadu we have seen the Flood disaster . Flood

prediction and the delivering of flood cautions are efficient methods to decrease destruction. The

proposed System is the some level solution to avoid the loss and saves so many human lives. The Solar

based flood detection and alert system using IOT may save the lives of public by falling the human

early out in emergency circumstances. A network of the series connected devices can be fabricated to

cover a large zone and hereafter, a disaster management system can be designed for a district and state

level of the Country. The future works can address the flood alert information’s can be exhibited on

LED display boards for highway users and for security details could be employed at planned places.

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