Implementing compilers Code Generation and Optimisation ... · Implementing compilers There are two...

Code Generation and Optimisation Haskell for Compiler Writers Implementing compilers There are two basic requirements of any compiler implementation: 1. To represent the source / target program in a data structure, usually referred to as an abstract syntax tree. 2. To traverse the abstract syntax tree, extracting information and transforming it from one form to another. Why Haskell? Haskell has two main features which make it good for writing compilers. 1. Algebraic data types allow an abstract syntax tree to be easily constructed. 2. Pattern matching makes it easy to define functions that traverse an abstract syntax tree. This lecture How to: define abstract syntax transform abstract syntax trees using Haskell. Aim: to appreciate features of Haskell that make it good for implementing compilers.

Transcript of Implementing compilers Code Generation and Optimisation ... · Implementing compilers There are two...

Code Generation and Optimisation

Haskell for Compiler Writers

Implementing compilers

There are two basic requirements of any compiler implementation:

1. To represent the source / target program in a data structure, usually referred to as an abstract syntax tree.

2. To traverse the abstract syntax tree, extracting information and transforming it from one form to another.

Why Haskell?

Haskell has two main features which make it good for writing compilers.

1. Algebraic data types allow an abstract syntax tree to be easily constructed.

2. Pattern matching makes it easy to define functions that traverse an abstract syntax tree.

This lecture

How to:

define abstract syntax

transform abstract syntax trees

using Haskell.

Aim: to appreciate features of Haskell that make it good for implementing compilers.


Principles of Haskell


The factorial function in Haskell:

fact :: Int -> Int

Type signature

“is of type”

Function names begin with a lower-case letter.

fact(n) = if n == 1 then 1 else n * fact(n-1)


Application and reduction

A function applied to an input is called an application, e.g.

An application reduces to the right-hand-side of the first matching equation.


if 3 == 1 then 1 else 3 * fact(3-1)

fact(3) ⇒

“reduces to”


fact(3) ⇒ if 3 == 1 then 1 else 3 * fact(3-1) ⇒ if False then 1 else 3 * fact(3-1) ⇒ 3 * fact(3-1) ⇒ 3 * fact(2) ⇒ ... ⇒ 6

Expressions are evaluated by repeatedly reducing applications.

6 fact(3) ⇒*

“evaluates to”


Commonly used data types


The empty list is written []

The list with head h and tail t is written h:t

[5,6,7] ≡ 5:6:7:[]

[1] ≡ 1:[]

['x', 'y'] ≡ 'x' : ('y':[])

“cons” “the list containing 1”

The type of a list

The type of a list of elements of type a is written [a].

If x:xs is of type [a]

then x must have type a

and xs must have type [a].

For example, the list ['a', 'b'] is a value of type [Char].


A function to sum the elements of a list:

sum :: [Int] -> Int

sum([]) = 0 sum(x:xs) = x + sum(xs)

Two equations

Exercise 1

Give the reduction steps to evaluate the following application.



A function to compute the length of a list:

length :: [a] -> Int

length([]) = 0 length(x:xs) = 1 + length(xs)

It is a polymorphic function: it can be applied to a list of values of any type.

Type variable


A couple more examples of polymorphic functions:

head :: [a] -> a

head(x:xs) = x

tail :: [a] -> [a]

tail(x:xs) = xs


If x1, x2, …, xn are values of types t1, t2, …, tn respectively

then the tuple

is a value of type

For example, the following values are of type (Char, [Int]).

(x1, x2, …, xn)

(t1, t2, …, tn)

('a', []) ('b', [9]) ('z', [5,6,7])

Multiple inputs

min :: (Int, Int) -> Int

min(x, y) = if x < y then x else y

Tuples can be used to pass multiple inputs to a function.

min(5, 10) 5 ⇒*

For example:

Exercise 2

Define a function

append :: ([a], [a]) -> [a]

append([1,4,2], [3,4])

that joins two lists into a single list, e.g.



Homework Exercise

Define a function

first :: (Int, [a]) -> [a]

such that first(n, xs) returns the first n elements of the list xs, e.g.

first(2, [9,8,3,5]) ⇒* [9,8]

first(4, [3,5]) ⇒* [3,5]

Infix operators

Infix operators can be defined for functions of two arguments. For example, the definition

allows ++ to be used as follows.

xs ++ ys = append(xs, ys)

[1,2] ++ [3] ++ [4,5,6]



Precedence and associativity

Any Haskell operator can be given a precedence (from 0 to 9) and left, right, or non-associativity.

For example, we can write:

infixl 6 – infixr 7 *

So x–y–z is interpreted as (x–y)–z.

And x–y*z is interpreted as x–(y*z).

Exercise 3

Why make ++ right-associative?

infixr 5 ++

In Haskell, we have:


Type synonyms and algebraic data types

Type synonyms

Type synonyms allow a new (more meaningful) name to be given to an existing type, e.g.

The new type String is entirely

equivalent to [Char]. In Haskell:

type String = [Char]

New name Existing type

['h', 'i', '!'] ≡ "hi!"

Algebraic data types

A data definition introduces a new type, and a set of constructors that can be used to create values of that type.

Type and constructor names begin with an upper-case letter.

data Bool = True | False

data Colour = Red | Green | Blue

Data type Data constructors

Pattern matching

Examples of functions involving Bool and Colour:

not :: Bool -> Bool

not(False) = True not(True) = False

isRed :: Colour -> Bool

isRed(Red) = True isRed(x) = False


A data constructor may have associated components, e.g.

data Shape = Circ(Float) | Rect(Float, Float)


Rect(10.2, 20.9)

Example values of type Shape:

Component values (width & height)

Component value (radius)


A function to compute the area of any given shape.

area :: Shape -> Float

area(Rect(w, h)) = w * h area(Circ(r)) = pi * r * r

(Compare with C code for same task in LSA Chapter 2.)


A simplifier for arithmetic expressions.

Concrete syntax

Here is a concrete syntax for arithmetic expressions.

v = [a-z]+

n = [0-9]+

e → v | n | e + e | e * e | ( e )

Example expression:

x * y + (z* 10)


Consider the algebraic law:

∀e. e * 1 = e

Example simplification:

x * (y * 1) → x * y

This law can be used to simplify expressions by using it as a rewrite rule from left to right.


1. Define an abstract syntax, in Haskell, for arithmetic.

2. Implement the simplification rule as a Haskell function over abstract syntax trees.

Abstract syntax

data Op = Add | Mul data Expr = Num(Int) | Var(String) | Apply(Expr, Op, Expr)

An op is an addition or a multiplication

An expression is a number, or a variable, or an application of an op to two sub-expressions

Abstract syntax trees

Apply( Var("x") , Add , Apply( Var("y") , Mul , Num(2)))

An abstract syntax tree that represents the expression

x + (y * 2)

is represented by the following Haskell expression

Abstract syntax trees

We can view constructors as nodes of a tree and the constructor components as sub-trees. For example:







Num Mul




simplify :: Expr -> Expr

simplify(Apply(e, Mul, Num(1))) = simplify(e)

simplify(Apply(e1, op, e2)) = Apply(simplify(e1), op, simplify(e2))

simplify(e) = e

e * 1 → e

is implemented by

Homework exercise

What is result if the simplifier is given the following input?


Is it correct? If not, can you fix it?

(Source code for the simplifier available on the CGO web page.)

Homework exercise

Extend the simplifier to exploit the following algebraic law.

∀e. e * 0 = 0


Convenient features of Haskell.


Equations may contain boolean conditions called guards.

The chosen equation is the first

one whose guard succeeds. The keyword otherwise is equivalent to True.

fib :: Int -> Int fib(n) | n == 0 = 0 | n == 1 = 1 | otherwise = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)


Case expressions

Using a case expression, pattern matching can be expressed on the RHS of an equation, e.g.

isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool isEmpty([]) = True isEmpty(x:xs) = False

isEmpty :: [a] -> Bool isEmpty(xs) = case xs of [] -> True x:xs -> False

List enumerations

A list of values can be created using an enumeration, e.g.

The start and end of the range need not be literals, e.g.

A step can be specified by giving the first two values, e.g.

[1..5] ⇒* [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

[length([1,2])..fact(3)] ⇒* [2,3,4,5,6]

[0,2..10] ⇒* [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

List comprehensions

Recall from MCS, we can write

{ n | n ∊ {1..10} ∧ odd(n) }

to denote the set of odd numbers between 1 and 10. Similarly, in Haskell we can write

[n | n <- [1..10], odd(n) ]

“drawn from” Filter


The function

increments each element of a given list. For example

evaluates to [2,3,4].

inc :: [Int] -> [Int] inc(xs) = [x+1 | x <- xs]

inc([1, 2, 3])

Exercise 4

Define a function omit

such that omit(x, ys) returns ys omitting all occurrences of x. For example,

omit :: (Int, [Int]) -> [Int]

omit(1, [1, 2, 1, 3])

should evaluate to [2,3].

Homework Exercise

Define a function unique

such that unique(xs) returns xs omitting duplicates.

For example,

unique :: [Int] -> [Int]

unique([1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 3])

should evaluate to [1,2,3]. (Order doesn’t matter.)


Making types more general

Type classes

We have seen that == can compare values of type Int.

But what if we want to compare values of type Char, Colour, or [Bool] using the == operator?

'x' == 'y'

Red == Green

[True, False] == [True]

Type classes let us do this.

Type classes

A type class is a set of types providing a common set of functions.

Example: Eq is a type class providing functions == and /=.

Members of the Eq class include Int and Char, e.g.

1 == 2 ⇒ False

'x' == 'x' ⇒ True

Deriving classes

One way to make an algebraic data type, such as Colour, a member of Eq class is to write:

This gives == the “obvious”

meaning on values of type Colour. For example:

data Colour = Red | Green | Blue deriving Eq

Red == Red ⇒ True

Red == Green ⇒ False

Class constraints

Class constraints may appear in type signatures of polymorphic functions. For example:

The constraint states that type t

must be in the Eq class. This is because values of type t are compared using == in the body of the function.

member :: Eq t => (t, [t]) -> Bool member(x, []) = False member(x, y:ys) = x == y || member(x, ys)

Other standard classes

Besides the Eq class, there are the Num, Ord and Show classes.

To illustrate:

Class Functions

Eq ==, /=

Num +, -, *

Ord <=, <, >, >=

Show show

'a' <= 'b' ⇒ True

show(Red) ⇒ "Red"

show([1,2,3]) ⇒ "[1, 2, 3]"

Local definitions

Definitions local to a particular equation can be defined using a where clause. To illustrate, here is QuickSort in Haskell.

sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] sort([]) = [] sort(pivot:xs) = sort(smaller) ++ [pivot] ++ sort(greater) where smaller = [x | x <- xs, x <= pivot] greater = [x | x <- xs, x > pivot]


Two Haskell features NOT used in CGO

Higher-order functions

Functions can take functions as inputs and return functions as results. These are called higher-order functions.

To illustrate, each(f, xs) applies f to each element in the list xs.

each :: (a -> b, [a]) -> [b] each(f, []) = [] each(f, x:xs) = f(x) : each(f, xs)

each(not, [False, True]) ⇒* [True, False]


A function of 2 arguments can be implemented as a function that returns a function e.g.

or more simply:

The same idea works for functions of n > 2 arguments.

add :: Int -> (Int -> Int) add(x) = f where f(y) = x+y

add :: Int -> Int -> Int add x y = x + y

add(1)(2) ⇒ 3

add 1 2 ⇒ 3

CGO notes, questions, and practicals will assume no knowledge of higher order functions and currying.

But if you are comfortable with these features, feel free to use them in your answers.


A simple but very useful data structure

Finite Map

A finite map of type

is a data structure that maps values of type a (domain) to values of type b (range).

It can be represented as a list of (a, b) pairs.

type Map a b = [(a, b)]

Map a b

Keys and Values

goals :: Map String Int goals = [ ("Charlton", 49) , ("Owen", 40) , ("Lineker", 48) ]

“Key” “Value”

key :: (a, b) -> a key(k, v) = k

value :: (a, b) -> b value(k, v) = v


A common operation is to fetch the value associated with a given key.

fetch :: Eq a => (Map a b, a) -> b fetch(p:ps, k) | key(p) == k = value(p) | otherwise = fetch(ps, k)

fetch(goals, "Owen") ⇒* 40

For example:

Fetch operator

We will use the symbol ! as an infix operator for fetch:

For example:

m ! k = fetch(m, k)

goals ! "Owen" ⇒* 40

Exercise 5

Define a function to insert a given key/value pair into a map. For example,

insert(goals, “Owen", 41)

[ ("Charlton", 49), ("Owen", 41), ("Lineker", 48) ]

should return the following map.

Modified to 41


Algebraic data types and functions defined by pattern matching are the core features.

Other features such as

– infix operators

– list comprehensions

– type classes

are nice but not as important.

Powerful data structures such as finite maps are easily defined.

These ingredients will let us write concise compilers!