Implementation Day PPT 2013

i 3 imagine inspire innovate Creating Common Language: Pathways to Learning! We are honoured to be learning on the Traditional Territory of the Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh Úxwumixw and St’át’imc Nation.


These are the slides from our Nov. 8 Implementation Day

Transcript of Implementation Day PPT 2013

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i3imagine inspire innovate

Creating Common Language: Pathways to Learning!

We are honoured to be learning on the Traditional Territory of the Sḵwx̱� wú7mesh Úx̱wumix̱w and St’át’imc Nation.

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Shape of the Day…

8:15 - 8:45 Registration and Refreshments

9:00 - 9:30 Welcome

9:30 -12:15 Creating Common Language: Pathways to Learning

12:15 - 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 2:15 Break Out Sessions

- Teacher Learning Teams

- Clerical Session

- EA Session

2:15 - 3:00 Closing Activity

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Welcome Activity…

“My hope for education is most

like _____ because __________.”

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Five Days and Forty people:

We examined:-our own and each others’ thoughts-input from our community-what research tells us

We collaborated to create:– a new goal statement (Student Competencies)– assessment plan for our work (ongoing committee work)– and an action plan (Pathways to Learning)

Pathways to Learning Process…

17 teachers5 principals / vice principals CUPE staff

District staffAboriginal partnersParentsTrustees

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Systemic Change…

Isolation to Collaboration

Reaction to Purpose and Focus

Compliance to Engagement

Tony Wagner, Change Leadership, 2005

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Creating Common Language for:•Understanding our student competencies•Understanding our instructional Pathways to Learning•Knowing where to take our learning next

Learning Intentions for the Day …

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Student Competencies…

Sorted and Categorized


A New Iteration

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Competencies _ How Do We Know…

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How Do We Know…

Table Activity:

•Take out your pictures of our students.

•Discuss each picture and which competency it most depicts.

•Match up each picture by placing them on the blown up Medicine


•Have a discussion at your table to create consensus about which of the

pictures provided best exemplify each competency (there is more than

one picture provided for each one).

•Then paste one most compelling picture on top of each competency

•Be prepared to defend your consensus on this!

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How Do We Know…

Sharing Out:

•Odd numbered tables please stand up and move to the even

numbered table one up from yours

(ie. table 1 moves to table 2, 33 to 34 and so on).

•Two groups make a larger circle around the even numbered table.

•Each group then take turns sharing out which pictures you placed

where and why.

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How to Get There…

How to Get There

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Instruction: Pathways to Learning …

What teaching strategies can we agree lead to higher level thinking and skill development?

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Activity: Read and Triad…

Individual:•There are 6 articles in your blue table folder.•Each member of your table reads and highlights one article

(10 minutes).

Triad:•Stand up, hands up, group up (triad same color).•Dialogue to check for understanding (10 minutes).•Create a synthesis on your placemat.

Table Group:•Share out to your group (6 x 4 minutes).•One person at your table add a group ‘take away’ to our Wallwisher.

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Structures: District Level…

Aboriginal Education Programs as established through the Enhancement Agreement will provide all students with opportunities for increased understandings and learning about Aboriginal culture and language.

Career Programs will be enhanced in order to support students by providing opportunities in Trades and Apprenticeships, Dual Credit Programs, and Work Experience placements.

Community Literacy Programs will continue to be established through our community literacy tables providing programming for pre-school children and adult learners across our district.

District Student Leadership opportunities will provide broader context for student voice, input, and service.

Early Learning Programs will continue to be developed to help improve vulnerability rates and assist our students through transitions from preschool to school. As well, these programs will provide parent and family support through the early years.

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Structures: Classroom Based …

Teacher Learning Teams

Collaborative Models of Support

Flexible Scheduling

Where Good Ideas Come From

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After Lunch …

12:45 – 2:00Locations on your name tag.

•EA Training with Tara Leigh Cain•Clerical Training with Karen Blow•Teacher Learning Teams

2:00Please return to your table.

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Group Reflections …

What do you notice?

What do you find interesting?

What surprises you?

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Closing …

Whole Table High Five

“Thanks for a great day! You’re awesome!”