Implementation Coaching Session #1 With Dave Dee and Mike ... · With me I have Mike Stodola....

Implementation Coaching Session #1 With Dave Dee and Mike Stodola

Transcript of Implementation Coaching Session #1 With Dave Dee and Mike ... · With me I have Mike Stodola....

Implementation Coaching Session #1

With Dave Dee and Mike Stodola

© 2015 Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Your Marketing Department in a Box: Session #1 ...........................................................................................4

The Calendar ...............................................................................................................................................5

Referral Emails ............................................................................................................................................7

Cash Flow Surge Campaign .........................................................................................................................8

Lost Customer Reactivation ......................................................................................................................13

Lead Generation .......................................................................................................................................16

The Offer Generator .................................................................................................................................19

Questions & Answers ................................................................................................................................21

Next Session ..............................................................................................................................................27

Fast Implementation Boot Camp ..............................................................................................................29


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Dave Dee: Hello my Marketing Department in a Box friends. We are in

session #1 here, really going over what you're supposed to be doing, how

to get it done and how to get it implemented.

Remember, this is what this program is really all about. The truth is, for the

most part, this is pretty self-explanatory stuff.

We've really laid it out for you step-by-step but if you do have any questions we

want to make sure that we get them answered for you and that is the purpose of

doing these calls.

The way this is going to work, for all four of the sessions that we're doing, is I

will do a little bit of teaching and then the majority will be opening up to


Questions can relate to anything Your Marketing Department in a Box related

and can be personal questions about business or just some clarification.

With me I have Mike Stodola. Mike will be selecting any questions and feeding

them to me.

Also Mike is the lead generation czar at GKIC so he is a master of lead

generation, and although this program is not specifically for lead generation he

can help answer the questions as well.

In this session, we're going to go over the entire calendar. We're not going to go

through every month because it's basically the same every single month with

just different themes to each month.

In addition to that, we're going to go over the components of the toolkit that you

have so you make sure that you understand all of those.


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Then we'll talk about using the offer generator to create killer offers even

though there is a tutorial in there.

THE CALENDAR Let's get started with all of this. I'm looking at the calendar right now and, as you

can see on the calendar, we really have laid out everything for you and when

you're supposed to do it.

The key here is that you follow this calendar and you prepare ahead of time.

You'll note at the bottom of the calendar it says “Allow three to five days for

printing and mailing of each postcard.” I would allow a little bit more time than


On your calendar, what you want to do is you simply write in when you're going

to send this stuff to the printer.

Remember that really this is almost all done for you, so this isn't going to take

you a heck of a lot of time to fill in the templates that we've given you. But you

still want to put all of that on the calendar.

For example, let's look at one where you're printing something – the New Year's

Nugget postcard.

If it were me, I wouldn't try to go and fill out all of the templates right now. To

me, although that sounds good in theory, I would fill them out on the month that

they're due.

This is totally up to you. This is why this isn't on the calendar, "Fill in the

templates" because that's totally up to you.

You may want to get a few months ahead, you may want to do the entire year in

advance, which you can. That's the reason that's not on the calendar, it wasn't

feasible for us to put it on the calendar.


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If it were me, I'm not good at working that far ahead. I like deadline pressure

and I work well under deadline pressure, in fact I need it.

If it were me doing this and I had to get a New Year's Nuggets postcard, I

wouldn't write it on the 1st but probably on the 2nd or on the 3rd or 4th, right

around there.

If I want it to go out on the 12th I would get it to the printer no later than the

5th. What you want to do is you want to back everything up.

You want to determine when you're going to fill in the template, if you're the

person that's going to fill it in, then you want to say, "I'm going to fill in the

template here. Here's where I need to mail this out to have it delivered during

this period of time."

Again, the process is really simple. You see here where we're recommending

you send out the stuff because it's all spread out.

The next thing though is that you say:

• “If I want to send it out here, I need to send it to the printer here.”

• “If I need to send it to the printer here, then I need to write it here.”

Those are the elements that you need to fill in on the postcard, and on all of the

stuff, on the newsletters, everything like that.

Mike, do you have a different strategy that you would take with this, let's say in

your real estate business, how would you go about doing it?

Mike Stodola: You could just do it month by month. It might not be a bad idea to

leaf through and start figuring out… or if you've got an assistant or something like

that, start to make your marketing calendar to see what your promotions might

be, see how you can change things.

But I definitely agree with you. I wouldn't necessarily do it that far ahead just

because you might want to change things.


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If something doesn't work as well as you want the first month, I'm not doing that

in month two.

Dave: Right. I'm not doing the same offer in month two or whatever. If you

notice here, there's things that you need to be doing weekly.

By the way, you're welcome to change this calendar around, create your own

calendar. The calendar, although awesome… the main piece to Your Marketing

Department in a Box are obviously the actual marketing pieces. So you can

adjust this any way you want.

REFERRAL EMAILS One of the things you want to do is remain consistent.

We have, every Friday, you send out referral emails. If you look at your calendar,

every Friday referral emails go out.

The reason we did it that way is you have new

customers that have come in hopefully during that

week… and by the way that'll grow as you do your

Marketing Department in a Box. As you implement it,

you'll notice you'll have a lot more clients, customers or patients coming in...

then you want to automatically have the referral campaign set up.

Again, are you going to do this yourself? If you're a one-man shop, that answer is

obviously yes. However you can have somebody on your staff do it because

really it's the same email that's going to be going out.

You want to do this consistently. You can't let someone on your team say, “Oh, I

missed Friday. I was too busy to do it Friday.”

One of the things I talk about with the marketing team, as they all know, is

“What's your most important task for this week?”

One of the things you

want to do is remain



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Nothing annoys me more than going back the next week and the guy says, "I

didn't get my most important task done." It does happen with some people and

it's not good.

You've got to make sure that you're doing this very, very consistently because

that's the beauty of the program that we've given you.

We've not given you something that is one-and-done marketing. We've not

given you a single promotion that you're going to send out.

We have given you a complete calendar with each piece integrated with

everything else so it produces maximum results.

We've made it as brain-dead simple as we possibly could.

Again, you're going to send out the weekly referral promotion to your new

customers, clients or patients that have come in. Again, that's included in your


CASH FLOW SURGE CAMPAIGN Then every quarter… now it's not listed here in

January… but, every quarter, you're going to send

out a cash flow surge campaign.

The beauty of the cash flow surge campaign is that it gives you planned cash

flow surges as opposed to, “Holy crap, I don't have any money in the bank. I

need to do a cash flow surge.”

This takes the guesswork out of it. You know that when you flip through your

calendar you say “I'm doing a cash flow surge campaign here.” That allows you

to plan for that.

Again, you can modify the calendar to do it when you want. I would caution

against though… because they can be addicting… doing too many cash flow

surge campaigns.

The beauty of the

campaign is that it

gives you planned

cash flow surges.


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It's kind of like at GKIC with our launches. You could consider the product

launches that we do as cash flow surge campaigns. They're addicting.

Why? You get a whole bunch of freaking cash that comes in all at once. You're

like “Wow, this is great. We should do one of these every month.”

The problem with that is it burns out your customer list and then the second

thing, the problem is it loses its appeal. “They're doing something else every

month; there's going to be something that they're doing, a special offer. I'll just

wait for that special offer.”

You want to keep your prospects, your customers, clients or patients on their

toes by sending out the cash flow surge.

To make the cash flow surge work, you need to create really, really good offers,

even better offers than the ones that you're doing on a monthly basis with the

postcards and everything like that.

Mike is someone who's created a number of cash flow surge offers for GKIC so

Mike if you could talk a little bit about the elements that need to be... Really it's

already templated for them but I truly want them to understand the psychology

behind this as well as just filling out the template.

Mike: One of the things we did with our cash flow surge is, instead of just hitting

them three times with the same message, which is what we used to do… if they

don't respond day one or to the first thing, we'd hit them with the same message

day two; then if they still don't respond to it, we’d hit them with the same message

day three.

We adjusted things and wanted to provide more value. The first thing that we do is

really we try and provide value by giving them content.

We lead them to a blog for us. You don't have to do that. It could be a landing

page, you could put it right in the mailer, whatever you what to do, but get them

interested in the topic.


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For instance if you were selling something on weight loss, you might send them a

report, “7 tips” or something like that or the benefits of losing weight so that they

want this weight loss product, even though it's not a hard pitch for the product

right away.

You want to make sure they're interested in the topic because if they don't know

they have a problem or if they don't have a want, you’ve got to manufacture it or

bring it to the forefront in their mind why they'd want this.

Then what we do on the second day is talk about the product. What you really

want to do is not just give information; talk about the transformation that they're

going to get – not the informative value but the transformative value.

Information is free. They just want the results. Talk about the results they're going

to get from the product, don't talk about your product, talk about the benefits that

they're going to get. This is direct response marketing 101.

Dave: It doesn't matter what business you're in, either. Let's say you own an

auto repair shop and you're doing this, you still talk about the transformative

value of the offer.

A lot of people say, “Wait a minute, I own X, Y and Z…

I'm a painter… I can't do it.” Well you most certainly


Let's just take that example. I'm a painter. I'm going

to go paint someone's house. Really I'm just going to

make their house look nicer.

No, there's way more to it than that.

They're going to have a feeling of pride. They're going to have that excitement of

being new and fresh and all of that. You’ve really got to dig down to that.

Talk about the

results they're going

to get from the

product, don't talk

about your product.


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Mike: The people who have the biggest struggle with this a lot of times are

business to business folks. “I'm selling to businesses. It’s not this.” The goals are the


Your people want to get more clients or leads or they want to solve some type of

problem. They want to achieve some type of goal or they want to overcome an


Those are always the three things I go to:

• Achieving a goal

• Solving a problem

• Overcoming an obstacle

Talk about that, don't talk about what it is but what they're going to achieve or

solve or overcome.

Dave: Just as a little aside, which is actually beyond the scope of this program…

but, as you know, every time we do one of these trainings I do stuff that's

beyond the scope of this program. We should do an entire program Mike, called,

"Beyond the Scope of this Program," and then nothing would be beyond the

scope of the program!

The idea is to think about selling business to business there is a slight difference.

Number one, the person is looking out for the business' interest, the buying

person, the purchasing agent or whoever it is.

The second thing that most people don't consider when doing this is they're also

out for their own personal interest.

It really adds power to your business to business marketing,

when you can hit both of those things.


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The example that I give… and by the way I used to sell business to business… I

used to sell a very odd product which was magic shows and mind reading shows

for sales meetings and things like that. Nothing could be weirder than that.

What I used to do is talk about not only the benefits of my show and how the

audience is going to love it and how it was going to add sizzle to the sales

meeting and all of that, but that people will thank you for making it the best

meeting ever.

“People will thank you for making the banquet more fun than it has been in

years. People will thank you for X, Y and Z.”

Everyone has their own self-interest at heart, whether they're working for a

business or whether they are working for themselves.

Business to business, really you get the unique opportunity to sell the benefits of

what it's going to do for the business, solve the business problem, but also the

transformative value or the major benefit for the person who's actually making

the decision to buy. This works beautifully in business to business.

Now let's go to our lost customer reactivation...

Mike: Dave, just before you go there, let me give Step 3 of the cash flow surge.

Step 2, you've talked about the transformation that they're going to get. Step 1

you've identified a problem or a goal they want to achieve, put it in the forefront of

their mind.

Day 2 you've introduced a solution… or step 2 if you're doing mailings. Step 3, day

3 with emails, that's where we do a change of offer.

If we know that most people who get this see day 2, why would we hit them with

the same thing again?


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You will get some sales with that. What we find is you can really amp up your sales

by doing what we call a change of offer. This is where we introduce the big benefit

and we actually try and sell them on the benefit.

This is where you can't be stingy on your benefits and your bonuses. A lot of times

you can make the sale just based upon this benefit or the bonus.

If you're just including something little that's a throwaway you're probably not

going to get many more sales from that.

But if your benefit or your bonus can be so big for them that they can really say

that alone would be worth the $7, the $47, the $9,997, I want to get that, that's

what you really want to focus on in that third piece, whether that's email or a


Just because they've already seen what you had to offer and if they didn't buy after

the second step don't just hit them again with the same stuff.

If you don't have a big benefit, at the very least, just highlight different aspects of

the product. Don't say the same thing in the same way, say a different thing in

really the same way and highlight different benefits. Switch up your order and

switch up your headlines for that.

Dave, I'll let you take over on the customer reactivation campaign.

LOST CUSTOMER REACTIVATION Dave: By the way, one of the things you're going to notice with this, as you go

through it… hopefully you've gone through the kit already… is really how

comprehensive this is. There is nothing like Your Marketing Department in a

Box offered by anybody that is this comprehensive.

The next piece to the puzzle is the lost customer reactivation campaign.


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This is important and again, we have you do it twice a year where you're going

to go and you're going to send out the campaign that we've given you to

customers who are no longer active, patients who are no longer active.

There's people that actually do this for a living. They go into companies, to small

business, and they say, "Listen, I'll put up all the marketing, I'll do everything

and pay for everything. Let me just get to your lost customer list and then we

split the profits from that, from me reactivating a customer.”

The reason they do it is because it's one of the easiest places to get money from.

As long as the customer wasn't pissed off and didn't

leave in a huff over something, the biggest reason

customers leave a business, stop patronizing a

business, is because of neglect.

They haven't heard from the business owner in a

while. They moved on or they have simply forgotten.

Man, if I owned a restaurant this is something I'd be

all over. In fact I would probably be doing this more often. There are restaurants

for example that Karen and I go to all of the time. We constantly go to them.

If I was a restaurant owner and Dave didn't show up in a month, I would be

contacting Dave. I'd be saying, "Hey Dave, where are you?" I'd be making Dave a

special offer.

Of course, restaurants aren't doing that because they don't have a

comprehensive system like that. But at least twice a year you want to implement

this campaign.

We just recently did it here at GKIC and, to get our customers back, in many

cases, is a more difficult task; because if somebody has gotten newsletter after

newsletter after newsletter after newsletter after newsletter, they are like, “Hey,

I want to take a break,” which is of course the wrong thing to do.

The biggest reason

customers stop

patronizing a

business, is because

of neglect.


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We went back and we did a lost customer reactivation campaign which just

killed. It just did amazingly well.

Guess what we're doing? We're rolling it out again. The lost customer

reactivation campaign, just that one piece alone, if you do this right and you

have a big enough customer base… and by the way I'm just going to say

customer instead of saying customer, client, patient, members; we'll be on the

phone all day with that… if you have a large enough customer base, honestly,

that one campaign that we've given you should more than pay for the total

investment. I mean more than pay.

For some of you, it takes less than one customer to be reactivated, to come back

in to the business. So you definitely want to make

sure you do those lost customer reactivation


One of the things that I want to point out… and we're

going to get into the components and things like that

in a minute. Actually let's get into the components

then I'll get into filling them out. I'm going to give

you hopefully something that'll really help you.

Each of the calendar items is listed. It's right there. All you've got to do is go to

your toolkit.

There's samples of each in the binder. There's samples that you can take a look

at and all of the components. So there's nothing on the calendar that you don't

have in place, that we haven't given you.

The whole point of this program was implementation, was actually getting it

done. We wanted to make this, as I said earlier, as brain-dead simple as we

possibly could, so there's nothing left to chance. All you need to do is fill out the


The whole point of

this program was


actually getting it



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The tendency that some of you are going to have is to say, “Well you know what,

I don't want to do the Nuggets postcard, the smallest newsletter in the world. I

don't want to do that this month, I'm going to skip it this month. I don't see a ton

of results coming in from it and I'm just not going to do it.”

That's a big error. Yes, you can pick and choose and you don't have to follow

what we've laid out for you; but what we laid out for you was the ultimate

marketing plan. A 12-month calendar. Each one of the pieces is meant to be


Also, remember you can send these pieces… obviously not the referral piece, but

all of the other pieces, you can use it as a prospecting device, meaning you can

send it to prospect lists; you should absolutely send it to your current

customers, and you will also send it to unconverted customers.

LEAD GENERATION The beauty of this is that this acts as lead generation to outside lists as well as to

inside your own lists; lead generation, based upon offers as opposed to just free


By the way, there is a place most certainly for sending out a shock-and-awe box

like we teach in the Ultimate Marketing Machine program. By the way, if you

don't have that, it's a wonderful component to this. There's no overlap

whatsoever. It fits in perfectly with this.

That program is based upon simple lead generation – generating leads, sending

out a shock-and-awe box. This program is based upon sending out offers to get

new customers in the door or to your website or whatever it is that you're

doing. That's the beauty of it.

Again, it also acts as internal lead generation which is something we teach at

GKIC, which most people don't do at all. That's something that we do all of the



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Any time that we're doing, for example a webinar, we're doing internal lead

generation. We have people sign up for a sub list and those people get different

emails than people who are just in the general population.

This allows you to do that. It allows you to convert unconverted leads into actual

customers, clients or patients.

The best way to do it though is to do it all; do it all every single month. If you do

that, by the end of the year, you'll be golden.

Mike: Dave, can I add one thing onto what you said, because it was a really good

point about internal lead generation.

Just because someone didn't accept an offer that they were presented

with before doesn't mean they won't accept it down the line.

Dave was saying for webinars we create sublists. The other thing we've

implemented into a lot of our webinars is we also give other offers with that. One

notably is that we'll offer membership.

People say well you guys offer membership up front, your MIFGE offer, that's how

most people come to you.

In the past, that could have been true, but that was also a self-fulfilling prophecy

because we didn't keep talking about membership. We said they didn't get

membership before, they probably don't want membership; we assumed they know

about it but they might not have been at the right place at the time.

Every webinar that we do, we get dozens or even hundreds of new members from

people who have seen it once, twice, maybe 10, 15 times about membership. But

they're at the right time at the right place with the right needs so they join then.

If you've got something that you really want a path that they should be taking, like

if you have a continuity program but they're not on that, make sure you keep

offering that continuity program.


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If you have upsells that they haven't taken in the past or cross-sells, make sure you

keep offering that and present that.

Because if you're truly solving a problem or helping them achieve a goal or

overcome an obstacle, maybe they just didn't have that goal, obstacle or problem

at the time they first saw it and they do now.

Dave: That's a really good point. Mike is absolutely right. But the only way to

make all of this work is to do all of it.

I want you to take a step back and look at the calendar and everything and

intuitively you know this is going to work.

There's nothing here that would not make it work. The only way it won't work is

if you don't work it. This is as solid as solid is going to be.

One of the things Mike, though, that some people

have mentioned is that “Well, you know, it's pretty

simple stuff. It's pretty fundamental stuff. How come

you guys aren't teaching us to generate leads using

YouTube and how come you're not teaching us that

kind of stuff?”

First of all, we do teach that kind of stuff at GKIC but

this program was about fundamentals and putting them in place in your


If you don't have the fundamentals that we've got laid out here in place in

your business, you shouldn't even be screwing around with the other stuff.

Get the fundamentals mastered and that's what this is about. This is about not

only teaching you the fundamentals but giving you all the pieces so you can

implement the fundamentals.

If you have upsells or

cross-sells that they

haven't taken in the

past, make sure you

keep offering that.


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The point here is again, master these fundamentals; just look at it and take a

step back and say, “Jeez, if I do this, how is my business going to be different?”

Think about your poor competitors. They're not going to know what hit them

when you implement this. They're not going to know what hit them because

they're not doing this.

Your customers are going to love it. It's fun; it's entertaining, which is a key

factor in all of this. The entertainment factor is really, really, really important.

It's more important than it ever has been at any time

in business.

Again, it doesn't matter if you're going business to

business, that guy is reading up on the Kardashians

just like everybody else.

The point is here, just implement the stuff and use it

and you'll get results.

THE OFFER GENERATOR The offer generator is designed to make this as easy

as possible, literally step-by-step.

I'm going to say something that's going to seem a

little bit weird. If you're already a master at

generating offers, and you already know how to do

it, then you don't need to use the offer generator.

However the offer generator makes sure that you

have all of the components necessary for a killer offer. So I would recommend

that you do it.

Which leads me to the point which I talked about 10 minutes ago about

something I hope makes it easier for you.

The offer generator

makes sure you have

all the components

necessary for a killer


The entertainment

factor is more

important than it

ever has been at any

time in business.


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You have the template but feel free to modify the template so it flows smoothly

to what you have to offer.

This is one of the things that we always get questions about in Ultimate

Marketing Machine, “Well this particular sentence doesn't really flow. I should

say it like this.” Okay, fine. Say it like that.

Don't be so stringent, like “Oh my God, if I don't make these words exactly the

same words that they have on this postcard, it's not going to work.”

Or after you use the offer generator if it’s, “If I don't use this exact thing that

came out of the offer generator without modifying it at all it's not going to

work.” That's not the case at all.

The templates, the offer generator are meant to be guides. You want to make it

work for you. Don't get hung up on that.

A lot of people get really, really hung up by “I'm not going to make any changes

at all to the template” and therefore it makes it way more difficult to do. Just

modify it so it works for you.

The offer generator is pretty darn straightforward. It's literally step by step.

There's also a tutorial that shows you how to use it in your kit as well.

The URL for the offer generator is

Just go around and play with it and that'll help you create killer offers that

you're going to be putting on everything you have.


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QUESTIONS & ANSWERS What's the best use of Facebook and YouTube and is there a way to split


Mike: We will have a session about Facebook and we can make some comments

about YouTube as well. But the big thing with this program and the big value in

this is having these pieces.

At first blush, you look at this and you say, “It's a binder filled with the postcards.”

But the value is that you've got these done because we all know entrepreneurs,

they get busy.

Every one of us we have the best intentions but if I don't have these postcards, the

secondary postcard, the micro newsletter that's in there, the emails and the e-tips

to send out, the cash flow surge campaigns and everything like that… I know

somewhere down the line I'm going to drop the ball because hopefully I'm too busy

with my business and I'm too busy servicing clients that I'm not thinking about the


That's why most small businesses have that up-and-down roller coaster.

Unfortunately a lot of businesses just don't have good marketing to begin with.

This (a) is better marketing than most that you're going to find your competitors

doing or that you've done in the past and (b) it allows for that consistency.

Even if you don't have time, this is something you can get a high school kid for

minimum wage to be sending these pieces out for you and making sure that they

get done and the emails go out and the cash flow surge campaigns and everything.

You can take care of the templates. That's the real value is that you're going to

have consistent flow of new customers, clients and patients each and every month

and each and every week if you do all the weekly things.


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YouTube and Facebook are great, but that's really not where the focus of this

program is. On the Facebook one we will talk about how you can tie some of these

things into Facebook and YouTube and use these pieces on there.

Will you be covering purchasing mailing lists that actually produce?

Dave: One thing I want to point out is that, as I mentioned before, you want to

be mailing to your own customer list with this, not just generating leads.

The beauty of this is that you could be generating leads, yes, but you could also

be making a ton of money from your own customer base and from your

unconverted leads.

Let’s say you're brand spanking new in business and you don't have any

customers, that's a whole different ball game.

Even if you didn't do any lead generation… by the way I'm not saying to do that,

but let's say you didn't do any lead generation and you just did these campaigns

to your current list of customers… it's going to have a dramatic impact on what

you do.

I want to make sure everyone understands that this is designed

to not only send to leads but a lot of the things are designed

to send to your own customer base.

One of the most valuable things that you can do, and one of the easiest things

that you can do, is sell something to somebody who's already bought something

from you – to your own customers. There's nothing easier.

The most expensive part typically in any business is the generation of the lead

and then turning that lead into a customer.

Selling them additional things is really inexpensive, it’s sending out a postcard

or sending out an email.


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Most business owners are so focused on the generating leads, generating leads,

generating more leads that they neglect their current customer base and there's

a pot of gold waiting for you there that is just untapped; just waiting for you.

Again, don't just focus on lead generation. Focus on selling stuff to your own

customer base.

How would you modify Your Marketing Department in a Box if I already

send a monthly newsletter?

Dave: You should absolutely continue sending your monthly newsletter. The

postcard newsletter is simply that… it's a postcard newsletter which I call a

"micro newsletter."

All you're going to do is send it in addition to your regular… like if you're

sending a four-page newsletter.

It really isn't a newsletter; it's more of a motivational feel-good type of piece

with the quotes on it and things like that. Again it's simply another touch and

congratulations to you for actually sending out a newsletter on a monthly basis.

Just add it to the mix. They are two completely different things.

Is there any research that I need to complete before I start mailing to my


Dave: That's a tough question to answer because I don't know your knowledge

of your business. No. I don't think there's a lot of research that you need to do if

you know your business and you know your customers.

Let's say you don't know your business and you don't know your customers,

then there's certainly research that you need to do.

One of the things that you can do right away is if you've done promotions in the

past… and if you've been in business for any amount of time I'm sure you have...

go look at ones that have worked in the past.


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We have a tendency as business owners to do something that

works really well and then never go back and do it again.

It's a really bad syndrome that we're always looking for the new thing.

Sometimes the best things are the things that have worked in the past.

Mike, let’s just let them behind the curtain here about the Web Deal of the

Weekend and how sending out the same one has produced great results for us.

Why don't you talk about that because I think it will really drive home the point?

Mike: Every weekend… every Saturday, Sunday and Monday… we run a promotion

that's like our cash flow surge – that's what we've based what we’ve given you off

of because we literally generate millions of dollars following this strategy. Instead

of you having to create it, we've done the trial and error and given it to you.

On Saturday, Sunday and Monday we have the Web Weekend deals. We used to

every weekend we'd come up with new emails, new articles, we'd try and make a

new offer, a new bonus with this.

We said to ourselves, this is a heck of a lot of work with 52 weekends a year and

always coming up with something new, especially because we don't necessarily

want to run it for all of our products.

Most people don't have 52 different products or services that they can do. We

might have 10 or 12 that we really want to push. The thing is with 10 or 12 we

said that's every three months… and three months ago, we sent out the same email

so we can't do that again. The fact is you can do that again because these folks

didn't buy.

We know the people who responded to the emails and who didn't respond to the

emails so we just don't send it to the people who already bought that product or



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If you have a promotion that's been successful in the past, instead of starting from

scratch, just tweak it. The people again may not have been in the right place at the

time they saw it the first time but now they're there. You're going to get people.

There's one guy I follow, Charlie Page. This guy has like three products and for the

last three and a half years I've been on his list, he sends out a daily email and he

rotates between the three products.

He virtually changes nothing and makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year

with his three products.

He's not giving a whole lot of thought to “How do I change this?” He has a

successful model and he keeps doing it.

Dave: That's the secret. You're going to be creating these different promotions

throughout the year. If you find one that kills for you, you definitely want to

repeat it at some point during the year.

I think a lot of people would miss that. “I've got to come up with a new


No. I wouldn't do the same promotion every single month but say you come up

with four that just rock it, I would be rotating those bad boys like crazy.

Think about this for a second. This is really cool actually. You've got all the

marketing pieces done, all you've got to do is put in the offer.

If you find a staple of offers that works, all you're doing is cutting and pasting

the same offer into the template. There's almost no work involved in this. But

the only way to figure this out is to go ahead and start creating some offers and

sending them out to your lists.

Mike: Dave, you said not the same offer every month but I know Karen your wife

had success with this and this was one of the mainstays of my real estate business.


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I would send a postcard out to the same people every month with virtually the

same offer.

The difference was I called it the April Homes Report, the May Homes Report, the

June, the July, the August Homes Report.

It was straight off Dean Jackson. I found after a couple months my response rate

went up because now they'd seen it one or two or three times and they meant to go

online or give me a call the previous month but now they've got another chance.

Even if you only have one thing… this was when I was in real estate, I really had

one thing I was offering initially that got the highest response… I would send the

same thing to the same people every month just excluding the people who'd

already asked for that report.

Dave: Perfect. Again, the question… we kind of went off on a tangent there but it

was a really good tangent… the thing is if you don't know anything about your

customers or what they want or what they need then you definitely need to do

some research.

But I think for 99% of folks you already know. Just start creating offers and

don't be afraid. Just do it. Some offers are going to perform better than other

offers. That's life, man.

Your Marketing Department in a Box gives you the very, very, best chance of

success. Remember the way that this is created and designed is you're not just

making the offer in one way.

You're making the offer in multiple ways so you have multiple

opportunities for them to take you up on that offer.

What do I do in case my customer list is small or mostly email based?


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Dave: First thing you want to do is you want to email them, that's the key. You

want to start emailing them on a consistent basis but then offer them something

to get their mailing address.

By the way you're in a very, very, very precarious position if all you have are

email addresses. That's not a strong position to be in whatsoever.

Even beyond this program, you need to fix that; because if you don't fix that,

man, I would be scared if all I had was email addresses. Open rates are going

down and email rules can change, everything like that.

One of the simplest things is to make them an offer, even if it's a free offer where

you're going to send them something in the mail. Then you'll obviously get their

contact information. Mike, do you have a different take on it?

Mike: No that's perfect. A lot of people are going to have the same thing with a

phone number. Give them a call. Get on the phone, pick it up and offer them that

report, make that offer over the phone in exchange for their address.

If your list is small, you’re going to have to grow it; it’s just lead generation,

however you want to generate leads and grow your list. This really isn't about that

but these would be great direct mail pieces if you have the right list and you put it

in front of the right people.

NEXT SESSION Dave: That wraps up session #1 of your Marketing Department in a Box. Take

some time, go through the materials.

In session #2, we're going to be going over some of the templates in more detail

– the postcard template, the Nugget and the e-letter for January. We're going to

talk about how they're all interrelated and we're going to show you how to use

the offer generator cut and paste. Most of this stuff is self-explanatory.


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I've got to tell you I'm really excited for you that you were smart enough to

invest in this program. This is such a powerful, powerful, done-for-you piece

that really truly is Your Marketing Department in a Box.

If you implement it… let me check that, when you implement this… and you do it

on a consistent basis, by the end of the year you're going to say to us – and more

importantly to yourself – “That was one of the best investments I've ever made

in my business.”


© 2015 GKIC Page 29

FAST IMPLEMENTATION BOOT CAMP Another great investment that you can make in your business is to attend one of

our Fast Action Implementation Boot Camps.

Mike and I run the Boot Camp and it is truly a Boot Camp. You can get all the

details… we hold them four times a year, different parts of the country, at

This is a free event to members. You do need to put down a deposit because we

need to know how many people are going to be there. Then you get that deposit

back when you show up. It's a very small deposit, by the way. This is true


Oftentimes people say to us, “You're doing a two-day event for free, what's the

catch?” There is no catch. Simply that we know that if we help you and we get

you off to a fast start and we give you the training that you need, you'll remain

members with us for a longer time and so it benefits us.

This is one of our highest rated events. It is a true workshop. You're going to

walk out of there with things implemented. Mike and I are all about

implementation as you can tell.

You get some great information but there's also implementation. You will leave

there with a killer email written to send to your list. We talk about so many

different things.

You have offers, you have your unique selling proposition tightened up, you've

got a sales letter template, we give you seven actions you can take right away to

increase your profits and get more customers. I know I'm missing a bunch there

but if that's all you left with after the two days, I think you'd be pretty full.

Go to and check it out. We'd love to see you at one of

those events.