Imperium #10 - Creativity Movement

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  • 8/12/2019 Imperium #10 - Creativity Movement


  • 8/12/2019 Imperium #10 - Creativity Movement


  • 8/12/2019 Imperium #10 - Creativity Movement


    When we attempt to convert our racial kindred to our religious creed, we often

    target a White audience which is splintered into a diverse range of ideological and

    economic classes, all of whom we seek to persuade and recruit to our cause. We

    often face various forms of ideological adversaries, for lack of a better term, aswell. In terms of ideological rivals, we have the racially-conscious Christian, or CI

    adherent, who subscribes to a belief system based entirely upon a skewed, wishful

    interpretation of the Jewish bible and a desire to retain the concept of Christianity

    as a White Western religion. Concerning the aspect of potential recruits, regardless

    of geographic location, religious afliation, or lack thereof, political identity (liberal

    vs. conservative, left vs. right), or economic income level, our target audience is

    typically comprised of the White whose pattern of thought has been befuddled by

    Jewish propaganda and brain pollution, and whose entire argument and belief system

    is based on the proclamations of Jewish liars, and the unsuspecting masses who echo

    their false claims.

    Ideological Opposition:

    Some within the White movement make the claim that Christianity has played a

    crucial part in our history as a people. They argue that the many magnicent historic

    classical European artwork and cathedrals were direct products that resulted from

    a Christian culture. Although the brilliant Renaissance artists and architects mayhave been inspired by x-insanity, the truth of the matter is that these marvelous

    innovations of aesthetic beauty can be attributed to White genetics, not some foreign,

    alien theology based entirely upon Semitic mythology. It is important to understand

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    as well as many of their liberal (whether they know

    by denition such views are actually liberal or not)

    views on the issue of race. Many of the so-called

    right wing values have been brought about byJewish psychological conditioning. With that said,

    many White Christian Conservatives can be just as

    hard to crack as their leftist counterparts. In regards

    to Christians and their Jewish theology, although

    Christianity remains the dominant religion of the

    Western world, secularism is on the rise. Thanks to

    recent developments and advances in modern science,

    large numbers of people are beginning to accept that

    Christianity is nothing more than looney anti-reality,religious fallacy and fairy tales. Unfortunately many

    Whites that have ultimately come to reject x-insanity, have replaced one poisonous

    psychological myth with another by embracing a negative form of atheism which

    entails a variety of dangerous, unnatural social theories such as nihilism, feminism,

    liberalism, egalitarianism, materialism, selsh individualism, and the same old

    altruistic tenants found within the suicidal teachings of Judeo-Christianity. Jewish

    Cultural Marxism accompanied with a steady dose of Holocaustianity, has emerged

    as the new dogmatic religion of modern society. Young, vulnerable White children

    are indoctrinated at an early age to despise anything and everything associated withWhiteness. They are told that they should feel ashamed of the evil deeds committed

    by their oppressive White ancestors. These psychologically abused youngsters

    eventually develop into self-loathing adults. Out of sheer guilt and ignorance, they

    actually become active, willing participants in the demise of their own culture and

    the extermination of the White Race.

    We will continue to witness the daily crimes and outrages that have become a

    common occurrence in todays sick, degenerate society. But these incidents ultimately

    contribute to the steady deterioration of the corrupt Jewish establishment. We must

    channel our natural feelings of intense hatred, anger, and frustration into positive

    forms of productive activism. Our people are not blind. They are rapidly beginning

    to realize that this Marxist multicultural state is not sustainable. And as more and

    more Whites come to this realization, they will be searching for an alternative.

    The Alternative:

    Thankfully there is a sound alternative to the malignant spiritual sickness that hasinfected our people, and that is the militant, revolutionary, White-racial religion of

    Creativity. Since discovering the dynamic creed of Creativity, I can honestly say that

    for the rst time in my life, I am completely condent, beyond a shadow of a doubt

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    I became truly racially aware when I was around 16, but I was pretty much oblivious

    in how or why to become active. It wasnt until after a long brutal prison sentence,

    lled with stabbings, solitary connements and quite frankly wars I fought inmaximum security prison. That I emerged, determined to ght for my people in any

    way I could. I already came from gladiator school and experienced what it was to

    bleed for your convictions, many times and understood the hate/aggression one must

    muster to make others bleed in turn. I knew there was other more productive means

    waiting on the outside.

    When I rst became active with the church I was quite excited. Rev Hale was more

    than accommodating! He had me on the streets at least every other week sometimes

    every week. Holding ags and signs on street corners, putting out thousands ofyers, talking to people and meeting up with them. I lived an exciting life for those

    rst several years. Went to concert after concert, demo after demo and rally after

    rally. I also lived an exciting personal life, working 40 to 50 hours a day running

    a framing crew, dealing with contractors, suppliers and home owners. After doing

    such a stint in prison I was no stranger to the ladies as well. To sum it up my life was

    very active in the real world. When I reached out to people there was no "e-mails".

    Other than to give them my number and make plans to meet up. It wasn't until I

    settled down and became a family man that I discovered the true sickening nature of

    what this movement has mutated into!

    When my social life was limited because of family, kids and also economically as

    the building trade hit a brick wall, I found myself having to nd other means to be

    active. This entails something I never wanted to get involved with and that is the

    internet. Up until this point I was completely oblivious to what was really going on,

    on the "net". Net, tting term as it is a trap! But many who knew me at that time can

    tell you if I logged on to any site once a month it was rarity and even rarer if I posted.

    I even at one point when I lived in Florida completely rejected it, Rev Jacobs andothers answered my emails. They would call me with anything important but outside

    of that I had no interest. If I wanted to read something, I would read the paper, order

    a magazine, read a book, etc. So many people would call and whine about this or

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    that argument, this person said this and this person said that, blah, blah, blah. My

    response was, ok did they say it to your face, "well no", and I would always say

    "what does that have to do with reality?". It wasn't until later I realized, that is the

    "reality" most live in.

    When I was forced because of my situation to enter this sad domain, I didn't realize

    what I was in store for. Seeing how people talked to one another and attacked one

    another. In MY reality that means youre actually ghting not going on and on. I was

    quite confused. Who are these people and why do they think they can talk to people

    this way? So when I was rst victim to this obviously I wanted to track these people

    down. I even took a couple road trips, wasting money trying to nd these people

    to see if their sts are as tough as their keyboards to no avail. I even invited these

    people out to events and to meet up, of course no takers. I would get, even angrierand lash out, hey I still do at times, to these people. Playing their game of who is

    tougher with "words". Usually when you call them out to "meet up" or to "back up"

    their words, then you are called a "thug", or as the common theme of the week a

    "degenerate skinhead".

    The typical net nazi is very articulate with modern terms and comparisons from

    anti-white websites and slander he gathers from others. He knows how to make it

    personal, as he protects himself, as most, by hiding under anonymous usernames.

    He makes sure his bait is oblivious to how to, come at him. This is a common themeof Jews and communists and adapted by those who claim to be pro white. Many

    times, they are one in the same. For this is their only path to victory. Most of them

    are posers pretending to play white power from the safety of the computer screen,

    are in reality very pathetic individuals. They know how to point out failures as they

    live it every day!

    Now through my years I have seen these individuals usually to be one or the other.

    1. A middle aged divorce' or in most cases never married. Usually no kids or never

    was involved in raising the ones they had. They have lost the ability to be physically

    confrontational and never would when they were able. Their life has turned the

    corner and started its downhill slope. They do not contain the testicular fortitude

    to man up in their late age, as many REAL men do and become active outside their

    home. So they use the internet to give them a sort of self-entitlement, an ego boost

    from others for false sense of commitment and a place to vent and attack without

    any actual repercussions.

    2. They are either teenagers or in their early twenties. In 95% most case still living

    with their parents. Spoiled most of their life's and well protected and provided for.

    They are either still in school or still reeling from high school days. In which they

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    were picked on and alienated. They were socially awkward or cowardly from years

    of pampering and coddling. Their egos outside of reality were boosted by the parents.

    They get involved in pro white circles as a place to nd friends and in turn nd many

    just like them. They boost each others egos and regurgitate news, ideology andpolitics to each other. When they nd someone that doesn't agree with them, that

    wont boost their ego or wont be their "friend" they lash out. Here is where they nd

    the ability to be that "tough" guy. I am sure they envision those who picked on them

    in school, when they lash out at their suspected prey. As most travel the Internet in

    packs, with multiple accounts they can team up on said person and seem as though

    they are not alone. They will never grow out of this until they either venture out into

    reality but not "our" reality and nd a life in the main stream world nding a woman

    and becoming "joe blow". Forgetting about their "life" in the pro-white movement.

    In some case the two coincide. A middle aged man, no kids, never married and yes

    still living with their parents. This, my brothers and sisters, is I would say 90% of the

    Internet world. If they cannot be validated in some way by the REAL world (meeting

    someone, real name, real action) then yes they t this category.

    So when we look at these people they are not too serious right? No it is a true

    sickness we have allowed for far too long! Out of desperation for numbers we have

    allowed our ranks on the Internet to be overwhelmed with these parasites. Allowing

    them to ll their sick, "false reality" needs, on our cause. It has weakened our causeand efforts and allowed other real people to fall in the trap of the NET. I understand

    in this modern age we rely heavy on the net but we must change certain standards.

    No more tolerance for those unwilling to operate outside the Internet. This isn't

    something we can convince the entire movement of, but at least we can start with our

    own. NO MORE tolerance of those who have never proven themselves OUTSIDE

    the Internet to earn notoriety, NO MORE tolerance of those who have never earned

    their "right of opinion" to give their opinion! NO MORE dealings with "anonymous"

    people or unproven personas!

    Only way our cause and our great creed of Creativity is to ourish is in the real

    world in REALITY! Not in this net nazi reality these parasites have mutated our



    Rev James Logsdon
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    Many pro white organizations are basically clubs. We jokingly refer to this trend as "5 guys meeting in

    somebody's basement." They gather once or twice a one of their homes. They like their race and their

    various philosophies, and that's about the extent of it.

    In the "club" model, they gather for a while. They really get nowhere. Their families aren't really involved.

    The guys sort of like each other, but really...racialism is the thing they most have in common. Their friends andcoworkers may not even know they are racially aware. After a while, some of them wander off...or get pissed

    off about something, and the club stops meeting. The "club" model does not provide creativity with a future.

    A ministry should be a close knit. It should be families gathering together. Spouses, children, men, and women

    coming together as an extended family. Caring for each other, looking out for each other's interests, coming to

    each other's aid. Deep friendship/kinship should develop between the members. The children should come to

    see the other children as brothers and sisters they see each other so much.

    Someone moves, everyone shows up and helps. A deck needs building, everyone shows up and helps. A parent

    is sick; another family should offer to take the kids for a bit. Someone needs a job, everyone keeps their eye

    out for one and actively helps them nd one. Members of the local church should be talking almost every day.

    They should know what's going on in each other's lives. They should be the people we turn to when we want to

    laugh, or cry, or exciting news to tell.

    And a ministry should have goals. They should be actively working to promote creativity, both locally, and

    around the region. They should be pooling money, with a goal to buy land and physical church. They should

    be getting to know the creators in neighboring communities, through modern communications and by visiting

    them face-to-face. The ministry should be working to leave their children with a more stable and developed

    movement, than we currently have.

    A ministry should be a family...not a club. An extended family that we see and treat as family. Given a choice

    between "5 guys meeting in a basement," and a growing, involved, dedicated, goal-oriented ministry...there

    really is no choice. I'll take the family model.

    Now some will say, but we don't have a ministry in our area. Or they'll say, there aren't enough interested

    creators in my area. Well, there's no excuse for accepting that condition as the status quo. One should work for

    it, and never give up. Look for other racialist in every way possible. Offer creator study groups. Talk to your

    friends and family about your beliefs. Accept nothing less, than working towards forming and growing a local

    ministry...and establishing a church in your area. It won't happen overnight, but nothing worthwhile happens


    Brother Nick

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    The idea of a comprehensive, fully structured racial religion for our people now

    fully preoccupied my thinking. For reasons that bafe me unto this day, the White

    Race had never had a meaningful racial religion of its own. To try to nd out why at

    every turn in our struggle for racial Identity Christianity seemed to block our way, Itook a new, hard look at this Jewish religion adopted by our people. There had to be

    something in it, I surmised, that I must have missed. Having had it drilled in to me

    at Sunday school, and having listened to an endless number of boring sermons in

    church, I was fairly well informed about the contents of the bible. True, when I was

    seventeen, I had taken Ancient History One in college, and studied other civilizations

    and their religions, I had come to the obvious conclusion that Christianity was just

    another religion among thousands, religions that had come and gone, and was now

    one amongst the debris of thousands of others that were still around.

    However, although I didn't believe in such superstitious claptrap, I wasn't hostile

    to Christianity as such. Like most people, I accepted that some of its moral values

    probably had merit, but much of it was nothing more than silly hocus-pocus. Nor did

    I give much thought to its Jewish origins, and I had no reason to doubt the claim that

    such a character as Jesus Christ once lived. Like Mohammed and others, I took it for

    granted that Christ had been some religious fanatic who went around the countryside

    preaching his wild claims. For some strange reason that I couldn't understand, his

    stuff had caught on, was then later promoted and exploited by his successors into a

    powerful movement, I assumed.

    Be that as it may, at this particular time my curiosity was aroused as to WHY

    Christianity was blocking our every turn. I decided to re-read the New Testament

    and take a closer look to nd out just what it was that I had missed. It didn't take me

    very long to get my answer. Within 10 minutes, I came to Matthew 5, 6 and 7, and

    the Sermon on the Mount. To my amazement I read, "Love your enemies." "Sell all

    thou hast and give it to the poor." "Turn the other cheek." "Blessed are the meek." I

    had read and heard it a hundred times before, but this time I knew what I was looking

    for and I realized the treachery of the booby-trap that was open before my eyes. This

    is crazy! This is the kind of suicidal advice you would give your worst enemies if

    you wanted them to destroy themselves, I thought. Why hadn't I realized that before?

    How could I have missed the poison in this seemingly benign teaching? And this was

    the crux of our innermost "faith"? How stupid can you get? How come no one else

    had pointed this atrocity out to me?

    I had now put my nger on the crux of the problem. It now opened the door to a

    whole plethora of new questions and answers. Christianity was deliberately designedto enslave and destroy the White Race! Who had written all this balderdash? Why,

    the Jews! All the Apostles were Jewish. St. Paul, the most prominent writer of all

    was really Saul of Tarsus, another Jew. Christ himself was a Jew, the bible claimed.

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    Why would they want to mongrelize and destroy the White Race? Because, they

    reasoned ruthlessly, and correctly so, that as long as an intelligent White Race

    remained, their foul conspiracy could at any time blow up in their face. The White

    people of the world might discover their foul conspiracy, as did Hitler in Germany,organize and turn on the Jews. They, the Jews, are now sitting on a powder keg, and

    they know it. Therefore, it behooves them to mongrelize and destroy the White Race

    as quickly as possible. Once the world population is reduced to a mass of stupid

    brown mongrels, they are home safe, the Jews conclude. These zombie slaves will

    then be too stupid to ever organize, or revolt and shake off their slave masters, but

    will make nice, docile work animals.

    I felt I had made as much of a major break-through as if I had discovered a new

    world. Yes, indeed, what the White Race now needed was a powerful new dynamicRACIAL RELIGION of its own. If a scurvy racial religion such as Judaism could

    propel a measly, parasitic race such as the Jews into world domination, just imagine

    what a well conceived; fully structured racial religion could do for the intelligent,

    creative and productive White Race! So I reasoned. We should also remember that we

    still number some 500 million individuals, and outnumber the Jews by 30 to 1. Why

    had no such religion ever come forward before now, I wondered. What a difference

    it would have made in the demographic history of the world if the Egyptians had

    had it, or the Greeks, or the Romans! Why hadn't they? Was it perhaps too late now?

    No, I decided, it wasn't too late, if we get busy and do now what we should havedone long ago. Yes, I decided, I would try to put such a racial religion together. Its

    basic goal would be the survival, expansion and advancement of the White Race

    alone and exclusively, barring all others. I would immediately start writing such a

    book. I felt I was already armed with a whole warehouse full of potent ideas upon

    which such a religion could be built, and new concepts kept ooding in.

    Austin Davis at this time was still regularly attending Pastor Wes Augers Calvary

    Baptist Church, and considered himself a born-again Christian who would some

    day go to heaven. As I discussed all these newly discovered ideas with him, he

    tenaciously kept defending Christianity. After all, he argued, it was the White Man's

    traditional and well-established religion. Maybe so, I countered, but it was invented

    by the Jews, rejected by them and foisted on the White Man, and look where they are

    today, and look where we are. I kept working on him. Finally, one day as we were

    sitting in the bookstore drinking coffee, I asked him, do you really believe we should

    love our enemies, such as the Jews? That you should sell all thou hast and give it to

    the niggers? That you should turn the other cheek? Finally Austin broke down and

    answered honestly. No, I don't. From that day on he was completely de-programmedfrom all that Christian garbage and became one of its most vociferous critics.

    As I contemplated writing my book, I asked myself, what should be the basis of

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    our beliefs? What could I trust and really believe in? When I was a kid I had been

    deceived about Santa Claus, but after all, that was only child's play. I had also

    been snookered about our basic religion, Christianity, from early childhood, I now

    realized. That was not child's play - it was a major and lasting deception. That I didnot nd so easy to forgive. I had been deceived by the John Birch Society as to what

    their real goals were. I had been duped by the Republican Party. I had been lied to by

    George Wallace. I had been deluded and let down by the members of the American

    Independent Party. In fact, "our" government on the local, state and national level

    was one big fraud and swindle, manipulated by our most deadly enemies, the Jews.

    I asked myself again and again, wasn't there anything rm and real? Wasn't there

    anything honest and unchanging that I could believe in and depend on? As I

    pondered the question, the answer came through, loud and clear - yes, there was!

    I could believe in the Eternal Laws of Nature. I could depend on her laws foreverand a day. Having come to that conclusion, a number of other questions and answers

    rapidly emerged.

    What did Nature have to tell us? The answer was much, and everything. One basic

    lesson Nature taught us was that every species rst and foremost takes care of its

    own, in the face of all hostility and/or competition. Each species seeks to reproduce

    its own kind, expand its own numbers and territory, and at the same time advance

    itself genetically in order to better compete in the eternal struggle for survival. Also

    inherent in Nature's laws was the principle of the segregation of the species. Eachspecies mated only with its own particular species or sub-species. There was no

    interbreeding. Although bluebirds and cardinals might both be birds, they never

    interbreed. Although canvasback ducks and pintail ducks both belonged to the

    duck family, and even built nests around the same lake, they too never interbreed

    and mixed their genes. Nature forbade it. Any species that outed those laws was

    ruthlessly punished with the ultimate penalty - extinction. I came to realize that all

    knowledge and wisdom was derived from a close observation of the Laws of Nature,

    and even though the lesser animals may not have as highly a developed intellect as

    man, nevertheless, Nature in her wisdom had imbued them with a highly developed

    instinct to perform in harmony with her laws. In taking care of their own they usually

    carried out those laws and their mission in life with a great deal more wisdom and

    efciency than did man.

    This brought up the question, how was mankind performing in accordance with these

    natural laws? Specically, how was the White Race, Nature's Finest and the pinnacle

    of her evolutionary process doing? When I asked that question in the framework of

    the last half of the present century, the answer came through loud and clear - we wereperforming dismally. We were doing far worse than the lowly mosquito, in fact. We

    were agrantly outing Nature's most basic laws, all in the name of a treacherous

    Jewish religion. Would Nature also punish her Finest with extinction? The answer

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    was a clear and unequivocal yes, we were denitely on our way to extinction unless

    we rapidly and drastically changed course.

    During May and June of 1971 I haltingly started writing my book, stumbling as Iwent along. I hadn't decided on a title as yet, but was contemplating on one of two

    options. I would either call it Nature's Eternal Religion, or, The White Man's Bible. I

    had not as yet conceived the proper name for our racial religion, nor the framework

    of our organization. But all that could come later. I was loaded for bear and rst

    things rst.
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