IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another...


Transcript of IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another...

Page 1: IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats



Page 2: IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats


We are Christians Passionate About Ending Poverty, Following Jesus Where The need is greatest.Tearfund works with churches and Christian agencies in the poorest regions of the world to help people in crisis and lift communities out of poverty.


Poverty is a result of the world’s brokenness and ruptured relationships with God, between people, and with creation. We fight suffering and despair because we believe every person bears God’s image and is loved by Him.


By His example and His words, Jesus calls His people to serve those most deeply hurt by the brokenness of the world. We follow Jesus to where the need is greatest so we can serve in the centre of God’s calling.


God declares that He will someday restore creation and reconcile people to Himself through Christ. We empower the Church today to declare the presence of God through transformed lives, restored families, reconciled communities, and renewed futures.

So when Pastor Makeo heard that Tearfund and its partner, the Baptist Church of Central Africa, could help teach local farmers how to grow more food, he was thrilled. He immediately became an advocate. Ephream Kalindera was one of the farmers in Bulera

Village whose life was transformed. He had always been able to grow enough to feed and provide for his family before the blight, but recently barely enough to feed himself and his granddaughter.

Despite being nearly 80, he planted two types of disease-resistant cassava and mulched his plot. The results were life-changing. “My bananas are producing bunches again! And soon the cassava will be ready to harvest. We have much more food than before. Life looks far more secure.”

Pastor Makeo reports “the project has also reduced conflict and built harmony in the village, especially between churches. We’ve learned to talk with each other, work together, laugh and fellowship.”

“We are grateful to God for assistance. There is hope now.”

Ephream Kalindera standing in his healthy cassava field.

FROM CURSED TO BLESSEDThe people of Bulera Village, in the DR Congo, believed they were cursed. Ten years of deadly crop diseases decimated their two most valuable crops, banana and cassava. No longer able to feed their families even two meals a day, or pay for school fees or medical bills, a sense of hopelessness filled the village.

“The project was literally an answer to our prayer that God would do some miracle to lift our church and community from sinking into poverty. . . the project has had a tremendous impact . . . better crops, including healthy cassava and bananas. We didn’t think we could grow much. Now all of us are growing, eating and selling a variety of vegetables,” said the pastor, who himself has a wife and six children to feed.

With the Baptist Church of Central Africa and support from the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, farmers in eight large villages in the DR Congo were trained how to introduce new crops and fight diseases that were ravaging their fields. Many villagers also joined newly organized saving and loan groups, putting aside some of their new-found earnings and starting their journey out of poverty.

Pastor Makeo reports the transformation of the community

Page 3: IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats


Congregations across Africa and Asia are surrounded by intense human need, and God is moving them to respond.

The church is God’s strategy for changing the world. When equipped and encouraged, congregations can foster radical transformation of their communities and help people break free from poverty.

Tearfund is committed to serving the poor through the local church. Bringing support and program expertise, we help mobilize God’s church in the very poorest places to unlock people’s God-given power and potential – creating flourishing and resilient communities.

This strategy empowers people, is sustainable, and helps communities permanently lift themselves out of poverty.

Thank you for your support. You stand with amazing men and women of God working tirelessly with their communities to change their futures.

Good News for the Poor Includes a Way Out of Poverty


1. FREE PEOPLE FROM HUNGERIn a famine, only the poor starve. By equipping churches to teach people new farming techniques (called conservation agriculture) we help people grow enough food to feed themselves and their families.

2. FREE PEOPLE FROM POVERTYThe poor are easily exploited. Through the development of community saving groups, we work with churches to help people save their hard earnings and create their own pathway out of poverty.

3. HELP PEOPLE IN CRISISIn a crisis, natural or man-made, the poor suffer most. We work with local churches to reach and help those who are in dire situations, regardless of their social status, religion or political beliefs.

Why the Church?The local church is more than just another organization. It has:

You helped us give more attention to the needy, both in the church and in the community. Before we would just give money to really poor people who showed up at the church, but now we look at our resources and consider how we can sustainably help our neighbours.”

– Pastor StephanosAbelo Koshobo Church

Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia

“REACHlocal churches are found everywhere – from big cities to the most isolated regions.

ACCESS the church is deeply embedded in the community, with wide networks and access to resources.

CULTURAL UNDERSTANDINGthe church understands local customs, needs and attitudes.

TRUST AND INFLUENCEchurches and pastors are often trusted leaders in the community, who can influence mindsets and create lasting change.

LONGEVITYthe church remains long after outside non-government organizations leave.

Just $350 provides one pastor with two years of training and resources that equips them to lead their community’s efforts to lift themselves out of poverty. To learn more visit:

Page 4: IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats


Freeing People from HungerConstantly worrying about where your child's next meal will come from makes it impossible to plan for the future. Poor crops mean no income and no savings. Escaping from poverty is a fantasy.

Your support of leading-edge food initiatives this year helped many people produce more food in ways that are environmentally friendly and don’t require expensive fertilizers or machinery, helping them climb out of poverty.


Lela Ganamo proves that you’re never too old to try new things. At 71, he is eager to learn what he can do better to provide food and be a role model for his wife, son and three adult daughters. He noted the success of his neighbours who followed conservation agriculture techniques learned from our Tearfund Ethiopian church partner, the Terepeza Development Association. Impressed, Mr. Ganamo dove in. “It took more work up-front, but now I am rewarded with much better yields. Look at my soil; even after the rains have ended it’s still moist!”

He is thirsty to learn more. Thanks to donors like you he’ll have that opportunity. “I am looking forward to the training that I will receive this fall… maybe I can do even better!”


As a mother of seven children, Resolute often worried about how to feed her large family. So she quickly embraced the offer from Tearfund's local church partner to learn how to increase her crop yields.

Starting small, she put her training into practice; “The results were amazing. Even with poor rains, I got 545 kilograms of harvest with these new techniques, compared to the 52 that I was harvesting before.”

Your generous donations and the leadership of that local church means she no longer worries about getting enough food for her family. “Before the maximum we would get was four months of reliable food, now we get 10 months. Now, the tension in our family is gone.”

Tearfund Impact - Conservation Agriculture


Just $237 helps teach a farmer agricultural techniques that will double or triple crop yields – even in drought. But a good harvest is so much more than food. It improves a family’s safety and security, prevents exploitation and reduces gender inequality. It empowers a family to take their first steps out of poverty for good.

In the past year, your gifts have helped to support ten agriculture projects in seven countries:

Conservation Agriculture training provided through church partners makes a powerful difference. To learn how you can sponsor a farmer (or two) please visit:

farmers were trained in conservation agriculture

family members received better nutrition and greater financial stability



Page 5: IMPACT REPORT 2019 - Tearfund CanadaADIMU NYAMAI – A DETERMINED ENTREPRENEUR Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats


Freeing People from Poverty Across Africa and Asia, self-help and saving groups are quietly revolutionizing the lives of people in poverty. In such groups, vulnerable people support each other, both financially and emotionally.

Your support of these groups has helped members save small amounts which they use to start new businesses or to help when times are tough. These groups are a proven method for communities to lift themselves out of economic and social poverty, to thrive rather than merely survive.


Faced with another crop failure, Angela Nyamai of Kenya “made the tough decision to sell my three goats for start-up capital” for her business. But for this mother of six, selling second-hand clothes provided only a small and erratic income.

Still, this entrepreneur was determined, and when she attended Tearfund Savings Group training in her local church, it changed her life. “I have managed to save. I have been able to take out several small loans from the group to stabilize and boost my business. I hope to soon expand and open a big clothing shop in a nearby major market! My hope is that many women realize the potential of this type of savings group.”


With boundless optimism and tenacity, Lablonde isn’t afraid to venture into the unknown. Still only in high school, she started her own snack-selling business to start saving for college. But as her sales started to grow, she needed a safe place to grow her earnings. That’s when she discovered one of the savings groups run by one of Tearfund’s local partners.

Lablonde said that “…my mother heard about the groups from our local church and I was instantly interested...” Often teased by her peers for attending with “older people,” Lablonde has grown to appreciate the members of her group and likes learning from them. We can’t wait to see how God uses Lablondefor his Kingdom.

Tearfund Impact - Economic Development


When there are 8 to 10 savings groups in a region they often form an association to tackle larger challenges. One association in Ethiopia is creating remarkable change. “We are working on road maintenance in our community and constructed a bridge. We mobilized community and government support to build a new local school with three classrooms. We organised a petition with 558 signatures to ask the government for better water and now we have seven drilled water points.” Donor support of these savings groups has dramatically transformed lives.

498new savings groups were formed

people participated in savings groups


lives of family members improved


81%of participants are women

The cost to train one saving groups participant is only $36 per year. Extend your impact by becoming a monthly donor:

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Helping People in CrisisWhen conflict and disaster arise the poor usually are hardest hit: 69 per cent of all people killed by disasters around the world live in poverty. And without social and public safety nets, people can be left with nothing, having to rebuild their lives from scratch.

This year you helped transform the lives of thousands of people who fell victim to disaster and conflict.

Tearfund Impact - Crisis Response



The world has watched in horror as Rohingya people have been killed, tortured, assaulted and humiliated, solely because they are a Muslim minority. Although they have lived in Myanmar (Burma) for centuries, as a highly persecuted religious minority they have been denied all citizenship rights and considered stateless.

In August, 2017 the Myanmar military attacked the Rohingya people – murdering over 3,000 people, raping thousands, burning villages and forcing over 700,000 to flee to neighbouring Bangladesh. Now over a million people have been forced to live in the largest refugee camp in the world. Rohingya received life essential needs

and services

Syrian refugees and vulnerable people were provided with essential health services (1 in 4 were under the age of 5)

7,909Filipinos affected by Typhoon Manghut provided with emergency food

People in South Sudan received critical food and water


People in the DR Congo received emergency training and awareness on how to prevent the spread of Ebola


Your Disaster Response



As Christians it is challenging to witness this level of suffering, to learn of the atrocities, and the abhorrent conditions Rohingya people live in. The injustice of it all breaks the heart of God.

But on a foundation of faith that one day God will restore this broken world and justice will be served, we come along side of and help those we can. Along with our partners, your gifts are helping us provide food, clean water, latrines, solar lighting, child friendly spaces, and fulfill basic needs for people living in the refugee camps.

To read more stories of the Rohingya and to view photos visit:


"My name is Asima. In Myanmar I was going to school and studying. Then it all changed. When the military came they killed many people and burned down our houses. They raped, then murdered my sister – who was 20 years old. They also killed my father and brother.

My mom and I ran to the forest. It was a treacherous journey here. We needed to avoid the main road to avoid the military. We walked for a long time without any food.

I used to work with my Dad in the field, cook with my sister and eat rice together as a family. My sister and I used to serve the food to our family. We would have fun with food and pretend fight with each other. She was tall. All the time I am missing my Father, brother and sister."

Asima, aged 14, and Mama Nurbahar in the Cox Bazar refugee camp.

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Worldwide Impact

63,594 This year, you helped 426,103 people across 12 countries:

BangladeshDR CongoEthiopiaIndiaIndonesia KenyaLebanonLiberiaPhilippinesSierre LeoneSouth SudanTanzania

individuals gained access to a sustainable source of food

11,454people participated in savings and Self-Help Groups



220,886people in crisis received emergency aid, food and water


• Increased access to sustainable food and the ability to save money improves a family’s safety, enables children to go to school and helps a family afford better medical care.

• It means that a family no longer is forced to borrow loans they can never repay or engage in dangerous, exploitive work.

• It results in better gender equality for girls and boys.

Your donations help continue Christ’s mission of restoration.

lives improved through Savings and Self-Help Groups

refugees and vulnerable people received critical medical care

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Transforming Lives Together Church empowerment. Agricultural training. Savings and Self-Help groups. Helping people in crisis.

This year, your donation had enormous impact around the world. Thank you for helping us follow Jesus where the need is greatest.


Always willing to help, Hallelujah Chinese Evangelical Free Church has been a tremendous supporter of Tearfund, generously providing for those suffering from disaster such as during the Indonesia earthquake in 2018.


Monthly Tearfund donors of 30 years, Edwyn and Regina Dyck have always had a heart for the poor around the world. They love Tearfund’s work in Conservation Agriculture – a training program that helps farmers grow 200% to 300% more food without the use of heavy machinery or expensive chemical fertilizers – stating “we love that we are able to help a community to become self-sufficient.” In addition to giving every month, Edwyn and Regina also pray for, and tell others about the work Tearfund does.

“The impact Tearfund has compared to other charities is incredible. We really appreciate their low overhead costs and partnerships which multiply our donations.”

Tearfund Impact - Transforming Canadians

“We support Tearfund because they give priority to the world’s poorest, those least likely to get help.

We love that they are committed to serving the poor through the local church. Supporting disaster relief through Tearfund helps our church show Christ’s love in a tangible way to people who are hardest hit. It motivates us to think less of ourselves and more of others. We remember the Scripture verse: …from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked" - Luke 12:48

Edwyn and Regina with Wayne Johnson, Tearfund Canada CEO



“Our congregation really tries hard to be as generous as we possibly can. We love caring for those who are in need. Tearfund's World Relief Sunday is an opportunity for us to pool our resources with other churches and to make a difference in the lives of others. . . The experience was uplifting and uniting. It brought the congregation together and it has prepared us for our current conversation about missions.

– Matthew Wiley, Lead Pastor, Rice Road Community Church

Tearfund's World Relief Sunday is a great opportunity to engage your congregation about the topic of global poverty. Sign up at:

Norman Holbrook, Tearfund Program Manager, with Pastor Obadiah in a farm field, next to a church in Central Tanzania.

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CHURCH-BASED COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATIONOne African pastor commented that “it’s really hard to preach the Good News without responding to the real everyday needs. We have to help the whole person. That’s what the Good Samaritan is all about.”

Wherever Tearfund travels, the local church is helping clothe the poor, feed the hungry and share the love of Christ. But surrounded by poverty, and grappling with events such as drought and failing crops, these churches face daunting challenges.

Tearfund is starting a new focused initiative training, equipping and mentoring pastors and their churches in three countries - Tanzania, Ethiopia and Liberia - to unlock the huge potential they have to release people in their communities from poverty.

They will deepen their understanding of how God views poverty and learn how to initiate and sustain conservation agriculture methods, saving groups, and other projects in their communities.

Many individuals will hear and know that Christ cares deeply about them.

Church-based community transformation magnifies impact in Tanzania, Ethiopia and Liberia, alongside conservation agricultural and economic development.


• Train 13,700 newfarmers helping to feed54,600 families

• Create saving groups for14,400 new membersproviding financialsecurity to 56,000families

• Aid thousands of peoplein crisis

Ravaged by ebola a few years ago, Liberia, one of the world’s poorest countries, continues to face an up-hill battle. Agriculture is primary for most of the population, but farmers face many challenges including lack of roads and power, government policies, and lack of access to markets.

Along with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, we have partnered with the Association of Evangelicals of Liberia to train 300 farmers in the Fen River district. Farmers will learn improved agricultural techniques. Communities will receive training on food preparation, hygiene and sanitation and the important of a diverse diet. Your support helps farmers produce enough food for them and their families year-round.


Our vision is to see all people freed from poverty, living transformed lives and reaching their God-given potential.

The impact of 2018 would not have been possible without your support. In 2019, we have the opportunity, the tools and the partners to help even more people lift themselves out of poverty.

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Dear Friend,

This year was our first year as Tearfund Canada – and what a year it has been. Thanks to the amazing generosity displayed from our donors – people like you – an incredible 426,972 people took their first steps on their journey out of poverty.

Due to our small but relentless team and international partners, Tearfund Canada is able to consistently punch above its weight when it comes to delivering help where most needed.

But we know it is ultimately God who sustains us. Despite our best efforts, He is the one who knows where the need is and provides. As we continue our mission to follow Jesus where the need is greatest in 2019, we will continue to seek His leading and help more people escape poverty with your help.

Thank you again for your ongoing support,

Wayne JohnsonExecutive Director, Tearfund Canada

Heather Card CPA, CMA – DirectorFive Smooth Stones Consulting Ltd.,Elimira, ON

Reinnie Brandt CPA – DirectorPartner, Blue River Group Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, Blumenort MB

Joanne Beach – Director Director of Alliance Justice and Compassion, The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada, Burlington ON

Kevin Schular – Board Chair Executive Director, Baptist General Conference of Canada, Edmonton, AB

Helen Reimer – Vice Chair Director of Business Development,Fairtrade Canada, Ottawa, ON

Dale Barkman FCPA , FCA – Secretary Treasurer Partner, Manning Elliot Accountants and Business Advisors, Coquitlam, BC

Tearfund Board of Directors

Financial AccountabilityREVENUE


Canadian Foodgrains Bank


Total Revenue













Government 2,368,620 36.8% 2,947,438 41.0%


2,475,559 38.5% 2,321,277 32.3%





Total Expenses






EXCESS REVENUE (EXPENSES)Due to timing of disembursement to implementing partners

(516,873) 133,422



Marketing and Fundraising 678,218 9.8% 669,848 9.5%

100 %

519,665 7.5% 479,736 6.8%


Audited financial statements are available upon request and on our website at:

Several Tearfund Canada initiatives receive funding through the International Humanitarian Assistance program of Global Affairs Canada, which directs Canada’s official international development and humanitarian assistance and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Such projects build on significant support from Tearfund donors, giving individual and church donations a greatly amplified impact. Tearfund Canada, adheres to the Core Humanitarian Standards as set out by the International Red Cross, as well as the SPHERE Humanitarian aid standards and Integral Alliance quality standards.

Tearfund Canada subscribes to the Seal of Financial Accountability as a member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC) and are subject to their requirements and recommendations pursuant to their annual review. Spending of funds is confined to Board approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Board, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.

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tearfund.ca600 Alden Road, Suite 310

Markham, ON L3R 0E7, Canada1-800-568-8190 | [email protected]

PHOTO CREDITS COVER: Helen Manson / Tearfund New Zealand, Page 2: Tearfund Canada, Pg 3: Norm Holbrook / Tearfund Canada Pg 4: Shutterstock, Pg 5: Don Miller Pg 6: Norm Holbrook / Tearfund Canada Pg 7: Darrel Winge / Tearfund Canada Pg 8: Tearfund Canada, Page 9 Wayne Johnson / Tearfund Canada Pg 11: Helen Manson / Tearfund New Zealand Pg 14: Jessie Lynn / Tearfund Canada Pg 15: Reinnie Brant/ Tearfund Canada, Matthew Wiley / Rice Road Community Church Pg 17: Tearfund Canada Pg 18: Kristen Duncan / Tearfund Canada, BACK COVER: Ramesh / EFICOR