Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop...

WP 2012-14 November 2012 Working Paper Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 148537801, USA Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Allocation in the United States Joseph V. Balagtas, Barry Krissoff, Lei Lei, and Bradley J. Rickard

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Page 1: Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction


WP 2012-14 November 2012 


Working Paper  Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853‐7801, USA 


Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Allocation in the United States   Joseph V. Balagtas, Barry Krissoff, Lei Lei, and Bradley J. Rickard

Page 2: Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction


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Page 3: Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction


Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Allocation in the United States

Joseph V. Balagtas, Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907

Barry Krissoff, Senior Agricultural Economist United States Department of Agriculture,

Economic Research Service, Washington, DC 20024

Lei Lei, Graduate Student Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853

Bradley J. Rickard, Assistant Professor (contact author) Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +1.607.255.7417

Abstract Eligibility requirements for farm payments include restrictions from planting certain horticultural crops on base acres, and there has been pressure to remove such restrictions in recent Farm Bill discussions and as part of World Trade Organization negotiations. We measure the effects of the planting restriction on acres planted to horticultural and program crops using U.S. county-level data from the Censuses of Agriculture taken before and after the initial policy was introduced in 1990 using a difference-in-difference estimator. Our results indicate that the planting restriction has crowded out fruit and vegetable acreage nationally and most notably in selected Sunbelt states, a region that specializes in horticultural crop production. Keywords: Farm Bill, Policy analysis, Difference in difference model, Fruits and vegetables, Planting restriction; World Trade Organization. JEL Classification: Q13, Q18

November 2012 This research was funded, in part, by USDA-ERS Cooperative Agreement #58-3000-9-0062 under the title “The Economics of Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: Cross-Country Comparison and Implications of U.S. Policy for Fruit and Vegetable Trade”.

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Impact of the Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restriction on Crop Allocation in the United States


The 1990 Farm Bill introduced provisions for farmers enrolled in federal farm support

programs to receive payments while moving some of their base acreage away from specific

program crops.1 As a condition of eligibility for payments, producers with a demonstrated

history of planting program crops were obligated to continue to plant the historical program crop

on at least 75% of base acreage; producers were allowed to plant up to 25% of base acreage (so-

called “flex” acres) in an alternate crop, but were explicitly prohibited from planting certain

specialty crops on that land, including fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, and wild rice.2, 3 The 1996

Farm Bill extended planting flexibility to all base acres, but maintained the prohibition on fruit

and vegetables. The planting restriction received widespread support from fruit and vegetable

producers, who were concerned that unrestricted direct payments would subsidize new

production of these specialty crops and lead to decreased prices.

Producers in violation of the planting restriction would lose payments on those acres

planted in fruits and vegetables, plus receive a financial penalty equal to the market value of the

restricted fruit or vegetable crop. Further, the producer in violation could lose its contract for

federal farm support programs. Exceptions to the planting restriction were made under any of

three conditions: (1) farmers with a demonstrated history of planting restricted fruit or vegetable

crops could plant them on base acres; (2) land with a demonstrated history of growing restricted

fruit or vegetable crops could be used by farmers to produce restricted crops; and (3) regions

with a history of double-cropping patterns (where one of the crops is fruits or vegetables). In all

three exceptions, producers would forfeit program payments on all base acres planted in

restricted crops. Thus, in any case, the planting restriction imposes a potentially important

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disincentive to produce restricted crops on base acres.4

The planting restriction, if binding, affects use of farm land by encouraging production of

program crops and discouraging production of specialty crops. The effect of the planting

restriction on land use is ultimately an empirical question. Previous work on the planting

restriction falls into two categories. Johnson et al. (2006), Young et al. (2007) and Thornsbury et

al. (2007) are descriptive studies that highlight geographic regions where competition for land in

alternate uses is likely to be greatest, discuss barriers to switching to fruit and vegetable crops,

and present anecdotal evidence of the policy’s effects. Two other studies use a simulation

approach to analyze acreage response to a hypothetical removal of the planting restriction.

Fumasi et al. (2006) uses calculated changes in per acre returns (including government

payments) for alternative crops as inputs into a representative-farm simulation model to predict

changes in optimal crop mix. Patterson and Richards (2006) use a market simulation model to

predict market-level changes in land use. These studies conclude that the planting restriction

results in small to modest reductions in acreage for select crops in select regions.

Figure 1 shows the changes in program crop acres between 1987 and 1997; this

represents a span that includes a time period just prior to the introduction of the planting

restriction on fruits and vegetables and a time period a few years after the provision was in place.

Census data that describe detailed county-level land use information are only available every five

years, and therefore data are also available in 1992. We use the data from 1997 rather than 1992

as it allows us to observe the changes over a time period that is long enough for producers to

adjust their production to the policy change in the 1990 Farm Bill. Figure 1 shows that there are

eastern and western regions in the United States that experienced a decrease (of 5% or more) in

acreage used to produce program crops. There are also regions along the east coast and in the

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mid-west that increased acreage (by 5% or more) devoted to program crop production over this

time period. Figure 2 shows the county-level percent changes in fruit and vegetable acres

between 1987 and 1997. Here we see decreases (of 5% or more) in acreage in counties in several

southern and eastern counties and an increase (of 5% or more) in selected counties throughout

the country. In particular, we observe decreases in acreage in counties in various Sunbelt states,

and many of the Sunbelt states are major producers of horticultural crops. State Agricultural

Departments in New Mexico, Florida, Arizona, California, and Texas (known as NFACT) have

become organized in recent Farm Bill discussions and have been strong advocates of

implementing policies to support specialty crops (CDFA 2011; NASDA 2001). We will examine

the impacts of the planting restriction in these states more closely below.

Recent Policy Debate

In 2004 the planting restriction was the basis for a World Trade Organization (WTO)

complaint filed by Brazil and other countries that asserted that the U.S. cotton program (and, by

extension, direct payments for all program crops) was distortionary (Young et al. 2007).5 The

United States had filed direct payments made under these commodity programs as “green box”

(minimally distorting) because they are not tied to current market prices or production, and are

not tied to a specific crop. But the WTO ruled in favor of Brazil because of the fruit and

vegetable planting restriction. In subsequent farm policy debates, U.S. farm interests have

considered eliminating the restriction, with notable opposition from fruit and vegetable producers

who fear entry of subsidized competitors.

Several consumer advocates have suggested that farm subsidies encourage the production

of corn, wheat, and soybeans at the expense of fruit and vegetable production (e.g., Pollan 2003;

Nestle 2007; Pollan 2007). Such arguments claim that farm policies encourage higher production

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of calorie dense foods that use grains and oilseeds as ingredients, and discourage production of

healthier crops such as fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, Tillotson (2004), Muller, Schoonover

and Wallinga (2007), Ludwig and Pollak (2009) and Popkin (2010) have attributed the growth in

U.S. obesity rates to agricultural policies, and advocated a reorientation of government spending

away from corn and wheat to fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Social critics have also

highlighted the seemingly contradictory messages embedded in different USDA programs and

initiatives, namely that USDA expenditures are used to subsidize grain and oilseed crops (which

are considered to be the key ingredients in unhealthy foods by food policy critics) while other

expenditures are used to promote nutritional guidelines and diets rich in fruits and vegetables.

The planting restriction on fruits and vegetables, in particular, has been described as a farm

policy that exemplifies this contradiction (e.g., Wilde 2007).

In response to the WTO complaint and to concerns about sourcing raw commodities from

processing vegetable processors in the Great Lakes region, the 2008 Farm Bill introduced a

Planting Transferability Pilot Program (Pilot Program) to better understand the impact of the

planting restriction, and to see how producers would respond to such a change. The Pilot

Program allows planting of up to 75,000 acres of seven key processing vegetables on base acres

in seven states—Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin—between

2009 and 2012. These seven states account for approximately 20% of total U.S. acreage used to

produce (fresh and processed) vegetables.

There has been renewed interest in eliminating the fruit and vegetable planting restriction

as part of the 2012 Farm Bill negotiations. The Senate Bill, S. 3240 (United States Committee on

Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 2012) and the House Bill, H.R. 6083 (House Committee on

Agriculture 2012) both proposed to repeal direct payments as part of Title I, and this would

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effectively eliminate the fruit and vegetable planting restriction. This is a controversial issue and

one that is expected to continue to be debated as part of domestic and international agricultural

policy discussions. Relatively little is known about the economic effects of removing this

provision, and how removal will impact land use; existing studies are either descriptive in nature

or are based on a number of assumptions. One way to better understand the effects of removing

the fruit and vegetable planting restriction is to examine the effects on land use when the

provision was first introduced in 1990. In this paper we look for systematic evidence for how the

planting restriction has impacted land used for both program crops and horticultural crops. We

employ county-level data that describes specific uses of land in 1987 and 1997 in a difference-in-

difference econometric framework to measure the impact of the fruit and vegetable planting

restriction provision on the crop mix.

Econometric approach for measuring policy effects on land use

There is a large literature that examines the effects of commodity policy on land use in

the United States (e.g., Lee and Helmberger 1985; McDonald and Sumner 2003; Key, Lubowski,

and Roberts 2005), in Canada (e.g., Miranda, Novak, and Lerohl 1994) and in the European

Union (e.g., Guyomard, Baudry, and Carpentier 1996). However, as argued in Gardner, Hardie,

and Parks (2009) and supported by Moss and Schmitz (2003), the empirical estimation of

linkages between farm policies and crop allocation have been inconclusive. One reason may be

that previous studies have aggregated a number of individual policies with potentially conflicting

effects. For example, in a regression of land shares on economic determinants of land use,

Gardner, Hardie, and Parks (2009) use total government payments as a measure of farm policy.

This policy variable includes payments from programs that generally do not have identical

impacts on land use, and which change over time. Thus the model captures an average effect of

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the various policies on land use. The estimated effect cannot be expected to apply generally to a

different set of policies or any of the individual policies.

Another potential reason that the existing literature on the market impacts of farm

policies has been mixed is the inherent difficulty of structural econometric modeling. Structural

models of land use require analysts to specify land owners’ or producers’ expectations over

prices and policies for a range of alternative crops and other relevant land uses, and also to

specify risk preferences (Holt 1999). Different specifications of expectations, different treatment

of risk, or different approaches to aggregating alternative land uses could lead analysts to

different conclusions.

The approach we adopt to examine the role of the planting restriction on crop allocation

overcomes some of these challenges. We adopt a simple, reduced-form modeling framework to

measure the impact of the planting restriction on land allocation across alternative crops. Our

approach exploits a discrete change in farm policy and geographic variation in implementation in

order to identify the effects of the planting restriction on allocation of land to alternative crops.

In particular, we observe a change in policy in 1990 that adds planting flexibility on base acres

but prohibits fruit and vegetable crops. That is, to receive direct payments on base acres, farmers

were restricted from planting fruit and vegetable crops on those acres.

The combination of direct payments and the planting restriction simultaneously increased

returns to growing program crops, and decreased returns to growing fruit and vegetable crops on

base acres (see Young et al. 2007). Thus, we expect that the 1990 Farm Bill resulted in a

reduction in fruit and vegetable acreage and an increase in program crop acreage. Moreover, we

posit that these effects are likely to be directly correlated with the degree to which the planting

restriction is binding. For a given area of land, the larger is the portion of land previously

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dedicated to program crops (and thus subsequently subject to the planting restriction), the larger

is the effect of the planting restriction on acreage allocation across crops.

Based on this discussion we posit a reduced-form econometric model to estimate changes

in fruit and vegetable acreage in a county i in equation (1):

(1) '0

FV Pi P i X i iA A β X

In equation (1) ∆ is the change in fruit and vegetable acreage in county i between

1987 and 1997; is area in county i allocated to program crops in 1987 (pre-planting

restrictions); 'iX is a vector of other covariates that influence fruit and vegetable acreage in county

i and includes various agronomic variables; and is a stochastic error term that captures

unobserved factors that influence fruit and vegetable acreage in county i.

The change in fruit and vegetable acreage is defined over a period of time that straddles

the change in policy, which occurred in 1990. The variable measures the impact of land area

planted in program crops before implementation of the planting restriction, i.e., the land area that

was subsequently subject to the planting restriction. We assume that producers did not know in

1987 that land planted in program crops would subsequently be restricted as a pre-condition for

receiving farm payments. In this light, we interpret as an exogenous policy treatment. Thus

the least squares estimator of PB may be interpreted as the difference-in-difference (DiD)

estimator on the relationship between base acres in 1987 and the change in fruit and vegetables

acres between 1987 and 1997, which we interpret as a measure of the impact of the planting


Identification of the policy effect relies on an assumption that growth rates in fruit and

vegetable acreage conditional on 'iX would have been the same across counties if not for

differences in the change in base acres. Under this assumption, the DiD estimator identifies the

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impact of the planting restriction on fruit and vegetable acreage. Notably, the DiD estimator

permits selection bias—the possibility that there is an unobserved factor that is causing both base

acreage in the initial period and the change in fruit and vegetable acreage—but requires that such

bias is time invariant.

The ability of the DiD estimator to identify the policy effect hinges on our ability to

model or otherwise account for factors other than the policy that might influence county-level

changes in fruit and vegetable acreage over time. Some of these factors are observable. Total

crop area of a county obviously affects the land area dedicated to fruit and vegetable crops, so we

include total crop acreage in 1987. Also, agronomic and climatic conditions affect suitability of

land for fruit and vegetable production and therefore we include temperature, elevation, and net

precipitation as variables in 'iX . Other factors may be unobservable such as market-level

economic conditions or regional technological innovations, and we attempt to control for these

by including state-level intercept dummies. Other unobservable factors are left in the error term

and do not bias estimates of the policy effect as long as they are time-invariant. The key question

here is whether there are unobserved factors that cause both 1987 program crop acres and the 10-

year change in fruit and vegetable acreage. This might be the case if, for instance, there are

factors that cause counties to specialize in fruit and vegetable crops, thus reducing their program

crop area in 1987 and leading to larger growth rates in fruit and vegetable production area over

time. However, we have not found any evidence that such conditions existed in the U.S.

specialty crop market over the time period studied here.

We first estimate the effects of the planting restriction using data from 1987 and 1997 in

all counties in the 48 contiguous states. Ravallion (2011) and Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd

(1998), among others, recommend using matching techniques to further control for initial

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heterogeneity in the sample in order to reduce bias in DiD estimators. We follow this idea by

selecting a subsample of units (counties) that are similar in every observable way except for the

policy. Adopting an ad hoc matching technique, we also model the effects using data for two

subsamples of counties. First, because the Pilot Program introduced in 2008 brought attention to

the role of the planting restriction on land use in selected states in the Great Lakes region, we

estimate the effects in this region. Second, because a large share of fruits and vegetables are

produced in Sunbelt states, we re-estimate our model using data from the five Sunbelt states that

are part of the NFACT coalition (with state departments of agriculture that strongly support the

specialty crop sector).


We use data from the U.S. Census of Agriculture describing cropland uses in 1987 and

1997 (USDA-NASS, 2002).7 We aggregate individual crops into three categories: program crops

(13 crops), fruit and vegetable crops subject to the planting restriction (40 crops), and all other

crops (49 crops). Soybeans were not added to base acres until 2002, and therefore are not

included as a program crop in our analysis. Total crop acreage is calculated as the sum of acres

used across the three crop categories (102 crops in total). In the Appendix, Table A1 lists the

Census of Agriculture codes and descriptions for the program crops (crops that were included in

base acres during the period studied), Table A2 lists the descriptions for crops subject to planting

restrictions, and Table A3 lists the descriptions for other crops that are neither program crops nor

subject to planting restrictions.

There are 3,143 counties in the United States. We include land use data from all counties

except the five counties in Hawaii, the 27 county-equivalents in Alaska, and the 80 counties

which did not report any annual crop production in 1987 and 1997. We conduct our analysis on

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the remaining 3,031 counties. In Tables 1a and 1b we report area in fruit and vegetable crops,

area in program crops, and total crop area for each state in 1987 and 1997. We list total acres in

each category in each state, and also show the share of fruit and vegetable crops and the share of

program crops. At the bottom of each table we calculate the acres and shares for each category

for three groups of states: all 48 states, the selected Sunbelt states (the NFACT states), and the

Pilot Program states. Table 1a shows that 3% of total cropland was used to produce fruits and

vegetables in the 48 contiguous states, 14% of cropland was used to produce fruits and

vegetables in the NFACT states, and 1.4% of cropland produced fruits and vegetables in the Pilot

Program states in 1987. Table 1b indicates that cropland used for program crops and fruit and

vegetable crops decreased overall, but that the shares of cropland used to produce fruits and

vegetables changed very little. In some states we see larger changes in fruit and vegetable

acreage and in program crop acreage between 1987 and 1997, and although not shown in Table

1a and Table 1b, we see even larger changes in individual counties which are explored further in

our econometric model.

Agronomic data are collected from the Rocky Mountain Research Station of USDA

Forest Service (Historic Climate Data for 1940 to 2006) for the 48 conterminous states at the

county spatial scale based on PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes

Model) climatology (Coulson and Joyce 2010).8 The dataset contains monthly totals of

precipitation, monthly means of daily maximum and minimum air temperature, computed

monthly mean of daily potential evapotranspiration, and mean grid elevation. We include

elevation, growing-period (the nine months including March through November) averages for

temperature, and net precipitation (precipitation less evaporation) as control variables in 'iX in the

regression models.

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We report econometric results from nine model specifications that consider different

regions and different groups of crops impacted by the planting restriction. We examine the

impact of planting restrictions in three regions: all counties in the 48 contiguous United States,

all counties in the Pilot Program states, and all counties in the selected Sunbelt states (the

NFACT coalition). In all model specifications the dependent variable is a change in county-level

acres for a group of restricted crops between 1987 and 1997. For each region considered we also

provide results from three model specifications that use dependent variables that focus on

different groups of crops: all restricted crops (fruits, vegetables, melons, wild rice, and tree nuts),

fruit crops only, and vegetable crops only. The focus of our discussion below is on the key policy

variable, the estimated coefficient on program crops acres in 1987. A negative coefficient on this

variable would indicate that counties with a greater land area in program crops (i.e., more base

acres holding constant the total number of acres) saw a larger reduction in fruit and vegetable

acreage from 1987 to 1997, and would suggest that the planting restriction provision did crowd

out fruit and vegetable crops.

In Table 2 we report results from estimations using all 3,031 counties reporting crops.

The first column presents results when we used the change in area for all fruit and vegetable

crops as the dependent variable. Here the estimate on the variable describing program crop acres

in 1987 is –0.0199 and it is statistically significant. This coefficient suggests that the average

effect of the planting restriction is a reduction in fruit and vegetable acres by nearly 2 acres for

every 100 acres of program crops planted in 1987. Given that there were approximately 166

million program crop acres in 1987 (USDA-NASS, 1997), this result suggests that the planting

restriction reduced fruit and vegetable area by more than 3 million acres, or approximately 30%

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of total fruit and vegetable acres in 1987 (USDA-NASS, 1997). That is, this result suggests that

the planting restriction lead to a very large reduction in U.S. fruit and vegetable production; at

the same time it lead to only a small percentage increase in acres planted to program crops. The

other columns in Table 2 indicate the composition of the policy effect. Of the reduction in total

fruit and vegetable acreage, approximately 58% (0.0115/.0199) is taken out of fruit crops

(including tree nuts and melons), while the remainder is taken out of vegetable crops (including

wild rice).

The results in Table 2 reflect an average policy effect across all counties (conditional on

covariates). However, the response might be expected to be heterogeneous, dependent, for

example, on the relative importance of program crops in the crop mix, or the availability of non-

program acres for fruit and vegetable production. Thus, we estimate the model on sub-regions of

the data to tease out heterogeneous effects. In Table 3 we report results for the selected Sunbelt

states in the NFACT coalition (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Florida). In 1987

these warm-climate states accounted for only 10% of all U.S. crop acreage and 9% of all U.S.

program crop area, but 44% of all U.S. fruit and vegetable area (Table 1a). These are among the

leading fruit and vegetable producing states, so we might expect the planting restriction to have a

greater impact here. Indeed, we find large, negative impact of the planting restriction on fruit and

vegetable acreage in the NFACT states; an extra 100 acres of program crop acres in 1987 is

associated with approximately an eight acre reduction in fruit and vegetable acreage between

1987 and 1997 in this region. Results from the second and third columns show that the effects

are approximately equal for fruit crops and for vegetable crops. Given approximately 17 million

base acres in the NFACT states in 1987 (USDA-NASS, 1997), this result implies that the

planting restriction resulted in a reduction of 1.3 million acres of fruit and vegetable crops.

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Overall, the resulting change in fruit and vegetable acres in the NFACT states is proportional to

its share of the aggregate U.S. effect reported in Table 2.

In Table 4 we present results for the Pilot Program states (which include Indiana, Illinois,

Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin). Recall that there was concern in this region

that the planting restriction was making it difficult for processors and packers to find sufficient

supply of farm product, and lobbied for (and won) the Pilot Program. The Pilot Program allowed

the production of fruits and vegetables on a portion of base acres without penalty on a trial basis

between 2009 and 2012. In Table 4 we do not find statistical significance on the variable

describing program crop acres in 1987, and this indicates that planting restriction did not impact

fruit and vegetable acreage in these states over this time period. Although the planting restriction

had little impact on fruit and vegetable production in the Great Lakes region between 1987 and

1997, the expansion of base acres to include oilseeds in 2002 may have reduced the area of non-

program acres available for fruit and vegetable production in this region after 2002 (Althoff and

Gray 2004). As a result, the planting restriction may have become more important in the Pilot

Program states after 2002; however, data describing the use of the Pilot Program suggests that its

impact was quite modest and that the planting restriction has had a limited impact in this region

even after 2002 (Krissoff et al. 2011a; Krissoff et al. 2011b).

Summary and Policy Implications

Restrictions applied to fruit and vegetable crops planted on base acres were introduced in

the 1990 Farm Bill and were maintained in the three subsequent Farm Bills. It is widely expected

that there will be further discussion about the repeal of the planting restriction in the next Farm

Bill. The planting restriction has attracted criticism from a wide variety of stakeholders—

including consumer groups, farm policy critics, fruit and vegetable processors, and trade

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partners. This is an issue that has also attracted the attention of policymakers and agricultural

economists. There have been several reports that describe the likely impact of the planting

restriction, and there appears to be a consensus that the planting restriction may have affected

decisions made by some individual producers yet has had a negligible impact on fruit and

vegetable acreage overall.

However, none of the earlier work that examines the role of the planting restriction has

adopted an empirical approach with land use data; we contribute to the discussion by collecting

data and developing an empirical approach to estimate the effects directly. Using detailed

county-level data describing the crop mix before and after the introduction of the planting

restriction in 1990, we employ a difference-in-difference econometric framework to measure the

impact of the fruit and vegetable planting restriction provision. We find a negative causal

relationship between base acres in 1987 and the change in fruit and vegetable acres between

1987 and 1997, suggesting that the policy of direct payments and planting restrictions reduced

F&V acreage in the U.S. The corollary result is that removing the direct payments and planting

restriction has the capacity to notably increase fruit and vegetable production in the United States

(and thereby decrease fruit and vegetable prices). There has been much enthusiasm for the

planting restriction from fruit and vegetable growers since its inception, and our findings

reinforce reasons for their support of this provision.

In 2005 the WTO ruled that the planting restriction provision effectively results in direct

payments that are “minimally trade distorting” and raised the question for whether direct

payments should be exempt from WTO obligations (i.e., classified as “green-box” or “amber-

box” support). This WTO decision ruling increased pressure for U.S. domestic policy to re-

evaluate the role of the planting restriction provision as part of the 2008 Farm Bill discussions,

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and this led to the development of the Planting Transferability Pilot Program. The Pilot Program

relaxed the planting restriction for specific vegetable crops in seven states in the Great Lakes

region between 2009 and 2012; the total eligible land area under the Pilot Program was limited to

75,000 acres. Our results that focused on this region found no statistically significant effect of

1987 program crop acres on the change in land area used to produce fruit and vegetables between

1987 and 1997. This finding suggests that the planting restriction was less of a constraint in this

region relative to the nation overall. Reports that describe a limited level of grower response to

the Pilot Program provide additional evidence that the planting restriction is not a substantial

constraint to fruit and vegetable production in this region. Furthermore, the policy variable in our

model that focused on selected Sunbelt states (the NFACT coalition) was negative and

statistically significant and suggests that the introduction of the planting restriction did crowd out

fruit and vegetable acreage in this region.

The implementation of the Pilot Program in the Great Lakes region may have been a

misguided policy experiment. We expect that if the Pilot Program was implemented in the

Sunbelt states, or was adopted across selected counties nationally, there would have been greater

response among agricultural producers. If policymakers were to extrapolate results from the Pilot

Program in the Great Lakes region to other U.S. regions, it would most likely understate the

impact that the planting restriction has had in U.S. agriculture. Given that the elimination of the

planting restriction is an imminent possibility, it is important to carefully consider the impacts of

its elimination on acreage used to produce fruits and vegetables and on those markets. It is

difficult to predict how producers would respond to the elimination of the planting restriction,

but our analysis that studies the effects of introducing the planting restriction suggests that it had

a non-trivial impact on land use nationally and notably in selected Sunbelt states.

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1 Program crops are defined as crops for which federal support programs are available to producers, including wheat, corn, barley, grain sorghum, oats, extra-long staple and upland cotton, rice, oilseeds, peanuts, and sugar (USDA-ERS 2012). 2 Base acreage is defined as farm’s crop-specific acreage of wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, rice, oilseeds, or peanuts eligible to participate in commodity programs under the 2002 Farm Act (USDA-ERS 2012). 3 Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, nursery crops, and floriculture (USDA-ERS 2012), and are often also referred to as horticulture crops. We use the terms interchangeably here, as well as use the term “fruits and vegetables” to describe the entire group of crops subject to the planting restriction. 4 Planting restricted crops are wild rice, fruit (including nuts), vegetables (other than lentils, mung beans, and dry peas). Dry peas include Austrian, wrinkled seed, green, yellow, and umatilla. Peas grown for the fresh, canning, or frozen market are not dry peas and are included in the list of restricted crops (Johnson et al. 2006). 5 Direct payments are defined as annual transfers to producers from the government based on payment rates specified in the 2002 Farm Act and a producer’s historical program payment acres and yields (ERS, 2010). 6 Fruit and vegetable acreage in a county must be non-negative, and therefore cannot be reduced by more than the existing fruit and vegetable acres in 1987. The dependent variable in our model is left-censored but the lower bound varies by county. Using a least squares model will not account for these county-specific lower bounds and, as a result, our estimates may understate the desired reduction in fruit and vegetable acreage for some counties. In this sense, our results may be interpreted as a conservative estimate of the effects of the policy on fruit and vegetable acreage.  7 Although data in 1982 and 1992 are available, they are not used in the model for two reasons: 1) data from 1982 was from a different source that from 1987, 1992 and 1997, and 2) the 1992 data would only capture very short-term responses to a policy introduced in 1990. 8 These data were developed from PRISM (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model) data at the 2.5 arc minute scale and aggregated to the 5 arc minute grid scale. The county means were computed using a weighted mean of the 5 arc minute grids within the county.

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Althoff, K., and A. Gray. 2004. Analysis of the impacts resulting from the 2002 Farm Bill on Indiana fruit and vegetable growers. Staff Paper #2004-05. Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University. Available at: California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), 2001. NFACT: A Framework for the Future of Agriculture. Sacramento, CA. Coulson, D. and L. Joyce. 2010. “Historical Climate data (1940-2006) for the conterminous United States at the county spatial scale based on PRISM climatology”. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Available at: Fumasi, R., J. Richardson, and J. Outlaw. 2006. “Lifting the Fruit and Vegetable Cropping Restrictions: Potential Impacts on Cropping Preference in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas.” AAEA Selected Paper. Available at: Gardner B., I. Hardie and P. Parks. 2010. “United States Farm Commodity Programs and Land Use.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(3): 803–820. Guyomard, H., M. Baudry, and A. Carpentier. 1996. “Estimating Crop Supply Response in the Presence of Farm Programmes: Application to the CAP.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 23(4): 401–420. Heckman, J.J., H. Ichimura, P. Todd. 1998. “Matching as an Econometric Evaluation Estimator.” Review of Economic Studies 65(2): 261–294. Holt M. 1999.“A Linear Approximate Acreage Allocation Model.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 24(2): 382–397. House Committee on Agriculture. 2012. H.R. 6083, Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management Act. Available at: Johnson, D., B. Krissoff, E. Young, L. Hoffman, G. Lucier, and V. Breneman. 2006. “Eliminating Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: How Would Markets Be Affected?” Economic Research Report Number 30. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic research Service. Available at: Key, N., R.N. Lubowski, and M.J. Roberts. 2005. “Farm-level Production Effects from participation in Government Commodity Programs.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(5): 1211–1219.

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Krissoff, B., G. Lucier, M. Motamed, E. Young, and C. You. 2011a. “An Analysis of the Planting Transferability Pilot Program’s First Year, 2009.” Reported prepared by the Economic Research Service and the Farm Service Agency. United States Department of Agriculture. Available at: Krissoff,B., M. Motamed, E.Young and C.You. 2011b. “Fruit and Vegetable Planting Restrictions: Analyzing the Processing Cucumber Market.” Outlook Report No.(VGS-342-02). Available at: Lee, D.R., and P.G. Helmberger. 1985. “Estimating Supply Response in the Presence of Farm Programs.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 67(2): 193–203. Ludwig D.S, and H.A. Pollack. 2009. “Obesity and the economy: from crisis to opportunity.” Journal of the American Medical Association 301(5): 533–535. McDonald, J.D., and D.A. Sumner. 2003. “The Influence of Commodity Programs on Acreage Response to market Price: With an Illustration Concerning Rice Policy in the United States.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(4): 857–871. Miranda, M.J., F. Novak, and M. Lerohl. 1994. “Acreage Response Under Canada’s Western Grains Stabilization Program.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 76(2): 270–276. Moss, C.B., and Schmitz. 2003. Government Policy and Farmland Markets. Ames: Iowa State University Press. Muller, M., H. Schoonover, and D. Wallinga. 2007. Considering the Contribution of U.S. Food and Agricultural Policy to the Obesity Epidemic: Overview and Opportunities. Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, Minneapolis, MN. National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA), 2001. NFACT Recommends Policy For Specialty Crops & Livestock. Available at: Nestle, M. 2007. Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health. University of California Press. Patterson, P. and T. Richards. 2006. “Farm Bill Flex Acre Provisions and Fruit, Vegetable, and Nut Production.” Arizona State University Working Paper. Available at: Pollan, M., 2003. The (agri)cultural contradictions of obesity. New York Times. October 12. Pollan, M. 2007. You are what you grow. New York Times, April 22. Popkin, B. 2010. The World is Fat. Avery, New York, NY.

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Table 1a. Areas Dedicated to Fruits and Vegetables, Program Crops, and All Crops, 1987 Fruits and Vegetables Program Crops All Crops 1000 acres  % of All Crops 1000 acres % of All Crops 1000 acres AL 51 2 1,015 35 2,940 AZ 265 21 491 40 1,240 AR 23 0 3,533 37 9,610 CA 3,432 34 3,041 30 10,100 CO 193 3 3,669 51 7,252 CT 10 5 29 14 204 DE 68 12 253 44 575 FL 1,117 51 449 21 2,176 GA 288 6 2,715 60 4,496 ID 443 8 2,671 45 5,874 IL 66 0 13,100 53 24,700 IN 32 0 6,700 51 13,200 IA 13 0 14,100 52 27,200 KS 11 0 17,100 70 24,600 KY 7 0 1,679 23 7,191 LA 36 1 2,518 54 4,630 ME 23 4 105 19 553 MD 42 2 881 47 1,889 MA 35 13 27 10 263 MI 689 8 3,715 43 8,643 MN 498 2 11,700 51 22,800 MS 35 1 1,892 37 5,113 MO 34 0 4,733 28 17,200 MT 21 0 8,369 62 13,500 NE 185 1 11,200 55 20,500 NV 2 0 23 2 984 NH 7 4 17 9 177 NJ 79 14 154 27 581 NM 76 6 653 48 1,350 NY 337 6 1,343 23 5,930 NC 108 2 2,346 45 5,258 ND 660 3 14,500 63 23,100 OH 62 1 4,638 41 11,200 OK 102 1 5,698 51 11,100 OR 329 7 1,083 24 4,559 PA 115 2 1,838 30 6,092 RI 3 15 3 13 22 SC 49 2 943 44 2,130 SD 19 0 7,154 39 18,200 TN 25 0 1,425 24 5,954 TX 348 1 14,600 61 23,900 UT 27 1 338 18 1,862 VT 7 1 105 12 882 VA 56 1 946 24 3,915 WA 721 13 3,002 53 5,646 WV 14 1 74 6 1,150 WI 376 3 4,125 33 12,600 WY 29 1 488 16 2,992 48 States 11,170 3 181,181 47 386,035 NFACT States 5,239 14 19,234 50 38,767 Pilot States 1,736 1 58,079 48 120,343

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Table 1b. Areas Dedicated to Fruits and Vegetables, Program Crops, and All Crops, 1997 Fruits and Vegetables Program Crops All Crops 1000 acres  % of All Crops 1000 acres % of All Crops 1000 acres AL 60 2 1,005 35 2,909 AZ 201 21 396 41 962 AR 29 0 2,894 36 7,972 CA 2,855 31 3,120 34 9,263 CO 215 3 3,481 53 6,605 CT 10 5 31 15 213 DE 81 15 215 39 553 FL 1,030 51 345 17 2,036 GA 198 5 1,805 47 3,820 ID 447 8 2,611 46 5,702 IL 79 0 11,500 51 22,400 IN 34 0 6,222 51 12,100 IA 7 0 12,700 52 24,500 KS 14 0 15,200 70 21,700 KY 9 0 1,552 24 6,359 LA 32 1 1,921 46 4,157 ME 26 5 65 12 533 MD 50 3 841 46 1,817 MA 42 13 35 11 318 MI 841 10 3,597 43 8,359 MN 384 2 10,900 53 20,700 MS 29 1 1,667 35 4,727 MO 28 0 4,227 27 15,800 MT 20 0 8,137 65 12,500 NE 204 1 9,949 54 18,300 NV 2 0 23 2 975 NH 8 4 18 9 190 NJ 112 19 131 22 598 NM 58 5 607 50 1,206 NY 352 6 1,394 22 6,302 NC 129 3 1,878 42 4,436 ND 488 2 13,100 62 21,200 OH 83 1 4,326 40 10,700 OK 63 1 5,190 56 9,312 OR 326 8 1,098 27 4,095 PA 140 2 2,004 32 6,173 RI 4 20 2 8 22 SC 74 4 702 37 1,883 SD 8 0 8,001 48 16,600 TN 27 1 1,432 26 5,428 TX 404 2 12,500 64 19,500 UT 42 2 376 22 1,722 VT 7 1 83 9 951 VA 69 2 909 25 3,627 WA 543 10 2,917 54 5,368 WV 20 2 98 10 992 WI 428 3 4,309 30 14,600 WY 34 1 539 19 2,836 48 States 10,348 3 166,052 47 353,021 NFACT States 4,547 14 16,968 51 32,966 Pilot States 1,856 2 53,553 47 113,359

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Table 2. Regression Results, All U.S. Counties (n = 3031 in 48 states)a

Dependent variable is the change between 1987 and 1997 in: Fruit and Vegetable

Area Fruit Area

Vegetable Area

Explanatory variables:

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

1987 Program crop area

-0.0199** 0.0098 -0.0115* 0.0066 -0.0084* 0.0048

1987 Total crop area

0.0239** 0.0108 0.0138* 0.0071 0.0101** 0.0046

Elevation -0.7585 1.1372 0.7111 0.7424 -1.4697** 0.6174Net precipitation

-2.5920** 0.9761 -0.4181 0.3963 -2.1739** 0.7465

Temperature -2.5313 9.8528 5.1397 6.6145 -7.6710 5.5700 R2 0.12 0.07 0.11

a State dummies and intercept are suppressed in all regressions.

Note: We use a * and ** to denote statistical significance at the 10% and 5% levels respectively. All standard errors are computed using White’s sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix.

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Table 3. Regression Results, NFACT States (n = 415 in 5 states)a,b

Dependent variable is the change between 1987 and 1997 in: Fruit and Vegetable

Area Fruit Area

Vegetable Area

Explanatory variables:

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

1987 Program crop area

-0.0823** 0.0391 -0.0416 0.0297 -0.0407** 0.0188

1987 Total crop area

0.1052** 0.0371 0.0618** 0.0266 0.0434** 0.0158

Elevation -1.2757 4.5568 2.7012 3.3115 -3.9769 2.4980Net precipitation

-2.1050 3.3547 2.1495 2.2086 -4.2545* 2.5419

Temperature -28.4826 35.8796 3.8132 24.1952 -32.2958 19.6716 R2 0.27 0.19 0.19

a State dummies and intercept are suppressed in all regressions.

b The NFACT states include Arizona, California, Florida, New Mexico, and Texas.

Note: We use a * and ** to denote statistical significance at the 10% and 5% levels respectively. All standard errors are computed using White’s sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix.

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Table 4. Regression Results, Pilot Program States (n = 415 in 7 states)a,b

Dependent variable is the change between 1987 and 1997 in: Fruit and Vegetable

Area Fruit Area

Vegetable Area

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

Estimated coefficient

Standard error

1987 Program crop area

0.010 0.006 0.000 0.000 0.010 0.006

1987 Total crop area

-0.005 0.004 0.000 0.000 -0.005 0.004

Elevation 2.832 2.167 0.414 0.366 2.418 2.121Net precipitation

2.987** 1.371 -0.220 0.334 3.207** 1.313

Temperature -18.311** 7.464 -1.780* 0.982 -16.531** 7.345 R2 0.27 0.10 0.26

a State dummies and intercept are suppressed in all regressions.

b Pilot states include Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin.

Note: We use a * and ** to denote statistical significance at the 10% and 5% levels respectively. All standard errors are computed using White’s sandwich estimator of the covariance matrix.

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Figure 1. County-level changes in program crop acreage, 1987 to 1997  


Legend No data available Decrease of 5% or more Between a 5% decrease and a 5% increase Increase of 5% or more

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Figure 2. County-level changes in fruit and vegetable (including tree nuts, melons, and wild rice) acreage, 1987 to 1997     

Legend No data available Decrease of 5% or more Between a 5% decrease and a 5% increase Increase of 5% or more

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Appendix A. Classification of land use based on USDA Census Item Codes. Table A1: Program Crops* USDA Census Code Crop Description260002 Corn for grain or seed (bushels), harvested (acres)260007 Sorghum for grain or seed (bushels), harvested (acres)260012 Wheat for grain, total (see text) (bushels), harvested (acres)260042 Barley for grain (bushels), harvested (acres)260082 Oats for grain (bushels), harvested (acres)260097 Rice (hundredweight), harvested (acres)270002 Cotton (bales), harvested (acres)270057 Sugar beets for sugar (tons), harvested (acres)270067 Sugarcane for sugar (tons), harvested (acres)270077 Peanuts for nuts (pounds), harvested (acres)280157 Corn for silage or green chop (tons, green), harvested (acres)280162 Sorghum cut for dry forage or hay (tons, dry), harvested (acres)280167 Sorghum for silage or green chop (tons, green), harvested (acres) * Soybeans and other oilseeds were considered as program crops (i.e., included as part of base acres) beginning in 2002, and therefore are not listed here. They are listed in Table A4 and included as part of “total acres” in our analysis.

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Table A2: Crops Subject to Planting Restrictions (fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, and wild rice) USDA Census Code Crop Description290006 Vegetables harvested (see text), harvested (acres)310011 Apricots, total (acres)310020 Avocados, total (acres)310029 Bananas, total (acres)310038 Cherries, total (see text) (acres)310047 Sweet cherries, total (acres)310056 Tart cherries, total (acres)310065 Cherries, not specified (see text) total (acres)310074 Coffee (parchment), total (acres)310083 Dates, total (acres)310092 Figs, total (acres)310101 Grapes (see text) (fresh weight), total (acres)310110 Guavas, total (acres)310119 Kiwifruit, total (acres)310128 Mangoes, total (acres)310137 Nectarines, total (acres)310146 Olives, total (acres)310155 Papayas, total (acres)310164 Passion fruit, total (acres)310173 Peaches, total (acres)310182 Pears, total (acres)310191 Persimmons, total (acres)310200 Plums and prunes (see text) (fresh weight), total (acres)310209 Pomegranates, total (acres)310218 Other non-citrus fruit, total (acres)310227 All citrus fruit, total (acres)310317 Almonds (meats) (see text), total (acres)310326 Filberts and hazelnuts (in shell), total (acres)310335 Macadamia nuts (husked, unshelled), total (acres)310344 Pecans (in shell), total (acres)310353 Pistachios (in shell), total (acres)310362 English walnuts (in shell), total (acres)310371 Other nuts (in shell), total (acres)310380 Other fruits and nuts (see text), total (acres)320002 Berries (pounds), harvested (acres)260122 Wild rice (pounds), harvested (acres)270017 Dry edible beans, excluding dry limas (hundredweight), harvested (acres)270022 Dry lima beans (hundredweight), harvested (acres)270042 Potatoes, excluding sweetpotatoes (bushels), harvested (acres)270047 Sweetpotatoes (bushels), harvested (acres)

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Table A3: All other crops including oilseeds* (used to calculate total acres) USDA Census Code Crop Description260067 Emmer and spelt (bushels), harvested (acres)260087 Popcorn (pounds, shelled), harvested (acres)260092 Proso millet (bushels), harvested (acres)260102 Rye for grain (bushels), harvested (acres)260117 Triticale (bushels), harvested (acres)270007 Tobacco (pounds), harvested (acres)270027 Dry edible peas (pounds), harvested (acres)270032 Dry cowpeas and dry southern peas (bushels), harvested (acres)270037 Lentils (pounds), harvested (acres)270052 Sugar beets for seed (pounds), harvested (acres)270062 Sugarcane for seed (tons), harvested (acres)270072 Sugarcane not harvested, harvested (acres)280002 Field seed and grass seed crops, harvested (acres)280007 Alfalfa seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280012 Austrian winter peas (pounds), harvested (acres)280017 Bahia grass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280022 Bentgrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280027 Bermuda grass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280032 Birdsfoot trefoil seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280037 Bromegrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280042 Crimson clover seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280047 Fescue seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280052 Foxtail millet seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280057 Kentucky Bluegrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280062 Ladino clover seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280067 Lespedeza seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280072 Orchardgrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280077 Red clover seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280082 Redtop seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280087 Ryegrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280092 Sudangrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280097 Sweetclover seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280102 Timothy seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280107 Vetch seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280112 Wheatgrass seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280117 White clover seed (pounds), harvested (acres)280122 Other seeds (pounds), harvested (acres)280127 Other hay, grass silage and green chop (tons, dry) harvested (acres)280132 Alfalfa hay (tons, dry), harvested (acres)280137 Small grain hay (tons, dry), harvested (acres)280142 Tame hay other than alfalfa (tons, dry), harvested (acres)280147 Wild hay (tons, dry), harvested (acres)

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Table A3 (continued): All other crops including oilseeds* (used to calculate total acres) USDA Census Code Crop Description280152 Grass silage (tons, green), harvested (acres)260052* Canola and other rapeseed (pounds), harvested (acres)260072* Flaxseed (bushels), harvested (acres)260077* Mustard seed (pounds), harvested (acres)260107* Safflower (pounds), harvested (acres)260112* Sunflower seed (pounds), harvested (acres)270012* Soybeans for beans (bushels), harvested (acres) * Soybeans and other oilseeds were not included in base acres in 1987 and 1997, and therefore are listed here and simply included as part of “total acres” in the model.

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