Impact of home-school-community collaboration

The Impact of Home–School–Community Collaboration on Student’s Achievement

Transcript of Impact of home-school-community collaboration

The Impact of Home–School–

Community Collaboration on

Student’s Achievement


“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”

― Helen Keller


Home- school- community collaboration

occurs when groups or agencies come together to

establish an educative community. Everyone in the

community is accountable for the quality of



- The active participation of parents in their children's education is the most significant motivating factor in the development of behavioural, intellectual and personal skills in the young.

Home - School Collaboration


- it show positive results on higher academic achievement, behaviors and attitudes of students, reduced incidence of vandalism, and other destructive behaviors, higher aspirations and credits earned, more positive mental health, reduce the school dropout rate, prevent teen pregnancies and births, and increase the number of youth who go on to a job or college.

School - Community Collaboration


It is through effective home - school collaboration and school community relations that the unity between the home, the school , and the community may be achieved. The goal of the synergy is to achieve optimal interrelationship which is very important in order to create a holistic learning environment for the students.


Schools do not exist in isolation and they cannot go it alone. To keep students in school their social, economic, and family needs, as well as their academic needs must be met. They need the support and help of the whole community. The often heard statement, "It takes a village to raise a child," is very true. Volunteers and funding are two major ways that communities support their schools.


Collaborative Relationship

are partnership that are essential to ensure maximum opportunities for high quality outcomes for all school age children both during the school day and their time in school age care setting.


Characteristics of Collaborative Relationship







•Acceptance of other ideas and working style


Roadblocks and Barriers to Collaboration within School

CultureRegardless of the cohesiveness of a

team,there will be times when conflict arises. The conflicts may be internal or interpersonal but must be resolved in order for the collaborative process to be successful.


Four Categories of Barriers





- involve ideas that have formed over many years within individual team members,such as perception of their teaching roles within a school

Conceptual and Attitudinal Barriers


- usually concerned with logistics, such as scheduling or the amount of time that is available to spend on a project.

Pragmatic Barriers


- can develop our differences in educational philosophies or in knowledge or skills level of team members.

Professional Barriers


• teacher Isolation and Individuality

Factors that also interfere with Collaboration

• space restrictions

• lack of funding