Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on health ......EHR Data more complete than claims...

Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on health care data for research Edgar Chou, MD Chief Value Officer/Chief Medical Informatics Officer Drexel University College of Medicine September 29, 2016

Transcript of Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on health ......EHR Data more complete than claims...

Page 1: Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on health ......EHR Data more complete than claims • Analysis of diabetics using claims data vs data extracted from the EHR • Claims

Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on

health care data for research EdgarChou,MD



Page 2: Impact of EHR design and operational procedures on health ......EHR Data more complete than claims • Analysis of diabetics using claims data vs data extracted from the EHR • Claims


• UnderstandtheunderlyingdriversforElectronicHealthRecordDesign

• UnderstandthedriversthatimpactdataintegrityintheElectronicHealthRecord

• Understandthelimitationsofdatasets

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• Nonetoreport

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Drexel University College of Medicine: Drexel Medicine • Multispecialtyambulatorypractice•  250Physicians•  17subspecialties•  500Residents/Fellows•  1000medicalstudents•  1000staff•  300,000outpatientvisitsperyear•  ImplementationofEHRin2007

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How did we get to this point?,AccessedOctober31,2014

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Crossing the Quality Chasm - 2001

• 6AimsofHealthcare:• Shouldbe:

• Safe• Effective• PatientCentered• Timely• Efficient• Equitable

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Crossing the Quality Chasm

•  Tobepursuedby:•  HealthCareorganizations•  ProfessionalGroups•  PrivatePurchasers•  PublicPurchasers

• Goals:•  Reducetheburdenofillness,injuryanddisabilitytoimprovethehealthandfunctioningof[ourpopulation]

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Crossing the Quality Chasm

• Patientassourceofcontrol•  Sharedknowledgeandfreeflowofinformation•  Evidencebaseddecisionmaking•  Safetyasasystemproperty• Needfortransparency• Anticipationofneeds• Decreaseinwaste• Cooperationamongstclinicians

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Slides on US healthcare spending


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“Once again, U.S. has most expensive, least effective health care system in survey” – The Washington Post, June 16, 2014,AccessedOctober31,2014

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Meaningful Use


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Meaningful Use Summary

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Adoption of Electronic Health Reords,lastaccessedSeptember13,2016

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Triple Aimà Quadruple Aim •  “improvingtheexperienceofcare,improvingthehealthofpopulations,andreducingpercapitacostsofhealthcare”–TheInstituteforHealthCareImprovement,2012


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Quality Payment Program: Merit Incentive Payment System (MIPS)

Element Was… Weight FutureWeight


Quality PatientQualityReportingSystem(PQRS)

50% 30% Registry/QCDR/WebInterface(248patients)

Resource PhysicianValue-PQRS(PV-PQRS)/ValueModifier(VM)

10% 30% Claims


Didn’texistbefore 15% 15% Registry/QCDR


MeaningfulUse(MU) 25% 25% Registry/QCDR,lastaccessedJuly12,2016

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Time in the EHR measured

•  Forevery1hourofclinicalcaredelivered,2additionalhoursofclerical/documentationworkintheoffice

• Anadditional1-2hoursofworkoccurathome•  Increasedriskforphysicianburnout•  Increasedriskforlowerqualitycare(anddocumentation…),lastaccessedSeptember14,2016

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Medical Education • OnejustneedstolookathowphysiciansaretrainedinfurtherunderstandingthedatacollectedinEHRs

•  “90%ofdiagnosescomefromadetailedhistory”•  Identifythereasonforvisit(ChiefComplaint)•  Discussthedetailsregardingthecomplaint(e.g.timing,severity,associatedsignsandsymptoms)

•  ContributoryFamily,Medical,SocialHistory,SurgicalHistory•  ReviewofOrganSystemstoidentifyotherrelatedissues•  PhysicalExam•  Assessment(synthesisoftheinformationgathered)•  Plan

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Documentation and Billing

• Completedocumentationreflectstheperformanceofthephysicianwiththepatientandfollowsaregimentedsetofguidelines

•  1995EvaluationandManagementguidelines•  ChiefComplaint(CC)•  HistoryofPresentIllness(HPI)•  PastFamily,Medical,SocialHistory•  ReviewofSystems(ROS)•  PhysicalExam•  Assessment•  Plan,Lastaccessed8/13/16

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Evaluation and Management Guidelines • DocumentationmayeitherbeinHPIorspecificsections:Duplication!,lastaccessed9/6/16

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Electronic Progress Notes

• Benefits:•  Legible•  Betterqualitynotes

•  Shortfalls•  NoteBloat

•  Improperuseof“CutandPaste”withduplicationwithoutupdating•  SingleClicktemplates“Allnormal”

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Documentation approaches vary…



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Data Integrity

• Dataintegrityreferstotheoverallcompleteness,accuracyandconsistencyofdata.

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Data input: If you’ve seen one physician… •  you’veseenonephysician… Coronary Artery Disease

CAD Heart Failure Heart Disease HF CHF Congestive Heart Failure Low Ejection Fraction ASCVD Myocardial infarction MI MI s/p stent MI s/p PTCA MI s/p balloon angioplasty CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft CHF with EF<55% CHFpEF Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

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Outpatient results





Outpatient radiology results only


Oupatient lab results only



UnidirectionalConnect R

Unidirectional Ensemble



(Future goal: Task PCP)

Unidirectional (Future Goal: Bidirectional)Open Link

IDX (Centricity)Practice Management System

V5.0Unidirectional to Allscripts: Demographics, Visit Type,

Appointment Status, Preferred method of communication

Charges from Allscripts



PBAR Thru Connectr


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Most organizations are not like Kaiser Permanente… • Datasourcescomefromdisparatesources

•  Payers•  Hospitals•  Otherhealthcaresystems•  AncillaryServices

•  HomeHealth•  NursingHomes•  SkilledNursingFacilities•  LabVendors

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Data Integrity •  InaccurateReporting

•  Sensitivityofreportingrangingfrom46-98%permeasure


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EHR Data more complete than claims

• AnalysisofdiabeticsusingclaimsdatavsdataextractedfromtheEHR• Claimsdataonlyidentified75%ofexistingdiabetics•  EHRdataidentified97%ofexistingdiabetics


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83yo with PMHx CAD, atrial fibrillation, MR s/p MVR, DM, HTN, CHF with EF=45%, urinary incontinence presents for followup.

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83yo with PMHx CAD, atrial fibrillation, MR s/p MVR, DM, HTN, CHF with EF=45%, urinary incontinence presents for followup.


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Documented Plan

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Charge Capture

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Additional means of data capture

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Improving the Health of a Population: Data and Patient Quality Reporting System (PQRS)

•  CaseStudy:•  PQRSMeasure#7:BetablockertherapyforPriorMyocardialInfarctionorLeftVentricularSystolicDysfunction(LVEF<40%)

•  Howwouldyoufindthisinformation?•  PQRSreliesonbillingcodes(ICD-10-formerlyICD-9)

•  Additionalbackground:•  LeftVentricularSystolicDysfunctiondoesnothaveabillingcode

•  Requiresadditionalbillingcode:G8694•  PatientQualityReportingSystemresultsreportednationallyin2014forconsumerstoallowcomparisonwithotherorganizations

•  ValueBasedModifierprogram–Paymenttotheorganizationwillbebasedonperformanceonqualitymeasures

• Whatconcernswouldyouhaveforyourorganization?•  Potentialriskfor1)pooroutcomesfalselyattributedsolelybasedonextractiontechnique;2)lowerreimbursements

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Data and Predictive Analytics;lastaccessed9/14/16;lastaccessed9/18/16

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What’s happening?,AccessedNovember1,2014

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How to improve?

• Understandthedatasourcesandmethodsofdataentrytounderstandthelimitationsofthedatarequested

•  Lessfocusonprogramsthatdonotnecessarilyimprovequality

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Additional Sources of Data and Future Applications • HealthShareExchanges• PrecisionMedicine• AdvancementsinArtificialIntelligence