Immigration and Urbanization. PeopleImmigrationUrbanizationVocabularyRandom 10 20 30 40 50.

Immigration and Urbanization

Transcript of Immigration and Urbanization. PeopleImmigrationUrbanizationVocabularyRandom 10 20 30 40 50.

Immigration and Urbanization

People Immigration Urbanization Vocabulary Random

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This person founded the Hull House in Chicago

• Jane Addams

This person was considered the richest man in America in the early 1900s for his work in the oil business

• John D. Rockefeller

A Scottish immigrant who became one of the richest men in the late 19th century for his part in expanding the steel industry

• Andrew Carnegie

This industrialist and philanthropist has a University named after him

• Cornelius Vanderbilt

He wrote “The Jungle,” a book that helped reveal the harsh working conditions of people in the meat packing plants in Chicago.

• Upton Sinclair

Most new immigrants lived in cities to be closer to what?

• Industrial jobs

Most Asian Americans entered the United States through where?

• Angel Island

Most European immigrants entered into the United States through where?

• Ellis Island

Besides economic reasons, what was a reason for immigrants to come to the United States?

• Escape from oppressive governments or religious freedom

What was the reason for the migration from rural areas to cities during the late 19th and early 20th century?

• Steady employment

Give one reason women were lured to cities

• Factory work, teaching jobs, secretary jobs

What was an issue with housing for the working class in major cities?

• Poor sanitation

Pittsburg is known for what product that helped lead to the industrialization of America?

• Steel

Chicago was an important center for this food-based industry

• Meat packing

Question 3 - 50

This city became the automobile capital of the United States

Answer 3 – 50

• Detroit

In what part of the ship did most immigrants travel when coming to America?

• Steerage

Overcrowded housing where immigrants lived

• Tenements

• These ensured that certain candidates got elected through the use of bribes and financial incentives

• Political machines

What is the belief that native born, white Americans were better than incoming immigrants?

• Nativism

• The leader of a political machine

• Political boss

• This refers to the blending of many cultures in one place. Immigration in the late 19th and early 20th century led to many major cities becoming this:

• A melting pot

What is the negative name given to late 19th century businessmen such as Andrew Carnegie. People who believed they were dishonest in their practices called them this:

• Robber Barons

What is Industrialization?

• Shift from emphasis on agriculture to mass producing goods on a large scale

• This law, intended to last 10 years, put limits on immigration from China

• Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

Mark Twain referred to the late 1800s as this. It was a time when many people were prosperous but there was rampant corruption and other social issues

• The Gilded Age