Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Financial Campaign October 2012 – February 2013.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Financial Campaign October 2012 – February 2013

Transcript of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Financial Campaign October 2012 – February 2013.

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish

Financial Campaign October 2012 – February 2013

The Need

Immaculate Heart of Mary needs a new building

“envelope” – that’s roof, siding and windows

The Objective

One million dollars in donations and 5-year pledges from companies, foundations,

religious organizations and parishioners

Scope of Work Removal and disposal of existing roofing,

siding and windows Install thermal enclosure Install elastomeric membrane Install roof, gutters, fascia, trim Install new windows Install siding

Desired Outcome

Our financial campaign will ensure that our Church will be sound and solid for generations to come!

Our focus will finally be able to shift to the priorities near and dear to our hearts – our Pastoral Programs!

Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.  You don't have to have a college degree to serve.  You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve.  You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve.  You only need a heart full of grace.  A soul generated by love.

Martin Luther King, Jr

In our Catholic tradition we often ask others to pray for us and for our special intentions. At this time, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church is about to embark on a large financial campaign to save our deteriorating Church building and we recognize that this campaign will not succeed without God’s blessing. We, the parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly and gratefully ask if you could hold us and our Campaign in your prayers. Knowing that you are there would have a significant impact on the parishioners, giving us all the confidence that we will succeed!  

Part of a letter that was sent with a special request.......

In our Catholic tradition we often ask others to pray for us and for our special intentions. At this time, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church is about to embark on a large financial campaign to save our deteriorating Church building and we recognize that this campaign will not succeed without God’s blessing. We, the parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly and gratefully ask if you could hold us and our Campaign in your prayers. Knowing that you are there would have a significant impact on the parishioners, giving us all the confidence that we will succeed!  

Part of a letter that was sent with a special request.......

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh Honorary

CommitteeWayne Bennett

Charlie BroderickKarlyne DufourLana Hansen

Carman SmithBernie Touesnard

TreasurerPaul Landry

Pastoral Council

Carol Lunney


Sandra Perkison

Division ChairTim Creaghan

Division Co-chairs

Paul & Val Cyr

Division ChairMaureen Mills

Division Co-chairs

Helen VaughanGerry Arsenault

Division ChairPeggy Wheaton

Coordinator Sheldon Phaneuf

Recruitment, Canvassers, Solicitation

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh Honorary

CommitteeWayne Bennett

Charlie BroderickKarlyne DufourLana Hansen

Carman SmithBernie Touesnard

TreasurerPaul Landry

Pastoral Council

Carol Lunney


Sandra Perkison

Division ChairTim Creaghan

Division Co-chairs

Paul & Val Cyr

Division ChairMaureen Mills

Division Co-chairs

Helen VaughanGerry Arsenault

Division ChairPeggy Wheaton

Coordinator Sheldon Phaneuf

Recruitment, Canvassers, Solicitation

A talent is a talent until itis used to serve God.  At that point it becomes a gift of ultimate value, multiplying every time we use it.  In man's eyes it may seem insignificant, in God's eyes, you are a superstar. 


Campaign Plan

The Campaign will last until February 2013

Every person working on the campaign is asked to make a donation first themselves before asking anyone else

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh

Division ChairTim Creaghan

Vice-chairTom Cooney

Vice-chairJamie Bradley

Vice-chairSheryl Dumville

Our life is God's gift to us.  What you do with your life is your gift to God.

Unknown author

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh

Division ChairsPaul & Val Cyr

Vice-chairsJohn & Pam Coughlan

Vice-chairRay March

Michele Gallagher-Fournier

Vice-chairJim Phillips

Neil & Monique McTeirnan

Garth & SimoneBerryCanvasser






Al & Bridget


Roger & Rita Arsenault



A canvasser’s thought....

“When my husband and I were asked to become canvassers, we didn’t say yes right away. We knew that we had questions that needed to be answered and so we decided to go to the training session and see what people had to say. We asked tough questions but in the end, we were satisfied and with faith renewed, we became part of this campaign!

Since that time, we have sat in several kitchens, answering many of the same questions for other people. I am grateful to say that parishioners seem to appreciate what we’re doing, one even thanked us for doing it!

Knowing that we are working together to save this Church for our own children and grandchildren, along with many nice visits and conversations with fellow parishioners, has certainly made this a positive experience for both of us.”

A canvasser’s thought....

“When my husband and I were asked to become canvassers, we didn’t say yes right away. We knew that we had questions that needed to be answered and so we decided to go to the training session and see what people had to say. We asked tough questions but in the end, we were satisfied and with faith renewed, we became part of this campaign!

Since that time, we have sat in several kitchens, answering many of the same questions for other people. I am grateful to say that parishioners seem to appreciate what we’re doing, one even thanked us for doing it!

Knowing that we are working together to save this Church for our own children and grandchildren, along with many nice visits and conversations with fellow parishioners, has certainly made this a positive experience for both of us.”

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards

of God’s varied grace.” (Peter 4:10)

To maintain a joyful family requires much from both the parents and the children.  Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.

Pope John Paul II

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh

Division ChairMaureen Mills

Vice-chairColleen Kelly

Vice-chairMary Pyne














A canvasser’s thought....

“My husband and I have been involved in fundraising at Immaculate Heart of Mary for many years now, even before this new church was built!  

We find that this particular appeal campaign is well-organized and we like that at its very heart, it is such a personal approach.  Parishioners sitting down with fellow parishioners is, I think, the reason that we will be successful.  The people we visit know that we are there on behalf of the Church.  They know that we aren’t making a personal request and so it isn’t awkward or stressful. 

Everyone does their best, those asking and those giving.  It’s that connection that is so important.  It’s that connection that’s the key.”

A canvasser’s thought....

“My husband and I have been involved in fundraising at Immaculate Heart of Mary for many years now, even before this new church was built!  

We find that this particular appeal campaign is well-organized and we like that at its very heart, it is such a personal approach.  Parishioners sitting down with fellow parishioners is, I think, the reason that we will be successful.  The people we visit know that we are there on behalf of the Church.  They know that we aren’t making a personal request and so it isn’t awkward or stressful. 

Everyone does their best, those asking and those giving.  It’s that connection that is so important.  It’s that connection that’s the key.”

I am nothing; I am but an instrument, a tiny pencil in the hands of the Lord with which he writes what he likes.  However imperfect we are, He writes beautifully.

Mother Teresa

Campaign Co-chairs

Debbie BrineAl Kavanaugh

Division Co-chairs

Helen VaughanGerry Arsenault
















We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give. 

Sir Winston Churchill

Every day do six things:

• Something good for others

• Something good for yourself

• Something you don't want to do, but needs to be done

• Physical exercise

• Mental exercise (reading, writing, puzzles)

• Say an original prayer by naming your blessings

Thoughts on Fundraising

Asking for money is a way to advance the kingdom. There’s no greater joy than seeing someone invest in something they deeply care about.

Thoughts on Fundraising

Did you know that Moses was an amazing fundraiser?

Hmmmm, let’s check out Exodus!

Thoughts on Fundraising

The Lord spoke to Moses, "Tell the Israelites to take an offering for me; from every person whose heart makes him willing, you are to

receive my offering.”

Exodus 25

Thoughts on Fundraising

This is the word that the Lord has commanded. ‘Take from you an offering for the Lord. Let everyone who has a willing heart bring an offering to the

Lord.”Exodus 35

Thoughts on Fundraising

So all the skilled people who were doing all the work of the sanctuary, came from their work they were doing and told Moses, “The people are bringing much more than is needed for the service of the work which the

Lord commanded us to do.”

Exodus 36Yes, Moses was an amazing


"Come follow me" is not a suggestion; it is our mission as Christians.  We use our gifts and talents to be disciples; to

be the hands and feet of our Lord, to do what He would do if He were here in the


Thoughts on Fundraising

Praise and thanksgiving – the natural result of willing giving!

Let us not forget King David!

Thoughts on Fundraising

King David then said to the whole assembly: “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced; the work, however, is great, for this palace is not meant for human beings, but for the LORD God.”

1 Chronicles 29

Thoughts on Fundraising

True to his word, King David gave of his own gold and silver and once he had given wholeheartedly, he asked the assembly, “Now, who else will contribute generously and consecrate themselves this day to the LORD?”

1 Chronicles 29

Thoughts on Fundraising

Where Moses’ appeal was to all of the people, King David’s appeal was directed at the leaders. This story shows how an individual donor can be an example for others to follow! King David clearly uses his position as an example for the other leaders to follow.

Yes, King David was an amazing fundraiser!

As we move to launch our Building on Pillars of Faith campaign, we are humbling asking other Catholic Churches in the area to join us in creating a joyful noise! Yes, we are asking our sister Churches to take part in a good old-fashioned Catholic bell ringing on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 for one full minute starting at 11 am. The Church bell has always been part of religious life in our communities and there would be something special in hearing the distant peel of Church bells in unison on that beautiful fall morning! We believe that the show of solidarity would have a significant impact on our parishioners and we hope that all Churches will be able to participate and “chime in”!

Part of a letter that was sent with a special request.......

....and yes, everyone “chimed in” and at 11am bells were ringing all over Moncton and Dieppe! Even Sister Marie rang the bells in Rogersville!

As we move to launch our Building on Pillars of Faith campaign, we are humbling asking other Catholic Churches in the area to join us in creating a joyful noise! Yes, we are asking our sister Churches to take part in a good old-fashioned Catholic bell ringing on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 for one full minute starting at 11 am. The Church bell has always been part of religious life in our communities and there would be something special in hearing the distant peel of Church bells in unison on that beautiful fall morning! We believe that the show of solidarity would have a significant impact on our parishioners and we hope that all Churches will be able to participate and “chime in”!

Part of a letter that was sent with a special request.......

....and yes, everyone “chimed in” and at 11am bells were ringing all over Moncton and Dieppe! Even Sister Marie rang the bells in Rogersville!

We are so blessed to have people willing to donate their time, talent and treasure to make this such a wonderful parish community.  Our stewardship message resonates through our ministries and our volunteers as they share their gifts in gratitude for the many blessings from God. 

We need you! We really do.

We will help you. We really will.

We will train you, support you, appreciate you.

Thank you.

We need you! We really do.

We will help you. We really will.

We will train you, support you, appreciate you.

Thank you.

God, Source of every good thing.Mary said “Yes” to your plan bringing forth Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world.

Under her patronage, we the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,entrust our needs to you, as we move forward with our financial campaign.

Stir our hearts that we might support and give generously to our spiritual, social justice, educational and building needs.

Make us generous stewards, grateful all you have given us that we may share of our time, talent and treasure.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,Who makes all things possible.


Campaign Campaign PrayerPrayer

God, Source of every good thing.Mary said “Yes” to your plan bringing forth Jesus Christ for the salvation of the world.

Under her patronage, we the people of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church,entrust our needs to you, as we move forward with our financial campaign.

Stir our hearts that we might support and give generously to our spiritual, social justice, educational and building needs.

Make us generous stewards, grateful all you have given us that we may share of our time, talent and treasure.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,Who makes all things possible.


Campaign Campaign PrayerPrayer