IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - · 27/03/2016 · Saluti di pace nel Signore risorto!...

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH 300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 [email protected] RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Jubilee Year of Mercy: March 27, 2016 Easter Message from the Pastor/Messaggio Pasquale dal vostro parocco Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace in the name of the Risen Lord! I am so glad to bring you the Joy of the risen Lord. Easter is the feast of Hope. It teaches us about God’s great love for you and me, which was manifested in the most tender way, through the paschal mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The self-sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is the maximum expression of God’s love for us. We are called to participate in His passion by joyfully accepting the trials of our daily life. Our dedication to the family and children, our commitment to the parish, hard- work for the common good and participation in the pain of others are the best ways of responding to God’s love for us. Jesus brings us new hope through His Resurrection. Let us have the courage to rise-up with Him through a renewed life. The Lord is risen. Alleluia!! I most cordially wish you and your family the Blessings of the Risen Lord. Happy Easter!! God bless you all. Cari Fratelli e sorelle, Saluti di pace nel Signore risorto! Sono molto lieto di augurarvi la gioia del Cristo risorto. Pasqua è la festa della speranza. Essa ci insegna circa il grande amore di Dio per noi, che è stato manifestato nel modo più tenero, attraverso il mistero pasquale della passione, morte e resurrezione di Gesù Cristo. Siamo chiamati a partecipare alla sua passione accettando con gioia le prove della nostra vita quotidiana. La nostra dedizione per la famiglia e per i figli, il nostro impegno per la parrocchia, lavoro per il bene comune e la partecipazione nel dolore degli altri sono i migliori modi di rispondere all’amore di Dio per noi. Come Gesù ci porta nuova speranza attraverso la sua risurrezione, avremo il coraggio di risorgere con lui attraverso una vita rinnovata. Il Signore è risorto, Alleluia!! Auguro a voi e la vostra famiglia, la benedizione del Signore risorto. Buona Pasqua!! Dio vi benedica. Fr. James Chitteth, CFIC

Transcript of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - · 27/03/2016 · Saluti di pace nel Signore risorto!...


300 Ansley Grove Road, Woodbridge, ON, L4L 3W4 T: 905 856-2205 F: 905 850-5589 [email protected]

RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Jubilee Year of Mercy: March 27, 2016

Easter Message from the Pastor/Messaggio Pasquale dal vostro parocco

Dear Friends, Greetings of Peace in the name of the Risen Lord! I am so glad to bring you the Joy of the risen Lord. Easter is the feast of Hope. It teaches us about God’s great love for you and me, which was manifested in the most tender way, through the paschal mystery of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The self-sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is the maximum expression of God’s love for us. We are called to participate in His passion by joyfully accepting the trials of our daily life. Our dedication to the family and children, our commitment to the parish, hard-work for the common good and participation in the pain of others are the best ways of responding to God’s love for us. Jesus brings us new hope through His Resurrection. Let us have the courage to rise-up with Him through a renewed life.

The Lord is risen. Alleluia!! I most cordially wish you and your family the Blessings of the Risen Lord. Happy Easter!! God bless you all.

Cari Fratelli e sorelle,

Saluti di pace nel Signore risorto! Sono molto lieto di augurarvi la gioia del Cristo risorto. Pasqua è la festa della speranza. Essa ci insegna circa il grande amore di Dio per noi, che è stato manifestato nel modo più tenero, attraverso il mistero pasquale della passione, morte e resurrezione di Gesù Cristo. Siamo chiamati a partecipare alla sua passione accettando con gioia le prove della nostra vita quotidiana. La nostra dedizione per la famiglia e per i figli, il nostro impegno per la parrocchia, lavoro per il bene comune e la partecipazione nel dolore degli altri sono i migliori modi di rispondere all’amore di Dio per noi. Come Gesù ci porta nuova speranza attraverso la sua risurrezione, avremo il coraggio di risorgere con lui attraverso una vita rinnovata.

Il Signore è risorto, Alleluia!! Auguro a voi e la vostra famiglia, la benedizione del Signore risorto. Buona Pasqua!! Dio vi benedica.

Fr. James Chitteth, CFIC


Easter is a time for hope, renewal of spirit, rekindling of faith and rejoicing in the triumph of the Lord

May your hearts be filled with compassion, hope and love!

Wishing you all a Joyful and Blessed Easter


La Pasqua è un tempo di speranza, rinnovamento della spirito, della fede e gioia nel trionfo del Signore.

I vosti cuori siano pieni di compassione, speranza e amore! Auguri a tutti di una felice e santa Pasqua

The Priests and Staff of Immaculate Conception Parish

Fr. James, Fr. Domenico, Fr. Martin, Fr. Eugene Carm Battaglia, Sabrina Baldesarra, Gabriella Vago,

Giuseppina Gismondi, Cosimo Tavernese

Working wonders overseas through the Pastoral Mission Fund… “This workshop has helped me to reflect on my priestly call, a privileged service in God’s Kingdom; and has reenergized me and my brother priests to be better in our service. Given our rural and remote location, serving people who live in poverty can be draining at times. This workshop and dialogue has made a renewing impact for many of us. It has given us hope and strength to renew our enthusiasm and we do hope it continues in the future. We are deeply grateful and offer our prayers of support to ShareLife who made it financially possible for us to come together.” —St. Justine de Jacobis Pastoral Office, Catholic Eparchy of Segenelty, Eritrea. Next ShareLife Sunday is April 17, 2016 Please give generously. You can work wonders!



PILGRIMAGE TO HOLY DOOR Brampton: Saturday April 16

Our Parish will be going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Door at St. Patrick’s Church at 11873 Gore Road in Brampton on Saturday April 16th to receive the Jubilee Indulgence for the Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. All are invited to be part of this unique occasion! Please call Assunta at 905-851-7207 to reserve the bus. The cost of the bus is $ 8.00. Please meet in the Parking lot of the Church no later than 8:20am as the bus will be leaving at 8:30am.

Office Closed / Ufficio Chiuso

The office will be closed on Easter Monday, March 28.

L’ufficio parrocchiale rimarrà lunedì di Pasqua, il 28 marzo

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land!

Under the spiritual direction of Fr. James, our parish will be organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in November 2016 including visit to the Holy Door in Jerusalem. Please contact the parish office for registration.

Pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa Sotto la guida spirituale del nostro parroco, P. James, la nostra parrocchia organizza un pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa nel mese di novembre 2016. Per ulteriori informazioni e i moduli di registrazione, contattate l’ufficio parrocchiale.

Information meeting for the pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Sunday, 17 April 2016 @ 5.30 PM there will be a meeting in the parish Hall to give you all information regarding the Pilgrimage to Holy land in this year of Mercy. All who wish to participate in the Pilgrimage are invited to be present for this meeting.

Tutti coloro che sono desiderosi di essere parte del pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa in quest’anno di Misericordia sono invitatai a partecipare ad un incontro informativo, domenica, 17 Aprile 2016 alle ore 17.30 di sera nella sala parocchiale.

Consecration to Sacred Heart of Jesus

The companions of the Heralds of the Gospel are invited to our parish to prepare us to consecrate us to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through Mary. The best way to do it is by learning from our Mother herself. Classes start on Wednesday April 6th at 7pm in the parish hall. The Mass of consecration: Friday May 13 at 7 PM in the church. Please register at the parish office/lobby. Bring your family and friends with you and be blessed!


“The 11th Immaculate Conception Share life Charity Golf Tournament”

Thursday May 19, 2016 at Glen Eagle Golf Club.

More Details to Follow

Information for Confirmation Candidates

Confirmation rehearsals for grade 7 & 8 will be held at 8:00 p.m. in the church as follows:

Confirmation Date Rehearsal Date & Time St. Gabriel the Archangel Friday, April 8, 2016 Thursday, April 7, 2016 St. John Bosco Friday, April 15, 2016 Thursday, April 14, 2016 St. Francis Assisi Friday, April 22, 2016 Thursday, April 21, 2016 St. Catherine of Siena Friday, April 29, 2016 Thursday, April 28, 2016 Immaculate Conception & Friday, May 6, 2016 Thursday, May 5, 2016 Other Schools

All confirmation candidates and sponsors are requested to attend the rehearsal on the appropriate date. If your sponsor cannot attend, please bring a substitute to the rehearsal. If the sponsors have not

provided their form with proof of Confirmation, please bring it to the parish office by April 1, 2016.

First Reconciliation Dates 2016 • Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 7:30pm –

St. John Bosco • Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 7:30pm –

St. Francis of Assisi and Other Schools

• Monday, April 11, 2016 at 7:30pm – St. Catherine of Siena

• Tuesday, April 12, 2016 at 7:30pm – St. Gabriel

• Wednesday, April 13, 2016 at 7.30 pm Immaculate Conception

First Holy Communion Dates 2016 • Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 12:30pm –

St. John Bosco • Sunday, May 1, 2016 at 12:30pm –

St. Francis of Assisi and Other Schools

• Sunday, May 15, 2016 at 12:30pm – St. Catherine of Siena

• Sunday, May 29, 2016 at 12:30pm – St. Gabriel

• Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 12.30 pm & 3:00pm – Immaculate Conception

Catholicism 101 Schedule

Tuesday Mar. 29th - "The Trial and Crucifixion" Tuesday Apr. 5th - "The Easter Mystery" Tuesday Apr. 12th - "The Shroud of Turin" Tuesday Apr. 19th "Who is the Whore of Babylon" Tuesday Apr. 26th - "Who is the Antichrist" Tuesday May 3rd - "Pentecost" Tuesday May 10th" - From Kosher to Calvary to the Eucharist" Tuesday May 17th -"Tisha B'Av-The day the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed”

South Woodbridge East PAR - Notification Public Meeting #1

At its January 26th Board meeting, the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) of Trustees approved the commencement of a Pupil Accommodation Review (PAR) in the South Woodbridge East area of the City of Vaughan involving four (4) elementary schools: Immaculate Conception CES, St. Francis of Assisi CES, St. Gabriel the Archangel CES and St. John Bosco CES. Two ‘open house style’ public meetings will be held for parents/ community members and will include a brief presentation, displays and school information kiosks. School board staff will be on hand to answer questions and invite feedback. Public Meeting #1 is scheduled for: March 30, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Fr. Bressani Catholic High School