Im^JK BMimrai -*t*.yt « TURKEY...

Ronkonkoma and the Lake The Ronkonkoma Fire Depart- , ment has purchased land on the eaat side of the firehouse on. Portion Road adjoining the fire- house. The area has been sur- faced and lighting installed. This •will make it possible for high' pieces of equipment to come from ths rear of tiie building and exit on Portion Road instead of going out via Hawkins Avenue •which is a longer route. This araa will be used for parking firemen ' s cars when answering t alarms and also the annual fair , ' which started last night , will be held here. The fair will continue . through Sunday. A feature of the fair will be a firemen ' s parade at 8 p.m. today. An Indian Pow Wow parade will be held at 3 p.m. Sunday with trophies being awarded for the best and most ' original Indian costumes and floats and a display of fireworks at night on the firehouse grounds : will be an additional feature. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Michel of New York City are on vacation and will spend part of it at their Lake home on Henkel Er-ive. j >iiss Alwyne Jfehe RoetUnger, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Boettinger of Hawkins Avenue, received the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the 128th annual com- mencement at Marietta College , Marietta, 0. . ¦¦ j Jeffrey and Julie, children of |Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adamko of ' Gfbbs Pond Road, are in Hampton Bays where they will remain for thrj ce weeks with their grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs, Adamko. John Martindale of Friendly Lane lsft New York City by ship MonrHv to go on a guided tour of Engiand and several other Euro- pean countries. He will be in a group of 10 other tourists and most of the sightseeing will be done by riding bicycles through the cities and countryside. Mr. Martindale is a music teacher at Nokomis Elementary School. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Dynia of Ontario Street celebrated their fwenty-sbcth wedding anniver- sary June 24. . Ia RONKONKOMA, Tho Long Island Ad-fane* it on sale at Tuddy' a Lonch- eon*tt«, Laks Ronk-mboms* . Stations**** , Wh-Jah' « Drug Btori, I,e**how 't' « DM- catsutn and Lskorai* Food Store.—Adv. The Rev. Michael F. Fargo is the new assistant pastor at St. Joseph' s R. C, Church. He was formerly assistant pastor at the Church of St, John the Evangel - ist Mra, B. Davit , JU 8-3987 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Browne of Holbrook Road are the parents of a daughter born in Brookhaven Memorial Hospital June 20. She has been named Bonnie Lynn. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L, Veprovsky of Lakewood Road have purchased the Samuel Haw- kins ' homestead on Hawkins Ave- nue in Lake Grove and are having it completely renovated and re- stored. In addition to being their new home, it will also have a dental office for Dr. Veprovsky who now has his office in Dr. Luntz ' Medical Building in the Lake village. Mrs. Veprovsky is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hawkins, The Tuesday Contract Bridge Club gave a surprise luncheon last week in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Henry Ahner of Smith Street The luncheon was held in the home of Mrs. Edwin Risch on Henkel Drive. The Alice Circle of the Meth- odist Church at Five Corners will meet at 1:30 pj n. today in the home of Mrs. Fred Markert on Washburn Street. Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Hans of Sally Patch Farm in West- minster, Md., spent Friday at the Lake visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hans are well-known here having lived here for many years with their eigfrt children. Mr. Hans was a member of the Lake Ronkonkoma School board for many years. Mrs. Earl Roberts of Duncan Avenue returned home from St Charles Hospital in Port Jef- ferson Saturday after being con- fined there for a week under- going treatment Edward Thomas , infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Uccellini of 276 Avenue A was baptised Sun- day afternoon in St Joseph's R. C. Church by the Rev. John A. Heffernart . Miss Regina McGa nn of Lake Ronkonkoma and Fred Gleisberg of Centereach are the sponsors. A familyparty was held at the Uccellini home following the ceremony. Guests were his maternal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGann of Lake Ronkonkoma , and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Ann Uccellini of Centereach. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Reichelt of Easton Street celebrated their silver wedding anniversary June 19 at the Bohemia Legion Hall. Guests were the couple 's four sons, relatives from Rochester and relatives from Middle Vil- lage. William King and T *2rry Reichelt played piano accordions for dancing. Rudolph Max Schneider , ' son of Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Schneider of Parkway Boulevard, was or- dained at 8 p.m. June 23 by the New York Synod of the Lutheran Church in Americ a in Holy Cross Lutheran Church. A reception followed in the church. Miss Gwendolyn Elizabeth Brantley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wonnio E. Brantley of Fos- ter Road , has received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Edu- cation from Concord College in Athens , W. Va. She was active in many extracurricular activities at college including the offic e of recording seer etary of Delta Zeta Sorority. She received the best pledge award , was activities chairman and Panhellenic repre- sentative . The Medical Service Unit of the Lakeland Fire Department held its fir it annual dinner Saturday nigh t at the Saxton Arms Rest- aurant in Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mascari and daughter , Linda , former Lakeland residents , and now re- siding in Miami, Fla., are visit- ing Mrs. Mascari' s brother-in- law and sister . Mr. andMrs. Alex Sipos , Jr., of Goldbach Avenue, They will also visit a number of other relatives and friends. They will return to Florida July 6. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazard and three children of Patchogue Road attended a family picnic in Patchogue Saturday as a going- away gathering , for Mr.andMrs. Charles Nielsen and five sons who will leave July 5 for Japan where they will be missionaries. They will remain there for five years. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. George Hazard , SrMr. and Mrs. James Hazard and five children, Mrs. Robert Hazard and daughter , all of Patchogue , Mr. and Mrs. George Hazard , Jr., of (Continued on Page 13) ^mmmmmimmmm W^Wffi^ m WANT FINE GIFTS FOR INDOORS &f mMil^ i fr. OR OUTDOORS? Ij «™*»^^ M 8 %$$$$ ij &MtefflfJ&Mb I I I "' S ' G0V ,t ' in8pc;[0d ~H0 mm flPPEP-Eli B-i y £®QlfiE$Over 10 Ifes. I lllif " l l maBl yww W8uperR,gJ,t" *»"&—IARGI FRESH-4V& to 8 tbs. Im^JK BMim rai -* t* .yt « TURKEY BREASTS n* I Some Stores Open Late I l 8 " P I r i l8hr Quallty P8rk 8hould9re Country Farm Typt-WholB er Either Half I Saturday, July 3. See Window I SMOKED P8CNI€S 49 ib c VIR61 S-M HUMS 79' 1 Sign In YOUr A&P StOre I Bon,h " ¦^^-NONE PRICED HISHERI Front* Cut. For RoM ' or Bar £L2^ ' €orB8ed Be@f " SS* 89 * W Ko«k Cornish Kesis -a*21b,. 49^ ^^WS^^S^^m CeSifornia Etoas? K l™ CK 65 ,2 Hermel Buffet Mm '*? M.19 lg^Y-TO-l^?«MiATS ?"* Bitot l S g£! 79 ,2 Slicsd Cooked Ham , c m ;^:¦ . ;j 59« lupmuomr SLK» "^r ^ Stew Beef NON TPR&HIG ^ I 79 ,2! &®ng island Bucks N0 S ED 49 lb « gHBS 3 *- ' 79< Fresh Bluefish &, 43v ^29 Chicken Wings TS ED 29 ,2 Mi- L-CI-BIT BIKES ri_7^ u V f J h * Co0 *- 0 "* Center Our Meat Dspartnwnt! W.M.«edM.*J EA c l Sh0fp Am.,.«,„ am. MEMIUM QUALITY NONE PRICED HIQHER1 Aaanaa lb.| Sw... or , m. R,o ©5 |b> SWift'S P^iikS 15 69* ChlckOU BrOOBlS Uf a 59 " Pailsur is* - r-rscsis Cntaii-li* Me«» *¦» . _„ _ CB reui v •*- B« HS.IR „_ "* " l lnFoRTEO HOLLAND ©W""* d-WCll «HLJ«OUND ^ « gy^ |@gg ^ W jhTJ, & ^ . m@X £&i$m® M&M Spare SliSis ro^Z$L 59,2 ifalian Sausage wc Hot 79« 3 t '2.99 3 t &%_§ ® Veal Cubed Steaks »QNMSS 99c R0HS f fJz f ;;\lMih 8X. 27« P I RK I R RYE BREAII WATERMELONS Florlda-R9d Ripe *he ,e RO< rniinhn urn urn ¦ ¦ EsvUBsMslrB QaF Hg tumL 9 H MMTO BW-BB B Bim w H i trdSB until? RniApn iiiniipm MrHu ^&Ba Rtg. Plain or Siaded Jtwlsh, Plain er Sccdid !¦»¦ NONE PRICED HIGHER! melon 19 W . . ' NONE PRICED HIGHER! Sw.tSoutt.m Wilrick' s Graoe Drink 1 f 1 ^^ !" 65 T? P r W*» Con N0 HTsSf D S-39- wiincK S Wape unnK iceberg lettuce ^ Sl9 e Peaches ^w h. n 2 »»-29 c C^I^ MJ dn? 3b c Appies w «E5 29 lb c Seedless limes N SJ E0 6 _ n 29 c - —— New Cabbage PSSS^S?ii 8 Lemons HO £,i% D 6'" 9 29 e Cnsco Shortening Cucumbers ™$£S£° 3-195 Radishes D lf l9- iMW- ilii M 3 flR c t t wifl' iTi ri'trsWWMiii|| |ipi|i|| iaia ,,,„ ...,,,.,., " f l .,. .1 Gulden ' s Mustard r £rtrT'"' ZZ tr ,* Z.t JTrXa* •4" 1 *"SRS EfallS urjs Frs* Ors* » JltaBEl Large Fresh *5 1 to. Afl( ¦»> 2 f- 29' * Tu»o^- *.o mmS aliS & Wm "'" °" dt * A " nm ¥¥ Planter ' s Peanut Oil YUKO N CLUB SODA C of i2'LL: ' \$9 ForSaUd, l Vt P*> L%C MILD AHD MELLOW COFFEE __^ Roy l Ge t r D "f JANE PARKER APPL1 Pil M !kW Flavors* I pigs. ' ' Vmmmmam " ICE CRE -AIUI MflRVEL Vi gil. B- 0C All flavors Vi gal. "f fl| C Col ga te ' s Soak y ^H-afcraiBB - 5 Flavors cont. aa W CRESTMONT cont . AT W n nh. M '".£* 69c CampMI'f >^& 8 lit 99' Charcoal SS 20 b!; 89 c —~P— HellmaEiii' s M t6B e W©wderf©iI vC^ h ::,!'• 59« Cashm 3!^ loi Cabiii Syryp l VT5* Miiced Nyfs 535 ,4 ^7f ^ for ,c ^ ban _ Pancake Mix ^1 \i3S f Cookies S2iriT,I ^- 37- Palmolive Green Soap Oinnamen ^sS/iSf ir 29 0 ahlli Sauee ^>. . a 2 >2 b;^V CONTINENTAL 2 f ^ 25 c - 0- ^ B Spray %^ RelWi 1 ^8J D Dixie Gup Refills i-.«« " l ,y f 67 8 _- IU Jif Peanut Butter <>,.«» ¦ ,b jjt0"- 670 Alcoa ALUMINUM FOIL Wrap ,2 2 ' ; id !, h 3i 9 Palmolive Gold Soap Menner ' s Spanish Rfee ^ 2_V Marshi itallews <3L 2 45° DEODORANT 2 ^'"43^ Liptofl ' s Tea Bags 43 p[; 65° Heinz Relish HA^^ V/:r 2V . ^1 —_— Wishbone ^ Dressing ^ Deviled Ham ™Z>£S» ' tr39° Kirkman Borax Soap Jack Frost Sugar Gra F i. d 5 ft, §? Chunk White Tuna CH T 5{™ OF ^rW 2 j* 25 c ^ €l mT- f.T ^^?^ Chieken of the Sea ™™T ":: $* ¦ Octagon Liquid Detergent KOH OLUI - AH r\^fi ^^ -m^M^ Sr^mih^t ^^^ - rScs %. £ 59 e Casiiiid Soda 12 "L 89 e Fry if Brinks ! 0 * «. * 89 c Vel Detergent Powder Zarox n^l, Syrup 'g35« Weichsdo w.«, u ffl .. 6 J; 85 c ' P 8C33e ©ioesti Spray * s5sSi$r &W Cbeos® Blisses ««.-» 3 ft 1 .00 " TTrT - " Rsdl-Tw wH.TeR os E b p; L 3ge AppSo Juk© ^S 3 ; 49* Dash Detergent r— Qatry Canter Vffl/«es/ °~~I r— Summer Shrimp Sate! "—- l^i H I 3 lb.2oi. Z yc FRESH WhlffA Iks-liMH Fro, * n Ib H@C BUTTerlMIIIK 2 cont. * 1# 6 Shrimp Cockfcaii ^^ 3 ? n S9 e Baggies SCraft ^.J^ErS;... !SI «S« - ihrleup Dinner Ct&T 1"- *S« "" uS* " a, b pS" 39e MP Bly© Ch@@8© ^^ ^m* p e@ |§e§ Umlmi K2 XM9 L»*^n— ^^.^.^J M$ SllcoeS Swiss ^ Jjj 39 e shrimp huM ^S^ JoM ' 2 £ ' 1.99 /^^•Mfc^N . THI OfitAT ATsAHTfC 4 -FACIFKI TIA COtAfAHf> PK. L_____uLL____T ^ \__^mmm^ -. - " ' *¦¦ ' ' «'¦ i ¦ i n i i i ?t\mfim\v* \hmMy,9rt& \n Sup.r Markets C@ppgr f@K@ ** 019 J"* 1 .?9 Hld-tS®il M<ISg2e H * lf s ? r *t "? ! .89 AH^w pltjr;!,, Sm lm Mm ^T t W knU T ^i^ Jp w Bovereges exempt from Plaid Stamp ofier. ll@3S2@mia Cf SClHf * ? «§§« Biy IcrSSM Hair IOHlfi 4 J,£ 89 s I BPW SCHOLARSHIP WINNER for 1965 Is honored by ths Patchogue Bualnass and Professional Wometfa Club during Its June meeting by presenting her with a $300 check toward her education at the New York State Teachers College in Geneseo. Left to right are Mrs. Jerome Travers of Blue Point, mother of the recipientj Miss Hazell Adams of Oakdale , president of the Patchogue BPW; Miss Caroline Travers. the honored guest; and Mrs. Florence Elliott of Patchogue , first vice president of the club. This is the fifth scholarship award of the club to a deserving graduate locally who plans to furthe r her education. Mias Travers graduated this month from James Wilson Young High School , Bayport. ISLIP CONCERTS ISLIP - It was announced by Superintendent of Recreation of the Town of Islip, Benjamin V . PoidomM-d , that the recreation department will once again con- duct a series of summer "Pops " concerts at various locations throughout the township on Tues- day and Thursday evenings commencing July 6. An all-star band comprised of members who have previously played with large " name bands " will be featured at all concerts. In addition, Miss Lillian Mars , well known song- stress from the Long Island area will be one of the featured vo- calists. <* OAtB OF OFFICE is administered to the first officers of the newly formed Frank E. Ransome Re- ,pubUetn j unior* by Justice of the Peace William Underwood Jr., at right , during organization meeting cf £& nsw club held Friday night at the Canaan Lake Beach Community House. Highlight of the affair waa . a danca h*ld following installation of the officers. Shown loft to right are: Anthony De Bello, eoviso* ., Peter J. Cestlgan , RepubUcan designee for Assembly from Second District , Arthur Alloy. club president , Gloria Flynn , first vice president, and Justic e Underwood.

Transcript of Im^JK BMimrai -*t*.yt « TURKEY...

Page 1: Im^JK BMimrai -*t*.yt « TURKEY · lupmuomr SLK» "^r ^ ... Syrup 'g35« Weichsdo w.«, u ffl.. 6 J; 85c

Ronkonkoma and the LakeThe Ronkonkoma Fire Depart- ,

ment has purchased land on theeaat side of the firehouse on.Portion Road adjoining the fire-house. The area has been sur-faced and lighting installed. This•will make it possible for high'pieces • of equipment to comefrom ths rear of tiie building andexit on Portion Road instead ofgoing out via Hawkins Avenue•which is a longer route. Thisaraa will be used for parkingfiremen's cars when answering

t alarms and also the annual fair,'which started last night, will beheld here. The fair will continue

. through Sunday. A feature of thefair will be a firemen's paradeat 8 p.m. today. An Indian PowWow parade will be held at 3p.m. Sunday with trophies beingawarded for the best and most'original Indian costumes andfloats and a display of fireworksat night on the firehouse grounds

: will be an additional feature.Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G.

Michel of New York City are onvacation and will spend part of itat their Lake home on HenkelEr-ive.j>iiss Alwyne Jfehe RoetUnger,daughter of Dr. and Mrs. WalterF. Boettinger of Hawkins Avenue,received the degree of Bachelorof Arts at the 128th annual com-mencement at Marietta College,Marietta, 0.

.¦¦j Jeffrey and Julie, children of|Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adamko of' Gfbbs Pond Road, are in HamptonBays where they will remain forthrj ce weeks with their grand-

• parents, Mr. and Mrs, Adamko.John Martindale of Friendly

Lane lsft New York City by shipMonrHv to go on a guided tour ofEngiand and several other Euro-pean countries. He will be in agroup of 10 other tourists andmost of the sightseeing will bedone by riding bicycles throughthe cities and countryside. Mr.Martindale is a music teacher atNokomis Elementary School.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Dyniaof Ontario Street celebrated theirfwenty-sbcth wedding anniver-sary June 24.

. Ia RONKONKOMA, Tho Long IslandAd-fane* it on sale at Tuddy'a Lonch-eon*tt«, Laks Ronk-mboms*. Stations****,Wh-Jah'« Drug Btori, I,e**how't'« DM-catsutn and Lskorai* Food Store.—Adv.

The Rev. Michael F. Fargo isthe new assistant pastor at St.Joseph's R. C, Church. He wasformerly assistant pastor at theChurch of St, John the Evangel-ist

Mra, B. Davit , JU 8-3987

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.Browne of Holbrook Road are theparents of a daughter born inBrookhaven Memorial HospitalJune 20. She has been namedBonnie Lynn.

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence L,Veprovsky of Lakewood Roadhave purchased the Samuel Haw-kins' homestead on Hawkins Ave-nue in Lake Grove and are havingit completely renovated and re-stored. In addition to being theirnew home, it will also have adental office for Dr. Veprovskywho now has his office in Dr.Luntz' Medical Building in theLake village. Mrs. Veprovsky isthe granddaughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. Samuel Hawkins,

The Tuesday Contract BridgeClub gave a surprise luncheonlast week in honor of the birthdayof Mrs. Henry Ahner of SmithStreet The luncheon was held inthe home of Mrs. Edwin Rischon Henkel Drive.

The Alice Circle of the Meth-odist Church at Five Cornerswill meet at 1:30 pjn. today in thehome of Mrs. Fred Markert onWashburn Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Hansof Sally Patch Farm in West-minster, Md., spent Friday attheLake visiting relatives andfriends. Mr. and Mrs. Hans arewell-known here having livedhere for many years with theireigfrt children. Mr. Hans was amember of the Lake RonkonkomaSchool board for many years.

Mrs. Earl Roberts of DuncanAvenue returned home from StCharles Hospital in Port Jef-ferson Saturday after being con-fined there for a week under-going treatment

Edward Thomas, infant son ofMr. and Mrs. John Uccellini of276 Avenue A was baptised Sun-day afternoon in St Joseph's R.C. Church by the Rev. John A.Heffernart . Miss Regina McGannof Lake Ronkonkoma and FredGleisberg of Centereach are thesponsors. A familyparty was heldat the Uccellini home followingthe ceremony. Guests were hismaternal grandparents, Mr. andMrs. Edward McGann of LakeRonkonkoma, and his paternalgrandmother, Mrs. Ann Uccelliniof Centereach.

Mr, and Mrs. Walter Reicheltof Easton Street celebrated theirsilver wedding anniversary June19 at the Bohemia Legion Hall.Guests were the couple's foursons, relatives from Rochesterand relatives from Middle Vil-lage. William King and T*2rryReichelt played piano accordionsfor dancing.

Rudolph Max Schneider ,' son ofMr. and Mrs, Rudolph Schneiderof Parkway Boulevard, was or-dained at 8 p.m. June 23 by theNew York Synod of the LutheranChurch in America in Holy CrossLutheran Church. A receptionfollowed in the church.

Miss Gwendolyn ElizabethBrantley, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Wonnio E. Brantley of Fos-ter Road, has received the degreeof Bachelor of Science in Edu-cation from Concord College inAthens, W. Va. She was active inmany extracurricular activitiesat college including the office ofrecording seer etary of Delta ZetaSorority. She received the bestpledge award, was activitieschairman and Panhellenic repre-sentative.

The Medical Service Unit of theLakeland Fire Department heldits fir it annual dinner Saturdaynight at the Saxton Arms Rest-aurant in Oakdale.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mascariand daughter , Linda, formerLakeland residents, and now re-siding in Miami, Fla., are visit-ing Mrs. Mascari's brother-in-law and sister.Mr. andMrs. AlexSipos, Jr., of Goldbach Avenue,They will also visit a number ofother relatives and friends. Theywill return to Florida July 6.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazardand three children of PatchogueRoad attended a family picnic inPatchogue Saturday as a going-away gathering , for Mr.andMrs.Charles Nielsen and five sons whowill leave July 5 for Japan wherethey will be missionaries. Theywill remain there for five years.Others present were Mr. andMrs. George Hazard, Sr„ Mr.and Mrs. James Hazard and fivechildren, Mrs. Robert Hazard anddaughter, all of Patchogue, Mr.and Mrs. George Hazard, Jr., of

(Continued on Page 13)

^mmmmmimmmm W^Wffi^m WANT FINE GIFTS FOR INDOORS &f mMil^i fr.

OR OUTDOORS? Ij «™*» ^

M 8%$$$$ ij &MtefflfJ&Mb III "' S' G0V ,t' in8pc;[0d~H0 mm flPPEP-EliB-iy £®QlfiE$Over 10 Ifes. I

lllif " ll maBl yww W8uperR,gJ,t" *»"&—IARGI FRESH-4V& to 8 tbs.

Im JK BMimrai -*t* .yt « TURKEY BREASTS n*I Some Stores Open Late I l8"PIril8hr Quallty P8rk 8hould9re Country Farm Typt-WholB er Either Half

I Saturday, July 3. See Window I SMOKED P8CNI€S 49ibc VIR61S-M HUMS 79'

1 Sign In YOUr A&P StOre I Bon,h" ¦ -NONE PRICED HISHERI Front* Cut. For RoM' or

£L2 ' €orB8ed Be@f "SS* 89* W Ko«k Cornish Kesis -a*21b ,. 49^^ WS^ S^ m CeSifornia Etoas? Kl™CK 65,2 Hermel Buffet Mm '*? M.19lg Y-TO-l^?«MiATS ?"* Bitot lS

g£! 79,2 Slicsd Cooked Ham ,cm; :¦. ;j59«

lupmuomr SLK» " r Stew Beef NONTPR&HIG I 79,2! &®ng island Bucks N0SED 49lb

«gHBS 3 *-' 79< Fresh Bluefish &,43v ^29,£ Chicken Wings TSED 29,2Mi-L-CI-BIT BIKES ri_7 u VJ£fJh* Co0*-0"* Center '» Our Meat Dspartnwnt!

W.M.«edM.*J EA cl Sh0fp Am.,.«,„ a m . MEMIUM QUALITY NONE PRICED HIQHER1Aaanaa 5¥lb.| Sw... or ,m.R,o ©5 |b> SWift'S P iikS 1569* ChlckOU BrOOBlS Ufa 59 "Pailsur is* - r-rscsis Cntaii-li* Me«» *¦» . _„ _ CB reui v •*- B«HS.IR „ _ "*-¦" llnFoRTEO HOLLAND ©W""* d-WCll ™«HLJ«OUND

« gy |@gg ^

WjhTJ,& .

m@X £&i$m® M&M Spare SliSis ro Z$L 59,2 ifalian Sausage wc Hot 79«3 t '2.99 3 t &%_§® Veal Cubed Steaks »QNMSS 99c R0HS ffJzf;;\lMih 8X.27«

PIRKIR RYE BREAII WATERMELONS Florlda-R9d Ripe *he,e RO<rniinhn urn urn ¦¦ EsvUBsMslrBQaF Hg t u m L 9 HMMTO BW-BBB Bimw Hii trdSB until? RniApn iiiniipm MrHu &BaRtg. Plain or Siaded Jtwlsh, Plain er Sccdid !¦»¦ NONE PRICED HIGHER! melon 19 W

. .' NONE PRICED HIGHER! Sw.tSoutt.m

Wilrick's Graoe Drink 1 f1^ !"65

T? Pr W*»Con N0HTsSfD S-39-wiincK S Wape unnK iceberg lettuce Sl9e Peaches ^wh.n 2»»-29cC I MJ dn?3bc Appies w™«E5 29lbc Seedless limes NSJE0 6 _ n 29c- —— New Cabbage PSSS^S?ii 8,£ Lemons HO£,i%™D 6 '"


Cnsco Shortening Cucumbers ™$£S£° 3-195 Radishes ™D lf l9-iMW-iliiM 3 flRc ttwifl'iTiri'trsWWMiii|||ipi|i||iaia ,,,„ ....,,,.,,., "fl .,. .1

Gulden's Mustard r£rtrT'"'ZZ tr,*Z.t JTrXa* •4"1*"SRSEfallS urjs Frs* Ors* » JltaBEl Large Fresh *5 1 to. Afl(¦»>-¦ 2 f- 29' *Tu»o -*.o mmS aliS & Wm ™ "'" °"dt * A "nm¥¥

Planter's Peanut Oil YUKON CLUB SODA Cof i2 'LL:' \$9ForSaUd, l Vt P*> L%C MILD AHD MELLOW COFFEE __^

RoylGetrD"f JANE PARKER APPL1 Pil M !kWFlavors* I pigs. ' ' Vmmmmam

" ICE CRE-AIUI MflRVEL Vi gil. B-0C All flavors Vigal. "ffl|CColgate's Soaky ^H-afcraiBB- 5 Flavors cont. aa W CRESTMONT cont. AT W

nnh.M '".£* 69c CampMI'f >^& 8 lit 99' Charcoal SS 20 b!; 89c— —~P— — HellmaEiii's M— t6Be W©wderf©iIvC h ::,!'• 59«Cashm3! loiCabiiiSyryp l VT5* MiicedNyfs 535 ,4


for ,c ^ ban_ Pancake Mix ^1 \i3Sf Cookies S2iriT,I -37-Palmolive Green Soap Oinnamen sS/iSf ir290 ahlli Sauee ^>..a 2 >2b;^V

CONTINENTAL 2 f 25c - 0- B Spray % RelWi 1^8JD Dixie Gup Refills i-.«« "l,yf 678_- IU Jif Peanut Butter <>,.«» ¦ ,bjjt0"- 670 Alcoa ALUMINUM FOIL Wrap ,22';id!,h3i9

Palmolive Gold Soap Menner's Spanish Rfee ^2_V Marshiitallews <3L 2 *£ 45°

DEODORANT 2 '"43^ Liptofl's Tea Bags 43 p[; 65° Heinz Relish HA^^V/:r i« 2V

. 1—_— Wishbone Dressing Deviled Ham ™Z>£S» ' tr39°Kirkman Borax Soap Jack Frost Sugar GraFi.d 5 ft, §? Chunk White Tuna CHT5{™ OF ^rW

2 j* 25c ^

€lmT-f.T^^? Chieken

of the Sea ™™T "::$* ¦

Octagon Liquid Detergent ™KOH OLUI-AH r\^fi ^ -m^M Sr^mih t ^^- rScs %.£ 59e Casiiiid Soda 12 "L 89e Fry if Brinks ! 0 *«.* 89c

Vel Detergent Powder Zarox n l, Syrup 'g35« Weichsdo w.«, uffl.. 6 J; 85c'P8C33e ©ioesti Spray *s5sSi$r &W Cbeos® Blisses ««.-» 3 ft 1.00

" TTrT-" Rsdl-Tw wH.TeR osE bp;L 3ge AppSo Juk© ^S 3 ;; 49*

Dash Detergent r— Qatry Canter Vffl/«es/ °~~I r— Summer Shrimp Sate! "—-l iHI 3 lb.2oi. Z yc FRESH WhlffA Iks-liMH Fro,*n Ib H@C

— — BUTTerlMIIIK 2 cont. *1#6 Shrimp Cockfcaii ^ 3 ?n S9e

Baggies SCraft .J ErS;... !SI«S« -ihrleup Dinner Ct&T 1"-*S«""uS*"

a, bpS" 39e MPBly© Ch@@8© ^ ^m* pe@|§e§ Umlmi K2 XM9L»*^n— ^ . . J M$ SllcoeS


Jjj 39e shrimp huM S^


' 2 £' 1.99

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BPW SCHOLARSHIP WINNER for 1965 Is honored by ths Patchogue Bualnass and Professional WometfaClub during Its June meeting by presenting her with a $300 check toward her education at the New YorkState Teachers College in Geneseo. Left to right are Mrs. Jerome Travers of Blue Point, mother ofthe recipientj Miss Hazell Adams of Oakdale, president of the Patchogue BPW; Miss Caroline Travers.the honored guest; and Mrs. Florence Elliott of Patchogue, first vice president of the club. This is thefifth scholarship award of the club to a deserving graduate locally who plans to further her education.Mias Travers graduated this month from James Wilson Young High School, Bayport.

ISLIP CONCERTSISLIP - It was announced by

Superintendent of Recreation ofthe Town of Islip, Benjamin V.PoidomM-d, that the recreationdepartment will once again con-duct a series of summer "Pops"concerts at various locationsthroughout the township on Tues-day and Thursday eveningscommencing July 6. An all-starband comprised of members whohave previously played with large"name bands" will be featuredat all concerts. In addition, MissLillian Mars, well known song-stress from the Long Island areawill be one of the featured vo-calists. <*

OAtB OF OFFICE is administered to the first officers of the newly formed Frank E. Ransome Re-,pubUetn junior* by Justice of the Peace William Underwood Jr., at right , during organization meetingcf £& nsw club held Friday night at the Canaan Lake Beach Community House. Highlight of the affairwaa . a danca h*ld following installation of the officers. Shown loft to right are: Anthony De Bello,eoviso*., Peter J. Cestlgan, RepubUcan designee for Assembly from Second District, Arthur president, Gloria Flynn, first vice president, and Justice Underwood.