i?min ;^ K iS fiii i.'t£ i ^ v i:r i«s:r^^...

t'l- . 'j ;r> .V M ' KVjgNifvG POST. ^TT bmBolTAnYBR AS^TJ M . AT K0.1Q rfAS^Ar, NKAR PISE STREET. NEW TOTS. BY WM. G. BE.YAIJT & CO. , "klT E S OF ADVERTISING. £V*Xd„l —16 Unea,t;x o r e j 3, fi^t32«tfca,T5 cctts: secctd t^ni tixirl ii FUBMO SAMS BY S0$'* CO. OSce. No. 5 Bfoadstrcet- OT' e?tEtiJ2» t-'t- b'.-w«T«r, & . less i= dar:.,e. " ict errc^ .^V w in'm alieronsg. niE r.n Pfl-*-r SiMI WKEKLY. fnblbW «TIS^ I'Yilay at 53 ir-Tantjaa. FS-yab;*; it. alra-iTf !•a.-h £ eml-fr ccutaioa tie latest inte itjt-r.cB polit'eat. t-iTP‘ja . attl >to=i«s?ti<: ; a n i ta feot t.ff by the eabtiesi. d a . s ■ sibserivre in ewry ;*irt cf the Unic-a XHENKW VOTK WSsTf..* Bt-5S.SGPOST, t i 'INK :<ijLt..AK P.-E A-SNX’il. PUBLIC SALES. _ <^r9 %• 7 Kr^adiftreet, Bear Wal3- i?min 5 ;^ \ *’'• li Itjs*. f*' l^-. t c £ti d C*i fctrcfi?*, tn tl>6 rwr of th&*a>.t I ’ ,-i-n T.-' »»*i: Z\ * *.-. 4 ‘W* *■* ' IT? ^n i.'t£ n-':' i ^ v t i:r,,. ■„ *.K,Ln»a «ni'i the. 7 particulars ran be of-ta-ie.! o( j •■• ' ^’ S i ry Nov^p. OS '. A’! wf Wh c-’ tfl tr»'Tc**^'* . • rj. < w»«» r.in ^n ; ,f rurious ce ebra*c4 tUT*- t T anrf -Is. te-rt: Hur-i ,7 Wn tl Al •» f ^ i;?r r •'Je, fee • fiu'rh '-ml ! *-0/ h Hy V*f»T*:.iKibiM<munfM thedny ^ u *C , ,t’Hr*rhi?r i>rta*r:.ererfy bc.rnef o*Willow nmj Am »y •»*« ^ ’’K'h^fcuil‘1 trsui>e;ci u; !<.t lSH6(bs (r-iaifind rcarb/i^rt T * • -'•’■"sett-thfe OGitberly sisieuf Amity st. ad^igios. same i r »-ar>fp.-n liheor'f^r s.-eti thttfseon by too teet I„-Ba.1intmnc. on Wi low it. 18 feet 3 mi front by ?Dfeet tjr «r*i i »p’ «ro3n-i. s«t* *“e*‘c p<f» '’Re«* «s ^ ^PoTtMthCTtXtbcE^ar^jrnlyic tbe acrtionEer. No. 7 Bru.n-I i i i f f i i a i ? -------------y C O L K , ler frootst., BrooJriva. ,| Bi r n 'c i r? »;<n s?'' is:s;sas-:SS 5i«s:r^^ lifts *...'•■"'“ “■TvrRrXrEi* ^Mn4»Vlork arthe .Ttfv,rftnm.No« Wall «^^, ^ IDs^'i*i frnmeR.anew ac»i ^T-enor »mc’R ^ >*♦•. n -Tal-^si.FTmenl «>» 'hou-ebot 1tarai’ure, «o’u to Gi^se At IHi f.Vloyk f. 1th*- -;’ <=<r ' ni No 51Wn” =t l.orye nsx»nm**n» of Fnr »*v Goo i«. ron«-.i?lme of <*htna bronzes CRo ea^-rn . r - n a p w T?e; j h n^nz'on slfifst wofR t Pfc.rt, g ^<i'»-»a. pApp* rji-yt-'a 2, y i:'r-;* vnr!f?V•',' *,oi'r.-,HG L'*• t. s pi^t <rr»T*-jrtM• tea p»^s ;a g'**fts. tac use etif,> g.jaipn'H '>* vNn*-fv n! ‘. r-o»s I . •*-»- i . . o‘ It ' •"’ ' *. "n.: -o tDe :mm-d:ale >;■ ,-tr'ty «/• »f - » iTyti'*''- t>-ir»-M?-**!e Also. No47 l i ' j t - t . B ' -fe n-E aPO -tr.rv 'nt we.Ttfr*M.e hip^S'lbvHfM ii .-'fpo*- r. r,». .. U o “'r yJnS.Vs^^hi^;Sii:r ....... ------- e if the aoctiTneer. a »e a in P.r^*klyn Eagle, sign store No 7 Wall st , comer of New st. \. fl. M w)li give h‘* rc'o.j.B .t '.io>’ni i" -a‘'“- of nenl fli. tate’at I'be s (Nehn,,«e : .. «.. _•„ i,;ie...( .■«!. -al an : vf e <*oatra<^t, and for theDtottiruig t»f mot-ey tin bo.-u! io.J moi Knpoii.,i1'!X::icSHi££d;::S^nti^:io,ey. 1..,. "i't niabtu„ee. u.., y ,,,,4 A» Wo c**» i., a» ’tsi* \!en‘hj».t<« Exf».anee S»i;»err«>r i. i—*'a'i'-r Uic *.tret :.‘»u *ii r»oma«« i. arniey. E'O- 1**’ ■*■'.in.-Uitni^tr..! on 'he Mi’l h e r t y o » :*:it mt 7a»t-Hv^orfvro’te;:.! BtvttiLe. iii a tJiu.s i»i width L .V o r^»'*‘-'».r» Fxfoi^s. ______ .lames M Miller, Auctioceer. UY .lAMi:^ M MILLKK & C’O. Stor« \o Maiden lane Hardware, Real Estate, I.cathor. Routs & Shoes, iVo AtUo'c'ocK . Il.t licn-nautV EjeJiango. * .a.lM..tfi!wl-r-Vi I.ic« h..os« n.li.Hm"j: th» sbiwe. frimfms ,*n '^'S“ it, ct tner*'» 'IS th- ai»x*ut I . gtt imm (Jraod st. >iQ<l j • ‘.t i l * . .. 5 f ai &U-a n»Jl • Wv s tij- 11.r ftnu?e. Gy «■»i«re> \ .T VioR—A;«» . 45 --'V brrt; • t.i 'mb i'B ‘he ^'•^•^WHK* .1 ,-xr of a\enr'.-* U mi l luh str-e' . house ih V fi ass trou ' y4»‘ •eef.VU^: ^ ^ ^ 't from the ah. ve. fc^ame y vstKis-ss 5 as'.« f... 't'afgn po tii.r of th- tinrcbo‘0 nn eev ran reioain on buml nnard«,g.ge rate o .nvs nxO Af I^mV rrS .'ii «/!e •.)dfrpa»2'-s’ W'dl be •.i-d 115 ' er'h*-dtTtt vt iioi rti:lo T Rjgg’e^ Esq-, Re- ^74 Ms of ffri'Mf-d Hesu^dohy s tuste-l.es fo'f-ws • northerly VThV'»«e\ we^'^rv v'tbTtn .vrtiae -oaiiary hy IW3U2street, ’Au 1 nj.nh^Ti- ■■ d t t-- .in 5 t> - 7 At m*AV.,.-'U I ' ' r,, *aT«! WqM street. of arti^^'e r, tbHt haa. L-m .? .lew uno sec'jnd hand : a's i, mat‘rai- hlccii rnd vrh'i' mpt-t-'i*. n»^ «cJjor n^of** dpnrtfd ro^r. ly c' cts i»r «Ke p>n <»rf»5 i'Tip*im.i; br-.nze groups. nn.i d^»af-?!s ‘-y *h»*EH*r ' ’ebr»*r<! msiterv '.ronze fjre«*ii.j und ^r*. »■P . f\r.*. r-»- sivr r* r'- • ’**;■* rh...il v ’a*.'*s •>! '.j? rl‘h»i«t D>»‘prn5 se^c- <d-i - '«nnt spts* ♦'•f'cpp .ipa«»rf a . ' r.•«;..- -rt : I ‘,i ,a . t.1 n , w,- • n »» n fh-rpp ; .’ “r--.-<•. *-r "niiurM - .. r >v' ,/''* '*^'‘' ■ ' ' ’’* - ' /'I ’ rtch W ,t; i. !.t- 1. ilL. fi • mia , ;i a ...., i' o-e i re u-.^ir ne vnr . « top** ot'r'P3.-ltlg S'l' ct ■ • *.<peo*'"ti! ‘TC5 ntt?n‘-=d Bnmi» • t*wh*"h fi*c •.'►T . ‘'n'tiT. pi.T’it h« I'"*' n vti'ii.H,* vT • ind hAf ibGiTio'y fit fi 'nrge invoic**-^ ‘ r- n .'t Gi' ^’5, ypn.-pa.-nn' ij» vnr'oiiTstjf. ^.'1 nf-i ap'e p'.'«-h»': v-vy r . -wtHni nnd ch*'.ny w.jrk i, X ' li‘‘ i.iC '^ bPT ,1'fh •**a a**-•'*’ o'*‘'M 'A "-..hK T’h* ?'■<«{«c<;n M ex .mta.'!.. dftv t p’orsthe sale. To l»6 suM wi:fa.*utre5erva. r>ec’3 At lOi o’Dlock' Bt the b-aieTw)tns. N-i. S Wa?f AMra.'t ve ildeol h'r-'*’ M‘ i^ut c r.^d p h- Ms*T<wf p,. rei, cioe'Tnir-*' SvM^jivn U>x. -dvrr liMf,, vi-.^p r.ir'.rMr u h-ar. onfii''^'^ go’ie' « •, L‘*<hio In-'^ed i ^ n x . r , t Ro'i M.,n'fd.i ■«o"-* lit' -. m»*tta. Tvr--r •■^-.fi.iT-- ifc ^if Jileigh R‘»’><*s,'d eY=-*y ■ ’"•'’•n • »'t. ' ‘chp f pv*»r l■tb.,^-l n» T i.H- •»•• *n -h* !•• V r.«^. ' ‘ i.h-e R*«»* hV'li.- nf nn vv.'<* He*,T cd g-n-:.-dv«p " :t«!ZPf U'intb**r. &c l-nc* u ’ *r’ Hiri*-d: hrr V . 'i n n '•r'ri.jt ot birTafo r«»-rj -t ''I ’i.c (• gof.da vT^-r^ m-t ev'rMs,'w ‘ . ^*hp Rrm 'w"y *•■ :*< i ’ K~ i;L M l\ Au-fiono-r Store 3."i9 Fr-'R'ls'^ay near Franklin street p r K-'"'.>.v«..-•.«r*^" •• . - .} ?h*>ru ;--' gf n nJ- ' /, Thai he r •itovMi ro'u U VVii^ h»!H. f^r/e und “p, V ' i!* tje^ hnnr»v '.1' e - T - r - e n . ! H. bV i_>ry l*5i* .T■ ' H;j flif •! loi..|i>- s .iS in^ . viocb ni‘5 \V-n' u ‘i.^f'we-' o Felton and Joh- -*< H usbhnid r;/ lo'jiiP, vr* a hrerp a-«<i rtmeni •o»n* PM*!? ’Mid firio.-rhrir^ u\ titt. on niii-b and h^r c'otb'px- to3f'b»'< v» fl' .* '.»•! d aMif'ii id id hi»u»i*-n' -d turn«M.rp jia,* Ai-o, .iiHvf iW5'ed %v5.' •■f». b.-f wj.i»-'r k-f'ie-. cake br*ok**i>., re- volvn^ca tnr- ru‘ hot p • ■•>jn*V, 1 , .Afs*>. mnrt>»« ri**«*»f<, M"*! v>i,«.. SbC ., A^ ', giru iJd' *••« I tfH•“tid :cU ■ r,Ty». A pnri'>-> rhT"'li<*-l-Tfi.for*:* . n 50 M, \* b'l ■•Vuek, af S* N’*" ''” f u!*•»•« and Jt»n >f gUHtv n e lI i .•>. r «. •’• irn'O.n ‘iv»r .ii'.r p H'ed wirp. fe.v b.-sng the enrtr** «iuok o! a «lpai*-'-*c<.ii.s.v - .w:;. fiiii'e<. d vv i-« ' "f h-Ms. v».fh . s r r'l!/ !.»••.'. 'Ticnii**! With i itmi* •••’«: f as ct*ia cve*r ^ nes. w»h Ci-tih'c •m-ei pn . rond • nd-1 I'v/Pb. wr*-'• mnypnienf*; z'Ti'-' SS eS s Sm Wm nss.irtmem silver ?v4iTX.ru;.r '• "iirB'ifio;;;!;, ? : ; n '; r w e r x f ’l.xv'.lurehtx': V«’afihfp .,1-1,ii O-: p tn' .p i rt-rpivetJ from F'-a-'re Mnd which wi ll e '• uiid mp wi-rhy of noJoP. l*«d'pr r?icui^rs .Inhtl K-'O’O, .^^pti^lnoor j BY JA.V1ES E ('Ot)LEY. I Stcre Nos. 377 an4379 Broadway.eomer of White st Out doorsalesoT all de rro ’ urs‘-rt'n 'ed to w th i>wnrtuai ly Mid t‘i5;.. tc.. lo &a es ol Real i:is.iaf«. Stocfn. ice. at me ,* on ad s c-nvgTi-^.l fi.r ^ab J..hn Ke«w w"I g*\'Dtfr^ir'al «t*en'nm*o the tales of Furnt U’Em fsriAVK^NI^y: Nn^37. A very vi'ir.Gb \ nv de Adi'.*''rw i»t rare «•)»! chtoce «ci?n’ 'Ir ■ w,«. m.,.. .as ^ 0^0 OW . a j,y .a 1 1^..,^ i\- • ■>i-uunr*'; *"’«t5">'3 N \ u^ h' Hi o y of f : •*'la t ,». * ■. . <,t Mp R.di'imc |c hi h ';n . *1r. I' -IS. ■ 'i *ut'’. I i iiv; I“*j5 i.nit.o* ic..h..pf.r 1i. wp.» n?re l,iiiu&air»< jravPispn.* v e t i m g U# . GFar-tooEyenJiSS^^^ WdtS^bfent ij, ffo«a<<ailiMB W f FionxtIia§s% OiemsdTS* ao5imliatd,.Ti«5*lorn its" heroes Sprung. ¥OL. XLIX. I__PUBLIC_.SALF4 ^ NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY. NOTEMBER 27.1850. NO. 18 NASSAU, NEAR BINE ST. store cernor of WUU.im at and l^eLango Place '"W 9 No K7 ReaTOT stToat Bv^‘n5N"iS:BM;KvTV^^ Store No. Uhl Peari street. ra' -5f ‘ti < *<b5. >it D».tj, 4 lt. oa^acf-d i’ o ‘.aio.'ijrearic'f r'rsntleB tbn rn i*n ni r 'stio l.aialozaei Ml M f. - , .J , , . . 'f , t- . •’» ', k « ! .«>» * - * .T ^ t '« ♦ w,TT.i4»tO..f f i •era. I . is-c... on a rr-*’t ».j hdi » t ,.»» .•»»,!». •f.jdg ,v|4)-e«i no rpftrTP.ir'd *h*P “( '"W'^Fo'itAr, Aur'Moort-r -OSTEKS .V- LlTSNO'iTON Store So. 41 Broad street. K iS fiii FRE,\l m UOl ili.'-^ - Fi.r r i.f.ri.vci (•miorw.i rutrs nt« miit.— rnt-*nf.»pne5 nnif s’s'iip’es »m the morcing of ‘ 'a'e Wj|lia.m K*'hhe. A «ctioc;»cr. BY VAN \VY<*K tV K<»nFK, Store corner of Ezchange Plr^o and William street. tia'- guesanisam^'>p*^'^i^tbyTi«m^ sale. :* »fi Mn iciius, fl'fub^GUT. pofuer*.‘pgmp'ix l ihlp nnd mGnfi»l r»-7 r.f >. nPCc-s-ariC'j. high y «bc. r.du.i p*jrc«!:.iUi figures, • ,.*. wh''© F'cnr-D china ware t:*'!)!',-?—] h .'.i i»s, i',t»r.'ir,. ng- a ritnfinPte ii - . crfciit III 8I.T mi.ntli«.'lor uyiir. .cl enilnr.e.l uulc.. H cnrc T. UnunOt. ,1 a('*i.-.nC0T BY C’HESTERMAN .V HixU’ET, Store No 13 William sti • Liberal cash it? hen require J. Store No 13 William street, advances made upon consign mvniswhenreqaii __ ___ ,wN?yj:!^»^SiSSsr’■ Xi-4., .-ifi D-auftTrier’ -t fine Tiench aier.n - j. 5- n •• • 'r;c tr*«o 'r> .,''rrP''*«. \Vi»m.-n’« nntl chiMren’s C»i U •. . ■?''''S09 Rs^nr**»l giylcd wi»'*!»d c o Ti f i * r » » " k 'i-'s. A’«o. If sijp-r o'- c-iBli.'rn njr*'''-'i’n5 AU.J, an px*en«ive R5.f.rt'^ii*»‘if *d « f w.*n' tiToch© rashmer^. ;,;a.n cr'-'TO a*'d D'ar* l4.'7i» :»o *. .j r-'•• *'W' t bii, fiir R '-p. nnt nf «l. m •♦m <v mu.-cfi - A •»*• ’’V"I g'; - i^M i .•ti'T’Gve*! by 'V • er ai i tire in Unsten. oi»f>sjHrmg i.f r " if;a<a!ogna5nn>l isaiBlej e- . of >.a'e. An piiMw h’«lancen H ps sf'»v»n’« linPOMaMnn. pnn smi •»-f liiii p».Y ifo^edemlr itlp*-?, t iinUiuT and fl-usworkw- "^ .’ »r pb*v- prH’hm' «o-«ii mi43 in «'••’ '* 'i'nT, vnri' Ue k IvI*■ ».f-ne*»i: - '-. • - . ,i. Ui fx'rn hii'h K ... .. r . -'i .W..P Ml! b i*!i r ,Utrn cmbroi-lprf'’ 1j| 'iMVP ' I ^omnotf « IGilst -rpt’r’ g.-'V.- ,.^,.r Rfp>.‘ pp ;no -n .1,^11 . «w•; Li Vull p o'liVciy w ition r '■C -* »v ' ,f ! ' I-i-rsi.nniV ' ' ^ '' KV.'.x'x'^.'ptMTl-tri. r;C!i ! •‘in und \mcrM-lii I-v I • , «- bin-wert PUBLIC SALES b /T .'a l " a \ tra nce “& c'o., -■ ^“B S iS S S S S^ is ^2?S aL„.„ .. ...... iic.f. p,.r >^ n-A >c *. 1‘nvo. • of r. -n Pa.is rorueten. rain iru- 'Scme Iw» lino I'ajn’mgs nn co:<pcr. sn n'.h Irainci; ^ Xiit..* ^ e r r One ('Cin-^e \'n.^, Chm«9 Uu!l, r<.vcj. ,.r.w6j.i, t-js.fj. &o.: al.«, MS^iii i wrigbH. •Al ► . a ■ •■!. riibf «n\o:nP atenPrp*’ rt-w *»vk» '.’•on7«s. f.Tnre^. •n* !^, a n^'W fJe-'Tfpfpin of rt-tiiU. an r'-.‘^aa» art’t-U*. Lii... .\tV. VV.o;. riv,.i„. .4i i!aC l.o,, Raheii u. fan f«^l tro;n *»i'p Frame, iare azn. m!»t »vroas tosa’e. j5i;73|Sl'7lr«'sS^^^ (irppfjm.1 « p;.-»nt'—A fir.? roIWtinn rf GrssnhHmft Pfanis in M(un) ii«r?N and c o*nrv©?i*r#'s. '«r the R?fp*^oaphm7 bill- tlcy,-nm..n« which are cam«h*fi, e?.<n-. ra ia». coiw J f»;i p* ...... ... »T. . u ' ri45 tgrse'*©'w ih a vfi'^’P'i d b . 5 Lu .rjj. Dg J.» >»M .v ffH Ptia *0 diiiOSfij o ftiist'.a . A* ll./ ri . ck.. i i-.'^%i esr'.M .iSr^ ' . i: n*Li'*'r c* Fin»* 0i, (’ ibjtin*!x—Ah»»u» ihi K»i' »ii ’Q if ^ g,nTK i;;^. Ihe''M’ ';rmn«‘S “ i’ .? tmi;, ‘L”aSo a id ”fiiuro tnei-s.bfjnj’di,. I'i is,r.iii«»H . by T*-n e ti.&'. ’ ’i ' L f ..t ,f.-i.i nt.M • ..5 11...rBffgi'* fitimex. U f. and Friday. M-u.'i'ie-nt ■ ♦»lo ih© ir id©and ethers of the reheat and most - IV .'#»> . fit. „,.} hr>t c'nxs lonry eoi.il*. Pl.gfint r . -.,r, », c .neb'?! .»'a<i.pt; uori’e W'-rks m 1'M>Z' "ml «r ni/li. rr,i ch. f»*fs*den.-•?n*..ny j ud Chma ornfnne;itc.i xuw<, Mt'—t' •! M ,, and huh» npressa-ys: orf>sif.« aod ' i* or « I v.u. ..fl.MiTizs ifid fit tunry in hartari marble, &f. fi I Gf r gi . in Miii-t itri'Cz an*'rrarol® Pifttn, P*trnrqiie I b.ves h i : h,. - 4ip.xim5t4r and dtarins: eque-* «n i rom -if 3‘.'J'bflcHt Iff «nSjepf* t find,'. .iiraT. bmcfcefs. pand'esHcks. bom* &p.t©b'0s. bou* Cur» iiis.iir.i bp i-ze. ormu'H ami maiblc. aUo bvmo very ©legan .lp« vi»5 tn Frenphand Do wlen chma. lb 'ozes-Ths mo^i sup-rb poilep'ion of briinzesever be»nreni r,r*-.l 4,..,**t«r I- .-f-s by Fim ti. (‘ uiu' m. v-rlh, Pus.,ue. 1a f n - fi»’d otb»-r eovnen' “r lifs: wd ! h boruM, nn.l n •ho,; r jUfj,:in.J M el; rnrmes i»ar»oQ.f-e'': e-Ab.in i' t; ' ••. . lir.s majnp ( Hen » ’ IV. L'lU's XIV’. ^/-'^«n*l^t*^«. urid the mRgMfipp”tK « o? r ent* iufTing •*•»>fi. ,f t.ijcf »n»ui Inc gitiue anu uie MuaM. wi li sutuary of n ‘in uhd Xmero- ns I ^ ^ ^ Iirn’-^r, (r , ■i'^er.r BY }).\t\r,KUTW DRAPl.i: V JHNLS, ^tore 54 oHTi.erof Piae st THUK?1)\Y. . (.'•nit'. v V''MNn7 ‘vi;i.VET'S.-■>■ . -ji*-. I’•■.ivnts. &u —.A’ Tii»p hi. "r^-bt f_Hiti!>»gue* and sarnn j ; *<n 1 u and fl »wcis m r. net, t»-.e nci»t«.i .•ver impoMf»i*: sotemb l cigur iM'xes. cprc tur© paste t»»in'P i. cen- "•p gr..MM-fr.m b'.sketfi an mals; fuiire*; ro ognes. sviruigni ‘•/•Hin '• r • n-.i'tf ,ij.*.s. Sic &5. p.e,»*-n! gi.u.tr. u., iiesiert ar..f 'etc n ic»« sets mmy <»l w rrh ;i.o ol ih*' iniFxi rodgm, \rrv r rh ’v dpi*mR?ed-H»p (>m. P p pf Til php, fl spwniul and ebony fil l'd gnnds—pona stmg «d f• I| e-i. ef- r^erP5. work bliV v. dreSiSiua CH*e%f I.ei sf0 1»U . ii‘>r •- . Ii,»* .<• iHpq, Jt,,ve. c gT ii'i ri t.l •»■■■ .-• b te- br«:n' V ueipe . V7..rk RfHotn. wMph linb5er»—nil I'f wb ch are very • ‘ I.' r,/ii i f»ri«*.l uumtingii. n'll-'al f»t hi»h cost, rn 'i?h '■ • ' tier with « large M -. or aieut o* o b'*r V5in»j . «.i ; r nl wt.iiiMit rPRard to rrs’ knd wor'liy ihf liift niinn of tb* ‘t »* Ci »-.• *n- no i i h £ . ' c gen-cru ly as ibo whul? w..i , J1vv. ‘1.7.1 resorv.*. rtip u.irvts \v;l( opfimbdei* oiieday before th;’ ‘->1foxp. pon-leronT caliir-nl maiinesm. jnd iw i\pd per fate nr '.rals t.yui *»iajigo\v. \ u. w U.,uii lb a I'lorK wnlfib ©Hfit*. duuatdo for a iar'of i r k oil* ( t i’’ y 'vV i-ornf**^ iind ,»nrdy ul time 'Pb, o.gnr o F'tr ju pil lapef©?! outer and ..f fj.* UiMWwigii.aiidun. _!i,» C .V i:u AL n-O T IC Eh, ______ /- IFattnt Revolving Orjlng AlacUfne, >vir imroJui’»*i to thn j.uL Ai'Or.' * l i ’he’ f .. t» m. ! j V 1^’attnt Revolving Urging JUaclifne, n S. Marcha i*s 4 i..»- 1;' v rto«* .»t , r • of v*n*itmnt Pipi. f ' r L ,•) ... t b • h ■ '* . rtIsuen evi r liurojui’*-i to thn ].ub iis- i J r i' u»l ciD V .■ 'l■en at '•‘O HL.ha Mri-ct. whii© or-Urii lire* t tl <ti i'K.i p\i-ry v.i’-'cty of pard»*n and IU k”*seudo and buif* -ti-i rof.pi can be iiad ivofl K. J Joh^> ’’'m »trp>-‘ , corr er o' Pu". W ! t e K r “ N ;A “" ‘^ i R N T . Store .71 IWavor ■I’-ect ., ;;rxx' ., 11... uih u;:r.T;:’^ ih,. nod e r’b ■»n's d ; Tw-»*‘ 'o P'aiu. pedo'v t ‘Oicnct* and l. n j t - t 'r k " ’ tin c-loi .*ny is r»**iuir.‘J U» bi- paid ac c; tr'.ui. »■ rA.VtrujMi' ? ' ^ j t'..« i' • ft' - .\o T" Er aiw«y on 'londav. Uk IJd «lav At I •, . v V ! ^ M - i _ i * . t - r T il xt a' 1 tea per-.r.* w.U berMiuired P ATK AGE ^ IjK— ‘ s m*" •'.» r»• XJ r>icknges Ml 5■ b»m'*'"*‘ • I * 1*' ' ■ •*'i ’ ' . * ' M;'d-. t'a’iitogm*'- an i '1 'Vm..rnu'>'o. sn.e. Vninvim'eof hnm, r.rpntrg. ft' - ,\o T" Er aiw«y on 'londav. t‘K IJd «lav i-ibi-r Til xt a' 1 tea per ..r,* w.U be rM[Uired u ’, be i.oca ut tli« liij on tvbKh ' h 'i rt-tuImFrp h'*- ■m..rnU"'o. sne. 1 eLU*eh pHyalep Fit - ' si I « .H . 1t* . j o’3 .‘j'vSi IttW-llb'e;' *.err«t«ty An inu)i..-» ol scirW niul Uiir pinbrcleteU unt! plain (’ni:-(i< j 1! . •»■i. v » ir t I 'm ! ,! .. . 'OMtAa-. i craP'? shawls, of rec* nl Mni'«»r*n»ion ^ ____________ • fJi .*i ,• f p.-Aery - r «»rao'J"t \ Wnl.ion Poll. Aiintioneer. ^ &J" Ulvldeiia Notl*e.-Ttm PrwidBDt nn.J D>• ■«"rS3ir?r' tstore !o!) Wall street ., , , , ^ A, .1 ..•cu.-k, n. .he 1 1J !lnti.tfti).irheese-The cits., ul the -snalboUE. VV.y.-r P.l_*" _ ., (i 11/11 •M'jsisfng nf— j New ^ OT 'K, Nhv IH tHMl ? 'I *''**'*" .(r;-B ow ery Rank.-An eli’ctuin for Plu-ctirsof bM.'l'>r'ie.lVruit— .1 ishtly wet .nil lo'.l forac'....!, 'hi.< lii'i.iutmu woi bn iiebl at Ibi biinkmi; hnu«e^l.b " u:i J 1 !■ M lerorjnr oiiu IJfiarl (u^ IJlvldei - ______ _ t‘»■ ' hav.-'1.15 d ly du'laied a d.vidctoi of ted p»r c» at f p the six iniuib payubiw li> the •■tockLoliprfi, «u u I I bt'or *he '^d liet eii'hf r' the 21iU lust. \ EOU. Kemitary _ *r fitLe I5fi:iri AIviUSEiVlENTS. __________ ABSUSEMEffTS. __________ I 'MTA1.1AN OP£UIAHOUSK-Aptor Place ^ ^ ^ ““‘=XuiSfBSnSrr I M -s Vlarctzek ! Leade"." lr!Kre7u|"f^^.to^^ On t t e '^ l L ^ e ^ e ’of TKIH'I.SK. JHA1.I. I MUSICAL MANAUliU AND DIRECTOR or THE ESTiEOISHMEST, MB. BOCHSA. The manager has the hocor of announoing to the public that A GRAND SERIES OF A5lERlCAN^PRO.MENADE CONCERTS i. with 1471 bo?s kiiVuAXiWAS TU s v s-issra " . >anr.‘!.“ .., .T-S.S“Si.5;. .. .^a. AM... A i l ) A s ’( ) ? . ? L o r e a ^S.ARP A r t AID RE.T0W.1Eb IS5. AS1S;.. T.„». comedy of nr.seeuuaiter.g^ilefr; ioned arm-chairs. 75 cents. , ,„ s = “6 e : e - e i 5 k ind visitor© are v. A N ^i"he en- f ll\nfrV ??tr Aged Danoe„. ^T.u.n t ."™ r PH,... D'wrs open at fij—to commence at 7J_o'clook ---------a E v r \ - o i ^ “ AMPa^^^ l-reTtoueto <imlerilla elegant scone; Wbi.'b the HtKM H TRul l’K •ffiil appear. Ihe best Feme’o Riders In the World A.'lie Lomse. Tournlare. ivrUo Rosa and Madame JJeiioit, •will ap ” Prlviie Boxes, 61'cUi , Dre»a circle 25ote ; Fit, ISJcts ; children with their parent®, half price to hoses. ^ Doors open al 6^- to commence at 7 o’clocK, ------- BAUNUM’S AmBlUCAJS OTLSGCltt. In obedience toth» nnm«rou»ly expressed wish of thnu- eand» -will remain I'h s we-k only. He -wil' appear every !■vening this we.-k. in that anmslnR andhljshly ceiebra- THUMB EVERY afternoon THIS WEEK. 1 om Thumb will app-ar m a variety of soug’ 'a n d DanoPB ' Orealan Statuary, as wpU as Beuitatwiu aud i uTBcma- TrEveuIog will be P^sentod^^, The entire f hinese Museum late of G39 Broadway, has been added to the other Vurio.sities of this estab- IDhmeoE containing over a million ofourlosi- whieh wUl afford to the visitor’ as thorough a knowledge of tba l hinese people, as a visit to I hina itself. The KngUsh Giant. Gipsy fortune toller, ho., to be seen. Afternoon periormances at 3, evening, a t ^i. __,Adm,seb>nAO_ceats, children under 10 years_l_2i ol^ _ hon«ir to inffTm the public that his first f oncert will tukt* placnat the TUIPLRH HALL, on SAlT RD.U KV HM.NTL th« 30th .Noypmber. assbl^^d by Signoru iBiiM bTNii'MTi, Frima Donna at the A?tcr i*»aei‘ Opera Houfie, Madamt> 1 m isa Dot tor, Fianiat. and ttip fm in.at Violin Virtuoso, b. txniDtu, Concert Piaster t.om iJerU'. PROCrll.AVlME. I tirand Duo f -r two Tiano Fortes, from “Donna del Lago compo, ed by llcrs, executed by Ferd. Ld ward ar.d \ adonie Louisa Doclor si t/r.iit-i Air a r soprano, from • D' n Juan' by Mozart. I by S'*u»>ra 11 ufft bfned-tli J Grsr.d laltt. r.a tr m MiUDamhuM." f ir Flano. com- poped ttiidt xpcut»*d by ^ K lii.'ctor 4 b - Va-lstinnP for VioJn on rh«mes from he !mU romp05ed by Artut ixccuted i>y FomI 4. I ;itai.E.a Irom • Parifina.'' f-w S*>fr*n'' by I'- nizptti exriuled by bi:5fiora Truffl Benedetn : urand'-orona'.ioa March, lor two Oreheatraa, from Meyerbeer’s I’rophot. arrauc-d for two riam-8 by h. K. t»o-‘Uir. and executed by Limbelf and Madams Lrulfa DuoUT 7 -i <banson d Amt ur, ( fur Fiano comp'used and ex- /. Grandl'olkadei r.ncert, ^ ecutel by F. K. Doctur 5. Fantasia Variatiuus, f-'un National Air, •■\ank«e Do'-lis," fur Vi in c.mp.oed by Henri Vieux- •J A Sonvemr dDtoUe-^^^ ( oncert, for Pi- ano .•omposedby ( has. .Mayer, and executed by I V Ilifl Py” <apri-i f. r Plnr.o, composed by R w'lilmers execute 1 by !> F Doctor lu. •■Pr,ijd"i ■■fr. m •■M aeti'h " by Verdi, for Soprano, ex-. uted bv si.;nora I mfil Benedettl II tVed.iirc '-irch trtm Mendelssohn's Midsummer T.gbi .s Dream, TtuusoDpliou for Piano, by F. 1.. I jV Ml .Tii al' duih tor a . nd 9 estab.ishment. Mr Boohsa Thi- ! jTof annuuncing to the pnhilc that '..aiiagiT has the hun AVKRli AN rROMENADE CONCERTS mssm jeirr,,, 4 ix, ..tr . itver bi‘ eiidi'rbtJ in I-CS- ,• u r t '1 tli#» “t-c-jOd day c T'r'-m»mb**r l*> t-ricr ' lia'Hguysfitsae. I uldlui \ h ’‘li H'f.\\LU. "ren-tary ... — e “inaur'ance r ho.3 liH'-n veined. hx® be,-,, de- b .« wiU be closed on the *M instant. By order of the hoard. 1expire on that day ) aud p'af*'*« af 'hcNC wh** e for three Inspec tors o* .. M. rilcrwin, AncMoneor \ . i.e t.ansf,r bonus s u b» oL.sed from Ih8 27tb last, to •Atxl S, ItRUJHEK A t *,U I -.'l '•.-een.ber mriu-sive Store eC4 Hfoadway I nl-i t.ll J H. ( ORNELL, f a.hier M MORRISOV. Cashier lard m:p?fpp‘? M 5ATsr?-i!e";s'"- Hardware.CrdcLery. acd ' .ercra! Auction and i ’urn- mis®<h’»n Mi?rch,int ^u^tU n K f f'tr>. S IMstt street, coiner ef >Md. I fii ii.suAV . ■; ; . t'.r' ,;VeV‘ c ::.;" cu.?s-S.n?-'^?>ea arJ pec-U cr-es. e x- • e -.f. h.» ts r.i.d eye . xvar.-li r.btx".!S, tape, lamy n .ct. '■ t e J-M's.e SE(M'sfitej. ^ I' •>s<», i r.'i ' ■ ' JHa ^8 , Vi r. . -*i ft! if,t ’.-ucU-.-u rocm. \ ^5b .NMNUw .Mur^N M ! ^ 1 cU R,Tnt,e-^’' ‘PL.’^ ; Fcrrn ute. Ui*ca es. &c. tur^tuaPy aiienitilto matij *• N .rv*2F» ^ t s i o m a d P ' V.-MA.Lrti-K**! need 4 M»n. w&( «ri. fit,., xre, 73,A-ci-oei «.!^ssee„^...rreb.dc,^^ :-.svx,rr.«s. fee.—At*<-''e’''-t-«’rrv«’.re..} A D fj,re ■ifwiSsrMiSwN:............ S ^ 3 ! 'S '5 '’?H-=7.Yl23S‘e PantSw^and ravsns duck. >»w t“ Ooe OsMLn^s^^'ducfeJ and vitrics tofaJw fT lSw ^'R h s and qualities /.'fl «*n fi'or Ls ♦ L ?> i» la-.l e. i». r I LG-ii. f r*. s,n o: c t'le vc-y *i-’ a*■ u'■*U k-— . j- b',ned tn aay smin u g.i4-ns-. *4v*s xv- . f . r }.ir,p I raui * c*’»n v?r-rm s;r .• ■ v -'k'”/ • ••>v ' *»» v «i. ... -S M," , S. .. AV -s.. nv . f-HI rr*-©’ V i-.'Ai’LT* -tp.. »f.« . ..itiiDV-uaKes a \» y t*r *• ’ll-r*3ti tl tL^h.u-k. ’ ' . 1. ♦* '} ' ©* .. v,';i f.t'- ■ , •• ;.va, ;j „,-r fip4f hJ ». p ‘GU*» •■?I g;» iji ir ■ *--Am » ^ Ai6 . 'e.«kHt mas.i- -n.! r,.„ro ^ '•— •S ' !Si,'.' 50,000 WS&, TiSrsi^TSS OVPRKllOES, embraring come enitro.’ 'y new styles.. blocks fine cu.liiy-laumry Italian .Marble, pet ship I ^ ^ ^ ___ ^ P^p Cl MKR, Secretary^ 4ls".24hiHc^^ssup^fi'T •lU’ilii/White finil wrhitG vcme I Iiami'v \ Mci hanm >* Panmm. AftNfOAMf.N. ^ Maru e. aMa*ee size. 1*^ ‘J L^sh dfa i N ew \G rk, Vov 11. IftfiO C n«»r uig« M.fToSHay. ' H«v»-n di.rorur- (to pupplv the p'afa*« of 'hON'o w T'-r, ,..4ia'• H. oir . ! u . m-w..l ex ' - • * •* *»-- ----- -- _Tam:-guebala tf© . ____ j. . -- Auc*Moneor aUr-t.an^f UiHhli aV r LU Valesble P o S J f ^ ^ ^ i J j S S i l S . d a r d and m . ; 'T ' J "I ^'r-mber ue: As-roriomienil'el^H^V-'A'ariTu\'°r°iI"m?r^^^ teiescepo. ol I ' m., i,.Sisti . ki». l•«•^,aA■s< s t .-. .so OPJW a ..-.1 j'en? m'^jj'u'ying pow*-» M". 'inrn nenat tiie fii psrt> »ra . C-.* '** tlie Atinuu! Tul^ctioii h»*M on th« 3d I j a - l n ’ th** f“!“ wm^? ^“titlenifn wer© elecWq. Uirec- i 5» S I = lE S Kobfr' D Weeks, Jainea V^ar^h. D A.rn«hD:an, W.unm H Titufl, r^ ‘.irtL Vurray, ‘s tl'-»TBan (»riff**u Fett*r K Bonnett, <*♦*» rrf© J ( orntfll ' hrvr’ .t.i K; t-piau 1 Robert Bowne, Rot©xt B ViDturn WH-Bradford, S^„“ r n ' ' p r : r ““- : Srnes e ''Euf * '■ A'ben Wuodhull, »Valter Lnderhiil. !• award S ‘ 'ark. \n ? at a ■'•jL'f.u* at m©ct5n : r * - ' f B -ard jn s i n " \ S f’N r»“ lUHLL uuaM- a , ■.*•*•-1 I'reiil'ieD^ J ^ V . 1. IS dtN^ 1 ar ;■ :s4iie--l*-d u- di*. ■- ................... ^■li;-7.r'^>C.x-i.l,r ,V... iVom-bHrcmtaenCet^rv “ 1 ^ .t lae:il;.?rw.l.t«ru-.ive: by .in eat y .tsamei, and eruet. . H..L.1 iCd in -Mapnc.s The iM i sues, wh.chare jurt receir. 71F;?IP.'I.*4, ir- iaVew ...cm ab^venuiarer tbe onderst^ed wlU op«n a ©toefe b<*c fc and I5stie certificates to app icants on and after the 20th psueJ It. uoe perst-i. cfSce hours from 10 to 4 o'clcch. New York. Nov 18. 18->u rniO D. MICKLER, President J as. Dt LA«XT. Secretary ____ n23 Jw baiina. tologna Water warranted s,enuine. in cases cf -1 mstkVpiSccs.by'’ 'F^.i‘'Hf\RirH8,"“ ^ _____ n a r W IN E BOXES of wot J iron anM tin of y bLeSSrbS^cIS^d^rs%a1^rmS."^r^ L u c a s H 4BT.« Borlingellp fcile*© ?4-r F *■« •»: I- a t^' in Nhw « p-ttso i tr ih-t r^'*eipt of th^-.r U -e K K D Hl'ULUl T& Td , _ «4 S.'Qth fitr«»©t. ^ lO N ^ K iY K K S p.-r pechG*. ;-h p i *tt.nn I tanUT,’ ^ ' , -OL .1 '-tw-Tj. TTfl p.ift.eR -vni th»* r f tr in iti on hs ard at*ier2’iK H Au ir-oJ^ not p.-miitted in five da^s w.l' bHSent^to^rjiblicsLre fcCO . 84 South st ^ION tIG N E E S per brig Sims >n. tr.mj St Marks F. D HUfiLBUT t r o . 84 gouil ^ T O N S I O N E K S per ebin •• I orena • Dom Dublin" will L s H ''““ vii!¥E^ r"Anit2.-2S. i;::„'X'iV--;' :.77, •.ra.vn golds a l pier 20 Last lUTer. or to f*>;ht or AUthor.tjto tranaaet their hu£ine« in Paris bet ; -Ln Lanah'JiSo, Ld8<i , *\cs S 4 ,ace de .a Bcurse. 3 EFS^,t.&,!*s;s S'’. s ; i S , * S at tha rate of one umchines arenow In ■a;^ctito. vioiiure'to, and dtutde ba (the flnt p a rt) ................................. . WpUzt*©-•• Le Signal de la Dan«»e’’ t ipn work of that popular composi ^Kirst Unit*) ...................................... .Strau?’^. 1 Grand Overture—*Anacreon *» ............... t herubini. 2 The novel performance a Uuar^ette f*.r aT,sr;»fi7.rs^^^ 3. Quadrille-** Le Clnb Uet Femmes.” a.-t per- lormed in Paris, at the Mabille Oarden. (First tim0 )• ................................. {First time ............................................. Musard. nlgbtinR3“ a! quail°‘'vioUt.t and ba-ssca Afltupendoos t rch“Jlrft erected on J ulien and Musard's "^Tbu r b t? r”„‘^ l i \ t ’T » t? X ^ c H o n Of Mr. BOf HS4 Ticket. 5U cents each, to all parts of the haU. to be had at the Had yn.y becuiei ..cat. may he had without ex- r.".'s7s !LSH r S " t = ' ‘.?’C,“= : IS Eh"se wbo may hare a disposition to dance to the music of the urge orchestra, when 60 cents more will be charg- ed and an eminent professeur de dance, as in Paris and Lond.jn appointed to direct that part of the amoxe- Tb« perfnrn!»DC0 to begin at half past seren o'oock. Doors open a t alx._ _ n28 OPEN KOR S110R.T SEASON ONLY. i.v.-.iU Et* MNg THiS U'Ebx : : i . . . ;. u. 01.0A..V.AV AID WALKm StBECT. I s s s ilw s s This is decidedly the largest and most magnificent Pa- norama in the world, being over two miles of canysm in DPf.ra open a THE HLSsiuLHi M., panorama commences to move cents; eMdren half price. ol9 tf nb'e^^x^b^^S^^aiuting, by Artiste , Admission 23 cents Season ticiete £3 c JAJiiBS W. POWSLOi, OenlUt. AnrUt, 1 F he eonfioes bis practice cAclueiTeiy to DiSEdSKS FOU "STAINS, the meet powerful and successful am__ ary in the treatment of tbe affeetious of those delicate *^jMt imported, a largo supply cf beanllfnl ARTIFl* I aL , ----- , - - '-i «,•;.« o, " t"htbr« jinators of NEW AND SPLENDI .i'Vko|s|lllSirs«. &The ecoPE andcoHPOsmo.T of these entertainments are gcr deems it expedient to offer to the pubUc a few words and deservedly popular musTo. and for week day amusements, the same as has already been endeavored to accomplish for sacred ;L7is;,'s,i's;pr.:i.7;SKrrs ments of its people in'every department of human mter- Seb Excel,JBdw Sch VVanen, Gr Sch AnaaM-Ei Brhrig^gofsman, J ||S"i;£SSSSs:;»m-'; g ^ T h m o n th Book. Stacy, 2 dsjim Boston, with mdsp'to las % X N a n ev E Hagan,CozzeM.4dsiinB!Uigot. with spais.to s " P '& ^ s S i h , f f i honm Xrom Bmndywine. with com ton‘'^S?thlnmbr- sloop Return. J'erguson, fromBarnstable. aiSJlSTESS. 4-e. most popular EonoPEa.l QcAPait.tits, Polkas, "Waltzes, Oallopakes, etc , from Jullen. Musard, Straus^, Lannor, Labinski.eto ; a watchful encouragement will be bestow- ed on productions of real merit from the many gifted obildren of art. born on the soil, or who have made Amer- ica their temporary home. Thus, the programme for each evening will bo rich and varied so as to meet the wishes and tastes of all; and thus gratify the lovers of the higher class of secular in- strumental music as well as those who may prefer a light- btjtnj'honie of « CHRISTOPHER rOLUMBUS ;” ‘•nf. w*''wo1rld,” BT KKiu ryw i>Avtn, (The Celebrated Composer of the “ Z>escrL”) So., Sc , So , S. (Iccasiocally a full l horus will be engaged to give the ecessary effect to some of *» e. above works. (ts- THE PRII.^'oF ADMISSION. strains of the I'ulko, Quadrille, ant with a disposition to dance to the i Bdirection o:' i.u£k>. xik.vLHSA. Farther partlcnlarB will be annoanccd. n22 PILGEtJlI’S^PROGRESS. -f^O"W O PEN at Washini-ton Hall, No. 598 Broad- Doors open at7 ; to commence at quarter before -Admittance 50 cents j children half-price ; family tick- ets. admitting four persons, >1 Tickets to be obtained ’'‘i^l^arrtrexM blitfo; f*f mm«nMii(r ft.t 3 n’elriftlr COMMERCIAL. Houesbold aiaxReu. [Reported expressly for the Evening Post.] ibms‘^ " yet the prlci apples hence be closed in about a fortnight. Of pears, there is a very small quantity in the market. Fowls of every descrip- tion W be had at there is no change dee of meat are about the same as at the date of our last n port. "Vegetables ere becoming more scarce, though IPS have undergone no change. The supply - leforth will be more limited, as the canals will be closed in about a fortnight. Of pears, there is a -ra s ^ is irs 's 'i. „ ,..b.e.A ..... t ^\“ocoANUTS-Per 100 $3J wholesale; retaU 4s per TsSSKlKSt be ; ,».b„Lll i .Meeu. a ^**EGGS—Wholesale, 9 for one shiBing; retail 8 for b' 60 Pickled Codfish 2 75 per'bbl wholesale; retail $3 ■E«S“Ss:;:rx:= ^ H A ^S^'w hoi^e^'lf'o per lb, retafl 12o, best city I f e i S S s S - 't .S S i . P« ibb, .b. e „, *'^liBD^J*to°Mc°^r^^whole3alei retaH 0 a lOo. P ^ I s J o r ie d - E c ta il I8e per qt; irEoleeale86 per :^n PICKLES—Cucumbers bring 4s to 6s per hundred: bottled-pickIesseUforl2sto$4 SO per dozen ; peppers, 4? to 6s per hundred ; beets, Ss per dozen ; beans, piblded, Is per gallon , red cabbie, 4" per gallon; pickled onions, 4s per quart j, horse radisE 6S»75 per do*en in Emetttbot ties ITS in pint do ; mangoes sell from $5 00 to PS 00 per hundred 6s per dozen ^ PU61PKINS-$16 to jlS.peplOO wholeflalej retaUlS* to QUINCES—Wholesale, $ 4 to 3 per bbl j retail $1 a 3 per 100. and 2aSo apiece. RAISINS -XVbnlesale lOsperbox: retail 10* per Ih, RABB1TS-2S C4 to Ss per pair. SAUSAGES- 10 ots peTtb,retail; "wholesale, 8 a Bologna, 25 0-per lb, r e t a i l ; 22a23o "wholesale. ^^^^H6Sj-4saes_per do*. Marrow Bquashe?4o Whlisaie i reran, so .auunLu _ ^tTLE—Is per 1^^ lAl— RetaU. 8a' do*. Marrow squasheedo perlb. 8aJ4 c per lb, wholtsaxe -7a8 cents. 1-Parsley; 25c per d o * ,w h o W e.^ja ■Onth«e Hyperhtoeatt.monhta^, jUil "*«& "itide.dls- St*Hdi'0la^<^jS*^’ '— e--— -iS ’" - m m aaai pSe3.ro;;3%^T|}Vin ,Jeremie, H D Broofcmao. IRED ‘TESTSRD^y- TepfecVtKusj and, aff •‘an^s>ttea,’"|fiiBS8 Me ohndrto, LirewEq!o*cSnrics'Of pleasure, ere ^Ott iappylllb is Making°o|erings to Diaila,.ana to hot Hypeiion. % ZT tlieir-stetoroy. aoA majesUc in Id brigh?PeatuTes "who; existed taVheyond the ^|^humair™earts within them, kni affeef A».a ihe^wandeting-,ani .the wearK-lA thfffip long; In this oyer y erdaht yaUejr,.might find happinMS ^tla§V A'l the glory and the beauty, Aooding aft -£he mJghky' Spoke^Mto thmr.tronbled;8piHts,Trith a newLand Solemn, Life WM here, A boon foreyer,, sought, norsought.by m ^; Happ^^c^oMtry^ happy people! woulk that, in thlsv Theretyo^rfftb iR tills olirlsgena cMnMd by d RwerYmjt hut a rello, hoarded in the legends, and the faith ,th1 Time iatA ^M ed not creeds,nqr visiops, moroihan ;^o y ' Delphps now is s^echlets ever, andlloaona hut a nan e. have^we pnrijruer legends,fay more, .bpastftulm d: Whioh,.thr^hie-«fery'changihg lByae,;aa Mmntahle'i >- Openihg endltsshHES before ns, and a rqtu^ftea^o n Theso^ pTB truths we hnow eternai, ima among the There is mention of p oountryA where the happyeye r- Shout and sing glad songs of triumph, on thp ’golde Not h^de^the Arctic Ocean, or the NOriemah’s i< y But in^that more certain oountryj which our weary hear i In the IS mysterious lIeaTen,>,S'Our Hyperborean Ean ;. DOMESTIC PORTS. toes; sch Ellen iLzx D^Js. , NYoik for Ca- !§Eks-si3sTa^ "25tii—Ar sell Token, Bakdr, Albany;'sips Edward, do lor PASSENGExtS. opened on M O N D A Y_,. give thorough instruction ii iludinj out corporal punishment.' ThSiiaaefance Of able teyebb ers has been secuieA There are four classes, the terms for instruction in wii^pa and $ I | fespect^e* U he supplied. The pricethafheen fi^dat Twe delicti nttdfifty eentf pqr sett, "withallberal discount to thOSS'lkhd buy lo sen again. When, packed fox transportation, a sett <iccTipiBif tile space of about six sqn^e iuclies. ^ AU‘PTdera,£iijTal43)e Addr6£sedto th e Vmon liidU RiiU ber Compant^^ \^.^assav! streetfjfigvr ybrk^ witli xeixut- tanees, when the article will Be forwmded. s?3m XN TislonsoranorainaneepaMm^ ^laestocltooiaers sto^thSeb^r^d, ®Il.baapportieR.ed2d dail ofDecemhercaxt. amo^g such persons a? shall be stock-} holders on that 4ay, inthe Hatio^jrbne mew or scrip .share for every fiveah»ra of old, p r^ t stock; .andtbat an instalment offifty floUara per share is required to he pild to the TfgaeUrar On the 16lh day ofHecemher next; by eaeh.party intending tosavail hjms8ifofth*ben«at-of such apportionment. , t The Transfer Book ■win he dosed on the evening of the The Transfer Book ■win he d( 30th November, anjdxemain * December next. ;?sdtD18 'S5Sff£'!;Sf4“<5 ■ISAAC N. Sfe‘YMOim,.Treasnrer.^ j »1»KJP«QViPEa New York ; I-a"' ,nd"warrint«d W, HUIX’S BONj fSiMHi TOE EVEKtNG' i ' 'TFar.tbaY.vanJiut'BaitA '■ - ! ' oWj^ '"wth?'^** the yaaey .anadtsigte6nknd '■ % ! v;np aopsitmeat-^dstters IpHiburbount^ •» Ufctlq3,5pllfioi.fta>#M!8d:»Pq«e?|io«»Wr anithatbf-tiwArama. AYA likTa-few natty ;%;npaopsitme«t^:l8tBers IpHiburbount^ h* I have-few nattyeaal&ir*, •se^6e9bae!tiMbha«,st»ihMB^Bi«»0ks^^ .^adsj oertmalyr^Be^hit" b aTeslimpe^artM^ :.dt^:w H tte a fa .pprd .ta8tA,5e»*fim rocouraoio tta E n ia it Wa^». W », del, we must haye recourse to tta EnlSiIt Wa^». ^ w, !kJ^net!hff-Mia,;4ftraay I ^ p ^ oar' Iirthal, itafe. w4:a» . bf ;ehari»ter,,t8kenf Aom-alt ^ -w alke of O ur C orrespondeuce. STATE PF pkimON IN PHIp, An officer of government, o " " ,^.H<u,u.Au.Aiuwu,r,AAre piquant, ,^0BL;«osir. KOlbaimed^atire, andar« poftr v te es fef lhA»ost — ^ e - to lle d ,. whHe-.they impreiave^ jajttk l^ASHINGXON, Nov. 25, .mON IN OHIO, B , of higiiposUion, and re-, markable for soundness of judgment,‘has j u |t retun - edfrom a visit to Ohio, and reports t t o honevlr witnessed in that state such general, and intense ex-: iration of ^ lin g as exists there m relation to tl itlre SlaT^"w. He stales thal all classes of tl people regard It ^hs a wanton and gross attack upL_ the liberties Of both white and black men, whii^ e. They insist upon its |opeal. ^ It v duty of the LegisIatUto lo elect'a senator the unexpifed term of Mr, Corwin, for the six years, following the third of March next. 'It is plahi Pnough, THE KEIV TH^ASUKER- Mr. Sloan, the new United States Treasurer Ohio, arrived one day last w e^, and entered the duties of the oflSoo. A head.or pyo fell in thl branch of the Treasurji Depattment On the same daj probably by way of i’lustratipg the' iadyent of th now guardian of the funds., .'The public loss.or gap from the transaction may ho quofed at !s#d. | THE COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS. Mr. J. L. Edwards, Oominwsioiiei of Pensii he superceded on the 1st of next monthhy-lVIr, Heath, who, upon the dootrino of jotation in office, 'waslately elected from that of Auditor Of PuhliQ' Accounts of Virginia, by the democratic msjorityqh the..JjegiSIa- tnre. In pursuance of the same AoStSne, ha now comes into a better office in Washington than that wbicl" he lost at Richmond. j f THE JHESSAGE., | The meeting of the cabinet was prolonged to a la|e. hour this afternoon. One of the subjects to be de- cided, WPS the mode of the President’s mei paper publishers, will be promulgated ts-morrow. , THE BOOTrY LAND: ACT, The preparations for action, under the recei t Bounty Lahd act, are not in an adM seems to bo presumed that Congress ,\yi early in the coming session, Snd ‘that it is ‘.only pril- dent to Wait a reasonable^ time for^^ifis movemeriti In case of on early indioatiOn of an jntenfidn to ac here to the law ss it has been construed by the Hi edUtive,ib'i3 expected that thq Pension Office wi begin to issue Vrarrants on-tbe first of January . LARGE {RECEr'TS AT TJEE TREASURY. n inquiry at the Treasnryj 1 ieam that t pirtations of merchandise during this quarter coi- UUue to be very heavy. They ib’dicsite thht the duties of the year will exceed fifty millions of dollars. Tbi^ sam, however, immense as it tSi- be'ais nn higher prof" irtiou to the entird "wants o f the goYernment th a i twenty-eight or .thirty — iPlantwilan Zilfe.' to arrest at onoe st made a beautiful ;pictar by a skilful band. Bnt, unhappily, “ it is dista which lena3.«nehantment to the vtewiU and plat tion life is not an exoe'ptionto the rule. ItILs, b ir, so ^erenttrom that ot^^m^'ts.attKpno] thatarlittlttidt ----------- . “ • . -i :JitoiatursfCoup, ■. j ,^4Ilsy- ' ■[FoT tie Hveffing'rqsQ ; ■ r I :■ Messes . EpwoRST-l ^tave been ffineli gtruck witb 10 falsity o f tite xe^ohing, which has ^therte been the falsity o f the .reasoning, which has nitnertoneen so successful .in :preventing tHe oonstruotlon of a city railway oii the weat^mde of Sroadway.., -That, toge- ther w ith. h powerful mtorest "wMoh w e ,weR bo exereis'ei by omnibus proprietors; i» s thus & r se- riously injured theW ne reatotate in that quarter- ifewyearsHtneo, Messrs. Bloodgobd and Bloom- SSSSSSf. “^A w Sro^sed to iay down a traikwhmh'JhouU be no obstruotion.to,nrainaryyehidl0S;.that theA re •__ -A 1_-4 - 4 -«tv>A«'_«rUliATif'.!ft-f^nni'nm: AM - I g s s s f t s a f fl Ssrjiiia. s^ ^ ij^ ^ pasL is:

Transcript of i?min ;^ K iS fiii i.'t£ i ^ v i:r i«s:r^^...

Page 1: i?min ;^ K iS fiii i.'t£ i ^ v i:r i«s:r^^ liftsnyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../1850-11-27/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · 2018-10-26 · ^ u *C, ,t’Hr* rhi?r i>rta*r:.ererfy bc.rnef o* Willow

t'l- . 'j ;r> .V M'



B Y W M . G . BE.YAIJT & CO.

, " k l T E S O F A D V E R TISIN G .£V*Xd„l —16 Unea,t;x orej 3,

f i^ t3 2 « tfc a ,T 5 cctts: secctd t^ni tixirl ii


O Sce. No. 5 Bfoadstrcet-

OT' e?tEtiJ2» t-'t- b'.-w«T«r, &. less

i= d a r:.,e . "ic t errc^ .^V w in 'm a lie ro n sg .n i E r .n Pfl-*-r SiM I WKEKLY. fn b lb W

«TIS^ I'Yilay at 53 ir-Tantjaa. FS-yab;*; it.alra-iTf !• a.-h £ eml-fr ccutaioa t i e latest inte itjt-r.cB polit'eat. t-iTP‘ja . attl >to=i«s?ti<: ; a n i ta feot t.ff by the eabtiesi. d a . s ■ s ibse riv re in ewry ;*irt cf the Unic-a

XHENKW VOTK W SsTf..* B t-5S .SG PO ST , t i 'INK :<ijLt..AK P.-E A-SNX’il.


< ^ r9 %• 7 Kr^adiftreet, Bear Wal3-

i?min 5 ;\ *’'• li Itjs*. f*' l -. t c £ti d C*i fctrcfi?*, tn tl>6 rwr of th& *a>.t

I’ ,-i-n T.-' »»*i: Z\* *.-. 4 ‘W* *■*' IT? n

i.'t£ n-':' i v t i:r,,. ■„ * .K,Ln»a «ni'i the.7 particulars ran be of-ta-ie.! o( j •■• ' ’ S i ry Nov^p.

OS'. A’! wf Wh c-’ tfl tr»'Tc** '*

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T* • -'•’■"sett-thfe OGitberly sisieuf Amity st. ad^igios. same

i r »-ar>fp.-n liheor'f^r s.-eti thttfseonby too teet

I„-B a.1 intmnc. on Wi low it. 18 feet 3 mi front by ?D feet

tjr «r*i i » p’ «ro3n-i. s«t* *“e*‘c p<f»'’Re«* «s ^

^PoTtMthCTtXtbcE^ar^jrnlyic tbe acrtionEer. No. 7 Bru.n-I

i i i f f i i a i ?

-------------y COLK,ler f ro o ts t. , BrooJriva.,| B ir n 'c i r? »;<n s?''

i s : s ; s a s - : S S 5i« s : r ^ ^lifts*...'•■"'““■TvrRrXrEi*

^Mn4»Vlork arthe .Ttfv,rftnm.No« Wall « , ^

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At IHi f.Vloyk f. 1 th*- -;’ <=< r ' ni No 51 Wn” =t l.orye nsx»nm**n» of Fnr »*v Goo i«. ron«-.i?lme of <*htna bronzesCRo ea^-rn . r - n a p w T?e; j h n^nz'on slfifst wofR

t Pfc.rt, g <i'»-»a. pApp* rji-yt-'a 2, y i:'r-;* vn r!f ?V •',' *,oi'r.-,HGL'*• t. s pi t <rr»T*-jrtM• tea p»^s ;a g'**fts.tac use etif,> g.jaipn'H

'>* vNn*-fv n! ‘.

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yJnS.Vs hi ;Sii:r.......- - - - - - -

e i f the aoctiTneer. a

»e a in P.r *klyn Eagle, sign

s to re No 7 W all st , comer of New st.\ . fl. M w)li give h‘* rc'o.j.B .t '.io>’ni i" -a‘'“- of nenl fli.

tate’at I'be s (Nehn,,«e : .. «.. _ •„ i,;ie...( .■«!. -al an :

vf e <*oatra< t, and for theDtottiruig t»f mot-ey tin bo.-u! io.J moi

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"i'tniabtu„ee. u.., y ,,,,4

A» Wo c**» i., a» ’tsi* \!en‘hj».t<« Exf».anee S»i;»err«>r i. i—* 'a'i'-r Uic *.tret :.‘»u *ii r»oma«« i. arniey. E'O-

1**’ ■ *■ '.in.-Uitni tr..! on 'he Mi’lh e r t y o » :*:itmt 7a»t-Hv^orfvro’te;:.! BtvttiLe. iii a tJ iu.s i»i width L.V

o r »'*‘-'» .r» Fxfoi^s. ______’ .lames M Miller, Auctioceer.

UY .lA M i:^ M M ILLKK & C’O .Stor« \ o Maiden lane

H ardw are, Real Estate, I.cathor. Routs & Shoes, iVo

AtUo'c'ocK . Il.t licn-nautV EjeJiango.

* .a.lM..tfi!wl-r-Vi I.ic« h..os« n.li.Hm"j: th» sbiwe. frimfms,*n ' 'S “it, ct tner*'» 'IS th- ai»x*ut I .g tt imm (Jraod st. >iQ<l j

• ‘.t i l* . .. 5 f ai & U-a n»Jl • Wv s tij- 11 .r ftnu?e. Gy «■» i«re>\ .T VioR —A;«» . 45 --'V brrt; • t.i 'mb i'B ‘he '• • WHK*

.1 ,-xr of a\enr'.-* U mi l luh str-e' . house ih V fi ass trou ' y 4»‘ •eef.VU^: ^

't from the ah. ve. fc amey vstKis-ss 5as'.« f...'t 'afgn po tii.r of th- tinrcbo‘0 nn eev ran reioain on buml

nnard«,g.ge rate o .nvs nxOAf I^m V rrS.'ii «/!e •.)dfrpa»2'-s’

W'dl be • .i-d 115' er'h*-dtTtt vt iioi rti:lo T Rjgg’e^ Esq-, Re-^74 Ms of ffri'Mf-d Hesu^dohy s tuste-l.es fo'f-ws • northerly

VThV'»«e\ we^'^rv v'tbTtn .vrtiae -oaiiary hy IW3U2 street, ’Au 1 nj.nh^Ti-

■■ d t t-- .in 5 t> - 7At m*AV.,.-'U I ' ' r,, *a T«! WqM street.

of arti 'e r, tbHt haa. L-m.? .lew uno sec'jnd hand : a's i, mat‘rai-

hlccii rnd vrh'i' mpt-t-'i*. n» «c Jjor n of** dpnrtfd ro r.ly c' cts i»r «Ke p>n <»rf»5 i'Tip*im.i; br-.nze groups. nn.i d »af-?!s ‘-y *h»* EH • * r ' ’ebr»*r<! msiterv '.ronze fjre«*ii.j und

r*. »■ P . f\r.*. r-»- sivr r* r'- • ’**;■* rh...il v’a*.'*s •>!'.j? rl‘h»i«t D >»‘prn5 se c- < d-i - '«nnt spts* ♦'•f'cpp .ipa«»rfa . ' r.•«;..- -rt : I ‘,i ,a . t.1 n , w,- • n »»n fh-rpp ; .’ “r--.-<•. *-r "niiurM -

.. r >v ' ,/''* '* '‘' ■ ' ' ’’* - ' /'I ’ rtch W

,t;i. !.t- 1. ilL. fi • mia , ;i a ...., i' o-e i re u-.^ir ne vnr . «top** ot'r'P3.-ltlg S'l' ct ■• *.<peo*'"ti! ‘TC5 ntt?n‘-=d Bnmi» • t* wh*"hfi*c •.'►T. ‘'n'tiT. pi.T’it h« I'"*' n vti'ii.H,* vT • ind hAf ibGiTio'y fit fi 'nrge invoic**- ‘ r- n .'tGi' ’5, ypn.-pa.-nn' ij» vnr'oiiTstjf. .'1 nf-i ap'e p'.'«-h»': v-vy r . -wtHni nnd ch*'.ny w.jrk

i, X ' l i‘‘ i.iC' bPT ,1'fh •* *a a**-•'*’• o'*‘'M'A "-..hK

T’h* ?'■<«{« c<;n M ex .mta.'!.. dftv t p’orsthe sale. To l»6 suM wi:fa.*utre5erva. r>ec’3

At lOi o’Dlock' Bt the b-aieT w)tns. N-i. S Wa?f AMra.'t ve ildeol h'r-'*’ M‘ i ut c r. d p h- Ms*T<wf p,.

rei, cioe'Tnir-*' SvM jivn U>x. -dvrr liMf,, vi-. p r.ir'.rMr uh-ar. onfii'' ' go’ie' « •, L‘* <hio In-' ed i ^ n x . r , t Ro'iM.,n'fd.i ■ « o"-* lit' -. m»*tta. Tvr--r •■ -.fi.iT-- ifc ^if

Jileigh R‘»’><*s,'d eY=-*y ■’"•'’•n • »'t. ' ‘chp f pv*»r l■tb., -l n» Ti.H- •»•• *n -h* !•• V r.« . ' ‘ i.h-e R*«»*hV 'li.- nf nn vv .'<*He*,T cd g-n-:.-dv«p " :t«!ZPf U'intb**r. &c l-nc*u ’ *r’ Hiri*-d: hrr V. ' i n n '•r'ri.jt ot birTafo r «»- r j -t''I ’i.c (• gof.da vT-r m-t ev'rMs,'w ‘ . *hp Rrm 'w"y *•■:* <i ’

K ~ i ;L M l\ Au-fiono-r Store 3."i9 Fr-'R'ls'^ay near Franklin street

p r K-'"'.> .v«..-•.« r* " •• . - .} ?h*> ru;--' gf n nJ-' /, Thai he r •itovMi ro'u U VVii h»!H. f^r/e und “p,V' i!* tje hnnr»v '.1' e - T - r - e n . ! H. bVi_>ry l*5i* .T ■' H;j flif •! loi..|i>- s .iS

in . viocb ni‘5 \V-n 'u ‘i. f'we-' o Felton and Joh- -*<H usbhnid r;/ lo'jiiP, vr* a hrerp a-«<i rtmeni

•o»n* PM*!? ’Mid firio.-rhrir^ u\ ♦titt. on niii-b and h^r c'otb'px-

to3f'b»'< v» fl' .* '.»•! d aMif'ii id id hi»u»i*-n' -d turn«M.rp jia,* Ai-o, .iiHvf iW5'ed %v5.' •■f». b.-f wj.i»-'r k-f'ie-. cake br*ok**i>., re-

volvn^ca tnr- ru‘ hot p • ■•>jn *V, 1 ,.Afs*>. mnrt>»« ri**«*»f <, M"*! v>i,«.. SbC.,A ', giru iJd' *••« I tfH •“ tid :cU ■ r,T y».A pnri'>-> rhT"'li<*-l-Tfi.for*:* . n 50 M,

\* b'l ■•Vuek, af S* N’*" ''” f u!*•»•« and Jt»n >fgUHtv n e lI i .•>. r «. •’• irn'O.n ‘iv»r

.ii'.r p H'ed wirp. fe.v b.-sng the enrtr** «iuok o! a «lpai*-'-*c<.ii.s.v -

.w:;.fiiii'e<. d vv i-« ' "f h-Ms. v».fh . s r r'l!/ !.»••.'.

'Ticnii**! With i itmi* •••’«: f as ct*ia cve*r ■ nes. w»h Ci-tih'c•m-ei pn . rond • nd-1 I'v/Pb. wr*-'• mnypnienf*; z'Ti'-'

S S eS s SmWm nss.irtmem silver

?v4iTX.ru;.r '• "iirB'ifio;;;!;, ? : ;n '; rw e r x f ’l.xv'.lurehtx':

V«’afihfp .,1-1 ,ii O-: p tn' .pi rt-rpivetJ from F'-a-'reMnd which wi ll e '• uiid mp wi-rhy of noJoP. l*«d'pr r?icui rs

.Inhtl K-'O’O, .^^pti^lnoor jBY JA.V1ES E ('O t)L EY . I

Stcre Nos. 377 an4379 Broadway.eomer of W hite st

Out doorsalesoT all de rro’ urs‘-rt'n 'ed to w th i>wnrtuai ly Mid t‘i5;.. tc.. lo &a es ol Real i:is.iaf«. Stocfn. ice. at me

,* on ad s c-nvgTi- .l fi.r ^abJ..hn Ke«w w"I g*\'Dtfr ir'al «t*en'nm*o the tales of Furnt

U’E m fsriA V K ^N I^y: Nn^37.A very vi'ir.Gb \ nv de Adi'.*''rw i»t rare «•)»! chtoce «ci?n’ 'Ir ■

w ,« . m.,.. .as 0^0 O W . a j,y .a 1 1^..,^i\- • ■> i-uunr*'; *"’« t5">'3 N \ u h' Hi o y of f : •* 'la t ,».

* ■. . <,t Mp R.di'imc |c hi h ';n . *1 r. I' -IS. ■'i *ut'’. I i iiv;

I“*j5 i.nit.o* ic..h..pf.r 1 i. wp.» n?re l,iiiu&air»< jravPispn.*

v e t i m gU #

. GFar-tooEyenJiSS^^^

WdtS bfent ij, ffo«a<<ailiMB W fFionxtIia§s% OiemsdTS* ao5imliatd,.Ti«5*lorn its"

heroes Sprung.




sto re cernor of WUU.im at and l^eLango Place

'"W 9 No K7 ReaTOT stToat

Bv ‘n5N"iS:BM;KvTV^Store No. Uhl Peari street.

ra' -5f ‘ti < *<b5. >it D».tj, 4lt. oa^acf-d i’ o‘.aio.'ijrearic'f r'rsntleB tbn rn i*n ni r 'stio

l.aialozaei MlM f. - , .J , ,. .'f, t- . •’»',k «!.«>» *- * .T t'« ♦ w,TT.i4»tO ..f f i •era. I . is-c... on a rr-*’t ».j hdi »t ,.»» .•»»,!». •f.jdg ,v|4)-e«i no rpftrTP.ir'd *h*P

“( ' "W '^Fo'itAr, Aur'Moort-r -O STEK S .V- L lT SN O 'iT O NStore So. 41 Broad street.

K i S f i i iFRE,\l m UOl ili.'- - Fi.r r i.f.ri.vci (•miorw.i rutrs nt« miit.—

rnt-*nf.»pne5 nnif s’s'iip’es »m the morcing of ‘'a'e Wj|lia.m K*'hhe. A «ctioc;»cr.

BY VAN \VY<*K tV K<»nFK,Store corner of Ezchange Plr^o and W illiam street.

tia'- guesanisam '>p* ' i^tbyTi«m^ sale.

:* »fi M n iciius, fl'fub GUT. pofuer*.‘pgmp'ix l ihlp nnd mGnfi»l r»-7 r.f >. nPCc-s-ariC'j. high y «bc. r.du.i p*jrc«!:.iUi figures,

• ,.*. wh''© F'cnr-D china ware

t:*'!)!',-?—] h .'.i i»s, i',t»r.'ir,. ng- a ritnfinPte ii - . crfciit III 8I.T mi.ntli«.'lor uyiir. .cl enilnr.e.l uulc..

Hcnrc T. UnunOt. ,1 a('*i.-.nC0T BY C’H E ST E R M A N .V H ix U ’ET,

Store No 13 William sti• Liberal cash it? hen require J.

Store No 13 William street, advances made upon consign

mvniswhenreqaii __ ___

,w N ? y j:!^ » ^ S iS S sr ’ ■Xi-4., .-ifi D-auftTrier’ -t fine Tiench aier.n -j.5- n •• • 'r;c tr*« o 'r> .,''rrP''*«. \Vi»m.-n’« nntl chiMren’s C »i U •. . ■?''''S09 Rs nr**»l giylcd wi»'*!»d coTi f i *r »»"k 'i-'s.

A ’«o. If sijp-r o'- c-iBli.'rn njr*'''-'i’n5AU.J, an px*en«ive R5.f.rt' ii*»‘if *d « f w.*n' tiToch© rashmer .;,;a.n cr'-'TO a*'d D'ar* l4.'7i» :»o *. .j r-'•• *'W't bii, fiir R'-p. nnt nf «l. m •♦ m <v mu .-cfi -A •»*• ’’V "I g';

- i M i .•ti'T’Gve*! by 'V • er ai i tire in Unsten. oi»f>sjHrmg i.f r" if;a<a!ogna5nn>l isaiBlej e- . of >.a'e.

An piiMw h’«lancen Hps sf'»v»n’« linPOMaMnn. pnn smi •» -f

liiii p».Y ifo^edemlr itlp*-?, t iinUiuT and fl-usworkw-" ■.’ » r pb*v- prH’hm' «o-«ii mi43 in «'••’'*'i'nT, vnri' Ue kIvI* ■ ».f-ne*»i: -

'-. • - . ,i. Ui fx'rn hii'hK... .. r . -'i .W..P Ml! b i*!i r ,Utrn cmbroi-lprf'’1 j| 'iMVP ' I ^omnotf « IGilst -rpt’r’ g.-'V.-

,. ,.r Rfp>.‘ pp ;no -n .1,^11 . « w •; Li Vull p o'liVciywitionr'■C-* »v' , f ! 'I - i - r s i .n n iV ' ' ^ ' ' KV.'.x'x'^.'ptMTl-tri. r;C!i ! •‘in und \mcrM-lii I-v I • , «- bin-wert

PUBLIC SALESb / T . ' a l "a \ t r a ’n c e “ & c 'o . ,

-■ “B S i S S S S S ^ i s

^ 2 ? S aL„.„.. ......iic.f. p,.r > ^ n-A >c *. 1 ‘nvo. • of r. -n Pa.is rorueten.

rain iru- 'Scme I w» lino I'ajn’mgs nn co:<pcr. sn n'.h Irainci; Xiit..* ^err One ('Cin-^e \'n.^, Chm«9

Uu!l, r<.vcj. ,.r.w6j.i, t-js.fj. &o.: al.«, MS iii i wrigbH.•Al ►. a ■ •■!. riibf «n\o:nP atenPrp*’ rt-w *»vk» '.’•on7«s. f.Tnre .

• n* ! , a n 'W fJe-'Tfpfpin of rt-tiiU. an r'-.‘aa» art’t-U*.

Lii... .\tV. VV.o;. riv,.i„. .4i i!aCl.o,, Raheii u.

fan f« l tro;n *»i'pFrame, iare azn. m!»t

»vroas tosa’e.

j5i;73|Sl'7lr«'sS^^^(irppfjm.1 « p;.-»nt'—A fir.? roIWtinn rf GrssnhHmft Pfanis in

M(un) ii«r?N and c o*nrv©?i*r#'s. '«r the R?fp* oaphm7 bill- tlcy,-nm..n« which are cam«h*fi, e?.<n-. ra ia». coiw J f»;ip* ...... ... »T . . u ' ri45 tgrse'*©'w ih a vfi' ’P'id b . 5 Lu .rjj. Dg J.» >» M .vffH Ptia *0 diiiOSfij o ftiist'.a .

A* ll./ri . ck.. i i-.' %i esr'.M.iSr ' . i : n*Li'*'r c*Fin»* 0i, (’ ibjtin*!x—Ah»»u» ihi K» i' »ii ’Q if ^

g,nTK i;;^. Ihe''M’';rmn«‘S “ i’.? tmi;, ‘L”aSo a id”fiiurotnei-s.bfjnj’di,. I'i is,r.iii«»H. by T*-n e ti.&'.’ ’i ' Lf ..t ,f.-i.i nt.M • ..5 11 ...rBffgi'* fitimex.

U f . and Fr id a y .

M -u.'i'ie-nt ■.© ♦» lo ih© ir id© and ethers of the reheat and most - IV .'#»>. fit. „,.} hr>t c'nxs lonry eoi.il*. Pl.gfintr . -.,r, », c .neb'?! .»'a<i.pt; uori’e W'-rks m 1'M>Z' "ml «rni/li. rr,i ch. f»*fs*den.-•?n*..ny j ud Chma ornfnne;itc.i xuw<, Mt'—t' •! M ,, and huh» npressa-ys: orf>sif.« aod ' i* or

« I v.u. ..fl.MiTizs ifid fit tunry in hartari marble, &f.

fi I Gf r gi . in Miii-t itri'Cz an*'rrarol® Pifttn, P*trnrqiie I b.ves h i : h,. - 4ip.xim5t4r and dtarins: eque-* «n i rom

-if 3‘.'J'bflcHt Iff «nSjepf*t find,'. .iiraT. bmcfcefs. pand'esHcks. bom* &p.t©b'0s. bou*

C ur» iiis.iir.i bp i-ze. ormu'H ami maiblc. aUo bvmo very ©legan .lp« vi»5 tn Frenphand Do wlen chma.

lb 'ozes-Ths mo i sup-rb poilep'ion of briinzesever be»nreni r,r*-.l 4,..,**t«r I- .-f-s by Fim ti. (‘uiu' m .v -rlh, Pus.,ue.1 a f n - fi»’d otb»-r eovnen' “r lifs: wd ! h boruM, nn.ln •ho,; r jUfj,:in.J M el; rnrmes i»ar»oQ.f-e'': e-Ab.in i ' t;' ••. . l i r . s majnp ( Hen »’ IV.L'lU's XIV’. /-' «n*l t* «. urid the mRgMfipp”tK « o? r ent* iufTing •*•»> fi. ,f t.ijcf »n»ui Inc gitiue anu uie MuaM. wi li sutuary of

n ‘in uhd Xmero- ns I ^

^ Iirn’-^r, (r , ■i' er.rBY } ) .\t\r ,K U T W D R A Pl.i: V JH N L S,

^tore 54 oHTi.erof Piae stTHUK?1)\Y.

. (.'•nit'. v V''MNn7 ‘vi;i.VET'S.-■>■.-ji*-. I’•■.ivnts. &u —.A’ Tii»p hi. "r -bt

f_Hiti!>»gue* and sarnn j ; *<n

1 u and fl »wcis m r. net, t»-.e nci»t«.i .•ver impoMf»i*: sotemb l

cigur iM'xes. cprc tur© paste t»»in'P i. cen- "•p gr..MM-fr.m b'.sketfi an mals; fuiire*; ro ognes. sviruigni ‘•/•Hin '• r • n-.i'tf ,ij.* .s. Sic &5.p.e,»*-n! gi.u.tr. u., iiesiert ar..f 'etc n ic»« sets mmy <»l w rrh ;i.o ol ih*' iniFxi rodgm, \rrv rrh ’v dpi*mR?ed-H»p (>m.

P p pf Til php, fl spwniul and ebony fil l'd gnnds—pona stmg «df • I| e-i. ef- r erP5. work bliV v. dreSiSiua CH*e% f I.ei sf0 1»U. ii‘>r •- . Ii,»* .< • iHpq, Jt,,ve. c gT ii'i ri t.l •»■■■.-• b te- br«:n'V ueipe . V7..rk RfHotn. wMph linb5er»—nil I'f wb ch are very

• ‘ I.' r,/ii i f»ri«*.l uumtingii. n'll-'al f»t hi»h cost, rn 'i?h'■ • ' tier w ith « large M-. or aieut o* o b'*r V5 in»j . « .i

; r nl wt.iiiMit rPRard to rrs’ knd wor'liy ihf liift niinn of tb*‘t »* Ci »-.• *n- no i i h £ . ' c gen-cru ly as ibo whul? w..i , J 1 vv. ‘1 .7.1 resorv.*.rtip u.irvts \v;l( opfimbdei* oiieday before th;’

‘->1 foxp. pon-leronT caliir-nl maiinesm. jnd iwi\pd per fate nr '.rals t.yui *»iajigo\v.

\ u. w U.,uii lb a I'lorK wnlfib ©Hfit*. duuatdo for a iar'of i r

k oil* ( t i’’ y'vVi-ornf** iind ,»nrdy ul time 'Pb, o.gnr o F'tr ju pil lapef©?! outer and ..f fj.* UiM Wwigii.aiidun.

_!i,» C .V i : u A L n - O T I C E h , ______/ - IF a ttn t R e v o lv in g O r j ln g AlacU fne,

>vir imroJui’»*i to thn j.uLAi'Or.' * l i ’he’ f .. t» m. ! jV 1’a t t n t R e v o lv in g U rg in g JU aclifne,

n S. Marcha i*s 4 i..» - 1;' v rto«* .»t , r • of v*n*itmnt Pipi. f ' r L ,•) ... t b • h ■'*. rtIsu en evi r liurojui’*- i to thn ].ub

i i s - iJ r i' u»l ciD V .■'l■en at '•‘O H L.ha Mri-ct. whii© or-Urii lire*

t tl < ti i'K.i p\i-ry v.i’-'cty of pard»*n and IUk”* seudo and buif* -ti-i rof.pi can be iiad

ivofl K. J Joh^>

’’'m »trp>-‘ , corr er o' Pu".

W ! t e K r “ N ;A “" ‘^ i R N T .Store .71 IWavor ■I’-ect

., ; ; r x x ' ., 11... u ih u;:r.T ;:’ ih,.nod e r’b ■» n's d ; Tw-»*‘'o P'aiu. pedo'v t ‘Oicnct* and l. n j t- t 'rk " ’ tin c-loi .*ny is r»**iuir.‘J U» bi- paid ac

c; tr'.ui. »■ rA .V trujMi' ? ' j t'..« i' • ft' - .\o T" Er aiw«y on 'londav. Uk IJd «lavAt I • , . v V ! ^ M - i _ i * . t - r Til xt a' 1 tea per-.r.* w.U berMiuired

P ATK AGE IjK— ‘ s m*" •'.» r» • XJ r>icknges Ml 5 ■ b»m'*'"*‘ • I * 1* ' ' ■• * 'i ’ ' . *' M;'d-.

t'a’iitogm*'- an i '1 'Vm..rnu'>'o. sn.e.Vninvim'eof hnm, r.rpntrg.

ft' - ,\o T" Er aiw«y on 'londav. t ‘K IJd «lav i-ibi-r Til xt a' 1 tea per ..r,* w.U be rM[Uired

u ’, be i.oca ut tli« liij on tvbKh ' h 'i ■ rt-tuImFrp h'*- ■m..rnU"'o. sne. 1 eLU*eh pHyalep Fit - ' si I « .H.1 t*. j o’3 .‘j'vSi IttW-llb'e;' *.err«t«ty

An inu)i..-» ol scirW niul Uiir pinbrcleteU unt! plain (’ni:-(i< j 1! . •» ■ i. v » ir t I 'm ! ,! .. . 'OMtAa-. icraP'? shawls, of rec* nl Mni'«»r*n»ion ^ ____________ • fJi .* i ,• f p.-Aery - r «»rao'J"t \

Wnl.ion Poll. Aiintioneer. &J" U lv lde iia N otl*e .-T tm PrwidBDt nn.J D>•■ «"rS3ir?r'tstore !o!) W all street ., , , , ^

A, .1 ..•cu.-k, n. .he 11J!lnti.tfti).irheese-The cits., ul the -snalboUE. VV.y.-r P.l_*" _ ., (i 11/11

•M'jsisf ng nf— j New OT'K, Nhv IH tHMl? 'I *''**'*" .( r ; -B o w e ry R a n k .-A n eli’ctuin for Plu-ctirsof

bM.'l'>r'ie.lVruit—.1 ishtly wet .nil lo'.l forac'....!, 'hi.< lii'i.iutmu woi bn iiebl at Ib i biinkmi; hnu«e^l.b " ‘ u:i J 1 !■ M le ro rjn r o i i u IJfiarl

(u^ IJlv ldei - ______ _t‘ »■' hav.-'1.15 d ly du'laied a d.vidctoi of ted p»r c» at f p the six iniuib payubiw li> the •■tockLoliprfi, « u u I I bt'or *he ' d liet eii'hf r'

the 21iU lust.

\ EOU. Kemitary _

*r fitLe I5fi:iri

A I v i U S E i V l E N T S .__________ A B S U S E M E f f T S . __________ I'M TA1.1AN O P £U IA H O U S K -A pto r P la c e

^ ^ ^ ““‘=XuiSfBSnSrr I

M -s Vlarctzek ! Leade"." lr!K re7u |"f^^ .to^ ^ On tte '^ lL ^ e ^ e ’of

T K IH 'I.SK . JHA1.I. I



The manager has the hocor of announoing to the public that


kiiVuAXiW AS T Us v s - i s s r a " .

> a n r . ‘! . “ . . , .T-S.S“S i.5;. . . . ^ a . A M ...

A i l) A s ’( ) ? . ? L o r e a

^ S .A R P A

rt AID RE.T0W.1Eb


AS1S;.. T . „ » .

comedy of

n r .s e e u u a i te r .g ^ i le f r ; ioned arm-chairs. 75 cents. ,

,„ s = “ 6 e : e - e i 5 kind visitor© are v.

A N ^ i " h e en-

f l l \ n f r V ? ? t r Aged Danoe„.

^ T .u .n t . " ™ r P H ,...D'wrs open at fij—to commence a t 7J_o'clook

---------a E v r \ - o i ^ “ A M Pa^^^

l-reTtoueto < imlerilla elegant scone;Wbi.'b the HtKM H TRul l’K •ffiil appear. Ih e best Feme’o Riders In the World A.'lie Lomse. Tournlare. ivrUo Rosa and Madame JJeiioit, •will ap

” Prlviie Boxes, 61'cUi , Dre»a circle 25ote ; Fit, ISJcts ; children with their parent®, half price to hoses.

Doors open al 6^- to commence at 7 o’clocK,------- BAUNUM’S AmBlUCAJS OTLSGCltt.

In obedience toth» nnm«rou»ly expressed wish of thnu- eand» -will remain I'h s we-k only. He -wil' appear every !■ vening this we.-k. in that anmslnR andhljshly ceiebra-

THUMBEVERY a f t e r n o o n THIS WEEK.

1 om Thumb will app-ar m a variety of soug’'and DanoPB ' Orealan Statuary, as wpU as Beuitatwiu aud i uTBcma-

T rE v e u Io g will be P^sentod^^,The entire f hinese Museum late of G39 Broadway, has

been added to the other Vurio.sities of this estab- IDhmeoE containing over a million ofourlosi-

whieh wUl afford to the visitor’ as thorough a knowledge of tba l hinese people, as a visit to I hina itself.

The KngUsh Giant. Gipsy fortune toller, ho., to be seen. Afternoon periormances at 3, evening, a t ^i.

__,Adm,seb>nAO_ceats, children under 10 years_l_2i ol^_

hon«ir to inffTm the public that his first f oncert will tukt* placnat the TUIPLRH HALL, on SAlT RD.U KV H M.NTL th« 30th .Noypmber. assbl^^d by Signoru iBi iM bTNii'MTi, Frima Donna at the A?tcr i*»aei‘ Opera Houfie, Madamt> 1 m isa Dot tor, Fianiat. and ttip fm in.at Violin Virtuoso, b. txniDtu, Concert Piastert.om iJerU'. PROCrll.AVlME.

I tirand Duo f -r two Tiano Fortes, from “Donna delLago compo, ed by llcrs, executed by Ferd. Ld ward ar.d \ adonie Louisa Doclor

si t/r.iit-i Air a r soprano, from • D' n Juan' by Mozart.I by S'*u»>ra 11 ufft bfned-tli

J Grsr.d la ltt. r.a tr m MiUDamhuM." fir Flano. com- poped ttiidt xpcut»*d by K lii.'ctor

4 b - Va-lstinnP for VioJn on rh«mes fromhe !mU romp05ed by Artut ixccuted i>y FomI

4. I ;itai.E.a Irom • Parifina.'' f-w S*>fr*n'' by I'- nizpttiexriuled by bi:5fiora Truffl Benedetn

: urand'-orona'.ioa March, lor two Oreheatraa, from Meyerbeer’s I’rophot. arrauc-d for two riam-8 by h. K. t»o-‘Uir. and executed by Limbelf and Madams Lrulfa DuoUT

7 -i < banson d Amt ur, ( fur Fiano comp'used and ex-/. Grandl'olkadei r.ncert, ecutel by F. K. Doctur

5. Fantasia Variatiuus, f-'un National Air, •■\ank«eDo'-lis," fur Vi in c.mp.oed by Henri Vieux-

•J A Sonvemr dDtoUe-^^^ ( oncert, for Pi­ano .•omposedby ( has. .Mayer, and executed by

I V Ilifl Py” < apri-i f. r Plnr.o, composed by R w'lilmers execute 1 by !> F Doctor

lu. •■ Pr,ijd"i ■■ fr. m •■ M aeti'h " by Verdi, for Soprano, ex-. uted bv si.;nora I mfil Benedettl

II tVed.iirc '- irc h trtm Mendelssohn's MidsummerT.gbi .s Dream, TtuusoDpliou for Piano, by F. 1..

IjV Ml .Tii a l ' d u ih t o r a .nd9 estab.ishment. Mr Boohsa Thi- !jT of annuuncing to the pnhilc that'..aiiagiT has the hun


m ssmjeirr,,, 4 ix, ..tr . itver bi‘ eiidi'rbtJ in I-CS- ,• u r t '1 tli#» “t-c-jOd day c T'r'-m»mb**r l*> t-ricr' lia'Hguysfitsae. I uldlui \ h ’‘li H 'f.\\LU. "ren-tary

. . . — e “ina u r'an c er ho.3 liH'-nveined. hx® be,-,, de-

b .« wiU be closed on the *M instant.By order of the hoard.

1 expire on that day ) audp'af*'*« af 'hcNC wh** e for three Inspec tors o*

.. M. rilcrwin, AncMoneor \ . i.e t.ansf,r bonus s u b» oL.sed from Ih8 27tb last, to•Atxl S , ItR U JH E K At *,U I -.'l '•.-een.ber mriu-sive

Store eC4 Hfoadway I nl-i t.ll J H. ( ORNELL, f a.hier


lard m:p?fpp‘? M

5ATsr?-i!e";s'"-H ardw are.C rdcLery. acd ' .ercra! Auction and i ’urn-

mis®<h’»n Mi?rch,int^u^tU n Kf f'tr>. S IMstt street, coiner ef > M d.

I fii ii.suAV

. ■ ; ; . t'.r' ,;VeV‘ c : : . ;" cu.?s-S.n?-'^?>ea arJ pec-U cr-es.e x- • e -.f. h.» ts r.i.d eye . xvar.-li r.btx".!S, tape, lamy n .ct. '■ t e J-M's.e SE (M'sfitej.

I' • >s<» , i r.'i ' ■' JH a 8

, Vi r. . -*i ft! if,t ’.-ucU-.-u rocm.

\ ^5b .NMNUw .Mur^N M !

^ 1 cU R,Tnt,e- ’' ‘PL.’ ;Fcrrn ute. Ui*ca es. &c. tur tuaPy aiienitilto m atij

*• N.rv*2F»^ t s i o m

a d P ' V.-MA.Lrti-K**! need 4 M»n. w&( «ri. fit,., xre, 73,A-ci-oei «.! ssee„^...rreb.dc,^^:-.svx,rr.«s. fee.—At*<-''e’''-t-«’rrv«’.re..} A D fj,re


S ^ 3 ! ' S ' 5 ' ’?H-=7.Yl23S‘ePan tS w ^and ravsns duck. >»w t“ Ooe

O sM L n ^s^^ 'd u c feJ and vitrics t o f a J w f T l S w ^ 'R h s and qualities

/.'fl «*n f i 'o r Ls ♦ L ?> i» la-.l e. i». r I LG-ii. f r*. s,n o: c t'le vc-y * i-’ a* ■ u '■* Uk-—. j- b',ned tn aay smin u g.i4-ns-. *4 v*s xv- . f . r }.ir,p I raui * c*’»n v?r-rm s;r .• ■ v -'k'”/ • ••> v ' *»» v «i.... -S M," , S. .. A V -s.. nv . f-H I rr*-©’ V i-.'Ai’LT* -tp.. » f.« . ..itiiDV-uaKes a \» y t*r *• ’ll-r*3ti tl tL h.u-k.’ ' . 1 . ♦* '} ' © * .. v,';i f.t'- ■ , •• ;.va, ;j „ ,-r fip4f hJ » . p‘GU *» •■? I g;» iji ir ■ * --Am »

^ Ai6 . 'e.«kHt mas.i- -n.! r,.„ro ^

'•— • S '!S i, '. '

5 0 , 0 0 0 WS&, TiSrsi^TSSOVPRKllOES, embraring come enitro.’'y new styles..

blocks fine cu.liiy-laumry Italian .Marble, pet ship I ^ ^ ^

___ ^ P^p Cl MKR, Secretary^4ls".24hiHc^^ssup fi'T •lU’ilii/White finil wrhitG vcme I Iiami'v \ Mci hanm >* Panmm. AftNfOAMf.N. ^

Maru e. aMa*ee size. 1*^‘‘J L^sh dfa i New\Grk, Vov 11. IftfiO C

n«»r uig« M.fToSHay. ' H«v»-n di.rorur- (to pupplv the p'afa*« of 'hON'o wT'-r, ,..4 ia '• H. oir . ! u . m-w..l ex ' - • * • •* *»-- •----- --_Tam:-guebala tf©. ____ j. .

■ -- Auc*Moneor aUr-t.an^fU iH h l i aVr LU

Valesble P o S J f ^ ^ ^ i J j S S i l S . d a r d and m . ; 'T ' J "I ^'r-m ber ue:

As-roriomienil'el^H^V-'A'ariTu\'°r°iI"m?r^^^ teiescepo. ol I ' m . , i,.Sis t i . ki». l•«• ,aA■s< s t .-. .so OPJW a..-.1 j'en? m' jj'u'ying pow*-» M". 'inrn nenat tiie fii psrt> »ra . C-.*'** tlie A tinuu ! Tul^ctioii h»*M on th« 3d

I j a - l n ’ th** f“!“ wm ? ^“titlenifn wer© elecWq. Uirec-

i 5» S I = l E SKobfr' D Weeks, Jainea V^ar^h.

D A.rn«hD:an,W.unm H Titufl,r ^ ‘.ir tL Vurray,‘s tl'-»TBan (»riff**u Fett*r K Bonnett,

<*♦*» rrf© J ( orntfll' hrvr’.t.i K; t-piau 1 Robert Bowne,Rot©xt B ViDturn W H - B r a d f o r d ,S^„“ r n ' 'p r : r ““- : Srnes e ''Euf *'■A'ben Wuodhull, »V alter Lnderhiil.!• award S ‘ 'ark.

\n ? at a ■'•jL'f.u* at m©ct5n : r * - ' f B -ard jn sin " \ S f’N r»“ lUHLL uuaM- a , ■.*•*•-1 I'reiil'ieD^

J V.1. IS dtN 1 ar ;■ : s4iie--l*-d u- di*.

■- ■ ...................^ ■ li; -7 .r '^ > C .x - i.l ,r ,V... iVom-bHrcmtaenCet^rv “ 1 ^ .t •

lae:il;.?rw.l.t«ru-.ive: by .in eat y .tsamei, and eruet.

. H..L.1 iCd in - Mapnc.s The iM i sues, wh.chare jurt receir.

71F;?IP.'I.*4, ir- iaVew

. . . c m

ab^venuiarer tbe onderst^ed wlU op«n a ©toefe b<*c fc and I5stie certificates to app icants on and after the 20th

psueJ It. uoe perst-i. cfSce hours from 10 to 4 o'clcch.New York. Nov 18. 18->u

rn iO D. MICKLER, President J as. Dt LA«XT. Secretary ____ n23 Jw

baiina. tologna Water warranted s,enuine. in cases c f -1

mstkVpiSccs.by'’ 'F ^ . i ‘'H f\R irH 8 ,"“ ^_____n a r W IN E BO X ES of wot J iron anM tin of ybLeSSrbS cIS d rs%a1 rmS." r

L u c a s H 4B T .« Borlingellp

fcile*© ?4-r F *■« •»: I- a t ' in Nhw« p-ttso i tr ih-t r '*eipt of th^-.r U -e K K D Hl'ULUl T& Td ,

_ «4 S.'Qth fitr«»©t.^ lO N ^K iY K K S p.-r pechG*. ;-h p i *tt.nn I tanUT,’ ^ ' , -OL.1 '-tw-Tj. TTfl p.ift.eR -vni th»* r ftriniti on hs ard a t* ie r2 ’iK H Au ir-oJ^ not p.-miitted in five da^s w.l' bHSent^to^rjiblicsLre

fcCO . 84 South st^ IO N tIG N E E S per brig Sims >n. tr.mj St Marks

F. D HUfiLBUT t r o . 84 gouil^ T O N SIO N E K S per ebin •• I orena • Dom Dublin" will

L s H ' ' ““ v i i ! ¥ E ^r"Anit2.-2S. i;::„'X'iV--;' :.77, •.ra.vn

golds a l pier 20 Last lUTer. or to

f*>;ht or AUthor.tjto tranaaet their hu£ine« in Paris bet ; - Ln L anah'JiSo, Ld8<i , *\cs S 4 ,ace de .a Bcurse.

3 EFS^,t.&,!*s;sS'’.s ; iS ,* S

a t tha rate of one umchines arenow In

■a; ctito. vioiiure'to, and dtutde ba (the flnt p a r t) .................................

. WpUzt*©-•• Le Signal de la Dan«»e’’ t ipn work of that popular composi ^Kirst Unit*) ...................................... .Strau?’ .

1 Grand Overture—* Anacreon *»............... t herubini.2 The novel performance a Uuar^ette f*.r

a T ,sr;» fi7 .rs^ ^ ^3. Quadrille-** Le Clnb Uet Femmes.” a.-t per-

lormed in Paris, at the Mabille Oarden.(First tim0 )• ............. ....................

{First time .............................................Musard.

nlgbtinR3“ a! quail°‘'vioUt.t and ba-ssca Afltupendoos t rch“Jlrft erected on J ulien and Musard's

"^Tbu r b t ? r ”„‘ l i \ t ’T » t ? X ^ c H o n Of Mr. BOf HS4

Ticket. 5U cents each, to all parts of the haU. to be had at the Had yn.y becuiei ..cat. may he had without ex-r.".'s7s! L S H r S " t = ' ‘.? ’C,“= : ISEh"se wbo may hare a disposition to dance to the music of the urge orchestra, when 60 cents more will be charg­ed and an eminent professeur de dance, as in Paris and Lond.jn appointed to direct that part of the amoxe-

™ Tb« perfnrn!»DC0 to begin at half past seren o'oock. Doors open a t alx._ _ n28


: : i. . . ;. u. 01.0A..V.AV AID WALKm StBECT.

I s s s i l w s sThis is decidedly the largest and most magnificent Pa­

norama in the world, being over two miles of canysm in

DPf.ra open a

T H E H LSsiuLH i

M., panorama commences to move

cents; eMdren half price. ol9 tf

n b 'e ^ ^ x ^ b ^ ^ S ^ ^ a iu tin g , by Artiste ,

Admission 23 cents Season ticiete £3 c

JA JiiB S W . PO W SL O i, O en lU t. A n rU t,1 F he eonfioes bis practice cAclueiTeiy to DiSEdSKS

FOU "STAINS, the meet powerful and successful am__ary in the treatment of tbe affeetious of those delicate

*^jMt imported, a largo supply cf beanllfnl ARTIFl* I a L , ----- , - - '-i «,•;.« o, "

t " h t b r «

jinators of NEW AND SPLENDI

.i 'V k o |s |l l lS ir s « .

&The ecoPE andcoHPOsmo.T of these entertainments are

gcr deems it expedient to offer to the pubUc a few words and deservedly

popular musTo. and for week day amusements, the same as has already been endeavored to accomplish for sacred

;L 7 is ; ,'s ,i's ;p r .: i.7 ;S K r r sments of its people in'every department of human mter-

Seb Excel, JBdw Sch VVanen, Gr Sch AnaaM-Ei

Brhrig^gofsman, J

| | S " i ; £ S S S S s : ; » m - ' ;g^ T h m o n th Book. Stacy, 2 dsjim Boston, with mdsp'to las % X N anevE Hagan,CozzeM.4dsiinB!Uigot. with spais.to

s " P '& ^ s S i h , f f i honm Xrom Bmndywine. with com

ton‘'^S?thlnmbr- sloop Return. J'erguson, from Barnstable.

a iSJlSTE SS. 4-e.

most popular EonoPEa.l QcAPait.tits, Polkas, "Waltzes, Oallopakes, etc , from Jullen. Musard, Straus^, Lannor, Labinski.eto ; a watchful encouragement will be bestow­ed on productions of real merit from the many gifted obildren of art. born on the soil, or who have made Amer­ica their temporary home.

Thus, the programme for each evening will bo rich and varied so as to meet the wishes and tastes of a ll; and thus gratify the lovers of the higher class of secular in­strumental music as well as those who may prefer a light-

btjtnj'honie of« CHRISTOPHER rOLUMBUS ;”

‘•nf.w*''wo1rld ,”BT KKiu ryw i>Avtn,

(The Celebrated Composer of the “ Z>escrL”)

So., Sc , So , S.(Iccasiocally a full l horus will be engaged to give the

ecessary effect to some of *» e. above works.


strains of the I'ulko, Quadrille, ant with a disposition to dance to the i

B direction o:' i.u£k>. xik.vLHSA.

Farther partlcnlarB will be annoanccd. n22P IL G E tJ lI ’S^P R O G R E SS .

-f^O "W O PE N a t Washini-ton Hall, No. 598 Broad-

Doors open at7 ; to commence a t quarter before-Admittance 50 cents j children half-price ; family tick­

ets. admitting four persons, >1 Tickets to be obtained

’' ‘i ^ l ^ a r r t r e x M b l i t f o ;f*f mm«nMii(r ft.t 3 n’elriftlr

COMMERCIAL.H o u esb o ld a ia x R e u .

[Reported expressly for the Evening Post.]

i b m s ‘^ "yet the prlci apples hencebe closed in about a fortnight. Of pears, there is a very small quantity in the market. Fowls of every descrip­tion W be had at there is no change dee

of meat are about the same as at the date of our last n port. "Vegetables ere becoming more scarce, though

IPS have undergone no change. The supply - leforth will be more limited, as the canals will

be closed in about a fortnight. Of pears, there is a

- r a s ^ i s i r s ' s ' i . „ , . . b . e . A . . . . . t

^ \“ ocoA N U T S-Per 100 $3J wholesale; retaU 4s per

T s S S K l K S t „ b e ;

, » . b „ L l l i .M e e u . a

^**EGGS—Wholesale, 9 for one shiBing; retail 8 for

b'60 Pickled Codfish 2 75 per'bbl wholesale; retail $3

■ E « S “S s : ; : r x : =

^ H A ^ S ^ 'w h o i^ e ^ 'lf 'o per lb, retafl 12o, best city

I f e i S S s S - ' t . S S i . P « ib b , .b . e „ ,*'^liBD^J*to°Mc°^r^^whole3alei retaH 0 a lOo.

P ^ I s J o r ie d - E c ta i l I8e per qt; irEoleeale86 per :^nPICKLES—Cucumbers bring 4s to 6s per hundred:

bottled-pickIesseUforl2sto$4 SO per dozen ; peppers, 4? to 6s per hundred ; beets, Ss per dozen ; beans, piblded, Is per gallon , red cabb ie , 4" per gallon; pickled onions, 4s per quart j, horse radisE 6S»75 per do*en in Emetttbot ties ITS in pint do ; mangoes sell from $5 00 to PS 00 per hundred 6s per dozen PU61PKINS-$16 to jlS.peplOO wholeflalej retaUlS* toQUINCES—Wholesale, $ 4 to 3 per bbl j retail $1 a 3

per 100. and 2aSo apiece.RAISINS -XVbnlesale lOsperbox: retail 10* per Ih, RABB1TS-2S C4 to Ss per pair.SAUSAGES- 10 ots peTtb,retail; "wholesale, 8 a

Bologna, 25 0-per lb, r e ta il; 22a23o "wholesale. ^^^^H 6Sj-4saes_per do*. Marrow Bquashe?4o

Whlisaie i reran, so .auunLu _

^tTLE—Is per 1 ^ ^ lAl— RetaU. 8a'

do*. Marrow squasheedo perlb .

8aJ4 c per lb, wholtsaxe -7a8 cents. 1-Parsley; 25c per d o * ,w h o W e .^ j a

■Onth«e H yperhtoeatt.monhta^, jUil "*«& "itide.dls-St*Hdi'0la^<^jS*^’'— e--— -iS

’" - m ma a a i

pSe3.ro;;3% ^T|}Vin, Jeremie, H D Broofcmao.

IRED ‘T E S T S R D ^y -

TepfecVtKusj and, aff •‘an^s>ttea,’"|fiiBS8 M e ohndrto,

LirewEq!o*cSnrics'Of pleasure, ere O tt iappylllb is

Making°o|erings to Diaila,.ana to ho t Hypeiion.

% Z T tlieir-stetoroy. aoA majesUc inId brigh?PeatuTes "who; existed taVheyond the

^ |^h u m a ir™ e arts within them, k n i affeef

A».a ihe^wandeting-,ani .the wearK-lA thfffip long;

In this oyer y erdaht yaUejr,.might find happinMS ^tla§V A'l the glory and the beauty, Aooding aft -£he mJghky'

Spoke^Mto thmr.tronbled;8piHts,Trith a newLand Solemn,

Life WM here, A boon foreyer,, sought, norsought.by m ^ ;

Happ^^c^oMtry^ happy people! woulk that, in thlsv

T h e re ty o ^ r f f tb iR tills olirlsgena cMnMd by d RwerYmjt hu t a rello, hoarded in the

legends, and the faith ,th1

Time ia tA ^M ed not creeds,nqr visiops, moroihan ;^o y '

Delphps now is s^echlets ever, andlloaona hu t a nan e.

have^we pnrijruer legends,fay more, .bpastftulm d:

Whioh,.thr^hie-«fery'changihg lByae,;aa Mmntahle'i >- Openihg endltsshHES before ns, and a rq tu ^ f te a^ o n

■ Theso^ pTB truths we hnow eternai, ima among the

There is mention of p oountryA where the happyeye r-

Shout and sing glad songs of triumph, on thp ’ golde

Not h^ d e^ th e Arctic Ocean, or the NOriemah’s i< y

But in^that more certain oountryj which our weary hear i In the I S mysterious lIeaTen,>,S'Our Hyperborean Ean ;.


toes; sch Ellen

iLzx DJs., NYoik for Ca-

! § E k s - s i 3 s T a ^"25tii—Ar sell Token, Bakdr, Albany;'sips Edward, do lor

P A S SE N G E xtS .

opened on M O N D A Y_, .give thorough instruction ii


out corporal punishment.' ThSiiaaefance Of able teyebbers has been secuieA

There are four classes, the terms for instruction inw i i ^ p a and $ I | fespect^e*

U he supplied. The pricethafheen f i^ d a t Twe delicti nttdfifty eentf pqr sett, "withallberal discount to thOSS'lkhdbuy lo sen again. When, packed fox transportation, asett <iccTipiBif tile space of about six sqn^e iuclies. ^

AU‘PTdera,£iijTal43)e Addr6£sedto the Vmon liidU RiiU ber Compant^ \^.^assav! streetfjfigvr ybrk^ witli xeixut-tanees, when the article will Be forwmded. s?3m

XN TislonsoranorainaneepaMm^ ^ laestoc ltoo iaers

s t o ^ t h S e b ^ r ^ d , ® I l .b a a p p o r t i e R .e d 2d dail ofDecemhercaxt. amo^g such persons a? shall be stock-} holders on th a t 4ay, in th e Hatio^jrbne mew or scrip .share for every fiveah»ra of old, p r ^ t stock; .and tbatan instalment offifty floUara per share is required to he p ild to th e TfgaeUrar On the 16lh day of Hecemher next; by eaeh.party intending tosavail hjms8ifofth*ben«at-of such apportionment. , t

The Transfer Book ■win he dosed on the evening of theThe Transfer Book ■win he d( 30th November, anjdxemain * December next.


■ISAAC N. Sfe‘YMOim,.Treasnrer. j» 1 » K JP « Q V iP E a

New York ;



T O E E V E K tN G 'i ' 'TFar.tbaY.vanJiut'BaitA '■ - ! '

oW j^ '"w th? '^** the yaaey .anadtsigte6nknd

'■ %!

v;np aopsitmeat-^dstters IpHiburbount^ •»Ufctlq3,5pllfioi.fta>#M!8d:»Pq«e?|io«»Wr

anithatbf-tiwArama. AYA likTa-few natty

;% ;npaopsitm e«t^ :l8 tB ers IpH iburbount^ h *

I have-few nattyeaal& ir*,• s e ^ 6 e 9 b a e !t iM b h a « ,s t» ih M B ^ B i« » 0 k s^ ^.^adsj oertm alyr^Be^hit" b a T e s l i m p e ^ a r t M ^

: .d t^ :w H t t e a f a .pprd .ta8tA,5e»*fimrocouraoio t t a E n i a i t Wa^». W » ,del, we must haye recourse to t t a E n lS iIt Wa^». ^ w ,

!kJ^net!hff-Mia,;4ftraay I ^ p ^ o a r 'Iirthal, itafe. w4:a»

. bf ;ehari»ter,,t8kenf Aom -alt - w a lk e o f

O u r C o r r e s p o n d e u c e .

STATE PF pkimON IN PHIp,An officer of government, o " "

, .H<u,u.Au.Aiuwu,r,AAre piquant, ,^0BL;«osir.K O lbaimed^atire, a n d a r« poftr v t e e s f e f lhA »ost — ^ e - t o l l e d , . whHe-.they im p re iav e ^ ja jttk

l^ASHINGXON, Nov. 25,.mON IN OHIO,B, of higiiposUion, and re-,

markable for soundness of judgment,‘has j u |t retun - edfrom a visit to Ohio, and reports t t o honevlr witnessed in that state such general, and intense ex-:

iration of l in g as exists there m relation to tl itlre SlaT^"w. He stales thal all classes of tl

people regard It hs a wanton and gross attack upL_ the liberties Of both white and black men, whii^

e. They insist upon its |opeal. I t v duty of the LegisIatUto lo e lec t'a senator

the unexpifed term of Mr, Corwin, for the s ix years, following the third of March next. 'It is plahi Pnough,

THE KEIV TH^ASUKER-M r. Sloan, the new United S tates T reasurer

Ohio, arrived one day la st w e ^ , and entered the duties of the oflSoo. A head.or pyo fe ll in th l branch of the Treasurji Depattment On the same d a j probably by way of i’lustratipg the' iadyent o f th now guardian of the funds., .'The public loss.or gap from the transaction may ho quofed a t !s#d. |

THE COMMISSIONER OF PENSIONS.Mr. J . L . Edwards, Oominwsioiiei of Pensii

he superceded on the 1st of next monthhy-lVIr, H eath , who, upon the dootrino of jo ta tion in office, 'w aslately elected from th a t of A uditor Of PuhliQ' Accounts of Virginia, by the democratic m sjorityqh the..JjegiSIa- tnre. In pursuance o f the same AoStSne, ha now comes into a better office in W ashington than th a t wbicl" he lost a t Richmond. j ’ f

THE JHESSAGE., |The meeting of the cabinet was prolonged to a l a |e .

hour this afternoon. One of th e subjects to be de­cided, WPS the mode of the President’s mei paper publishers, will be promulgated ts-morrow.

, THE BOOTrY LAND: ACT,The preparations for action, under the recei t

Bounty Lahd act, are not in an adMseems to bo presumed that Congress ,\yiearly in the coming session, Snd ‘that it is ‘.only pril-dent to Wait a reasonable^ time for ifis movemeritiIn case of on early indioatiOn of an jntenfidn to ac here to the law ss it has been construed by the H i edUtive,ib'i3 expected tha t thq Pension Office wi begin to issue Vrarrants on-tbe first o f January .

LARGE {RECEr'TS AT TJEE TREASURY.n inquiry a t the Treasnryj 1 ie a m th a t t

p irta tions of merchandise during this quarter coi- UUue to be very heavy. They ib’dicsite th h t the dutiesof the year will exceed fifty millions of dollars. Tbi^sam, however, immense as i t tSi- be'ais nn higher prof"

irtiou to the entird "wants o f the goYernment th a itw enty-eight or .thirty — ‘

■ iPlantwilan Zilfe.'

to arrest a t onoe stmade a beautiful ;pictar by a skilful band. Bnt, unhappily, “ it is dista which lena3.«nehantment to the vtewiU and plat tion life is not an exoe'ptionto the rule. ItILs, b

ir, so ^ eren ttrom that ot^^m ^'ts.attK pno] thatarlittlttidt ----------- . “ • . -i

:J i t o i a t u r s f C o u p , ■. j ,^4Ils y -

■ ■ ' ■ [FoT t i e Hveffing'rqsQ ; ■ r I :■M esses . Epw oRST-l tave been ffineli g truck w itb 10 falsity o f tite xe^ohing, which h as th e r te beenthe falsity o f the .reasoning, which has nitnertoneen

so successful .in :preventing tHe oonstruotlon o f a c ity railway oii the weat^mde of Sroadway.., -T hat, toge­ther w ith . h powerful m torest "wMoh w e ,weRbo exereis'ei by omnibus proprietors; i» s thus & r se­riously injured th e W n e r e a to ta te in th a t quarter-

ifewyearsHtneo, Messrs. Bloodgobd and Bloom-

SSSSSSf.“ ^ A w S r o ^ s e d to ia y down a tra ikw hm h 'JhouUbe no obstruotion.to,nrainaryyehidl0S;.that the A re

• _ _ -A 1_-4- 4-«tv>A«'_«rUliATif'.!ft-f nni'nm: AM

- I g s s s f t s a

f f l

S s r j i i i a .

s ^ ^ i j ^ ^ p a s L i s :