IMEX America - Instructions on how to use the Lilypad app at the EVENTagist session

Getting Started with LilyPad to join the EVENTagist sessions at IMEX America Before the sessions 1. Download the app Simply go to the iPad App Store and download the LilyPad App. 2. Sign Up Create a new user with your email address and password. Registrations are welcome: sessions-registration-form/ 3. Access Meetings Enter the meeting ID for either, or both, of EVENTagist sessions. Meeting ID 922 - How to write a good RFP for your conference app. Meeting ID 923 - Audience Generated Content - Web Solutions for virtual and hybrid meetings.



Transcript of IMEX America - Instructions on how to use the Lilypad app at the EVENTagist session

Page 1: IMEX America - Instructions on how to use the Lilypad app at the EVENTagist session

Getting Started with LilyPad to join the EVENTagist sessions at IMEX America

Before the sessions

1. Download the app

Simply go to the iPad App Store and download the LilyPad App.

2. Sign Up

Create a new user with your email address and password.

Registrations are welcome:

3. Access Meetings

Enter the meeting ID for either, or both, of EVENTagist sessions.

Meeting ID 922 - How to write a good RFP for your conference app.

Meeting ID 923 - Audience Generated Content - Web Solutions for virtual and hybrid meetings.

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4. Pre-Download Content (the slides will be available 2 days before the show)

Save time during the meeting by downloading the slides ahead of time. This will assure to have the slides on the iPad even if the WiFi of the Exhibition Center is not working properly

During the sessions

1. Join

At the time of the session enter the meeting from your Meeting List.

The first one  “How to Write a Good RFP for your Conference Mobile Application” is on Wednesday October 10th, 2012 from 10:30am to 11:00am at the Tech Pavilion, Stand 2941, Show Floor

The second session is about ”Audience Generated Content – Web Solutions for Virtual and Hybrid Meetings” and is Thursday October 11th, 2012 - 1:30pm – 2:00pm at the Tech Pavilion, Stand 2941, Show Floor

2. Follow Along

Let the presenter control the slide or go at your own pace.

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1.Take Notes

Use the Marker or Highlighter to take notes right on top of each slide.

Or use the iNotepad to type notes which will be attached to the current slide.

2.Ask and Answer

Use the Question Feed to ask questions to the presenter in real time. No need to raise your hand or wait until the Q&A at the end.

Answer Live Polls posted by the presenter to help guide the conversation.

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After the sessions

1. Review

Recaps are emailed to you directly after each session with your notes and any attachments the presenter wanted you to have.

A history of all recaps is available for review anytime in the LilyPad App.

2. Share

Let other know about the great session you attended and share your notes with them. Simply forward the recap email or use the in app options for email or social posting.

Please remember to use the official hashtag for #IMEX12


(Founder & CEO of EVENTagist)