Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend...

. , •.. , . . ., ..... ' .. • < ; .. .... _- ... , . . . •• .. . '-,,' . ' . ..' ., , " II \' I J i I , I , , , ) , , I, \' " , .. , I I' I I I -, 1,1 '. '. ), ) ? . " .. ,., j J ') , ., ! / , .' , , 0" . . "0 .:: ••• '; ",' ;.: .... : ••• :.'. .. ' . '. '0 .. . .... ::. . . ,0' .. . . , . . . . ." " "' .. '.' .' .'. " . " " '" .. ' . ,. ( •• Holland Representative:",;.. . . ". CD . . . . . , ",r' _. . . o • • / . - . , .... . . .. . .... ; ..... t \ -<r't .. v .. I ! \ i r ''- ": )' " ..j,. •• 'j, ,,-: I ,.. j .j'" -r'1", M."., ...._ - ..... • - -" _' 11-:-, j" .; ,':, rr ,'"'-' .'. ;",..c.. t; , .. 1\ /;. (, ", ';' -r" ... u .. '- ...l.Ll. J i (r! (,,\ .. '-'-.L. ... , 1. I , _J ll. .. - '-.I _._.' L.I.- Mf-M.BER:- Mrs. W. J. Enallsh Rathwell Sub.crlptlon Agent:- . Mias Jane Forbes Im'es- server Canadian Weekly Newspapers Ass'n. Western Selected Town Weeklies Associate Member:- Buckeye Press As.oclatlon. VOL. XXIV-NO. 52, THURSD,AY, SEPT. 27th, 1923 i TREHERNE TIME8,;'PUBLISHERS, TREHERNE, MANITOBA PROFE,SSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT . .I! .............. ... ............................ ) •••••••••• !; I DEATH OF ANOTHER AGED LADV * ', 'iHE' TREHERNE' FURNiTURE' AND' ... :l: II Mrs. Elizabeth DunflllId died . at 'f. 'j' I Treherne on Sundny mar ,ling, Sept. :i: HARDW ARE STORE / :i: I 23rd, nt the home oC her Dr. R. H. Hurton nnnounces that his visit of October 3rd w!ll be his last In Tre,herne In n professlonnl cnpaclty, as he has sold his prnctlce, good·w!ll and equipment In Treherne to Dr. J. G. Mills who w!ll devote his entire time to the profession of den· tlstry at 'rreherne. Dr. HUI·ton be· spealts for Dr. M!IIs n contlnunnce of the patronagc he hns enjoyed here. X" ':'1 Mrs. E. H. Little. . :}, :i: MI·s. Dunfield, whose ;. 'I' ,was Dalzell, was born In RenCrew Co., s ••• , ' " , 'I' .:' Ont., In August, 18·12. and I she 3:,., :;: was married to James DunCleld; In tile :' " .:. yeal' 1868. They came west to Mnnl· :i: :!: tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . : 'f I . :1: '1' nenr Burnside, which· has been her Dr, Is a grnduate of Toronto University and holds both n Manito· ba and' Dominion license which Is ns· surance enough ,that he Is capable of attending our dental needs. PerEon· nllly, of course, Dr. Mills needs no Introduction to Treheme people as this Is 'hs own home town. The fnct that he has spent the past seveJ'll' years away from home, first ns an employe oC the Bank of Montreal. then In tile army, and the pnst foul' years In college mny malte It neces· snry to mention' for the benefit some of the newcomllrs In this . dis· .;. ::: home since tlUlt time, excepting only )' .1 1 , the times during recent yenrs, when .' •• h ':. ,I, she was visiting at the homes oC er A I ' ,:. '1' daughters. She wns pioneer oC the 0".. ••• j 'i' '... highest type, one o[ those, of whom ., I e1 .:. ':' too much cannot be slIld In til r : ... '1' ,!, prllise. She WllH II membcr ot .: the ::: :!: . Methodist Church for mnny ::: 'i' . her home was n haven to the plon.eer I •• lid b ·f· 'l .;. . m 8slonllrles whQ. passe y. . ::: I Hcr husbnnd nnd dnughter -:- -:- . predecensed her some eleven ye!irs ::: '1' ugo. Two oC her sons died In .... _, .. -, ... . .. 'i' "1'1 . She lellves to mourn their I ." •• l1:obevt. .:. .1 •• sons and till'ee dnughters, ct that he Is ollr own Garnet Mills, :i: ·i· ! Portnge Plltins, Sllas of t ' :!: ; George of F'oxwuJoren, \Vesley on' at I'Tolland and raised In '1're- herne. Success to him. .:. NOW Is your time to get that floor covered with Linoleum. ;!: homestead nt Burnside, Mrs. C. 'j' We have two pieces of 4.yards wide Linoleum to go at -:- i caire lind Mrs. E. H. Little of 'r',·,,'hA,rnc' CHURCH LADIES' AID SOCIAL AFTERNOON ::: $4.00 per lineal yard. (Regular price $4.20 per yard.) :1: and Mrs, John Muirhead of (' 'j' '('.s we only have about 40 lineal yards to go at this price, ,!., and 27 gmndch!ldren. . :!: you will have to come early to avoid being disappointed. :l: I ... :rhe [uneral was held at very InteresUng soclnl nfternoon WE CARRY A GOOD STOCK OF WALL PAPER, PAINTS :i: rBaldence on D'uesday, nnd'Lwasspent'hy the Union Church Lndles ;:. AND VARNISHES. .;. wus mnde In BllInslde Cemetery,_. on Thursdny aftemoon Sept. 20th .'" ' '.' / '. commencing at ·1 o'clock when about 3: QUEBEC and AIR.TIGHT HEATERS, STOVE PIPES and :l: FiRE' MENACES FARMERS. [arty indies met together. New memo .:: ELBOWS ALWAYS ON HAND, :l: bel'S wal'e eDl'olled, nnd then nrrnnge· ::: Store Closes at 6.: 30 p.m., Except Saturday,Beffjnning Sept. 1,5. :i,: I A bad forest and prulrle Clre of inents. W(lrS, I)Hule to hnve 'l'hanks· 'I' '1" considerable extent ·lIve miles south giving supper and concert on Nov. ]2. ::: Phone 32 JOHN P'OLLON :::' of '1'I'eherne has been. raging for'thl . A very ClllOfnble program [ollowed ';' , ' Treherne, Man. ',' past week und on Friday dUl'lng thE conslst.!ng o'C:' .... ',' .... . .',' / Solo, Miss Ol1've' 'Spinks -: .. : •• : •• : ... : •• : •• : •• : ... : •• : .... •• : •• : •••• ............................. ...................................... , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : I high ,vind, endangered the pl'operty .0 ., ' . . ..... ;. -. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. ... I ' .... S I 'II J' B" 1 '. .,..". ' " . of severnl rat'mers to such an extent 0 0,." ss!.. rll( Y , ' I b I' '1 tl t fll't lnstrumental dudr,-":',Mrs. Pnrsons ,,_.. , ;", ' .' . '_" .... .., ., . .' . ' , In that nelg I 01'100\ lR eel1 ,or 'rrcherne men were' called' to hell) nn\! ,Mrs. Clegg ',' , They Cause Lose Hund' sands of Farmers to s of Dollars Every Year ' . . E V!):R Y night this Fan Ii.ends will be bus); on your larm: 1 hey are rllU and dawp .. ·naturc s outlaws. You know You have' .. only to walk out into y'0ur larm yard, right now, to' discover that they' . have been bllsy on the Job If your. implements are lying out in the wcather• Y o"r disc will be covered Ivith a coating of red nlst. The bearings will be thickening up. Your plow share will be cOI'cced with greeii:mould. I5n't it In.e? The longer you leave them outside the less valuable :thcy become. WhY? BrralJu.tltpruialion immtfiliuriy uls in • . It cats away the life 01 nn implement. It ruins valuable machin·es. It·, too bad to think that expensive .. JI",chiner)' only half aI/on?, as Ii shoiJId.··but this i. unlortunately tnle 01 machinery th.t is Idtllu.t in thc/weather.: .' . . : ... A"tI you Know u,hal happtns ••• when a fnsky horse starts careering around the fnrm yard on a (rusty morning •• -sni.lJl goes a casting; or when the milk cows start,scratchln!: their backs 011 Ihe binder sweeps. '. Is YOhr machlner\' protected,.: II it isn't. rend'what this fnrmers' own CbIIeKe :I. to .ay about lurmng a heavy annual, loss' into'3 successlul . statement is worth reading Jccausc it isn't just ad vcr- I U.IOI: talk···lt IS the truth. " ., CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings and Solo, Miss' B. Perrlgo"< : st.llcllS of gni.ln and straw. Baelt· Solo, )ll1ss E. Ross . : firing, .and a fort\lnate turn of the -Vocnl duet, Mrs .. St1'nson and Mrs. wind removed 'the dangel"" before Parsons ,much dnmage was done. A bufCet luncheon was then enjOYed CHESNEY PLAYERS COMING by nll, Mrs. Frame and Mrs. Bowles TO PRESENT STAGE PRODUC- pouring tea at dalnUly 'arranged ,ta· TION OF'SMIUN' THRO'UGH bles. The meeting was closp-d by'all 'l'he well Imo\vn and ever' POII1.ila-t present heartily singing the Doxology. Chesney Players, headed by.: Johnny J"oga'n' In' person are comIng to u()rDle. on 'l'hursday, · Cheenciy' . no'.lntroduc· tlon to local plny·goers. ,and the play - will be remembered ns screened by : Normn 'ralmadge and .shown ,In the 'Holland and Treherue Movies sever· nl months. ago .. A Inrge. number of those who snw the film at Hollnnd came to Treherne the following ulght : to see It ngt\ln.· All of these w!ll cer: : talnly wnnt to aee It ns, presented : by Johnny Logan's .Chesney Plnyers 'I on the speaking stage. SpeCial scen' I ery Is carried for the production and · the company· hns splendid muslclnns II1ll0ng their number. Populnr price'll w!ll prevnH •. . .DISTRICT .MEET:NG . The' 8th meeting of Dlsl. No.7, In· elillilng the Hebelmh Lodges of Wnw· . anesa, Gienboro, Holland nnd Treherne convoned at Treherene on Tuesdny ·Sept. 23, Afternoon session 'open nt 2.30 about 46 being present, ench lodge being 'well represented. Tile aCter· noon's work being mostly business. l<Jvenlng session opened 8.30 with nbout 70 gracing the hall. Several Clll' loads were on their wny Crom the towns, but got stranded owing to the heavy rain In the nfternoon. This VOLUME XXIV IS FINISHED necessitated 1\ chan'ge In some o[ the progrnm. This Wllek the Times Observer com Different features of the Rebekah · pletes Its [lrst 2'4 years df exlste'nce work wns exemplified by' the vnrlous · imd .next starts on very Interesting papers ; '1'here 1\1:;; 'not a few subscribers who given, etc. . have taken tile pnper" since. Its very Outshlo Officers present were Mrs. : first Issue, though none .o[ Its origin· A. Flyn, Assembly " ul advertisers nre now In tlle field. scnrth··MIss V. McLnchlnn or G1enboro, i The phint stnrted with a few cases of Dlat., Deputy PI'es!Uent, fFlyn type nnd . two small hand,operated gave an Interestlnlf talk, and otrered III'esses. It hns been owned by rour congratulations. ., A. J. P. ESTLlN,' Man.Ker Phone Sl TREHERNE parties, has been moved .four times After Lodge closed lunch was serveI' ...................... _ .............. and was destroyed'by flre.once. The ond singing oC Auld I"yne Snng brought . , Treherne Hall" Thursday Oct. 4 th The CHESNEY PLAYERS Smilin'.·Through·· .. ' ,.' . " .. ./ > ,. The'Romane,e' Beautiful.\ A. ,: "'. :.' .' " ",' N' . o' 'T' . MO' '. ,v'" ,IE" ',. '. , .' . ft >';', .. - _,...... l:, "," i.' ... " " .; . -' . , ... present plnnt Is one of the best coun· the hnpJlY gathel'lng to a close. try \llnn ts In the west and the build· Ing Is well adapted' to the ··purpose. '1'he Times was 'among the first coun try papers of 9anadian West to ndopt mechnnlcal typesetting, It was a pioneer. In, the· I vel'tlslng plan, nnd nmong' i.11e first · to break nway from the blood·sucklng i1'endy.prlnl. concerns .. It Is 'a charter I illember of the Western Selected i Weeklies Association. I Beglnrilng next· week the Elm Creek · Times' wAil be Incorporated W!UI the I.Tlmes Opserver,' ons ''Paper ; to . whole' territory.. '" ' C.O.D. Basis Beglnll Next Week , On October st tilO C.O.D. sy.stem of colllecting which was an· · nounced a few weeks ago, takes ef· fect nt ,..TImes office. No .more credit will .. be' given> for: job printing, no' liners \vl\1 be' published. unless . money hns' been rece'lved:ror them, no morc 'wlle Bubscrlptlons be' nllowed to three 'months hi. ar· . . .' ",11\' be .·dlie at .m'JDln and' no rurther selrvl(le" wl/lbe . tbEI;. 'month's ',R.,rvl"" for;; '. Parcels'· printing 'will· tie mall or prells·C.O.D.;. or paid. for : when livered otherwise: The'only exception to :'tills rule be uiil ,'ollie rounlel· 'pa1.ortlces. . .bYtblilplant. ; <'This' 18: '. ;.as' : announced . . . was given "'- jpur; '::"The. Mnlchetv!lle Annv. service w!ll bc held' Oct. 21st, nnd 22nd. Rev. I,each oC Winnipeg Greenwood Church ',\'!II'be nt nils the 25th, Annv. -Spc'clnl In' printed envelopes, white No.7, good grade, box or 600 $2.25, 1,000, $:I.OO-'l'lmcs Office. Do.·You Owe' Us? . .' Since coming we ,h!."veglv. en our beat efforts and service to the' people of our' district ••. Some · have paid us hi full. Others have paid us 'what they could. . And many' have passed us up. It III onlly reaaonabre Y,lhen peo· .. pie ask ·for qulc,k aervlce In " genclea In'llll kind •. of weather, day' or' night, that they ahould flr.t con·.lder thOle who .tand be· ,. tween 'them ;al'd UI health .and In ma"y., c .... mllch worae. ' · . We like .. to .erve.· 'We want to '. eerVe but dolnll .0 we . mu.t live . and be to' meet; our .ollllga. ,tiona, or."the "'.ult I. nothing but .. :illa.ater.. ., '. . . '. . ·.your .flrit .con6lderatlon ahould · 'be to thol' health and. y'our famllY'1 health: .. Noth· t" hili', elle mattere wh'en yo.ur health yoU! . drulllliat ca,,".ot It. If. you . do' not pa" them .. for their Il!rvlcel , \ ':'. : :'.' , .' . .' . r , .... '.;;.;.':. ."' ' \ Llbrnry·. . ,.2<\ .. '- --------- \, ... ... .... < ;. __ ._ .... >TIONS, $2.00 PER YEAR \ Pioneer Hardware Store , PROTECT YOUR ENGINE FROM THE COLD WEATHER ... RADIA· TOR AND ENGINE COVERS FOR FORD CARS,' FELT LINED AND WATERPROOF, ONLY $3.00 '. ANTI.FREEZE LIQUID FOR YOUR RADIATOR-DOES NOT HARM OR RUST YOUR RADIATOR-$2.00 PER GALLON , NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A SMALL ONE OR TWO BARREL TANK FOR SOFT WATER IN YOUR KITCHEN. 1.BBL., $4,50, 2· BBL., $5.00. EMPTY OAK LINSEED BARRELS, GOOD VALUE $4.00 mm mm HAND SAWS AND TOOLS FOR FARM USE. GETTI'NG READY FOR WINTER TAKES SOME FIXING UP. " .' 26 INCH HAND SAWS $2.50 AND NAIL HAMMERS 65c. UP. STEEL SQUARES $1.75. LEVELS WITH-PLUMB $1.85. SEE THEM Store Closes at 6: 30 p.m., Except Saturday, Beginning Sept. 15. BOX Ltd. Phone 111 T reherne ,WPM pM -:LADIES' NEW FALL COATS:- A new fall shipment just arrived, in newest styles with fur collars. Prices $31.00 to $50.00. , . -:FLANNEL A nice new ) shipment to arrive any clay now. newest styles. "GOSSARD" FRONT-LACE CORSETS are unexcelled for' styl( and wearing Con- sidering thej, are the best. $ 3.5'0 to $6.00. Free China and Dinnerware SOc.-GRAB BOXES-SOc. A new lost just made up containing a new lot of articles.' Every ·box contains at least SOc. worth of Merchandise. , . Groceries " Gold Stand· ard Baking' Powder 5-lb. tin, 90c , LUX two packages for. 25c. Com·or Peas per ZOe. Pure Rllsp, berry Jam 4·lb. lins 95c PRUNES in S-Ib. pkg. 9Sc . Seeded Rais- ins, S-Ib pkg. $1.00 Trelhenrne , W .. J. RUSTON, Phone S2 / Caslh General Merchant TREHERNE ., a1k for Your Milk a \ We' Make Delivery Right to. Your Door in'. Bottles Only, .•. , "MILK '. F'ROMTESTED COWSONLy,;1 , . ·.II·.Quarts for $1.00 ,'.'" ,." ", '"" . .. \. . .:. . ' .. ; .. :. ,- ' ... l, b .. .. '. ,. .' . I _I 1 , . , ! o'r".lf ,; " , ?; , .. . ,

Transcript of Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend...

Page 1: Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . :1: ... CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings

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Mrs. W. J. Enallsh

Rathwell Sub.crlptlon Agent:-. Mias Jane Forbes Im'es- server

Canadian Weekly Newspapers Ass'n. Western Selected Town Weeklies

Associate Member:-Buckeye Press As.oclatlon.


PROFE,SSIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT ~""r..-!ft . .I! .............. !..)t:~":".".":-<"~."~":"."."~":.':"'''''e":.''.''.".''X ... "~!. ............................ ) •••••••••• !; I DEATH OF ANOTHER AGED LADV * ' , 'iHE' TREHERNE' FURNiTURE' AND' ... :l: II Mrs. Elizabeth DunflllId died . at 'f. 'j' I Treherne on Sundny mar ,ling, Sept.

:i: HARDW ARE STORE / :i: I 23rd, nt the home oC her da~ghter,

Dr. R. H. Hurton nnnounces that his visit of October 3rd w!ll be his last In Tre,herne In n professlonnl cnpaclty, as he has sold his prnctlce, good·w!ll and equipment In Treherne to Dr. J. G. Mills who w!ll devote his entire time to the profession of den· tlstry at 'rreherne. Dr. HUI·ton be· spealts for Dr. M!IIs n contlnunnce of the patronagc he hns enjoyed here.

X" ':'1 Mrs. E. H. Little. . :}, :i: MI·s. Dunfield, whose mnlde~ na~c ;. 'I' ,was Dalzell, was born In RenCrew Co., s ••• , ' " , 'I' .:' Ont., In August, 18·12. and th~e I she 3:,., :;: was married to James DunCleld; In tile :' " .:. yeal' 1868. They came west to Mnnl· :i: :!: tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . : 'f I . :1: '1' nenr Burnside, which· has been her Dr, ~I!lls Is a grnduate of Toronto

University and holds both n Manito· ba and' Dominion license which Is ns· surance enough ,that he Is capable of attending our dental needs. PerEon· nllly, of course, Dr. Mills needs no Introduction to Treheme people as this Is 'hs own home town. The fnct that he has spent the past seveJ'll' years away from home, first ns an employe oC the Bank of Montreal. then In tile army, and the pnst foul' years In college mny malte It neces· snry to mention' for the benefit o~ some of the newcomllrs In this . dis·

.;. ::: home since tlUlt time, excepting only )' .1

1, the times during recent yenrs, when

.' •• h ':. ,I, she was visiting at the homes oC er A I ' ,:. ~I '1' daughters. She wns ~l pioneer oC the • 0".. ••• j 'i' '... highest type, one o[ those, of whom ., I e1 .:. ':' too much cannot be slIld In til r : ... '1' ,!, prllise. She WllH II membcr ot .: the ::: :!: . Methodist Church for mnny yenra:~nd ::: 'i' . her home was n haven to the plon.eer I •• lid b ·f· 'l .;. . m 8slonllrles whQ. passe y. ~! . ,~ ::: I Hcr husbnnd nnd ~lIdest dnughter -:- -:- . predecensed her some eleven ye!irs ::: '1' ugo. Two oC her sons died In .... _, .. -, ... . .. 'i' "1'1 . She lellves to mourn their I • ." •• l1:obevt. .:. .1 •• sons and till'ee dnughters, ct that he Is ollr own Garnet Mills,

:i: ·i· ! Portnge Plltins, Sllas of t ' :!: ; George of F'oxwuJoren, \Vesley on'

at I'Tolland and raised In '1're­herne. Success to him.

.:. NOW Is your time to get that floor covered with Linoleum. ;!: homestead nt Burnside, Mrs. C. 'j' We have two pieces of 4.yards wide Linoleum to go at -:- i caire lind Mrs. E. H. Little of 'r',·,,'hA,rnc'

CHURCH LADIES' AID SOCIAL AFTERNOON ::: $4.00 per lineal yard. (Regular price $4.20 per yard.) :1: and Mrs, John Muirhead of C~lrh'i'!l':rv ('

'j' '('.s we only have about 40 lineal yards to go at this price, ,!., and 27 gmndch!ldren. . :!: you will have to come early to avoid being disappointed. :l: I ... :rhe [uneral was held at very InteresUng soclnl nfternoon :~ WE CARRY A GOOD STOCK OF WALL PAPER, PAINTS :i: rBaldence on D'uesday, nnd'Lwasspent'hy the Union Church Lndles ;:. AND VARNISHES. .;. wus mnde In BllInslde Cemetery,_. on Thursdny aftemoon Sept. 20th .'" ' '.' / '. commencing at ·1 o'clock when about 3: QUEBEC and AIR.TIGHT HEATERS, STOVE PIPES and :l: FiRE' MENACES FARMERS. [arty indies met together. New memo .:: ELBOWS ALWAYS ON HAND, :l: ~' bel'S wal'e eDl'olled, nnd then nrrnnge·

::: Store Closes at 6.: 30 p.m., Except Saturday,Beffjnning Sept. 1,5. :i,: I A bad forest and prulrle Clre of inents. W(lrS, I)Hule to hnve 'l'hanks· 'I' '1" considerable extent ·lIve miles south giving supper and concert on Nov. ]2.

::: Phone 32 JOHN P'OLLON :::' of '1'I'eherne has been. raging for'thl . A very ClllOfnble program [ollowed ';' , ' Treherne, Man. ',' past week und on Friday dUl'lng thE conslst.!ng o'C:' .... ',' .... . . ',' / Solo, Miss Ol1've' 'Spinks -: .. : •• : •• : ... : •• : •• : •• : ... : •• : .... ~: •• : •• : •••• ~ ............................. ~ ...................................... , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : I high ,vind, endangered the pl'operty .0 ., ' . . ..... ;. -. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. .. ... I ' .... S I 'II J' B" 1 '. .,..". ' " . of severnl rat'mers to such an extent 0 0,." ss!.. rll( Y

, ' I b I' '1 tl t fll't lnstrumental dudr,-":',Mrs. Pnrsons ,,_.. , ;", ' .' . '_" .... .., ., . .' . ' , In that nelg I 01'100\ lR eel1 cal'~ ,or 'rrcherne men were' called' to hell) nn\! ,Mrs. Clegg ','

, They Cause

Lose Hund' sands of Farmers to

s of Dollars Every Year ' ~ . .

EV!):R Y night this Fan il~stn,cdve,litllc Ii.ends will be bus); on your larm: 1 hey are rllU and dawp .. ·naturc s outlaws. You know th~m. You have' .. only to walk out into y'0ur larm yard, right now, to' discover that they' .

have been bllsy on the Job If your. implements are lying out in the wcather • Y o"r disc will be covered Ivith a coating of red nlst. The bearings will be thickening up. Your plow share will be cOI'cced with greeii:mould. I5n't it In.e? The longer you leave them outside the less valuable :thcy become. WhY? BrralJu.tltpruialion immtfiliuriy uls in • . It cats away the life 01 nn implement. It ruins valuable machin·es. It·, too bad to think that expensive .. JI",chiner)' last~ only half aI/on?, as Ii shoiJId.··but this i. unlortunately tnle 01 machinery th.t is Idtllu.t in thc/weather.: .' . . : ...

A"tI you Know u,hal happtns ••• when a fnsky horse starts careering around the fnrm yard on a (rusty morning •• -sni.lJl goes a casting; or when the milk cows start,scratchln!: their backs 011 Ihe binder sweeps. '.

Is YOhr machlner\' protected,.: II it isn't. rend'what this fnrmers' own CbIIeKe :I. to .ay about lurmng a heavy annual, loss' into'3 successlul i~~'C5tmento . ~helr statement is worth reading Jccausc it isn't just ad vcr- I

U.IOI: talk···lt IS the truth. " .,


'. In protecting the farm buildings and Solo, Miss' B. Perrlgo"< : st.llcllS of gni.ln and straw. Baelt· Solo, )ll1ss E. Ross . : firing, .and a fort\lnate turn of the -Vocnl duet, Mrs .. St1'nson and Mrs. wind removed 'the dangel"" before Parsons

,much dnmage was done. A bufCet luncheon was then enjOYed CHESNEY PLAYERS COMING by nll, Mrs. Frame and Mrs. Bowles

TO PRESENT STAGE PRODUC- pouring tea at dalnUly 'arranged ,ta· TION OF'SMIUN' THRO'UGH bles. The meeting was closp-d by'all

'l'he well Imo\vn and ever' POII1.ila-t present heartily singing the Doxology.

Chesney Players, headed by.: Johnny J"oga'n' In' person are comIng to u()rDle. on 'l'hursday, 4th~ ii.~d

· Cheenciy' . no'.lntroduc· tlon to local plny·goers. ,and the play

- will be remembered ns screened by : Normn 'ralmadge and .shown ,In the 'Holland and Treherue Movies sever·

nl months. ago .. A Inrge. number of those who snw the film at Hollnnd came to Treherne the following ulght

: to see It ngt\ln.· All of these w!ll cer: : talnly wnnt to aee It ns, presented : by Johnny Logan's .Chesney Plnyers 'I on the speaking stage. SpeCial scen' I ery Is carried for the production and · the company· hns splendid muslclnns

II1ll0ng their number. ~ Populnr price'll w!ll prevnH •.


• . The' 8th meeting of Dlsl. No.7, In· elillilng the Hebelmh Lodges of Wnw· . anesa, Gienboro, Holland nnd Treherne convoned at Treherene on Tuesdny ·Sept. 23, Afternoon session 'open nt 2.30 about 46 being present, ench lodge being 'well represented. Tile aCter· noon's work being mostly business.

l<Jvenlng session opened 8.30 with nbout 70 gracing the hall. Several Clll' loads were on their wny Crom the towns, but got stranded owing to the heavy rain In the nfternoon. This

VOLUME XXIV IS FINISHED necessitated 1\ chan'ge In some o[ the progrnm.

This Wllek the Times Observer com Different features of the Rebekah · pletes Its [lrst 2'4 years df exlste'nce work wns exemplified by' the vnrlous · imd .next ~veek starts on VolumeXXV.I-I()u~;es, very Interesting papers ; '1'here 1\1:;; 'not a few subscribers who given, etc. .

have taken tile pnper" since. Its very Outshlo Officers present were Mrs. : first Issue, though none .o[ Its origin· A. Flyn, Assembly Pr~sldent, o~,B!n. " ul advertisers nre now In tlle field. scnrth··MIss V. McLnchlnn or G1enboro, i The phint stnrted with a few cases of Dlat., Deputy PI'es!Uent, M~s.· fFlyn

type nnd . two small hand,operated gave an Interestlnlf talk, and otrered III'esses. It hns been owned by rour congratulations. .,

A. J. P. ESTLlN,' Man.Ker Phone Sl TREHERNE parties, has been moved .four times After Lodge closed lunch was serveI' ...................... _ .............. and was destroyed'by flre.once. The ond singing oC Auld I"yne Snng brought

. ,

Treherne Hall" Thursday Oct. 4 th


Smilin'.·Through·· .. ' ,.'

. " .. ./ > ,.

The'Romane,e' Beautiful.\ A. 'W~~d~rf~'~C~~p~i ,: "'.

Gorgeou~ ·.'SceDi~ .·Equi~~~Dt"': :.' .' " ",' N' . o' 'T' .:'.'~; . MO' '. ,v'" ,IE" ',. '. , .' .

ft >';', .. - _, ...... l:, "," i.' ... "

" .; . ~ -' .

, ...

present plnnt Is one of the best coun· the hnpJlY gathel'lng to a close.

try \llnn ts In the west and the build· Ing Is well adapted' to the ··purpose.

'1'he Times was 'among the first coun try papers of tli~o. 9anadian West to ndopt mechnnlcal typesetting, It was a pioneer. In, the·

I vel'tlslng plan, nnd nmong' i.11e first · to break nway from the blood·sucklng i1'endy.prlnl. concerns .. It Is 'a charter I illember of the Western Selected i Weeklies Association.

I Beglnrilng next· week the Elm Creek · Times' wAil be Incorporated W!UI the I.Tlmes Opserver,' ons ''Paper ; to

. whole' territory.. '" ' C.O.D. Basis Beglnll Next Week

, On October st tilO C.O.D. sy.stem of colllecting accoun~s which was an·

· nounced a few weeks ago, takes ef· fect nt ~the ,..TImes office. No .more credit will .. be' given> for: job printing, no' liners \vl\1 be' published. unless . money hns' been rece'lved:ror them, no morc 'wlle Bubscrlptlons be' nllowed to 'got"mo're~than' three 'months hi. ar·

. . .' ",11\' be .·dlie at .m'JDln and' no rurther

selrvl(le" wl/lbe . tbEI;. ~lre1r!01Js, 'month's ',R.,rvl""

for;; '. Parcels'· printing 'will· tie :seni'~bY: mall or prells·C.O.D.;. or paid. for : when livered otherwise: The'only exception to :'tills rule be uiil ,'ollie rounlel· 'pa1.ortlces. . .bYtblilplant. ; <'This' 18: '. ;.as' : announced

. . . was given "'-jpur;

'::"The. Mnlchetv!lle Annv. service w!ll bc held' Oct. 21st, nnd 22nd. Rev. I,each oC Winnipeg Greenwood Church ',\'!II'be pres~nt nt nils the 25th, Annv.

-Spc'clnl In' printed envelopes, white No.7, good grade, box or 600 $2.25, 1,000, $:I.OO-'l'lmcs Office.

Do.·You Owe' Us? . .' Since coming h~re we ,h!."veglv.

en our beat efforts and service to the' people of our' district ••. Some

· have paid us hi full. Others have paid us 'what they could. . And many' have passed us up.

It III onlly reaaonabre Y,lhen peo· .. pie ask ·for qulc,k aervlce In e~er-

" genclea In'llll kind •. of weather, day' or' night, that they ahould flr.t con·.lder thOle who .tand be·

,. tween 'them ;al'd UI health .and In ma"y., c.... mllch worae. '

· . We like .. to .erve.· 'We want to '. eerVe but I~ dolnll .0 we . mu.t live

. and be abl~ to' meet; our .ollllga. ,tiona, or."the "'.ult I. nothing but

.. :illa.ater.. ., '. . . '. . ·.your .flrit .con6lderatlon ahould

· 'be to thol' whogua~dyour health and. y'our famllY'1 health: .. Noth·

t" hili', elle mattere wh'en yo.ur health .11~IIO"~~:; Your:~oCforand yoU! . drulllliat ca,,".ot ,1I~ot.~t., It. If. you . do' not pa" them .. for their Il!rvlcel

, \ ':'. : :'.' , .' . .' . ~.. r , .... '.;;.;.':.

"~, ."' '

\ P-r~vl~clnl Llbrnry·. . ,.2<\ .. '----------

\, t~.; ... ~.~.~.: ... ~·· .... ::·,,,,,,,,,:-·,,:~· <

;. __ ._ .... >TIONS, $2.00 PER YEAR \

Pioneer Hardware Store ,







Store Closes at 6: 30 p.m., Except Saturday, Beginning Sept. 15.

BOX BROS.~ Ltd. Phone 111 T reherne

-~ ,WPM pM

-:LADIES' NEW FALL COATS:-A new fall shipment just arrived, in newest styles

with fur collars. Prices $31.00 to $50.00. , .

-:FLANNEL DRESSES:~ A nice new


shipment to arrive any clay now. newest styles.

"GOSSARD" FRONT-LACE CORSETS are unexcelled for' styl( and wearing qua!itie~. Con-

sidering e~erything, thej, pric~s are the best. $ 3.5'0 to $6.00.

Free China and



A new lost just made up containing a new lot of articles.' Every ·box contains at least

SOc. worth of Merchandise.

, .


" Gold Stand· ard Baking'

Powder 5-lb. tin, 90c

, LUX two packages

for. 25c.

Com·or Peas per ~in


Pure Rllsp, berry Jam

4·lb. lins 95c

PRUNES in S-Ib. pkg.

9Sc .

Seeded Rais­ins, S-Ib pkg.


Trelhenrne , W .. J. RUSTON,

Phone S2 /

Caslh §tt~lre General Merchant


Why~W a1k for Your Milk



We' Make Delivery Right to. Your Door in'. Bottles Only, .•.


·.II·.Quarts for $1.00 ,'.'" ,." I· ", '"" .

.. \. . .:. . ' .. ; .. :. ,- ' ...

l, b

~j.: .. --~ ..

'. ,. .' .




, ~-, .

, I· •

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" , ?; , .. . ,

Page 2: Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . :1: ... CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings

'. .."... " " " ' ••• ~ •• ::,: • '!I' " , ,. ~~ :: ...... :'",':' .~ ••• ~.:/ ••

.. H' '. J!O .,.. '. •••• • .: •• "

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The Times.Observe.r, Treherne, Man • _-...:.. ______________________________ Tf_IE_E_L.;....M_C_R_E_EK_T_IM_ES_


Mother and Her Baby Are Relieved ~f Eczema

Mr •. Peter A. Palmer, Salt Bum, SuIL, write.:

"Dr. Chase's Ointment has completely relieved me of eczema and piles. I also used Ihis Ointment for my baby, who broke out in eczema. A few applications were ;all that was necessuy in her' case. Dr. Chase's Ointment has been worth a hundred dollars 10 me-before using it I had 5p~nt a great deal more than that in unsuccessful treat· ment from doctors, We have also used Dr. Chase's other medicines. the Nerve Food having restored my health after suffering from severe nerve trouble when a girl,"

DR. CHASE'S OINTMENT 110 Cent.8 " box. ILII dealers, or Edmansoll. Datftl 41: Co" Ltd., Toronto


UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on are not getti~g Aspirin at all

tablets, you

Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dos~ worked out by physicians during 22 years and' proved safe by millions for

Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache

I : ,,'j

Earache Neuralgia Lumbago

Neuritis Pain, Pain



Pecul!arly, one t)'pe of joke which rIoUl'lshes everywhere has to do Wltll servitude. . De the one In bon,bg,~ ;L

young husband afflicted with a moth· er.ln·law. or a citizen In the sway at an over·salarled clerk In' tile Incollle lax oHlce. the funny lIIen continue to paint the old faithful In new col· aI's and parude It for laughs.

Really th'ere Is noth Ing funny In bolng 100'dod over.

'1'he TrIbune completed Its ID22 lax return lust March and Inldt w,!ek rp· cell'ed the first request for 11101'0 do· tailed Information. 'I'hls coul!d read· Ily have been furnished hl~t Arril IIr May. It was very dlr.rtlult to answer the queries wlth·held until t~ll) 111\11dle

..... i ...... # ••••••••••••••••• ,~ I

An Aerial' Proposal


By VICTOR REDCLIFFE •...... " ...... , ...... , ........ . (Copyrl"bt. 'Yeslorn Newspaper Union)

El1\c rlln huck unller lin allen stock ~hl'll, liS thou~h' thllt frul\ shelter would protect her fl'om the descent of whll t suggcMte(\ to her sninl' del'our· :Il/: 1lI0llster of ihe nlr ullllt'll strllight COl' the spot~' It WII8 Ull IIlrplune. lind she Iwew this. hilt liS It shot town I'd her a 1'1I·1t1 terrOI' ()I'ercnll~ her. She _hrunk Imelt nnt! c~I'el'e(\ her fllce 11'1\)1, her hOluls. Nothing hnppenell. I"Ill're IUIII come u chu!.:glng 111111 then a clullIpln~ sOllllll' outHl,le nllli thl'n slh'llce. 'I'he 1\1I1l~l'r WIIS flppnrently Jver 111111 she l'entul',,1i to the etlge of the shell nnll looltetl ufleili.

or September. 'Whlle this case Is 'j'he new presentment WIlS one cal· quoted because we know tilO partie' ~ulnted to Inspire rcllef and a sense ulars of It best. the annoyance most Jf security. Tho airplane had Innded business houses are put to because (ll oot fifty feet awny and wns motion· slaclt methods of administering the less nnd silent now. A young IlIlln In Income tax act are spoken of freely ~onventlonlll flylllg costume hnd nllght· on the street. . ed and 'wns busily engngct! III tinker·

Many 'buslness houses make their Ing uhout the engine' of the plnne. returns promptly. because they be· His ngillty. whut of his fuce Rhowell, lIeve In pi·omplness. Some do It to ~ cheery whistle uttnlcted Eme. She avoid the penalty of delay which dan· timidly ndmnced. The nvlntor'noticed gles menacingly. The returns made. her. smiled plenslngly und suspended recellJts are recelyed covering any ac· hiM work tempol'nrlly, companying remittances und the "Your farm. I guess?" he spoke In transaction fudes out of mind. The cleur. mellow tones. "No one will hunt summer months pass and finally Sep· me on' If I get on my way Roon. eh?" tember comes along with Its extl'n "Oh I Indeed not." rcplled Eme· rush of wOl'k, and with I~ comes a let· quickly. "We are all llulte Interested tel'. It reads. maybe. !I1tb this, "Dear In nlrplnnes. In fact my brother. who Sir: .In connection with your return waS! overseas. did something In fly· of Income tax for 1922. please rUI"lllsh Ing." ' me 'wlth an analysis of your genera. "Did he. now?" projected Dick I\[or-expenses." etc. ley. "I must hunt him up."

And you hotly consign the author . elBe Is not at home just now." ex· of that letter to Old Nlclt. But you plnlned 1~1I1e. "hut he \vould he glud have got to send back tilat Informa, til meet you. I know. Hnven't we no· tlon, so you wade In. And you find t1ce!l your Illnne pnss over sevcral that Its a great big task. this tracing trmes lutely?" of cross entries In the synoptic. so "Yery likely." responded Dick. that the previous year's figures may "You sec. It's pnrt ot the expl~rlmentnl be Interpreted. It Is a great .deal big· nlr service. I fly froll1 Merrill to gel' task than It would lia ve been back nrnmllton trying to estilbllsh u sched· In May. when your mind was not so ule for regular service Inter on. One far removed from the detail of your ot the vnlve rockers slipped out at 1922 financial statement. Then why true nnd I cnme down' to repnlr It." In ullitider does the' government not !:Ie resumed his work on the engine. check over returns earlier and close restored his tools to 'a box nboRrd transactions W'ltil those of Its tax. and got ready to resllftle h18" flight.

"And what o~e t~os~r' Inq'lj'ired Et· payers who are willing to co·operate? . The answer"ls. the clerk In the tax lie os Rhe notlc~'(1 t"·o· S III Ii II ling.

oWce-the slow thinking over paid lying on the driver's seot. . clerk wlio wOl;ks not so hard as' '110 "WIg'W~K8." onswered' Dlck-"slgnol

IJretends' to' work. "and wl10 has ·sue· lings. . I repOlt at t1ie IIxed stiltlon

we. poss.:· . lie studied 'tlie pretty. cum bed to the exaslleratlng habit of glowlni tace before hini with nllililrn.· permltUng. the green grass to wither tiOIl ond' secnie'il reluctant"to 'itelmrt.

TIo.ndy ''Daycr" boxeR of 12 tablets-Also bottlcs of 24 o.nd l{lO-Drul,rgists. and die under lils brogues before It A.plrln I. lh. Irn.lo mork' ( .. ~I.I.r.d In Cano,la) of nayer M.nuCacturo of 110.0- . . He put In' Hie tlrue"nsk'fn'g I<J1I1e tihollt ••• tlc."',I,'.'"r·"f flallcyllcucld. Whll. It \0 ,,·,,11 known lhat A.plrln monn. nayor occurs to him to cbeck your return. Iier lirotlim' ,u'nd they"parted at, to Rssillt the public aR'l\lnllt Imitations, the Tahlob of Bayer Campan, . Yet after nil.' it is a good thing, for ' will bo .tampad will: their J;encrlll trado nuuk. the .... Dayer era .. " ,ncQunhittlnces.' l

I. " ' , '.,' <. tbe country' that the govemment ~verY' other day ~or a week the air· "'-...... "'-.. -.. -=-.. , .. -"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-............ =-="""~7" ..... ====== .. _"""'~ ... =''''.,C''.''" .. ''''''_"" ..... ;0: "" ..... .' .. ,...;.-....... =~" cierks tingle themselves securely ··In plane' crossc'd 'the sky directly' over

red tape.' For If they ever got out In· tbe ROWMOIl" plnce and about the 8ame

HID ES As SOOIl all taken off, spread them out flat and put fifteen pounds of nit on. Leave them spread out at least twenty. four houni before' rolling up. Thilll .hlp' them dlrcet to me, whe~ you will receive' FULL MARKET VALUE;



to the field of progres31ve endeavor liollr, The 1I1'Mt day :Dlck woved hi" there would soon be rieed' of another flags on'd El!le lIu'ttered her hnndker·

.source or' revenue to replaco;' the tax· chief In return. .Tu'9t after thnt on Ing of business 11I'OmS. for there cer' his out trip Dick' dropped a pl'etty talnly wouldn't. be any profits. Bus· nosegay. '1'he second trlp'f,succeedlng Iness' couldn't' be conducted on' the lie let loose a box 'or chocoilite creams. dystem, tbey follow.-.Tbe Mlnnedoslt "It Is getting 1r,'teresUng and serl-Tribune. OilS.'; El!le ·told herself with it can·

Tlie"edltor of the Tribune deals un· ICious' ilush: . Her' 'brother 'returned fairly with tbe poor ove~·pald and un that evenln~. ',rhe"clever little' plotter derworked clerks In the tax Inspeetors led him Into temng 'of his expel' Ie nee office. 'Certainly he can't expect any' hi' till! . wor 'zorie. He' found an' ob· real' efficient he·man to work there sOrbe'l; listener In his' sister. 'In order under the' thumb of' such a glorified to 'demoosfmte the uUllt'y of the air ja'ckiiss 'as the'lnspeetor himself. Ab ilgllliis' he brought out . two l1a"". a' fatr exa.mple of his stupidity ,the "You eRIl keep those as souvenl",;

•••••••••• f!II ••• _ ••••••• _ ••••• _.. Times has' olso an experience to reo 8IMter.·~ he snld. nnd proceeded to teach

iIdren Cry for

MOTHER! Fletchcr's Castoria is a harmless 'Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all age.; of

Constipation Flatulency Di'arrhea

Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach 'Regulate Bowels

Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and

Natural Sleep without Opiates To avoid imitations. always look for the signature of ~ Proven clircction~ ~ each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it.


5$ Office Positions are plentiful-$$

in WINNIPEG, the Great 5 Emplo~ent and Industrial $ $ Centre of dte 'III1hole W ~st $ $ A Ichool In a town or Iman $ $

city, where pOIIUons arc al.. $ ways Icarce, cannot. place

$ Its studente. Itll Kraduate. $ are compelled, at their in ..

$ convenience and expenlle. to $ 11'0 to larlfer clUei and to

$ .hllt I~. them •• I .... It w\ll $ paJ' you alraln and a"aln to

$ train In Winnlpelf where $ emploYment il .t Ita beet

$ and where 70U ean attend $ th'. Sueenl BUltneal Col ...

$ lewe whol. .raduatee are $ l1'iven preference by thou ..

$ lands of employers and $ where 70U can Itep rllrht

$ from Ichoat inlo a lI'ood S pOiltion aa loon al your

$ courae ia ftniahed. The Sue.. S ceil BUllnell ConeRa, Win ..

$ nlpelf. II a atrong'. reliable S $

Ichool-ila Iuperlor lervlce 5 hal reeulted In Ita annual

$ enrollment .reatly exceed.. 5 In8' the combined yearly at,..

$ tendance of all olher BUill.. $ nelll CoUeg'ea In the wholo Province of Manitoba. Open $ S fI1 all the year. Enroll at any

$ time. 'Wrlte for free proe.. $ Ilectu •.


WINNIPEG • MAN. $ $ ~ No' tJ6iUtJ'n ",I'" ,,,.yl.,II,r $ 5 ~ S ... i", .. Collq. iN CotOtJd"

$$$$$$$$SSSS$$$$$$$$$ . , . ---

-TIMES Want Ads do the business


I'll TeH I

~;-- tbe World IT wu in

the .pirit of "pOI' the word a10 .. " that Frank

E. . John.. a w.lI·klWWll tr.,..II.r. peDMCI

u. the follewin. letter : "No. I lIB"inc to.,i .. e JW'U U ... .

Ii<;..d , ... _ .. 1.'.. I ... .. load • ,..,...... ..,' ~~ ,.. ....... t medic .... ~ .. ularI7 ao.alW lin .... . en. do, I ... ,.U ., .... hord do,'. _ .. tho .tu.~. I dov.l.,.,..l ....... PO" ito my Ie,. anti lik .... ft who h .. nne Iaed ... ,Ih,,. -.- .iIlI bim ph,.icoll¥. I complained rat. Ito.tuouel,. TIle pod litt" .if, .,.: · •• iII rub ""'.ith ... liniment.' 'Co .... d.· I .. id. ;UIt te hur_..... . w.n, in .... __ .iIl> 0

bollia 0' MINARD'S ..... IOU buoy. ...... poin diM_rod in • few .. in ...... UtI you WI' ten tho _lei I ... ..... 11

Hot and Cold Water In Every Room

=='I"==========:,,========,=============~" late,' 'In maklng'out our expens~ ae· EII!e the coUe. . . ". -- count for 1922. under the heading "I've: heard y,ou!' brother hill! come --ililI!lI:jf'II;w.rv.lffiIfiI;;~um~lt·iI!lI!lI!.it·W.lI!i·lIill5¥.llilf.lKlI!lI!IU!lI!lIil.!!lIilliit·. "Other expenses (specify)" something hom~, 1\1\"8 Ua wNon." Dick 80ld when Thel'e are severnl dlstlncLly good

The Brunswick 'Hotel

I, ,. ......... .. .., ... . ., .. . .... . .. . !!Ite' thls-Papei'. Inks. metals. tele· next t111iy rilet,· ... rell him' I 'orO'cnger to stories In the recently published '''Rem

\ . phone.' freight. expense. cartage. gas· meet him'. BY' the W~y, why I' stopped? Inlscences" of George H. Ham. 1·lere

'Tlle Inspector disallowed a,r1 these 011'\'(,' ~ilrit!nl1' nt IIIl!lvnle todIlY." eratlon. and on losing conselousness


\ Centrally Located on Corner of Main and Rupert Streets


:: The T.-m·e to Advert.-se olllne and' oils. etc .• umpteen' dollars. It'~' 0 .·qlieer r£'11Mon: l' met a III1s8 Is one of Ulem. He underwent an op

Items and revised the statement to "Oh I yes. she Is n very' dear friend," hIs last thought WIIS. "This Is etcI" rend. "gasoline '200." We never. did spoke Ellie' with' nnlmntlon.' '. nlty." "When I I'ecovel'ed from the ef· JAMES FOWLIE Prop. ;~ .-s All the TI-me :: learn why the oUlel' items were dlsal· ~'She tol~ me so." returnet! Dick. fects 'or' ilie oplate'i found myself In , .

~ lowed. bow It was llosslble to do all "ami she fnncled It .. WOUld be n won· a darkened room. lind wondered where lI!lI!!I!ll;;IHiIll;;w.U;!ii!;;lliliillilH'.!li!i!;;!!iI!ilii!;;!!ll!iI!iII iii the things gene'rally done around a tIertnl thhi~' to 'send you a letter by I was and whllt It was an about. The ~i (lrlntlng establlshllient with OIily one nlrplnne. Here It Is." kindly featured nurse quickly dlscov· ~ After a bl\lI stllrts to roll. It will go a certain distance merely by Item of raw iuaterlal at Ollr dlSllosal- "nut," HpOlte l;:nh~. ~Inncln::: nt the BI'ed that my consciousness IUlll re· l!i renson of Its olVn momentum. lr. gnsollne. and we were unllble to can· extcnlled hUIlt!. "there urc two let· llirn'ed and came to my bedsldo, une, if. lU vince the Inspector thut gnsollne was terM." then I romembered everything. "IInt hi 'rhe heavier nnd blggel' It Is. the further It will roll. It may have ~ not such a wondel'ful riuld .. Hardly "YcR"one at thl'!m Is from m~'self." why this dark ~oom? It was. early In ill Iicen Ill'etly hll"t! to stllrt In the first Illuce. but once'you get It going a m~J, had the matter passed from our mind I'X]lllllncII Dick. He lookc(\ hoI' close: the morning when they operated on i; little push now a~d then will bo all that Is necessary.' '! howover. when our return for ID22 Iy In tho <,yes ns he spoke. nnll Etlle me.' but now It can't be ulght." "N,l . . : If lhe gl'ound Is sort nnd rough. you will hal;e to push pretty hard. I: evldeutlly came up once more for' re· eXIH'rlt'nce(\ u strnng!! thrill, n~ though It Isn't that." sho seriously respond II \Yhen you get to the smooth places It will be cnslel·. . il1 view. (They review them now anti his nr(\ent gllzo eXlll'C'sSP(\ the pllrtlttl ed. "but we' were afraid of tI{e shocll . "m: i'. again like a geneml reviews his RUllpresslon 'of some (\C'cp emotlon.~ you. might gel. .There was a big flro : i The bnll of Duslness Is hard to roll In hot weather. The gl'Oullll Is "I 0 h I I to n I \\'Itl tl t,,·o . ·,:'R.:: t.t·OUIIS.) 'fhis lime .the Inspector snw "lI! us Cl ns S \l! yd 1 Ie across the street and we were armlcl

more 01' IU~8 stlclty nnd there Is It gl:ellt deal of friction. Stili. If you m' I I push hnr(\ enough. you can maYo It, '. I' ills own. revision which read. gnso III ss V('S. If you awolte and snw the flames yoI' I: I: Hne $200. 'and Illlmedhltely wrote and "You will pi ens!! not rend mine until lillght thlnlt thut tho operation had PI In Ihe fal!. when the cool wenther has mude the road to tradel i'.: Inquired In whnt manner we used so I hllve resumed my IIlght." snltl Dlcll. not boen successful. i!! ol\slor lind smooth or. you will not hlll'e to llUSh so hlll'd unless you want murh gasol:ne, At tllnt. you get vel')' It wus II'ullIllnlllte thllt gtlle should ~ the ball to go faster. Ir you do not push ut all, It 11'11\ cone to n stand· !: Ilttle gas for two hundrod dollut.s- open It Orst. II Ctci· Dick had Sllee(\l:'d h: st:1l even on a shoel of glass,' . i I I b on his wuy. '1'he hlooll1 upon her fltlr il,.:.I .. :.:. . I: on tillS side of the Internat ona . oun· chel!k WIlS. IntensllIl!ll us she did SIl. • ........................ ~

Somebody has said: '''rhe tlll10 to ad,·ertlse Is all the time." I dry. And next yea I' l\1llnltoba' people, •• v ......... i-.~ ...... O~~ ... ~. will hal'e stl!'1 another set of dumbells She trlpprll to the house In nn· appur·

; i 1'hnt Is one of the smut·test th!ngs that was e"er uttered. i collecllng'll1cohle tax froni them. when ·ently joyful mqoll. She WitS the vivid .You are well aware of the dis. " . i life or the fltmlly circle all Ihat ev&; ,i If you do not Ildvertlse In the BUlllmer-lf YOll do not push the tile province gets busy col1ectlng on appointment you experienced last IIi bnll lit all--It will stop, I.f you do not adv.ertlse In Ihe 'bll~Y sellson: ill incomes to PllY for tire deficiencies nlllg.. Christmas season when you did n' bllslno~H \\'111 go on ror a.certllin time at a alow, rllte oC speed. But Ir iii ~o carefully plnnlled by the Farmers' Once In her rnl'm. n hnppy, IIrl'nmy not have the daInty private greet. i,l you want to get ol'er n good deal of ground 'In a short time. you had mil! expre1\slon on 11('r nnlmnted. fncl!. ., IR·,I!.~.. better push It II10ng lively. .'" .il'~' Government. Even the ultlmlltum· or 1':lIIe took the tWIl slgnul liugs (1'0111 Ing cards you would have liked to

the people with' regard to ·the· Mod· their Illnce ol'er the mlrr.orr und prnc. 'send .friends at a dlstan~e. You : i A pecullnr tilIng about 010 rond to blHllncss success Is that It ill eratlon League has recelyed' ItS' fh'st tlced Wlg.wngglng "llHlnstrlnusly for can aV'old disappointment this lim!! runs uphill-If you stOll pushing YOUI' bull It w!ll roll down, Hi blow' by' tlie ,gol'ermnerit fL-<lng tllfl hnlf nn hour. Rhe waH out .In tile year by ordering early your reo : I ' . ,.,:' . it; 'salaries;'ror the cClIlunlss!on' at· the ·ex· . lield lwxt lllol' n 10111(' time hefrre quirements In Prfvate Greeting

; : .... "~!:I'~""'I:~m::(!"''''.I''I'".:t .. '';.,.,,: .. ;'''''I!; ... ;~,:lI::l .. ""::~;I';".".I::I::I:";,.' .... I .. "iI'''JI'.'''' .• t1!' .. , •• l horbltunt' figure or; ten thousand' dol: n. spl'ck In .tllI! IIIRtnllcll !l'rllllunlly Cards froni the be"utiful samples . . ,m .. ;, .• am" ... rn ..... " ... ' ... r.r.,,~ .. I., ... "''''''''''''~'''' IIr." .. O; .. ' ..... I" ... ': .• ~ .... "'. 'n ....... . '~w.."~,,,,,,,, .Iars, flach, .and then hlm'dep Ule lilums grew to the plnlnl~' dll<Uugulsltnhle pro.' which are now being shown' at

thus,Cl'ented to tilTee totally !neWclent IIt)rtlons of nn nlrpllllHl. the TI M ES Office, TI;ero werO-- muffled sOllnds ' orca c'T' .. ' .,' , :.....:.$'... und i'nexllerlin\ced'inun-'nll of ,,-hleh -, She wu'~ l'cpcntlilg .o.,·er. to, herself'· , .

'struggle In the other roonl,'nnd a glrl~ . VPEW" R' )TE'R" . : is'- e'Xpccted to' 'erfectl):' place' :tlle thl! hrlef hut tc\llng. contenti! or the ......... ~ ............. . . 'vqlce squenicli. "Stop.! .;. . .. . "" . 1 .. .' ..;f .;, .... liquor business. ·On. a pnl"· 'vlth··"other lelter Dick MOI'Il!y' hnd ',\TI"tten to her. • ........................ .

'I 'No response, gOI;el1l1uent conll'Ol!ed. Industries' nnd It wns. to the IJolllt, 'n\HI .. lt. told 'her' . ,,',: "Oh. Illense. don't, .Mother sul!1-" . , '. " ...... '..... to" deepen' 'stili mo'j'e iho:mlre 'or. pub· thnt he'· h)\'et! her. nnd ·u.qked It he

No response. 'REf'lT A 'TYF-!EW'RITER, >. lile ,debt.·· i ( ........ d "'''' ~ , .," "'ould be wulcomc tr liu~ culled up'on ',:

"011, \wnll,.just limllll!to. plense...' . . _ •. " .'.' I" ~ ~ .. , .,:. .h·{jI>tlint· CVQlllng. ,,'. . . ' ... '. -, \ 'C AS TOR I A No response. . .. \ .The Times hns sevolnl t) pev; I IterI' . ' c.... " '.' ': gllll' was nil n·lluttllr 1111 Rhe wiltched ' "r.~t·llle ~o 'thl's', mlrlllto"" . tr~ded In on new machhlnes. 'v:~leh nre ' .TRY.;\ TIMES AbLET'- 50' t tho nirllinne llellr shj\vh' 'und come -' .. . . .....

, . , ". .,. •. , , Ill' excellent· :condltlon . nnd . may· he": ".} ..' s . '. " " ., , .. ' :'on~ mor y~nlt,' Imt! ,1 11'1\1 • have ren tcd; or' p'urchnsed' 'on 'Instnllment£, Jar . the flrs~ '.'Ins~I'~lon ... 25 :.cents for dl~cctly O\:erhend, Thl!n < ~IP .. went the out COli sol co' the dC!\l~I"t; . t. or fol' cnsh. If you'n'eed'i!,typeWl'lter subsequo,nt Insertions. eMil wllh the' ,nl,gll. /lnt! :)ut or the pllln,? In ,prodigal

. , '. .. a ., ::..' rent one .. The rentnl wm be apillied In COll)' Is the rule:""'no credit, on these :-1lTofI,l810n thl!re .cnme; ~ . s/lOwer of mc~want nds 3 times fotu' cash l'iirton'"th!J "p\iH:h'as'e "prlce 'fr.' th-eV'cus.. orr~.ct";~ \ ndleui: ':~" :. ,~; ,; : ' , . .-.: ': ., . ~ . h:"lIl1tl.f1l1 roses; as' sbe; wlg',wngged: .'.

• OJ)

" ·\·tomer wishes to buy Inter on. ." '.... " ,. ": / .. '/ .. Y·I»!'..... . ......... "'.'" '.:' .. ~ " , . , • • /1 " , \

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--.---.---Job Printing




With typewriter type Etc., Etc •

Times Printshop Treherne, Man. ,





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..'. Holland, Friday~ Sept. 28th --ffmij ,\ ' .. .' .' T reherne, ,S~turday, Sept. 29 Jaw- ." "ve EM iW r

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ADOLPHE ZUKOR presents ..



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"'When, you're on top,;lo'oking • • " I

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GEORGE ADE ~~,' ," ,. . t" . ",} 1,., .

.'~' . . ... '. /, . :;~:.

" J

'j • • ., , ~) A ,~~G, Comedy:~rama racy ~ith wh~I~s()me American·fun. , ' .by America s fo're,rhost ·humoriSt directly. for -the

Written Tom

, : ' \ ,.... , ", .,' I, }I , 'I' .-

Meighan as, the lovable ~'Go-GeUer"_ wbo cot:nes badt ;'and screen.

shows' up his home' town. Lila, Lee' as the' girL ;,., .. ,,'


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"Buster- Keaton',jn' .... "THE '·PALEFA C'E" , \

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BU~TE.R plays ~~Injun"wi~gentle " . · child/en-of., Nature' who ,specialize

, " in, hair-raising, antics, with i double~ '<',cd t6mahawks.' . )

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Page 4: Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . :1: ... CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings

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, '. 'j p~lt& Subscription is invi/err for;

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~ •

$5'0,000,000 . '

Don,.iriion .ot ~'Canada , • J

Lo~n .1923 I

... .5% Bonds

, D~ted and bearing intcrest from, 15tl\ .OctOb~~ 1923, and 'off~red i~

two maturitics us follows: . , "-

~ .2,! year, Bonds due 15th dotobf!r. 1943 b, year Dunds due 15th Oot()oc~. 1928 I

IJrillcipal payable at illi' oDice oj tlu Rach'er-Ge/lcral 'at Ollawa 01' that of II,c Assistall/ 'Receiver­Gel/i'/'ul at lIulifu.t·, SI. JOhll, ·C/rar/otteIO'i.t'II, MOlltrcal, 7'orollto, /Fillllipeq, ReOllla,

- Caloary or Victo"ria" Semi-all/lllal illterest (15/h April'alld 15th Oc/ob'er) paYllblt! at allY brimch ill CallClda of (ill" c/rartered balll:. . Iv

. , . Dcnomiuations: $1 (,)0, $:>00. S 1 000

All bOllds lIIay be r"oi'Stcred as to principal o Illy, (lI!d bOllils ill dmolll illa/ioll 1II111tjples IIw'eof lIIay be fully registered.

O[ $500 alld all./lrorized

These ~oJlds.are.. aUlhol'izc~ um)el' ,Act -~f the Parliament of .Canada, interest ur~ a charge uIJon the Con::;olidated RevclIlie Fund.

and both principal and

To . , .

C8S]} Suhsl'ribcrs I

OHCrill~~ Terms \.- , ! This isslle prescnts a most al,tractive.inv·est· IllC:lt. The sccmity i[; (incomparable Hlld the ill:!OIllC retul'll hig-h. The bonds will occupy an investment l)Osition equal to that of Cun-ada's Victory Bonds. .

The bonds Dl'e for casl) at iUK price:;: ,

'. I 20 YRAn RON OS L

H8::!5.II11d iu/C,':;oest )'leldin~ 5.14% , ,


5 YEAn' no~ DS

HH ulid intm't~t'lt \ ,,,icldins 5 • ..:a %

the follow-

This' offer' is made subjecl to prior sale .:lld t.o advunc.:: i'il pl'ice. , •


To TIoMerF.i.l of 1023 Victory' IJllnds

In arltlition to the bonds offered for cash it has been 'tll'l'"nged lhat till OWllCl'fi of Victory Bonds due N!Jycmber 1st, 1923, may exchange their holdings for the dume ,Jnll'Ullt of the /lew issue. They wilf receive ill cd;:h t.he d:fferellce het\\ic~'n the face yalue of their maturing bonds alHI t.he purchase price of the new seclll'iI y. 1'/1111e1)'.: 'It thc rHte (.f $1175 pel' ~100 for 20' yeai' LullJd RIIJ $~.OO f~n' 5, yeat..b'onds.

Svecbi. :Pri ~ilege IlItel'cat coupons on bonds 'exc:!Ulnged are to be re­tained U)' lllll owner and l!Ufhed 0/1 November 1st. As the IIC,V bondH will be dated October 15th, holders who l'x~h:llIgc ",ill thlls receh'e nn cxtrn half month's interest "Joez'eily reducing the cost of 20 year/bonds fl'ullJ !J8.~5, und I) yeur hond& from 99, to the follow-~~: /

20 YEAH /lONDS _

1l8.02 nod inter"" .. t "icldill~ r..16%

5 YBAll 1l0NDS

OB.7·7 !Iud iauOJr"", , ieldill!! 5.28 %

. Holders are urged to act !Jl'omptly Uij tllrs privilege Is suLjr.cL to WiUldl·;LWUI. "t


, . , ,

. , Cn ulida , . bOJll~s ure' th", riwst ~U racU;vc , uhtaainlDuie ·j.l Cautuia. ' , . . .

, ,

investment -,'








. Saturday, Sept. 29th , THOMAS MEI,GHAN COMING AGAIN

1 In George Ade'a

and Story, "Back Home Broke"

Here Is n 111m that hns everyUllng deslrnble to achieve 11 big success­star, lIuthor, story nnd dlroctor ..

Thomns Meighan - the Good Luck 'Slnr-hns only successes to his credit.

His recent e'rrorts In. "Our Lelldlng CItizen" lire well remembered.'

George Ade ts Amel'lca's Coremost humorist, nnd the mnn who wrote "Our Leading Cltlzen." Ills wit Is IITeslst· nble, and the themes of his stories nrc gelnl!\pe:ly lnughnble.

story Is of n youth who wen I nwny to mnke his fortune lind wns 80 modest when, he hnd mllde It thllt hc preferl'ed to come back nnd be regnrd· ed ns a fnllure untll he should be fit· tingly able to prove otherwise.

Alfred Green, the director. Is one or the newest of the Parnmount lilrectors r.nd hns nfready produced such suc· cesses ns "The Dllchelor :Qaddy," and "Our Londlng Cltlzen." lIe IIlso \11'0'

duc!l,d Mary Plckforli's grent picture, "Little Lord Faulleroy" nnd Is the dl· reetor of "The Ghost Breaker."

Moving with a snap lind sparkle, tho picture will 'prove one of the most wholesome and genuinely entertnlnlng of"'the senson. J


_ HAS ASBESTOS BLOOMERS Frozen.faced Buster Keato)), U)e stnr

comedlnll comes with another

• ,lake. It hnppens that tlip slllke Isn't lied to the ground. however, so whlon the'redsklns go to skin Duster, he hu~ ulways .moved away from the spol where they have piled up the ~aggols.

By the' Hme they flnn11y lnn'd hllll.· Ihe ~omedilin hilS (ionned lin asbeslos lin Ion bult, 80 ·thnt he comes oilt or till' IInmlls \)'It!1 n lighted elgurelle us thc only token oC his close shllv~ , The In· dillns think he must be u supernnlUl'\l1 Ilower, nnd promptly ndollt him ns their god.

'I'he humol' is contllglous and runs • along In even meusure throughout the 01m. The droll moderlim hilS evolved Heverlll new gngs nnd gets them across hi his Inimitable style. Unlike most short comedies, '''rhe 1'plerace" has n sE'mblance of a plot, with the enevlt· nble clinch for the 'final close·up. ~

New Lamp Burns 94 percent Air . ~ ,

Blats Electric or Gas

A new 011 Inmp tlmt' gives an nmllz, Ingly brlllhll1t, sort. whlte'lIght, even beller UHm gns or eleclrlclty, hns been by the U. S. Government IUlll 35 lending unIversities nnd found to bb superIor to 10 orll!lIlll'y 011 InlllPs: It burns wlthoul odor. smoke or noise -no pumping up, Is simple, clellil. silfe. Durns 94%alr nnd 60/0 COllllllon kerosene (conI 011.)

:. SCl'c'nmtng .comedy, uThe Paleface!'

'rhe Inventor. J. C. Johnson. 579 McDennot Ave., Wlnnillcg, Is orrc)'lnl'; to Isend a Illmp on 10 dllYs' FIU~I~ t)'lnl. or even to give one FREE In the flrst.use)' In ench locnllty who will help him. Introliuce It. WI'lte him 10'

liny (0), full Jlnrliculnrs. Also - nMlt him tp explnln how you cnn get tho agency, nnd wIthout experience oz' money mnke $260 to $500 \Jlo)' month.

I Duster mnkes hIs debut In tile film ns n riat~l'Illlst, hunting ror butterflies, and gets ns much fun out of)t as any· one on two legs could, until he II! slez· efl by a band of Indians nnd tie~ to the


Dy ~Irluo or n warrnnt Issued by the October, A. D. ]923, nt ,the Councll Heeve of the Rurnl 'Municipality or Chamber In the Vlllnge or 'rrOhOI'IIIl • SUN 'r lk'in the Province of Mnn· III the sal Ii Rurlll l\lunlclplIlIty. ut thu

) o~~ I 0: 0 I I hand ami the corpor. hour of Two o'clock In the afternooll. Itoun, unuer 1 S II b bll u 'lion thu ate seal of the anld Municipality, to .proceed to se Y pu c a c me d~'ectcli- Itnd 'bealtng the date Bilid IlInds fOI' the sllid Ul'l'ellr~ or tuxes 1 2511 I of September A D 1923, and costs. . tIe 1 d\ 11Y • to' levy ~n' lh~ sev. 'All th~ Inmls described herein are con:man ~: ~;elrtnd herehlllrle)' men. pntented, nml 1111 Ilre sltunte West of ora pn)'ce

d d Ib d fo)' the nrrears the 1'rlncltll11 Merldlun In the Provo

lioned nn es~r OJ , I ,_ 'd tl)' on wIth costs I do Ince of Mlln tOulL

of taxes ue 1~IC: that unles~ the In nil cases the rlght·oC·way of Iho horebY •. glv.e ~~ tllxes nnd COSl3 nl'e Cnnndinn Pllclflc HnllwllY Ilrtd nil 1mb· Hald n~leal'ds I Hi on the 31st dny of'lIc hlghwllYs Ilt'e z'esol'\'ed from Slilu. Boonel pn, W Arrears Cost Total

N E ] 7 8 ..... ....... ....................... $H3.36 $.60 $Ull.M6

.~. .. . ............................. _. , ~ 14187 .50 142.!!7 .N.K 9·7·S .............................. :.: ....... -... ..: .................. ..... 99:56 .~U ]00.06 ~. ',1I'V' 11~·77·~ ............. .......... . .. .:::::::::: .. ::: ..... ::::::::::::: ... :~::::: 130\.21 .60 ] 3 4.7 I :s. . /"0 ..... ................. ..... , 21076 .50 211.26 S. %. of l·S·S . ................ ...................... ..... ................ 91'94 .50 92.H 8,'1\'. U·8·8 ..• ............. ......... ...... . .......................... 207:99 .fiO 208.49 8. '11'. 'I·S·8 .......................... ..... .............. . ............. 134.54 .60 ]:16.0"

~.~: 110-iSliS8 .............................. :.:::::::::::'::::;::: :.:::" :::.:.:::::.: 264.98 .50, 265.0\8

S:~: 17.'S:S :,:.:::::::::;.:.:::::::::,:::: .............................. ,.\....... ..... 256,5: .~~ m:~~


• I • " ... j~ . , , .:, ........... '

... i'l';,,, ) ...... ,.4~ ", • "(1"-l •• 1 ,,i,~'" .. \., .. ,;~,;' \~j rl ,i

. O~·~ers. m,i\Y be telegraphed. 01' tclepbo'ne~l (collect)' an~ exch!lng~s ·.~1a<;l.e thr9ugh any of ,the S.- % of IS·S·S .................. ! .......... ; ........................................ 730563.6332 ·V 353 un

" 8 S.;.. .... . ~'" ~'~'. > ' I~ ! •••••• :........ • .60 ~' 'I'!.E. 1M·· 1 .. ' .......... , ......... :."._ ............ : .. ::::: ... :.: ......... ~ ......... :,. 353.31 .50 363.81

• ',,<0:

unuerslgned 01' through, your usuul dealer 01' bank. , . -..' .'" ' . r- •

~. . " Tire right is reserved /0 allot a /t!.,·s amot:,' .. ~~ bOllds tlrelll 'applied [ai', .alld 10 'st!l~ for cash 11~ore than

• $::0,000,000. " --

N.\Y. 18·8·8 .:........................ ........ ...... 3529 50 135.79 S.E> 21·8·8 .................................. .................................... . ... 1

23'75 . .124.25

"\" 22 8 8 ' ., .• , ................. ~........ 1. .50 n.,.. .................................. 359 50 ]94Q9 E. % or 22·8·8 ..................................................................... 19 . . 186'15 N.W .. 3~·8.8 .................. : .. ~...... ..... ............. .......... ..... 1~~:~~ .50 168:10 N.W: 33·8·8 ........... , .................................... ,........ ............ 1 . :~~ 2"606


) - , These bOllds .a('e o[JeJ'cd [VI' delive;y ill illteri!': !'7rl11 on or abol/1 Octob~r 1.5;11, 'i923, wlle1l:-'as, aild if S.W. V. and S If., ot' N.W. 'A of 1·9·8 .......................... 225.56 45'~, N. % of N.g. 'It or 1·9·8 ..................................... ····· .... ·· .. 0·41~:5 .50 1Ol'9~ ,

X . .. < ,

,. .

; I




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.\... • . . , issllcd una' \!~li-Zl~l'ed /0 liS: " , , I

, '.. ..." ~ , . ' , ~

,Nationnl City Company, Limitetl ~- . , . Dominion Se~urilies C-orporntion, Ltll., \ Woocl, Gundy and Company

A. E. Ames anll Company Bunk of Montreal .'Iioyal Bnl,Hi of Cnmlda C;nadian Bank Qf Commerce

M. I "! ' Bllnk.o( ~,OVIl Scotlll ' Illiperilll Hank of Canada . Domil'ion Bank Bunk,of Toronlo , Union Banlf :ar Cllltlldll. '. l\1,alsons Bnn.k " , I _ : 1

"Bun.qlle d'Hochclng~ . ,Stllndard D:lI1k of Canada Banque Pr~1yJ~ciale ,du Canada BUll11lle Nationule • 'lI1ontreal 'CiLy 'lind ,District Sterling Bank of Cunada

• 0 ' \. '"" Wcv)lUrn SI.'Curity Bnnk " Savings Bank Lu ,Cuisse d'Economle m~i1ius Jllrvis and CJIII\lIIny, Ltd. R. A. Daly IIml Company Gaird~er •• Clllrke lind Company, HIIJlson Hrothers'a Harris, Forbes and Oompnny 1\.,":1, Fle,mmin, ll~d Company . Rene 1'. Leclerc. In~. Mnlthews and Company; Ltd. ., McLeor), Young, ,Weir and Company, Ltd •. Nesb~tt, Th()m~on nllll Colll.pany, Lt~. Osler .lInd nam'~ond ROYIiI S~lIrlties Corporation; Limited • C. H. Burgess and Company .... F. H. 'Dencon and Company . \ Greenshields and Company w; i\. 1\lackenzle & .... CII., Ltd, " I\lacnelll. Graham & Co.. A. 'n, Morrow &: ·Co. ' .' Murra, ol C-mpany ,

'. 1fJI"

\ , I ."

, . • I

,. /



S E ll, lin" S lL ot' NEIl, of 3·9·8 ................................. 1. .50 . • • 1·1 u. I~ •• I. 2 6 50 ) 02 66

N. If., of N. % of 4·9·8 ......................................... ........... 1~r.·~0 :50 4r.· 8V S. I,I~ ot' N.'''. 4·9-8 ......... - ............................... .............. u. ]8~·OO S.E. IInll S. lAo of S.'''. 9·9·8 ............. ........................ ....... 181.50 .50 ,', N W. 9.9.8 ............................ ...................... ....• ....... ........ 33.82 .50 34.32 ,,'wal\(l S lA. 'of N .W. 10-9·8, ................. ..................... 241.94 .50, 242.401 S:E.' 12.9.8 : .. _: ........................................... : ............. : •• 1~8.28 .50 ~88.78 N.W. lind W. 'h of N.E. ']2·9·8 ......................................... 252.2~ .50 ~~~.;~ N.'V. l3-9.8 . ........................................... • ......... :.... ..... 244.6 .50 . S % or'14.9.8 ............................... : ............. : ................ ,. 376.59 .50 377.09 8: 1£ and S. 'h or N. 'AI, of \"'S.D. 11 and·12 of ~4·9·8 .. ,\5.86 .50 46,36 N.E. 'A nnd N lAo of N.W. ';.i lind N. % of N. ,I,!, .of L.S.D. 11 and 12 of 14.9·8 ... _ .......................................... 26·1.27 .50 N.W. and N. 'h of S.W. 15·9·8 .... : .................................. 367.0~ .50 S. % of S.E. 169·8 ...................... : ................................... , 49.6S .50 S. 1).; of S.W .. '16·9·8 ........... ............. .................................. 49.68 .50 8. ''h of S % of 17·9·8 ............................... . ..................... 110.67 .50

'h of N.El. 22·9·8 : ... : ...................................................... 69.36 .50 W. % of S. E. 22·9·8 .. ~ ..................................... 7 ......... · .... ·· 61·81 .50 S. W. 23-9.8 ........................... _...... .. ............ ; ........ ............ 162.62 .50 ·N.W: 23·9·8 / .................... : ....... _ ...... ~ I' •••••. - .••. ~ ........... !181~45 .50 S. 'h of S.W. 24·9·8 .... : ......... " .................................... : .... : •. 73.39 .50 W. 'h of N. El. 28·9·8 ... :........ • ...... ~ ........................... 79.61 .50 N.W. 29-9.8 .... _ ........ :.......... .................. .......... . ............. :. 202.46 .50 S.W.(~3:9.8· ........................................... , ........................... 202.46 .50 S.W: 'f.7:9 .......................... l................. .. .... : ..................... :.155.56 .50 S.El. 9·7-9 :.::................................. .. ... _ ....... ~._:..... ....... 134.53 .50

264.77 367.5~

50.IS 50.1~

111.17 69.86 62.:11

163.12 181.95

73.89 80.11

202.96 202.96 156.06

I, . AUCTION SA,LE' S.E. 24·7·9 .......... ,......................... ..................... •..• ......... 130.45 .60 W. 'h of N.W., 36-7·9 ................... , .................... :: ........... 119.06 .50

, 135.0:1 130.95 119.56 ]09.38 8'10.54


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S.W .. 2·8·9 ................................. , ......................... ';:.............. 108.88 .50 N.W. 12·8·9 .................. ............ . .......... ~........................ 340.04 .50 S.E. 26·8·9 -....... _ ................................................. : ............ 75.66 .50 W. %' of 6-9·9 -:- ................. : ....... :. ..... : ................................. 329.75 .50 N.E. 6·9·9· ..... , ......... \.......... ...... . ... 1:: ... , ... : .......... " • ....... 129.33 .50

,,'AI 8·9:9 ~.; .... :. ........ ................................................ • ..... 316.86 .50 ~1':~:~~~~~;~1 N.E.I 14·9·9 ._ ............................. , ......... ' ......... ~.............. 90.04 .50

S.El. '14·9·9· ' ................ ~ ................ : ...... ,... .............................. 60.64 .50 S.E. ]7-9·9 .................. ,.: .......... /r" .... _ .......................... ]94.02 .50 N.'V, 30·9·9 ..... ..................................... ..: .... \:: ................ ]82.79 .50 N.E. 30.9·9 ............................. L ....... :. / ........... : ................ 49.]7 .50 El. 'AI 3·8·10- ........................... ~ ...... ~ ........ \...: ........................... 833.97 .50 S.W. . ......................... :.... . .. , ......................... 209.05 .50

................... : .................................................... 182.79 .50

.. :.: ...... ! ................ ! .. . ...... ' .......................... 124.81 .50 ........................................................... : .... _....... 138.83, .50 •. ,..................................... ..._ •. : ........... _ ..... 81 .. 11 .50

............................. ,.; .......................................... HO.56 .50' E;;,'25.9.1l0 ...... _ ........... _ ........ , ..... ,..... . .............. ,..... 140.56 " .50

............. .:_ ..... : ..... _ ............ ; ............. _ .. ,246'.08 .50 , ( .. l •••• _ .......... : ........... :.......... 140.56 .fiO

••••• ; .............. :: ... ; ... I .' ........................... ,.. 104.49. .60 O· .......................................................... 54.82 .60

; ... ".;; .......... : , .... .::: ..... ,'., .• :.; .. :::. .... .. • ....... !. 216.86 ".fiO I; 'fl'chOJI'IIC ......... 395.64, .fiO

JIaUl ~"'" ...... : ....................... 12&.20 • .roo .11I1'6~ OI .. lU',""."" .; .. , ..... "" ........ ;.;" ........... 2$S.23 •• \ .50

.... 230.80 ,50 • .:: ............... '41.94. .fiO

!1.~~~~1.~1~~~11£;:;::::;: .. ;; ......... 44.67 .50 ,'" 6 ' . • '

76.01; 330.25 129.S:1 317.36 90.64 61.1-1 '

194.52 183.29

49.67· 8'34.47 209.55 183.29 125.31 139.33

8UIl 141.06 141.06 245.58 141.06 . "~I 10~D9 '-

5u.3a • 217.16 af'l6.H

26.70 283.73 231.30 42.44 46.17

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Page 5: Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . :1: ... CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings

. . •


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THE HOME PAPER FOR SOUTI-I NORFOL.K The Times-Observer, Treheme, Man.-$2.00 per Year . ,


Cleopatra Washed Her Face This Way I Shc used Palm and Olive' oils, the same'

rare oils which arc blended in Palmolive. She knew that to have a fresh fine skin. thorough cleansing was necessary. The crude combination of P.lm and Olive oils which was the best that even royalty could

,then obtain is now brought to perfection in Palmolive. .

The girl of today, if she would be beau­tiful, follows Cleopatra's practice. Every day she cleanses the skin thoroughly witll mild Palmolive Soap. ,Never does she per- • mit cold cream, rouge and powder to ac­cumulate and clog the pores of the skin. She knows tha t this starts irritation :and blackheads, pimples and other blemishes result. ,

Palmolive with its mild creamy lather is lotion-like in its action. I t freshens, revives and stimulates and leaves the skin delightfully fresh and rosy.

Thus a great luxury may be enjoyed at the price of ordinarz soap. You can pay more, but you can t get a finer, milder cleanser.

You can buy Palmolive Soap at all first­class dealers.

-Mrs. McDiarmid who has been \'Is· Itlng with her danghter. ~Irs. J. B. Palm()l' for the [last sIx wceks left on '1'hursday of last weck Cfor Cal" man. -illl·s. 1II. Mills and chlldrcn of Hoi· I [and and Gcorge Mills of Holland werc week·cnd gucsts at the n. J. 1\I1l1s home. -ACtcI' a summer's sojourn at the I'nl'ln near Rathwell 1111 ... und lI[rs. J S. Palmer aro moving back to lhelr home all Droudwuy., '1'helr neigh· bors welcomc thom home uga[n. -Thc '1'lmos·Observcr has u flock oC corres[Jondents from whom we will be glad to recel ve ncws again. Items from every neighborhood In Vlctol'lu und South Norfollr are desired, rilld If It Is [Josslble to hlwe them In by lilllll on '1'uesduy or sooner they will be doubly welcome. Corrcs[Jondents ,who need statIonery or stumps havc only to let us know. -Alfred J .• and L. I'laney, J. LIllie, Emerson and Miss Blllllche Chr[stilaw ami Miss Smith werii',vecK·end guests ut the Dr. Chrlstllaw home. -Dorn: to MI'. and ·Mrs. 'rhos. ·Wood. ward, on Scpt. 14th, a daughter. -Dorn: to Mr, and Mrs. Alex EngliBh on Sept. 23rd, a Bon. -Mrs. Lamont returned to \Vlnnlpeg on Saturday, MaBter Thomas William accompaaylng hcr.

Your Little Account Needs Attention




.: •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : ......... tf' t. t f ••••• , •••••••••••• ~ ........ ,', ,t, •••• to ........................... . ... . ......................... . A 0

j~ Curry's Store News ji~ A Y A Y , 1 1 ( A 9

:i: Please Don't Ask Us To :1: A l

t Charge It'~ :.8 8.8 * t - 8 8 3: I x , I'll get your mall, or the shares for your plow; (.

I'll mind your baby, or milk your cow' .:' I'll crank your fllver, and poilte'ly bow- ' ~:


PJ.. a.J .11", oil. - •• tllI.,.h,-llo. """r.·. rr... ..t.r Ie "J_U.,. $MI.

Made In Canada -Gco. T. CUI'l'Y motored to Winnipeg on Sunday. Mrs. CUl'lj' and MaBter .Walter and little Miss Margaret Hal" riB returned WIUI him.

Our wholesalers object, but don't always say, To give goods to us, to give them away'

. Because If anything happens and you cannot' pay Then you're broke, we're broke, and so are they.

"i" '.' ~: ~:

Vol ••• tIfIJ EJlici'fI91 0 -Mr. and Mrs. Drown of Duldur, Mr. :t and Mrs. W. 111. Jacl(son, Miss ROBS .~ und MI'. MCLuchlan of Gladstone were ::: visitors at the Sylvester Darling ~' homo this weelt. .r. -Mr, and Mrs. ll. C. Parsons spent ,~ the weel,·ond at Oal,vllle. ~: -Miss Viola Guest oC Hollund spent :~ the wcek·end . at the home of Jas. t Spinks. X -'1'he Womun's Institute will liolcl a .~ .sa[,e of home cooking ami serve II l:ic ::: tea In tho' rost·room on Saturday, O(,l. 'l 6th Cram 3 10 6. ~ -Mrs. Norton KeurnB and two Bans :~ leCt '1'hursday laBt for their home at 'l Vcrmll1lon~ Alta., aCter BP~ndlng the :~ past se\'eral weeks vi BIting local X I'olatlveB. :~ -MlsB Ethel Palmer oC Manitou .!. 'spent Sunday under the parental roof ~'J' ..... Treherne School fall' wl\l be beld

We want to stay In business, of service to you; ,.. : t i

ProtI.u 25-1: •• ' C . Qu/I" lor

For our mutual benefit, you know what to do­Cut out the ':Charge It, Please," all the way through,

Then we II be In business, and of service to you. • 1190

===============~._~.~=-~. ~~E~~~~==========~

Store News--~~-------~--------------------~----~~-------

New Fall Goods are now OD di~play and we are showing a more complete line than ever before. Our new stock of MEN'S and' BOYS' SWEA­

TERS in Coat and PllIlove!: styles il secoDd to DODe.

" niE LADIEs will do weD to s~e our ranie of Dew FALL HOSE iD Silk ~ Wool, beath~r shades·etc. ' ·The prices are

lower thaD mose, and you get t~~ Dices selectioD to cboose from.

Saturday only Specials ., .

Tomatoes ...... 2 tin. for 35c.

]pc~ews, -Show your appreciation of the ef· fortB of the choir oC the Union Church by attending a fancy sliver lunch at the home oC MrB. ll. 'C. ParsonB from 3 to 6 and from 8 to 10 In the evening on WedneBday, October 3rd. Pro· ceeds for choir IlUrposes. . ·...:.MrB. Dessle Pel'l'lgo' who has been here fot the' past three months left on , Wed neB day evening for her borne In BOB ton, Mass. '" , . , -MrB. Thos. NatlraBs and Miss Gert·

, ~ , ,I ... • .-

rude' Nattrass' were pas Bengel's . to Winnipeg' on Wedne'sday' evening and will remain a week:

on Friday, Sept. 28th, and all parents ~nd good cltlzenB are urged to attend. ,


and of

We have a big complete stock Stanfieid~s win t e r weight underwear for inen, women and f?hildren--all freshly laundered and ready to jump into. Be sure to see us befrre you ~u.y elsewhere

Italian Prune Plum., Corn ............... .2 tin. for 35c. Peas ................ 2 tina tor 35c.

per case : ............... $1.45 Salmon 2 tin. tor 35c.

-Geo. Wlllet~' was a passenger- to Glenboro, on Wednesday. -Manltoba'B .wheat 1923 crop will show a decrease o[ about twenty mil­lion bUBhels Cram the 'crop o( 1922 Illld the average yield per acre will be three 'or four bUBnelB short of the av­erage yield for the past ten years. In

Store ao~~ a.~ 6: 30 p.m., Except Saturday, Beginning Sept. 15. Pure Honey .... 5·lb. tins •. 95c. Pure 'Strawberry Jam, .. Sifto Salt. per box .......... 15c. Rice .................... 3 lb •. for 25c.

. 4-lb. glass Jar ..... $1.05 . ,

<G~«;l>o To Curry ---~o)---


The Merchants favored you'by givj~g you' some

Credit during· the Summer MODths. SO retum

the favor. You may ne,ed lOme «edit next yeu.

other wordB, you. can't continue I to -ill'S. ThoB. Robertson returned on tak,· wealth 'fr'om tbe BO\1 Indeflnlte[y Wednesday evenlnp from the city. without ever putting anything back ":'Frank Stockwhi spimt last week In


into It. Archie Carter last week filled Winnipeg.. . a large pit silo, Jack Seammel IB now --C. CummlngB and son spent last feeding many headB of live stock, Joe week In Portage returning on Wedn·es· COMB HAIR AND IT CARD OF TH'ANKS

\-\Vo deBlre. to ex pross our deep a(l' Stinson sold' a cOl'n binder and the day afternoon. . . creamery' IB >provlng to be a 11Ilyln: -Thos. SanderBon who haB been vis· Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., Except Saturd~y, ~ginniDR Sept 15 .. STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY preclalion to Rev. Mr. Wilson. and \4

.. ,. .....' the many friends nnd neighbors who 'JJo . Ao' H./1\.' . RVn.E [lropoaltlon; Think It over, some of Itlng {rlends In' Sou riB [or a sbOI·t . y'ou' grow~r8 of 80·w·thlstles· anp' cal· 'tIme r~.t\l~~d ThursdayeVllnlng.

. amity howlers. . . "::"MlsB Ethel' MIIIB' oC tbe' Naplrika tea-

The Centra' I St9re" Tr~. h' ,e:.r"n· ~, M' an8 -On Wednesday afternoon October ching starf spent the week end' at her

. 3rd from 3 to 6 In the afternoon and borne' bere.

;;'~ ________ .... ~ __ .. ______ ".·ii""·.·ii'.'II! ___ • IIi tilE; evening frolll 8'':0 10 a fancy sll- -Go'rdon Dudd motorcd to Drandon on ,.,.' _, .' -. ..,. .. "' .. ' . ,'v'er lunch will be given by the choir Sunday. ;;;';"""'~"';"="';"';""';':""="';'==;""'=';';'';''';'';''''='''';''';''==''';'';''''~~';'''';'''''='!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!''''';'' of' the· Union Church at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Berry are vlBlt· <~<-~~+Ooo.~Q (Q~O~~ Mrs. R. C. Parsons. An Impronip'tli Ing·thelr·son· Lew at Saskatoon. 'T R E' H '1} R" N'" , . E' . ,~~eOlgcroamme wl\l be rendered. Everyone -Mlss'Ollve .AlIlngham of Crystal .. . '" City spent the week·end wlUI her

• , .. ' . , .' :.::)', '. .," A ~uii house attended Treheme lolo'v- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. L. Alllnghum. . .' . .', . ....'. . .... leB last' Saturduy evening to Bee Mr. -Mrs. J. A Colpitts, MIBse,s Annie

Fl' M' '-11 DUB tel' Keaton In" "'1'he . Haunted Paullin, Ina SanderBon and illr. King

'i . our I . " House" and Miss Detty Compson In Penn'efather motol'ed to Curberr)' on

, ~re .. ele •• Combing Cream COlts Only

Fe~. Cent. " Jar at any Drug 8tore . ,

:'HAIR GROOM ---Keeps Hair Combed

X . ,. '0.. ., " .' ~ "The' Little MInister." A BtllI larger Thursday. . -:; w . f • crowd will Bee Tommy Meighen .In -MIBs Alma !\IlIIs oC Crystay City Even obstinate, unruly or shampooed X e are again making 2 grades of Flour. Our t "Dack Home and Droke" and Duster Bpent the week.end at hel' home here. hair stays combed all day in any style :~ first grade,' oi Purity Patent •. is second t~ none, Z Keaton In 'another comedy, If weathel' -Miss Cusack retumed from' Wlnnl. you like. "Hair-Groom" is a dignified :l In addition to the above. we have another grade t ... [lermlts. The Bhows Btart right on peg last week . after . visiting friends combing cream which gives that natural ? ,., the dot-8.15 p.m. at '1'I'eherne lind at I for some time. . gloss and well-groomed effect to YOll r ':' .-our Straight grade. Both varieties are of pre- ~, Holland.. --Miss Grace Thompson of DI'andon !lair-~hat final touch t.o good d.ress both ::: war quality. '. ::: -Mr. and Mrs. Hignell Sr., Mr. und· spent Ule week end at home. ' m bu.sI~css and on SOCIal occasIons; '1' W .'. h k f h t MI·s. RusBell Bignell and two cblld· -J. Harman .und Ed JIll'mun motored' II M.I1I.lons u,s,e grcas.eless, stamless 'I' e are always 10 t e mar et or weaL H G b d h '1' •• rcn, and Mrs, Smith motored Crom to Roscnfeld on Sunday. I alr- ro?m ec~use It oes not 5 ow :!: We are gristing every day. Bring in 'your wheilt in quantities ~~ Winnipeg on Sunday 'and were the -MI'. and MrB. J. A. Colpitts are vis. on I th\hhalri It lIS ib~orbed ~)' thc .'. d t k R . 't ::. guests lit tile J .. A .. Anstey home. ,ltIng with friends at Oakville and POI" ssocaftP'and eprll~ bOl

re t Ilc lalrt rem I athlnSt so

• 1. an a e your our as youreq~re I • .;; I d ... I .' a e am so na u ra a no :i: . SO -!\IrB. Pullman at Lavenl\am arr Vie I tage·thls week. .' one can possibly tcll' )'OU used it. Not ,I. C.'. WI-echman :r. lust week and Is thc guest of II rs. -So Smalllcomb and F. Adlum ~otor-I stick)' or smell)'. :::. ~, Needham... . ed to Wlnnilleg on· Sunday .. ' . _ .}~ :j .. ~ '.

.1. :~ -MIBs Edna Mills paid . her usual I-MI'. and MrB. A. Fen'ls, und !\I Iss A .. ='=======' =========

.;. TRiHERNE _ RATHWELL AGENT JAMES SHARPE . S' week·imd visit at home.. McPhail viSited friends In CY[lre!lS on . :!: .'. . ::: "--!\Irs. n: J. Moororetumed from the Sunday. . . - -Albel·t and Fred Wnrrcn of Wlnnl·

.:--:..:--: •• : •• : .. : .. : •• : •• :..:_:..: .. :.-: .. : .. : •• :.-: .. :..:.~ •• : .. : •• : •• : •• :":":.':":'.:":.~:.-:.,'."': •• :.': •• :":"'''':.':'-:''=").:',.: .. : •• : •• :..$t city. on Saturday nnd Is lllueh Impro- -Mel Dagg nnd Jnett Ross relul'ned peg are s[len~llng u rew days with _._______ _ _________ . "ed In hcalth. Her many friends In fl'om the West SuturdllY. CI'O 1I11l1(. . their [lllrcpts, 'MI" llnd Mrs. C. Wllrrcn

-- - ... -- .. -----'--- '1'reherne are glad of her return lind -0'1'. J. Pennofutller, M[ss Mury Pen. -MI'. unll Mrs. Geo. Blackwell motor· .: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. ! .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :. 0 r th e ,8 u~ee8S 0 r her 0 pc rn U on·. no en th e r, 1\1185 ~1 u rl e I Da gg and 1(1 ng od to High DIu rr on' ~ u ntl ny.

':'l:'.:· .MADE' TO .. ME' A'S' URE C' L' . 0" T' HES" :.'1:' .• :' .-Dlily lIml Hugh McEwen were mo· Pr.nnyfllther molorcd to Wlnnlpog on -Miss Vel'll Guost I'cturned from the . ~ tOI'lsts to the city ror tile ·week.end FI·lday. .- city on TuesdllY. '.' .. ,.!. -'-MI'. and MrB. Greenwuy und child· -MlsB Olive, BIglow spent Sunday In - 1'111'5. ll. J. Dutlors ami daughter 0 'i' 0 oono no__ 0" •• • .... ,'. ron of ChrYBtal City wel'O Sundily Tr'eherne. .Portllgo III Pl'Illrle ,'Isltod with her '.' S . 0 . 1 d' . . . , . '.~' ~. vlBltors at,,·'Mother Sillith's.. . . " brothel', Juck English [01' a fcw dUYE

:::. Ults or vercoab mei' e to measure ~: -Mrs. Arnold S[llnlts left on ·Satur· WOMEN' DYE' Inst week. '1' by a Practical Taiior . only $27 00' '1' day for WlIskuda whore she will vis· . ...• '. -lilt'S. A. Dyson of Winnipeg 'arl'I,'ed :;: . '. . :. ....; '. .. ~ ... : ,. . :!: It with her parcnts fora fow days. on· SuturdllY for a'vlslt with MI'. und :!: Cl p' R . . :~ "-Douglas LuwBon of Sldncy renowel Mrs. Chas. Warren. '.':,'.' eaning,. ressing 'a·nd.· .. '· .... : •. :':. ucqualntances In town' last weok. ·;·j:NY· . G 'iRMENT -Mr. 'and Mrs. ;1'hompklns amI child,

"":Present IndlcationB are that· Holl, . 11 '. . . 11 " ren o~ Dl'llndonvlslted with 1111'. and :!: .. '. ;. .. ..'. . t and wl\l lla vo ·.no rink. this wlnfer us'. MrB. Charters on' Sundu)'. .

:." .••.. T. C., ' D .. E ... 'L,. G. A, .T. Y. ,', '. ..' '.~, ... ," ... iT. Jr. ehe, .r .. ,n., e~ Man. '.' :.1':. I,\lq,oidst~ll~tilre, has ~~'en co.n4enloed ,... O· ". -A .large number of Hebekuhs from • '. ... . "1 . . ' .! a'ud: tho ·owncrB.huve.: apparently R' DRAPERY' Holland attended .tllC . district mcet ..

~ .; •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : .. :.-: .. : .• : •• : .. : •• : .• : •• :.-: •• : .. : •• :..:.~: .. : .. : .. : .. : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :.;: •• :~: .. :--: •• : .. :.< .. : .. : .. : •• :":.':":":":.':.-X";' desire 'lo .. ! rel)air:; U10 -·bulldlng. , '.: ' , ,.,' ,tn,.-t n t ~'rrehel'ne on T uesdny. .

nsslstlld wIth kind' acts llnd words of sympathy during the Illness und deatll of OUI' mothel·. lIl1·s. Elizabeth Dunfield!

'rhe Family. -------- "

DID YOU GtT YOURS? MOI'c than 500 statements for Bums

of from $1.50 lI[) were mulled from the Times ofrlce laBt week and this for arrelll'S of subscriptions. Old yoa get one? Hendel'S should remember that while their accounts [nd[vldually are \,OI'Y small the uggregate alllount

lis a largc one and the money mus. be [mit!. '1'hose 4who do not wlBh to tako the papcr any longer may oC COlll'SC '[lilY the amount neceBBary tv squuI'e them up to Oct. 1st and cun· cel their subscl'll'lion. It Is hOlle:1 that the mujol' porlion of It will be paid direct to the publlsh.)I· at on·~ ... mthcr t.han thl'ough the medium oC the Pubilishcrs' Protectl\'e ASBoclatlon • latcr liS the IIssoclulion orten adobts vel'y .unpleasaat mcuns of collect­Ing uccounts. Thel get the I,mon'!~· .

"HURRICANE'S GAL" a First Nat; lonal Release' has Many Big

Sensations 'rho sea IIIHI ail' 1111\'0 bcca IIbcrally

ulillzed by Allan Holubar In maklnl: IfHurrlenne's Gal," u F'h'st NnU,Hwl altmslion which cPll1es 1'01 a trip ov­Cl' t.he '1'lgel' Hills Mo\'l) Circuit noxt Wcdnesduy, Fl'lday und lmlay. ,Dorothy Phillips, ulthoush 'Il well known stUI', has not been ~ecn hm·(, . Shc IlillYs thc litlc I'ole In this produc­tlon IIIHI hilS the I'o[e of u wild, un· tumed gil'l of lhe sea who has h\Jcn loft .by hel' father II hellrage of Int" and Inw!eH~ness. .

Hydro[llunes, destroyers, lind a big three masted schooner figuro !ll'Oin­Inently In the stll'rlng action of the picture, Many scenes were tllken , and directed from hydropluncs und·· the schooners, I'\tlncs lind destroyers wel'e directed by rudlo.

'1'he'fentul'e comes to the local cx~


'" ;',.., '.7.. _ .," '.' '. " '.1.' ."~:,, ':' t· .... · ~ ~ fore It Is' 'expo'cted': hlat ,",Villi tbe op.··' . -Kljlg', Penl1efuther' \\~ent on' Monda)

'81 . .... ~ .'," .. '-~-'-"" . "",.: .. -'" .. ' ........ "., ........... : .• : .. " .. ,", .. , ..... , ......... oning \If tbe'Trehcrrie rlnlt' Waists Kinio-il0s Draperies' IJllght tro 'hVlnCnlllel~ to: enler·the ew·

hlbllors at consldernblo cost-threll tlmos tho COBt oC lust week's teatul'e, 1'01' InstllnC'l, but Ulero 11'111 .. be no' chungo In Ill·lce.:

.. : .1/'

, Movles.wilf, .i.!a" cit'nnged to;.' '", '. [l,OY.·O t e. .P". !l!!lHmr.ll!l'7:!il~~Iffi!;lilli!lillm;;I!l1i;lHffililltil;lI!lffiIiiiH~,"~*,»iIl;!f.ll!llimil!!l:lIiiliil!;lilIal!ilil1P.'.a1il1ilil ami: Holland' ,,, movl~S":" to' ." Satui:dllY. . Ski rts . ~. Dresses • Girigh:inis ',' ~ 1!rr:: .arid l\! rs. Geo. Pun'ls und Stall

D"ON'T' STICK ' .. ,,'. • '''. d .. 't' h . . . Mrs. ,,;, Ii .. 'Splnks entertained th·oc.dats' .'IS\veater~, 'Stocki'ngs' .sllenfl?unday·wllh fdends IIlDeacon~ .'. '. ··"ar'O.Un .'. e . . . Mrs. Flyn',dur~ ) . . .., .' . Neld. ;,',.,

MOPE"': ""h'" , .,;, 'M' '" '''h'''' ';;:' ".,.. is:,vilek; l' . -Wm. FelTls of. Winnipeg Is ,;Islt·

. ,:wen' ot er:"f.ei~iilCd lng friends III this dlsti:lct. . .. ,;;, ,.' .. ,11' ," " <'. ,\1 ';' 'j " i' .'·'.Id " '., . .,..,.Hollund school·fall·.held on TUl'sdily,

Come, on~.ov~r.: .. t.O. . was lilghly successful, some 800 en: .' .. J. ",' ... , "., '., ... _,',. . tries, tieing' judged. A dliuippolntlllent and. haveL;dinner' . "" il: .... ,': ,\vusJolt In tlie relaUveiy small number

"Dinmond' 'or 11,,6. stockexiilliits,'litit'lhe fuli· a~ '$' 8")l "$1'0' '." 60sl\nl'.lc:1lUlY lI.whole··wlis 'QUite the best eyer he\!!

lC~a, n, "~ ,.~:.\r. ~1;~: ~;~""? ~~.,._~.,: . '~l~~ .~:::; he'To:,' . "'lJ","I1t-H~~~1;R$!.Wi~;:;':P:~~J;;;~~~I~~. ;~'Ii'all:color8. '-~lmes want t\~s 3. ~hlles ror~l cash

'~oiJit:~rlcr!i!~-\;i:~~~~:i~;;;~~~:;;Fjd?{ '.,:'~ ..... , t .... :;>'-,;) ~;',' ;~.~:" ,,' (:~" ','" .... ", ~ :.J<~ . 'J ,

., .. ,

" . ",~ \ .

. '. ~ .Ii'" " .' r


" The Keaton comedy' Cor thls·'veek,·

Dllioonat\c, Is' 'one or DUBter~s . v'ory" latest,· al}d wus featured by the Allan at Winnipeg, only a few weeks. ago.: ' .... .;'.j' It hus ,u. well developed plot ·.whlch the sud faced comedlun, ,Is uble·. to {,.j carl'y off In 8n unuBually', eCflclimt,'·. , .. ·manner. ·Dathlng . beauties and' beurS ','., ~aloons' uud b,ces; bontlng~nnd,;Dus: : :~,' . tel' lIlI combined In.on·e, SCreli\l~lilglyi::, <. funny'fal'ce tbat the.,.ex!llblton'guar-: .J'.: antee will please.' . ,;. ... ",.( .• :' ...

,. -' ,,' '. ~ <~



• • , . . .,;, -...

Page 6: Im'es- server · tobn by the Dawson Houte, 4'8 years :1: 'j' ngo nnd settled on the old homes tend , . . :1: ... CORONA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED '. In protecting the farm buildings



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RATHWELL RUMORS ~: .. : .. ,..:_:_:~ .. ~ ... : .. ,").:-: .. : .. :.-:+: .. )e: .. :..: .. :-~~:-:+»>)e)e:-:-':-><+:"Xt

i SMI'TH'S STORE NEWS ~~ ;;;;::'o!h;~~:d:~~IPped a car of live t " -R: Mott, of Winnipeg, IB the guest of

i~ ~., .. ' The House of huality .. ,=.,1,'.: hlB brother Dr. Mott. . '-<.!:! ~R P. Birch or Winnipeg, paid a visit -:. at the home of Mr. & Mrs.!. Scarrow

to' ,. ;. during the week end ..

OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF A NICE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' ~'" -Mrs. Larimore was a passenger to AND CHILDRENS' S~EATERS, HOSE, TOQUES, SCARFS AND UN· Winnipeg on 'rhursday last.

t DERWEAR. BLA'NKETS OF ALL KINDS. -Heg. Forbes lett, tor the west on I ~: Friday morning.

III lIt m I -The Chautaugua. canvnasers llllve GROCERIES'ALWAYS FRESH AND TASTY. TRY THEM ' been a busy bunch or late' seiling

• tickets. III III l ~Mr.&l\h'S. Robert Forbes and two

I CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, ETC. ~ children motorerd down from Brandon

.' ... Saturday evening" slleudlng the wecl, I 13 fond at the home of their Sisters, MI88 'I ;.. Jane and Miss Alice, Forbes. ; WE KNOW THE 'BURDENS OF THE FARMERS AND ARE PRE. ~:' -D. Caswell came up from the city 011 "> PARED TO DO THE VERY BEST WE CAN IN PRICES. WE ARE ;. W d day to NOW STRICTLY ON THE CASH BASIS. LET US HAVE SOME, " e nes ,. . . l THING ON LAST YEAR'S' ACCOUNT. DEAL IN YOUR HOME ',' -Chester & Elton Draper left last £ TOWN IN TIMES LIKE THESE. YOUR HOME MERCHANT YOU ::: week to join tilelr parents In St. PaUl, .j: WILL FIND IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. ~: U.Sj\' . to oj' -1\11'. & Mrs. Stevens spent the week 1. ::: end at Elm Creek. t .. . . .. .. ... ... .. :l: --W. A. Turnhlll returned frrom Ont-7 .'. arlo on Monday of this week. ;!: YOURS FOR SERVICE -:- -T. Irving has Installed an acetylene


Began fo Improve ,After· Taking "Frult-a-flyes"

Tho Medicine Made From Fruit You can get rid of Hhellmlllisul.

You ClLn he free of pain-of slVullen hllnds .. nd feet-of aching arms. legs allli buck.

.. Fruit-Il-tives" will drive Ihe cause of ]thclIIl\Iltism out of the systcm and gil'll you permunent relief.

.. I·'or over th ree yenrs. I was confined to bed with HhcUllllltislll. Finnlly I decided to try "Fl'llit·n­til'e.s". !lefore using half 11 hox, I noticed lin provemcnt. 1 conti n ued Inking" Fruit-u-til'cs" improl'illg itll the lime. I cun now walle aboul two rnilesalld llo choresuround the plnee".

ALEX. MUNRO, Lorne, Ollt. Wc. n box, 6 for$2,UO, trial size 25c.

At delliers or from Fruit-a·til'e. Limited. Ollllwa, Onto

AUCTIONEERING! I ~uarantee BlLtlsfactlon. Sal'de con·

ducted anywhere. Call on reverse tlcltet. Farm lands tor sale. W. E. STAPLES Treherne

Licensed' Auctioneer

LICENSED AUCTIONEER Dales may be arranl:ed at the 'rimes

Ofllce, Trebarne, or by telallbone on rel'erse U<.ket. I guarantee satls,Cac. lion. W. TURNER Holland Man.

, UCENSED AUCTIONEER I guarantee satlsractlon: Sale8 con·

t1uctf\t1 anywhere. Dated can be ar· mnged at my shop.

Phone HI

las, Sharpe Ratbwell

AUCTIONEER If you nrc considering having a sule,

or desire to sell your' farm, see me. I will refer you to any number oC satls· fled patrons. Phone on Reverse Ticket, 40, Rathwell. Auctioneer Real Estate



DR. J. LAURIE LAMONT, B.A., Man. M.D. Ch. n., Edinburgh Physlcll\n and Surgeon

Provincial Coroner Olllce, Broadway Phone 2,1

DR. J. A. CHRISTILAW , Physlchw and Surgeon.

lIIanltoba MedIcal College Grnuuate. Omce: GrllUlh St. Phon.! 1:)1


R. Q. H. HURTON, D.D.S., L.D.S. Graduate Nortb,we9tern University.

Chicago. Office: Mylea Block •

DR. G. A. BOWMAN V.S., B.V. Se. Honor GrlLduate Toronto University,

Olllcu In Smith's Livery Stable, Ul'Oudway, Treherne, Man.

Ilesldenco Phone No. 33


R; C. PARSONS, B.A. Darrls.!:.ur, etc.

Ofllce~: RILllwllY Are., 'rreherne. !\lan. ::;;)licilOi' for tlld CllnuJl:Ln Dllnk or CoulllH;rce, Dunk e( HUlullton, anol lllB Munlcl\llLllly ot South J>..tJrrolk. ~ S '. h B' h ~,/ :!: ~~~~~~:s,outfit III town a much 'needed

mIt ro' t ers ~: -A thanksgiving meeting of Ule W.l\l. (OOl,,:":,,:"::--:001:":":":"':":~':":":":":":":":''':":''':''l":' ,': S. will be held In the Prosbyterliin

~. ehuI'ch, on Sunday Oct. 7th, at 7 p.m. 'BLACKSMITHING Livery Stable PAUL KANE, Ii.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, et ..

;.: -Mrs. E. E. Menzies of India will ad-~, dress the meeting. All are cordially l. Invited. ;:; -W. A. Caswell & Beeby spent \he

;;":":'':'':'':'':'':.(.(.e!'':,':.,:":,,:-:-:,,:,,:,,:,-:,,:,,:,,: .. : •• : .. :-:~:..:..:-:-:..:.( .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :-.: .. : .. :..: .. :-.:..: •• : •• : .. : •• :..:- .w ee k end in th e ci ty.

, ..................................................... , ,: I "SERVICE FIRST" (SOUR Morro I

-Quite a' few were In town on Monday attending Mrs. Dawkins. sale and Mr . W. Drupers sale.


-Mr. & Mrs. H. Dyson of Winnipeg are the guests of Mr. & Mrs. ,ClIllS, Warren

I have,opened up. the black­

smith shop next Smith's Liv-,

'ery, where I am now ready

for businen. Give me a trial


A first·class Livery and Feed Business; good and reliable Horses; stylish Hil:s; everv· thing up·to·date.

Prompt and obllglr.g bervlce. Spl'clal allen lion to Commer­cials.

Phone 117

Phone A7701 • 34 C. P. R. Building Winnipeg, Mu. Rathwell Agent for Ont.rle Loan &.

Debenture Company Money to loun at 8 per cent. on hn·

'proved }o'arm Property. At Ralbwell nn Wedncsday of every week.

STAPLES, HALL &. SCHWEITZER Barrister, Solicitors, Notaries Public

Head Office: Elm Creek . Brunch Ofllce8:-'1'reherllO, HI1thwell

Oakvllio and St. Claude. • Melville E. Staples, Ll.B. Either for your' CAR, TRACTOR or STEAM

ENGINE, • Ford, Fordson and ': McLaughlin agents. Globelight Service Station. Phone 93.

-Miss Iva Wilcox spent the week end' with her brother A. G. Wilcox.

.......................... Special Examiner In the King's Bencb Gavin Allan Hall, Ll.B.

,ENG~~!N~ .. ~NR~~SON'-, -, ,- i -. W. Drew ,acompanled by v.,r. Bull motored to the city Friday last. The former's brothel' returning with tilCm, he having had two weelts vacation with his sister Mrs. C, n. Kelghlv.

, ~-............................................. , ........ , Lizzie being somewhat fractious, was left to the tender mercies or a Mech­,anlc till In better l~ umor.


-_._-----, ,


Funeral Directi~g :: Flowers for FunerBIs etc, I have moved my Undertaking ,Parlors to my home on Griffith St. (Phone 131) where I carry a fine line of Burial'Caskets and Funeral Supplies. Flowers for all occasions from J. H. Cull· Flowery,-' Winnipeg.

MONUMENTS ~ -Representing Howard . Patchett, Carman, Don't buy a Monument until you have seen me.



, , '

•• • •



-Some ardent' enthusiasts In this era contemplate' competing In the Melrose 'contest In' conjunc'tlon with the Boys &. Carls Club'held this week. 'Ve trust theY"'wlll,'uphold thEl Intregrlty of the distl:lct,in the,cullna'I'Y art. ' , ' -"T. ilowl!'ly, and, Salp Smith' spent the week end at, the, Allan Rayson -resld· ence; , -:Albei-t :and Freel. ;Warren acpom, panled by. W. Paliller' of Wlimlpeg . motored "from the city Sliturday," reo

Il'nlng Sunday afternoon. -J. L. Cobb In rellirned from ·the city Friday.


-New ones 'every week In the Times Want' Ads. column,


Ship your Live Stock with me, "I:hey are ahuys insured for highest market value, Commissions are right.

"., PHONE 110

CASTORIA . I.' For Infants and ChUdreil.

In Use:.For,Ov.~r30Years . , J'.lways bears "" •

Signa~~~e of ~&k. • .TREHERNE T. C. STINSON • \. .~

-.,-' .' ,'"


:... . ..' . .. '. ,

0 1 . , '

OU18 , , ---

rafono a scientifically right,::,

. artis(ica,ly correc,t, . . .' . .

The best designers. in the' country make Columbia Grafonolas. ~ Their. acoustic. de­sign is as scientifically right as their cabinets

, are artistically correct. ' ,. . , . ,,-. . . ." .

The acoustic· design' permits the ,full, free d'evelt.)pm~nt of the sound waves and, giv:es

, . them a tone 6f exquisite clearncss ~nd purity. , \. The grace and beauty 'of'·:cabinets

make it certain that- any Columbia Grafo': nola will" harmonize perfectly. with.. "any

ff' .. , t"

'Co/umbill GrtJ/o"./tJ.- . design 0 urnlture.'",. . .:,:,:, ,; '. -. . .--StJ:;tJ:oJSA~.dll." A.k'to,hea~ these NewProcea~Rec~,ci. :-:,",.

• .' .,:',' ,;, ,.' fJ'·, ... ,',I,' •. ' ..•. x.', .. :' .. :~.," . ." .. : .... :: '0 ~'. Yell We lIave No BR~aDa.-Fox.}.' .' Juat aGlrllThat~en Foi,tetarnf}:' ." [.

Trot.:. ' The Lan.1n Orchestra A-391" : I\UduJahtRole-:-Tenor Solos .,' ',A-3945 :' '''' Pickle. - Fox':r~ot :' " , . , .. ' "75c,, ,', "', ' .... '. . Charles Hart ,75c/, : ~ ,The OnKlnal MemphiS Five, . . 'Cu' i ... ' 'I'," :'PI .', ",.' C' , :"', . ,'-" .' ,. ,', ;!" ,. ' .'_ ..... , .. ' t .• ourae a ece'o' ake~.} '.' DannyB~y "(Weatherly) , Gnd~:' '} "\~3947 " " 'Fox-Trot~"l'edLe",isand HIs'BlUid~ ·,,,\;3," A Summer Nlaht (Thomas) Mezzo- SLOG,' , .. rhe Duck'. Quack-Fax-Trot ,."" "75c, .. Sopr~of)~19~ ,< ,B.~~r~ M,a~,~t;I', ,,,. ~rank W~tphal and His,Orchestra, ,,-, .•

, .,.. . '. ,,, .. , !·~:~~~I~:~~~~~M~=~~~:n;,>.\·'.':'} iA .. 3"5~/:; _____ '·i"'~··.lIi:iera·. HawaIIan Instrumental'Quartet'.,:',75c.,,: " !"

t,' ,'"., ' .' ... . '/~'>~'~< ... : ' . "':

_______ EZ _______________ _


Makes Shaving Easy , SANITARY - CONVENIENT


For new shaving comfort, try Watkins Sravlng Cream


------~----------HUGH HENRY

J. H. Smith Phone 117

-----------------' .~ •• : .. : •• : •• : ... : •• : •• : .. : ... : •• ; .... : •• : •• = .. : .. :,.: ... : •• : •• : •• : •• : •• :~.: .. : •• :. o , :i: GEORGE SHING'S CAFE' ::: , , .'. MEALS AT AI,.L HOURS '.' A 0 .'. Purity Ice Cream, Sundaes, etc. 'j' .:. Icc-Cold Drinks from Fountain '\' A y .', or In Bottles ':' .1. d.:· .:. Fine boxed Chocolates &. Can y 'j' :i: Tobacco - Cigars - Cigarette5 :!: A 0 ':. GEO. SHING, Prop, .;.

Val mar Eric Schweitzer, B.A., Ll.B.

Res. Phone B1323 Phone N7445 J. W. MORRISON, LL. B.

Barrister &. Solicitor ,Notary Public, Etc. Special Examiner

403'5, Huro,n &. Erie Building WINNIPEG MANITOBA


J. COULTER Fire Insul'llnc() AgrlIll.

IA"UO), of l\lu)')'la!;~ LIClJnHOM rl'tEHimNE MAN.

AI_FRED MARTIN Itelll Esltlle, 1\1 ")'l~aglJ and Insurance


Agent. itel"'oR(!nllng Hoveral of the !Jcsl Loal\ ,lilt! !lIHUI'llnCl' COlulHlUlo8. Corllmla· .;101101'.

_L_A_V_E_N_H_A_M _____ M_A_N_I T_O_B_"'--:,I t.: .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. : .. :.:;: Ol·'I,'ICE Broadway.

-- ,I NOTICE TO C~.~.oITORS I , \

I n the matter of the Estate of Joshua \ A. Lewis, late of the Village of Tre­herne In the Province of Manitoba, County Court Clerk, deceased:­All claims agaln,st' the above es'tute

must be sent to Thomas Edgar Denni­son Lewis, Treherne, Manitoba, on ,or before the 16th day of October, A. D. 1923. MARTHA J .. EWIS , THOMAS EDGAR DElNNlSON LEWIS


LOST 30x3'/~ Spare 'l'lre und Rim' on SUII'

duy, Sept. 16, between 'rreherne and railway crossing west of Holland OIl j'uad 2 mllcR south thrOll'~!l the 1:ldh Will finder vlease retlll'n to 'l'lmes Of· fice, or cull pl1rJl1C ll6.

• • • FOR SALE

W. J. WALDON Agont for MUlUlL1 Life Assul'l\nco Co.,

or Waterloo, Out ... nlld British Amerlr;a Illsurance Co.

~1!JrclluntR' CatiulLlly Co,. Winulpeg

(he Fal'mers' Mutual Fire InRurance Company of Portage la Prairie

for tile Village of Treharne and north. also for lbu VlIIu!;e or Hathwell and tllll'l'oundlng, dlslrlct.' Enquire or

" , Exec~tors Several pieces of Household Fuml, F. H. Mitchell, their SollcltOl' ture In excellent condition. Apply to

, JAMES HIRD LIne 71, Ring 5 Agent Treherne

51:52-1 ., nil'S. Geo' l Vincent, G2P Phone 40·2-1, Harland's Ferry • J. J. FAUCH ERE


IN THE MA'rTER OF 'I'HE ESTATE OF JOI·IN RANSOME, late or Ihe Municipality of' South Norfolk, In the Province of Manitoba, farmer, deceased. '

"'All claims against the above es­'tate must be filed with the under· signed In the Village of 'I'reherne, In Manitoba, on 01' before the 20th day of October, A.D. 1923.

Dated at Treherne, In the Province or'Manltoba; this '25th' day of Sep'tem­ber, A. D; 1923. 52-1-2

~. C. p,ARSONS Sp,llcltor for Caroline Ransome,


'" , " -TIMES /Want AdB do the bUBl,ness

Every Dickens .lover must', be sorry to'hear that the old five·roonied house of Portsmouth Street, LOIidon, made· In . his master novel, "'rhe Qld CUl'loslty Shop," has recent· Iy been sold by public auction.' The first being ror $7,500, was l'Illsod to $11,250\ and was knocked down to J. A::"Phllllps, who, announced llllit ,he had ,bought.. the building ror himself, remarldng that· he wah not' going to huve It destroyed, but' would ,preserve

" "t' IL as II curiosity. Many, readers· of Dickens will teel much relieved tliat It lius fallen In to good 'hands.

.. '

. .' . , *****~****~~~~ WH~~YOUHAVE A MICE, FAT ,";",STEERORHEIFER .. '.

, ... ,

NOTI'CE TO RATHWELL CITIZENS ... .'l'he rental on all s~ll11ll lock boxes 'n the Rathwell post orrlce has been $.50 per year since Jlln. 1st, 1922 and this Is payable In advarice.

Jane C. Forbes, P. M. • • •

FOR SALE ,S!llall healing stove for wood or

coul. Call at the 'rllnes office.

The Great West Life Assurance Co. The Royal Fire Insurance Co.

The Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance of Portage. ,

Money to Loan on Farm Property.



Meets Friday on or bofore the tull • • • mooll at the MILHonic Hall, '1'roherne.

Office Equlpme'nt for Sale . VIHltlng BI'etbren cordially welcOlue. Oliver typewriter, $35, Smith Pre· R. W. Bro.' John Coulter, Secretar,

mler typewriter $45. New Ollvel' W. H. Spinks, W. M., typewrltel' $45. MonlLrch typewriter juat rebuilt like new, ,$35. Long car- IND. ORDER OF ODDFELLOWII rlage Oliver $35. Will rent by week Treherne Lodge No. 44 Oleeta In LJle or month any of the Ollvers. Have Masonic Hall every '1'hursday evenln" also u loose leaf ledger complete at at 8 p. m. All Oddfellowa in go"d a very low \lrlce. TIMEt> OFFICE. ,standing are welcome.

James Arbuthnott, N. G. H. A. Adair, Sec. • • •

SHOE HOSPITAL I am doing all ltlnds of repair work

on shoes at my shop In the East End Garage, '1'rehel'Oe, \ and solicit your patronage. '1\1all service yours to comman\!. . A. Agnew, Prop.


Four room house situated on lot 4 block 8, 'l'rellerne. Now rentetl to J. A.. Peterson at $12 pefc month. For ull particulars as to 'price otc apply to Estella Benson by leller addressed cal'e of this pap.-, II _:'J..d~


. "A tenant' for quarter-section near CYPresB River. For particulars' apply

.. 'J

. H. A. McLeod, . ' C52 Phone 84-12, Rathwell , , • e" \,. ..

FARM FOR RENT OR SALE N.E'. 1,4' of Sec. 2·8-9-120 acres cultl· vated, fair buildings, water etc. Apply

Chas. Archer, .... ' 'Rathwell · .. ~

'" HOUSE TO RENT Fumlshed or unfumlshed~

at Tllnes'Omce or Box 7. .' ,~.. ~~ ~ . ', .. :.

. . LOST,'

DOVE REElEKAH LODGE, NO. 62 MeetH the 2nd and 4th 'rueBday of

eacb month In the MalionlcHall,at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren and Hlsters always welcome.

Mrs. J,S .. Corbett; N. G. MrR. A. E. Smith, Secretary.

L. O. L. No. 1730

Meeta first Tuesday ever1

Month. In the


Visiting A. E. Eng,flsh, W. M •

brethren welcowe,

TREHERNE HIGH SCHOOL .' , • Offer. In.trlictlon In Teacher.', ' Combll;ed, and In Matriculation Cour.e •• 1 admitting' to Normal

. School .... or' to Unlver.lty upon compl.tlon of Grade XI,

, For detail. of Cour •••• Informa· , tlon II to Feea, etc, apply tei

J. 'A PETERSON.' Principal ... ., ' . '; '.' .or . '

1 .' :iitF' .. ·· '.' \ ". Dlack Percheron,borse 7. years old, wlght"1700 lbB:;'gOne since Sept: 9th, 1923.'lnronnatlon· regarded hhn .want,

CcilifeCitio:iiell'Jl ed,~dead' or. alive •.. Phone Tiines Omce.' .' . - : , • ,!e • . .;.

'. :·~~\J.'MILLS. S.cretary of School Boar •.

, " "! .,". ,. , It-,-;-use"a 'want ad·" ,

, '.',

." ." ' '


--" .


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