Imaging Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable Plaque

Imaging Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable Plaque Mehran M. Sadeghi 1 , David K. Glover 2 , Gregory M. Lanza 3 , Zahi A. Fayad 4 , and Lynne L. Johnson 5 1 Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and Veterans Administration Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, Connecticut; 2 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia; 3 Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri; 4 Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York; and 5 Columbia University, New York, New York Identifying patients at high risk for an acute cardiovascular event such as myocardial infarction or stroke and assessing the total atherosclerotic burden are clinically important. Currently avail- able imaging modalities can delineate vascular wall anatomy and, with novel probes, target biologic processes important in plaque evolution and plaque stability. Expansion of the vessel wall involving remodeling of the extracellular matrix can be im- aged, as can angiogenesis of the vasa vasorum, plaque inflam- mation, and fibrin deposits on early nonocclusive vascular thrombosis. Several imaging platforms are available for targeted vascular imaging to acquire information on both anatomy and pathobiology in the same imaging session using either hybrid technology (nuclear combined with CT) or MRI combined with novel probes targeting processes identified by molecular biology to be of importance. This article will discuss the current state of the art of these modalities and challenges to clinical translation. Key Words: clinical cardiology; molecular imaging; vascular; atherosclerosis; plaque; vascular remodeling J Nucl Med 2010; 51:51S–65S DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.109.068163 The anatomy of vascular disease has been appreciated for centuries. More recently, with the explosive growth of molecular biology, the mechanisms for the common vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, transplant graft vasculopathy, in-stent restenosis, and aneurysm formation, have been elucidated. Several anatomic features are common to all vascular lesions. Important among these is expansive or restrictive vascular remodeling. For expansive remodeling to occur, the extracellular matrix remodels by enzymatic degradation and cell apoptosis. Restrictive vascular remodeling occurs by neointimal formation. In transplant vasculopathy and in-stent restenosis, this process occurs by smooth muscle cell proliferation. In atheroscle- rosis, smooth muscle cells migrate from the adventitia and transform into monocytes or macrophages. Monocytes are also recruited from the circulation and become engorged with lipids, producing large lipid-filled cores. To accom- modate plaque growth, the extracellular matrix remodels by enzymatic degradation and apoptosis. Inflammation is a prominent feature of this process. All of the stages along the way to advanced vascular disease involve biologic processes that can be targeted for imaging. Several imaging platforms are available for targeted vascular imaging and include nuclear, CT, MRI, and optical. This section will discuss the first 3 of these platforms. The described imaging modalities acquire in- formation on both anatomy and pathobiology at the same time. This is achieved either by injecting a radiolabeled probe targeting the biologic process of interest and per- forming hybrid imaging—either SPECT/CT or PET/ CT—or by injecting a nanoparticle targeting the biologic process and performing MRI. MOLECULAR IMAGING OF VASCULAR REMODELING Vascular remodeling, defined as persistent changes in the structure or composition of blood vessels, is a common feature of vascular pathologies. Modalities that show the anatomy of blood vessels provide useful information, for example, on aortic aneurysm, but additional information on the remodeling process can enhance our understanding of pathophysiology, guide the selection and assess the efficacy of therapeutic interventions, and provide relevant informa- tion on prognosis. Components of vascular remodeling, including both geometric remodeling (expansive or restrictive) and changes in the vessel wall composition (hypertrophy or hypotrophy), play roles in various vascular pathologies. In early atherosclerosis, in conjunction with plaque develop- ment and intimal thickening, the total vessel area increases (expansive remodeling) to maintain lumen size and blood flow. Over time, this expansive remodeling becomes in- sufficient or is replaced with constrictive remodeling limiting blood flow and resulting in ischemia. In apparent contradiction to its protective role in preventing ischemia, expansive remodeling in atherosclerosis has been linked to plaque vulnerability and acute coronary syndromes (1). In graft arteriosclerosis, diffuse neointimal hyperplasia of epicardial coronary arteries and their distal branches Received Oct. 15, 2009; revision accepted Jan. 15, 2010. For correspondence or reprints contact: David K. Glover, University of Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800500, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0500. E-mail: [email protected] COPYRIGHT ª 2010 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc. IMAGING A THEROSCLEROSIS AND PLAQUE • Sadeghi et al. 51S by on January 15, 2019. For personal use only. Downloaded from

Transcript of Imaging Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable Plaque

Page 1: Imaging Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable Plaque

Imaging Atherosclerosis and VulnerablePlaque

Mehran M. Sadeghi1, David K. Glover2, Gregory M. Lanza3, Zahi A. Fayad4, and Lynne L. Johnson5

1Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, and Veterans Administration Connecticut Healthcare System, WestHaven, Connecticut; 2University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia; 3Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri;4Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, New York; and 5Columbia University, New York, New York

Identifying patients at high risk for an acute cardiovascular eventsuch as myocardial infarction or stroke and assessing the totalatherosclerotic burden are clinically important. Currently avail-able imaging modalities can delineate vascular wall anatomyand, with novel probes, target biologic processes important inplaque evolution and plaque stability. Expansion of the vesselwall involving remodeling of the extracellular matrix can be im-aged, as can angiogenesis of the vasa vasorum, plaque inflam-mation, and fibrin deposits on early nonocclusive vascularthrombosis. Several imaging platforms are available for targetedvascular imaging to acquire information on both anatomy andpathobiology in the same imaging session using either hybridtechnology (nuclear combined with CT) or MRI combined withnovel probes targeting processes identified by molecular biologyto be of importance. This article will discuss the current state ofthe art of these modalities and challenges to clinical translation.

Key Words: clinical cardiology; molecular imaging; vascular;atherosclerosis; plaque; vascular remodeling

J Nucl Med 2010; 51:51S–65SDOI: 10.2967/jnumed.109.068163

The anatomy of vascular disease has been appreciatedfor centuries. More recently, with the explosive growth ofmolecular biology, the mechanisms for the commonvascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, transplant graftvasculopathy, in-stent restenosis, and aneurysm formation,have been elucidated. Several anatomic features arecommon to all vascular lesions. Important among these isexpansive or restrictive vascular remodeling. For expansiveremodeling to occur, the extracellular matrix remodels byenzymatic degradation and cell apoptosis. Restrictivevascular remodeling occurs by neointimal formation. Intransplant vasculopathy and in-stent restenosis, this processoccurs by smooth muscle cell proliferation. In atheroscle-rosis, smooth muscle cells migrate from the adventitia andtransform into monocytes or macrophages. Monocytes arealso recruited from the circulation and become engorged

with lipids, producing large lipid-filled cores. To accom-modate plaque growth, the extracellular matrix remodels byenzymatic degradation and apoptosis. Inflammation isa prominent feature of this process.

All of the stages along the way to advanced vasculardisease involve biologic processes that can be targeted forimaging. Several imaging platforms are available fortargeted vascular imaging and include nuclear, CT, MRI,and optical. This section will discuss the first 3 of theseplatforms. The described imaging modalities acquire in-formation on both anatomy and pathobiology at the sametime. This is achieved either by injecting a radiolabeledprobe targeting the biologic process of interest and per-forming hybrid imaging—either SPECT/CT or PET/CT—or by injecting a nanoparticle targeting the biologicprocess and performing MRI.


Vascular remodeling, defined as persistent changes in thestructure or composition of blood vessels, is a commonfeature of vascular pathologies. Modalities that show theanatomy of blood vessels provide useful information, forexample, on aortic aneurysm, but additional information onthe remodeling process can enhance our understanding ofpathophysiology, guide the selection and assess the efficacyof therapeutic interventions, and provide relevant informa-tion on prognosis.

Components of vascular remodeling, including bothgeometric remodeling (expansive or restrictive) andchanges in the vessel wall composition (hypertrophy orhypotrophy), play roles in various vascular pathologies. Inearly atherosclerosis, in conjunction with plaque develop-ment and intimal thickening, the total vessel area increases(expansive remodeling) to maintain lumen size and bloodflow. Over time, this expansive remodeling becomes in-sufficient or is replaced with constrictive remodelinglimiting blood flow and resulting in ischemia. In apparentcontradiction to its protective role in preventing ischemia,expansive remodeling in atherosclerosis has been linked toplaque vulnerability and acute coronary syndromes (1).

In graft arteriosclerosis, diffuse neointimal hyperplasiaof epicardial coronary arteries and their distal branches

Received Oct. 15, 2009; revision accepted Jan. 15, 2010.For correspondence or reprints contact: David K. Glover, University of

Virginia Health System, P.O. Box 800500, Charlottesville, VA 22908-0500.E-mail: [email protected] ª 2010 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc.


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leads to ischemia and organ loss. Despite major advances inthe treatment of acute rejection, graft arteriosclerosis re-mains the main cause of late organ failure after cardiactransplantation. Coronary angiography and myocardialperfusion imaging, performed repeatedly on transplantpatients, can detect only the late stages of graft arterioscle-rosis, when therapeutic interventions are less effective.Intravascular ultrasound is able to detect early intimalhyperplasia. However, this is an invasive procedure, limit-ing frequent sampling.

Expansive remodeling is the main pathologic feature ofaneurysm. In aortic aneurysm, focal expansion of the aorta,in conjunction with medial hypotrophy and mechanicalhemodynamic forces, leads to aortic rupture or dissection,complications that are associated with high morbidity andmortality. Although size is the best predictor of aneurysmrupture, a large number of complications occur in smalleraneurysms that do not meet the criteria for surgical orintravascular repair. Rapid expansion of small aneurysms isbelieved to increase their risk of rupture or dissection.However, with existing imaging modalities (CT, MRI,ultrasound), aneurysm expansion can be detected onlyretrospectively through serial anatomic imaging.

In postangioplasty in-stent restenosis, as well as invasculopathies associated with diabetes, hypertension, andchronic renal impairment, neointimal hyperplasia appearsas the prominent pathologic feature. Vascular smoothmuscle cell (VSMC) proliferation and migration and matrixremodeling are key cellular and molecular events in neo-intimal hyperplasia and may be detected by molecularimaging. Resting VSMCs in the media are in the so-calledcontractile phenotype. In response to injury or afterexposure to growth factors, medial VSMCs lose contractileproteins and convert to the so-called proliferative orsynthetic phenotype. Synthetic VSMCs have increasedproliferation and migration capability and eventually formmost of the cells in the neointima. VSMC phenotypicswitch is associated with changes in membrane proteinsand other antigens that can serve as targets for molecularimaging. One such molecule present on proliferatingVSMCs is the antigen for Z2D3, an antibody used in thefirst molecular imaging studies of vascular remodeling (2).

Integrins, a family of heterodimeric membrane proteinsinvolved in cell–cell and cell–matrix interaction, play animportant role in cell proliferation, migration, and survival.Integrin avb3 has been extensively used as a target formolecular imaging of angiogenesis and other processesassociated with cell proliferation. In addition to the expres-sion level, integrin function is dependent on the activationstate that occurs through changes in integrin structurealtering the affinity for ligands. Given the ubiquitousexpression of integrins, tracers with specificity for theirhigh affinity, active conformation provide additional spec-ificity to integrin targeting for molecular imaging in vivo.In injury-induced vascular remodeling, whether mechanicalor immune-induced, avb3 integrin is upregulated and

activated in the media and neointima of remodeling arterieswith a temporal pattern paralleling that of cell proliferation.RP748, an 111In-labeled quinolone with high affinity andspecificity for activated av integrins, can track cell pro-liferation in vascular remodeling, as demonstrated byautoradiographic studies in murine models of vascularremodeling (3,4). It remains to be empirically determinedwhether the integrin signal is sufficient for in vivo imaging.

Matrix remodeling, through matrix protein synthesis,contraction, and proteolytic degradation, is an integralfeature of vascular remodeling. Proteases, including matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs), a large family of calcium- andzinc-dependent proteases, play an important role in bothcomponents of vascular remodeling. VSMC migration inneointimal hyperplasia is dependent on changes in thematrix that facilitate cell anchoring and movement. Ingeometric remodeling, protease-mediated matrix turnoveris required for changes in the vessel scaffold. MMPs andother proteases, such as cathepsins, are key players inmatrix remodeling. MMP protease activity is regulated bythe expression level, activation state, and presence of tissueinhibitors. MMP-2 and tissue inhibitors 1 and 2 of MMPshave low expression in normal arteries. In response toinjury, various proteases, including members of the MMPfamily, are upregulated and activated in the vessel wall.Inflammatory cells are a major source of activated MMPs invascular disease. The important role of MMP expression intumor growth motivated the development of broad-basedmetalloproteinase inhibitors (MPIs) that can be radiola-beled and used to track vascular remodeling in vivo. Onesuch compound, a radiolabeled broad-spectrum MMP-inhibitor, 123I-CGS 27023A, was first used to detectMMP upregulation after carotid artery ligation in apolipo-protein E knockout (apoE2/2) mice (5). In a subsequentstudy, RP782, an 111In-labeled tracer with specificity foractivated MMPs, localized to remodeling carotid arteries ofapoE2/2 mice after wire injury (Fig. 1) (6). In this model ofvessel injury, in which neointimal hyperplasia is the pre-dominant histologic feature, MMP activation was detectedby small-animal SPECT/CT and paralleled changes invessel wall thickness. MMPs play a key role in thepathogenesis of arterial aneurysm, and their overexpressionhas been linked to aneurysm rupture. Small-animal SPECTof MMP activation in carotid aneurysm has been reported(7), and it remains to be empirically determined whetherimaging MMP activation in aneurysm can help predictaneurysm expansion. Activation of MMPs also playsa major role in vessel remodeling in atherosclerosis andwill be further discussed in that context below.



Cardiovascular disease is the major cause of mortalityand morbidity in developed countries, and atherosclerosis isresponsible for many of the severe manifestations, including

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myocardial ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, heartfailure, and stroke. Detection of atherosclerosis withimaging has traditionally relied on the assessment ofphysical attributes of the vessel wall such as luminalnarrowing that are present in late-stage lesions. However,the functional severity of lesions on angiography is not anaccurate predictor of future cardiac events. It is now widelyappreciated that atherosclerosis is a chronic and dynamicinflammatory disease. Inflammatory cells play a key role inall stages from initiation of plaque development to transi-tion of a plaque from a stable to a rupture-prone state.

Several approaches have been evaluated for radioimag-ing the inflammatory process in atherosclerosis. Some ofthese approaches have included imaging the accumulationof radiolabeled low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in athero-matous lesions in animals (8,9) and humans (10), chemo-kine MCP-1 receptor expression (11), inflammatory celltrafficking with 111In-oxine labeled monocytes (12), mac-rophage density by phagocytosis of 64Cu-labeled nano-particles (13), and uptake of 18F-FDG. The reason why18F-FDG can be used to image macrophages is that thesecells have a high basal metabolic rate that is dependent onthe transport of exogenous glucose as a substrate. Whenactivated, the metabolic rate further increases, requiring

additional uptake of glucose. Thus, the high glucose use byactivated macrophages presents a target for the 18F-labeledderivative of glucose. Several small clinical studies havedemonstrated the feasibility of imaging inflamed athero-sclerotic plaques using 18F-FDG in humans. These studieswill be discussed in detail in the clinical trials section ofthis article. In this section, the focus is on a new approachto imaging inflammation in atherosclerotic plaque thatinvolves targeted molecular imaging of the lectinlikeoxidized21 (LOX-1) LDL receptor.

A high serum level of LDL cholesterol is a major riskfactor for atherosclerosis. Oxidation of native LDL is anearly process in atherogenesis (14,15). Oxidized LDLcauses endothelial dysfunction (16) and is taken up byscavenger receptors on macrophages, resulting in theformation of cholesterol-loaded foam cells (17). OxidizedLDL also facilitates thrombus formation by reducingfibrinolysis and by promoting procoagulant activity viainduction of tissue factor expression (18), by reducingvasodilator species nitric oxide (19), and by alteringanticoagulant tissue-plasminogen activator and its endoge-nous inhibitor, PAI-1.

Oxidized LDL exerts its effects by binding to scavengerreceptors on macrophages and to the LOX-1 LDL receptor

FIGURE 1. RP782 imaging of MMP activation in vascular remodeling. RP782 micro-SPECT (A), CTA (B), and fused micro-SPECT/CT (C) images at 3 wk after left carotid injury in apoE2/2 mice demonstrate enhanced RP782 uptake in injured left ascompared with control right carotid arteries. Quantification of carotid RP782 uptake at different time points after injury is shownin (D). S 5 sagittal slices; C 5 coronal slices; T 5 transverse slices; w 5 weeks. (Reprinted with permission of (6).)


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(20). LOX-1 is a membrane protein that belongs structur-ally to the C-type lectin family and is expressed in vascularendothelium and in vessel-rich organs. LOX-1 does notshare homology with any of the known scavenger receptorsfor oxidized LDL found in macrophages. The expression ofLOX-1 is induced by tumor necrosis factor-a angiotensin IIand shear stress in endothelial cells (21–23). LOX-1 is alsoexpressed in macrophages and VSMCs (24).

Ishino et al. were the first to report successful in vivoimaging of LOX-1 using a 99mTc-labeled anti-LOX-1antibody and planar imaging in Wattanabe hyperlipidemicrabbits (25). Atheromatous lesions were clearly visualizedby planar imaging. Histologic analysis revealed the highestaccumulation of the probe in grade IV atheroma, with lessuptake of the probe observed in more stable lesions. Liet al. recently designed a multimodality imaging probetargeted to the LOX-1 receptor and validated and tested thefeasibility of the imaging probe both in vitro and in vivo(26). The probe consists of a liposome shell decorated witheither a nonspecific IgG (nIgG) antibody or a murine anti-LOX-1 antibody, and various reporters, including gadoli-nium, 111In, and DiI fluorescence. They found that theLOX-1 probe bound specifically to atherosclerotic plaquein both apoE2/2 and LDL-receptor–deficient (LDLR2/2)mice that had been fed a high-fat and -cholesterol diet formore than 16–20 wk. As can be seen in Figure 2, the probewas readily visible in the aortic arch on SPECT/CT images24 h after injection. The in vivo results were confirmed byex vivo phosphor plate and fluorescence imaging. They alsodemonstrated that the LOX-1 probe bound preferentially tothe plaque shoulder region and was colocalized with knownmarkers of plaque vulnerability including extensive LOX-1

expression, macrophage accumulation, apoptosis, andMMP-9 expression.

Apoptosis and the Metalloproteinases

This section will discuss biologic targets, other thaninflammation, that play a role in transformation of plaquestability: programmed cell death, enzymatic disruption ofthe extracellular matrix, and vessel remodeling. The ana-tomic features of acute plaque rupture are known fromhuman autopsy studies on patients who died suddenly ofacute coronary events (27–29). Immunohistochemicalstaining of sections taken through vulnerable plaques frompatients, combined with experimental animal studies andadvances in molecular biology, have identified apoptosis ofmacrophages infiltrated in the shoulder regions of thin-capped fibroatheromas and increased expression of metal-loproteinases (MMPs) as biologic markers of plaquevulnerability (29,30). Segmental coronary artery dilation(positive remodeling) associated with large lipid-filledplaques is an anatomic feature associated with plaquevulnerability.

Imaging Apoptosis in Plaque. The biochemistry ofapoptotic cell death involves activation of the caspasecascade (effector caspases 3 and 7) (30). Caspase 3 ac-tivation triggers both DNA fragmentation (identifiedby deoxyuride-59-triphosphate biotin nick end labeling[TUNEL] staining) and induces cell membrane alterationsin cells undergoing apoptosis for phagocytic engulfment.This latter pathway has been used to target apoptosis ofcancer cells using 18F-labeled isatin sulfonamides (31). Thecaspase pathway triggers changes in cell membranes asa prelude to disruption and cell death. Phosphatidylserine isnormally restricted to the inner layer of the phospholipidbilayer cell membrane. During apoptosis, phosphatidylser-ine is flipped to the outer bilayer. The naturally occurringprotein annexin A5 avidly binds phosphatidylserine andwas labeled first with a fluorescent probe and subsequentlyas a radiotracer for in vitro and in vivo imaging of apoptosis(32). The protein is linked to 99mTc with bifunctionalchelating agents such as hydrazinonicotinamide using anamide bond.

Programmed death can be triggered in any mammaliancell. Apoptosis plays a role in cardiomyocyte death duringacute myocardial infarction, and annexin A5 has been usedto image myocardial infarction (33). Annexin A5 has alsobeen used to image atherosclerosis in several animalmodels, including high-fat–fed New Zealand White rabbitswith aortic injury, apoE null and LDL-deficient mice, anddomestic swine with coronary artery injury fed high-fatdiets (34). In all these models, the target-to-backgroundratios were sufficient to permit in vivo visualization of theuptake of 99mTc annexin A5 in areas of plaque identified atnecropsy, and uptake correlated quantitatively with extentof apoptosis by caspase or TUNEL staining. In the mouseand rabbit studies, the atherosclerotic lesions were ad-vanced, and staining for apoptosis colocalized to areas of

FIGURE 2. Contrast CT (left), micro-SPECT (center), andfused SPECT/CT (right) images of apoE2/2 mice fedWestern diet for more than 16 wk. Imaging showed no focalaortic arch hot spots in mice injected with a nonspecific IgGantibody (nIgG) probe (top row), whereas all mice injectedwith targeted LOX-1 probe had hot spots in aortic arch(lower row). Results were confirmed by ex vivo phosphorimaging of excised aortas. Sudan IV staining demonstratedcomparable plaques between the 2 groups.

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macrophage infiltration (Fig. 3) (35). The signal fromradiotracer uptake into atherosclerotic plaque can be usedto monitor the effect of therapy to reduce apoptosis byadministration of caspase inhibitors (36). However, in theporcine study only class II or III lesions were present andcaspase-positive staining colocalized with smooth musclecells. In earlier stages of plaque development, apoptosis ofsmooth muscle cells occurs as positive remodeling of thevessel occurs (37). This study in porcine coronary arteriesshowed that with a high ratio of target to backgrounduptake, focal uptake of a radiotracer can be visualized onin vivo SPECT; the study also revealed the limitedspecificity of apoptosis imaging in identifying vulnerableplaque.

Imaging Metalloproteinase Expression in Plaque. Thenormal arterial wall media contains contractile VSMCs anda few resident macrophages. The extracellular matrixcontains types I and III collagen; glycoproteins, includingfibronectin, vitronectin, tenascin, and thrombospondin; andchondroitin/dermatan sulfate proteoglycans plus elastin(30,38). During neointimal formation in early atheroscle-rosis, and as atherosclerotic lesions advance and the lipidcore enlarges, the vessel wall positively remodels toaccommodate neointima and preserve luminal area. Asdescribed previously, the remodeling process in the vesselwall occurs via breakdown of extracellular matrix throughexpression of the metalloproteinases (MMPs). With athero-sclerosis, oxidized LDL increases MMP-1 and -3 expres-sion (38). In addition to their catalytic effect, constitutiveMMPs in VSMCs are induced by inflammatory cytokines,and their expression leads to migration and phenotypicmodulation of macrophages (38).

In plaque monocyte-macrophages, MMP-9 is the mostabundant gelatinase. Human tissue from aortic, carotid, andcoronary arteries has correlated MMP expression withplaque vulnerability. Galis showed MMP-1, -3, and -9 inmacrophages, VSMC, lymphocytes, and endothelial cellsespecially at the vulnerable shoulder region of plaques (39).A 2- to 4-fold increase in MMP-9 expression is found inhuman atherectomy tissue from patients with recent un-stable versus stable coronary disease (40). Levels of MMP-1,MMP-3, MMP-8, and MMP-9 have been shown to besignificantly greater in human atheromatous than in fibrousplaques (41).

As mentioned earlier, in vivo imaging of MMP expres-sion can be achieved using radiolabeled broad-based MPIs(42–44). For example, a study in apoE null and LDLR nullmice showed in vivo uptake of a 99mTc-labeled MPI RP805in aortic atherosclerotic plaque (Fig. 4) (43). Uptake ofradiotracer as percentage injected dose correlated withimmunohistochemical staining for macrophages and withMMP-2 and MMP-9 (43). A change in the signal from the99mTc-MPI in the plaque can be used to assess therapy toreduce MMP expression (44). In addition to inducinginflammatory cytokines, MMPs contribute to destabilizingplaque by segmental remodeling (4). Other platforms havebeen developed to image MMP expression, includingoptical imaging and MRI using an activatable near-infraredfluorescence probe and a gadolinium-coupled MPI (45,46).In a direct comparison of the 2 radiotracers, imaging with99mTc-labeled annexin A5 and 99mTc-MPI was performedon apoE null mice of different ages. Between 20 and 40 wk,as the aortic lesion area increased and the disease extendedinto the carotids, there were greater increases in percentage

FIGURE 3. (A) Six reconstructed sli-ces from in vivo hybrid small-animalSPECT/CT scan after injection of 99mTcannexin AV into 62-wk apoE2/2 mousefed high-fat diet and showing uptake oftracer in aortic arch (red arrows). Imageon right shows excised aorta imaged exvivo. (B) Immunohistochemical stainedsections through aorta shows AmericanHeart Association class IV lesion withlipid core, prevalent macrophages, andTUNEL-positive nuclei. (C) Correlationsbetween percentage injected dose(%ID) and both macrophages and TU-NEL-positive cells. (Reprinted from(35).)


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MMP-2 and -9 than of percentage caspase-positive cells,indicating that MMP expression is greater than apoptosis asthe disease progresses. These differences in histologycorrelated with differences in tracer uptake, and the resultssupport the premise that radiolabeled MPI is a betterimaging agent for more advanced disease than annexinA5 (47).

A radiotracer such as 99mTc-MPI that targets bothmacrophages and vessel remodeling has potential to non-invasively visualize vulnerable coronary lesions. Unlike18F-FDG, 99mTc-MPI shows little or no myocardial uptakein animal models of atherosclerosis and thus would allowa good target-to-background ratio if the signal from thelesions is robust enough to be seen on in vivo imaging.Because such an agent would have applications in bothcancer and atherosclerosis, motivation by industry for drugdevelopment should be fairly high. A labeled compound

that could be used in both PET and SPECT would havemore widespread application.


The term molecular imaging has an expanded meaningto encompass biomedical diagnostics, noninvasive imaging,and targeted therapies related to pathologic molecularbiosignatures. Over the last decade, research publicationand patent activities involving nano-scaled technologies inthe health sciences field have exponentially proliferated,reflecting the leadership role played by the National In-stitutes of Health through the National Cancer Institute’sUnconventional Innovation Program, the Alliance forNanotechnology in Cancer Program, and related nanoplat-form partnerships in parallel with the National Heart, Lung,

FIGURE 4. (Top left) Reconstructed slices from in vivo hybrid small-animal SPECT/CT scan after injection of 99mTc-labeledMPI into representative mice from 5 groups: control, apoE2/2 fed high-fat diet (ChApoe2/2), apoE2/2 fed normal chow, LDLR2/2

fed high-fat diet (ChLDLR2/2), and LDLR2/2 fed normal diet. Black arrows identify aorta, and red arrows identify tracer uptake inaortic arch (on SPECT and fused SPECT/CT), with greatest amount seen in apoE2/2 mouse fed high-fat diet. Scans of controlmouse are negative. (Top right) Quantitative histologic analysis of MMP-2, MMP-9, and macrophages (Mac-3) for 4 groups ofatherosclerotic mice, and control. (Bottom) Histopathologic and immunohistochemical staining of sections from aortae from 5groups. (Reprinted from (43).)

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and Blood Institute Program for Excellence and relatedrequest-for-application funding initiatives.

Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles

One of the earliest applications of nanotechnology inMRI involved the use of paramagnetic iron oxide particles.Iron oxide crystals have long been used as superparamag-netic T2* contrast agents for MRI (48–51). Superparamag-netic iron oxide (particle diameter . 50 nm) andultrasuperparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO, particle diam-eter , 50 nm) particles have nonstoichiometric microcrys-talline magnetite cores and are typically coated withdextran (e.g., ferumoxide) or siloxane (e.g., ferumoxsil)(52). Spontaneous phagocytic uptake of superparamagneticiron oxide and USPIOs by macrophages in atheroscleroticplaque was recognized and demonstrated in 2000 and 2001by Schmitz et al. and Ruehm et al. in hereditary or diet-induced hyperlipidemic rabbits (53–56). In 2003 thisfinding was extended to include human plaque (57).Systematic evaluation of USPIO-enhanced MRI contrastin carotid atheroma confirmed that the optimal signalintensity was achieved 24–36 h after administration. Sub-sequently, the USPIO compound ferumoxytol was com-pared with ferumoxtran-10 as a marker of macrophageactivity in atherosclerotic plaques. Although both werereported to be effective, ferumoxytol had optimal luminalsignal intensity 3 d after treatment, and ferumoxytol-treatedrabbits had peak measurements 5 d after injection (58).Recently, new MRI pulse sequences and image postpro-cessing techniques have been developed to reverse the darkcontrast appearance into a bright positive-contrast effect(59–66).

Ligand-Directed Targeting of Iron Oxides

The development of monocrystalline iron oxide nano-particles helped to extend iron oxide MRI beyond thelimitations of passive targeting through tissue accumulationand particle phagocytosis to ligand-directed or activetargeting. Monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles havean average core diameter of 3 nm and can be directlycoupled to homing ligands that specifically target epitopesin the tissue of interest (67). The targeting efficiency of ironoxide particles improved further with the development ofdextran cross-linked iron oxide particles (68). Cross-linkediron oxide has been used with a variety of ligands, andalthough these particles may be demonstrated with histol-ogy to target tissue specifically soon after injection, de-tection on MRI remains delayed because of slow particleclearance into macrophages and nonspecific particle diffu-sion within tissue.

Recently, the colloidal iron oxide nanoparticle theranos-tic platform has been reported as a vascular constrained T1-weighted molecular imaging agent that avoided typicalmagnetic bloom artifacts, permitted rapid in vivo molecularimaging without blood pool magnetization interference,and supported targeted drug delivery (69). Colloidal ironoxide nanoparticle offers rapid clearance (,60 min) of

circulating interference on T1 contrast, whereas blood T2shortening persists well over 2 h, as expected for super-paramagnetic agents. Moreover, colloidal iron oxide nano-particle is designed for therapeutic drug delivery, forexample, fumagillin, via a unique mechanism termedcontact-facilitated drug delivery.

Paramagnetic Nanoparticle Imaging

In 1998, Sipkins demonstrated in vivo imaging ofangiogenesis with paramagnetic polymerized liposomes inthe VX2 tumor model (70) and Lanza et al. (71) demonstratedfibrin imaging with paramagnetic perfluorocarbon nano-particles. Alternative nonparticulate approaches to molec-ular MRI were developed to target epitopes such as HER2/neu receptors, using an avidin conjugated to gadolinium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (12.5 gadolinium atomsper avidin), and fibrin in thrombus, targeted by a fibrin-binding peptide derivatized with 4 or 5 gadolinium atoms(72). Integrin-targeted liposome constructs were reportedby Mulder et al. for angiogenesis-imaging rodent cancermodels (73–75), and a paramagnetic lipoprotein analog wasdemonstrated for macrophage imaging in atheroscleroticplaque by Frias et al. and Lipinski et al. (76,77).

Since 1998, the laboratory of Lanza et al. has extensivelystudied and refined ligand-targeted paramagnetic liquidperfluorocarbon nanoparticles for molecular imaging andtargeted drug delivery in atherosclerosis (71,78–83). Ath-erosclerotic plaque progresses from an early atheromatouslesion to a thin-capped vulnerable plaque through aggres-sive inflammatory and immune responses, comprisingmacrophage infiltration with necrotic core enlargement,neovascular expansion of the vasa vasorum, intraplaquehemorrhage (84,85), and increased plaque angiogenesis.

Pathologic data from excised carotid arteries in patientstreated for 3 mo with statins revealed a reduction inmicrovascular density, which was proposed as an explana-tion for the additional benefit of statins (86). Some havesuggested that statins prune the plaque neovasculature,reducing intraplaque hemorrhage (a potential acceleratorof atherosclerotic progression) and promoting plaque sta-bilization (87,88). In a series of nanomedicine studiesconducted on hyperlipidemic rabbits, avb3-targeted para-magnetic perfluorocarbon nanoparticles were shown toprovide serial quantification of aortic angiogenesis (89),to deliver and monitor acute antiangiogenic therapy in earlyatherosclerosis (Fig. 5) (82), and to function synergisticallywith atorvastatin therapy to reduce plaque neovasculatureand sustain the potentially stabilizing antiangiogenic ben-efit (83).

In the later stages of the atherosclerosis, perfluorocarbonnanoparticles can be used to detect and quantify the richfibrin deposits of intravascular thrombus (78–80), theproximate cause of stroke and myocardial infarction. Thehigh core density of fluorine, an excellent element for MRspectroscopy and MRI with no inherent background,supports MRI colocalization of the fluorine and proton


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signal to confirm noninvasively the detection of perfluor-ocarbon nanoparticles and to quantify the number of boundnanoparticles, which indirectly assesses the extent of intra-luminal clotting. Moreover, when angioplasty is requiredfor revascularization, collagen III- and integrin-targetedparamagnetic nanoparticles have been used to detect andmap intramural injury patterns in pigs (90), as well as todeliver rapamycin to inhibit restenosis in rabbits withoutimpairing reendothelialization (Fig. 6) (91).

Spectral CT Molecular Imaging

A new field of CT molecular imaging is emerging withthe development of novel nanotechnologies capable of de-livering high metal payloads. CT continues to evolve fromsimple single-slice machines to multidetector arrays (e.g., 16,64, or 256 slices) with concomitant improvement in CT tis-sue characterization through the development of dual-energy

(i.e., 2-color) and now multicolored or spectral CT (92–95).Unlike the simple x-ray attenuation of CT or the low-resolution differential absorption of dual-energy tech-niques, Spectral CT recognizes the k-edge of metals, whichoccurs when the attenuation of photons interacting with ak-shell electron suddenly increases because of photoelectricabsorption. Spectral CT scanners generate the traditionalCT image and simultaneously acquire quantitative k-edgeimage data based on unique spectral footprints of specificelements, for example, gold, gadolinium, or bismuth.Iodine-based imaging agents will probably not be usefulfor clinical spectral CT because of a low k-edge energy,high internal scattering, and beam-hardening effects (i.e.,depletion of x-rays with higher attenuation coefficientsfrom a polychromatic beam). Similarly, the use of metalcrystals, which may have strong spectral CT contrast, willprobably have inadequate bioelimination qualities. The

FIGURE 5. (A) Time-of-flight MR an-giogram 30 min after balloon stretchinjury shows patent femoral arteries.Left artery was treated with avb3-integ-rin–targeted paramagnetic nanopar-ticles with rapamycin, and saline wasused for right artery. (B and C) MRangiograms 2 wk after injury and treat-ment, with arrows identifying regions ofintraluminal plaque caused by balloonoverstretch injury. In B, right artery,which has arterial plaque, was treatedwith avb3-integrin–targeted nanopar-ticles without drug, and widely patentleft artery was treated with avb3-integ-rin–targeted nanoparticles with rapamy-cin. In C, widely patent right artery wastreated with avb3-integrin–targetednanoparticles with rapamycin, and par-tially occluded left artery was treatedwith nontargeted nanoparticles withrapamycin. (D and E) Graphs of average(D) and maximum average (E) stenosiswithin injured and treated femoral ar-teries of New Zealand White rabbits 2wk after balloon injury. Arterial segmentswere flash-frozen in optimal-cutting-temperature compound, and alternate7-mm sections were used for morpho-logic analysis (hematoxylin and eosinstaining). (F) Area at risk of injuredendothelium quantified on vascular enface preparations stained with Carstairstain. Normal, uninjured endothelium isyellow, and injured endothelium withfibrin deposition is red. (G) Quantitationof injured endothelium in area at risk(100% 5 1-cm excised vessel seg-ment). Digitized images were analyzedon areas that had undergone balloonoverstretch injury and were treated withavb3-integrin–targeted nanoparticleswith 0.4 mol% rapamycin (n 5 12) or saline control (n 5 12). Vessels were excised on postinterventional days 1, 7, 14, and28 (n 5 3 per group and time point). (Adapted with permission of (91).)

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Lanza group has developed a family of ‘‘soft’’ metalnanocolloid k-edge agents that can be homed to fibrinfibrils within an intravascular thrombus or other suitablebiomarker, to provide the location and concentration oftargeted k-edge material. Fusion of these images withanatomic multislice-CT images permits localization of hotspots from intraluminal fibrin to the coronary bed.


Multimodality Imaging

A clinically useful approach to atherosclerosis imaginginvolves the interrogation of several vascular beds in thesame imaging session, such as aorta, carotid artery, andcoronary arteries. To accomplish this, it is necessary tolocalize molecular probes to specific vascular sites. PET/CT or SPECT/CT and MRI provide platforms to accom-plish this task. Noninvasive quantification of inflammationcan be performed with both of the nuclear imagingtechniques—SPECT and PET. The radioactive tracer isadministered intravenously and allowed to circulate withinthe body until it accumulates at the site of interest. On thebasis of the rate of blood pool clearance, the time frominjection to imaging is selected to allow blood levels tobecome sufficiently low to generate a favorable target-to-background signal. Both SPECT and PET have sensitivitiesfor the detection of molecular targets within the picomolarrange, translating into the ability to use small doses ofcontrast agent, compared with MRI and CT. Nuclearimaging sensitivities compare favorably with both MRI

and especially CT, which have sensitivities up to a trilliontimes lower (Fig. 7). The superior spatial resolution of PET(4–5 mm) makes it more attractive than SPECT (10–15mm). However, the spatial and temporal resolution of bothmethods is significantly less than that achieved by eitherMRI or CT. The high sensitivity of nuclear methodscoupled with the favorable resolution of CT and MRI isthe driver behind hybrid imaging systems such as PET/CTand PET/MRI that are now becoming available.

FIGURE 6. (A) MRI of abdominal aortashows false-colored overlay of percent-age signal enhancement at time oftreatment (left) and 1 wk after treatment(right). (B) Platelet endothelial cell adhe-sion molecule (PECAM)–stained section(·4) of abdominal aorta from hyper-lipidemic rabbit shows adventitia, me-dia, and plaque. Higher-magnificationinset (·20) shows that microvesselswere predominantly in adventitia asso-ciated with thickening neointima. Neo-vessels were generally not in regionswhere plaque progression was minimalor nonexistent in this cohort of rabbits.Arrowheads illustrate type of PECAMmicrovessels counted within each sec-tion to assess fumagillin antiangiogeniceffects. Larger, mature vessels posi-tively staining for PECAM were notincluded in these estimates. (C) Graphof aortic MRI signal enhancement aver-aged over all imaged slices at time oftreatment (black bars) and 1 wk after

treatment (white bars). Solid lines indicate individual animal’s response to treatment over 7-d period. (D) Graph showing thatnumber of neovascular vessels within adventitia was reduced (*P , 0.06; zP , 0.05) in fumagillin-treated rabbits over proximalhalf of aorta (i.e., renal artery to diaphragm), which correlated with region of greatest MRI signal and fumagillin response inimaging studies. (Adapted with permission of (82).)

FIGURE 7. Illustration of relative spatial resolution ofcommon imaging techniques, along with their sensitivities.


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Some of the imaging techniques such as 18F-FDG PET, dy-namic contrast-enhanced MRI (96,97), and USPIO-enhancedMRI (98,99) are close to the clinical arena (Table 1). Ongoingprospective trials will determine the place of imaging in-flammation in predicting clinical events. Described below isa summary on the use of 18F-FDG PET/CT and USPIO-MRIin atherosclerosis.

Clinical Trials with 18F-FDG

Identifying patients at high risk for an acute coronaryevent is clinically important. The Framingham Risk Score,which is used to project a 10-y risk from cardiovasculardisease, is calculated on the basis of clinical and laboratoryparameters: age, sex, total and HDL cholesterol, smokinghistory, and systolic blood pressure. The accuracy of theFramingham Risk Score in discriminating risk is approxi-mately 75%. However, some patients identified as being atlow risk for mortality in the next 10 y by the FraminghamRisk Score actually have an increased lifetime risk ofcoronary artery disease events. Screening large numbers ofpatients with a costly and time-consuming imaging pro-cedure to find the small number at highest risk is imprac-tical and impossible in an era of cost containment. Abiomarker measured from a simple blood sample would bethe most cost-effective approach. C-reactive protein isa widely available biomarker to discriminate the degreeof risk in this patient population. The recent JUPITER trialdemonstrated that patients with normal cholesterol levels,but elevated plasma C-reactive protein levels, had their riskof an event cut in half in just 2 y by aggressive statintherapy (100). However, administering aggressive statintherapy to all patients who meet those criteria would beexpensive, and the long-term safety of aggressive statintherapy is unknown. Another approach would be to identifya high-risk group based on risk factors and biomarkers

and on this select group perform a more expensive imagingprocedure that would identify either plaque morphologicfeatures or biologic signals associated with plaque vulner-ability.

Inflammation is important at many stages of atheroscle-rotic plaque development (101). As mentioned previously,18F-FDG PET is a molecular imaging technique that ishighly sensitive to metabolically active processes that useglucose as a fuel, such as the macrophage foam cells withinatherosclerosis. 18F-FDG imaging is performed on a combinedPET/CT system. The anatomic information from the CT scanis used to localize 18F-FDG uptake to the vascular tree.

18F-FDG uptake in arterial walls was first noted in theaorta of patients undergoing PET for cancer staging(102,103). It was soon discovered that the extent of 18F-FDG uptake was greater in older patients (102–104) andthose with cardiovascular risk factors (105–107). Sincethese early studies, it is now established that 18F-FDGuptake is generally greater in symptomatic atheromatousplaques than in asymptomatic lesions (108). Additionally,the arterial 18F-FDG signal is linked to levels of inflam-matory biomarkers (109) and to the number of componentsof the metabolic syndrome (110). More recently, it has beendemonstrated that arterial 18F-FDG signal can be reduced byeither drug therapy (111) or dietary and lifestyle changes (112).

Arterial 18F-FDG PET/CT is currently being applied inthe assessment of novel antiatherosclerosis drugs, in whichdirect evidence of an antiinflammatory effect on the arterywall is useful (Clinical reveals 18 ongoingstudies as of September 2009). Early evidence of inflam-mation reduction can potentially avoid the need for lengthy,costly outcome studies for drugs that are not sufficientlypotent.

Imaging inflamed atheroma in the coronary vasculaturewith 18F-FDG is considerably more challenging than in the

TABLE 1. Comparison of Noninvasive Assessment of Atherosclerotic Plaques

Parameter MRI





enhanced MRI USPIO-MRI





Vascular bed Carotid Carotid Carotid Carotid Carotid Coronary

Aorta Aorta Aorta Peripheral Aorta CarotidPeripheral Peripheral Peripheral Aorta Peripheral Aorta

Coronary? Peripheral



Burden Composition:

lipid-rich/necroticcore (%LR/NC)












5%210% 10% 15% Not applicable 5%27% .20%



3, 6*, 12 mo Statins at 18 mo Not applicable Statins at 3 mo Statins at 3 mo Not applicable

*Niacin 1 statins.

LR 5 lipid-rich; NC 5 necrotic.

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carotid artery or aorta because of myocardial uptake of 18F-FDG and the smaller size of the coronary arteries. A recentstudy demonstrated the feasibility of imaging inflamedlesions in the coronary vessels using PET/CT by firstsuppressing myocardial 18F-FDG uptake by having thepatient consume a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet (113).

Clinical Trials with USPIO-MRI

USPIO-MRI has been shown to identify inflammatorychanges by monitoring macrophage uptake, a major com-ponent of high-risk (vulnerable) plaques. To date, nopublished study has shown correlations between the doseof prescribed statin and in vivo changes in macrophagedistribution. ‘‘Atorvastatin Therapy: Effects on Reductionof Macrophage Activity (ATHEROMA)’’ is the first pro-spective molecular MRI study to correlate the in vivo effectsof statin therapy on carotid plaque inflammation as observedby MRI (114). The results of the study found a significantreduction from baseline in USPIO-enhanced MRI-definedplaque inflammation in the high-dose atorvastatin group atboth 6 and 12 wk after treatment. Such changes were notobserved in the group receiving low-dose statin (i.e.,atorvastatin, 20 mg). These findings provide additional invivo evidence that high-dose statins (i.e., 80 mg) might havea beneficial effect on plaque stability. Furthermore, thesechanges in USPIO-defined plaque inflammation could beobserved within 6 wk, a relatively short treatment intervalcompared with the prolonged periods (years) that are re-quired to observe changes in plaque burden. This study mayalso indicate that reductions in plaque inflammation mayplay an important role in the mechanism underlying the earlybeneficial effects of statins.

If adequately validated, USPIO-enhanced MRI method-ology may be a useful imaging approach to access thetherapeutic response to ‘‘antiinflammatory’’ interventions inpatients with carotid atherosclerotic lesions. However,before USPIO-MRI may be routinely used for multicenterclinical testing, several issues with regard to the ATHER-OMA study (114) need to be examined. The relativelysmall patient population limits the ability to generalize thedose response observed in that study. Although the authorsfound a weak correlation between the MRI data and themicroemboli count on transcranial Doppler, the study stilldid not correlate the MRI findings to any hard clinicalendpoints. In addition, aspects of USPIO-MRI quantifica-tion need to be addressed before this method can be used inlarge multicenter clinical trials. Differences in patientpositioning, coil inhomogeneities, noise, and other artifactsmay all induce signal loss that may not be indicative ofUSPIO uptake. Validation of semiquantitative analyses isneeded, as well as improvements in imaging, including theuse of positive contrast or white-marker data acquisition(gradient echo acquisition for superparamagnetic particles,inversion recovery on, ultrashort echo time, etc.), whichmay be acquired within the same imaging session, toimprove image interpretation and data analysis (61).

The USPIO (ferumoxtran-10; Sinerem [Guerbet, LLC])used in ATHEROMA is currently not approved by the Foodand Drug Administration and is considered investigational.Sinerem was originally developed as a contrast agent forthe lymphatics and bone marrow (115); as a result, highlymphatic uptake is expected. Because the signal lossobserved by USPIOs is caused by dephasing of diffusingwater protons, blooming effects (or signal loss over a largerdistance) may be observed. Because of the proximity of thelymphatics to the arterial wall, the data obtained using thequadrant analysis approach may become biased or skewedby lymphatic tissue included in any given quadrant.Imaging of inflammatory changes using USPIO also re-quires 2 scans—a precontrast scan and a postcontrastinfusion scan—at each imaging time point.

Coronary CT Angiography (CTA) to IdentifyUnstable Plaque

It was observed many years ago that coronary plaquesthat are prone to rupture are not associated with criticalstenosis on contrast coronary angiography. Fluoroscopiccoronary angiography is limited to showing the outline ofthe coronary lumen only. Intravascular ultrasound andcoronary CTA image the cross section of the entire vessel,including the vessel wall and the lumen. These technologiesprovide in vivo information on plaque morphology. Severalintravascular ultrasound studies have shown segmentaldilation of the coronary vessel associated with largeaccumulation of low-acoustic-density material in the neo-intima consistent with large lipid cores. These large plaquesdo not encroach on the lumen because of the positiveremodeling of the vessel wall (116–118). The process ofsegmental vessel remodeling, whether it is primary orsecondary, is associated with plaque vulnerability.

Intravascular ultrasound studies are invasive proceduresperformed on patients with symptoms warranting catheter-ization and therefore not potentially useful for screening ofhigh-risk patients. CTA is an imaging modality that canalso provide cross-sectional views of the coronary vessel,assessing both the vessel wall and the lumen. In a recentstudy, investigators interpreted coronary CT angiogramfindings for over 1,000 patients and followed the patientsfor coronary events. Positive vessel remodeling and low-attenuation plaques were used as the criteria for plaquevulnerability. The study found that patients with positivelyremodeled coronary segments with low-attenuation plaqueswere at higher risk of acute coronary syndrome than werepatients without these findings (119). Coronary CTA in-volves the administration of iodinated contrast and radia-tion exposure (as does nuclear imaging) and slow heartrates. Because of the risks associated with radiationexposure, current American Heart Association/AmericanCollege of Cardiology guidelines do not recommend CTAas a general screening tool in low-risk, asymptomaticpatients. However, newer multislice CT scanners will makeprocedures shorter and simpler to perform and increase the


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potential of this technology as a screening procedure inhigh-risk groups.


For practical reasons, most studies on imaging vesselwall biology are initially performed on small animals.Advantages include the availability of established modelsof human vascular disease, experimental models withshorter time frames, and low cost. In addition to studyingthe pathophysiology of human disease, these small-animalimaging studies can help advance basic research and drugdevelopment and serve as a first step in the validation andscreening of novel therapies.

Despite these advantages, there are also several chal-lenges for successful translation of the preclinical findingsto humans. The first challenge is that, despite the manysimilarities in vascular biology between humans androdents, there are also differences, for example, MMPexpression, which may ultimately affect translation tohuman disease. Human pathology is often more complexthan simple models in small animals, complicating theinterpretation of imaging studies.

A second challenge to clinical translation is the design ofthe imaging probes themselves. Achieving sufficient target-to-background levels for visualization on in vivo imagesrequires a high number of binding sites or a radiochemicaldesign to boost the signal at the target. Moreover, it is alsoimportant that the probe clear rapidly enough from theblood pool to reduce background levels yet remain in thecirculation long enough to achieve binding. Uptake innontarget organs must also be minimized. Another issueis that many of these probes are validated in mouse modelsusing murine antibodies or antibody fragments. For humanstudies, especially when the probe might be injected atmultiple time points to follow therapeutic efficacy, thepotential exists for an immunogenic reaction that couldadversely affect the binding of the probe to the intendedtarget or, even worse, be unsafe.

The translation of complex nanoparticle technologies toclinical trials and ultimately to clinical practice also has itsshare of unique challenges. By far the greatest challenge isthe failure of pharmaceutical and biomedical imagingcompanies to embrace nanotechnology, in part becauseeach lacks the expertise of the other. From the drugdevelopment perspective, nanoparticles cannot go into theclinic until concerns about nanoparticle safety, includingacute host immune or complement responses and themetabolism and elimination of the particle and its constit-uents, are satisfactorily addressed. These technical chal-lenges of nanotechnology can be addressed by focusedadvancements in engineering and chemical designs. Thedevelopmental expertise to achieve these goals rests withthe major pharmaceutical and bioimaging companies.

A third challenge for clinical translation is instrumenta-tion. The numerous inherent difficulties of detecting and

resolving minute regions of interest within a large field ofview, and the presentation of these identified pixels in aneasy-to-interpret and quantifiable manner, are unprece-dented challenges. Hybrid imaging systems such as SPECTor PET/CT and PET/MRI are playing an important role inhelping to localize hot-spot radiotracers within the vascu-lature. For practical purposes, much of the research work inthis field has been performed in peripheral large arteries,such as the aorta and carotid arteries. Imaging smallercoronary vessels with radiotracer probes is complicated bythe fact that the diameter of these vessels is below thespatial resolution of most SPECT and PET cameras.Although recent studies have demonstrated that vulnerablelesions can be imaged with high enough focal activity andlow background myocardial activity, future advances ininstrumentation resulting in higher spatial resolution andincreased sensitivity will be helpful. Imaging the coronaryarteries is further complicated by both cardiac and re-spiratory motion. Thus, it will be important to correct forthese motion artifacts, especially when examining smallcoronary lesions.

Lastly, the cost of tracer development for vasculardiseases may be prohibitive. This challenge may be at leastpartially overcome by developing tracers that are useful formultiple applications.


Advances in molecular biology, development of geneti-cally altered mice, and careful observation of humanpathologic specimens have produced a picture of thebiologic and anatomic initiation and progression of athero-sclerosis. This complex picture presents targets for thedevelopment of probes that, coupled with rapid advances intechnology for both small-animal and clinical hybridSPECT, PET, and MRI platforms, has broadened capabil-ities for both preclinical research and clinical imaging.Vascular remodeling manifests as either expansive orrestrictive, and changes in the vessel wall composition(hypertrophy or hypotrophy) are common to all vascularpathologies. Enzymes involved in dissolving the extracel-lular matrix and proliferating cells comprising the neo-intima can be targeted for imaging. Inflammation is animportant component of atherosclerosis. A positron-labeledprobe, 18F-FDG, is widely available for tumor imaging andshows promise as a marker of inflammatory activity ofatherosclerotic plaque and plaque burden. It is being testedas a surrogate endpoint in drug trials. Experimental studieshave shown that a single photon-labeled probe that bindsthe LOX-1 LDL receptor, a scavenger receptor on macro-phages for oxidized LDL, is taken up in atheroscleroticlesions. This radiolabeled probe shows promise as an agentfor imaging inflammation in atherosclerosis. RadiolabeledMPIs that target both inflammation and remodeling showpromise in preclinical experiments. MRI alone offersinformation on anatomy and plaque composition and can

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be combined with imaging probes that target biologicprocesses. Nanoparticles with paramagnetic properties havebeen designed to target angiogenesis, which is an importantprocess in advanced atherosclerotic plaque leading tointraplaque hemorrhage and instability. Iron-based parti-cles, USPIOs, are taken up by macrophages in atheroma,and USPIO-MRI has the potential to become an approachto image inflamed and active atherosclerotic plaques withfurther refinements in acquisition parameters. CoronaryCTA can detect 2 important features of coronary plaquevulnerability: large, soft plaque and focal vascular remod-eling. All of these approaches show promise for imagingmany of the known manifestations of atherosclerotic plaqueinstability, but application in the clinic will require theavailability of nontoxic low-molecular-weight probes, im-aging platforms, and demonstration of cost-effectiveness.


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Doi: 10.2967/jnumed.109.068163Published online: April 15, 2010.

2010;51:51S-65S.J Nucl Med.   Mehran M. Sadeghi, David K. Glover, Gregory M. Lanza, Zahi A. Fayad and Lynne L. Johnson  Imaging Atherosclerosis and Vulnerable Plaque article and updated information are available at:

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