Imagine Neville Goddard Simplified




Transcript of Imagine Neville Goddard Simplified

Mr Twenty TwentyAll Original Writings by Mr Twenty TwentyCopyright 2012 All Rights Reservedhttp://www!reeneville"o#Re#e#ber to get yo$r %O&'()( in the ba"* o! the boo* they will ROC+ yo$r world and help $s help yo$ ta*e &eville ,oddard to the ne-t level%O&'(: T.R)) &eville ,oddard /e"t$res !ro# the ar"hives0O'%/) %O&'(:T.R)) &eville ,oddard a$dio le"t$res in his own voi"e1 !ree !or readersTR23/) %O&'(:2nvitation to 4oin and wor* with $s personally in o$r &eville ,oddard (t$dy ,ro$p.ow this boo* "a#e into being)ven tho$gh 2 have only been a st$dent o! &eville ,oddard5s !or abo$t 10 years1 2 !eel as i! 2 have *nown hi# and his tr$th !oreverMy advent$re with &eville ,oddard1 that res$lted in the writing o! this boo* and starting the &eville ,oddard (i#pli!ied pro4e"t ba"* in 2010 when 2 was leading a year long progra# !or &e$roling$isti" 3rogra##ing pro!essionals and enth$siasts in &/3 #odeling6or one solid #onth1 as a gro$p we st$died rare re"ordings o! &eville1 to deter#ine and isolate his thin*ing pro"ess so we "o$ld d$pli"ate itWe wanted to get not 4$st his tho$ghts whi"h are easy to !ind on paper and in re"ordings o! &eville1b$t we wanted to pee* $nder the hood inside the #ind o! the #an and dis"over the e-a"t pro"ess o! thin*ing that generated these power!$l and li!e "hanging ideas%e"a$se when yo$ $se &e$roling$isti" 3rogra##ing li*e we do1 and enter into the world o! .OW so#eone thin*s1 and learn their 3oints o! 3ower 7 what they pres$ppose is real 7 d$pli"ating their res$lts be"o#es #$"h #ore li*ely(o we $sed T.) (C2)&C) O6 )8C)//)&C) to pee* inside the #ind o! &eville ,oddardAnd what we learned was si#ple and trans!or#ed o$r lives6or three #onths be!ore the progra#1 2 st$died in detail his writings1 listened to rare re"ordings1 and resear"hed his li!e1 so we "o$ld get to the point where we $nderstood 7 what he pres$pposed was tr$e 7 so that his syste#s wor*ed every ti#e !or $s0$ring that ti#e1 so#ething very interesting happened whi"h "hanged #y li!e !orever2 started by 92#agining &eville91 whi"h is part o! the #odeling pro"ess we tea"h2nside #y i#agination1 2 was tal*ing with hi#2nside #y i#agination1 2 was tea"hing with hi#2nside #y #ind1 2 was being beside and inside hi#2 was 2#agining &eville ,oddard1 and 2 started "o#ing 6ROM his worldAnd the insights that 2 gained that yo$ are reading here will "hange yo$r world and yo$r world view pro!o$ndly 4$st as they did #ineThe boo* yo$ are reading1 is short and sweet1 designed to si#pli!y the world o! &eville ,oddard so that yo$ "an $se his #ethods with 100: "on!iden"e and get the res$lts yo$ want in li!e&ow who a# 2 to say i! those "onversations were real by #ost peoples standards1 or i! they were 4$st M; 2MA,2&AT2O& g$iding #e to get to T.) )(()&T2A/ and si#ple "ore o! &eville5s #essageAll 2 "an attest to is the res$lts we get1 and the res$lts o$r readers and trainee5s have gottenAnd !inally1 yo$ will be invited to be a part o! o$r very spe"ial &eville ,oddard online "o##$nity And we will give yo$ < &eville ,oddard /e"t$res 7 2n .is Own =oi"e 7 !or yo$ to listen to anywhere 7 anyti#eMr Twenty Twentyhttp://www!reeneville"o#>When yo$ i#agine so#ething it is as tho$gh yo$ str$"* a "hord1 and everything in sy#pathy with that "hord responds to bear witness to the a"tivity in yo$ 2! the world is the responding "hord to what yo$ are i#agining1 and 0avid is a #an a!ter yo$r own heart who will do all yo$r will is 0avid not the o$ter world?@7 &eville ,oddard&eville5s )ssential 3oints o! 3ower:What yo$ are abo$t to learn are what we "alled &eville5s 3oints o! 3owerThese are what &eville ,oddard pre7s$pposed was tr$e abo$t hi#sel! abo$t the world abo$t reality 2! yo$ "hoose to adopt the# "o#pletely and to eli#inate A&; "on!li"ting ideas yo$ #ight have abo$t reality1 yo$ will !ind that his #ethods wor* #$"h #ore e!!e"tively and A$i"*ly1We are one with ,odThere is no separation&eville shares1 9We are the !ather92There is no o$tside "a$se 7 all that happens all that we "an respond to 7 is pro4e"ted !ro# the i#agination >)verything is s$b4e"t to $s o$r i#agination@that gallon o! water@ is "a$sing the gallon o! water in 6RO&T o! it to #ove down strea#That wo$ld be insane What 2 do *now1 is that A// T.) WAT)R is #oved by this 2&=2(2%/) 6ORC) we "all ,RA=2T;,ravity 3'//( all the water1 thro$gh the strea# so that it either goes as low as it "an to sea level or gets p$lled down into the soil The 2&=2(%2/) 3OW)R o! gravity does that;o$r 2MA,2&AT2O& is 4$st li*e ,RA=2T;2t 3'//( to yo$ AMAG2&, A&0 WO&0)R6'/ things1 events1 people1 powers1 "ir"$#stan"e even this boo* O&C) yo$ de"ide C/)AR/; what yo$ want in li!e what yo$ "hoose to have in li!e A&0 ;O' 2MA,2&) .A=2&, 2T;o$r 2MA,2&AT2O& also 3'//( ;O' or #ore a""$rately ;O'R %O0; A&0 %).A=2OR toward what yo$ need to do to be to !ind to dis"over so that yo$ MA&26)(T A&0 )M%O0; yo$r ideal 26 yo$ hold O&/; yo$r ideal in #ind3OW)R3O2&T E;o$r body is not a part o! yo$1 yo$r body is part o! T.) '&2=)R()@;o$r body is yo$r te#ple 7 the te#ple that yo$ 7 as ,od 7 live in(o respe"t it1 ta*e "are o! it1 and re#e#ber>When yo$ i#agine C/)AR/; eno$gh1 and have only O&) M2&0 B!$ll o! belie! not (3/2T with do$btC that yo$r body is o!ten T.) 62R(T 3ART o! the $niverse to R)(3O&0 to yo$r i#aginings@That is why we i#agine 6ROM T.) )&0 as i! we already .A=) 2T that it has A/R)A0; .A33)&)0 so that we !eel it to the 3O2&T where o$r body and the rest o! the $niverse R)(3O&0(o i! yo$ i#agineTa*e the inspired a"tionsAnd even i! T.); 0O&5T WOR+ o$t2t doesn5t #atter be"a$se;o$r body yo$r behavior is 4$st a s#all part o! T.) '&2=)R() that is responding 2& WA;( ;O' CA& not dire"tly per"eive to yo$r i#agination)8)RC2()( A&0 0R2//( ()CT2O& 2)-er"ises and 0rills to help yo$ "o#pletely get the &eville ,oddard MindsetThese little e-er"ises and drills were developed and per!e"ted to help yo$ realiHe not 4$st re#e#ber the 3ower 3oints the pres$ppositions o! &eville ,oddard2t is vital that we )83)R2)&C) the#1 not 4$st read the# The Than* ;o$ ,a#e1 and The )nd ,a#e "an be played with other people1 and we s$ggest that yo$ do the# that way1 as well as doing the# on y o$r ownThey are a great way to help people e-perien"e a ni"er #ore open to possibility *ind o! world and they help prepare the way !or others to hear the #essage and #ethods o! &eville ,oddardNotice the Noticer. The ABC Thank You Game.The ABC End Game.Ta*ing 4$st a !ew #o#ents to play with these ga#es daily on yo$r own or with a partner will trans!or# yo$r world !ro# the inside o$t big ti#e)8)RC2()E1:&oti"e the &oti"er2t5s one thing to say1 >2 a# not #y physi"al body@2t is another thing to e-perien"e that1 and to tr$ly *now it thro$gh e-perien"e All yo$ need to do !or this (2M3/) e-er"ise is to >noti"e the noti"er@ 2t5s not abo$t >observing the observer@1 that wo$ld reA$ire that yo$ #a*e observations2t5s not abo$t >thin*ing abo$t the thin*er@ or >his tho$ghts@ That wo$ld #a*e yo$ T.2&+ MOR)What we want yo$ to do is to si#ply1 >&oti"e the noti"er@(ele"t < ti#es a day to do this ideally1 !or 4$st 2 or < #in$tes F$st noti"e that >so#ething is noti"ing@That so#ething is not personal1 does not have an opinion1 and is si#ply >4$st there@ 0oing this e-er"ise will help yo$ get >yo$ are not yo$r body@ at deeper and deeper levels +nowing that yo$ are not >yo$r physi"al body@1 will help yo$ !$lly get that1 W.)& yo$ i#agine anything C/)AR/; eno$gh yo$r body is o!ten the !irst to respond And on"e yo$ i#agine A&;T.2&, yo$ "hoose to e#body and bring into the world o! the senses to the point that yo$r body responds and yo$ !eel T.) R)/)A() then yo$ are well on yo$r way to #ani!esting1 "reating and generating "hange li*e &eville ,oddard>;o$ did nothing wrong whi"h "a$sed yo$ to enter a body o! death "alled Man ;o$ were in the beginning with ,od and were ,od ;o$ never were so#e little wor#1 whi"h "o#ing o$t o! the sli#e be"a#e a little bird and then so#ething else1 to evolve into #an &o1 all this is part o! the str$"t$re o! the $niverse ;o$ were ,od when yo$ des"ended into and ani#ated #anI and no one "an des"end into h$#anity other than a son o! ,od@7 &eville ,oddard)8)RC2() E2:The A%C Than* yo$ ,a#e>What are yo$ than*!$l !or?@That5s how this ga#e beginsF$st noti"e what yo$ are than*!$l !or&oti"e what "o#es to #indOdds are1 what "o#es to #ind the !irst !ew ti#es that yo$ play this ga#e1 will be the (AM) !ew things What this ga#e does is tri"*s yo$r #ind into !inding #ore things that yo$ are than*!$l !or by $sing the alphabet /et5s play it !or a se"ond>2 a# than*!$l !or@A:My Attit$de%:%rilliant ideasC:Choi"es 2 "an #a*e0:0inner in #y belly):)-"ite#ent in #y li!e and wee*end6:6ingers that "an type&ow yo$ "an play this ga#e1 with what yo$r senses tell yo$ that yo$ have1 and yo$ "an play it with W.AT ;O' .A=) 2MA,2&)0 as havingA:My A$to#obile My new /and Rover%:%est (elling %oo*s on A#aHonC:Children that 2 help at the boy s"o$ts0:0elight!$l "onversations with =i"toria):)ndless ideas that bless others and give $s in"o#es6:6reedo#&ow i#agine this (o#eone 62R(T i#agined 6R))0OM in what be"a#e the 'nited (tates Their vision was so "o#plete1 that they shared it with other #en #en who "o$ld 2MA,2&) and drea#As a res$lt o! that 2MA,2&2&, !reedo# "a#e and a nation was bornWhat "an yo$ be than*!$l !or i#agine it as it is yo$rs now AndTo play the ga#e with a partner1 4$st ta*e t$rns with ea"h letter And yo$ get to share what yo$ i#agine with the# and they with yo$And that "an #a*e it all the stronger >When yo$ *now what yo$ want1 ass$#e yo$ have it %elieve yo$r ass$#ption is tr$e /oo* at yo$r world #entally and see yo$r !$l!illed desire 0o this and yo$ are "alling !orth a response to yo$r tho$ghts1 and in the not distant !$t$re yo$ will !ind yo$rsel! physi"ally o""$pying the state i#agined@ 7 &eville ,oddard)8)RC2() E2 did so#ething wrong@1 or that they are >#ean or arg$#entative@?Or do yo$ p$t in the #eaning o! so#ething #ore e#powering1 li*e they will ret$rn to yo$ when the ti#ing is right and that we need do nothing e-"ept i#agine T.) ,OO0 and be than*!$l !or all the good we have in"l$ding their ret$rn 2t is $p to yo$What M)A&2&, do yo$ apply to what is R2,.T &OW in yo$r li!e?3OW)R3O2&T:)ven i! &)=2//) has not wor*ed well !or yo$ be!ore1 yo$ "an A00 2& the #eaning that yo$ needed to get W.AT T.2( %OO+ has to o!!er yo$ so that &OW yo$ "an CR)AT) COM3/)T)/; the world o! yo$r idealAlways add in #eaning that #a*es yo$r li!e %)TT)R right now%2, %O&'( E1:2! yo$ want o$r entire "olle"tion o! 221 6ree &eville ,oddard le"t$res1 we are going to give yo$ 221 o! the# that yo$ "an read anywhere anyti#e)n4oyK.ere is o$r site where yo$ "an download 221 &eville ,oddard le"t$res 2&(TA&T/;nd it is where we share 1 a wee*1 with tiny lessons on how we are /2=2&, 2Thttp://www!reeneville"o#2! yo$ need any assistan"e in downloading the#1 4$st e#ail $s at 2020Le-hostage"o#%2, %O&'( E2:This is where yo$ "an get < &eville ,oddard 306 le"t$res and < &eville ,oddard le"t$res to listen to 2n .is Own =oi"ehttp://!reeneville"o#/bon$ses7!or7i#agine7neville7goodard7readers/ ,et < &eville ,oddard A$dio M3< 0ownloads .ere:/isten to the# anywhereThey are great it is great to hear &eville ,oddard in his own voi"e1 share his #essage

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