Images out of Dante

I mages out of D ante R andy K lein


Graphic works inspired by the Divine Comedy of Dante

Transcript of Images out of Dante

Page 1: Images out of Dante

Images out of Dante

Randy Klein

Page 2: Images out of Dante
Page 3: Images out of Dante

Images out of Dante

Randy Klein

Page 4: Images out of Dante

la vista che m’apparve dun leone.Questi parea che contra me venissecon la test’alta e con rabbiiosa fame

Inferno Canto 1, 45-47

when the face of a lion appeared right in front of me, head high and with ravenous hunger

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Ed una lupa, che di tutti bramesemiava carca nella sua magrezzae molte genti fe’ gia viver grame

Inferno Canto I, 49-51

And a wolf, emaciated,tormented by greedmany people have been ruined by her

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I’ son Beatrice che ti faccio andare:vegno del loco over tornar disioamor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare.

Inferno Canto II, 70-72

I am Beatrice who urges you onI come from that place where I long to return, love moves me and makes me speak

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I’ cominciai: “Poeta, volentieriperlerei a quei due che ‘nsieme vannoe paion si al vento esser leggieri

Inferno V, 73-75

I began, “Poet, I would love to speak to those two who go linked togetherand seem to float so lightly on the wind

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Allor porsi la mano un poco avante,e colsi un ramicel da un gran prunoe ‘l tronco suo grido: “Perche me schiante?”

Inferno Canto XIII, 31-33

Then, reaching my hand forward, I broke off a branch from a large trunkand the trunk cried “ Why are you are you tearing me?”

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La faccia sua era faccia d’uom giusto,tanto benigna avea di fuor la pesse,e d’un serpente tutto l’altro fusto

Inferno Canto XVII, 10-12

His face was of a kind man,glowing with kindnessthe rest of him was a serpent

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Luogo e in inferno detto Malebolge,tutto di pietra di color ferrignocome la cerchia che dintorno il volge,

Inferno Canto XVIII. 1-3

This place in hell, called Malebolge,all of the stone was the colour of ironlike the cliff which circled above it

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E Graffican, che li era piu di contrali arrunciglio le ‘mpegolate chiomee trassel su, che mi parve una lontra

Inferno Canto XXII, 34-36

and Graffican, in front of him,grabbed him by his hairand hoisted him out like a weasel

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Poi s’appiccar, come di calda cerafossero stati e mischiar lor colorene l’un ne l’latro gia parea quel ch’era

Inferno Canto XXV, 61-63

Then both melting like hot waxbegan to mix their coloursand neither one nor the other was that which it had been

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Lo maggior corno della fiamma anticacomicio a crollarsi mormorando,pur come quella cui vento affatica

Inferno Canto XXVI, 85-87

The largest peak of that ancient flamebegan to quiverlike a flame struggling against the wind

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si che le bianche e le vermiglie guance,la dov’i’era, della bella Auroraper troppa etate divenivan rance

Purgatorio Canto II, 7-9

the white and vermillionthere, where I stood, was the beautiful dawnblushing from rose to orange

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si che remo non vuol, ne altro veloche l’ali sue, tra liti si lontani.Vedi come l’ha dritte verso il cielo

Purgatorio Canto II 32-34

no other sails than his own wingsdid he need to take him afarLook, how towards the heavens they point

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Li occhi miei chiotti andavan pur al cielo,pur la dove le stell son piu tarde,si come rota piu presso allo stelo

Purgatorio Canto VIII, 85-87

My eyes wandered to the heavensthere where the stars are slowestas in a wheel, closest to the hub

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