Image SEO (public)

Image SEO

Transcript of Image SEO (public)

Image SEO

Image alt text stands for ‘image alternate text’

Why is it called

Image alternate text ?

Because when you load a webpage without display turned on, it’s the alternate text that will display instead of the image.

Alternate Text

Like this

Image alt text can also be considered the keywords behind the image.

But it is well nigh misunderstood and misused.

But it is well nigh misunderstood and misused. People and ‘SEO specialists’ (or so they claim), use image alt text to stuff and spam keywords inside their images – thinking that these invisible keywords will improve their relevance ranking.


Keyword Stuffing


Keyword Stuffing

But it is well nigh misunderstood and misused. People and ‘SEO specialists’ (or so they claim), use image alt text to stuff and spam keywords inside their images – thinking that these invisible keywords will improve their relevance ranking.

This practice is clearly wrong.

It may work, yes, but it is not the original design and purpose of the image ‘alt text’ attribute.

The image alt text is supposed to describe what the image is about so that when you search in the image SERP of various search engines, your picture is ranking well for certain keywords.

Sleeping Dog

How do you use

Image alt text ?

We’ll tell you HOW.

We’ll tell you HOW.

We’ll tell you HOW.