I'm An Entrepreneur Meet-Up Newsletter 1

GROUP NEWS: PAGE REVOLUTION OF THE ENTREPRENEUR: PAGE ANY OTHER BUSINESS: PAGE www.meetup.com/Im-An-Entrepreneur-Essex-Meet-Up The UK’s Premier Not Networking: Networking Event! WELCOME... ...to the first issue of I’m An Entrepreneur Meet- Up newsletter. My motivation for starting this meet-up came out of writing my first book, I’m An Entrepreneur – Get Me Out of Here. In this book I interview 11 entrepreneurs about their journey of entrepreneurship, highlighting their highs and lows. Many of the people I work with run their own companies, but I also get asked by lots of individuals who would love to start their own business, but don’t because…. Well the usual, money, responsibilities, fear, all sorts of things. This got me thinking, what if they could meet people who already made the jump and started their business? Hence I’m An Entrepreneur was born. This meet up is for business owners and those looking to start a business, to support, inspire, motivate and exchange ideas about growing their business. I go to many networking events and some are good and some are ….notw so good! This is about meeting people who want to help each other. So if you are a business owner or someone looking to start a business join the group and come along to one of our meet-ups www.meetup.com/Im-An-Entrepreneur- Essex-Meet-Up/ NEWSLETTER / FEBRUARY 2013 I’M AN ENTREPRENEUR SPONSORS VIP MEMBERS The Meet-up 1 ST ISSUE! HOOT CREATIVE (gohoot.co.uk) PENDO (pendodeals.co.uk) SILVER ISLAND TV (silverisland.tv) TOTAL INK & OFFICE (inkandoce.com) Rich With David Diak Chris Deams Rob Keating Phil Tozer


I'm An Entrepreneur Meet-Up is a monthly meet-up for business owners and those aspiring to run their own business to meet up, collaborate and support each other. Held on on the 2nd Monday of the month, this newsletter gives stories of members and up and coming news on entrepreneurship

Transcript of I'm An Entrepreneur Meet-Up Newsletter 1

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The UK’s Premier Not Networking: Networking Event!

WELCOME... ...to the first issue of I’m An Entrepreneur Meet-Up newsletter. My motivation for starting this

meet-up came out of writing my first book, I’m An Entrepreneur – Get Me Out of Here.In this book I interview 11 entrepreneurs about their journey of entrepreneurship, highlighting their highs and lows. Many of the people

I work with run their own companies, but I also get asked by lots of individuals who would love to start their own business, but don’t because….

Well the usual, money, responsibilities, fear, all sorts of things. This got me thinking, what if they could meet people who already made the jump and started their business? Hence I’m An Entrepreneur was born. This meet up is for business owners and those looking to start a business, to support, inspire, motivate and exchange ideas about growing their business. I go to many networking events and some are good and some are ….notw so good! This is about meeting people who want

to help each other. So if you are a business owner or someone looking to start a business join the group and come along to one of our meet-ups www.meetup.com/Im-An-Entrepreneur-Essex-Meet-Up/







HOOT CREATIVE (gohoot.co.uk)

PENDO (pendodeals.co.uk)

SILVER ISLAND TV (silverisland.tv)

TOTAL INK & OFFICE (inkando!ce.com)

Rich WithDavid Diak

Chris DeamsRob KeatingPhil Tozer

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....So very juvenile Rich.One of our sponsors - Hoot have just unveiled a new range of merchandise all based on their illustration skills.

Based around birds and animals whose names are...shall we say euphemistic these cheeky designs will soon be available on a range of material from T-shirts to mugs and cards. You can find out more and see some of the designs at www.gohoot.co.uk

Sadie Hopson introduces PendoLast week, Pricewaterhouse Coopers declared that 83% of business owners are planning on cutting costs wherever possible in 2013. Yet knowing you need to be commercially astute with the budget is not the hard part, it’s knowing how to do it. How can you make every penny count and ensure that any cut price deal won’t result in a cut price service? Well being shrewd with the finances just got a lot easier with the imminent launch of Pendo Deals Ltd.

Pendo (Latin for Value) is a new Essex based company aimed at cost conscious buyers looking to get a good deal for a good product. It’s as simple as that. Dedicated to the B2B market, Pendo Deals Ltd will boast a variety of finely selected deals, each o$ering substantial discounts from exclusive suppliers. Not only will these deals include the staple essentials that every business needs, there will also be the chance to access an exciting array of innovative corporate products and services that are suddenly very much in your price range. With the launch scheduled for late February 2013, saving money is soon to become more achievable and actually more enjoyable; we guarantee a refreshing customer experience. Watch this space to find out more.

Taz eyes the detailsI’m Taz, co-founder at Vercossa and we build websites. Like Tesco webelieve “every little helps”. Every little pixel, every little word and every little graphic helps.

The position of that all important buy button on your website can a$ect how many sales you make. The size and position of your team photos a$ect the level of trust you create. The colour used in your product table evokes di$erent feelings in your visitors. Your typography can decide whether people subscribe to your company blog. These – and many more – are examples of how we can improve websites by adapting every little element.

We are eager to help organisations with their website and to that end we like to o$er free advice on improving your company website (no strings attached, we promise!). All you have to do is complete our free website review form or talk to me at the next I’m an entrepreneur networking event.

Chris Daems, director of financial planning firm Principal Financial Planning, is on a mission. He’s on a mission to educate individuals about money in an engaging, entertaining and informative way. Whilst the majority of the clients within his practice have already built either significant wealth, he believes that he can help people who are on this journey by sharing the secrets his financially secure clients already know.

To do this Chris has launched www.commonsensemoney.co.uk to share the concepts of wealth is financially secure clients already understand. The content on the site will include Video’s, Articles and access to a range of podcasts.

Chris Daems works on financial education arm of business

Group News Yo.


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Let’s analyse what is happening now. In the last month four major retailers have gone in administration, Comet, Jessops, HMV & Blockbuster. Putting aside for the moment the reasons why they went bust, between the four over 15,000 people will lose their jobs. Now I am going to make some assumptions here, some of the people here were part-time, some full-time. For some it was a career, some just a job. Some will feel this is an opportunity, some will think it is the end of the world. You may be reading this being one of the unfortunate that were made redundant. How many of these people, say back in October felt ‘safe’ knowing as long as they do their hours, kept their head down, they would get their pay packet at the end of the month? All I suspect. Now I would bet that over half of the 15,000, if not more, have the ability, experience and skills to be an entrepreneur. So what would stop them? Fear, confidence, courage, the people they know, whether they know what they can do. “There is only one way the UK will ever get out of its debt crisis and stagnant growth: it needs more successful entrepreneurs…”We are in an age of the entrepreneur? Why? Because never before has there

been as many resources available to the mass population as there is now. The internet has allowed the production and distribution of many free or low cost resources that allow business to start with a laptop and internet connection. Now let’s look at some of the reasons why Comet, Jessops, HMV and Blockbuster went bust. Comet sell consumer electrical items. What did we do. Got to Comet to see what it is like,

people go online to find the cheapest source and invariably get the item from an independent who doesn’t need a mass store-room. Jessops – with smartphones, everything that the amateur photographer would want from everyday pics was available on their phone. The professional would go online and search from source. Their target market were the technology naïve. Not many of them about, when you can Google anything. HMV and Blockbuster, all I need to say is iTunes and iLoveFilm.com.

The UK is in crisis. What will save it? The Entrepreneur, to bring wealth, opportunity and some good old fashion optimism. Allister Heath talked about this in City Am last November, he said “There is only one way the UK will ever get out of its debt crisis and stagnant growth: it needs more successful entrepreneurs” he goes on to say “Britain counts 4.8m private firms, 99.9 per cent of which are small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Most are micro businesses. The rise of self-employment is a very good thing: it is gradually changing mindsets. The people involved are far more likely to believe and practice personal responsibility; they understand, perhaps more so than some employees in big businesses, that work and reward must be closely linked, that creating economic value is di%cult, that one must always seek to please customers and that endless rounds of red tape and taxes are a nightmare.” So what is the opportunity for the 15,000 that face redundancy? The opportunity to kick start the entrepreneur revolution and do something you love along the way. If you already run your own business, congratulations you are the life blood the UK needs, if you are someone who would love to, there has never been a better time, actually it will happen, all you have to do is decide if you want to come on board and enjoy the ride!

Baiju SolankiSpeaker, Psychologist, Author

Entrepreneurs have been around as long as there has been an opportunity to make a di"erence. This is the age of entrepreneurship. Before the Industrial evolution we saw a similar age, where farmers, bakers and candlestick makers were the entrepreneurs of that age. The resources of the time you are in, determine the type of entrepreneurs that emerge. The opportunity for the entrepreneur is now.

The Revolution of the Entrepreneur



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As an entrepreneur, wealth creation and tax mitigation expert as well as seminar speaker, author and writer he has made his mark on the circuit with the likes of Christopher Howard and Marcus De Marias Investment Mastery. He is currently finishing his book named the Naked Truth, which is based on his 23 years of financial background including being an Independent Financial Adviser and Stock Broker and highlights the good the bad and ugly within the industry.

Being a very highly regarded sportsman including being an instructor, international sports coach using NLP techniques and practical skills that have got him to the top of his game including being a Black Belt Thai Boxer. From the sporting background he has also obtained National, European, World titles behind him and competed in an Olympic Games for Great Britain.

He thrives on engaging and shocking his audience, whether individual or corporate entities he has helped them all even up to hundreds of million dollars a year turnover mitigating tax and creating wealth.

Simon has a PHD in life, and has just come out of the financial industry even though he obtained his full diplomas in the financial services industry and stock broking. He is now a Branch Development Manager for a top IFA company, which is a slightly di"erence stance as he is a great networker and business introducer. His other businesses specialise in personal and corporate solutions as well as seminar speaking, article writing, and coaching.



Monday 11th February 2013 Wealth Strategies for Entrepreneurs - Simon GoodyMonday 11th March 2013 How to use Blogging to Get into the Media - Chris DeamsMonday 8th April 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 13th May 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 10th June 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 8th July 2013 Speaker TBCAugust HOLIDAY: NO MEETING Monday 9th September 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 14th October 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 11th November 2013 Speaker TBCMonday 9th December 2013 Speaker TBC


You and your business in 60 seconds:David Diack: Total Ink & Office

What is your company? Total Ink and O%ce What do you do? We supply SME’s all around the UK with Ink and Toner cartridges for the printers they use in the o%ce. We also provide o%ce supplies from a range of 21,000 products to ensure we are a single source supplier. When did you start? I quit my job in April 2011 and started trading on the 1st of July 2011

How did you get started? I was working in I.T for 2 years and noticed a huge demand for Ink and toner cartridges. I researched the industry, created a business plan and then followed my gut instinct…onwards and upwards! Most Important Lesson You Have Learnt About Doing Business? Work hard, be nice to people, network and think positive. I have developed strong relationships with suppliers, customers and employees using this method which has most definently

contributed to the success of the business. Biggest Mistake you have made? Outsourcing credit control as it takes away the “personal” side of the business relationship. Who are your best customers? Businesses that want to save money! Advice you would give a 16 yr old about starting a business? Be prepared for a lot of hard work, plan everything, dream big,

think positive and never underestimate yourself! Advice you would give a 50 yr old about starting a business?Same as above and network, network and network! What is your philosophy in life? Think positive and positive things will happen , always be willing to learn and if something feels right then go for it! And only ever rely on yourself.

The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 Global Report estimates that nearly half of the world’s entrepreneurs are between the ages of 25 and 44. The survey also reports that, in all geographic regions surveyed, 25-34 year olds showed the highest rates of entrepreneurial activity.

Simon Goody
