Ily shoe presentation

“Beauty is painless” Presented to: Date: By: Emily Yao

Transcript of Ily shoe presentation

“Beauty is painless”Presented to:

Date:By: Emily Yao

• One night I was going to a fancy dinner with my friends. We all dressed up and wore heels. We had parked a bit far from the restaurant and therefore had to walk the distance in our heels. Each and every one of us complained about how our feet hurt and that we wished that high heels were more comfortable. From that day forward, I kept my eyes out for girls who looked like the struggled in their heels. Not too surprisingly, I spotted them every where. From walking down the Row to walking around at the career fair, to even just walking around campus. All these girls had two things in common, they were wearing adorable heels, but could not walk comfortably in them. After observing this phenomenon, I decided to take matters into my own hands and create a shoe company that prides itself in fashionable shoes, but at the same time can provide customers with sole comforting.