ILook Yoor Back Yard.€¦ · ISU4. Her yield was canned 1,711 pounds. Here is her own story: "...

Little Alamance Woman and Her Canning Club in The Country Gentle- man. Chapel Hill, June 4.?The can- ning club work in North Caro- lina and the particular achieve- ment of the champion winning girl of the Alamance county club are exploited in the Country Gentleman this week. The de- partment of "Farmers of Tomor- row" of that excellent agricul- tural journal carries the story. Here it is: "When a 14-vear-old girl in- vests 524.47*in the cultivation of one-tenth of an acre of tomatoes and realizes from that single in- vestment $148.23 in profits there's a suggestion of unusual intelli- gence and thrift. The case in point is that of Mary Rice Mc- Culioch, of Alamance county, North Carolina's champion for ISU4. Her yield was canned 1,711 pounds. Here is her own story: " 'The Stone and Earliana to- mato seeds were ordered by the club early in February. The season was wet and my seed were not sown until March. 1 put them into a tobacco plant bed covered with canvas. 1 trans- planted my plants on May 4, and again on May 1J 1 replanted them. "'My garden was an oblong plot 33 feet by 132 feet. The soil was of grayish loam. It had been sown to crimson clover the preceding fall. The land was broken with a two-horse plow on May 8. Then it was harrowed three times with a section har- row. " "i had one two-horse load cf stable manure scattered broad- cast and harrowed under before the plants were put out. About the last of July 1 had one-third of a sack of fertilizer put on my garden. " 'I watered and set my plants on 1. Many of them died. 1 watered and replanted twice again. At last plowing the ground was covered with dirt. " 'I did not prune or stake my plants. My plot was mulched with straw. 1 killed the cut- worms and tobacco worms. "I gathered my tomatoes in tubs and buckets and hauled them to the house. In grading, the large and small ones were put in separate boxes. I grew no other vegetables on my one- tenth acre. I did most of my canning at home. All my pre- serving was done at home. " 'The meaning of the club enibelm "to make the best bet- ter" is working toward perfec- tion. I knew aimost nothing about canning when I joined the club. Have learned many things about fruits and vegetables. I used the recipes recommended by the club for catchup, chow-chow, jellies and grape juice. This was my first year in the c:ub arid I enjoyed the work very much.' "Because of what Mary Mc- Culloch and the other canning- club girls in her county have done Alamance claims a record for goods produced in 1914 by girls. The county invested $1,771.25, and from that expenditure pro- duced canned goods to the value c >f $7,039.65. The number of L tntainers was 55,105." [ 1 Leslie's Weekly, of New York rity, the most widely read illu- strated weekly in the United States, carries a photograph of Lalla Rookh Fleming and Ethel Gardner, of the Wilson high | school, champion winners in the 1 debating Union of North Caro- lina. The photograph appears in the department of "People Talk- j ed About" in Leslie's of May 27.' 1 The caption heading is "Best De- | baters in Carolina." The picturei and brief item concerning the 1 , achievement were submitted bv ,S. R. Winters, of the State Uni- -1 versity. I Constipation Cured Overnight. A small dose of Po-Do-Lax to- night and you enjov a full, free, easy bowel movement in the morning. No griping, for Po- j Do-Lax is Podophyllin (May Ap-| pie) without the gripe. Po-Do- Lax corrects the cause of Con- stipation by arousing the Liver, 1 increasing the How of bile. Bile is Nature's antiseptic in the bowels. With proper amount of bile, digestion in bowels is per- fect. No gas, no fermentation, no Constipation. Don't be sick, 'nervous, irritable. Get a bottle of Po-Do-Lax from your Drug- gist now and cure your Constipa- tion overnight. I Look 1010 Yoor Back Yard. W hen winter is gone with its fires, coal scuttles and wood boxes, you want its ashes, cinders and trash to go, too. You want 1 a rest. In fact, you want no j suggestions of winter lying around when summer is in sight. You feel like getting out and cleaning up. It is the thing to do and the sooner and better you ! clean up, the better your summer will be and the safer your health. Those who see and vet see nothing ito do, we would like to take a look with them in their back j yards and call their attention to the following points: Is your back yard as clean and sanitary as you can make it? Does it contain rubbish cr dump heaps?tin cans, sweepings, piles of ashes or cinders? Has the woodpile crawled ! practically all over the yard? j Is there trash under the house or under any of the outhouses? Is the yard gate on its hinges and in good working order? Are there any pales off the fence enclosing the yard? Are the weeds growing where grass, flowers or vegetables could grow? Are there stagnant pools of water on the premises?about the | the pump or well or thrown from the kitchen window? Is the garbage and waste kept covered and free from flies? Are there any stables in which , flies may breed? Is the privy open and frequent- ed by dies? If any of these conditions ex- list, there's work to be done. There's work to be done first for decency's sake and second for : health's sake.?State Bulletin. I 1 ' 1 if < Miitt. ? 'it.\ ?\u25a0!' '1*.>:«?«!«». : LIU-UK <'utility. J ss ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath 1 that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do- ing business in the City of Toledo, jCountv and State aforesaid, and that said firm will oav the sum of 1 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for , each and every case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this Oth ! day of December, A. D. 1880. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimon- ials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills fcr constipation. Subscribe for the Danbury Re- porter. SI.OO per year in advance. PUBLIC SALE OF LAND. By virtue and authority of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county in case of James Rierson and W. VV. King against Z. V. Robertson and others and as Commissioner appointed by the Court in said case, I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Danbury on Mon- day. July sth, 1915, at one o'clock p, m., it being the first Monday of said month, a tract ar parcel of land, being 185 3-4 acres more or less, made up of four smaller tracts the outside boundaries around the whole, as surveyed under said decree by E. M; Barnard on the 4th, sth and Oth days of June, 1901, as follows: Beginning at the ford of Jan- uary branch, thence with the old January road as it meanders North 85 degs. West IS poles, North 7:5 degs. West 1!) poles to a small branch, West. 12 poles South KM degs. West 7 poles, South S I degs. West 27 poies North 85 degs. West 10 poles, N. SO degs. West 2<! poles to the cross roads known as the Five Forks, thence North (i 1-2 (legs. East with a road 24 poles N. 25 degs. Fast 12 poles?North 5 degs. West 52 poles to a bend ?North 30 degs. West 2S poles thence leaving the road and runs South S7-; degs. East SO poles, crossing two branches to pointers and Sounvood bush, North 2 degs. East 12(5 pcles to a Black Cum Smith's line with same, South 88'. degs. East 52 poles to a Chesnut Oak on north side of Ward's Gap road, continuing South 88' degs. East 03 poles to pointers in the Jesse Mabe tract afterwards James M. Taylor's, thence with same line and James M. Taylor's home tract line South 2 degs. West crossing said Ward's (Jap road at 44 poles and continuing same course in all 137 poles to pointers formerly Sisk's Post Oak corner, thence North S7 1-2 degs. West 40 poles to a prong of January branch, thence down said branch as it meandersSouth 20 degs. West 44 poles?South 22 degs. West 52 poles?South 2 degs. West 15 poles to the beginning, adjoin- ing the lands of W. R. Hylton, .John Leak and James Smith, the former home place of James M. Taylor and others. i Saving and excepting from the above boundary about 104 Peres, sold out of same under a decree of the court by J. H. ! Ellington and J. W. Kali, com- \u25a0 missioners, to John W. King, for boundaries of said exception reference is hereunto made to ' the deed from said commissioners to .John W. King,' recorded in the Register's orKce of Stokes county, N. C, Th!s land all lies well and is watered with several branches and has branch bottoms. To be sold for partition, subject to the confirmation of the Court, i Terms of Sale?cash. This the 24th dav of May, 1915. J. H. ELLINGTON, Com'r. LAND SALE ! By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county rendered by M. T. Chilton, C. S. C., in the Special Proceedings entitled "John G. Fulton vs. L. C. Allen and his wife, Rosa E. Allen, Archie Gray Alien" ap- pointing the undersigned a com- missioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will on Monday, June 2Sth, 1915, at the court house door in the town of Danbury. X. C., at the hour of one o'clock p. m., expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the fol- lowing described land to-vvit: A certain lot or tract of land situate, lying and being in the town of Walnut Cove, Stokes Countv, N. V., and it being Lot No. 135 as shown and described in the town plat of said Walnut Cove, N. C., and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at Summit avenue at the corner of the lot known as the T. A. Freeman lot, running South on said street One Hundred feet, thence East at right angles with said street Two Hundred feet, thence North paralell with said street One Hundred feet, thence West at right angles with said street Two Hundred feet to ' the beginning, and it being the same lot that was conveyed by from Wilder & Adams to P. W. Allen, which deed bears date of March the sth, ISBB, and ap- pears of record in the ofiice of the Register of Deeds of Stokes County, N. C., in Book No. 30, Page 163. Sale subject to con- firmation of court. This May 24th, 1915. J. D. HUMPHREYS, Commissioner. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cult 1 CoUs, Crouj sud Wliuopiog Cough* THE DANBURY REPORTER Notice of Re-sale of Land. 15y virtue of it decree for a re-sale of the lands hereinafter set forth, which decree was made on the *JOtli day of May,l!tl."i, in the case of J. I*. Lynch. Kxecutor of L. F. Joyce, de- ceased, against Susan K. .Joyce and others, in the Superior Court of Stokes county, 1 will expose to pub- lic stile upon the premises in Stokes county, to tile highest bidder, upon the terms set forth below, on Satur- day, July :!rd, liil.'i, at the hour of one o'clock p. 111. a tract of land be- longillg to L. F. Joyce deceased, to- wlt: Lot Xo. I in the partition of the lands of Win. C. Joyce, deceased. bo-HJided as follows: "beginning at a black gum. S. F. i corner of lot Xo. running Fast on division line lu chains to pointers, in L. F. Joyce's line, thence Xorth on! tlie old line l.'i:{?| chains to pointers. 1 formerly a black oak. thence West on the Hue of lot Xo. l."i.'!-| chains to the beginning, containing l.'i :.-4 acres, more or less. Itent on same for year l'.d."i, to lie reserved. Terms of sale: one half cash on day of sale, t lie other lit: If in twelve mouths, with bond and approved security for the deferred payment hearing six per cent interest from day of sale, with privilege to the purchaser to pav all cash if lie so de sires. This the I'm h dav of Mav lsil.l. .1. I'. LV.Xt 11. Kxecutor. X.U. I'KTIJKK. At I v. for Fx. LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Stokes county rendered by M. T. Chilton, C. S. C.. in the Special Proceedings entitled "Sophia Jackson et al vs. Samuel P. Simmons et al" appointing the undersigned a commissioner to make sale of the hereinafter described lands, I will on Monday, the 2Xth day of June, 15115, at the hour of 12:80 o'clock p. m., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands situate, lying and being in Stokes county, N. C., Quaker ' iap township, and bounded as follows to wit: Beginning at a white oak a division corner, in the old Martin line, running East on said line 01-4 chains crossing a branch to pointers on the East bank of said branch in an ivy thicket, thence South on a new line 43 3-4 chains to pointers on the North side of a road, thence West on a new 1iine (i chains and 00 links to a pile of rock and pointers in the oli line, thence North on the old I line 43 3-4 chains crossing the mountain to the beginning con- taining 28 acres, more or less. This land is lot No. 2 made in this cause which was allotted to Sophia Jackson and others, and is a part of the old Samue! Sim- mons land, near Brown Moun- tain. Sale subject to confirma- tion of court. This May 24th. 1915. J. D. HUMPHREYS. Commissioner. NOTICE ! Having duly qualified as ad- ministrator with the will annex- ed of Mrs. Augusta Chisman. deceased, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to pay same, and all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same duly authenticated, to the undersigned for payment on or before the 10th day of June, 1910, or this notice will be plead- ed in bar of their recovery. ; This June sth, 1915. W. M. CHISMAN, Administrator with the will an- nexed of Mrs. Augusta Chis- man, deceased. J.D. Humphreys. Attv. for A dir.. Kotics. Having qualified as adminis- trator of the estate of Julia R. Branson, deceased, allpersons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same on or before the 20th day of April, 1910, or this notice willbe plead- ed in bar of their recovery, and all persons owing said estate will please make settlement with ! the undersigned at once. This 2tith day of April, 1915. W. A. BRANSON, Administrator. J. W. Hall, Atty. NOTICE: i Ilavitii: qualiticd its administrator 1 wit h t he will annexed of Mrs. Mart ha C. Smith, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of Mrs. M. c. Smith, to present them to me for payment, duly authenticated, on or before the 'JtMh day of May, litbi. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said deceased are respectfully l'e | ipiested to make immediate payment to me. This tlie lsth day of May, iSllii. N. O. I'KTKKK, Adm'r with will annexed. Notice of Sale Under Deed in Trust I'.y virtue <if the power of Kilccuii- tained in a deed in trust executed I<i me on the I'.'ith day of Felimsir.v, 1Ml -I. by J. S. Fast iilid wife to secure the payment of a debt therein recited, which deed in trust is duly recorded in the oltiee of the Hegister of Deed* for Stokes county, X. in I'.ook No. ?V», page ?KM, default havlug iieen made in the payment of said debt, and the holder thereof having ap- plied to me to make sale of the hind conveyed in said trust to satisfy said i lei it, I will expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In the town of iiaubtiry. X. <on Saturday. .1 line Ihe ISM li, 1'.11.1, at the hour of one o'clock p. la., tin- following lands in St iikes county, to-wit: First tract. "Beginning ''it a rock in Covington's i now I'yrtle'si line, runs west lif chains tuoiv or less to 1!. \V. licorge's line, c now Stanley's line,i 'lien.'c north II 1-i! chains to Simmons' line, i now Malie's line, i then 'J chains to a hickuty corner in Simmons'and Last's line, i now Malie's ami least's line, north I" chains to lloaxe's line. now I "ast 's limvi east In "haills t oii\ ing- t oil's line, t||o\\ I'yrtle's. I I hence south with said line, i'l I-'.' chains to t lie beginning iitainiiig .'"i 1-) acres, lliol'e or less." leed i'.ook I s . page .".M, I legist er's itlice \u25a0if St iikes county, i Second tract. "Mil-:! acres regis- tered in the iitlice of the licgistcr of Heeds in I'.ool. puucSKt it ml 'ui'.and j to which reference is made. sa\c and except three tracts sold off the last named tract to I'owcll Kast ami I'l'iilil I'.xrtle. iSee Deeds in IJegis- l ter's i itlice of St okes I 'utility. X, <i [ This the ."itlt day of May. lid"'. x. <l. PKTKKK. Trustee. Notice of Sale Under Deed in Trust. } I'.y virl uc of the power of sale con- tained iu a iif trust executed to tile Ily Walnut ? 'ove Warehouse i 'uiu- I patiy. Inc.. on theSMli day of <».-?o- --| lier, lsd I. to secure I lie payment of a 'note therein recited, whicii >| I In trust is duly recorded in tin- ? I tile l!ev'Sti'f lif 1 leeds for Stokes county, X.«'.. iu I'.ook Xo. i.u. paae 7. and to which reference s ' ??reutito ; made, default ha vlng ! maile in the payment of said note, i tal the holder thereof havinu applied to tile to sell She land therein conveyed, to satisfy said note, I will expose to public sale tot he highest I ddef fill- cash in front of Farmers I'nion I'aiik and Trust Company. in the town of Waltlllt Cove. X. <'.. i ll the l.'itii day of .! tine. lStl.'i. at the ho::r of oi:e o'cluck p. in., the lands con eyed iu I sa d t rust deed, to-wit: 'lSe^'lnnluu'on the Xorth si<i>- o: 1 Third Street, In tl.e town of Walnut 1 ove, at a stake feet fnuu West side i'f Main street, at ti.<- South j West corner of W. I". Howies' livery stable lot at a Make, thence X'ort!. i with W. !'. I!.iwles, .iohn'i:. Lackey. !s. 11. Stewart, and Taylcr lines. Miarai!'l with Main sit t.4<'4 ;'-'et t>< j Fourth street, thence ttwl with Fourth street to a stake lull feet, thence South, parallel with Main 4i»4 feet to Third street, them ? Kast with Third street l »(i feet t> > the beginning. there !.e;n- un said 1 lot a tobacco warehouse mal other buildings belonging to th"* said Wal- nut Cove Ware louse '' 1.. inc." Tltis the :.tii r:. y May. I'd*.. S.i». Firn:!:!:. Tru-te-. j Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust I mler 1 lie power and '.ith-iritycon- j red !.\ a -Iced . f trust by i:. I Wilson and wife W. 11. Slate. Tr stee. dated My :,rli, ;:-l!. .?.! 1 i-.-istefi'd ill till* Otlice.if th" Ihnristel- lof I 1 ; sit i ,k«l imy, \. 1 .. ; I'.ook ?>. pane i'!d. t-\u25a0 - -ii'i- t lie pay- of SI.IMHI.HiI dae '' ?'S W. I \«ill sell -Ish. ' t : uel :???!. i ti 1 lie premises in S; .nitmvti t.iwn- ls!:'.pat I o'clock |'i. m. on Saturd Mhi' IJth day oi'.lune. 1:? 1. thetolhiw- , itiu' ih'srlbed real \u25a0 -!a: ? si'uated '1 | Sauratown township. STol-a - ??us:i- ty. X. 1 | "iteglntilng on the bank of Town- fork. opposite the mouth of 1' inth- r creek, on Mrs. X. .1. banner's line Soutli "1!' chains 10 a white oak. her 'corner, thence Fast on her line lit; chains to a hickory itiow dowui the I old corner, temporary corner, thence Xorth on Morris'line 4 chains to a isourwooil on the South bank Towiifork. runs thence up the me- ' aiiders lift lie same to t lie beginnimj. i containing' .'!!? acres, more or less." This thei'ith day of May. I'.d'i. W. 11. SLAT I'., Trustee. NOTICE. Mav'tig duly i|tialitied as admin- istrator of the estate of Martin Vet; able, deceased. Ilolice is hereby given to ail persons holding claims against 1 lie said deceased, to present tlieni to the undersigned for payment duly authenticated 011 or before the l'i! day of May, lull!, or this notice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are respectfully requested to make immediate payment to me. This lit! day of May, 191.%. A. .1. FA<}<», Adm'r. J. W, llall, Att'y for Adm'r. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. t'..v a !rt :s»* of a decree of tin* Super- ior < "oiirt of Stokes <"uunty, render- t*«l on the Ist day «»f May, llll.'i. in tin 1 special j>r«lirjn - entitled "hou Alley niiil others against Henry .Martin ami I'nrilc AnioH,"the under- signed commissioners will sell at puldie aiii'tiuu t<i II e 11in lies t Milder for cash, at the store house of .I.e. Alans, on the Joshua A. Amos lamls In Siokt-s county, on Saturday July !>rd, l!i1.~i, at 1 lie hour of two o'clock p. in., three traits of land in Stokes eouilt.v lielnlitfillH to the estate of Joshua A. Amos, deceased, to wit: Ist tract, lieiny; lot No. < in the |iartitioli of the land of »i. W. Ainos, as appears of reeord in the Kepis- tcr's oiliee of stokes county, in IJook No. I'.i, |law'c bounded asfoliows: "I'?\u25a0?yiiniiun' iin a Muck oak. run- Uilltf West .">s poles ti> solil'W ?ii "I. I hence Xort h 1lu poles I < i sour wood, thence North. 7" decrees lias:, CI poles to a post oak. /.. S. Alley's corner. I liellce South !C poles til the lieuiiiiiiiiu.' iiniaininu':'!? mves. i,.nre L'ml iracl, l.ot No. in said ;\u25a0:.i ti- t ion. assin'iit'ill < '.J. I'. A inos. a in; pur- chased ity said Joshua A. Ainu*, de- scribed in Hook I'.', pau'c lii-uis- tcr's ollice of Stokes colltlt.v. lioUlid- VI is follows: "I'.etfinnina' at a 11. <».. North in! poles to Mack ten 111. I lielice Kasl '.MI poles to chestnut. North t- pole, to locust, Kilst *> poll's to Spanish oak. South 7- poles to Hack oak. West In poles to post oak. South 'is po|c. lo Stake. I hence West !Hipo|eslo tliclie- uifitiinji. coiitalnlnu' I'd »»? I acres, U|i less."' .".rd tract, containing !? acres, more \u25a0ir !'-ss, ilescrilieil ill a a rant lo J, A. Ainns, orded in Kcirister's oilice ni'Stokes inly, in I'.ook .No. iM, p. i !:?' -\u25a0 11:1. and I Hill tilled as follows: at ;? Mack oak. said Amos' oh n corner, runs Sout h on A. ?io'n's line 11 chains crossing the ?Tick to stake. I liellce West otiecliaill to ;i .lake, hash's corner, thence 1} decrees West, oil ids line chains to a maple. North on his and said Amos'line. :!."i chains in a post oak. has! nil his own line to l.ciiinninij." The rents ' mi all of .aid lands for the year 1'.»1." will lie reserved, and posncssh 111 tri veil w i'ell the crops for said > ear are cathef d arid relinked from the land. Also on Saturday. July I'iith, 1!' l."i, at the iioiir of two ./clock p. in., at t!ie< hesiex i iann "'ni store house in Stokes county, we will sell to the highest Mdder fiir casii, the lands of T, ;ctha Amos defeased, "rdered to si 'lil ill the I rise here'::'..-!'fire 11(1111- '? !. !milniled 1 dc.-cK'.c.; as I'cl- hov«: Vi >rt!i s'..|" >?' the Madison road. \ "rii"ii's corner, and r :ns North on * chains to a stake at a hratich, 11'eiu'i'ilown the i>ranch as it \u25a0 meanders. l."i chains to a stake, ou t e creek I atlk. theilc.' liown the I as in meanders. 1." chains to a ! stake. North oil the old line 1:: chains | to pointers, corner of No. thence | i;.:.» on that line, ! ? chains to a poplar. South crossing Ihe creek 1:! icliains to a rock pile. West on that l.ue "i chains to a small sassafras, \u25a0lu tl -e South. L'"| I'. htlst, oil |line !?} chains to .-> Mack yum, - ? nil on the line ,i..t No. 11 ! !i. 'us til " Mnck Solltil on the ' of I it No. 14 chains in a rock I ii- it the rnad. t! etii West aionn J The mad as t meanders to the lie- ihnnimr." See i'.ook No. -h', pnjje L'-i. IJeirister's ei;'s:.ikes loan ty. v . ? . ? ???? i-'iiis -.n said tract »if land for ;; year Iw'll r--??rvol. and I ......*>ll ui L '\-.-n w a :l|ecr.ips for I.Vi ir ?!!?!?_ t 1 .it! 1 retllnVi'll fro- i"; 1 ili.l. . mi:.. W. !'i:< > W N. ?'. 1!. \M< 'S. | :\u25a0? tissiot.*rs. N i i'etree. \;: NOTICE. Kavinj; duly qualified as ex- ecutrix oi' the last will and testa- ment of Ceo. W. Barr, deceased, all persons havinjr claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present them ( to me for payment, duly authen- ticated. on or by the Kith day :of May, 1916, or this notice will | be pleaded in bar o: their re- j covery. All persons indebted j to said deceased are respectfully ;rei|uested to make settlement with me. This the stii dav of i May, 1915. MRS. MARY A. FULK, Executrix. P. 0. Pinnacle, N. C. N. 0. Petree, Attv. for Ex. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema Atr curt tl l\v ChnmU *'lain ». On- .'M.jiUcfti lion relieves Hit ucliiti); aim bui u i.kUiou,

Transcript of ILook Yoor Back Yard.€¦ · ISU4. Her yield was canned 1,711 pounds. Here is her own story: "...

Page 1: ILook Yoor Back Yard.€¦ · ISU4. Her yield was canned 1,711 pounds. Here is her own story: " 'The Stone and Earliana to-mato seeds were ordered by the club early in February. The

Little Alamance Woman

and Her Canning Club

in The Country Gentle-man.

Chapel Hill, June 4.?The can-ning club work in North Caro-lina and the particular achieve-ment of the champion winning

girl of the Alamance county clubare exploited in the Country

Gentleman this week. The de-partment of "Farmers of Tomor-

row" of that excellent agricul-

tural journal carries the story.

Here it is:"When a 14-vear-old girl in-

vests 524.47*in the cultivation ofone-tenth of an acre of tomatoes

and realizes from that single in-

vestment $148.23 in profits there'sa suggestion of unusual intelli-gence and thrift. The case in

point is that of Mary Rice Mc-Culioch, of Alamance county,

North Carolina's champion forISU4. Her yield was canned 1,711

pounds. Here is her own story:" 'The Stone and Earliana to-

mato seeds were ordered by theclub early in February. Theseason was wet and my seedwere not sown until March. 1put them into a tobacco plant bed

covered with canvas. 1 trans-planted my plants on May 4, andagain on May 1J 1 replanted

them."'My garden was an oblong

plot 33 feet by 132 feet. Thesoil was of grayish loam. It hadbeen sown to crimson clover thepreceding fall. The land wasbroken with a two-horse plow onMay 8. Then it was harrowedthree times with a section har-row.

" "i had one two-horse load cfstable manure scattered broad-cast and harrowed under beforethe plants were put out. About

the last of July 1 had one-thirdof a sack of fertilizer put on my

garden." 'I watered and set my plants

on 1. Many of them died. 1watered and replanted twiceagain. At last plowing theground was covered with dirt.

" 'I did not prune or stake my

plants. My plot was mulchedwith straw. 1 killed the cut-

worms and tobacco worms."I gathered my tomatoes in

tubs and buckets and hauledthem to the house. In grading,

the large and small ones wereput in separate boxes. I grew

no other vegetables on my one-tenth acre. I did most of my

canning at home. All my pre-serving was done at home.

" 'The meaning of the clubenibelm "to make the best bet-ter" is working toward perfec-

tion. I knew aimost nothing

about canning when I joined theclub. Have learned many things

about fruits and vegetables. Iused the recipes recommended by

the club for catchup, chow-chow,

jellies and grape juice. This wasmy first year in the c:ub arid Ienjoyed the work very much.'

"Because of what Mary Mc-Culloch and the other canning-

club girls in her county have doneAlamance claims a record forgoods produced in 1914 by girls.

The county invested $1,771.25,

and from that expenditure pro-

duced canned goods to the value

c>f $7,039.65. The number ofL tntainers was 55,105."

[ 1 Leslie's Weekly, of New Yorkrity, the most widely read illu-strated weekly in the UnitedStates, carries a photograph ofLalla Rookh Fleming and EthelGardner, of the Wilson high

| school, champion winners in the 1debating Union of North Caro-lina. The photograph appears in

the department of "People Talk- jed About" in Leslie's of May 27.'

1 The caption heading is "Best De-| baters inCarolina." The pictureiand brief item concerning the 1

, achievement were submitted bv,S. R. Winters, of the State Uni-

-1 versity.I

Constipation Cured Overnight.

A small dose of Po-Do-Lax to-night and you enjov a full, free,easy bowel movement in themorning. No griping, for Po- jDo-Lax is Podophyllin (May Ap-|pie) without the gripe. Po-Do-Lax corrects the cause of Con-

stipation by arousing the Liver,1 increasing the How of bile. Bileis Nature's antiseptic in thebowels. With proper amount ofbile, digestion in bowels is per-fect. No gas, no fermentation,no Constipation. Don't be sick,

'nervous, irritable. Get a bottleof Po-Do-Lax from your Drug-gist now and cure your Constipa-tion overnight.

ILook 1010 Yoor Back Yard.W hen winter is gone with its

fires, coal scuttles and woodboxes, you want its ashes, cindersand trash to go, too. You want 1a rest. In fact, you want no jsuggestions of winter lying

around when summer is in sight.

You feel like getting out andcleaning up. It is the thing todo and the sooner and better you !

clean up, the better your summerwill be and the safer your health.Those who see and vet see nothing

ito do, we would like to take alook with them in their back

j yards and call their attention to

the following points:

Is your back yard as clean andsanitary as you can make it?

Does it contain rubbish cr dumpheaps?tin cans, sweepings, pilesof ashes or cinders?

Has the woodpile crawled! practically all over the yard?

j Is there trash under the houseor under any of the outhouses?

Is the yard gate on its hingesand in good working order?

Are there any pales off thefence enclosing the yard?

Are the weeds growing wheregrass, flowers or vegetables couldgrow?

Are there stagnant pools ofwater on the premises?about the

| the pump or well or thrown fromthe kitchen window?

Is the garbage and waste keptcovered and free from flies?

Are there any stables in which, flies may breed?

Is the privy open and frequent-ed by dies?

Ifany of these conditions ex-list, there's work to be done.There's work to be done first fordecency's sake and second for

: health's sake.?State Bulletin.I1

' 1 if < Miitt. ? 'it.\ ?\u25a0!' '1*.>:«?«!«». :LIU-UK <'utility. J ss '

Frank J. Cheney makes oath1 that he is senior partner of thefirm of F. J. Cheney & Co., do-ing business in the City of Toledo,

jCountv and State aforesaid, andthat said firm will oav the sum of

1 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for, each and every case of Catarrh,that cannot be cured by the useof HALL'S CATARRH CURE.

FRANK J. CHENEY.Sworn to before me and sub-

scribed in my presence, this Oth! day of December, A. D. 1880.

(Seal) A. W. GLEASON,Notary Public.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninternally and acts directly uponthe blood and mucous surfaces ofthe system. Send for testimon-ials free.F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O.

Sold by all druggists, 75c.Take Hall's Family Pills fcr


Subscribe for the Danbury Re-porter. SI.OO per year in advance.

PUBLIC SALE OF LAND.By virtue and authority of a

decree of the Superior Court ofStokes county in case of JamesRierson and W. VV. King againstZ. V. Robertson and others andas Commissioner appointed bythe Court in said case, I will sellat public auction at the CourtHouse door in Danbury on Mon-day. July sth, 1915, at oneo'clock p, m., it being the firstMonday of said month, a tractar parcel of land, being 185 3-4acres more or less, made up offour smaller tracts the outsideboundaries around the whole,as surveyed under said decreeby E. M; Barnard on the 4th,sth and Oth days of June, 1901,as follows:

Beginning at the ford of Jan-uary branch, thence with theold January road as it meandersNorth 85 degs. West IS poles,North 7:5 degs. West 1!) poles toa small branch, West. 12 polesSouth KM degs. West 7 poles,South S I degs. West 27 poiesNorth 85 degs. West 10 poles,N. SO degs. West 2<! poles to thecross roads known as the FiveForks, thence North (i 1-2 (legs.East with a road 24 poles N.25 degs. Fast 12 poles?North5 degs. West 52 poles to a bend?North 30 degs. West 2S polesthence leaving the road and runsSouth S7-; degs. East SO poles,crossing two branches to pointersand Sounvood bush, North 2degs. East 12(5 pcles to a BlackCum Smith's line with same,South 88'. degs. East 52 poles toa Chesnut Oak on north side ofWard's Gap road, continuingSouth 88' degs. East 03 poles topointers in the Jesse Mabe tractafterwards James M. Taylor's,thence with same line and JamesM. Taylor's home tract lineSouth 2 degs. West crossing saidWard's (Jap road at 44 poles andcontinuing same course in all137 poles to pointers formerlySisk's Post Oak corner, thenceNorth S7 1-2 degs. West 40 polesto a prong of January branch,thence down said branch as itmeandersSouth 20 degs. West44 poles?South 22 degs. West52 poles?South 2 degs. West 15poles to the beginning, adjoin-ing the lands of W. R. Hylton,.John Leak and James Smith,the former home place of JamesM. Taylor and others.

i Saving and excepting fromthe above boundary about 104Peres, sold out of same undera decree of the court by J. H.

! Ellington and J. W. Kali, com-\u25a0 missioners, to John W. King,for boundaries of said exceptionreference is hereunto made to

' the deed from said commissionersto .John W. King,' recorded inthe Register's orKce of Stokescounty, N. C,

Th!s land all lies well and iswatered with several branchesand has branch bottoms. Tobe sold for partition, subjectto the confirmation of the Court,

i Terms of Sale?cash.This the 24th dav of May, 1915.



By virtue of a decree of theSuperior Court of Stokes countyrendered by M. T. Chilton, C. S.C., in the Special Proceedingsentitled "John G. Fulton vs. L.C. Allen and his wife, Rosa E.Allen, Archie Gray Alien" ap-pointing the undersigned a com-missioner to make sale of thehereinafter described lands, Iwillon Monday, June 2Sth, 1915,at the court house door in thetown of Danbury. X. C., at thehour of one o'clock p. m., exposeto sale at public auction to thehighest bidder for cash the fol-lowing described land to-vvit: Acertain lot or tract of land situate,lying and being in the town ofWalnut Cove, Stokes Countv, N.V., and it being Lot No. 135 asshown and described in the townplat of said Walnut Cove, N. C.,and bounded as follows, to-wit:Beginning at Summit avenue atthe corner of the lot known asthe T. A. Freeman lot, runningSouth on said street One Hundredfeet, thence East at right angleswith said street Two Hundredfeet, thence North paralell withsaid street One Hundred feet,thence West at right angles withsaid street Two Hundred feet to

' the beginning, and it being thesame lot that was conveyed by

from Wilder & Adams to P.W. Allen, which deed bears dateof March the sth, ISBB, and ap-pears of record in the ofiice ofthe Register of Deeds of StokesCounty, N. C., in Book No. 30,Page 163. Sale subject to con-firmation of court.

This May 24th, 1915.J. D. HUMPHREYS,


Chamberlain's Cough RemedyCult 1 CoUs, Crouj sud Wliuopiog Cough*


Notice of Re-sale of Land.15y virtue of it decree for a re-sale

of the lands hereinafter set forth,which decree was made on the *JOtliday of May,l!tl."i, in the case of J. I*.Lynch. Kxecutor of L. F. Joyce, de-ceased, against Susan K. .Joyce andothers, in the Superior Court ofStokes county, 1 will expose to pub-lic stile upon the premises in Stokescounty, to tile highest bidder, uponthe terms set forth below, on Satur-day, July :!rd, liil.'i, at the hour ofone o'clock p. 111. a tract of land be-longillg to L. F. Joyce deceased, to-wlt:

Lot Xo. I in the partition of thelands of Win. C. Joyce, as follows:

"beginning at a black gum. S. F. icorner of lot Xo. running Fast ondivision line lu chains to pointers, inL. F. Joyce's line, thence Xorth on!tlie old line l.'i:{?| chains to pointers. 1formerly a black oak. thence Weston the Hue of lot Xo. l."i.'!-| chainsto the beginning, containing l.'i :.-4acres, more or less.

Itent on same for year l'.d."i, to liereserved.

Terms of sale: one half cash onday of sale, t lie other lit: If in twelvemouths, with bond and approvedsecurity for the deferred paymenthearing six per cent interest fromday of sale, with privilege to thepurchaser to pav all cash if lie so desires.

This the I'm h dav of Mav lsil.l..1. I'. LV.Xt 11. Kxecutor.

X.U. I'KTIJKK. At I v. for Fx.

LAND SALE.By virtue of a decree of the

Superior Court of Stokes countyrendered by M. T. Chilton, C.S. C.. in the Special Proceedingsentitled "Sophia Jackson et alvs. Samuel P. Simmons et al"appointing the undersigned acommissioner to make sale ofthe hereinafter described lands,I will on Monday, the 2Xth dayof June, 15115, at the hour of12:80 o'clock p. m., sell at publicauction to the highest bidder forcash the following describedlands situate, lying and being inStokes county, N. C., Quaker' iap township, and bounded asfollows to wit: Beginning at awhite oak a division corner, inthe old Martin line, runningEast on said line 01-4 chainscrossing a branch to pointers onthe East bank of said branch inan ivy thicket, thence South ona new line 43 3-4 chains topointers on the North side ofa road, thence West on a new

1iine (i chains and 00 links to apile of rock and pointers in theoli line, thence North on the old

I line 43 3-4 chains crossing themountain to the beginning con-taining 28 acres, more or less.This land is lot No. 2 made inthis cause which was allotted toSophia Jackson and others, andis a part of the old Samue! Sim-mons land, near Brown Moun-tain. Sale subject to confirma-tion of court. This May 24th.1915.

J. D. HUMPHREYS.Commissioner.


Having duly qualified as ad-ministrator with the will annex-ed of Mrs. Augusta Chisman.deceased, all persons indebtedto said estate are hereby notifiedto pay same, and all personsholding claims against said estateare hereby notified to present

the same duly authenticated, tothe undersigned for payment onor before the 10th day of June,1910, or this notice will be plead-ed in bar of their recovery.

; This June sth, 1915.W. M. CHISMAN,

Administrator with the will an-nexed of Mrs. Augusta Chis-man, deceased.

J.D. Humphreys. Attv. for Adir..

Kotics.Having qualified as adminis-

trator of the estate of JuliaR. Branson, deceased, allpersonshaving claims against the estateof said deceased are herebynotified to present the same onor before the 20th day of April,1910, or this notice willbe plead-ed in bar of their recovery, andall persons owing said estatewill please make settlement with

! the undersigned at once.This 2tith day of April, 1915.

W. A. BRANSON,Administrator.

J. W. Hall, Atty.

NOTICE:i Ilavitii: qualiticd its administrator

1 wit h t he will annexed of Mrs. Mart haC. Smith, deceased, notice is herebygiven to all persons holding claimsagainst the estate of Mrs. M. c.Smith, to present them to me forpayment, duly authenticated, on orbefore the 'JtMh day of May, litbi. orthis notice will lie pleaded in bar oftheir recovery. Allpersons Indebtedto said deceased are respectfully l'e

| ipiested to make immediate paymentto me.

This tlie lsth day of May, iSllii.N. O. I'KTKKK,

Adm'r with will annexed.

Notice of Sale Under Deed in TrustI'.y virtue <if the power of Kilccuii-

tained in a deed in trust executed I<ime on the I'.'ith day of Felimsir.v, 1Ml J. S. Fast iilid wife to secure thepayment of a debt therein recited,which deed in trust is duly recordedin the oltiee of the Hegister of Deed*for Stokes county, X. in I'.ook No.?V», page ?KM, default havlug iieenmade in the payment of said debt,and the holder thereof having ap-plied to me to make sale of the hindconveyed in said trust to satisfysaid ilei it, I will expose to publicsale to the highest bidder for cashat the court house door In the townof iiaubtiry. X. <on Saturday..1 line Ihe ISM li, 1'.11.1, at the hour ofone o'clock p. la., tin- followinglands in St iikes county, to-wit:

First tract. "Beginning ''it a rockin Covington's i now I'yrtle'si line,runs west lif chains tuoiv or less to1!. \V. licorge's line, c now Stanley'sline,i 'lien.'c north II 1-i! chains toSimmons' line, i now Malie's line, ithen 'J chains to a hickutycorner in Simmons'and Last's line,

i now Malie's ami least's line, northI" chains to lloaxe's line. nowI "ast 's limvi east In "haills t oii\ ing-

t oil's line, t||o\\ I'yrtle's. I I hencesouth with said line, i'l I-'.' chains to

t lie beginning iitainiiig .'"i 1-)

acres, lliol'e or less." leed i'.ookIs . page .".M, Ilegist er's itlice \u25a0ifSt iikes county, i

Second tract. "Mil-:! acres regis-tered in the iitlice of the licgistcr ofHeeds in I'.ool. puucSKt it ml 'ui'.and

j to which reference is made. sa\c andexcept three tracts sold off the lastnamed tract to I'owcll Kast amiI'l'iilil I'.xrtle. iSee Deeds in IJegis-

l ter's i itlice of St okes I 'utility. X, <i[ This the ."itlt day of May. lid"'.

x. <l. PKTKKK. Trustee.

Notice of Sale Under Deed in Trust.

} I'.y virluc of the power of sale con-tained iu a iif trust executed to

tile Ily Walnut ? 'ove Warehouse i 'uiu-

I patiy. Inc.. on theSMli day of <».-?o---| lier, lsd I. to secure I lie payment of a

'note therein recited, whicii >| I Intrust is duly recorded in tin- ?

I tile l!ev'Sti'f lif 1 leeds for Stokescounty, X.«'.. iu I'.ook Xo. i.u. paae 7.and to which reference s ' ??reutito

; made, default ha vlng ! maile inthe payment of said note, i tal theholder thereof havinu applied to tileto sell She land therein conveyed, tosatisfy said note, I will expose topublic sale tot he highest I ddef fill-cash in front of Farmers I'nion I'aiikand Trust Company. in the town ofWaltlllt Cove. X. <'.. i ll the l.'itii dayof .! tine. lStl.'i. at the ho::r of oi:eo'cluck p. in., the lands con eyed iu

I sa d t rust deed, to-wit:'lSe^'lnnluu'on the Xorth si<i>- o:

1Third Street, In tl.e town of Walnut1 ove, at a stake feet fnuu Westside i'f Main street, at ti.<- South

j West corner of W. I". Howies' liverystable lot at a Make, thence X'ort!.

i with W. !'. I!.iwles, .iohn'i:. Lackey.!s. 11. Stewart, and Taylcr lines.Miarai!'l with Main sit t.4<'4 ;'-'et t><

j Fourth street, thence ttwl withFourth street to a stake lull feet,thence South, parallel with Main

4i»4 feet to Third street, them ?

Kast with Third street l »(i feet t> >

the beginning. there !.e;n- un said1 lot a tobacco warehouse mal otherbuildings belonging to th"* said Wal-nut Cove Ware louse '' 1.. inc."

Tltis the :.tii r:. y May. I'd*..S.i». Firn:!:!:. Tru-te-.

j Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust

I mler 1 liepower and '.ith-iritycon-j red !.\ a -Iced . f trust by i:.

I Wilson and wife W. 11. Slate.Tr stee. dated My :,rli, ;:-l!. .?.!

1 i-.-istefi'd ill till* Otlice.if th" Ihnristel-lof I 1 ; sit i,k«l imy, \. 1 ..

; I'.ook ?>. pane i'!d. t-\u25a0 - -ii'i- t lie pay-of SI.IMHI.HiI dae ' ' ?'S W.

I \«ill sell -Ish. ' t : uel :???!.

i ti 1 lie premises in S; .nitmvti t.iwn-

ls!:'.pat I o'clock |'i. m. on SaturdMhi' IJth day oi'.lune. 1:? 1. thetolhiw-

, itiu' ih'srlbed real \u25a0 -!a: ? si'uated '1| Sauratown township. STol-a - ??us:i-ty. X. 1

| "iteglntilng on the bank of Town-fork. opposite the mouth of 1' inth- rcreek, on Mrs. X. .1. banner's lineSoutli "1!' chains 10 a white oak. her'corner, thence Fast on her line lit;

chains to a hickory itiow dowui theI old corner, temporary corner, thenceXorth on Morris'line 4 chains to a

isourwooil on the South bankTowiifork. runs thence up the me-

' aiiders liftlie same to t lie beginnimj.

i containing' .'!!? acres, more or less."This thei'ith day of May. I'.d'i.

W. 11. SLAT I'., Trustee.


Mav'tig duly i|tialitied as admin-istrator of the estate of Martin Vet;able, deceased. Ilolice is hereby givento ail persons holding claims against

1 lie said deceased, to present tlienito the undersigned for payment dulyauthenticated 011 or before the l'i!day of May, lull!, or this notice willbe pleaded in liar of their recovery.All persons indebted to said estateare respectfully requested to makeimmediate payment to me.

This lit! day of May, 191.%.A. .1. FA<}<», Adm'r.

J. W, llall, Att'y for Adm'r.


t'..v a !rt :s»* ofa decree of tin* Super-ior < "oiirt of Stokes <"uunty, render-t*«l on the Ist day «»f May, llll.'i. intin 1 special j>r«lirjn- entitled "houAlley niiil others against Henry.Martin ami I'nrilc AnioH,"the under-signed commissioners will sell atpuldie aiii'tiuu t<i IIe 11in lies t Milderfor cash, at the store house of .I.e.Alans, on the Joshua A. Amos lamlsIn Siokt-s county, on Saturday July!>rd, l!i1.~i, at 1 lie hour of two o'clockp. in., three traits of land in Stokeseouilt.v lielnlitfillH to the estate ofJoshua A. Amos, deceased, to wit:

Ist tract, lieiny; lot No. < in the|iartitioli of the land of »i. W. Ainos,as appears of reeord in the Kepis-tcr's oiliee of stokes county, in IJookNo. I'.i, |law'c bounded asfoliows:

"I'?\u25a0?yiiniiun' iin a Muck oak. run-Uilltf West .">s poles ti> solil'W ?ii "I.I hence Xort h 1lu poles I < i sour wood,

thence North. 7" decrees lias:, CIpoles to a post oak. /.. S. Alley's

corner. I liellce South !C poles til thelieuiiiiiiiiu.' iiniaininu':'!? mves. i,.nre

L'ml iracl, l.ot No. in said ;\u25a0:.i ti-t ion. assin'iit'ill< '.J. I'. A inos. a in; pur-chased ity said Joshua A. Ainu*, de-scribed in Hook I'.', pau'c lii-uis-tcr's ollice of Stokes colltlt.v. lioUlid-

VI is follows:

"I'.etfinnina' at a 11. <».. North in!poles to Mack ten 111. I lielice Kasl '.MI

poles to chestnut. North t- pole, tolocust, Kilst *> poll's to Spanish oak.South 7- poles to Hack oak. West Inpoles to post oak. South 'is po|c. lo

Stake. I hence West !Hipo|eslo tliclie-uifitiinji. coiitalnlnu' I'd »»? I acres,U|i less."'

.".rd tract, containing !? acres, more\u25a0ir !'-ss, ilescrilieil ill a a rant lo J, A.Ainns, orded in Kcirister's oiliceni'Stokes inly, in I'.ook .No. iM,p. i!:?' -\u25a0 11:1. and I Hilltilled as follows:

at ;? Mack oak. saidAmos' oh n corner, runs Sout h on A.?io'n's line 11 chains crossing the?Tick to stake. I liellce West otiecliaillto ;i .lake, hash's corner, 1} decrees West, oil ids line

chains to a maple. North on hisand said Amos'line. :!."i chains in apost oak. has! nil his own line to


The rents ' mi all of .aid lands forthe year 1'.»1." will lie reserved, andposncssh 111 tri veil wi'ell the crops forsaid > ear are cathef d arid relinkedfrom the land.

Also on Saturday. July I'iith, 1!' l."i,at the iioiir of two ./clock p. in., at

t!ie< hesiex i iann "'ni store house inStokes county, we will sell to thehighest Mdder fiircasii, the lands ofT, ;ctha Amos defeased, "rdered to

si 'lil ill the I rise here'::'..-!'fire 11(1111-

'? !. !milniled 1 dc.-cK'.c.; as I'cl-hov«:

Vi >rt!i s'..|" >?' the Madison road.\ "rii"ii'scorner, and r :ns North on * chains to a stake at a

hratich, 11'eiu'i'ilown the i>ranch as it\u25a0 meanders. l."i chains to a stake, ou

t e creek I atlk. theilc.' liown theI as in meanders. 1." chains to a! stake. North oil the old line 1:: chains| to pointers, corner of No. thence| i;.:.» on that line, ! ? chains to apoplar. South crossing Ihe creek 1:!

icliains to a rock pile. West on thatl.ue "i chains to a small sassafras,\u25a0lu tl -e South. L'"| I'. htlst, oil

|line !?} chains to .-> Mack yum,- ? nil on the line ,i..t No. 11

! !i. 'us til " Mnck Solltil on the' of I it No. 14 chains in a rockI ii- it the rnad. t! etii West aionn

J The mad as t meanders to the lie-ihnnimr." See i'.ook No. -h', pnjje

L'-i. IJeirister's ei;'s:.ikes loan

ty. v . ? .? ???? i-'iiis -.n said tract »if land for

; ; year Iw'll r--??rvol. andI ......*>llui L '\-.-n w a :l|ecr.ips for

I.Vi ir ?!!?!?_ t 1 .it! 1 retllnVi'llfro- i"; 1 ili.l.

. mi:..W. !'i:< > W N.

?'. 1!. \M< 'S.| :\u25a0? tissiot.*rs.

N i i'etree. \;:

NOTICE.Kavinj; duly qualified as ex-

ecutrix oi' the last will and testa-ment of Ceo. W. Barr, deceased,all persons havinjr claims againstthe estate of said deceased arehereby notified to present them

( to me for payment, duly authen-ticated. on or by the Kith day

:of May, 1916, or this notice will

|be pleaded in bar o: their re-j covery. All persons indebtedj to said deceased are respectfully;rei|uested to make settlementwith me. This the stii dav of

i May, 1915.MRS. MARY A. FULK,

Executrix.P. 0. Pinnacle, N. C.

N. 0. Petree, Attv. for Ex.

Tetter, Salt Rheum and EczemaAtr curt tl l\vChnmU *'lain ». On- .'M.jiUcftilion relieves Hit ucliiti);aim bui u i.kUiou,