- I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by...

'" '"''jrJHI "'tyTfJWfP -- "" - I'liyf'ITT' ""f"i HCTyP' " y,wniw" '""'iywy '"i"1! For knowing how to The oldest and best. Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy. Evening Bulletin Consult tlto patrons of Uniformly leads. The The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs Vol. V. No. 9,'JO. HONOLULU, H. I., MUDAY, JUNE .'J, 1898. Puiou 5 Ohxts. I? t A A Orcat Sufferer from General Debility and Weakness Says DR. AYER'S SARSAPARIliA SAVED HER LIFE. We Rive Mow a testimonial from Mrs. M. Crirknrll ot Hilton, Ho. Australia, who also sends us her portrait : " 801110 two years ago I wan suturing from Sonera! ilelilllty, weakness, etc., and w as so I I thought I never would be w ell nulla. I had the advice ot two medical men and took much medicine, but I derived no good w hat-eve-r. My husband was telling a friend how very 111 I was and this friend toldhlm to get for mo Ayer's Sorsaporllla lie did so and I took threo bottles. I felt a f;reat deal better. I continued taking It and I took eight bottles and was able to resume my household duties as well as I ever was. I feelsurethatAycr'sBarsaparillanas the means of saving my life. I strongly re- commend It to anyone who Is sutlerlng as I did and If they w ill only persevere In its use I feel imsltlvo It will cure them." For rnnitlnatlon taVe Dr. Ayer't PI1K They promptly relieve and lurrly cure. Take tlicin with Dr. Ayer's Sariaparllla one aids the other. H. L JLU 0. D. GEAR, till dansome St., 3. F. 210 KlnK St., II I. GEAR & GEAR lawyers. San Francisco and jioiolulu Huv it: lllf"i ii St' Kruii loco and Honolulu we re preptreil tiiultetxl prom, y to til' mailer eutrti-te- -l to us In i Itlier of -- ulil places. M-- l Mercantile Agency '2 in King street. Difficult Collections a Specialty D. GEAR, LAWYER. Corner of (dug ami Bethel Htreete, Secoml Floor. CHARLES F. PETERSON, .Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Kauhtimauu Htreet. William A. Henshall, A-ttorne- y at Law 113 KnaUumanu Street. Tele. flAt. W. S. EDINGS, Counsellor at Law. Corner liethol ami IOur Streets, Honolulu, H. I. A. C. WALL, D. D. S., O.E.WALL, D.D.S., DENTISTS. Jew Love's UnlldlnR, Fort Street. TELEPHONE 4S4. GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY ST LAW. IIILO, HAWAII FUiURE OF PHILIPPINES To be Governed by Martial Law Until Congress Decides Otherwise. Major General Herrltt to be Appointed Military Governor or the Islands In the Meantime. Now York, May 25. A special to tbo Iloraltl from Washington snys: Major-Goner- nl Merritt, who is to go to tho Philippines ns Mili- tary Governor, is expected to govern them under martial low until Congress decidos what shall finnlly bo done with :hom. There is little doubt that they ill bo permanently hold by tho United States. In viow of tho jealousy existing among European nations, many Senators and Ho presentation boliovo that it will lie more difficult to relinquish control of the Philippines tuun to ho'd them. In viow of this boliof soma con- sideration is already being given to tho problem of devising a civil government for the islands when the war is ended. Tho extension of tho territorial system of the United States to tho Philippines is out of tho question, as it will bo a groat many years boforo the in habitants are capable of any de- gree of The prop sitiou that seems to meet most favor is to have the government of tho inlands admin by a bo.ird of threo com iiiis.siouer-i- , to be composed of two civilians mid one officer of tho United States array, as in tho Dis trict of Columbia. Whon the number of Americans iu the isl ands increases sufficiently a vory limited form of popular govern me nt tuiiiht ho inttoduced, to be expanded in tho future. I'ariff taxes are to bo collected by military authority and aro to be turned into tho treasury of tho United States As the war pro gressos tho samo system of col- lecting war taxos is t . be applied to Buoh SpauUh territory as may bo occupied, thus compelling the couquered territory to aid in de- fraying tho expenses of the war Until bucIi time as Congress shall tako action formally auuex inp tho Philippines or nuy other couquered Spanish territory to tho United States, all goods com- ing from Mich torritory will be taxed at United States custom houses just the samo as goods from other countries. At tli I'nrk unit Uracil. Knpiolani park was crowded yestorday with tho visitors. Tho Government and National Bantb took turns at tho music. They pla)ed ''Hawaii Pouoi" as one baud under the leadership of Cap ain Beror. The soldier boys enjoyed tho rest and had a chance to lay in tho Bhado of tho trees and thoroughly enjoy themselves. Tho beach from one oud to tin othor was thronged with bathers tttid a swim and show or was what tho men most needed. Bicycle Repairs Spring Sent I'oitswltli Itollorltoatlii(,'s, Tumporoil Conos, Hall C'iijh, Axles unit Hproukuts, 1" to as; Chains, (Sour C'uhoh, Cranks: Knot llll 11ihiw ntwl l.'nrirlniru In .Stork or nituiu to onlur nt tho old rullu- - Dlo The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. whoio Dioiiint iittuntloit will lio uimi to nil iujmIix. Oil your lilko frequently with "Hal-lov'- rt Host llii'vclo Oil" anil s.io linlf your lioavy iiukIiIii. IMahllNliud 180:2 on tho basis of "d'OOD WORK." FEEDING THE MULTITUDE Scenes at the Executive Building While the Troops Were Feasted. Some of the Things That Were Consumed In- cidents at the Entertainment The Corps of Helpers. Souator Baldwin, chairmnu of the Executive Committee to enter tain the visiting troops, had his hands full today, if he has only ono arm and was ably assisted by a large corps of willing workers lie took churgo of tho grounds of tho Government building at an early hour this morning and un- der his direction with tho nssist-auc- o of Major McLeod, Cap- tains Ashley, Kenake, Coy no, Schaefer aud other officers of tho First Regimout as chief aides, everything eoon wont along like clockwork. Tables were erected and covered with cloths, plates aud cups in a manner quit-- ) mag- ical. By 9 o'clock tho edibles commenced to arrive, and tho large number of ladies who had congregated to offer their willing assistanco soon found plenty of employtuent in cutting up bananas aud pineapples, dishing up salads, moats and othor good things. It had been planned to havo the feast commonce at 10 o'clock but it whs a little after that hour before tho firxt tables wore ready. However, tho sol diers found plenty to arauso thom--- o vs with iu the in autimo. Following out tho suggestion mode in tins paper verttenlay the g ivi" I'tnent band mndoils appnr at 9:30 and enlivened the proceed nB with ntirring aud patriotic trains It w .uld not lip possible in the iinit(l ti'iie at command t give a list of the ladies who volunt ered is helpers; a much easier tank would be to givo a list of those ho did not. Wuoro so many willing ones wore pro.sont it would be unfair to mention a fow. All tho regulais nt tho barracks not on uuard duty volunteered thoir services and made them selves generally useful, and there were many of the volunteor com panics hard at work also. At tho main gato Andrew Brown had charge and admission was by piss signod by Colonel Fisher. These wero readily ob tainable, howovor, by any ropoctablo people and ad mission was refused only to a certain objectionable olomont which makoB it itself a nuisance by packing off everything in sight that will go into a gunny sack. It was a wise precaution in this respect. At 10 o'clook tho troops com-monc- ed to como ashore and march- ed to thoExocutivo building head ed by thoir bauds. Captaiu Glass has promised that 150 mon from tho Chariest n shall iavo loave, while most of tho Bennington boys will got off dur- ing tho day. Tho troops and marines will bo coining ashore off and on during the day until all have had ono good squaro meal. Those whoso duties require them to remain ou hoard will bo taken caro of by tho Committee and will not suffer for something good to oat. At 11 a. m. tho Bulletin gooB to press in order that its force may havo a holiday. NOTES or THE DAY. " This is a great day for Ha- waii,' said a Cabinet Minister this morning, " It is nothing to what will happen when wo recoivo tho nows thut wo aro annexed," an- swered another. Ono prominent harbor on Fort street refused to accept any pay for shaving volnntoors yestoruuy. Schoolraaators nnd mistresses Continued on Fourth Pago. GREAT RACING AT EPSOM A 100 to 1 Shot Wins the Last English Derby. The Prince of Wales' Entry Conies In Tutrd- - Toe Favorite In the Betting Was Nowhere In The Race. The English Derby was run on tho morning of the 23th and wns won by Jeddah, a 100 to 1 shot. Thoru wero a couple of Amorican liorsts in tho great raco, but they wore not iu tho money. Tho fol- lowing is a telegraphic account of the contest, contained in tho San Francisco Bulletin of tho samo day Epsom, England, May 25. Tho 218th renewal of tho Derby stakos (the classic Derby) of G000 sover oigns, was run at Epsom Downs today and was won by Mr. J. W. Lamach's chestnut colt Jeddah, by Jnnniaary, out of Pilgrimage. Tho raco i for 3- - ear-ol- d colts, by subscription of 50 sovereigns canh, half forfeit, the nominator of tho winner to recoivo 500 sover oigns; tho owner of tho second horse to recoivo 200 sovereigns and tho owner of tho third horso to recoivo 200 sovereigns of the stake. Tho courso is about amilo and a half. Derby day opens fine and pleasantly cool. There wero the al scenes on road nnd rail and immeuso crowds of people gathor ed on tho Downs. Tho remark- able number of runuors, eighteen, unequalled iu tho laft twenty-thr- ee years, coupled with tho openness of tho result, added ureatly to tho interest iu tho event. I'ho result, in dotnil, was as fol- lows: J. W. Lnruach's ch. colt Jeddah, y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out of Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna, third. Sir TattonS Ices' bal colt Dis raeli, tin favoi ito, led until pase ing Shorwood's, when Elfin drew to tho front and led until descending the hill. Then Batt assumed tho load, but was joined by tho Duko of Portland's bay colt Wantage and Joddah, a cjuartor of a mile from homo, Jed- dah winning by threo-quiirto- rs of a length. A length and a half separated second und third horses Tho Duko of Devonshire's chest- nut colt Diudonno was fourth The timo wns 2:37. Tho betting previous to the start was 100 to 1 against Joddah, 100 to 1 agaiusts JJuulop and IU to 1 against Batt. Itnplilly nlaitpiwurlnir. Tho supply of tho iustlv colo- - brnted Seattle Bock Beer is rap- idly disappearing in town. Lov- ers of this nulrithus spring bev- erage can obtain it for a limited timo at tho Oi iteriou Saloon. Frames mado at short notice for all kinds of pictures or diplomas. King Bros., 110 Ilotol streot. Roy! rniku tbo fooi pure, wbulcsomc and delicious. rlfS WA Kih' MiM akP POWDER AbiolutclyPuro IKJYU. UIIM POMH CO., HfW vo. THE LATEST FOREIGN NEWS Condensed Items of Interest From All Parts of the World. More About tbe Manila Expedition Spain's New Foreign Secretary Horrible Tragedy In San Diego. Tho following horns ot Into for eign nows aro culled from tho San Francisco Bulletin of the after noon of May 25th aud other Into exchanges received on tho Peking: Sir Alexandor Gollan, British Consul-Gouor- nl at Havaun, has been mado a Knight Commander of tho Order of St. Michael and St. Oeorgo by the Queen, in re- cognition of services in tho pro-so- nt trouble between Spain and tho United States Ono huimied and twelve thous and voluuteors of the iir-- 125,000 called for by Piesidont McKmley I Hid linen enrolled up to noon of the 25th. San Diego had a horriblo doublo tragedy ou tho 25th. Al- fred Lambm, a Frenchman, killed his wilo and then hi ingulf with a shotgun. They wero found lvinc side by Bide, both their has bo ing nearly blown out of human shapo. Caupo of tho tragedy whisky, povorty nnd joalousy. Two hundred of th? IHjmoih and 100 of tho Missouri naval r servo in u havo tjoen ordered to join Sampson's ileot. James V. Coleman, tho San Francisco millionaire, is duuger-otis- ly ill. The Sun Francisco branch of the Bed Cross Socioty h is already 80016 825.000 111 the bunk. I'ho Spanish Duko Almedvar ile Bio has nccoptcd iho iotition ot jUiuister of loroign Affair in tho new Cabinet. Bain fell nil ovor California on th" 22 I and crop prospect- - of nil kiuus aro iuiimiib-l- unproved. I'ho Gorman bark II. Ilackfold hft San Francisco on tho 25th, with a cargo of wheat for Queens- - town consisting of 43,908 centals, valued at SYa.OOU J. C. Martin, a leading nttornev of Alatnoda, died suddenly ut noon ou the Another Spanish spy has been enptured ou board tho prize Pn- - uama. He attempted to send the Spanish authorities information concormng tbo harbor of New York. It is oxpectod that tho United States will press into service some of tho fiuost vossels of the Pacific Coast Steumship Company to carry moro troops to Manila. Tho ciontonnial, which wll bo ouo of tho next floet of transports to arrive was a Uanisli steamer Sun was given American registor in n hurry and ordered to iSnn Francisco from Sonttle. The Tenth Pennsylvania Iteci- - mont of Volunteers has arrived at San I'rnnoisco on route to Manila. This is Pennsylvania's crack regi mout. Everybody knows or hns hoard of Swain's bakery in San Fran- cisco. Its proprietor, B. 15. Swain, is tlead. Admiinl Montijo, who com- manded tho Spanish llot nt Manila, is to be tried for cowardice, and yet Admiral Dowoy himself was tho first to congratulate him on his bravery. A Koy West dispatch says that 300 Spaniards woro killed and 1100 wounded in tho attack on the gunboat Nashvillo at Cien-fuego- Jam's O. Cary, a pioneer lawyer of California, has suicided. Consul Wildman at Hongkong has boon promoted to bo Consul-Gouor- al by Piesidont McKiuloy. Tho promotion takes offoct July 1. Tho Eighteenth Louisiana Re- giment has boon ordctod to Ma- nila. Continued on Fifth I'ne. BLOODY ROW AMONG JAPS Pitched Battle With Swords Fought on Smith Street. Two Men Nearly Hacked lo Pieces In the Affray Arrests Made by the Police. A bloody battle took plnco eaily this morning between nbotit twen- ty Japanese, ten on a side. Tho scene of the affray wns that part of Smith street known ns Capo Horn. It ptniti-- d early last even- ing and tho ciuo of it all was so- - curely locked up in tho polico station when tho real brittle took place. It arose ovor tho payment of money. Hogamura was tho man who started tho row. lis was ar- rested by Deputy Marshul Ohil- - liugsworth, after being beaten by throo of his countrymen. His friends looking for revenue armed thorns Ives with Bwords nnd wont to look for hit assailants. Word had been carried to them and they were ready to receivo their onemies. ltiey lint! pro- vided themselves with 3vrds and clubs aud tho battle commonced. It lastoJ probably fifteen minutes and as a result Iwaoka and Fuji-sim- a aro at the Queen's Hospital, alive but li'orally cut to pieces. The rent of the combatants es caped arro-- t as, when the polico arrived, ov n body had deeampod except the wouinhd, who woro unable to move. 1' urtuer arrests will follow. A Xtw AVo are veiy cnxious to show Hie public wlmt a co operative store can do iu tin uny of Mipply-in- g tho ta l. with trosh imported groceries. So picas dnu't forcet that Urn Pil.uua Co - operative Grocory Co.'s Hture ih now opn for biisino-s- . Fust shipment of goods it'iMt'd pit Mariibt irom tho const. Amoi g the many good things she brought ur- - In-h- fro- zen oysters, delicious smoked halibut, plate corn href, (! lb kits salt mackerel, smoked bef hams, 1 lb bl cks croamery butter, nnd many oilier choice articles. Thin storo has alwayn enjoyed tho reputation for low prices, but now under tho co operative plan we aro better able than ever to com- pete with euMi our celt-stia- l com- petitors. No harm iu giving us a trial. Telephone 755 till now is-s- uo of book. Goods doliverod to all parts of city and suburbs. Palama Co oi'khativi: Giiocciiy Co., Ltd. Old stand, opposite Railway Depot, King streot. A "Whit" Itlilrr. A "White" rider on a "White" bicyclo, with a "White" rocord. Such is tho Htandinu of Tom Cooppr, "ti" of Ih fistest and best kuowu National Circuit chasers. Watch what ho doeH ou tho White this year Pacific Oyclo nnd Ma- nufacturing Co., itguuts. - Pictures make excellent wod-di- ng pronoiits. King BroB., 110 Ilotol street. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. wm CI1EAM mum ranm A Pure Grape Crenm of Tartar Powder. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD- - i, V1.".a ,ji. . AJ.&JLH . t w iJi'hic tiy"' .lsiht- - ...- -. -- V i,. . ;W .'iri. ,,, '' "- -' ''' i

Transcript of - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by...

Page 1: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,

' " '"''jrJHI "'tyTfJWfP -- "" - I'liyf'ITT' ""f"iHCTyP' " y,wniw" '""'iywy '"i"1!

For knowing how to The oldest and best.

Advertise to profit Reliable and newsy.Evening BulletinConsult tlto patrons of Uniformly leads. The

The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs

Vol. V. No. 9,'JO. HONOLULU, H. I., MUDAY, JUNE .'J, 1898. Puiou 5 Ohxts.


t A

A Orcat Sufferer from General

Debility and Weakness Says


SAVED HER LIFE.We Rive Mow a testimonial from Mrs.

M. Crirknrll ot Hilton, Ho. Australia, whoalso sends us her portrait :

" 801110 two years ago I wan suturing fromSonera! ilelilllty, weakness, etc., and w as so

I I thought I never would be w ell nulla.I had the advice ot two medical men and tookmuch medicine, but I derived no good w hat-eve-r.

My husband was telling a friend howvery 111 I was and this friend toldhlm to getfor mo

Ayer's Sorsaporlllalie did so and I took threo bottles. I felt af;reat deal better. I continued taking It and

I took eight bottles and was able toresume my household duties as well as I everwas. I feelsurethatAycr'sBarsaparillanasthe means of saving my life. I strongly re-commend It to anyone who Is sutlerlng as Idid and If they w ill only persevere In its use Ifeel imsltlvo It will cure them."

For rnnitlnatlon taVe Dr. Ayer't PI1K Theypromptly relieve and lurrly cure. Take tlicinwith Dr. Ayer's Sariaparllla one aids the other.

H. L JLU 0. D. GEAR,

till dansome St., 3. F. 210 KlnK St., II I.

GEAR & GEARlawyers.

San Francisco and jioiolulu

Huv it: lllf"i ii St' Kruii loco andHonolulu we re preptreil tiiultetxlprom, y to til' mailer eutrti-te- -l tous In i Itlier of -- ulil places.

M-- l

Mercantile Agency'2 in King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty


LAWYER.Corner of (dug ami Bethel Htreete,

Secoml Floor.


.Attorney at Law andNotary Public.

Kauhtimauu Htreet.

William A. Henshall,

A-ttorne-y at Law

113 KnaUumanu Street. Tele. flAt.


Counsellor at Law.Corner liethol ami IOur Streets,

Honolulu, H. I.

A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,O.E.WALL, D.D.S.,

DENTISTS.Jew Love's UnlldlnR, Fort Street.





To be Governed by Martial Law Until

Congress Decides Otherwise.

Major General Herrltt to be Appointed Military

Governor or the Islands In

the Meantime.

Now York, May 25. A specialto tbo Iloraltl from Washingtonsnys:

Major-Goner- nl Merritt, who isto go to tho Philippines ns Mili-

tary Governor, is expected togovern them under martial lowuntil Congress decidos what shallfinnlly bo done with :hom.

There is little doubt that theyill bo permanently hold by tho

United States. In viow of thojealousy existing among Europeannations, many Senators and Hopresentation boliovo that it willlie more difficult to relinquishcontrol of the Philippines tuun toho'd them.

In viow of this boliof soma con-sideration is already being givento tho problem of devising a civilgovernment for the islands whenthe war is ended. Tho extensionof tho territorial system of theUnited States to tho Philippinesis out of tho question, as it will boa groat many years boforo the inhabitants are capable of any de-

gree ofThe prop sitiou that seems to

meet most favor is to have thegovernment of tho inlands admin

by a bo.ird of threo comiiiis.siouer-i- , to be composed of twocivilians mid one officer of thoUnited States array, as in tho District of Columbia. Whon thenumber of Americans iu the islands increases sufficiently a vorylimited form of popular governme nt tuiiiht ho inttoduced, to beexpanded in tho future.

I'ariff taxes are to bo collectedby military authority and aro tobe turned into tho treasury of thoUnited States As the war progressos tho samo system of col-lecting war taxos is t . be appliedto Buoh SpauUh territory as maybo occupied, thus compelling thecouquered territory to aid in de-fraying tho expenses of the war

Until bucIi time as Congressshall tako action formally auuexinp tho Philippines or nuy othercouquered Spanish territory totho United States, all goods com-ing from Mich torritory will betaxed at United States customhouses just the samo as goodsfrom other countries.

At tli I'nrk unit Uracil.

Knpiolani park was crowdedyestorday with tho visitors. ThoGovernment and National Bantbtook turns at tho music. Theypla)ed ''Hawaii Pouoi" as onebaud under the leadership of Capain Beror. The soldier boys

enjoyed tho rest and had a chanceto lay in tho Bhado of tho treesand thoroughly enjoy themselves.Tho beach from one oud to tinothor was thronged with batherstttid a swim and show or was whattho men most needed.

Bicycle RepairsSpring Sent I'oitswltli Itollorltoatlii(,'s,

Tumporoil Conos, Hall C'iijh, Axles unitHproukuts, 1" to as; Chains, (Sour C'uhoh,Cranks: Knot llll 11ihiw ntwl l.'nrirlniru In.Stork or nituiu to onlur nt tho old rullu- -Dlo

The Honolulu Cyclery

231 King Street.

whoio Dioiiint iittuntloit will lio uimi tonil iujmIix.

Oil your lilko frequently with "Hal-lov'- rt

Host llii'vclo Oil" anil s.io linlfyour lioavy iiukIiIii.

IMahllNliud 180:2 on tho basis of"d'OOD WORK."


Scenes at the Executive Building While

the Troops Were Feasted.

Some of the Things That Were Consumed In-

cidents at the Entertainment The

Corps of Helpers.

Souator Baldwin, chairmnu ofthe Executive Committee to entertain the visiting troops, had hishands full today, if he has onlyono arm and was ably assisted bya large corps of willing workerslie took churgo of tho grounds oftho Government building at anearly hour this morning and un-

der his direction with tho nssist-auc- o

of Major McLeod, Cap-

tains Ashley, Kenake, Coy no,Schaefer aud other officers of thoFirst Regimout as chief aides,everything eoon wont along likeclockwork. Tables were erectedand covered with cloths, platesaud cups in a manner quit-- ) mag-ical. By 9 o'clock tho ediblescommenced to arrive, and tholarge number of ladies who hadcongregated to offer their willingassistanco soon found plenty ofemploytuent in cutting upbananas aud pineapples, dishingup salads, moats and othor goodthings. It had been planned tohavo the feast commonce at 10o'clock but it whs a little afterthat hour before tho firxt tableswore ready. However, tho soldiers found plenty to arauso thom--- o

vs with iu the in autimo.Following out tho suggestion

mode in tins paper verttenlay theg ivi" I'tnent band mndoils appnrat 9:30 and enlivened the proceednB with ntirring aud patriotictrainsIt w .uld not lip possible in the

iinit(l ti'iie at command t give alist of the ladies who volunt eredis helpers; a much easier tankwould be to givo a list of those

ho did not. Wuoro so manywilling ones wore pro.sont it wouldbe unfair to mention a fow.

All tho regulais nt tho barracksnot on uuard duty volunteeredthoir services and made themselves generally useful, and therewere many of the volunteor companics hard at work also.

At tho main gato AndrewBrown had charge and admissionwas by piss signod by ColonelFisher. These wero readily obtainable, howovor, by anyropoctablo people and admission was refused only to acertain objectionable olomontwhich makoB it itself a nuisanceby packing off everything in sightthat will go into a gunny sack.It was a wise precaution in thisrespect.

At 10 o'clook tho troops com-monc- ed

to como ashore and march-ed to thoExocutivo building headed by thoir bauds.

Captaiu Glass has promisedthat 150 mon from tho Chariest nshall iavo loave, while most of thoBennington boys will got off dur-ing tho day.

Tho troops and marines will bocoining ashore off and on duringthe day until all have had onogood squaro meal.

Those whoso duties requirethem to remain ou hoard will botaken caro of by tho Committeeand will not suffer for somethinggood to oat.

At 11 a. m. tho Bulletin gooBto press in order that its forcemay havo a holiday.


" This is a great day for Ha-waii,' said a Cabinet Minister thismorning, " It is nothing to whatwill happen when wo recoivo thonows thut wo aro annexed," an-swered another.

Ono prominent harbor on Fortstreet refused to accept any payfor shaving volnntoors yestoruuy.

Schoolraaators nnd mistresses

Continued on Fourth Pago.


A 100 to 1 Shot Wins the Last English


The Prince of Wales' Entry Conies In Tutrd- -Toe Favorite In the Betting Was

Nowhere In The Race.

The English Derby was run ontho morning of the 23th and wnswon by Jeddah, a 100 to 1 shot.Thoru wero a couple of Amoricanliorsts in tho great raco, but theywore not iu tho money. Tho fol-

lowing is a telegraphic account ofthe contest, contained in tho SanFrancisco Bulletin of tho samoday

Epsom, England, May 25. Tho218th renewal of tho Derby stakos(the classic Derby) of G000 soveroigns, was run at Epsom Downstoday and was won by Mr. J. W.Lamach's chestnut colt Jeddah,by Jnnniaary, out of Pilgrimage.

Tho raco i for 3- - ear-ol- d colts,by subscription of 50 sovereignscanh, half forfeit, the nominatorof tho winner to recoivo 500 soveroigns; tho owner of tho secondhorse to recoivo 200 sovereignsand tho owner of tho third horsoto recoivo 200 sovereigns of thestake. Tho courso is about amiloand a half.

Derby day opens fine andpleasantly cool. There wero the

al scenes on road nnd rail andimmeuso crowds of people gathored on tho Downs. Tho remark-able number of runuors, eighteen,unequalled iu tho laft twenty-thr- ee

years, coupled with thoopenness of tho result, addedureatly to tho interest iu thoevent.

I'ho result, in dotnil, was as fol-

lows:J. W. Lnruach's ch. colt Jeddah,

y JtuiiBenry, out ofwon; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c.Batt, by Hh n, out of Vampire,second; Pnueo of Wales' tnycDuulop, by Ayrshire, out of Fortuna, third.

Sir TattonS Ices' bal colt Disraeli, tin favoi ito, led until paseing Shorwood's, when Elfindrew to tho front and led untildescending the hill. ThenBatt assumed tho load, but wasjoined by tho Duko of Portland'sbay colt Wantage and Joddah, acjuartor of a mile from homo, Jed-dah winning by threo-quiirto- rs ofa length. A length and a halfseparated second und third horsesTho Duko of Devonshire's chest-nut colt Diudonno was fourthThe timo wns 2:37. Tho bettingprevious to the start was 100 to 1against Joddah, 100 to 1 agaiustsJJuulop and IU to 1 against Batt.

Itnplilly nlaitpiwurlnir.

Tho supply of tho iustlv colo- -brnted Seattle Bock Beer is rap-idly disappearing in town. Lov-ers of this nulrithus spring bev-erage can obtain it for a limitedtimo at tho Oi iteriou Saloon.

Frames mado at short noticefor all kinds of pictures ordiplomas. King Bros., 110 Ilotolstreot.

Roy! rniku tbo fooi pure,wbulcsomc and delicious.






Condensed Items of Interest From All

Parts of the World.

More About tbe Manila Expedition Spain's

New Foreign Secretary Horrible

Tragedy In San Diego.

Tho following horns ot Into foreign nows aro culled from tho SanFrancisco Bulletin of the afternoon of May 25th aud other Intoexchanges received on tho Peking:

Sir Alexandor Gollan, BritishConsul-Gouor- nl at Havaun, hasbeen mado a Knight Commanderof tho Order of St. Michael andSt. Oeorgo by the Queen, in re-

cognition of services in tho pro-so- nt

trouble between Spain andtho United States

Ono huimied and twelve thousand voluuteors of the iir-- 125,000called for by Piesidont McKmleyI Hid linen enrolled up to noon ofthe 25th.

San Diego had a horriblodoublo tragedy ou tho 25th. Al-fred Lambm, a Frenchman, killedhis wilo and then hi ingulf with ashotgun. They wero found lvincside by Bide, both their h a s boing nearly blown out of humanshapo. Caupo of tho tragedywhisky, povorty nnd joalousy.

Two hundred of th? IHjmoih and100 of tho Missouri naval r servoin u havo tjoen ordered to joinSampson's ileot.

James V. Coleman, tho SanFrancisco millionaire, is duuger-otis- ly

ill.The Sun Francisco branch of

the Bed Cross Socioty h is already80016 825.000 111 the bunk.

I'ho Spanish Duko Almedvarile Bio has nccoptcd iho iotitionot jUiuister of loroign Affair intho new Cabinet.

Bain fell nil ovor California onth" 22 I and crop prospect- - of nilkiuus aro iuiimiib-l- unproved.

I'ho Gorman bark II. Ilackfoldhft San Francisco on tho 25th,with a cargo of wheat for Queens- -town consisting of 43,908 centals,valued at SYa.OOU

J. C. Martin, a leading nttornevof Alatnoda, died suddenly utnoon ou the

Another Spanish spy has beenenptured ou board tho prize Pn- -uama. He attempted to send theSpanish authorities informationconcormng tbo harbor of NewYork.

It is oxpectod that tho UnitedStates will press into service someof tho fiuost vossels of the PacificCoast Steumship Company tocarry moro troops to Manila.

Tho ciontonnial, which wll boouo of tho next floet of transportsto arrive was a Uanisli steamerSun was given American registorin n hurry and ordered to iSnnFrancisco from Sonttle.

The Tenth Pennsylvania Iteci- -mont of Volunteers has arrived atSan I'rnnoisco on route to Manila.This is Pennsylvania's crack regimout.

Everybody knows or hns hoardof Swain's bakery in San Fran-cisco. Its proprietor, B. 15. Swain,is tlead.

Admiinl Montijo, who com-manded tho Spanish llot ntManila, is to be tried for cowardice,and yet Admiral Dowoy himselfwas tho first to congratulate himon his bravery.

A Koy West dispatch says that300 Spaniards woro killed and1100 wounded in tho attack onthe gunboat Nashvillo at Cien-fuego-

Jam's O. Cary, a pioneer lawyerof California, has suicided.

Consul Wildman at Hongkonghas boon promoted to bo Consul-Gouor- al

by Piesidont McKiuloy.Tho promotion takes offoct July 1.

Tho Eighteenth Louisiana Re-giment has boon ordctod to Ma-


Continued on Fifth I'ne.


Pitched Battle With Swords Fought on

Smith Street.

Two Men Nearly Hacked lo Pieces In the

Affray Arrests Made by

the Police.

A bloody battle took plnco eailythis morning between nbotit twen-

ty Japanese, ten on a side. Thoscene of the affray wns that partof Smith street known ns CapoHorn. It ptniti-- d early last even-

ing and tho ciuo of it all was so- -curely locked up in tho policostation when tho real brittle tookplace. It arose ovor tho paymentof money. Hogamura was tho manwho started tho row. lis was ar-

rested by Deputy Marshul Ohil- -liugsworth, after being beaten bythroo of his countrymen.His friends looking for revenuearmed thorns Ives with Bwordsnnd wont to look for hit assailants.Word had been carried to themand they were ready to receivotheir onemies. ltiey lint! pro-vided themselves with 3vrds andclubs aud tho battle commonced.It lastoJ probably fifteen minutesand as a result Iwaoka and Fuji-sim- a

aro at the Queen's Hospital,alive but li'orally cut to pieces.The rent of the combatants escaped arro-- t as, when the policoarrived, ov n body had deeampodexcept the wouinhd, who worounable to move. 1' urtuer arrestswill follow.

A Xtw

AVo are veiy cnxious to showHie public wlmt a co operativestore can do iu tin uny of Mipply-in- g

tho ta l. with trosh importedgroceries. So picas dnu't forcetthat Urn Pil.uua Co - operativeGrocory Co.'s Hture ih now opnfor biisino-s- . Fust shipment ofgoods it'iMt'd pit Mariibt iromtho const. Amoi g the many goodthings she brought ur-- In-h- fro-zen oysters, delicious smokedhalibut, plate corn href, (! lb kitssalt mackerel, smoked bef hams,1 lb bl cks croamery butter, nndmany oilier choice articles. Thinstoro has alwayn enjoyed thoreputation for low prices, but nowunder tho co operative plan wearo better able than ever to com-pete with euMi our celt-stia- l com-petitors. No harm iu giving us atrial. Telephone 755 till now is-s- uo

of book. Goods doliverod toall parts of city and suburbs.Palama Co oi'khativi: Giiocciiy

Co., Ltd.Old stand, opposite Railway

Depot, King streot.

A "Whit" Itlilrr.A "White" rider on a "White"

bicyclo, with a "White" rocord.Such is tho Htandinu of TomCooppr, "ti" of Ih fistest and bestkuowu National Circuit chasers.Watch what ho doeH ou tho Whitethis year Pacific Oyclo nnd Ma-nufacturing Co., itguuts. -

Pictures make excellent wod-di- ng

pronoiits. King BroB., 110Ilotol street.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair.

dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



A Pure Grape Crenm of Tartar Powder.


i, V1.".a ,ji. . AJ.&JLH . t w iJi'hic

tiy"' .lsiht- - ...- -. -- V i,. . ;W .'iri. ,,, '' "- -' '''


Page 2: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,


,r . vwHie'lKf' ""w ' r- - wwrf oiWfffwwwjlpi'fcTpryJJW; nfi

THE EVENlfSb lit' IN: HONOLULU, H. I., JUNE 3, 1898.














Tlicy will appeal lo you now sis ilicynovcr liavc before. No mutter what tlio

price you pay, our SllOISS aro equal to it.

AVe do not advocate buying cheap footwear,

hut inside the prices quoted we can gua-

rantee complete satisfaction in tit, wear andappearance.

A. E. MURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St., Arlington Block.

Just Received Ex


"Mauna Ala."

Hay, Bran, Barley,Surprise Oats, Wheat,Middlings and Cracked Corn.

AVe have also received a fresh supply of

Port Gosta and 'Starr Flours.

California Feed GompanyTelerhone 121.


Manila CigarsReceiving Regularly by Every Steamer

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos,

Pipes and Smokers' Articles.

HOLLISTER CO.,Fort & Merchant

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agency.

Houses for Hunt.Real Kstnte Agent.

Itrukcrs in Japanese Goods.Kniployiiient Admits.

Collodions Mudo.

Ia'ruI mill other clocumciitH trans-lated Into liny language.

Agents for Japan Emigration

Also Shaman ,fc Co., Mnnchurian orChinese laborers.

Room No. 1, Spreokela Illook. Tele-phone 917. 921-- tf

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawuo, Molnkal, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having tiooii entrusted from bnsl-ne- aa

men all over (he iHtanilH for thepast year", 1 am prcritred to nrnkcA,lstrppH of TI'Icm or Dewl In n inn- -'thorough, accurate and complete mnnor, and to negotiate sales or leases o'lands lielorurli u ro thne who ara reaiding at the Settlement on tdiort no-tice. a1.3m


Queen Street.

"Belai 35


By last steamer from the Coast.


At my store, where tho


Is done repairing and new workboth. Pins, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404 Fort St.

Monuments and Headstones,

Tlio undersigned Is prepared to doCKMKTKKY WORK OK ALL KINUS,and Mipply MONUMKNTS and IILAD-STON11- S

of which ho lins a great va-

riety of tho Latost and Most ArtisticDesigns, and will also supply Stono Cop-

ing separately for surrounding como-ter- y

lota.CST Kstlmjitosglvon In Marble, (;ra-nit-

Hawaiian .Stonn, etc.t'00 tf FRKI). HARRISON.

Evening Bulletin 76c per month.

&Corner Streets.



Ill I'lrrt AltEirk rnllt-i- l Tim Mttln l'lrntnTliin 1 iij' Wllliln Short Itnngr.nnil M'lttilltllrn the SpmiMi I'orrn Wat llrtlurcilanil Finally Cnnqtlrrrrt.

A series of hkotclics by Frank 11

Htockton on "Tho Buccaneers of OurConst" Is ono of tho features of St.Nicholas. Air. Stockton tells of tho ad-

ventures of Ilnrtholcmy I'ortugucz,who, with a small crew in n small ves-sel, captured a huge Spanish merchant-man in tho Caribbean M?a. Mr Stocktonsays: The little pirate sailed boldly to-

ward tho big Spaniard, and tho luttirvessel, utterly astonished at tho audac-ity of this attack for tho pirates' lingwas flying lay to, head to tho wind,and waited, the gunners standing bytheir cannon. When tho pirates hadcomo near enough to sco and understandthe si70 nnd power of tho vessol theyhad thought of attacking, they did not,as might have bicn expected, put aboutand sail away at thu best of their vesbcl's spied, but they kept straight onthdr course, as if they wero about tofall upon a great, uuwieldy merchant-man manned by common bailors.

Perceiving the fnolhnrdiucss of thelittle vessul, thu bpaulsh commaiiikrdetermined to givo it a lesson whichwould teach its captain to understandbetter tho rclatiui power of great vesht Is and little cms, so as toon as tbupirates' vessel was near enough ho or-

dered a broadside tired upon it. Tin.''pauislj ship had a great many peopleon board. It had a cruw of TO men, andbesides tlu.- tin re wero some passen-gers and regular marines, and, knowmg that the eaptniu had dctirmiui 1 t

lur iiion the api teaching vessel cm.vbody had pitluiul en dick tu mi tinlittle pirato sblp go down.

But the ten grii.t cant'on balls " '

were slut out at Uardiolcnij 'i ntiecraftall iuis-- i d their nun, and lulur. (.

ilim could be ieln..ilid iv llio gutil .ijn gi t an, mil so i.i todehir Ik i . hi i

tmmilsiilo tlii' pi' te i m I m' ,ii :

in i I h' i . ,ii I i y li.nl ii 'i iiil liis llililli II. . t.lll glllm Null ll . 1, -

, aimt su haye a In. Wlntl.ew , iiv was a li.iiidtnlmiilci.ui.il i .i tin

!. i i' ..i !i ..!(i re 1 i .t It ..11 n " li )

.ork. They had tl.nun midi 111..fuis mi'' . i 1 s n il iui bof tl in i re

,i inc into a t ihitlj I t mil with iluircuthis-- t ii' lit n Mi: i.i.d tluir p.htuls and I.imm's in thur l.ilts tinysiiainlih'd lik' inoiikcys iii the sith . ofthe gteut shi. l'.ut Spauiiuds me l.iavemm anil guild lighters there wue n oiethan twin' ns iniiuy of them as thinwiro of thu pirates and it was notlong bctoro tho latter found out thatthey could not capturu that vessol byboarding it. So over the sido they turnbled as fast as they could go leavingsome of their number dead and woiiudidbehind thtni. They juiupid into theirown vessel, and then they put off to ashort (listaueu to take breath and gotready lor a different kind of light. Thotriumphant (Spaniards now prepared toget rid of this boatload of half nakedwild beasts, which they could easily doif they took better aim with their can-non than they had douu biforo.

But to their amazement they soonfound that they could do nothing withtho guns, nor wero tiny ablo to worktheir ship so as to get it into positionfor effectual shots. Bartholeiny and hismen laid aside their cutlasses and theirpistols mid took upmuskets, with whichthey were well provided. Their essellay within very short range of tho Span-ish ship, and whenever a man could hofctcn through thu portholes or showedhimself in tho rigging or anywhero olsowhere it was necessary to go in orderto work the ship ho uiado himself a tar-get for tho good aim of thu pirates. Thopirato vessel could move about as itpleased, for it required but a fow mento manage it, and so it kept out oftho way of tho Spanish guns, and itsbust marksmen, crouching closu to thodeck, (lrcd and llred whenever a Span-ish head was to bo seen.

For flvo long hours this unequal con-test was kept up. It might have re-

minded ono of u man with a slender rodnnd a long, delicate lino who hadhooked a big salmon. Tho man couldnot pull in tho salmon, but, on tho otherhand, tho salmon could not hurt thuman, and in tho course of time tho bigllth would bo tired out and tho manwould get out his lauding net and scoophim in.

Now, Bartholeiny thought ho couldscoop in tho Spanish vessel. So manyof her men had been shot that tho twocrows would bo more nearly equal. Sohe boldly ran his vessel alongside thebig ship and again boardid her. Thentliero was another great fight on thedecks. Thu Spaniards had ceased to hotriumphant, but they had become

and in thu furious combat tenof thu pirates woru killed and fourwounded. But tho Spaniards faredworse than that. Moro than half of thomen who had not been shut by tho pi-

rates went down beforo their cutlassesii ml pistols, and it was not long beforeBartholeiny had captured tho greatSpanish ship

It was a fearful and a costly victoryho had gained. A great part of his owumen wero lyiug dead or helpless on thodeck, ami of tho Spaniards ouly lOwcroleft alive, and thuso, it appears fromtho accounts, must havo been nearly allwounded or disabled.

Nicoly fiirnishnd roomB at tho'opulnr EJoubo. lfi-- Fort street

from S1.00 per week up.

Foie GrasA delicacy sought ufter by eonuo-IsMMi- rs

in all parts of tho world; It

is rich nnd delicate, nnd Is used nt

banquets nnd for lunches at even-

ing parties.

To servo Pate do FoloOrns Is to bo

ultra fashionable.

No house In Honolulu carries any-

thing like tho variety in this line

that wo do. Oitraxsoitnienlis very

largo and complete.


aro olives stuffed with pluilcntos,

a sweet Spanish Popicr.Bven tho brino tastes good.

Thoy nro a rich morsel, delighting

tho palato ami assisting digestion.

An oIInc fork freo with each bottle.

Lewis & Co.


J lave your "Rubber

stamps n uuk' by

tlio llAAVAllAX

Xhws Co., Lt'd.,and obtain tlio

lowest prices in

town. Satisfac-

tion guaranteed.Call and examine

our new line of" UNIVERSALStamp Holders."

,raiian fa Co, Lli

Merchant Street.

Turkevs ! Turkeys !


Alive, Dressed or Roasted.


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs


Central Moat Market

Nunanu Street.Leave Your Ordors Early.

TeleiDhone 1 04z.


Try to


Tho fact that clothes "cntallgnro"In tho careor of a man. l'eoplo

with yon havo no otliorway of jiidglngyoiir financial Htand-In- g

or responsibility. If you buyfrom tho averago u

tailor, nlno chancoH out of ton you'llget a dressmaker')) mako. Tho wolldrossod man all othor things uelngequal will mako moro money thantho man who is caroloshly drossod.


The Hotel Street Tailors.

Vavorley Block.





FOR RENT:1 COTTAOK, eontalnliiB parlor, .'! bed-

rooms, dining-room- , etc., and out-houses; second cotlngo from Pauoallrldgo on I'iiiicIiIkiwI streot. Forterms apply to abovo at 1!10 Kingstreet.

MAKIKI IIoumj of 1) rooms. Kleclrlclights complete. Lot l.'ixUCiO. Hothoiiso, stable, earilagu house, ser-vants qunitcrs ami chicken liou-- o.

Kruit and ornamont.ilti'ccs,

NUUAXU VALI.KY-Hoiis.- Mif 7 rooms,(iood stable and servants qua rlers.Ui acres of land, will lease fur aterm at a low rental.

T1I11KK NKW COTTAOICS on Kingstiect, near Waiklki road.


MAKIKI Houso of (1 largo rooms. Kith,kitchen and pantry; largo hall,veranda on 2 sides. Klectric lightscomplete.

MAKIKI llullding lot 7.".10.'J.

l'HO.sr-1'X- STKKKT Uiillding lot75x150.

175x200 Valuablo lot In fashlonablorosldonco poition of the city. Palms,fruit and ornamental trees. A desi-rabl- o

lot for anyone contemplatingbuilding.

HKIU'TI'ANIA STHKirr Improved pro-perty. Lot 200x2!l0 through to u

streot. Two lino rosidem-es- ,

Stables and servants quarters.Urounds well covered with shadotrees, plants and llowors.








OLAA LANDS.A lino Colleo Itniieh of 118 net oh leaso- -

llolil. 2(1 acres cleaned and tindorcultivation planted with 1 year oldcolleo trees.

Kxcollont bargain in a Collect Plantationof 100 acres. Keo slmplo. 70 acresplanted In colleo trees from 2 to 3years old. Kino dwelling house aniloutbuildings.

A 00 nero Colleo Hunch In fee simple,facing on tho Volcano ltoail. l&ni'ios In colleo. ( months aihanced.'

A .'10 aeio Colleo Kami, leasehold pio-piirt- y.

I iieies are planted with I

year old loll'ee trees and IS nereawith 2 year old trees. The ownerwill clear and plant 2 acres addi-tional freo of charge for tho pur-chaser.

2S(I acres of unimproved colleo land Justhack of the Volcano Head. 110 footroad leading to the land.

A Colleo Plantation of 51 acres only 9mllcH from 1 1 llo. 20 acres plantedlit colleo. A houso and Improve-ments on property.

200 acres foo slmplo. 50 acros undercultivation. :t(),000 bearing trees.(Iood rosideiico, htablo and laborersqua iters.

255 acres feo simple :i() acres cultl-ate- d.

KONA LANDS.12 acres In Holualoa. 12 acres In coll'oo

2 to I) years old. Laborers houso,wator tank. etc.. on samo.

H acres on now novernment road. Allpianioti in colleo from .'! to I yearsold. laborers houso. .Situated inKapalaalaoa, North Kona.

50 acres -- a portion cultivated. 2 storyiramu uweiung.

3000 acres feo slmplo. 1000 acres thobest of colleo lands. 1)0 acres nndorcultivation. 5 laborers houses andstoro houso at landing.


Finest Coffee Plantation on the Islands. 240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000Trees in Bearing, present crop estimated at 20 tons. Pulping

Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

of Water. One Mile from Landing.

Greenwich Fire Insurance Company


nsrs-,v7v- r


EMMETT MAY, Superintendent of Agencies.

210 KINO ST., HONOLULU. ... p. o. BOX 101.


Page 3: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,

) A

vrttflrF 5 v

Claos Spriokels, Wm. G. Ibwin.

bankers.lOHIObUItU H. I.

Ban Francisco AgentsTun Nbvada Bank orBan FkImoisco.


Cam Francisco Tho Nevada Bank of BanFrancisco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.Niw Vore American Exchange National

Bank.CmoAoo Merchants National Bank.Faius Coraptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.Obiilin Dreadner Bank.UONOKONQ AND TOKllllAMA llonRkOIIg it

Shanghai Hanking Corporation.Nbw Zealand and AcsTiiALtA Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Banking aniEichange Business

Depolsta Received. Loans made ou Ap-

proved Security. Commercial and TravelerCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange noughland sold.Collections Promitlt accouhtki) For

Etillisliel I03S


Transact n Genoral Bankingand Exchange Business.

Connnercml mid Fravolur'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able m all tho principal citiesof the ivorld

Interest allowed after July1, 18!)S, on fixed deposits 3mouths 3 per cent., (i months3i per cent., 12 months 1

per cent.

Tjje ooharaa Jpscie Bank;UMITKU.

Bubsoiibod Capital Yen 12,000,000Paid Op apital Yen 7,500,01)0

Besom. a ml Ven 5,484.fi0n



Kobe, Loudon, Lyous, New nrh,Hun Kraucisco, Shanghai,

Bombay, Hong Kong,

TrauMOtii lenjrui Banking ind Eiohange Uasiness.

qenoy Yokohama SpetiH

Hew Kepnollc Balimw. ill nina su flowinih

Pioneer Building xnaL an Association.

Assets July, 1807, $118,708.25.

Money Loaned ou ,iniv(l leeurit).A rUvlu,4 liuuk fur Monthly Un"sitaHouses tuilt ou nn- - M.iiublv liistulliueii

Flan.Fifteenth Series ol Stouk now oou.

Pormrthor particulars apply io

V. V. GWAll.CUnuliMI of OoUi.ncrv. lloOUls

Offloe 'ionrs. I2:.m - ' ' ". "-- f

.i. a. WA.LiK.mcGeneral Aoent roil Hawaiian Islands.

Royal Insurance Oompauy.AIiUioj Assurance Company.Alliance Marine, and Oeueral Assurance

Co inn. ivBau Lite Assnrauoei Coinpauy of CanadaWillitilina of Mudgebnrg Insurance Com-

pany.Scottish Onion and National Insnrauot

Comi) my.

Room U' dpreckols Block, Honolulu, (1. 1

BftUCE CART WRIGHT.Ueneral Manager of

The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Or the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr'ot Morobant street, Honolulu i


The celebrated EntkrphishBkkr on Draught and inB atlos. .

i. fY k CO.,

1 Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

Telei.noner 22 P.O. Box 470

& CO , Ltd


225 Queen stroot, Honolulu, H, 1,

i HQP WO COMPANY.King Stieot, l'.tlaco Square.

J t Merohant Tailor.'I Crash Duck ami Linen Suit mndo to

orilor. Kino assortment of now ami latestdoslgns Just nrrlvoil. Perfect Kit Guni-anto-

Lowost Prices.

Tjr" TFWQP"'" ."'t'tVr!'ri


Ask Your Doctorwhat effect alum has upon the stomach. Thenmake up your mind whether you will put anymore low-pri- ce baking powder into your husband'sor children's food.

Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar andsoda. Nothing else. M

Art Portraits

Chesney W. ICwing, a lending por-trait painter of Sun Francisco, isnow In Honolulu and connected withour studio. His work hero is already

On Exhibition

and admired by all who Bee It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfeslzo to miniatures. A spe-cialty Is iimde of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Get your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. 1'hotogruphlng by tholatest science, with special regard toposing- - and grouping, still makesours tho

Best Place.

At tho old stand In Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

;or. Alnkca & Tlalekanwila Bts.

iuh u Urge assortment of

handehers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly ou hand.

tatimnted given for houso wir-U- 4"ud Elwitricul plants.

I irtno Win.ig u apooialty.


Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatestStyles


FurnitureOf all kinds.

Port Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

WineWoTai&Co.214 Nuuanti Street.

UnoIoId :. (Jolt'ce :. Mills

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcoffee, wo aro prepared to buy and cleancoffee in the parchment.


Coffee !Apply to

H. HAGKFELD & CO., Ltfl,

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - Gold & Sil-e- r

jyji versmith.No. 417 Nunauu street, next to Love's


D?" Ciikafest is Town .MX

tdJt .


er's ifamsliij) (M


O. h. WIQUT, I'rej. 8. B. ItOSE.Seo.Cnpt. J. A. KINO, I'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Wllloivo Honolnln at 10 a. m., tonoliitiuulLuhiiiu.1, Mn.ilacu Hay and MuLenu tlitsame dayj Mnhukonn, Knwaihaeund

tho following day, arriving iUilo tho same evening.


rhur.sday...June () Wed'sday... June 8Tuesday.. Juno '2 Saturday.. Juno 18Friday Julv 1 Wed'sday..Jtiuo 20Tuesday... July 1" Saturday July n

Returning, will leave Hilo at I o'olookf. M., touching at Lunpahuehoe, Mahnjona and Kawnihae same day; Makoni.Maalaea May and Lahaina tho followlui)day; arriving at Honolulu tho afternoonfof 1 uesday and Fridays.

Will oalt at Pohoiki, Pnna.l"No Freight will be reoeived Bfti9 A. ii. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Comrrunder,

Vill leave Honolulu 1 uesday at 6 p. u.itouching at Kahulni, Hnua, Hamoa andKipahuu, Maui. Returning arrives illionoluln Sniiday mornings.Will call at Nnn, Kanpo, on second tnt

it each month.No - reight will bu received a(U

4 r. m. on nay of sailing.

This Company will reserves the rinht Umake changes in the time of departure am?irrival of its stoatners without notice anIt will not be responsible for any s

arising therefrom.ConsiKiiiH must br at the l.aiidmcs ttreceive their Frlit; this Company will

uot hold itself responsible for freiahl aftpiit has been landed.

Live Stock onlv at owner'x risk.This Compiny will not be resnonsil.i

tor Uonoj or Valuables of iinsseiitfMrnnle-i- s iilaceil In Hie pi.. i.f !.luekiiges oontuliiliig jiursoiinl oircets,whotlior Nbli)iod as baugago or froigbt,if tho uoiilonts tboroof oxeood $1011.00 invaluo, must luivo tho valuo thereofplainly stated and marked, mid thoCollirUHV will lint Iwilil lLnlf II..1.1.. .

nny loss or diiuiago In excess of thisHum oxecpt tho goods bo shipped iindori njimjiiii vitiuniei,

AH oniployoos of tho Company nroforblddon to roeoUo freight without

a shipping receipt therefor intho form proscribed by tho Companyand which may bo soon by shipiKirsupon application to tho powers of thoCompany's .Steamers.

Shippers aro notified that if froigbt Isshinned ulthmit miwIi rn...itt. it .. m i.sololy at tho risk of tho shipper.

.. ...luuKoii, are roiiuesutd to purohaBCticket I teforo ombarking. Those failing todo HO will A illlllfant tn on n.llt.nnnloharge of twonty-liv-o tier cenU


t1 Mmi. vk!.fT

n M 1 llMrRAlV.iTrtrL'U'' vi 1

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" s"gogCwan f.2i a vl

3 B3 SSaSo-g,!!- .

I- -

s. eg a

1 :-- 8rBl2rrolRBag

? s go r k

mm t "0 $s

f. '"'wr. f ?

Evening Bulletin. 7ft pur month


"Whonwowrro stntloncd at Port Conway, below Fredericksburg, n wontingparty of our pcoplo lind what nilnlit beoalled n very narrow osciih) froin nn lnvobuntnry trip to lllchinund ns prisoners,"

u Bcrguiint of tho Fifth Pennsyl-vania cavalry, who, with other oulistcdmen, was ruhitlng Ids experiences. "Yousee," snld he, "wo had been tent out byGeneral Dnynrd to soo what thu cnoiuywero doing. Kvcry thing Wont rlslit untillliout 4 o'rlock. Wo hadn't neon nny oflliii unuiiiy nnd wero lnarchlim to campBKnln. whon the lieutenant thought he'dleo what wns In a liuiiHoover on our rlpiit.Whon wo nrrhed nt the house, wo foundtioono at home but nn old woman, twovouiig glrlsnnil half n dozen feinaloHhncsWo dlsinoiintcd nnd naked for soinutlilngto cat. 'Ihoro wnsn t n mouthful of any-thing In tho houo; thu woiiicn wtru fedby n sondii-la- over by Port Conway.Thoro wasn't n horse or othor nnlinnl to buseen nbout thu whole plnco.

" 'Aro there no men about?' asked thelieutenant.

" 'Not ono,' replied tho lady, with dignlty. 'They nro nil In tho Coiifcileratcorniy. If jou lire lifter thorn, you'll haeto ko where they nro to find them.'

" 'Thanks,' laughingly replied the lieu-tenant. 'Wo lmo no particular wish togo on tho other shlo of tho river nt pres-ent.'

"'Perhaps you niny go,' Mild tho lady,'without any deslro.'

" Wo nioiintcd nnd wero soon on our wnyto Port Conwny, distant nbout six inlle.

''As wo rodo along I thought our linttho lady had wild. Did 8he mean n thnat,or was it only woman's talk! I rodo up totho llcutonant and wus Just about to men-tion tho thing to li in when from n clumpof bushes there sounded such it shout n 1hail never liuird before. Oiirinen woioscat-tore-

oor about halt n mllo of road, andthem wns no chance to get them togi therAs It was, I don't bellco any effort wnsinndo, for ench man seemed to be tnklngeuro of hliiKclf. As I pulled up I sawnbout n dozen Johnnies making towardme. 'Surrender, you Yankee , owe'll fill you full of holes!' I could donothing, so thought discretion tho betterpart of valor and pulled up whero I stood.'Dismount!' cried n big fellow, alining hisgun nt mo. I dismounted nnd wns ledInto tho woods, whero I found n numberof our men who bad been pro lenity cap-tured. There wus another sergeant

myself, and I asked him how manythere wuro of in lie told mo that ninehod been captured w ith him. Wn did nothalt long In tho woods, butwvro soon tak-en oer by tho rIor, there to wait untiltho others cnine in. Only three men weroloft to guard us, but us wo wero withoutarms that was iiultu enough. While wowere sitting on the rlor bank bemoaningour fntu I noticed n llttlo plecu of ncwspii-pe- r

Hunting on thu surface of the water. Ipiny ihI with It nubile, then drew It forth.Ghid to do iin tiling to pass tho time, Isat down and lookul it over. Down In onecorner I read tho story )f u woman throw-ing ltrlol Into another's eyes.

"Win ii you lumi giinn up In despair,when nolhtig but n nbel prison standsbcloro you, )otir thoughts are somewhatllely. Jllno wero nt any rate, nnd Iprajed for mi ouiilu (,l vitriol nt that t.

Hut thu rncr was In uln. I hadnn vitriol, iiinl i utlilng to take Its plaie.io wtru sluing In ilm s'linl, and tho

guards were inll.li g to us like old friends.AlluKi in 1 tnr..d i.i. I li.ul nn Idcnthat looked icisiblu. wli.its tlio matterwith samlr I lokul iivmIi. If wo couldiiiiinngo to (.i t a ham i.! of Kind In callguard's c)is, wo might csuipe. It was nnilisilintlon. '1 Ini nioro I thought of It tho!iionfi-iiil- It I .. ii. nail I got hi ncr-ou- s

thiiiKli i. ii in.it Idiuliln tsltstill. I sat now ii anil got up. Iwalkulnstnr ns I doutl ami sntdown again. Woprisoners wiroiill together and I thoughtof some plan by which I might eouimiinl-(iituwli- h

Ihooihcrs. Thogii.ml siiriotindcil us, and it looked to hu lni ossililo.

"I niiido sly motions to the other ser-geant, but ho was so iniiih taken up with hNow n nllairs that ho couldn't uniliT.-iiini-l.

niullgiivu up the blui it attraLtliig hisattention. Hlght next to mu was a liuloYork county Dutchman. I'd try him. Iwhispeiul that If wo could coat a handfulof sand into each guard's eyes wo mightescape. lie was u cunning little duck and

grasped the Idea and signaledthat tt was all right. 1 saw him look forsand right away. Then I whispered toanother man, nnd ho signaled that hu underMooil, and hu lookul for sand. In thisway I liianugid tocommunlcuto tho ideato the others, and In n llttlo while I hadsix men In thu secret. I had no doubt thattho ot hers would gut It as scm in they sawthe point.

"Wo had been waiting about half unhour, nod the guards wero becoming rest-less. They stood about and talked to c.ichother mid to us. Then I entered Into aconversation with tlioin nbuiit the war,and I saw the York euunty man gather ndouble handful of sand; then hiiiio of theothers did thu same, nnd ono wuuhl ha uthought that wu Yanks wcru niud i lciiiHiiim without doubt had they seen thelmliiatiy of thusu men. 1 had not got mysand jet, but I determined to bo In It anilsoon h tt tl i guiiid ami uilleilnl uiys.iiid'Ihootliir un u were sitting about, think-ing of tin ir till, to rcliclilum. whin I sml.(leiil) oioso ns if to depart, whu.li (iiu-e- d

the guard to look about. '1 he next Inktant I had dashed n handful of fund illrecti) into his e.vis, and he was swearingus only a trooper can. 1 looked about midsaw that the other guaids hud been takeneuro of by (sir fellow a and won siainporIng about, rubbing their e)cs lUo mad-men. Wo were not long In disarmingthem mill making them prisoners. It wastill ocr In less than two minutes. Whenwo had shared their sabers pistols andcarbines among us nnd weru masters oftlio situation, wo walked them duwn totho rlvcrand assisted them to get the sandout of their c)os. Then wo took theirhuliits and tied them. Thus far therohadn't been a loud word spoken, oxceptwhen we dashed the sand Into thulr e)cs.They But for a time In stoical sllemu; then,us If the eomleiil sldu of thoiiiralr had justoccurred to them, they set up a laugh inwhich wo all Joined." Kxchangu.

Window poles nnd fittings.King Bros., 130 Hotel streot.

For a uicQ dean bImvo or nnartistic; hair cut drop in to tho EliteBarbor Shop, King streot, nearAlakou.

The Remington Typewriter




BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.UiSrThisis tlio HiaiiEST Possible Awaiid, ranking

abovo a Gold Medal.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LtdSole

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fine Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at am

Loavo This Port as Horeuudor.

From San Francisco:ZEALANDIA 8MOANA Juno 22



For San Francisco:ZEALANDIA Juno 14ALAMEDA



In connection witLi the sailing of tho nbovo steamers, tho Agentsaro prepared to issue, to intouding passougors, coupon throughtickota by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in thiUnitod States, and from Now York by any stoamship lino to allEuropean ports.

For furthor particulars apply to

G. & Co.,General Agents Oceanic IS. S. Co.






v W4f

Wm. Irwin Limited,

A NATURAL MEOICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Disouaes of tho Kidnoyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since IVe Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Oreiied Up anCnvoice of . . .

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING P'J;ifOR.Oivo them trial. Money hack you dou't like thorn. Al,.u, just roceived

Choice Block Butter, Kita CreuineryFidelity Brand Bae in, Uauis, Crackers unrl Cnkeb.

Mild Chei'so, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potitoes, lrtc., Ktc, Etc

I.I.Kl'HONB, ua- -


u if

Chas. Hustace,212 King street, next to the Arlington.


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Booelvod by Every 1'aoket from the Eastern Btates and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PB0DU0E BY EVERY BTEAMEBAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to rut

Fart of the Oity FBEE,

-- l'. O. IIOX 140

General Agents Sanitarium of HealthOmoiu Bouorrmn,

COBNERSaiisvactiok Qdajukiso


for tlio Brand Foods(iLAjro


Page 4: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,

rm ?W1yn W VI vm--- , pw,f Jiuiwiiy,wiyry'fy'!v. "


Evening BulletinPublished livery Day except

Sunday at 21(1 King street,lloiioliilu, II. I.


Per Month, anvwhoro In tlio lln- -

uallan Islands $ 75Per Year 8 00Per Yeiir, ostaid to Aniorien,

Canada or Mexico 10 00Por Year, miMkiI1, other Foreign

Countries la 00


TKUII'lloVIN:Iluslnoss Ollleo "'nIlitoi till Room lit!)

1. O. Hox 401.

A.V Oi:AH...rulil!lieranil ProprietorI)anii:i. I.ooan ICdltorC. A. l'Kl'HUio.v Manager

FRIDAY, TUNE 3, 1898.

Aliierliiiii Mlxlonnrira Safe.

Sierra Leone, West Const of

Africa, May 21. A forco of troopsLiiR relieved tlio uiissiouuriea nndotlu it it Kwi'llu, whi'se lives wereimperilled by the uprising of thenntiven, who rebelled ngninflt thoimposition of the but taxes.

Tho bodies of the Americanmissionaries who wore murderedwhen the insurgents aMnoked anddostroynl the town of llotinu, intho early part of tho presentmonth, hnvo been recovered andburied.

A Unlet WVilillutr.

Kov. D. P. Bimio ollicinted at

tho marriage of Mins M.iry Marg-aret Schmidt to Edwin H. Parislast evening. The ceremony tookplace at tho residence of tho bride'sfather and was strictly private,only the immediate relatives anilfriends beiou present. The bridewas attended by her eister, MisMinnie Schmidt, while CharlenWeight net d us tho groom's bestmnn.

Tho young couple aro well andfavorable known in this city andhave the best wishes of all fortheir future happiness.

Tin1 Olil Comitifrcliil.

This well kuowu place has beenplaced under the management ofP. I' IIvhii tlmn whom no ono isbett'-- r kuowu as u dtspeuecr ofliquid refreshment. Tho Com-mercial is the oldest drinkingplaco in the city. It has been en-

tirely renovated and is tho coolestand mot comfortable snloon intown. The celebrated John Wio-la- nd

beer on draught as well asall brauds of the best wiDes andliquors. Corner of Berotania andNuuauu sheets. Telephono 323.

Vlilne Tor Value.

When vou want to cot the valueof your money go and examine tholareo r'ock ot cairinges, wagoncand harness at Schuman's Carriago llopository, Club StableBlock, street. no nasjust recoivod ex W. G. Irwin anow lino of horso millinery alsoa few of the colebrnteu Cortlandjump seat buckboards with cauopy tops, Guiehed in light colorsthroutzhouf. They aro beautiesComo and oxamino thorn. Priceof all these goods ate lower thanelsewhere.


riiki Mull i:ietiiut.Tho first of tho Slato elections

to come off this year will bo thatin Oregon on Juno (i, when agovernor and full list of Stateofficials, two Congressmen anda L gislature which will elect aUnited States Senator aro to beelected. Tho election will bo ofgeneral interest as showiug howMcKinley's foreign policy is re-ceived by tho people at latgo.

"There Ale Oilier Pvlililea."

But do not for a momont thinkthat the Anchor Saloon is justliko them. Liquid refreshments,to be refreshing, require a certaindash of skill and experience in themixing. Carlylo and Andrewsmake a. great success in this de-partment and stand ready to satis-fy patrons in tho mattor of Seattlebeer on draught, its well as all thebest brands of whisky, viz: JohnDownr's Scotch, O. P. S., etc., andfrom a full lino of othor liquorand wines cannot fail to fill eventhe mo6t exacting and varieddemand.

Your photos will soon bo spoil-ed if exposed without gloss overthem. Ivi' g Hros have struck nvory neut and inexpensive way ofdoing up photos which is givinggroat satisfaction. 110 Hoteletreet.


Continued from First Pane.

as well as tho children would bavoplhjed "bookiy" today if they hadnot been granted a holiday.

It is tho numbor ofvoluntei r who availed themselvesof the priviloijo of usinc thoLegislative rooms to write homoin. II day yesterday there whsa crown oi men occupying ino(Icsks. it in (iiiicrout wnu inoSpii ish soldiers, only ono in tivool whom can write hi own lauguace.

Tho Oregon and Washingtonheadquarters on Fort stroet arewell patronized.

Harry and Eiauk Turtou, formerly of Lahitina, are with tho

Among the many newspapertiien in tho expedition aro It. Ulloss of the Examiner and W. D.Dodson of the Oregouiim

P. C. Jones and AW A. Kinneypaid foi all the soda diiiuk by thesoldiers at Hobron's fountain yes- -

terdav, and thoto was lots of it.At the rate the inrls aro going

after I hem, soldier's buttons willbo a scarco commodity m Manilaharbor.

The boys nro united in theirdesire to be allowed to sleep on

ek after leaving Honolulu.They will bo furnished witheooln- - clothing aftor loaviug thisport.

Sonntor Ilolstein is deservingof a word of praise for tho way heis acting as one of the hosts intho Senate Chamber. Ho 6tayedat his post all day yestorday andwas untiring in catering to thewants of tho numerous visitors.

Dr. O'Brien, who is with thePeking, was Heallh Officer of SanFrancisco until he boarded thevessel. Tho members and attachesof the Board of Health presentedhim with ii diamond ring just before the vessel sailed, as a memen-to of their good wishes.

One of the California compan-ies has a large contingent of football players in its ranks. Ouo ofthe boys said in a Waikiki carye&terdny that if thoy couldn't killthe SpnniH'ds any othor vriy tln--

eould kick tho stuffing out of thornat close quarters.

Oscar King Davis of the NowYork Sun is one of the newspapernon with tho expedition. JMr.Davis is a well known writer, whohas a largo acquaintance in theUnited States Navy, as much ofhis work iu recent years has beenreporting the testing of now warvessels. He was on the Columbiaduring her recent trial trip, andwas ordored to Manila just the daybefore tho Columbia received or-

ders to join the Key West squadron. Mr. Davis will send cabledispatches and mail letters to theNow York Sun, and will writedescriptive letters for Harper's

V eekly, to which ho contributedrecently some graphic letters fromthe Columbia.

Surgeon A. B. O'Brien is anold schoolmato of the Mcluomyboys.

A. E Murphy has mot a greatnumber of old frionds from theC ast.

Ketrigau, tho noted athlete oftho Multnomah Club of Portland,is a member of tho 2nd Oregon.Ho is suffering with appendicitis.

Ward Eaton, formerly assistantSecretary of the Sunset TolephonoCo of San Francisco; Rowland B.Ellis,bookkeeper in the same concein; StouHbury Morris, law part-ner of R. Porter AbIio of SanFrancisco and Arthur F. Lund-ber- g,

head salosman in Shrovo itCo 's San Francisco jewelry house,are privates in tho California Volunteers.

Tho doctors on the Peking condemned tho quarters of two wholocompanies on the voyago down.Thoy wore near tho boilers nndvvre so hot tunt tho men couldnot sleep.

The Hammer brothers, Fredand Gus, were among tho mauyfamiliar faces seen with tho soldiers.

Senator Rico distributed oranges,etc., among tho callers at tho Sen-at- o

chamber."Wo thought wo wore givon a

good seud-off,wh- we loft 'Frisco"said a number of Californiansyesterday, "but it was nothing toHonolulu. Wo Bhall rememberthis m long as wo live."

"Whose (IpfI; nro I using ?" wfsa frequent question in tho SonnteChamber yesterday, "I want tot II tho folks at homo all aboutthis great rjcoption."

An extra lot of stationery hasbeen ordered printed by tho Son-at- e,

as it is found tho boys liko thoprinted headings as memoutoos ofthoir visit.

Androw Brown made a goodOutside Sentinel at tho main gatetoday and kopt out that olomeutof the population which usuallycarries empty gunny 6acks to afoast.

First Sorgt. Wm. Flynn, Co. D,and First Sergt. Frank Warren,Co. II, 1st Reg. California Volun-teers, wore among the numerouscallers at the BuLLirriN office yes-torday afternoon. Aftor regalingthe office with many intoiestingincidents of tho trip down and intorchaugiug cigars, good wishesand other good things, CompanyD lined up ami gave tlireo clieorsfor thoBULLUTiN.

The Myrtle and Healani boathouses were thronged with thoboys iu blue yesterday. Thoywere there to got a bath, and oversix hundred troops woro nccommodatod at tho two clubs. Wlulothe troops arc hero thoy are wel- -como to the club houses.

Senator Rico impressed two ofhis good-looki- ng boys as assistaut postmasters at the Senatepoitoflico today and thoy worokept busy.

Portraits enlarged from smallphotos to lifesize. King Bros.,110 Hotel stroet.

Minister Cooper publishes anotice to the effect that the publicschools will close for the summervacation on June 21, instead ofJuly 1.



Change In Time of Closing Schools for tbe Sum

nier Vacation.

On account of the silling days offoreign and domestic steamers fallingin the last week of the present month,and for the accommodation of manyteachers and pupils who wish to takethe same, the date of closing the Gov-

ernment Schools throughout the Re-

public for the Summer Vacation hasbeen changed from Friday, .luly 1st, toFriday, Juno 24th.

HEXUY K. COOPER,Mlrlstcr of Public Instruction.

O. T. Itodgern, Secretary. (WO-M- s

School Notice.

!y order of tlio Mlnistor of Public In-

struction tho (iovornment Schools inHonolulu will be closed nil FHIDAY,Juno it. C. T. HODfiKHS,

!129-- lt Secretary.

moneeiiBuilding arjri Loan Jactation

The Regular Monthly Meeting willlie livid at the Chamber of Commerceon MONDAY EVENING, June (I,

lfe!)S, at 7:H(f o'clock.lirdf Payments are required in Gold

Coin. A. V. GEAR,0.10-- Secretary.

Notice, Red Men !

All Ilrotliors of Hawaiian Trllm, No. 1,I. II. It. M., will meet nt their Wigwamat Harmony Ha I, King Stieut, tills sloopat tho Miwmtli run ami thlitieth breath.All members mid visiting biotbersaiouiged to bonrosont.

KDWIN KAH.Mr.lt,.Sachem.

;. l. i:i)vahi).s,0.10 It C. of 11.


The following Drafts issued by tlioPortuguese Mutual Benellt Society ofHawaii with dates as hereunder hav-ing been lost, payment of such draftslias been stopped. The public arehereby warned not to negotiate tliosame:

Draft No. (loll, dated Dee. 1:1, 1807,favor of Manuel Niiiich, $12.50.

Draft No. 1104, dated Dec. 13, lfe97,fnvorofjoso Lulz, 841. 23.

Draft No. (Krt, dated Due. 13, 1897,favor of J. F Splnola, 812.50.

AUGUSTO C. PErfTANA,Secretary II. D.

Portuguese M. 11. Society of Hawaii.ItoWIt

Genuine Chicken Tanks



AT- -

108 iioti:lsthi:i;t. iu7-t- f

jimely Jopie

AAY 9, 1898.

Last week we drew your at-

tention to the good qualities ofthe Aermotor Steel Windmillbut did not mention the factthat although the Aermotor will

pump more water than anyother mill, even with a poorPump, still even it will not doits best work unless attachedto a good pump.

We keep in stock to go withour 16ft. geared mills the

Gould Triple

Acting Pump,

which will furnish from 8000to 10,000 gals, per hour.

For our smaller nulls wehave a pump which is manu-factured by the

Aermotor Co. Itselfand is just the thing for thosewho want a pump that ischeep and, at the same time,the best of its kind.

tup:Hawaiian Hardware Co,


NO. 307 FORT STRTCET,Opposite Spreekelp' Bank.

silifeISnceco.OP -:- - CANADA.

Summary of the Annual Report for 1897.

Now Life Applications re-

ceived during 1N07.... $1 (1,292,75 1 02Inercaso oor lh'.ni 5,182,402 7!)

Cnshlnconio for year end-ing :11st Dee., 18117.... 2,21!,S!M 71

Incieaso oor I8t)tl 7 I

Assets at .'lint December,18'J7 7,322,:t71 4

Increaso over 18!i(l O.H,220 78Hesorvo for Security of

Policyholders 0,850,752 OS

(According to Hm. Fourper cent. Tablo )

Increase oor IS'ld 021,552 5(1

Surplus over nil Liabili-ties, except Capital... 31 1,220 13

(According to Hm. Fourpor cent. Tablo.)Surplus over nil Liabili-

ties and Capital Stock 5S:t,271 08(According to Canadian(Jov't Standard, Hm. VAHir cout.)

Surplus ovor all Liabili-ties, except Capital... Iis8,272 OU

(According to CanadianGov't Standard, AM purcont.)Claims Paid During 18U7 10:1,071 37

Bishop & Co., Bankers,


J. H. FORTEOTJS,920- - lin Inspector.

Just arrived pur Zealand la

Whole Wheat FlourGraham, in 10 and 50

lb sacksRolled WheatRolled Oats, in 7 lb sks

And nil sorts of meal stull.

O. E,. & L. Co.rxt&fg: ""ftSusSS

iiiivnr m is' - '"- -mmmmmimrz.

mWz$SMTmmmBmmS&L ' --gUJLJl

To "W"eiieil-u.i- .

Until further notlco tlio Train lenv- -

!LHwut,mitsenV'Returning will arrive in Honolulu at8:S3a.m..liilly. 025 tf

Tlie Evming Bulletin, 75 els. permonth.

FowtNDfh Aiiui iBtiiiiOK THE


June II, 1898.


Uncos will commence nt a.m. sharpon tho 11th.

I. MKHCH ANTS' lTllSlI: TiotlliiK,and 1'iifiiiK to harness. Host 12 ) :i;JiTi!) class, l'urso l.".().

j. union n:i:i) ro.s rn: liun- -

nlnj; race; half mile d.isli. I'roe fornil. I'nrso $10 added. To 1 wontwice.

.1. HAWAIIAN .KH'Kl'.Y Cl.l'Ml'l'ltSi:: rive-elKhtl- is mile dash forHawaiian lirods. l'urso SUIMI.

I. KA1MOI-AN- I l'AHK I'l'llSK: Trot-ti-

and PaeliiK to harness. Host - Inil; il:30 class, l'urso $'M).

fi. IllWIN CU1': Ono mllo dash; forHawaiian bred horses; to lie wontwleo 1)V inoniliorM of the JockeyClub. ?fwi added.

II. WAIKAI'U ClIAI.I.KNdi: CUT:Throo-fourth- s mllo dash; free for all.Winner to boat record of Hancock,l:lii;.;. $ir0 added.

7. KAMIMIAMKIIA l'Ult.SK: Trot-ting and Pacini; to harness. Host 2 In3. Kreoforall. Purse $!H).

8. OCEANIC K. S. CO. CUP: Threo-fointh- s

mllo dash; Hawaiian broil.SIM) added.

II. HOS1TA CIIAI.I.U.NOU.CUP: Onemllo dash; froo for all. Winner tolicat time of Angle A, lil.l'i. Purse$200 and $.')() added If lecord Is beaten.

10. HONOLULU PL' HSU: Tiuttingand Pacing to harness. Host '1 In II;

J:'J." class. Purse WflU.

ii. cup:One and ono-uait- mile dash; ficofor nil; to be won twice. -- IK) added.

All entries aie to be niado with theSeei' lary before 2 o'clock Wednesday,Juno 8, 1608. r.utraiice fees to be 10per cent, of pulse, iiiile-- s otherwlt--specllled.

Alliaeosto bo run or trotted undertho rules of the Paclllc Coast Itlin.ilIlor-- o Association nnd the NationalTrotting Association.

All horses are expected to start unlesswithdrawn by 0 o'clock a. in. mi .lime10, 1808.

General admission, 50 cents.Grand stand (extra), 50 cents ami si.Carriage (inside course), $2.50 each.(Jnartur Stretch badges, 85.I'or ordor committee.

.1. S. WALKHIt,Secretary Hawaiian .loekev Club.




1:1- -1 I Progress I '.lock, corner Herot.iniaand Fort Streets, Honolulu.

Notice.Tho Steamor "Klnau" w 111 leave Hono-

lulu, Tuesday, May :il, at 10 o'clockn. iu. Hetumliig will nrrlvo In Hono-lulu, Tuesday morning, Juno 7, ono dayahead of schedule time.

WILDF.K'SSTKAMSHIP CO., LTD.Honolulu, Mny 10, lb98. 020-5- t

Notice.Tho Steamer "Claudlno" leaving

Tnobiliiy, Juno 7th, will urrlvo 111 Hono-Inl-

Saturday morning, Juno llth.ouoday ahead of sehodulo timo.

WILDKH'S S. S. CO.Honolulu, May 2.1, 1808. 022 5t

M Cores


is the



Solo Licensees for

e Have It!

01 WfehrW wrm



nvmraaaMfck a-er-


The Old Government


Bottled Under Supervision


U.S. Government


W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited

Sole Agents.Tel. 40. Merchant Street.

"What Fools

We Mortals Be."

Do you think for ono moment thatwe aie Iu politics?

i:er.vbody FHLFand KCJCALatourstoi, . Nationality, Religion, Politics,mo all tho same to us. Tlio million-aire recehes no nioio attention than tlioin in w ho earns his 50 cents a day.

When t'io whole community is car-

ried away with temporary excltomontthoy foigct nil nboilt thoir householdduties, and also thoir household wants,but thoy neer forgot w hero thoy canbuy the cheapest. Thoy think ofTL'MHLLHS at :I5 cents n doon nt

Dliuoud A-- Co.'s.DINNHH PLATIS at 7o cents n dozen

at Dlmond A Co.'s.I1HOOMS, 15 cents each at Dlmond


and FdHK for 10 conts at DlmondA Ci.'s.

COAL OIL SOAP, 5 cents n cako ntlllimiud A Co.'s,

and when they want u STOVF. orthoy call at Dlmond

V Co.'s and get tho best and cheap-est.

Wo take tho CASH and let tlioCHKDIT go.

W. W. Dimond & Co.,LIMITED.

The People's Store.

King Street.t Tim Feeling."





Hawaiian Islands.


Hi in Place ly Two Electrically WelieJ Wires

45000 Sets XJsed.

UNITED -:-- STATESWo invito Inspection Goods on Exhibition


Hawaiian Carriage Manufacturing Co.'s-Factor-

-- ..,, 1 jD-- 7TU i 4--Vi Ml CIN

Page 5: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,

',W9!Wi.W", ' WJWW'V TypF1 .''WJM

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., JUNE 3, 1898.?"'IL' JWUWJ!' "m ''"i J'iiJ'gi-i-ii- M 'mijriraiiwrnim'iwiaBFim. mrj 'iijuuk


Thin is n groat day iu tho his-tory of Honolulu.

For tho lnfoat nud most rolinblouows, rrnd tlio Hur.urriN.

0. Hcdpmnnn of tho HonoluluIrou Works is back from Hniun-kun- .

A full mid exclusive uccouiit oftho prr nt English Derby raco outho '25th will bo found iu anothercolumn.

Tho Honolulus won from tholtogimnnts nt yesterday's bullgatno.Scoro, 9 to 7. A big crowd waspresent.

Orders solicited for spucinlmenu or dinner cards, dono inwater colors or oils. King Bros.,Hotel street. "

A company of engineers underCaptain Landlord have loft Willetts Point, New York, to join thoManila expedition.

Tim Into dispatehes pnblishpdin yesterday's BuLLirriN wt-r-o newto many of the pooplo who camewith the expedition.

HeuatorB llico and Uolstoin andKepresontativH Bichards wero onduty at tho Legislature) all dayfrom an early hour.

Thore will ba a matineo at thocircus this afternoon for tho

Mroops Admission, 10 conts. Tomorrow will bo tho last night.

San Francisco latest stock quo-tations are: Hutchinson Planta-tion '18c; Hawaiian Commercial19 to 19.50; Oceanic SteamshipCo. 66.

Pearson & Hobron aro agontsfor the Search Light BicycloLamp which is generally concededto bo tho best bicycle lamp in ex-

istence.Jas. F. Morgan will sell at noon

tomorrow at the Queen stroet on-tra-

of the Judiciary buildinga quantity of concrete) fence postsand cases.

Tho recular monthly mootingof tbo Pioneer Building and LoanAssociation comes off on Mondayevening whether tho troops are

jhore or not.The weddiug of A I. Silva aud

Mrs. C. Schooler took placo lastevoning. Father Valentin officiat-ing. Tbo groom is salesman for

I J. J. Egan.I mi.. ii.- - ;iuu uiuu uu iuu uiympia,

Kaloigh, Concord and Potrelraised 81300 for tho Maine BeliefFund beforo tho Baltimoro reach-ed Hongkong.

Tho Loa Qatos Board of Tradohas opened a reading room andannounces its intention of keep-ing tho leading Hawniiau journalson its tables. Next!

Sachem Edwin Farmer eivosnotice to Bed Men to meet at theirwigwam this sloop of the seventhrun and thiitieth breath. Visitingbrethron aro specially invited.

Tho name of Major Curtis Iau-k- ea

was inadvertently omittedfrom tho list of officers in atten-dance on President Dole yestor-da- y

whon ho received tho visitingarmy and navy officers.

Tho Manufacturer's Shoo Com-pany offers a reward of $50 forinformation that will lead to thoarrest of tho parties who torodown two Amoncan flags in frontof thoir premises last night.

Houses cannot be built withoutwalls and homes cannot bo madocomfortable without pictures tocover tho bare places on tho walls.If you have tho walls, wo havo thepictures to cover thom. Yourstruly, King Bros., 110 HotelBtroot.

Singors lead tho world. Over3,000,000 mado and sold. High-es- t

awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for oxcollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, ease oflearning and convomonco of ar-rangement. B. Borgorson, agont,16J Bethel streot.


I'lraC, I.iint nml Altvuya.

Onco a patron always a patronis tho motto of thoso who havethoir tonsorial work dono at thoCriterion Barber Shop. Someshops experience an increasedpatronage for a titno, but it ovon --

tually drops off. Tho reverse is,tho caso at tho Criterion Shop itsteadily inoroasos.

' Afnnhnnina' Hnmn. nnrnnr TTntnl

and Ntiunnu streets, lodaine bvday, week or month. Terras: 26and 6Q cents por night. $1, and$1.25 nor week.


Yiews of a Prominent Boston Manu-


Henry Clews on the Effect of the War on

All Securities and Business


A prominent Boston manufac-turer, in tho courso of a conversaHon about the war with Spain,spoko substantially as follows:

"I think tho war with Spain willprov a great blessing to thiscoumry. It will bring tho conn-tr- y

out of tho rut and will cemontthe North, South, East and Westtogether. It will chango tho en-tir- o

policy of tho country, andwill make us a power respected byall nations of tlio earth. It willgive ua a navy and army Buch aswo should have. After this warwo will soek foreign trado in amanner never beforo attempted.Wo will sand missionaries to thoPhilippine Islands and put 'pants'on the uatives. Tho general lt

of the war will bo a broaden-ing of business ideas and an en-larged trado."

Mr. Henry Clows, tho veteranbanker and broker of Now York,who was in active lifo in NewJfork during the rebellion of 18G1to 1804, and who knows fromactual experience the effect of warou all secu iiiua and business,says: Admiral Dowoy markedup American history over 100 percent by smashing tho Spanishfleet and at tho samo timo siloucing ManiluV guns in tho shori,sharp aud effective way ho did it.It wat tho American wayof doing it, you know, andnot Hpiini-- h. W can take)Manila, Cubn, Porto Bico, theCanary Islands and baug the Spa-nish coast all to pieces wheneverwo want to. We hvo tho navalcommanders; wo havo tho gun-ners; we have tho sailors; wo havotho ships; wo havo tho pluck; wohavo the skill; we have the wenpone; wo bnvu tho tuod supplho;and wo havo tho money to back usall the way through. What,therofore, is the use of Spain pretending to figjht such a foo? It issimply an evidence of imbecility."


Continued from First Page.

Bonedito Brin, Inspector General of Naval Eugineeiing and.Minister of Marine in tho ItalianCabiuet, is dead.

Forty-fiv- o miners havo perishodin a tiro in tho Zollorn mine,uortmund, I'russia.

Edward Bellamy, the woll-kno- wn

author of "Lookiuc Backward" and other works, is dead ofconsumption.

Cardo-Fo- u won tho FronohDorby on the 22d. The raco wasworth SU7,540 to tho winner.

Gladstone was to bo buried inWestminster Abbey but the cere-monies wore to be oxtremolysimple.

Auction Sales by Jas. F. Morgan.


Concrete Fence Posts and Bases


At the Queen street ontmiico of tlio Ju-diciary Iliiildliijr. by orclorof tho Minister of tho Interior, I will noil at I'ublleAuction, n largo nuiulior or

Concrete Fence Posts and Bases.

JAS F.MORGAN,030 It Auctioneer.

$50 Reward I

Tho Manufacturers' ShooOo. oiler tho nbovo Towardfor information that willlead to tho arrest and convic-tion of tho party or partieswho toro down tho TwoAmerican Flags in front ofthoir storo somo timo lastnight.

Evening Bulletin 75c per month.

War -:- - NewsEverybodyShould SubscribeFor Either the

Oall,Olironiole or

In order to getAll tho Nnws!


At the local agency


Tho Very Latest and Best in


Tools. .




Just rocolvod by tlio

Jnnilift UnmliirI) UlUlJ

Fort Stroot.


As anill fittingshirt. Ifyou knowour perfectsystemyou knowthosecretof continualgood humor.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street WayerlcyBloci

Agents for Dr. Delmel'a Linen-Mo- an

Underwear. Semi (or Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Notice.Parties desiring to obtain plucos for

Hooths and Itofreshment Mulls for the11th of Juno ltacos at Kaplolaul Turkoutside of tho into truck aud adjoininggrounds, should apply at onco to theHonolulu 1'ark Commission nt tlioOMeo of

ci:cil imowx.Honolulu, May 28, 1898. 020-f- it


Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Streot.

Ti:u:iIIONE 785.

Order h left at Club or PantheonSkvbleu will bo received and promptlyattended. Diseases or (logs a specialty.

Lost.A Small Hold Diamond Jubllco

Dangle, on Toil Miotrt, between thoOceanic Dock and King stroet. Koturnto Wilder S. S. Co.'s Olllio and recolwrow aid. DaiM


l!ory summer many of our woplolsltattho various spi'higs throughout

the United Mates In mmii hof lost health.Owing to the heay ppcne Inclined lijtimo rniiMtmcd In making these Jour-neys, many aie ouiK'Hed to iciii.iln nthome In ioii(MIicik e.

BartlettAfter e.ircfnl study and thorough

as to tho most elleetUountorH for the ailments most common toour ieoplo, n llnd that IIAUT1.I7ITwrmx.S V Ti:il isby far superior tonil others. Many piomlucnt residentsof Hawaii h.io visited the springs andnil allko ngree that It has no equal Indilative qualities.

SpringsTho lending physicians of California

picscrlbo It, many consider Hindis--1

ponslblo. 1'or stomach and kidneytroubles It Is especially recommended.

Call and reeie n eireulir containingtestimonials of jicople uhoaie well andfnorably known.

WaterWon ie carrying In stock this alu-ab- lo

water iu quantities to suit at thefollowing prlit's:

Per Case of ."0 Quarts ll.illiPer Caso of ri0 Pints o.1'or Do. Quarts i!.r(iPel Doz Pints l.tfo

Hoilister Drug Go.

Sole .A-gerr-ts

For the Hawaiian Islands.



For Shirt




In all

Satin, Silk,

SashK35" Como



SPECIAL B AJUGAXiSrSFt S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd

520 Fort Street Honolulu.

U Gowns, CiieiisGS, Skirts, Drawers & Coral Covers.

Cheaper Than You Can Make Them.Ladles' Night Gowns, good cotton, well mado only oOc.Ladles' Night flowns, tucked yoke lace or embroideryOur Nllit Clowns for Sl.i" can't bo beat.

Ladies' Slcirts.Ladles' Skirts, rufllo, made of good cotton for 50c.Ladles' Skirts for S1.IM), with cluster of tucks and embroidery, la oxtrugood

Ladies1 Drawers,Ladles' Drawers, cluster tucks nud embroidery, extra good cotton, Mmj.Ladles' Diawers, extra wide, made of line cambric, unibroideiy tiliiiined on-

ly Wc.Ladles' Chemises 35c.Corset Covers all sles 50c.Ladies' Itlbbed Vests 15c.

THE BEST VALUES EVER OEEEKED.Tki.hphonk 75". P. O. Box 4.

Opening Announcement.

Palama Grocery Co.


Tho Company Store is Now Open for

the Transaction of Business.

Anil wc shall be pleased to waitupon our old customers who so gene-rously patronized the former PalanmGrocery. New patrons will also beoll'eied every Inducement to placetheir orders with us. Orders by tele-phone or through tho malls will re-ceive prompt attention. Don't forgo our motto was and always will hethat "A nimble six pence is betterthan a luy half crown.

H. CANNON",Manager Palama Ciro

cerj, Ltd., Opposite Railway De-pot, street.

Honolulu, May 10, lb')S. 015-t- f



Olllce: SOS Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carter's olllce.P. O. Box 330.

foi Jl.oo.




California Horses!

Matched Teams,Family, Hack and

Saddle Horses.

tSy Ordors taken for all classes pfUorsos.

btables: King St., oppo. Singer's Bakery

j. McdonaldP. O. Box 4SS.

Kftl tf

To Let.

The Cottage on the corner of Bere-tan- la

and Hlchards streets, oppositothe Centr 1 Union Church, nt presentcccuplcd by the Hotel. IWchHlongiven on tho 1st of Juno. Apply to

000-t- f Dlt.JNO. 8. Mttmrfw.

W, JORDANNo. lO Fort Street.


Beautiful Line of SilksWaists and Costumes. Now Shades

Plaids and Fancy Patterns.


Surah and Brocade.

Black and Colored Satin.

K1BB0NS KIBBONSWidths Stripes, Plaids, Plain, Col-

ors, Grossgrain, in

Taffeta and Moire Taffeta

Roman Stripes and Plaids in

Ribbons.A. Specialty,

early and got first choice at

W. JORDAN'S,No. lO Fort Streot.






Page 6: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,






Is"We now offer their Brands

of Flours us follows:



G. & C,







Momey BrokersSUsks and Bonds Boughtand

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

(Real EstateAND

insurance Agents

Kents collected. Complete chargeof I'roperty for absentees.

"Financial Agents in any capa-city, an Trustees, Assignee?, Adininis-trator- s

or Ksceutors.

Agency of


210 im STREE


Fine Tailoring !

I have a new cutter of great hUUIanil experience, anil can guarantee.Hood llt-- s ut very low prices. Thelatest suitings are kept in stock, in-cluding a lieautiful liliie serge forfui in liter wear.2Tew s !

Finest and freshest Dry Goods lv

in stock. Have just receivedline Grass Cloth, l'ongee Kllk,

Silk Handkerchiefs, etc.AKo, licit of White and Colored Mat-ting.IFancy Things !

The latest S. K. Gaelic broughtBamboo Chairs and Lounges, Cam-phor Trunks with alarm bell locks,etc., also New Crop Tea.

My prices in all lines meet the.ticrcesi competition.

GOO XTM,Merchant Tailor and Goneral Dealer,

1.1H Niuiaiiu, near Hotel street.

. W7 TlfV'V1tAiWAJ ir--- - - W- f-














The Giub StablesTjimited.

C. 1?i:u.ina, Manager.


Tel. phono 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo are ospocially equipped to cater toyour tnulo. Fair dealing and good sor-vic- o

is what ho dupond upon to got It.We havo for sale Family Carriage anil

Diiving Horses, single or double teams.Tltoy me in good condition and will liesold on f.uoralilo terms.

Iir. Itowat Is always in attendance attlin Stables.

Giub Stables Hack StandCor. Cnioti.V Hotel SK

(Old I loll Tower).CAUKFUU, AM) Will,!, INFORM Fl

imivr.us.Fiitsr CLASS CAUWAOKN.llACKHATAI.Ii HOUllS.Orders forSui reys, Wagoitettos, Single

or Double Teams at a iiioiiiont's notice.Hack No- -. I !., 1S3, Kill, 70, 77.

C. 1IKI.I.INA, Mgr.

w& r Muc. ?n. Z


fjxss 4skymD.inilriilV will not euro Itsolf. Tobe free of it you must treat yourbai r and scalp with some remedy

Our Dandruff Killerpreptrcd and sold only by us is

Warranted to Cure!Facheco & Fernandes,

Arlington Block, Hotol Stroet.



Association Grounds!


3:30 O'CLOCK.

Honolulu vs. 1st. Regt.immi.:iiii

Mules For Sale.

A choice lot of Missouri and Califor-nia Mules

Just j&.rrivciNow for sale at low terms. En-

quire ofG. SCHUMAN,

(Klo-- tf Club Stables.


ARCHITECT223 Mai-chan- t St,. Honolulu,

Uetwcen Fort and Alukea,

Tklki'honk : : : 734

MimIi'. ul IIiu ...tiuii nl 1' i'tiort ..I Clinr .tn (Nitiit-- ,

!' ire vctviri. ti ! Hi' Lire, b.-- ,II 111.1.1,(1, l..lllllllllgS utitl toi

i ii g,i.' i nts. Tito varloty in f.ntin .'i''- - l greater than at any provinuMeiiMiii. Tim furriers havo provided allsorts nf fur wraps, including tliu usualja Ket, p luclied blouses, the lung pe-

lisse, storm capes and little shoulderrapi s. Generally speaking, tlio muffsnro medium in size, but there are direotoircH and Mario Antoinettes, which areso largo and softly built as to bo capa-cious enough to almost lose ono's elbowsin. These mulls aro also niodo up ot vel-

vet and trimmed with not a few headsand many tails, Interspersed with trillsnud bows. Hous are exceedingly prettywith numbers of bushy tails and headsfastening under the chin, wltilo othershavo ribbons or velvot bows intermin-gled. Tho short fur boa is the uewortand smartest affair and tho most

Fashion's now aims as evinced by thodressmaker's productions, are in tho di-

rection of clinging skirts, close shoves,a narrow back, long waist and low bust,ull of which give to the form quite anow shape. Tho latest out in skhts istho deep circular llounco. which widensinto one with tho back breadth and isHitched nu to the apron hhnped top infront and at the sides. Braiding orbands may cover this scam.

In cloth gowus the latest develop-ment is a combination of cloth in two

of tbesamo color. Velvet sleevosaro a feature of other new clnth gownsAll cloth gowns, by the way, show agreater amount of trimming than here-tofore displayed. Fancy waists, quitounlike, tho skirts, certainly havo lostnone of their former popularity, andrumor tells us that they will coitto totho front with renewed favor when thospring fashions upnwir. Indeed, dress- -

ASTRAKHAN' COAT SKAL CAri:.makers and tailors havo agreed that nocotumo is complete unless its skirt isaccompanied by two or more waists.

Spilng bullions are already beingalkul about, and sundry rumors are in

the air as to changes likely to comewith the opening buds It is almost ci rtain tli.it sleeves will bo small and de-nuded of tiio pull' at tile top. The Hits-ski- n

I Ions . woiirr asMiicd, is to niukoway tor a new but equally pretty coatFrom Paris comes tliu news that the be-

coming ticekwc.ir of tho present seasontnit'--t give way to a sovi rely plain neckfinish Coming back to the present, din-ner gowns are quito elaborate. Trainsof moderate length aru in order, andthe sleeves, which aro long, nro frequent-ly niado of shirred net or lace.

Tho bustle isuu accomplished fact. Itis already hero in modest proportionsand is welcomed by tall, slender wom-en. It is claimed that there is alreadyconsiderable demand for the.su smallbustles. As at present worn tho bustlous a rulo consists of a small plaiting ofhorsehair, some, of two narrow plaitings,only largo enough to fit into tho hollowof a woman's back. Some of these bus-tles, however, aro made with hip padsattached, and then again tho hip padscan bo purchased separately.

Alick Vaiinum.

How to Make Noti1 ami Dainty riucuxh-lons- .

First procure from tho druggist asmany poppyiteads as you wish cushions

tho larger tho better. Next get Homobaby ribbon in three colors miiizo col-or, holiotrope and whito aro delightfulin combination. Cut each of these intolengths which, when double, will ex-

tend half round tho poppyhead, with asmall picco over f7r a loop at the top.Pin tho center of every loop down to theeyo of tho poppyhead, using each colorin turn. Next take every t,l rand si parately to tho opposite end, sticking inpins on cither side of tho libbiui at anfinal distance nil along Having covet-

ed the poppyhead in this maimer thewhole way round, next pioctcd to insi rtpins between the rows of ribbons, stick-ing them in, imwevtr, to only half theiilength, to that the cushion has a verybristly uppearance. It is much cheaperto buy tho pins by tho ouuco rather tltauby tho paper when a number is required.

First, Iiimt unit Alwuyu.

Oiicp a patron always n pntrouis iIih motto of thoao who havotheir tonuorinl work done, nt thoCriterion Barber Shop. Soruoshops experience) an increasedpntrouftRO for n tiino, but it ovon -

twiliy drops oil. lue roverse istho chbo nt tho Oritorion Shop itsteadily increasos. "

Nleohunios Homo, corner 1 Intelill Nuutinu streftB. odi'iim by

day, week or month. Terms: 26and SO contB por night, tl, and

1 ?n ner week.


Having takon stock

and reduced all

prices now offer

tho latest styles of


At C cents u yard


Also ex "Zcalandia"a lino assortment of



King Street, Von Holt Block.



.1. J. Wallkii - - - Manaqku.



Nnrarv Contractors.

Refrigerated Poultry--AND


ffletopQlifan le&fi do

Telephone 45.

Seaver - Lunch

EOOMS.a. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

("he Best Lunch in Towii

Tea a:ad CoffeeAT ALL HOUIIB.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.


Per Day 777777 8 2.00Opsclol Jiatma I

The Best of Attendance, the Best Situs-tio-

nud tho Finest Meals iu this (Jit;

J.A.FARLA,iillfl Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom $10 to $18.

tffif Money returned If you aro notsatlsllt-d- . All work guaranteed.

Consolidated Soda Water Co., LH

Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sis., Honolulu



No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstate and Furniture.


"Vlrttto has its own reward!"

Hear Admiral Dowoy has dono him-self proud In tho Phillipplnos and earn-ed for himself tho dosorvlng tltlo of"Roar Admiral."

This storo Is also anxious to cam atltlo from tho public; a tltlo of

merit, that curries with It tho namo ofhaving morltorlous goods nt popularprlcos.

In ordorto do this It Is necessary to bomore than careful In tho selections ofgoods bo cautious knowing what thopublic tastos aro wo havo nsod tho

to Import only llrst-clas- s quall-tio- s

in designs and materials such as arosalablo in tho best markets of tho world.No dead stock is wanted or bought by us,no mattor what tho Inducements. Stillgoods wilt sometimes accuumlato fasterthan anticipated tltoy must 1k disposedof oven at a sacriflco that's what wo arodoing now saerlllclng a fow dollarsyou dorlvo tho bonellt.

Don't fall to visit this storo during thorenovation salo you will agtoo with usthat it pay you to do so.

Just arrived, latost styles InWhite and Colored Organdies, Dimities,

Pino lino of



Latest patterns inChiffons, Muslin du Sua. Valenciennes

Laces, Ribbons, Hosiery, in Plaidsand Stripes.

J. J.EGAN,Fort Street.


AX . . . .

The Golden Rule Bazaar

Just received exS. S. Zcalandia



HAWAII'S STOItY(By Lllluoktihuil)


J. M. WEBB316 Fort Street.

J.R Shaw,D.V.S.

I T- -- - ir I J

Office and Infirmary, - - 863 King St.


HSf Modoru and Ilunmno Trcatmont.


Carriage Manufactory613 to fi21 Fort Htreet.

Carriage BwiMerAND IIEI'AIIIK,.

SlacWliinginAll Us Branches.

W. W. WHItiilT, Proprietor.(Hnooessor to O. West.)

Davey's IridiumsAro liettor than High-clas- s W.itor

Color Drawings.

s'tomoPHOTO GO,,

870 tf Cor. Hotel and Fort Sts.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts. permonth.

"The Hawaiian".A. "Weelcly3Te-w-s;- p super

Devoted to the Agriculturaland Horticultural De-

velopment of the Ha-

waiian Islands.

Issued Saturdays.


OnoYcar $2 0Ono Year (Foreign postago paid)... 2 80Six Months " " " 1 25Six Months (I)nniostlc) 1 Oft

Slnglo Collies 05

Advertising ltates on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"210 Xing Street,

Honolulu, H. I.

Home Decorating!

Gold Paint:

Which is a substitute for goldleaf, unil will LAST.


For imparting a hard and glassysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:

For porcelain finish on tubs,(lower lots, etc. Not utlccteilby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

M2rFtilI directions for use. Try them.

Levers & Cooke.

John satt,luimrt'irH anil Itmilpri. in

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK121 & 12.1 King Street,



J". x'.x.w'crisrnD.Fort St., Opp. Club .Stables. Tel 80S.

To My Patrons and the Public,

limine? recovnred frnm m ncunt llliti'BB, I inn nirniu preparedio uo an Kinus ot Tiuumith rindPlumbing work na heMoforo.Thanking you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit n continuanceof tho untno.

JAS. NOTT, Jr,Tel. 844.

ROBERT GRIEVE.Book and Job PrinterMoroMint Street, Honolulu, H. 1,

Over Hawaiian Nowb Company'sBook Htoro. my 18,

Page 7: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,




1 "T""ir if'T rrwfwffriir "r9r- - r yw- -. yynwfnyffy


W. G.Irwin & Go. Just Like Gold Coin. NEW EVENING GOWNS.'


Agents fox'Western Sugar Kefinory Oo. of San

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Phila-

delphia, 1'etm.. USA.Newell Univoreid Mill Co. (National

Cano8hreddor),New York, U. 8. A.N.Ohlnndt & Oo's Ohomlcnl Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Sons, high grade fertil

izors for Uano and Coffee.Heeds Steam I'lpe Covering


Offer for SalePnmfflno l'oiat Go's P & 11 Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Llnsood oils, rawand boiled,

tndurino, (a cold water pnint) in whitennd colors.

Filtor Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andUricks.


IUpdE AljEflTp.

AGKNT8 FOR..New England mutual life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

tna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(mmitbd).

Wm. O. Irwin, Prosidout and ManagerClans Sprockols, -

W. M. GuTard, Hoorotary ami TreasurerTtaeo. 0. Porter, Auditor

Commission Agents.IIENT1- - OP TnB




Queen street, Honolulu, D.l.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SnearCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WallukuSoear Company, Walhee Suear Company, MakeiSugar Company, Haleakala Ranch Company,

Ranch. Planter.1 Line San FranciscoPacket., Chas. Brewer & Co.'. Line of BostonPacket.. Agent. Boston Board of underwriter..Agent. Philadelphia Board of Underwriter..

list or omoERaiP 0 Jones, President; George 13 Robertson,Manager; F. F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary; Col. W F AUon, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,H Waterhonse, A W Carter. Directors.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr line and on PA

LAMA KOAD noor tfertilizingPlant.

These lots are Very Cheap nnd Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aore Tracts near the city andother Properties for salo.

BIU7GE, WARING Ai CO.,Dealers in Lota and Lands,

312 Fort Streot, near King.TamrnoNH 607 V O. Box H21.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALJ8TATEEF" We will Buy or Sell Boal Estate in

til parts of the group.I3ET We will Sell Properties on Reason,

able Commissions i

OFFICE. 10 West King Street



Oor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers Ot

European and American Ijry Qoods

Fort and Qun Btr6eU


tooaferYj in Lumbor nnd Coalnd Bn'ilding Materials of nil

kinds,Queen Btreot, Honolnln,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS PAINICILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicato pain, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong tho medicines that aroso essential to keep at hand intho homo.

It is not a n iv fanglo remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en- -

jr into the manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p rfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaftoctioiib. u fow doses will cer-tainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

The new 35c. size con-tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Rout for the Islands.


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine FirewonCnt and Split (ready for the Stove)



WHITE AND BLAOK SANDAt Lowest I'rires, delivered to uny part

tho City,

TBIiDPHONS i t i 41- -

HUSTACE & CO.,.11 Queon Street.


is prepared to furnish

Nitrato of Soda, Bono Meal, raw ordlssolvodjl'lorlda and Lady Klllot IslandGuano, Sulphato of Ammonia, Murlatoand Sulphate of Potash and Kainlto, Coral I.I mo Sumo nnd Manures. In quantltlos to Blllt.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Street.

FOR SALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Posts; $r

eacn.1 Surrey in fine order; price $200.Uonse and Lot. 75x155 ft., on No. 71

Young street; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , etc.


Contractor and Builder.Offices and Stores fitted up and

Estimates Riven on


XST Ofllco and Shop: No. 619 Fort itreet,aajoimnK w, w. wriRnvs carriage onop.

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers aro furnished with from Qvtto six lists per week, giving an accuratereoord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers el attorney, etc. eto.. whiob,are placed on record.

Subscription Price, 12,00 per Month,

a. v, mah,210 King tit, Honolulu.

Tho Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOB MOTBu STREETS.

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ice Cream.

Our Establishment is tho Finest ResortIn the City. Call and gee us. Open till 11

o'clock r. m,



Is uny old fhing goodenough for you 1

Or do you want your

StationeryAND OTHER

Printing Matters

Up-To-Dat- e?

Tho questions aro unnecessary. You can gottho best at tho



Printing House210 King St., Honolulu, H.I.

Bargains in Ileal Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,Kalihi

.A. 1ST JD

King SUrtli Boai

TWO ACRESof Important proporty In contral part ofcity limits.

Doslrablo residonco proporty, nice cot-

tages and well improved grounds, Kingstreot, Young streot, Punahou and SouthSlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Go,

SIO King Streot.0,

Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho Rail-

road Stations.

Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds Zi'tun 35 to 40

years can bo obtained In tracts of nnynumber of acres desired, on the mostfavorable conditions

The special attention Is called ofthose with small capital wishing togo Into this very profitable Industry.

For particulars, apply to

Sear, Lansing & Oo.,



Kinlrnlili'rlc Flourish In rrnfiialiin unciShsIipa Am n Cmifipli noun Klpiiirnt Nrt(low hi TrltniiDMl With Sriiilii nmMInlilrihI Sllnr OniHinrntntloii Arr the Itac.Tho one thing that seems positivo

about evening gowns is tho lciiKth ofthe skirt, which must liavo n train, nfhort ouo foi the matron's gown, whiluthe young lady's gown is cut lungenough to fall two or thrro inchrs ontho floor at tho back. Evening sloovrs inthe French gowns are very diminutivo,being hardly muni than a strap on thoehonlder. Thero may ho two littlo frillsof chiffon or tullu below this baud, buttheMi aro not iiect ssary if you followtho French models. Tho English worn



nn's evening gown is moro prctcutinusns to tlcuves, nud, ulthough they aromndo of frills, they uro dcop enough tocover tho arm partially. Tho New YorkSun, which illustrates leading ctyles ngowns for ev ning wear, makes it

that the round wuUt with t

bloti1-- " or draped front Is Mill thevailing style hut tho slightly pu.bodieo is also worn by thoso who . .

to look (lender Tho blonde wit'ifront cut in two parts rounding ufrom the low cut neck ut either siih ,

near tho slcot o, to tho belt. w)itu theedges met. is ouo of tho prettiest forevening ilre.ss Each si le is trimmedwith embroidery or appliimo laeo, andtho V shaped space between is filled inwith full chilTou or tulle, Champagnecolor is a favorite tint for eveninggowns.

Embroideries flourish in profusion onevening kowiih. Fur bauds, too, aro uvery fashiou.iblo trimming, especiallyin nablo, with two or three tails nrraugcd in tho puff of one tiny sleovo. Abunch of violets or a how of ribbon nmjdecorate the other. An upstanding bowof velvot in homo contrasting color onono sleeve and a bunch of roses on thoother is not an unusual mode of decora-tion in fa-t- , it is qulto tho thing tohavo tho sleeves different. Trillings oflaco chiffon or net shaped to fit thoround neck nnd edged with a tiny bandof tublo nro ouo of tho novel features oftrimming.

Tho M&h is becoming it conspicuousclement of evening dress. It may boinadoof lace, chilTou, soft silk or ribbon.

Net gowns uro decidedly the rago foroveuiug woar, and embroideries of hil-v-

and steel on net and lls.se seem to botho fancy of tho moment. The black netgowns are In great variety, claboriiti lytrimmed with tolurtd and jet re nunsund made over colors as well as blacklinings.

A whlto glaco hilk forms a gownmndo with u fashionable train andtrimmed with bauds of ivory Kit in,edged with ruches of tullo, and radiosof tullo trim tho taffeta underskirt.Tho bodlco is of roso niirolr velvet,draped with laco, uud tho uuderbodicois of ivory satin, with u rosotto of thuFamo, edged with black velvet, at onofide. Ono hlouvo is composed of lacofrills, whllu tho other is simply a stiff-ened bow of whlto Kitin. White netover whito hilk, trimmed with a iattieopattern in dark red velvot, forms a veryyouthful dress, and still auothcr youth-ful modol is carried out in pink bilk,with a docp accordion plaited flounce ofpink inousseliuo do solo. Plaited tuous-b-sliu- o

forms tbobaBfmo frill, tho bkeves

(OWN FOU EVKNINO WI'AIt.and trimming on tho bodieo and n beltof gold galoou btudded with coral cum-pltto- s

tho co.xtumo. A gown of yellowbatiii is trimmed with a laeo llouuco ar-ranged in points nud heath d with aruclio of whito chiffon, which also formstho Foft vest and sleeves. Applique Liontrims tho bodice.


Just leeched per "A. J. Fuller" the articles in


10 1EE


BufferWaterPreserveFrenchCoffee Pols.liean Pols.Flower Pots.Flower Baskets."Water Kegs.Wafer .Tugs.CJ lazed Bottomed Pans.Mixing Bowls.Poultry Fountains.

Household Supply Department.



The City Furniture StoreAnother lot of

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just In llnif for t he Holldnys at tho CITY FURNITURE STORB,Lovo Building, 534 and 63(5 Fort Street

fjB Call and Inspect them before It Is too late.

II. II. WILLIA.IVIS, Mnnagor.816 i : TELEPHONES : : Residence 840.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A.







G-- .

AT ... .

' ' 'F D

npnuFRFn ailOF THE CITY"

TBLUrilONR 378


Tho Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on tho Islands. Every-thin- g

Now and of tho Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Specialty ! No Bungling! No Failures!

NOTE: Mr. Ed. "Williams is a Qraduato Clark's Sohool ofPerfect Embalming by which procoss the body retains its naturalitppoaruiioe for yours.

jtfi-- Office and Parlors: 514 and 51G Fort St., near Hotel.Telephone 179. Residonco and Night Telephone 81S.

Honolulu Messenger ServiceCORNER KING AND ALAKEA. STB.,


Inn 'nnrio


Office Open Until 12 O'clock P. M.





Bulletin, 75c, Per Month




Page 8: - I'liyf'ITT' Evening Bulletin · y JtuiiBenry, out of won; Duke of Wojtminstor's br. c. Batt, by Hh n, out Vampire, second; Pnueo of Wales' tnyc Duulop, by Ayrshire, out of For tuna,

itrv !'

BirdCages !

ntyiWf njmm


Wo arc still in the Bird Cage business,

ami by the " Mariposa " received a new lot of

Cage. AVe can furnish you with

you want; a big Parrot Cage, Breeding Gage,

and any style of either cheap painted or brass

cages. We can tit your bird out with a home

for anywhere from $1.50 to 10.

E. O. HALL & SON, LimUod,

Corner TToi?l-- . and "Kino; Streets.

Don'! Waste

Good Money

Kixiii)! tip j our olil worn out car-riage. You ran make money If youliny ii new one from us. YVccnti noliyoii tiny kind of ii vehicle Just nicln-ii- ai they run piwdlily lie wildfor here.


Fine Double Single Harness, Saddles, Whips, Lamps

and Lap Robes,

--UrJ ffSPmffftr I JTI "VI I M WUI I IV

I., 3,

11 A of





FortOne Door iilxivo Club Stables.

Telephone 205.

Millinory Doimrtment.

The best place to buy is at the store where the largestbusiness is done The big business insures not onlyeconomies of buying and selling but also fresh goods,the latest and best. Millinery is not carried here as aside line.

The Are EntirelyDifferent from last year, and also different from whatyou will find in the ordinary millinery store. TheVariety is larger than the combined stocks of the en-

tire city could muster.


The Dressmaking

Js hi keeping with the



for tlie toInst landed at the

-:- - -:- -

A New Stouk if Fireworks.iStarH and Stripe Deeoratliiu Hunting;Ainerlean Hlileldw.

lRInKXT lMCTUHKS.Hed, White and lllue 1'Vitooing.Aiuerieun Hunting,MiihIIu anil Silk Kulgs, all .

Itllttouliole jillttoliH, ete., ete.

S W. LEDBt'. X IZgL Xj









Your Colors

Decorate Boys .A.rrrve

X. L.

Cor.Nuuanu and King Sts.


Cathartic PillsIt Is easy to purgo, but that is not what

la wanted. A mild but euro and undls-turbln- g

cathartic will set Naturo to go-

ing, and rcllovo tho head, tho stomach,tho liver and all tho organs of tho body

CURBfrom the many and dangerous evils of aclogged corporeal drainage.

Hood's I'UIs CURE Liver I11b, sick head-

ache, biliousness, constipation, withoutpurging, without pain, without violence

Iiver IllsHood's Pills arc tho only pills to take

with IIood'B Sarsaparllla. Sold by alldruggists. 25c. Sent by mall on receiptof price, by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.


Diamond I load Signal Statlou,.l lino.'!, 1 p in Weather clear, wind lightN K.



.3 3 3 2.-- 3

3" n

p. in, p.m. a. in. !p. in.Monday, no 0.10 11.41 !. 4 li.oii

Tuesday HI 1. 5 r,.4(i

la. in.Woil imwluy .. ..' 1 1.40, 0.40 (l.2." 8.57

Thursday i!..11 1.H2 7. 4 o.ro

Friday 3.15' 2.24 7.11 10.41!Saturday. 3.r,8' :i.l:i 8.22 1l.:io

Sunday r, 4.41 4. 4 1). I

Tho Standard time whistle Houndi at12h. dm. (K (midnight), Greenwichtime, which is lh. Mm. p. in. of Ha-waiian Standard time.


Steamers due and to sail tomorrowunit for the next six dayn are as follows:


STPAMnus FiiiiM. Dur.Mokolil Mnlukal Inne I

Doric San Franci-.c- n Juno 4(Mainline Kali ill ill I line 5WO Hall Kauai lunu 5Mlowera Svdnev lime 8Kiuaii llllo lime 8I'eru Yokohama June 10Aorungl Victoria Inne 10

Mauna I.oa Komi lime 14


Steameus. foil Sails.Mokolil-Molo- Uai lime II

WO Hall Kniiiil lunu 7C'laudine Kahului lune 7Doric Yokohama lime 4Miowera Vletoiia lime K

Mauna l.oa Kona June 10

Peru San Francisco June 10Aiming! Sydney lune 10


Stmr Kaolin, Moslier, (i lirs fromWuialua.

Stmr Kauai, Jlriihn,l,1 lirsfrom ll.

Stun Twalani, Gregory, 18 hrs fromHouokaa.

Stmr Mauna I.oa, Siuiersou, lShrsfrom Kona and Kan.



Sea View,


Prospect Street,




TWO ACRESof Important property In contrul part ofcity limits.

Dohir.ihlo rt'sldoneo proporty, nice cot-tng-

and well lmprovod grounds, Kingstreet, Young street, Punahou and SouthSlope of l'unrlibowl.

Gear, Lansing & Go.

210 King Street.


The Kona-Ka- u Liner Mauna Loa With

Sugar and Produce.

Kauai In from Makawell Notes from Railway

Extension 'Frisco Shipping Kaena from

Walalua-Mari- time Items Today.

Tho machinery is now on thoground for tho hi", now mill atHalstead's plantation.

Tho troop ship City of Sydneyis nt Oceanic dock aud tho Auatralia nt Alton & Itobiuson'a.

Tho schooner Aloha returns toHonolulu from Sun Franciscowith a cargo of general morchandisc

Tho ship Aryan comes tollonolulu in ballast from Srin Franciscoto loud sugar for Now York.

Tho bark II Hackfold sailedfrom Sun Francisco for Queens-tow- n

May 25 with a cargo ofwheat.

Doric from San Francisco to-

night.A full holiday is given to nil the

island steamer employeos along-

shore today.Slilppltitf Noti'ii from Frlco,

Tho imports of Hawaiian inerchandiso at the port of San Fran-cisco during the month of Aprilamounted to 81,0-10,782- . This wasabout one-thi- rd of tho total im-

ports during that month whichamounted to 83 102,829. Thodeep water ton n ago arrivals atthis port from tho Hawaiian Isl-ands was 10,706 out of a total of82,780.

Kullllku Kvli'iiulim Work.

Eighty of tho 120 piles to be

driven for tho Waialua railroadbridge aro now in position. I he

steamer Kaeua moved contractorJenson's outfit from Waialua toWiiimea on Wednesday. Over215 Japauose ar- - now under thiscontractor. Grading has bpenfinished as for as Waimea andblasting commenced on the IulIibluffs and will bo finished by Juno10. The track will bo laid to Ka--huku and in running order byNow 30.


From Hamakua, por stmr Iwa-luu- i

J E Westiirook, 11 Ivors, C

Hedemauu, Rev 0 M Kamukuwiwoolo.


Por Iwalaui 5151 bx sugar toF A Schaefor & Co.

Per Kauai GG,0 sx sugar, V GIrwiu fe Co.


Syduoy Sailed, May 23, stmrMiowora for Honolulu.



Have your Rubberstumps liwulo by

tlio HawaiianNews Co., Tjt'd.,

and obtain tbc

lowest prices in

town. Satisfac-

tion guaranteed.Gall and examine

our now-jjlin- of

" UN1VEHSALStamp illoldors."


Morcbant Street.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of Realistuto and Furniture.



Light. Cheerful KOVcts anil Variety ofStyle In Furnishing.

Tho bedrooms of a small houso shouldIf posslblo bu treated iiulto differentlyoach one, both as regards tho decorationof tho walls and tho stylo of tho furul-tur-

while everything should ooutribnto toward a bright, cheerful effect.For this reason heavy colors should notbo used, but dcllcnto tones, such aspink, pulo blue, grcon, cream, goldenyollow ami whito, which always lookfrosh ami cool. Then tho wiudow andothordrnporics should bo light and verysimple in arrangement, with no thickfolds in which tho dust may collect,and thcro should only bo sufficient o

for comfort, nothing superfluousto tako up vnluublo spaco.

Supposo tho walls of tho first room tobe hung with a dainty green and creamcolored orotonuo in n small, offoctivodesign au'd tho woodwork staiuod grouu

SSI Mz- -

ifii. A!rrr.;V. i .V2.J'

, .1! r- " llv

I 1)11 III- ' '.and polished On U ' i i, vjt-r- i ofcarpet hi imo '' - r i villi asurround nt .1 it j.:. i p in amcolor, ili .io,i. ii l.i rv.i'ithcovciing, wh'.lo ' . ucurtuiiiFway bo 111.1.! i.f ; i

If thu (nrr.iii.i ..i. '.rti i t.i tinroom, it will f.,!' an i f mii'i--

odd ci rui r uri I n

count and tin' eeiii i ii(iiin l i

Such lltniunti ari'Hi'iieii-'- ! t - .

than tho uriliuury cop r.uti :n-i- btu H

liitulo lu jiine. painted white i.ud lii"quite hiiii.lu in c.ni cr. l..u i ..icn.-i--

will not be very nlrriuiui;, and the re-

sult will be decidedly pleaHing.Knr a ri'iiin a I'lnk wall

will u pretty cniitrast with whitepaint, draperies of muisiiu and a carpetin a deep uliadu of ro-- rolor. The fur-niture tu look the bet uaiut--t sueli abackground will bo in tho bhur.itouhtyki and lnahognny or ros iwud-- lliiiuli,not tit ted to tho room, but each piecehcpniuto.

In a third room a very good effectmav be gained by indue; plain palo bluup.i it for thu wallii and having a prettysti frie.u in a hott kIiiuIo of cedarcolor, with woodwork painted and flat-ti- ll

to cedar wood.Here tho window curtains may bu

cream Fpottcd uiutdiu and tho floor cov-

ering a daintily flowered carpet ofcream ground, with bnibs bedstead andany uncommon shapes in tho lighter col-o- i

ed woods for the re-- t of tho furniture.A Nln Pitilillns.

Moisten !t rounded tableupoonfulsof cornstarch with milk, add 4 heap-ing tablcnpooufuls- of sugar, tho beatenyolks of .') egg, and pour into aquart of boiling milk. When it boilsagain, turn into u buttered dish, sprin-kled with sugar. Beat thowhitos of thoeggs with a teacupful of sugar and ateaspoonful of vanilla, spread over thetop and brown in a quick oven. Servecold.

A Peculiar Fcellnc.Tho seiiiatiou of homesickness lnu

been variously described, but noverniuugraphically than by a littlo girl whomiles away from homo and mamma, kheavy eyed and silent at a hotel tabic

"Aren't you hungry, dear?" askci"her aunt, with whom she. waa traveling.

"No.""Does your head aeho?""No.""What is tho mutter:"Thu child's lip (pmorod, aud shosaii-i-

a tone to grievo tho heart :

"I'm seasick for home." NationalFarmer.

llarhur Jlllntri'M Fuller.Jliss Fuller, a newspaper woman, ha

lately ben appoint! d harbor mistre-- ' i

Tacoina, Wash. It is said that thus't.ushe has douu remarkably good url.keeping all records peituining tu tuuxtuisivo shipping business ut tho enin perfect shape. Last mouth she uui .

out tho harbor miutei-'- s report foryear, thu first rcpoi t of thu kind t,-made out by an American woman.


Mary Ann How do yez loiko yernew missus?

Bridget Very foino indade, Sho's apurflct lady ou ui ersasses mo. Truth.



Trouble In the Party Ranks Oyer the

Hawaiian Policy.

Dlngley Says the Annexation Resolution Will

Quickly Pass the House When


A Washington, dispntch Buys Ha-

waiian annexation question hassplit tho Doiwocrnry in tho Houseto such an extent thnt uo cauouswill be hold to decido upon aparly policy. For some days afaction in the party has boon

n caucus, hoping there-by to Holidify tho opposition sen-

timent. Sentiment has beenchanging rapidly within the pa9tfortnight, nnd this has made its

(opponents irauiio in iiioir enoristo provent favorable oction.

One of tho loading Democratswho was in favor of the annexa-tion of the islands, but who

a willinyno-'s- , in cub" of acaucus, to bo bound by it, paid to-

day that he did not bi-- vo a cau-cus would bo held. "If one werocalled," he said, "it would bo saidAt once tbat Bailey hml been ni'ide.nominal lendor of the minorityfor the purpose of carrying outSpeaker Heed's, viown, and itwould bo true, too," he added withempbat)U. "Therefore 1 do notbolievo a caucus of Do nocrats onthis question will be hold."

Mo-i- t remnrkalile, tun, in- - beentho change of the plaUH of tho

leaders. It has beenknown that Speaker It ed, LaderDiuylcy nnd u unmix r of otherprominent Republican ol theHouse have not thought th,i timeripo for annexation Diugley,when leaving the White Housetoday after a conference withtho President, mid he believedtho reHiilution would pa-- thoHouse very quickly. While in aconversation iitu si in f hisfellow members today Ijrtiinnii ofIllinois, who has fount) t Hawaiiat all stages, said tho Pu nidentwanted ihe passed, andho did not think there would bomuch of a fight.

Several members of th Texasdelegation, notwnhsiandiugBail y's opposition to unuoatiouliave recently expressed themselvesas lieuii.' in favor of it. Pii bablyas niguitlcaut a clmngo is hasoccuned on the Democralic sideis that of "Pr vito".Mn. Allen,the "sago of Tupelo." He Buys hois iuui n. d to fuviii it, although hehas beon consintoutly opposedto it from its inception. "Thefact of tin- - mutter is,"ho said, "I am getting to be some-thing of a laud yrubbur The dev-elopments of th' lust few weekshave ma le it necesstiry, it seemsto me, that the United States shouldhave control of the Hawaiian Il-au- ds

and of at least so much ofthe Philippines as would give usa coaling station there and what-ever other tights aro essential tofree and full communication ontho Pacific."

Tho report on tho Newlauds re-

solution of annexation will bomade to tho Houso probably Tues-day next by Chairman Hitt of iheCommittee on Foreign Affairs.There was an agreement in com-

mittee that tho minority membersshould have until that day to pre-pare their views.

Mother mill Hon.

"Ilood'H Saiviipiirilla has curedmo of rheumatism and neuralgiawhen I could rind no lolief fromauythina else. My son also suf-fered f ir years Trom nourulgiuand builH, butMiico taking Hood'sSirstiparilla lie has hud no symp-toni- H

of these dlsear.es." Mrs.Annie McGowen, 8 North 10thStreet, Temple, Texas.

Hood's Pills aro easy to tako,easy to operate. Curo indiges-tion, hendaclio.


Chickerina, Kimball andKroeger pianos for salo, forcash or ou the instalmentplan. Old hiBtrumen Is exchangedfor new ones. Pianos rented,tuned and ropnired. Teloplmno321. Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd.,Progress Block, Fort street.

A dollar saved is a dollar earn-ed. You can biivo a good manydollars by buying your groceriesof J. Hutchings, 027 Fort street.P.O.box402. Telephone 358.