IJ I I- I i c THE mSTAR THEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03225/00220.pdf · Colee Joe...

1 IJ > 1t I t 1 I- kd4 4 t- I OCALA EVENING STAR THURSDAY JULY 22 1909 j THE BEST YET l 0 I < The Israel Brown house located r on Adams street near the Syna- gogue ¬ f one block from Oklawaha J- i 2 7 avenue for sale Price if q 2000 r 1 t- T Terms see m- eA C < j fc 1i FRANK MgrMA- RION REALTY CO OCAU FLA o KNIGHT LANG i Leading Vehicle Dealers- of Central Florida Ai imeise stock ol Reliable Wagons Buggies Carts s aid tamales carried at all limes aftess Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items carried by a firstclass house of this kind height in qaan titles trtu the factories and always in stock at the very I lowest prices f- We l can save Von money on your purchases be they large tr small Ageits for most of the leading and best makes of wag m aid bag- giesKNIGHT fit LANG North Side of Sure OUt FLORIDA < 0 + e t r I ROWES LITTLE BONANZA- S t E ROWE PROPRIETOR OCALA FLORIDA- ALL KINDS OF t Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both s Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com- plete ¬ s Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class X I I i Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers i t t- f 4 Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought y X and Sod- A 1f Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 100 and 102 North Magnolia Street I t- t + XXX HJX I > CX X X X XKv XK > XKXIX r SCRAP METAL AND JUNK I will buy all kinds of Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper Zinc Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather EtdEngifle Boilers RaIs Etc whether as ppfondhnn l or scrap and pay the highest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me know what you have and where It is located E T DECXEE CITRA FLORIDA i a a A a LLu L w A nHYn Y 0 H 0 ROLLINS COLLEGES EST COLLEGE COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSIQN A FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND NDUSTRIAL ARTS AND t 1k t BUSINESS J Carnegie Hall and third men dormitory now completed electric lights steam am furnace beat large faculty perfect health condi- tions ¬ fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links I baseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida In 1909 Nearly n quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate I jq scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for S CHARACTER CULTURE CONDUCT For Catalogue Address the President l Wm F Blackman Ph D Winter Park Fla- x I a iHH W oo> C > > X- A > THIS MANS STORE IS CROWDED 4 BECAUSE WE DO HIS PRINTING- WE c S a- S 7 CAN CROWD YOUR STOKE IN THE SAME WAY Catalogues Handbills Folders and 4 Commercial Forms Our Specialty > Call at GIJs Office For Jobwork THE STAR JOB OFFICE t I OCALA OCCURRENCES Red Men meet this evening- K of P meet Monday evening Mr SI L Calvin of Inverness is at I the Ocala House- A few of those Diamond Edge Safety Razors left at the Court Pharmacy There were thirty arrivals at the I Montezuma yesterday 5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any case of chills and fever Price 25c Sirs Laird expects to leave in a few days for a visit to Georgia Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to cure chills and fever 25 cents Edwards meat market will close at I 3 p m on Thursdays 5 or 6 doses 6S5 will cure any case of Chills and Fever Price 25c Peroxide Cream for the complexion- at the Court Pharmacy Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed to cure chills and fever 25 cents WANTED salesman to work from house to house Address Star office j Another shipment of hard water soap Just in at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Sir and Sirs E L Carney have gone to Estelle Springs Tenn for a months recuperation WANTED or 5room cottage in healthy neighborhood Apply to X X X Star office Sir G W Martin went up to Jack ¬ sonville yesterday on a business trip He is expected to return tonight A new shipment of that famous Al- pine ¬ i Flax just received at the Court Pharmacy- Mr N M Hale a prohibition leader of Nashville Tenn is in the city con ¬ ferring with Hon W D Cam Ve ha3 the nicest line of hair brushes combs and other toilet arti- cles ¬ in the city Tydings Co Mis Maggie Lytle came up from Stanton this morning to visit Miss Adele BIttinger Rosce Violet Talcum Is one of the best 25 cents at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ I Dr L A Carter a young physician- from I Baxley Ga is visiting Ocala and may locate here I I Three cents will fan you rom ten hours Get one of those Tinch Wes tinghousa fans from H W Tucker Slessrs R V Hendricks and Nathan Robinson and Miss Winona Long aro no longer with the Globe Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Mrs J SI Sellers and children of Apopka are the guests of Sir and Mrs E L Freyermouth Nyals Roach Powder kills em quick and Is nonpoisonous 25 cents- at the Postoffice Drugstore Laurence Freyermuth is in Gaines- ville ¬ visiting his friend Dudley Glov- er ¬ Take one of those bathing cars long with you when going to the lake Get them at the court pharmacy Sir T W Troxler expects his fnm ily to return today from their visit to West Florida and Alabama- N als Roach Powder kills em quick and is nonpoisonous 25 cents at the Postoffice Drugstore Miss Leafy Sylvester will entertain- the bridge whist club tomorrow after ¬ noon at 4 oclock I Try a box of that sunburn cream for sunburn and freckles at the Court Pharmacy R C Davis Co of Jacksonville handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c each 750 per dozen The Ocala News Co are agents for the celebrated Hawkes glasses We can fit you Give us a trial Sir SI M Little went to Sutherland- this afternoon to visit his family and pickle himself in the waters of the Gulf He will return Monday I We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif ¬ ferent pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore Slessrs A G Payne M B Craig R E Iloswell and A W Bethea of Jack- sonville ¬ were at the Ocala House yes ¬ terday- WANTEDTo borrow 600 ox hundred dollars Will give mortagage- on city property in Ocala anti pay good interest Want loan immediate- ly ¬ Address Box 7S7 Jacksonville Fla After several weeks of sickness and absence Sir and Sirs A O Lucius are again at homo in their cottage near the express office FOR SALE3OO auto buggy 40 inch wheel solid rubber tires 20horse power 2cyIInder engine full leather top refitted with new parts Box 173 Ocala Fla 766tdltw Sir Peter Durisoe one of the most highly respected citizens of our coun- ty ¬ left on the noon train for a visit to his old home in South Carolina It is his first visit in about twentyfive- years He left wearing a homemade I palmetto hat and carried many Flor ¬ ida curios among which were thirty alligator eggs These he will hatch out in regulation style minus the al ¬ ligator He is an old neighbor and friend of the famous Ben Tillman and expects to spend a day with him at his plantation home near Edgefield We wish Sir Durisoe a pleasant vaca- tion ¬ among the friends of Auld Lang- Syne The best pills made are DeWUts Little Early Risers the famous little liver pills They are small gentle pleasant easy to take and act prompt- ly ¬ They are sold by all druggists i J2 5 i 4- 1x ANOTHER EVENT FOR OCALA Florida Eagles Will Hold Their State Convention Here August 1820 At the meeting of the Ocala Aerie- F O E last night President Ditto informed the members present tnat a state convention of the order would be- held in this city Aug 1820 for the purpose of organizing a state aerie and taking other measures for the benefit- of I the large and growing fraternity- This will be an important event for Oeala lS delegates will come from the aeries all over the state It is up to the local Eagles to see that they are fittingly entertained and for that pur ¬ pose all members of Aerie No 1S14 are particularly requested to be present at the next regular meeting Wednesday August 4th- Messrs C A Hulburt and O W Cordero were elected delegates to rep ¬ resent the Ocala aerie In the state meeting Other business was attend- ed ¬ to and the meeting closed at 945 P m AT THE AIR DOME Billy Hanway a clever comedan who has been playing at the Pastime- in Jacksonville and giving great satis- faction ¬ came in this afternoon and will be at the Air Dome tonight He can do some of the most sidesplitting blackface stunts you ever saw and you want to be right on hand like a sore thumb Beside there are the pictures It is conceded that Mr Tucker has the fin- est ¬ line of pictures now that has ever been shown in Ocala They are art education and amusement- The members of the St Augustine- ball team are at the Montezuma hotel I They are Sam McDaniels Oscar Con I ova E Dyson J Salano T Davis Roy Colee Joe Benet Gregory Pomar and I Ellington and Wilson Messrs L J Wiley of Philadelphia- E R Bliss Orlando C A Robinson- and S Khouri of the A C L Ed Rou meaux of the So Ex Co E A White- of St Petersburg and J S McAllister- of I Reddick were at the Montezuma yesterday- Mrs W A Collier and her two pret ¬ ty children after a pleasant visit to Mrs Colliers sisters Misses Bessye and Marguerite Porter in Gainesville Ga have returned to their home in Tuscaloosa Ala There were two cases in the mayors court this morning One disorderly person was fined 5 or ten days and j one for contempt of court had his case continued until tomorrow- Mr Will Howes the traveling man for Bartleson was in town today tak ¬ ing orders Mr Howes travels over about halt of Florida and says Ocala- is doing as well if not better than any other town in his territory ONLY I Oc A YARD- FOR 40INCH WIDE WHITE LAWN SHEER QUALITY IS WORTH lSc A YARD ON SALE TOMORROW A- TFRANKS KALLENBERGERS SALOON CLOSED YESTERDAY- Mr W A Kallenbergers saloon on North Main street closed its doors yesterday morning Mr Kallenberger- has had quite a run of bad luck He is now sick at Lake Weir where his family is spending the summer He kept a quiet orderly place and gave everybody a square deal but it has been evident for some months that his saloon was one too many for the city He has made many friends here who hope he will soon be well and on the road to prosperity again Every Woman Will be Interested- If you will send your name and ad ¬ dress we will mall you free a package of Mother Grays Australian Leaf a certain pleasant herb and never fail ¬ ing If you have pains in the back urinary bladder or kidnty trouble use this pleasant union of aromatic herbs roots and leaves All druggists sell it I 50 cents or address The Mother Gray Co Leroy X Y 2 The prescription nepartment Is the main slay of any drugstore Accuracy reliability promptness and pure drugs have made this department of our business one of the largest in the country Send us your prescriptions Tydings C Co Mr Will Moore came up from Tam- pa ¬ last night and will return with his family to that city tomorrow FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms for light housekeeping on first floor all conveniences Also one nicely fur- nished ¬ bedroom on second floor one half block from A C L depot Apply 34 Oklawaha avenue R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired- Mr Rudolph C Myers who was a resident of Ocala some two years ago- is in town on business He has been in the southern part of the state since leaving Ocala Many people with chronic throat and lung trouble have found comfort and relief In Foleys Honey and Tar as it cures stubbon coughs after other treatment has failed L1 Ruggles Rcasnor Iowa writes The doctors said I had consumption and I got no better until I took Foleys Honey and Tar It stopped the hemorrhages and pain in my lungs and they are now as sound as a bullet Sold by all drug- gists ¬ I Belle Meade Sweets Sugar Fruit and Cbocolale THATS ALL These delicious candies can be had only at Court Pharmacy J j The lam Wlal A- mSTAR Robin Hood Sliced Apricots 3sro 1 12 15c Robin Hood Sliced Peaches No 1 12 15c No1 Breakfast Herring Roe lOc 8 for 2- 5cTEAPOT GROCERYHO- USES FOR RENT Modern cottages an conveniences- well located and new Apply to Jos- eph ¬ Bell at court house Bob C nnor says that the lake in the rear of his home south of town under the influence of the rainy sea- son ¬ I has amplified until it is only a few square miles smaller than Lake Weir Bob Is going to build a yacht and launch it on the waters of said lake and treat all his friends to a sail on which occasion he will also give them- a purlo It is this prospect of festivity that keeps Bobs friends praying for more rain- Captain Graham and the best marksmen of the Ocala Rifles are out at Fort King this afternoon trying their new Springfields at the target- to see who shall represent the com ¬ pany at St Augustine Sir F G B Weihe treasurer o the Eagles came up from Shell Island I yesterday to attend the meeting of the I aerie last night and returned to the island today Fred has accumulated- a sunburn that would make a kimona for a slim man Sir and Sirs J T Simmons have I returned from a two weeks visit to I Rochelle Ga which they enjoyed very much Mr and Sirs W K Zewadski and their youngest son Orlorf are expect- ed ¬ to return to Ocala from Springfield III in September Their many friends I vvil be glad to see them a Tulula Lodge I O O F Is forming another club Two applications were received last Tuesday evening Mr and Sirs B E Raysor after a visit to Sirs Raysors mother irs Wattle Pyles returned to their home- at Lowell today- Mr and Mrs J C Smith and little daughter Sir and Mrs Arthur Cobb and daughter and Sirs Cobbs mother Sirs Seeley spent Wednesday at Hol- der ¬ I the guests of Mr Cobbs father Mr T A Cobb It was a family re ¬ union and a most pleasant affair for all present The latest news from Mr Ben Rhelnauer is that he is enjoying life in the Catskills and is fast recovering his health and strength His host of friends all over the county will be glad to know this Mrs John Martin who passed thro- an exceedingly dangerous operation in the Marion County Hospital on Tues- day ¬ is reported to be doing well Young John T Lewis Jr of Okla ¬ waha whose critical case has been reported in the Star from time to time will be dismissed from the hospital- and return to his home on Sunday next Messrs Frederick Jung and C J Cooper Chicago E M Dettinger Greensboro N C Emmet Wilson I Sanford and C J Rogers Palatka were at the Ocala House last night Messrs Reuben M Blumberg of Baltimore and B H Chase of Tam ¬ pa were at the Ocala House yester- day ¬ There is no better stock of fine writing papers in the city tWan we carry Come In and look It over if you want something really nice Ty dIngs Co I Mr Heron TOdO who had such a siege of typhoid fever and left for Kentucky as soon as he was able to travel to recuperate has gone to Chi ¬ cago where he entered a school of window decorating and sign lettering- He will take a two months course in this school when he will return to Ocala and resume his position with Mr Marcus Frank Franks store will soon show the effect of Mr Todds artistic ability Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops chronic coughs that weaken the constitution and develop In consump ¬ tion but heals and strengthens the lungs It affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis asthma hay fever and lung trouble Sold by all druggists NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION- This is to inform you that B Gold- man ¬ has this day by mutual agreement withdrawn from the Guarantee Cloth- ing ¬ Shoe company of this city J Malever remaining the sole owner of the business and assumes all the lia- biiitics Respectfully B GOLDMAN J MALEVER Ocala Fin July 14th 1909 NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION I This is to inform you that on this day the firm of Goldman Malever- of Ocala Fla is by mutual agreement disolved B Goldman to assume all the obligations due by the above firm You I will please take notice and change the account on your books accordingly Respectfully B GOLDMAN J MALEVER Ocala Fla July 14th 1909 NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Xotlce is hereby given that on the first day of December A D 1909 the undersigned as administrator of the estate of John Kinsler deceased will present my accounts and voucher to Hon Joseph Bell Judge of probate at his office in Ocala Florida and will make by final settlement as such ad ¬ ministrator and will apply for dis ¬ charge as administrator of said estate George Giles As Administrator of the Estate of John Kinsler I October Hth 1908 ST AUGUSTINE WINS ON A BUNCH OF ERRORS St Augustine surprised everybody yesterday when they won the game from Ocala with the score of 4to 3 Gainesville played Augustine several days ago and won 15 0 and Ocala was confident of winning the two games from the boys of the Ancient City but from the way they played ball yesterday it is doubtful If they get one game The game opened up with great promise Neither side scored until the third when the home team sqUeezed one man across the place but in the third the Augustine boys also tallied evening up the score Right here the Ocala boys seemed- to go up in the air Erors were made all over the diamond and with several hits in the fourth inning Augustine scored three more runs Harris hurt his shoulder on first base and in the next inning Donaldson whose positloj is at second was put in the box The run getting was stopped and in the seventh inning it looked like the home team was going to win out Two tallies were made and the bases were full with two men out and Wailer at the bat WaIler knocked a foul and Jewett on second in returning to the base was caught between second and third and put out retiring the side Of the twelve men that faced him Donaldson struck out eight more strike outs than Harris for the locals and Conova for St Augustine made in the whole game together Donaldson developed speed and some benders In the box It looks as if we have found a pitcher in the ranks but it seems a pity to have to use him in the box when he fills his position so well at second The second game with the St Au ¬ gustine will be played this afternoon Ocala was a little overconfident yes- terday ¬ which probably cost her the game but today the boys will go in to win and some good baseball will be played BAND CONCERT PROGRAM- The Metropolitan Band will give its regular weekly concert tomorrow night from the band stand provided the weather is agreeable when the fol ¬ lowing program will be rendered 1 March The Maestro R W Bond 2 Selection Bohemian Girl Balfe 3 Japanese dance and twostep Yuki Victor G Kreger 1 Overture Poet and Peasant by requestFr Von Suppe 5 Indian novelty twostep Big Chief Battle AxeT S Allen 6 Selection The Monarch W C OHare i March The CrisisR B Hall- S American Patr6lF W Meacham A E Gerig Director SKILLED PAINTING- I am prepared to take any Job of painting no matter how largeor how small or how fine the work desired may be I have Lhe material brushes and knowledge to paint and do It right Houses painted nside and out Graining gilding hard oil finishing varnishing and lettering and sign painting Taste and skill guaranteed Address P 0 Box 135 or leave word- at the Star office K W Fillyaw Ocala Fla tf GAS ENGINE BARGAIN Fairbanks Morse 3horsepower will develop four in perfect condition for sale at bargain Fittings also for gasolene Owner has substituted elec- tric motor Address P O Box 688 Ocala 624 Only lOc a yd I FOR 40IXCH WIDE WHITE I LAWN SHEER QUALITY IS WORTH ISc A YARD OX SALE TOMORROW AT FRANKSFI- RE WOOD FJRE WOOD- We have a large sappy of fire wood I both pine and oak fireplace and stove lengths Good seasoned wood- A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLAR delivered cash Call at factory or PHONE 170 Geo GILES CO NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR I Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap ¬ ter 4888 Laws of Florida il Notice is hereby given that B E Ray sor purchaser of tax certificates Nos 162 163 1C4 dated the 3rd day of June- A D 1907 has filed said certificates in my office and has made application- for tax deed to issue in accordance with law Said certificates embrace the following described property sit- uated in Marion county Florida to wit Com 1153 chs s of ne cor of iwy of nw i sec 26 tp 13 r 21 thence- v 415 ft n 210 ft e 415 ft s 210 ft also om 432V ft n of sw cor of nw3 sec 26 tp 13 s r 21 e thence n 464 ft e 1020- ft s 464 ft w 1020 ft and also com i lS0lh chs s of now cor of sw > 4 sec 26 I tp 13 r 21 thence s 316 chs e 632 cha- n 316 chs w 632 chs less those parts I redeemed The said land being assess- ed at the date of the issuance of such certificates in the name of Richard i Woodward R S Winny Anderson I Jones Unless said certificates shall t be redeemed according to law tax deed will issue thereon on the 20th day I of August A D 1909 I Witness my officail signature and seal this the 16th day of July A D 1909 S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla FOLEYl MEMIR The original LAXATIVE cough remeDY Tor coughs colas throzt and lung troubles No opiates Nonalcoholic Good for everjbodj Sod everywhere Tho genuine FOLEYS HONEY and TAR hi iYIlow package Refuse substitute Prepared only by P tay A Company Chloa FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS i c r- i q THE AIR DOME to i it = Moving Pictures l r j and Vaudeville r The Best of atenalMBeitt Farabfc ed fey Hoe p NEW PICTURES EVERT DAY THREE FULL REELS EACH NIGHT ao lit I W TUCKEI PIIPIIETt F E McCLANE nyskialaH S1IfCH General Practice Calls Made Fremjrtly- Naht er Day Special Attention te Obstetrics Di- seases ¬ of Women and Children Office Rooms 322 Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office No 53S- lesldence No 333- OCALAI FLORID- AL F BLALOCK- Dental Surgeon Office Over Commercial laak Phone all Office hours I to 12 a 1>> 1 to 5 p m TERMS CASH JECHACED- NTRLSU1GEON Rooms 9 10 and 11 Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA f TERMS CASH r R FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Huroe A duuabliu Bank f OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH CHARLES D HULBERT I D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Second Floor The Munroe it- Chambllss Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 222 Residence 221 Office Hours9 to 12 a nu 2 to 4 p m 730 to 830 p m SPECIAL EKLY BREAKFASTS Those wishing extra early break- fasts ¬ can get same at the Elk Cafe as- eaV as 430 If they desire J NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4888 Laws of Florida Notice Is hereby given that S L Fri- day ¬ purchaser of tax certificates Noa 494 and 495 dated the 7th day of Au ¬ gust A D 1899 has filed said certi ¬ ficates in my office and has made ap- plication ¬ for tax deed to issue in ac ¬ cordance with law Said certificates embrace the following described prop- erty ¬ situated In Marion county Florida towit Lots 16 and 18 In block 12 Reddlck sec 10 tp 13 r 21 eThe said land being assessed at the datof the issuance of such certificates in the name of Fla Com Co and F Q Brown trustee Unless said certificates shall be redeemed according to law tax deed will issue thereon on the 23rd day Of August A D 1909 Witness my official signature and seal this 20th day of July A D 1909 Seal S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit Court Marlon Co Fla NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap- ter ¬ 4888 Laws of Florida Notice Is hereby given that W O Brewer purchaser of tax certificate- No 402 dated the 3rd day of June A D 1907 has filed said certificate in my office and has made application for tax deed to issue in accordance with law Said certificate embraces the following described property situated- In Marion cojmty Florida towit wYz of ne4 and n3 of se4 see 6 tp 15 s r 18 e The said land being as ¬ sessed at the date of the issuance of such certificate In the name of We Idwa Naval Stores Co Unless said certificate shall be redeemed accord ¬ ing to law tax deed will issue there- on on the 23rd day of July A D 1909 Witness my official signature and seal this the 19th day of June A D 1909 S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla NOTICE Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice Is hereby given that on the- 19th day of February A D 1910 the undersigned will present her accounts 4 and vouchers to the Hon Joseph Bell judge of probate In and for Marlon county at his office In Ocala y and will make her final settlement and apply for final discharge Ocala Fla 21st day of July 1909 ANNIE JL PERRY Administratrix Estate of S H Perry NOTICE- Of Final Settlement and Discharge Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of January AD 1910 the undersigned as administratrix de bonis non of the estate of Mary Conyers deceased will present my final account and vouchers to the Honorable Joseph Bell judge of probate in and for Ma- rion ¬ county Florida at his office in Ocala and will make my final settle- ment and will apply for final dlscharg as administratrix Joanna Lewis As Administratrix de bonis non ot the estate of Mary Conyers de- ceased ¬ i Dated CItra Fla July 16th uu r ir- r m

Transcript of IJ I I- I i c THE mSTAR THEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03225/00220.pdf · Colee Joe...

Page 1: IJ I I- I i c THE mSTAR THEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03225/00220.pdf · Colee Joe Benet Gregory Pomar and I Ellington and Wilson Messrs L J Wiley of Philadelphia-E R

1 IJ > 1t I

t 1 I-


4 t-






The Israel Brown house located

r on Adams street near the Syna-


f one block from Oklawaha J-


2 7 avenue for sale Priceif



1 t-

T Terms see m-



jfc 1i FRANK MgrMA-


o KNIGHT LANGi Leading Vehicle Dealers-

of Central FloridaAi imeise stock ol Reliable Wagons Buggies Carts

s aid tamales carried at all limes

aftess Saddles Lap Robes Whips and all items

carried by a firstclass house of this kind height in qaantitles trtu the factories and always in stock at the very

I lowest pricesf-

Wel can save Von money on your purchases be theylarge tr small

Ageits for most of the leading and best makes ofwagm aid bag-

giesKNIGHT fit LANGNorth Side of Sure OUt FLORIDA

< 0 +e t





Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Produce Both s

Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water Fish The Most Com-




Place of Its Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right

UpToDate First Class Restaurant in Connection First Class XI Ii Meals and Reasonable Board to Weekly Customers it t-


Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Boughty

X and Sod-A


Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652

100 and 102 North Magnolia Street It-




SCRAP METAL AND JUNKI will buy all kinds of Junk Iron Steel Brass Copper Zinc

Tin Lead Rubber Bagging barrels Leather EtdEngifleBoilers RaIs Etc whether as ppfondhnn l or scrap and pay thehighest price In cash for same Write or call on me and let me knowwhat you have and where It is located



a a A a LLu L w AnHYn Y 0 H 0




JCarnegie Hall and third men dormitory now completed electric

lights steam am furnace beat large faculty perfect health condi-


fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links Ibaseball football and basketball teams champions of Florida In 1909

Nearly n quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderateIjq scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for S


For Catalogue Address the Presidentl

Wm F Blackman Ph D Winter Park Fla-x


iHH W oo>C > > X-






S a-




Catalogues Handbills Folders and4 Commercial Forms Our Specialty

> Call at GIJs Office For Jobwork





Red Men meet this evening-

K of P meet Monday evening

Mr SI L Calvin of Inverness is at I

the Ocala House-

A few of those Diamond Edge SafetyRazors left at the Court Pharmacy

There were thirty arrivals at the I

Montezuma yesterday

5 or 6 doses 666 will cure any caseof chills and fever Price 25c

Sirs Laird expects to leave in a fewdays for a visit to Georgia

Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed tocure chills and fever 25 cents

Edwards meat market will close atI

3 p m on Thursdays

5 or 6 doses 6S5 will cure any caseof Chills and Fever Price 25c

Peroxide Cream for the complexion-at the Court Pharmacy

Planks Chill Tonic guaranteed tocure chills and fever 25 cents

WANTED salesman to workfrom house to house Address Staroffice j

Another shipment of hard watersoap Just in at the Postoffice Drug-store


Sir and Sirs E L Carney have goneto Estelle Springs Tenn for a monthsrecuperation

WANTED or 5room cottage inhealthy neighborhood Apply to X XX Star office

Sir G W Martin went up to Jack ¬

sonville yesterday on a business tripHe is expected to return tonight

A new shipment of that famous Al-

pine¬ i

Flax just received at the CourtPharmacy-

Mr N M Hale a prohibition leaderof Nashville Tenn is in the city con ¬

ferring with Hon W D Cam

Ve ha3 the nicest line of hairbrushes combs and other toilet arti-cles


in the city Tydings Co

Mis Maggie Lytle came up fromStanton this morning to visit MissAdele BIttinger

Rosce Violet Talcum Is one of thebest 25 cents at the Postoffice Drug-store



Dr L A Carter a young physician-from


Baxley Ga is visiting Ocala andmay locate here I


Three cents will fan you rom tenhours Get one of those Tinch Westinghousa fans from H W Tucker

Slessrs R V Hendricks and NathanRobinson and Miss Winona Long arono longer with the Globe

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Mrs J SI Sellers and children ofApopka are the guests of Sir andMrs E L Freyermouth

Nyals Roach Powder kills emquick and Is nonpoisonous 25 cents-at the Postoffice Drugstore

Laurence Freyermuth is in Gaines-ville


visiting his friend Dudley Glov-er


Take one of those bathing carslong with you when going to the lakeGet them at the court pharmacy

Sir T W Troxler expects his fnmily to return today from their visit toWest Florida and Alabama-

N als Roach Powder kills em quickand is nonpoisonous 25 cents at thePostoffice Drugstore

Miss Leafy Sylvester will entertain-the bridge whist club tomorrow after¬

noon at 4 oclockI

Try a box of that sunburn creamfor sunburn and freckles at the CourtPharmacy

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillehandle silk typewriter ribbons 75ceach 750 per dozen

The Ocala News Co are agents forthe celebrated Hawkes glasses Wecan fit you Give us a trial

Sir SI M Little went to Sutherland-this afternoon to visit his family andpickle himself in the waters of theGulf He will return Monday


We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif¬

ferent pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore

Slessrs A G Payne M B Craig RE Iloswell and A W Bethea of Jack-sonville


were at the Ocala House yes ¬


WANTEDTo borrow 600 oxhundred dollars Will give mortagage-on city property in Ocala anti paygood interest Want loan immediate-ly


Address Box 7S7 Jacksonville Fla

After several weeks of sickness andabsence Sir and Sirs A O Luciusare again at homo in their cottagenear the express office

FOR SALE3OO auto buggy 40inch wheel solid rubber tires 20horsepower 2cyIInder engine full leathertop refitted with new parts Box 173Ocala Fla 766tdltw

Sir Peter Durisoe one of the mosthighly respected citizens of our coun-ty


left on the noon train for a visit tohis old home in South Carolina It ishis first visit in about twentyfive-years He left wearing a homemade


palmetto hat and carried many Flor ¬

ida curios among which were thirtyalligator eggs These he will hatchout in regulation style minus the al ¬

ligator He is an old neighbor andfriend of the famous Ben Tillman andexpects to spend a day with him athis plantation home near EdgefieldWe wish Sir Durisoe a pleasant vaca-tion


among the friends of Auld Lang-Syne

The best pills made are DeWUtsLittle Early Risers the famous littleliver pills They are small gentlepleasant easy to take and act prompt-ly


They are sold by all druggists

i J2 5 i 4-



Florida Eagles Will Hold Their StateConvention Here August 1820

At the meeting of the Ocala Aerie-F O E last night President Dittoinformed the members present tnat astate convention of the order would be-

held in this city Aug 1820 for thepurpose of organizing a state aerie andtaking other measures for the benefit-of


the large and growing fraternity-This will be an important event forOeala lS delegates will come from theaeries all over the state It is up tothe local Eagles to see that they arefittingly entertained and for that pur ¬

pose all members of Aerie No 1S14 areparticularly requested to be present atthe next regular meeting WednesdayAugust 4th-

Messrs C A Hulburt and O WCordero were elected delegates to rep ¬

resent the Ocala aerie In the statemeeting Other business was attend-ed


to and the meeting closed at 945P m


Billy Hanway a clever comedanwho has been playing at the Pastime-in Jacksonville and giving great satis-faction


came in this afternoon andwill be at the Air Dome tonight Hecan do some of the most sidesplittingblackface stunts you ever saw andyou want to be right on hand like asore thumb

Beside there are the pictures It isconceded that Mr Tucker has the fin-


line of pictures now that has everbeen shown in Ocala They are arteducation and amusement-

The members of the St Augustine-ball team are at the Montezuma hotel

I They are Sam McDaniels Oscar ConI ova E Dyson J Salano T Davis RoyColee Joe Benet Gregory Pomar and

I Ellington and Wilson

Messrs L J Wiley of Philadelphia-E R Bliss Orlando C A Robinson-and S Khouri of the A C L Ed Roumeaux of the So Ex Co E A White-of St Petersburg and J S McAllister-of


Reddick were at the Montezumayesterday-

Mrs W A Collier and her two pret ¬

ty children after a pleasant visit toMrs Colliers sisters Misses Bessyeand Marguerite Porter in GainesvilleGa have returned to their home inTuscaloosa Ala

There were two cases in the mayorscourt this morning One disorderlyperson was fined 5 or ten days and j

one for contempt of court had hiscase continued until tomorrow-

Mr Will Howes the traveling manfor Bartleson was in town today tak ¬

ing orders Mr Howes travels overabout halt of Florida and says Ocala-is doing as well if not better than anyother town in his territory








Mr W A Kallenbergers saloon onNorth Main street closed its doorsyesterday morning Mr Kallenberger-has had quite a run of bad luck Heis now sick at Lake Weir where hisfamily is spending the summer Hekept a quiet orderly place and gaveeverybody a square deal but it hasbeen evident for some months thathis saloon was one too many for thecity He has made many friends herewho hope he will soon be well and onthe road to prosperity again

Every Woman Will be Interested-If you will send your name and ad¬

dress we will mall you free a packageof Mother Grays Australian Leaf acertain pleasant herb and never fail¬

ing If you have pains in the backurinary bladder or kidnty trouble usethis pleasant union of aromatic herbsroots and leaves All druggists sell it I

50 cents or address The Mother GrayCo Leroy X Y 2

The prescription nepartment Is themain slay of any drugstore Accuracyreliability promptness and pure drugshave made this department of ourbusiness one of the largest in thecountry Send us your prescriptionsTydings C Co

Mr Will Moore came up from Tam-pa


last night and will return with hisfamily to that city tomorrow

FOR RENTTwo furnished roomsfor light housekeeping on first floorall conveniences Also one nicely fur-nished


bedroom on second floor onehalf block from A C L depot Apply34 Oklawaha avenue

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired-

Mr Rudolph C Myers who was aresident of Ocala some two years ago-is in town on business He has beenin the southern part of the state sinceleaving Ocala

Many people with chronic throatand lung trouble have found comfortand relief In Foleys Honey and Taras it cures stubbon coughs after othertreatment has failed L1 RugglesRcasnor Iowa writes The doctorssaid I had consumption and I got nobetter until I took Foleys Honey andTar It stopped the hemorrhages andpain in my lungs and they are now assound as a bullet Sold by all drug-gists



Belle Meade Sweets

Sugar Fruit and CbocolaleTHATS ALL

These delicious candies can be

had only at

Court Pharmacy

J j

The lam Wlal A-

mSTARRobin Hood Sliced Apricots

3sro 1 12 15c

Robin Hood Sliced PeachesNo 1 12 15c

No1 Breakfast Herring RoelOc 8 for 2-


USES FOR RENTModern cottages an conveniences-

well located and new Apply to Jos-eph


Bell at court house

Bob C nnor says that the lake inthe rear of his home south of townunder the influence of the rainy sea-son

¬ I

has amplified until it is only a fewsquare miles smaller than Lake WeirBob Is going to build a yacht andlaunch it on the waters of said lakeand treat all his friends to a sail onwhich occasion he will also give them-a purlo It is this prospect of festivitythat keeps Bobs friends praying formore rain-

Captain Graham and the bestmarksmen of the Ocala Rifles are outat Fort King this afternoon tryingtheir new Springfields at the target-to see who shall represent the com ¬

pany at St Augustine

Sir F G B Weihe treasurer o theEagles came up from Shell Island I

yesterday to attend the meeting of the I

aerie last night and returned to theisland today Fred has accumulated-a sunburn that would make a kimonafor a slim man

Sir and Sirs J T Simmons have I

returned from a two weeks visit to I

Rochelle Ga which they enjoyed verymuch

Mr and Sirs W K Zewadski andtheir youngest son Orlorf are expect-ed


to return to Ocala from SpringfieldIII in September Their many friends I

vvil be glad to see thema

Tulula Lodge I O O F Is forminganother club Two applications werereceived last Tuesday evening

Mr and Sirs B E Raysor after avisit to Sirs Raysors mother irsWattle Pyles returned to their home-at Lowell today-

Mr and Mrs J C Smith and littledaughter Sir and Mrs Arthur Cobband daughter and Sirs Cobbs motherSirs Seeley spent Wednesday at Hol-der


the guests of Mr Cobbs fatherMr T A Cobb It was a family re ¬

union and a most pleasant affair forall present

The latest news from Mr BenRhelnauer is that he is enjoying lifein the Catskills and is fast recoveringhis health and strength His host offriends all over the county will beglad to know this

Mrs John Martin who passed thro-an exceedingly dangerous operation inthe Marion County Hospital on Tues-day


is reported to be doing well

Young John T Lewis Jr of Okla ¬

waha whose critical case has beenreported in the Star from time to timewill be dismissed from the hospital-and return to his home on Sundaynext

Messrs Frederick Jung and C JCooper Chicago E M DettingerGreensboro N C Emmet Wilson

I Sanford and C J Rogers Palatkawere at the Ocala House last night

Messrs Reuben M Blumberg ofBaltimore and B H Chase of Tam ¬

pa were at the Ocala House yester-day


There is no better stock of finewriting papers in the city tWan wecarry Come In and look It over ifyou want something really nice TydIngs Co


Mr Heron TOdO who had such asiege of typhoid fever and left forKentucky as soon as he was able totravel to recuperate has gone to Chi ¬

cago where he entered a school ofwindow decorating and sign lettering-He will take a two months course inthis school when he will return toOcala and resume his position withMr Marcus Frank Franks storewill soon show the effect of Mr Toddsartistic ability

Foleys Honey and Tar not onlystops chronic coughs that weaken theconstitution and develop In consump ¬

tion but heals and strengthens thelungs It affords comfort and relief inthe worst cases of chronic bronchitisasthma hay fever and lung troubleSold by all druggists


This is to inform you that B Gold-man


has this day by mutual agreementwithdrawn from the Guarantee Cloth-ing


Shoe company of this city JMalever remaining the sole owner ofthe business and assumes all the lia-biiitics Respectfully


Ocala Fin July 14th 1909

NOTICE OF DISSOLUTIONI This is to inform you that on thisday the firm of Goldman Malever-of Ocala Fla is by mutual agreementdisolved B Goldman to assume all theobligations due by the above firm You I

will please take notice and change theaccount on your books accordingly


Ocala Fla July 14th 1909

NOTICE-Of Final Settlement and DischargeXotlce is hereby given that on the

first day of December A D 1909 theundersigned as administrator of theestate of John Kinsler deceased willpresent my accounts and voucher toHon Joseph Bell Judge of probate athis office in Ocala Florida and willmake by final settlement as such ad ¬

ministrator and will apply for dis ¬

charge as administrator of said estateGeorge Giles

As Administrator of the Estate ofJohn Kinsler


October Hth 1908


St Augustine surprised everybodyyesterday when they won the gamefrom Ocala with the score of 4to 3Gainesville played Augustine severaldays ago and won 15 0 and Ocalawas confident of winning the twogames from the boys of the AncientCity but from the way they playedball yesterday it is doubtful If theyget one game

The game opened up with greatpromise Neither side scored until thethird when the home team sqUeezedone man across the place but in thethird the Augustine boys also talliedevening up the score

Right here the Ocala boys seemed-to go up in the air Erors were madeall over the diamond and with severalhits in the fourth inning Augustinescored three more runs Harris hurthis shoulder on first base and in thenext inning Donaldson whose positlojis at second was put in the box

The run getting was stopped andin the seventh inning it looked like thehome team was going to win out Twotallies were made and the bases werefull with two men out and Wailer atthe bat WaIler knocked a foul andJewett on second in returning to thebase was caught between second andthird and put out retiring the side

Of the twelve men that faced himDonaldson struck out eight morestrike outs than Harris for the localsand Conova for St Augustine made inthe whole game together Donaldsondeveloped speed and some benders Inthe box It looks as if we have founda pitcher in the ranks but it seemsa pity to have to use him in the boxwhen he fills his position so well atsecond

The second game with the St Au ¬

gustine will be played this afternoonOcala was a little overconfident yes-terday


which probably cost her thegame but today the boys will go into win and some good baseball will beplayed


The Metropolitan Band will give itsregular weekly concert tomorrow nightfrom the band stand provided theweather is agreeable when the fol ¬

lowing program will be rendered1 March The Maestro R W Bond2 Selection Bohemian Girl Balfe3 Japanese dance and twostep Yuki

Victor G Kreger1 Overture Poet and Peasant by

requestFr Von Suppe5 Indian novelty twostep Big Chief

Battle AxeT S Allen6 Selection The Monarch W C

OHarei March The CrisisR B Hall-S American Patr6lF W Meacham

A E Gerig Director


I am prepared to take any Job ofpainting no matter how largeor howsmall or how fine the work desiredmay be I have Lhe material brushesand knowledge to paint and do Itright Houses painted nside and outGraining gilding hard oil finishingvarnishing and lettering and signpainting Taste and skill guaranteedAddress P 0 Box 135 or leave word-at the Star office K W FillyawOcala Fla tf


Fairbanks Morse 3horsepowerwill develop four in perfect condition

for sale at bargain Fittings also forgasolene Owner has substituted elec-tric motor Address P O Box 688Ocala 624







We have a large sappy of fire woodI both pine and oak fireplace and stovelengths Good seasoned wood-

A BIG LOAD FOR A DOLLARdelivered cash Call at factory orPHONE 170 Geo GILES CO

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORI Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap ¬

ter 4888 Laws of Floridail

Notice is hereby given that B E Raysor purchaser of tax certificates Nos162 163 1C4 dated the 3rd day of June-

A D 1907 has filed said certificates inmy office and has made application-for tax deed to issue in accordancewith law Said certificates embracethe following described property sit-uated in Marion county Florida towit Com 1153 chs s of ne cor ofiwy of nw i sec 26 tp 13 r 21 thence-v 415 ft n 210 ft e 415 ft s 210 ft alsoom 432V ft n of sw cor of nw3 sec26 tp 13 s r 21 e thence n 464 ft e 1020-

ft s 464 ft w 1020 ft and also comi lS0lh chs s of now cor of sw >4 sec 26

I tp 13 r 21 thence s 316 chs e 632 cha-n 316 chs w 632 chs less those parts

I redeemed The said land being assess-ed at the date of the issuance of suchcertificates in the name of Richard

i Woodward R S Winny AndersonI Jones Unless said certificates shallt be redeemed according to law taxdeed will issue thereon on the 20th day


of August A D 1909I Witness my officail signature and

seal this the 16th day of July A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court Marion Co Fla


The original

LAXATIVE cough remeDY

Tor coughs colas throzt and lungtroubles No opiates NonalcoholicGood for everjbodj Sod everywhere

Tho genuineFOLEYS HONEY and TAR hiiYIlow package Refuse substitute

Prepared only byP tay A Company Chloa


i c r-


THE AIR DOME to i it=

Moving Pictures l r

jand Vaudeville r

The Best of atenalMBeitt Farabfced fey Hoe p




F E McCLANEnyskialaH S1IfCH

General Practice Calls Made Fremjrtly-Naht er Day

Special Attention te Obstetrics Di-


of Women and Children

Office Rooms 322 Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office No 53S-lesldence No 333-


AL F BLALOCK-Dental Surgeon

Office Over Commercial laakPhone all

Office hours I to 12 a 1>> 1 to5 p m



Rooms 9 10 and 11

Second Floor Holder BlockOCALA FLORIDA f




Office Over Huroe A duuabliuBank





Office Second Floor The Munroe it-Chambllss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephones Office 222 Residence221

Office Hours9 to 12 a nu 2 to 4p m 730 to 830 p m

SPECIAL EKLY BREAKFASTSThose wishing extra early break-


can get same at the Elk Cafe as-

eaV as 430 If they desireJ

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice Is hereby given that S L Fri-day


purchaser of tax certificates Noa494 and 495 dated the 7th day of Au¬

gust A D 1899 has filed said certi ¬

ficates in my office and has made ap-plication


for tax deed to issue in ac ¬

cordance with law Said certificatesembrace the following described prop-erty


situated In Marion county Floridatowit Lots 16 and 18 In block 12Reddlck sec 10 tp 13 r 21 eThe saidland being assessed at the datof theissuance of such certificates in thename of Fla Com Co and F Q Browntrustee Unless said certificates shallbe redeemed according to law tax deedwill issue thereon on the 23rd day OfAugust A D 1909

Witness my official signature andseal this 20th day of July A D 1909

Seal S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court Marlon Co Fla

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FORTax Deed Under Section 8 of Chap-ter


4888 Laws of FloridaNotice Is hereby given that W OBrewer purchaser of tax certificate-No 402 dated the 3rd day of June AD 1907 has filed said certificate in myoffice and has made application fortax deed to issue in accordance withlaw Said certificate embraces thefollowing described property situated-In Marion cojmty Florida towitwYz of ne4 and n3 of se4 see 6 tp15 s r 18 e The said land being as ¬

sessed at the date of the issuance ofsuch certificate In the name of WeIdwa Naval Stores Co Unless saidcertificate shall be redeemed accord ¬

ing to law tax deed will issue there-on on the 23rd day of July A D 1909

Witness my official signature andseal this the 19th day of June A D1909 S T SISTRUNKClerk Circuit Court of Marion Co Fla


Of Final Settlement and DischargeNotice Is hereby given that on the-

19th day of February A D 1910 theundersigned will present her accounts


and vouchers to the Hon Joseph Belljudge of probate In and for Marloncounty at his office In Ocala y and willmake her final settlement and applyfor final discharge

Ocala Fla 21st day of July 1909ANNIE JL PERRY

Administratrix Estate of S H Perry

NOTICE-Of Final Settlement and Discharge

Notice is hereby given that on the19th day of January AD 1910 theundersigned as administratrix de bonisnon of the estate of Mary Conyersdeceased will present my final accountand vouchers to the Honorable JosephBell judge of probate in and for Ma-rion


county Florida at his office inOcala and will make my final settle-ment and will apply for final dlschargas administratrix Joanna Lewis

As Administratrix de bonis non otthe estate of Mary Conyers de-

ceased¬ i

Dated CItra Fla July 16th uur
