IIT Academy - Masterclass - Beyond Agility

Beyond Agility Masterclass @ Industrie IT Academy

Transcript of IIT Academy - Masterclass - Beyond Agility

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Beyond AgilityMasterclass @ Industrie IT Academy

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Beginner Practiced MasterExpert

just starting the journey

a few years, know the concepts

significant experience,

delivered results

let’s learn from each


about you

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about me• Launched six startups in past 2 years - fashion, recruitment, education, creative tech,

publishing, volunteering

• First Scrum Master at the biggest bank in Australia, beach head agile coach at international bank, responsible for orchestrating one of Australia’s top 10 brands toward agility

• Transformed across industries gaming companies, home loan providers, financial institutions, international tech, government, health organisations - 240% productivity in 6 weeks

• Facilitates Sydney Scrum - biggest and one of the first Agile MeetupsPioneered multi-language offshore scaled agileOrchestrate Industrie IT’s Academy: Agile two-time IMA award winner

CBA innovation award


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ContentsObserving historical patterns

The Human & the Org • Connected Company • Coke • Netflix • Drive • Flow

What’s next?

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a view of work• Sustenance Gathering • Agricultural Production • Production • Knowledge • Creative • Beyond

Attribution - Peter Green of http://www.agileforall.com/2015/05/the-future-of-agile-changing-the-world-of-work/

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a view of production“I can say, without the slightest hesitation, that the science of handling pig-iron is so great, that the man who is physically capable of handling pig-iron, and is sufficiently stupid to choose this for his occupation, is rarely able to comprehend the science of handling pig-iron.”

- Fredrick Winslow Taylor

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transforming productionspeed and quality vs. economies of scale

LeanW. Edwards DemingTaiichi Ono (⼤大野耐⼀一)

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trust value kaizen


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a view of knowledge





Rarely/Unused$ O3en/Always$




Failed$ Succeeded$ Challenged$

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transforming knowledge

Scrum• Hirotaka Takeuchi (⽵竹内 弘⾼高) • Ikujiro Nonaka (野中 郁次郎) • Jeff Sutherland

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iterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership


lean trust value kaizen

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a view of creativity

Engineering Agility


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transforming creativity

Lean Startup• Steve Blank • Eric Ries

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empirical discovery voice of customer validated learning

lean startup

lean trust value kaizen

scrumiterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership

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& the organisation

the human

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connectedness“Connected companies have the advantage in today’s connected world, because they learn and move faster than their competitors. While others work in isolation, they link into rich networks of possibility and expand their influence. Connected companies around the world are aggressively acquiring customers and disrupting the competition. “

Read more… iit.life/connected

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structures“Avoid a Kodak Moment. Tomorrow's business winners--regardless of size or industry--will be the ones that know how to combine scale with agility.” Read more… iit.life/coke “Excellent colleagues trump everything else. Have an action bias. Act in Netflix’s best interests. We are a sports team. Managers foster great teams, leaders foster culture.” Read more… iit.life/netflix

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anti-fragility"Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, in spite of the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile. Antifragility is beyond resilience or robustness. The resilient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better"

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1. Dynamic Roles Replace Static Job Descriptions 2. Distributed Authority Replaces Delegated Authority 3. Rapid Iterations Replace Big Re-orgs 4. Transparent Rules Replace Office Politics

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anti-fragility evolutionary purpose wholeness

connected companies

lean trust value kaizen

scrumiterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership

lean startupempirical discovery voice of customer validated learning

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drive + flowMotivation 1.0 Motivation 2.0

• Autonomy • Mastery • Purpose

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the people challengeUS$550B in cost





U.S. Engagement at Work

Engaged Not Engaged Disengaged

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some wisdom?“Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever lived. I see all this potential, and I see squandering. God damn it, an entire generation pumping gas, waiting tables; slaves with white collars. Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need. We're the middle children of history, man. No purpose or place. We have no Great War. No Great Depression. Our Great War's a spiritual war... our Great Depression is our lives. We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.”

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of the human & the organisation

the future

lean trust value kaizen

scrumiterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership

lean startupempirical discovery voice of customer validated learning

connected companies anti-fragility evolutionary purpose wholeness

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transforming connectedness

time, space & cultural affordances empathy & compassion

companies 2.0

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time affordance

1% pledge / 20% time telecommuting ‘intra-prenuers’

‘hire only bosses’

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space affordance

activity-based working 2.0 multi-use spaces

co-working gemba for everybody

read more… iit.life/agile-space1

iit.life/agile-space2 iit.life/agile-space3

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INDUSTRIE IT: Revised Option B. Level 5 03.11.15

next gen agile activity based workplace

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cultural affordanceSENIOR


vision + context over command

& control

enable alignmentvia co-ordination +servant leadership


rigourously improve beyond highperformance


Autonomy Mastery Purpose

Wa (和) is a Japanese cultural concept usually translated into English as

"harmony". It implies a peaceful unity and conformity within a social group, in which members prefer the continuation of a harmonious community over their

personal interests.

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coach orgs

intro master


serve teams




start teams

start projects

work agile

support teams

win clients


join teams


design platforms


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companies 2.0

education 2.0 the share economy

social business de-centralisation of means of production

de-centralisation of energy and others…

Read more… iit.life/education

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internal affordance empathy & compassion open companies


lean trust value kaizen

scrumiterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership

lean startupempirical discovery voice of customer validated learning

connected companies anti-fragility evolutionary purpose wholeness

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lean trust value kaizen

scrumiterative delivery high-performing team servant leadership

lean startupempirical discovery voice of customer validated learning

connected companies anti-fragility evolutionary purpose wholeness

humanist internal affordance empathy open companies

studies coca cola netflix spotify, et al.

books the connected company drive flow

thank you!