IISIISiP- Latest News. IVES' NfiW YORK nORfi, m «»«i. 21/Albany NY... · Latest News....

flflilg* 9TATK FAPMB. PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS * Corner or ttrotHxwrssy *md Beaver Street. CALVERT COMStOCK.'l-..-^.. WILUAM CASSIDY, pwwst ATU8 AND ARQU8 DAILY EIGHT DOI.I.AHM per annum; payable in advance, ATLAS AND AROtm l,8*.HM-W*MH) Three Dollar* pet »imum; payaMe In advance.; Clul* atreduced rate*. \**M 11 AA^iPvu< VM' i ami! as BBS se itass IISIISiP- The Metropolitan Pollec C'ommlawlonera. The late Arelibl«hop Hughe*. A Urge portion of the force wete of the same na- tionality, political and religious faith of the riotous mob.—Rtport 0/ FoH«« Commiuloners. Few frrosoor tlepnvtiues from official de- cency havo ever 1 Wit rtcjrdeol than the re- port of the jwurtiswi Poltoa Cojnmi^sioaers, which characteriawd the^wjr. |nol* t qf 5s«w York, as Catholic*, and Irish, and Demo- crats. It watt an faUu as it wan impudent. But there was a motive in this Insolence :tud falsehood which will yet bo explained The letter of the late Archbishop HVGIIKS, which we publish below, shows the untruth- fulness of the attack upon hiacountrymen and his Church. The malignity, which thus vented itself tip 011 a Religion and Nationality,did not spare the venerable Prelate himself, and has not been appeased or silenced by his death. The let- ter wo givo vindicates his motives and bis course, and should shame his assailants, tt M HS written when the outbreak was most violent ; NEW YOB*;, July 14, 1803. lib Excellency, BojUTto SIVMOIR, Governor State of New York r MY DKAK (JOVERSOR : I have Just received yours of this date. I shall leave nothing un- done, by means of direct and Indirect influence, to correspond with'yOur wishes in regard to our present calamities. Onoe More I prevented a y^iglaimrt o* $eto/ gorlt* . .; % [Reported (of the Albany Alia* A Argus) U'\ IN SENATE . . . . Jan. 11-7:80 r. * Prayer by Rev. Mr. ADIIBURO. ,. ,- a The r«H waa ca^ed, and a qttorutn not falng present, the Senate adjoitrnedf imtil It o'clock to-morrow.. -1 **i . . . . w\s»IHBLT.. J.'n 1 1 - 7 r. - • Prayer by Rev. Wra. ARTHUR. The SPEAKER prcseritel the annual rtate- tuent of the unclaimed deposits and dividends of the Merchants' Exchange Bank, New York city. Referred. .„.,..„ .. „ On motion of A. X ^RKBR, th| House adjourned to to-morrow morning at 11 o clock. fontl %Mtt t tit> All right exoept the name, and that should b» the A. P. St. John. Tho new steamer will commence ruoalng on the 1st of April, provided the river As open.—Slatttman- f , ,. -., There secins to be considerable uncertainty about the new boat. Atfirst,she waa to have beon called I the "Dictator"; when launched, she w»schristened "A. P. St. John"! and since then the New York papers have spoken of her as the "Constitution." __—, m MW> Although the quota of Albany county Is only half tilled, recruiting is brisk and there Is every prospect Latest News. toMGHT~DM*ATCHES. prom Waallngtott. ".',. WASHINQTOK, Jan. 11. At the sale of confiscated property in Virgi- nia;, to-day, Arlington was bid in by the Gov- ernment at »28,800. For this, the Government had three or four competitors. The Curtis Mill Farm was purchased by M. E. Flanlgan, at M,100. Thoro were In a 1 thirteen sales, amounting to $60,600. A Mil Introduced by Ropresontatlvo Stevens to-day, and the consideration thereof postponed until February noat, ^provides that in all terrl- | tdry of tho Oenfcdcrato States, which has been j or may be conquered and subdued by the Fcde- j raj armies, all laws and parts of laws which per- i mlts slavery, are henceforth abolished, and tfyat slavery shall never again bo established within said territory. , . ; That hereafter no portion of It shall be ad- ALBANY, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 18U4*« yn i"i'jy Chicago Me« Market. > CHICAOO, Jam 11, Live stock market quiet aud without change. Drossed hogs active-, dividing 200 lbs. Wool market. ~~ i I 'J ."/ We are informed that for the week crating last Friday ovening, there lias been sacked and delivered IVoin ihe Wool depot of Horace llerriugton. Esq., in this city, one hundred and feur thousand, one hundred and twenty pounds of Wool, at prices ranging from 80c 1088)40 per pound.-- During the same time, Mr. II has received over one hun- dred andfifty-rlvosacks of Wool—[Troy Pre«s. •,JH-T,7-'.V,- Passes to (lit; army! Oncx at run NBVV YOKK 8r*tK Ao^scv, 1 1S1 PA AvRsva, WASHINOTOS, August Mill, It** I Citizens of New York Stale visiting Washington, who may require PASSKS to ihc Army of the Potomac or else- where, arc particularly rctpicstcil to tiring Wi* ihemsucli evidence of ihoir eitlaenship uud residence, as may uicitiily ihcin, aud furnish a foundation for recotiMncialution from this Ofllce, os such recommendation Is reijtiirod (** 'lie citi- zens oi each iState from some representative here, JAMBS I, HANCOCK, M D , N. Y. State Medical Agent Col. SAMUEL NORTH, au28 dtf «V. Y- State Military Agent. •••.'..II ',""• HI j Ill,IN JIM.."MM!j II HI, 1.11!' JaHtVff, fit. CKAN»KLL~«^lrm ; rlB, O K iNVKtrriON WHICH HAM. SCROFULA lurks In theconstliutionsof multitudes of men. It either produces or is produced by en enfeebled, vitiated stale of Hie blood, wherein that fluid becomes in- (ioni|aitent to sustain the vital forces In their vigorous ac- tion, and leaves the system to fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous cohlamiiituloii Is variously caused by mer-" curial disease, lows living, disordered digestion from un, healthy food, impure n|r, liltli npd f||ihy hib|ts, the depress, iug vices, and, uWe nil, by Ihe veneres! infection. What. ever t»e its origin, it is hereditary in the coitstitittioii, dc- sccuding "from parents to children unto the third ana fourth generation:" iiidndd, it see|t)stobe thorodof Him who " " ilie* of d« fathers UJHUI their mm git*** 11,809. irwrtT, uwm «-,., ^^ „„, N fy^img*^ i mm m weelrs...,, ..... " I mouth , '••'*••"";•>• ,S " » months ...„'.",','"."''!" S ** amonuw .,..;;;;;*; Omonihs,..,,,,,,,.' " . t year, ', Iff*.*' Tw»«o.uar»s,f r M, C , 1.1 '. * Each addrtionsl 8ou.ro ...!..!". 10 ho Business Cards, S fines ,.,,'., m w (Paper not Included.) Sr-H-ui .Nonets.- TenrenUa line AH each Ineenieu "•' •dv.niaetnent ameng; the 8neci«i Notices SliB "••" Fifty Cents for a single Inswion. 1 •aftajy fmm inliii ji,ii.n»»i^i m «»«i. 1 Will visit IbV UllllUit The iliseuscs It o the organs it a ifcles,Vt« final! swellings which supiattntc and become ulucrn the stomach ami Isrwek derangements which produce lit says, "I wdl visit the children." The d|fcusos It originates lakes various lianies, i attacks. In the lungs Scroftila uilly Consumption i in thegjanils, .-mid IBICOIIIB idecrnus sorest lit s uaines, according to the organs ii attacks. In ihe lungs Bcrofula produces tnbcrolesjfyid (nully Consumption i in the gji " digestion, dyspepsia, end liver cumptaiuts; on the skin, crup- live and cubmeouselfectioiw. These, all having the same m origin, retptije theitameremedy* "'""'• parifieaihai and in. iipl these ' ;iitpii|ipe>attave you, ^yilh reeMe, fhlil, «t rupted hlooit, von cannot have health; with that "lift, of the retptir vigoratioii of i gerouS disteni'pe'rs Ifeave tliu hiissf !'«'lfK.t|l.? I )N^' «jal !ht>*> <lati- oii. Mm UIJUCO UHHMI, VOU fltlllK'l lIBVC llCfUlh ', WV" irmi || llesli" healthy, yon cannot have scrofulous discasa. ( Ay«p'» ttua'frUtimvallu ii compounded from the most eueclual antidotes that medi oal science hs» discovered, for this afflicting distemper, and I for ilie cure of die disorders it entails. That it istarsupe. riot lo any oilier remed v yet devised, is known by all who have given it aula), That it duct .combine, virtues truly ; cxirrordiirary in their effect upon this class of complaint*, " Indlsptttntily nrc,v«a t,y the great multitude of publicly kiiov and reiUHrkiioie cures it has made of the following diseases WISDOM STEKlSfOTll AND PURITY, Substitute Joy for Sorrow. KlUK'a Kvll OlaHdulor H< !««?, Hiwn Or St. Aittlioiiy'n known Incases: illiwav. m* otefiei) Mid in it toil Into the Union as a State, or bo repre- sented In Its Congress, excepting by delegates, j va.tV"!'™ "*£?.,. *.,.,., , . . if M,m .... . , j . ,. . . .ii.!. L I AND WHOLK8ALE AND KM'I'AII. DEALERS IN ; ttorea, nrjw^mmm s- if the same should be authorized, until tho l>f!0- , I'lio, s H lt ifincum, »ei«ld Head, tlouitiiw pie within tho territory forming such State shall HOt All' FlimaCC», Portable IlpalPIS, flrow tu^r^ua depoal^ lu tftoj^i^^ r PARISH HEATERS, LjU. iiv« 1 „,,»l„ , .,i indisceai by Its organic law forever prohibit slavery *?v?r>J*?$«tk of raising tho requisite number in the course of four j therein. or Svc weeks.— Troy Times. The figures published by us last week, upon which the ahove paragraph is predicated, showed only tho j number that had, up to that time, received the I county boaoty. Many more have been secured to the credit of tho county* and »ur quota i», undoubt- edly, at least two-thirds full. II »• " i Riiv. J. C. tfLaroin.— Probab(y no one Is bet- \ The Joint resolution of Senator McDongall, in relation to the French occupation of Mexico, assorts tltat It la an act unfrlumlly to the Unttcit States ; that It la the duty of this Government to demand the withdrawal of her armed forces from the Mexican territory, and that unless the withdrawal shall take place prior to the 16th day of March neat, It la the duty of this Gov- ernment to declare war against France. Senator Wilton'* bill, which waa passed to- PA11I.OR AND CHAMBER GRATES, FRAMES AND SUMMER PIECES, KITCHEN RANGES, LAUNDRY RANGES, n o r Alll REGISTERS AND VENTILATORS, COOK STOVMO, SHELF BRACKETS, Ac Cull and examine. Simottd 1 * New Patent STATION- ARY FURNACE, of which we have lour sines. Five »«o« of our Celebrated PORTABLE It..., A lurgo vuriety of ORATES, FRAMES and HV, riot, but sonio of our local newspai>or8 warned t9r ac q„ai nted with the manner, custom* ami geo- mo off, intimating that if the civil authorities graphical knowledge of the Brisiltians than the could liot protect tho peace of the community, above Divine. And since this peculiar people have , . provide* that nil money received from l»r Work done- better allow the .tree., to run with blood than j eler.,,^excited a deep ^ » £ » • ***** , counmitation „,,„„ ,„ p ai( , a iroc ' tlv , u t o t h o *V. '""If « - . • - » that such consequences should bo prevented by J * - f - £ * ^ * J ^ « * ^ h ^ Treasury, and paid out on requisition for ihe ecclesiastical intlucnce or authority. |(- of hemtlng ibout tho , 0 tottignon" by exponaos of the draft, and the procuration of At present there doea not appear any lair aW8mling th6 lec , uro thi , 0 „,, mjr before tho Y. M. substitutes, opportunity of addressing the unfortunate peo- C- A ( at , he Congregational Chureh. Xho bill of Souator I.anc, of Kansas, to set apart a portion of the State of Texas, for the use of persons of African descent, assigns to five nines of our Celebrated FORTAULE HEATERS. K lurge variety of ORATES, FRAMES and SUMMER PH'.OKH, ol'dlfierent styles and finish. 'I'l... I '..I,.I„ :.i...I Hl.-.l.'lll.* It A VIII.*. pie who are now disturbing tho tranquility of tho city, since it Is stated to me that their bold- est leader is a man from Virginia, named An- drews, and that most of his subordinates in Tat Coe.vTt WANTS to Bottnow—Until tho County Bonds can be prepared, tho County Trea- , ,urer is authorised to borrow, from the b.nks or in- «»«* «''« f 6 * 1 "" botwcen ,ho Colorado aud tho dividuals, to tho extent of *200,000, to pay the Kio Grande, In Texas, in which they arc al- leadartdup are from tho State of Connecticut ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ volttDtMM, p Brtlc , h , vlng , ur . I i owc ,| the privilege of the Homestead Law. having recruited addittoual force In tho city of pJnj fqn(||> on hand n D 9nd nl) bclt6r investment. , Thu officers in charge of emigration, hereafter Brooklyn. It it not surprising that many dupes along the wharves shops of New York. I shall have a lottor in the N. Y. Herald to- morrow, and, tu the postscript thereto, I shall make an appeal to tho Catholics, who may bo ; County Notes, running three or six months, are to i^, a ,)„oiiited bv the KrosidOUt. arc charted ever mado. ami gives the mosi heat from IRe least amoe it.,.. .1. „I.I H«/t i . . . ,, ,. .._,, T ......... n,„„„. ' »i»pwi».«» »j - i •» o , of Coal, and perfectly tree front Gas. Now is the time they should tlnd given, signed by tho (ounty Treasurer. Of course, wlt)| ,,,„ oxocllt [ on 0 f this act' and the appro- have Heaters put in. ss ihey can be set 80 per cei and In the work- those notes are a porfoctly reliable investment. It „..,„.„„ i 1 „,. Mrt f„ r ,„«)„ tnr -„i nn i,.,| nll ,„„.. jheaj*' "?" "' lll » 1 ''" 11 £"! fo " 3 p IUSf(»ER«ON, I «!», DyNpeiHMeT or Indiiteatlou, SynhtTfo 1 aud V*i iilillltlu liii.-t tloiiN, mercurial Wl»» oiiies, I'eiiiKle VVcnh»iet»w's, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints llml nriso noiii impurity of the blood. Minute reperrs of individual cases may be louinl in AYKH'H AMKHIIAN AI.MA^SI 1 , which is furnished to the j druggisu, for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learn- \ cd the ilircelionsfdr its use, and seine of the remarkable cures which it has puutc when all oihor romothes had failed . •oaironl relief. Twee cases are puriHwely tuken from all scettutis of the <• iny, in order that every reader may I have access lo some one who can speuk lo him or' its bene- fit* from iwrxoiml eJiperioiiee. Scrofula depresses the vital I energies, milt thus leave* Ms vleitm* fnp move siibjeel todts. ease and its fatal results than tire healthy eolisliTiitiinn,.. Hence it lends to shorten, ami does Kreatly shorten, the av. eruge duration of human life. 'Hie viist im|>ortatlcc of these considerations has ted us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is udeqnute to its euro. This we now offer to ilie public euiler the name of AvsK's SARSAfMRll.- LA, although il is composed of ingredients, some of which . , . . , , exceed the best of fttirsaparilla in slleraUve power. By its , , J0 , K "ptore pttrcnasing else- ' aM ,m p,,,,^) ymtrsclt from ihe suffering and danger Cuts, with descriptive circulars, furnished on up- „, IMCM, , ll5i rdcrs. Purgo out ihc fonl corruptions that rot and (osier in the hlpud. purge out ihc causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates lite vitul functions, find thus expels ihe disicuipeis which Ittrk within the system or burst out on any part oi il We know the public have been deceived by many coin pounds of Sarsaparllla, thin promised much unit did nothing; oul ihey will uelther be deceived nor disappointed In this. ! Its virtues have been proven by abundant trials, and there remains no riuoslipn of ils surjMissing excellence for Ihe euro of ihe alrliotiug iliseuscs u is intended to reach. Al- llioii(i.!i under ihe tune iiuiue, it is a vcTy different medicine from any other which has been before ihe people, and is far mure effectual than any other which hits over been avnilublo lo tltcitl. BANISH The Cause of Human Misery. he Celebrated IIEEUE RANOE, six sixes. Also, Pierco's New Self-feeding RANGE, two sixe#. Repairs eoustunily on hand for ail kinds of Heating Sieves and Ranges. All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Cop. IVES' NfiW YORK nORfi, 8 and 4 Cannon Place, .,«.>., > : TROY. Exainino the tergest Stock of : (bi.ia i Fine Dress Goods, The Largest Stock of Medium Priced Dress Goods, The Largest Stock of Cheap Dress Goods, The Largest and Cheapest Stock of CLOAKS For Ladies, Misses, and Children. The largest and best selected Slock of everything desira- ble to 8HAWL8, Kver shown in Troy, at IVES' "NEW YORK 8TOK. All the. Choice floods Manufactured for Cloakings — Many fabrics that cannot be found in any other House in Troy, at IVES' New York Store, Noe. 3 ami i Cannon Plaee, Troy. $H«tmat»«»M$. uHtTKs. ——**r**rr—' mm ~ SR1TBS! 8LEI8H BELL8! 8LEI6H BELLS! rhe Wbecriber« have on hand a Isrge ,„<) complete ae- K, "niei,i pf t]|» | a,„,t patterns of SKATES; Al*0, SLEIGH BELLS, / or AU ' i>B8CRirrioNe, which they o«er at Whole,.,; t Remili fw lh , l0we- ^^ Call before pureh.,1,,,, „,„, ,„ nlinc (<k y<Wwlvet , ERASTUS COKMKG fc CO., 451 a n d 4 5 8 Bro.aw,,. dc« THE KIN88T0N ARBU8 OFFJbT" Wov Bale. f|^ni:«n'i'i< ICOF tins IMII,, i, now JL offered for sale nt a bargain. The mawruus cemlM in part of a Hoe's Cylinder 1'icu, a Degener UWn> pfe«s a Washiiigton Hand Press, a Patent Paj>cr Ceitcr, sI1ti ab extensive aasesrlulent o( Jobbing and News|iai>er type. n «. ecssary to the execution ot' all kinds of work in u im,... \\-ell-rcgulated Country Printing Office. The circulation oi the AKOCS is not exceeiled by any other newspaper pub lished in the county, and caa be doubted in a short time, by proper efforl. The AKOCS has the official patronage of lbs Sheriff, and will, on and after Ilie hr*l of January, pros., have that of ilie Surrogate. The. local and miscellaneous advertising can be estimated by referring to the proper col. limns. To art enterprising Democrat, wishing lo.conduct the official siiil only Democratic organ in Ulster Coumy, ibis is an opportunity seldom inei with. 1'or further par- ticulars, calf on or address J AS R. KOI,AND, at this of- fice, or \VM F. RUSSELL, Administrator, ja8 Saugcriies, 8*. Y. of ihe most de- Columbla county, N. Y.. known as l^Aitms pint KAI.IC-.V--01II-- J. 1 sirabte Farms in Columbia county, the '• Hermitage," property of the late Timothy Richmona, Ksi) of Eivingsion, " Livingston 1 Manor,' 1 on the Post Road, nine tnilcs south of ihe etty or Hudson, and ono mile from the Hlne Store. Said Kami tho abote articles, will di rell lo call and examine our stock before purchasing else where. plicaiioii CRANDALL A WHITE, 506 ll«"nilivny, niy'Jl Opposite Dclavun House ^AVK VOtJlt < O A I , I HENDERSON'S NEW CONK ElIRNACESt Monifi lil«« K IXe-iv. All that puiposc having uny change made in their Heat- ers, either to repair or change for la-ttor, and more eeo iiomieul Furnaces, should examine HENDERSON'S NEW CONE HEATER, which is ilie licst and cheapest Furnace i tile least si Is thought strange that some of tho Banks are so ptiatloits hcrotofore m«do for colonization pur- infortunatolf eugagnd in this sad business, to t 0 the ffor/d, s»ys backward in responding to the needs of the County .'<>•«•» *"> P ta<i<5<1 l n t h o "»*>*• of ,ho Pf«»Wont in this emergency. to carry its provisions Into offtct. «»»»• —» xho EnKlish schoonor Sally, of Nassau, Tlnd ST. Josrrn's CHtiacH.—"Sentinel," In a letter the Rebel steamer Antonio, captured on the 35 Chapel llealors. near Stato, and examine bis New jc27 retiro from thoir connection with it within as brief a time as possible.. I am, with great respect, Voui Excellency's sincere and humble servant, t JOHN, Archbishop of N e w York Tho N e w sr, i tinnullum. On looking over the committees of the tiro Houses of Congress, it will bo seen how completely the power of the South hits been overthrown, anil Ihc moulding of our laws has been transferred to the free States. New P.ngland, that Virginia and tho whole Slave .States have been wont to regard with such sovereign contempt, and whost official agent South Carolina, » fow years ago, tro»ted with such eonlaniely" is «"" exercising the very influonco and holding the position tho Southern States so long held.— Washington t'AronkJe. To increase this preponderance;the admlnis- I never weary in the look at the Interior of the St. Joseph Church ln this city. Its locality of all others, Is most favorable. Stepped on a great ter- race of hill above all the north division of the otty, blending its beautiful colors of drab and blue In the •tone of Nov* Scoti* and of tho Mohawk, every- where showing In Its throng of dating angles the skill aud boldness of the architect, one sees a most irregular combination of buildings-—of towers, and „.,,,.. ,. , . . . yet all softening and shaptug Into suoh regulated $700,000, according to the official estimates 20th of December, havo arrived here, and are now in the custody of tho Marshal of tho Dis- trict of Columbia. A, bill reported from the Comniltteo of Ways and Moans to reimburse Pennsylvania for ex- penses incurred ln repelling invasion, provides for tho payment of tho audited cases, Involving fracture as give it high place in architecture. (lo thou aud do likewise. Let us who believe •• well In the beauty of tho form, but do notttop thoro, when we build, seek the most beautiful: not the most georgcous, but the form whloh shall best express that from the simplicity and truth of the trustfnlnoss of Faith, goes out the deslro to give to tho plaoo of devotion whatovor belongs to the most true in loveliness. AI.UAHv BAPTIST MISSIONARY ITmow.—This So- ciety held Its regular Quarterly meeting In the Pearl rath rgan should have added that S t u n , street Baptist Chureh Sunday evening. Kroin the " " " ' ""> 0 f Mats i is trYliigto ru»h BA( ,IA«I>, of JM.-.I Report of tho Executive Committee, ttappea,,that * ort '-^"e. ,1,s >*»>> l' r <'8' from the Senate : wart' Mass , has proposed to expel Ml' Kentucky, fruni hit Seat The new dictation Is infinitely more insolent and sclllsh than the old. Well may the Chicago Tinios, echoing tho words, 'New England is now exsre't'tg the very Influence and holding thu position the Southern States to long hehl," exclaim, "And this Ki-W Kngland, in popula- tion, is diminutive by the side of tho South, and that WILSON, of H has met with considerable success during the past DAVIS, of quarter. The Missionary (Rev. Mr. Clinker) holds preaching services at each of the three stations oc- cupied—preaching three times during tho week, and three times on Sunday. A now Chapel has been ereoted at Pagovlllc, and the number* that at- toud the services and tho Sabbath School havo large- ly Increased. A notlior Chapol is In process of erec- tion at French's Villago. A system of Lay Preaoh- Ing was inaugurated at Kenwood In November last, sonic of tho best talent in the city engaging in the The House Committee on Public Expendi- tures, to which was rjeftrrod the resolution to examine into the alleged frauds and shipment of contraband goods In New York, consists of Messrs. Hubbard, Broomall, I.oBlond, Julian, Ln/.oiir, Blair, Holllus, Kogers, aud Harris of Illinois: It is known that an Investigation into tho af- fairs of the Now-York Custom House, which has led to the imprisonment of certain officers in ess some tiinc, under tho direction of Mr. Denlsou, tho Naval officer of that fort. B ICKMU'M HANCSIC AND FOX'S HOT AIR FURNACES. The Mubecriben have beon appointed Agent*fattlie »alc of Bccbe'a Celebrated KITCHEN RANGES, AND Fox's Hot-Air Furnaces. A large a.-«*orlnient constantly on Imnd. Persona waniing repttiri* l'»r either Furtmcc or Rango, will please ^ivo us a cull. All ordeif promptly Rttendcd to til JAS. 0 WALSH A HKCrilKK, 5i5 Broadway, Albnnv Miiniii'ni'hirers and Uealertt in I'arlor Urates, Fender*, Summer Piece*, Soap Stone Fire Place*, Hot-Air Furiuwca and Range*. Register* and Ventilator*, Patent lion Bed stcaiU, ilall Stand*, Sinks, kv. Andrews A Dixon'tt Patent Polished Parlor Oralas. dc7 , AY kirk Cherry PecWral, The %Voii«l'« Groat Itemed? for <;ough*, €old«« Incipient CoUMiiMiptlon, and for t h e K e l l e f ol 4oimum|>Uve PWtlent« I n » d v » n « .-<! MH|;4<Not'tlieDl«ea»e. This lia-i been so long used and so universally known tha* need do no more than assure the public that it* quality IM kt-ot np to the hett il cvci ha* been, and (hat ii maybe 'ied relic- ha* been, I on to do all it lias ever (ion rttKl'ARfcD BY DH. j . < . AV1CK A CO., Practical tend Anyticul Chomiiru, Lowell, Ma*s. Sold by Druggiijp over) where At wholesale by A. Mc- CIA'RE A CO. apl9d3awA8wly T O" TMK ^EADIES OF AMERICA! &Mfi. and, 111 territory, but ' a natch on the earth's enterprise. Attor tho Report by the Secretary, Mr. ' , * . " it... V . A I .11..,. 1 -— „_..,.11 .... * » . l . l u ~._ ..__!.._ »U_ surface ' Illinois exceeds her In.territory, and Illinois and Indlaita, together, exceed her in population. If tho [sectionalism of the South »as offensive, what shall be said of tho present sectionalism of New Eiiglaml ?" lieu. I,oo delivered an excellent mlilrcss, urging tho Importance of the movement, and it Is belloved that •till others will engage In It. Addresses were likewise delivered by Rev. Drs. Brldgman and Magoon, and the Vice President, on the subject of Homo Missions. FiurrnAt, or THIS pKAn of THK 1 ? 7 I B — A t an from Vortreoa Monroe. FOBTRKSS MOKBOK, Jan. 9 Major Gou. Butler returned to Fortress Mon- roe last ovcnlng. The ouginoor aud two llrenien captured from the steamer Star of the West arrived here this morning via Yorktown, having made their cs» cape from prison at Richmond An ordinary suit of new clothes worn hy the engineer, cott him $1,000 in Rebel money at Richmond. Throo of tho Hutsian frigates will sail for the West Indies to-morrow morning. TUB following v«t»ol» passed tho guard-ship last evening ! City of Richmond, Plata, Dennis and Elba. Tho Kliza lost one man overboard, had ouo tjonntp Cii,out.ATio!«s.—If the complaints made l.y tlovernor Seymour and his uewsoaper organs with I adjourned meeting of the Coi»roitte» to make at- £ & & anVhTg^ y a.l^e" tSHfrft* , »*«««»«' f « » • *•»«•> <*™^ « d * I man tick, am! put In In di.tross. tempt to suppress the rebellion should cease because j members of the 17Tth Regiment, hold at tho Mayor's j D»( M frQm th.0 Wilmington onu MtU-RocM* Democrat , Court Rourt Room, City Hall, on the evening of s^dtonof j^.^b, ttato that 01. tboUd Inst., They moan, on tho other hand, that tho fraud, Jan. 11th, 186*; present, Mayor, Aids. Tracy, Mo McCarty and Orr, Colt. Church and Ains i'ilklns and C. T Blockading folly and profligacy which is doubling the cott j Intyre, of the war, should ceasei and that the pecula- , worth, Chief McQuade, Captt. tors and speculators, who are determined to protract tho war for their own profit, should be thwarted. Tho Rochester paper takes sides with the plun- derers, against tho people. Governor SKYMOUR stands by tho people agliinst the plunderers. We shall see who has the best of it, in the end. Flatto, with a large delegation from the military and Bremen. Admiral Leo, of tho U. S. gunboat Fahkce, en torod Lockwood't Folly Inlet, about ten miles to the south of Wilmington, hoisted out hit boats, and examined tho blockade runner Ben- On motion of Aid. Molntyte, Sunday, Jan. Uth, digo, a vettel run aahoro by her captain about a was designated as thi day on whloh tha funeral wcc k woro to prevent hor being captured by would take place. I .. 5" . r " K)m*** mm Mayor Perry moved to amend to 18th, and pre- I «W blockadcra. sented a petition from the cltl«o»i.i nml a remon- | While making these examinations the enc- strance from the clergymen In relation to having tho | „,,, gharpahoot.^ «p,«ai«d and opened live Accident o n t h e Httrlem Road. A serious accident occurred on the Harlem Railroad yesterday morning to a local down train, when within about forty miles of New York. Owing to some unexplained cause the train ran off the track, and the two passongcr cars were completely broken. About twenty pastcngars were injured—one, (to far at we could learn) a gentleman named Meritt, fatally. as a Committee from the Assembly, who wished to unite in the funeral ceremonies. On motion, Col. Church was telected as tha Mar- shal. '' » ' ''' . , ,' jjo . ' tt - On motion, the Assistant Englnerrs and Hon- Mt. Parr of the Asaambly were added to the Committee The hour of the funeral, Ac., were left to the sub- committee. On motion, the sub -Commute*, consisting of Messrs. Ptrry, Tracoy, Melotyro, MoCarty, Orr, Church, Aimworth, MoQuado, Kilklns, Assistant Knglncers, Parr and |?l»Mo, were requtsted to most at tho Mayor's Room, this (Tuesday) evening, Jan. 12th, at-7\ o'clock- " C. T. Vi..vTto, Secretary. tUe IheaapeHko CUM. ST JoBits, N B , Jan. 11. In the CheSApeake. tate, 4o-&iy] Charles Waters teititied that he attended a meeting in St. Johns, at which Captain* Parkorj Robinson, Seely, MeKeuny and,others Were pretcnt— ('apt. Parker tald he wanted » crew to go to Mew York to capture a vessel. He stated that he had a commission from the Confederate Government, and the witness understood that the crow was t« be engaged for the Confederate service. " ; . • •* This close* the ovldence for the prosecution^ The Court then adjourned until Friday. , IIAMrAX, Jap. 11.., . In the examination of Alvln Kelfh and ——, Smith, before the Police Court, to-d*y, Mr. Hutt.the policeman, tcttillod th»t he showed; Almoa the w#rr*nt, which he held in his left hand during tho attempt to arrest. At soon as be s»,w Wade lu the boat he madefo*him, atkl carted to them to ttap, but the crowd thouted go on. Ho then pointed a pltttd ami tho boat began to hack, when Almon wised lilt arm— Koitb tried to get potaegsion 0 f t ne p j 8to t, He was also seized by Smith. the boat moved off. Hodld not intend to. flrt),; He was preveuted from making Ojo arreat through the Interfertsnce of these men. Tho City Marshal testified that warrant* were issued by the Mayor twiol given to Mr. HuU- Ho was arretted and eorrobtrfAtet Hntt't state- moot, lie »UK>called to tho boat to ttpp, which did until urged to proceed by fbf crowd. Tho cat© wag dontlhiied." GEO. <. TRIUUWELL & €0., V IT JEl I > *Z A. L K II m , Ko. Sill Brodivay, Have a t'tuc stuck manufactured in lite best inannei IN LADIES FURS, HIKINDII liny H«il»U». Mink,Ermine & Russian Squirrel. l'OU GENTLEMEN, Fur (.lov«\s, Robes and Caws. Minli UootU will Ire sold ttt reduced rales. jut liu H0| F oR THE HOLIDAVS! There in nothing better fur a New Year's Gift ihtm a'Set of FURS, From HUGH DICKSON'S, 58 Slate street, Albany. MOlHKTHINtJ NKWJ llll, LONDON HUFF, Mutlo ofMoroooo. A LARGE LOT OF mink Ooods, Squirrel Collar*, and Mull*) and t'ltch Melt.. A large wworiiiieiil of Buffalo nnd Fancy Sleigh Robes. All of winch will be nold cheap fur cash. jallw HUGH DICKSON, 68 State street. MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD: MOKE VAMIABLE THAN GOLD: MORE VALLA BLE THAN HOLD: MOItb; VALUABLE THA^i GOLD: Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Dropw, Though Advice is as abwtidaru as snow aud ice in the ' Winter waieu, yet we are all willing lo receive, even if, we do not uroat by il. W e hare advised, and do at Ibu j time, all persons, Male and Female, who may be •tiltering with that terrible disease, which inukt.i the days wretched and the nights sleepless; and those who are suffering from that dxaadful condition called Nervous Debility, to try one, iwo, oi thro* bottles of our justly CELEBRATED GOLDEN BITTERS. FOH FOR V O It V 0 It F E M A L E S, FEMALES, F g M A L E S, F E M A L E 8, 1868. runs. 1864. ^ADIES' Messrs. McCarty, Vtlkins and Parr were received ttBMi tho boats' orewt, which was returned by the Fabkee'tgunt, when a rebel battery opened fire and our boats returned to the ship. Tho Fahkce continued her Are Until tho Ben- dlgo was well riddled. The Fahkeo's battory waa light, and In consequence of hor draught of water and the shoals inside, her HIT was at long range. Night coming on, tho Admiral re- turned to hit fleet, and the following morning dispatched throe vettols to the Inlet and made tho work of destruction complete. The weather off Wilmington for two weeks past has been extremely ttorray. Dense fog* havo prevailed, and the knowledge that block- ade-runnertf would take advantago of them have Increased the Jabot* of onr critl»ars. : (; Nineteen tetiieli, In alt, have been captured or dcBtroyed off Wllmldgion »lno» the 19th of July T^y^a-fl,,,,'; ,-U:J.S< , Poi.ict Couar.-^John Wlckbaui keeps a salooa ln (lansovoorl street. A man n«'»e>l Henry tiaun entered Ms plaee and got into an argument with bint about pnlUtea. Th* straogtr was ordered out, and although hteoroplied With «lsord»r, Wickham followed and knocked him dowp. ! The cas* was set- tled in Court, defendant paying eosts. Mary W*4tl», who Hv»* at If) Bowery, mad* complaint yesterday, at the I'ollco oBico, against hor husband, for knockiug her down with a stick of wood. Bellied, KHsaboth Cowcll was arresttd for stealing a $5 bank note and a shawl worth W from tht r«sid*no* of Elisabeth Hunltpgton, 81 Kim str«et. The <m»> wa*dropped in Court. ' . ».. ,,• Joseph MeMabon was arrested for violently Mat- ing » Oerman nam*d1>avld Swiskeyl Settle^., ,, Levi Campbell, arrested for public IntotioatiOn, wns committed to jail In default of »llfc •"''.' •"• Michael Riley was arrested, charged with bating maliciously broken a number of stone iugti the property of Richard Cullen. j 1'ully committed, v KHsaboth Finn .was arrested for exercising her S unci* on a woman named Catharine i'lUgeralil. ho was held to ball. ",', •'.'„,.' "JL ... Henry Wickham and WillUm Donnelly Vete ar- tesUd for beating and abusing hl^wlfo Bridget. Bhe acknowledged satisfaction and the husband was discharged. 'Ant •'> ' : '' ' David Tally, arrtstod for disturbing the publte peace. Examined and gave bait. " ., t ..IIU.HIU ut>* ttuutii full, | J NKW ti.wKsi, Jan. I' From returns received at the ofllce of the Paymaster General of tjilt State, It It conclu- sively shown that the quota of fjonnecticttt un- der the last call of the Pretldentj hat been lin- ed, and that there la a turplue of &Q0. Mean- while tin) soth regiment it being recruited, and I'ttiisiiiicut* both in the ueld and at home Ii pro* mmlt^tpl^f. ,\,, . ; , , ;-- •>• i i t l ' From VUltUtdtHtttt. ' ' \ PBu.Anw.fniA, Jan. Il, The subscription reportt the tale of $2,220,- 250 of 6-'m to-«y. Paoi-Ksnixoa or TUB SSIOLMBSI BoABn— During the sciitHo, ALBAST Ann ScaoHanic Dttintct.— January Uth, 1864. ACCKPtBD. Jerome Hialnard, Conesvllle; Petor Van Steen- burgh, do.t Hiram Couohumn, rte.tMaroetJfftd*. do.i Nettleteri' Sutton, do. I BWtM-^IWM'fcl, John K. Snyder, do.} m t l ' l t ; Hubbard, do. t W. 1*. Patrle, do.; Jonathan Dlugman, do. ( Weldman Whootnakor, do. t A. Riohmoud, do.; Nathan KUl- Jtt, do.j D»vid N. Petri*, do. s Johr*C. Cat*) do. | l>»vid T. Chiohetter, (llibo*. , - ' - - MtAWMitt. AUwd W. Harris, » Pin* st* ' ' , _ -om,v ton. '• ' 'Id '-. - : . ! * N OM-ai-..-tinicKr. . , Newton Hurophr*y, CenetvlU*. ,„, I Johtt P. MOMhous*, Couesvllle. , ' ftlRStSBBD tenttitilTM. ''.'"'•" ' ' twit J. White, R»n*set*«rvt!U\, fttrn4a]te4 C|*o, JoekqulU) Syraeut*. •• >" - ' "- « ovta Ann.. T. B. Ro*»> U Van Ttomp tt. irAin cottnoTAttos. M^hfel'Pttt*, WeUtvlUti Wm. porter, do., P»ter C. BoBok, CoW**- BIHIWIK, Jan. 11 The Sonata of Maryland, to-day, passod a resolution appointing a committi.e to wait on the President to |#Mon ^falntt tl»o operation of Gen- Birnoy in seizing slavot In Maryland. The H o u t e refAjeed to conpur by » vote of 27 t.il Is 'I to 26, J The subscriber deHircs to gives notice dial he has on hand n ' large and elegant twsortutent of | CON8IISTIN0 Of | Mink, Ermine, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, FITCH, &c, IN COLLAItS, CAPES, MUFFS, Ac, Ac ; Also, Gentlemen's Sets of . i Otter, Beaver, aud Heal. Sots* £>>r Children* Fancy Sleigh Robes, Ladies' Fur Hoods, and Figured Trimmed Cans for Ucmleinen, Youth snd Children In greet variety, LATHAM, Fashionblo Hattox", 858 BHOADWAY, no'-M (OpposiTti TUB DKLAVAN HovtK. > *n •arwATrst HA 1-811: ^ llou't Wear that Old Hat. Oo lu lha NEW YORK HAT STORE, No. 18 Beaver j street, and get a lino Fushionalile Hut for $ 3 5 0 No humbug atwut that! Call and he rjonvlneed! The only Store hi the city, where they make and sell their own Hats. (0- Remeiaoer the Number. Don't fail to come HOOAN, PRACTICAL HATVKR, No. IS Beaver Street Albany. de!8 InrJ Hullbriitg lioni Irregn u;tVy or obstruction el Ihe Meiates, Iroin whatever onuse, ITISSURK'I'O'CURU: IT is HIRE TO CURE: ITUdl'HETOCrRK: IT 18 MURE TO CURB: ll is imliossiblc to cluuy the bloom ofheaitll, tintl vivacity of spirits, unless the Menses arc regular us to the lime, the i|iiantity, and tnu.ltiy When they ure obstroeted, iinture tnakes her elTorts, to obtain lor u some other outlet, snd, unless these eltbrwof tmtitre are assisted, the patient usual, ly experiences Mspoudeuey, Nervousness, and finally CONSl.'MtTlON assumes lis sway, and prematurely ter mutates a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS • IT REMOVES ALL OHS't'RIX'l'IO.NS ! IT REMOVES AI.L OBSTRUCTIONS ' IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS ' IT IS A f>EttFl;CT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REOURATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR : I IT 18 A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MINI), BEAK IN MINI), BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE THAT 1 HUARANTEK THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE My DROP TO CURE Suppression of the Menses Atom whatever cause, though care should betaken to ascertain if pregnancy he the cause, as these DROPS would be sure to produce miscarriage; they will also ceriiiinly PREVENT conception, If taken two or three days before the monthly poriod; therefore, I wish it distinctly understood, that I do not hold myself responsible when used under such circum- stances. BUY THE BE BUY THE BE8 BUY THE BJ BUY THE BB BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST! BUY THE SUREST : BUY THE SUREST' BUY THE SUREST! BUY THE STREST: WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. .WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WlllOlt 18 LYON'S DROITS THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM, by strengthening and invigorating, and restoring Ihe sys- tem to a healthy condition, tt moderates all excess, and removes all obstructions, and a speedy euro may be relied on. , ? TO MARRIED LADIES, They aro peculiarly adapted, *s they bring on the month- ly period with seeh perfect regularity.' SURE TO DOt0OOD! MJRETO DO.OOOD! SURE SURF SURE TO IK) GOOD I ETO DO GOOD: n CANNOT DO HARM ' OANNOT DO HARM : CANNOT DO HARM I IJANNOT DO HARM ! 1^0^ Maroos Wade, do. | Wlsdmaa, eho«m»tort do. | Nathan Elliott, do.i Hiram <5ouchni»n, &<>•) A. Wchmond, do-1 J twine BreiStrd, do. 1 ' The steamer Commercial bag arrive^ with 860 bale* of wWrffor New Tori and IMfor tfoi0$m.$mf^* > A »rai3ni/.'i It (tromor«dthat i'orrott ha* been reinforced snd contemplates an *ttack opMempbie. . ,,«• .t/'Ainl.t-tjiT?, JLJUB i * ' - ' ' • ,vi.. n Wwflnmm^ J«n. 11- S«wAT«.*ii(p ,: Lane,'of';Kan*a*, tald that scores of soldiers had been Incarcerated in dun- geons in MIMonrl, for the »impl« dfibnte 6fhur- rahlng for Gon. Lane, and that the Colonel ^who bad imprisoned theni, afterwardk was obliged to IrliWitairo^ilmiliitH ' , The aubject introduced Was now undergoing investigation by the Missouri authorities. Thj* officer* W(WN«4 by Gov. Gamble, of Jlltsourl, wero tho oflh^efs.. Tjhey »re jtr«|npa- tiilsets of the rebellion. " The Houte Wll tnaklrSg Cohiulat and Diplo- matic appropriation* wan retorted to the Fi- nance Copualttee. | r tt \ Itf. 1 ? The reaolutlcm, Of M«. Wilton of^ Maes., to eitpel Senator pavlaof Kjr.,waa mudeanorder for Wednesday at 1 O'clbck. Mr. (!»fllth< annomicc.it lu. iipproprlalo tenns tba death of Mjr. Ilowden, mid moved the utual resolution*.of condolence end that the Senator* wear -ttrapir <br thirty d»y*v'and ai'a" ftirthcr <*tark of recpect, that tho Senate adjourn. . Mcssr*. Wiley »ud Wilson followed in appro- priatoculogle*. t ... The retolutlout wejet adopted, and the Senate adjounW U)»tHto.niQjerow. < W )-M i A «:< O l t U I N O TO T H B 1'BIiKMRAI'M umler the " best Gov." surveillance, ihe •'• Yankee*" beet all creation for powers of endurance, anil for fighting; I B as ten prisoners in Lihby Prison live on ,»„' of a pound of j com bread and a gill of rice pudding I uud WW heroes at ; of Joncsvillo, Va , fought 4000 '• rebel*" hhoui eight hours bo; ' . .„ jntury nasi JOHN R. NESSLET ja» corner Maiden l^ne and Chanel street.' I could furnish any tpitiutiiy oi iestimo:.ials of lis emcaey I from my own liilients, hut tno iiraotioe of parading bought I and lietii it tits ones bolt uc the public i*so prevalent, 1 do 1 not deem it advisable. My object is to place my medicine . before lite public, not alone to make money, but to do good. ] It is provcrblauy true of the American Ladies, thai not leu ] perfectly health* ones can bo Ibuttd in any one vicinity. | T BE WISE IN TIME: BE WISE IN TIME: | ,*• BE WISE IN TIME!.'. ' BE WISH IN TIME: ,...- J Let not disease destroy-your constitution Try aliottle my PERIODICAL DROPS, and ybu will be ssiiifled that I am no ittfostor. j Tell your tirlloted Mend wliat re- or my 'r««i ir lo inent starwem a larjywtio iiaci Been siurcrlng titstruation two or ilire* years, cohftnlhg h< Hcri jlme; she Had applied to several emi griUOlCV tfOUHlBON A; MVK W W W t K V * entirely euredfor. %J for sale by the.cssk or gotlon. nv an^ri Z'fii PRICE * WRATHBRIIEAD, IB North Pearl st. pN*- " " n i S g! I/W'WMMJJJL,,-' A Farm containing about JO acres of .... n..„. W«.I«...TI. ^i, „ j. Ac Will F OM SALE.- - .., land ,lying on Ihe Great Western Turnpike, B miles "Has gootl fltrin buildings frtui ixlatiiig terms. Awtly ur J. FRYER, Real Estaielaud from this city. be sold on accommodating terms. W, I, FRYBJ '*" liwiirniicejVyeut, si Slate street F O M M A I s E - T o « l o » e *n i t o t a t e . - ' n i o three »tt>ry brick lltmse and loi No. II Plain street, Also, one-half of Shop No. 10 Plain street, in present oc- cupied by 8. D. HroWer, Silycrsmiih. For terms, Ac., cn- qiuroof TT " If II- BABCtiCK, Kx'r, oelWtf at BostoiiRR. OBice. l.tOH BALE -Iture Ittveetment,- -The three JC story brick Btiildiug wiih Store, oeenpied by D, (%m- eron, on the northwest corner of llainitlou and Eagle streets, with Iwo story dwelling on rear; one of (he best stands in Albany for a Store or dwelling. Buildings, well arriinga ' and supplied with the most desirable conveniences, hndi lore or dwelling. Buildings, well arranged . ., iih the most desirable conveniences, good repair i large cellars under all. Apply to WALTER DICKSON, Architect, *c, deOtf ,;. : . .' . No- «t) State street, Albany. ,SS«isAIiE.~ '''" ""'••'"-'-^-" :<•• .•'?-••• T' JP The five story Brick Store, No, 85 Pier, adjoining die Cut, occupied for the lastftwyears by Charlc* Bishop, Esq., as Orain and Kited Store. * ' "f Also, the new modern two story and basement hrlek Dwelling in Johnson sirc'ct, three doors below Philip, Has water in ilie second story. Suitable (or Iwo families. <,; Also, tho new first class, tVeo story ami hasSStW brick Dwelling House Na Ha Grand street, tlfef Westcrln. ,Hps the modern improvements. ' " T V : Also, the modem double three story Snd bssolncnt Brick Dwelling Ilauso No. IM North Pearl firee), comer of Wil- son. H** »Isrge »tab|« of brick hi th* rear,' fWntlhg on Wilsm slr»*i. IM" g*»i hot and oo|d water WJM,furBjs«e^ to. Inuhlreol ' • ,„„';.'.•" • - - < » '??/ F MAN * ROWLAND, H „•• i*M !,J " :", R<<|11 '""»"' Brotw,M.tlttf*strew, i i^ffw^wi^iu 9t«tt. tainfill mei jier room each II .. physicians, without relief, when one bolllo of my DROPS -'•--•• - fx -t-,< -,.; j.. , ...i >H w«<!-V-».fl -, CURBS! - - ... i - - - J . CUKE8! ll I • •' l CURES! »"•'- t _« ".;•• ' '•>•'-;" j CURE8,. ^ , ,..', '_,-.;..-«-,«,. ,>» In almost every «u«e. , > DO NOT BE IMPOMHD UPON t DO^OT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON '. DO NOT BE IMWSEJB UPON ! . But eat this out and send it lo your Druggist, uud if IK; has not got itjipako hirn.huy it for.yout or, it may be ob- lahtcd ol ilie uciierul Agents for ihe tinned State* . :Ui.-ij»J •• •foOi-CtiARKft-CO.,^' ' •' ,.i' .".Wholesale Druggists, New Haven. Coin). For sale by Kit respectable Druggists. , PricetH per hot- le. DEXl'ER & NELLEOA Agenisfor AJn*ny., prepared by Jlso. L. I.vo.1, M. D I , We oidy ask > fair trial for lh* benefit of Ihe suffsrers — Already we hav< had ihe verdict in our favor, and able to produce the evidence. W* claim our Bitters to be lbs BEST, PUREST, and SAFEST TONIC IN THE WORLD. Aral we believe ii to be such. Although not bitter and un- pleasant to die palate, its is common to Hitlers advertised and sold throughout the country ss "th* great cure all's," yet ihey are composed in pan of the ruRtsr aiTiart found in ihe Vegetable Kingdom:— GENTIAN ROOT, CALAMUS. SASSAFRAS, ANNIS, CAYENNE, &c, &o., &c, The selenUtc process through which Ihe " OOLDEN BITTERS" ptw bsfore bottling, precludes the possibility of ihe retentien of lh* bitter taste, without changing Ilie medicinal qualities. In cases of SALT RHEUM, JAUNDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, and all Diseases of * kindred inline, ihey have proven to be a reliable remedy, and no humbug for a day, but a rem- edy for all time, in malarious districts they are invaluable, and no party, even those who are acclimated, should be without them. This Tonic is mild in its action upon tho system, and stimulating in its effects, without any Unpleasant Reaction attending il. It makes III* Icohle STRONG AND ACTIVE, and Ike dull, drooping, and care-worn traveler, Bright t Lively and Oay. Tim G0LDEN BltTERS are particularly ••commended lo the Hale or Female of Sedentary Habits, and also to th* wounded and nearly wom-Out Son* of Liberty •—the Soldier. Be *ur* *nd get HUBBE.LL &.C0.'S B .1 .T ! 'T>«E^R"8 ( i *| and bo not deceived, if you would bo relieved. The in- creasing demand >*>r onr .WITTERS it tvi**ne* of th* merit we claim for ihew. IVES' NEW YORK STORE; NEW STYLES! FASHIONABLE CLOAKS FOR •5, 6, T, 8, 9, $10, 11, 19, IS, 14, $15, IS, IT, 18, 10, «ao, an, »4, as, as, and $ 8 0 , and any price to $ 50; fitted and Furnished for * First Class *fl| RETAIL TRADE, AIM, told at Itowcr Price* iliim Ilie same Class of Goods, C»u be made in (hi* or any other Market: contain* itlxiiii iix hundred uor«a, *<Hisi«iJnjr ttioaUy of* ti< K iiifiiiltnv Uutd, under (lie hixheM atate or eiiltivationi w*lh « lair [Hx>portion o( timber, abundance vt fruit tree*, and ta meadow Uutd, under the higheat atate of oft) - T i bouminilly autiniied with wateri )* welt adai h. The D - with ,****»*>! iDt' iiie or the though. The Dwetlihg ia of brick, (») li'Mr-u , vvilh.W^a"*-' ft.«l»«JU ed for fr»a.~ about Mi) *Hu*i"».> wiih.*»«»*« A'«i»«iwt«a* Al«o, amoimng iu» a>l>ov*, the Farm knoSivn aa tha " Green Hilt Farm," containing «>>out one hundred and iwtnty-aix acrea, ia ftlto well watered, and well adapted for gnuring- Froin these lands. is u beautiful road leading to Living- •ton Station, on the Hudaon River ftajlruad, a d v a n c e of three miles, where a ready mnrkei for alt kind* of Produce may l>e found ii in io clone up the caiat**; and ehaae money can remaiiv on bond ajtd mortgage. The rroperty will be aotd at a bargain, aa liberal portion of ike pur- For paw- one v ea ticulart apply tu JOHN O NORTHROP, of AimworthfcNorth run, 15 Htate atreet Albany. Or. JOHN H. R08HMAN, ?OI,ydiuaat., ,l JOHN TAYLOR'S SONS, 133 Broadway, " or 334 Greenwich alrcei, New York. Albany, Nov. 8th, 1863. now Bm %M\Vtt'% $Kte$. B KCIUVKK'S NAMC. Pithllo iiollr.n U hereby given by the aubecriber, Adam Van Allen, aa Receiver ol the property of the Hank of Albany, that he will eel) at public auction, for c«sh, at the Room of the Board of Trade, No 400, on Broadway (Ranaom'a Build* iiig), in the city of Albany, on Tueaday, the nineteenth day of January next (1664), HI eleven o'clock in the forenoon, all hi* right, ink and mtorcat, io and in a large number of notes, bilK drafts, iiulcinents, accounts, dcmanori and claims. asaets of the Bank oi Albany yet remaining unconverted into cash; and also, "all (he interest of the Receiver o( the r j* , . « , . , cii i into cash; and also, "all (he interest of ihe Receiver of the JiHUlOH Can Select ClothS, btyleW I Bank of Albany, being the equitable rights powceeed by , , * \ Voee *V Co., In certain other hills, notes, drafts, accounts, H11U TriniiniUCH ! claiuw and demands at the lime of ihe delivery of the aame And have Cloaks made to order and warranted to please and he what they aro represented, at IVES' NEW YORK 8T0RE. SIMWIN at all prices! » Shawls in all Styles! Shawls in all Colors! Shawls to Please all! AT IVES' NEW TOllK STOKE, Mo«.'3 inirt 4 Ctinnoit Place, TROV. dcWOin 5R= ? gisii- and It. a. MvMllItDV, I pet nbli fell eodttswly D ISSQMJ'OON- -The Ann of JOHN TAYIX>R A HONM was dlssolvert on the laih'silly, of Herilemlier, 1863, by the dfcease of Jolln Taylor^ ,11(11>ef«oi» liavlu/j claims againsl Ihe latb fitm willpresent' the tarn* at the Brewery, No, 133 Broadway, corner of Arehstt'eel. Alba-' hy, SepYeHlbM 17*, W03. JO.SF.I'H II TAYIJOR, • {7-.i-.>l*/ -«U>>'5IWM.'JI-'-TAVU«.-! "•" Biirvivliig Members of John Taylor & Sous. COPAHTNEHSIIIP.—Til* subseriners will continue A* business at Die city of Albany, and at their prlneipat Deyoi*. In New York and Boston, under the /Inn utinin uud style ot^ John Taylor'* Sons. Allwny, Septeuibei XW J9M, M . 'St- ...-. J|KlmI;H I*. * AYWIH. opiotr .- i. # '.,-. lb v ... ^jYm-n-'fMtim.,^ JP TroyK commodious J stocked wiW |()BiJrbede»iraM* Country Resident!* on the ul, near MenamTs, of 1J acrtt. llss * (ine utidiiur, Barn,, Oajdnert house, At Well TOWJUNXV 4Mt» ^AvtxtifUwmU. S TAXK O P N K W VOItK ('iiy and Count) oi Albany, Clerk'aOffice— Notice is hereby given, th,at on Thursday, the 14th day of January, IHU1, a l'atiet o.( iViit Jurors will IK) drawn at tliis Office to servo at a Orr . cuft Court aud Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held in I aud for the City and County of Albany, at tho City Hall, in u Monday, (he 1st day of rebruary, SMITH A. WATKRMAPf, Clerk. iuis and demands at the lime of tlie delivery c to «aid Receiver," and now held by uutd Receiver at cob lateral security. A schedulo of all the demands so to tie sold, tha order of the Jual.ce oi'the Buprcme Court, and also the assignment, auihorily and content of Vote h Co., ai io tale of the ool- lateral securities, can be examined at any tune previous lo the sale, and primed catalogue* and such iiiriher huorma- tion as the receiver can give, obtained, at the oftlce of said Receiver, in the Merchants^ Hank of Albany; but all ttate- meuti ai*d iiiformaiiou contained in the catalogue, or other- wise ma de before of at the Mile, an iu the names, reeidencaw, amuuui«> dates, adverse ctai-rOs and allegations, or other matters concerning any demand so sold, are made and f liven entirely from mfurmaiion, and only as such, for the loiirfn or protcctioti, so far aa they may avail, of all partiea inlerested, and not as representations or staiementt for which tho subscriber is in any way responsible. Tlie liability of Vote A Co., by indorsement orotharwise, «>n said securiticn, having been released in moat cases, tUch sale will Irausfci no obligatiun or deinandn a^aiiLSl that Ami or lis members,, unless such liability is ajxiciully mentioned in the catalogue or at ihe sale, Tho sale will be of such rights and interests only as the sub.ieriber has, and can thus lawfully sell; and no liability whatever in io arise, and no warranty or guaranty made, or to be implied, from, by. or upon, such sale, or any written as- signments made in eitccuiiou thereof, or from the tute* mettta and information ooutained in the catalogue or |rfven before or at such sale. If written assignments are required they mutt in all case* be prepared and made and stamped, if necessary, at line expense of Urn purchaaer ADAM VAN AUJSN, Receiver of tlie properly of the llank of Albany. patod Albany, January 4, l&ui JaflsHd the City of Albany, ou Monday H364. Qayw] " " OTATK Olf NKW VOHK -City and County ol Albany, Clerk's Othee—Nolioo is hereby given, thai on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1864, a Panel ol (Hand Jurors will he drawn at this Office to serve at a Cir- cuit Court and Oourt of Oyer and Terminer, to 1»e held in and (or the City and County of Albany, at the City Hall, m T ""M>B tilVlTBlpi«lVK», BKOKIVKR 0|T the lale Brtn of W. It J. TreudweJI, Ferry *. Norwn, in our«uance*f an order of Ilie Supreme Oourt of the State of \ ' e w York, granted on the 9 0 * day of April, IWW, will sell at nui.be auction ou the thirteen* (13*) day of January, MM, at lha "'ore of Alexander Kennedy. Auctioneer., No. UOBtat* •Ire*! J" tho cily of Albany, N. Y ™«..«-»...i«" . in o'ek*'lkA, M.,of that day, all which ne, " h. ..ii-; at 10 the right, title and interest such Receiver, has in and to ihe following do scribed reisl^slav* fmmerly 'belonging or sumiosod to belong to said firm, (lid al*. 1 '" •"* to [ ^ c following debts, detnwids. 3 notes, accounts and W j ™ « « « formerly "whig or supposed to bo owing io said grni. H "eb «alo will be for cash, and without any oovenaut, agree,.<eiit or guaranty of tha Re- ceiver, personally or otherwise, f* »« amount, valu* or collection of * e iccounts, notes or jtidgincjiu, or as to * e title of Ihe real estate. The name* of debtors, their re»i- , . . , deuce, and the amounts due are stated on tht best itifomta- . . . ., „ rw ili« collection of tion ihe Roceiver ha» | but he makes no »gccemeiil as tu and the Assessment Koll« and Warranu for the | oorrocmess ill any of Ihew reapecls. Russell A. Oridley, Hudson, Wis., balance of judg- M.rouij, •***TV wv'i •••*!*" V**LJ «wws*^'U s'J *i«J UIIUIII* . *' ' ' * *sAAn *\yfc He therefore gives notice * a t all persons named -J"™ ".'•'ll''"*' li'"A' . » I w 00 nereiu ar. required l o > y their T a a o . to ,im ou or IK.- T*P£M&£> Norway M..,Oov»rnor»iov«... ll So fore ihe 1st day of Msrofinexi. I A J - WW * «-<»•> I'oughkeepale, I. sets Hiar of ^ On all Taaes paid brfor. Ihe 1st of January next, a de- i ^SurxSFlti.'}i:':'r't'K.'ri." , '-J*.' W ** duelion of one per eenl. wUl be allowed. 1 •'•J? 1 ' f Cock. Olen Cove, I. I., Oval Star of * e On til 'r»xc« paid on and after the lit and W o r e the 14th """J V nd •* »if« •••• , . . • . Peter Culms, Albany, act, 1M50. 1884. U«^*«*l SMITH A WATERMAN, Clerk rilAXKS A N D W ATICH UKNT8.—CHAM JL lffirUTAJN'S PPFICK At*AN», Dec. 15<b, 1003 The Assessments Rolls and warrants for '" " Taxes, and the Assessment Roll* and collection of Water Rents for tho several Wards of the of January next, a deduction oY one-half per cent. An addition of one per oent. on all Taxes paid on aud after the 1st day of February next and before tho 1st day of ' March nexti aud two per cent oA all Taxes paid on and H(W the 1st day of March noxt and lioforo Ihe 1st day of 17 ea SOU 00 April next, intoresi at the rale of twelve per cent per au rsl from the 1st day of February next LEWIS WILE*, ReecKer ofTuxes ..|/>,. n.fli, »..u.ov. n, int. in,v ui i.. r uuin, will be charged from the 1st day dairaot P H . Miller, Chicago, 111., note, Aug 7. '60, 6rao. H. U. Corhitt, 8|. Paul, MIIUI., note, Hejn 7, '«0,3 mos ,.,, 943 ofj John MoMnllen, St. Paul, Minn , note, July 31, '«0, 3 mos go 00 Taylor A Houglnaliiig, Hutilngs, Miiui, nole, July HJ.'OO, 'J mos , , C OMFOIIATION City of Albany.—Th< following apporuoninenu havi been returned to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of lh* City of Albany, and *re now on file in the fjffioe of the Clerk of the Common Counci) thereof, and will be ap proved and t'onfirtned ' '' " cause to the contrary b February, 1904, lo wit Do. do. « U _ .,„ July 47,'»0. 4 mos 43 OT NOTIOK.—Clerk's Office, ( B. A M Froisetb, note, May II '80, todays ..... « f> ' il»\'0li,30da)-s ,. to 7», » 70* 8 10 proved and confirmed by said ''Common Council, unless cause to the conn sry be shown on or before the first day of An apportionment of th* expanse of repairing pavement In Hroadway, Lumber, Centre streets, and Washington avenue An apportionment of the expense of excavating, tUilug, forming, and paving Bowery from tha east curb line of Robin street to the west lino of Perry street. An appoflionmeut of * e expense of excavating, filling, forming and paving Bowery from ihe west liu* of Quail street, on th* nor* to the west line of Ontario street on the nor*. An apportionment of the expense of excavating, filling, forming snd paving Bowery from ihe west line of Perry street to lit* west line of Quail street on Ihe north An ei*poi itoiUMoivt of die expense of repairing pavements in Hudson street, Clinton street, Nencelia street, Bugle street and Basset street. MARTIN DELEHANTY, de!K»9(lt Clerk of the Common Council. C ottt-oHATION NtyricB. - »**, City o f Albany.—Tlie following apportionments . I.rk'a Ot- havo been returned lo the Mayor, Akte'rnMii, at iy, •" nm •Oby lesseaus* to * contrary shown on or before the 13th and Com- monally of * e oily of Albany, ind'arenow on file In the Office of ihe Clerk of the Common Council thereof jand will be approved and confirmed by said Common Council, iin W - • Office of ihe Clerk of the Common Cumicil thereof jand will !onnrm*d by . Mlrery b«sh pay of February, 1KH, to wit i iy oi rebru ., An apportionment of the expense of repairing pavements in HMie street, Jay street and Hawk street. An apportionment of the expense of grading and paving Watson Alley between Hawk and Swan streets, lu Week bounded by Hudson, Hamilton. Hawk and Swan streets. An apportionment oftlie expense of repairing pavements . .||*M" in Broadway and Clint™ Avenue. in Elm street, Broadway and Slate street An apport ionment of the expense of repairing pavements MARTIN W;I.AIIAN ry, Clerk of the c "njiow |>jneil & do. April *-"• «w. n|n».| w.wii.,.,,,,,,,,, Do- do. JulyiM, '00,30da)-s «. M. Nawson, si. Paul, note, July 16, '00,1 day.. II. B. Oaiw, note, March 87, W, 30days ,. Brown Ir Betrlier, Redwing, Minn., note, A Edward i},'fird'o'iii''.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'''.','.'.'.',', K. Crt»naj« & Son, July Ht 7,1 S. O. Brisblu, July ltT' 1 Edward Bdrnell, note, July 28, '0(1,9 ProctorfcClark, note, Juue 0, 'SO, im oays Charles Uigelow, Chicago, Aug. 8, '80. . T ........ , B. B, Dewey 4 I. M Seward, Sept. Ul, 'S8.i,.,., -—-Farwell, Aug. 8, 4 mos., * .... ,..•... John McCloud A tig A, 4 niiu ............ , Dan'l II. Sionffer, Ml. Carroll, III., note, Jan. S,'*«, 9 mos ,,.,..,.,,.' ..... J. I. Sutton, West Urbsua, 111., nolo, J w , J, '«o. jo ' mos N Krelbs, Claytoli, Iowa, note, April 6, '«0, 8 mos. PV- -. . *•' Aprll«, 1&,6mo« ........ T. J DufTy, 8hako|K)e, Miiui., note, Aprd 7, 'to, S mos ,... , »••>•> J B Butler, Horicon, Wis^ note, Jan V'W. * , t mos , 'SO, T S8 00 Sstw 18 44 8 Ml ..«!£ 00 00 88 18 180 18 30 IX. mat 180 00 800 00 too oo 198 00 34 7S FOR SALE BV A U> M0FSWASLB mtfJi. Grocers, Hotels, ' Restaurants, &c., THROUGHOUT THK GLOBK. f J % 1 0 . C. HTJBBKL & 00., 1 MAtDMtJItJilM AtD PlWIWOM, «•«. 8 urn IS hT.lrsT SttWMlSs **» ' , ittt. ti AM* IS SSsMtW I W N I , *\ilmli ',;:,^4^:^i;W»aaW» , 'l'«t.' "'.'. '"" r Central Deiwtt ';;;'- : AMEIHOAa KirSISW Bttll4)IN», r tt if Hun.. r , «, r «,,tj mm. lata*'!-. w. j. at n. ttacoTi?, MANIJFACTURKRH ANB PEALER8 IN mil^IVARY WOODS, •'•••: mffiM'- ' REVOLVING PI8TOL8, Gun Materials, &c, <&c. '• "• * .'•'' AT THE Slga sf the Big WIN *B4 PISTOL, IST«t. 0O State wtreot. WempWu Patent Vrutrhm. , Will Warrant Alt^ EEVOLVERS, Sold t>y them. Should any one I of them get out pf,Order, within a reasonable length of time, we will Repair it 1111.1: mtiiAitisi;. W*wiU also Warrant all tlllNS sold byutj tuui if w« otnuoi satisfy the Purchaser, WM W*IJI iff fund the .W«MI*/. WE ARK MECHANICS AT OUR BUSINESS! And complete all *f our REVOLVERS, ENOLISH, bUTCIl and FRENCH FOW14NO OUNS, in Our own Wep, >CIOT* otMrag *em for sale »ol8 i v".t, .. 1* ., nine, j o n », oi,, Klder A Mro,, Spriugrield. Ill, note, Sept. 83, mos , ..;,, aoo <HI James Christie, Admin., III., note, March 17, '60,9 mos ,,.., .,..,...,. 94 oil Dan'l II. Stouter, Mt. Carroll, Ht.note, Jan. 8, '09, Sinos.. ,., ..... , ..... 180 00 Re*dA>WKift;Oale»l,Urgh, III, note, March !«, t , Jttpmo. :..,., 600 «» K. M. Hill, Klmwowl, 111., note, Jan. 3, '00, « mos. 100 R C. Rock, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, note, Jan. ao, 'on, a mos 179 m Robert Sutlenger »rtd dies. Merger, Two Rivers, Wis-.tiote, Jan. Itl,'t«l, :ti,n» Ion ISI Hill A Aberneiby, Kbnwood, 111, now, Jan. 8, '60, 9 mos... 100,90 Ilorcherdt A Smith, Manitowoc, Wis, note, Jan. 8, '«0, 4 mos , .... , 100 00 A V. Beckery Agent, Chieago, 111., note, March 8S, •60,6 MOS ...... .,.,.,. 71 T» RoMB * Wm. Grey, Keithsburgh, III, note, April 1. '88,91 inoa.,,, ......... ,'. 8*0 7» Endorsement on do., Dee. is, <M .180 00 130 78 Rubel A Bro, Chicago, account, 1860 , 7 80 Bowers h, Boiy. Kewanee, 111., account, I860 64 77 Taylor A Hotaling, llasiings, Minn , accouni, May E. WilUvrd, Port Aikmson, Wis,, iudnmeni, Muek, I860.. John Thompson, N York, Judgment, July 81, "69.. I W. ||. Rodger*. Fishkill Landing, H- Y-, Econo- mist Stove, No. 8,...••'*• , Almy A. Swain, New Bedford, Mas*, Heating cloaetand stove covers .... *,.. Q. T- ttondou. Port Jervis, N. V., *efiOHni, 1860, Home Lawn Hotel, account, I860 ,.; M. L. Wilcox, Sprmgfkld, Mass., aecount, I860, O. A E. II. Parish, Hinsdale, Mass , account, Jun* 16, to '. 0. A 13. Kennedy, N'tichox, MUM,, account, July, •» ,.'. : .; Dated Albany, December 19*. 1863. JA8. C. COOK. Receiver M Ihe lale firm Of dell 8*w4w W. J. Treadwell, Perry A Norton. r# L K41ISI>ATIVK HHAVfcAINtlV.- •'!"*> ne* lately setiled In Albany, *nd "j*gitil«tur*, will t> . x#irr,who ueharge .*« cydjy ^ wrvjoe ant to giro B*tjc> of aach one's Ume 5A men lately serded in Albany, and desiring lo take » nth* aervK* *f *c L*gi«latu(f, will please io report, faw «avs, to Dr. Wvcxor r, who is charged to arrange S » H A M S , Smoked RAN, Masonic Hall, II Kuril, FWltUMh l'.f.iS BAI.K.-State of New York, Su- preme Court—Albany County.- -Ann Wilson, plain- liff, ngainst Winslow II. Clianitwilainaial Martha L. Chain In-rlam hia wife, Levi 1. Darby, Henry Robinson, frantis E. Alatrews, The l*eople of dm Stale of New York, Moses Bennett, James Kdwnids, Receiver of lh* National Bank, of Albany, Julia Ann Wynian, administratrix of ihe **t*J» of Horece Wymim', deceased, Joseph W, Suow. Jeatpn N. Bullock, Waller 0, Many, Joanna Tweed* Dale, Klitabeth Lawson, Belly HaswelL Catharine Wcller, Alexander Ci Lloyd, *nd Marry Ann Fanning, defendaata , In pursuance, ami by virtue 5f a judgment of forcelcaur* and sal* made,by this Court h, above entitled action *i a special term thereof held iu and for *e Stale of New Yot*, at ihe Cily Hall, cily of Allwiy, in * « Couniy of Albtntr, on the 8 0 * day of December, 1863, and llerl aiid «»lw*d »» the office of the Oterk of the county of Albu»y Wore**M. L the subscriber, Referee, will sell at put'lic *uctiou, ai lh* Rotunda of the Albany Exchange VmMbJ^mm f Albany, in said county and Stale, on * * tlrsldayol Feb-- rtisiy, ilSL at 18 o W k , noon of ih*t d*y, «h« r**l «las* and mortgaged premises directed by «*** jli»i*tl9*nt wb; wld.aiiilXeribedas follows: -A« '^p»J«TOI,E«2*J" in tlie cily of Albanyoutlie »-">*,*«« of ^rnUtoititrML in the Tenth Ward of the city of Albany.and isknownand distlngukbed as rwrt olllot number lhr*e on *>»fft*»»// twelv. of book of map.; of J <e estate of Mnrir«srt C*w«A on file in ihe o«e« <;. W. Clerk of tot«y^<ff&« Albany, »nd is boundeil k» follows ;-~Oi»tM sSMJt-^JJ**; im* street; on tit* west by tot munberfour | on ihe south by Garder/tnroel: sad on * * • * * ' - .llel wi* *nd disuat twiw^LLru^SoirV. inehe* from the west UnFrf *j>i}*,wish UfiUJWm, Dated AJbwy, 'SaS03^rSa»6a(, R««t* . Aiisn-l l»« mitlilnrll**. fiHOIf)»SVCIAH€«;. - st»»g^u*orrt-*^*Wls«**^1 I ofNB, tow*' K atttwy««»»* *««t I th \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of IISIISiP- Latest News. IVES' NfiW YORK nORfi, m «»«i. 21/Albany NY... · Latest News....

Page 1: IISIISiP- Latest News. IVES' NfiW YORK nORfi, m «»«i. 21/Albany NY... · Latest News. toMGHT~DM*ATCHES. prom Waallngtott. ".',. WASHINQTOK, Jan. 11. At the sale of confiscated

flflilg* 9TATK FAPMB.


* Corner o r ttrotHxwrssy *md B e a v e r Street . CALVERT COMStOCK.'l-..-^.. WILUAM CASSIDY, pwwst

A T U 8 AND ARQU8 DAILY EIGHT DOI.I.AHM per annum; payable in advance,

ATLAS AND AROtm l,8*.HM-W*MH) Three Dollar* pet »imum; payaMe In advance.; Clul* atreduced rate*. \**M 11 A A ^ i P v u < VM' i

ami! a s BBS se i t a s s

IISIISiP-T h e M e t r o p o l i t a n P o l l e c C'ommlawlonera.

T h e l a t e A r e l i b l « h o p H u g h e * . A Urge portion of the force wete of the same na­

tionality, political and religious faith of the riotous mob.—Rtport 0 / FoH«« Commiuloners.

Few frrosoor tlepnvtiues from official de­cency havo ever 1 W i t rtcjrdeol than the re­port of the jwurtiswi Poltoa Cojnmi^sioaers, which characteriawd t h e ^ w j r . |nol* tqf 5s«w York, as Catholic*, and Irish, and Demo­crats. It watt an faUu as it wan impudent.

But there was a motive in this Insolence :tud falsehood which will ye t bo explained — The letter of the late Archbishop HVGIIKS,

which we publish below, shows the untruth­fulness of the attack upon hiacountrymen and his Church.

The malignity, which thus vented itself tip 011 a Religion and Nationality,did not spare the venerable Prelate himself, and has not been appeased or silenced by his death. The let­ter wo givo vindicates his motives and bis course, and should shame his assailants, t t M HS written when the outbreak was most violent ;

NEW YOB*;, July 14, 1803.

l i b Excellency, BojUTto S I V M O I R , Governor

State of New York r MY DKAK (JOVERSOR : I have Just received

yours of this date. I shall leave nothing un­done, by means of direct and Indirect influence, to correspond with'yOur wishes in regard to our present calamities. Onoe More I prevented a

y iglaimrt o* $eto/ gorlt* . .; % [Reported (of the Albany Alia* A Argus) U'\

IN S E N A T E . . . .Jan. 1 1 - 7 : 8 0 r. * Prayer by Rev. Mr. A D I I B U R O . , . ,- a

The r«H waa ca^ed, and a qttorutn not falng present, the Senate adjoitrnedf imtil I t o'clock to-morrow.. - 1 * * i . . . .

w \ s » I H B L T . . J.'n 1 1 - 7 r. - • Prayer by Rev. Wra. ARTHUR. The S P E A K E R prcseritel the annual rtate-

tuent of the unclaimed deposits and dividends of the Merchants' Exchange Bank, New York city. Referred. . „ . , . . „ . . „

On motion of A. X ^ R K B R , t h | House adjourned to to-morrow morning at 11 o clock.

fontl %Mttttit> All right exoept the name, and that should b» the

A. P. St. John. Tho new steamer will commence ruoalng on the 1st of April, provided the river As open.—Slatttman- f , ,. -.,

There secins to be considerable uncertainty about the new boat. At first, she waa to have beon called I the "Dictator"; when launched, she w»schristened "A. P. St. John"! and since then the New York papers have spoken of her as the "Constitution."

_ _ — , m MW> • Although the quota of Albany county Is only half

tilled, recruiting is brisk and there Is every prospect

Latest News. toMGHT~DM*ATCHES.

prom Waallngtott. ".',. WASHINQTOK, Jan. 11.

A t the sale of confiscated property in Virgi­nia;, to-day, Arlington was bid in by the Gov­ernment at »28,800. For this, the Government had three or four competitors.

The Curtis Mill Farm was purchased by M. E. Flanlgan, at M,100. Thoro were In a 1 thirteen sales, amounting to $60,600.

A Mil Introduced by Ropresontatlvo Stevens to-day, and the consideration thereof postponed until February noat, ^provides that in all terrl- | tdry of tho Oenfcdcrato States, which has been j or may be conquered and subdued by the Fcde- j raj armies, all laws and parts of laws which per- i mlts slavery, are henceforth abolished, and tfyat slavery shall never again bo established within said territory. , . ;

That hereafter no portion of It shall be ad-

ALBANY, TUESDAY MORNING, J A N U A R Y 12, 18U4*« yn i"i'jy

Chicago Me« Market. > CHICAOO, Jam 11,

Live stock market quiet aud without change. Drossed hogs active-, dividing 200 lbs.

W o o l m a r k e t . ~~ i I 'J ."/ We are informed that for the week crating last Friday

ovening, there lias been sacked and delivered IVoin ihe Wool depot of Horace llerriugton. Esq., in this city, one hundred and feur thousand, one hundred and twenty pounds of Wool, at prices ranging from 80c 1088)40 per pound.--During the same time, Mr. II has received over one hun­dred and fifty-rlvo sacks of Wool—[Troy Pre«s.


Passes t o (lit; a r m y ! O n c x at run NBVV YOKK 8r*tK Ao^scv, 1

1S1 P A AvRsva, WASHINOTOS, August Mill, I t** I Citizens of New York Stale visiting Washington, who

may require PASSKS to ihc Army of the Potomac or else­where, arc particularly rctpicstcil to tiring Wi* ihemsucli evidence of ihoir eitlaenship uud residence, as may uicitiily ihcin, aud furnish a foundation for recotiMncialution from this Ofllce, os such recommendation Is reijtiirod (** 'lie citi­zens oi each iState from some representative here,

JAMBS I, HANCOCK, M D , N. Y. State Medical Agent

Col. SAMUEL NORTH, au28 dtf «V. Y- State Military Agent.

•••.'..II ',""• HI • j Ill,IN JIM .."MM! j II HI, 1.11!'

JaHtVff, fit. C K A N » K L L ~ « ^ l r m ; r l B ,

OK iNVKtrr iON W H I C H w « HAM. SCROFULA lurks In theconstliutionsof multitudes of

men. It either produces or is produced by en enfeebled, vitiated stale of Hie blood, wherein that fluid becomes in-(ioni|aitent to sustain the vital forces In their vigorous ac­tion, and leaves the system to fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous cohlamiiituloii Is variously caused by mer-" curial disease, lows living, disordered digestion from un, healthy food, impure n|r, liltli npd f||ihy hib|ts, the depress, iug vices, and, uWe nil, by Ihe veneres! infection. What. ever t»e its origin, it is hereditary • in the coitstitittioii, dc-sccuding "from parents to children unto the third ana fourth generation:" iiidndd, it see|t)stobe tho rod of Him who

" " ilie* of d« fathers UJHUI their

mm git*** 11,809.

irwrtT, uwm « - , . , ^ „„, N

fy^img*^ i mm m weelrs.. . , , . . . . .

" I mouth , ' • • '* • •""; •>• ,S " » months . . . „ ' . " , ' , ' " . " ' ' ! "

S ** amonuw .,..;;;;;*; O m o n i h s , . . , , , , , , , . '

" . t y e a r , ', Iff*.*' Tw»«o.uar»s , f r M, C , 1.1 '. * Each addrtionsl 8ou.ro . . . ! . . ! " . 10 ho Business Cards, S fines ,.,,'., m w

(Paper not Included.) Sr-H-ui .None t s . - TenrenUa line AH each Ineenieu

"•' •dv.niaetnent ameng; the 8neci«i Notices S l i B "••" Fifty Cents for a single Inswion.

1 •aftajy fmm inliii ji,ii.n»»i^i

m «»«i.

1 Will visit IbV UllllUit The iliseuscs It o the organs it a ifcles,Vt« final!

swellings which supiattntc and become ulucrn the stomach ami Isrwek derangements which produce lit

says, "I wdl visit the children." The d|fcusos It originates lakes various lianies,

i attacks. In the lungs Scroftila uilly Consumption i in thegjanils, .-mid IBICOIIIB idecrnus sorest lit

s uaines, according to the organs ii attacks. In ihe lungs Bcrofula produces tnbcrolesjfyid (nully Consumption i in the gji "

digestion, dyspepsia, end liver cumptaiuts; on the skin, crup-live and cubmeouselfectioiw. These, all having the same m origin, retptije theitameremedy* "'""'• parifieaihai and in.

iipl these ' ;iitpii|ipe>attave you, ^yilh reeMe, fhlil, «t

rupted hlooit, von cannot have health; with that "lift, of the

retptir vigoratioii of i gerouS disteni'pe'rs Ifeave

tliu hiissf !'«'lfK.t|l.? I)N^' «jal !ht>*> <lati-oii. Mm

UIJUCO UHHMI, VOU fltlllK'l lIBVC llCfUlh ', WV" irmi | |

llesli" healthy, yon cannot have scrofulous discasa.

( A y « p ' » ttua'frUtimvallu ii compounded from the most eueclual antidotes that medi oal science hs» discovered, for this afflicting distemper, and I for ilie cure of die disorders it entails. That it istarsupe. riot lo any oilier remed v yet devised, is known by all who have given it aula), That it duct .combine, virtues truly ; cxirrordiirary in their effect upon this class of complaint*, " Indlsptttntily nrc,v«a t,y the great multitude of publicly kiiov and reiUHrkiioie cures it has made of the following diseases





Substitute Joy for Sorrow.

KlUK'a Kvll OlaHdulor H<

!««?, Hiwn Or St. Aittlioiiy'n

known Incases:

illiwav. m * otefiei) Mid

in it toil Into the Union as a State, or bo repre­sented In Its Congress, excepting by delegates, j va.tV"!'™ "*£?.,. *.,.,., , . . i f M , m

. . . . . , j . , . . . . i i . ! . L I AND WHOLK8ALE AND KM'I'AII. DEALERS IN ; ttorea, nrjw^mmm s-if the same should be authorized, until tho l>f!0- , I ' l io , s H l t i f incum, »ei«ld H e a d , tlouitiiw pie within tho territory forming such State shall HOt All' F l i m a C C » , P o r t a b l e I lpa lPIS , flrow t u ^ r ^ u a d e p o a l ^ l u t f t o j ^ i ^ ^

r PARISH HEATERS, L j U . i i v « 1 „ , , » l „ , . , i indisceai by Its organic law forever prohibit slavery *?v?r>J*?$«tk

of raising tho requisite number in the course of four j therein. or Svc weeks.— Troy Times.

The figures published by us last week, upon which the ahove paragraph is predicated, showed only tho j number that had, up to that time, received the I county boaoty. Many more have been secured to the credit of tho county* and »ur quota i», undoubt­edly, at least two-thirds full.

• II • » • " i Riiv. J. C. t fLaroin .— Probab(y no one Is bet- \

The Joint resolution of Senator McDongall, in relation to the French occupation of Mexico, assorts tltat It la an act unfrlumlly to the Unttcit States ; that It la the duty of this Government to demand the withdrawal of her armed forces from the Mexican territory, and that unless the withdrawal shall take place prior to the 16th day of March neat, It la the duty of this Gov­ernment to declare war against France.

Senator Wilton'* bill, which waa passed to-





Cull and examine. Simottd1* New Patent STATION-ARY FURNACE, of which we have lour sines.

Five »«o« of our Celebrated PORTABLE I t . . . , A lurgo vuriety of ORATES, FRAMES and HV,

riot, but sonio of our local newspai>or8 warned t 9 r acq„ainted with the manner, custom* ami geo-mo off, intimating that if the civil authorities graphical knowledge of the Brisiltians than the could liot protect tho peace of the community, above Divine. And since this peculiar people have , . provide* that nil money received from l»r Work done-better allow the . tree . , to run with blood than j eler.,,^excited a deep ^ » £ » • ***** , c o u n m i t a t i o n „,,„„ , „ p a i ( , a i r o c ' t l v , u t o t h o *V. '""If «- . • -»

that such consequences should bo prevented by J * - f - £ * ^ * J ^ « * ^ h ^ Treasury, and paid out on requisition for ihe

ecclesiastical intlucnce or authority. | ( - o f h e m t l n g i b o u t „ t h o , 0 tottignon" by exponaos of the draft, and the procuration of At present there doea not appear any lair a W 8 m l i n g t h 6 l e c , u r o t h i , 0 „ , , m j r before tho Y. M. substitutes,

opportunity of addressing the unfortunate peo- C - A ( a t , h e Congregational Chureh. Xho bill of Souator I.anc, of Kansas, to set apart a portion of the State of Texas, for the use of persons of African descent, assigns to

five nines of our Celebrated FORTAULE HEATERS. K lurge variety of ORATES, FRAMES and SUMMER

PH'.OKH, ol'dlfierent styles and finish. 'I'l... I '..I,.I„ :.i...I Hl.-.l.'lll.* It A VIII.*.

pie who are now disturbing tho tranquility of tho city, since it Is stated to me that their bold­est leader is a man from Virginia, named An­drews, and that most of his subordinates in

T a t Coe.vTt WANTS to Bottnow—Until tho County Bonds can be prepared, tho County Trea- , ,urer is authorised to borrow, from the b.nks or in- «»«* «''« f6*1"" b o t w c e n , h o Colorado aud tho dividuals, to tho extent of *200,000, to pay the Kio Grande, In Texas, in which they arc al-

leadartdup are from tho State of Connecticut ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v o l t t D t M M , p B r t l c , h , v l n g , u r . I i o w c , | the privilege of the Homestead Law. having recruited addittoual force In tho city of p J n j fqn( | |> o n h a n d n D 9 n d n l ) b c l t 6 r investment. , Thu officers in charge of emigration, hereafter Brooklyn.

It it not surprising that many dupes along the wharves shops of New York.

I shall have a lottor in the N. Y. Herald to­morrow, and, tu the postscript thereto, I shall make an appeal to tho Catholics, who may bo

; County Notes , running three or six months, are t o i^, a , )„o i i i t ed b v t h e KrosidOUt. arc c h a r t e d ever mado. ami gives the mosi heat from IRe least amoe i t . , . . .1 . „ I . I H«/t i . . . , , , . . ._ , , T . . . . . . . . . n , „ „ „ . ' »i»pwi».«» »j -« - i •» o , of Coal, and perfectly tree front Gas. Now is the time they shou ld tlnd g iven , signed by tho (ounty Treasurer. Of course, w l t ) | , , , „ o x o c l l t [ o n 0 f t h i s a c t ' and the appro - have Heaters put in. ss ihey can be set 80 per cei

and In the work- those notes are a porfoctly reliable investment. It „ . . , „ . „ „ i1„, .M r tf„ r„ , „ « ) „ tnr - „ i n n i , . , | n l l , „ „ . . jheaj*' " ? " "' l ll» 1''"11 £" ! f o " 3 p IUSf(»ER«ON,

I « ! » , DyNpeiHMeT o r I n d i i t e a t l o u , S y n h t T f o 1 a u d V*i i i l i l l l t l u l i i i . - t t l o i i N , m e r c u r i a l Wl»»

o i i i e s , I ' e i i i K l e VVcnh»iet»w's, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints llml nriso noiii impurity of the blood. Minute reperrs of individual cases may be louinl in AYKH'H AMKHIIAN AI.MA^SI1, which is furnished to the j druggisu, for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learn- \ cd the ilircelionsfdr its use, and seine of the remarkable cures which it has puutc when all oihor romothes had failed . •oaironl relief. Twee cases are puriHwely tuken from all scettutis of the <• iny, in order that every reader may I have access lo some one who can speuk lo him or' its bene-fit* from iwrxoiml eJiperioiiee. Scrofula depresses the vital I energies, milt thus leave* Ms vleitm* fnp move siibjeel todts. ease and its fatal results than tire healthy eolisliTiitiinn,.. Hence it lends to shorten, ami does Kreatly shorten, the av. eruge duration of human life. 'Hie viist im|>ortatlcc of these considerations has ted us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is udeqnute to its euro. This we now offer to ilie public euiler the name of AvsK's SARSAfMRll.-LA, although il is composed of ingredients, some of which

. , . . , , exceed the best of fttirsaparilla in slleraUve power. By its , , J0,K "ptore pttrcnasing else- ' a M , m p,,,,^) ymtrsclt from ihe suffering and danger

Cuts, with descriptive circulars, furnished on up- „, IMCM, , l l5irdcrs. Purgo out ihc fonl corruptions that rot and (osier in the hlpud. purge out ihc causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates lite vitul functions, find thus expels ihe disicuipeis which Ittrk within the system or burst out on any part oi il

We know the public have been deceived by many coin pounds of Sarsaparllla, thin promised much unit did nothing; oul ihey will uelther be deceived nor disappointed In this.

! Its virtues have been proven by abundant trials, and there remains no riuoslipn of ils surjMissing excellence for Ihe euro of ihe alrliotiug iliseuscs u is intended to reach. Al-llioii(i.!i under ihe tune iiuiue, it is a vcTy different medicine from any other which has been before ihe people, and is far mure effectual than any other which hits over been avnilublo lo tltcitl.


The Cause of Human Misery.

he Celebrated IIEEUE RANOE, six sixes. Also, Pierco's New Self-feeding RANGE, two sixe#. Repairs eoustunily on hand for ail kinds of Heating

Sieves and Ranges. All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and Cop.

IVES' NfiW YORK nORfi, 8 and 4 Cannon P l a c e ,

.,«.>., >: T R O Y .

Exainino the tergest Stock of : (b i . ia i

Fine Dress Goods, The Largest Stock of

Medium Priced Dress Goods, The Largest Stock of

Cheap Dress Goods, The Largest and Cheapest Stock of

C L O A K S For Ladies,

Misses, and Children.

The largest and best selected Slock of everything desira­ble to

8HAWL8, Kver shown in Troy, at

IVES' "NEW YORK 8TOK. All the. Choice floods Manufactured for Cloakings —

Many fabrics that cannot be found in any other House in Troy, at IVES' New York Store, Noe. 3 ami i Cannon Plaee, Troy.

$H«tmat»«»M$. uHtTKs . ——**r**rr—'


rhe Wbecriber« have on hand a Isrge ,„<) complete ae-K,"niei,i pf t]|» |a,„,t patterns of

SKATES; A l * 0 ,

S L E I G H B E L L S , / or AU' i>B8CRirrioNe,

which they o«er at Whole,.,; „t R e m i l i f w l h , l 0 w e - ^ ^ Call before pureh.,1,,,, „,„, , „ n l i n c (<k y < W w l v e t ,

E R A S T U S C O K M K G fc CO.,

4 5 1 a n d 4 5 8 B r o . a w , , . a» dc«

THE KIN88T0N ARBU8 OFFJbT" Wov B a l e .

f | ^ n i : « n ' i ' i < I C O F t i n s I M I I , , i , n o w

JL offered for sale nt a bargain. The mawruus cemlM in part of a Hoe's Cylinder 1'icu, a Degener UWn> pfe«s a Washiiigton Hand Press, a Patent Paj>cr Ceitcr, sI1ti a b extensive aasesrlulent o( Jobbing and News|iai>er type. n«. ecssary to the execution ot' all kinds of work in u im,... \\-ell-rcgulated Country Printing Office. The circulation oi the AKOCS is not exceeiled by any other newspaper pub lished in the county, and caa be doubted in a short time, by proper efforl. The AKOCS has the official patronage of lbs Sheriff, and will, on and after Ilie hr*l of January, pros., have that of ilie Surrogate. The. local and miscellaneous advertising can be estimated by referring to the proper col. limns. To art enterprising Democrat, wishing lo.conduct the official siiil only Democratic organ in Ulster Coumy, ibis is an opportunity seldom inei with. 1'or further par­ticulars, calf on or address J AS R. KOI,AND, at this of­fice, or \VM F. RUSSELL, Administrator,

ja8 Saugcriies, 8*. Y.

of ihe most de-Columbla county, N. Y.. known as

l ^ A i t m s p i n t KAI.IC-.V--01II--J.1 sirabte Farms in Columbia county, the '• Hermitage," property of the late Timothy Richmona, Ksi) of Eivingsion, " Livingston

1 Manor,'1 on the Post Road, nine tnilcs south of ihe etty or Hudson, and ono mile from the Hlne Store. Said Kami

tho abote articles, will di rell lo call and examine our stock before purchasing else

where. plicaiioii

CRANDALL A WHITE, 5 0 6 l l « " n i l i v n y ,

niy'Jl Opposite Dclavun House

^ A V K V O t J l t < O A I , I

HENDERSON'S NEW CONK ElIRNACESt M o n i f i l i l « « K I X e - i v .

All that puiposc having uny change made in their Heat­ers, either to repair or change for la-ttor, and more eeo iiomieul Furnaces, should examine HENDERSON'S N E W CONE HEATER, which is ilie licst and cheapest Furnace

i tile least si

Is thought strange that some of tho Banks are so ptiatloits hcrotofore m«do for colonization pur-

infortunatolf eugagnd in this sad business, to t0 the ffor/d, s»ys

backward in responding to the needs of the County .'<>•«•» *"> Pta<i<5<1 l n t h o "»*>*• o f , h o Pf«»Wont in this emergency. to carry its provisions Into offtct.

«»»»• — » xho EnKlish schoonor Sally, of Nassau, Tlnd ST. Josrrn's CHtiacH.—"Sentinel," In a letter the Rebel steamer Antonio, captured on the

35 Chapel llealors.

near Stato, and examine bis New jc27

retiro from thoir connection with it within as brief a time as possible..

I am, with great respect, Voui Excellency's sincere

and humble servant, t JOHN, Archbishop of New York

T h o N e w sr, i t i n n u l l u m . On looking over the committees of the tiro Houses

of Congress, it will bo seen how completely the power of the South hits been overthrown, anil Ihc moulding of our laws has been transferred to the free States. New P.ngland, that Virginia and tho whole Slave .States have been wont to regard with such sovereign contempt, and whost official agent South Carolina, » fow years ago, tro»ted with such eonlaniely" is «"" exercising the very influonco and holding the position tho Southern States so long held.— Washington t'AronkJe.

To increase this preponderance;the admlnis-

I never weary in the look at the Interior of the St. Joseph Church ln this city. Its locality of all others, Is most favorable. Stepped on a great ter-race of hill above all the north division of the otty, blending its beautiful colors of drab and blue In the •tone of Nov* Scoti* and of tho Mohawk, every­where showing In Its throng of dating angles the skill aud boldness of the architect, one sees a most irregular combination of buildings-—of towers, and „ . , , , . . ,. , . . . yet all softening and shaptug Into suoh regulated $700,000, according to the official estimates

20th of December, havo arrived here, and are now in the custody of tho Marshal of tho Dis­trict of Columbia.

A, bill reported from the Comniltteo of Ways and Moans to reimburse Pennsylvania for ex­penses incurred ln repelling invasion, provides for tho payment of tho audited cases, Involving

fracture as give it high place in architecture. (lo thou aud do likewise. Let us who believe • •

well In the beauty of tho form, but do notttop thoro, when we build, seek the most beautiful: not the most georgcous, but the form whloh shall best express that from the simplicity and truth of the trustfnlnoss of Faith, goes out the deslro to give to tho plaoo of devotion whatovor belongs to the most true in loveliness.


ciety held Its regular Quarterly meeting In the Pearl • rath rgan should have added that S t u n , street Baptist Chureh Sunday evening. Kroin the " " " ' "">

0f Mats i is trYliigto ru»h BA ( , IA«I> , of JM.-.I Report of tho Executive Committee, ttappea,,that * o r t ' - ^ " e . , 1 , s >*»>> '» l'r<'8' from the Senate : wart'

Mass , has proposed to expel Ml' Kentucky, fruni hit Seat •

The new dictation Is infinitely more insolent and sclllsh than the old. Well may the Chicago Tinios, echoing tho words, ' N e w England is now exsre't'tg the very Influence and holding thu position the Southern States to long hehl," exclaim, " A n d this Ki-W Kngland, in popula­tion, is diminutive by the side of tho South,

and that WILSON, of H has met with considerable success during the past DAVIS, of quarter. The Missionary (Rev. Mr. Clinker) holds

preaching services at each of the three stations oc­cupied—preaching three times during tho week, and three times on Sunday. A now Chapel has been ereoted at Pagovlllc, and the number* that at-toud the services and tho Sabbath School havo large­ly Increased. A notlior Chapol is In process of erec­tion at French's Villago. A system of Lay Preaoh-Ing was inaugurated at Kenwood In November last, sonic of tho best talent in the city engaging in the

The House Committee on Public Expendi­tures, to which was rjeftrrod the resolution to examine into the alleged frauds and shipment of contraband goods In New York, consists of Messrs. Hubbard, Broomall, I.oBlond, Julian, Ln/.oiir, Blair, Holllus, Kogers, aud Harris of Illinois:

It is known that an Investigation into tho af­fairs of the Now-York Custom House, which has led to the imprisonment of certain officers in

ess some tiinc, under tho direction of Mr. Denlsou, tho Naval officer of that fort.


FOX'S HOT AIR FURNACES. The Mubecriben have beon appointed Agent* fat tlie »alc

of Bccbe'a Celebrated


Fox's Hot -Air Furnaces. A large a.-«*orlnient constantly on Imnd. Persona waniing repttiri* l'»r either Furtmcc or Rango,

will please ^ivo us a cull. All ordeif promptly Rttendcd to til

JAS. 0 WALSH A HKCrilKK, 5i5 Broadway, Albnnv

Miiniii'ni'hirers and Uealertt in I'arlor Urates, Fender*, Summer Piece*, Soap Stone Fire Place*, Hot-Air Furiuwca and Range*. Register* and Ventilator*, Patent lion Bed stcaiU, ilall Stand*, Sinks, kv.

Andrews A Dixon'tt Patent Polished Parlor Oralas. dc7

, AY kirk Cherry PecWral,

T h e %Voii«l'« G r o a t I t e m e d ? f o r < ; o u g h * , € o l d « « I n c i p i e n t C o U M i i M i p t l o n , a n d for

t h e K e l l e f o l 4 o i m u m | > U v e P W t l e n t « I n » d v » n « .-<! M H | ; 4 < N o t ' t l i e D l « e a » e .

This lia-i been so long used and so universally known tha* w« need do no more than assure the public that it* quality IM kt-ot np to the hett il cvci ha* been, and (hat ii maybe

' i e d • • • • • • • relic-ha* been,

I on to do all it lias ever (ion

rttKl'ARfcD BY D H . j . < . AV1CK A C O . ,

Practical tend Anyticul Chomiiru, Lowell, Ma*s. Sold by Druggiijp over) where At wholesale by A. Mc-

CIA'RE A CO. apl9d3awA8wly


A M E R I C A !


and, 111 territory, but ' a natch on the earth's enterprise. Attor tho Report by the Secretary, Mr. ' , * . " i t . . . V . A I . 1 1 . . , . 1 - — „ _ . . , . 1 1 . . . . * » . l . l u ~ . _ . . _ _ ! . . _ » U _

surface ' Illinois exceeds her In.territory, and Illinois and Indlaita, together, exceed her in population. If tho [sectionalism of the South »as offensive, what shall be said of tho present sectionalism of New Eiiglaml ?"

lieu. I,oo delivered an excellent mlilrcss, urging tho Importance of the movement, and it Is belloved that •till others will engage In It.

Addresses were likewise delivered by Rev. Drs. Brldgman and Magoon, and the Vice President, on the subject of Homo Missions.

FiurrnAt, or THIS pKAn of THK 1 ? 7 I B — A t an

f r o m Vortreoa M o n r o e . FOBTRKSS MOKBOK, Jan. 9

Major Gou. Butler returned to Fortress Mon­roe last ovcnlng.

The ouginoor aud two llrenien captured from the steamer Star of the West arrived here this morning via Yorktown, having made their cs» cape from prison at Richmond

An ordinary suit of new clothes worn hy the engineer, cott him $1,000 in Rebel money at Richmond.

Throo of tho Hutsian frigates will sail for the West Indies to-morrow morning.

TUB following v«t»ol» passed tho guard-ship last evening ! City of Richmond, Plata, Dennis and Elba.

Tho Kliza lost one man overboard, had ouo

tjonntp Cii,out.ATio!«s.—If the complaints made l.y tlovernor Seymour and his uewsoaper organs with I adjourned meeting of the Coi»roitte» to make at-

£ & & a n V h T g ^ y a . l ^ e " tSHfrft* , » * « « « » « ' f « » • *•»«•> <*™^ « d — * I man tick, am! put In In di.tross. tempt to suppress the rebellion should cease because j members of the 17Tth Regiment, hold at tho Mayor's j D » ( M frQm th.0 Wilmington onu MtU-RocM* Democrat , Court Rourt Room, City Hall, on the evening of s ^ d t o n o f j ^ . ^ b , ttato that 01. tboUd Inst.,

They moan, on tho other hand, that tho fraud, • Jan. 11th, 186*; present, Mayor, Aids. Tracy, Mo McCarty and Orr, Colt. Church and Ains

i'ilklns and C. T


folly and profligacy which is doubling the cott j Intyre, of the war, should ceasei and that the pecula- , worth, Chief McQuade, Captt. tors and speculators, who are determined to protract tho war for their own profit, should be thwarted.

Tho Rochester paper takes sides with the plun­derers, against tho people. Governor SKYMOUR stands by tho people agliinst the plunderers. We shall see who has the best of it, in the end.

Flatto, with a large delegation from the military and Bremen.

Admiral Leo, of tho U. S. gunboat Fahkce, en torod Lockwood't Folly Inlet, about ten miles

to the south of Wilmington, hoisted out hit boats, and examined tho blockade runner Ben-

On motion of Aid. Molntyte, Sunday, Jan. Uth, digo, a vettel run aahoro by her captain about a was designated as thi day on whloh tha funeral • w c c k woro to prevent hor being captured by would take place. I . . 5" . r " K)m***mm

Mayor Perry moved to amend to 18th, and pre- I «W blockadcra. sented a petition from the cltl«o»i.i nml a remon- | While making these examinations the enc-strance from the clergymen In relation to having tho | „ , , , gharpahoot.^ «p,«ai«d and opened live

Accident o n t h e H t t r l e m R o a d . A serious accident occurred on the Harlem

Railroad yesterday morning to a local down train, when within about forty miles of New York. Owing to some unexplained cause the train ran off the track, and the two passongcr cars were completely broken. About twenty pastcngars were injured—one, (to far at we could learn) a gentleman named Meritt, fatally.

as a Committee from the Assembly, who wished to unite in the funeral ceremonies.

On motion, Col. Church was telected as tha Mar­shal. '' » ' ''' . , ,' jjo . ' tt -

On motion, the Assistant Englnerrs and Hon- Mt. Parr of the Asaambly were added to the Committee

The hour of the funeral, Ac., were left to the sub­committee.

On motion, the sub -Commute*, consisting of Messrs. Ptrry, Tracoy, Melotyro, MoCarty, Orr, Church, Aimworth, MoQuado, Kilklns, Assistant Knglncers, Parr and |?l»Mo, were requtsted to most at tho Mayor's Room, this (Tuesday) evening, Jan. 12th, at-7\ o'clock-

" C. T. Vi..vTto, Secretary. t U e IheaapeHko C U M .

S T JoBits, N B , Jan. 11. In the CheSApeake. tate, 4o-&iy] Charles

Waters teititied that he attended a meeting in St. Johns, at which Captain* Parkorj Robinson, Seely, MeKeuny and,others Were pretcnt— ('apt. Parker tald he wanted » crew to go to Mew York to capture a vessel. He stated that he had a commission from the Confederate Government, and the witness understood that the crow was t« be engaged for the Confederate service. " • ; . • •*

This close* the ovldence for the prosecution^ The Court then adjourned until Friday.

, IIAMrAX, Jap. 11.. , .

In the examination of Alvln Kelfh and ——, Smith, before the Police Court, to-d*y, Mr. Hutt.the policeman, tcttillod th»t he showed; Almoa the w#rr*nt, which he held in his left hand during tho attempt to arrest. At soon as be s»,w Wade lu the boat he made fo* him, atkl carted to them to ttap, but the crowd thouted go on. Ho then pointed a pltttd ami tho boat began to hack, when Almon wised lilt arm— Koitb tried to get potaegsion 0 f t n e p j 8 t o t , He was also seized by Smith. the boat moved off. Hodld not intend to. flrt),; He was preveuted from making Ojo arreat through the Interfertsnce of these men.

Tho City Marshal testified that warrant* were issued by the Mayor twiol given to Mr. HuU-Ho was arretted and eorrobtrfAtet Hntt't state-moot, lie »UK>called to tho boat to ttpp, which did until urged to proceed by fbf crowd.

Tho cat© wag dontlhiied."

GEO. <. TRIUUWELL & €0., V IT JEl I > *Z A. L K II m ,

Ko. Sill Brodivay, Have a t'tuc stuck manufactured in lite best inannei


H I K I N D I I l i n y H « i l » U » .

Mink,Ermine & Russian Squirrel. l'OU GENTLEMEN,

Fur (.lov«\s, Robes and Caws. Minli UootU will Ire sold ttt reduced rales. jut liu

H 0 | F oR THE HOLIDAVS! There in nothing better fur a New Year's Gift ihtm a'Set of

F U R S , From HUGH DICKSON'S, 58 Slate street, Albany.

M O l H K T H I N t J N K W J

l l l l , LONDON HUFF, M u t l o o f M o r o o o o .


mink Ooods, Squirrel Collar*, and Mull*) and t'ltch Melt..

A large wworiiiieiil of Buffalo nnd Fancy Sleigh Robes. All of winch will be nold cheap fur cash.

j a l l w HUGH DICKSON, 68 State street.



Dr. J O H N L. LYON'S French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Dropw,

Though Advice is as abwtidaru as snow aud ice in the '

Winter waieu, yet we are all willing lo receive, even if,

we do not uroat by il. We hare advised, and do at Ibu j

time, all persons, Male and Female, who may be •tiltering

with that terrible disease,

which inukt.i the days wretched and the nights sleepless;

and those who are suffering from that dxaadful condition


Nervous Debility, to try one, iwo, oi thro* bottles of our justly



F O H F O R V O It V 0 It

F E M A L E S, F E M A L E S , F g M A L E S, F E M A L E 8,

1868. runs. 1864.

^ A D I E S '

Messrs. McCarty, Vtlkins and Parr were received ttBMi tho boats' orewt, which was returned by the Fabkee'tgunt, when a rebel battery opened fire and our boats returned to the ship.

Tho Fahkce continued her Are Until tho Ben-dlgo was well riddled. The Fahkeo's battory waa light, and In consequence of hor draught of water and the shoals inside, her HIT was at long range. Night coming on, tho Admiral re­turned to hit fleet, and the following morning dispatched throe vettols to the Inlet and made tho work of destruction complete.

The weather off Wilmington for two weeks past has been extremely ttorray. Dense fog* havo prevailed, and the knowledge that block-ade-runnertf would take advantago of them have Increased the Jabot* of onr critl»ars.: (;

Nineteen tetiieli, In alt, have been captured

or dcBtroyed off Wllmldgion »lno» the 19th of

July T ^ y ^ a - f l , , , , ' ; ,-U:J.S< ,

Poi.ict Couar.-^John Wlckbaui keeps a salooa ln (lansovoorl street. A man n«'»e>l Henry tiaun entered Ms plaee and got into an argument with bint about pnlUtea. Th* straogtr was ordered out, and although hteoroplied With «lsord»r, Wickham followed and knocked him dowp.! The cas* was set­tled in Court, defendant paying eosts.

Mary W*4tl», who Hv»* at I f ) Bowery, mad* complaint yesterday, at the I'ollco oBico, against hor husband, for knockiug her down with a stick of wood. Bellied,

KHsaboth Cowcll was arresttd for stealing a $5 bank note and a shawl worth W from tht r«sid*no* of Elisabeth Hunltpgton, 81 Kim str«et. The <m»> wa*dropped in Court. ' . » . . , ,•

Joseph MeMabon was arrested for violently Mat­ing » Oerman nam*d1>avld Swiskeyl Settle^., ,,

Levi Campbell, arrested for public IntotioatiOn, wns committed to jail In default of »llfc •"''.' •"•

Michael Riley was arrested, charged with bating maliciously broken a number of stone iugti the property of Richard Cullen. j 1'ully committed, v

KHsaboth Finn .was arrested for exercising her

Sunci* on a woman named Catharine i'lUgeralil. ho was held to ball. ",', • ' . '„ , . ' "JL ... Henry Wickham and WillUm Donnelly Vete ar-

tesUd for beating and abusing hl^wlfo Bridget. Bhe acknowledged satisfaction and the husband was discharged. 'Ant • •'> ' : ' ' '

David Tally, arrtstod for disturbing the publte peace. Examined and gave bait.

" ., t . . I I U . H I U ut>* ttuutii f u l l , | J

NKW ti.wKsi, Jan. I' From returns received at the ofllce of the

Paymaster General of tjilt State, It It conclu­sively shown that the quota of fjonnecticttt un­der the last call of the Pretldentj hat been lin­ed, and that there la a turplue of &Q0. Mean­while tin) soth regiment it being recruited, and I'ttiisiiiicut* both in the ueld and at home Ii pro* mmlt^tpl^f. ,\,, . ; , , ;-- •>• i i t l '

F r o m VUltUtdtHtttt . ' ' \ PBu.Anw.fniA, Jan. I l ,

The subscription reportt the tale of $2,220,-250 of 6-'m t o - « y .

Paoi-Ksnixoa or TUB S S I O L M B S I BoABn— During the sciitHo, ALBAST Ann ScaoHanic Dttintct.— January

Uth, 1864. ACCKPtBD.

Jerome Hialnard, Conesvllle; Petor Van Steen-burgh, do.t Hiram Couohumn, rte.tMaroetJfftd*. do.i Nettleteri' Sutton, do. I BWtM-^IWM'fcl , John K. Snyder, do.} m t l ' l t ; Hubbard, do. t W. 1*. Patrle, do.; Jonathan Dlugman, do. ( Weldman Whootnakor, do. t A. Riohmoud, do.; Nathan KUl-Jtt, do.j D»vid N. Petri*, do. s Johr*C. Cat*) do. | l>»vid T. Chiohetter, (llibo*. ,

- ' - - MtAWMitt. AUwd W. Harris, » Pin* st* ' '

, „ _ -om,v ton. '• ' 'Id '-. -:.!*

NOM-ai-..-tinicKr. . , Newton Hurophr*y, CenetvlU*. ,„, I

Johtt P . MOMhous*, Couesvllle. , ' ftlRStSBBD tent t i t i lTM. ''.'"'•" ' '

t w i t J . White, R»n*set*«rvt!U\, fttrn4a]te4 C|*o, JoekqulU) Syraeut*. •• >" - ' "- «

ovta Ann.. T. B. Ro*»> U Van Ttomp tt.

irAin cottnoTAttos. M^hfel'Pttt*, WeUtvlUti Wm. porter, do.,

P»ter C. BoBok, CoW**-

B I H I W I K , Jan. 11

The Sonata of Maryland, to-day, passod a resolution appointing a committi.e to wait on the President to | # M o n ^falnt t tl»o operation of Gen- Birnoy in seizing slavot In Maryland.

The Houte refAjeed to conpur by » vote of 27

t.il I s 'I to 26, J

The subscriber deHircs to gives notice dial he has on hand n ' large and elegant twsortutent of |




Also, Gentlemen's Sets of . i

Otter, Beaver, aud Heal. S o t s * £>>r C h i l d r e n *

Fancy Sleigh Robes, Ladies' Fur Hoods, and Figured Trimmed Cans for Ucmleinen, Youth snd Children In greet variety,

L A T H A M , F a s h i o n b l o Hattox",

8 5 8 B H O A D W A Y , no'-M (OpposiTti TUB DKLAVAN HovtK. > * n

•arwATrst H A 1-811: ^

llou't Wear that Old Hat. Oo lu lha NEW YORK HAT STORE, No. 18 Beaver j

street, and get a lino Fushionalile Hut for $ 3 5 0 No humbug atwut that! Call and he rjonvlneed!

The only Store hi the city, where they make and sell their own Hats.

( 0 - Remeiaoer the Number. Don't fail to come

H O O A N , P R A C T I C A L H A T V K R ,

No . I S B e a v e r Street A l b a n y . de!8 InrJ

Hullbriitg lioni Irregn u;tVy or obstruction e l Ihe Meiates, Iroin whatever onuse, ITISSURK'I'O'CURU:

IT i s H I R E TO CURE: I T U d l ' H E T O C r R K :

IT 18 MURE TO CURB: ll is imliossiblc to cluuy the bloom ofheaitll, tintl vivacity

of spirits, unless the Menses arc regular us to the lime, the i|iiantity, and tnu.ltiy When they ure obstroeted, iinture tnakes her elTorts, to obtain lor u some other outlet, snd, unless these eltbrwof tmtitre are assisted, the patient usual, ly experiences Mspoudeuey, Nervousness, and finally CONSl.'MtTlON assumes lis sway, and prematurely ter mutates a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS • IT REMOVES ALL OHS't'RIX'l'IO.NS ! IT REMOVES AI.L OBSTRUCTIONS ' IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS '





My DROP TO CURE Suppression of the Menses Atom whatever cause, though care should betaken to ascertain if pregnancy he the cause, as these DROPS would be sure to produce miscarriage; they will also ceriiiinly PREVENT conception, If taken two or three days before the monthly poriod; therefore, I wish it distinctly understood, that I do not hold myself responsible when used under such circum­stances. BUY THE BE BUY THE BE8 BUY THE BJ BUY THE BB





THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM, by strengthening and invigorating, and restoring Ihe sys­tem to a healthy condition, tt moderates all excess, and removes all obstructions, and a speedy euro may be relied on. , ?

TO MARRIED LADIES, They aro peculiarly adapted, *s they bring on the month­

ly period with seeh perfect regularity.' SURE TO DOt0OOD! M J R E T O DO.OOOD! SURE SURF SURE TO IK) GOOD I




1 ^ 0 ^

Maroos Wade, do. | Wlsdmaa, eho«m»tort do. | Nathan Elliott, do.i Hiram <5ouchni»n, &<>•) A. Wchmond, do-1 J twine BreiStrd, d o . 1

' The steamer Commercial bag arrive^ with 860 bale* of wWrffor New Tori and IMfor

tfoi0$m.$mf^* > A »rai3ni/.'i It (t romor«d that i'orrott ha* been reinforced

snd contemplates an *ttack opMempbie. . ,,«• .t/'Ainl.t-tjiT?, JLJUB i * ' - ' ' •

,v i . . n Wwflnmm^ J«n. 11-S«wAT«.*ii(p,: Lane,'of';Kan*a*, tald that

scores of soldiers had been Incarcerated in dun­geons in MIMonrl, for the »impl« dfibnte 6fhur-rahlng for Gon. Lane, and that the Colonel

^who bad imprisoned theni, afterwardk was obliged to IrliWitairo^ilmiliitH ' , The aubject introduced Was now undergoing investigation by the Missouri authorities.

Thj* officer* W(WN«4 by Gov. Gamble, of Jlltsourl, wero tho oflh^efs.. Tjhey »re jtr«|npa-tiilsets of the rebellion. "

• The Houte Wll tnaklrSg Cohiulat and Diplo­matic appropriation* wan retorted to the Fi­nance Copualttee. | r tt \ Itf.1?

The reaolutlcm, Of M«. Wilton of Maes., to eitpel Senator pavlaof Kjr.,waa mudeanorder for Wednesday at 1 O'clbck.

Mr. (!»fllth< annomicc.it lu. iipproprlalo tenns tba death of Mjr. Ilowden, mid moved the utual resolution*.of condolence end that the Senator* wear -ttrapir <br thirty d»y*v'and ai'a" ftirthcr <*tark of recpect, that tho Senate adjourn. . Mcssr*. Wiley »ud Wilson followed in appro-

priatoculogle*. t ... The retolutlout wejet adopted, and the Senate

adjounW U)»tHto.niQjerow. <W)-M i

A«:< O l t U I N O T O T H B 1 ' B I i K M R A I ' M umler the " best Gov." surveillance, ihe •'• Yankee*"

beet all creation for powers of endurance, anil for fighting; I B

as ten prisoners in Lihby Prison live on ,»„' of a pound of j com bread and a gill of rice pudding I uud WW heroes at ; of Joncsvillo, Va , fought 4000 '• rebel*" hhoui eight hours bo; '

. .„ jntury nasi JOHN R. N E S S L E T

ja» corner Maiden l^ne and Chanel street.'

I could furnish any tpitiutiiy oi iestimo:.ials of lis emcaey I from my own liilients, hut tno iiraotioe of parading bought I and lietii it tits ones bolt uc the public i*so prevalent, 1 do 1 not deem it advisable. My object is to place my medicine . before lite public, not alone to make money, but to do good. ] It is provcrblauy true of the American Ladies, thai not leu ] perfectly health* ones can bo Ibuttd in any one vicinity. | T BE WISE IN TIME:


BE WISH IN TIME: , . . . - J Let not disease destroy-your constitution Try aliottle my PERIODICAL DROPS, and ybu will be ssiiifled

that I am no ittfostor. j Tell your tirlloted Mend wliat re-

or my

'r««i i r lo inent

starwem a larjywtio iiaci Been siurcrlng titstruation two or ilire* years, cohftnlhg h< Hcri jlme; she Had applied to several emi

griUOlCV tfOUHlBON A; MVK WWWtKV* entirely euredfor. %J for sale by the.cssk or gotlon. n v „ an^ri Z'fii

PRICE * W R A T H B R I I E A D , IB North Pearl st. pN*- " " n i S g!

I / W ' W M M J J J L , , - ' A Farm containing about JO acres of .... n..„. W « . I « . . . T I . ^i, „ j.

Ac Will FOM SALE.- - ..,

land ,lying on Ihe Great Western Turnpike, B miles "Has gootl fltrin buildings frtui ixlatiiig terms. Awtly u r

J. FRYER, Real Estaielaud

from this city. be sold on accommodating terms.

W, I, FRYBJ ' * " liwiirniicejVyeut, s i Slate street

FO M M A I s E - T o « l o » e * n i t o t a t e . - ' n i o three »tt>ry brick lltmse and loi No. II Plain street,

Also, one-half of Shop No. 10 Plain street, in present oc­cupied by 8. D. HroWer, Silycrsmiih. For terms, Ac., cn-qiuroof TT" I f II- BABCtiCK, Kx'r,

oelWtf at BostoiiRR. OBice.

l . t O H B A L E - I t u r e I t t v e e t m e n t , - -The three J C story brick Btiildiug wiih Store, oeenpied by D, (%m-eron, on the northwest corner of llainitlou and Eagle streets, with Iwo story dwelling on rear; one of (he best stands in Albany for a Store or dwelling. Buildings, well arriinga ' and supplied with the most desirable conveniences, hndi

lore or dwelling. Buildings, well arranged . . , iih the most desirable conveniences, good repair i large cellars under all. Apply to

WALTER DICKSON, Architect, * c , deOtf ,;. : . .' . No- «t) State street, Albany.

, S S « i s A I i E . ~ '''" ""'••'"-'-^-" :<•• .•'?-••• T' J P The five story Brick Store, No, 85 Pier, adjoining die Cut, occupied for the last ftw years by Charlc* Bishop, Esq., as Orain and Kited Store. * ' "f

Also, the new modern two story and basement hrlek Dwelling in Johnson sirc'ct, three doors below Philip, Has water in ilie second story. Suitable (or Iwo families. <,;

Also, tho new first class, tVeo story ami hasSStW brick Dwelling House N a Ha Grand street, tlfef Westcrln. ,Hps the modern improvements. ' " T V : Also, the modem double three story Snd bssolncnt Brick Dwelling Ilauso No. IM North Pearl firee), comer of Wil­son. H** »Isrge »tab|« of brick hi th* rear,' fWntlhg on Wilsm slr»*i. IM" g*»i hot and oo|d water WJM,furBjs«e^ t o . Inuhlreol ' • , „ „ ' ; . ' . • "

• • - - < » ' ? ? / F M A N * ROWLAND, H „•• i*M ! , J" : " , R<<|11'""»"' Brotw,M.tlttf*strew, i

i^ffw^wi^iu 9t«tt.

tainfill mei jier room each II . . physicians, without relief, when one bolllo of my DROPS

-'•--•• - f x - t - , < - , . ; j . . , . . . i >H • w « < ! - V - » . f l -, CURBS! -- - . . . i - - - J . CUKE8! ll I • •' l CURES! »"•'- t _« ".;•• ' '•>•'-;" j CURE8,. ^ , , . . ' , '_,-.;..-«-,«,. , > »


. But eat this out and send it lo your Druggist, uud if IK; has not got itjipako hirn.huy it for.yout or, it may be ob-lahtcd ol ilie uciierul Agents for ihe tinned State* .

: U i . - i j » J •• • f o O i - C t i A R K f t - C O . , ^ ' ' •' ,.i' .".Wholesale Druggists, New Haven. Coin).

For sale by Kit respectable Druggists. , PricetH per hot-le. DEXl'ER & NELLEOA

Agenisfor AJn*ny., prepared by Jlso. L. I.vo.1, M. D

I ,

We oidy ask > fair trial for lh* benefit of Ihe suffsrers —

Already we hav< had ihe verdict in our favor, and able to

produce the evidence. W* claim our Bitters to be lbs




Aral we believe ii to be such. Although not bitter and un­

pleasant to die palate, its is common to Hitlers advertised

and sold throughout the country ss "th* great cure all's,"

yet ihey are composed in pan of the ruRtsr aiTiart found

in ihe Vegetable Kingdom:—




CAYENNE, &c, &o., &c,

The selenUtc process through which Ihe " OOLDEN

BITTERS" ptw bsfore bottling, precludes the possibility

of ihe retentien of lh* bitter taste, without changing Ilie

medicinal qualities. In cases of




and all Diseases of * kindred inline, ihey have proven to be a reliable remedy, and no humbug for a day, but a rem­edy for all time, in malarious districts they are invaluable, and no party, even those who are acclimated, should be without them. This Tonic is mild in its action upon tho system, and stimulating in its effects, without any

Unpleasant Reaction

attending il. It makes III* Icohle

STRONG AND ACTIVE, and Ike dull, drooping, and care-worn traveler, Bright

t Lively and Oay. Tim

G0LDEN BltTERS are particularly ••commended lo the Hale or Female of Sedentary Habits, and also to th* wounded and nearly wom-Out Son* of Liberty •—the Soldier. Be *ur* *nd get


B .1 .T!'T>«E^R"8(i*|

and bo not deceived, if you would bo relieved. The in­creasing demand >*>r onr .WITTERS it tvi**ne* of th* merit we claim for ihew.



• 5 , 6 , T, 8 , 9 , $ 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 9 , I S , 1 4 ,

$ 1 5 , I S , IT, 1 8 , 10 , • «ao, an, »4, as, as,

and $ 8 0 , and any price to $ 5 0 ;

fitted and Furnished for * First Class

*fl| R E T A I L T R A D E , AIM, told at Itowcr Price* iliim Ilie same

Class of Goods, C»u be made in (hi* or any other Market:

contain* itlxiiii iix hundred uor«a, *<Hisi«iJnjr ttioaUy of* ti< K iiifiiiltnv Uutd, under (lie hixheM atate or eiiltivationi w*lh « lair [Hx>portion o( timber, abundance vt fruit tree*, and ta meadow Uutd, under the higheat atate of oft)

• - Ti

bouminilly autiniied with wateri )* welt adai h. The D -with ,****»*>!

iDt' iiie or the though. The Dwetlihg ia of brick, ( » ) l i ' M r - u , vvilh.W^a"*-' ft.«l»«JU

ed for fr»a.~ about Mi)

*Hu*i"».> wiih.*»«»*« A'«i»«iwt«a* Al«o, amoimng iu» a>l>ov*, the Farm knoSivn aa tha

" Green Hilt Farm," containing «>>out one hundred and iwtnty-aix acrea, ia ftlto well watered, and well adapted for gnuring-

Froin these lands. is u beautiful road leading to Living-•ton Station, on the Hudaon River ftajlruad, a d v a n c e of three miles, where a ready mnrkei for alt kind* of Produce may l>e found ii in io clone up the caiat**; and ehaae money can remaiiv on bond ajtd mortgage.

The rroperty will be aotd at a bargain, aa liberal portion of ike pur-

For paw-one v ea ticulart apply tu

JOHN O NORTHROP, of Aimworth fc North run, 15 Htate atreet Albany. Or. JOHN H. R08HMAN, ?OI,ydiuaat., , l

JOHN TAYLOR'S SONS, 133 Broadway, " or 334 Greenwich alrcei, New York.

Albany, Nov. 8th, 1863. now Bm

%M\Vtt'% $Kte$.

BK C I U V K K ' S N A M C . P i t h l l o i i o l l r .n U hereby given by the aubecriber, Adam Van Allen,

aa Receiver ol the property of the Hank of Albany, that he will eel) at public auction, for c«sh, at the Room of the Board of Trade, No 400, on Broadway (Ranaom'a Build* iiig), in the city of Albany, on Tueaday, the nineteenth day of January next (1664), HI eleven o'clock in the forenoon, all hi* right, ink and mtorcat, io and in a large number of notes, bilK drafts, iiulcinents, accounts, dcmanori and claims. asaets of the Bank oi Albany yet remaining unconverted into cash; and also, "all (he interest of the Receiver o( the r j * , . « , . , cii i into cash; and also, "all (he interest of ihe Receiver of the

J i H U l O H C a n S e l e c t C l o t h S , b t y l e W I Bank of Albany, being the equitable rights powceeed by , , * \ Voee *V Co., In certain other hills, notes, drafts, accounts,

H11U T r i n i i n i U C H ! claiuw and demands at the lime of ihe delivery of the aame

And have Cloaks made to order and warranted to please

and he what they aro represented, at

IVES' NEW YORK 8T0RE. SIMWIN at all pr ices ! » Shawls in all S t y l e s !

Shawls in all Colors! Shawls to Please a l l !


IVES' NEW TOllK STOKE, Mo«.'3 inirt 4 Ctinnoit P l a c e ,

TROV. dcWOin


?gisii-and It. a. MvMllItDV,

I pet

nbli fell eodttswly

DISSQMJ'OON- -The Ann of JOHN TAYIX>R A HONM was dlssolvert on the laih'silly, of Herilemlier,

1863, by the dfcease of • Jolln Taylor ,11(11>ef«oi» liavlu/j claims againsl Ihe latb fitm willpresent' the tarn* at the Brewery, No, 133 Broadway, corner of Arehstt'eel. Alba-' hy, SepYeHlbM 17*, W03. JO.SF.I'H II TAYIJOR,

• • {7-.i-.>l*/ - « U > > ' 5 I W M . ' J I - ' - T A V U « . - ! "•" Biirvivliig Members of John Taylor & Sous.

COPAHTNEHSIIIP.—Til* subseriners will continue A* business at Die city of Albany, and at their prlneipat Deyoi*. In New York and Boston, under the /Inn utinin uud style ot^ John Taylor'* Sons. Allwny, Septeuibei XW J 9 M , M .

'St- ...-. J|KlmI;H I*. * AYWIH.

opiotr .- i.#'.,-.lbv ... ^jYm-n-'fMtim.,^ J P TroyK commodious J stocked wiW

|()BiJrbede»iraM* Country Resident!* on the ul, near MenamTs, of 1J acrtt. llss * (ine utidiiur, Barn,, Oajdnert house, A t Well


4Mt» ^AvtxtifUwmU. ST A X K O P N K W V O I t K ('iiy and Count) oi

Albany, Clerk'aOffice— Notice is hereby given, th,at on Thursday, the 14th day of January, IHU1, a l'atiet o.( iViit Jurors will IK) drawn at tliis Office to servo at a Orr . cuft Court aud Court of Oyer and Terminer, to be held in I aud for the City and County of Albany, at tho City Hall, in

u Monday, (he 1st day of rebruary, SMITH A. WATKRMAPf, Clerk.

iuis and demands at the lime of tlie delivery c to «aid Receiver," and now held by uutd Receiver at cob lateral security.

A schedulo of all the demands so to tie sold, tha order of the Jual.ce oi'the Buprcme Court, and also the assignment, auihorily and content of Vote h Co., ai io tale of the ool-lateral securities, can be examined at any tune previous lo the sale, and primed catalogue* and such iiiriher huorma-tion as the receiver can give, obtained, at the oftlce of said Receiver, in the Merchants^ Hank of Albany; but all ttate-meuti ai*d iiiformaiiou contained in the catalogue, or other­wise ma de before of at the Mile, an iu the names, reeidencaw, amuuui«> dates, adverse ctai-rOs and allegations, or other matters concerning any demand so sold, are made and

f liven entirely from mfurmaiion, and only as such, for the loiirfn or protcctioti, so far aa they may avail, of all partiea

inlerested, and not as representations or staiementt for which tho subscriber is in any way responsible.

Tlie liability of Vote A Co., by indorsement orotharwise, «>n said securiticn, having been released in moat cases, tUch sale will Irausfci no obligatiun or deinandn a^aiiLSl that Ami or lis members,, unless such liability is ajxiciully mentioned in the catalogue or at ihe sale,

Tho sale will be of such rights and interests only as the sub.ieriber has, and can thus lawfully sell; and no liability whatever in io arise, and no warranty or guaranty made, or to be implied, from, by. or upon, such sale, or any written as­signments made in eitccuiiou thereof, or from the tute* mettta and information ooutained in the catalogue or |rfven before or at such sale. If written assignments are required they mutt in all case* be prepared and made and stamped, if necessary, at line expense of Urn purchaaer

ADAM VAN A U J S N , Receiver of tlie properly of the llank of Albany.

patod Albany, January 4, l&ui JaflsHd

the City of Albany, ou Monday H364. Qayw] " "

O T A T K O l f N K W V O H K -City and County ol Albany, Clerk's Othee—Nolioo is hereby given, thai

on Thursday, the 14th day of January, 1864, a Panel ol (Hand Jurors will he drawn at this Office to serve at a Cir­cuit Court and Oourt of Oyer and Terminer, to 1»e held in and (or the City and County of Albany, at the City Hall, m

T""M>B t i lV lTBlp i« lVK», B K O K I V K R 0|T the lale Brtn of W. It J. TreudweJI, Ferry *. Norwn, in

our«uance*f an order of Ilie Supreme Oourt of the State of \ ' e w York, granted on the 9 0 * day of April, IWW, will sell at nui.be auction ou the thirteen* (13*) day of January, MM, at lha "'ore of Alexander Kennedy. Auctioneer., No. UOBtat* •Ire*! J" tho cily of Albany, N. Y ™«..«-»...i«" . in o'ek*'lkA, M.,of that day, all which ne,

" h. ..ii-; at 10 the right, title and interest

such Receiver, has in and to ihe following do scribed reisl^slav* fmmerly 'belonging or sumiosod to belong to said firm, (lid al*.1'" •"* t o [^c following debts, detnwids. 3 notes, accounts and W j ™ « « « formerly "whig or supposed to bo owing io said grni. H"eb «alo will be for cash, and without any oovenaut, agree,.<eiit or guaranty of tha Re­ceiver, personally or otherwise, f* >° » « amount, valu* or collection of * e iccounts, notes or jtidgincjiu, or as to * e title of Ihe real estate. The name* of debtors, their re»i-

, . . , deuce, and the amounts due are stated on tht best itifomta-. . . ., „ rw ili« collection of tion ihe Roceiver ha» | but he makes no »gccemeiil as tu

and the Assessment Koll« and Warranu for the | oorrocmess ill any of Ihew reapecls.

Russell A. Oridley, Hudson, Wis., balance of judg-M.roui j , • * * * T V w v ' i •••*!*" V**LJ « w w s * ^ ' U s'J *i«J U I I U I I I * . * ' ' ' * * s A A n *\yfc

He therefore gives notice * a t all persons named - J " ™ " . ' • ' l l ' ' " * ' l i ' " A ' . » I w 00 • nereiu ar . required l o > y their Taao. to ,im ou or IK.- T*P£M&£> Norway M..,Oov»rnor»iov«... l l So fore ihe 1st day of Msrofinexi. I A „ J - W W * «-<»•> I'oughkeepale, I. sets Hiar of ^

On all Taaes paid brfor. Ihe 1st of January next, a de- i ^SurxSFlti.'}i:':'r't'K.'ri.",'-J*.' W ** duelion of one per eenl. wUl be allowed. 1 •'•J?1' f • Cock. Olen Cove, I. I., Oval Star of * e

On til 'r»xc« paid on and after the l i t and W o r e the 14th „ """J Vnd • * » i f « •••• , . . • . • • • • • • Peter Culms, Albany, act , 1M50.

1884. U«^*«*l SMITH A WATERMAN, Clerk

r i l A X K S A N D W A T I C H U K N T 8 . — C H A M JL lffirUTAJN'S PPFICK At*AN», Dec. 15<b, 1003

The Assessments Rolls and warrants for '" " Taxes, and the Assessment Roll* and collection of Water Rents for tho several Wards of the

of January next, a deduction oY one-half per cent. An addition of one per oent. on all Taxes paid on aud

after the 1st day of February next and before tho 1st day of ' March nexti aud two per cent oA all Taxes paid on and H ( W the 1st day of March noxt and lioforo Ihe 1st day of

17 ea

SOU 00

April next, intoresi at the rale of twelve per cent per au rsl from the 1st day of February next LEWIS WILE*, ReecKer ofTuxes

. . | / > , . n . f l i , » . . u . o v . n , i n t . i n , v u i i . . r

uuin, will be charged from the 1st day dairaot

P H . Miller, Chicago, 111., note, Aug 7. '60, 6rao. H. U. Corhitt, 8|. Paul, MIIUI., note, Hejn 7, '«0,3

mos ,.,, 943 ofj John MoMnllen, St. Paul, Minn , note, July 31, '«0,

3 mos go 00 Taylor A Houglnaliiig, Hutilngs, Miiui, nole, July HJ.'OO, 'J mos , ,

CO M F O I I A T I O N City of Albany.—Th< following apporuoninenu havi

been returned to the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of lh* City of Albany, and *re now on file in the fjffioe of the Clerk of the Common Counci) thereof, and will be ap proved and t'onfirtned ' ' ' " cause to the contrary b February, 1904, lo wit

Do. do. « U

_ . , „ July 47,'»0. 4 mos 43 OT NOTIOK.—Clerk's Office, ( B. A M Froisetb, note, May II '80, t o d a y s . . . . . « f>

' il»\'0li,30da)-s , . to 7», » 70* 8 10

proved and confirmed by said ''Common Council, unless cause to the conn sry be shown on or before the first day of

An apportionment of th* expanse of repairing pavement In Hroadway, Lumber, Centre streets, and Washington avenue

An apportionment of the expense of excavating, tUilug, forming, and paving Bowery from tha east curb line of Robin street to the west lino of Perry street.

An appoflionmeut of * e expense of excavating, filling, forming and paving Bowery from ihe west liu* of Quail street, on th* nor* to the west line of Ontario street on the nor*.

An apportionment of the expense of excavating, filling, forming snd paving Bowery from ihe west line of Perry street to lit* west line of Quail street on Ihe north

An ei*poi itoiUMoivt of die expense of repairing pavements in Hudson street, Clinton street, Nencelia street, Bugle street and Basset street.

MARTIN DELEHANTY, de!K»9(lt Clerk of the Common Council.

Cottt-oHATION NtyricB. -»**, City o f Albany.—Tlie following apportionments

. I . r k ' a O t -

havo been returned lo the Mayor, Akte'rnMii, at i y , • " nm

•Oby lesseaus* to * • contrary l» shown on or before the 13th

and Com-monally of * e oily of Albany, ind'arenow on file In the Office of ihe Clerk of the Common Council thereof jand will be approved and confirmed by said Common Council, iin

W - • Office of ihe Clerk of the Common Cumicil thereof jand will

!onnrm*d by . Mlrery b«sh

pay of February, 1KH, to wit i iy oi rebru . , An apportionment of the expense of repairing pavements

in HMie street, Jay street and Hawk street. An apportionment of the expense of grading and paving

Watson Alley between Hawk and Swan streets, lu Week bounded by Hudson, Hamilton. Hawk and Swan streets.

An apportionment oftlie expense of repairing pavements

. . | | * M " in Broadway and Clint™ Avenue.

in Elm street, Broadway and Slate street An apport ionment of the expense of repairing pavements

MARTIN W;I .AIIAN ry, Clerk of the c"njiow |> jne i l

& do. April * - " • « w . n | n » . | w . w i i . , . , , , , , , , , , Do- do. JulyiM, '00,30da)-s

«. M. Nawson, si. Paul, note, July 16, '00,1 day.. II. B. Oaiw, note, March 87, W, 30days , . Brown Ir Betrlier, Redwing, Minn., note, A

Edward i},'fird'o'iii''.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'''.','.'.'.',', K. Crt»naj« & Son, July Ht 7,1 S. O. Brisblu, July ltT' 1 Edward Bdrnell, note, July 28, '0(1,9 Proctor fc Clark, note, Juue 0, 'SO, im oays Charles Uigelow, Chicago, Aug. 8, '80. . T . . . . . . . . , B. B, Dewey 4 I. M Seward, Sept. Ul, ' S 8 . i , . , . , -—-Farwell , Aug. 8, 4 mos. , * . . . . , . . • . . . John McCloud A tig A, 4 niiu . . . . . . . . . . . . , Dan'l II. Sionffer, Ml. Carroll, III., note, Jan. S,'*«,

9 mos , , . , . . , . , , . ' . . . . . J. I. Sutton, West Urbsua, 111., nolo, J w , J, '«o. jo ' mos •

N Krelbs, Claytoli, Iowa, note, April 6, '«0, 8 mos. P V - - . . * • ' Aprll«, 1&,6mo«.... . . . .

T. J DufTy, 8hako|K)e, Miiui., note, Aprd 7, 'to, S mos , . . . , »••>•>

J B Butler, Horicon, Wis^ note, Jan V'W. * , t mos , 'SO, T

S8 00

Sstw 18 44 8 Ml

..«!£ 00 00 88 18

180 18 30 IX.

mat 180 00 800 00 too oo

198 00 34 7S


mtfJi. Grocers,

Hotels, ' Restaurants, &c.,


fJ %10. C. HTJBBKL & 00., 1 M A t D M t J I t J i l M A t D P l W I W O M , •

« • « . 8 urn I S hT.lrsT SttWMlSs * *» ' ,

i t t t . t i AM* I S SSsMtW I W N I ,

*\ilmli ',;:,^4^:^i;W»aaW»,'l'«t.'

"'.'. '"" r Central Deiwtt ';;;'-: AMEIHOAa KirSISW Bttll4)IN»,

r tt i f H u n . . r , «,r«,,tj mm. lata*'!-.

w. j . at n. ttacoTi?, MANIJFACTURKRH ANB PEALER8 IN

m i l ^ I V A R Y W O O D S , •'•••: mffiM'- '

REVOLVING PI8TOL8, Gun Materials, &c, <&c.

'• "• * .'•'' AT THE

Slga sf the Big WIN *B4 PISTOL, IST«t. 0O S t a t e w t r e o t .

WempWu Patent Vrutrhm. , Will Warrant A l t ^

EEVOLVERS, Sold t>y them. Should any one

I of them get out pf,Order, within a reasonable length of time, we will Repair it

1 1 1 1 . 1 : m t i i A i t i s i ; .

W*wiU also Warrant all tlllNS sold byutj tuui if w« otnuoi satisfy the Purchaser,


And complete all *f our REVOLVERS, ENOLISH, bUTCIl and FRENCH FOW14NO OUNS, in Our own Wep, >CIOT* otMrag *em for sale »ol8 i

v".t, . . 1*., nine, jon », oi,, Klder A Mro,, Spriugrield. Ill, note, Sept. 83,

mos , . . ; , , aoo <HI James Christie, Admin., III., note, March 17, '60,9

mos , , . . , . , . . , . . . , . 94 oil Dan'l II. Stouter, Mt. Carroll, Ht.note, Jan. 8, '09,

Sinos. . , . , . . . . . , . . . . . 180 00 Re*dA>WKift;Oale»l,Urgh, III, note, March !«, t ,

J t t p m o . : . . , . , 600 «» K. M. Hill, Klmwowl, 111., note, Jan. 3, '00, « mos. 100 0» R C. Rock, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, note, Jan. ao, 'on,

a mos 179 m Robert Sutlenger »rtd dies . Merger, T w o Rivers,

Wis-.tiote, Jan. Itl,'t«l, :ti,n» Ion ISI Hill A Aberneiby, Kbnwood, 111, now, Jan. 8, '60,

9 m o s . . . 100,90 Ilorcherdt A Smith, Manitowoc, W i s , note, Jan. 8,

'«0, 4 mos , . . . . , 100 00 A V. Beckery Agent, Chieago, 111., note, March 8S,

•60,6 M O S . . . . . . .,.,.,. 71 T» RoMB * Wm. Grey, Keithsburgh, III, note, April

1. '88,91 inoa.,,, . . . . . . . . . , ' . 8*0 7» Endorsement on do., Dee. is , <M .180 00 130 78

Rubel A Bro, Chicago, account, 1860 , 7 80 Bowers h, Boiy. Kewanee, 111., account, I860 64 77 Taylor A Hotaling, llasiings, Minn , accouni, May E. WilUvrd, Port Aikmson, Wis,, iudnmeni, Muek,

I860. . John Thompson, N York, Judgment, July 81, "69.. I W. | | . Rodger*. Fishkill Landing, H- Y-, Econo­

mist Stove, No. 8 , . . . • • ' * • , Almy A. Swain, New Bedford, Mas*, Heating

cloaetand stove covers . . . . * , . . Q. T- ttondou. Port Jervis, N. V., *efiOHni, 1860, Home Lawn Hotel, account, I860 , . ; M. L. Wilcox, Sprmgfkld, Mass., aecount, I860, O. A E. II. Parish, Hinsdale, Mass , account, Jun*

16, to '. 0 . A 13. Kennedy, N'tichox, MUM,, account, July,

•» ,.'. : .; Dated Albany, December 19*. 1863.

JA8. C. COOK. Receiver M Ihe lale firm Of de l l 8*w4w W. J. Treadwell, Perry A Norton.


LK41ISI>ATIVK HHAVfcAINtlV.- •'!"*> ne* lately setiled In Albany, *nd 4«

"j*gitil«tur*, will t> . x#irr,who ueharge

.*« cydjy ^ wrvjoe ant to giro B*tjc> of aach one's Ume 5A

men lately serded in Albany, and desiring lo take » nth* aervK* *f * c L*gi«latu(f, will please io report,

faw «avs, to Dr. Wvcxor r, who is charged to arrange

S » H A M S , Smoked

RAN, Masonic Hall, II Kuril, FWltUMh

l ' . f . iS B A I . K . - S t a t e of New York, Su­preme Court—Albany County.- -Ann Wilson, plain-

liff, ngainst Winslow II. Clianitwilainaial Martha L. Chain In-rlam hia wife, Levi 1. Darby, Henry Robinson, frantis E. Alatrews, The l*eople of dm Stale of N e w York, Moses Bennett, James Kdwnids, Receiver of lh* National Bank, of Albany, Julia Ann Wynian, administratrix of ihe **t*J» of Horece Wymim', deceased, Joseph W, Suow. Jeatpn N . Bullock, Waller 0 , Many, Joanna Tweed* Dale, Klitabeth Lawson, Belly HaswelL Catharine Wcller, Alexander Ci Lloyd, *nd Marry Ann Fanning, defendaata ,

In pursuance, ami by virtue 5f a judgment of forcelcaur* and sal* made,by this Court h, above entitled action *i a special term thereof held iu and for * e Stale of New Yot*, at ihe Cily Hall, cily of Allwiy, in * « Couniy of Albtntr, on the 8 0 * day of December, 1863, and llerl aiid «»lw*d »» the office of the Oterk of the county of Albu»y Wore**M. L the subscriber, Referee, will sell at put'lic *uctiou, ai lh* Rotunda of the Albany Exchange VmMbJ^mm f Albany, in said county and Stale, on * * tlrsldayol Feb--rtisiy, i l S L at 18 o W k , noon of ih*t d*y, «h« r**l « l a s * and mortgaged premises directed by «*** jli»i*tl9*nt w b ; wld.ai i i lXeribedas follows: -A« ' ^ p » J « T O I , E « 2 * J " in tlie cily of Albanyoutlie »-">*,*«« of ^rnUtoititrML in the Tenth Ward of the city of Albany.and isknownand distlngukbed as rwrt olllot number lhr*e on *>»fft*»»// twelv. of book of map.; of J <e estate of Mnrir«srt C*w«A on file in ihe o«e« <;. W. Clerk of tot«y^<ff&« Albany, »nd is boundeil k» follows ;-~Oi»tM sSMJt-^JJ**; im* street; on tit* west by tot munberfour | on ihe south by Garder/tnroel: sad on * * • * * ' -.llel w i * *nd disuat t w i w ^ L L r u ^ S o i r V . inehe* from the west UnFrf *j>i}*,wish UfiUJWm,

Dated AJbwy, 'SaS03^rSa»6a(, R « « t * . A i i s n - l l»« •

mitl i lnr l l**.

f i H O I f ) » S V C I A H € « ; . - s t»»g^u*orrt-*^*Wls«**^1

I ofNB, tow*' K atttwy««»»* *««t I th

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