I MOXDATI opTonnn 20 THE PADTJCfAH I L EVENING BUN J r PAGE nvw > t Iq II 4 4J 1 1We uro Bole agents for FRANK M PRINDLE is CO New York Importers of THE MAISOIV VIOLET rcolay Purls Krance lino of Perfumes Soaps and Sachets Ambro I Koyale Extra Vlblctte Cytlse FarncRC Ncldor Hosarolnc Jasmin Cyclamen t i Bidwell Bidwell Co Englandt a t Sail Brushes 4NCegPn PATa t I Dru alata- Botli I Phones 178 Plftli and Broadway Night bull nt eido door 1 I THE LOCAL MS Dr Gilbert osteopath 440M Broadway Phone 190 Visit Pages short order restau- rant 123 South Second Forms for real estate agents for rasp nt this oOep- Walipap0r bargains at lceiley I Utnbaughs 321 Kentucky I avenue Veterinarians 1iluley c Flshor 134C old sr1 new Hospital 42J lioiitn Third All kinds of tall bulbs also re- liable lawn grass seed at BrunsouV C29 Broadway Manicuring hairdressing ecali treatmtnta and massaging lola Fisher CM l Kentucky phono ts1i2 Linen markers for sale at this omce City subscribers to The Dsllj Bun who wish tub delivery of shell papers stopped mutt notify our col lectors or make tho requests direct to Thu Sun alike No attention will be pld to such orders when giver to carriers Sun Publshlng Co Bulb liulbs Bulbs Hyacinths Narotuau TjuUt > Jonquils Crocus Iris M Ji Yopp Seed Co Two largo sized congregation Krccud the newjtastor of tho Cum b rlandPreslyterjiiKchurch Ijt v D W Fooks arTwo1fth >anil trlmblo xtreots Ono addition was made tc the church at the evening service Flrjiman rYd Meunlier of tht Control station returned to work to- day aftV p mdlnj5 Ills weeks vacs tsar and Ftremtn E MrOarmlrk ol theiNo 2 tallon l left oa hU weeks plMiture trip The vacation season oelhrtdlre deltartneat tonbont ovc c 8 nil of the fire buys have flat their ptuasnro jaunt- sHOTEL ARRIVALS PanlPr J Jacobs St Louis W 11 MepiLsy Olnohnatl W S Sondowon sound City K Robert ien MurnayP 31rDFerguson IA Center Oflle M I James Marlon W G CCIfton Marion A R McKenzie Cttatattooaai J P T lisle l ulsvlllo- 1iolv dcrtvij KWn Cairo Frank Mlllettr Ixiulrvlllo IL B Br > nn1 Bowling Oran II M I Williams St- lA1l1lli I Win Young Chicago E Ad bon Porta O I U Massey I lukn W 0 Hogan San Frnntlsco F 11 Dunoan ifopklnsrtHe J J Malone Cake Nose Richmond L Hall Pt IlflWcmt CrD Dragon Rlpley kdrgo Wliwn Ruttierfbrd O S Mattey Ruth ford 11 0 Curd Hdtelj J R SobUton Henderson t M Wekow IxMlbettor B H Miuell iHxlert A M I Todd lUookport R T- Flyua l Star Lime Works Mrs I Eva Webb and son Matter Jflhn Webb of XI 3 North Sixth streyfhalQgoue I to Nashville to spend two months vltltlas friends I Old Homestead Horehound Cough Drops theyiTO tine l > t rcmfdr wo know for those plight tint an ¬ noying coughs which almost all of us have these early tall days Our grandmothers knew their business when they said Horehound for light coughs because Its ef ¬ fective yet harmless being tree from drugs add a lltto sugar to make It taste good fOIl Homestoailla tho kind grandma bunt her reputation I Ionr de z 1 rt t fJd vtr r > J f j Big Bag 5c t fiilliertii Drug Store 4h and Broadway + IHllier Phono No 77 Get It at Gilberts w + n RIVER HEWS liver Report Plttslurg 59 01 rl Cincinnati 3102 rllll Louisville 2 OO kl- Evanarllo cM22 01 ra1 Mt Vernon 23 Oa rloo Mt Oarmel J kQtOA h1d Nashville C7 00 alo Chattanooga 23 oc rli- FJorwiw missing- Johnsonvlllo 10 03 tan Cairo y4a 02 fall St Ixiuls 35 02 rlo Paducah 14 OO Hf- Jtlvor stage tut 7 oclock this morr lug 14 a stand since yetterda morning and n fall of 1 since Satm I I day morning Tho J B Richardson will IIP duo tonight from Waterloo Ala and a- way landings Shevwlll make a shot landing at Paducah and thin go to Brookiort and Metropolis to unloa and load freight Tho Rlchardso will return from below tomorrow cyonlng and receive freight till Wed neiday evening at C oclock when sbo will 1 leave for the Tonnes1 TheiReubcnDunbar got away Sal ui3y 181jt4at 1130 oclock for the Tennessee with a big cargo of frolgh nightyThe two regular trips from M g- madetropolls horo and return today doing a big ftwlg and passenger fbunlie s oo tool trips < Tho Indiana nrflvcd from Dycu burg this morning and got away s- rkRoylor r lniltt arId with a igrg l5moi- row Ita of freight She will return morning and leave for Dycu burg i The Addle got away on timlhl morning for Jopj a with a <goo ralgbt trip She will return this af- ternoon l j Tho Pavonla got away yeetcrda ror the Tcnnoweo with a tow 01 Jinpty barges after cross ties for the COl1llIRnI i Tennwso pvstorday after several rafts of log I for Mttropolla ITbo Kuttawa came out of tho Ter nonce yesterday with a largo 10S raft for Metropoli- sIalrlck Jolcc a well known rive man In Paducah U visiting In th city after an eight months trill through tho north The Clyde and tho J S will both bo lot off tho marine ways thl week troth boats are In tho ver best of repair They will bo tied UJ In tho Paducah harbor radurnliniiN at Coiivoiitlon Among the steamboatmen of thE old school who are taking a deep III Iciest In tho convention Is MaJ J J Ashcraft of yie St Ix > uls and Per ncsice River Packet Line who I II 1 known by most every man woma and child alonjr that historic streart MaJ Aehcraft it a mhmber4 of tIll Ehlloh mtllltary park commission Capt J Fr Ellison secretary 01 tho Ohio Volley Improvement pare clntlou Is a native Kentuckian hay- Ing been born In Paducah Capt El son Is a thorough steamboatma and a man of charming pcrsonallt who not only has a host of friends III home but all along the Ohio anl Mississippi rivers For many year Gap Ellison commanded the bran tlful steamer Hudson In tho St I and Paducah trade previous to be coming superintendent of the Pitt burgs and Cincinnati packet lines Louisville Times In gins llluff Mr Roy Katterjohn 1 has becom associated with lull father In tho Ka terjohn Construction companya Cedar Bluff and early next hiont will remove to Cedar Bluff to reJ and take charge of the plant Mt Katterjohn has been elected vice president J 1111will still remain ii tho firm of the Southern Auto am Machine company and Mr F r Dalby will return from Jackson fenn and take charge of the ma hlne company s Sol Vniiglmn III Mr Sol 0 Vaughan COS Nprt Fifth street who line been qulto II jlnco Friday Is mot Improved an totkiy his many friends will regre to learn Profwror and Mrs 1 Mahler wl1 return to Paducah to open classes li dancing dclrarto and physical cut luro PrUay afternoon at 4 oclock To phi dren In the Womans club build 11M t n I IIN SOCIAL CIRCLES ItI11Tho of Grace Episcopal church will meet partsIhouse Importance Nutting HyHamdny The pupils of the sixth nnU r >wrvont grades ofthe Franklin s oliootlpent a liwJSonljthe nuts A delightful luncheon was en Joyed The patty was In charge o Mrs I Barr Mistes Elsie Hoewlschei Clara Winston and Mr SI I E 141gonII IHrtliilny ul1I Miss IuclIe Covlngton the daugh tar of Mr pad Mrs C C Corlngtor numlloor aptly on Saturday afternoon at herl homo in celebration of herr ninth birthday It was a1 delightful ond pretty party < Stnto It A II VMIoiH 1 Ihaiitlfull JlnlortatlKXl The folowing Is the account rromI the Lexington leader of tho notabl brilliant entertainment given at the recent State D A IL conference I In that city and said to surpass any1 thing of Its kind In the state In recen yearsThe Lexington and Bryan Station Chapters Daughters of the America Revolution entertained with a ban quot Thursday evening1 at the Country cub In honor of the national atii state officers ant the delegates l trot tho various chapters who are visitor I In the city for the D A R slate conference The Country club WRII an attractive place for the affair ana the decorations ro lavish and artls Uc made It perfectly beautiful Pot tlarei of bright yetfow I and red nut umn leaves were hung In the door- way between th twq haler i and onI all the chandeliers on tho woodei beams of the celling and extending In grlanilki over tho tables the fuV tTe1III1IIIu buds Added to this were great bunches of yellow chrysanthemums six dozen of the lovely blossoms hav ing been sent the chapters by the Sons of the Revolution and of yel I low rotes In vases silver urns ant loving cups the mantels being banked with ferns The guests were served fll t four long tables placed in tho dining room and living room and n email lrcuar table in the hat whero cowers were laid for those tojk wholelthrown as one gicat banquet room Thv small tabe had for Its centerpiece a I nBooI width a canopy was formed Of the I fasI ¬ tlllllnto tabUw wire decked with yellow chrysanthemums and roses and the I tlIlik t name rarli were marked with tho wheel and dletaff the D A iRv emb ¬ loin and a sprig of ijuepraw palnteJ In water colors the aitlstic handi- work ¬ t and gift of Mrs John Angus of welllike they compiled They were covered with white TiM paper and tied with I blue cord making the D A R colors and on the front page of tho booklet was printed Banquet of tho Lex ¬ ington and Bryan Station Chapters to the Twelfth Annual State Con ¬ ference D A U mid this quotation from Dan Ie Boone All In al there is but one Kentucky also the emb ¬ lent of the order and the place and date Country cub Lexington Ky October 22 I OSThe menu and toast list wore on the pages which were made of rich cream paper and the loitering In buff With each de- tail of the menu was a stanza of the songs for the program and on the pages devoted to tile toasts were ap ¬ propriate quotations il ilXullill Pnrty- i crowd of boys and girls went to Clark river yesterday nutting and spent the day very peas ¬ any gathering outs They brought In about four burhole Mleses Eva Dian Veil Dean Ethel Dean Peggy Dean Rom Walker Jove Griffin Thom8iI I Andy Weathorlngtbn Hop Jlouser Charlie fleck Charlie Varwleirvllle Listen Oro8s Willie Poore Mr El rod and Mlffl Evn Dean chaperoned tho party Mr A C Mitchell manager of Frank Fehr Brewing Co has gone to Rock Castle Ky to attend the funeraj of his mother who died there after an linen of two years dura tlon Mr Guy Jones went to Kuttawa today on business I Mr Alben Barkley went to Prince- ton ¬ I today where he will talk poll ¬ ties v s II Miss Myrtto Decker will 1 leave I Thursday for a visit nl thfrend 1I at ClarksJalo Miss t- tMrv Henry Rudy returned last wooing from u business trfp to New York TMr Felix St John returned this morning from a several days bUil- t teas trip to Louisville 1 Miss Ooraldlno GIpson has reo tunned homo after a visit to friends I TennI I an attack of rheumatism II Col W F Katterjohn went to Ce ¬ dar muff this morning on business Mr nod Mrs James OaChoun Rlekc returned last night from a wedding tour to Chicago Buffalo New York and Columbus Mr aid lraJtteko will be at home at Eighth and Jor foreoin etrccts Mr Thomas J Fraurnuy 1 of Rod mart Ga returned home today after spending Sunday In the city Mrs James H Black of Terra Haute Indwhip Is the guest of her sister Mrs Mlltort Q Cope of Wo t Broadwayv went to Fulton today t 10 spend iPfSw days with datives there She will return here- AttorneyJ S Ross wmt to Smith laud today and made an address at II Democratic raMjo- Mlko Grltriri > went to Murray to day to attend thegpeaking and court day r Sir and MwXall Mrs Dess Woi ford Mfrs Pearl Hodges Mr Iem Hodges Miss Lalla Prayor Mr acne Thompson Miss Carrie Hodges Mr Boyd Emmerson and Miss Xola Doa sett a party from Folsomdale Ky spent five days at Barnes Lako near Methopolls 111 Fishing nuttln and otrtlngs were enjoyed by the I party by t tho coureey of Mr Bayne owner of < helako COXTHST Of Halms on llosibtul RoMrvatlo Mny FolloW KimllnB of Hitllys Daughter n lcago Oct 2GTl1e tnlssli daughter of Jack SuHy the Sout Dakota outlaw who occupied the Rosebud Reservation for more Ulan half a century before he was killed by federal officers six years ago he- hoes locatcdtlti Jhrago She Is de rared to be Trlxle Sing wife of Lout Sng tho millionaire Chinaman It Is said thatips a child the wus ftoen from that reservation 22 y nr agoThe result may be a contest of an he claims on the Rosebud It Is ex ixcted the heirs of Sully will cLaim itle to the reservation on the ground that It was occupied by the notorl ons rattle tusUerfor longer than 20 ears BET TIIEIU TROUSERS On Hllllnhl Game and Mar I That Is lound It Hinliarri sliiK Now York Oct 2GSomethlng new In freak bets was Introduced I In Irooklyn when William W William and Walter M Aestrlcher wagered heir trousers on the result of a bll and match The bet made In the h i l4 at of an argument over their abll UI as cue wlelders was carried out to the letter much to the distress or Ir Oestrelcher who after losing the ame and Incidentally hs troueers aDd being compelled to hide hlmsel b Iceath the friendly folds of a pool able cover learned that his wife tQ whom a messenger had been des latched for aid had sent In lieu or nother pair of tri plers a daintily em- broidered smoking Jacket HLllCTIONS IX1 CANADA VIII lie held Today Xew Parlla nuitt to ife Chosen Montreal Oct 2j > A general plea Son will be held today throughou the Dominion of Canada to choore i 1 tow parlament At present tin Jbenal part led by Sir Wllfrei curler holds control of the Cano dlan government as It has done tor the past twelve years and nothing bas developed during tho five weeks ampdfgn just cored to indicate thai a change Is Imminent Most of the authorities however tgreo that the Liberals will be short of some of their strength The Liber ala bad a majority of CG members Ir the last parliament Their leaden fill be satisfied with half that num- ber In the new one TnK Kvenlnjt Sunlife Wt I MarathonThe I I- I I PrizeWinner I of the season 1008 So the new Marathon isI I and Hosiery to i the seas Ins winner Its j the most popular fad in the east rn cities and its going to be in favor here I just as soon as the good dressers know we have I themWell Thyre lire I IAt 59 green Each blue gun- metal gar ¬ navy So if you want to be a winner in I style Hue youd better get in nfTf t r 1 In 1ollce Court Monday was a dull tar In polls < court circles and the Monday dockc was ta light one jibe docket read Drunk = Robert Blair John lime I Allen Popper and Harry Brown 11 l Ill1dcoslH each Breach of ordtnanc Wes Burns U and costs Uarry Whltrisdlsnilsipl iWIll Kirk ondI I lObtaahgmonenby until Oct false prcteaae Lrthur Jones colored alias Shlne1 I foriblll tinned until October 28 CourtI I began thl III Tnorrrlng and Circuit Judge Willlati Reed read over the docket Motion wero beard but court soon adjourned Tomorrow tho cases will bo set but no cases wfll be heard until the Jat ter part of next eek Practtcall thcrQ will be no court until after the election as all of the attorneys 810 busy In politics RINGLEADERS T Continued from page oar by Mr Rice Sheriff Easterwooc went to Samburg from Mc1ml1 took Applewhite In chargp pnd WDI I returning to Camp Nemo with him when the small party was surround- ed by the lake county mono The prisoner was demanded tho Obon county sheriff and two or three hot heads in the lAke count posse would have done violence had cooler heads not Interfered Apple I white was finally brought Into camp turned over to Col Tatpm and with out the formality of Interrogation by the court of Inquiry was sent tothe guard house under heavy guard stenches Critical Stage- The contention between Oblon und Lake county men has reached a ant ical stage Sheriff Easterwood hat been severely criticised for his seem ing lack of Interest In the Investiga lIon and It has been openly charged that he Is in sympathy with the night ridersGov Patterson took him to task last Thursday when ho was at Camp Nemo and spurred him into real ac tivity Sheriff Easterwood has beer afraid It Is said to make arrests without warrants and has only done so under the positive orders of Gov Patterson and Col Tatom the latter having entire charge of the entire in- vestigation and night riding district Memphis Men In Game To MaJ J B Horton and a squad of Memphis troops i accompanied by Deputy P S Sparks of Lake county felt the honor of making two most Important arrests They came in tin nature of a shock to the entire com munity John Sam Shaw the pro ¬ prietor of the general store at Sam burg and W E Pratt the proprie tor of the hotel at that place were arrested this morning Both are well known men and on the night of April 11 when J C BurdlcksJ fish docks were burned Shaw was forced t to furnish the oil used to klndlo the names The night riders have never I bothered him and It Is alleged that bo knows all of them personally- It is said that the night riders never passed through Samburg with- out stopping at Pratts hotel and holding a conversation with Pratt Ho stated to our correspondent yes ¬ terday that the night riders side of the trouble had never been ghCnI and said he would like to write out a statement of It if tho Commercial Appeal would print it lie was as sured that this would be done bul after promising the statement for some reason he failed to got It up Three other prisoners were arrest ed by MaJ Horton and his party They were Jim Caseacker Riley Gantley and Chuck Applewhite a brother of Sam Applewhite one of the alleged leaders All five of the men are now held close prisoners In the guard tehts Affecting Scene The scene when Pratt parted iron his wife and little fiveyearold daugt ter Helen was most affecting Mrs Pratt a Virginia woman by blrts Is In mortal terror of night riders Hei grief and that of tho little doughIer Was affecting and the soldiers stand- Ing under arms were forted to let the tears trickle down their cheeks They will bo permitted to visit Pratt In camp and If Mrs Pratt should de sire a detail of soldiers wilt be sta toned at her home to do guard duty Justice of tho Peace F M Fields of Hornbcak Oblon county was tak- en in custody In street at Samburg by the squad of soldiers under the command of Capt J W Hunt ol Memphis and Deputies KingQnd Parr of Dyer county He Is simply being detained as a witness and has the freedom of the camp Inside oi the picket lines W M 1 Mayo ol Samburg who was with him at the time is held a prisoner In the guard toots JovVinment Cotton Report Washington oct 2CThe goY arnment crop bulletin says G2S37S bates of cotton haw been ginned to October 18 compared with 4420258 last year There are 25440 active giancrs Arm troug Recovering Jackson Armstrong who attempted suicide about three weeks ago Is re¬ covering mpidyat the Illinois Cen- tral ¬ hospital Yesterday he aroso wiJ dressed and iiI4 doctors believe that tie recovery is certain t v THERE R Heaters 4 Heaters But the heaters that heat are the heaters that Hart sells Harts lisle of heaters this season are the best yet They have so many improvements over last season Take a look GEO 0 HART SONS CO Incorporated WART C Subscribers Inserting want ads in Ibe Sun will kindly remember that rill sash items are to be paid for when the ad Is Inserted tho rule applying to every one without exceptionr ROOMS ti2 GClar BEDSTEADS stoves and other I furniture for sale 918 Broadway t FOR SALELinenmarkers at this office FOR RETFurnished rooms 419 South Fourth PURE SWEET MILK and cream for sale Phone 4CCa LET SOLOMON clean and your clothes 522 Broadway old phone 523 a- WANTEI3Poaltlon as bookkeep- er Satisfactory reference Address i V lots office THE ONLY wood and coat rarc1lnI the city Johnston Fuel Co Phones 203 FOR RENTFour room house at 1251 Kentucky avenue For partic- ulars ¬ I phone C5t t FOR GOOD MEALS clean rooms cheap board go to Kettlers old stand 321 South Third J E MORGAN horse shoeing general repairing rubber tires 408 South Third BUY YOUR COAL of C M Cagle Illinois best lump 12 cents Plttsburg t lump 14 cents New phono 975 FOR SAKEDrand now White sewing machine Highest bid gets It t Address White this office YOUR NAMEJ and address neatly prInted on One dozen fine visiting I cards Ifoc M > 0 40c Jas H31c t frwetr 441 South Eighth ROOMS for rent with electric lights with bath and sewerage conI I nectlon Apply C2G South Tenth street 9 SALESMAN WANTED Experi ence unnecessary 100 per month land expenses Royal Cigar Co Chi Il- lIF 4 YOU WANT Oak Stove or Heat- Ing Wood any time during the year sad cat the length you want call 203 Johnston Fuel Co I IF YOU have James Dnffey to do your cleaning and pressing your clothes will always look like new Old phone 338a- WANTBDyLadies to see our new fall and winter styles Skirts and I Suits Easy payments Credit Tail ¬ ors 307 Kentucky avenue IF YOU WANT Kentucky or flits burg coal that wiM please you at re- duced prices call 203 Johnston I Fuel Co- FOR SALE Household and kitch ¬ en furniture horse buggy and har ¬ ness 302 South Sixth street Old I Phone 1838 1 FOR KENT Thrco steam heated i rooms furnished or unfurnished with I all modern convenlences for man and I wife Old phone 1415 I WANTED Fifty purchasers for diamonds on easy payments Call at once and get our proposition Eye I See Jewelry and Optical Co incor- porated ¬ 315 Broadway FOR RENT9room house 410 S 10th 90 foot lot high and dry Both hot arid cold water Modern plumbing J A Rudy 219 Broad ¬ way I WINTER PASTURE for rent Soy ¬ on Mile Island 2 per head per hionth Write or phone Jail Ferrl man Grand Rivers Ky FOR SALE Sewing machine brand new White Make a bid It yours Is tlie highest you get it Ad ¬ dress White this office HAtR GOODS made to order Shampooing clipping singeing and dyeing Louyenla Miller No 828 South Fifth street Old phone 374a FOR RENT Jrie nicely lurnlzhed room with bath al moderate con ¬ veniences Suitable for young couple- r I two young men Reasonable rent Apply 601 I N 7th St A Krug PRAOTICAL bookkeeping Gregg horthand and touch typewriting sue esfully taught day and night at Pa- lucak d central DUllness College 0 1 OOp1ficedln positions In verl jl atoaeI 9 + tl range FOR SALE Good cook very cheap 219 North Fifth FOR SALE White sewing ma ¬ chine brand new Highest bid gets It Address White this office FOR SALE Thoroughbred butt Wyandotte cockerels Frank Burrows 424 North Fourth New phone 1204 WANTEDAt once Woman to keep house for family of four RIng phone C9 old phone 1851a SEWING MACHINE for sale brand new White Highest bid takes It Address White this office WE WASH lace curtains very caref- ully Gt them cleaner and vhlfcr than you could at home Star Laun ¬ dry Phone 200 YOUR LACE curtains need clean ¬ ing You will make ao mistake In sending them to the Star Laundry Phone 200- DUDIEY HOUSE 408 N orthr i r Third just openel nice rooms first class mea s Transients llOO per day Mrs B W Dudley Prop WANTED You to know 1 do shoo c repairing at reasonabte prices My work guaranteed 427 South Third street R 31 1 Dennis WE STARCH lace curtains JuM the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch hem smooth and even Star Laundry Phone 200 STRAYBU OR STOLEN last Tues- day a black shepherd pup with white- throat Anyone found with this dog In his possession will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law If notr r delivered to Mrs George Robertson Third and Harrison MADAME ROMAIN famous New York palmist here for a few day only Your fortune WJ4 as wrlttep In your hand Dont mla this oppor tunity of getting advice on love mss stage business 4ma no equal reunit Ing the separated no pay If not satisi fled Private engagements made bye phoning Alton House 1284 IBOOf reading only 50cnnd 100 Hours tw to 9 321 South Third street 1C DREAM Of Mother Verified By News p r Chicagoe which Mrs Mary Danlskja old saw the death ogcmKtf V drove her from her bed A ° f k last night and Into the oIi a cold rain was tailing 1 Iot ° a < by a policeman at about 4 0 JJ r the morning an effort wagua comfort lien by calling sip the hospital whore her fouryemx lay suffering from a number of- f ul scolMs received when be fell a tub of boiling water and wordtt given that the boy had died Bevy hours before at the identical habr when Mrs Danlskl sow the visiona y Yesterday my Ralphlne wan burned rite sobbed and they took him to the hospital antI now he ta dead I raw him die It was hor- i ¬ rlble Ifrt Danlskl fainted In the pones station when told of the death of ket son Keep thoroughly posted daring the campaign by rending tho Clilcago itccord Herald or Tribune Delivered dally and Sunday eighteens cents per week Drop n card to 110 South Fifth street Will also deliver the Post Dispatch fxulsvlllo Times Ctilcago News and Cincinnati Enqufrerf LADY WAN TED Honest Industrious women wanted to Introduce our large line of foreign and domestic dress goods walatlngg trimmings etc among friends neigh born and townspeople Wo prefer a woman who has a trade already work > ed up Should be able to earn 2G00 frondthe i terns exclusive No money required Write us for full iMtrtlculars Standard Press Goods Co lflo7th i street BtBghamploB t1 Y Try ho HM for Job week f Sirs Beit Je Owen Ferry Information apply to A J Hogan Watilag rooat rlFor 1 Keatueky avec e Prose 757 + t1a t

Transcript of IIIN 11We FRANK PRINDLE is CO New York ItI11Tho THERE THE...

Page 1: IIIN 11We FRANK PRINDLE is CO New York ItI11Tho THERE THE …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qw6n/data/0799.pdf · 2014. 6. 25. · I MOXDATI opTonnn 20 THE PADTJCfAH I L EVENING BUN Jr




t Iq II 4 4J11We uro Bole agents for

FRANK M PRINDLE is CO New YorkImporters of

THE MAISOIV VIOLETrcolay Purls Krance lino of Perfumes Soaps and Sachets Ambro

I Koyale Extra Vlblctte Cytlse FarncRC Ncldor Hosarolnc JasminCyclamen

ti Bidwell Bidwell CoEnglandta

t Sail Brushes

4NCegPn PATa t

I Dru alata-Botli IPhones 178 Plftli and Broadway

Night bull nt eido door1 I

THE LOCAL MSDr Gilbert osteopath 440M

Broadway Phone 190Visit Pages short order restau-

rant 123 South SecondForms for real estate agents for

rasp nt this oOep-Walipap0r bargains at lceiley I

Utnbaughs 321 KentuckyI avenueVeterinarians 1iluley c Flshor

134C old sr1 new Hospital 42J

lioiitn ThirdAll kinds of tall bulbs also re-

liable lawn grass seed at BrunsouVC29 Broadway

Manicuring hairdressing ecalitreatmtnta and massaging lolaFisher CM lKentucky phono ts1i2

Linen markers for sale at thisomce

City subscribers to The DslljBun who wish tub delivery of shellpapers stopped mutt notify our collectors or make tho requests directto Thu Sun alike No attention willbe pld to such orders when giverto carriers Sun Publshlng Co

Bulb liulbs Bulbs HyacinthsNarotuau TjuUt > Jonquils CrocusIris M Ji Yopp Seed Co

Two largo sized congregationKrccud the newjtastor of tho Cumb rlandPreslyterjiiKchurch Ijt v DW Fooks arTwo1fth>anil trlmbloxtreots Ono addition was made tcthe church at the evening service

Flrjiman rYd Meunlier of thtControl station returned to work to-

day aftV p mdlnj5 Ills weeks vacstsar and Ftremtn E MrOarmlrk oltheiNo 2 tallon lleft oa hU weeksplMiture trip The vacation seasonoelhrtdlre deltartneat tonbont ovcc8 nil of the fire buys have flat theirptuasnro jaunt-


PanlPr J Jacobs St LouisW 11 MepiLsy Olnohnatl W SSondowon sound City K Robertien MurnayP 31rDFerguson IA

Center Oflle MI James Marlon WG CCIfton Marion A R McKenzie

Cttatattooaai JP T lisle l ulsvlllo-1iolv dcrtvij KWn Cairo Frank

Mlllettr Ixiulrvlllo IL B Br> nn1

Bowling Oran II MI Williams St-

lA1l1lliI Win Young Chicago E Ad

bon Porta O IU Massey IluknW 0 Hogan San Frnntlsco F 11

Dunoan ifopklnsrtHe J J MaloneCake

Nose Richmond L Hall PtIlflWcmt CrD Dragon Rlpleykdrgo Wliwn Ruttierfbrd O S

Mattey Ruth ford 11 0 CurdHdtelj J R SobUton Henderson tM Wekow IxMlbettor B H MiuelliHxlert A MI Todd lUookport R T-

Flyual Star Lime Works

Mrs IEva Webb and son MatterJflhn Webb of XI 3 North SixthstreyfhalQgoueI to Nashville tospend two months vltltlas friendsI

Old HomesteadHorehound

Cough Drops

theyiTO tine l> t rcmfdr wo

know for those plight tint an ¬

noying coughs which almostall of us have these early talldays Our grandmothersknew their business whenthey said Horehound forlight coughs because Its ef¬

fective yet harmless beingtree from drugs add a llttosugar to make It taste good

fOIl Homestoailla tho kindgrandma bunt her reputation

I Ionr de z1rtt



J fj

Big Bag 5c


fiilliertii Drug Store

4h and Broadway+ IHllier Phono No 77

Get It at Gilberts




liver ReportPlttslurg 59 01 rlCincinnati 3102 rllllLouisville 2 OO kl-

Evanarllo cM22 01 ra1Mt Vernon 23 Oa rlooMt Oarmel J kQtOA h1dNashville C7 00 aloChattanooga 23 oc rli-

FJorwiw missing-Johnsonvlllo 10 03 tanCairo y4a 02 fallSt Ixiuls 35 02 rloPaducah 14 OO Hf-

Jtlvor stage tut 7 oclock this morrlug 14 a stand since yetterdamorning and n fall of 1 since SatmI I

day morningTho J B Richardson will IIP duo

tonight from Waterloo Ala and a-

way landings Shevwlll make a shotlanding at Paducah and thin go toBrookiort and Metropolis to unloaand load freight Tho Rlchardsowill return from below tomorrowcyonlng and receive freight till Wedneiday evening at C oclock when sbowill 1leave for the Tonnes1

TheiReubcnDunbar got away Salui3y 181jt4at 1130 oclock for theTennessee with a big cargo of frolgh

nightyThe tworegular trips from M g-


and return today doing a big ftwlgand passenger fbunlie s oo tooltrips <

Tho Indiana nrflvcd from Dycuburg this morning and got away s-


lniltt arId with a igrgl5moi-

rowIta of freight She will return

morning and leave for Dycuburg i

The Addle got away on timlhlmorning for Jopj a with a <gooralgbt trip She will return this af-


jTho Pavonla got away yeetcrda

ror the Tcnnoweo with a tow 01

Jinpty barges after cross ties for the

COl1llIRnI iTennwsopvstorday after several rafts of log I

for MttropollaITbo Kuttawa came out of tho Ternonce yesterday with a largo 10S

raft for Metropoli-sIalrlck Jolcc a well known rive

man In Paducah U visiting In thcity after an eight months trillthrough tho north

The Clyde and tho J S will bothbo lot off tho marine ways thlweek troth boats are In tho verbest of repair They will bo tied UJIn tho Paducah harbor

radurnliniiN at CoiivoiitlonAmong the steamboatmen of thE

old school who are taking a deep III

Iciest In tho convention Is MaJ J JAshcraft of yie St Ix > uls and Perncsice River Packet Line who III1

known by most every man womaand child alonjr that historic streartMaJ Aehcraft it a mhmber4 of tIllEhlloh mtllltary park commission

Capt J Fr Ellison secretary 01

tho Ohio Volley Improvement pareclntlou Is a native Kentuckian hay-

Ing been born In Paducah Capt Elson Is a thorough steamboatmaand a man of charming pcrsonalltwho not only has a host of friends III

home but all along the Ohio anlMississippi rivers For many yearGap Ellison commanded the brantlful steamer Hudson In tho St I

and Paducah trade previous to becoming superintendent of the Pittburgs and Cincinnati packet linesLouisville Times

Ingins llluffMr Roy Katterjohn1 has becom

associated with lull father In tho Katerjohn Construction companyaCedar Bluff and early next hiontwill remove to Cedar Bluff to reJand take charge of the plant Mt

Katterjohn has been elected vicepresident J1111will still remain ii

tho firm of the Southern Auto am

Machine company and Mr F rDalby will return from Jacksonfenn and take charge of the mahlne company

sSol Vniiglmn III

Mr Sol 0 Vaughan COS NprtFifth street who line been qulto II

jlnco Friday Is mot Improved antotkiy his many friends will regreto learn

Profwror and Mrs1 Mahler wl1

return to Paducah to open classes lidancing dclrarto and physical cutluro PrUay afternoon at 4 oclock To

phi dren In the Womans club build11Mt



ItI11Thoof Grace Episcopal church will meet


Nutting HyHamdnyThe pupils of the sixth nnU r>wrvont

grades ofthe Franklin soliootlpent a

liwJSonljthenuts A delightful luncheon was enJoyed The patty was In charge oMrsI Barr Mistes Elsie HoewlscheiClara Winston and Mr SII E 141gonII

IHrtliilny ul1IMiss IuclIe Covlngton the daughtar of Mr pad Mrs C C Corlngtor

numllooraptly on Saturday afternoon at herlhomo in celebration of herr ninthbirthday It was a1 delightful ondpretty party <

Stnto It A II VMIoiH1 IhaiitlfullJlnlortatlKXl

The folowing Is the account rromIthe Lexington leader of tho notablbrilliant entertainment given at therecent State D A IL conference IInthat city and said to surpass any1thing of Its kind In the state In recen

yearsTheLexington and Bryan Station

Chapters Daughters of the AmericaRevolution entertained with a banquot Thursday evening1 at the Countrycub In honor of the national atiistate officers ant the delegatesl trottho various chapters who are visitor

IIn the city for the D A R slateconference The Country club WRII

an attractive place for the affair anathe decorations ro lavish and artlsUc made It perfectly beautiful Pottlarei of bright yetfowI and red nutumn leaves were hung In the door-way between th twq haler i and onIall the chandeliers on tho woodeibeams of the celling and extending Ingrlanilki over tho tables the fuV

tTe1III1IIIubuds Added to this were greatbunches of yellow chrysanthemumssix dozen of the lovely blossoms having been sent the chapters by theSons of the Revolution and of yel

I low rotes In vases silver urns antloving cups the mantels beingbanked with ferns The guests wereserved fllt four long tables placed intho dining room and living room andn email lrcuar table in the hatwhero cowers were laid for those tojk

wholelthrownas one gicat banquet room Thvsmall tabe had for Its centerpiece a

InBooIwidth a canopy was formed Of the


tlllllntotabUw wire decked with yellowchrysanthemums and roses and the


name rarli were marked with thowheel and dletaff the D A iRv emb ¬

loin and a sprig of ijuepraw palnteJIn water colors the aitlstic handi-work

¬t and gift of Mrs John Angus of

welllikethey compiled They were coveredwith white TiM paper and tied with

I blue cord making the D A R colorsand on the front page of tho bookletwas printed Banquet of tho Lex ¬

ington and Bryan Station Chaptersto the Twelfth Annual State Con ¬

ference D A U mid this quotationfrom Dan Ie Boone All In al thereis but one Kentucky also the emb¬

lent of the order and the place anddate Country cub Lexington KyOctober 22 I OSThe menu andtoast list wore on the pages whichwere made of rich cream paper andthe loitering In buff With each de-tail of the menu was a stanza of thesongs for the program and on thepages devoted to tile toasts were ap¬

propriate quotations

ililXullill Pnrty-ii crowd of boys andgirls went to Clark river yesterdaynutting and spent the day very peas ¬

any gathering outs They broughtIn about four burhole Mleses EvaDian Veil Dean Ethel Dean PeggyDean Rom Walker Jove GriffinThom8iII Andy Weathorlngtbn Hop JlouserCharlie fleck Charlie VarwleirvllleListen Oro8s Willie Poore Mr Elrod and Mlffl Evn Dean chaperonedtho party

Mr A C Mitchell manager ofFrank Fehr Brewing Co has goneto Rock Castle Ky to attend thefuneraj of his mother who died thereafter an linen of two years duratlon

Mr Guy Jones went to Kuttawatoday on business

I Mr Alben Barkley went to Prince-ton


I today where he will talk poll ¬

ties v s

II Miss Myrtto Decker will 1leave

IThursday for a visit nlthfrend 1I atClarksJalo Miss


tMrv Henry Rudy returned lastwooing from u business trfp to NewYork

TMr Felix St John returned thismorning from a several days bUil-

tt teas trip to Louisville1

Miss Ooraldlno GIpson has reotunned homo after a visit to friends

ITennII an attack of rheumatismII Col W F Katterjohn went to Ce ¬

dar muff this morning on businessMr nod Mrs James OaChoun Rlekc

returned last night from a weddingtour to Chicago Buffalo New York

and Columbus Mr aid lraJttekowill be at home at Eighth and Jorforeoin etrccts

Mr Thomas J Fraurnuy1 of Rodmart Ga returned home today afterspending Sunday In the city

Mrs James H Black of TerraHaute Indwhip Is the guest of hersister Mrs Mlltort Q Cope of Wo tBroadwayv went to Fulton today t10

spend iPfSw days with datives thereShe will return here-

AttorneyJ S Ross wmt to Smithlaud today and made an address at II

Democratic raMjo-

Mlko Grltriri > went to Murray today to attend thegpeaking and courtday r

Sir and MwXall Mrs Dess Woiford Mfrs Pearl Hodges Mr IemHodges Miss Lalla Prayor Mr acneThompson Miss Carrie Hodges MrBoyd Emmerson and Miss Xola Doasett a party from Folsomdale Kyspent five days at Barnes Lako nearMethopolls 111 Fishing nuttlnand otrtlngs were enjoyed by the

Iparty by ttho coureey of Mr Bayneowner of <helako


Of Halms on llosibtul RoMrvatloMny FolloW KimllnB of Hitllys


n lcago Oct 2GTl1e tnlsslidaughter of Jack SuHy the SoutDakota outlaw who occupied theRosebud Reservation for more Ulanhalf a century before he was killedby federal officers six years ago he-

hoes locatcdtlti Jhrago She Is de

rared to be Trlxle Sing wife of LoutSng tho millionaire Chinaman

It Is said thatips a child the wusftoen from that reservation 22 y nr

agoTheresult may be a contest of an

he claims on the Rosebud It Is exixcted the heirs of Sully will cLaimitle to the reservation on the ground

that It was occupied by the notorlons rattle tusUerfor longer than 20ears


On Hllllnhl Game and MarI That Islound It Hinliarri sliiK

Now York Oct 2GSomethlngnew In freak bets was Introduced IInIrooklyn when William W Williamand Walter M Aestrlcher wageredheir trousers on the result of a blland match The bet made In the

hil4 at of an argument over their abllUI as cue wlelders was carried outto the letter much to the distress orIr Oestrelcher who after losing theame and Incidentally hs troueers

aDd being compelled to hide hlmselbIceath the friendly folds of a poolable cover learned that his wife tQ

whom a messenger had been deslatched for aid had sent In lieu or

nother pair of tri plers a daintily em-

broidered smoking Jacket


VIII lie held Today Xew Parllanuitt to ife Chosen

Montreal Oct 2j> A general pleaSon will be held today throughou

the Dominion of Canada to choore i1tow parlament At present tinJbenal part led by Sir Wllfrei

curler holds control of the Canodlan government as It has done torthe past twelve years and nothingbas developed during tho five weeksampdfgn just cored to indicate thaia change Is Imminent

Most of the authorities howevertgreo that the Liberals will be shortof some of their strength The Liberala bad a majority of CG members Irthe last parliament Their leadenfill be satisfied with half that num-

ber In the new one

TnK Kvenlnjt Sunlife Wt




I PrizeWinner

I of the season 1008 So

the new Marathon isIIand Hosiery to

i the seas Ins winner Itsj the most popular fad in the

east rn cities and itsgoing to be in favor here

I just as soon as the good

dressers know we have


Thyre lire






gar ¬

navy So if youwant to be a winner in

I styleHue

youd better get in

nfTft r1 In 1ollce Court

Monday was a dull tar In polls <

court circles and the Monday dockcwas ta light one jibe docket readDrunk = Robert Blair John lime


Allen Popper and Harry Brown 11l Ill1dcoslH each Breach of ordtnanc

Wes Burns U and costs UarryWhltrisdlsnilsipl iWIll Kirk ondII

lObtaahgmonenby until Octfalse prcteaae

Lrthur Jones colored alias Shlne1Iforibllltinned until October 28

CourtII began thlIIITnorrrlng and Circuit Judge WilllatiReed read over the docket Motionwero beard but court soon adjournedTomorrow tho cases will bo set butno cases wfll be heard until the Jat

ter part of next eek PracttcallthcrQ will be no court until after theelection as all of the attorneys 810busy In politics


Continued from page oar

by Mr Rice Sheriff Easterwoocwent to Samburg from Mc1ml1took Applewhite In chargp pnd WDI

I returning to Camp Nemo with himwhen the small party was surround-ed by the lake county mono

The prisoner was demanded thoObon county sheriff and two orthree hot heads in the lAke countposse would have done violence hadcooler heads not Interfered Apple

Iwhite was finally brought Into campturned over to Col Tatpm and without the formality of Interrogation bythe court of Inquiry was sent totheguard house under heavy guard

stenches Critical Stage-The contention between Oblon und

Lake county men has reached a antical stage Sheriff Easterwood hatbeen severely criticised for his seeming lack of Interest In the InvestigalIon and It has been openly chargedthat he Is in sympathy with the night

ridersGovPatterson took him to task

last Thursday when ho was at CampNemo and spurred him into real activity Sheriff Easterwood has beerafraid It Is said to make arrestswithout warrants and has only doneso under the positive orders of GovPatterson and Col Tatom the latterhaving entire charge of the entire in-

vestigation and night riding districtMemphis Men In Game

To MaJ J B Horton and a squadof Memphis troops i accompanied by

Deputy P S Sparks of Lake county

felt the honor of making two mostImportant arrests They came in tinnature of a shock to the entire community John Sam Shaw the pro ¬

prietor of the general store at Samburg and W E Pratt the proprietor of the hotel at that place werearrested this morning Both are wellknown men and on the night ofApril 11 when J C BurdlcksJ fishdocks were burned Shaw was forcedtto furnish the oil used to klndlo thenames The night riders have never


bothered him and It Is alleged thatbo knows all of them personally-

It is said that the night ridersnever passed through Samburg with-out stopping at Pratts hotel andholding a conversation with PrattHo stated to our correspondent yes ¬

terday that the night riders side ofthe trouble had never been ghCnIand said he would like to write outa statement of It if tho CommercialAppeal would print it lie was assured that this would be done bulafter promising the statement forsome reason he failed to got It up

Three other prisoners were arrested by MaJ Horton and his partyThey were Jim Caseacker RileyGantley and Chuck Applewhite abrother of Sam Applewhite one of

the alleged leaders All five of themen are now held close prisoners Inthe guard tehts

Affecting SceneThe scene when Pratt parted iron

his wife and little fiveyearold daugtter Helen was most affecting MrsPratt a Virginia woman by blrts Is

In mortal terror of night riders Heigrief and that of tho little doughIerWas affecting and the soldiers stand-Ing under arms were forted to letthe tears trickle down their cheeksThey will bo permitted to visit PrattIn camp and If Mrs Pratt should desire a detail of soldiers wilt be statoned at her home to do guard duty

Justice of tho Peace F M Fieldsof Hornbcak Oblon county was tak-

en in custody In street at Samburgby the squad of soldiers under thecommand of Capt J W Hunt ol

Memphis and Deputies KingQndParr of Dyer county He Is simplybeing detained as a witness and hasthe freedom of the camp Inside oithe picket lines W M1 Mayo olSamburg who was with him at thetime is held a prisonerIn the guardtoots

JovVinment Cotton ReportWashington oct 2CThe goY

arnment crop bulletin says G2S37Sbates of cotton haw been ginned toOctober 18 compared with 4420258last year There are 25440 activegiancrs

Arm troug RecoveringJackson Armstrong who attempted

suicide about three weeks ago Is re¬

covering mpidyat the Illinois Cen-


hospital Yesterday he aroso wiJdressed and iiI4 doctors believe thattie recovery is certain

t v


Heaters 4 Heaters

But the heaters that heat arethe heaters that Hart sellsHarts lisle of heaters this seasonare the best yet They have somany improvements over last

season Take a look

GEO 0 HART SONS COIncorporated

WART CSubscribers Inserting want ads in

Ibe Sun will kindly remember thatrill sash items are to be paid for whenthe ad Is Inserted tho rule applyingto every one without exceptionr

ROOMS ti2 GClarBEDSTEADS stoves and other Ifurniture for sale 918 Broadway t

FOR SALELinenmarkers at thisoffice

FOR RETFurnished rooms 419South Fourth

PURE SWEET MILK and creamfor sale Phone 4CCa

LET SOLOMON clean andyour clothes 522 Broadway oldphone 523 a-

WANTEI3Poaltlon as bookkeep-er Satisfactory reference Addressi V lots office

THE ONLY wood and coat rarc1lnIthe city Johnston Fuel Co Phones203

FOR RENTFour room house at1251 Kentucky avenue For partic-ulars


phone C5ttFOR GOOD MEALS clean rooms

cheap board go to Kettlers oldstand 321 South Third

J E MORGAN horse shoeinggeneral repairing rubber tires 408South Third

BUY YOUR COAL of C M CagleIllinois best lump 12 cents Plttsburg t

lump 14 cents New phono 975

FOR SAKEDrand now Whitesewing machine Highest bid getsItt Address White this office

YOUR NAMEJ and address neatlyprInted on One dozen fine visiting I

cards Ifoc M> 0 40c Jas H31c t

frwetr 441 South EighthROOMS for rent with electric

lights with bath and sewerage conIInectlon Apply C2G South Tenthstreet 9

SALESMAN WANTED Experience unnecessary 100 per month

land expenses Royal Cigar Co ChiIl-


YOU WANT Oak Stove or Heat-Ing Wood any time during the yearsad cat the length you want call203 Johnston Fuel Co

II IF YOU have James Dnffey to doyour cleaning and pressing yourclothes will always look like newOld phone 338a-

WANTBDyLadies to see our newfall and winter styles Skirts andI

Suits Easy payments Credit Tail ¬

ors 307 Kentucky avenue

IF YOU WANT Kentucky or flitsburg coal that wiM please you at re-duced prices call 203 JohnstonI

Fuel Co-

FOR SALE Household and kitch¬

en furniture horse buggy and har¬

ness 302 South Sixth street OldI

Phone 18381 FOR KENT Thrco steam heatedi

rooms furnished or unfurnished withI

all modern convenlences for man andI

wife Old phone 1415I WANTED Fifty purchasers fordiamonds on easy payments Call atonce and get our proposition EyeI

See Jewelry and Optical Co incor-


315 BroadwayFOR RENT9room house 410

S 10th 90 foot lot high and dryBoth hot arid cold water Modernplumbing J A Rudy 219 Broad¬

wayI WINTER PASTURE for rent Soy ¬

on Mile Island 2 per head perhionth Write or phone Jail Ferrlman Grand Rivers Ky

FOR SALE Sewing machinebrand new White Make a bid Ityours Is tlie highest you get it Ad¬

dress White this office

HAtR GOODS made to orderShampooing clipping singeing anddyeing Louyenla Miller No 828South Fifth street Old phone 374a

FOR RENTJrie nicely lurnlzhedroom with bath al moderate con¬

veniences Suitable for young couple-


two young men Reasonable rentApply 601I N 7th St A Krug

PRAOTICAL bookkeeping Gregghorthand and touch typewriting sueesfully taught day and night at Pa-

lucakd central DUllness College 01OOp1ficedln positions In verljlatoaeI



rangeFOR SALE Good cook

very cheap 219 North FifthFOR SALE White sewing ma ¬

chine brand new Highest bid getsIt Address White this office

FOR SALE Thoroughbred buttWyandotte cockerels Frank Burrows424 North Fourth New phone 1204

WANTEDAt once Woman tokeep house for family of four RIng

phone C9 old phone 1851aSEWING MACHINE for sale

brand new White Highest bidtakes It Address White this office

WE WASH lace curtains very caref-ully Gt them cleaner and vhlfcrthan you could at home Star Laun ¬

dry Phone 200YOUR LACE curtains need clean ¬

ing You will make ao mistake Insending them to the Star LaundryPhone 200-

DUDIEY HOUSE 408 Northri r

Third just openel nice rooms firstclass mea s Transients llOO perday Mrs B W Dudley Prop

WANTED You to know 1 do shoo crepairing at reasonabte prices Mywork guaranteed 427 South Thirdstreet R 311 Dennis

WE STARCH lace curtains JuMthe degree of stiffness that makesthem hang nicely and dry them uponframes that make them square andstretch hem smooth and even StarLaundry Phone 200

STRAYBU OR STOLEN last Tues-day a black shepherd pup with white-

throat Anyone found with this dogIn his possession will be prosecutedto the full extent of the law If notrrdelivered to Mrs George RobertsonThird and Harrison

MADAME ROMAIN famous NewYork palmist here for a few dayonly Your fortune WJ4 as wrlttepIn your hand Dont mla this opportunity of getting advice on love mssstage business 4ma no equal reunitIng the separated no pay If not satisifled Private engagements made byephoning Alton House 1284 IBOOfreading only 50cnnd 100 Hours tw

to 9 321 South Third street 1C


Of Mother Verified By News pr

Chicagoewhich Mrs Mary Danlskjaold saw the death ogcmKtf Vdrove her from her bed A

°f k

last night and Into the oIi

a cold rain was tailing 1 Iot°


by a policeman at about 4 0 JJrthe morning an effort waguacomfort lien by calling sip thehospital whore her fouryemxlay suffering from a number of-f ul scolMs received when be fella tub of boiling water and wordttgiven that the boy had died Bevyhours before at the identical habrwhen Mrs Danlskl sow the visionay

Yesterday my Ralphlne wanburned rite sobbed and they tookhim to the hospital antI now he tadead I raw him die It was hor-




Ifrt Danlskl fainted In the ponesstation when told of the death of ketson

Keep thoroughly posted daring thecampaign by rending tho Clilcagoitccord Herald or Tribune Delivereddally and Sunday eighteens cents perweek Drop n card to 110 South Fifthstreet Will also deliver the PostDispatch fxulsvlllo Times CtilcagoNews and Cincinnati Enqufrerf

LADY WAN TEDHonest Industrious women wantedto Introduce our large line of foreignand domestic dress goods walatlnggtrimmings etc among friends neighborn and townspeople Wo prefer awoman who has a trade already work >

ed up Should be able to earn 2G00

frondthe i

terns exclusive No money requiredWrite us for full iMtrtlculars

Standard Press Goods Co lflo7th i

street BtBghamploB t1 Y

Try ho HM for Job week

fSirs Beit Je Owen Ferry

Information apply to A J HoganWatilag rooatrlFor 1

Keatueky avec e Prose 757 +

t1a t