Iibm Isms Isb&m Case Study Answers

ISBM / IIBM / ISMS / ISB&M CASE STUDY ANSWERS AND PROJECT REPORTS FOR MBA BMS EMBA PGDMA. VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.casestudies.co.in [email protected] ARAVIND BANAKAR - M -09901366442 / 09902787224 FINANCIAL MGMT Multiple choices: 1. The approach focused mainly on the financial problems of corporate enterprise a. Ignored non-corporate enterprise b. Ignored working capital financing c. External approach d. Ignored routine problems 2. These are those shares, which can be redeemed or repaid to the holders after a lapse of the stipulated period a. Cumulative preference shares b. Non-cumulative preference shares c. Redeemable preference shares d. Perpetual shares 3. This type of risk arise from changes in environmental regulations, zoning requirements, fees, licenses and most frequently taxes a. Political risk b. Domestic risk c. International risk d. Industry risk 4. It is the cost of capital that is expected to raise funds to finance a capital budget or investment proposal a. Future cost b. Specific cost c. Spot cost d. Book cost 5. This concept is helpful in formulating a sound & economical capital structure for a firm a. Financial performance appraisal b. Investment evaluation c. Designing optimal corporate capital structure d. None 6. It is the minimum required rate of return needed to justify the use of capital a. From investors b. Firms point c. Capital expenditure point d. Cost of capital 7. It arises when there is a conflict of interest among owners, debenture holders and the management a. Seasonal variation b. Degree of competition c. Industry life cycle d. Agency costs 8. Some guidelines on shares & debentures issued by the government that are very important for the constitution of the capital structure are a. Legal requirement b. Purpose of finance c. Period of finance d. Requirement of investors 9. It is that portion of an investments total risk that results from change in the financial integrity of the investment a. Bull- bear market risk b. Default risk c. International risk d. Liquidity risk 10. _____________ measure the systematic risk of a security that cannot be avoided through diversification a. Beta b. Gamma c. Probability distribution d. Alpha Part Two: 1. What is Annuity kind of cash flow? 2. What do understand by Portfolio risk? 3. What do you understand by ‘Loan Amortization’? 4. What is the Difference between NPV and IRR?


ISBM / IIBM / ISMS / ISB&M CASE STUDY ANSWERS AND PROJECT REPORTS FOR MBA BMS EMBA PGDMA.VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.casestudies.co.in [email protected] ARAVIND BANAKAR - M -09901366442 / 09902787224

Transcript of Iibm Isms Isb&m Case Study Answers

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ISBM / IIBM / ISMS / ISB&M CASE STUDY ANSWERS AND PROJECT REPORTS FOR MBA BMS EMBA PGDMA.VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.casestudies.co.in [email protected] ARAVIND BANAKAR - M -09901366442 / 09902787224

FINANCIAL MGMTMultiple choices:1. The approach focused mainly on the financial problems of corporate enterprisea. Ignored non-corporate enterprise b. Ignored working capital financing c. External approach d. Ignored routine problems2. These are those shares, which can be redeemed or repaid to the holders after a lapse of the stipulated perioda. Cumulative preference shares b. Non-cumulative preference shares c. Redeemable preference shares d. Perpetual shares3. This type of risk arise from changes in environmental regulations, zoning requirements, fees, licenses and most frequently taxesa. Political risk b. Domestic risk c. International risk d. Industry risk4. It is the cost of capital that is expected to raise funds to finance a capital budget or investment proposala. Future cost b. Specific cost c. Spot cost d. Book cost5. This concept is helpful in formulating a sound & economical capital structure for a firma. Financial performance appraisal b. Investment evaluation c. Designing optimal corporate capital structure d. None6. It is the minimum required rate of return needed to justify the use of capitala. From investors b. Firms point c. Capital expenditure point d. Cost of capital7. It arises when there is a conflict of interest among owners, debenture holders and the managementa. Seasonal variation b. Degree of competition c. Industry life cycle d. Agency costs8. Some guidelines on shares & debentures issued by the government that are very important for the constitution of the capital structure area. Legal requirement b. Purpose of finance c. Period of finance d. Requirement of investors9. It is that portion of an investments total risk that results from change in the financial integrity of the investmenta. Bull- bear market risk b. Default risk c. International risk d. Liquidity risk10. _____________ measure the systematic risk of a security that cannot be avoided through diversificationa. Beta b. Gamma c. Probability distribution d. AlphaPart Two:1. What is Annuity kind of cash flow? 2. What do understand by Portfolio risk? 3. What do you understand by ‘Loan Amortization’? 4. What is the Difference between NPV and IRR?Question:1. Which type of financing is appropriate to each firm?2. What types of securities must be issued by a firm which is on the growing stage in order to meetthe financial requirements?1. How would you judge the potential profit of Bajaj Electronics on the first year of sales to BoothPlastics and give your views to increase the profit.2. Suggestion regarding Credit limit. Should it be approved or not, what should be the amount ofcredit limit that electronics give to Booth Plastics.1. Honey Well Company is contemplating to liberalize its collection effort. Its present sales are Rs.10 lakh, its average collection period is 30 days, its expected variable cost to sales ratio is 85 percent and its bad debt ratio is 5 per cent. The Company’s cost of capital is 10 per cent and tax areis 40 per cent. He proposed liberalization in collection effort increase sales to Rs. 12 lakhincreases average collection period by 15 days, and increases the bad debt ratio to 7 percent.Determine the change in net profit.2. Explain the concept of working capital. What are the factors which influence the working capital?

Human Resource Management

1. It is a cultural attitude marked by the tendency to regard one’s own culture as superior to others

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a. Geocentrism b. Polycentrism c. Ethnocentrism d. Egocentrism2. It is the systemic study of job requirements & those factors that influence the performance of those job requirementsa. Job analysis b. Job rotation c. Job circulation d. Job description3. This Act provides an assistance for minimum statutory wages for scheduled employmenta. Payment of Wages Act, 1936 b. Minimum Wages Act, 1948 c. Factories Act, 1948 d. Payment of Gratuity act, 19724. __________ is the actual posting of an employee to a specific joba. Induction b. Placement c. Attrition d. None5. Broadening an individual’s knowledge, skills & abilities for future responsibilities is known asa. Training b. Development c. Education d. Mentoring6. Change that is designed and implemented in an orderly and timely fashion in anticipation of future eventsa. Planned change b. Technology change c. Structural change d. None7. It is a process for setting goals and monitoring progress towards achieving those goalsa. Performance appraisal b. Performance gap c. Performance factor d. Performance management system8. A method which requires the rates to provide a subjective performance evaluation along a scale from low to higha. Assessment centre b. Checklist c. Rating scale d. Monitoring9. It is the sum of knowledge, skills, attitudes, commitment, values and the liking of the people in an organizationa. Human resources b. Personal management c. Human resource management d. Productivity10. A learning exercise representing a real-life situation where trainees compete with each other to achieve specific objectivesa. Executive development b. Management game c. Programmed learning d. UnderstudyPart Two:1. Explain the importance of Career Planning in industry. 2. Write the features of HRM. 3. Briefly explain the concept of Performance Appraisal. 4. Explain On-Job and Off Job Training.Questions1. Should benching be a matter of concern at Delta? 2. What are the risks involved in moving from a project-centric mode to a mix of projects and products?1.Discuss that technological breakthrough has brought a radical changes in HRM.1. Several types of interviews are commonly used depending on the nature & importance of the position to be filled within an organization. Explain the different types of Interviews.

1. Explain the legal provisions regarding safety of workers.

Managerial EconomicsMultiple choices:1. It is a study of economy as a wholea. Macroeconomics b. Microeconomics c. Recession d. Inflation2. A comprehensive formulation which specifies the factors that influence the demand for the producta. Market demand b. Demand schedule c. Demand function d. Income effect3. It is computed when the data is discrete and therefore incremental changes is measurablea. Substitution effect b. Arc elasticity c. Point elasticity d. Derived demand4. Goods & services used for final consumption is calleda. Demand b. Consumer goods c. Producer goods d. Perishable goods5. The curve at which satisfaction is equal at each pointa. Marginal utility b. Cardinal measure of utility c. The Indifference Curve d. Budget line

6. Costs that are reasonably expected to be incurred in some future period or periodsa. Future costs b. Past costs c. Incremental costs d. Sunk costs7. Condition when the firm has no tendency either to increase or to contract its outputa. Monopoly b. Profit c. Equilibrium d. Market8. Total market value of all finished goods & services produced in a year by a country’s residents is known asa. National income b. Gross national product c. Gross domestic product d. Real GDP9. The sum of net value of goods & services produced at market pricesa. Government expenditure b. Product approach c. Income approach d. Expenditure approach10. The market value of all the final goods & services made within the borders of a nation in an yeara. Globalization b. Subsidies c. GDP d. GNPPart Two:1. Define ‘Arc Elasticity’. 2. Explain the law of ‘Diminishing marginal returns’. 3. What is ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’, of non cooperative game? 4. What is ‘Third degree Discrimation’?

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Questions1. Plot the demand schedule and draw the demand curve for the data given for Marijuana in the case above.2. On the basis of the analysis of the case above, what is your opinion about legalizing marijuana in Canada?1. Is Indian companies running a risk by not giving attention to cost cutting?2. Discuss whether Indian Consumer goods industry is growing at the cost of future profitability.3. Discuss capital and labour productivity in engineering context and pharmaceutical industries in India.4.Is textile industry in India performing better than its global competitors?1. Free trade promotes a mutually profitable regional division of labour, greatly enhances the potential real national product of all nations and makes possible higher standards of living all over the globe.” Critically explain and examine the statement.2. What role does a decision tree play in business decision-making? Illustrate the choice between two investment projects with the help of a decision tree assuming hypothetical conditions about the states of nature, probability distribution, and corresponding pay-offs.

Marketing Management

Multiple choices:1. It is a concept where goods are produced without taking into consideration the choices or tastes of customersa. Marketing mix b. Production concept c. Marketing concept d. Relationship marketing2. It involves individuals who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resalea. Environment analysis b. Macro environment c. Micro environment d. Consumer3. It is the groups of people who interact formally or informally influencing each other’s attitudes& behaviora. Consumer behavior b. Culture c. Reference groups d. Primary groups4. The concept of the product that passes through various changes in its total life known asa. Product life cycle b. Line stretching c. Consumer adoption d. Product5. It refers to unique set of brand associations that brand strategist aspires to create or maintaina. Branding b. Packaging c. Brand identity d. Brand image6. It involves a pricing strategy that charges customers different prices for the same product or servicea. Promotional pricing b. Price discrimination c. Non price competition d. None7. It refers to an arrangement where another company through its own marketing channel sells the products of one producersa. End customer b. Wholesaler c. Retailing d. Strategic channel alliance8. It involves facility consisting of the means & equipments necessary for the movement of passengers of goodsa. Logistics b. Warehousing c. Transportation d. None9. The advertising which is used to inform consumers about a new product or feature & to build primary demands is known asa. Advertising b. Informative advertising c. Persuasive advertising d. Advertising strategy10. An art that predicts the likelihood of economic activity on the basis of certain assumptionsa. Compensation b. Sales forecasting c. Sales budgeting d. Selling policyPart Two:1. Write a note on importance of consumer behavior for a business firm? 2. Define the term ‘Price’.3. Distinguish between Marketing Concept and Selling Concept? 4. What are the new trends in advertisement?5. Briefly explain the following :a) Socio –culture environment b) Marketing environment interfaceQuestions1. What are the significant factors that have led to the success of Shoppers’ Stop?2. Draw the typical profile(s) of Shoppers’ Stop customer segments.3. How are Indian customers visiting Shoppers’ Stop any different from customers of developed western countries?4. How should Shoppers’ Stop develop its demand forecasts?1. Considering the concept of product life cycle, where would you put video games in their life cycle?2. Should video game companies continue to alter their products to include other functions, such as e-mail?1. What is meant by sales promotion? Describe briefly the various methods of sales promotionaltools used by business organizations to boost the sales. Explain any four methods of sales promotion?2. Write notes on the fowling :a) Explain right to safety. b) What is right to consumer protection?

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Organizational Behaviour

Multiple choices:1. It is the degree to which a person identifies with a particular organization and its goals, & wishes to maintain membership in the organizationa. Job involvement b. Terminal value c. Attitude d. Value2. _________ means moving information from the hidden area to the open areaa. blind area b. unknown area c. public area d. self disclosure3. An approach in which the goals of one party are in direct conflict with the goals of the other partya. Negotiation b. Distributive bargaining c. Stress d. None4. The measure of a person’s ability to operate within business organizations through social communication & interactionsa. Transactional analysis b. Interpersonal skill c. Life position d. Johari window5. Where the source of power is in person’s control over rewarding outcomes, that power is calleda. Coercive power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power6. It means melting resistance to change; the people who will be affected by the change come to accept the need for ita. Organization b. Unfreezing c. Changing d. Refreezing7. This training is also known as laboratory training, encounter groups & T-groupsa. Sensitivity b. Survey c. Process d. Team building8. They are the things that come together to define a culture & reveal that the culture is about to those who pay attention to thema. Culture b. Espoused value c. Artifacts d. Organizational culture9. This stage encompasses all the learning that occurs before a new member joins the organizationsa. Socialization b. The Pre-arrival stage c. Encounter stage d. Metamorphosis stage10. It refers to the behavior pattern adopted by a leader to influence the behavior of his subordinate for attaining the organizational goal a. Leadership b. Traits of leadership c. Leadership grid d. Leadership stylePart Two:1. Define Informal groups. 2. What do you understand by the term ‘Emotion’? 3. Write a note on ‘Reinforcement theory’.4. Explain the terms ‘Attitudes and Values’.1. How would you examine if there is any merit in the remarks of various functional managers?2. What, in your opinion, could be the reasons for different Managerial thinking in this case?3. How would you design a system of getting correct information about job status to identify delays quickly?4. What would you suggest to promote co-ordinate interaction of various people to meet the scheduled dates?1. Whom do you think Rajender will eat with? Why?2. If you were one of the other foremen, what could you do to make Rajinder’s transition easier?1. A large unit manufacturing electrical goods which has been known for its liberal personnel policies and fringe benefits is facing the problem of low productivity and high absenteeism. How should the management improve the organizational climate?2. The leader is expected to play many roles & therefore he must be qualified to guide others to organizational achievement. On the basis of this explain the leadership skills & leadership traits.

Principles and Practice of Management

Multiple Choices:1. A plan is a trap laid to capture the ________.a. Future b. Past c. Policy d. Procedure2. It is the function of employing suitable person for the enterprisea. Organizing b. Staffing c. Directing d. Controlling3. ___________ means “ group of activities & employees into departments”a. Orientation b. Standardization c. Process d. Departmentation4. This theory states that authority is the power that is accepted by othersa. Acceptance theory b. Competence theory c. Formal authority theory d. Informal authority theory5. It means dispersal of decision-making power to the lower levels of the organizationa. Decentralization b. Centralization c. Dispersion d. Delegation6. This chart is the basic document of the organizational structurea. Functional chart b. Posts chart c. Master chart d. Departmental chart7. Communication which flow from the superiors to subordinates with the help of scalar chain is known asa. Informal communication b. Downward communication c. Upward communication d. Oral communication8. Needs for belongingness, friendship, love, affection, attention & social acceptance are

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a. Physiological needs b. Safety needs c. Ego needs d. Social needs9. A management function which ensures “jobs to be filled with the right people, with the right knowledge, skill & attitude”a. Staffing defined b. Job analysis c. Manpower planning d. Recruitment10. It is a process that enables a person to sort out issues and reach to a decisions affecting their lifea. Selection b. Raining c. Reward d. CounselingPart Two:1. Differentiate between ‘Administration’ and ‘Management’.2. What were the common drawbacks in classical and Neo classical theories of management?3. Write a short note on “Line Organization.” 4. Write a short note on ‘Acceptance theory’.Questions1. Critically analyze Mr. Vincent’s reasoning.2. If you were the professor and you knew what was going through Vincent’s mind, what would you say to Vincent?1. Diagnose the problem and enumerate the reasons for the failure of D’Cuhna?2. What could D’Cuhna have done to avoid the situation in which he found himself?1. What is Training? Explain the different methods of training?2. Explain Decision-Making process of an organization?

Strategic Management

Multiple choices:1. A plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal is:a. Tactic b. Strategy c. Financial benefits d. None of the above2. It is important to develop mission statement for:a. Allocating organizational resources b. Provide useful criteria c. Company creed d. Customer orientation3. The five forces model was developed by :a. Airbus b. Karin Larsson c. Michael E.Porter d. Boeing4. How many elements are involve in developing in an organizational strategy:a. Six b. Two c. Four d. Nine5. The three important steps in SWOT analysis are:a. Identification, Conclusion, Translation b. Opportunities, Threats, Strengths c. People, Corporate cultures, Labour d. Power, Role, Task6. GE matrix consists of how many cells?a. Nine cellsb. Six cellsc. Eight cellsd. Three cells7. Which of these is the type of Games:a. Simultaneous Gamesb. Sequential Gamesc. Repeated Gamesd. All of the above8. SBU stands fora.Simple Basic Unitb. Strategic Basic Unitc. Strategic Business Unitd. Speed Business Unit9. The BCG matrix is known as:a. Growth share matrixb. Directional policy matrixc. GE nine-cell matrixd. Space matrix10. ______________ specifies sales revenues and selling distribution and marketing costs.a. Financial budgetb. Sales budgetc. Operating budgetd. Expenses budget

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Part Two:1. What are the dimensions of Strategic management?2. Critically analyze the concept of BCG Matrix.3. What is SWOT analysis?4. What are the characteristics of Short-term Objectives?1. Do you think that IKEA has been successful to utilize Porter’s Five force analysis? Give reasons.2. Where do you think can IKEA improve?Q1. Do you think the progress of ITC Ltd. is realistic?Q2. After analyzing the above case, do you think every company should aim at cost leadership with high quality product?1. What are the basic principles of Organizational structure? What are the types of Organizational structures?2. Though BCG matrix can be very helpful in forcing decisions in managing a portfolio of products, it can be employed as a sole men of determining strategies for a portfolio of the product. Do you agree with this statement or not? Why or why not?

Enterprise Resource PlanningMultiple Choices:1. Enterprise Resource Planning isa. Computer Systemb. Manufacturing organizationc. Method of effective planning of all the resources in an organizationd. None of the above2. Enterprise Resource Panning vendors are those peoplea. Who are experts in administration and management of projectsb. Who have developed the ERP packagesc. Who uses the ERP systemd. None of the above3. Interviewing and cost justification is tool and technique ofa. Design step of ERPb. Implementation step of ERPc. Requirement analysis of ERPd. Planning step of ERP4. Support re-engineering processes to fit the software systems best practice is approach ofa. Re-engineering approachb. Customizing approachc. Rational approachd. None of the above5. Process of tracking customer contacts and providing the customer with a price quote isa. Inventory sourcingb. Sales order processingc. Pre-salesd. None of the above

6. The difficulty in creating an audit trial of transactions when multiple transactions use multipledatabase is associated witha. Product profitability sub-systemb. Finished goods inventory sub-systemc. Management reporting sub-systemd. Creating an audit trial sub-system7. Differences occur between standard costs and actual costs is problem associated witha. Accountingb. Productionc. Purchasing / Materials Managementd. None of the above8. MRP in Enterprise resource planning stands fora. Maximum retail priceb. Material requirement planningc. Management requirement planningd. None of the above

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9. Process of providing status of purchase order comes in a category ofa. Purchase order follow-upb. Source determinationc. Determine requirementd. Invoice verification10. Resource failure occurs whena. People clashesb. Inability to communicate with the system userc. Poor specification of requirementsd. Conflicts of people, time and project scope due to insufficient personnelPart Two:1. What are the advantages of the re-engineering method of implementing ERP?2. What are the benefits reported from implementing ERP?3. Write a short note on “Credit Management”?4. Define Material Requirements Planning?1. Identify potential sources of software?2. Determine five criteria you will recommend be used to evaluate each of alternative providers?1. Explain in brief Sales and Marketing Modules in ERP System?2. What are the different development process in ERP systems and write a detailed note on it?

Business Communication

Multiple choices:1. __________is an essential function of Business Organizations:a. Informationb. Communicationc. Powerd. None of the above2. Physiological Barriers of listening are:a. Hearing impairmentb. Physical conditionsc. Prejudicesd. All of the above3. Which presentation tend to make you speak more quickly than usual:a. Electronicb. Oralc. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’d. None of the above4. What is the main function of Business Communication:a. Sincerityb. Positive languagec. Persuasiond. Ethical standard5. The responsibilities of the office manager in a firm that produces electronics spares is:a. Everything in the office runs efficientlyb. Furniture and other equipment in the office is adequatec. Processing all the incoming official mail and responding to somed. All of the above6. Labov’s Storytelling Model based on:a. Communication through speechb. Language learningc. Group Discussionsd. None of the above7. Diagonal Communication is basically the:a. Communication across boundariesb. Communication between the CEO and the managers

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c. Communication through body languaged. Communication within a department8. How to make Oral Communication Effective?a. By Clarityb. By Brevityc. By Right wordsd. All of the above9. Direct Eye contact of more than 10 seconds can create:a. Discomfort & Anxietyb. Emotional relationship between listeners and speakersc. Excitementd. None of the above10. Encoding means:a. Transmissionb. Perceptionc. Ideationd. None of the abovePart Two:1. Define Communication. How can you classify Communication?2. Explain ‘Space Language’.3. Differentiate between good listeners and bad listeners.4. What are the different types of Business Reports?5. What is Synopsis?1. What should Mr. Sharma have done to avoid the misunderstanding?2. Discuss the main features involved in this case.1. Suppose you are working as an operator in a call centre in India and receiving calls from Americans and Londoners. How would you handle such calls?2. Do you agree with the view such abusive happenings on the telephone do not have any impact on business?1. What is meant by Communication Barriers? How and why do they occur? What can be done to overcome the Barriers to Communication?2. Define and explain the term Negotiation and also briefly explain the phases of Negotiation.

Management Information SystemsMultiple choices:1. Management Information System is mainly dependent upon:a. Accountingb. Informationc. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’d. None of the above2. The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires is:a. Presentationb. Relevancec. Timelinessd. None of the above3. Human Resource Information Systems are designed to:a. Produce pay checks and payrolls reportsb. Maintain personnel recordsc. Analyze the use of personnel in business operationsd. Development of employees to their full potential4. Operational Accounting System include:a. Inventory controlb. Cost accounting reportsc. Development of financial budgets and projected financial statementsd. None of the above5. EIS stands for:a. Executive Information Systemb. Excellent Info System

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c. Excessive Information Systemd. None of the above6. Intranet provide a rich set of tools for those people:a. Who are members of the different company or organizationb. Who are members of the same company or organizationc. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’d. None of the above7. Which one is not the future of wireless technology?a. E-mailb. VOIPc. RFIDd. Telegram8. OLTP stands for:a. Online Transactional Processingb. Online Transmission Processingc. Online Transactional Processd. None of the above9. Which one of the following is not considered as future of m-commerce:a. Ubiquityb. Localizationc. Simple authenticationd. Common operation10. Which of the following is not the level of decision making:a. Management controlb. Activity controlc. Operational controld. Strategic decision makingPart Two:1. What are the ‘Strategic Information Systems’?2. Write down the various business model of internet.3. What is ‘Network Bandwidth’?4. Differentiate between OLTP and OLPP.Questions:1. Discuss the client strategy for the success of store.2. Suppose if you are the client maker what would you suggest for the client.1. Explain the term e-commerce. Also explain the history and limitations of e-commerce.2. What do you understand by the term “Database”? Explain the various database models in detail.1. Explain the role of data warehousing in the functioning of a call centre.2. How the response time in performing OLAP queries can be improved?

International Financial Management

Multiple choices:1. Foreign exchange market in India is relatively verya. Bigb. Smallc. Mediumd. None of the above2. Balance of payment is a systematic record of all _______ during a given period of time.a. Political transactionsb. Social transactionsc. Economic transactionsd. None of the above3. Merchandise trade balance, services balance & balance on unilateral transfer are the part of________ accounta. Current account

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b. Capital accountc. Official accountd. None of the above4. Interest rate swaps can be explained as an agreement between _________ partiesa. Oneb. Twoc. Threed. None of the above5. Capital account convertibility in India evolved in Augusta. 1996b. 1995c. 1994d. None of the above6. Interest rate parity is an economic concept, expressed as a basic algebraic identity that relatesa. Capital rate & interest rateb. Interest rate & exchange ratec. Currency rate & exchange rated. None of the above7. The two kind of swap in the forward market area. Forward & reverse swapb. Reverse swap & option swapc. Forward & option less swapd. Forward swap & option swap8. FEMA stands fora. Forward exchange marketb. Future exchange marketc. Foreign exchange management actd. None of the above9. Exchange rate quotation methods area. Direct and directb. Indirect and indirectc. Direct and indirectd. None of the above10. International Fisher effect or generalized version of the Fisher effect is a combination ofa. PPP theory and Fisher’s open propositionb. Fisher’s open and closed propositionc. PPP theory and Fisher’s closed propositiond. None of the abovePart Two:1. Write a short note on ‘Interest Rate Parity System’ for exchange rates.2. What are Direct & Indirect Quotes of exchange rates?3. What is ‘International Mutual Fund’?4. Briefly describe ‘swaps in foreign exchanges markets’1. Mention the loss borne by the US exporter in the sequel of appreciation of dollar.2. What strategy the Indian importer needs to follow to hedge the exchange rate risk?1. Describe the network of ABN AMRO Bank in India.2. What role does it play for global cash management?1. Discuss the factors that affect foreign exchange market. Explain the different types of foreign exchange quotations.2. What do you mean by balance of payment? What are the key components of balance of payment

Security Analysis and Portfolio Management

Multiple choices:1. Beta is useful for comparing the relative _____________ of different stocks.a. Business risk

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b. Systematic riskc. Liquidity riskd. Country risk2. The price prevailing in market is calleda. Market securityb. Market valuec. Market priced. None of the above3. Line charts, Bar charts, Candles tic charts are the parts ofa. Fundamental analysisb. Technical analysisc. Company analysisd. None of the above4. A market portfolio is a portfolio consisting of a weighted __________ in the market.a. Sum of every equityb. Sum of every liabilitiesc. Sum of every assetsd. None of the above5. The date on the option contract is called the ___________a. Expiration dateb. Date of maturityc. Both a) & b)d. None of the above6. A forward contract is an agreement made today between a ___________ to exchange thecommoditya. Buyer & buyerb. Buyer & sellerc. Seller & sellerd. None of the above7. Portfolio means a collection or combination of financial assets such asa. Sharesb. Debenturesc. Government securitiesd. All of the above8. CAPM is the abbreviation ofa. Capital Asset Pricing Measureb. Capital Average Pricing Modelc. Capital Asset Pricing Modeld. None of the above9. In India the secondary market for shares is regulated bya. RBIb. SEBIc. Company law boardd. There is no regulatory authority10. The risk of the whole market as measured by ‘Beta’ isa. 1b. 0c. -1d. None of the abovePart Two:1. What does ‘β’ (Beta) mean in risk management?2. Write a note on ‘options’ & ‘future’ derivatives.3. Define Capital market theory.4. Write a short note on CAPM.1. After analyzing the case, do you think all the companies that can afford, should opt for right issue to improve their financial status?2. What do you analyze as the two main advantages of the right issue?

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1. What do you mean by risk management? Elaborate the various kinds of systematic and nonsystematic risks.2. What do you mean by Portfolio management? What are the methods of calculating portfolio performance evaluation?

Human Resource Development & Training

Multiple choices:1. HRD is the process of helping people to acquirea. Competitionb. Completenessc. Competenciesd. None of the above2. Techniques of human resource development are also calleda. HRD methodsb. HRD instrumentsc. HRD mechanismd. All of the above3. In India HRD began only ina. 1970sb. 1980sc. 1910sd. 1990s4. BARS stands fora. Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scaleb. Behaviourally Anchoring Rating Scalec. Behaviourally Appraisal Rating Scaled. None of the above5. Levels of evaluations of training programmes area. 7b. 6c. 5d. 106. Performance appraisal is a ________ process of identifying, planning, developing employeeperformancea. Multi-stagesb. Single-stagesc. Dual-stagesd. All of the above7. Halo effect is the tendency to the judge all aspects of a _____________a. Person’s behaviorb. Perspective behaviorc. Performance appraisald. All of the above8. QWL stands fora. Quality of work lifeb. Quality of worker lifec. Quantity of work lifed. None of the above9. 360 – degree feedback can be used as a tool for performance ________a. Appraisalb. Analyzec. Assessmentd. None of the above10. Career planning is a _______ that constitute what a person does for a livinga. Sequence of careerb. Sequence of jobs

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c. Sequence of sumd. None of the abovePart Two:1. Explain the ‘benefits of HRD’.2. Briefly explain ‘on the job and off the job’ methods of training and development.3. Explain the objectives of ‘Performance Appraisal’.4. Differentiate between HRM and HRD concept.1. What in your view are the central human resources issues involved in this case?2. What strategy should Mr. Tanmoy Deb develop and implement for improving the present system?1. Discuss the basic concept of management development. What is the importance of management development in the changing business?2. What do mean by Quality of work life? Discuss various methods to improve quality of work life.

Industrial RelationsMultiple choices:1. Workers participation in management decision-making is a highly________ concept.a. Duplexb. Complexc. Simplexd. None of the above2. The origin of industrial relations in India can be traced in to thea. Second world warb. First world warc. Third world ward. British rule3. Under the payment of wages act, 1936, no wages period shall exceed for one .a. Four monthb. Two monthc. One monthd. None of the above4. Collective bargaining is the process of bargaining betweena. employees & employerb. workers & workersc. employees & employeesd. None of the above5. Layoff can also cause a ________a. Retirementb. Grievancec. Conflictd. None of the above6. As per payment of bonus act, accounting year for a company is ________a. One yearb. Period for which balance sheet is preparedc. Period for which cash flow is preparedd. Period for which profit and loss account is prepared7. WPM stands fora. Workers’ Participation in Managementb. Workers’ Payment of Managementc. Well fare Payment of Managementd. None of the above8. Causes of Industrial disputes area. Economic causesb. Political causesc. Technological causes

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d. All of the above9. Trade unions of workers in an organization formed by workers to protect theira. Working conditionb. Interestc. Both a & bd. None of the above10. A grievance causes in any organization area. Work environmentb. Supervisionc. Work groupd. All of the abovePart two:1. What are the basic causes of ‘Grievances’?2. What are the objectives of ‘Industrial Relations’?3. Briefly explain the term ‘evolution of Trade unions in India’.4. Explain the ‘workers’ participation in management’.1. Did the personnel manager handle the issue properly?2. What is your recommendation to avoid such situations in future?1. If you were Malik, what strategies would you adopt to solve the problem?2. With high employee turnover in insurance industry, how can the company retain a person like Malik?1. What are issues in labour policies in India? Comment with relevant justification.2. Discuss the wage policy in India with reference to detailed evaluation of the act.

International Business Management

Multiple choices:1. What is the series consideration for strategy implementation?a. Strategic orientationb. Locationc. Dimensionsd. Both (a) & (b)2. The major activity in global marketing isa. Pricing policiesb. Product linesc. Market assessmentd. All of the above3. The third ‘P’ in the international marketing mix isa. Productb. Pricec. Promotiond. Place4. The European Economic Community was establisheda. 1958b. 1975c. 1967d. 19575. Environment Protection Acta. 1986b. 1967c. 1990d. None of the above

6. People’s attitude toward time depend ona. Languageb. Relationship

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c. Cultured. All of the above7. Culture necessitates adaption ofa. Productb. Pricec. Promotiond. Place8. The legal term for brand isa. Symbolb. Namec. Trade markd. All of the above9. FDI flows are often a reflection of rivalry among firms ina. Global marketb. Indian marketc. International marketd. None of the above10. ISO certification isa. Expensive processb. Elaborate processc. Evaluative Processd. Both (a) & (b)Part Two:1. What do understand by ‘Inward-oriented Policies’?2. What is ‘Factor Endowments Theory’?3. Explain the term ‘Totalitarianism’.4. Write about ‘Persistent Dumping’.1. Is gross domestic product per capita a useful indicator of International competitiveness in the EU?2. Is it fair to point the blame for the EU’s poor international competitiveness at inflexible labour markets, regulated goods and services markets, and a general lack of competition? What alternative explanations might be suggested?1. What are some current issues Facing Peru? What is the climate for doing business in Peru today?2. Would the bank be better off negotiating the loan in New York or in Lima? Why?1. Imagine that you are the director of a major international lending institution supported by funds from member countries. What one area in newly industrialized and developing economics wouldbe your priority for receiving development aid? Do you suspect that any member country will be politically opposed to aid in this area? Why or Why not?2. The principle problem in analysing different forms of export financing is the distribution of risksbetween the exporter and the importer. Analyse the following export financing instruments in this respect:(a) Letter of Credit(b) Cash in advance(c) Draft(d) Consignment(e) Open Account

Enterprise Resource Planning1. Enterprise Resource Planning isa. Computer Systemb. Manufacturing organizationc. Method of effective planning of all the resources in an organizationd. None of the above2. Enterprise Resource Panning vendors are those peoplea. Who are experts in administration and management of projectsb. Who have developed the ERP packagesc. Who uses the ERP systemd. None of the above

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3. Interviewing and cost justification is tool and technique ofa. Design step of ERPb. Implementation step of ERPc. Requirement analysis of ERPd. Planning step of ERP4. Support re-engineering processes to fit the software systems best practice is approach ofa. Re-engineering approachb. Customizing approachc. Rational approachd. None of the above5. Process of tracking customer contacts and providing the customer with a price quote isa. Inventory sourcingb. Sales order processingc. Pre-salesd. None of the above6. The difficulty in creating an audit trial of transactions when multiple transactions use multipledatabase is associated witha. Product profitability sub-systemb. Finished goods inventory sub-systemc. Management reporting sub-systemd. Creating an audit trial sub-system7. Differences occur between standard costs and actual costs is problem associated witha. Accountingb. Productionc. Purchasing / Materials Managementd. None of the above8. MRP in Enterprise resource planning stands fora. Maximum retail priceb. Material requirement planningc. Management requirement planningd. None of the above9. Process of providing status of purchase order comes in a category ofa. Purchase order follow-upb. Source determinationc. Determine requirementd. Invoice verification10. Resource failure occurs whena. People clashesb. Inability to communicate with the system userc. Poor specification of requirementsd. Conflicts of people, time and project scope due to insufficient personnelPart Two:1. What are the advantages of the re-engineering method of implementing ERP?2. What are the benefits reported from implementing ERP?3. Write a short note on “Credit Management”?4. Define Material Requirements Planning?1. Identify potential sources of software?2. Determine five criteria you will recommend be used to evaluate each of alternative providers?1. Explain in brief Sales and Marketing Modules in ERP System?2. What are the different development process in ERP systems and write a detailed note on it?

Material Management

Multiple Choices:1. Season Index =

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a. =Period average demand / deseasonalized demandb. =deseasonalized demand / period average demandc. =Period average demand / average demand for all periodsd. = average demand for all periods / period average demand2. Poke-yoke was first introduce bya. Edger Schein of Americab. Lawrence D. Miles of U.S.Ac. Shigeo Shingo of Japand. None of the above3. Utilization is the consolidation of several units into large units, calleda. Units loadsb. Unit systemc. Unit waitd. None of the above4. Mean Absolute Deviationa. = sum of forecast error / number of observationsb. = algebraic sum of forecast errors / number of observationsc. = sum of absolute deviations / number of observationsd. None of the above5. How many variations of network useda. Oneb. Threec. Twod. None of the above6. Housing starts and gasoline consumption are calleda. Economic indicatorsb. Nonleading indicatorc. Leading indicatord. None of the above7. The capability of manufacturing to produce goods and services is calleda. Capacityb. Priorityc. Strategyd. Production8. APICS stands fora. The American Property and Investment Control Societyb. The American Production and Inventory Control Societyc. The America Product and Inventory Control Societyd. None of the above9. The bill provides a list of the parts needed to make or assemble a product isa. Planningb. Manufacturingc. Product definitiond. None of the above10. Which file contains a record for each part manufactureda. The routing fileb. The product structure filec. Item master filed. Work center master filePart Two:1. Write a note on “ERP” (Enterprise Resource Planning).2. What do you understand by ‘Operation Overloading’?3. What is “Two –Bin System”.4. Explain the “Just in time” philosophy.

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1. Calculate the available to promise (ATP) using the following data. There are 100 units on hand.Week 1 2 3 4 5 6Customer Orders 70 70 20 40 10MPS 100 100 100ATP2. Given the following data, can an order for 30 more units delivery in week 5 be accepted? If not,what do you suggest can be done?Week 1 2 3 4Forecast 80 80 80 70Customer Orders 100 90 50 40Projected AvailableBalance140MPS3. Given the following parents and components, construct a product tree. Figures in parenthesesshow the quantities per item. How many Gs are needed to make one A?Parent A B C EComponent B(2) E(2) G(2) G(4)C(4) F(1) F(3)D(4) H(2)4. An order for 100 of a product is processed on operations A and operations B. the setup time on Ais 50 minutes, and the run time per piece is 9 minutes. The setup time on B is 30 minutes, and therun time is 6 minutes per piece. It takes 20 minutes to move a lot between A and B. since this is arush order, it is given top priority (president’s edict) and is run as soon as it arrives at eitherworkstation.It is decided to overlap the two operations and to split the lot of 100 into two lots of 60 and 40.When the first lot is finished on operation A, it is moved to operation B where it is set up and run.Meanwhile, operation A completes the balance of the 100 units (40) and sends the units over tooperation B. These 40 units should arrive as operation B is completing the first batch of 60; thus,operation B can continue without interruption until all 100 are completed.a. Calculate the total manufacturing lead time for operation A and for B without overlapping.b. Calculate the manufacturing lead time if the operations are overlapped. How much time issaved?1. Suppose a manufacturer makes wagons composed of a box body, a handle assembly, and twowheel assemblies. Demand for the wagons is 500 a week. The wheel assembly capacity is 1200sets a week, the handle assembly capacity is 450 a week, and final assembly can produce 550wagons a week.a. What is the capacity of the factory?b. What limits the throughput of the factory?c. How many wheel assemblies should be made each week?d. What is the utilization of the wheel assembly operation?e. What happens if the wheel assembly utilization is increased to 100?2. If the annual cost of goods sold is $12 million and the average inventory is $2.5 million:a. What is the inventory turns ratio?b. What would be the reduction in average inventory if, through better materials management,inventory turns were increased to 10 times per year?c. If the cost of carrying inventory is 20% of the average inventory, what is the annual savings?3. Suppose management stated that it could tolerate only one stock out per year for a specific item.For this particular item, the annual demand is 52,000 units, it is ordered in quantities of 2600, andthe standard deviation of demand during the lead time is 100 units. The lead time is one week.Calculate:a. Number of orders per year.b. Service level.c. Safety stock.

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d. Order point.4. Delivery of goods from a supplier is in transit for ten days. If the annual demand is 4200 units,what is the average annual inventory in transit?

Inventory Management

Multiple Choices:1. ……………………. is IT tool used for automation data capture.2. Stockout Level is also called thea. Red Zoneb. Amber Zonec. Both (a) & (b)d. None of the above3. When classified on the basis of time period, they area. Supply forecastb. Price forecastc. Demand forecastd. None of the above4. The Delphi Method was developed by the Rand Corporation in thea. 1980b. 1970c. 1950d. None of the above5. The BOM file is also called thea. Product Structure Fileb. Product Treec. Both (a) & (b)d. None of the above6. What is the meaning of “Doller Days”.a. Making money with in areab. Management of the value of inventory and time with in areac. Inventory controld. Management of time7. Weeks of supply = ……………………………………………..8. Fastest and Expensive mode of Transport.a. Airb. Railc. Waterd. Pipeline9. ERP systems were developed ina. 1998b. 1990c. 1980d. 198710. The ABC analysis is also called the ………………………………Part Two:1. What is “Dependent Demand”?2. Write short note on “Simulation Models”.3. What is “Time Phasing”.4. Write short note on “Statistical Techniques of Forecasting”.1. Keeping in mind the objectives, do you think the company should go in for a highlyintegrated system? Support your answer with reasons.2. Discuss the relevant inventory management strategies for the company.1. What arguments are there in favour of a formal salvage program at Advanced ManagementUniversity?

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2. What arguments would be expected against the program?3. What organisational structure should Julie Joy install?4. Develop a salvage program for Advanced Management University.1. At Ford Motor company, every car or truck model has its own internal website to track design,production, quality control and delivery processes. Suppliers and customers also have accessto the site, and all concerned are expected to provide full supply chain information. How doyou think this would affect the life of the middle manager?2. Give example of some typical case where inventory management based on unscientific methodcould go wrong.

Production and Operation Management

Multiple choices:1. If the number of restrictions on sources be ‘a’ and the number of restrictions on destinations be‘b’ then with the use of ‘stepping stone procedure’, the number of ‘used cells’ will bea. a+b+1b. a+b+2c. a-b-1d. a+b-12. Value of smoothing coefficient ‘α’ liesa. Between 1 and ∞b. Between 0 and 1c. Between -1 and 1d. Between 1 and 23. Forecasting error isa. The difference between forecasted demand and actual demandb. The ratio of forecasted demand and actual demandc. The difference between the standard forecast demand and the evaluated forecast demandd. Ratio of standard forecast demand and the evaluated forecast demand4. For forecasting the analyzers plot the demand data on a time scale, study the plot and then lookfor the consistent patterns. Now what does the high noise mean to these patternsa. Many of the point lie away from the patternb. Most of the points lie close to the patternc. All the points lie on the patternd. None5. Payback period isa. The length of time after which the production startsb. The length of time after which the selling startsc. The length of time required to recover the investmentd. The length of time for which firm bears replacement of the good.6. Salvage value is the income froma. Selling an assetb. Buying an assetc. Bargaining in sellingd. Price raised stock7. On total factor basis ‘Productivity’ is given by x/y, where ‘y’ isa. Labor + Capital +Materialsb. Labor + Capital + Materials + Energyc. Capitald. Capital + Materials8. Economic efficiency is given bya. Input /outputb. Input /100c. (Output-input)/inputd. Output /input

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9. This implies an effective management that ensures an organization’s long-term commitment tothe continuous improvement of quality.a. Quality managementb. Strategic managementc. Total quality managementd. Operations management10. This techniques for improving productivity involves analyzing the operations of the product orservice, estimate the value of each operation, and modifying (or) improving that operation so thatthe cost is lowered.a. Value engineeringb. Time-event networkc. Work simplificationsd. Quality circlesPart Two:1. What are the different types of models in production and operation management?2. Define ‘Depreciation’.3. What do you understand by ‘Bias’?4. What are ‘Learning curves’?1. What do you recommend? Should the company implement one of the new technologies? Why orwhy not?2. An operations analyst suggested that company employees shared a “dump on the clerks”mentality. Explain.1. Prepare a worksheet of operations activities that Harrison should inquire about this summer.2. If you were Harrison, what would you do? Why?1. Productivity is an important tool for mangers as it helps them to track progress toward the moreefficient use of resources in producing goods and services. Elucidate.2. In additional to operations research, what are the other tools and techniques used by organizationsto improve productivity?

Distribution and Logistics Management

Multiple Choices:1. It deals with the movement of finished goods from the last point of production to the point ofconsumption.a. Marketing Channel Managementb. Logistics Managementc. Boundariesd. Relationships2. Which conflict is one of the major bottleneck in the development & maintenance of partneringchannel relationship?a. Channel conflictb. Management conflictc. Logistics conflictd. Distribution conflict3. The phase of externally integrated business function era (1990s onwards) is recognized as the eraof:a. Logistics Managementb. Human Resource Managementc. Financial Managementd. Supply Chain Management4. ___________ may be conducted from time-to-time or at least once in a year to know aboutchange in the expectation levels & actual performance.a. Customer Service Monitoring cellb. Formal Customer Satisfaction Surveyc. Customer Conferenced. Customer Feedback System5. The firm’s incomplete or inaccurate knowledge of customer’s service expectations is known as:

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a. Market Information Gapb. Service Standards Gapc. Service Performance Gapd. Internal Communication Gap6. This gap exist between the present level of customer service offered and the corporate visionabout customer service:a. Gap 1b. Gap 2c. Gap 3d. Gap 47. This stock refers to window display of an inventory in order to stimulate demand and act as asilent salesman.a. Decoupling stockb. Psychic stockc. Pipeline stockd. None of the above8. This stock is also known as cycle or lot size stock.a. Working stockb. Safety stockc. Anticipation stockd. None of the above9. In this system manufacturer is given the responsibility for monitoring & controlling inventorylevels at the retail store level:a. Quick Responseb. Continuous Replenishmentc. Vendor-managed Inventoryd. Customer Relationship10. This mode of transport is a very significant one but with a very restricted scope. It is usedprimarily for the shipment of liquid & gas:a. Airwaysb. Railwaysc. Pipelinesd. SeawaysPart Two:1. What is Containerization and also mention the main features of Containerization?2. What is Third Party Logistics?3. Differentiate between Public & Private Warehouse.4. What is Logistics Information System?1. Based on information for the current years, is Kansas City the best location for a warehouse? Ifnot, what are the coordinates for a better location>? What cost improvement can be expected from the new location?2. If by year 5 increases are expected of 25 percent in warehouse outbound transport rates and 15percent in warehouse inbound rates, would your decision change about the warehouse location?1. How should the chief warehouse manager of PCL approach this problem?2. Develop a warehousing operational strategy to overcome the problem and fulfill the redefined objectives of the firm.1. Information technology had the major effects on all areas of business. Explain the effective use of Information Technology in Distribution Management.2. Explain what Partnering Channel Relationship is and also state the reasons for developing Partnering Channel Relationship.

Business Logistics

Multiple Choices:1. This decision involves mode of selection, shipment size, routing & scheduling:a. Inventory decisionb. Transport decisionc. Distribution decisiond. Facility location decision2. This refers to the activities of gathering the information needed about the products & servicesdesired & formally requesting the products to be purchased:

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a. Order preparationb. Order transmittalc. Observationd. Order entry3. A very valuable function for the TMS is to suggest the patterns for consolidating small shipmentsinto larger ones.a. Mode selectionb. Routingc. Schedulingd. Freight Consolidation4. This refers to transporting truck trailers on railroad flatcars, usually over longer distances thantrucks normally haula. Waterb. Pipelinec. Roadwaysd. Trailers on Flatcars5. An operating philosophy that is an alternative to the use of inventories for meeting the goal ofhaving the right goods at the right place at the right time.a. Just-in-timeb. Kanbanc. MRP Mechaniesd. None of the above6. A buyer may wish to negotiate the best possible price but not take delivery of the full purchaseamount at one time.a. Fixed sourcingb. Contract buyingc. Flexible sourcingd. Deal buying7. Transportation rate structure, especially rate breaks, influence the use of storage facilities isknown as:a. Storage functionb. Holdingc. Consolidationd. Break-bulk8. These warehouses are the most common type which handle a broad range of merchandise.a. Household warehousesb. Mini warehousesc. Bulk storage warehousesd. General merchandise warehouses9. ___________ refers to the time that goods remain in the transportation equipment duringdelivery.a. Leased spaceb. Storage in transitc. Load unitizationd. Space layout10. It refers to the selection of more than one order on a single pass through the stock.a. Zoningb. Batchingc. Sequencingd. Modified area systemPart Two:1. What is Bid-Rent Curves?2. What is Mixed Integer linear Programming?3. Differentiate between Lumpy and Regular Demand.4. Write a short note on ‘Order Transmittal’.1. Develop a forecasting procedure for this service station. Why did you select this method?

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2. How should promotions, holidays, or other such periods where fuel usage rates deviate from normal patterns be handled in the forecast?1. What replenishment order size, to the nearest 50 units, should Walter place, given the manufacturer’s noninclusive pricing policy?2. Should Walter change his replenishment order size if the manufacture’s pricing policy were onewhere the price in each quantities break includes all units purchased?1. What is a heuristic Method? How are they useful in solving warehouse location problem?2. What is a “Virtual Inventory”? What is the planning problem associated with such inventories?3. Decision makers such as truck dispatchers, can go a long way toward developing good truck routes &schedule by applying guideline principles. What are those principles for good Routing & Scheduling?

Supply Chain Management

Multiple Choices:1. When demand is steady, the cycle inventory for a given lot size (Q) is given by:a. Q/4b. Q/8c. Q/6d. Q/22. There are two firms ‘x’ and ‘y’ located on a line of distance demand(0-1) at ‘a’ and ‘b’respectively, the customers are uniformly located on the line, on keeping the fact of splitting ofmarket, the demand of firm ‘x’ will be given by:a. (a+b)/2b. a+(1-b-a)/2c. (1+b-a)/2d. a+(a-b)/23. Push process in supply chain analysis is also called:a. Speculative processb. Manufacturing processc. Supplying processd. Demand process4. If the Throughput be ‘d’ and the flow time be ‘t’ then the Inventory ‘I’ is given by:a. I *d=tb. I=t+dc. d=I*td. I =d*t5. Forecasting method is:a. Time seriesb. causalc. Qualitatived. All the above6. Component of order cost include:a. Handling costb. Occupancy costc. Receiving costsd. Miscellaneous costs7. How many distinct types of MRO inventory are there?a. Oneb. Fourc. Threed. Two8. Supply chain driver is:a. Inventoryb. Return abilityc. Fulfillmentd. All of above9. SRM stands for:a. Strategic Relationship Management

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b. Supply Return ability Managementc. Supplier Relationship Managementd. None of the above10. Discount factor equals to, where k is the rate of return.a. 1/1+kb. 2/1+kc. 1/1-kd. 1/2+kPart Two:1. Explain “zone of strategic fit”.2. Explain “scope of strategic fit”.3. What do you understand by “Stimulation Forecasting Method”?4. Write a note on “Obsolescence (or spoilage) cost”.5. Define “Square Law” in safety inventory of supply chain management.6. What does the word “postponement” signifies in supply chain?7. What do you understand by the term “tailored sourcing”?8. Explain the term “Outsourcing”.9. Write a note on “threshold contracts” for increasing agent efforts.1. How much safety inventory of each variant must Orion keep without component commonality?What are the annual holding costs?2. How much safety inventory must be kept in component form if Orion uses common componentsfor all variants? What is the annual holding cost? What is the increase in component cost usingcommonality? Is commonality justified across all variants?3. At what cost of commonality will complete commonality be justified.4. At what cost of commonality will commonality across the low-volume variants be justified.1. How many units of each type of player should the electronics manufacturer order if there are nocapacity constraints?2. How many times of each type of player should the electronics manufacturer order if the availableis 140,000? What is the expected profit?1. Consider two products with the same margin carried by a retail store. Any leftover units of oneproduct are worthless. Leftover units of the other product can be sold to outlet stores. Whichproduct should have a higher level of availability? Why?2. McMaster-Carr sells maintenance, repair, and operations equipment from five warehouses in theUnited States. W.W. Grainger sells products from more than 350 retail locations, supported byseveral warehouses. In both cases, customers place orders using the Web or on the phone. Discussthe pros and cons of the two strategies.

Statistical Quality Control

Multiple choices:1. If in a hall there are 18 persons then how many handshakes are possible?a. 18*18b. 18*17/2c. 18*17d. None of the above2. If the number of trials be ‘n’ and the probability of occurrence be ‘p’ then the standard deviationwith respect to np, is given by:a. (np)1/2

b. (np(1-p))1/2

c. (np)1/4

d. (np(1-p))1/4

3. For a biased coin the probability of occurrence of head is 0.4 ,if the coin is tossed twice then theprobability of occurrence of at least one head will be:a. 0.76b. 0.48c. 0.64d. 0.16

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4. Factorial of 5 equals:a. 60b. 120c. 24d. 55. Combinatory of (4,2) equals:a. 12b. 8c. 6d. None of the above6. ‘Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product’, a book by Walter A Shewhart in:a. 1931b. 1941c. 1930d. 19567. Quality is judged by…………a. Retailerb. Governmentc. Customerd. Hole seller8. A run chart is a special chart of…………a. Pie chartb. Line chartc. R chartd. C chart9. Universes may differ :a. In averageb. In above averagec. At higher leveld. All of the above10. ASQC and ANSI began in the year:a. 1956b. 1976c. 1978d. 1960Part Two:1. Differentiate between ‘Defect’ and ‘Defective’.2. Explain the need of ‘short method’.3. What does ‘Tchebycheff’s inequality theorem’ say?4. Explain the usability of ‘stochastic limit’.5. Write a note on ‘Cause and Effect’ diagram.1. What marketing strategy should RSL adopt to remain competitive in the international market?2. Has the company taken the right decision to forward integrate and enter into the highly volatile garment market1. How could have the SQC approach, been useful in solving the immediate problems of Japan?2. If you were among one of the management members, what would have been your first insight.1. A sample of 30 is to be selected from a lot of 200 articles. How many different samples are possible?2. In Dodge’s CSP-1, it is desired to apply sampling inspection to 1 piece out of every 15 and tomaintain an AOQL of 2%. What should be the value of i?

1. What mad the MD change his mind and go against Maniyam? What role might the VP-HR have played in the episode?2. If you were Maniyam, what would you do?3. What should Vijay do?4. How would you rate Dinesh’s behaviour? What method of appraisal would you use? Why?5. Do you assess any training needs of employees? If yes, what inputs should be embodied in the training

programme?6. In the case of the Indane Biscuits, bring out the importance of ‘context’ and ‘credibility’ in


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7. List the direct and indirect causes for the escalation of tension at Indane Biscuits.8. If you were the Personnel Manager what would you do?9. Bring out the principles of promotion that were employed in promoting Jaggu.

10. What would you do if you were (i) Suresh, (ii) Prahalad or (iii) Ravi?11. Bring out the ethical issues involved in Jaggu’s behaviour.12. Do you agree with the conclusion drawn at the end of the case that scorecard system has galvanised ION

Tyres? In other words, does scorecard system deserve all the credit?

13. Will quality improvement initiatives clash with scorecard implementation? If yes, how to avoid the clashes?

1. Comment on the appropriateness of the sender’s tone to a customer.

2. Point out the old – fashioned phrases and expressions.

3. Rewrite the reply according to the principles of effective writing in business1. What is non – verbal communication? Why do you suppose that this commercial relies primarily on non-verbal communication between a young man and a gorgeous woman? What types of non – verbal communication are being used in this case?2. Would any of the non-verbal communications in this spot (ad) not work well in another culture? 3. What role does music play in this spot? Who is the target market?4. Is the music at all distracting from the message?5. How else are radio stations advertised on TV?

Do you find Mr. Sinha’s responses to various questions effective? Give reasons for your view on each answer given by Mr. Sinha.2. Rewrite the responses that you consider most effective to the above questions in a job interview.3. Mr. Sinha has observed the norm of respectful behaviour and politeconversation. But, do you think there is something gone wrong in his case ? Account for your general impression of Mr. Sinha’s performance at the interview.

1. Assume you are working as an operator at a call centre in India and are receiving irate calls from Americans and Lodoners. How would you handle such calls? Conceive a short conversation between you and your client, and put it on paper.

2. “Keep your cool.” What does this mean in term of conversation control?3. Do you agree with the view that such abusive happenings on the telephone do not have any impact on business? Justify.

1. In what ways is Toyota’s new-product development system designed to serve customers?2. In what ways is Toyota’s manufacturing system designed to serve customers? How does Toyota personalize its cars and trucks to meet individual consumer needs?1. Consider the e-mail campaigns discussed in the case. Why do you think these campaigns were successful?

Discuss the attention processes that were at work. Do you see any potential drawbacks to this type of marketing?

2. During the 2000 Super Bowl, ABC invited viewers to visit its Enhanced TV website. Fans could play

trivia, see replays, participate in polls and chat rooms, and view player statistics. The site received an

estimated 1 million hits. Why? Frame your answer in terms of exposure, attention, and comprehension.

Think about your own Web surfing patterns. Write down the reasons you visit sites. Which of the marketing strategies discussed in the case do you find most (and least) influential?1. What behaviors are involved in online grocery shopping? How does online shopping compare with

traditional shopping in terms of behavioral effort?

2. What types of consumers are likely to value online grocery shopping from Peapod?

3. Overall, what do you think about the idea of online grocery shopping? How does it compare with simply

eating in restaurants and avoiding grocery shopping and cooking altogether?

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4. Identify and discuss some of the cultural meanings for Sony possessed by consumers in your country.

Discuss how these cultural meaning were developed and how they influence consumers’ behaviors (and

affect and cognition). What is the role of marketing strategies in creating and maintaining (or modifying)

these cultural meanings?

5. It is often stated that the world is becoming smaller because today people communicate relatively easily

across time and distance. Discuss whether that has been beneficial for Sony. What are some marketing

challenges it presents?

6. What do you think about Sony’s tradition of region-specific or nation-specific marketing? Would Sony be

better served by working to create a more uniform global image?

7. Why do consumers pay $84 for a Pleasant Company doll when they can buy other dolls much more

cheaply at retail stores?

8. Considering money, time, cognitive activity, and behavioral effort costs, are Pleasant Company dolls more

or less costly than dolls that can be purchased at retail stores?

What recommendations do you have for Pleasant Company to increase sales and profits1. What opportunities and threats did McDonald’s face? How did it handle them? What alternatives could it

have chosen?2. Before McDonald’s entered the European market, few people believed that fast food could be successful

in Europe. Why do you think McDonald’s succeeded? What strategies did it follow? How did these differ from its strategies in Asia?

3. What is McDonald’s basic philosophy? How does it enforce this philosophy and adapt to different environments?

4. Why is McDonald’s successful in many countries around the world?5. Why was VW so successful in China while other companies failed?

6. What would you recommend to Shanghai VW to remain successful in the future?

7. Was it wise of VW AG in Germany to share its latest engine technology with the Chinese?8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a hands-off, decentralized management approach?

9. How can Daewoo stay competitive with the Japanese?

10. What are some of the controllable and uncontrollable factors in this case? How should Mr. Kim respond to

those factors?

11. What do you think of Daewoo’s expansion into central Europe? What are the advantages and risks for the


12. Why do you think GM acquired the company, while Ford did not?

13. Do you think it is ethical to engage in restructuring and delayering resulting in massive reduction of


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14. How would you feel if you were the boss in the “workout” sessions being asked to leave the meeting

while your subordinates discuss problems and suggest solutions to which you have to say “yes,” “no,” or

“require further study”?

15. Why would other companies agree to study their “best practices”?

16. What do you think of evaluating the performance of managers not only on the achievement of results, but

also on the degree to which they share the organizational values?

17. How would you feel of setting unrealistic (stretch) objectives?

18. Should managers be ranked in their organizational unit? What would you suggest if one such unit is far

superior to another unit with most of them being generally good managers, yet you still have to identify

the bottom 10 per cent?

Overall, how would you evaluate GE’s approach to organizational change? What are the advantages and possible problems?1. What can you learn from this disaster that may be relevant to your organization or an organization you


2. What do you think was the cause, or were the causes, of the Challenger disaster?

1. What performance problems is the captain trying to correct?

2. Use the MARS model of individual behavior and performance to diagnose the possible causes of the

unacceptable behavior.

3. Has the captain considered all possible solutions to the problem? If not, what else might be done?

4. Identify the stressors in John Breckenridge’s life. Which ones could he have prevented?

5. What were the results of the stress? Would you consider these to be typical to stress situations and lifestyle choices John made, or was John Breckenridge unlucky?

6. Assume you are a career coach retained by John Breckenridge to guide him through his next decisions. How would you recommend that John modify his lifestyle and behavior to reduce stress? Should he change jobs? Do you believe he is capable of reducing his stress alone? If not, where should he seek help?

7. What type of team was formed here? Was it necessary, in your opinion?

8. Use the team effectiveness model in Chapter 9 and related information in this chapter to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this team’s environment, design, and processes.

9. Assuming that these four people must continue to work as a team, recommend ways to improve the team’s effectiveness.

10. Identify the different conflict episodes that exist in this case. Who was in conflict with whom?

11. What are the sources of conflict for these conflict incidents?

12. What conflict management style(s) did Lapierre, the international team, and Gushin use to resolve these conflicts? What style(s) would have worked best in the situation?

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13. Contrast Hillton’s earlier corporate culture with the emerging set of cultural values.

14. Considering the difficulty in changing organizational culture, why did Hillton’s management seem to be successful at this transformation?

15. Identify two other strategies that the city might consider to reinforce the new set of corporate values.16. What can Joshi and her staff do to select the type of entry-level candidates they want?17. How can Joshi ensure that those who are hired come to accept the core cultural values of the hospital?

What steps would you recommend?18. Do you think the number of units of a product to be manufactured is a random number? Explain your


19. How does one determine the number of units of a product to be manufactured in an organisation?

20. What are the elements you would take into consideration for forecasting the production and sales requirement of the product developed by Leo Medical Center?

How would you go about planning and organising the manufacturing and selling efforts of the organisation?(a) What type or types of organisation design do you feel this task force should recommend in the third and

final phase of the approach to their assignment?

(b) Explain how the systems and the contingency theories of organisation can each contribute to the analysis of this case.

(c) Do you think Hari Mohan was correct in his suggestion of how the task force should proceed? What types of problems might develop as by-products of the recommendation you made in question 1?

(d) Discuss the nature and characteristics of the problems in this case.

(e) What steps should be taken by Mr Kumar to overcome these problems?(f) Is George’s view of the situation realistic?(g) How do you evaluate Vipulabh’s position?(h) How might this conflict be associated with factors in the formal organisation?(i) What should the president of Simplex Mills do now?(j) What routes of globalization has the Mayor group chosen to go global? What other routes could it

have taken?

(k) What impediments are coming in the Mayor group’s way becoming a major and active player in

international business?

(l) Why is ‘Made in India’ not liked in foreign markets? What can be done to erase the perception?

1. Why did Arvind Mills choose globalization as major route to achieve growth when domestic market

was huge?

2. Hoe does lifting of Country-wise quota regime’ help Arvind Mills?

3. What lessons can other Indain business learn from the experience of Arvind Mills?

4. What lessons can other MNCs learn from the experience of McDonald’s?

5. Aware of the food habits of Indians, why did McDonald’s err in mixing beef extract in the oil used for


6. How far has McDonald’s succeeded in strategizing and meeting local cultures and needs?

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7. Which of the theories of International trade can help Indian services providers gain competitive edge

over their competitors?

8. Pick up some Indian services providers. With the help of Michael Porter’s diamond, analyze their

strengths and weaknesses as active players in BPO.

9. Compare this case with the case given at the beginning of this chapter. What similarities and

dissimilarities do you notice? Your analysis should be based on the theories explained in this chapter.

10. What is technology? How does it differ from science?

11. Describe the different phases of technology management?

12. Bring out the impact of technology on: (a) Society, (b) Economy, and

(c) A plant.

13. What is technology transfer? What are the directions of such transfers?

14. Bring out the stages in technology transfer.

15. Explain the issues involved in international technology transfers.

16. Where does the joint venture meet the needs of both the partners? Where does it fall short?

17. Why had ABB-PBS failed to realized its technology leadership?

18. What lessons one can draw from this incident for better management of technology transfers?

19. What are some current issues facing Peru? What is the climate for doing business in Peru today?

20. What type of political risks does this fishing company need to evaluate? Identify and describe them.

21. What types of integrative and protective and defensive techniques can the bank use?

22. Would the bank be better off negotiating the loan in New York or in Lima? Why?

23. State the strategy of Hindustan Unilever in your own words.24. At what different levels is strategy formulated in HUL?25. Comment on the strategic decision-making at HUL.26. Give your opinion on whether the shift in strategic decision-making from India to Unilever’s headquarters

could prove to be advantageous to HUL or not.27. Consider the vision and mission statements of the Reserve Bank of India. Comment on the quality of both

these statements.28. Should the RBI go for a systematic and comprehensive strategic plan in place of its earlier pragmatic

approach of responding to environmental events as and when they occur? Why?29. What is the motive for internationalisation by the Kalyani Group? Discuss.

30. Which type of international strategy is Kalyani Group adopting? Explain.31. Identify the type of organisation structure being used at Synergos and explain how it works. What are the

benefits of using this type of structure? What are the pitfalls?

32. Express your opinion about whether the structure is in line with the recruitments of the strategy that Synergos is implementing.

33. Based on the information related to the information, control and reward systems available in the case, examine whether these systems are appropriate for the type of strategy being implemented.

34. Analyse the iGATE case to highlight how it could apply some of the strategic controls such as premise control, implementation control, strategic surveillance and special alert control.

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35. Analyse and describe the process of setting of standards at iGATE.

36. Give your opinion on the effectiveness of the role of reward system in exercising HR performance management at iGATE and suggest what improvements are possible, given the environmental conditions in the IT/ITES industry in India at present

37. State the strategy of Hindustan Unilever in your own words.38. At what different levels is strategy formulated in HUL?39. Comment on the strategic decision-making at HUL.40. Give your opinion on whether the shift in strategic decision-making from India to Unilever’s headquarters

could prove to be advantageous to HUL or not.41. Consider the vision and mission statements of the Reserve Bank of India. Comment on the quality of both

these statements.Should the RBI go for a systematic and comprehensive strategic plan in place of its earlier pragmatic approach of responding to environmental events as and when they occur? Why1. What is the motive for internationalisation by the Kalyani Group? Discuss.Which type of international strategy is Kalyani Group adopting? Explain1. Identify the type of organisation structure being used at Synergos and explain how it works. What are the

benefits of using this type of structure? What are the pitfalls?

2. Express your opinion about whether the structure is in line with the recruitments of the strategy that Synergos is implementing.

3. Based on the information related to the information, control and reward systems available in the case, examine whether these systems are appropriate for the type of strategy being implemented.

4. What performance problems is the captain trying to correct?

5. Use the MARS model of individual behavior and performance to diagnose the possible causes of the

unacceptable behavior.

6. Has the captain considered all possible solutions to the problem? If not, what else might be done?

7. Identify the stressors in John Breckenridge’s life. Which ones could he have prevented?

8. What were the results of the stress? Would you consider these to be typical to stress situations and lifestyle choices John made, or was John Breckenridge unlucky?

9. Assume you are a career coach retained by John Breckenridge to guide him through his next decisions. How would you recommend that John modify his lifestyle and behavior to reduce stress? Should he change jobs? Do you believe he is capable of reducing his stress alone? If not, where should he seek help?

10. What type of team was formed here? Was it necessary, in your opinion?

11. Use the team effectiveness model in Chapter 9 and related information in this chapter to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this team’s environment, design, and processes.

12. Assuming that these four people must continue to work as a team, recommend ways to improve the team’s effectiveness.

13. Identify the different conflict episodes that exist in this case. Who was in conflict with whom?

14. What are the sources of conflict for these conflict incidents?

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15. What conflict management style(s) did Lapierre, the international team, and Gushin use to resolve these conflicts? What style(s) would have worked best in the situation?

1. Contrast Hillton’s earlier corporate culture with the emerging set of cultural values.

2. Considering the difficulty in changing organizational culture, why did Hillton’s management seem to be successful at this transformation?

3. Identify two other strategies that the city might consider to reinforce the new set of corporate values.4. In what ways is Toyota’s new-product development system designed to serve customers?5. In what ways is Toyota’s manufacturing system designed to serve customers?

How does Toyota personalize its cars and trucks to meet individual consumer needs?1. Consider the e-mail campaigns discussed in the case. Why do you think these campaigns were successful?

Discuss the attention processes that were at work. Do you see any potential drawbacks to this type of marketing?

2. During the 2000 Super Bowl, ABC invited viewers to visit its Enhanced TV website. Fans could play

trivia, see replays, participate in polls and chat rooms, and view player statistics. The site received an

estimated 1 million hits. Why? Frame your answer in terms of exposure, attention, and comprehension.

Think about your own Web surfing patterns. Write down the reasons you visit sites. Which of the marketing strategies discussed in the case do you find most (and least) influential?

1. What behaviors are involved in online grocery shopping? How does online shopping compare with

traditional shopping in terms of behavioral effort?

2. What types of consumers are likely to value online grocery shopping from Peapod?

3. Overall, what do you think about the idea of online grocery shopping? How does it compare with simply

eating in restaurants and avoiding grocery shopping and cooking altogether?

4. Identify and discuss some of the cultural meanings for Sony possessed by consumers in your country.

Discuss how these cultural meaning were developed and how they influence consumers’ behaviors (and

affect and cognition). What is the role of marketing strategies in creating and maintaining (or modifying)

these cultural meanings?

5. It is often stated that the world is becoming smaller because today people communicate relatively easily

across time and distance. Discuss whether that has been beneficial for Sony. What are some marketing

challenges it presents?

6. What do you think about Sony’s tradition of region-specific or nation-specific marketing? Would Sony be

better served by working to create a more uniform global image?

7. Why do consumers pay $84 for a Pleasant Company doll when they can buy other dolls much more

cheaply at retail stores?

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8. Considering money, time, cognitive activity, and behavioral effort costs, are Pleasant Company dolls more

or less costly than dolls that can be purchased at retail stores?

9. What recommendations do you have for Pleasant Company to increase sales and profits?

10. What makes George David such a highly regarded manager?11. How does David get things done through people?12. What evidence can you see of David’s planning and strategizing, organizing, controlling, leading, and

developing?13. Which managerial competencies does David seem to posses? Does he seem to lack any?14. Why did the strategic plans adopted by companies like Level 3, Global Crossing, and 360 Networks fail?15. The managers who ran these companies were smart, successful individuals, as were many of the investors

who put money into these businesses. How could so many smart people have been so wrong?16. What specific decision-making biases do you think were at work in this industry during the late 1990s and

early 2000s?17. What could the managers running these companies done differently that might have led to a different

outcome?18. Why did Dow Chemical first adopt a matrix structure? What benefits did it hope to derive from this

structure?19. What problems emerged with this structure? How did Dow try to deal with them? In retrospect, do you

think those solutions were effective?20. Why did Dow change its structure again in the mid-1990s? What was Dow trying to achieve this time? Do

you think the current structure makes sense given the industry in which Dow operates and the strategy of the firm? Why?

21. Discuss McDonald's current situation from a human resource planning perspective.22. Is McDonald's taking the best approach to improving its employer brand? Why or why not? If you were in

charge of developing the McDonald's employer brand, what would you do differently?23. Would “guerrilla” recruiting tactics help McDonald's attract more applicants? Why or why not? If so,

what tactics might be effective?1. What technological paradigm shift did Reuters face in the 1990s? How did that paradigm shift change the

competitive playing field?2. Why was Reuters slow to adopt Internet-based technology?3. Why do you think Tom Glocer was picked as CEO? What assets did he bring to the leadership job?

24. What do you think of Glocer’s attempts to change the strategy and organizational culture at Reuters? Was

he on the right track? Would you do things differently

21. What performance problems is the captain trying to correct?

22. Use the MARS model of individual behavior and performance to diagnose the possible causes of the

unacceptable behavior.

23. Has the captain considered all possible solutions to the problem? If not, what else might be done?

24. Identify the stressors in John Breckenridge’s life. Which ones could he have prevented?

25. What were the results of the stress? Would you consider these to be typical to stress situations and lifestyle choices John made, or was John Breckenridge unlucky?

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26. Assume you are a career coach retained by John Breckenridge to guide him through his next decisions. How would you recommend that John modify his lifestyle and behavior to reduce stress? Should he change jobs? Do you believe he is capable of reducing his stress alone? If not, where should he seek help?

27. What type of team was formed here? Was it necessary, in your opinion?

28. Use the team effectiveness model in Chapter 9 and related information in this chapter to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this team’s environment, design, and processes.

29. Assuming that these four people must continue to work as a team, recommend ways to improve the team’s effectiveness.

30. Identify the different conflict episodes that exist in this case. Who was in conflict with whom?

31. What are the sources of conflict for these conflict incidents?

32. What conflict management style(s) did Lapierre, the international team, and Gushin use to resolve these conflicts? What style(s) would have worked best in the situation?

33. Contrast Hillton’s earlier corporate culture with the emerging set of cultural values.

34. Considering the difficulty in changing organizational culture, why did Hillton’s management seem to be successful at this transformation?

35. Identify two other strategies that the city might consider to reinforce the new set of corporate values.