Iiar 25 01 12

Thank you. © 2011 Buzz Method 1 www.buzzmethod.com Social Media Buzz For the IIAR Wednesday, 25 th January 2012

Transcript of Iiar 25 01 12

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Thank  you.  

©  2011  Buzz  Method   1  


Social  Media  Buzz  For  the  IIAR  

 Wednesday,  25th  January  2012  

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©  2011  Buzz  Method   2  

Buzz  was  founded  in  2009  by  Dominic  Pannell.    EducaKon:  •  BA  Hons  in  Modern  Languages  and  PoliKcs,  Northumbria  University,  UK  •  Trained  with  the  EU  as  a  Conference  Interpreter  (Swedish/French  into  English)  •  MBA  in  InternaKonal  Business,  Cass  Business  School,  UK    Career:  •  Eight  years  working  as  a  management  trainer  •  Two  years  as  a  conference  interpreter    •  Twelve  years  in  Analyst  RelaKons  /  Influencer  Engagement  at  Fleishman-­‐Hillard,  

Serendipp,  Sunesis  Analyst  RelaKons,  Hill  &  Knowlton  and  Buzz  Method.  •  Designed  and  delivered  programmes  for  small,  medium  and  large  ICT  vendors    Social  Media:  •  First  joined  an  ‘online  community’  in  1996  (www.shortcut.nu  -­‐  Swedish  language  

career  network)  •  Launched  first  online  venture  in  2000  (sKll  going  as  www.languagearmy.com)  •  Launching  www.engager.it  in  2012  



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AR  is  Only  a  ParKal  SoluKon  

•  Analyst  versus  Stakeholder  versus  Influencer  •  RelaKons  versus  relaKonships  versus  engagement  

•  The  need  to  shib  to  Influencer  Engagement  (IE)  

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•  An  industry  analyst  performs  primary  and  secondary  market  research  within  an  industry  such  as  informaKon  technology,  consulKng  or  insurance    -­‐  Wikipedia  

•  Stakeholder  (corporate),  a  person,  group,  organizaKon,  or  system  who  affects  or  can  be  affected  by  an  organizaKon's  acKon    -­‐  Wikipedia  

•  So-­‐called  value-­‐added  influencers  (such  as  journalists,  academics,  industry  analysts,  professional  advisers,  and  so  on)    -­‐  Brown,  Duncan  and  Hayes,  Nick.  Influencer  MarkeKng:  Who  really  influences  your  customers?  

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Sector  Influencers  

•  Different  stakeholders  have  different  ‘spheres  of  influence’  

•  The  most  influenKal  of  these  reaches  across  mulKple  networks  

•  Lower  ranking  stakeholders  also  influence,  but  their  reach  is  smaller  

•  Each  stakeholder  group  is  affected  by  others  

•  Influencers  with  smaller  reach  tend  to  communicate  at  higher  volume  

•  Each  channel  requires  an  approach  that  is  tailored  to  their  interests  

•  They  are  not  necessarily  interested  in  a  company’s  objecKves,  so  messages  require  alignment  if  they  are  to  be  carried  onwards  

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Example:  Global  Sourcing  

Phase  One   Phase  Two   Phase  Three  


Industry  Analysts  


Management  Consultants  /  Services  integrators  

Property  Consultants  

Phase  Four  

Sourcing  Advisors  

Media  engagement  (desKnaKon  markeKng,  noise  and  momentum)  

Outsourcing  decision  process  

Long  list   Shortlist   RFP   Deal   ImplementaKon  

Event  Organizers  

Government  Agencies  (UKTI,  etc)  

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Influencer  Programme  Types  

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CEO  /  Ambassador  Programme  


Consultants/  Advisors  

Research  Analysts/  Academics  

Awareness-­‐raising/  trend-­‐selng  


Awareness-­‐raising/  long-­‐/  shortlisKng  

High  impact  on  buying  decision  

Degree  of  Social  M

edia  in  th

e  Programme  

Awareness-­‐raising/  trend-­‐selng  Media  

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“ReputaKon,  reputaKon,  reputaKon…”    

•  For  industry  analysts,  reputaKon  comes  from  the  quality  of  their  analysts  o Always  ask  an  analyst  how  they  are  remunerated  

•  For  advisors/consultants,  reputaKon  comes  from  successful  deals/repeat  business  

•  For  IE  pracKKoners,  reputaKon  comes  from  success  in  boosKng  sales  o Demonstrate  this  internally/to  the  client  

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Culng  through  the  Noise  

9  ©  2012  Buzz  Method  

Thanks  to  Adverblog  

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The  Tools  We  Mainly  Use  

•  LinkedIn  •  Twiqer  •  Commetric  •  Cymfony  •  Analyst  Source  •  Klout  •  Kred  •  PeerIndex    •  FourSquare  •  TweetLevel  •  BlogLevel  •  Analyst  Firm  websites  •  RSS  •  Google  /  Yahoo  Alerts  •  Buzz  Method’s  own  database  

•  This  is  a  parKal  soluKon  for  idenKfying  who  is  influenKal  

•  Rela6onships  are  king  –  these  cannot  truly  be  measured  online,  as  many  conversaKons  take  place  face-­‐to-­‐face  and  on  the  telephone  

•  Pick  up  the  phone  to  team  leaders/managers  

•  #socmed  tools  are  beqer  for  listening  than  for  broadcasKng  –  idenKfying  new  trends,  opinions,  tracking  who’s  aqending  what  conference,  etc.  

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Don’t  Believe…  

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…  the  Hype…  

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Agency  Side  War  Stories  

•  Bespoke  CEO  Influencer  Dinner  Programme  1.  IdenKficaKon  of  top  11  influencers  

Ø  InvitaKon  to  private  dinners  for  a  business  update  Ø  Open  exchange  of  informaKon/insight  

2.  Results:  Ø  Improved  relaKonships  between  the  client  and  the  

influencer  organisaKons  Ø  Beqer  analyst  coverage  Ø  ConsulKng  assignments  for  several  parKcipants  

©  2012  Buzz  Method   13  

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Agency  Side  War  Stories  

•  PromoKng  EgypKan  Outsourcing,  2008-­‐11  1.  IdenKfied  major  analysts  and  academics  

Ø  Briefed  them  on  the  opportunity/  capabiliKes  Ø  Coverage  in  15  reports  in  Year  1  (up  from  one  in  2007)  

2.  IdenKfied  main  sourcing  advisors  Ø  Invited  them  to  visit  Cairo’s  business  parks  Ø  ConKnued  analyst  outreach  via  newsleqers/briefings  Ø  Face-­‐to-­‐face  meeKngs  Ø  Significant  increase  in  amount  of  BPO/ITO  investment  

3.  IdenKfied  other  influencers  Ø  ConKnued  programme,  resulKng  in  more  investment  and  

very  favourable  coverage  in  media  and  analysis  

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Agency  Side  War  Stories  

•  PromoKng  Egypt  post-­‐25th  Jan  2011  1.  AcKvated  Crisis  CommunicaKons  Plan  

Ø  Internal  communicaKon  via  email  and  telephone  Ø  Cascaded  messaging  from  CEO  down  

2.  Monitored  online  commentary  Ø  Immediate  response  to  journalists/analysts  Ø  Interview  with  ITIDA’s  CEO  

3.  Business  as  Usual  Ø  Resumed  visits  to  Cairo’s  business  parks  Ø  ConKnued  analyst  outreach  via  newsleqers/briefings  Ø  Face-­‐to-­‐face  meeKngs  

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Shortcomings  of  AR  Products  

•  Inaccurate/  out-­‐of-­‐date  informaKon  •  Oben  based  on  CRM  systems  (misses  the  point)  

•  Open  to  manipulaKon  •  No  automaKc  referencing  against  external  data  sources/  social  media  

•  Cannot  be  meshed  with  internal  corporate  data  stores  that  are  built  up  over  Kme  

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engager.it  by  Buzz  Tools.    If  you  are  interested  in  beta-­‐tesKng  engager.it,  please  drop  me  a  line.  

Coming  soon…  

©  2012  Buzz  Method  

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Thank  you.  

[email protected]  www.buzzmethod.com    

©  2011  Buzz  Method   18  


Dominic  Pannell  Buzz  Method  Ltd  

 [email protected]  

+44  7740624849