Ii:1: eber e3W.3er w. 3; U;imehha - Library of...

j age . v asmerd vi s cad e -o wa esid to & oer aboeesof SteiMw Vigo -aft"ShA16 at =. e lm ot Wawma ee at 1, o A-ieta. ." La- s- i inE; w areo At 1s. The me-et - as bee take ev by a a ogue Nw York .. ". ,. .o. of sh , ~m no~boto a VW- tee, at e per eOWL .t11 a111 o to n1ellve Q aan ahe a step in the right direetsS A* oek the rait off e mecha th the tadustrial M by the heas, with the reouit that eakers kav iae- tSor. ditered=M aaht gerta Stht have be"sas th a" et the bmportant .Wa eet beeo amt est a ON ege to Its advising the purchase oet oras en these three s tm se, ad, and laitsmes, a assr to Peek- at 2e rotran from the ta e Tb fotlowlsa analyis ot ,the meas astuation was reetved late yesterday aftermaen by W. EL Hbbs A. Co. frem C. B ChapiA & Ce., their New York eerreopmaeats. With few exceptiook prices were gmeerafy lower. quaidation agait belmg rather eonspiemeuu is some of the high priet raile and motor \. tmes. There were no startling develop- metu disclo.ed during the session altheugh the labor aftoties e the Pacme Coast and the Possibiities of trouble here festered apprehen- lese and added to the uncertainty ot things to general. A bright spot in the Siattom. however, was the anefieial an- manemeut that bankers are mah- ftag edlertse modify the aenteness O the mney situation, and the fact that money was offered more freely today. which was reflected in the the belief that better rates may pro- vail.. at least In the near future. The Russan news was aio more reassuring. COTM N ARETS Nw Ta, S. a-T . me t the *Bum u tmsaw hanger lf.ier. avals b the WOW SIMMONS at time S6al 11taa we at of oA hea as "em These wea a see, O- Tho amasm " ms aone at an so ad- eNW be0 mM IlN toe..i the nieS et the -.= ad these we amW talk at %ade bs. aMi to be for Ne gho.d ae esa,. he suy afterawo Marhet ae of a Gegakm hoadr een Mt a heading spot 3m a" eamed a omeat of go 0ibs ha r. hu a s=ebet & f seo t a esa assi *en artes e paad and the m0%4 we Sany oMY stealy at a met adsae rat se tog iia The esb at the Pert. for the day . 73KI balm campared with 3,1, helm ls nesh mis sui alho. Pe.. nones far the day &emrted WIN am.. helmae 42s behe far hrem ardaba. TJ Uale ANr ftam^ and Ml am 9Wr Wer saints On th -migmm pfor the sao the ekar- mes aine to aim hem, agait aJU hel11 to em e sauk Hern h. bew. seat ho. wa esiet at an advance of 1 s at mss; bme -e make set at NOw Of w stee., with middling 17 Pais h at L3; the abse wee I.N sn.che inNew rk warehovere -we X.13a bel, againt "S tosa a er "s. Reeeites at ether parta intudmd Galvatoe. M N er .1; Bainare. 10,75r. LE STC ARKET. Cheo. 8p. IS-The attle market was ar tne tedy and mid at a good advace on~r a 1e ae A avow dU Market s looked for. tod Mek today was 17.S wmb arm&ge stok we. awem Me. P l ain o Ie o f b o on s em e d 5 to I s m S we 11101a0er40 a varke, but the market was brgmelar daraeg the day. The rum wo eeti- mat at TJ, whic wa. lea tha. eupeetd. Asea -is wee between 17. a" 9.3, wheb limef t mid at 1.01, he Mem a mama. Pe"e softr we am EQUITABLE EQUWI T ABD. A OCATON A"@Ks ",27M. my to Loan -On Real Estate or to take up Mortgages. -Our plan enables the bor- rower to pay back the prin- cipal in small sums monthly. mad does not limit to the regular monthly payment. We Bokerage. No COMMA.- mesed ee. MWAMF NBINM 915 F St. N.W. MRK JP. R33SMb. ~ux J ay xm o vw P _ 'em Speculative Investments Lab Teuped S-end mubmarine corporation stocks should be bought for et the maet" eitherfo e..b .... margi. wela AL.L Curb W 3ied e theNe Yorks seg m eacher en amria. emService, assa sSa. Weeasseme smas W.b W. AobBAY ~ C.. -an ai see eta ~ms 1a*ma (M a -s et Waj5 sbes 4 3nw- owe aWhan by bvsr fer an bow e do Mesw bab g Uft. etwmafly ~ ahlf GOO ief to su am~m Ow4%fio 15 a h stalt aeuse Ofte r a .ri . rim o ag prites et mee s -am beais regar ai mma Aaiptaf and ta a 30 mat erSe - he staea a~ aasb D be~ eareS Mwa fot10el team far keM tw"t dwi to of Mnths.2111 hb" "a boa eta 4s twit Wea t"e mn beasoearded s at aOMa. uS li1ttle. OffsetIftg the 11aaorlWe vossa whic fite mata Wal east. hetws h. ea d-,ag l, uwrs Wa sheafg hmt ape Moltk-s. Whie s gan amed aa e. tspe the aae" .enw n es throthset thee Int!?. rhlnot sret ahd a ftir Sagswy a d Navy Depotments tateeent t1i-the ci-boa" rep'rtd of NeaGtucet bad no aparent fondatray . hp Raflg and motor stoch were en during a great part of the day. but smgged a the anal trading. closing, for the most part, with net loom United States steel elosd at I S-4 WM was a point froam "i highest wte et the day. Its net gain was 7 Aain Its trading oceupled over a thtrd af the S,11e sharen bought and add. NEW YORK STOCK EICHANGL Ferb"e br W. 3. Et & C&, Ne' Ta, 116 . . fhae. Egh. LOW. aim. M Am. Ca............3% a 9% I.U Am. Car & Femer.. at & 2.S Am. Int. Camp. ..... 6% 6 2.20 Am. LAeeed........... 4 2% lif 1.Ul AM. Loometve....... 0% 0% 58% .M0 Am. a-un......... 9 %1% 500 Am. Bear pfd......... 115 1, II U 1.e Aim. tmeta.......... 01 46% % 4 An. Tel. & Tel.....119% 115% 119% 70 Ar. Woola..... 4% 0 WA Wi Am. Zhne............ - IS. * Atchtan ..... ..... 14 S :% 1.m A., G. & . W.. % 6 m 3,2 aldwis Loomee.. % U 6% 0 BarSett C0.............. Urn Bethlehbm Steel. 3... M W 11111% 21m Bethlehm Steel. ts.. 1% % 1% 1,40 Beo1r. 21111 2tm. 0n m% 1 neek V...........t 1% 3.30 Mutts & 0epa".... s% pa = CaL ebels mse... 4 4 .M Caia PatrSe...1% 1% 1W% L 3.1m Cbmal Imtetbr..... 11% D% D 1.9 Chadh Mter... Q6 M 50 Chmissabe & OW.... W4t 5% W% tm C.. M. & st. P........ 5F% 60% L N UC.,. I.& P.. eth..t 23WA S % SC.. R.. & P. 7% pfd % 40% 40% 7.&" Chib ONr........... 17% IMt 17% C .1 China Com. Copper.... W% 0% % U 1.01 colorsdo Pael & Ibo 6 Cd 4a % S Clarad Gaf & Etee. 3% 3X% 3% W e.s corn Peets. % 2% 6% !.3 Creible Steel... am % OF% a Cuban Came I. vd.. s 4% 11% p .2.40 Teiwae w Enes.. i % 1% p 3.M Ditime" gesam.. 31% 30 31% p 2.21M e ....................% % % a 115 Erielt fld........ U4 N 2 GSenrual ketri.... 13 13 13% A ,9 Negehaeral to....... .1% W6 WA A neralb Moats led... 2 A2 2i0 ft. Nor.ther Ore .uba 31% 32 3% * asGrne Camases Cop.. W4 49% 4% y 7."R In-piration Copper.... 49% 4104 0% Wn Interr Con.......... 1% 6% 1% A.3s nt. Mer. Marine.. 24% 311 11.101 lot. Mer. Maries Pfd. 91% 711% PI% 90 Int. par .............. 7% % 2.3Io Int. Nicke... . % X% 3 3.633 Keunntt ...........0 3 %4 1. Iaamma Steel.. 1% 77% 7 3.514 Lienett A Myrm, its. 4 % % 50 FaniWille & NashVile 116 115% 116 C 7.40 Mexican Petrolenm 91% $% 91% I 1.5. Midvale ieel... A % W4 , e Maroni Pacfie....... 3% 36 .20% 1.9 National C. & . I% WA I% 4. National E. & 8...... WA 3 % A 1.26 merada cn. opper.. 3% w% 3% 2.-. N. T. Central......... 17% 7N I I7 1.2 Nrfout & Wnten P 4 13% 110% 1.11 Northern Pacie....... 1 WA 0% 1..0 ohi ities Ga1....... ee 47% 4" 9% 2.lw Penn'rbonIa R. .... 91% 51% 51% 2!.'" Ray 'n. Coppe...... 31% 3N% 31% 5.126 Reading ................ 73% 71% 78% 0.40 Rermblk. ITv a steel 7t%. 21f "S% 1.2 Royal YIlte........... r 46% 0% 'w Sasn Motmre........... 12% 12 13 3 st. LoTi & a. r....1 15%4 1% M0 IlearvaRoebtr ........ 351% 51 11 SN RoIelair OI........ 3K % Ni 13f Sontherm Padie....... 91% WA W% 1.709 Southern awY..... ,4 t 2% e se tmdeteker...........W24 6 1.70" Ten. C. & C. 154% 1% 15 1.56 Texas Co...........W 161% 1 s 5.71 Tohneo ProInets.. 0 % 0% U 2.100 Union Paiem.......... 13% 131 1- g 4.69 UmIted Cigar StorL.. 116 115% 115% C 3.19 U. S. Ind. Alohol... 3% 11 1311 D4 I" IT. S. Steel............. s 14 14 1.39 1. F. Ateel 11d........ 15 I18 115% S."3 tItah Copper........... %ft I Sos Waboh pil. A........ O% 4% 6% 2 72 Woetinghose .......... 44% A 441% S Sehegn &L x.....1% 11 1 1.45 WillsOverland ...... 3% JIM % A 1.40 Wisensdn Central.... 4VA 4% WA C Total sales, 4605 whare. ALTINORE PRODUCE tlmese, Md. Bept. W.--.L1E 'OUVIRT- C PrIces pro itnetnem seneioe dated, CM- emw-Yo=&g jams. We book. 111@11; d10. %ONs by espa. Na": do, Ueedbu, MID; L. am. Ease.; soug Wit.e Lashoes, Wall.; om bes. 4 pod and " ser. am.~. do.. ms to moedlm. 24se.; om White l196.==. 5- 4 od reste. 1419; duels, yg Y u es y a, mnele. 1s29: do, pema Whits P51t~as, 56l Indian 3wuexs. IaU; 4iring, 3%S mmst u esr So.; do., mane, peor, Ibl0s.: 319 sldt, gir.? 2S.; ds, young, pair So.; guinea fels YeSm. lt pomume sad up, each, St.; 30G9--Marhet rm: bus af. Mashi FePs~alsi and eust13, 4; Siimb% Mariyland ad TbUsima, 111 Wedsa ((40e. 4; West Tirdlsa 41: Saemie (Nasn (b- 5635), nr. The mulbet sar sem: Wetes, urt, m-s Wet.,. Mail;el, ma, pabag. streesl. 6;ttitpmdsal deyaist. Masame, Pemerleania, asS TV. I si315, estra, 30m3; doi.a ball; stae.gaki, 02REEN FR4UfTS ANDt ETA3Y.EB-Ap- Nlee 3d. aed Ta., te.r bM., 1UmlS nS.mll 1.ttal.; box.~ 3:m Wet.. Marynd and Peaueupsa patbel, besd. Ithl; em., aS- lsa 114., 5e; at156 35t4e, par 1s6 I 1.Mt5; m2lery New Yah ltademani, 6% e -tisea atr Seme -.t Ane Arundet Gm bambet, 3,6; ese6, egt. mse. desen, 1315; me mang, ees, 3.29; -m.. Maryhme Vslei4ta iaaht, 105L; ebsplante -eat. iam be. $@ I htmsNew TakeILt. .- kdit. 1.4g1.g Sots amee~s 45i; 4%age.V 4; ama W.B.Habbs& C. CW fiailhed IS W. I. Zins a mp oigna tesoem a at of. WahM Gift , as 71116, IS at 7%. U, a , IS as 1 WADminNato al Bok 3 at t. GOTERMENT mONDs. Bid. £A&i i ate registered 2hh.......... K% mid state, coup E ............ % . sited State seltdered 3.......... m .... mid States coupon 3. .. w% dud States astered ... in% mited stat.. coupon 46............ ,1% .... strit Columbia 3.U............ 104 .... b-t lam SA ...................... O .... GAS NONDB aisim3tm Gas Ga.. . 1 in RAILROAD BOND0. 4"s Tvaction a......I............. In to etepeas 61............... ids .. isim m Railwar & EtIs ... .. 01s1iugt Railway & eektsa 4. . mi 'dk m. AlM. & Mt. Twrm Is .... if M1901LANEROB N01D11. tom"ac Electrie Oma A.......... ft I itomac Electric LAght :.......... N W stmae Electric Uht b......... 1N Wi, esapeake & PmO .... 11 1 mmeaa Tel. & Ta. 4. .. sericanTelA'. . ... .. merT.e. m'& c ta . s.. A& ... strict al Obuaat.= Papnr MfS Ga. U IM 1......... . 'ashtmgto Market t. ........ 5 . 'ask. Marke COM Sta " ..... 5. . owlty 4tfSae and Safe Dep. S.. 16 nrfolk and Waah. steamboat as.... 1 .... Ig Realty on (1cs) ................ 1op we los Realty h (h.) .............. Ip .... .ad States Realty OL............. IN . Rpital Traction ..................... * ft 'ash. Railway & te cm.. a 0 rad. Raiway & Electric pd...... T7 TV MMfo & WaBdim Steambost... 34% .... Tamshigto ma ..................... 71% 72 merilan Yi~elm & Tlegraph... 115 .... TYPE MACBINB HTOGRN nthals ...........................1 1431 maclam 3 o .............................. Is... eRtas ................................ .% ... apital ................. na . oalumba .............................. 21 23 n moerelat ............................ 192 tie Istrict .............................. 143 1* wrmera' & Meeamies.............. .2 ft allMa ............ ........ ......... We .... Incol .. .......... ............ is ... attesl Matireplitan ............. i .... lms .................... 4e "D ationa) Bank = Waahlcst. . 37 3i TRI;OT COMPANY WBOe.CK maes Security & Trt.i....... m NO it$="a Saview & Trus........... 11 ... aioe Teust ........................... 13 1n uislag Am a Td....... M & ... mtimntal Trus .................... 11 1 SAVINGS BANE TOCEb. mw ....... . ... mt MWambsgeia .....--.............. 19 imty &asi a & eeta O .... . F13 INSURANRE.MOCES. .............................. ii 1,ames.......................... kin-Amm.. .................... .. ateaba Umsem....................... 0 TITLN IN3IIBANCB E'0C=1. miclab .... .......................... 4 .. al ase .......................... .- SU)RIJANC3V 82KLK M1gecru.A trB00 STOCEE. h10i1-114h1 ......................... 3 ... %src of rdMa Pa Mfe. C& le ... erehas' Tnme ame Slaosi., 155 139 se talena ................... 3 ... it Stemnse a fts DwS.IL.. .. raBhtmeten Maae............... s . metts e sa, Realty OA...... m . WaSHIGTON ?IODUCE. set mactetallie esaena. &StS' ies a LIV pU; bb. U; s IM 7er li. 1: eber er w. 3; U;im ehha A . Ii: e3W.3 acLb..TW RE0Ena par 3. SW: gass1 *r ammen. . 1 li IbSa.O e bn z~ ~C~m to.d ms 1S.3 14 me1Wl.: Uh u auimeer staua attPU a-S 1NEW YORK CURB MARKET. nrun@d b, W. W. Easteday & Co.. lae. am. Asked. Aetna Emlodwas ...*................... % 5% L Amsarta Marenat .................... 1% VA Angle Oil ........... ............... 18 19 Atlanta ..................9% 14% Damton W& :otaa................... U " Butte Copper & Zinc .................. 9%VA - Btterworth JudIp ................... 53 is * 'aedonia ............................... 73 Ji Caron dWIe .......................... V% rhi (walmes Motor ............ s. 1 . herolet Motor ............. 1 2 Camara -.,. Cd o ............... so n % AOuden 0Co. B. &4 85 *mas Oil G 9% 9%s camp sbibilding ................... 7T Curti Aerplane ... EB asie Poyerole nc....... 9% 844 Duetwont Pho..h...... ......3 it6 Erickso"Wel............3 3 *maerado oil ....................... .7 Fals Motors ............................ 3 6 Federal oil ............................ 3 1% 4 Goldfteld Merger .................44 GolilM Consolidated .......... 'i Grant Motors ...... ...........3 maln Stgn ...... ........... 1 Hargraves ............................... 13 14 Hende ......................U .7 .ouston O6 1.il. . . HUpp Motorn .......................... zi 3 Weela Nining ...2.................... 9 13-16'6i5-it .ally Pvugar ............................ 0 a Independence LAd .................... a I International Petrolum .............. 12 M2 , Jin, Butler .............................. 92 is ,Jumin Extension ...................... v 23 Kl stne Tirm ........................ In, 13% Kreg ................................... Is 10 Lake Torpedo .... .... 4% 5 . Lake 'rpedo ist .................. 5 6 .Miami Meroer ............................ 5 1 Magma C-npper ........................ 44 40 Ms Valley .......................... 6% 4 Munitions. ;ir4 iOna .. . A 3 3 Macael ....................... 3 45 *Midna R.Gaing ..................... IS 142 Nlrdwesft Oil . . 4i I * idw ett 01t 14 ....................... .:1 Mother 1! ........................... 31 6 Marah Mining ......................... 12 13 Now York 14hipbuilding ............... as a Nipissing Mines....................9% tOklabmaPnaIrd. RUting.......... 2 Oklahoma (il .......................... 0 9% Old Emma Leasing ............ Omar 0. & G............. 2D -' 'fly . 8% 344 Orsage ............ .. ..... io Paels Truck & ot r $d............. 5 l I tere e Oil ..... ................ 1 . ayo Merentes ............. 44 44 .Maya Plande ............. 15 6 ,krf "4 * Repub Motrnrurc................ M as Repub!te Motor Truck jfd........ 9 RtE Cosohdatd ... ....... 84. Joseph Load ........;.............. 14% IIN Iepulta ... .............. 9% 11 *sanete il-..............~... &516 is tabdard 31otors ...................... 4 A6 .Standard Shipb.ulding ..............:. 5 1$ stanidard SIvor & Lead........,...... % 11.11 Submarine B t ....................... % is . upe-sttaeg Uunsoawated ............ n2 15 Stel All. ............................ T 74 O lanom ................................. Is o . Tmn Brnk a............... . is iangle Film .....................1% 1 UnitedMtate dAt.... ....... 3 United states Steam..-p ............ 4 4w United Verd" Extenim ............ 5% 4N United Motors ......................... 31 73 Unity (olid ............................ 3A 4 Un. wesern Oil ....................... % I-1 v.ictii ........................... g0 . Wayland Oil ........................... 3 3* West E d Oil & o............... 4 12 World if ... ......... % -I . uWri.-arin Aost..f.............7 4 IS Yearington ODOe ..................... 3 3 t ................................. Tanm .........................s 1 Unted Smes ...t.. ........a........ 2 13 ngtd Eem frmanMp............ 4 g Uniy .44Meg......................5% 4 Un.W ee n- ....................%174= Vlewsmas . ................... Waand t......................... 3 5, WOs ~...., aG....................... i s Wri .............................S a .. ...........tlie ................31 19 .................. Dow....... in is Atata............................ y nea.............................1 3g a LpStju...................01 ........ow. .......... 52 wasm.. .g............8 41 4 m id c ---... -............3 4 NEW oONHe staamo,.. nedas.. .me.hg. .......;.l........r......: .6 19cn lanIn acat eS 11y ig 3M Oeseiet.. . fa isi U Deand otS e nub __ a vM~i eanditlo etmi me eaUas a - .eilt .rat e a1ssante Uestalth RaS w a m S. beSs - .s sed n ei CHICAGO GRAIN. clesg., Sept. IS-t.lm A.d j.e.i. i terem here today wer: 0ORN-Doember, L10M: May. 311.% OATS-letaismber. W; December. 0%. LARD-Septembar. 2J1; October. k ; Jam my. SI. RIB& tembr, Kl; October, 3.; Jan ary. U27. PORK- Seitember. C5; October. AN; law ar. 43.. Chicago. Rept. 1.-An unfoisided frost ae developed in the ern, market. &ad as a rmu prices flmhed 3 to 3% cents better tham t day before. Nt. Loaou reported the arrival 4 the Ast car of new corn then frm Soueathe Nuaouri. It as a ca t ear a ad was I good condition And St for "ilig. It S oaired iat 81.0 per bushel: a little better fetl Is the osb market. with priousi-a---- to tts ow*er. EAstern shipprs mese reploted I be bidding 3 to 4 eants moss for No. 2 Amid N 3 yellow corn to arrive. There s a big trade in oats and rice we % to 1% tets higher at the close. The a11k was Arm from the outset. Ca& eats fished to 2 cents higher. Rids to arie Iroe at % eme better Temium than the day IU a. and the was a firm tone oated to premium for spot Oat Prvideins started dreng, bet the early a vaem .a lost later, with the eo weak am mme losses noted. Furrished by W. B. Bibb@ &Co. CORN- Open. High. Low. Cies May ......... . ........ L.M . 1.13% 1.15 Decemabr...,. ..... 151 1.3% 1.11 OATS- May................... fft % 0% a Detaber........... 7% 0 IN I rpterenber........... .% S1% 3 3 PORK September............ -3 ctobTer............... 4L 42111, LAND- September............ Z .A =T 5kT Octber............ 2 2111. 53.6 RIBS September............ W11KI2 3lS Io 1 (October............... U0 .1 Koo Kil PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE. Pl'tadelphia. Sept. &-LTrRR-Weil cles ed p and frlm. Quotatiom follow. Weste at1--icked creamnerv. fancy. eeials, 47: eutr 4:"!6; extra Ants. 44; flarts. 43%; 1eod W nearby prints, fancy. ";.Avenrge. entr. fta firstp. 41&15: seeando 4.; speial granis of Pwit jobbing at 32aM5. KG4-Pne, new-lai emgs aermar and fit with dmad fair. Quotatinns: In free teem nearby trate. 12.3 standard em; e2rest I ceivps. 1130 cae; seconds, S.aIOA .* cam: We retria. e1 as Ardsa, 1230 me; seoma 101l 25 ame; fancy necdeted fresh joblag I50m do,-n IREAMED POULTRY-Folol. U to bee:, al fed, dry-pickted. fancy selected. 31; weight 4% lbs. and over siee. 251; 4 Ib, ape 30; 3% lba atec% 0; 3 lb. a Iase ; ine in tbia fancr dry picked. 4i th. and om aiece. 3; 4 the. ariees, .WW: maalse IS =3W; o10 rntmrs. dry-Dicked. 3; herAlftg ecb em. weighintg Nain lb. apiee. Jersey. fen SM: Virginia. fancy. ;Z: other narby, m Western. SIt; turbep, fnh-Mlled. teed, I Western, beat hee. MO: sommon. 1m1; dod aping. 222; quamb. don, white, weighing to 12 the.. dowen. .Mt5.311; 9 to 10 lbL. do. 4.41M4.50: lbs.. doen. 10053.0; 7 lba.. don 2.1601 : 6s4% lIb. dem. 14%23; dm3. 1. 13; mall ad N.. 1, 11.3. LIVE POtLTRY-emsis, sm to quality, M suoeters. 15.2: tis eldekenAa not Leashn plump. yellowa.daned. weilhing 1%23 11 apece. 32[: string cichema. not Legher smaller dses, 5a5: White Legborns., 2 ducks. Pekin, Its; Indian RuINnr, INo t inag. =a3; oanng guineas, pair, weileg I .2 iba. AIAt., TaeU; manller simes, 5 ; 4 gainces, 5S3. LIVE STOCK MARKET. fllago, Sept. ll.-HOCS-Reeiptae, 1. elow. Bulk. 17JelL4; light, 1iIIL. mixed.- 1. ev; hary, K118.4; 2000 11317.1S; pie, 13~.K7 CATTLR-lteoeepts, 1,00: week. Natlre 3 catle.; Westen steers. 17.11A atoce and feederm, S.5e1L.; ewes end he era 5.18els,3; mnlee, 11aannissa UHEEP-Recipas 15,41; GAm. Wethes 9A NEW YORK HOTEL ARRIVALI Speciel to The Washaington Ueald. New York, Sept. 18.-Washilngtonia registered at New York hotels ted Include: Martha Weahintou, Mr. 3. Denham; Varn Cortimad. .. E. Ma field, Mr. 5. H. Hadnata; Navarre, A. Howald; Mattbortimh, R. V. Kerl -Martha Washington, m.s .1. Mclas Cumberland, 3. P. Moore; Planders, Rtichards; Martha 1mablngaen. El S. It. Turton; Murray Hil, 1W. Williants AUCIO ALES. D. NO'IES, Ame----r. Tristebs' Sale of a Valud Grcezy and Meut Market 807 Rock Creek Caek Reed 7 y sste a mdsaa dee ftUgt dy asertedser l6e DiiUS. di ig da tassean, waseemis e I- suse Ir No mw= $209 'u- $ 1 OW. $1.. . .a $1 an. m.. A. $. w.loii C. LAN3 J N1 PAR N~.WY Na T A=m.LW. AMT P 1 A . .oeml, AKT G Ot. mr. GOE T A ME3 G IUTT WH& WE MOVI, ODA? o m law~ paddTmadem-o Pm VEw m ia S. TOU- PAKRSo Sinh mm loisms m ake AOR talrsof th iOarld. STORAGERAGE o toE OaW smit beenm, hol goods. KRIEC'S EXPRESS SAFtT FRST. ADUOLOElI FREPROOF STOKAGI , S TAT E no 3 clOB, 4 s m. IS. M. isa aTORAoE O.. 3E s. Nigo Pb. N. . 1 ONOEY TO LOAN. MEY TO WAN ON APPROVED CT sal aste at low"d emret vales; mods OE TO .o . Off 3ga at. N01E 20 LOA- 1111.O11 Ox D. u a sal t esal treat rms. 4% to 6 " ANet. At mmctind t ec somme. al ndiam.m fo hor bemsm. soutbiarm B)di3m. m 1ob OL et. . CLAIRVOYANTS. mm '"""H ee bu ads 6 4 M. Awa en enation atil October L ZaNCGS-Paha md Aieeg Wuld-ewowd PBYCOC and ISEXM Ad-' on anlasfalms of l1W. ARIC YOU WORRIEn KN DOUBT OR TROUBLE? Is B 'rMOM 1.U~~8I d.,p,? 1 , barehlp help YOU. Radisu. S ad $l1.1 W 14TEH ST. N. W. (Atove v3.) SPIRITUALISM. fADAM CARV). JrTY RETUWNED MROj eOk Eche Park, octed at 1" 0 st. av. A< o on an affaie of life; "tisfactiom guaros AUTOMOBILES. FOR AI.. me PCs CYIANDE3 for mlrsin tbm 16 -m 60 Mew" ft" Ml mim C766-4 i ll a. AM ag almim.,. W01100 COLEMAN. 2 t. WK a. mw. . 4p. OPN AND CO Cft~, 9t MODE S. Trivs, .e. 7c, $I: ptr hor. $1.5 and 5. ms Venel wWIte ebaera. Phmee phrmn X. 0. fOE TAXI S CALL LINCOLN 5 r 3 bia f..... . ........... ..... 4. My tes............. ................ .9 S er ...................... CE9. EAL TAXI COMPANY. INC. AuTO REPAUIS. 6 ANT SERTICE. ANT TIME, ANY PIACI rn Ates of any make sad age spaired or webutl k bars godwbhll ro wall. Itesaga. W)1 RT MACEE 51S 1Uth s m. Limeos N PPCE CAN FIX IT. WU.DIfG oF AT Webb mal to nem. Exert auto re.fim Pries Aem Uai Shop, 1435 m. coiSuI. i I:AITOKUDSWWI014 AND HAMMAT I; UCIS.Fecdens Ied; rbon rmesd; at im Es am- Co..I ea IE Xt.I", " ROUN CAST aomN And oder msfts volded ty setagomi cmm WELD 3 S1. . ave. me. 1k. UK w.s.....c...d ,ad mari..er.m 10; _ WOTEC Artlfea teeth amd m On-an liamonds and Jewill bouaaAbrahamn, 615 4 V0UINUMEN-THEREt AIE NOJ ?14C1 as -ian banue trade: ther lar a enn Maim and tell aome "pa"V who has ad a nd s e. buy alg tly 1m Odt Ke nlU STAND, UIB D. DOR. REEC , -4 SEVENTEENB STEE I. OVER. 3 TEARM' EE~, 3nsimi inuams et Uea ad Wm. mm.easmsths Stan Mr ee e 3b. 13w ent ie -~al Gossa- 35w. M eSm . am h M"JIULTA110N RE .i * r unet. 5om as 3meM dtEn . C.SO. .e..al Ausaaa U. L led Over SUeM ye-of A. ~OO CWORUWr M a apam~ug MiVAN Way in, Cud.wi m.a. tw-a G.fi HMK.e a .3en% 1160F 16 d m Fos AL~ oA mer a. 0 sa e PM. .N a.... a e pmue is WAM-owASU Don; Ia WATI-IOFf @L1 m&. Mo L w4=9d.20=n4 Invam I WANTED-ANBL40D M: ; 25eperbmour; s.4 week Ap. ply te TME3R. Admins Ex- p;s Co. 2d and La.. a.. WArs--Wara Mous A TIns uMas .aM a. Is .. . La.s. at 1. HAM$. Me r a... aw or La.... tATU-D1T= DOTS== UV ar LFs= n IN. .a a neeAM. aom r-D.. = sna=m. MM pM . 3ao h 4 aw. =c . M n. -o WANITED-AGT ;; YOU=G AN: Y 1mm 606 is MLdASw. The EMNI03 .nc.. ..0 .. g .....5 aA; he aannme u inmi Am. W11M6 KKJV he I. AXE. the 3m KK1UET MVJSC MhZ amD tM GI w P. WAN'IE- Ad&siigkii- jimmne-ey; be ppat. CaU before 9:30. Appl Me Saks. HERALD FFIG. 2d Ber. WANTED -BOY TO WORK in newspaper office at night; must be between x6 and i9 yearS old; good opportunity for rightI boy. Appy to Mr. Easameat WANM-OI MMT .p...t.....of p...t e...lt. nity for advacemt. Apply FOREAN. HeraM ofie. afher 6 P. M. The Penawpalun Rabod ce. Fw mna .sia -I Fla wh and e.awm kbn.I F~ ..8 4. or utth 00e X. T.. P. & K. 0. Apr4r to M. 0. VINCENT. Unit. Mwi@0. V.. WMTES FOR CAMP MEADE, ADMIRAL, MD. 1 30 cents an hoar, eight bour work; time and half ovetime; average day, ten hers. NO FEES FREE TRANSPORTATION W., . & A. TROUET, 15t an K SmN. M. IE, 5:39 A. M. L DAILY Reterm at mn 4W We.6 no VSMITH, HAUSER AND MAC ISAAC, eINC. D ~HIELP WArnEDmil wetMFh. .EB .in IDB*~m waNrND-Two Vm UMPMEUEN WUn 80LDIn...AarIam NEED SoCES. GooD n. ..a. a.~ ...... we=M o.... a. ah ma..th sa... UI.~ eral haandry work: iteen L playenat. NATIONAL. LANRY1 CO., 23 Phere. .,. Si - 9MQAMMM swf efm la dol am- M a"am. =N..6, s, ..I-m|.|, . 3 a 41rQa m asennr ar eef ZT. ON i fa m f OnMaS. -ir---.. ewde.. ar N bm t o am f m tao, .. bbsesma. oftbowan M .-.. 8L. someone a ael at ma M 00u Is wok w d..u of nas matwe. miin bie I. __ o. e s ., bns a : w.a mede''||t ''"*.M.. a .r" ra ES Na iIWmL n . wm Ge alli .oanfo a wlw offelpait he - G smb. 4 de oa .. m T.. u h b: Wal Ifpet .w . .r, .m n M . S . 801 ;%.z -- *- a- a Fee ..lr~aM....,. Dasam "tF AA. r . Me . 3no" & a--. . me . n ".. ..'" 41-Ti,.7|-.2' -,: 'lin Si.*'e. .- N ** 14= .s s.: anue bat e esme M bsur an1 . e im aeim .s .. - loa .L ft n ls .& 3 . a se1 ed at . . %aom Iste .i mam ma hi Ai i evro lu o hideua fami he wuwwaiboutS inwn gins irn. of ewf hr smbuffi ata EMW be T Ulaine sif ant N alft . enedsma waumnso ". goehk tv M e -. -f .41h s4 i a ma. s. iumi ON to 0. 33 A 41 M.10. D. 3. -* dm.i of as Ohi swhi 19 IM. Fa ow14 SM k a hi U. s. Bm.illaf ' =1 I iomwa . amm PU -w mi Aw ~ ~ * 14 so* fI0 c we t a neat meMa semisi Me. s ifaft f d po h I'dw*9. u. am an ift . pUbWdies I 3.M4 MA. a.einw aft mut. fta. Iuu MNWal ov bAWAM 5.O WY. UWWu)se ofAW DWLIWG, qw lbOs ft Mb 000414 0101:i b we two hi wf 4 lem Par usene, alim - -mmn e andmuf e spUm i As 1 41u ft IM u" sMna ==AM 3. b A. 3 .K~ . OWM 469. i mhmS i fir Uil N I km 9" *Dl 49 hm ,in ai No wo& abs.a amofi Mo me bh ps M.a i %bod P. ..uam, onho son Iss 003*3 bla so or Wu i;e. ibef-0 "unaldn r~t aws 9mrddi o OM. n D. hk C 9w 1. atMssI m arm a*. &now goes&% s masdw us 3. ..w gim M=~hiS ~ IM W.1W Isum (10 obs VON 9 WAM*4 P~. be ML off me am-

Transcript of Ii:1: eber e3W.3er w. 3; U;imehha - Library of...

j age .v asmerdvi s cad e-o wa esid to & oer aboeesof

SteiMw Vigo -aft"ShA16 at=. e lm ot Wawmaee at 1, o A-ieta. ." La-

s- i inE; w areo At 1s.The me-et - as bee take

ev by a a ogue Nw York..". ,. .o. of sh ,

~m no~boto a VW-tee, at e per eOWL

.t11 a111 o to n1ellve Q aanahe a step in the right direetsSA* oek the rait off e mecha th

the tadustrial M by the heas, withthe reouit that eakers kav iae-tSor. ditered=M aaht gerta

Stht have be"sas th

a" et the bmportant .Wa eetbeeo amt est a ON ege to Itsadvising the purchase oet oras enthese three s tm se,ad, and laitsmes, a assr to Peek-at 2e rotran from the ta e

Tb fotlowlsa analyis ot ,themeas astuation was reetved late

yesterday aftermaen by W. EL HbbsA. Co. frem C. B ChapiA & Ce.,their New York eerreopmaeats.With few exceptiook prices were

gmeerafy lower. quaidation agaitbelmg rather eonspiemeuu is some ofthe high priet raile and motor

\. tmes.There were no startling develop-metu disclo.ed during the session

altheugh the labor aftoties e thePacme Coast and the Possibiitiesof trouble here festered apprehen-lese and added to the uncertaintyot things to general.A bright spot in the Siattom.

however, was the anefieial an-manemeut that bankers are mah-

ftag edlertse modify the aentenessO the mney situation, and the factthat money was offered more freelytoday. which was reflected in thethe belief that better rates may pro-vail.. at least In the near future.The Russan news was aio morereassuring.

COTM N ARETSNw Ta, S. a-T . me t the *Bum

u tmsaw hanger lf.ier. avals b theWOW SIMMONS at time S6al 11taa we at of

oA hea as "em These wea a see, O-

Tho amasm " ms aone at an so ad-e N W be0 mM IlN toe..i the

nieS et the -.= ad these we amW talkat %ade bs. aMi to be for Ne gho.d aeesa,. he suy afterawo Marhet ae of a

Gegakm hoadr een Mt a heading spot3m a" eamed a omeat of go

0ibs ha r. hu a s=ebet & f seo t aesa assi *en artes e paad and them0%4 we Sany oMY stealy at a met adsaerat se tog iiaThe esb at the Pert. for the day .

73KI balm campared with 3,1, helm lsnesh mis sui alho. Pe..

nones far the day &emrted WIN am..helmae 42s behe far hrem ardaba. TJUale ANr ftam^ and Ml am 9Wr Wer saintsOn th -migmm pfor the sao the ekar-mes aine to aim hem, agait aJU

hel11 to em e sauk Hern h. bew.seat ho. wa esiet at an advance of 1

s at mss; bme -e make set atNOw Of w stee., with middling 17

Pais h at L3; the abse wee I.Nsn.che inNew rk warehovere -we X.13a

bel, againt "S tosa a er "s.Reeeites at ether parta intudmd Galvatoe.

MN er .1; Bainare. 10,75r.

LE STC ARKET.Cheo. 8p. IS-The attle market was artne tedy and mid at a good advace on~r a

1e ae A avow dU Market s looked for.tod Mek today was 17.S wmb arm&ge stok

we. awem Me.P l ain o Ie o f b o on s em e d 5 to I s m

S we 11101a0er40 a varke, but the marketwas brgmelar daraeg the day. The rum wo eeti-mat at TJ, whic wa. lea tha. eupeetd.Asea -is wee between 17. a" 9.3,wheb limef t mid at 1.01,

he Mem a mama. Pe"e softr we am


A OCATONA"@Ks ",27M.

my to Loan-On Real Estate or to takeup Mortgages.-Our plan enables the bor-rower to pay back the prin-cipal in small sums monthly.mad does not limit to the

regular monthly payment.We Bokerage. No COMMA.-

mesed ee.


MRK JP. R33SMb.~ux J ay xm o vw P _'em


Lab TeupedS-end mubmarine corporationstocks should be bought for

et the maet" eitherfoe..b .... margi.wela AL.L Curb

W 3ied e theNe Yorks

seg m eacher en amria.emService,

assa sSa. Weeasseme smasW.b W. AobBAY ~ C..

-an ai see eta ~ms

1a*ma (M a -s

et Waj5 sbes


oweaWhanby bvsrfer an bow e doMesw bab g Uft.

etwmafly ~ ahlf GOO ief tosu am~mOw4%fio 15 a hstalt aeuse Oftera .ri . rim o agprites et mee s -am

beais regar ai mma Aaiptafand ta a 30 mat erSe - hestaea a~aasb D be~

eareS Mwa fot10elteam far keM tw"t dwi to ofMnths.2111 hb" "a boa eta 4stwit Wea t"e mnbeasoearded s at aOMa.uS

li1ttle.OffsetIftg the 11aaorlWe vossa whic

fite mata Wal east. hetws h.ea d-,ag l, uwrs Wa

sheafg hmt ape

Moltk-s. Whie s gan amed aa e.tspe the aae" .enw n es

throthset thee Int!?. rhlnotsret ahd a ftir Sagswy a d

Navy Depotments tateeent t1i-theci-boa" rep'rtd of NeaGtucet badno aparent fondatray . hp Raflgand motor stoch were en during agreat part of the day. but smgged athe anal trading. closing, for themost part, with net loom UnitedStates steel elosd at I S-4 WMwas a point froam "i highest wteetthe day. Its net gain was 7 AainIts trading oceupled over a thtrd afthe S,11e sharen bought and add.


Ne' Ta, 116 . .fhae. Egh. LOW. aim.

M Am. Ca............3% a 9%I.U Am. Car & Femer.. at &2.S Am. Int. Camp. ..... 6% 6

2.20 Am. LAeeed........... 4 2% lif1.Ul AM. Loometve....... 0% 0% 58%

.M0 Am. a-un......... 9 %1%

500 Am. Bear pfd......... 115 1, II U1.e Aim. tmeta.......... 01 46%%

4 An. Tel. & Tel.....119% 115% 119%70 Ar. Woola..... 4% 0 WA

Wi Am. Zhne............ - IS.

* Atchtan ..... ..... 14 S :%

1.m A., G. & . W.. % 6 m

3,2 aldwis Loomee.. % U 6%

0 BarSett C0..............Urn Bethlehbm Steel. 3... M W 11111%

21m Bethlehm Steel. ts.. 1% % 1%1,40 Beo1r. 21111 2tm. 0 n m%

1 neek V...........t 1%3.30 Mutts & 0epa".... s%pa

= CaL ebels mse... 4 4.M Caia PatrSe...1% 1% 1W% L

3.1m Cbmal Imtetbr..... 11% D%D1.9 Chadh Mter... Q6 M

50 Chmissabe & OW.... W4t 5% W%tm C.. M. & st. P........ 5F% 60% L N

UC.,. I.& P.. eth..t 23WA S %

SC.. R.. & P. 7% pfd % 40% 40%7.&" Chib ONr........... 17% IMt 17% C.1 China Com. Copper.... W% 0% % U

1.01 colorsdo Pael & Ibo 6 Cd 4a %S Clarad Gaf & Etee. 3% 3X% 3%W

e.s corn Peets. % 2% 6%!.3 Creible Steel... am % OF%

a Cuban Came I. vd.. s 4% 11% p.2.40 Teiwae w Enes.. i % 1% p

3.M Ditime" gesam.. 31% 30 31% p2.21M e ....................% % % a115 Erielt fld........ U4N

2 GSenrual ketri.... 13 13 13% A,9 Negehaeral to....... .1% W6 WA A

neralb Moats led... 2 A22i0 ft. Nor.ther Ore .uba 31% 32 3% *

asGrne Camases Cop.. W4 49% 4% y7."R In-piration Copper.... 49% 4104 0%Wn Interr Con.......... 1% 6% 1%A.3s nt. Mer. Marine.. 24% 311

11.101 lot. Mer. Maries Pfd. 91% 711% PI%90 Int. par .............. 7% %

2.3Io Int. Nicke... . % X% 3

3.633 Keunntt ...........0 3 %41. Iaamma Steel.. 1% 77% 7

3.514 Lienett A Myrm, its. 4 % %50 FaniWille & NashVile 116 115% 116 C

7.40 Mexican Petrolenm 91% $% 91%I1.5. Midvale ieel... A % W4

, e Maroni Pacfie....... 3% 36 .20%1.9 National C. & . I% WA I%4. National E. & 8...... WA 3 % A

1.26 merada cn. opper.. 3% w% 3%2.-. N. T. Central......... 17% 7N I I71.2 Nrfout & Wnten P 4 13% 110%1.11 Northern Pacie....... 1 WA 0%

1..0 ohi ities Ga1....... e e 47% 4" 9%2.lw Penn'rbonIa R. ....91% 51% 51%

2!.'" Ray 'n. Coppe...... 31% 3N% 31%5.126 Reading ................ 73% 71% 78%

0.40 Rermblk. ITv a steel 7t%. 21f "S%1.2 Royal YIlte........... r 46% 0%

'w Sasn Motmre........... 12% 12 133 st. LoTi & a. r....1 15%4 1%

M0 IlearvaRoebtr ........ 351% 51 11

SN RoIelair OI........ 3K % Ni

13f Sontherm Padie....... 91% WA W%1.709 Southern awY..... ,4 t 2%

e se tmdeteker...........W24 61.70" Ten. C. & C. 154% 1% 151.56 Texas Co...........W 161% 1 s5.71 Tohneo ProInets.. 0 % 0% U2.100 Union Paiem..........13% 131 1- g

4.69 UmIted Cigar StorL.. 116 115% 115% C3.19 U. S. Ind. Alohol... 3% 11 1311

D4 I" IT. S. Steel............. s 14 14

1.39 1. F. Ateel 11d........ 15 I18 115%

S."3 tItah Copper........... %ft I

Sos Waboh pil. A........ O% 4% 6% 2

72 Woetinghose .......... 44% A 441% S

Sehegn & L x.....1% 111

1.45 WillsOverland ...... 3% JIM % A

1.40 Wisensdn Central.... 4VA 4% WA CTotal sales, 4605 whare.


PrIces pro itnetnem seneioe dated, CM-emw-Yo=&g jams. We book. 111@11; d10. %ONs

by espa. Na": do, Ueedbu, MID; L.am. Ease.; soug Wit.e Lashoes, Wall.;

om bes. 4 pod and " ser. am.~. do.. msto moedlm. 24se.; om White l196.==. 5- 4od reste. 1419; duels, yg Y u es y a,mnele. 1s29: do, pema Whits P51t~as, 56lIndian 3wuexs. IaU; 4iring, 3%S mmst uesr So.; do., mane, peor, Ibl0s.: 319

sldt, gir.? 2S.; ds, young, pair So.; guineafels YeSm. lt pomume sad up, each, St.;

30G9--Marhet rm: bus af. MashiFePs~alsi and eust13,4; Siimb%

Mariyland ad TbUsima, 111 Wedsa ((40e.4; West Tirdlsa 41: Saemie (Nasn (b-5635), nr. The mulbet sar sem: Wetes,

urt, m-s Wet.,. Mail;el, ma, pabag.streesl. 6;ttitpmdsal

deyaist. Masame, Pemerleania, asS TV. Isi315, estra, 30m3; doi.a ball; stae.gaki,02REEN FR4UfTS ANDt ETA3Y.EB-Ap-

Nlee 3d. aed Ta., te.r bM., 1UmlS nS.mll1.ttal.; box.~ 3:m Wet.. Marynd andPeaueupsa patbel, besd. Ithl; em., aS-lsa 114., 5e; at156 35t4e, par 1s6I1.Mt5; m2lery New Yah ltademani,6%

e -tisea atr Seme -.t AneArundet Gm bambet, 3,6; ese6, egt.

mse. desen, 1315; me mang, ees,3.29; -m.. Maryhme Vslei4ta iaaht,105L; ebsplante -eat. iam be. $@ I

htmsNew TakeILt. .- kdit. 1.4g1.g Sots

amee~s 45i; 4%age.V 4;ama

W.B.Habbs& C.


fiailhed IS W. I. Zins a mp

oigna tesoem a at of.WahM Gift , as 71116, IS at 7%. U, a

, IS as 1

WADminNato al Bok 3 at t.GOTERMENT mONDs.

Bid. £A&ii ate registered 2hh.......... K%

mid state, coup E ............ % .

sited State seltdered 3.......... m ....

mid States coupon 3. .. w%dud States astered ... in%

mited stat.. coupon 46............ ,1% ....

strit Columbia 3.U............ 104 ....b-t lam SA ...................... O....

GAS NONDBaisim3tm Gas Ga.. . 1 in

RAILROAD BOND0.4"s Tvaction a......I............. In to

etepeas 61............... ids..

isim m Railwar & EtIs ... ..01s1iugt Railway & eektsa 4. . mi'dk m. AlM. & Mt. Twrm Is .... if

M1901LANEROB N01D11.tom"ac Electrie Oma A.......... ft Iitomac Electric LAght :.......... N Wstmae Electric Uht b......... 1N Wi,esapeake & PmO .... 11 1mmeaa Tel. & Ta. 4. ..sericanTelA'. . ... ..

merT.e. m'& c ta.s..A& ...

strict al Obuaat.= Papnr MfS Ga.UIM 1......... .

'ashtmgto Market t. ........ 5 .'ask. Marke COM Sta " ..... 5..owlty 4tfSae and Safe Dep. S.. 16nrfolk and Waah. steamboat as.... 1 ....Ig Realty on (1cs) ................ 1op welos Realty h (h.) .............. Ip .....ad States Realty OL............. IN .

Rpital Traction ..................... *ft'ash. Railway & te cm.. a 0rad. Raiway & Electric pd...... T7 TV

MMfo & WaBdim Steambost... 34% ....Tamshigto ma ..................... 71% 72

merilan Yi~elm & Tlegraph... 115 ....TYPE MACBINB HTOGRN

nthals ...........................1 1431

maclam 3 o.............................. Is...

eRtas ................................ .% ...apital ................. na .oalumba .............................. 21 23

n moerelat ............................ 192 tieIstrict .............................. 143 1*

wrmera' & Meeamies.............. .2 ftallMa ............ ........ ......... We ....

Incol .. .......... ............ is ...

attesl Matireplitan ............. i ....lms .................... 4e "D

ationa)Bank = Waahlcst. . 37 3iTRI;OT COMPANY WBOe.CK

maes Security & Trt.i....... m NOit$="a Saview & Trus........... 11 ...aioe Teust ........................... 13 1nuislag Am a Td....... M & ...

mtimntal Trus .................... 11 1SAVINGS BANE TOCEb.

mw ........


mt MWambsgeia .....--.............. 19

imty &asi a & eeta O .... .

F13 INSURANRE.MOCES............................... ii


kin-Amm.. .................... ..ateaba Umsem....................... 0

TITLN IN3IIBANCB E'0C=1.miclab .... .......................... 4 ..

al ase .......................... .-SU)RIJANC3V82KLKM1gecru.A trB00 STOCEE.

h10i1-114h1 ......................... 3 ...

%src of rdMa Pa Mfe. C& le ...erehas' Tnme ame Slaosi., 155 139

se talena ................... 3 ...

it Stemnse a fts DwS.IL.. ..raBhtmeten Maae............... s .metts e sa, Realty OA...... m .

WaSHIGTON ?IODUCE.set mactetallie esaena. &StS' ies a

LIV pU; bb. U;s IM7er li. 1: eber er w. 3; U;im ehha

A . Ii: e3W.3acLb..TW RE0Ena par 3. SW: gass1

*r ammen. . 1

li IbSa.O e bn

z~ ~C~mto.d

ms1S.3 14 me1Wl.: Uh

u auimeer staua attPU


1NEW YORK CURB MARKET.nrun@d b, W. W. Easteday & Co.. lae.

am. Asked.Aetna Emlodwas ...*................... % 5%

L Amsarta Marenat .................... 1% VAAngle Oil ........... ............... 1819

Atlanta ..................9% 14%Damton W& :otaa................... U "Butte Copper & Zinc .................. 9%VA- Btterworth JudIp ................... 53 is

* 'aedonia ............................... 73 Ji

Caron dWIe .......................... V% rhi

(walmes Motor ............ s.1. herolet Motor ............. 1 2


-.,. Cd o ............... so n%

AOuden 0Co. B. &4 85

*mas Oil G 9% 9%s

camp sbibilding ................... 7T

Curti Aerplane ...

EB asie Poyerole nc....... 9% 844Duetwont Pho..h...... ......3 it6

Erickso"Wel............3 3*maerado oil ....................... .7

Fals Motors ............................ 3 6

Federal oil ............................ 3 1% 4

Goldfteld Merger .................44GolilM Consolidated .......... 'iGrant Motors ...... ...........3

maln Stgn ...... ........... 1

Hargraves ............................... 13 14Hende ......................U .7

.ouston O6 1.il. . .

HUpp Motorn .......................... zi 3

Weela Nining ...2.................... 9 13-16'6i5-it

.ally Pvugar ............................ 0 a

Independence LAd .................... a IInternational Petrolum .............. 12 M2, Jin, Butler .............................. 92 is

,Jumin Extension ...................... v 23

Kl stne Tirm ........................ In, 13%

Kreg ................................... Is 10

Lake Torpedo .... .... 4% 5

. Lake 'rpedo ist .................. 5 6.Miami Meroer ............................ 5 1

Magma C-npper ........................ 44 40

Ms Valley .......................... 6% 4Munitions.

;ir4 iOna .. . A3 3

Macael ....................... 3 45*Midna R.Gaing ..................... IS 142

Nlrdwesft Oil . . 4iI* idw ett 01t 14 ....................... .:1Mother 1! ........................... 31

6 Marah Mining ......................... 12 13

Now York 14hipbuilding ............... as aNipissing Mines....................9%

tOklabmaPnaIrd. RUting.......... 2

Oklahoma (il .......................... 09%Old Emma Leasing ............

Omar 0. & G............. 2D -'

'fly . 8% 344Orsage ............ .. ..... ioPaels Truck & ot r $d............. 5l

I tere e Oil ..... ................ 1

. ayo Merentes ............. 44 44

.Maya Plande ............. 15 6,krf "4*

Repub Motrnrurc................ M as

Repub!te Motor Truck jfd........ 9RtE Cosohdatd ... .......

84. Joseph Load ........;.............. 14% IINIepulta ... .............. 9% 11

*sanete il-..............~... &516is

tabdard 31otors ...................... 4 A6.Standard Shipb.ulding ..............:. 5 1$stanidard SIvor & Lead........,...... % 11.11Submarine B t ....................... % is

. upe-sttaeg Uunsoawated ............ n2 15Stel All. ............................ T 74

O lanom ................................. Is o

. Tmn Brnk a............... . is

iangle Film .....................1% 1UnitedMtate dAt.... ....... 3United states Steam..-p ............ 4 4wUnited Verd" Extenim ............ 5% 4NUnited Motors ......................... 31 73

Unity (olid ............................ 3A 4

Un. wesern Oil ....................... % I-1

v.ictii ........................... g0.

Wayland Oil ........................... 3 3*

West E d Oil & o............... 4 12

World if ... ......... % -I

. uWri.-arin Aost..f.............7 4 IS

Yearington ODOe ..................... 3 3


Tanm .........................s 1

Unted Smes ...t.. ........a........ 2 13ngtd Eem frmanMp............4 g

Uniy .44Meg......................5% 4Un.W ee n- ....................%174=

Vlewsmas . ...................

Waand t.........................3 5,WOs ~...., aG....................... i s

Wri .............................S a..

...........tlie ................31 19

.................. Dow....... in is

Atata............................ ynea.............................1 3ga


........ow. .......... 52wasm.. .g............8 41

4 m id c ---... -............3 4

NEW oONHestaamo,.. nedas.. .me.hg.

.......;.l........r......: .6 19cn

lanIn acat eS 11y ig

3M Oeseiet.. . fa

isi U Deand otS enub

__ a vM~i eanditloetmimeeaUas a

- .eilt.rat e

a1ssanteUestalth RaSwam


-.s sed



CHICAGO GRAIN.clesg., Sept. IS-t.lm A.d j.e.i. i

terem here today wer:0ORN-Doember,L10M: May. 311.%OATS-letaismber. W; December. 0%.LARD-Septembar. 2J1; October. k ; Jam

my. SI.

RIB& tembr, Kl; October, 3.; Janary. U27.

PORK- Seitember. C5; October. AN; lawar. 43..

Chicago. Rept. 1.-An unfoisided frost aedeveloped in the ern, market. &ad as a rmuprices flmhed 3 to 3% cents better tham tday before. Nt. Loaou reported the arrival 4the Ast car of new corn then frm SoueatheNuaouri. It as a ca t ear a ad wasIgood condition And St for "ilig. It Soaired iat 81.0 per bushel: a little better fetl

Is the osb market. with priousi-a---- totts ow*er. EAstern shipprs mese reploted I

be bidding 3 to 4 eants moss for No. 2 Amid N3 yellow corn to arrive.There s a big trade in oats and rice we% to 1% tets higher at the close. The a11kwas Arm from the outset. Ca& eats fishedto 2 cents higher. Rids to arie Iroe at % emebetter Temium than the day IU a. and thewas a firm tone oated to premium for spot OatPrvideins started dreng, bet the earlya

vaem .a lost later, with the eo weak ammme losses noted.Furrished by W. B. Bibb@ &Co.

CORN- Open. High. Low.CiesMay ......... . ........ L.M .1.13%1.15

Decemabr...,. ..... 151 1.3% 1.11

OATS-May................... fft % 0% a

Detaber........... 7% 0 IN Irpterenber........... .% S1% 3 3

PORKSeptember............ -3

ctobTer............... 4L 42111,

LAND-September............ Z .A =T 5kT

Octber............ 2 2111. 53.6

RIBSSeptember............ W11KI2 3lS Io 1

(October............... U0 .1 Koo Kil

PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE.Pl'tadelphia. Sept. &-LTrRR-Weil cles

ed p and frlm. Quotatiom follow. Westeat1--icked creamnerv. fancy. eeials, 47: eutr

4:"!6; extra Ants. 44; flarts. 43%; 1eod Wnearby prints, fancy. ";.Avenrge. entr. ftafirstp. 41&15: seeando 4.; speial granis of Pwitjobbing at 32aM5.

KG4-Pne, new-lai emgs aermar and fitwith dmad fair. Quotatinns: In free teemnearby trate. 12.3 standard em; e2restIceivps. 1130 cae; seconds, S.aIOA .* cam: We

retria. e1 as Ardsa, 1230 me; seoma101l 25 ame; fancy necdeted fresh joblag

I50m do,-nIREAMED POULTRY-Folol. U to bee:,alfed, dry-pickted. fancy selected. 31; weight

4% lbs. and over siee. 251; 4 Ib, ape30; 3% lba atec% 0; 3 lb. a Iase ;inein tbia fancr dry picked. 4i th. and omaiece. 3; 4 the. ariees, .WW: maalse IS

=3W; o10 rntmrs. dry-Dicked. 3; herAlftg ecbem. weighintg Nain lb. apiee. Jersey. fenSM: Virginia. fancy. ;Z: other narby,m

Western. SIt; turbep, fnh-Mlled. teed, IWestern, beat hee. MO: sommon. 1m1; dodaping. 222; quamb. don, white, weighingto 12 the.. dowen. .Mt5.311; 9 to 10 lbL. do.4.41M4.50: lbs.. doen. 10053.0; 7 lba.. don

2.1601 : 6s4% lIb. dem. 14%23; dm3. 1.13; mall ad N.. 1, 11.3.LIVE POtLTRY-emsis, sm to quality,M

suoeters. 15.2: tis eldekenAa not Leashnplump. yellowa.daned. weilhing 1%2311apece. 32[: string cichema. not Leghersmaller dses, 5a5: White Legborns., 2ducks. Pekin, Its; Indian RuINnr, INot inag. =a3; oanng guineas, pair, weileg I.2 iba. AIAt., TaeU; manller simes, 5; 4

gainces, 5S3.

LIVE STOCK MARKET.fllago, Sept. ll.-HOCS-Reeiptae, 1.

elow. Bulk. 17JelL4; light, 1iIIL.mixed.- 1. ev; hary, K118.4; 2000

11317.1S; pie, 13~.K7CATTLR-lteoeepts, 1,00: week. Natlre 3

catle.; Westen steers. 17.11Aatoce and feederm, S.5e1L.; ewes end he

era 5.18els,3; mnlee, 11aannissaUHEEP-Recipas 15,41; GAm. Wethes 9A

NEW YORK HOTEL ARRIVALISpeciel to The Washaington Ueald.New York, Sept. 18.-Washilngtonia

registered at New York hotels tedInclude: Martha Weahintou, Mr.3. Denham; Varn Cortimad. .. E. Mafield, Mr. 5. H. Hadnata; Navarre,A. Howald; Mattbortimh, R. V. Kerl-Martha Washington, m.s .1. MclasCumberland, 3. P. Moore; Planders,Rtichards; Martha 1mablngaen. ElS. It. Turton; Murray Hil, 1W.Williants


D. NO'IES, Ame----r.Tristebs' Sale of a ValudGrcezy and Meut Market807 Rock Creek Caek Reed

7 y sste a mdsaa dee ftUgt dyasertedser l6e DiiUS. di ig da

tassean, waseemis e

I- suse

Ir No

mw= $209 'u-$ 1 OW. $1..

. .a

$1an. m.. A. $. w.loiiC. LAN3 J N1 PAR


.oeml, AKT G Ot. mr.



o m law~paddTmadem-o

Pm VEw mia


PAKRSoSinh mm loismsm ake

AOR talrsof th iOarld.

STORAGERAGE o toE OaW smit beenm,hol goods.



s m. IS.M.

isa aTORAoE O.. 3Es. Nigo Pb. N. .


sal aste at low"d emret vales; mods

OE TO.o.

Off3ga at.N01E 20 LOA- 1111.O11 Ox D. u

a sal t esal treat rms. 4% to 6 "ANet. At mmctind t ec somme.

al ndiam.m fo hor bemsm.soutbiarm B)di3m. m 1ob OL et.

. CLAIRVOYANTS.mm '"""H ee bu ads

6 4 M. Awa en enation atil October L

ZaNCGS-Paha md AieegWuld-ewowd PBYCOC and ISEXM Ad-'


B'rMOM1.U~~8I d.,p,? 1 , barehlphelp YOU. Radisu. S

ad $l1.1W 14TEH ST. N. W. (Atove v3.)


eOk Eche Park, octed at 1" 0 st. av. A<o on an affaie of life; "tisfactiom guaros


me PCs CYIANDE3 for mlrsin tbm16 -m 60 Mew" ft" Ml mim C766-4 i lla. AM ag almim.,. W01100 COLEMAN. 2t. WK a. mw. . 4p.

OPN AND CO Cft~, 9t MODES. Trivs, .e. 7c, $I: ptr hor. $1.5 and 5.

ms Venel wWIte ebaera. Phmee phrmn X.


r 3 bia f..... . ........... .....

4. My tes............................. .9

S er ......................


6 ANT SERTICE. ANT TIME, ANY PIACIrn Ates of any make sad age spaired or webutl

k bars godwbhll ro wall. Itesaga. W)1RT MACEE 51S 1Uth s m. LimeosNPPCE CAN FIX IT. WU.DIfG oF ATWebb mal to nem. Exert auto re.fimPries Aem Uai Shop, 1435 m. coiSuI. i

I:AITOKUDSWWI014 AND HAMMATI;UCIS.Fecdens Ied; rbon rmesd; at

im Es am- Co..I ea IE Xt.I",

" ROUN CAST aomNAnd oder msftsvolded ty setagomi cmm

WELD 3 S1. . ave. me. 1k. UKw.s.....c...d ,ad mari..er.m10;

_ WOTEC Artlfea teeth amd mOn-an liamonds and Jewill

bouaaAbrahamn, 615

4 V0UINUMEN-THEREt AIE NOJ ?14C1as -ian banue trade: ther lar a

enn Maim and tell aome "pa"V who has

ad and s e. buy alg tly 1m OdtKenlU STAND,UIB D.


3nsimi inuams et Uea ad Wm.

mm.easmsthsStanMree e

3b. 13w ent ie -~alGossa- 35w.M eSm .amh M"JIULTA110N RE

.i * r unet. 5om as 3meM dtEn

. C.SO.

.e..al Ausaaa

U. L ledOver SUeM ye-of A.~OO CWORUWr M aapam~ugMiVANWay in,

Cud.wi m.a. tw-a

G.fiHMK.e a.3en%1160F

16d m Fos AL~oA mer a. 0 sa e

PM. .N a.... aepmue isWAM-owASU Don; IaWATI-IOFf @L1 m&. MoL

w4=9d.20=n4 Invam I

WANTED-ANBL40D M: ;25eperbmour; s.4 week Ap.

ply te TME3R. Admins Ex-p;s Co. 2d and La.. a..WArs--Wara Mous A TIns uMas

.aM a. Is .. . La.s. at 1.HAM$. Me r a... aw or La....tATU-D1T= DOTS==UV arLFs=

n IN..a a neeAM. aom

r-D.. = sna=m.MMpM .3ao h 4 aw.

= c .Mn.-o

WANITED-AGT ;; YOU=G AN:Y1mm 606 is MLdASw. The EMNI03.nc.. ..0 .. g .....5 aA;

heaannme u inmi Am.W11M6 KKJV he I. AXE. the 3m


w P.WAN'IE- Ad&siigkii-jimmne-ey; be ppat.

CaU before 9:30. Appl MeSaks. HERALD FFIG. 2d Ber.WANTED-BOY TO WORK

in newspaper office at night;must be between x6 and i9 yearSold; good opportunity for rightIboy. Appy to Mr. Easameat

WANM-OI MMT.p...t.....of p...t e...lt.

nity for advacemt. ApplyFOREAN. HeraM ofie. afher6 P. M.

The Penawpalun Rabod ce.Fw mna .sia -I

Fla wh and e.awm kbn.IF~..84.or utth 00e X. T.. P. & K. 0.

Apr4r to M. 0. VINCENT. Unit. Mwi@0. V..



1 30 cents an hoar, eight bourwork; time and half ovetime;average day, ten hers.



5:39 A. M.L

DAILYReterm at mn 4W We.6 no



~HIELP WArnEDmilwetMFh. .EB .in IDB*~mwaNrND-Two Vm UMPMEUEN WUn

80LDIn...AarIam NEED SoCES. GooD

n. ..a. a.~ ...... we=M o.... a.

ah ma..th sa... UI.~

eral haandry work: iteenL playenat. NATIONAL. LANRY1

CO., 23 Phere. .,.

Si -


swf efm la dol am-M a"am.

=N..6, s, ..I-m|.|,. 3

a 41rQam asennr areef


ON ifa m fOnMaS. -ir---.. ewde.. ar N

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;%.z -- *- a- aFee..lr~aM....,. Dasam

"tF AA.

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%aom Iste .i mam mahi

Ai i evro lu o hideua famihe wuwwaiboutSinwnginsirn. of ewf hrsmbuffi ata


Ulaine sif ant N alft .

enedsma waumnso". goehk tv M e -.-f

.41h s4i a ma.

s. iumi ON to

0. 33 A 41 M.10. D. 3. -*dm.i of as Ohi swhi


Fa ow14 SMk ahi U.

s. Bm.illaf ' =1 Iiomwa . amm PU - w mi

Aw~ ~ *14 so*fI0cwe t a neat meMa semisiMe. sifaft f d po h

I'dw*9.u. am an ift .pUbWdies I 3.M4

MA. a.einw aft mut. fta.

IuuMNWal ovbAWAM

5.O WY. UWWu)seofAW DWLIWG,qw

lbOs ft Mb 000414 0101:i bwe two hi wf 4 lem Par usene,alim - -mmn e andmuf eoespUm iAs 141uft IM u" sMna

==AM 3.b A. 3.K~ . OWM 469. i mhmS

i fir Uil N I

km 9" *Dl 49 hm ,in aiNo wo& abs.aamofi Mo mebh psM.a i %bod P. ..uam,

onho son Iss003*3 bla so

or Wu i;e.ibef-0"unaldn r~t aws 9mrddi o

OM. n D. hk C 9w 1. atMssI

m arm a*. &now

goes&% s masdwus 3. ..w

gim M=~hiS~

IM W.1W Isum (10 obs VON 9WAM*4 P~. be ML off me am-