,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar...

, .... ... - .. - - .... - .. - , 1 ' _ , PubIiahed b;r GEORGE B. UTTER. .. THE S B·V E NTH DAY 1ST H E SA B BAT H. 0 F THE LOR D, 'T iIt Y 1 ·(f'@.D:M ----- ---_._--- I t 1.,. I'! WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFT<H-DAY, MARCH 2.3, 1865. .. l. l _, .,1 ., , J . . is a palpable error, unl_ you the prize; but. bark, the bell to1l8 grave or rude. inten'i: ahoW' that law of decay I Beventy-seventy·onl!-two- gent or 01' cotnll)lI;:' inberes io. tbem. Your vaunted •• ,...lct/Jirell-,fOlIT.. She begins to grow"" lIuitl! CO!llput ' in wtlidlt1ie " aAid, 4 ... 0. . III, ' ...... 11 -etOtdtr.· "oqld be aatlllfact o l'1' to all, wer.e it ,.,.-t Jot tbat • crum\'!liuw theory i8 to be gilmant, then, is ooly a bubble,lI.mi feeble, requitee care, is not .1· cHnee to raiL': " in pock",," 'miJott c .iaiillitll1lj,t wben pricked, vanishes. W&,II iJIlrfectly patient or lIatisfied; Upon t.bf8I'I conclW!iOll.IJ are:b&Bed J'01;I a tri1le, Ldiidp'i AjUIJ"';j " IIUitBiaed, you eertllinly apeak u 01U! I'or 'he !Jobbath _dor, a little Qonceited. You over The remainder of YOllr argument she goes from oae phild's jIouse to th!l following W811 going to .talk. will be noticed in another article. anotber, 110 that no one place seems REJUR!!._ . ' at I said the' five JA'1't1BE' A.I) DEI'l'In OF '.AIf, m.tQ"our .lfortl. The theory i81lOt ELD, R. ·F. Oo'I'TltI!LL : :E!-very new develoP?J ent 1Jedr Bftthll7',-Iu your letter, III ,101iIOce, .... nd .tep ID .. . II IIjted ia till!' RICORDIR 0; troll 8XetJtIl!IiI of SCrlpturelJ, .dda wblc appe -11 . uew strengtb to It. Is not that ttne, ,T y 10 my .ttsntlOn to brQther r wby talk of the the- As ever, YOUfS, N. V. Bl1LLo like bome. She murmurs in plain. 1. We believe- •. \t, .. :N ame your own 80m,.' Baid tive tones, and after her toil and churches to set aplH" women, Give wbat,you .nil, mo. be the reIRt,on' of thought, or rhe . I"y" bl' t" I d A GRAIm OLD POEM. wearinet!s, it is liHd lIhe, cannot be educate them for fiing, lookinjC at .. hat have ·rA- If"!.r.W allowed .. bome to die in i that Ihe wive!!. ceived. I've told hI .. mU8t he sellt rather lhap invited 2. When a chllrelt " ahom to ings tltat the from bouse to house. Eighty- a paetor, tbey sh01l14 appoint •• ' aren't they worth a Sl apiece Ah, cial to .. his alld 'Old-' Allan smiled,.. and of thou ht, to matter. "., Ing I 0 no. A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee- mlldeht1 18 dead-tbat matenal , " 0 I' - . r I"JIl.lulllbere, they l1,e boul- Who sball judge a man frOtn !IIanners! Who Bhall know him by his dleBS ! Paupers may be ftl for p'nooes. Prince.ftt for BomethlDg less. tlOn" I lay no c 111l!1 t? perfection fall But this I sa that wh n th knowledge. Sure It 18, that Ibe BI-. y, e. ble attributes tbought to the.8 ifit Into Ipmt· Crumpled shtrt and dirty May beclothe the gol4en are' she it! now a lIeoood' cbild-now to ascertain whether ahe is able or two balf croWII&; ., Well, aDd, •• she h&ll ontlived her usefulneM, ling to perform the Tabor of live a Bfth that's, worth l .... d -W'M"':'''' f d n t hill b dIe p 1 n\lty always prevails. Ana ac SPIRIT m.n Q tis purll7' 8lTOftgeT t.un 'lUTl"U, it Of the deepest thoughts and feelings-- Satin ve8t. could do no more. There are spring. of crystal nectar ' Ever welling out of stone. bas now ceued __ be a QOmfort women, . withdilt aDY com- frieQd that is to mind<Qne to herself or anylxJdy;" that is, she exoopt: .tlle" e\1nllhe wh'l¢h omits dnty ; 80 yon needn'l-Icratilh thougbt8 of a mati, Sl1ge the Rpirlt ' will prl!lJatll ufman which i. f" Tbill8bonld to YOIl do not ob- There are purple buds and ,oId/!n, Hidden, crushed and overgroJlfll; God, wbo eounl8 by Bouls, not dreBBes. has ceased to be proBtable to her from her maeter/s {babaad'i.} ruy name ;' the'llve Bbi]., and' table. ',. !ml!lll. .f-CoIIIIg!"'., .....;..lo!,i!rMl_ •• I. m' t 1 tb L iQ the trl1nlliatlOn of thoe word IU. luen : lila onr . to ieWpre'.t.ion Laves and you and me, chlldrP.ll. 3. A minis*er's wife·';tonld be ... _"-'--- . ,,' .t,1.lJ!l Ii.., bod"i' dell.d ... ·'t 1U<l11!l\1';1n w it ",e "tb'd tho> h 11' be , 'WhUe he vi.:u,," Ihrotftj'Ule hlghlllt But as pebbles In the sea. Now ,ootids oat, 'te1'erberating ways at home, atJd always around- A 'i'RAVELEK'B TBSTIKOIY. through our lovely forest, and echo-, always lIer,.il!&' (ffid, ,and always .. Only a fe" weeki I bad b ' "hat we do hi e I ell" .,.,.. t 6 1I0U IVe8 W n ! an ,rom ow. frQOI tile bod,J' That Man,npralsedabovehil\felloWB, !t may bl! well Bettled, tbat the qul!tltiOQ., brother. yoa mll81. Jretli><> __ back from our" hill of Ihe serving table8. pri9ilege of "iaiting tbat J.J;\lIl11I.V; lies aloud .. t • l\l' ",he.". Cbr.iat .li ..... d in tha 18 tbl! organ or who with inUMIueh 811 he is the Tha.t your meanest kinds are men, proy.e the 7 . one who uttered the sentiment. Tbe no now, ehe- de.and8 no rye 18 the organ of ; who Will is, the text is an iaterpretation ClaimIng eqMI Tfght to"BunSbltle, love, DOJI(,{t word!!, DO lender little ando-n motion, sat under the fig-trees of that a and npon the Mount of Olive8, mini8ter's wife should from npon the edge of Jacob's well, wherli people a regnlar salary; and 811 Clirist «at fatigued while looking for her dnties .are more numerous and the lost sheep. I eat down at the arduous than hllr husband's, ber sal· foot of the mountain, not far from ary should, in an such casell, be the sonrces of the .Tordan, where he "SHert thllt the eye sees? So or of thill "ide.," for lnaman' .. offices. A look of patient endorance, P, ar j ,. 1,1 orjJan of Bound; still, of atlluri n .. the disciples There are foam-._broidered oceans, we fancied also an expression of h tbIDg .... There are httle weed·clad rIlls. I f r . ed I h It ears ,00 , ". 8 !,bing, umel.y, tbat al There are reeble Inch.lligh saplings, gr e lot nnrfqOlt ove, nt on er larger thau bis. wall transfignred; and on the bor· The ders of Lake Tiberiall, with Its Iim- lIubject of tbe A fU,ndlfl!iDelllll1 pnnclpll! In "oor thongh ,,"D might kill the body, There are cedar. on the bill$' i,marble features. Her childreo were t.beo,ry It!, If 1 allderllltblld .you, that nevertheless the soul wonld Bnrvi ve. thert: clad in wpeds of woe, and in lifo IS the !esolt of organ}zed mat· But your interpretation ill Inmbered For, to Blm, all vain l'irODY we remembered the strollg To tbls I take argu· with ab.urdity : Christ cornfortH An as pebbles In Ule ...... man's w()fds, "She was a good MORE TlIAlf WE WANT, mg, .the of able II his di«!ciples with the 8IISUrIlUleE>, Toiling bands alone are builders , mother ill day!' true pO,ltwn-tbat III, that. Ie that althOllarh -I'cked men, ,' .. the Ofa n"tlon's wealth or fame; When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING, b d d d d b <> ... .. Titled IlUine.o i8 pen.iolled, bot pro noe Jln .orgalllze y. a service of 801tan,.n only kill tbeir Fed and fatted on tbe same; Btrange mini8ter rOillt in the polpit. "So you won't give me anything I" cr6ath',. .and orgamftc ,WhICh bodies, be can and will, seeiug By the sweat of other foreheads, Bis JOC\D waa "eo' erect, and bia "You needn't have put it in that ealllif.e, and lb. of the, peril their bodies in his freedom voice strong, bqt hair 11'811 iiI- way; I've got nothing to give," said thought ,hell hack 10 kill their souls 1 And ValDly lifted up Us voice. very white. He read se1'eral pas .... Anau Barrow. Nobody gives to me. and not m U hre Iii the re- ihis is the be is to af. Truth .. nd justice are eternal, gell of Scdpwre exprelBive of God'i I get nothing bnt what 1 work suIt of orgaDlze.d. m.atter, then 'Pat- '0." hi8 pet .... coted on"s 1 Yercy 1 Born WIth loveli!less and light; compa88iop to iliaD, &nd eepe- and pay for, and it's'rather hard to t he fio f d ,. '-t' """ Bec!'!" wrongs shaJl W'fet' PTosper. mU8. a VIVI o.rel', an pre- But you proceed that" this While there is a Bunny right; cially of bis teDderneM when gra, come upoo lIuch folks i you should ell8t8 tife; and reBlonmg backe.tep ,idea," (that the 11001 lives the God.whoseworld·heard,01ceISBinging hairl! are on bim and bis streugth go to them as you maYllay that gets by we .Bnd (:lernal, Jue- of the body,) .. is not eVf'D faileth. Be then made .ome touch- plenty for nothing, aDd have ruore l,fytIJ&' athel1m.. T at, . our pre- 1I.ioQld at in any otber pa8l!age iu the All the pebblOll In tile ""a. iog remarks on bnman frailty, and than they wo.nt." ", Hent wode of being. revea!s Bible!' YOIl oertainly do not want dependence on God, urging all And old Allau Barrow leaned both itself.thlOngh matt?r, 18 bold n ll1l8, in ",batever otber "OUTLIVED HER prescot to make tbeir paaoe witb bis elbows on his garden fence, and both true and necessary •.. But It ill.a teristice you may be deficiGlit. Aud their Master while in health, that tnrned away from the person he I f tbe b 8J t tb t t Not loug ainee,. a good·looking man hI' h' . ben g or, 0 1Im.n IIpm, a I YOII' furtber f:1 ay, "And is not in- in middle life to Ollr door 8!Ii:' t eytnigbt () aun IS prom lSee w spoke to. can operate, 8lI.enll1inl. pow,!rII tended to be hinted io this." Pray . W t aud them. " Then," The personhe spoke to was a gray- of .Ltl " .. we .... :r- r4- .... _..10. .. __ ... 7 ing for "tbe minister." hen in· he s;tid, .. eternal God aOIlJl be beaded man, in workman's clothe8. ha ,Ita'iolb, whliOier "sloal and 1m- Jamus tbI's plal'nly and you say formea: "'ttIalO be - out of town, be th f d b h h h II w ed d' . d d . Y re uge, an eneat t ee iii a lIe carried a little wok iu one hand, P erfect, or 8pi.ritual and perfect. l.n "I'd not 'Intend 'It, 'W:.ll, I th;nk seem Isappomte au anxIOUS. b tb I' , L . " .. 0 b' ti' d t b' b' e e ever 811. h 1!l Al"1lI!! .' . eanmg and in the other held a pencil, ready ,t,he relltirrectlOn, the body only IS he "'''', or he "'oul''> not ha'vD sa;'; it r n emg ques oue &II 0 IS USI- 'b d -'- d 10 h d tIt h (I ... , v,. ness, be replied: "I have lost my over • e a_, an «ulng IDtent..., to write. c ange ; 0. eas, we ave no war· Your exbibitiou of modesty, UDder mother, and 811 this place used to be on. the wftilled (orm before bim, he "You hBve told me of two sorts rant from the to a8llert tbe cover of a "windy" retreat from my home, and as my father lies here, reverently," Frum • little of people," said Silas P,oe, " that I tbe ruurreotlOn.Ol the 8Plflt, or tbe a df8coHsion of the meaning of the we have come to lay her beside him." child I the· aged; but don't expect to meet wlth-th08e enlarrement of ItS ,Powers per 8e, terms: kill and destrQY, may be skill· Oor heart rOlle in sympathy, aDd never till gray baits covered. my own tbat have nothinlr but what thllY pay That beastll thUik, seems true; ful, but won't save your theory, we sllid, "You have met with a head, did I' know truly bow mueb and those fIIat bave more than but wbo can tell ho'" they think? These, wQrds, it is true, have shade8 great 10118." love and AJlDpathy tbii cla88 have a they want." To inquire after tbe principle of or iu common with "Well-yes," replied the strong 1'. ___ to demand of their fellow crea- <. Very likely," sa.id Allan' "but thought iu animals, may afford a ottier, tI1!d/lT certain circums/ancllS, man with hesitancy, "a mother is a Now I feel it. Our mQtber," there's Rome of both in the 'world, pleasure II> a speCUlative mind i but and unclercertain circumstances alone. great 1088 iu general; bat our moth. 1II0st tenderly, "who now for all that; ['ve got Dothing but to In'roduce it as a grollnd of argu- Yet yon have gained mncb of your er bad ontlivAd hAr n""fnlne..... She lies in death berorll ue. WBII a strall, wWit I pay for, but I havell't got pili waten, in which bi. divine and tb ' holy imagtl lOOmed to he still reflect- 8l1li ed ; near those hill. which Bent back the the ecno of his voioe i in tbat BOlita- exo.1".tioDa'ill' but not devastated ooontry, where ginning no other memory rivalll hill. I have cover the tomb paS8ed over tbe Via DolprOlla, wbere tioll, lihe' ..... be bore bis cross. And there, far Chrilltlan from our tumultnous life, rar from tbat the oroillel our debates and (.ur struggles, Beek· two thievell were ClIIt Inw Ing to lay hold of this holy likeness ravine among tlal more nearly, that I might present it Jewilh ".w, ,ollated " to my countrymen, lIeduced by dug out tbis vain phantom, it to :-:Ie ·tbl't OUB piece8 of' t;mblir 'j, I was carried eigbteen centuries were the in back; that I contemplated the Sa- whether tbey ,"it the viour face to race; and I have oome buildlngll, it. la back frOID theee holy place8 .iih a The a-"_ or more joyons conviction of the reali· One of t_,_" ..,._.,., IPI' ..... ', •. ty of all this great past. I have tine. come back wit!l the profound faitb that tbe past is more livillg thail'.'ll b that rises before onr eyes. AgaiDlt the Eternal Rock the waves will propbtc)'. spend their useless force. I pteaervoo. come back repeating the eaying of a doobt great servant of God on hia -death- wood thtlll II' bed: 'The is true! the Gos- main iii ·lIalOll-l). pel ill true I .. Gospel ie trlle l' .If 1'\al'16 fl we believp, we sball eee the glory ol God."-M: ment in a Bible d;SCll8sion eoncer.a- by an adroIt but 11'811 in her seO<>nd childhood, and lIer ger to me, as are all of these her, more than I want!' iml tbe nature of lIIan. seemB frUIt- H.o k_ ... "'"wet j lind until mind was grown 811 weak 811 ber descendant.s. All I \En ow htr i. "Bilas smiled and shook his head. . CAR11:mB PIGBOIS Ilf WAX .... 1''1' uv 'It 18 afilD,ate. Y01l tbi. fuab of your ar- body,80 tbat sbe ....... no .. Wha.t d',. .u...loo .. .d a4J'I on--N.'Y. "- .. ry wbich Go hall not eelln t to re- YOll m)1st Btaud before the herself, and 11'811 a burdlln to every- IISked Allao, groffiy. and very interesting article IIPon ,.eal:. . not as fair disputants, but as body, There were Benn of UII eous years" Why, at the mistake you're in, employment of carrier pigeons . You thmi my declaratIOn, tbat wresters of words. Thi8 and daughter. ; and 8.iI we could DO't she has passed " answered Silas, "iu thinking the transmission of intelligence be· mtln in the !'e8urteclion dOes not seem to be strong; but I 8In- auy Olle wbo would. boan) ber, toiling &8 only you pl!.y tor everything." "tween our armies, from which we ba,e hill aniDial IIody restored to believe it IIndl'lhink 1 am able we agreed to keep her amoDg UI a mothers ever have streugtb to toil, "Make it ont that it's a mistake, make the following extract: life, a dellial ofo IJI!Il resurrectiou it- tly to it. year about. But I have had more until she b3/! re&l'ed a large family aI' I I'll give yon leave to put me Having as his main obj.ect sqlf. I fail to 'lee this. Jf I ullder. proceed to "t.ake position" th'n my share of her, for she was of 801lS she d, \9"n five sbillings in your booi," of CtJarleeton and raul, (1 Cor. 15Ih,) be' holdll first part of the verse-- too feeble to be moved when my. time lefft her clad in the weeds said Allan. '8 plaos have belm cOlltrcllIe<l'I.riatl tbat i man Who believell intberelmr. Year not thuse wbo will kill "'''' oot, lind :that .us more than 0 to dwell among her "Tbank you," said Silas. "but be· by events transpiring in those quar- , .' "'i' of the animal bod:9 i8 I , bui can pot kill the soul"- three months before her death. But children till health ' fore I begin to do it, will you just ler/l, a ud for tbis reason it h811 bellD, Tn U1I'1!TmIIOfiIl .. " Indeed, hi!! whule argument il!l to 8a" "YOll will not, dispute that then sbe was a good mother in her. God forbid give me a draugbt from YOllr w'el1? more neeessaryfor Grallt to hear .bow, thatJir,hile ill !ill in this clause, me",nsl!till" But day, and toiled very hard to aCcuse any of YOII It'll the beIIt water anywhere abont." him. Yet had he .ome means of paatOl' m .. , to Personalit". there i8 nope t!1 'OD and say, " I proceed, tben. 08 up'" or mlll'mnring on &c. "That it is," anl!wered AIl_n, teadj- warding a " bnlletin " now and a:'i'tll stallC6, "Tbll'l'e is 'an abhn ..l body, are not to fear those who are the {aee of.the count of the care she hy.s been to Iy getting a cup for him; "and it's Gen. Grant might receive .. MIlrt::i tI"l and there ittlnpirltuat body," is IIi. able to kill tbe lIoul." So you heo.rtleJ!1I man, we dilj8cted hif!l of you go baek a prime tbing for me, that can't drink importance, o.nd the to 'U 1 fili",·Ui::.1f«1 empbatic declaration, baoked, by the the point, do you, that tbe soul the honse of a neighboril!g pa.tor, homes, be careful o.r your ex· mach of anythiug else." , of the timid be jAll1.Y«lU, &"'''''''''''1' that" flesh and bIpod can- not necessarily die with the IIond returned to onr nursery. W your own ; for "Aye iwhat wolild we do without . Carrier pigeons conld '! Arq brlillllll v not inherit the of God," body? I rejoice that a main point gaBed on the lIlerry little face8 which frUIt your own domg you w:!1I "water," said Silas, taking a deep employed to great advantage for ., HI, II it be tiue,' tlll.t' (Jlirist, after his in thi8 argnment is gained. YQU IImiled or grew sad in imitation of reap Crom the,? wben you are II wben yOQ come. to think purpose, and it i8 singnlar that and' lMIfor8 his &llgeg- then proceed to say. But we are ours, li1;tle to whQIIfJ •• r 00 tl!e of heaven: how it come! into /ill tbe tbiDj;B that idea w80e not suggested to our , bJ)1r80 _.0011, "ne lame body taugb\ to fear God. 3 word in Ollr ,Iaagu!lge, half ao Our mother had outhvjld be,r useful· keep life togetber." tary authorities by the "tramp Ilra,Qije!l", tlIia doell not Tberefore God il able to kill the B'II:eet as " mother" and we wonder· ness-·sbe was a b.nt4en to us. Never. .. Oh, it's wonderful replied through Georgia. :4.8 is well knOWD. 'H,vV' :tOll of con1'se are 1I0ul.'" I don't lIee it. God may in· III if that day wodld ever come when ; a mother cannot live so tong AIl.n. II may be the mOlit fieful thing employment of carrier dltnlJnltieB deed be abie to kill tbe lIoul tbey would say of U8, "She bllft ont- as that 1 No. she can no in life." ; for dispatching' those emi- bow doell it follow, tbat God can kill lived her ntlefullleu-elle is DO com- er labpr for her chIldren, nO.r yet care "As to that," said Silae, .. we, to the earlieet period, and 1 . and abili,y, the 110111, becauee man canDot, or be· to hereelf, aud a burden she can .fall hke a pre· cOlOIldo't live in it, though \\e couldn't tinued until the invention of the tele· _ ........, •• ". thj)j18 tp. cause we lire to ft'ar him rather than else I". and 40ped that CIOUII weIght on tbelf bosom8, aud live well without it. Air, good fresh afforded a mode of transmit· dur- ,becauee mali cannot. But a day wonld dawn we might be call fortb by hllr hel.pleesness ,II the air, i. the thiDg we couldo't by any ug news more expedipously. Bru· ooll'lplete your lIyllogism, and to our rest. God forbid tbat we of nl- means do without." , tns aod Ilirtins were enabled by the eay, "S. Therefore God will ibould olrtlive tbe love of our tores. ,." And for that," aRid AllaD, "yon'll a81listanee of these wing.,d messen- the 80ttla of !lOme, i. e., the souls dren I Rather It» u die whit. Adiell, then, poor toil·worn moth· Dever have finer than this as blow8 gers to lr,oopup a \lonetant commu.ni- ,I. .. ..,.h. the wicked!' Here another point hearts are a part of their owl? er ; there are no more days of pain over tbe common. I take it, it's cation at the siege of Matina. namely, not onl, men Ollr grave may be watered witb for the,e. Undying vigor ever· worth ten years of lif ... to be in a 10 vain, tbe historian informs us, k!lI.the 81(,uls Gf the nghteous, ware, and our love linked with lasting usefqlness are part Of the i.u. n:r!' did AntoJ;ly spread bis ,et.s o.nd tf,)' ,"' ""'.'.";' 11'111 not. Therrj'ore, when hopes of heaven. heritance of redeeioed. " You are right there," Maid Silas, evel1 stratagem to baftle these CQUt- i!-' bodie8 of the righteOUi dte, their' When the bell tolled for,the \!.lotb. "and 1 should say you're a. proof ()f iers of the air j "he had mQrtiS Boula BtUllive, and they must c.ntinu6 er's burial we wellt to the ,'\o.nctu&l'Y lIIlf. IBTERS' WIVEI!. it; you look aa Brm all a rock, and as CI.ti'fl of seeIDg them going' [fue, for men cannot lcill thein, to pay our ooly 'token of respect to red as' a rose." returniug every morniqg over 'i,J,:.iil;;; will not. hew du anllged for we felt that Somebody in the Wesl, notfiuding "Not amiss/, said Allan; "never waHl! of the belE1!lgaered .,,111011, lIay Gtid 11'111 kIll th!, sonls we COU\¢, give her mem0ry a teM, io the Scriptllres any statement bf knew mueb about sickness." , TassQ speaks of tbeir being tbe wlck,i:d, whel) what Chnst SaJ[B even thoagh her own childrea bad qualifications and duties of the "And Jet YGlive. lived sie,(s or . Jer08a1 e lll,; I/owl·re,\at!lll'l thiat be' is to both npDe to shed. , wii'"'' of lIl i nisters, thinks that re- years," said Silas. bow GOdfrey protected one IDII..Ji!.Qul and bod-y b&I-l t! .!fbat God U She wall' a in hpr must be bad to'" the other " J UIIt up to thrOOSCOI6 and ten,." ,ailed falcon. Dnririg " ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,, able.w,pp !:c¥ B?t day, and toilea hard to us all faith and 'pr!lc;th,le-public lmswered ,A.1lan) nodding. ' they were that ,alii' wi,ll op_he .. a nQ eomfott-t'o from Wbicll, the writer SI1&S began to ",rite in Iris :todk. the A.8iloticlI " . 1I!.;I,;!!Jit,.1\1 tllil'i-itiliik; liwlld',ilillm'i()11U1d I8 of tbe tn a U1.Jt)'ftrybody elee ,.y", Ie"m that minis*er" ..nte ,. Wtat "Are Y04l'ptittibg'd0WU"f'" numbets oT , y?ur proof that he crqel, wPJd. rong in mun bs . Allan. for militar'y .. . u. yoqr IJIlOW,stn, opr ears we \laW: the c;oltin b9rue 1. Lite Mary, 'alwa,s name fot shilling,," were likewise t1ijed ¥oDr .... ,nIJ hll "Word .ar· up the tolled feet of Je@oli, irl POlltJellstOIl or tlie .. didn't: YO\l that I ror communicating ..... . iIItlli hlle4 18 weak, III Vlll .. .of and l6ud anti! the iron tongue had 9116 needful, pC every mlou'ld it if 1 '(:ould. prove that ters of interest. < .. tboo.tll,'fdyears, sentiment ,JOU main.tain;,{ofeveo ,eafll of'ille things morl! than you want "Anaoreon'. dove," h811 heeD irm: to ,bat DQt ag.ain the d,e. QUi,- - die I)",ne-two-r--.three-four- 2. Mat-tha, she shonld YOQ' neltber "mked nor pay mQl'talized in biB ode, Eis tboftillnd YEhll'l!l were 601sb· wbeo kIlled by GoP !lellJ &CcQrd, Bow <;le6rly and almost meni· the serving, yet without beillg in a Z" . : and Taurosthenes, we are ed, f •• force; for 8nera. rea- to your Ol'l!'U stroke of,b,eronce way.encumbered by it. "y.,s i ,bllt .you'v, ner e ; to mnnica.ted by, a meseenger > lonl, hut malDI, from the faet that the bod, of a WIcked 810mWr in her motner's bol!'Ool, and S. 'Sbe s"bCln1d be lI. Httfe ",ore that yet/' said Allan. ' hi8 fatlIer on I81and' ol.il a literal re."ullc\ion, in lIheir Que, his soul still lives, nnhl seat at I!ightfall ou her 'weary fa. prompt tban Sl\rah of nld, aud IJave .. Wht do you p"'for air 1" aSked the newII of filS vICtory at the Ol'rm"'ll;""o has been 'prp'fed. Perbl'pe tbe the body 18 railled. and theD, after iDlltlIo Six __ e.en-eigbt- refreshments always ready for thOl\e Sil8II. .; pic gamea. Coming d,>wn to m08t \lObe .. ,,i.ew that ,cue is, that being 'With the lll1th soul nine-ten-raD« Ollt tbe \ale of her haveling ansele whOle tisitH at the ., Pooh I nonleD8t 1" !laid AUan. timeB, we vnd llepicted in " the a",! what WM fitly re- and body are ia bett. 8ports upoJil the in 1Diniaters honse are not· f few and " For -water f" iJaicl Silas. garth's caricatures, 811 emplo'y'ed 14ea of II t8!lurrec- Bllt, loll you have me to meadow,andbesidethebroo'k. Eleven far between." U Poob'I" said Allau again. conveying the news of thll prize tlOD. l'q.qllqte '" p...age 's point out ., place wbere -twelve_thirteen_fonrteen-spoke t. Like DorcBl!, she should "keep "For bealtb, aud having been Up to ihe liying of the m"aIl'Df!t;c of a ",hl!le logic Je_kei'l ,proceed j ,not more gravely of 'iJchool-daYB and lit- on hand" a supply of brou,gbt·througb tbreescore years and wires betweeo London ana .. '. r'lr .. Ip. donbt It I! I bave' any dll8ire to hou.ehold aDd cam!. Fif· clothing, to beS'to'W upon ten f" Colltinood SiiaB. • tbey «Instantly de8patch.e,d'nnl,1 blllty, 1.1 t IItill bold yon. You say, "Now tbat which 18 all· poor saints aud Binn'ers in the u to thlm...... oi course we- and from these citil)8 by the (hI! «;'PIPUJn, there liable tb be kiJled, or, iD other words, ,-IIounded. oommnmi where she resi.reB J wilh a up, that " who thell, u. IS about na that to dliath 18 not imJOortal, maidenhood Spire !:Io:rf'or·tbe beneflciaries til' U8" aaid Allan'- "I Wiasn'. themeelVe!l of everY" therefore m •. ; the¢ore, tl)e ioul ellrly love. brought and the servants who have 'of them." ' ,,-" obtaining H the Benlle, w!ll faIt to re-ippear the wan ill cOQl!idllf, it 18 the happy bnde. Tweu1J frolll·the blessings of the 'f<' few people do think Bad our military 1 Wd ,1Jw,t .000 .... one thing whether-a thiug ill eapabJ!l ;wbole iul!titution." . Raia Silas. '11lebe8t mou\ha IIlnce_cnred_eral of 1belMil bilUy OIl'll qp.ly". WfirH il'f,rI' death by at the hands of fall to b\l{lItUlg prophetelB PelWl.'DI qI...,nler., a!lll 116 or wllether death ill in- 'which God , I'bo1l1d not "eplllrt from 811 cannot with .tbem, "e , FI of or in constitntioD. The in bosom. And or' for. the . and' a day's time, reqeive : .... ;=- .. I cert_lnly b •• e no 10 die b, Ii' strob told of her early of the chl/Tcfr .. ild him, 80 l"pld i. tlillitT ,Oil allde ftmtl a conllder.!fon deoa:pfng 1 0U 'ilae lov8ll, ,aadLcarea, .• nd. . all andUlOre tihrOllgh 'the .ir. ... •• Ith Matt, 10 I f,il, lior fwlll 1 criticilll tile proper idea of and tb .. thq .tIeeb ahot!iD yow, • in death limply, but in . of !l9A'alJ, Cf'lpa fal! qf tlaM, it .Ite 'the appolnment of or to Giver, ,CQme, I;lOt .'hn.I .... ... particle .. of matter bave s1l0wo yob tbt you dou't the plantation. ,il ' i. tlOmpo,lJed .1I0uld remain the thinge'tbat"j'ou ' or, .. AddlQloll'l tMIr teOitorj.tlDt, __ r*'l, ._ ..fter life i. gaDe thea without, .. et I have ,bI!htl_tl_,llIidllr ""',(rolll part.; ,"Ube, woQ!d .. i.aioftal, more) ,,,,a'\ illd ... ,DIP' dalt, .miMill' .i .&Jng\l!. . ... Id not folio.. to to lb." I ... ns, .. "_ ,-..ait,. are ..... for. 10 .. _ ...... To "lew 10a of Ipinta, .. ..

Transcript of ,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar...

Page 1: ,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar ... When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING, b d d d d b ...


.... ~ ... - .. - - .... -.. -

, 1 ' _

, PubIiahed b;r GEORGE B. UTTER. .. THE S B·V E NTH DAY 1ST H E SA B BAT H. 0 F THE LOR D, 'T iIt Y 1 ·(f'@.D:M

----- ---_._---I t 1.,. I'!

VOLUM~, ~~I,-}~O, ~2. WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFT<H-DAY, MARCH 2.3, 1865. .. l. l _, .,1 ., , J

. . is a palpable error, unl_ you the prize; but. bark, the bell to1l8 grave or rude. inten'i: \:~ ahoW' that t~e law of decay I Beventy-seventy·onl!-two- gent or 01' reiei-~ cotnll)lI;:' inberes io. tbem. Your vaunted •• ,...lct/Jirell-,fOlIT.. She begins to grow"" lIuitl! CO!llput ' in wtlidlt1ie " aAid, 4 ... 0.

. III, ' ...... 11 -etOtdtr.· "oqld be aatlllfactol'1' to all, wer.e it ,.,.-t ~ Jot tbat • crum\'!liuw theory i8 to be

gilmant, then, is ooly a bubble,lI.mi feeble, requitee ~me care, is not .1· m~, cHnee to raiL': " in pock",," 'miJottc.iaiillitll1lj,t wben pricked, vanishes. W&,II iJIlrfectly patient or lIatisfied; Upon t.bf8I'I conclW!iOll.IJ are:b&Bed J'01;I a tri1le, bu~ Ldiidp'i AjUIJ"';j

" IIUitBiaed, you eertllinly apeak u 01U! I'or 'he !Jobbath _dor, a little Qonceited. You over

The remainder of YOllr argument she goes from oae phild's jIouse to th!l following W811 going to .talk. will be noticed in another article. anotber, 110 that no one place seems REJUR!!._ . ' at I said a\jou~ the' five :~~:jBjr..:,L~~~~

JA'1't1BE' A.I) DEI'l'In OF '.AIf, m.tQ"our .lfortl. The theory i81lOt ELD, R. ·F. Oo'I'TltI!LL : ~rllm~ling. :E!-very new develoP?Jent

1Jedr Bftthll7',-Iu your letter, III ,101iIOce, .... nd adVII~ .tep ID .. . II IIjted ia till!' RICORDIR 0; troll 8XetJtIl!IiI of ~be SCrlpturelJ, .dda

wblc appe ~bo -11 . uew strengtb to It. Is not that ttne, ,T ~n. 26t~, y 10 c~ my .ttsntlOn to brQther r T,~en wby talk of the the-

As ever, YOUfS, N. V. Bl1LLo like bome. She murmurs in plain. 1. We believe-•. \t, ~.L t.b~,!foo~, .. :N ame your own 80m,.' Baid tive tones, and after ~all her toil and churches to set aplH" ~ung women, Give wbat,you .nil, i~ mo. be

the reIRt,on' of thought, or rhe . I"y" bl' t" I d • A GRAIm OLD POEM. wearinet!s, it is liHd lIhe, cannot be educate them for mini8~eu' fiing, lookinjC at .. hat have ·rA- If"!.r.W allowed .. bome to die in i that Ihe wive!!. ceived. I've told hI .. mU8t he sellt rather lhap invited 2. When a chllrelt " ahom to ings tltat the \illi~;g~ from bouse to house. Eighty- a paetor, tbey sh01l14 appoint •• ' aren't they worth a Sl apiece g~tyo()ne-twlr-tflree-fonr. Ah, cial oqmmit~ to .. iai~ his ",i~e" alld 'Old-' Allan smiled,.. and

of thou ht, to matter. "., or~m. Ing I 0 no. ~IiY A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee- !~at mlldeht1 18 dead-tbat matenal

, " 0 I' - . r I"JIl.lulllbere, N~. they l1,e boul-

Who sball judge a man frOtn !IIanners! Who Bhall know him by his dleBS !

Paupers may be ftl for p'nooes. Prince.ftt for BomethlDg less. tlOn" I lay no c 111l!1 t? perfection ~ fall But this I sa that wh n th

knowledge. Sure It 18, that Ibe BI-. y, e. ~y ble attributes tbought to the.8 ifit en~r Into a.c1o~een~~gement, Ipmt·

Crumpled shtrt and dirty jR~ket May beclothe the gol4en are' she it! now a lIeoood' cbild-now to ascertain whether ahe is able or two balf croWII&; ., Well, aDd,

•• she h&ll ontlived her usefulneM, ling to perform the Tabor of live a Bfth that's, worth ~other l .... d -W'M"':'''' f d n t hill b dIe p 1 n\lty always prevails. Ana ac SPIRIT

rl~~nF(~rn 'ltb~t m.nQ l~owetC\h~ tis purll7' ,~na 8lTOftgeT t.un 'lUTl"U, it

Of the deepest thoughts and feelings-­Satin ve8t. could do no more.

There are spring. of crystal nectar ' Ever welling out of stone.

bas now ceued __ be a QOmfort women, . withdilt aDY com- frieQd that is f.i~h{ul. to mind<Qne to herself or anylxJdy;" that is, she exoopt: .tlle" e\1nllhe wh'l¢h omits dnty ; 80 yon needn'l-Icratilh

thougbt8 of a mati, Sl1ge the Rpirlt ' will prl!lJatll ufman which i. i~billi f" Tbill8bonld YUJ""\liO~d to 8~y YOIl do not ob-

There are purple buds and ,oId/!n, Hidden, crushed and overgroJlfll;

God, wbo eounl8 by Bouls, not dreBBes.

has ceased to be proBtable to her from her maeter/s {babaad'i.} ~nt ruy name ;' he,r'e'~ the'llve Bbi]., -~-ea~th.craving and' ~oney-grasping table. ',. !ml!lll . .f-CoIIIIg!"'., ~.. .....;..lo!,i!rMl_ •• ~~~~~i$~=!

I. m' t 1 tb L iQ the trl1nlliatlOn of thoe word ~e IU. luen : lila onr . to l~ ieWpre'.t.ion Laves and pT~ra you and me,

chlldrP.ll. ';,~ 3. A minis*er's wife·';tonld be ... _"-'--- . ,,'

IC~\ d.im~l!If)"h.JIP. .t,1.lJ!l Ii.., af~,1le bod"i' dell.d ... ·'t 1U<l11!l\1';1n w it ",e "tb'd tho> h 11' be

, 'WhUe he vi.:u,," Ihrotftj'Ule hlghlllt But as pebbles In the sea.

Now ,ootids oat, 'te1'erberating ways at home, atJd always around- A 'i'RAVELEK'B TBSTIKOIY. through our lovely forest, and echo-, always lIer,.il!&' (ffid, ,and always .. Only a fe" weeki I bad

b ' "hat we do hi e I ell" .,.,.. t 6 1I0U IVe8 W n ! an ,rom ow. "~l\ItWlfJl frQOI tile bod,J' That Man,npralsedabovehil\felloWB, !t may bl! well Bettled, tbat the qul!tltiOQ., brother. yoa mll81. Jretli><> Dl2.tto!~;~~~s.!.!ll.2~tben, __

back from our" hill of Ihe serving table8. pri9ilege of "iaiting tbat J.J;\lIl11I.V; lies ?~.I".'" aloud .. t • l\l' ",he.". Cbr.iat .li.....d in tha

18 tbl! organ or 'h?Vgb~, who with Jea,,~, inUMIueh 811 he is the Tha.t your meanest kinds are men, proy.e t~at the br'l~ t.IIl~8 7 . one who uttered the sentiment. Tbe M:e~Yb~~::.e~ :li::~y~e, no now, ehe- de.and8 no rye 18 the organ of 81~bt ; who Will is, the text is an iaterpretation ClaimIng eqMI Tfght to"BunSbltle, love, DOJI(,{t word!!, DO lender little

ando-n motion, sat under the fig-trees of Betb.,n'LPIldit~OI"'J~~~=~:~t~~=::~=~p that a and npon the Mount of Olive8,

mini8ter's wife should from npon the edge of Jacob's well, wherli ~he people a regnlar salary; and 811 Clirist «at fatigued while looking for her dnties .are more numerous and the lost sheep. I eat down at the arduous than hllr husband's, ber sal· foot of the mountain, not far from ary should, in an such casell, be the sonrces of the .Tordan, where he

"SHert thllt the eye sees? So or t~f of thill "ide.," for lnaman' .. enebl~nam.. offices. A look of patient endorance, P, ar j ,. 1,1 Ih~' orjJan of Bound; still, of atllurin .. the disciples There are foam-._broidered oceans, we fancied also an expression of

h tbIDg .... There are httle weed·clad rIlls. I f r . ed I h It ears ,00 , ". 8 V~t1 !,bing, umel.y, tbat al There are reeble Inch.lligh saplings, gr e lot nnrfqOlt ove, nt on er

larger thau bis. wall transfignred; and on the bor· The bi.tot'l().:t~t'IIetii ~'~~I':~~. ders of Lake Tiberiall, with Its Iim- lIubject of tbe ,,9fi.~~;.i:

A fU,ndlfl!iDelllll1 pnnclpll! In "oor thongh ,,"D might kill the body, There are cedar. on the bill$' i,marble features. Her childreo were t.beo,ry It!, If 1 allderllltblld .you, that nevertheless the soul wonld Bnrvi ve. G0t;~~o~~u;:~8~r~o;~s..; ~~ ~~t:OIll!' thert: clad in wpeds of woe, and in lifo IS the !esolt of organ}zed mat· But your interpretation ill Inmbered For, to Blm, all vain diB~inctillDs l'irODY we remembered the strollg ~er., To tbls I take fI:Ci'ptI~n" argu· with th~ ab.urdity : Christ cornfortH An as pebbles In Ule ...... man's w()fds, "She was a good MORE TlIAlf WE WANT, mg, tha~ .the rllvet~ of able II t~e his di«!ciples with the 8IISUrIlUleE>, Toiling bands alone are builders , mother ill ~er day!' • true pO,ltwn-tbat III, that. ma~*er Ie that althOllarh -I'cked men, ,' .. the Ofa n"tlon's wealth or fame; When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING,

b d d d d b <> ... .. Titled IlUine.o i8 pen.iolled, bot pro noe Jln .orgalllze y. a service of 801tan,.n only kill tbeir Fed and fatted on tbe same; Btrange mini8ter rOillt in the polpit. "So you won't give me anything I" cr6ath',. .and orgamftc for~e, ,WhICh bodies, be can and will, seeiug By the sweat of other foreheads, Bis JOC\D waa "eo' erect, and bia "You needn't have put it in that w~ ealllif.e, and tb~t lb. prl~clple of the, peril their bodies in his J;1i~~feo~~o;0;$!~~traged freedom voice strong, bqt ~is hair 11'811 iiI- way; I've got nothing to give," said thought ,hell hack 10 t~18 ~'fe'force, 81l~yice, kill their souls 1 And ValDly lifted up Us voice. very white. He read se1'eral pas .... Anau Barrow. Nobody gives to me. and not m m~ttc~. U hre Iii the re- ihis is the pro~liop. be is to af. Truth .. nd justice are eternal, gell of Scdpwre exprelBive of God'i I get nothing bnt what 1 work suIt of orgaDlze.d. m.atter, then 'Pat- '0." hi8 pet .... coted on"s 1 Yercy 1 Born WIth loveli!less and light; compa88iop to feebl~ iliaD, &nd eepe- and pay for, and it's'rather hard to

t he fio f d ,. '-t' """ Bec!'!" wrongs shaJl W'fet' PTosper. te~ mU8. a VIVI o.rel', an pre- But you proceed and~, that" this While there is a Bunny right; cially of bis teDderneM when gra, come upoo lIuch folks i you should ell8t8 tife; and reBlonmg backe.tep ,idea," (that the 11001 lives af~r the God.whoseworld·heard,01ceISBinging hairl! are on bim and bis streugth go to them as you maYllay that gets by ~tep, we .Bnd ma~ter (:lernal, Jue- dea~h of the body,) .. is not eVf'D B!k~~~;~~~~~~ ~lrh1:~~I::' faileth. Be then made .ome touch- plenty for nothing, aDd have ruore l,fytIJ&' athel1m.. T at, l~ . our pre- 1I.ioQld at in any otber pa8l!age iu the All the pebblOll In tile ""a. iog remarks on bnman frailty, and than they wo.nt." ", Hent wode of being. t~08ptr1t revea!s Bible!' YOIl oertainly do not want dependence on God, urging all And old Allau Barrow leaned both itself.thlOngh org[m.~ed matt?r, 18 boldnll1l8, in ",batever otber char~ "OUTLIVED HER USE:FUL1iEB8.~ prescot to make tbeir paaoe witb bis elbows on his garden fence, and both true and necessary •.. But It ill.a teristice you may be deficiGlit. Aud their Master while in health, that tnrned away from the person he I f tbe b 8J t tb t t Not loug ainee,. a good·looking man hI' h' . ben g or, 0 1Im.n IIpm, a I YOII' furtber f:1ay, "And is not in- in middle life ()~e to Ollr door 8!Ii:' t eytnigbt () aun IS promlSee w spoke to.

can operate, 8lI.enll1inl. ~t8 pow,!rII tended to be hinted io this." Pray . W t aud fie~h f~iled them. " Then," The personhe spoke to was a gray-aC~Qrdi!l":...!O tb!L~~ql~IQUS of .Ltl " .. we .... :r- r4- .... _..10. .. __ I~ ... 7 ing for "tbe minister." hen in· he s;tid, .. t~ eternal God aOIlJl be beaded man, in workman's clothe8. ha ,Ita'iolb, whliOier "sloal and 1m- Jamus sa~s tbI's plal'nly and you say formea: "'ttIalO be - out of town, be th f d b h h h II • ~D w ed d' . d d . Y re uge, an eneat t ee iii a lIe carried a little wok iu one hand, Perfect, or 8pi.ritual and perfect. l.n "I'd not 'Intend 'It, 'W:.ll, I th;nk seem Isappomte au anxIOUS. b tb I' , L . " .. ~. 0 b' ti' d t b' b' e e ever 811.h 1!l Al"1lI!! • .' . eanmg and in the other held a pencil, ready ,t,he relltirrectlOn, the body only IS he "'''', or he "'oul''> not ha'vD sa;'; it r n emg ques oue &II 0 IS USI- 'b d -'- d 10 h d tIt h (I ... , ~.. v,. ness, be replied: "I have lost my over • e a_, an «ulng IDtent..., to write. c ange ; 0. eas, we ave no war· Your exbibitiou of modesty, UDder mother, and 811 this place used to be on. the wftilled (orm before bim, he "You hBve told me of two sorts rant from the S4.:rlptur~ to a8llert tbe cover of a "windy" retreat from my home, and as my father lies here, tl'~n ~aid reverently," Frum • little of people," said Silas P,oe, " that I tbe ruurreotlOn.Ol the 8Plflt, or tbe a df8coHsion of the meaning of the we have come to lay her beside him." child I ~ave bono~ed the· aged; but don't expect to meet wlth-th08e enlarrement of ItS ,Powers per 8e, terms: kill and destrQY, may be skill· Oor heart rOlle in sympathy, aDd never till gray baits covered. my own tbat have nothinlr but what thllY pay

That beastll thUik, seems true; ful, but won't save your theory, we sllid, "You have met with a head, did I' know truly bow mueb and those fIIat bave more than but wbo can tell ho'" they think? These, wQrds, it is true, have shade8 great 10118." love and AJlDpathy tbii cla88 have a they want." To inquire after tbe principle of or 'flle~ning iu common with ~ch "Well-yes," replied the strong 1'. ___ to demand of their fellow crea- <. Very likely," sa.id Allan' "but thought iu animals, may afford a ottier, tI1!d/lT certain circums/ancllS, man with hesitancy, "a mother is a Now I feel it. Our mQtber," there's Rome of both in the 'world, pleasure II> a speCUlative mind i but and unclercertain circumstances alone. great 1088 iu general; bat our moth. he.~dded 1II0st tenderly, "who now for all that; ['ve got Dothing but to In'roduce it as a grollnd of argu- Yet yon have gained mncb of your er bad ontlivAd hAr n""fnlne..... She lies in death berorll ue. WBII a strall, wWit I pay for, but I havell't got

pili waten, in which bi. divine and tb ' holy imagtl lOOmed to he still reflect- 8l1li • ed ; near those hill. which Bent back W~en the flnIP~. the ecno of his voioe i in tbat BOlita- exo.1".tioDa'ill'

but not devastated ooontry, where ginning no other memory rivalll hill. I have cover the tomb paS8ed over tbe Via DolprOlla, wbere tioll, lihe' ..... be bore bis cross. And there, far Chrilltlan from our tumultnous life, rar from tbat the oroillel our debates and (.ur struggles, Beek· two thievell were ClIIt Inw Ing to lay hold of this holy likeness ravine among tlal roobla~l!::~.i= more nearly, that I might present it Jewilh ".w, ,ollated " to my countrymen, lIeduced by • dug out tbis ~i.~ vain phantom, it appe~red to :-:Ie ·tbl't OUB piece8 of' t;mblir 'j, I was carried eigbteen centuries were the (\~ in back; that I contemplated the Sa- whether tbey ,"it the viour face to race; and I have oome buildlngll, it. la back frOID theee holy place8 .iih a The a-"_ or more joyons conviction of the reali· One of t_,_" ..,._.,., ':~'f,:'7r,~'urt IPI' ..... ', •.

ty of all this great past. I have tine. come back wit!l the profound faitb '1.~bft~~)~~~::';=:~:;~l~:~t" that tbe past is more livillg thail'.'ll b that rises before onr eyes. AgaiDlt the Eternal Rock the waves will propbtc)'. spend their useless force. I pteaervoo. come back repeating the eaying of a doobt t~at, .i;~~ii great servant of God on hia -death- wood thtlll II' bed: 'The Go~pel is true! the Gos- main iii ·lIalOll-l). pel ill true I .. Gospel ie trlle l' .If 1'\al'16 fl • .g"",~;(j~

we believp, we sball eee the glory ol ~i~:~~~r~~~i~~:l~ God."-M: Pf'efj8~. .~

ment in a Bible d;SCll8sion eoncer.a- st~ensth by an adroIt but deee~· 11'811 in her seO<>nd childhood, and lIer ger to me, as are all of these her, more than I want!' iml tbe nature of lIIan. seemB frUIt- H.o k_ ... '''~dV "'"wet j lind until mind was grown 811 weak 811 ber descendant.s. All I \En ow htr i. "Bilas smiled and shook his head. . CAR11:mB PIGBOIS Ilf WAX • .... 1''1' uv ~'I\d""; ".""u~ 'It 18 afilD,ate. Y01l wjt~draw tbi. fuab of your ar- body,80 tbat sbe ....... no .. Wha.t d',. • .u...loo ~"m-,h .. .d a4J'I on--N.'Y. O~"''''6"",,* "- .. ry wbich Go hall not eelln t to re- YOll m)1st Btaud before the herself, and 11'811 a burdlln to every- IISked Allao, groffiy. and very interesting article IIPon ,.eal:. . not as fair disputants, but as body, There were Benn of UII eous years" Why, at the mistake you're in, employment of carrier pigeons fo~ . You thmi my declaratIOn, tbat wresters of words. Thi8 char~e and daughter. ; and 8.iI we could DO't she has passed " answered Silas, "iu thinking the transmission of intelligence be· mtln in the !'e8urteclion dOes not seem to be strong; but I 8In- auy Olle wbo would. boan) ber, toiling &8 only you pl!.y tor everything." "tween our armies, from which we ba,e hill aniDial IIody restored to believe it IIndl'lhink 1 am able we agreed to keep her amoDg UI a mothers ever have streugtb to toil, "Make it ont that it's a mistake, make the following extract: life, a dellial ofo IJI!Il resurrectiou it- tly to s~pport it. year about. But I have had more until she b3/! re&l'ed a large family aI' I I'll give yon leave to put me Having as his main obj.ect sqlf. I fail to 'lee this. Jf I ullder. proceed to "t.ake position" th'n my share of her, for she was of 801lS a~ ,dapibter~hat she d, \9"n five sbillings in your booi," of CtJarleeton and IIl1JlD~~J.OU. st~nd raul, (1 Cor. 15Ih,) be' holdll first part of the verse-- too feeble to be moved when my. time lefft her clad in the weeds said Allan. '8 plaos have belm cOlltrcllIe<l'I.riatl tbat i man Who believell intberelmr. Year not thuse wbo will kill "'''' oot, lind :that .us more than 0 to dwell among her "Tbank you," said Silas. "but be· by events transpiring in those quar- , .' "'i' r~\ltion of the animal bod:9 i8 a.foo~ I , bui can pot kill the soul"- three months before her death. But children th~t till health ' fore I begin to do it, will you just ler/l, aud for tbis reason it h811 bellD, Tn U1I'1!TmIIOfiIl pAd)~ .. " Indeed, hi!! whule argument il!l to 8a" "YOll will not, dispute that then sbe was a good mother in her. God forbid give me a draugbt from YOllr w'el1? more neeessaryfor Grallt to hear .bow, thatJir,hile t~re ill ide~tity !ill in this clause, me",nsl!till" But day, and toiled very hard to 8ho~ld aCcuse any of YOII It'll the beIIt water anywhere abont." him. Yet had he .ome means of paatOl' m .. , bli"e_jto~IaJi"f~' to Personalit". there i8 nope ~ t!1 ~ub· 'OD and say, " I proceed, tben. 08 up'" iDgrat~ude or mlll'mnring on &c. "That it is," anl!wered AIl_n, teadj- warding a " bnlletin " now and ~"~'r..;hII8.nd"'t'i~C? ~ ~~ "11~~" a:'i'tll stallC6, "Tbll'l'e is 'an abhn .. l body, are not to fear those who are Wit~out IOQking,~C the {aee of.the count of the care she hy.s been to Iy getting a cup for him; "and it's Gen. Grant might receive .. MIlrt::i ''''~r;~'iD4. tI"l and there ittlnpirltuat body," is IIi. able to kill tbe lIoul." So you heo.rtleJ!1I man, we dilj8cted hif!l of lat~. W~en you go baek a prime tbing for me, that can't drink importance, o.nd the to if";ln~J..!J."";I, 'U1fili",·Ui::.1f«1 empbatic declaration, baoked, by the the point, do you, that tbe soul the honse of a neighboril!g pa.tor, homes, be careful o.r your ex· mach of anythiug else." , of the timid be jAll1.Y«lU, &"'''''''''''1' Htat~llI~n!, that" flesh and bIpod can- not necessarily die with the IIond returned to onr nursery. W ~efore your own ~hlldren ; for "Aye iwhat wolild we do without . Carrier pigeons conld '! Arq brlillllll O(II~"" v

not inherit the ki~gdom of God," body? I rejoice that a main point gaBed on the lIlerry little face8 which frUIt o~ your own domg you w:!1I "water," said Silas, taking a deep employed to great advantage for ., g~ HI, II it be tiue,' tlll.t' (Jlirist, after his in thi8 argnment is gained. YQU IImiled or grew sad in imitation of lIutel~ reap Crom the,? wben you are dra,~ght, II wben yOQ come. to think purpose, and it i8 singnlar that rell~ml4i'loti', and' lMIfor8 his &llgeg- then proceed to say. ..~. But we are ours, tho~ li1;tle oa~ to whQIIfJ •• r ~otterlDg 00 tl!e brl~k of heaven: how it come! into /ill tbe tbiDj;B that idea w80e not suggested to our ,

bJ)1r80 _.0011, "ne lame body taugb\ to fear God. 3 word in Ollr ,Iaagu!lge, i» half ao Our mother had outhvjld be,r useful· keep life togetber." tary authorities by the "tramp Ilra,Qije!l", tlIia doell not disp.r;ov,~ Tberefore God il able to kill the B'II:eet as " mother" and we wonder· ness-·sbe was a b.nt4en to us. Never. .. Oh, it's wonderful os~flll," replied through Georgia. :4.8 is well knOWD. 'H,vV'

:tOll of con1'se are 1I0ul.'" I don't lIee it. God may in· III if that day wodld ever come when ; a mother cannot live so tong AIl.n. II may be the mOlit fieful thing employment of carrier dltnlJnltieB stfr~ounding deed be abie to kill tbe lIoul ;~ut tbey would say of U8, "She bllft ont- as that 1 No. wh~n she can no lon~ in life." ; for dispatching' in(ol'm~tipn,

q::~;::~imTb~,:ere~:a;r:;e those emi- bow doell it follow, tbat God can kill lived her ntlefullleu-elle is DO com- er labpr for her chIldren, nO.r yet care "As to that," said Silae, .. we, to the earlieet period, and 1 . and abili,y, the 110111, becauee man canDot, or be· to hereelf, aud a burden f~r bers~lf, she can .fall hke a pre· cOlOIldo't live in it, though \\e couldn't tinued until the invention of the tele·

_ ........ , •• ". thj)j18 tp. cause we lire to ft'ar him rather than else I". and 40ped that CIOUII weIght on tbelf bosom8, aud live well without it. Air, good fresh afforded a mode of transmit· dur- ,becauee mali cannot. But a day wonld dawn we might be call fortb by hllr hel.pleesness ,II the air, i. the thiDg we couldo't by any ug news more expedipously. Bru·

ooll'lplete your lIyllogism, and to our rest. God forbid tbat we reelll~gs of ~heIr nl- means do without." , tns aod Ilirtins were enabled by the eay, "S. Therefore God will ibould olrtlive tbe love of our tores. ,." And for that," aRid AllaD, "yon'll a81listanee of these wing.,d messen-

the 80ttla of !lOme, i. e., the souls dren I Rather It» u die whit. Adiell, then, poor toil·worn moth· Dever have finer than this as blow8 gers to lr,oopup a \lonetant commu.ni- ,I. .. ..,.h. the wicked!' Here another point hearts are a part of their owl? er ; there are no more days of pain over tbe common. I take it, it's cation at the siege of Matina. ~:~:~~t~E:=~~~=; gaiDe~, namely, not onl, ~hM men Ollr grave may be watered witb for the,e. Undying vigor ~nd ever· worth ten years of lif ... to be in a 10 vain, tbe historian informs us, t~'IIJ.~"I'",;·

.w.h!c:ho,~rn~·rBJcamDot k!lI.the 81(,uls Gf the nghteous, ware, and our love linked with lasting usefqlness are part Of the i.u. n:r!' did AntoJ;ly spread bis ,et.s o.nd tf,)' ,"' ""'.'.";' Itel~er:!il ~!i~~,~~~~!~; 11'111 not. Therrj'ore, when hopes of heaven. heritance of th~ redeeioed. " You are right there," Maid Silas, evel1 stratagem to baftle these CQUt-

i!-' bodie8 of the righteOUi dte, their' When the bell tolled for,the \!.lotb. "and 1 should say you're a. proof ()f iers of the air j "he had t~e mQrtiS Boula BtUllive, and they must c.ntinu6 er's burial we wellt to the ,'\o.nctu&l'Y lIIlf. IBTERS' WIVEI!. it; you look aa Brm all a rock, and as CI.ti'fl of seeIDg them going' ~~;~;l~~~tl~:~~m,

[fue, for men cannot lcill thein, to pay our ooly 'token of respect to red as' a rose." returniug every morniqg over ,~ 'i,J,:.iil;;; will not. 'AII~! ~u,t hew du anllged 8ttaD~r: for we felt that Somebody in the Wesl, notfiuding "Not amiss/, said Allan; "never waHl! of the belE1!lgaered .,,111011, lIay ~hat Gtid 11'111 kIll th!, sonls we COU\¢, give her mem0ry a teM, io the Scriptllres any statement bf knew mueb about sickness." , TassQ speaks of tbeir being

!~~f.ij~~~~~!i~ tbe wlck,i:d, whel) what Chnst SaJ[B even thoagh her own childrea bad qualifications and duties of the "And Jet YGlive. lived m~y tb~ sie,(s or . Jer08a1elll,; I/owl·re,\at!lll'l thiat be' is M:~bt~ to ~troy both npDe to shed. , wii'"'' of lIlinisters, thinks that re- years," said Silas. bow GOdfrey protected one

"~t~~'i~~~ IDII..Ji!.Qul and bod-y ~ b&I-l t! .!fbat God U She wall' a io~d, in hpr 1'1>{'';~'1A must be bad to'" the other " J UIIt up to thrOOSCOI6 and ten,." ,ailed falcon. Dnririg ~:~~=~~~:==!~' " ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,, able.w,pp ~Iti" !:c¥ ~~.Jll. B?t day, and toilea hard to us all faith and 'pr!lc;th,le-public lmswered ,A.1lan) nodding. ' they were ~i~~~~~r~ '-oit.~rt

that ~e,u8 ,alii' ~~.Iil!i4 wi,ll op_he .. a nQ eomfott-t'o he1~slil:rlcC)p~)to~~,' from Wbicll, the writer SI1&S began to ",rite in Iris :todk. the A.8iloticlI " . • 1I!.;I,;!!Jit,.1\1 tllil'i-itiliik; liwlld',ilillm'i()11U1dI8 of tbe ~icked tn b~lt, ~d a ~lIden U1.Jt)'ftrybody elee ,.y", Ie"m that ~ minis*er" ..nte ,. Wtat "Are Y04l'ptittibg'd0WU"f'" numbets oT ~b~m

, y?ur proof that he ~f'Il1. ~eae crqel, h8j\rt~. wPJd. rong in mun bs ~ . Allan. for militar'y ~t~:~~'l~;~~~~:~~!~~ .. . Plel\l~ ~qn tg~"e u. yoqr IJIlOW,stn, opr ears a~ we \laW: the c;oltin b9rue 1. Lite Mary, 'alwa,s Bittin~ name fot Ji~e shilling,," were likewise t1ijed

¥oDr .... e.CB.~tt-~tklD bu~ ~I,,,e ,nIJ hll "Word ,Q~t y~!Ir .ar· up the ai~e. Th~. ~11 tolled Io~g feet of Je@oli, irl POlltJellstOIl or tlie .. didn't: YO\l S8~ that I ror communicating t6'llYJIlIlIlIlt~lr~ ..... . iIItlli tr:~o4.l'f MI~,'Q, ~*"e hlle4 ~l!Ii' 18 f~~ther weak, III Vlll .. .of and l6ud anti! the iron tongue had 9116 needful, r~~dless pC every mlou'ld it if 1 '(:ould. prove that ters of interest. n~:~~:~~r~;=~~~l!:t < reiin~4 wltliOhr\~i .. tboo.tll,'fdyears, sentiment ,JOU main.tain;,{ofeveo cbronicl~.ibe ,eafll of'ille toiil~,.rCitiri·I,'w01r1dltv things morl! than you want "Anaoreon'. dove," h811 heeD irm: ,,~d. to ~h~"d~~iJ ,bat H~ed DQt ag.ain the 1.O'~l,a. ~ d,e. .jp~1I1! QUi,- - die I)",ne-two-r--.three-four- 2. Mat-tha, she shonld YOQ' neltber "mked nor pay mQl'talized in biB ode, Eis P-f1'iater(l,~, unhl'th~ tboftillnd YEhll'l!l were 601sb· wbeo kIlled by GoP ~ !lellJ &CcQrd, Bow <;le6rly and almost meni· the serving, yet without beillg in a Z" . : and Taurosthenes, we are "'''.~1'' ed, f •• ltbOO~ force; for 8nera. rea- to your Ol'l!'U .~~lUg.. stroke '~Id of,b,eronce p~~C& way.encumbered by it. "y.,s i ,bllt .you'v, nere; ~Ipn to mnnica.ted by, a meseenger > ~J~iD:i'f~~~t; lonl, hut malDI, from the faet that the bod, of a WIcked ~&D dle~, 810mWr in her motner's bol!'Ool, and S. 'Sbe s"bCln1d be lI. Httfe ",ore that yet/' said Allan. ' hi8 fatlIer on ~he. I81and' ol.il f~E:'.:~~~~:C~=== a literal re."ullc\ion, in lIheir Que, his soul still lives, ~Dd wil1l~:ve nnhl seat at I!ightfall ou her 'weary fa. prompt tban Sl\rah of nld, aud IJave .. Wht do you p"'for air 1" aSked the newII of filS vICtory at the Ol'rm"'ll;""o has n~ been 'prp'fed. Perbl'pe tbe the body 18 railled. and theD, after iDlltlIo Six __ e.en-eigbt- refreshments always ready for thOl\e Sil8II. .; pic gamea. Coming d,>wn to ~~=~~;;~J[~I',';' m08t \lObe .. ,,i.ew o~ that ,cue is, that being 'With the so~1 ill~g'lP. lll1th soul nine-ten-raD« Ollt tbe \ale of her haveling ansele whOle tisitH at the ., Pooh I nonleD8t 1" !laid AUan. timeB, we vnd ,~bem llepicted in " the RIIv~~W~. a",! what WM fitly re- and body are kj~ed ia bett. 8ports upoJil the greenllw~d, in 1Diniaters honse are not· f few and " For -water f" iJaicl Silas. garth's caricatures, 811 emplo'y'ed p,re.ell,te!l>~1, ~ 14ea of II t8!lurrec- Bllt, loll you have in~~d me to meadow,andbesidethebroo'k. Eleven far between." U Poob'I" said Allau again. conveying the news of thll prize tlOD. l'q.qllqte '" p...age 's point out u~b!t, ., place wbere -twelve_thirteen_fonrteen-spoke t. Like DorcBl!, she should "keep "For bealtb, aud having been Up to ihe liying of the m"aIl'Df!t;c of a !.1Qi!!~ i~ 4i~PQ~, ",hl!le ther~ logic Je_kei'l ,proceed j ,not more gravely of 'iJchool-daYB and lit- on hand" a supply of brou,gbt·througb tbreescore years and wires betweeo London ana !~ .. ~r:;;tC~~=~;~\;:: '. r'lr .. c~'tl\l1' Ip. donbt It I! ~plic.. I bave' any dll8ire to t'ntal~e hou.ehold ~I aDd cam!. Fif· clothing, to beS'to'W upon ten f" Colltinood SiiaB. • tbey wer~ «Instantly de8patch.e,d'nnl,1 blllty, 1.1 ~1~ll11eIl,UdUI. t IItill bold yon. You say, "Now tbat which 18 teen-~i~~-sevent!lel!r- all· poor saints aud Binn'ers in the "Ob~ u to thlm......oi course we- and from these citil)8 by the ~o (hI! «;'PIPUJn, \~'". "~t.e,:er there liable tb be kiJled, or, iD other words, ,-IIounded. ou~ oommnmi where she resi.reBJ wilh a ~O!J~ up, ~ ~ingl!. that ~od " who thell, u. ,P.o~, IS about na that I~ ~'~jlal, to dliath 18 not imJOortal, maidenhood Spire !:Io:rf'or·tbe beneflciaries til' U8" aaid Allan'- "I Wiasn'. themeelVe!l of everY" fatlll!~ therefore eorrnptibl~, m •. ; the¢ore, tl)e ioul ~f ellrly love. Nin~tef!n brought and the servants who have 'of them." ' ,,-" obtaining H the neW·."~~t~':~~f~~~t~~~~~=~~~~=====~=rJ~~;2!,i:, Benlle, w!ll faIt to re-ippear the wan ill mo~t"Y,j; ~tU cOQl!idllf, it 18 the happy bnde. Tweu1J frolll·the blessings of the 'f<' • few people do think Bad our military r~8"rrellll.o"D, 1 Wd ,1Jw,t • .000 .... one thing whether-a thiug ill eapabJ!l t~e ~IlQug .lP.O~bllr. ;wbole iul!titution." . Raia Silas. '11lebe8t mou\ha IIlnce_cnred_eral of 1belMil bilUy OIl'll qp.ly". WfirH il'f,rI' death by ~Ce at the hands of fall to b\l{lItUlg ~b~ prophetelB PelWl.'DI qI...,nler., a!lll Jllr~, f~t.~~~~l~~~~; lherer<n'\l,~!,,¥ ~(lnnQt 116 or wllether death ill in- 'which God , I'bo1l1d not "eplllrt from 811 cannot with .tbem, "e oqQI~ , FI of ~oral.~'d.i or in constitntioD. The in bosom. And d~1 or' nigl\~, for. the . and' a day's time, reqeive ioti~I~J :....;=-.. ~iii:"-~::

I cert_lnly b •• e no de~ire 10 die b, Ii' strob told of her early of the chl/Tcfr .. ild him, 80 l"pld i. tlillitT ,Oil allde ftmtl a conllder.!fon deoa:pfng 10U 'ilae lov8ll, ,aadLcarea, .• nd. . req~re all andUlOre tihrOllgh 'the .ir. ... •• Ith Matt, 10 I f,il, lior fwlll 1 criticilll tile proper idea of and tb .. thq JJ"~l!d aN"Uke~ .tIeeb ahot!iD ~il,v.i.'iol yow, bou~l • in death limply, but in . of !l9A'alJ, .1'i~lIt, Cf'lpa fal! qf tlaM, it .Ite 'the appolnment of or th~n'8 to ,t~e Giver, ,CQme, I;lOt h~,ve ee.!'~"'."I', .'hn.I .... ~J!.III-, ... particle .. of matter bave s1l0wo yob tbt you dou't the plantation. 1M!"'~:lfIt,l'J. ,il ' i. tlOmpo,lJed .1I0uld remain the thinge'tbat"j'ou ' or, .. AddlQloll'l tMIr teOitorj.tlDt, __ r*'l, ._ .. fter life i. gaDe thea without, .. et I COII~ tel~,oo have .tra~el!ld' ,bI!htl_tl_,llIidllr -==I;~==:: d~ ""',(rolll part.; ,"Ube, woQ!d .. i.aioftal, ~::t~1!e~~~~t1~r~~~~ more) ,,,,a'\ illd ... ,DIP' ~~ dalt, .miMill' .i • .&Jng\l!. . ... Id not folio.. to gi~e to lb." I ... ns, .. "_ ,-..ait,. are ~t ..... for. kiic)wleilll~ 10 .. _ ...... To IUIIlrlll.,tlM.;lf"IbU!~~i1~~~l~~= "lew 10a of Ipinta, .. ~


Page 2: ,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar ... When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING, b d d d d b ...


( / i

, I ·f I ,

.. ,

, I '46 23, 1865.

" 10 ,


"Th. N!ew American Encyclope- to persnade e.erybody that be 'wat! race of aid oligarchs. But fo.rlll of Sumner (God bless In.fact. l ... ee nothing to ma~~ It u6· '. BOD IBW'B. --dia," .01. 15, article Sonday, lal8: of vast importance and muat ~ at: two to the slaveocrats huli) bave been sen eJIte~ng bealthJ •.. Tbere ill nut .. ""Iae" ~ " au

lfltSrSllLt.l. I., "mr.D.t.1', _ :II,·1.er.. When too Obrilltian religion came tended. to. Hia tone was sad and and their lIorthern allies. Tbey ~e Supreme ,Court roollli B3 hi8 m~ in ten miles of here, a¥" ,,,, .. t'ILLI, OOX •• , to be recognized by tbe State, law I weary-complaining, perhaps his el· must give' ap tbe elfort to mike 81de wu a. Massachueettl I:u,y~r, nOl~ing to generate any of tho. A.b'increaled religiou. Intere.~ I r i - a_o. D. utter. JDd1tor. • A' well proportioned. goud I 10' nOXlOU8 gales or poisonous iu Greenman.i11 A • ~

J 1 "e ;. #"' werll enacted for the obsenance of bowi,!!g, neig~Eor s!lJ~, as b~ a.nswer· ,~ !n . merICa, ~r re- tel\i~eut. Mr. Samner pec.u.liar to IIQwe .... pada Q£ .t.heJ.Veat, e. t an 1 ; ,Y tbi' day. Oonstantine ordePed. in ed the Lord ... I bave no man to lIort to armed rebellion, open treason, his friend, a memller of the bar be· while upon our broad prairies. there I ... eftrp-.. , OBIGr. Dl) I.lTUIB or Tn lAB- Sal, the ,u8pension of all businesa me into,tlie pool, but wbile I am ill itll bella"', Catcbing an inspira' fore th,e Supreme /Jourt of Massacbu· i. ·always a refreshing i~~Il.lIifl'!'l' lot. the ~qu8e of .Eld. Qrl

.'lJ ;"W~ .... ' '. : I;: II.' Ii tt<1l'.11 1';''''',,0.' ' .... " ,.' li,' ~ in tbe courts of law, except the man- ing another steppetb down before tion from pandemonium tbey chose setts, e admitted to plead at the bar those stifling and enervating .......... u'.""n "ere pr.en~: OIlferal

-, JWlfll,--lIIBcmr, umi.eion of .Iave., and all ether me." le8U11 did not reproach him. the latter courle and 'by 110 doing ~f the Supreme Court ~f the Uuited met. w;ith in the valley_s and wooded are expecting to be baptiSed 100II, ca.w "m~. . .. . . , " . .. .' "tates. He was admItted, tbe peer regIOns, are rarely or never $. S G' Id .::iJfMtt*ioItoLfl, I., businell8 except agricultural labor. With lDeffiClency, wllb the Jila .. iI~~ thilJ, ~bI\i,e Jutlce whlcb of the country'll greatest lawyere. enced bere. Our nighte are and ' 't' r!"u .t.Mi8~ I8GIpt.

EM'!a. 'ha' abe Ku,tate of the Additiol1ll., "erc, lIIade to thi8 order wasted that miiht have beeJi ~,L~!,1,.~~._ \1m,!!\. t~. powde~, wbere. Webster. Cboate, Reyerd,y call' ,fOm 't e~ Jd'Obareli ib' Bop. qdft~-- - 'charlMller 01 tbe man, under nriouB . emperors, and in '25. to ulefullabor, iI. he. had poueI8ed Ila.e power writhes in death·agoniell JOb.nson, loud Seward, had achieved a o.er ez'jleeT'; uJ,\'tf I ""ai'lol' lli,l,ICUI

" we Ire onder TheoCiosius II., gamlJB and more energy, or a more pereuui.e by tlie kcoil of tile blow it, in a mo· tbed I~ttelegad l'tfhamCt" b~h~. lawyedr was him bewbile slee.ping ; ~tlhtbi.- to ~~~." J!t- I,~,,,~ O'l~

,··t d , .,", '". l' '_I • • •• f 'dd ' . h I' r- d . ed f ." a ml WI 00 0 JeCdon. an tter. Dot lIIusqoeto,'''1 Ii Irlti:labbatb in April. He'p're.~I.-, P ,"",.MIIl1llr*- "II .I .. at~n exbl~,mona we~e arbl eu. addre .. ~ud 110 proo~red hi. H UIC. 0 ma, n~. alm at ree Ins\1· la~er wall a negro. witbout .mixture m08ic, and Btilll&harp(l~ bm, to ......... lftonlriDaieUtpallJlI ~The deoree In In 538. the tblrd OooDc11 of Orleana It was Simply ... Rile, tilt. ap ta1 ~ WIJo...,wlll go mournerll to of Muon blood. If ,any bave tears bll.Tm or make' yon afraid' wbile biB flArewell ,dileoQr18 in Greelllll'II., IIM1ilrtb.'OIMIr.aMII'of SdDell111 forbade alliabtlr on SaudAyi' &0. bed, and walk." BlellMd""', w~ the ,faYe of th. ignominious soi· .sbed over tbe diclltm of Tauey, wr"pped iu tbe atms-of Mo;pbeoll. yiIJ?-oP~~,1 .. , ~bbadJ Jin' t(i~ "*lJiWe~ to ¥'dle 'ileottie of Mark the fact: It "u not until a healed freely all who asked. I. cide? lib" that felon blow bas which 8purn~d DJ:ed Scott, fr~m the A Mr. Auetin, Geo. W" Clark, and he does Dot espect to l'elDu.e bit. ' ,.... ~~i' • .'~i:.'~· • .:..~or in (a1'oe hundred l earl after Constantine thlt - , qoickeD~'tbe onlses of American life Court as a sopphant lor Justice, be· other I. with cODlomptive tendenciel. famill from GreenmN,IIIe. hil pG\Il • ." . "Il'I'!'!'l""f"I'lf;:- " . ~ 'l'BoaB "PEXSOIB or Al'BIOAI DE- '" . • cause be wu a negro, let them sbed bave left tbeir eastern bomel and olice IIldl-na w'll be ,

at "<1 II. 4!11dN! ","1 ObrilUan t~e gimes and theatrElI. were Inter· BOBBT." ro~: I.tell~ forces to mlr.acu. them now, for tbat dictum is dead. taken tip their residence here. for . I.. ormetl". 8""."~·I,.Suilll'" tIbe paeral dieted; aud, relDembenng how full aotl.lly ~ We hue Mtnded On tbe BUb of last month. tbe tbe purpose ofregainillg their healtb, MYlltic Bridge, Oonn., «nd allll) lo.;l~~ It.' BU\ '"ch ill 7IQC Rome was of tliese IOU mU8t see But a little more than eight years aClroBe. tantory iD these four years Rev. Henry Higbland Gamett. one and have succeeded admirably. All!!' Laurel Glen, Conn. '\ l

( "j·iJ;.t'l.I:'",~ j :.:tiot wu not in fa. how little of the lIabbatic there Wall ago, the Supreme Court of the Unit- We bt.V8 .lIlafllblled mighty armies, of th~ m08t eloqu~nt divine~ in tin is now an ab.le bodied eoldier in WEll' 10.111'011'. , .'rr,.;"f!'I'\,( ",~ln ' ' . , ed Stites went down at tbe fed d' d h' d AmerICa, preacbed ID the National the army' Olark IS bere strong and Th f' d f lid 1

.Of'~"""I~g .1,iIlo vhEt.tiao In thill, early obiernnce. E.... ma ~crand marcbes, an ac leve Hall of Representatives at W rohust,' " e rum II 0 • &Illander 'I""'"l d I Slnery, lod lIought by the most h did d C ''''bell b Id D' . P Uoa".-r '.~ld~·1I('t! way Coa"ll'oted MoiIhellD. ec amatory and, partiZlloo over tee u e ington. D. C.; by iMitation of Tbere are BOme ten or twelve fami, am,.. e a on IlIOn IIttYlod

wl1llll" 'Rlerifa't"'tG ·Obriltianit,., allie ie on this question, saYl', vol. monstrolls pervenions to change minions of slaTery. The Stars and Cbaplain of the House. Tbe Rev. lies of Sueoth.day BAptists bere, OY,lIter Supper for bls henellt. It the a Ohristiau {if 1, p. 391, (London, 1810,) .. Tbe Bret ~e thRr.ry of o['r go~eroment to su~t Stripell Bu.t Iglliu over Sumter, and Henry Higbland G .. rn~tt ia a n{'g~o, amorrg wllOm are Wm. A. Goodricb, cheese factory'or L, N. Brown, iD

rr-;-:"wben tM elli4~ of the woak, which. WIS the or- Its pro-ela,ery practwe, and make It over the IItron,gholds of every rebel aud very black: I~ h' the. first In· (b~other. ot ~osepb Go~ticb, of Wellt Ed'mCllton, on Tbarld.yefe •. ~~"A"~'~""'" .tH.~; of i.. dina and 8tated time for \he. lib ~ .lsa7Mlev.and.unmiti"ated ~espot- State, TIIO 'nelt ol treason is bro. stance of the kmd In the history ilf WII8conllD.) Silas W. DaVII, Wm, S. ing.l{arch 9tb, 1865. relollin 10 .. , rr . ry. • . p, .Ism. Tbe practice of IIlaverl In the .. - the country, Dunbam, George Bond, lion of Dea. h' be fi I' ~, I M .... lpjlQl'tn.f.~ .. r .... ~ bo UIIembliee of Cbrlltlanl, Wall, 10 . , ken 1Ip. 01!T"Napoleou sweeps The world d;)1lll move, and may Levi. H. Bond. Yet we are without IS ne t Ib, ",ghty-oIIe dollafl!. TIM! , WttHl.lllllf '-'tthin, " .. ~ed at CODIIeque. of~ , •• liII'.~'" .1Iet- South, ~tel,zed men, WI~ out an througb the 1I0*e18 of the confedera- God speed its flight from tbe dark organization, although we have locfal ',-tel' VI_ wu AOIolllp'"ldd b" " 'trliwa'" ~r'llillt '10 id.$' ~bll8 ed by OOI1lWitine, olHlerved witb ~nman. rl;ibt8, and repudiated all cy, pocketing Atlanta. Savannah. regions of. prejudice, to tbe .warmer weekly S&tbalh meetin~s, at tbe singing, aud ,plallng on a oabioeL' ObriMi~' it'I olelllnity than it had formerly JU8t prmclple8 of government. Snch Wilmington. in biB course, and and sunDler chme. of eqolty and hooBe of Wm .. A. Goodnch. Tb.,,1'fl organ, lo ,be genflral ... ti,faotiol1 IIIId '~ii):i ,:on,. wu on 1 .. a mea- more II . a practice, in .. ""ontry pror ...... l,,8' d d h.o'''eoLuW. IJ. >:, .. 18 a good opeDing here for estabhllb d ~ r f h

III .>011'· . q, poliO". ~lII1IWc1 by beeu." In thi .. he ooD,tradiot .. hI" tbe largest liberty. and boallling its atretClles OUL bls rlgfit ban an ing a society of Sabbath'keeperll, goo ee \O~ 0 t 0Ile ptelleol Good ao-l .... thHff)o1I'ter6I.Iii'e;fdne... owu statement. on pages 125 and grups tbe promi metropolis of chiv· A HOKE II THE WEBT. provided we mo.e promptly iu order prevailed ~hro\lgbo\lt, .lIdtbe !!!'!' ort~i\al 'l'.j,tlif· Oop; of the Uti of the same volllme ; for, if this origin in tbe freest ideas, '11''' so alrydom, and with his left lIeizes tbe the maUer, Land is· bf:ing taken eveuing passed olr very ple .. aQ\I, ' ed(q('fOuAa 1n tlie li~r.t1 of Har- law. merely forbidding certain kinds manife8~ a contradic~ioo, tbat one of capital of the Palmetto State, and Toth. Editor or :=~I~:::~~7th, 1866. f~gt. and uf CllUl'lIe tbe ~u.er ~eleo and we hope prolitably, to all prlllleot:" ""ill ,Colle;"; "Jl!l"'iTeu·"":' Andrews of businells iu cities and villages two thiDga mUlt speedill.happen ; hurls them from the loathso~e em- tlOnF~ a~e cbholen. Our ht~~~ ~tll~gbe Eld. Campbell responded wilh deep

, ..... • .J9, '. d either ala.eholdini practice must Myself and others having in this arlDa as two IItores • .,."c.amlt , r. r ( p. S51l, I ~t,.", .. ro~qw. : only, leaYiDg all other places au db' brace of treaaon. vicinity, are freqaently receiving let, 8boemaker, Olle bOtel. a com mod oas ee 111gB () gratitude to tbe dono ... ,

. d 11 t f cease un er t e government, or It8 d i k d b bl' G d ~:M'& ~n. ju~~~. "n<\ ,~11 oity pee- bustll6Saes,,.n a amllsemen 8 ree, f d . Bot I took mY' pen to note grand. tel'S of ir;l1 uiry, of rather a denorni. depor, '3" IlArge bay preIS, in wbich an IiVO e ~ e ~ elllllng of 0 to Pte".lIoJ a"I.tir .. ad.1lI \!Ime,. u, rest u~on the caulled a more solemu obs~rvance ree pretensions must cease, an Its er triumphs (hali thOle of arms-tbe '1 bal been preBsed and baled. II. bout rest npon IIlItre!Jent. I II. • ... !!:ILI' ... :L J th b .....~ 't'l t' national character, in . regard to I.his -WIII!nIUHI _1/ 'II I1Iit Sun. ot 1st than had before been, tben certainly eory e m .... e .... SUI 1 S prac Ice. triomphs 'Of troe American ideas. the. five bandred tOUI! of hay Ihlll wIDter. GHID ON '1' ROCKVlLLI tbote dwelling in tbe country fr~ely 'to coold not have been ver' solemnl' Tbe latter alternative Wall chosen hy regeneratiou of the great American I country; IDqUlflog as to tbe feaai· Ar.rangements are made for putting Jl.

all!lf'W~~ full I 'libert1 .~end to Ihl! I b d . I th' i- y tbe slave power at tbat time domi- beart. Tweuty-fi.e years of argu· lJility of estat.lidhing a 'lIOCiety of up an Academy building Ibill Slim- The Dilltript Sohool at Roobl1le' oal. ~.t.beir fleldl;. einoe it fre· 0 serve prevIous 0 IS Ime. . h .' ment had ooly brought the people to Seventh-day Baptista bere " also, in mer, whicb is inten~ to serve not bas been very .acceelColl, taagbl

I \ tb t b d B h TIl d d nant m t e natIOn, and out came the th . t r 1 __ • t tio I f d qu~.,. pen., !II no ot e~ ay i8 op ayor,. a rea y quote, DdS t d' t I b bed h e POlD 0 , ... "", 1/ res"c n, or regard to ~oil. climate, b%lth,1I0Il Oil Y or e ucation~l. porpOlles,' b.ut tbie term by Mill Sarab·E. Ol&eatrer, iII .. ,.~ r~ tbe 1O,.lni of gram. or says ., Ductor Dobltalltium." part 1. re cot IC um. treat t e non-extenlion, Such WB8 tbe plat a8 a place of religIOUS worllblp. At th I tb i of .,'" tIM!,RIIIl~O'iot'fllll\ll; bence tbe fa· 'b 6" Th . odor of • decaying 8ubtitance. It form on wbich Mr. Lincoln began bis products of the country. It i~ There is t(~ be a !Iteam grist-mill eCOle. on e e.en Dr 'ft

'for",,", '.im..- I\hould no' be allowed b~o~ 2, c ~p'. 2, se.c. 9: e prl· waH the last expiration of a eyetem fiMlt term of office. The rebellion thuught by friends bere, tbat the belt built here this 8ummer. at an esti- 13th Karch, tbe )'Dung people lif the to ,.,.~r..t,~e.pro'illioDl of henen mltlve ChrIstians dId all manner?f long dying of rottennesl_ It W&ll ~aII to be subdQ~d, bu~ slavery left method of &niweriug such inquiries mated C08t of 12,0'0 doll arB. we al~ district entertainell the public Wllb be.Af/I"" ), ,works upon the Lord's day. eveu In. . IDtact, and domnant ID the nation. will be through the columus of your ready have tbree grill'mills, and an exhibition. rhe friend. .froPi

a.. .". 1 I '11 b' £ • h b fulminated by the mouth of a dead It Wall to be left to blight fifteen '11 I f _a""wll' •• cOle y al you wI • t e times 0 persecutlou, w en t ey tol d h L h widely-circulated paper. ~e,vell saw·ml s, '~ rom ollr to ten W oodviUe not ouly added to the in' Ullllflioo WilfereMe to the day all a were the 8triotest observer8 of all man, erate on t e supreme enc States by its immfdiate presence. Tbe town of Farina is located ~D1les ~f us .. ~ohtically, our town te t b 'b' b t to ..

. ,. 1 ' ". by a "life tenure." that only relict and tbene!! to cast its dark sbadow IS ~H Tlgbt. glVlog lalt rail tbirty odd ":s y. elf p~senoe, u . o. " s.~~lh" .. t,be. L~rd, 8 day, ,or, a~ ID divine commands j but iu tbis they of monarcbical folly that descended o~r all tbe rest. and cboose its ~wn .. boat 225 miles south of 'Chicago, nnlOn majority. We hne 3 Good IiItlsfactory part 10 the exerCl.el ilr ant''''~1.,aoDQe~ted ~lth Cbrt.tlaDlty. knew there was non~; aDd tberefore, to our institutions, It declared that time to hatch out ~notber reLelhou. on the IllinoiB Central Branch Rail- ~emplar'B Lodge in town. and not a the evening. The vocal mo_le, the N.l.iII,n'.1Ii edict ..rldrealled to wbeu Constautine. the Emperor. bad. . f :. It 11'88 a grand strIde of the people road, some 80 miles nearly east of hcenlled tuern among us, declamationB and compo.illon.,"" Ob~'-I lUI lach Nt'. the 'd made au edict a"'aiost working on acc?rdmg to tbe genills 0 0~r.1D8t1' from tbeir stupid pro slaveryiem up A I tIt b f . .

, 0 I I ea " tntlOn8. and tbe expreslI prOVISIon to the point of sluery restriction. St. Louis, and ahout 140 miles nortb I t e S ory 8 out arming 10 oar diMbgDCII and t"bJau -.erA! *lleok!d ot """aIoftl'obli-atllm or Ohristiu the Lord's day, (should read Sun· f C . . h h > '1 d vicmitY1 and I will close 1{I1' fetter, 't!. • ~ , r -" ii~~.l.l ' J ... t .~, our constitution. "perspnsof African From Bochanan up to Lincoln th .. 0 alro. 1171t A nll" .. "t ...... 0... 1 bougot of Jobn AI. Urandall, tbls -- A !If-" .. ~= " ••••. '-dll~ . upd ID It:. ,I .. merely the day.) yet be excepts, and still permit. descent have no right' wbicb white first, Wall a IUl1g march. But it was communication with all the above one and one half acre of corn youug people di'f credit to tbem· .,tip. ,,"(II, hea~hen,tlDlIe~ar, addrfl8l· ted, all agriculture or labors of the bo d t t" A d longer one from Linoolu the first places The snrface of ,the country olD, growing proml.cnouilly selves by tbeir good order. a~d b1 ed. kJJ;.u , ,W1".III.l.: ....... ,.Qbd.ti'Ni.and bUllbandman whatever." meu are .un 0 respec . n so, and slavery restriction. np to Lincoln . II I I 'b m' sorgba.n seed baving S"at- the thorough manner io whiob the1

. -... poor old Dred Scott Willi turned ?ut the Iiecond and .Iavery extirpation. 18 genera y eye. Wit tin clent nn· d f hI' \d le,'''8\ .• ho, dwel' ia o~liel, and Heylyn (History Sabhath. part 2. of the Supreme Coort, becao8e. bemg Be it ever remembered, that Mr. Lin, dolations to furnish plenty of drdn. tere rom t. e a8,t ye at s crop, a committed their plecetl rot \he occa. we'tt tractejjlllen Of .tofJ'Oltice 93 L d 1636)' b r II I te Tb '1 come up thiS sprlDg. The ground lion, ' 1I001.T~'Jt. ' ," .'. • plge " on on. , gIves t e of African descent, he had no right coin WI8 . caMed to bis lecond lerm age ,or a surp us wa r. e 801 was ploughed, and planted to corn. I ..... 1

~ ~~n (tom \hel~ ~o" e,1i on the f01l0wlDg: to ask justice at the hands of that of ~ffice 10. the na!De aud bebalf is ricb, of a dull grayisb,color, wi~h It was left to grow untoucbed by BOCK ~~a. I .,....,...w. "a.l~ ofJ,",lod wbom he (c Thu'a do we see on what grouuds tribunal. r~.lcal abolitwn. The pe~ple placed a large element of lime in its com- any kiud of coltivation, unlil cut up Tbe Rock Bi.er Churcb ba.e held muel idor •• tmd ta wIloa he loved tbe Lord's day stands; on custom Soch was now the enios of Amer. him 0l! a platform declarlDl!' boldly, positiou. e .• sily cultivated. and in- this fall. From the acre and a half a series of e.ening meatln"lI, wblclt I. Id.,ttliit't6 be CoJiJ iIr8It~ .. And In firllt, and .oluutary conaearation of it. ... g ~nd w~lb no doubtflll m,eanlDg. tbat digenou8 to tbe growth of all pro' I got 31 busbels of corn, and 112 •

,',,1::/, I . ,\'1, to reli ious meetin s that custom Ican IDlltllu11ons. Dred Scott had Justwe and tbe puhhc safelY de I(allons of 8orgbum. Mr. George I trnst have resolted in mucb pod . • le.'f,t\~~~h~r'l:tthlttiCl'~lIed a~otherf cOllnte~anced hy fh~ authority o( sQlfered the greate8t wrong possible ~and tbe complete andh tota~ extirpa· ducta raised further nOrth, and to B~nd, Mr, Goodticb. and others. had bave pot on Cbrist bl baptit81;' edi!1&(cwnoerIlIPIt the Qon8altatlOn 0 tb Ch h f G d h' h t 'tl I to be inflicted on a human being tl.n of slavery from t e ""tl of tbe lome that can be rAj"""" noh, .... rar th, .. year fields of corn that after otberl have been l'nq""ltl'ng tbe ~ ••• I b · 10__ d e urc 0 0, W 10 &CI yap' , Repoblic n to. t"I' • fl' ta ~ 0 b plantl' If' b • ,."'"# , __ "_til,,-:' the 1M:d day, an pro.ed tbe same, and finally cOllfirm. and had appealed to the highest trio ..: ..." lIonu u .. 8, ,0 us n...." s rg llm. n~. w~s e, t WI! out any kind wbil!, the aholcb, witb hnt rew el'

tbat "-''''-'-tino-d _A_r tb. to recog' ed and ratified by Ohrietian priucesl b l' th I d f'" d Radical abohllOnlst. four years bempL sweet potatoee, tobacco. and of cultore. either riiPiO?KO or = , t -, • , .. ""ua v.... . . A: nn~ ID e an , or .ff'.uresa. 1100 "6" __ 1'1 •• ~'1, •• Q" ..... "ea .... nlJ ... ",hen barvested l lelded oop tonI!. lI __ ~""""oqr .. , ""'" ffv." bl.'t,,~p'rqteatfo" vAiOtllMB deitit!ll, thhrodUgbou~ tthberr etmpl""'I b m1 ud been told. he being of African de- rep:oachfnl sneer to a clase of meo tton to Bome exten~ Wtnt~r SO to 50 boshel~ 'pe' r' &Cn! iliad renewed 9igor. appan!ntll Clot-

", '..... ., t h' t'U f high t e ay, 110 e res from a or, an , d he S •. be b d ed wbeat, corn English grill! are lure' ,,' , anI:'" ",",~,..- II up II leo ., the restraint from bU8inesll upon lcent, though born un er t taTS so ,ew ID nnm r. as to e e~m , .. ' was a dry ilealon too, The Ctopl .secrating thewlelvell ,anew tl'l \be prl4M ~ tpe heathen bierarch~, It ~s that, received its qreate., strength. and Stripes. tbat he had no right8 wor~by onl~ .of sneers and .Jlbes, crops ber~, Yleld!ng' large returns. I were not tbUB ~eglected becao8e of a work, Ooe h .. embraced tbe S" e.ldent' th •• , there. 'WU, nothmg ID from tbe supreme magistrate, as whiCh wbite men wllre bound to fe- Radical ah?htlOn w~ the ravmg of do not tbIDk In!lh pot.toes or oats lIck of enterprIse among the far~. bath of the Lord;aad unked with .. , tbl.'ldlet 'looklbg to the establish, long all be retaioed that power t N th the 't d th heat~d bralnl! fanatlC8: Wbo dar~ yield as largely here a8 further ers! but hecau~e of tbe .utter destl' wbo wall a FirsW'" Dap' Uat, .fTed

.. I' '. b' h t him b Ion ed all after from epec. ow e Dry 101 e fl predIct the muacle wblch four years i. tutlOn of laborlDg men 10 tbe coun· ~ metlhfthe Sabday'u the Sabbath wh IC 0 ed dg , f ' practice, and the go.ernment went of war woold bring r .• Radicalab- north, although we get a fSlr crop try many baving gone ttl tbe war hiB oounlrs for lbtee yel", recei,1Id t ·~ '<"dh - "b' '0 'f th 't t e canOU8 an ecrees 0 coun· I"" ~ I f oftbe 'th Ito I tb' k B • " , o toe uro. r, I Ilr,e Wall,. I, oils. and the decretals of popes and into the bands of tbe slave power, a oltlOU, too tame ,?r!lo p at or~ now, . D! •. WI proper cn., r~. . I~ ere are tb~u.83nd~ or acres of n a se.ere "o\ln~, ball a,ain enU,ted,

Watt too muoh hidden by hIli dllpltCl- orders of particular prelate8, when most consistent a8 well as complete and onl~ th~,seterrlble wordl. total thiS section of 'GOthem ,111100'8 WIll broken prame •. Y.leldmg 6 heavy and gone fortlito, htllp,"UDole Abe" t,,. to be olearly seen. That sllob the sole managiog of eclesiastical de'poti8m. Tbis new tbeory of Amer. extirpation. co~ld express the peo- compare favorably wit~ aoy of tbe g~o~tb of nntf1C10U8 grasses, Cur· finilh IIp tbi. rebelllooJ' itbrother

'the .. ad at fti t of thi. and affairs Wll8 committed to tbem." . .. . pIe's determinatIOn, and program.me fruit·growing portions of tile Uni Dlsbmg a large supply of ~ay. and -ho wat baptl'ze~ "-ai' 0<. r.;~I-r""d w.. , .. r a e ~ " (94)" The L d' d b d IClin repuhhcanlsm was the maIn for the new term of office to whIch . ..' an almost unbonnded range fur cat- w , un. "" ~ Y<

1D~~baeqaen'.edlotli like it, ~S,lP- 8~~h (divine) com~:o~ tb:r it :hon~d plank in the platform on wbich tbe tbey were about fa call Mr. Lin~olo. Stale.s, for ralsl~g all klbd~ ~f tie.. Sbeep and ~tock of all kinds hiB ~ouutry fjlr tbree ,.ear.. TIle. p.~.~ • .i'!~Ot. h~;fre~cr,.- .r. ~~v!ne, be sauctified. but was left plainly to Bochanan adminislration Legao its <:oDso~ant w~lh tbe programme of It 18 ~ften lI~d, tbat I~IJDOIS, ae a thrIve as well all In any coantry I above OIentiouecl . brmb,r,n were 'D bll\,iI!!I"."·1OO16MIJ"~ IDsutlltlOn. God's people to ~itch on thill cr ~ny treasonable career. Buchanan wal extlrp,at10n. wblch he bad accept~d. State, I~ destlt~1l of tImber; but ever saw. the army of the Polotuil uotil their (TtI"l:'" tbe beginning of the other for the pubhc U8e. And, heIDI[ collllistml when he appointed a nest Mr. LlDc~ln at once reco~mends l!l' tbe fact IS, there IS scarcely a oounty hI shoole! bave mentlooed, perhaps, time eJ:pired~ I • S taken up amongst them lind made a . ., corporatJng slavery extirpation In' tb St te 'tb t 'd bl t at we have an inexbau8tiblesnpply

~.'1l' ,lIet.MO Ohnrch and tate. d f eetin ' the co greg l' of trallors for hiS cllblDet, and they tbe fundamental law of the land and 10 e ~ WI ou ConBI era .e of coal here; it crops ont of the W~:~b. after find him prescribing f:!r~\i;ous ~x~~ciBe. yetO (or :h~: were consistent when they gne the both Houses of CongresB adopi tbe forestll, whl~e the lOutb~r~ part of It groBnd wi,thin fi~e miles of our vii ,~ .. 01 praysr tor th. memberl of hundred years. there was neitlier law governmeut over, bound hand and propollit.ion, and tbe ~tate8 take .up a.lone contalDs tw.o million acres of ~ang;, and IS futnlsbed. at ou~ oetlot. billi coaf' &Ild otbere and takiug to bind tbem to il. nor any rest from foot to a .laveholder'$ couspirlWY tbe atraln. and send It on. Anticl' timber land. It I~ estimated. that f erfi the present hlgb pncell, upon MiII .. I' l"adQaI~" at a matler labor, or fro?1 worldly business, re- Tro; tbey had all sworn to soppor~ pating (his' grand ~move~fnt, Louisi· olbout one third of tbil portion of ;oi~ • ret:o lIev~~ dOl~~s·dl>el.r wnd· , . quired opon It A.nd when It seem- ' ana Arkanlal MISSOUri Tennessee tb St' d' h t" b r r .. o e war I cou e e Ivere po11~ Ilbd m~'n. of power, the con· ed good to tThrilltian princes. the tbe Constitution; but had not tbe We~t Virginia,' and Maryl'and. abolish e t.a. e 18 covere wit ~m er i at from two to three dolIa,rs. . tro~lil.. the Oh!!rcb. . nursing fatbers of God's Churcb, to Supreme Court decided tbat the Con- slavery by tbeir own action. Con· ,nd here let me .• ay • .that In oor In conclusion, I would say. that , t.,oburchee-,of ,Rome and Alex· lay restraiuts upon their people, yet. stitution meant just what the rebel. ~re'8 h,,? a'?clished snd pr,ohibited .it f?rests, e.ery VInety o~ bard wood any contemplate changing their. re8i· _-. " ... _ ""m p~ ol .... tboy w,w n.. '~"", bnl Ii.n mml r Tb, Pre<! Soott di'lnm, m It, P"l~". of ,,"omb .. , ood fn t.m'" ~o b, ~,"d .... , .. '" m" d .. oo f~ the E~t 10 lho W'ol, "' ga"I='." ,11lg' aD' Inborn love on.ly thUll, that certaiu '!len in. cer· and the Buchanan admioi~tration all tbe ~mtorles, Wiped Qut tb? .l[~ .. with. in any part of the United State8, from the more north.weste!n Statel)

, '. t '. tam place8 8hould lay aSide theIr or· ' ternal slave trade and ail fugitIve t bee hI' rke to further south, all linch w!ll do well lor," ~~~! Jj 1~~oo1al1~ for tbat dinary and daily works to attend were parts of the programme of trea- slave' law8, while, uuder the emanci. excep c , . t 18 un I, 9\lr com .. to come here and look bef'or~ nu'vlO~ of .,t~e! .~d~, . '!Dq':l' ~Ill accept· God's st'rvice in the churcb; those son, ali much as was tbe hom bard· pation proclamat!on, slave.ry ~oe/l man oak openmgB CGm~on ~o the lsewhe~e. I be~ien, . ed' .. 1i Qbe,7ed the. edlot. ,Coupled whose employments were most toil. ment of Fort Sumter, and tbe steal- down wherever. In the. ViCtOriOUS West, but tall, beavy for~8t timber, ty of ~oll,.jlalubnty ~ Cl.\mll,~. nice withj:"~ the celebrati.,e character lome and m08t repugnant to the true ing of the national fo.ts and arms march of Sb~rman, Sberl~an, Schoo equal to any I eV<lr SIloW ~n Wee.tern commlDghng of pralfle whfchl'~Ilil'd. hiid ()btailled as the natore of a Sabbatb, being allowed all o.er the South fieJ~. and Thomas, tbe Stars and New York. h.ealtb, beauty.tI! .ce~rf'

.l::.!!i.il.f' : '1. '" to follow and pur8ue tbeir labors be- . Stripes. ~o np. Tbose Stars an? tieS ,for convertlD¥ ,vugm 101'~"..,.nr.re.ct~0~ day, made it ca\Js~mol!t oece88ary to the Common. But tbere was a trouble 10 all the Stripell now mean freedom, GlOri' There i!llittle snrface ~ water here, cultIvated fiel~ UI a ~oft tlPi~,u.1 the i."''' .. y. f,p be aCll4Ipted &Ii a wealtb, And in the following tia:d8, dreams of the pro·slavery lea!Iers. ous flag! at length redl!lllll.ed! no but good, pore, sparkliug wa.ter, is tbis \leCL!Qn Qr co,nnlry dal' .. fJ .... tioa from. boline., and when'tbe princes aDd prelates. in A heavy nightmare oppressed their more to float over Blaye-shlp6 and found in great aiundan~ by ~igglng celled by any 10 tile ~est, , fortWIJ/a.rirbjllt',oIJ riliglou. worebil', thei~ Iie'eral places. eudeavore? to re- slee. The waves of a reat' 0 u. come g~ngll-:n?W I h~J! thee; now frol!116.to SO feet on~r ,coulld, all. who !!eek 3 changll;!.Ita &ooner

.1'j" .. 'O....,JY.L '"at .. " Ii I I IItralD them from that also whloh for- p g p p strngghni mllhons ball thee, Tby 'r come th~ better.. 1 I. ' bu~,~~\!Iil"" !"'~.\"f '1'1,; ~~k~ "est .~,a, merIy they had' permitted: and inter. lar reaction against the monstrous sbadow hereafter shall be 'like ~tbe he climate it ·tlllIubriQft~ ~od ag.ree- Yours trllJ.y, : :&W.w>,VINCEIn.;: nor u ~ 8&\j.!!!.~ __ !1~~ (?utBlde of dicted almost all kinds,of bodjly labor claims of tbe slave power begal\ to shadow of a great roc!>. 4t lel1gth able, just aboot flU enoogh removed _.;..-.~ .... _,"-,;..;.._ thi, FBlPnUp ,~"P:lClua10n of :th" upon that day, It was not brought heave and surge aJllong thli roc):s of tby fo19~ !lb~ll float over the land of from' the' 'rigOl'o/ls sei~ty (de the IrUBBIOll'U~ BTATISTIOB.

I trIl.4H8ab~5hi'/a. weha,.11 already aboot. without much struggling and New England. They h~4 swept the free, and tbe.home of tbe brave, more 110rt\l~rIlState.s;J'ec T. he Chri~,tia71.,lnstruc, t~' £i.,n.'r.D'.;;"'· ~ lMIelUf1 .:~, r, .. Ii ,,' ." oPP031tion or the p~ople, more than a across the prairil8 of, the great Bo~ God deingnl a .complete re- nortbern to be free from I $h'\ilPpre.. . r~. on; ~

_L1I ."" 'L~ '\ "'d . b t thouaand years belD&, passed after N h d f h b f' b generatiun of the natIOn. ~t was aive heata,peeoliat." 10' ..i"r latitud~. ,the followln,'; llliMlonary 8tatilJN. btl! ~~~~I!~?t,'1!'e,j~~ ng ~il til .. , e i u Cbrist's ascelllitm, before tb~ Lord's ort ·west. an. rom t e ale 0 t e not eoough tba~ thl! E:&ecu~ive IIbo\1ld ON w" ,,~

tb~:U'~R.r. w .. , .Ilaw, a~tl, as .w~ day bad attained that state in whicb Rocky Mountains bad come dashing proclaim freedom to slavee of rebels. Our summe11l' are long ahd pleasant ~: ~an. '.Fhe "~I.e '.L d d ' • . . '.' [ ,', of Amencan Foreign ''MlsI1ouat)'

.b ,.D_, ...... i4aa of Bun '" aI a now It standeth." own agalDst the decaying aud the legisl.tllre freed?m to all w~t~r.s short and m~ld. i Those whQ detiei!i Is 8i:s:teen-baving uudertheft ~N.lIMllitiJ~/~~lIIlpl!idr:·1'( IIlii'rcljf Sa\tllll&llj,iIIl·d!e: follest lMIII..,. QeYlr So wrote a churchman of the se- of slav;ery. Taney, Cobb, Toombs, slaves. Wbile Taney pre81~ed ,a.er have lived for ;y~rtI In Rock Coonty, care· 2,888 agents ail" mi8l!icitra'ries, WI.'.litlttIIDed ; iu the Ohnrch until' t~ th t U • ht be Bochanan, Toucy. Floyd Brecken- the judiciary, fre~om was lDsecnre. Wisconsin, or in Wester" New York, pre&chers, &e. " 6(,000 church

, l:i. It' .. ' " II ' V6n"",n cen ury. JUore m,lg ., ' . Thb Dred Scott dictum must be bn- ... an+¥j~ii .. Jl~~()rJ#a~ion. Wb.e~lt,~" ~ded; but eoough i8 given to shoW' rIdge, Wigfall, Jelf. DaVIS & 9Q·, ried forever ont of sight, alld the (but now Iiviut' bere,)! conolude, I 22.000 pupils, 'and an a!l-ta!Il\~~I~ th.Por1ta~e •. We

f IlhfJl how the cessation from labor on heard thBI! roar thered0f.b, ~nd we~e Supreme (Jollrtreienerated

h. So Gop believe.' geueraily, th~ we bave ~b~~ opet'lti:!ll,lOO.OO? to sn~talD 1 ... '1.;,,1 ••• : "

.1 IlIad"tW,. II COII.tion 0 .bor Sunday began and through oi.i1 afraid, uchanan sai !' :Was to e took Tauey from the benc , and Lin· from two to two and one,half montbs 2 B 'f h. "I G t B' , he , .. Article 1. The empbe' pt~~ . ditt·i ,'" 'beoome· uDi,erul, (ir in .. and afterward ~ccleliastical snpport the last President of tbe United coin, ins~ire~ hy God, P.ut Salmon l.e811 wiD-ter h.ere. ' Qn'an av,: erage, thim are'twe"nt'!8y m' l'ssn1'onar: IIOcrI1,teatll·ne .. t, 'mr~ the Cathblic ApOlto\ic Ramal Obllrc\l d...:aJI"'o .J"'" ) d'd )" tlt'I at Ie t St t d 'th h t rttle ab'Uty P. Cbase ID hlB 8tead, Another such ,,,". "-' ~.l<~c!~ I 'f ~ b~ d' t u I gradually gained gronnd. That Con- a ell, an WI 11" a d I b I stride npward no nation has ever ID the locailtles abovel mentioned, ploying 6.216 agents as mi~siona- as tbe religion of lObI! .. tlite. I •

tbo.~t~"~ 1f!~rl ,I tt;r} .11 e IC . atantine was not even proCesse.dly a he had: soulht to en . t e govern· made. as wbeu Chase suc~ede~ Ta. while we haTe no such ~xtremes of ries. &c .• and having 185,000 bliurcn ":Attlcle-5I: Free ,.mlf .w~It!'Ier., W'!¥~~j ... ~on~ II not waat- Christian at the time of makiog the ment With the end of hiS term, and ney in the Soprellle J ostlceahlp of cold. This winter is regarded as member~, 201,000 IIchalllrB, and aD i~~~~~:~~~~r':A'~t~ rellgi~:~ I '

.in". da ._: poi .. " ,~be ,','illClJolllP decree, will appear in the oext. thllil to folfill bis own proph~cy. Tbe tbe U~ited States. From Tiney to one of the severe.t erer/experienced In~ome ?f .0a·~~(h·OOO. . . are' ~dt" op~a.~d' to tl!otihl1,l ' ~, Brit ...... '" .adlole ,Sunday, G immense vote for Fremont, ID 1856, Cbase II! 'IUthe~ than from Egypt to in the coantr d lit 1 the I 3. aont~nental, ate contI ''aod . :.;<...A. lIabltit: TIle, ' .. ...r. : 14''1\ w"'OO~ltantine tbe Grelt : LUNER. gave fearfol signs to slaveholders ~anaan. 10 con.t~a8t to Taney's m,0s.t . y, an y., owest of Europe there are twelve of. .the8e of :rii .• 'reH..IOll. ,.111,

~V'I..;Jl ' '.:id ,. I 1 • .' )nfamoo,l e~~Bltlon of the Oonstttu· degree. ~s IDdlcated by ~e thermom· societies of which si" are 'Ger· :'- tioa ,,~. ~'!'i.i",!",,~.a aw, for:, ~lie proper THE RETiBmG JlAB, tht. th~lr, dll:r Of. grace b!ld aboll.t ti.~D, 'pl.aking" it strik.e, down" every eter, (8'195. ~tock can.\j;.; Wintered mlny. 'Tbev have SIl 'feq)Hril -the .,ot.onll

t •

L..'~ _I S d B d nd th t, tb t P le ! J the go'fern .. ent.~' I:" ", -O.,.. .... Ul'fll', \ln~.f,.,. .,' y . "while I am coming another I\eppeth expIre , a a 10 e nex reS1· 8\ng rlgbt of a whole race, nnmher· here about ODe third chll!llper than missioll8.rieB, ,teachers, . 1 . :I , , .' ,fi ' , '.1

CcI.,dtiDe',· I.w; promulgated in down before me." deotial election, the,great ~nal ing twelve millions, ill ~l1d close Willconsin or New York In W' cbnrch' members, ,It.OOO '., '. I." ,,,,, i"

80l!,)-' ....... 'cIIio~ed \h."for the la- He t I' I' t f 'bl American Id~~ of freedom' aroul1d the American .• Repuhlic,. . . . 11- and an income of $261,000. Tu' AlIERIoAN lBobll._h·.fe, .. id· "_.;,!"~,,u ct .' JJ 'I" ',,:.:... ,., waa no a Ie ,·re Ian, orci e ....,. . . h I the stands the nohle ~poBlt10n of that conll1n, on elE!ctlon day last fall, it 7btals Th' hi" btl 'f ' iijf the:!:' B!

tare: ~r';ii'~,-I ,lu9;u.~.,!" .ept aI.a cbaracter; had ne.er accomplillhed on~ more uaert.ltl l'lg. t &0. ~o e same • Constitution hy Mr. Chase, rained hard lIIoat of, the ,;, toward . and' oonti~:tal' ~in~~:Da~:. dll of rtI~....!!1J!t ~~~~ and ~WDl. anI great thing in liCe; and though natIOn. Free IDstito~lOns In the made In 1818, and incorporated into night, it turned, to' IJId snow; two societiee, 'i.02t .g~ntli, DIl~'!~" ., tbt, 1'I?UDt1'1 pjlOpie foIl ol good intentions, wu yet North, although robbed of half their th~ plat,form of the free soil cold weather a~d te.cqer., ,&0., ~6',. lo . q' "';' ", "thinking about it,"· whell &Ilottier Itrength and., be&~tl bl. 'beir con· said, "1;r,nder _oor rov" loon afUlr ,Here on ,2UI,OQO pup~1I

~!=~~:::~~=~,:AlDeri_I;" bad gqne by him .. 1l{1 perfOTmecUhe tiguity to IlaTery, and compl!Jmised we ~~ ~o Tbm~re ml a~e • it raine~h~me in ' alld all, aoill'*l, inco~ L', I . "', P Ii Ii " b h' H . 'th't' a lUng, . \8 g onous ' lUI ow nit: dm • er aps t o~ who.kbe~ hn:o 1 t elf co~P. city WI, 1, w~re so hencefort4 to iuapire Ameri. '!llf:at night,.

, ",el::Gl*e.li';~iaCl~ a law, ~oalled b1m weak and IDelllcl~nt., Then fat:, onlf.ublllng th~ II ave-labor ~11!- and until.we mllk~ ",,,rmi plll'gant w· !)ather~'~,4, !l1~en.q.q l for,. all.!"tio,n came upon him, and he had ~m., of .&he Sooth, :~t all hope. we lball m'~e .~o~dllw·.UP.t9 Ghriltmae .......... ""'w ;, •. a 4a, waited wea'11earll for relief, 'nenr hOborable oompetiQQ wu .Ione, I., . i.:war .. tiere. "os' out of.'b~'grouldd; "ot_Ia.~I"I~l" tiinl to~.;: but 'giYiug up hoping; _ad t'1ing, bnt border. rolll.ui_ b.d 1II1:Cambed ip f rob1lisindotbef l~i~=~::iI~:~"~"'" ~;~.~ ~~~?!1 ~,~ to. 101. alw~YI ~6,i~, ~nd' crowded out" of ,the eff'?~t ~ 'trample ,C!! ~ime-e~lIC> 0 been here ~~i tw~ w,' :itli:~tor.:~o"::i

• '/,/ll.lo1: .• if"'." .. ,, ~wu DotfiOeDt tn Ilpeecb,qUl9k 1I'1f:'~Fl'lWr~1 ~th $hll ,~~11 ~Jt,lU 1!f~11,lIe~


Page 3: ,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar ... When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING, b d d d d b ...


:;::;:. ISLAND PotlTlcB.-Tbe Unioll t There Il'~e ~n sel1sat(on '~p.lnhr·t.-1 over tw~tY:!lis: fPet .... bbve the The ,Hon. Cbas. W. Hrlalilev. lorm"·' RaODtE. 08 held in Providence l&11t of disailtet-to Kilpatrick's rellel:,¢Ij.qiI~"j~(j~lrc.~. tlj8~t..oiJ~~';:lI~~'~-WQt~,r mari, and still riaing. erly Se~retary: of State

CODven 10 , • d feet rise Cl1t, and United Consl~l ,1,0 ,Clliil(l1to ll~e k nominated James Y. Smith for from that of Wa e HalllPton. is reported ullder President

"ee , nor JacQb Du~en for ~ieu facts prove to beJ th~t Hampton ,th ...... · ·thlipt.P'I:tloU thel cl~n8.1Ilba're been damaged. week. He was (l(}iisidlerE~d Gover , . i I

t Governor, John R. Bartlett managed to get ,n the rear of Gen. versed in Ohinese

leDiD • K.I· _I., h-A.. "AI T d nd f Secretary IJf State, HoratIo B,o; I patti .... s ~_'luarter., ""lore,t""':!'-;': oes ay, a manners, 0 any {vr Jr for Attornev General, Dan. daylight in the morning, and ,",nr-I traio on the oan. i11B• .," T:" m~':nQ.", was'ronoing Mr. MOBBS F. lei A. Parker fpr ~enllral Treasnrer~ prilled an'd curi~!off all the latter's when near Great Congr\l@1l f,om Brool[ly~, r Dlas A. JllDckeil for Representa. staff but two m~D1bers. Gen. d:~~i~~~~!~:~~ ran over B broken rail, and ohtained the disPOiJsl

bo in Oongress from the Eastern patrick himself, however, esc:aptld,1 prl)plia1~e,.~erem.olliEie!8;' two cars 'were tbrown off now vacant at .. ,'e81~, rom."

IIV~ iet Ind' Natban F Dixon frollt forwtld hie ~Iln, pursued the l'enllsjlU1 track and down tbe embank- annoonced his oI,b.estc.w." Dlsr W e~."fD Dil&rio," • iofHcted oil ,them severe10es, and reo 'h"'~' A bnmber of persons were ing the positioo the r"" injured, bnt none, as a lDember of the fO(lrtl~~f~,~~:if~D:~~~

, captored nearly all his officers. learned, fatally. of Brooklyn, If one Ii

FE.!iIT OF PUIlUl.~Toe8day of last I'lSHlIlUD.lN., pleted. ' March 16tb, at 8 IlIentally qoallfied can ,eek "as the-Iaraelitiih anniverAry Gen. Sheridau's great cavall'J raid, The loyal men in New York bavil' morning, .hile a COllI Tbe p'lIYlIla.stt!r'8 of purim, afes'ihl in commemoration on the linea:of cQlllmnnioatiol1 with 6tted up rooms combining all tile tr~in .118 pa8ling' o."er BloomsbU~~ of tbe deliverance b7 Queen Esther Richmond, 'prqves ooe of the JIIost comfort aOO luxury of II first·clasq ~rldge, betweeu Ohilton and. Plul mlMlnnry thiirb,fin of the clnldreo of Abraham from the damaging to which the rebels have botel, which ~re to be thro~W:1I open hpsburg.. (on the New Jersel Cen· and the walls are

d ~ h b H for tbe bene6t of any paroled Union tral RaIlroad,) the structure gave WIth the es:ception of a 'pl~ce. wassacre dcsigne or t em y a· been subjected. 10 a dispatch soldiers who may happen to be ~a~, ao~ the Whole tram was pre three ioches wide, the OIaU, tbe chief ib'iuiil~er of K~ng him, dated March 15th, at the Rich· ping in tMt city. e~pltlUed lOt? the stream beneatn, a helpsto make the IUlre-pr<tof. ~ s Tue JIIWS In New York m d d Fed' k b R'I d ' dlstaoce of sIxty or seventy feet, and ternallv , tbe vault is teb,rellt.b,ill;il,andl ~~~~~~;]S~~G~~ ~~~~~;::l Arlsoeru . !' on an ~ eric s lug at roa ~be Nav~ Departmeut has reCeJv· engine"r, fireman and two brake· " ! III additIOn to obsenlDg the occasion crosl!ing of the Soutb Anoa river ed IDCormatlOn of the capta.re off Pa.lls were IDstantly killed. Close the Boor is six by ~ a bollday, -celebrated it in the gives a brief account of additi;nal Cavello. Texas, of the Enghsh sch\ll',\I this train was another, a ~lr- All' plI:tensive frau d ::::===:t::::::::::ci==::=====# ;rcolDg by a grand masquerade ball serioul! damage to the ellemy inflict- er Matilde by tbe gnnboat . of WhICU, witb the eogine;- blsG ment has just' been

lat tbe Academy of Music. ed by hill cal*aJry in the region im. ~he bad a oargo of cotton ,buggmg, ran into tbe stream ; but all the ptr. :"~~~ft!~fo! s~::elit;II~\l·'J·o • mediately around and north of the ~1~~~()~: :~'H~v!:. cleared from SOilS on board of it escllplld. parloined ond sold by 1I".upr"l

GOLD fell la~t week to 160, aud the rebel capital The James RI ver Canal Secretary Seward recently issul'd a employees. le!ult wall a panic among stock.job. was rendered entirely uselells as far circula~ directing tbat all non teBi. ENGLISH NEWS -The following Considerable •• ~ ODd speculators. The markets east as Goochland, and fifteen d t i • -'d l:~ h h It items from late !london papers, show cansed in 'F.n ... l"'ul ",,0. of the V.rgl,pa Central en IOl'elgner".no nve or s a ,;pre unsettled, aDd pricM generally from ToU,"llle' to Beaver h,,"'e been engaged in blockade·run an improYlng state of feeling: the te\,e~,.aDIi 1I1UI!q

8le oommal-llo much so that we tion, about t.en.ty miles Ding, shall leave tbe coontry witbio The London Times says the fall of Irom deem luctl~cely worth while to prInt mv.n,~ .... up .d"",trn"p.rl twebe days or he arres\ed de- Cbarleston is a victory v. hich will England

a mal ket ceport. .( .

MJ\. JOHN BIGELOW, onr preBllnt Ch~rge d' Ajf~ire .. at Paris, has been appumkd by the President Envoy EltrllordlUary and Minister Plenipo teotillry at the Ootirt of the Emperor

saPteon ______ _

. PJ.lE8lD~NT LINCOLN ~as been" uoder tbe weather" for a week past; bis dlness ba~lDi been aggravated, if nut prodoced, by the impqrtuoity of

land and th& South Anna ~J ; __ ":;,1C~~"';...l.-..;£:.th'~..\.'CUUWpCDOC l.ho fOd .. r",l. for m .... y ..Th~re are no ~fl:~~·i;:~il,~i.' bridges wer!l- al80 destroyed. labors. It believes tbe South now of the Upper 1\1 destruction of the latter the k1"tp ... ~t .. : (rom slluthern paper~, virtually shut out from the world. from one hundred attempted,to prevent j but tbey were tbe Wat' Department, The Mormng Post says Sberman's feet of logs cut and "oon dnven ott; and tUree pieces of Goldsboro,' N. C, is in movements have placed bim in the tlp,riDg .. drive." ar~l\lery were captured from them~;',Hib'~:r~~~~~':; Gen. Howard reportslforelooilt rank of mlhtary i\'enerals. In I,l 6re at Oonsl;anfIUlollle, General Sbertdan sayll, the.t H at FayetteVille 00 tbe 10 The London Daily News days there vent and a large amoant of property which he has army ID good condition. IS snme prospect of shipments of were destroyed and stroyed on hIs match IS enormous. Tbe recent cavalry expedition from.l·I!'I.I(] belug made to Ne.w York, owing lost.

Baton Rouge has been beard from. tbe flatness of Exchange. Abraham Lincoln is CH.lR!.ESTON.

The ll&test reports say tbat io Oharleston, the Provost Marshal's office was daily thronged with the , iuhabitants, auxions to take the oath

There had been some hea'Vy ~lmmlsh· Ex·Senator Foole has issued an ern man ever re-oelecte4 ing, In wbich our loss was consider· address at Loodon to Tenncsseeans, the Uoited Stales. ably less than that of tbe Rebels. explalOing his ditloonnectioo with Tbe roads were horrible. the rebel government, wbICh goyern

By the terms of the new enrollment ment be repndiates and denounces.

The Police in New fnrnished lodgings to ardB


[ WIIlll.lso mall free to thOilc haviDi JlaJd Head., or Bare Faoes, simple dlreoUODS and mfor~Uon ~hat ~1l.lI .. ble-the .. to I!t&rt .. full growth of Luxur!a.nt Hair. Whcl lake ... , or a Kotltltach'6, In _u. .. n thirty ayl'.

All appUcatloos &ll8wered by tetUl'lj mall without charge. Respectfully yours,

THoKA.sF.CHA.PKA.N Cheml~, 831 N. Y.

-ot~ . . , ,

vllice-eeekeu. j ,

LORD LioNB having been compelled b, ill bealth to resign hid position a8

II Brui8h Minillter at Wasbington, is to be succeeded by Sir FrederiCk Brace.

of allegiance. Tbele 18 a scarcity of food in that city, and great numbers of the poor threatened Wlto tltBtu.tioo. Many additional pieoetl of artillery have been foand in Chllrleston and Ylcini·

law, pdncipalt! are liable to take place of substitutes only when they THE ABCTlC MILL, in Warwick, was knowingly furnish IDcapable men. lellur'elV destroyed by 6re on Friday

The New Jersey Lei~jslatnre ed John P Stockton Senato!', after two pOI~~pon.lmlmts.

fi'" IF TOU w A.N'l' TO KNow-a litUe of every·ls.,c ... tary-:-:ED:", ",.BD l'Ilrrrir(la~" thmg relatmg to the human system, male Superlnli8,~leDtrllirA.T'J[j.it "001...,; and female the CMises and treatment of dis· ..

Gen. Palmer, in command in Di~ht, March 1 'tth, involving a loss tucky, has issued an order inf()rmiu~ of not less than $330,000, of which tbe families of colored men who are in tbe army. 'that they are now free $225,000 was covered by insurance.

Tue Arctic Mill was bailt in 1854, ty, snfficient to make the en tiro nom- Four blockade runners have run I II h S aod was the argeat ml in t e tate ber captured by tbe national autbori· Oharleston. harbor and were cap- of Rhude Islilud Its dimensions

t . th = ht f th b I tured. Tiley were the SyreD, Duc de ware 812 by 68 feet, wltb a winlt leI! SlOee e Ulg '0 e re e s Chartre~, Deer. and Fox. -

It is proposed to ".'R.hl,g

Beld, Mass., a home forlfri:eril:lle.ss meD.

San Francisco is to ,oa,re a cotton mill soon.


I BENIGHTIiD JEre "y -Tbe Oo'Ostitn· tionlll Amendment for tbe Abolition of Slavery was defeated in \he New Jer8ey Senate by a vote of 12 to 7.

I 6 h d d Vast qoantItiea 94 by 50 feet, four aud a half stOrIes neaj,rUlyta..v""e: ..... nunmncLIle.it·t [)Q.ba~p.c..l\181.1l:[EI".I.;.,. ;Ji.;ohn Bell, of Tennessee, it is said, of high, wllh a basement built subs tan- fi"'MISSIONA.RY BOllD J,{EI.~I<G •• -Tllle Third

...... y infirm "at.. of h""l1 h u&lly of stone It was employed in Quarterly Meeting of the Board of cently been disco'ered. and IS besides very poor, he having the cotton mllnufacture, and had a the Seventb.-day Bapt[st Mi$l;[onary SoCiety

.IE),),. DAVIS ON THE SITUATION. lost all his properly through his ad· capacity of twenty·four thonsand WIll be held at the ln Wester·

--- T~~-

W AB In:Wa OF TIlE WEEK. AROUND RICHMOND. hesion to the rebellion. .' . 'd t h On Monday, Marcb 13th, Jdl'. 8plOdles, and. gave employment to ly,R.I., on Fourth,day, l'.ltb. of April,

UnuBual acllvlty IS UI 0 aye The Union Generals Crook and four hUlldred bands. It belonged to 1865, at9 o'clock A. M. A attendance Is preva\led ,for a week pailt in the DaVIS sent a special meBsa~ to the Keltey, captured at Cumberland, Md, Messrs A. & W. Sprague, and witb deSIred. .A.. H. Sec'y. irmies before Richmol1d and Peters· rebel Congress, which. is interesting a short time ago, have been e:x.chang- tbe machlOery was valued at uut leils March 20th. 1865. burg, both uoion and rehel. Mllrch- as showing the desperate condflio/l ed. tha(1 1250,000. Tbe loss 00 stock iB i;~~~~~~~~ff~;; iog or fighliog, may be heard of at of rebel affairs. He says" the capi. Grant's troops new cover closely at least $80,000 11Hml.

tal of the Confederate States is now about twenty miles of temtory. any moment. All or tbe sick and thleatene?, and it IS in greater dau- Early's army is said to bave en· SUMMARY OF nWS. wounded hue been removed from ger than It has heretofore be~n tirely melted out by desertion. tbe lIeld bospitAls of the army of tbe ing tbe war." He 80180 admits the _-':'''';'',....,_,--.,.-_ Josiah Watsol1, a lad abo.t twelve

hi ( h t b t years <lId, whose family reside in Potomlo, and Butlers have been wort llIIeneBS 0 t e ~rf!lleftien. r" a f THE Nh"Vr POSTAL LAW. Bordeotown, N. J, wu -l1tly put

C' lioaDcial Bystem. tbe ID Clency 0 .~~ notified; to p~c!t ~ and leaye for It:\> mil" military org"ption, and t~e The IWW aQt relating to thtt'PQI'-1 uut; to._~oe on .ia£1ll aot fait from I'otllt. I deraugeme.ot of ItFalJ'S generally lD laws pro'l'ides that aU dool~tio' lel:·'i-Itm.'·"'i ...... ___ goow,_ ~ tb4

On ThurSday lalit, the Dispat.Jh tbe coofederacy. As measures of except letters lawfully franked, name Woodward. On two uC· was tbe only paper published in extrication from surroonding dimco1- aod dnly certilied letters of 8oldier!! casit;ma the \)0, had gone home to hilI

. h d . aod marines in the service of the molher' W\thvut' permission, and Mr. Ricbmond, and ,that appeared on a II lei, re rhec~mmeD s mtoref rlgOrl?08 United States, .hlch are deposited Wqud~lUd b..a taken him back. The half _ ...... , ""wing ail 8. reason, that aws lor t e Impre~eo 0 supp les, . ffi' h d b k h ...... v.. ... I a more remoraelel!ll conscriptlon, and mailing 10 any posto ce 01 t e ay e a8 ed to go orne agalD, ,11 ot its emp'10yee8 had been pre8sed a suspeuslon of the- habeas corpus Uulted StateB, on which the cooseot beiog refU8ed, he told iu(o tbtl' service daring the present aot. ACter the fl,lihu8 of the Hamp· is unpaid, ahall be sent hy empluyer, tha. "If he didn't let

~ u master to the Delld Letter bim go home he would h8.og bimsell." ewergtlllCy. too Roads peace con.ercuce, mI. I

GeDerlil Grant li,u issued An order Daviil sayl he made efforts to iDI'iate Wasbington; and a I letters 0 attentlon was paid to thll! threat, r neiotiatlOr::8 for a 8ettlement of'dIC- ited for Ioatiing, and paid only in but soon after, VIJ g:Olng t.o tbe barn,

ptoblbi~iDg",*1l trade I1nder Treasury tlcllitie. by a conference betweeb plrt, shall be forwarded to their dl!s, Mr. Woodward found tbe boy hallg lor other permits with points within General Grant and Geoeral Lee, and tination, chforg'ed with the t.o pne ot the Le.:.m~ by tbe neck, I the rebellineB, i~ the- States of Vjr- the lat$er wrote 1.9 the former on tae rate, to be collected on delivery. de)q.

gioill, North and South Carolina, and 8ubject; bnt General Grant'a reply Tile provisions of the act for h h h d II h t t relief of postmasterl who

, Georgia, a~'declarilll 'Void all con- ~as, t at e a. 0 aut orl 1. 0 been robbed by Confederate for'ce.11 ') tract8 m.cl. dader Bach permita. I~ ~n such • capacIty. , rebel gue.rrillas.

i8 understOOd Jttiat this has bee~ in )[lSCELL.l.NEOUS lTEIIS. 1864, are e~~~!h!~~I~~:._IIII'sup[,()~~.d a great lOeasure called forth by the The U oited p~tmasterst diecovmM made in connection .lth eir TOhornFwae ~lowo ,up bYb I Pj~::s~!o·~y~t.em!l.~aiod tbe reeent toblloCCirbacon llpeculation 0 ape ear pver, 11!I!t e ow ixtu!1ls !,ud at Frederie~.bQtg, Va. Anderson, on the aftel'lloon of the 4th ·7~~~~i;~;~,~;i~p;~:I:fu~r:,a ~Jl:drl

'March, and Slink iii If'

, ., >' ,lonO:rtIlLD. GeD.Sc~~14Ji ... ~lioro)l'g~ly WhIP·

ped Gen. B,:!, and laken Kin-I l • tf 1':j .,. 1 -I .::

Iton, N~;U.J1' ~II wu Sghtlng" I)~ tl1Jr"~' P',~~ !tb, tth, ana, lQth of llfEP~. J~ the deeperate attempt of Bragg'- 'rooPl' on tbe lOth to bleak the national lines, about twelTe bondred of theni were killed lind wound~d ana: rou~ huodred cap'tured. General Oos:'.' lo~ on that dar WI8-

very ligbt, owlJg to his men being behind ba8tily erected earthworks. enrollment law pa~8ed by tbe I~ U• ._. I I .. ~h tbe three d.y. 00ngr688. 1. PerilOus pteviqully

II "".a ~ ?,O \ dl"t'ftlld for one who furnlsbed wyles. thau w~.,," prst sopposed, snblltitute!! it no\ e:r.QMI!ro.M \ lone thou8lllld ill empt for killed wOQ,.d~.ana prillonere, wMob 'during that

ill l~ than ope-balf of the rehel liable to rt~Il~'f;~:~~~~~~i': :~::. '. . I d f th al\y ~son caaoalha. on .. 118, e ay 0 e recruite to be tlgbting. . ", , i be liable 39 8uttstilGu,tes·«tr

) IIIIBlWWl. Hons if draftea. 11e reptSr&8i I~~ GeD. Sbermao'lJ From an official stater.oent of -.'V"An,·n ar.'''' miMt,aaLiJ~~f,y. Itbo'wlng re~ult8 of blo'!kade.~unnlDg !lot Wli.

! .' b. mlDgton, pobhshed III tbe Manches tlia,lIe,ll'" .we~taC~08. t e entIre ter (EDg.) Guilrdiari, we learn that Stllte of Sooth aalObulIj alld a part tli~ ~otal ventnre" madl/- by English T \1.\1 - /. J - '" ~ • of l'4orth Oar01l,na. Tlie WI>,ement speculators aWOllnt to more dum from SIW~.nah 1,fas coulIDenced on $36,000,000. T6e quaptlty of ~o'ton ot aboll' tbel Uth of J~Qary la.', exported frolIl WIlmington IDd 22

• d F '11 montbs was 137,927 balell, an and tb. ar'IJIY "~Il*e ,at 8r:rettevI e, total nJ)lllber of ve~sele wbiclr rao N.O., on thIJ llUi of March. In. aU the blockade in 13 months,897. DEB'rImCTIVll: F!ESHETs.-Tbe spring tbillD~?,h, j5 met ~ith DO .erious The dilltrict of Georgetown, S. C., floods have caused great damage on Ise>eWIB, OppD81tlon, ~cI"tli~ UOepe fared as IlOW occopied by Admiral Dahlgren, the Hudsoll, Mohawk, Sll8qUtlb&nl!a, bouutifiJlll ill"SOath Carolilla as ill is the richest riCEtgrow,ipg section 'of and Delawa~e rlYeJl Large qaanti.le<l.:to Geofgi."Uld w.,. in, .. ine condi· the Union, and mnllt have been of tion ud l 'Ita "tien thel reaoh.<l great imt\Ortan06 to tbe ~bels. ties of ice lodgtld on the /lats. below IYI~adou; ~ .''1 ~ . was also one of tile heav!elt Albauy, and the docb and; plell of nn(Il!':()fferedl'10,(~00 .)etteYIUe, if .n tbe1 .rrt'fed at districts, Dnly 2,89":of ita peo~le that city were sutimerged by' fire

S,yaDnU trow Atlauta., .Allloug the having beeo whi~, ~l! 1850, wbIle ftood to ths dep~h of eigbt,~r ten f~. [lIIIih. W Ge~, J:!berlDan 'J~lllc\l,'bp's 1'1,253 were slaves. railroad traml were l1eta,inu:ed.:::,'l ~ri:~ far, afll ~en,loned the capture of Prof. Borsford's new army ration At \he ,workl were HI

fifteen citiee, tbe dutrnotiOll of hnn- i8 to be tried in the Mmy of the PO" poo, "-"a".:bin(lc,the1~'· "reds or ' olites Df railrold and tomao. It lIub,tilote8 Toasted' The water it'"Rochi!ltllr ~''f~~~~~:~g. ' .... _".,. tbllu.lnd {)( ba;leli of cotton ~be fOE hard tack, and- lI!ea\ ea)lAllI1 deep.:.' -~i:~~~:tl~~,~f~~li~,r~~;~t:~~~~tlre;,}'i~lng r,io~1,it,'!

_LYON'! KA.T .... t!Wron [s from' the

e_s; the of the world; how to a thonsand th!np

read the revised and ., .. ""c'3.1Common Senee,"

Cur;IOUS people, a.nd & 400 pages, 100 D·

Contents table any Booke mal be had stores, or will be sent by mail, L lle:13l1dE'7!C. receIpt of the pnoe. I •

Adl1rel;s Dtt. E. B. FOOTE, M. D., 11S0 Broadway. New York,

MARRIED, At Rockville. March 2d.1865, by Rev. L.M.

Cottrelt, Mr. ALFRED H. WOODlUNCY, of RIch· mond, and MisSMARTIIA. A. COOll, of Hopk[n· ton.

In Hallock, Peoria Co .• Ill., Feb. 26th, 1B65, by Eld. A. Hakes. Mr. JOB" G. WILBON and MISS SARAlI Tno'oW!, all of Peoria Co., lli.

In \'Vesterly.Mareh Stb,l865, by Rev. A. B. Burdlok,l4r. JOHN KIDD, of New Yotk OIty, and M1BS JULIA. A. r;IBSo" , of Stonmgton, Ct.

In HOnIlSfield. N. Y •• two years of S6vere _8uffe.!lng tion of the stomacb, 610t year of p~o_ .... of ~I~'~i:fr~fi:~~~~~~!~ and united with he then resided.

moved to :~;~j~rl!f%.~~~~~lli; tb.e follOWing rear I-:~~~~~ sh[p to the CHurche, a member theN until the r~'~~!~:a~!~g~

In 1B41'i

AU nlgbt we steCH! 1JeBtc1e his bed I

All.Dlght, WIth broken sighs, We sadly turned his achlbg bead,

Aold wished, the morn woold rI.e. His UtUe bauds, 80 tbiIl ao4\ pale,

HIs eyes, half closed with pain I

WltbODt, tbe WIIlIWI J.ntuIDD pJElt .And cold Ootober rain

The gr~at trees rOCking in tbe blast I Ah I BOOD It all 1fJI! o'er,

Tbfl Jltt.le J..ijm.rt Lbat "eat. 80 faSt Could beat for us DO rqore T

For ere the morn ita beams ha.d leot, UPOll b1a lIt.tle band

He laid his cheek, and 80ttly wen' Into the better land

NEW YORt MARKET-MAR. ~O, 1866. The fallmg off In th. price of iold, wh[ch

went a810w &s160, ha4 10 unaettled the prl·

ces 01 all k1nd. ot produce .. nd mernhandl.. ~~~=;~;~t~~~e~ that It Is ImpoBlllble to tin Ii martet report wh[oh will be of much nIne. Tbe _I!MI,UIII p&rAgr&ph, from tbe '!few Tork Po" of ilaroh 18th, 11'111 ,tve IIiIld6& of tbi~ _ COlng ! II 1', 'place of salt beef- Thuly days' supply iii

~,,'a~~ Of elllbt",eYe callJ\O'llj four of this ration cao be.carrted WUhJe.s , __ M ""ODen,' JliKl l,,~rdJ~Y' di~culty than eight ohbe ol~ "ind. t~o,u"Dd &Dimala, and'tlie 'reeiDg nf Je~mll Olarke allai ,II Sae Mou· 1Ie~'~~;~~rajll'Olad iisw'i&il:led'.,.y.

l~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~El .. The wholll.!lale II&ReOI •• ~~~~~~,~~1 DablJu~ ~f~ ft".. A.t 'ayetl •• m!! 'l.1Itll'II11 captured a lew emoe In Ken·

j .. , •• ~~ .. a.good b .. i>i "Nt- tocky,." ~ried .t OP ~e ~:f1aI&.lIliic.&iQQ wIt.' Q .l.~'inw;,u cpargei ot IIInrder, , (raIn

teN ;T'1 j. ~ "I ~"'I .~, lolf Ihe trapt, and ~~:~~:i!E~J i:=~~~~~~~~~~:l~~ .... ~;Gra~"MIdr'I.P"!"'" tileri .lId maill. He ilUl ,-- r.:.!:2I'~ ~ .'1 'J. ).:di..Ii.'1.:iMld' !_.a ___ .I .- "*-:.lIr. ri,er ... r .... ;_"_'_,l ... _.--r-. _1Im1_..,-

~14\f;TrOT,N. T • o r)

BAILQlA: 00., New York •

\ /1 )

Page 4: ,IIVol+21+(1865... · A t gthe philollllp\,V of this quee-!~at mlldeht1 ... ~he people a regnlar ... When the bell ceased toling, the AND ALL FOR NOmING, b d d d d b ...



-- - ~ ....... --~ ----- --- ---~----- - - - ---- ----

f!1' ~roRT~ 0, 1'I'fBOL~)(. f1?ck, hand them' bave aU dooe..,,:ell, ~U.J, 011LTUJJ:. DlJJ'iuA' 'he ~ear 184', ~h\} \otal,tlioll,g they 0 er no e%cpption La,the Chlall! cllhure ;8 & term ,bat

exportll of petroleum from the Uni- ,general rnle, that I!maH fl.3cb,-do bet- Iarlller!! eit.ber do nol I;:il:~:~:;~ TlIB PBTBOLBU. TBAD:g, ted StII1Ies W'ere al,I~,196 g:tJIIJDI.. ter tban large. I bave ooly~oged tbe import of, or do npt care W[lr~".Hi'" ::~~:1I~~I!~:!'~~~dr&lll'um.~'1

In the year lIJ§~. Jh George H. MOM tllan two-third. of thill amoant m;r'lIock by raising lambe, .ince t tice. To fIlcb I wrhe thi. as BhIIlQII• of Ne. 'fori; bad bill att4m-1 11'''' Ihipped frollJ N &'If York. Ptrtili' commenced, and Cao show , portance. Tbey will see If ti;lll.'·e.:u~ ~~ol1';r "aid dolphia 'Bell! oft" T 818,912 gallbi'lS better fillCk now tbao at fitst. I practice ~,:ar.oo~'I!\" " i1,f.·:Om~ and' Boston 1,1'16. '(()3. In 1"8"63, tW: paid a generol'ls price for bocks



..MIM~"I\W iJt' I d II d 00 my tour to tbe White "f'''''' Ii i'l'Y"'l"'.r~I!\!~,~!l (Ilr eXWITtB altJ.oiinteu to 2!t,16~.191 gal- p ea8e me; nsua y every secon tainl, in Auaust, I paid ""'FtU'n o 0 IOID. .. .... r, lon~ i in 18ml, to 10,887'.101 • ilia In IflAr, tl! aV01d breediog in a8 mucb .. \tenu I' ,

• near wba' il 1861 I.to .oolv 1,194,6i!,2 or ~lI., e aa posluble. I osed to. thiok twenty- attention to tbe treatment was TW .. 11ft, itIIt IW,bllO ,Ilt ... W O .... V I" t" ". \I :..t ' Ii dill r. beitowed IIpon apple trees. In mOist I CoOIPallY ted. 1 ..... _., " ~

nl8a. In al;6,.,,,o+-~~ .I Ilia oql! expor:t~ Jut.. lie 0 ara It arge prIce to payor a of the toWUl wbich I p&8lled tltrolgb ~~~;~.~~~fJ~i~~r~:~~;~~:'~C~ loYi \0..... , ... 8oal~lf Oel... I .. ..-.. ·t_year. _ 8,"16.0.00 ,WeAt. to Great. ram; I bave since given one hundred ~~~::;..;~~l ' ," .. IkitajJl,; to Alltwerp, &,688. 'J~ g._\' and fifty dotlaf8, and think the money they paid lIttle beed except to trim .; Pi{¥O. ,.q1f.~ !"JlIQ~~, ..... ~ l!M .;..

'==~':;lr:ra 1001 we~e Ibipped; JIlaraeiHe. ra-. pteUy well used. My ewes are gen them, wbich in some cases wa~ done lB!d river where ~ __ .:I""un. rlt,. of &oDI a,. UDrI",_ ..,., .......... II •• llIabte fot lI.bft. 3,600,000 galIoDl!J; Havre, erany fat every aotomn 9pon ordi- witb ao ne, leaviog the tree to re- deep at ordint.ry low __ o.do~ poealbly for illllminating about the same quallthYj Br_en, nary gr_ feed, but as tbe foddering cover from the rougb clipping ulIIaid river ol'lr.s III I~ l"!a_rk~ th'1: oQD"la lit ... ~.,.....; ~ a little b ... et 1,000.800 of p:lllionil; leaeon commencelll I feed lightly .... itb b41~t it coDId.; The g.eaeral result line between lDoM .. f ... ,.,..

~jiti~ ~11 then Ptfrc'b~~ \h'u Bamborg, 1,SlO,nO,B<lterdam, 852,- grain and lightly with bay, lurDing ::n: ll!yt c:t~~~ a,:!:~' I In ~k~~~!:~· and ~~~;~~~~:~t;,1 ,. J OM!IJl"', I14.thoN.~ ......... Dn .... 11'~ .. I·t...- RI'\ h-A l"C"n ,,1~. Suutb AlIlel'iclli, 915,~40', <o!...lIiin, tbem ou. t • e ... ery day. I am. not . h I' Ji6rp.l'e6rl, JPtIIl ""-_,, o..r~_ . ••• u '" 'W - - ., ...., - w. C ,. 5"" I ~~ tb t b be tb L h cleall' cnltore, v]z: The 8eCOnd year Btralg t me to a i l_ oOt-tid 6:l.,jd rn 1:8'11' ... 0.; .... the Br.t ; uua, b,thfl ~ tal" 903 - a t 18 18 tter an .. eepmg t em f h ..1. d, d river, three IilUndred ..,., and lIaob hIMI'II .. "t 1Ii,IDIIiI ... -"'r oa,..~.I.'?~1be ,'" odlMl~~'i;;:~'-~ ,~ ; Cronlltadt, 608,197 j ¥«:J;ic~, in. tbe yard and feeding altogetber a ter t ey were traoB.-nte au mOl1\ westerly 'ph'jectioillof \ .q ..

q~ti:.'nd~.""""""'~:l'"':"""'OfIed 112,9&6 i Fottugal, 18.4.,669; Tfleste, wltb bay, but 1 have tho~ht1t w". eacb yelr 8fterwardll, tbey ploogbed rook at ordiD6r& tbepel'llonal8UpetvlllO'l,o~.r.J.JI.Gr"-• .,.. ... u,U,,";,,_ 16~ 176 A I' ~ .. gon D_' b ~ A h bo&b w.ays amongat the trees, l' I'

o :tOJ: . prO~i t r.' . hi .... ae 0, i u8tra la, ,.2,-; .... : LH"1I- c eaper or me. s t e h hi d d 1._ do er y 10 a straig t me ""'''\<\1''1 ...... ,Y)!0"h.4.P~ld,'" "".rI-. 01 "

' •• ~l1 'nriderl~ °and ~be 011 tid illb ~roVlOces, ~j6,* i British Wliet sea80n appr0*!iettl, I li~e to !h~r:~~ds: m:;~~~i :an:"~~ wn projection of Kettle GOLD 'PENS, 1ST AN.D 2D'_'.II~J'UL!_ ".... -If', a~~ ~Iletradnloo Ir.nd nli~l\la~nt IndIes, 166,000. pretty. well, 'glvlDg roolilD moderate shot d wn below the plougb and the of pWroavtl~dre·nthceenrcl.evearlongat nrcl1na.rv_ SCIlL8LVEJI. l:'Xl1lNlNOX in":;;.ii o •• r 10 1ea,. rn tbett .MlII'rutur., II ..., O4IOI'.jj Gradnallv , 8bc)\vever,l'h a.lDe Tbe~e ,Are bUr I~rgest Cllf!tqmera, quantIty, lUJd after tb~ lambs are 0 '~ter until I't CO"""" to u, • yarranted In evet11lllrtlouJar. ' inta!lle tbe~ai'atkabl low rice at bot Af~lc" Hayti, the CanlM'Y I.· d£opped, feed freely With oa~8 and groood onder tbe treel wae In betweeo the ;;;;n For ~ g::'~I~oi ~e.l~~ ~~I!: 20~n ~~ .... j.;.. I~ '19 Id be BOIle~erll~inll' landl!/ EMypt, Mina;tilllD; Sicily, the beetJ!, or carrol.Sj shorts would pro- conditiuo. ThIS year tbeir trees and Barriogtoo. includioi in the limite or a No.3 pen 2d quality; for $2 26

~w~rQl f'iil u.eoce iD its' layor. p $~naJ"iijTi lel.n4~< ZaD'~Qarud N'flW babl! be 1IQ!ld; but I ~m cautioos of ~~~~~:~~p~~p~:rgd~a~~linqoiry said town of. East pr<)vi,fu,.Ct! -al\ iBlaada QlI~Ult1 i ~~ I~Bloq:~~:, ~II'\~~ :a~7e~!~ 1860 ~he li4ki"g qf oil wenl b,egao Zea~lIdta1reJlO'llJCo~der.bte q ..... feedlOg: C?m to OUf8IDg ewell, and I I d h . be and rocks exposed high Wa' pen 2d qua.Ilty; tor $I 60 a No. p,n .. "rekUIIl'r bu~lne/'s.' IDtodre'ds tittes. fn. the Plurle df t~e Y~iIor, ~d thlD~. It 18 ooly lIIafe ID moderate oca ity the, Jecelve t 81f 8t !er between the of said Provi qu&lrty. 0,... No.6 Jl8D Id quahtll for 16 "6r,, m~e, and <!lIr;u'" tbe succeed. tbe 911 IS collstantly findlDg Its wa,. quantity .. Yon can, WIth proper care, from, they 11011 witboot exception dence river and the ahore thereof. Jl,No. ~ pen 1st Quality. tng "ea~ and 1862 th: "ield of oil '0 new pla1)et. 08ually ralllC from fift,ewes, lIeveot,. na~ed th~81I)cali1" ~ To tb:;-e who AN ACTio addition to of the THE SAIlEGOLl>l'ENS.IN 8$""D SILVER

11''' l~rgier tban .titbe-I~ot time. l'l'IIt 'U'ha• !~tcod.';u~m ItltNO~. ~;: I~::~:':::~ri~~d\~~~ r!~;' i~ ~:~h::~~ae: s::> pi:e e~o~:t ~~t s~ !:::e!to the SerVice !t!b~ =:!~~:~~~~~:~!:~: UK HOLD· It,. 18 elt~mated that 10 1862 the n t e VIII" otMH. petro""om March or April) to have a number of that the God of oatore practices tbe United States." 'pen 3d quatity; for 12 60

Tbe " GroveeteerJ I'illl1o Pffttt" !'eM,. ItIt

blibost aw,,"rd of merit o.er all ,

otben III tbe Celebrated

Peon8yl.aDla wens produced Iro~ ball atlft9/lt eIttirel.r dillplaced .N amall pe08 ID readioeslt for th~ same, or arrives,.. ~lIe sallie lJlode, ItlS ... ctedbytho GeoenJ alltono..... :~~.ti.;:n""f!i.6j)en2d .,,~!'~.elve thous~04, ~"re1&.C?£,\,I1 other qU~ lor ilI~injnati.rig purp08es ,beep tbat have twins, and pot tbem only io a'dijfe~nt way. Tbe foli'ge SECTION 1. Wheneverl anT ........ •• per d"'" 'i'hlJ recelptll at P~I1aael. N aph&ha lind botaing fluid caonot into the peoll imwt:rlillotel) I i .. unler ,,£ tho pi.... i .. .......a .. ad 01,"1'" IoU lob ttl1UllmS btate, enlisted Jnto the f: ~lI.~i!Y~.\lJe; fur rbia in 1863 were: of crude OIl, foor oo~te it 41 iUDmi!l~ung that the ewe mav lick botb lamb_, roow. covers tbem and rots; 00 or naval service of thai United States. u'tb~'/.;';~;~

d b I d Can be '+'.' ,. "";ce " d 6 d 1 tb d 'f shall die in the service ~.itbout baTi"" Onr penH rraa;~Bk~;;;.r:'~.f~l~~l aDdled tboo.ao arre II " of refioe , 8 .. u- • u r~' and have them Dear her nntl'\ tbey wee II 0 pace. ere, ao I you , '" If oot.,

iJfi,ilI\irTI Where were exhllllhNI hlftrUl.t. off __

beat maken of London.." Pa_tl;'_1!'1'I111111,

1'hUa6IIplila, Bllltl__ BeiI.on. aJIII ...

York; lind a1110 at tile AmerlOa1l Ibltttu\t

rOl' live 8U0l18 uln yea", tbe IOld aDd In",

JrIeda/& frOD) both of whlph jilin b, ... , .,

It " esti '/1 k . d' ib .. b received all of the bounty due him from lb .. lr.writillOl abHll& tWo, hundred lIiO .. al'ld; III , 1Il1l' are 8trong. 1 have observed, that WI ta e palOS 10 tg rQ1J(.4 t at tbis State. it ahall be In:ffll for tho Pay- ;~~:f~~d:~~~ilt~~r~~; year the receiP!' wllre: of crude, ooe dollar • gallOD, after tbe ewe hae licked ber lamb tbe coveriog, you will find the 8011 master General to pay tb t\le widow. or ;: t"o hnndred thollsand barrela; of reo (etlii~ BUll be the molit eco· bood of nnioD seems to be perfect, thoroughly pulverized, &00 lighter next of kin when there 1. no widow. the With ft_1 two; JI'fI~' 'act '''8nt1-one nomical illumioator knl)wo. lta ooI, and IIbe can select her 0"0 amoog a than aDY meauti whicb art bill! balt.nee of the bounty dqs- to snch ... olun-I {e~~~:~~~~~ o::~~::D (he thonl!U14 lE* :6lU,DC- oIf of QP8 hun· ri ... ~ coal JaB, i. more costly •• 1 well thoosand. Therefore, wben sbe ball foond alii yet. Bet. tbe reader wi11 teer from tllia State. i nomber aDd qoalUy In dred a~d leventy-six thou1laod bar· ae, at ttI;!;t8atlle ~1lJ1el '-lime c01i'Vepient, twioll, see that she bas both lamb8 ~ay, mulcbiu-g WIth straw would AN A':7 in amendment L TItle XXIV .• whother ",Ill OT limber, eOal'll, or Jine. rela., I ancbt.'IIll prob.:b yloog retalD the near ber, aod al1 ill right. Tbe Sooth- answer the same purpoee. I haTe Chapter 162. Section 5X~f the Revised TO Ct.UQS. "~r.IUDr oft" ill InppOlled to be mTor- or the pUblIc. It Innlit not be dowos are excelleot oorse8, aod sel no donbt It woold, bllt perhaps it Stattlles-" Of the 8e'f'lement of Ao- onAs~~':,1Dil~~ ~2 f.":t ~':!;eW~~.:I!~~:: due._~ Qluob ~ \Q the exballBUon forgottefl, bOWllIVe .. ~ ~bat a very $08 dom fail to own their lambs, bot tbe might serve to barbor tbe mice. couots of Exeeutors lind Adminiatra- tllDO; 15 per cent. on '26; 20 per ce,nt. on

• of tbe depollits of oil, al to tbe eacape gas if!; DO" manufactured f(om ortlde lambing 8e3800 is one requiriog 'be One orchard attracted my at ten- tor •. " I 140. retroieurtl tbe ilfU'lIiiil"tfng po""er of . b b ... th d tb 'r II lS.n&cIedbyIheGenmJ.Aiset.bly .. foU .... : -411 remlltapoell byma/I,Begiatered,ar8 of the ... which'forced it to tbe- lur- , .... atteotioo the farmer, and it payll tlOO y t .. SwOO ao rl ty ap- L our 1'l8k. To all who enel,,"" 20 eenta face. 'OJ ..... of Uu! 11'0118 formerly of wbich fill" e:tceed~ tbai of coal gas, to devote a Illrge part of one ma.o's pearance of the bark. On inqUIry SECTION 1. The whale .of the personal tor r.""t.ring. we gnaraptml tbe Hfe dellv.

4"",,, wbile Itll C1;l8t is much Tess. f be 'b d estllte ofa deceased peno~.except mouey ery of the goodJ!. ejected tbeir C9.-l!tBntll with con8id~r- Tbe cOll4umpllon of petroleum in time to a fair sized flock when weao· 0 tb~ owner, partly attn ute it, due, shall be accounted ftr by the execm- Clrcul.rs of all our new stylea. wltb In. able force,~J)ovitlie, lIw:r~ce?f the Unit a States TS coostantl io. ing bas commenced. Na aoimal besides clean cultnre, to 11. practice tor or administrator atldoubte the ap- p'avmgB ofeuct 8izes • .,ndprlCes, sent upon ground j lOW nlja(ly alt require the 'p L ' f q tY it. pays better for good care and treat- of bis of puUiog cow dong in tbe plaised valne thereof. u~les. the whole ~~;~:r.,~:'~P~I~~.slred. Pen8 repolnted aid of pam·plI. 'the deptb 'Of the I~e:: , eade~ W!e= iii or ment than the sheep, and be who crotcb of tbe tree every .pring, Tbe shalt be sold at public .,etion, Qr uole.. 8tationers and Jewelers are requested to well ..... rieB from fifty to one thou- .. L B..!'.Ul y \1 D-",ISrt" 8I!~,. Y .~ee,~ would socceed in the bosiness mast same principle acts on my owo the Court of Probate ~lf direct the eotrh]>lllld wltb a, &II .. e can offer them land ~eet, and the COlt of ainking, {thor 1l0h~"!L'~ :rllrp" "'" a~nUt I. '" learn to take a pleasure, a laudable groond.. In regard to otber crops, aame or a part tbereof tibe sold at pllb. ,relLt Indocementa.

II onD' ...... " ma" come 1 0 eom b' I t b' t ..... lie or private sale. in w eh case the net AMERICAN GOLD PEN CO., Ir""". "'e- hUlldred to five or six pet't':n .... Ith IJ b ~"'8 f- pride, in his flock. One of the most t 18 lUI 0 8eI'Tatioo may 8eem 0"" No. 200 Ilroadway,N. Y. ..... "t.. l .vO.. COli ao a memu 0 h d b 'f proceeds only of the w ole or part 10 .;;::----;-:;==:-:::==~~:;;~~::;;;.. tboulaild aoUars. ' t" t co· 11 interestiog sigbte Oil a farm is II lot needl.els to t e mere rea er; nt I sold shan be accounted Alr. L LYQNS' PURE OHIO OATAWBA The !\lIlDber of wells now in oper· v.0;~lng. 8 ;a~ e DomlC& y.- of sheep and lambs in good conditioo. he w1118troll amoogst the f"rmers, or SEC. 2. All acta or PlU't. of acte iooon-. BRA N D Y ,

a'ion Billlnot be atated with aoy de· . . ren~nq o~. t~08e wbo pretend to tbat bonorable sislent herewith are herepy repealed. JJm

Ifree lot ¥citracy. Maoy ottbem are SOUTltDOWN. A VOLOl'r:&&&'B BOUlt!, tIlle, but .... hom II teslgo.a:e 6 a: pt~- A.- ACT in addition to aD. amendment of SPARKLING CATAltIiA WINES, lnt.erllllttililf j others are very def8 of tbe 80',. e ..... 11 n t . at Obapter 138 _" Of IGoardiau and Equal In Quality and Cbeaper In Prloe than taln 111 to t'IMj amount tbey produce, The ioterest felt in maoy portions A New York paper 11&.18 the oo.~r every acre they till II covered .... llh Ward." _. !' _ tbe BrandIes ~d Wm8ll~t~tRtt&.wd.

of our couotry io tbe colture of 8heep parts of men's o&to1'es, all well ~s weeds I~ft to scatter their eeed ... - I It .. en~ by tho General _bly II (olio.... ·~~~~~B~W~~~t"tlPLAINT. CaJJN, . alld;.tiundrede become entirely eI' and wool, is onlyeIoeeded by that the .... orst fealuretl, ariP'cfteD made S. P. M,nBlKft'-MJl88. Ploughma.. SECTION 1. The roardJn of any owner COLIC. AND DIABRH<EA. haalted. DntiDg the Plllt year a of th. war itself. iildeed, the VQllt visible Ilt tbeSllperviaor'8volnnteer- of lands withiu the limi. of the city oC A8Dre Cure I. ,Ual'RDteed'iorthe moneywm

J large. ,1I.amber of colDp8!Dietr were changea: IlccIJsioned by the war have iog room. i wbole f"mil" mother Providence suitable for boilding pnrpo- be refu~d. formed fl?f t~ .P9~~e of . working convinced our farmers that their per. aDd 6ve children, led by tbeir stll.[;. LAWS or BlIODE ISLAND. ses, shall have poyer t.o JIly oot, make or In support of the above statements. are the wells more advaot./tgelluBly tban 1Illlnetlt interest lies io that direc- wart head, tbe b01lband sud father, P~:~I;: I~ J&Duary SessIon or Ihe GeIleral 41· dedicate hie;bwaya, str.e~ or gacgways, ,resented tbe Certl1lcate8 of Dr. James R.

TIfe~ ::~:e t~' ~rr::~tl~:~:!~~~~~ tlOb j and ollce convinced, they have pre8eoted themselve8 a few days AN ACT in amendment of Title IX. Ch"p- ~~;~~:~~oi~~~:t~~:.e~f~ttinS;~~rb~t~~~ g~!'t':;J'~'!'~:~t!:.w Jhl":i ~~: Hj~:e~o~ bundred of thell8 complnies in e;ist- uot been 1!1ow to avail them8elv~ of since to Chairman Bluot inNe" YoU ter 44. of the Revised Stafutes. "Of wise. with the same effect, to all intents NICbols. ChemIst, Boston; Dr. N. E. JODSS. enee, aod the 0IIp1talltuppo1l6d 00 be meaDs that will give progrv. fo( tbe six boodred dollars bouoty, Repairing Highways &nd Bridges." and purposes. &. could 'the owner bim- g?~~}~k~f.~~I~i~~~~~~; g~I"dhi~~ • t d • h .. t L_ eertainty to the work. be, the huaband, baviog just been ex- .u", e_1OO by tbeGonenJ As>embly as folio". self. were he capeble in law, such guard i- Upbo.lil Shepherd. CbarleotoD. S. C.; and J. IDYel e ID t em aDlOun_ 0 t..., en- Tbe term .. -C1--.bdown II used as amioed and mU8tered 10. It was a ao first obtainip~ a decree of Ihe Munici- v. Z. BI&ne~. and G. A. M .. rlner. ConsultlOI t I .1.. h d ed • d ouu', SECTION 1. Sorve"ol'll of Hi"hways Cbem18ts blO=O "II of .'hom bave •• o mool Bum.OJ ""ee no r u the caption of this "hicle, reCers to large f"mily, lUJd a sorrowful one- shall have (ull power ;'nd authOritY to cut pal Coort of ... · city. appro'Vini hi. pro- ed the c':tawbaBrl.ndy. ~nd commen~nit~~· ftr,,!8i, mi1l¥,Ju,",of,do\lllta. -Many of banks Dr elevations of saud formed all except the hule tow·beaded reI- down lop off. dig up and remove al\ eorts posed exercise of said p<llWer. the bli'bett terlll8. for medicinal 0 ....

our ware-room.

make a Btlll more perfect J'I!'II0 rorte, lad by m&DUrao'url.~ laree\y, wIth .. fW4111

oasb ayetem, are enabled to o.r Ib_ II<

Jrtrflmenll at a pliee l{hloh Wm /pr_,II\~ 11\1 . competition.

Prio •• -Jfo, 1, ~Vln oeta .. , lOud ,eol.

nel'll. Rosewood plllio 0_, "75.

wood heavy lIlouJ,dln«, 1300. ,

TERKS: NET CASH, tN cuaa.,. ft1.JIa.

\ DeSCriptive ~11<lutan .. nt t ..... ,

I , i


NO.6 CaUDAl( SQUAll, • Between E1iIIIt J\rj)~yay all4 »I vlalOD "'-I,

the eomllllJlills are Bound, divideod along' tbe lIell coast 00 tbe'south of low in bi8 mother'. arms, who wae of tr~e., blUlhes, stones. rence., rol.... S1I:o. 2. Thi~ ""t .,,"-It lU'.a effect from b...J.,.;. rJ' ltlacaeh .... U. SIaIe AalllJler, • paying' onca ; bot it ia singular, tbat Eoglaod b. the joint actien of the leaping.nd crowini as tbtlugh be gatea, hll'l, eoelo~re8, or other m~tter ~d after ita paaage. :16,1%8. ..l .... <;~j.~S:'. Pendillton reapeottullylnvltal I~

aliAloltIll.we ba'l!o 'WO Petfolewn Ex· waYeIJ fI1~(?",fnd'. Tbe PeATly Ogcla teally thought it Wall excelleot fuo, or thing that 8'-1110 any manner aualten, AN Acr in amendmnt Title XXIV.", 'Or the Public to IIIJ Ilffl111tlt.l\ "" cllNjllIlI In,~~,.. York, tbe Bto~slf petli.a li~ys tbat, ha)7ing attained a a capital joke. Tbe family appeared r;:':'!;7 ~~d::nhat~ot:::-t~e: '?Onb' yn or~'~tyA·'d.::~~D. CARTES DE VI8ITJl,

New York.

01!1.!, JIi few Qf tbem are regn.ar Y certain height, the wind baa 00 long· hke a respectable one, tboegb tbe contained tihall authorize any Surveyor ceaaed ~e:~~L" LARGE SJU PBOTOGIjJ,>Hi, deR~ 1m., • er tbe power to i'ne,reaBe their eleva- baod of poverty evidently rested except uDder the directioo of the To,", II IS __ by tho GenOlSl AM'!ltbly Plain and PaInted In '011. • ~~e,mgio~ iJp ~p'ich the oit 18tooo~ tiOll, aod tbeyareUMiD urged forward heavily upoo it, and tbia, moet likely, Council to 6ut down or destroy. or other 8zcnON 1. re~~~~~~:~:;~('~l Also to his nO.LElIOn AI(BlI()T! .... II Ilomr"ratlvely wortbless for ain · upon tlie land. A bte nnmber 'Of "'u 'he lut resort, the last hope, the than in a reuonable and proper manner the husband aea. lIning 1norellli<td fI1eIIIUIIJ .... "*'"_ ' cuft'ui'a I \)u~p08eB. 10 'l'8~9 laod tbEl American StQi;1c Jiil'rncu gjve~ a tbrowiog of ooe overbuard to sne to lop uff or trim up any shade or orn.. personal estate, Plt,t (JIlIII Wpr~, J ohalleQft_ QOP,I,lHIUUOD In tbere coold be bought fur a few dol· brief dQet\ptioo as follows: -\ No tbe re.t mental tree 10 planted or maintained by leN he has given "",.:,d I'~~~r!r fI1::~r::l~,\o, OOP'III • larl ao acre. ;Now it, tea4i1y c~m· cl- ()t,)!l.lieep 80 ~le~t1y demoostrates As Mr. Blunt counted the money- any adjacent owner or occupant upon or charrell, debts <lnd legac1lee old D .. guerreotypel an Drot)'J1 .. t~, manal thoUW.bdl. 'Otie' fUm, wblCb th"f"eI1'ootil of good reed aod careful one, tW'Q, tbree, four, five, six boo- !:,yr ::o:i~: i~~~~~Wt?e ~~a~ei:d tor,_hall. wit¥n three m:~~:,~~'i~ By /he Mme, in 1864. de .!.le~I~. aAft ~~~":.~=t'!:1:r. . sold for t150,OOO at tbe commeoce· breediO'g aa tbe improved SlJ1ltb· dred dollars-aod presented I., a kInd path. appOintment, return ,t_c,.tl'eiil:iirv Ilt.ave o:nalyzed .. L. LYON8' PURIiI CA· n~;:u:;,.;t;; ~ Q ed, arw lie"" fd ~ Of'.' mellt. 'loe oi I!peliO laO, II OOW doWn. Too origiaal breed hsye been of sickly, raint !lmlle was visible SEC. 2. Survayors of Highways ahall &,"041, cbattel., rights nr .. ditJl eompoaitlon an~ charaoter, being the same rln,'. wtPI, Ili ... Iillre I¥!I. r ot, ,'C: I fat' I I I . onder oath a true II TA.WB}, BR.UiDY," with r.Corence to 11& .... rml d. e'(jl~. Il'to' M .drth .~,OOO,Oi. O. I.t railled from time illlmemorial upon a tbroo"h the unbidden tears which alBohave fall power and authority, for the de_d, that .ball as tlt.atprooaced In paat yeal'll. A sample ",,!e.!!:. 1IIr-_rImeD, ... "

d h t h h I 1 t 'd b 'h_c\.. f b·~· t' I ' taken from ten o~ d()rded tbe .m~ "._ ... _.. "V '" III e1ltlmate tat e.w O? 01 err I· (an~e of chalky hills, runoing Were courllDg' own t Il,ma.n JiJ c eeKSj I purpose 0 0 IlIlOlJg ma erla s lor ra- bowledge of loch execu~11Ir IUIt. WIth reg'ud to ,PurIty; a slightlY' In. GU.T'OV,f.l, J,NJ) lIOUWOOP " ..... , tory; of ,£.,JlPS1}VI/\IIl& I;¥JI~bt have paralleT witb III part of the 80atbero for biB tim.e, he knew, with bi8 family pairing any hig~way or town·way. to en- irator. creased amount 0' the ptlnmple '00 wlileh ,lUbe very Low.at PrlO": i been purc1ilMl~C! ' .. fe. years ago for sbore of Bu,S'land tbe g-reater part -hi8j).JilWl~lwpf*l-werenow about ter lIPon and dig f~t stone, ~1'!",:el, cia!; SIC. 2. The liirr18~t~~,~~~~,,0~~f the act to Ita lIavordepeuds .. a. det .... mld ,by ellm. • , tTO~~OOO. No .... it i1l beld to be wortb beio. iQ t.h~ c\)Q~~; of&6Bex Thl'8t! up. HI8 chHdr,en ,!"e!'e elinii!lg to ::r}~~i~::~~' ~f We:~~~'::elaJ:lD' wbicb this is in ~ 80 far i;- P"T:.-:in~'c:!if~~d~ :::1s~i':.' abow tbMthlR 1n8~e(\lflt;l "$1I50,OOQ-,OOdO .. Vda8t torh- 'called the Soutbdown1l. They bl8 legB, .b6gglug bUll no' to nected witb any dwelliog hoose, or not co=~tTtrae-:!h, :ff~ta f~o~ !~':'!rc lfu~~c::~g:.~:t~~:;-• ...,"" __

'-tu~~" 1I .... e"lMien ma e an mIrC eig~ty lI;liles in length, and from them; hi •• Iie, too fall to Ule(! a. a cemetery-or borial grouod, or aIld.ttv ill pUlitp. Respectfully, A. A. HAYD\.al. D.,

' .m(lwe,.'lo8t; mlot 1I.erllQnl wllo a to IU milell in brPAdtb, Tbe loll looked uOlltterable griets, and olheTwise appropriated to ~ burial of 8tate ,!sHayer,lG Boy1e8ton·8t. I~~~~;~~~~~~~~~l!";:::~~~;!;;i\~~ fewlyear; ago were W'\t1Iout melli08, light aod . the grass short all U.e clOlier to oor babe. The mon· tbe dead; and the! material. thu. dug wp O;;:!~I,n~~~:,I.;'=~t:~ 20,18M. have ItecoID8 :forI riob tHough 'biB very' , ey wae all right i be lield It in bi8 to remo~ to .uoh pl~e or Pdl•oeB fud II11cbt Rai~ror~ ~~1e~8~~!fd t!~~:~e~:') 'pe;QQIt4jpu. ; The amoog the DowDl b"od-more ~an be bad oWlIed.t highway for the repair an amen men 91 Llberty-8t., New York

IlS barreD a. tlre once in all bi8 lifetime. ther?of as they 8ht.,~1I0:dlee~:~m~:~~~i,,~,!a~ BOW ANn WHERE THI OIL r"l'BOnt1Ol!:~. .. G d bl ·ti d h'ld makmg reasoIltble .Qf",8 .. ,ion1l t8eoriee of tile pro- b,~~~. ~:~:~~~~~~ \Jy CQltivlIJtioo 0 ess yon, WI e 1100 c I ren j oirner tIiereCore. And

'm 1:\ ~dingl.r fer. we must 0011' part, perbap8 forever. is bloated op (It encumbered i~c~~~:~l:'~e, dnotion of petrolellm 0 ered by our ~ 81i",P ltav~ Tbis mooey, wife, IS yours; but let tbe'lu"eyorr aht.1I cauBe ao mueh there- II 84vllfil,.ii'iile'.re'iiiltirely 1I11~i'8factory. ' .M, pMtured me give 80me to each; it wIll gratify of \0 he removed or trod down II wiD Some ~reonl IIIPpOIl8 tblt it i8 pro· all(l folded me, a.od will go to yau wbenever render eooh bigb:way pa.saable, d.·~'t1ifJ'CfewmllOsitioQ tJf coal i by nillit, yon W~Bt it. Here, wife, is QIHl SEC. 3. All cllliD!s for damages for l!I'y oll«*'u Wlie" 'thall 'be deea, of "ith tb~ir ma- 1I00dreddoUara Cot: YOIi' may Hea'r8il ac~ done or maferIals taken b.l'; aoy. aur-

fibre onder certaiu cir· . I H' . veyor onder the precedmg aectIonl, shall C,~~!;I a recompenae in blees 1\ and 10U ere, Billy, 1111 one be claims -agaitmt tbe town uuder wbioh • f*~I~,~IO(q(1~ r.l~iilljl~ lor t~! purpOIIfJ. "bIl'D~r!ld doll~r~ for you; be gOOd loch eUl'veyor Ihall act, promed that

gr&II1I tares clover and tflle in yonr motber, and all yQ1l her~o contained shall k oon-hI apring fteqllebtly 'are tbe oldest, Rtcb, filithflllly over lIXelllJ!t B~~h lIlll'Veyor fr~ ~a Hlte YODog rye' ill winrer 10llr bra_bers and i.isf,tiis. JalDell. lIabilIty therefor at If

.itb.. gOOd' ttllpply 6f bere ill one bundred dollars for D~t heen ena.cted. . Til liiJ ,L!.c h "ive it to "orir mother whenever SEC. 4. Sechou ~venteen of &aId Chap-

nB, 11' e._y ave 'l' • ~.t"r' k' ter 44 of ihe ReVIsed Statutes 'i. bereDY ob,liinl{ioill': tbe cha"?ter of .antl It. mary, ta e th18. uoe ba!1- repealed. .

feed bas atded io dred dollars, lie a g?OO gIrl, aod ID SEC. 5. Tbis ,,"ct shall take effect Imme-cbaracter and the yonr pra}'erl l'ewew~r your ia,ber, lIfon tbe PMsago thereof.

" (lome bore, my lIet :A:11C8j here il! oot!

i, by T. B, bUl.llired aol~i~l'~ W,k~p ulldl ':~e! tbe'T=8~~eE.E1I8~t:~~t::l,je~ R. L: good mamma requires It. And DOW, and FMI'tucketllOd the ·~e.tem

'~~~l~?~~~~~:'! .~ep my little toad WIthout a oame-yes, qary of tbe Town of Eut ProvidM~, . • lut years, make, b-y let oe call him Hepe i do you 8ay so, 1I1s~ bl'the -:"-IT .. ro.- :

~ ~~1f~itt~~' Qd IB- ieq tle~t, 80Dre at.tem~ta in regard wife 1" It was 38sen ted to. " Tbeo B~IOIr.1. T~at IIw following delll;rib" Band- to the.Dl, t!lat Ill3-Y oot, perbapll, btl. I ~ere, yoo little crowing cock-bless Iioe • bereby eltablialled-u the holm-

aItotrlHtJer lJIlinterestingto tboee, "'~ Che little" fello" I l III.": D117.et _ dary line between the towne of ~I are not' :'Jlet fulty '~llaiD~ .... 'j-ili him again. KiM me, boy. H~e, Providence anfI Pawtncket, in this State:

~f~~~~~~~~~~tI1J~I-.f-l the breed. Tbeir beauty of form, ~Dt tbiit OM bandred Goll •• 10 ".onr Beginulng at. point in'Seekqb'k etl'OXljt c(hltltitution, and, generalfr_ee. Illtie hand, and 'don~ MI& it, 1111( ptIH Il~~ra~nEI:"l~diwl~:lt~h the present boondary dom from disease, ~he.ir '8p'Hode to it over' to J'6'tIr motbet .. 11008 t.II aid toWDII. two huodred

. bl " r high water mark ou w.epn any Diatter of fatren eaeily and makeaoperior mnt- 1'05111 e: . theoce mnning easterlJ' . b li~:IE:~~~~ ton 'the Uit" !1iiali'ty of .odl, com· Tbe D,oble-be ... ted feU()w'. line and io lOgs, or y an p~r~tively'freefrom gum, aod proS. frame seemed to all over Ill! be &crOM Ten Mile by a uE: o~r table for tAilJ mannfacturer, haviog fiqished bil a .. d kllew it the boondary line entitled to .hllve been so fully aJld frequently noticed tbat bi i State of Rhode Island and fore and decided by

in pateot ollce reports, aud in vari- eacb andd:~an2,'1~~~~J; ~~~It~:~~::f~~~~~;:~~;~~ in the'hme cdnnfy'; p.nlar,.1 0111 otber ".,11 10 fn-lly brooght btl, bimlelt:· described Iioe i. be olaimed ill 6lJen ·oolh't!an,d,tll.hlt" b bl ' h 'r eed d II M nlnn'_' as the boun· prosecute be filed. for time to j~:~el~~:rl~;j fore t e pu Ill, t at n not we r. 'he town of East Pr()viclencei preBeDHo Ihll.jQl\ioe -trj'lpC t~~II8e, a

f~;~I;=:~.;t;~d 00 tbese point8, I will 8imply say, dollars bill of exceptiolls, if .. bill of exception. ~ !JI~;~~~~J tbat I am noC one of tholl8 who be· moolly. be nece*l!aty', madill Within 'twenty-four

"I lieve th.t the breeds of matton sheep .. Tha.t wee of hoUl'll after il'tl rendition bf j4dgm8l1t in

WbolNNB and Retail. 6<11 BROA.OWA'Y, N. Y. -

660 8talel ... n, 130 DWI nel, -124.~"u, m Artl~l4,

'US Stage, 60ProtlliDeDt "omen

most, of oece8ajty, degeoerate io I'd ne,er come in provided pid canlJl! be New England. I thiok, 10 far as it oot been for that dear babe:" Supreme Criortat any 1':;~~~;-;:-:-;;;7::;::--:-::-:::;:--'::::: relal4la to the breed in question, I tben, thejh&,od money or da,.., iftn ome be thell can furnish a practical iII08tratioo, belODglI tit him." "Bien :{o~ ibaUJlOtoontipuein ~lIIion-~I~tI[ebt"~ that with tolerable care and m&ll~e· 107 Wife, pUt :t.bat one :i~::d O::~' be l'u!:J;\!ed meld, tliey ftnd on our 8oil, and in dollars ioto tbe s .... ing8 bank for term thereof III the MOlY. oar olj~'a~ • eon~ebiil bome. 1 Hope, and never touch it if you cao The bood. to pri~iUts b'''e IlOmetimelJ tbl)~gbt ~t ani- belp it, mind, uotil he cornell of age. in i8D*'on mall 'ot medium .iZe. ar.e more &dap~. God ble8a the little fellow! be Itarts eel to 01U BOil and feed tban ~~. well in the world, after all, and JOay larg"t:' hree!Ja. ~d thiJiJ beioC tIw). yet be Ptesldel\t." , -,

'._.U"I1 .... clNl to, wbiob tile Sonthdowu be- Tbe mall .tep~d upal1\~~y~~~'!~tir::f,:I~~~ whilfilioog. tbey are on tbll aocoau$, I f011D Of '(Qe tll~~tile, AAil",

tbi .. -. "eJiIll/,lited to our wanlll They eli oot of li8ht of proj·ectLoD willlfreq1l8Dt? 00_ mu()b nearer to b& loved. 'The ace"" tbti .~ibt of tlllllatger breed. th&:Jl UlQlat tOn~in, OIIIM-OJIe:(it tiM

0 .. 1Ot,.1I!d to them "ould lI~poIM!. I, atfenio~j~.~nd~~.~:I;'~~~~~~H~E~~~~~;~£~~~~ il::,'~:"N I "i'.~ If~"l!Jll lIold bU,ek .~~OI:~. ~ 'lll "II -.... Wtl'~~!!~~~~~~~~!=!:~ ~:', Ila"w: .ana aaonth. old, " •• tiiOg • .,tt:-&hat-. abo. '"01' .,1Qldred ,pollnlh, . to~ ihlt Jivi1lg 'Itre.mlll· of ,:~!~~~r~=~i1I ~fjii. '''~,.. 'I \1!!V8, AI~" kllP\ 'be lp,yo.,.a~ • ., bear.1 Wai;~E::t:$~=1 ,I'OID e1n" to eip*T .... ba 0IJe 1ill4 f

\ 'I i ' ~ ,