Ii- I THESALTLAKEHERALD I T7 - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · squadron at rlg U Were...

Ii- I THESALTLAKEHERALD M L I ESTAkLISHED JUNE 6 1870 ic cis cstug rnwvl qL L in oe New ork I 11 t T A17 T7 UA ji prIcpovad I I j L L 1t1 Y3L flJr i j BiR 9 ijo4 1 WAR BY RESORt TOARBITRATION COURT Both Great Britarn and Russia Will Thide by the Decision of the GouII Q Warships Direcily Cohcerned in the North Sea Tragedy Wil Remain at Vigo Spain Until th Inquiry Is Corn pletedPremier Balfours Speech4 4 464444 4 Peteraburg OiL It deveop that Independently Ruuln itnd 4 Oret Brflahi clffned eae Mrthe stne oIutIon to thft North sec lad dent Last night hwtructlon Wf te1egrapIied to Ambassador l3enckeu- dortr i London to propose Interpatjoup1 intiniry to the British gov- ernment aild this tnornIit wo had rcceivtd at- nwt sbnhlar Utrtkk1on during te night ubrnItted a pr Poa1 ror a- comflhLsIon to Foregn MthIte Lundor1 4 4 ount Laiedorff went4to Tarkoe Selc st iuon ad the cpmmunra 4- tlon ptthg betwen theg vernnfeut wcrepzWered by the czar and 4 4 the foreign rnthtster l 4- q + + ++ + + + + + + + + D ETAILS oC the aveement between Great BrIhi iRt Rui1a on mode ot 1siiiitL pC Lh quo tijn ailMng out or the Itring on Brit ih trwIer by the Rus1an cond P- a4c aqudron were supplied by Pee 0 B er Balfour In speech delivered be- frre t1e at1Qz2at of Conerva 1 Chtb st SOUthaUtQfl tl3t night rhf aMcertnpent or the Net forstzb- 3issofl i k commission fovmed under tnq ruleis ofThe Hague peaceconfer 1 tue will be througj the corapers In- Mt Hull in lnvetIgation by the 1rItIh board of trnde and tJe examtnn lion of otlicers o the Russian shtps- liich fired on th ftermen In hIs cch Mr Baifour ridiculed the officIal f xplanatlon of AclmIrd Rojentvenky Jbut praisc1 the irIt t which the itus- tmn ernprrozggoyernmcnt had met the iI5 In both and Grqat rk- iiil th pevIIittg feeling is that of re- f that there no longer mto be- chnger of wnrbetween the nations GItEAT BItITAINSIOSITION Premier 3ifour Addresses Large Au- dionce at SoutiiamptonS- OUtkfl1flUU Oct 2Pre3- Pi1 BLIftur addresed an Iipmens- enetIng In Artliliry mdi tonight Ills parance on the IILttorm at 805 p- fl was the sfrnal f9r gzeat choei1ng- vhlvh was anti agatu reiiewd the i1arquLs of ienkkd- Hi rIiiig Mr flaIfdur saId Fly HO wilt of mine this grcat e- Ern1hlnre oln4ld wITh inomujtofL- tIoflal dtfIIeulty Since the assein- 1y arranged vents diave rnd which have stfrfQd o the drpth- 4vry s4etloe iitd eij c1n ot t- lifl1fltUh1t3 CVf ubect ot ItbC Ifli- Lty and the conelmce of the Eng 1iPIisiktng G3lP nf the worni as- II w tbgiwraI sentMieii f ek- ilized Euroe 4- 1Ro Dflgorof Waii- Mr Bdur isil he be the mntJbIe dlOrtl- ti aed Oet 1 and 2 ou1d not flt hi war The matter hal lwen e- irrd 1 u lutcriuttlunaLjoninilnstou tire nuId also be a boarl In- uiry with he hoped the sentance- f rprrwntatIveg Tt lan gov- rnnwit onscquently so far a he- 4s ah1 to Pe Into the fuLure the 3iuIt ouId not be one of those great 3tionaI 4uggIes vIiIch though they 7iight occasIonally be at left behind a depIorablernak atul hays IPILrded the progress of hu- 3iuIty and civilIzation Vir between twu great powers could 2 he niid wlthovt thinger to neutrals M iiii int1 Ist Iendwy the dr tbe news 4 t hP North R Iiichlent n made pub whet neutral vet be ing flredupow sail nunk durJn the pro- s of peaceful vocation Two Storjes to Choose From r report In the fkst Instance was cIiwu with univeris herror azI surprise by the whole civilIzed rId Two sLorIej had beew b- e1r tlvm s a result at wziiehthls mt- I r wis sp flft the sub3et of liii- rLlsI Iitrnattoimt slthougb It- Imusfbip t doubt of the tre trw As the aIls of Japan rdL BrIain was beun un4ei cli dc- t fud ruV to assist Jahn but as- uld ike it a pInt f honor to use I hr whrIe natIonal pcer in tuUllHng- lhls ootattnn It was aso a potht of loiir thLt th ir Pity as neutrals sboud- la striiilouy performed Russian Story Absurd re premtr said 4t waa4neredlble thiit- e fishing fleet could be in hos 11 oIWlt1ofl and ridiculed theldea of a- d Li rJetJ lttt attak The Russian fleet 3 as thirty infle OUt of Its and It- vaM itbsird to sLppoe thst the conma- ndr of tb alleged torpedo craft I hHe a itIofl for attacking the Rus- Ii II flt in the a fleet The Dremier exprsseed dlabeUef In the t4ttfl4 5 thse Japnese ships and iaid th uarastJapanese warship wa 44 fliiI away Such a story as LbaL- zuld b tb Russian admkl warn the itrent fncy Tb premier hepd thet- ttic truth would be made maulfest and leRj IS DOOS day when the inquiry WhiCh the Russian emperor welcomed tooI place The RuastanoverninoAt bad not tit an time underrated the gzvity o the cr1sI or failed to Jo what It could to diminish it Mr I3atfour thought ttie difficulty was surmounted Cannot Be Toloratcd- t the sanse time recklessness or ladlE frence to cruelty oUght to be avoided 1y every man who had the Interests of- irlllzatlon or his own eonience at heart It could not ftyc a moment be- iupposed that throughu all the rhan- iieI of Qinmerce from St Petersburg to- V1adIvotoh and the narrow ways ot- mmerce like the frngllsh chbnel and the Red sea un adxnirai of anthr power ihould be allowed to pass under such cir- cumstance unsertehe1 unchali enged and utwuiIshtd after such a deed as that O hC night of Oct 21 It wouk be- It POSIUQU whIch it would be lmpoaslble fur Great Britain am a neutral to tolerate 7 euce the Russian governmcnt had prom Ied to make an inqulryand had ordered In detentloti cC part of the Rueian squadron at rlg U Were Phantom Ships The Russian veralqem of the oceurrente- ef the nlgbt of Oct 21 wa e9uivalent- t an attack on Great Brftalna na- I tonal honor The torpedo bots spoken I ot ly the Russian admiral were phantom 14h Ipa creatures of pure fanc3 against hieh Mr BaUour entered a most em- pimalk protest He was glad to sty that the Russian government had wIth oat Britain concerulnir the neesstty- 1r an investigation The of- fcPr would not be Dermitted to proceed to the far east and the persOha found iziillty would be adequateI punished In- srein to these thlngm Russia had taken the view whIch comnmnended Itself to other civilized nations Itussla had given a pledge that she would prevent a- rcurrene of the traedy parts with sorrow anthe hearts of most men with Indignation The ambassador bad authorI- zed the statement that the Russian gov1- L prnment on hrIng of the North sea In 7 Mdent at once pressed itid the Russian emperor telssjrnpben to- tw king in similar terms The Russian i ernmelt had alloWs an enlightened sire tbt trmAh Jtmstics mat icr The enUr racts must be- hrou1 it in the Investigation whleb- th 8afcr ncd out woulti be made b 4 ree bodies flrat by the Inter I uatioflt1 commkslQu seeond by the board trade and third by the corer inemmeSt Both sides 4mo std wodid abide the decision of th Intrnatlonalcommlsston which would consider all tht questions at- Issub Tlm thus war between tb two greet nations would be avoided Withotxt RUSSIAN WARSHIPS INJURED Rcjestvezs1 Iterates His Story of Torpedo Boat Attack Loimdorm Oct SThc Daily Chronicle tomorrow wifl uublish an intervlev had with AdmIral Rbjestvensky at VIgo today whiuui a f statements not yet publisimoci The admiral l quoted sa sa ln tltjtt vhen the vessels of RttSShLli squron found themselves mit rounded by the fishing fleet the warships had to stnt their engImes continually SO- as not to t their screws entangled in- thu nets The warships frequently gave s to the tralers Suddenly the crutsec- Aurovaaew ahetid two torpeda boate corn lug toward the squadron at full speed turnetlte on them then noticed va o mines chu c toI- mer An oriler to fire on the tOru 1 boa nkt immedia1y tthen wIth tb result that one of them tank and the other es- eaped and was lost sUlmt of anuug the trnwiere The admiral rJ Isi that tbbie were tWO usen Injuretln Imt list t1ij ISC 1tSt lied a hand shot off Six shots freI dur- In the imitldett hit the Russian The Aurora wac hit and has not yt been One eamt within rMe ota tearehlltht amid Immediately the urn jector was turned skyward at alt anLI 4 degrees as a signal for t1ie aqutstcO- flnotto loat The lire ttst altogether idnit uthitem on the rshIp which Is at- loged to have remained behind the said Aiy cffmer mmderstanJ ttj- R would be mpojsIhIe for Busaha r to rentin eondrg thu f hostile torpedo txiats- b Time trawlers had their iigImt I need lmardly affirm to ou alttoeo- tvfrtlon in ho oC tlla3e tor- ped I am very sorryfOrat ta8- oCcarred I did not know ar- zivk here I sincerely hornm the niaUtrv- iII1 be settled 1mIctjbl 4- LdNYOTAPEBSWlT VJR Most of ThemAre Not Pleased Over the Peaceful Solution IMflI4n Oct 2gThe Daily arts that Admirtl S7r CyprienBrltlge will he one of thk British representatives en the commission to inquire Into forth senaffalr which Premier Baifour has announced and which the Express titls will sit at under neutral chairmanship The Russian shIps will anchor off Vigo and Admiral las been ordrcd to station the channel squadred there during the sitting of the commission The opinions of tho press on the settlement as stated by Mr Bal ffur are b no means unanimous The opposition welcome It as a great vlrtor for th principles of concIliation apit rblt7at1tt and all express time be- Iref that dant of war has hut regardimur t1i manner of arriving at- an agreement Iioas greatly fill for rhe Tinily halls It in biggest tpe eptIon as ftusaias sprrendjr hut the more thougittlul papers L1U1 thoaC devoted to the government Intereiits are mizth l plaseil The declares lh Mr urs statement wilL be- reeIved by the majority of EnI1shmen- wfth mt mt se of juofOund disappointment Press Not Pleased Russia the Standard says has a littie but we have given way mnoie With resoundlmut emphasis with the rneernents of great tieta and alt thc PmpieesPre of war it was male known that England would have tedress or fight But a compromise has been accepted If this was all that wat- sintendeL we needed not have made so- milEth ise The cho1c business eomss to- a very lame and Impotent concIuslo that does not greatly to the honor aud obe country Other eons4tive papnr simtfriye- ompiain that Qreat Britain W low do barred from all action apparently with- out any guarantee as to what porUon- of the Second Jaclilc fleet will be al to rQntinLH ita journey apd with only Russlns promise of prOtection against such incidents as the North sea UaIr Thittli criticism is bestowed o- ntt s regarded as the unneeeesarv cu legion th premier paW to Emperor tcl- mois his government and the fact that Mr Baifour ridiculed and declaimed mInst RtisMRn admiral whose Con dset has to refer to an In- terntional trthtnl- Tbe DaIly Telegraph dwells with grati- tude on the lmdicious and honorable whkh t M Delcamsse Freach- foveIn minister and Ambasead9r Cam boa played in thLa most welcome ctUe most TENSION ItELIEVDD- Pronoli Were Wrought Up Ovor the Prospect of Trouble Paris Oct SThe news frost London late this afternoon that the AngIRusaian trouble had been nut h the wty of set- tlement by the adoption of the princIple of refereue to a commission on in connection with the lines laid down bf The Rags has relieved the tension which bad been felt the lust few days The se4L1mnt of the ublie and resu- In regard to the orth Sea mneldsnt has me a since yoterday It- W5f tht in favor of Great Britain The dominant nuts today is erttlciemot Great Britin The Gaukils refers to the 1mpaient British effercPeence and the Ytgaro sus the real situation ski not warrnt the alarmist Bietisit toj ports The Echo do Paris comments tisret4a- tlesly on the ultimatums IssuJ b tho British press and declares that IIrIUah dignity and dootnass are giving way to- exeseL Th views cii1flue to preaii that Great Britain baa h right on her Side but that she wad4Iliciy to lose this position of bv st hem attitude ttaM limsen The lone the evening pipers was much mere op twpapers of 11 s1tade wet eomW the of tin Jngtou1tuaIan difficulty no he fortunate avoidance of a rupture that might bavo asitumed the international proportions Thu satisfaction is greatly heigtmtene 1 thu I important part that French djplomac3- pfayed In obtaJnIzmg an amicable arrange msat and the ra uit Is also hailed fly t4j- PlO5 as the prestige Qt Tile Bme convOnUoz The Figaro of passions Eranee lba4e the oIce iif reason and justTtc MIXING THINGS IN SEVIER COUNTY SPALDINGWLLL- LIKELYACCEPT Popular Pastor ol Erie Pa to Be Bishop of Salt Lake MAY BE CONSECRATED HERE WILL BE ItflSSED BY S PItES TNT COGREAI N 00Snocial toTo flera1d- lnIe Pa Oct 2SAJi1oug4g Spalding rccemrily elected to- h bihopiIcof Umzhiia not as yet nsade aiy otatemezit a to whether or not he will aCcept the appolntmemmt- It 1S the consensus of opinion among the cnngregat1ot1of St Iauis ehureh that they vtil s pasthr While there are no tangIble facts ott which to base this assettiOtj it Is universally believed by his friends that Mr Spal- ding will leave Mr Spalding tatly received of- ficial notification ofhIs appointment from the Right Rev Daniel S Tuttle D D bIhop of Missouri and pre- siding bishop of tho American chulch- Bhihop Tuttle alter felicitating Mr- Spaljhing on his electron asks hbn to his aeceptante or declination of tLe post and If he accepts to mmm- inate the presbyters who are to attend him when consc raed and also the preacher of the aeeasion The pre1d11- m2 bishop aho suggested St Mazks cathedral Salt Lake as time place for the ceremony but t1e llnai deter- mination of the matter will be ieft to- Mr Spalding Mr Spaidlug wilt call a meeting of the vestry of St Pauls church at an early date and will talk the matter over with that body befQr annOunclJmg his decision A perfect avlanche of letters and telegrams have been reeetved by Mr Spalding since his d1Vcflon They came from alt parts of th United States and congratulated hIm onhis appoint mont The Rev Mr Spalding itires in a pretty home at l4 Seteritlm street I1irs Saral Spalding hI sister Is at the head of the liouseh hl and a house- keeper looks after the household du- ties One of time finest rooms in the home is 2dr Spaldings studt arni den It- is furnished not unlikm tlhat of tie average boehelor who lmms taste or outdoor sportm Trophies of college days and a hudrod and die presents from many admirers Arif of the sunny little room Mr Spalding ha a splendid reputa- tipa as a football player Atew years ago be was on the AllErie thstm of- b1ch the Rev B Cane1ld Jones pas- tor of the Park Prenbytr1an church was also a star membss These two ministers who are cloSe friends were two of the best handlers p the pigskin who ever came to Eric Mr Spalding is a picture of robust manhood Six Oct tall Of sturdy build and athletic carrhtge he s the picture of Iealth amid good nature llss Sarah Spaldimig his sister is well known in this eit4 She io one of the leaders of St Pauls church is popular in society and should Mr- Spaiding decldt to leave this city she will be as badly mI5atd her distin- gulahed brother One of the things that baa no en- deared the Spaldidgs tethe people o Ere In general and to the members of St Pula church In pzticular are time countless little acts 01 kindness and charity which they havt performed so quietly that few knew ut them Al prominent cturclmman said today ej the flev Mr paldtng leaves us there wiU be one pastorate n this city which It will be hatd JojhlI PIUS gen tlennn ha made himself well nigh in- d1pensable to our chtubit He and his si ter have endeared tLniselvee to us in a thousafld nfd otto little ways Io- i an eloquent nI foreMuI ilreacher one whose text is always aoI1 and His love which is the one thin that we older people who aredrawimig near to- an earthly grave deshe to hear of and WliIh ft tte teaching we wish In- eulcatcd In the minds itt oUr children But we tiould not If It Is Gods tvitl that our bbuOd pastor sIouId be called to a larger field and higher duties lot His vIIl be done IWTTLES COMING WEST Ne York O t 2SItas said at- Deiioeratic headcuarters onlght that General Nelson A MiIs wqulil tjsjt some of the weje ru Satjnext We4l in the fnterett of the iCrnovratjc national titket + + + IDNC WAS OVERWIHIMING Roosevelt Does Not ThiiihAriyWrong HasE3een Doqe Ex Postmaster General TynerAnother Sharp Mjssve tAI ASIJiNGTON Oct Byfii- vv thin Of iim- eLoel toilay sent to James Pyner th fommuer tsssthtmittorjj general fOr the postomce- a letter It reply to Mr hers Iqiltar- dtttted tY t S and made pu11c That imight rhe letter says tint time mius- tion of Mt rtnets guilt on th ci1th mat batge of whih 141aj1 mj5- beeu paael upon by a jurt ailli thr- prenIdent aeuLscea Ii the jurys flfltiPv lag but the eViie1i1e eenms to hitmi overwhelming that ytmi Mr were guilty eitlme of mont oflkiuity in performance of duty em of the grpss- st inefticiezicy The letter fol1otvi White house Washington Ti Oct 2S 1104i4Ir The president ha received tImlH mnorn1n your letter dated Siod15I to Tliei3anad- I A i ASHINGTON Oct lTJie labor vv lnteiests or the United Stats are becoming somewhnt uneasy over the negotiation or the new Chinese treaty which it Is proposol to send to the sente for ratiflentjoij turin the coining session The present treaty with China under which nfl classes of- hinese laborers are excluded front the United States expires by limitation on the 7th of next Deeernber Theie is a growing tear that the mmew treaty he lug negotiated by Sir Cijntung Llang Chemig the Chinese nhImilsteramit Scre- tary ay imlay be more hterai in Its terms and permit certain classes of Chinese labokers now z ttluded to come into this country arid enter into competition with American working- men hfsuch a treaty Is framstj and rail Sneclal to The lieraid Washington Qet 2STie lU- 3campalgim mangersare consfderin the adv1sa1fltty of sending senator Falr banks back fo Indiana t closi the campaign with a whirlwInd tour of the state Republicans ai ioCamiie alarmed over reports tlia have come froni Indiana since Brya ben hi tour of the state they are tptlsed at the cordiality with which hb is- ceived and are awakentn to the firt that the Bryan Demotrats in Indiana are almost to a roan miiIng mte flue to support arker Vhen it is recalled that there are more Bryap Dempqrats- in Indiana than in any other state mmm- dIt is know that thesernen areuniwliy APOSTLE DOWIE iS AN ARDENT REPUBLICAN Chicago Oct 2SJolui Alexander Dowle who styles himself John AIx- aniler the Irt Apostle tud who the temporal atui religious ruler of i n City Iii bus prQVOked a struggJe with the Democratic party announcing that be will allow no clint idugera at the polls in Zion CII3 on elec- tion day Under the state law every candidate is entitled to a challenger at tilL poI on election day and th Democratic leaders in Lake county iii vimleh ifui City Is situated declare that tho cannot be deprived of Its representa- tives at the lOlIS Plie ittate central committee has been called on to aid ilic- Dernootats ofLake county Dowie on the othor hand dftciarcs the Democratic challengers useIci for the reason hesaid thatno Demnoorptie votes will be cast J ARCHBISHOP ELDEDflQGt- ieinnaU 0 it Eider Ii reported to lie dyIig QeL 8 r1tten Lu nswer to my letter Jummq 114 wltickil itave nevtsjfladep- flhiUc although you did make public y own letter which It answered In your prdnt lGtter 3U ngitilj elii1ni- that a wrong lma bed4one u and ask that it be righted A you are out 01 ofllec the righting of the could only be effetted by your relit I Utqinent to otfle or a Ieciurttlnn by I th ptesldprit that you iveme hmnomb- nlrlie insttpets me to s W that Iiis alilelt- otfthke exception was written when three iudietm tmts against you had been returned by th gyand jury the report of Mr Bristow having been submitted to Metsrtc Bonaparte and Conrad and 1 the tictldhi taken itgalnst you by time de- I partment ofjtmstleebeing omm4lme retom- mendation of Messrs Bonaparte aud Conrad IABOR NJRSTS ARE UNEASY Secretary liy Fjxingupa New Treaty Wiih the Chinese Minister and the Exclusion Bars it is Feared WI1LEe Let DoWn lied it will work areatJnjmmrrte the American laboring man It will have it tendency to reduce his wages which are none tqo high at the preeent no amid viil in many instances throw Americans out of empoymentli- ecaimse tlme cannot compete vitii- couhiep from the Orient But this lea ture is not the only objection to the treaty it is generally believed that aay further legislation affecting the ad- mission of Chinese into the United States should be considered and passed upon by time house of representatives as weil as the senate By the treaty method the house which is time body representing time people is deprived of any say and the treaty which is virtu ally legislation Is imiade operative by decree of time president wen the mien atc has 0 hd it The demand is for straight Chinese legislation to suceed expiring treaty not for treaty leg lslmttion REPUBLICANS FEAR INDiANA HAS BEEN SWUNG INTO LINE BY BRYAN following the Parker banner at Bryan the effeetlvemiea of Bryans tour becomba apparent Time RepublL cans who have all along eQuntod na a safe Republican state had ealcuiated tlmat there would be wide- spread dlssemislon among the Bryan ci- Cment of the Democratic party In In diana Now that they see this dissen- sloii does net exist they are preparing tq tke mneasuaes whleh It 1 hoped will offset thegood work of thb nman who le4 time Democracy In the two past unmpaignt Fairbanks Is belIeved to be more PoPular in Iijdiai than any t1jet Republican for that reason he will probably be sent back home to close the campaign MALLPOX ATTACKS I A SOCIETY LEADER Chicago Oct sLtirs Edith Burrltt Smith well known In society here was stricken with smallpox while in a- Ie5t house daughter who had beomr attacked with the disease and who iliad been removed from the Smith real dence SENSATIONALSUICIDE- Gecral Edgar D Allen of Richmond I Va Shoots Himself I Elehmgmud Va Oct 2gGeneral E- dgr 1 4UIen former tZufled States die trtct attume amid a prvnthmeat Grand mart committed suicide near this eity1supposedly last night His body was ommd today near the tTnlon TlteotoiettL- ominary with a bullet through his and a DLstoi clutched AGED GERtAN PAPER- IL ihin Oat 2S TJme oische Ze- tItrig the ibnaiiaper in BcrIih- wlll elcbrate Ats 2OOtl anniversary to- irorrott WARM REPLY TO SENATOR KNOX Apologist For the Administra- tio Done to a Turn 4 PARKERS BITING SARCASM a EARD NUTS FOR TIEPUBLICANS- TOOCBACK SQPUS N Y Oct SJudge Park C eradaresee tday a delegatlea 0eompQsed l54gePy of farmers from Orange and fleekI imut motmnties New York TJme6legttiomm arrived at Bose- nmouimtuy an4 nrehed up the vJndtng olI P4 Jnge Parker a home here 1y 1 Ipceived on the ye- rsimda Judge Ptmser ak1- No nritistory evidence of the widespreadputmlk tterest hi the at- tempt to cuiitrol the elections by men Pie of great corporatIons and trusts need be looked tos 1ia that furnktite- diy toe presIdent Ills late attorney general KmMt 1iox was bidden to the presence of pdent for a eon sultation Abet wbtI About the In- Iquity of large contrIbutions Ceutm- ibutlons boini mad by gigantic corpo- ratione ad Wusta Not at all but rather to qtIa zeans by whik the frce of the stat neut of this eom- mm1y accepted fact could be parried The outcome wie annterriew by Sen- ator Knox Care taS taken to preface the Interview aUk the statement that it met the approval of the prczmidemi- tIt may be treated therefore an an ad- miulstrathe statement There are many of t1etn tq days Two or three ofthein I shaJlhmake reference to today Knox liodged Now this long statement of Senator Knox had nothing whatever to do with the question Upperntott in the public mind Shall the creatIons of govern mentniany of which pursue illegal methodscontrol our elections control tlem by moneys belonging to their stockholdersmoneys not giveim In the open andehargedup on the books as moneys paid for political purposes but hidden away by faise bookkeeping Senator Kmmot has been at seine I pains hitherto to prose that with all i his iearnin he doea not know all I about the Common law It hardly saemmi possthie LoWeter that he does not know the rule that allegations of the complalut not denied by the atm swer are thereby admitted lie does not denynor could hethat these eon tributionit were made If he could have done so of course hewould If he can do so now h Is invited to Could Not Answer This interview w intended to eve ate a cloud of dust behind which he hoped to hIde the aharge he did not atswer stud eould not answer Thtl- kthM vet vurn 9f n1onX- tor tte control of tlitt lection in akIoj the edtU tc- istpatioit bT corporations ad truats- in passing it should be SiLih that Snatnr Knox on thI oeeslunas on others referred to the fact I am of the oplniomt and have have said n that existing law aoffrds an remedy against illegal combinations He tys theJw is bnsultieient and at- gues that t4ereore I am uot in a- vor of breaking up Illegal eomblna- Uous The senator Is not ingenuous Had he been he woulti have said that in every instance in whieb I have cx pressed the belief that the law as it stands Is sufficient to protect the peo- ide and that is lacking xeept public officials willing to enforce the law I have addedIn terrna or in sub stancethat if my view In that re- spct is a mistaken one then I favor such further legislation within con- stitutional himitatloils e will give the peclple aiust and faIl measure of pro 3ecton Trusts Understand What the few plaits unambiguous sentences pttered by me on the su- ject of illegal combinations mnoan and what they are uaderetood to mean by- thcse whu control the combinatious is- I evinced hi part by the great activity of their leading oflicess in favor of thm- I election of my oppoauent That activ- I lty mty perhaps aceo imt ima no small measure for the ability or both the Popullpt and Socialist parties to prose I eute expensive campaIgnscampaigns- I that appear to be prosecuted largely itt aid of the Republiemmu prty The atlmini8traUon also put out a cablegram from G veor Wright of the PhilippIne commission In reply to some quoUttions iwde iy me in a peech deivered on ihe1tb dty of O- tober The aurds quqted were thel careful utterances oCa man wh has spect four montsii Phitippihes study lag the con4itioee ii re1 Be Is voucled for by rhariss Prame3s dams Carl Schurz Edwin fiuzikt Smith Herbert Welch auth Moorefteld Story intbese- erde lie has had epUpnaln- ities for learning time truth For his entire hiouty blII as trahed investigator his Judgznent in weigh hig evidence and his reliabilty as witness ye vouch Question of Veracity The evidence upon which hi cofl- ehuslons were based will be found I- am inforirmed In the lvemming Poet of today and probably hi other papers The Is too Ion to be quoted from In this brief adiress but I ask you and through ytn the American people to ei iunln Governor Wrights eablegrimm 1mm connectIon with that mOe pert and then answer these questions io you believe the man thus vouched for b l of the best cJt1zeni- Lu this eouotry Which is likely to- be prejudfct1 the man having n mao tive but t lSIIiit tbtruth or the governor wlp may be in acme mess nrc responsible for dnfortuuate condi- tions Uncle Sam Was Robbed LI5 the governola report of such a character ao1o jpsflii an by the government of several hundred dollars to cable a par4 of my speech to Manila and to eafle his reply by- cabe It was not government bust ness it was political musiuesa The eablegrasn to Governor Wright and his reply were Intended to aid the Re- pubhlcam campaign The message to him begun ThuDopemtie candidate for pren- tIent on the Utii of t3i present month in ti public acdrertm sai1 If a few hundred dollars may be- taken out from the public funds to titus amisst the prosecutiorlof a p0 flUent campaign why may not the muny tr usury be mployeJ- or any purpose that trill help the campaign Hotv 4p we know but it- is This Is onedrth tldences of the growth of rnperhi1ism TLe head of- zie oliieit cmulio iiQ wrong An npbtt hm poIie is an assault upon thewdiVW and lttne the pen COnLiimUd on rage ° POWERS MOYLE AND Ct S1 VARIAN Voters of Ogden Turn Out in Force to Har Orators f AUDIENCE GREATLY PLEASED C WEBER COUNTY CAHPAIGN IS- GIVBN AN IMPBTUS- Eesial t The HemIid Oct 2St further impetus was given to the activity of the Democratic campaign today In Weber coumty when lowers Moyle- eJad Varlan couicIue their two days campaigning with a meeting in the Grand opera house which wan at- tended sit the young voters a guodiy number Of them benj Re- publie ns and many of whom applaud cut the speakers heartIly It was not a meeting of rampant enthusiasm but one where the audi euceNtned Intently to the words ot the eeakers now and then stunting words of encouragement and approval and occasionally bnrmIng forth into cheering There ws no music just goodstralght talk Chairman Johnson Presides County Chairman TD Johnson pre- sided and opened with a brief ad these naming each candidate on the county ticket and bespeaking suport Judge Varlan was first introduced and spoke briefly and in a dlgnihed manner promising if elected to the poeltlou of supreme court justice to devote his fullest energies to its du- ties Ha deplored the tendency of the campaign to force old am- maicuities to the front and to make questIons of religious belief the Is- sues Powers Caught Them Judge Powers when Introduced by Chairman Johnson was iven a long round of applause that we1led In eel mime as he stepped forward Agin amid again be bowed acknowledgments while the applause rose and fell and was again raaed to almost deafening otume Tudge Powers was visibly a the warmth of his greeting and retelred to thE fact that Ogden was the city where b first made his home tim coining to Utah many years ago The orat r spoke urgently for the election of the emtre Democratic tick- et especially rerrIng to W B Wit sm fqr state tremwer whose borne In- here to Mr Varfa anti Mr Moyie and also to Judge Rphtpp and A G Home thE distllct JudIcial candi- dates Screams of Laughtcr- He hhd lb audieone fairly seresni jug wtth while reading a p0- Ittleal effusion published in one of the ohIeiit organs of 4ie JtepubUcan etate iii Iiudmtlon tf Cbtle- rWitn it was alaimed that even the tileiof his eye mmu1crtke beets row prodlniously 1le referred to the an 1 beht- gto gtinit ll Jtepttblkse or- gauIztIoji asaerti gJtEt hgwaa In a doMliman- tehnrtu ii the othr IImned be was the beneficiary of that church The peaker showed up tie rklculous at- titude of ti Bepublicami party in claiming all the benefits of legislation suck as time rural free delivery sys tern the irrigatloim law the pork of colt reclamation amid the He showed by official documents that Dein- Krats were largely instrumental In passing those measures Where Powers Stands He outlined bia iosltloti on the tIff sayiiig he would vote to keep It On wool lead raw sugiur etc anitwould take It off of trustmade articles that are being sold to foreigners by Amen eami Jirms cheaper than they are sold here A forceful hit was immade wheh- he told how Ihe ScottPatterson- Hardwaue company of Salt Lithe bad outwitted the trust by getting their agent iii Europe to purchase a con signnient of shovels In New York mueL- cheapei than they could be purchased by the firma direeL They diverted the shoves roam the wharf to the railroad and shipped them to Utah mimakiag a handsome protfi by this bit of strategy As the speaker liatwed from one issue to another after diseunsing each in his forceful vIgorous style he was frequently applantii- oyle Spoke Btiefiy At the tiose of his address the chair- man introduced Mr Moyle who spoke very briefly as hour was already late HeSaId the farmer Ic today reciv1ng- a loWer peke for his cattle amid pay lug a higher piles Ion his beef than for many ye rs and there must be something wrong In the Republican policy which jsmrmlts such a conditmon- He made an earnest and dlgnftietl plea for support iid Promised if elect to be aovernoi of no elasu or fac- Uon but of all the people and to be- absohitely untrammeled his official acts TOUR DAVIS TODAY Democratic Candidates Will Speak in- Severval Towns Judge Powero will tour Davls county on a special trin of the Salt Lake Ogden railroad today The start Will be made from SaIt Lake a 2O In the afternoon Speeees will be made in Bountiful at ovlotk In Centerviiie- at oeieck in Yarmiagton at 7 oclock and in Layton at oclock The Lay- ton meeting will be opsued at S oclock- b a speech by David Evans who will oetupy the thn While Jude Powers is drLtcn by carrtsge tront 1armlngion- I to Liytotm 1 Cysville is omitted from the Hat betause it was leant psupossiblo to secure a suitable 111 there for use this evening The tour wifi be under the direction of County Chairman Thomas H Phil lipmi of Da county The local Can didMee ofile Democratic party will travel mm t train and the Bountiful band will attend time meetings SUNMIT COUNT DEIIIOCRATIC Indications Are Goodand Conditions Improving Sphclal to he lIerid- Oakley Oct 2SPl greatest potitl ar rally evar held Ip the of Summit uPty was e Demnoers rally held hi Oftkley this evening flay Van Cott the candidate for district attorney was Lb principal simemakor mind there were speeches by C A ClIIs and the local caa- didates together with singing the voutmg 1adiee glee tIub 9 Lamas lhe crowd was entertitided or ser homrs Time people came from up the river as far as Kamab and doeu na far as Hoytsi3le The pcopl woze tnthus- iastic itt pronouncing themselves lii favor of the Donasratie tirkeL The recemit- sseeeLmea 04 Judge the county Imave done the a world qf eod d old citizens here feel satisfied ttat the Democratic ticket wilt win The next Stop to be made by the candidates in their tPtJ wili hi mt WOR4Ihtfli tomorrow even tmtLUCd on PagcZ AWFUL DEATH OF- SIXTYMINERS Terrific Explosion in Mine No 3 at Terola Cob FIRE ADDED TOTHE HORROR PITIFUL SCBNPS AT 1tOUTE O- sEAPr 4 Cols Oct Th terrific eXSiissFmn 1 tio tim coal mining in Cilorado t mine No S of the Rocky Mo ua Iron company at Teromo ort due veit tgTrinidad mt i this noon and the number of Iead v- iy plated between thirty nd six The number reported as tavteg g the mine this morning vas misers ini iu ipsm Oefl ternoon many iuorc mirr iTt Ifl- to have gomme me the tjmm I mb ta number dead may muVer t ptmrm- t mine is btrning and n 0 the boIes wll eremalti t rg her of mine officials itft s vord of the ae1dent was pony doctors wre pIet p line as well as 11 t1im clans United States Goemuwrt Inspector F J lorernamt t when the explosion oettrr1 Re t rn 1 hers toffight and gives th Ml mv I g count uf the affair Resembled an Earhauake- I was standing not more thstt i a- froei the mouth of the uni a occur The xr preceded by a low rimblmug se semnhilag an earthquake vhb- eacth tremWe and startled ne a camp 0I looked toward time mii amm the mouth of the tunnel mnd t shafts eazue a great volum n m ks dust which continued for narIv a i1r Out of the two air shafts t v are seven feet in diameter tImbr were fully from two to thre r t- IIameter were shot into the air r- en into splinters Rocks were va over the cash for a distasce of t- of a mile In fact it rained roe timbers and alt kinds of debris f- a miante anSI mUSty people were bybdng struck with these mIast Caused Wild Excitement Immediately after the eaploen i was the work lIke a eruption caused the wildest x mmm Mae women and children rtmSIII t mouth of the tunnel and 5OflOIL c3 husbands were In the mii imai t i brought asy hr mimiers to em 1 from behw killed by ieaitiy fums r the stouth of the tunnel The shaft in which the ireidn- curreu works eighty mn and t c- lieved that at leust sixty men srrf n the maIne at the time Newsaf the xplosin nrought assi- aruce front the adjaecnt amps aid t night hundreds of amen atr trying ic g Into the mine Dead ly umse o r the rcuem frequently but ther aC are taken by other r a- to risk their lives It Is net thought ppr- sible that anyone In the ismi caim ssrFoI- C they are not nfl dead aready- rTmes ofVictims iiiknown- it will be ftnposeibl to aeeur- of tbe sd ivt ijtaed taatght Nc4- ai the mise i1oyed ne Sttv 1- nne Is a iuaw 0 flIy age and emended LO3 t iut tb h The Ia aupposed cm ii v- caue 4 V dual yJp en hi4y las receear that of F uraa a Itt n- no win just enterlmig the t dnm wh t the occurred I T was Ur 1 burned almost beyond c gnmtoi AT mines within a radius of two mites a been shut down and the miners at i way to assist in rescuing the t o the victims U 4 WOLF IN A TRAP Chicago Oct In a raIl on tb aces of a charltabe aoeiety kin ss the Sunnyside Society the peli today arrested Vilet F Shorhondy t is Chicago representative of the rga- luation Fifteen women assistuin also sought by the pollee- G T BEAN IS ARRESTED Richfield Candidate Is Charged With Attempted Suborna tion of Perjury 3potJ to The Herld RiChfield Oct 2SGeorge T Iati- vas arrested this morning by onstab e- H S Christensen on a warrant cltarg lug attempted subornation of p4riur Bean was taken before Justie if Peace Jensen and released on a boudi- oo alter his preliminary hearing been set for Wednesday next W made an ineflectual effort to have hearing postponed until after dcc Bean Is city attorney and Repub nominee for county attorney Th county committee was in session i1l ti considering his case Although v effort hits been made to wevimmt a- dlsilosure of what occurred in th- niittee rooni it is known that cmtii- nd earnest efforts were made duce him to resiga from theiicke T persuasive powers oCthe committe tamable to movebhn He declared should he resign from the ticket t he- tion would be accepted as a eonfe- of guilt of the charge against him F this reason he st adfslJy reiused even consider the ptopctior Ti committee It is believed has nt h a power to remove him so Bean I i main on the ticket Tonight a Republican xflY was i I- In town Bean was one of the cmnspl noun figures on the stage DOESNT KNOW IF- IT WILL BE CALVIN San Francisco Oct 2SC II M rk barn guneral manager of the SoW h- em Pacific when asked today mf was to be succeeded by E E ial who operates the hlarrinman lIfl Oregon said I ma without information as to t 1 will be appointed I have receiveti word nor has anybody else out here rhatover is said in purely nJeetirtl- I am not In a hurry to leave for Tc- as and am waiting for my suceeso- Whea he emes I Shall go Portland Ore Oct 2Generai Mam- ager E 0 CalvIn of the Harriman lines who arrived in this city tonight from fl inspection tour Iii southern Oregon stated that so fin as be knew he had not been appointed to suececit General Manager MaTkItUL of the Southern Paclac company CRUISER TO CARRY TAFT New York Oct 28Orders were re- ceived at the Brooklyn navy yard from the navy department today to lit the cruiser Columbia for sea at once to marry Secretsri of War Taft and the Pananio lomumlselon to Colon RIOTERS ON TRIAL Comet Oct 2The trial of those nl- leged to be responsiblo or the sitU Jewish riots In September iiS3 s pro- ceeding Thirty witnesses fer the pros- ecution have so fr lyen sxamnineti T- lfct of time sttai on Je ht not e been established ° °

Transcript of Ii- I THESALTLAKEHERALD I T7 - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · squadron at rlg U Were...

Page 1: Ii- I THESALTLAKEHERALD I T7 - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 19. · squadron at rlg U Were Phantom Ships The Russian veralqem of the oceurrente-ef the nlgbt of Oct 21 wa e9uivalent-t


IESTAkLISHED JUNE 6 1870 ic cis cstug rnwvl

qLL in oe New ork

I11 t T A17 T7 UA ji prIcpovadI I j L L 1t1 Y3L flJr i j BiR 9 ijo4




Both Great Britarn and Russia Will Thide by the

Decision of the GouII


Warships Direcily Cohcerned in the North Sea Tragedy Wil

Remain at Vigo Spain Until th Inquiry Is Corn

pletedPremier Balfours Speech4

4 464444 4Peteraburg OiL It deveop that Independently Ruuln itnd4 Oret Brflahi clffned eae Mrthe stne oIutIon to thft North sec lad

dent Last night hwtructlon Wf te1egrapIied to Ambassador l3enckeu-dortr i London to propose Interpatjoup1 intiniry to the British gov-ernment aild this tnornIit wo had rcceivtd at-

nwt sbnhlar Utrtkk1on during te night ubrnItted a pr Poa1 ror a-comflhLsIon to Foregn MthIte Lundor1 4

4 ount Laiedorff went4to Tarkoe Selc st iuon ad the cpmmunra 4-

tlon ptthg betwen theg vernnfeut wcrepzWered by the czar and 44 the foreign rnthtster l 4-


+ + + + + +





DETAILS oC the aveement between

Great BrIhi iRt Rui1a onmode ot 1siiiitL pC Lh quo

tijn ailMng out or the Itring on Britih trwIer by the Rus1an cond P-a4c aqudron were supplied by Pee

0 B er Balfour In speech delivered be-frre t1e at1Qz2at of Conerva1 Chtb st SOUthaUtQfl tl3t nightrhf aMcertnpent or the Net forstzb-3issofl i k commission fovmed undertnq ruleis ofThe Hague peaceconfer

1 tue will be througj the corapers In-

Mt Hull in lnvetIgation by the1rItIh board of trnde and tJe examtnnlion of otlicers o the Russian shtps-

liich fired on th ftermen In hIscch Mr Baifour ridiculed the officIal

f xplanatlon of AclmIrd RojentvenkyJbut praisc1 the irIt t which the itus-tmn ernprrozggoyernmcnt had met the

iI5 In both and Grqat rk-iiil th pevIIittg feeling is that of re-

f that there no longer mto be-chnger of wnrbetween the nations

GItEAT BItITAINSIOSITIONPremier 3ifour Addresses Large Au-

dionce at SoutiiamptonS-OUtkfl1flUU Oct 2Pre3-

Pi1 BLIftur addresed an Iipmens-enetIng In Artliliry mdi tonight Ills

parance on the IILttorm at 805 p-fl was the sfrnal f9r gzeat choei1ng-vhlvh was anti agatu reiiewdthe i1arquLs of ienkkd-Hi rIiiig Mr flaIfdur saId

Fly HO wilt of mine this grcat e-

Ern1hlnre oln4ld wITh inomujtofL-tIoflal dtfIIeulty Since the assein-

1y arranged vents diavernd which have stfrfQd o the drpth-

4vry s4etloe iitd eij c1n ot t-

lifl1fltUh1t3 CVf ubect ot ItbC Ifli-Lty and the conelmce of the Eng

1iPIisiktng G3lP nf the worni as-II w tbgiwraI sentMieii f ek-

ilized Euroe 4-

1Ro Dflgorof Waii-

Mr Bdur isil he bethe mntJbIe dlOrtl-ti aed Oet 1 and 2 ou1d not

flt hi war The matter hal lwen e-

irrd 1 u lutcriuttlunaLjoninilnstoutire nuId also be a boarl In-uiry with he hoped the sentance-f rprrwntatIveg Tt lan gov-rnnwit onscquently so far a he-

4s ah1 to Pe Into the fuLure the3iuIt ouId not be one of those great3tionaI 4uggIes vIiIch though they7iight occasIonally be at

left behind a depIorablernak atulhays IPILrded the progress of hu-

3iuIty and civilIzationVir between twu great powers could

2 he niid wlthovt thinger to neutralsM iiii int1 Ist Iendwy the dr tbe news

4 t hP North R Iiichlent n made pubwhet neutral vet being flredupow sail nunk durJn the pro-

s of peaceful vocationTwo Storjes to Choose From

r report In the fkst Instance wascIiwu with univeris herror

azI surprise by the whole civilIzedrId Two sLorIej had beew b-

e1r tlvm s a result at wziiehthls mt-I r wis sp flft the sub3et of liii-

rLlsI Iitrnattoimt slthougb It-Imusfbip t doubt of thetre trw As the aIls of Japan

rdL BrIain was beun un4ei cli dc-t fud ruV to assist Jahn but as-

uld ike it a pInt f honor to useI hr whrIe natIonal pcer in tuUllHng-lhls ootattnn It was aso a potht ofloiir thLt th ir Pity as neutrals sboud-la striiilouy performed

Russian Story Absurdre premtr said 4t waa4neredlble thiit-

e fishing fleet could be in hos11 oIWlt1ofl and ridiculed theldea of a-

d Li rJetJ lttt attak The Russian fleet3 as thirty infle OUt of Its and It-

vaM itbsird to sLppoe thst the conma-ndr of tb alleged torpedo craftI hHe a itIofl for attacking the Rus-Ii II flt in the a fleetThe Dremier exprsseed dlabeUef In the

t4ttfl4 5 thse Japnese ships andiaid th uarastJapanese warship wa

44 fliiI away Such a story as LbaL-zuld b tb Russian admkl warn the

itrent fncy Tb premier hepd thet-ttic truth would be made maulfest and

leRj IS DOOS day when the inquiry WhiChthe Russian emperor welcomed tooIplace The RuastanoverninoAt bad nottit an time underrated the gzvity othe cr1sI or failed to Jo what It could todiminish it Mr I3atfour thought ttiedifficulty was surmounted

Cannot Be Toloratcd-t the sanse time recklessness or ladlE

frence to cruelty oUght to be avoided1y every man who had the Interests of-

irlllzatlon or his own eonience atheart It could not ftyc a moment be-iupposed that throughu all the rhan-iieI of Qinmerce from St Petersburg to-V1adIvotoh and the narrow ways ot-

mmerce like the frngllsh chbnel andthe Red sea un adxnirai of anthr powerihould be allowed to pass under such cir-cumstance unsertehe1 unchali engedand utwuiIshtd after such a deed asthat O hC night of Oct 21 It wouk be-It POSIUQU whIch it would be lmpoaslblefur Great Britain am a neutral to tolerate7 euce the Russian governmcnt had promIed to make an inqulryand had orderedIn detentloti cC part of the Rueiansquadron at rlg U

Were Phantom ShipsThe Russian veralqem of the oceurrente-

ef the nlgbt of Oct 21 wa e9uivalent-t an attack on Great Brftalna na-I tonal honor The torpedo bots spoken Iot ly the Russian admiral were phantom14h Ipa creatures of pure fanc3 against

hieh Mr BaUour entered a most em-pimalk protest He was glad to sty thatthe Russian government had wIth

oat Britain concerulnir the neesstty-1r an investigation The of-fcPr would not be Dermitted to proceedto the far east and the persOha foundiziillty would be adequateI punished In-srein to these thlngm Russia hadtaken the view whIch comnmnended Itselfto other civilized nations Itussla hadgiven a pledge that she would prevent a-

rcurrene of the traedyparts with sorrow anthe hearts of mostmen with Indignation

The ambassador bad authorI-zed the statement that the Russian gov1-

L prnment on hrIng of the North sea In7 Mdent at once pressed

itid the Russian emperor telssjrnpben to-tw king in similar terms The Russiani ernmelt had alloWs an enlightened

sire tbt trmAh Jtmstics maticr The enUr racts must be-

hrou1 it in the Investigation whleb-th 8afcr ncd out woulti be made b


ree bodies flrat by the InterI uatioflt1 commkslQu seeond by the boardtrade and third by the corer

inemmeStBoth sides 4mo std wodid abide the

decision of th Intrnatlonalcommlsstonwhich would consider all tht questions at-Issub Tlm thus war between tb twogreet nations would be avoided Withotxt


Rcjestvezs1 Iterates His Storyof Torpedo Boat Attack

Loimdorm Oct SThc Daily Chronicletomorrow wifl uublish an intervlev hadwith AdmIral Rbjestvensky at VIgo todaywhiuui a f statementsnot yet publisimoci The admiral l quotedsa sa ln tltjtt vhen the vessels ofRttSShLli squron found themselves mitrounded by the fishing fleet the warshipshad to stnt their engImes continually SO-

as not to t their screws entangled in-

thu nets The warships frequently gaves to the tralers Suddenly the crutsec-

Aurovaaew ahetid two torpeda boate cornlug toward the squadron at full speed

turnetlte on themthen noticed va o mines chu c toI-

mer An oriler to fire on the tOru 1 boankt immedia1y tthen wIth tb resultthat one of them tank and the other es-eaped and was lost sUlmt of anuug thetrnwiere

The admiral rJ Isi that tbbie were tWOusen Injuretln Imt list t1ij ISC 1tStlied a hand shot off Six shots freI dur-In the imitldett hit the RussianThe Aurora wac hit and has not yt been

One eamt within rMeota tearehlltht amid Immediately the urnjector was turned skyward at alt anLI4 degrees as a signal for t1ie aqutstcO-flnotto loat The lire ttstaltogether idnit uthitem

on the rshIp which Is at-

loged to have remained behind thesaid

Aiy cffmer mmderstanJ ttj-R would be mpojsIhIe for Busaha r

to rentin eondrg thuf hostile torpedo txiats-

b Time trawlers had their iigImt Ineed lmardly affirm to ou alttoeo-tvfrtlon in ho oC tlla3e tor-ped I am very sorryfOrat ta8-

oCcarred I did not know ar-

zivk here I sincerely hornm the niaUtrv-iII1 be settled 1mIctjbl 4-


Most of ThemAre Not Pleased Overthe Peaceful Solution

IMflI4n Oct 2gThe Dailyarts that Admirtl S7r CyprienBrltlgewill he one of thk British representativesen the commission to inquire Intoforth senaffalr which Premier Baifourhas announced and which the Express

titls will sit at under neutralchairmanship The Russian shIps willanchor off Vigo and Admirallas been ordrcd to station the channelsquadred there during the sitting of thecommission The opinions of tho presson the settlement as stated by Mr Balffur are b no means unanimous Theopposition welcome It as a greatvlrtor for th principles of concIliationapit rblt7at1tt and all express time be-Iref that dant of war hashut regardimur t1i manner of arriving at-an agreement Iioas greatly fill for

rhe Tinily halls It in biggesttpe eptIon as ftusaias sprrendjrhut the more thougittlul papers L1U1 thoaCdevoted to the government Intereiits aremizth l plaseil The declareslh Mr urs statement wilL be-reeIved by the majority of EnI1shmen-wfth mt mt se of juofOund disappointment

Press Not PleasedRussia the Standard says has

a littie but we have given waymnoie With resoundlmut emphasis withthe rneernents of great tieta and altthc PmpieesPre of war it wasmale known that England would havetedress or fight But a compromise hasbeen accepted If this was all that wat-sintendeL we needed not have made so-milEth ise The cho1c business eomss to-

a very lame and Impotent concIuslo thatdoes not greatly to the honoraud obe country

Other eons4tive papnr simtfriye-ompiain that Qreat Britain W low dobarred from all action apparently with-out any guarantee as to what porUon-of the Second Jaclilc fleet will be al

to rQntinLH ita journey apd withonly Russlns promise of prOtectionagainst such incidents as the North seaUaIr Thittli criticism is bestowed o-ntt s regarded as the unneeeesarv cu

legion th premier paW to Emperor tcl-mois his government and the factthat Mr Baifour ridiculed and declaimedmInst RtisMRn admiral whose Con

dset has to refer to an In-

terntional trthtnl-Tbe DaIly Telegraph dwells with grati-

tude on the lmdicious and honorablewhkh t M Delcamsse Freach-foveIn minister and Ambasead9r Camboa played in thLa most welcome ctUemost


Pronoli Were Wrought Up Ovor theProspect of Trouble

Paris Oct SThe news frost Londonlate this afternoon that the AngIRusaiantrouble had been nut h the wty of set-tlement by the adoption of the princIpleof refereue to a commission onin connection with the lines laid down bfThe Rags has relieved thetension which bad been felt the lust fewdays

The se4L1mnt of the ublie and resu-In regard to the orth Sea mneldsnt has

me a since yoterday It-W5f tht in favor of Great Britain Thedominant nuts today is erttlciemot GreatBritin The Gaukils refersto the 1mpaient British effercPeenceand the Ytgaro sus the real situationski not warrnt the alarmist Bietisit tojports

The Echo do Paris comments tisret4a-tlesly on the ultimatums IssuJ b thoBritish press and declares that IIrIUahdignity and dootnass are giving way to-exeseL

Th views cii1flue to preaii that GreatBritain baa h right on her Side butthat she wad4Iliciy to lose this positionof bv sthem attitude ttaM limsen The lonethe evening pipers was much mere op

twpapers of 11 s1tade weteomW the of tin Jngtou1tuaIandifficulty no he fortunate avoidance of arupture that might bavo asitumed the

international proportions Thusatisfaction is greatly heigtmtene 1 thu I

important part that French djplomac3-pfayed In obtaJnIzmg an amicable arrangemsat and the ra uit Is also hailed fly t4j-

PlO5 as the prestige Qt TileBme convOnUoz The Figaro

of passions Eraneelba4e the oIce iif reason and justTtc




Popular Pastor ol Erie Pa to

Be Bishop of Salt Lake



00Snocial toTo flera1d-lnIe Pa Oct 2SAJi1oug4g

Spalding rccemrily elected to-

h bihopiIcof Umzhiia not as yetnsade aiy otatemezit a to whether ornot he will aCcept the appolntmemmt-

It 1S the consensus of opinion amongthe cnngregat1ot1of St Iauis ehurehthat they vtil s pasthr Whilethere are no tangIble facts ott whichto base this assettiOtj it Is universallybelieved by his friends that Mr Spal-ding will leave

Mr Spalding tatly received of-ficial notification ofhIs appointmentfrom the Right Rev Daniel S TuttleD D bIhop of Missouri and pre-siding bishop of tho American chulch-Bhihop Tuttle alter felicitating Mr-Spaljhing on his electron asks hbn to

his aeceptante or declinationof tLe post and If he accepts to mmm-inate the presbyters who are to attendhim when consc raed and also thepreacher of the aeeasion The pre1d11-m2 bishop aho suggested St Mazkscathedral Salt Lake as time placefor the ceremony but t1e llnai deter-mination of the matter will be ieft to-Mr Spalding

Mr Spaidlug wilt call a meeting ofthe vestry of St Pauls church at anearly date and will talk the matterover with that body befQr annOunclJmghis decision

A perfect avlanche of letters andtelegrams have been reeetved by MrSpalding since his d1Vcflon They camefrom alt parts of th United Statesand congratulated hIm onhis appointmont

The Rev Mr Spalding itires in apretty home at l4 Seteritlm streetI1irs Saral Spalding hI sister Is atthe head of the liouseh hl and a house-keeper looks after the household du-ties

One of time finest rooms in the homeis 2dr Spaldings studt arni den It-is furnished not unlikm tlhat of tieaverage boehelor who lmms taste oroutdoor sportm Trophies of collegedays and a hudrod and die presentsfrom many admirers Arif ofthe sunny little room

Mr Spalding ha a splendid reputa-tipa as a football player Atew yearsago be was on the AllErie thstm of-

b1ch the Rev B Cane1ld Jones pas-tor of the Park Prenbytr1an churchwas also a star membss These twoministers who are cloSe friends weretwo of the best handlers p the pigskinwho ever came to Eric

Mr Spalding is a picture of robustmanhood Six Oct tall Of sturdy buildand athletic carrhtge he s the pictureof Iealth amid good nature

llss Sarah Spaldimig his sister iswell known in this eit4 She io oneof the leaders of St Pauls church ispopular in society and should Mr-Spaiding decldt to leave this city shewill be as badly mI5atd her distin-gulahed brother

One of the things that baa no en-deared the Spaldidgs tethe people oEre In general and to the membersof St Pula church In pzticular aretime countless little acts 01 kindness andcharity which they havt performed soquietly that few knew ut them Alprominent cturclmman said today

ej the flev Mr paldtng leaves usthere wiU be one pastorate n this citywhich It will be hatd JojhlI PIUS gentlennn ha made himself well nigh in-d1pensable to our chtubit He and hissi ter have endeared tLniselvee to usin a thousafld nfd otto little ways Io-i an eloquent nI foreMuI ilreacherone whose text is always aoI1 and Hislove which is the one thin that weolder people who aredrawimig near to-an earthly grave deshe to hear ofand WliIh ft tte teaching we wish In-

eulcatcd In the minds itt oUr childrenBut we tiould not If It IsGods tvitl that our bbuOd pastorsIouId be called to a larger field andhigher duties lot His vIIl be done

IWTTLES COMING WESTNe York O t 2SItas said at-

Deiioeratic headcuarters onlght thatGeneral Nelson A MiIs wqulil tjsjtsome of the weje ru Satjnext We4l inthe fnterett of the iCrnovratjc nationaltitket





Roosevelt Does Not ThiiihAriyWrong HasE3een Doqe ExPostmaster General TynerAnother Sharp


tAI ASIJiNGTON Oct Byfii-vv thin Of iim-

eLoel toilay sent to JamesPyner th fommuer tsssthtmittorjjgeneral fOr the postomce-a letter It reply to Mr hers Iqiltar-dtttted tY t S and made pu11c Thatimight rhe letter says tint time mius-tion of Mt rtnets guilt on th ci1thmat batge of whih 141aj1 mj5-beeu paael upon by a jurt ailli thr-prenIdent aeuLscea Ii the jurys flfltiPvlag but the eViie1i1e eenms to hitmioverwhelming that ytmi Mrwere guilty eitlme of mont oflkiuityin performance of duty em of the grpss-st inefticiezicy The letter fol1otvi

White house Washington TiOct 2S 1104i4Ir The president hareceived tImlH mnorn1n your letter dated

Siod15I to Tliei3anad-I A i ASHINGTON Oct lTJie laborvv lnteiests or the United Stats are

becoming somewhnt uneasy overthe negotiation or the new Chinesetreaty which it Is proposol to send tothe sente for ratiflentjoij turin thecoining session The present treatywith China under which nfl classes of-

hinese laborers are excluded front theUnited States expires by limitation onthe 7th of next Deeernber Theie is agrowing tear that the mmew treaty helug negotiated by Sir Cijntung LlangChemig the Chinese nhImilsteramit Scre-tary ay imlay be more hterai in Itsterms and permit certain classes ofChinese labokers now z ttluded tocome into this country arid enter intocompetition with American working-men

hfsuch a treaty Is framstj and rail

Sneclal to The lieraidWashington Qet 2STie lU-

3campalgim mangersare consfderin theadv1sa1fltty of sending senator Falrbanks back fo Indiana t closi thecampaign with a whirlwInd tour of thestate Republicans ai ioCamiiealarmed over reports tlia have comefroni Indiana since Brya ben hitour of the state they are tptlsed atthe cordiality with which hb is-ceived and are awakentn to the firtthat the Bryan Demotrats in Indianaare almost to a roan miiIng mte flueto support arker Vhen it is recalledthat there are more Bryap Dempqrats-in Indiana than in any other state mmm-

dIt is know that thesernen areuniwliy



Chicago Oct 2SJolui AlexanderDowle who styles himself John AIx-aniler the Irt Apostle tud whothe temporal atui religious ruler of i nCity Iii bus prQVOked a struggJe withthe Democratic party announcingthat be will allow no clintidugera at the polls in Zion CII3 on elec-tion day

Under the state law every candidateis entitled to a challenger at tilL poIon election day and th Democraticleaders in Lake county iii vimleh ifuiCity Is situated declare that thocannot be deprived of Its representa-tives at the lOlIS Plie ittate centralcommittee has been called on to aid ilic-Dernootats ofLake county

Dowie on the othor hand dftciarcsthe Democratic challengers useIci forthe reason hesaid thatno Demnoorptievotes will be castJ

ARCHBISHOP ELDEDflQGt-ieinnaU 0 itEider Ii reported to lie dyIig

QeL 8 r1tten Lu nswer to my letterJummq 114 wltickil itave nevtsjfladep-

flhiUc although you did make publicy own letter which It answered Inyour prdnt lGtter 3U ngitilj elii1ni-that a wrong lma bed4one u andask that it be righted A you are out01 ofllec the righting of thecould only be effetted by your relit

I Utqinent to otfle or a Ieciurttlnn byI th ptesldprit that you iveme hmnomb-nlrlie insttpets me to s W

that Iiis alilelt-otfthke exception was written when

three iudietm tmts against you had beenreturned by th gyand jury the reportof Mr Bristow having been submittedto Metsrtc Bonaparte and Conrad and

1 the tictldhi taken itgalnst you by time de-I partment ofjtmstleebeing omm4lme retom-mendation of Messrs Bonaparte audConrad


Secretary liy Fjxingupa New Treaty Wiih the ChineseMinister and the Exclusion Bars it is Feared

WI1LEe Let DoWn

lied it will work areatJnjmmrrte theAmerican laboring man It will have ittendency to reduce his wages whichare none tqo high at the preeent no

amid viil in many instancesthrow Americans out of empoymentli-ecaimse tlme cannot compete vitii-couhiep from the Orient But this leature is not the only objection to thetreaty it is generally believed thataay further legislation affecting the ad-mission of Chinese into the UnitedStates should be considered and passedupon by time house of representativesas weil as the senate By the treatymethod the house which is time bodyrepresenting time people is deprived ofany say and the treaty which is virtually legislation Is imiade operative bydecree of time president wen the mienatc has 0 hd it The demand is forstraight Chinese legislation to suceed

expiring treaty not for treaty leglslmttion



following the Parker banner at Bryanthe effeetlvemiea of Bryans

tour becomba apparent Time RepublLcans who have all along eQuntod

na a safe Republican state hadealcuiated tlmat there would be wide-spread dlssemislon among the Bryan ci-

Cment of the Democratic party In Indiana Now that they see this dissen-sloii does net exist they are preparingtq tke mneasuaes whleh It 1 hoped willoffset thegood work of thb nman whole4 time Democracy In the two pastunmpaignt Fairbanks Is belIeved tobe more PoPular in Iijdiai than any

t1jet Republican for that reasonhe will probably be sent back home toclose the campaign


Chicago Oct sLtirs Edith BurrlttSmith well known In society here was

stricken with smallpox while in a-Ie5t house daughter who hadbeomr attacked with the disease and whoiliad been removed from the Smith realdence


Gecral Edgar D Allen of RichmondI Va Shoots HimselfI Elehmgmud Va Oct 2gGeneral E-

dgr 1 4UIen former tZufled States dietrtct attume amid a prvnthmeat Grand

mart committed suicide near thiseity1supposedly last night His body was

ommd today near the tTnlon TlteotoiettL-ominary with a bullet through his

and a DLstoi clutched

AGED GERtAN PAPER-IL ihin Oat 2S TJme oische Ze-tItrig the ibnaiiaper in BcrIih-

wlll elcbrate Ats 2OOtl anniversary to-




Apologist For the Administra-

tio Done to a Turn





SQPUS N Y Oct SJudge ParkC eradaresee tday a delegatlea

0eompQsed l54gePy of farmers fromOrange and fleekI imut motmnties NewYork TJme6legttiomm arrived at Bose-

nmouimtuy an4 nrehed up thevJndtng olI P4 Jnge Parker a home

here 1y 1 Ipceived on the ye-

rsimda Judge Ptmser ak1-No nritistory evidence of the

widespreadputmlk tterest hi the at-

tempt to cuiitrol the elections by menPie of great corporatIons and trustsneed be looked tos 1ia that furnktite-diy toe presIdent Ills late attorneygeneral KmMt 1iox was bidden tothe presence of pdent for a eonsultation Abet wbtI About the In-

Iquity of large contrIbutions Ceutm-ibutlons boini mad by gigantic corpo-

ratione ad Wusta Not at all butrather to qtIa zeans by whik thefrce of the stat neut of this eom-mm1y accepted fact could be parriedThe outcome wie annterriew by Sen-ator Knox Care taS taken to prefacethe Interview aUk the statement thatit met the approval of the prczmidemi-tIt may be treated therefore an an ad-miulstrathe statement There aremany of t1etn tq days Two orthree ofthein I shaJlhmake reference totoday

Knox liodgedNow this long statement of Senator

Knox had nothing whatever to do withthe question Upperntott in the publicmind Shall the creatIons of governmentniany of which pursue illegalmethodscontrol our elections controltlem by moneys belonging to theirstockholdersmoneys not giveim In theopen andehargedup on the books asmoneys paid for political purposes buthidden away by faise bookkeeping

Senator Kmmot has been at seineI pains hitherto to prose that with alli his iearnin he doea not know allI about the Common law It hardly

saemmi possthie LoWeter that he doesnot know the rule that allegations ofthe complalut not denied by the atm

swer are thereby admitted lie doesnot denynor could hethat these eontributionit were made If he could havedone so of course hewould If he cando so now h Is invited to

Could Not AnswerThis interview w intended to eve

ate a cloud of dust behind which hehoped to hIde the aharge he did notatswer stud eould not answer Thtl-

kthM vet vurn 9f n1onX-tor tte control

of tlitt lection in akIoj the edtU tc-

istpatioit bT corporations ad truats-in passing it should be SiLih that

Snatnr Knox on thI oeeslunas onothers referred to the fact I am ofthe oplniomt and have have said nthat existing law aoffrds anremedy against illegal combinationsHe tys theJw is bnsultieient and at-gues that t4ereore I am uot in a-

vor of breaking up Illegal eomblna-Uous

The senator Is not ingenuous Hadhe been he woulti have said that inevery instance in whieb I have cxpressed the belief that the law as itstands Is sufficient to protect the peo-

ide and that is lacking xeeptpublic officials willing to enforce thelaw I have addedIn terrna or in substancethat if my view In that re-

spct is a mistaken one then I favorsuch further legislation within con-stitutional himitatloils e will give thepeclple aiust and faIl measure of pro3ecton

Trusts UnderstandWhat the few plaits unambiguous

sentences pttered by me on the su-

ject of illegal combinations mnoan andwhat they are uaderetood to mean by-

thcse whu control the combinatious is-

I evinced hi part by the great activityof their leading oflicess in favor of thm-

I election of my oppoauent That activ-I lty mty perhaps aceo imt ima no small

measure for the ability or both thePopullpt and Socialist parties to prose

I eute expensive campaIgnscampaigns-I that appear to be prosecuted largely itt

aid of the Republiemmu prtyThe atlmini8traUon also put out a

cablegram from G veor Wright ofthe PhilippIne commission In reply tosome quoUttions iwde iy me in apeech deivered on ihe1tb dty of O-

tober The aurds quqted were thelcareful utterances oCa man wh hasspect four montsii Phitippihes studylag the con4itioee ii re1 Be Is voucledfor by rhariss Prame3s dams CarlSchurz Edwin fiuzikt Smith HerbertWelch auth Moorefteld Story intbese-

erdelie has had epUpnaln-

ities for learning time truth For hisentire hiouty blII as trahedinvestigator his Judgznent in weighhig evidence and his reliabilty aswitness ye vouch

Question of VeracityThe evidence upon which hi cofl-

ehuslons were based will be found I-

am inforirmed In the lvemming Poet oftoday and probably hi other papersThe Is too Ion to be quotedfrom In this brief adiress but I askyou and through ytn the Americanpeople to ei iunln Governor Wrightseablegrimm 1mm connectIon with that mOe

pert and then answer these questionsio you believe the man thus

vouched for b l of the best cJt1zeni-Lu this eouotry Which is likely to-

be prejudfct1 the man having n mao

tive but t lSIIiit tbtruth or thegovernor wlp may be in acme messnrc responsible for dnfortuuate condi-tions

Uncle Sam Was RobbedLI5 the governola report of such a

character ao1o jpsflii anby the government of several hundreddollars to cable a par4 of my speechto Manila and to eafle his reply by-

cabe It was not government bustness it was political musiuesa Theeablegrasn to Governor Wright and hisreply were Intended to aid the Re-pubhlcam campaign The message tohim begun

ThuDopemtie candidate for pren-tIent on the Utii of t3i present month

in ti public acdrertm sai1If a few hundred dollars may be-

taken out from the public funds totitus amisst the prosecutiorlof a p0flUent campaign why may not themuny tr usury be mployeJ-or any purpose that trill help the

campaign Hotv 4p we know but it-

is This Is onedrth tldences of thegrowth of rnperhi1ism TLe head of-

zie oliieit cmulio iiQ wrong Annpbtt hm poIie is an assault

upon thewdiVW and lttne the pen

COnLiimUd on rage




Voters of Ogden Turn Out in

Force to Har Oratorsf





Eesial t The HemIidOct 2St further impetus

was given to the activity of theDemocratic campaign today In

Weber coumty when lowers Moyle-eJad Varlan couicIue their two dayscampaigning with a meeting in theGrand opera house which wan at-

tended sit the young votersa guodiy number Of them benj Re-publie ns and many of whom applaudcut the speakers heartIly

It was not a meeting of rampantenthusiasm but one where the audieuceNtned Intently to the words otthe eeakers now and then stuntingwords of encouragement and approvaland occasionally bnrmIng forth intocheering There ws no music justgoodstralght talk

Chairman Johnson PresidesCounty Chairman TD Johnson pre-

sided and opened with a brief adthese naming each candidate on thecounty ticket and bespeaking suport

Judge Varlan was first introducedand spoke briefly and in a dlgnihedmanner promising if elected to thepoeltlou of supreme court justice todevote his fullest energies to its du-ties Ha deplored the tendency of the

campaign to force old am-maicuities to the front and to makequestIons of religious belief the Is-

suesPowers Caught Them

Judge Powers when Introduced byChairman Johnson was iven a longround of applause that we1led In eelmime as he stepped forward Aginamid again be bowed acknowledgmentswhile the applause rose and fell andwas again raaed to almost deafening

otume Tudge Powers was visibly athe warmth of his greeting

and retelred to thE fact that Ogdenwas the city where b first made hishome tim coining to Utah many yearsago

The orat r spoke urgently for theelection of the emtre Democratic tick-et especially rerrIng to W B Witsm fqr state tremwer whose borne In-

here to Mr Varfa anti Mr Moyieand also to Judge Rphtpp and A GHome thE distllct JudIcial candi-dates

Screams of Laughtcr-He hhd lb audieone fairly seresni

jug wtth while reading a p0-Ittleal effusion published in one of theohIeiit organs of 4ie JtepubUcan etate

iii Iiudmtlon tf Cbtle-rWitn it was alaimed that even thetileiof his eye mmu1crtke beets rowprodlniously 1le referred to the an

1 beht-gto gtinit ll Jtepttblkse or-gauIztIoji asaerti gJtEt hgwaa In a

doMliman-tehnrtu ii the othr IImned be wasthe beneficiary of that church Thepeaker showed up tie rklculous at-

titude of ti Bepublicami party inclaiming all the benefits of legislationsuck as time rural free delivery systern the irrigatloim law the pork ofcolt reclamation amid the Heshowed by official documents that Dein-Krats were largely instrumental Inpassing those measures

Where Powers StandsHe outlined bia iosltloti on the tIffsayiiig he would vote to keep It On

wool lead raw sugiur etc anitwouldtake It off of trustmade articles thatare being sold to foreigners by Ameneami Jirms cheaper than they are soldhere A forceful hit was immade wheh-he told how Ihe ScottPatterson-Hardwaue company of Salt Lithe badoutwitted the trust by getting theiragent iii Europe to purchase a consignnient of shovels In New York mueL-cheapei than they could be purchasedby the firma direeL They diverted theshoves roam the wharf to the railroadand shipped them to Utah mimakiag ahandsome protfi by this bit of strategyAs the speaker liatwed from one issueto another after diseunsing each inhis forceful vIgorous style he wasfrequently applantii-

oyle Spoke BtiefiyAt the tiose of his address the chair-

man introduced Mr Moyle who spokevery briefly as hour was alreadylate

HeSaId the farmer Ic today reciv1ng-a loWer peke for his cattle amid paylug a higher piles Ion his beef thanfor many ye rs and there must besomething wrong In the Republicanpolicy which jsmrmlts such a conditmon-

He made an earnest and dlgnftietlplea for support iid Promised if elect

to be aovernoi of no elasu or fac-Uon but of all the people and to be-absohitely untrammeled his officialacts


Democratic Candidates Will Speak in-Severval Towns

Judge Powero will tour Davls countyon a special trin of the Salt Lake

Ogden railroad today The start Willbe made from SaIt Lake a 2O In theafternoon Speeees will be made inBountiful at ovlotk In Centerviiie-at oeieck in Yarmiagton at 7 oclockand in Layton at oclock The Lay-ton meeting will be opsued at S oclock-b a speech by David Evans who willoetupy the thn While Jude Powersis drLtcn by carrtsge tront 1armlngion-

I to Liytotm1 Cysville is omitted from the Hat

betause it was leant psupossiblo tosecure a suitable 111 there for usethis evening

The tour wifi be under the directionof County Chairman Thomas H Phillipmi of Da county The local CandidMee ofile Democratic party willtravel mm t train and the Bountifulband will attend time meetings


Indications Are Goodand ConditionsImproving

Sphclal to he lIerid-Oakley Oct 2SPl greatest potitl ar

rally evar held Ip the ofSummit uPty was e Demnoers rallyheld hi Oftkley this evening flay VanCott the candidate for district attorneywas Lb principal simemakor mind there werespeeches by C A ClIIs and the local caa-didates together with singing thevoutmg 1adiee glee tIub 9 Lamas lhecrowd was entertitided or serhomrs Time people came from up theriver as far as Kamab and doeu na faras Hoytsi3le The pcopl woze tnthus-iastic itt pronouncing themselves lii favorof the Donasratie tirkeL The recemit-sseeeLmea 04 Judge the countyImave done the a world qf eod dold citizens here feel satisfied ttat theDemocratic ticket wilt win The nextStop to be made by the candidates in theirtPtJ wili hi mt WOR4Ihtfli tomorrow even

tmtLUCd on PagcZ



Terrific Explosion in Mine No

3 at Terola Cob




Cols Oct Thterrific eXSiissFmn 1 tio timcoal mining in Cilorado t

mine No S of the Rocky Mo uaIron company at Teromo ort

due veit tgTrinidad mt i thisnoon and the number of Iead v-

iy plated between thirty nd sixThe number reported as tavteg gthe mine this morning vasmisers ini iu ipsm Oefl

ternoon many iuorc mirr iTt Ifl-to have gomme me the tjmm I mb tanumber dead may muVer t ptmrm-t mine is btrning and n 0the boIes wll eremalti t rgher of mine officials itft svord of the ae1dent waspony doctors wre pIet pline as well as 11 t1imclans United States GoemuwrtInspector F J lorernamt twhen the explosion oettrr1 Re t rn 1

hers toffight and gives th Ml mv I gcount uf the affair

Resembled an Earhauake-I was standing not more thstt i a-

froei the mouth of the uni aoccur The xrpreceded by a low rimblmug se

semnhilag an earthquake vhb-eacth tremWe and startled ne acamp0I looked toward time mii ammthe mouth of the tunnel mnd t

shafts eazue a great volum n m ksdust which continued for narIv a i1rOut of the two air shafts t vare seven feet in diameter tImbrwere fully from two to thre r t-

IIameter were shot into the air r-

en into splinters Rocks were vaover the cash for a distasce of t-

of a mile In fact it rained roetimbers and alt kinds of debris f-

a miante anSI mUSty people werebybdng struck with these mIast

Caused Wild ExcitementImmediately after the eaploen i

was the work lIke aeruption caused the wildest x mmmMae women and children rtmSIII tmouth of the tunnel and 5OflOIL c3husbands were In the mii imai t ibrought asy hr mimiers to em 1from behw killed by ieaitiy fums r

the stouth of the tunnelThe shaft in which the ireidn-

curreu works eighty mn and t c-

lieved that at leust sixty men srrf nthe maIne at the time

Newsaf the xplosin nrought assi-aruce front the adjaecnt amps aid tnight hundreds of amen atr trying ic gInto the mine Dead ly umse o rthe rcuem frequently but ther aCare taken by other r a-

to risk their lives It Is net thought ppr-

sible that anyone In the ismi caim ssrFoI-C they are not nfl dead aready-

rTmes ofVictims iiiknown-it will be ftnposeibl to aeeur-

of tbe sd ivt ijtaed taatght Nc4-

ai the mise i1oyed ne Sttv 1-

nne Is a iuaw 0 flIyage and emended LO3 t iut tb hThe Ia aupposed cm ii v-

caue 4 V dual yJp en hi4y lasreceear that of F uraa a Itt n-

no win just enterlmig the t dnm wh tthe occurred I T was Ur 1

burned almost beyond c gnmtoi ATmines within a radius of two mites abeen shut down and the miners at iway to assist in rescuing the t o

the victimsU


WOLF IN A TRAPChicago Oct In a raIl on tb

aces of a charltabe aoeiety kinss the Sunnyside Society the pelitoday arrested Vilet F Shorhondy t is

Chicago representative of the rga-

luation Fifteen women assistuinalso sought by the pollee-


Richfield Candidate Is ChargedWith Attempted Suborna

tion of Perjury

3potJ to The HerldRiChfield Oct 2SGeorge T Iati-

vas arrested this morning by onstab e-

H S Christensen on a warrant cltarglug attempted subornation of p4riurBean was taken before Justie ifPeace Jensen and released on a boudi-

oo alter his preliminary hearingbeen set for Wednesday next Wmade an ineflectual effort to havehearing postponed until after dcc

Bean Is city attorney and Repubnominee for county attorney Thcounty committee was in session i1l ticonsidering his case Although v

effort hits been made to wevimmt a-

dlsilosure of what occurred in th-

niittee rooni it is known that cmtii-nd earnest efforts were made

duce him to resiga from theiicke T

persuasive powers oCthe committetamable to movebhn He declaredshould he resign from the ticket t he-

tion would be accepted as a eonfe-

of guilt of the charge against him Fthis reason he st adfslJy reiusedeven consider the ptopctior Ticommittee It is believed has nt h apower to remove him so Bean I i

main on the ticketTonight a Republican xflY was i I-

In town Bean was one of the cmnsplnoun figures on the stage



San Francisco Oct 2SC II M rkbarn guneral manager of the SoW h-

em Pacific when asked today mf

was to be succeeded by E E ialwho operates the hlarrinman lIflOregon said

I ma without information as to t 1

will be appointed I have receivetiword nor has anybody else out here

rhatover is said in purely nJeetirtl-I am not In a hurry to leave for Tc-

as and am waiting for my suceeso-Whea he emes I Shall go

Portland Ore Oct 2Generai Mam-

ager E 0 CalvIn of the Harrimanlines who arrived in this city tonightfrom fl inspection tour Iii southernOregon stated that so fin as be knewhe had not been appointed to suececitGeneral Manager MaTkItUL of theSouthern Paclac company

CRUISER TO CARRY TAFTNew York Oct 28Orders were re-

ceived at the Brooklyn navy yard fromthe navy department today to lit thecruiser Columbia for sea at once tomarry Secretsri of War Taft and thePananio lomumlselon to Colon

RIOTERS ON TRIALComet Oct 2The trial of those nl-

leged to be responsiblo or the sitUJewish riots In September iiS3 s pro-

ceeding Thirty witnesses fer the pros-

ecution have so fr lyen sxamnineti T-lfct of time sttai on Je ht not e

been established

