II I pa Cot - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr07s/data/0029.pdf · i I j THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS...

i I j THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS VOTUME 6 COLUMBIA AD Alfi COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ll 1903NTi ururu 1 A < POST OFI ICE DIRECTORY lMBcsswP6itmaster Office honre week days 700 a a to 830 p m 1 COURT DIRECTORY sooiTCocRTThreeaMilon spearTbl third Monday In May an thrhir Circuit JnaeeWW Jones AttorneyN H W Aaron caBheriSF Circuit Clerk JBOofley OOOUTT OocBTFirst Monday In each month tf Judge T A Mum County AttorneyJag astaeltJrhe R Stnlts blt ABsessorK W Burton BurreyorR T McCaS eefie School BnptWDu Monday t n OOVaTRegularcourt second steeach JudgeToDavldson AttorneyGordon Montgomry MarshallJ W Coy CHURCH DIRECTORY beL BOBKBTILIB STBBJTRev fourth SundaY a i pastor Services eeond and Sabbath n each month Sundayuch0tatwednesda nightfr METHODIST BUBUVlLLB 8 KBTReT EMMeUalfe pastor Service first Sunday in each month I Sundayschool every sabbathat9smPrayeho meeting Thursday night BAPTIST GKBHK Bn o BisBMBev T wontcastor J every Sabbath at II a m homeeting wiCHRISTIAN peGttrngLLeyILLf Pastor Services First Sunday In month Snndayichool every Sabbath at 9 a Prayer meeting Wedneaday night LODGES MASONIC COLUMBIA LODOB No 98 F and A MBeg- ur meeting In their hall over bank on Fri day night on or before the full moon In each monthfa W D Jones Secretary i COLWHBU CHAPTBB B AM No7 meets Friday night after full moonJ MUBBELI H P W W BBADSUAW Secretary Bells R6siaurani > lahebaloa Frank Bell Proprietor 1 0 STMeals served at all hours and the trade of Adair and adjoining counties solicited Comfortable rooms fur lodgers Frank Bell Is the successor j of James Bell i Wilmore HotelW- MWILMORE Prop Gradyville Kentucky is no better place to stop THERE at the aboved named heft elthe Good sample rooms and a Fe fii PRODUCE I I will pay the highest cash prices for 1 Country Produce delivered Columbia Will pay from 8 to 22c for wool My store Is connected by tel e hone throughout the countySAM BIG 4 ROUTE Best Line to IndianapolisLafayette Peoria and Chicago and all porn in Indiana Michigan Cleveland i BuffaloNew Boston and all points East liifermatiou cheerfully furrti elf ed ou application at City Tic office Big Four Kont 2184th Ave or write S J GATES Gn Agt Louisville Ky C S GRADY I DENTIST 0 H SPECIAL attention Kiveu to i Gold Filling Crown and Bridge g work I i I OFFICE over Russell Murrells Store Columbia Ky j l THE SOUTHLAND EDITOR NEWS When that immortal Southern chief tain Robert E Lee surrendered the remnant of his brave and gallant little amy the confederate soldier realized at in the language of Caesar The die was cast and all was over The use he loved so well ancktor which he had fought bled and suffered pet ration and hardship was forever lost to him For a moment his breast aved with emotion his frame trem ¬ ed and he bowed his head and wept then turning his back upon the battle lds he took up his long and weary march homeward Behold him as he trudges along his p is slow and his once strong frame is reduced to a mere shadow his cheeks are hollow and his body is racked with- in pa When night comes on and he seeks a place to rest the earth is his d and the blue and canopy of the avens his covering When morning dawns be resumes his journey home- ward ¬ and as he proceeds his tattered and ragged uniform his emaciated ame tells the story for him and he is ministered to with kind hands and loving hearts Now he is nearing me familiar scenes present them ¬ selves on every side and his tread bec- omes quicker and his eye brighter At last he gains an elevation which commands a view of his once stately me and wide plantation and pauses th bowed head perhaps in pray rhaps fearful to behold the ruin tellm At length he raises his head and looks upon the scene of devastation He had passed through many battles where shot and shell were as number- less ¬ as tbe sands of the seashore and bad charged to tile flaming mouths of the cannon and his courage had never iled but the sight of his home in ruins and his plantation laid waste was a greater test of courage than he had ever known before He had gone forth to fight for that which he believ ¬ ed just and right country and home and being overpowered he had sought solace in his homeit was gone Hope and despair battled for supremacy At st loving arms were entwined about neck and a sweet bright face looked up into his ownWoman his south land stood by him speaking words of cheer and urging him onward Hope took up its abode in his heart thus aided and the battle was won Wom- an hound up his wounds and nursed him back to health and strength and imbued him with hope and courage to begin life anew A cabin of unhewn logs was made and she who had been reared amid luxurious surroundings took up her household duties therein with a cheerful mien A mule was found on the range and with rudely constructed harness and plow the con federate soldier took his place behind plow with tbat indomitable will battled e Gradually order was brougbt out of chaos and fields and grounds re- sumed partly their former appearance until today the sweet sunny south stands tbe wonder and admiration of atthe worldthe envy of the North and target for all the vile vituperation of the Northern press With these facts before UP is it any wonderand Isnt it right that the man of the south should love and est- eem woman his southland above all other things of the earth Aye and he will defend and protect her from the Insults and outrages of tbe black imps of hell whom tbe North would lovingly emhrace and defer from justice isThe negro rapist goes through a 1country selects an innocent white girl victim awaits a favorable op- portunity ¬ and then assaults and mur ¬ ders her The people of tbe South leave nil stones unturned to captu and burn him at the stake death entirely too humane fortbe crime per ¬ petrated and the North daubs the South outlaws barbarians and other meatiok n When au incompetent negro is ap- pointed to office in the South the North looks on and applauds but when an office was created and a negro appointed to fill it recently in Boston the warblers and proper talkers pawed up tbe earth a mile deep Bas ton is admixed town where negro bucks marry white women This fact alone shows the depraved condition of thing up there It is the kind of cattle that is forever and eternally sticking up the bloody shirt in frontof us Jeff Da vis of Arkansas did a pious act last year when be pardoned a negro buck from the state prison on the condition that he would become a citizen of Mas sachusetts Immediately The people of that state had roared so long and loud that Davis was deslous of showing them what kind of black devils be had to contend with Of course this raised a louder howl but little did Davis care The South is now the better part of the United States in many ways Her manufacturing enterprises are rapidly increasing and ere long will outstrip tbe north The intelligence of the uthleaving out the negroes accord tag to numbers exceeds that of the north At the close of the war the south was a waste but within forty years ithas grown to be pne of the leading sections of the globe This is due to southern IIget you go for man ner of conducting things It is absol- utely unnecessary for the Administra ¬ tion to appoint negroes to office in the compeI should have the appointments In view of this fact i the recent negro ap polntment at Charleston looks like spite work A newspaper stated edi itoraly few days ago that the Dem ocratic press was kicking about the Charleston appointment and that it had evldentally overlooked the fact tbat two negroes were lee out of office in the south not long ago and white men installed The southern Republicans of the white faction are raising more sand than the Democrat press and I say keep on raising sand until the negro office holding curse is removed We dont need the I black element there for they only create discord and mis- chief As for the two negroes Teddy removed from office they were like all others of their colorIncompetent- and he had to kick them out Keep the negro in his place and there will be no trouble but put him in a white mans shoes and the devil increases business right away God in all his wisdom made the white man first and he should still b first in every thing Tbe Indian says God made white man first red man next dog next and bigger last I Teddy is so anxious to Rive Sambo job he should try him in the North awhile and let the long suffering per- secuted ¬ South have a term of peace J Mc S CS CAMPBELL Mr CS Campbell departed this life on Friday Jan 2 1903 at 12 oclock M in the hospital of the State Medi ¬ cal University at Galveston He had suffered more or less for sev ¬ eral years with kidney trouble which developed stone in tbe kidney He was confined to his bed for several weeks during his last illness and was given the benefit of skilled medical at tendon but his condition could not be relieved and his physicians decided that an operation was the only alter native He was taken to Galveston on Wednesday morning Dec 31stac companied by his wife and Dr S G Northrup and an operation was per formed Thursday morning Jan 1stI the surgeon took five stones from the left kidney He had grown very weak as a result of his serious condition and long confinement but she stood the operation fairly well for one in his con- dition and was perfectly rational after the operation but was quite weak Friday morning Jan 2 he grew weak er and aally at 12 oclock M he suc- cumbed The sews of his death was telephoned to Giddings immediately and it cast a pall of sorrow over the community for his friends we legion Tbe remains were brought Giddings Friday sight and on Sate day afternoon interred in the Glddin g cemetery being followed to the grave by a large cortege of sorrowing friends rPthe county officers acting as pall bearers Mr Campbell was born in Ada county Kentucky May 14 1867 a ° moved to Texas in 1885 He stopped firbt at Fort Worth and was engaged in tbe railroad business at different points In Texos until 1888 when be engaged in the drug business at Win Chester He sold his drug store after a titueandenteredrollroadworkagaln + later he gave up railroad work and wrote life insurance In 1894 he was appointed district clerk to fill the expired term of Mr Fred Keng Cfased Later he was employed by Mr W T Heck as deputy tax collect tor serving In this capacity for sever- al yeas and during the campaign of 1898 he became a candidate for Tax Collector and was elected remaining Tax Collector up to his death He proved to be an efficient officer and enjoyed the confidence and esteem ot- a large circle of friends He was married February 27 1887 to MissLlnnle Young who with three children survive him The News joins the many friends of the family in extending heartfelt sym- pathy in this their hour of grief The Giddings News BRANN ON MAN The place to take the measure of a man Is sot in the forum or the field not In the market place or the amen corner but his own fireside There he lays aside his mask and yoj may judge whether he is imp or angel king or cur hero or humbug I care not what tbe world says whether it crowns him win bays or pelts him with bad eggs I care not a copper what his reputa- tion may be it his babies dread his homecoming and his betterhalf swal ows her heart every time she asks for a five dollar bill hes a fraud of the first wateri fe When the children rush to the front gate to meet him and loves own sun- shine illuminates the face of his wife when she hears his footfall you take It for granted that he is pure gold for his home is a heaven and the humbug never gets that near to the white throne of God He may be a rank atheist and a red flag anarchist a Mormon and a mugwump he may buy votes In blocks of five and bet on the election and may deal them from the bottomot the peak and drink beer until he cant tell a silrerdollar from a circular saw and still be Infinitely a better man than the cowardly little hypocrite who is all suavity In society yet makes his home shellwho vents upon the helpless heads of his wife and children the Illnature that he would like to inflict upon his fellowmen but he dares not 1 can forgive much in that fellow mortal who bad rather make men swear than women weep the e world than the contempt of his wife wbo wouldrather call anger to the eyes off a pa TWO POLICES CONTRACTED Senator Hoar thus contrasts Impe ¬ rialism and selfgovernment What have your ideals cost you and what have they brougbt for you 1 For the Philippine Islands you have had to repeal the Declaration of Independence For Cuba you have had to reaffirm it and give it new luster 2 For the Philippine islands you have had to convert the Monroe doc- trine tats a doctrine of mere selfish nessFor Cuba you have acted on it and vindicated It 3 In Cuba you have got the eternal gratitude of a free people In the Philippine islands you have got the hatred and sullen submission of a subjugated people 4 From Cuba you have brought home nothing but glory From the Philippines you have brought home nothing of glory 6 In Cuba no man thinks of count InK the cost The few soldiers who came home from Cuba wounded or sick carry about their wounds and their pale faces as it they were medals of honor What soldier glories in a wound or an empty sleeve which he got in the Philippines 6 The conflict in the Philippines rehas cost you 8600000000 thousands of tarr 6youththe health and sanity of thous- ands ¬ more and hundreds of thousands of Filipinos slain MPRMONISM AND THE SENATE Apostle Reed Smoot has been no byd ture The nomination is of course equlva lent to an election and in the near ture the Conscript Fathers at Was ngton will find themselves face to fu with the questino Shall a Morman be allowed to sit in the United Sta Senate Smoot is a member of life Council of Morinde on e for the presidency of that mostuni American institution IonThat there can be no doubt He is a Mor- mon of the Mormons and bin proaelyt t i alNir M s J InK voice has been has been beapc all- over the country as well as tbt ugh out England and tbe continent That this man should be mm rated and elected to the ht6lhotlJce of United States Senator by the Mormons of Utah is not a matter of surprise but it will be a very great surprise if Smoot is permitted to take his place in the upper council of the nation CHARACTER IS WORTH Character is what a man really is Reputation is what he appears to be or Is supposed to be Not every time dj character and reputation coincide in the same Individual Men who do not care for character because they know they are not honest will do everything in their power to protect their reputa tlon says tbe New Orleans Picayune Character amounts to so much in this world that reputation for honesty be- comes ¬ exceedingly valuable because it may save a man from being publicly disgracedValuable as a good character is it is not sufficiently appreciated by em- ployers ¬ It should be rewarded par- ticularly ¬ when coupled with business ability But the unscrupnlous employ er does not want a man who may re ¬ ruse to do his bidding in some crooked transaction and so the honest man sometimes goes begging But the fact remains that never be ¬ tore was there such a need of honest men and women and the world will sooner or later find it out Sharp prac ¬ tice does not always win and custom¬ ers who are cheated find out the fact and in time the world will go back to honesty and the sharpers will be cast out Let the honest workers stand to theirprlnciples They are the founda ¬ lion upon which the vast and noble structure of virtue and honor is built and must ever remain The number of men who tall on ac- count ¬ of lack of courage is enormous The number who would refuse to let go of a dollar if they knew positively it would bring back two is astonishing Such men merely exist They dont live They never really amount to anything The men who win are tbe men who think out the right course to ursue then back up their convictions with their last penny and their las ounce of energy The first goods John Wanamaker ever sold broughthlm 36 He delivered his goods in a wheel ¬ barrow He collected the 836 and went to a newspaper office and planked Itdown for advertising space Some men would have spent 3150 for some cheap dodgers and saved the rest They would have been wheelbarrow merchants today Admiral George Dewey as president of the Thomas Jefferson Memorial As soclatlon Issued an Repeal to the pub- lIc fur subscriptions for a national me- morial to Jefferson It is pointed out that although nearly every noted clti zen is represented at Washington by a monument of some sort there is not even a tablet erected there in memory ut the author of the Declaration of In ¬ dependence The fund for the memo- rial is to be raised wholly by the peo- ple Congress will not be asked for an appropriation A MOST FATAL GIFT Would be the power of foreseeing events Thtswould destroy hope A knowledge of the future would unmake happiness There are of course some things about the future we do know If for instance a lack of energy am bition and loss of appetite shows itself we know it will be followed by serious complaints if not checked Often Liv er and Kidney trouble follow quickly In any event Electric Bitters will re store you to health It strengthens builds up and invigorates rundown sys ¬ tems Only 500 Satisfaction guaran ¬ teed by all Druggists At Kokomo Ind John Neudick was becauseby had her hands In a pan of dough at the time and couldnt leave her work He arose in the midst of his prayer and informationb as icsum ceed his supplication Mr Neudicks method of family worship is not like teato prove acceptable to the operas- wife Any simple remedy will stop a cough any simple remedy will dry it up How many consumptives have trifled tl nature Dr Glasses Cough Syru heals the lungs and removes the In jUmmation Only in this way can a cure bo obtained Sold by M Cravens LITTLE PEARLS 4 THE CROSS J 4 IBless they who seek While in their youth With spirit meek I The way of truth To them the sacred scriptures now display Christ as the only true and living way givenTo Andeen on earth the child of God can trace The glorious blessings of his Saviours grace For them He bore His Fathers frown For them He wore The thorny crown Nailed to the cross I Endured its pain That His lifes loss Might be their gain Then haste to choose That bette r part Nor een dare refuse The Lord thy heart Lest He declare U I know you not And deep despair Should be your lot CalvarydiedAndtruston VOL IVNo 12 4o Marchr21 1880 WOODSON WISJAS C LEWIS FERTILIZERS We have just made arrangements with Cot in America whereby we are able to offer 125 FERTILIZER AT Sloo 115cc 90 100cc cc 80 Buggies and Wagons Buggies Surreys and all kinds of ve hicles at low prices Wagons at old price no advance Come and see us or write r 11004509 ewis 8 Bro Greensburg Kentucky YOU DONT HAVE TO- Go WEST Bat if you are thinking of doing so keep be ¬ fore you the fact that the Louisville Hen ¬ derson St Louis Railway is making Low OneWaye AND SOUTHWEST Also Low Colonists Rates to California Montana Idaho Washington Oregon British Columbia and other Pacific Pointsp LJ IRWIN > ASK US FOR BATES General Passenger Agent j LOTJIS1VlIiL f 1 l tii M ti

Transcript of II I pa Cot - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr07s/data/0029.pdf · i I j THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS...

Page 1: II I pa Cot - nyx.uky.edunyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7c2f7jr07s/data/0029.pdf · i I j THE ADAIR COUNTY NEWS VOTUME 6 COLUMBIA ADAlfi COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY ll 1903NTi ururu 1





lMBcsswP6itmasterOffice honre week days 700 a a to 830 p m


sooiTCocRTThreeaMilon spearTblthird Monday In May anthrhirCircuit JnaeeWW Jones

AttorneyN H W AaroncaBheriSFCircuit Clerk JBOofley

OOOUTT OocBTFirst Monday In each month

tf Judge T A MumCounty AttorneyJag astaeltJrheR StnltsbltABsessorK W BurtonBurreyorR T McCaS eefieSchool BnptWDu


nOOVaTRegularcourt secondsteeachJudgeToDavldson

AttorneyGordon Montgomry

MarshallJ W Coy


i pastor Services eeond and

Sabbathn each month Sundayuch0tatwednesdanightfrMETHODIST

BUBUVlLLB 8 KBTReT EMMeUalfepastor Service first Sunday in each month

I Sundayschool every sabbathat9smPrayehomeeting Thursday night


GKBHK Bn o BisBMBev TwontcastorJ every Sabbath at II a mhomeetingwiCHRISTIANpeGttrngLLeyILLfPastor Services First Sunday Inmonth Snndayichool every Sabbath at 9 aPrayer meeting Wedneaday night



COLUMBIA LODOB No 98 F and A MBeg-ur meeting In their hall over bank on Fri

day night on or before the full moon In eachmonthfaW D Jones Secretaryi


Friday night after fullmoonJ


Bells R6siaurani >

lahebaloaFrank Bell Proprietor


0STMeals served at all hours and the

trade of Adair and adjoining countiessolicited Comfortable rooms fur

lodgers Frank Bell Is the successor

j of James Belli

Wilmore HotelW-

MWILMORE PropGradyville Kentucky

is no better place to stopTHERE at the aboved named hefteltheGood sample rooms and a


I will pay the highest cash prices for1 Country Produce delivered

Columbia Will pay from 8 to 22c forwool My store Is connected by tel e

hone throughout thecountySAM

BIG 4 ROUTEBest Line to


Peoria andChicago and all pornin Indiana Michigan

Cleveland i


Bostonand all points East

liifermatiou cheerfully furrti elf

ed ou application at City Ticoffice Big Four Kont 2184thAve or write S J GATES GnAgt Louisville Ky


SPECIAL attention Kiveu to

i Gold Filling Crown and Bridge gwork Ii I OFFICE over RussellMurrells Store Columbia Ky j




When that immortal Southern chieftain Robert E Lee surrendered theremnant of his brave and gallant littleamy the confederate soldier realized

at in the language of Caesar Thedie was cast and all was over The

use he loved so well ancktor whichhe had fought bled and suffered petration and hardship was forever lostto him For a moment his breast

aved with emotion his frame trem ¬

ed and he bowed his head and weptthen turning his back upon the battle

lds he took up his long and wearymarch homeward

Behold him as he trudges along hisp is slow and his once strong frame

is reduced to a mere shadow his cheeksare hollow and his body is racked with-

inpa When night comes on and heseeks a place to rest the earth is his

d and the blue and canopy of theavens his covering When morning

dawns be resumes his journey home-


and as he proceeds his tatteredand ragged uniform his emaciated

ame tells the story for him and heis ministered to with kind hands andloving hearts Now he is nearing

me familiar scenes present them ¬

selves on every side and his tread bec-

omes quicker and his eye brighterAt last he gains an elevation whichcommands a view of his once stately

me and wide plantation and pausesth bowed head perhaps in prayrhaps fearful to behold the ruintellmAt length he raises his head and looks

upon the scene of devastation Hehad passed through many battleswhere shot and shell were as number-less


as tbe sands of the seashore andbad charged to tile flaming mouths ofthe cannon and his courage had never

iled but the sight of his home inruins and his plantation laid wastewas a greater test of courage than hehad ever known before He had gone

forth to fight for that which he believ¬

ed just and right country and homeand being overpowered he had soughtsolace in his homeit was gone Hopeand despair battled for supremacy At

st loving arms were entwined aboutneck and a sweet bright face looked

up into his ownWoman his southland stood by him speaking words ofcheer and urging him onward Hopetook up its abode in his heart thusaided and the battle was won Wom-

an hound up his wounds and nursedhim back to health and strength andimbued him with hope and courage tobegin life anew A cabin of unhewnlogs was made and she who had beenreared amid luxurious surroundingstook up her household duties thereinwith a cheerful mien A mule wasfound on the range and with rudelyconstructed harness and plow the confederate soldier took his place behind

plow with tbat indomitable willbattled eGradually order was brougbt

out of chaos and fields and grounds re-

sumed partly their former appearanceuntil today the sweet sunny southstands tbe wonder and admiration of

atthe worldthe envy of the North andtarget for all the vile vituperation ofthe Northern press

With these facts before UP is it anywonderand Isnt it right that theman of the south should love and est-

eem woman his southland aboveall other things of the earth Ayeand he will defend and protect herfrom the Insults and outrages of tbeblack imps of hell whom tbe Northwould lovingly emhrace and deferfrom justice

isThe negro rapist goes through a

1country selects an innocent white girlvictim awaits a favorable op-


and then assaults and mur ¬

ders her The people of tbe Southleave nil stones unturned to captuand burn him at the stake deathentirely too humane fortbe crime per ¬

petrated and the North daubs theSouthoutlaws barbarians and othermeatiok n

When au incompetent negro is ap-

pointed to office in the South theNorth looks on and applauds butwhen an office was created and a negroappointed to fill it recently in Bostonthe warblers and proper talkerspawed up tbe earth a mile deep Baston is admixed town where negro bucksmarry white women This fact aloneshows the depraved condition of thingup there It is the kind of cattle thatis forever and eternally sticking up the

bloody shirt in frontof us Jeff Davis of Arkansas did a pious act last

year when be pardoned a negro buckfrom the state prison on the conditionthat he would become a citizen of Mas

sachusetts Immediately The people

of that state had roared so long andloud that Davis was deslous of showingthem what kind of black devils be hadto contend with Of course this raiseda louder howl but little did Davis care

The South is now the better part of

the United States in many ways Hermanufacturing enterprises are rapidlyincreasing and ere long will outstriptbe north The intelligence of theuthleaving out the negroes accordtag to numbers exceeds that of thenorth At the close of the war thesouth was a waste but within fortyyears ithas grown to be pne of theleading sections of the globe This isdue to southern IIget you go for manner of conducting things It is absol-utely unnecessary for the Administra ¬

tion to appoint negroes to office in thecompeIshould have the appointments Inview of this fact i the recent negro appolntment at Charleston looks likespite work A newspaper stated ediitoraly few days ago that the Democratic press was kicking about theCharleston appointment and that ithad evldentally overlooked the facttbat two negroes were lee out of officein the south not long ago and whitemen installed

The southern Republicans of thewhite faction are raising more sandthan the Democrat press and I say

keep on raising sand until the negrooffice holding curse is removed We

dont need the I black element therefor they only create discord and mis-

chief As for the two negroes Teddyremoved from office they were like allothers of their colorIncompetent-and he had to kick them out Keepthe negro in his place and there willbe no trouble but put him in a whitemans shoes and the devil increasesbusiness right away

God in all his wisdom made thewhite man first and he should still bfirst in every thing Tbe Indian says

God made white man first red mannext dog next and bigger last ITeddy is so anxious to Rive Sambojob he should try him in the Northawhile and let the long suffering per-


South have a term of peace

J Mc S


Mr C S Campbell departed this lifeon Friday Jan 2 1903 at 12 oclockM in the hospital of the State Medi ¬

cal University at GalvestonHe had suffered more or less for sev ¬

eral years with kidney trouble whichdeveloped stone in tbe kidney Hewas confined to his bed for severalweeks during his last illness and wasgiven the benefit of skilled medical attendon but his condition could not berelieved and his physicians decidedthat an operation was the only alternative He was taken to Galveston onWednesday morning Dec 31staccompanied by his wife and Dr S GNorthrup and an operation was performed Thursday morning Jan 1stIthe surgeon took five stones from theleft kidney He had grown very weakas a result of his serious condition andlong confinement but she stood theoperation fairly well for one in his con-

dition and was perfectly rational afterthe operation but was quite weakFriday morning Jan 2 he grew weaker and aally at 12 oclock M he suc-cumbed The sews of his death wastelephoned to Giddings immediatelyand it cast a pall of sorrow over thecommunity for his friends welegion Tbe remains were broughtGiddings Friday sight and on Sateday afternoon interred in the Glddingcemetery being followed to the graveby a large cortege of sorrowing friends

rPthe county officers acting as pallbearers

Mr Campbell was born in Adacounty Kentucky May 14 1867 a °moved to Texas in 1885 He stoppedfirbt at Fort Worth and was engagedin tbe railroad business at differentpoints In Texos until 1888 when beengaged in the drug business at WinChester He sold his drug store aftera titueandenteredrollroadworkagaln +

later he gave up railroad work andwrote life insurance In 1894 he wasappointed district clerk to fill theexpired term of Mr Fred KengCfased Later he was employed byMr W T Heck as deputy tax collecttor serving In this capacity for sever-al yeas and during the campaign of1898 he became a candidate for Tax

Collector and was elected remainingTax Collector up to his death Heproved to be an efficient officer andenjoyed the confidence and esteem ot-

a large circle of friendsHe was married February 27 1887

to MissLlnnle Young who with threechildren survive him

The News joins the many friends of

the family in extending heartfelt sym-

pathy in this their hour of griefThe Giddings News


The place to take the measure of aman Is sot in the forum or the field

not In the market place or the amencorner but his own fireside There helays aside his mask and yoj may judgewhether he is imp or angel king or curhero or humbug I care not what tbeworld says whether it crowns himwin bays or pelts him with bad eggs

I care not a copper what his reputa-

tion may be it his babies dread hishomecoming and his betterhalf swalows her heart every time she asks fora five dollar bill hes a fraud of thefirst wateri fe

When the children rush to the frontgate to meet him and loves own sun-

shine illuminates the face of his wifewhen she hears his footfall you takeIt for granted that he is pure gold forhis home is a heaven and the humbugnever gets that near to the whitethrone of God He may be a rankatheist and a red flag anarchist aMormon and a mugwump he may buyvotes In blocks of five and bet on theelection and may deal them from thebottomot the peak and drink beeruntil he cant tell a silrerdollar from acircular saw and still be Infinitely abetter man than the cowardly littlehypocrite who is all suavity In societyyet makes his home shellwho ventsupon the helpless heads of his wife andchildren the Illnature that he would

like to inflict upon his fellowmen buthe dares not 1 can forgive much inthat fellow mortal who bad rathermake men swear than women weepthe eworld than the contempt of his wife

wbo wouldrather call anger to the eyesoff apaTWO POLICES CONTRACTED

Senator Hoar thus contrasts Impe ¬

rialism and selfgovernment

What have your ideals cost you andwhat have they brougbt for you

1 For the Philippine Islands you

have had to repeal the Declaration of


For Cuba you have had to reaffirmit and give it new luster

2 For the Philippine islands you

have had to convert the Monroe doc-trine tats a doctrine of mere selfish

nessForCuba you have acted on it and

vindicated It3 In Cuba you have got the eternal

gratitude of a free people

In the Philippine islands you havegot the hatred and sullen submissionof a subjugated people

4 From Cuba you have broughthome nothing but glory

From the Philippines you havebrought home nothing of glory

6 In Cuba no man thinks of countInK the cost The few soldiers whocame home from Cuba wounded or sickcarry about their wounds and theirpale faces as it they were medals ofhonor What soldier glories in awound or an empty sleeve which hegot in the Philippines

6 The conflict in the Philippinesrehas cost you 8600000000 thousands oftarr6youththe health and sanity of thous-


more and hundreds of thousandsof Filipinos slain

MPRMONISM AND THE SENATEApostle Reed Smoot has been nobydtureThe nomination is of course equlva

lent to an election and in the nearture the Conscript Fathers at Wasngton will find themselves face to fu

with the questino Shall a Mormanbe allowed to sit in the United StaSenate

Smoot is a member of life Council of


efor the presidency of that mostuniAmerican institutionIonThatthere can be no doubt He is a Mor-mon of the Mormons and bin proaelyt

t i

alNir Ms


InK voice has been has been beapc all-

over the country as well as tbt ughout England and tbe continent

That this man should be mm ratedand elected to the ht6lhotlJce of UnitedStates Senator by the Mormons ofUtah is not a matter of surprise butit will be a very great surprise if Smootis permitted to take his place in theupper council of the nation


Character is what a man really isReputation is what he appears to be orIs supposed to be Not every time djcharacter and reputation coincide inthe same Individual Men who do notcare for character because they knowthey are not honest will do everythingin their power to protect their reputatlon says tbe New Orleans PicayuneCharacter amounts to so much in thisworld that reputation for honesty be-


exceedingly valuable because itmay save a man from being publicly


as a good character is itis not sufficiently appreciated by em-


It should be rewarded par-


when coupled with businessability But the unscrupnlous employer does not want a man who may re¬

ruse to do his bidding in some crookedtransaction and so the honest mansometimes goes begging

But the fact remains that never be¬

tore was there such a need of honestmen and women and the world willsooner or later find it out Sharp prac ¬

tice does not always win and custom¬

ers who are cheated find out the factand in time the world will go back tohonesty and the sharpers will be castout Let the honest workers stand totheirprlnciples They are the founda ¬

lion upon which the vast and noblestructure of virtue and honor is builtand must ever remain

The number of men who tall on ac-


of lack of courage is enormousThe number who would refuse to letgo of a dollar if they knew positivelyit would bring back two is astonishingSuch men merely exist They dontlive They never really amount toanything The men who win are tbemen who think out the right course to

ursue then back up their convictionswith their last penny and their lasounce of energy The first goods JohnWanamaker ever sold broughthlm 36

He delivered his goods in a wheel ¬

barrow He collected the 836 andwent to a newspaper office and plankedItdown for advertising space Somemen would have spent 3150 for somecheap dodgers and saved the restThey would have been wheelbarrowmerchants today

Admiral George Dewey as presidentof the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Assoclatlon Issued an Repeal to the pub-lIc fur subscriptions for a national me-morial to Jefferson It is pointed outthat although nearly every noted cltizen is represented at Washington by amonument of some sort there is noteven a tablet erected there in memory

ut the author of the Declaration of In ¬

dependence The fund for the memo-rial is to be raised wholly by the peo-ple Congress will not be asked for anappropriation

A MOST FATAL GIFTWould be the power of foreseeing

events Thtswould destroy hope Aknowledge of the future would unmakehappiness There are of course somethings about the future we do knowIf for instance a lack of energy ambition and loss of appetite shows itselfwe know it will be followed by seriouscomplaints if not checked Often Liver and Kidney trouble follow quicklyIn any event Electric Bitters will restore you to health It strengthensbuilds up and invigorates rundown sys ¬

tems Only 500 Satisfaction guaran ¬

teed by all Druggists

At Kokomo Ind John Neudick wasbecausebyhad her hands In a pan of dough at thetime and couldnt leave her work Hearose in the midst of his prayer and

informationbas icsumceed his supplication Mr Neudicks

method of family worship is not liketeato prove acceptable to the operas-


Any simple remedy will stop a coughany simple remedy will dry it up Howmany consumptives have trifled tlnature Dr Glasses Cough Syruheals the lungs and removes the InjUmmation Only in this way can acure bo obtained Sold by M Cravens



IBless they who seekWhile in their youthWith spirit meek


The way of truthTo them the sacred scriptures now displayChrist as the only true and living waygivenToAndeen on earth the child of God can traceThe glorious blessings of his Saviours grace

For them He boreHis Fathers frownFor them He woreThe thorny crownNailed to the cross

I Endured its painThat His lifes lossMight be their gainThen haste to chooseThat bette r partNor een dare refuseThe Lord thy heartLest He declareU I know you notAnd deep despairShould be your lot

CalvarydiedAndtrustonVOL IVNo 12 4o Marchr21 1880


FERTILIZERSWe have just made arrangements withCotin America whereby we are able to offer

125 FERTILIZER AT Sloo115cc 90100cc cc 80

Buggies and Wagons

Buggies Surreys and all kinds of ve

hicles at low prices Wagons at old priceno advance Come and see us or write


11004509 ewis 8 BroGreensburg Kentucky


Go WESTBat if you are thinking of doing so keep be ¬

fore you the fact that the Louisville Hen ¬

derson St Louis Railway is making LowOneWayeAND

SOUTHWEST Also Low Colonists Ratesto California Montana Idaho WashingtonOregon British Columbia and other PacificPointspLJ IRWIN >

ASK US FOR BATES General Passenger Agent j LOTJIS1VlIiLf 1 l tii

