ihMI, - jedhecollege.ac.in the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is...

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Transcript of ihMI, - jedhecollege.ac.in the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is...


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Cultural Committee Report 2012-2013

To, The Principal S.B.B. aliac; Appasaheb Jedhe A1ts~Commerce & Science College,Pune-02

The coJlege students have participated in a one act play competition held under the banner of Puntshottam Karandak (Trophy),the name of the one acl play was "Dhol-Awaj konacha?" 16 students have participated in this one act play. The conunittee after thanks to all students, teachers, principals and adn1inistrative staff for extending their support to stage this one act play. The college is placed to note the best performer of the students in this competition. The drama was performed at Bharat Natya mandir, Pune. The college students presented their Art in a excellent maoncr. We wish them all the best in their future endf!avor. f)

q__p_5 ~ ~ Mr.1flgJe'o.Y PRl"°9ML Chainnan-Cultural Committee

1.,naj 8tlulllln laalllll>llas Apptllhet, v ' ""- Ma, Commeftll & Sele~ Ootlege.

Pune-411 002.


To, The Principal

Cultural Committee Report


S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe

Alts. Commerce & Science Collcge,Pune-02

~ ~ ~ OldiU~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JJM,,u~. ~u

~ .~er ~1 'll!!l~tJIH4 -g-o)-~. 3ITff" ii. :z.'7.'?.L"!-..~! .. ~.:.!.~ ........ .. ~ .... ~.-~.J.':!:J.!.:!:.~.!.1 ......... .. -~-

Cultural Committee organize various cultural programs throughout the year.

This include the events of National importance and days such as Independence

Day and Republic Day. The committee also conduct the Debating and the orienting

competition. The committee provide guidance to these students. Every year college

organize the death Anniversary of Appasaheb Jedhe. The college students

participated in one act play under Purushottam Karandak (Trophy). The college

also perform the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj .

The cultural committee thus helps in organizing various programs during the year

2013-14. ln other drama competition the students have staged 'Jwalant Dekhava'

one act play in Marathi. The students of our college Karishma Kadam and Kiran

Naptilak bagged individual consolation prices. Avinash Dhulekar ,Akash Taware

& other 16 students had participated in one act play. The cultural committee comprises' of Dr. Deepali pati1, Prof. P.O.

Gaikawad, Prof.Vishali detbe ,Prof. D. 1\1. Chavan & Prof. T.D. famandes. All of

the committee members have extended their all possible co-opration .

~ ~ ~ 1nbi>.v

PRJNO.PAL Sama, Bhuth1n 9abuno alias Appasaheb JedheAna, Ctmmen::e & Scieoce Ooftege,

Punt--411 002.

Chairn1an-Cultural Committee


~ ftmr.t 1ffli!T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JIIU4\fl i~lt ~

~ . ~ u ~ 'lfifaOl<'lQ ~-~.

3Tiff •. .. ~.!.:J .. l.~.'?..!.~ .. 7 . .l .. .C ... .. . ~ .... .'?..~.L~ .. ~.1...~.':'..tF.::. .. .. q;l$ls1'i.

Cultural Committee Report



The Principal S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe

Arts,Commerce & Science College,Pune-02

The cultural committee of S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts, Commerce &

Science college apprises various programs through out the year. This include the program of national importance such as Independence day program, Republic day program.Also debating and orating competitions are organized on contemporary

issues. The students have also participated in the one act play staged at "

Purshottam karandak'' during the year. The students have also participated in the

Birth anniversary of Chatrapati Shivaji :tvfaharaj and lvfahatma Jyotiba Phule and

such personalities of the National Importance. During the year 2014-2015 the

college has organized " Ballaya" where 16 students participated in this program.

Karishma kadam & Kiran Nagtilak won consolation prices in the competition.

Kamlesh Lande, kiran Naptilak, karishma kadam, Rushikesh chavan were

prominent among the pa1ticipant. The cultural committee comprises of prof D. Y.

Ingle, prof vaishali Dethe, prof D. M. Chavan.The committee has good supporl

from registrar and principal of the college.


3amaj Rflll1bn hbUIIO eHas Ap11111h9t • r dhe Ana, CefflffltlOI & Scien~ Oollege,

Pllne-411 002.

~~~ Chairman-Cultural Committee

Cultural Committee Report

2015-2016 To, The Principal

S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts,Commerce & Science College,Punc-02

~ ~'ifflaT 8fl14tt ~ ~ ~,,. aiiCGl+li~il ~

iJiiifr, ~ ci ~ q~~Qlt'14 ~ - ~.

~ iii ..... ~~£( .. :~.~J.!::..L~ .. ·irti ..... J ~.! .. ?..?::L1 o ' · t ...... . ~ii'.

The cultural committee of S.B.B.alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts, Commerce &

Science college apprises various programs through out the year. This include the

program of nationaJ importance such as Independence day, Republic day program

also the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi & Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar is celebrated in the college.

The committee also organize debating and orating competitions are

organized on contemporary issues. The annual cultural day is celebrated by the

cultural committee. The college of also contributed in Purushottam Karandak

competition. TI1e name of the one act play was "Tulshiche lagn", total 16 students

participated in this one act play.Mr.Kamlesh Lande is a receipient of consolation

prize.the students who were the participants were Kamlesh lande, Karishma

Kadam; Gauri Yadav, Avinash Devlekar .. The college has whole heartedly

supported & motivated the students to participated in this one said act play. The

college also through the committee celebrate Death anniversary of Appasaheb

Jedhe and the program of Teacher's Day on 05th September ~very year. /\.11 the

students are engaged all the year in Academic as \Vell as Cultural programs who

organized by cultural committee. The students have participated and bagged many

prices all the time. The list of prices and students who achieved it is attached

herewith. ~ (\ rl;v-r7 W 4vfr. I .e~.Y

Chairman-Cultural Committee

Cultural Committee Report


To, The Principal S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts1Commerce & Science Col lege)Pune-02

• ...,lffm~~ MM\'•~- 411amu~ ~

wtin. ~ -~ ···"' ? -~. i!l1ft • · t?..~.0.JJ~L~.:.J.I . ~ .... ~.1.~ .... <-?.~ .. ~ . ..1., ........ ..


The cultural cmnmiuee is organizing various cultural program during the academic year. In the academic year 2016-17 college has organized various programs for the students.

In Purshottam karandak one ac.t competition during this year the student of our college staged the play ''Ghorpadechya bailala ho". This was a one act play based on social issues. The total students participated were 16. The college is proud to quality for last round of the competition. The total expenditrn·e of Rs.37758/- (Rs. Thirty Seven Thousand seven hundred and fifty eight ) was incured for this one act play. The college Principal, Registrar, Committee member supported & motivated the students for participation. Similarly students have also

participated in "Lokankika" one act play organized by Loksatta state level competition. The students received participation certificate. Students also participated in Dagikaka Gadgil Karandak competition. The students are the recipient of Lhe certificate of admfration.

~~ Mr. II:iwb. Y

Chainnan-Cultural Committee

~Brfflft- lffia' tt.1n--~~ ~ 4 '~;'"3 ~ ('"ttt~ .-)~

~ . ~ - ~" ;1 -;~ .. ~ ~~Q sv,-~. ~ ~- -~ :2-.. ~.l .. ~~ .. ~ .-~~ tJ. ~ 0 J l '' .3 [ ..{ o I 3. ......... , , ...... .... ..... ··4··· . t•• .. . ~ ~-

Cultural Committee Report


To, The Principal

S.B.B. alias Appasaheb Jedhe Arts,Commerce & Science College,Pune-02

The college students have participated in a one act play compelition held

under the banner of Purushottam Karandak (Trophy),the name of the one act play

was ''Dhol-Awaj konacha?" 16 students have partic,ipated in this one act play. The

conunittee after thanks to all students, teachers, principals and administrative staff for extending their support to stage this one act play. The college is placed to note

the best perfonncr of the students in this competition. The drama was performed at Bharat Natya 111a11dir, Pune. The college students presented their Art in a excellent

manner. \Ve wish them all the best in their future endeavor.

~~,~~' m ~1q,J't mTot :,::lm14ilil

•!• Ji~1f.l:dU,i •!• -~i*h( - ::-::

g41fu1<1 cn(041d½ct~. i1t.1 ml«ft 1¥rtt~~ Nfflicisr~d ~ ~(&f-mif<:~: wf :.s:/&r ~ I~~ V• <'• ~-~4', ~<>mrlfGtd cn<U~ld .:fCI(~~, GlN .' \ffhitJ( :-::

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¥ ~~ -,, ~ ;f. ~li:U4


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cJ1l 1r--i -~ <fA / ~ ~ ,t,. 0£9· ;t.1..{ oo ,;wrtRid <f.{04111 .;Hi8t-41 s-cik" ~,ancft' ~, fcrqa tcc ih-t .;jf i1-w~flfa 4 <fiJRf / em~~c11~ / f.nfu i~..l«fNF.Ji.Mi

<fT~mf~ / ~ /~~f4a5taMI ~- {41llttM~ ~!,IJffilQ-:.J~mf~.




425, Shukrawar Peth. Pune 411 002 Off. {020) 24477335, Fax: (020) 24450936

Pr'nciolll Email : [email protected] Visit our website : www.Jedhecollege.com



Outward No. '.:.QI.. AG / C. - ! £ f 7-V I =f Date : I 3 / I O / V) I 7


To. ~ ~of. D .y. ~9oue -----------------..e.~r_._P-.:__~_:_-~ aJ r e,OCJ d

Sub:- Recruitment in NAAC Working Committee

Dear sir/ Madam.

We hereby inform you that you have been recruited as the Head.

__ cu I _-1-u?r o. I ___ £.O ~~ifk~---------------committee, to collect the

information for NAAC from 2012-2017 (5 Academic Years). We look forward to your

support and co-operation.

l (v._ ,4~ ~~/ gistrar (for)Principal

Dr.D.R.Patil Prof. A.U .Mojad Mr. M.K. Satav Dr. S.K. Pole RE R PRU t;IPAl.

Sam:i1 8nl!!~a" , , l:i;;~ Shush.an 8a::· r o t1l1asAppasaheo jeOl·d Ans, Coo, w" ~,~.ct Cj]S~(,Arts, Commerco & Sci1T\QIJ Co'lege,.

puri,11-•li o~. Pu;~n 002.

~~l~~I I ~ ~lctl\111 mraT ftl.fil?.4il~

•!• Jl!tl~dUfl •!• - {4i)i ,~ l •

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