Igone Urdampilleta 29 May 2014, UCM, Madrid. Space Penetrators 2 Contents What is a Space...


Transcript of Igone Urdampilleta 29 May 2014, UCM, Madrid. Space Penetrators 2 Contents What is a Space...



Igone Urdampilleta

29 May 2014, UCM, Madrid

Space Penetrators 2


• What is a Space Penetrator?• Internal Architecture• Heritage• Scientific Motivation• Possible targets:

Moon Mars Europa

• Summary• References

Space Penetrators 3

What is a Space Penetrator?

• Low mass projectile to sample and analyze the surface and subsurface of a planet or satellite

• Mass ~5-20kg• Dimensions ~0.5mx0.2m• High impact speed ~200-500m/s• Very tough ~10.000-50.000g• Penetrate surface ~0.2-3m

Courtesy of Uk Penetratror Consortium, [1]

Sand (Martian Soil) and Ice (Icy body) tests

300m/s, 24.000g

Space Penetrators 4

Internal Architecture

Gowen,R. et al, IPPW7, 2010

Radiation sensor: Subsurface dose rate,

age and material decay

Magnetometers: possible internal


Mass spectrometer: volatiles and biologically important species

Accelerometers: Surface and Subsurface material (harness/composition)Thermal sensor: Subsurface T, regolith T and heat flowBatteries/RHU, Data logger

Micro-seismometers: Determine existence of interior oceans, structure and seismic activityDrill assembly: Subsurface mineralogy and material


-Descent Camera-Auxiliary Systems-Instrumentations: 1. Environment 2. Geophysics (surface/chemistry) 3. Geophysics (interior)

Space Penetrators 5


• Deep Space 2 and Mars 96 failed• Lunar-A (space qualified) and MoonLITE cancelled

Deep Space 2 Mars 96

• Russian Space Forces

• Mission to Mars

• Launched in 1996

• Failed to leave Earth orbit

• NASA mission launched in 1999• Mission to Mars• Mars Polar Lander with 2 DS2• Reached Mars, but no comms

Courtesy of NASA [3]

Courtesy of Russian Space [4]

Space Penetrators 6

Scientific Motivation

• In-situ astrobiological and geophysical investigation

• In-situ subsurface chemical inventory• Direct characterization of landing site• Synergy with orbiting instrument data

Advantages:• Hardly accessible

sites• Simpler architecture • Cost effective:

• Low mass• High instruments

heritage• Similar payload for

many surfaces

Disadvantages:• High impact

survivability• Compact and low

mass payload• Limited lifetime (only


Space Penetrators 7

Possible Targets

• Rocky and icy bodies

Space Penetrators 8

Moon: Lunar-A

Courtesy of ISAS/JAXA

• Space qualified mission cancelled in 2007• Objectives: Lunar interior by seismic and

heat-flow experiments• Payload: 2 penetrators (near and far side)• Mass:~45kg with PDS• V~285m/s, Impact ~ 8000g, Depth~1-3m

Space Penetrators 9

Moon: MoonLITE

Gao, Y. et al 2007

Gowen,R. et al, DOI EJSM/Laplace

• MoonLITE: Moon Lightweight Interior and Telecoms Experiment (UK)

• Objectives: Lunar seismic environment, polar water, volatiles and ISRU

• Payload: 4 penetrators• Near side Apollo landing• Two Polar regions• Far side

• Duration: >1year for seismic network

• Mass: ~13kg +23kg propulsion• V~300cm/s

Space Penetrators 10


Courtesy of FMI [5]

Courtesy of FMI [5]

• Atmospheric Mission to Mars • Objectives:

• Seismic activity and internal structure• Meteorological and environment study

• MEIGA, METNET precursor -> INTA and UCM• Inflatable Entry and Descent System (16.8kg):

1. IBU (Inflatable Braking Unit)2. AIBU (Additional IBU)

Space Penetrators 11

Courtesy of FMI [5]

3. Composition and Structure devices• Magnetometer

Mars: MetNet

2. Optical Devices• PatCam• MetSis-

Irradiance• Dust Sensor

1. Atmospheric Instruments• MetBaro-Presure• MetHumi-Humidity• Temperature Sensor

Space Penetrators 12

Europa: EJSM

• EJSM: Europa-Jupiter System Mission (JUICE)

• Space Penetrator Objectives: • The internal structure and its

dynamics• The existence and characteristics of

subsurface ocean• Astrobiology markers

• Harder ice impact material, faster body• Mass: ~14.3kg +50kg PDS• Long: ~31cm

Gowen,R. et al, IPPW7, 2010

Courtesy of Astrium

Space Penetrators 13


• Low mass projectile for planetary exploration (rocky and icy bodies)

• In-situ analysis and sampling of environment and subsurface

• Cost effective technology

• Multi-landing sites or multi-target missions

• No successful mission yet

• Recent increase of Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

Space Penetrators 14


• Kato,M., Current Status of Japananise Penetrator Mission, ISAS/JAXA

• H Mizutani et al 2005, J. Earth Syst. Sci. 114, No. 6 • Gao,Y. et al 2007, DGLR Int. Symp. “To Moon and beyond”,

Bremen, Germany• Gowem, R. et Penetrator Consortium, 2008, Penetrator for TSSM,

TSSM Meeting, Monrovia• Gowen, R. et Penetrator Consortium, 2009, An Update on

MoonLITE, EGU, Viena• Gowen, R. et Penetrator Consortium, 2009, Astrobiologycal

Signatures with Penetrators on Europa, Biosignatures on Exoplanets Workshop, Mulhouse

• Gowen, R. et Penetrator Consortium, 2010, Potential Applications of Micro-Penetrators within the Solar System,IPPW7, Barcelona

• Skulionva, M. et al 2011, World Academic of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 55

• Gowen, R. et al, Surface Element Penetrators, DOI to EJSM/Laplace

Space Penetrators 15



[1] ESA: http://sci.esa.int/future-missions-office/52782-high-speed-

tests-demonstrate-space-penetrator-concept/[2] UK PENETRATOR CONSORTIUM: http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/ planetary/missions/ Micro_Penetrators.php[3] DS2:http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraftDisplay.do?

id= DEEPSP2[4] MARS 96: http://www.russianspaceweb.com/mars96.html[5] METNET: http://metnet.fmi.fi/index.php[6] MEIGA: http://meiga-metnet.org/[7] EUROPA PENETRATOR:http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=o1A04qzXCgQ

Space Penetrators 16


Space Penetrators

1. Descent Module release from Orbiter


2. Cancel orbital velocity

Penetrator Separation

5. PDS fly away prior to surface Impact


Delivery sequence courtesy SSTL

6. Operate from below surface

4. PDS (Penetrator Delivery System) separation from penetrator

3. Re-orient

Space Penetrator Descent Sequence

Gowen,R. et al, DOI EJSM/Laplace

Space Penetrators 18


Characteristics:• Telluric satellite• No atmosphere, no plate

tectonics• >30.000 impact craters

>1km• Dark zones (maria): - craters, younger, 15%

area • Bright zones (terrae): + craters, older, 85% areaScience Objectives (Gao,Y. et al 2007) :• Volatiles in the shadowed lunar craters• Lunar seismology: interior and core • In-situ resources, ISRU (water ice/radiation/quakes) • Planetary penetrator demonstrator

Space Penetrators 19


Characteristics:• Telluric planet• Atmosphere • No plate tectonics • Changing topography due to

seasonal variation and dust storms

• Polar ice caps

Science objectives:• Seismic activity and internal structure• Astrobiology markers from depths >2m• Meteorological and environment study• Possible landing sites:

• Polar caps • <40º for seismic network

Space Penetrators 20


Characteristics:• Water-icy satellite• Atmosphere-trace Oxygen• Strong tidal forces• Lower slopes/smoother surface• Less regolith (young)• Possible subsurface ocean• Habitable? Life?

Science objectives (Gowen,R. et al, DOI EJSM/Laplace) :

• The internal structure and its dynamics• The existence and characteristics of subsurface

ocean• Bio-signatures and Environment in near-surface • Synergy data with remote sensing