IGDA NZ - Inaugural Meeting Slides


Transcript of IGDA NZ - Inaugural Meeting Slides

IGDA NZ - July 2015


IGDA NZ - July 2015

This may be a little long-winded, but bear with me, because there’ll be


… and free food.

… and beersies.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

What is the IGDA?

• International Game Developers Association• Largest non-profit membership organisation in the world serving

everyone creating games.• Over 90 chapters around the world and numerous SIGs.

• IGDA’s mission:• To advance careers and enhance the lives of game developers by connecting

members with their peers, promoting professional development and advocating on issues that affect the developer community.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Do I need to be in the IGDA?

• Our events are open to everyone, regardless of membership status!• However, being a member of the IGDA has several benefits:• Access to IGDA SIGs and mailing lists• Discounts on major industry events (i.e. GDC, IndieCade, MIGS, Nordic Game)• Discounts on certain game development resources• The ability to have crowdfunding projects highlighted on IGDA’s curated pages

(Indiegogo, Kickstarter)• Students have the ability to apply for IGDA Scholars program• … and being part of something awesome.

(more info at https://www.igda.org/)

IGDA NZ - July 2015

What is IGDA NZ, then?

• Currently an emerging chapter – will grow into an established chapter within a year (July 2016).• Currently the only IGDA chapter in NZ – though not the first, and it is

completely encouraged that other centres establish their own local chapters too.• In the initial stages of setting up and steering, but aiming to get most

of the initiatives underway by Q3-Q4 2015/Q1 2016.• Our specific mission:

• To promote grassroots game development and entrepreneurship in New Zealand, as well as advocate for education and S(T)EM outreach.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Are you affiliated corporately with anything?

No, we are only directly affiliated with IGDA HQ. We are tangentially affiliated in support of other initiatives, such as

Women in Games NZ, GDOW etc. Hosts are welcome to support IGDA NZ at any juncture.

How are we unique?Not only are we connected to an international organisation of

contacts and expertise, but our primary focus is building an international profile for NZ games and promoting independent

development from the ground up.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

IGDA NZ Board 2015

Chair: Lucy MorrisVice-Chair: Jordan BrowneSecretary: Lisa HelmFacilitator: Michael VermeulenTreasurer: Ivan Khmel

SMM: Safyra DavidsonMaddi BairdA. Tece BayrakAlex WoodwardMike Porter

Volunteers are always welcome to help out with our current initiatives, which we will detail presently!

Contact: [email protected]

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Action Plan for 2015-2016

1. Quarterly board meetings for planning and organisation of the chapter, action plans, upcoming events and community building.

2. Monthly show-and-tells (third Thursday of every month) to establish a connection between game developers in Auckland. These will be streamed remotely and will be a combination of the following:1. BYO to show off WIP and finished games2. Mini-talks (all so mini!)3. Project calls, notices, collaboration opportunities and so on.

3. Quarterly meeting of the Women in Games NZ group.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Action Plan for 2015-2016

4. An engaged social media presence to support the community: sharing tips, job listings, collaboration opportunities and promoting NZ games.

5. Outreach to government bodies, currently specifically regarding establishing an official game development fund in NZ.

6. Promotion of game jams (e.g. GGJ having more sites in NZ, more jamming opportunities)

7. Girls in Games workshop, previously hosted by MDS but now transferred to IGDA NZ – an initiative that runs for a day to provide an opportunity for young girls to experience game development and receive mentorship.

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Action Plan for 2015-2016

8. Community outreach – ‘day of service’ promoting development to the community, further engagement to secondary and high school students.

9. Advocating and facilitating the betterment of games education in NZ/Pacific through the form of establishing a games educators symposium for Oceania by 2016.

10. Facilitate cooperation between the NZ and Australian game development communities.

11. Monthly streams hosted by IGDANZ with industry professionals from around the world, followed by a Q&A.

12. Watching lots of great games get made.

If you have any suggestions or ideas regarding our action plan, please come chat with us tonight!

IGDA NZ - July 2015

NZ Developers at GCAP & PAX (Oct 27 – Nov 1)• Currently trying to facilitate getting more NZ developers over for Game

Connect Asia Pacific (Oct 27-28) and PAX Australia (Oct 30-Nov 1)!• If you’re intending to go or are yet undecided but interested, come and talk

to us tonight or email us at [email protected] – we may be able to help facilitate discounts and/or a couchsurfing ring.• Unite (Unity conference) is also happening before that (Oct 26). Other ways to go:• Apply to the speakers call for GCAP (August)• Submit a panel to PAX Australia (closes August)

IGDA NZ - July 2015

Questions?(that goes for the Twitch viewers, too!)

IGDA NZ - July 2015


IGDA NZ - July 2015

NOTICE TIME.(… that goes for the Twitch viewers, too! Be


IGDA NZ - July 2015

The floor is now open for games presentations!