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  • 8/15/2019 IGC 1(Itsoftwers.blogspot.com)


    Prepared By: Awais & Amir


    Foundations in Health & Sa et!

    "# Outline $eason o$ %$omotin and maintainin ood Sa et! en'i$onment in(o$)%la*e+

    There are three reasons for promoting and maintaining good safety standards inworkplace.


    ,o$alIts moral obligation of the employer to provide safe environment to the employees where

    they can enjoy their work and feel happy while returning home. Injury and accident leadsto pain and suffering not only to victim but also the family and friends. Everyone who goesout for work is because of economic necessity and not consents with injury and accident.

    Le alIts also legal obligation by the country s law that employer should provide an environmentthat is totally safe for working just like !"#"$" %!ealth and #afety "t $ork place "ct&'()*. +on compliance to the legal binding can result in penalties, fines and evenprohibition of the work.


    " work place without good safety working standards can lead to accidents which havedirect and indirect financial impacts. "ccidents cause a great deal of money especiallywhen we add damage caused by some accidents.

    -irect costFines, compensation, pay outs, medical cost and sick pay etc.

    Indirect costInclude production delay, personnel allocated to investigate the accidents, damage toe/uipment, loss of reputation and loss of goodwill.

    #o maintaining a good and safer working environment is cheaper in longer terms


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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir


    O'e$all aim o Sa et! %oli*!00reate a structure and approach to !ealth and safety.

    O 2e*ti'e00lear definition of organi1ation goals#et out responsibilities-escribe arrangements.

    "# Outline th$ee main *om%onents o health and sa et! %oli*!#

    &. #tatement of intent2. 3rgani1ation4. "rrangements

    !ealth and safety policy should be signed by the most senior person of organi1ationbecause it demonstrates total commitment and also he5she has authority to allocateresources.

    Statement o intent0$ithout integrated and sustained management effort from all levels within organi1ationaccident prevention cannot be successful. The tool re/uired to produce organi1ationalcontrol is general statement of intent. It is the visible demonstration of senior management commitment is so far and it contains general policy statement, signed anddated by most senior member of organi1ation. This statement is normally contained upona single sheet of paper and is itself e6pression of management commitment.

    O$ ani3ation0 "n essential re/uirement of safety policy if it is to be effective, is to define health andsafety responsibility in detail within this document and then to monitor that this is beingcarried out.The organi1ation for health and safety should reflect the organi1ational structure andmethod of working. 7esponsibility for health and safety should be given at successivelevel of management from top to individuals and supervisors responsibilities should beclearly defined and preferably included in job description to prevent overlapping andomission. The commitment should be demonstrated not only by words but by actionssuch as by providing resources, training etc.

    A$$an ements0This section of policy should detail the practical arrangements in force to assist the overallpolicy implementation. It should consider the arrangements for planning and organi1ing,controlling ha1ards, consultation and communication and monitoring compliance withassessing effectiveness of arrangement. They can be divided into two main categories89eneral8 such as first aid and fire fighting and :#pecific8 relating to plant, processors, etc.therefore such arrangements cover training and monitoring, ;;E,# ,Medical and welfareconsideration.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    4e'ie(in Sa et! %oli*!#afety policy should be reviewed periodically e.g. annually to monitor it s effectiveness itshould also be reviewed if there is

    Technological change#ignificant organi1ational changeLegal change

    "s a result of identifying problem in active and reactive monitoring like major accident.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    Element 5

    "# Outline the ene its to an o$ ani3ation o ha'in health and sa et! *ommittee#

    "ns. "n organi1ation having health and safety committee shows that the top managementis fully committed to provide health and safety culture to the organi1ation.It also facilitates the communication and consultation between employer and employee.It also provides a forum for meeting and discussion between employer and employee.It also promotes health and safety culture at workplace.It also encourages employee to take part and also feel degree of ownership in company.

    "# Outline the $eason (h! a health and sa et! *ommittee ma! %$o'e to e ine e*ti'e in %$a*ti*e+

    "ns. "n health and safety committee may prove to be ineffective in practice if there is lackof commitment from management to provide resources. It also proves to be in effective if there is no specific agenda of meeting and minutes of meeting are not recorded. It alsoproves to be in effective if there is imbalance of the committee constitution e.g employer or employee nomination is not proper and if leadership is poor and not serious inimplementing health and safety practices. The function of committee is also remains ineffective if committee has no access to the decision making. The fre/uency of meeting isalso important factor if it is rare or is fre/uent can also result in effectiveness. "nd finally if topics of meeting are not appropriate.

    "# Identi ies $an e o methods that an em%lo!e$ *an use to %$o'ide health andsa et! in o$mation di$e*tl! to the indi'idual em%lo!ee#

    "ns. Following are the methods through which employer can provide health and safetyinformation directly to individual employee.

    Th$ou h messa es on %a! sli%0;ay slips are the most important piece of paper which is read by everyone. 3nemethod to provide information to individual is to print health and safety relatedmessages on pay slip so that information is shared with every one.

    /# Sa et! %oste$s0#afety messages should be delivered by posting safety posters at prominentplaces as the visual way is easy to e6press and understand.

    5# Ele*t$oni* media0+ow days where there is email access to every body in company. 3ne method isto circulate safety alerts by emails to all individuals.

    6# Sa et! si ns#afety signs should be used at ha1ardous locations to inform and educate allindividual that this is ha1ardous 1one and precautions are re/uired.

    7# One to one $ie in 0

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    3ne to one safety briefing is also a very important tool to provide information andtraining should be provided to all individuals by one to one briefing.

    8# A%%$aisal session03ne way to educate the employees is the appraisal session in which safety andhealth should be given top priority.

    "# Outline to%i*s that ma! e in*luded in sa et! *ommittee meetin s#Ans# There may be include a review of recent incident5 accident, a review of proactivemonitoring strategies such as safety inspections and audits and one report following byvisit of enforcement agencies and effects of new legislations on company. "dditionally itmaybe include items on possible amendments to the company s health and safetypolicies and risk assessment, the e6tent and effect of any health and safety training givento employees and production of new e/uipment and procedures.

    "# List the a*to$s that *ould e *onside$ed (hen assessin health and sa et!*om%eten*e o *ont$a*to$#

    &. !ealth and safety policy of contactor 2. ;revious work e6perience of contractor 4. ;ast incident5accident statistics). If there any legal notices issued to contractor >. 7ecourses of contractor to meet job?. "ccreditation of contractor with5from any certified body.(. E/uipment maintenance5inspection record@. Training record of employees'. -etail proposal to carry out job

    "# Outline the $es%onsi ilities o an em%lo!e$# "ns. "ccording to IL3 convention 0> employer must ensure that, so far as isreasonably practicable that workplace, machinery and processes under their control aresafe and without risk to health. They must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable thatchemical and biological substance under their control are safe and without risk for other.This includes the provision of free of charge of where necessary ade/uate protectiveclothing and protective e/uipment to prevent, so far as reasonably practicable, risk of accidents and adverse effect to health.Employer must provide, where necessary control measures to deal with emergency andfirst aid arrangements. Employer must provide necessary information, instruction, trainingand supervision as it is necessary to ensure health and safety culture.

    "# Outline duties o em%lo!e$ and sel em%lo!ed %e$sons to the %e$son othe$ thanthei$ em%lo!ee 9non-em%lo!ee:#It shall be duty of every employer and every self employed person to conduct hisundertaking in such a manner as to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, that he andother person not being his employees, who may b e affected thereby are not e6posed torisk their safety or health.It shall be duty of every employer and every self employed persons in prescribedcircumstances and in prescribed manner to give the person not being his employee the

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    prescribed information on such aspects of manner on which he conducts his undertakingas might effect their safety or health.

    "# Outline the $es%onsi ilities and $i hts o em%lo!ee# "ns. IL3 convention 0> sets the right and responsibilities of the worker also.

    Em%lo!ee dut!; $es%onsi ilit!0Employee must take reasonable care of his own safety and health and of other peoplewho might be affected by his acts and omissions, he or she must cooperate withemployer so far as necessary that employer can meet statutory re/uirements. Employeemust report any situation to their supervisor that they believe present a serious imminentor danger to life and health. Employee must use all ;;E,s at work provided by employer.Employee must comply all instructions of !#E provided by employer.

    Em%lo!ee< s 4i hts0Employee shall be consulted by employer on all aspects of safety and health associatedto their work. Employee cannot be charged for any safety and health measures shall

    necessary for workers e.g. ;;E and access e/uipment. Employee has the right not toreturn to the workplace where there is serious danger to life and health.

    "# Outline di e$en*e et(een *onsultin and in o$min # "ns. The difference between consulting and informing lies in fact that upon informing atrade union or safety representative merely acknowledges certain information presentedto them by employer. 0onsulting on other hand means a situation where the employer before making any key !ealth and #afety decision is obliged to inform the trade union of any proposal and for safety representative to consult fellow worker for any review ,therefore consultation is two way process where as informing is one way process.

    "# Outline sa et! and health issues on (hi*h em%lo!e$ should *onsult (o$)e$s+ "ns. Employer should consult workers on following cases.

    1# Shi t %atte$n *han es0If there is major change in shift pattern then it is the responsibility of employer toconsult the employee before such change.

    /# Chan e in mate$ial0If there is significant change in material being used by worker, it is responsibility of employer to consult worker and let them aware about the ha1ards associated withnew material and its use.

    5# Chan e in %lant;ma*hine$!0if there is significant change in plant or machinery then employer must consult withworker and educate them about its use and ha1ards and risk involve in it.

    6# Chan e in %$o*ess0Employer should consult worker before any significant change in process so thatworker are aware about its potential ha1ards.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    7# O$ ani3ational st$u*tu$e0Employer should consult workers before any significant change in organi1ationalstructure.

    8# In*enti'e s*hemes0Employer should consult workers before launching any schemes regarding healthand safety so that moral of workforce set boosted.

    =# Eme$ en*! 4es%onse .$o*edu$esEmployer must consult workers before any change in E7; so that workers can betrained according to new procedures.

    ># .oli*!Employer should consult workers if there is new policy imposed in workplace justlike smoking policy.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir


    Element 6

    "# The$e has een dete$io$ation o health and sa et! *ultu$e o o$ ani3ation#

    a* -efine term health and safety cultureAb* Identify the factors that have contributed to the deteriorationA

    a: De inition0The health and safety culture of an organi1ation is the product of individual andgroup values, attitude, perception, competence and pattern of behavior thatdetermine the commitment to and proficiency of an organi1ations health and safetymanagement.

    : Fa*to$s *ont$i utin in dete$io$ation0

    Following are factors that can contribute in the deterioration.

    1# La*) o mana ement *ommitmentIf top management is not properly committed to provide or maintain health andsafety culture can deteriorate.

    /< La*) o *ommuni*ationIf there is a gap between the top management and the worker so that workercannot convey his problems to the top management this lack of communicationcan deteriorate.

    5# O$ ani3ation-4e o$ ani3ationFre/uent changes in the management can result in scenario where health andsafety culture deteriorate.

    6# In*$eased a**identIncrease number of accidents demonstrates that the accidents are not beinginvestigated properly and if properly investigated re

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    =# 4edu*tion in sta in le'elIf the number of staff is reduced and one person is doing work of B4 persons, it cancause accidents hence deterioration of culture.

    ># De*line in e*onom!-ecline in economy causes the in security of the jobs of employees and result inlow morale, hence deteriorates the health and safety culture.

    "# De ine attitude "ttitude is the response to the situationC it is the stance on take.

    De ine a%titudeIt is tendency to good act on certain things.

    De ine ,oti'ationIt is the driving force behind a person action.

    T!%es o ,oti'ationThere are two types of motivation

    a* ,oti'ation o %eo%le0It concerned with action taken by superior to influence their subordinates to bemore effective performance. This is more commonly known as leadership

    b* ,oti'ation (ithin %eo%le0This assumes that there is driving force within people which drive them to achievetheir goals.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir


    #elf actuali1ation

    #elf reali1ation

    #ocial needs

    #afety and security needs

    ;hysiological needs

    Sel a*tuali3ation %achievement* e.g. growth, personal developmentSel $eali3ation 9 status* promotion, increase responsibility

    So*ial 9 belonging to group* love, friendshipSa et! and se*u$it! 9 -iscipline, rules*

    .h!siolo i*al 9 hunger, thirst, sleep*

    .$a*ti*al Ha$nessin o ,aslo(

    #elf actuali1ation e.g. employee development assistance program

    #elf reali1ation e.g. ;romotion, recognition, increase responsibilities,Involvement in decision, incentive schemes,#ocial ;eer group pressure, management leadership,

    supervisor.#ecurity -isciplinary procedure;hysiological ;rovision of welfare facility

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    E$$o$s and ?iolations!uman failures are either caused by errors or violations. Error has three types.

    & Sli%Failure in carrying out action of task in other words actions are not planned. Thesemight include action carrying too soon or too late, omitting step of series. 0arryingout an action with too little or too much strength.

    2. La%sesForgetting to carry out an action, to lose our place in a task or to what intended todo.

    4. ,ista)e$here we do the wrong thing and believing it to be right. The failure involver ourmental process which control how we plan. 7ule based mistake happen when ourbehavior is bases upon remembering rule knowledge based mistakes.

    ?iolation0Diolation has three types these are

    1# 4outine0Diolation is the deliberate actions which a person does it deliberately, knowing thatis wrong he does it on routine base.

    /# Situational " specific situation when an employee feels that a rule has to be violated to reachindented goal.

    5# E *e%tional " rule is brake e6ceptionally when employees feel that to achieve a specific targetwe have to violate the rule.


    0ommunication is defined as what we do to inform other of our ideas, feelings, andknowledge and in turn receive their feedback. Effective communication is essentialfeature of health and safety culture. There are three methods of communication.

    &. Derbal2. $ritten4. 9raphic

    The$e a$e t(o t!%es o *ommuni*ation#&* one way2* two way

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    Ba$$ie$s in *ommuni*ation0There are different factors that can be barrier in effective communication.

    1# Noise-uring verbal communication, it is possible that during high noise the person at other endcannot understand you or listen properly to you.

    /< Com%le it!0omple6ity is another factor that if the topic is too comple6, very technical and the personon other hand is not able to understand so it should be taken into account that the topicchosen is very simple.

    5# Lan ua eIt happens in much organi1ation that the different nationality people are working withdifferent native languages so the verbal communication can be a problem for them. "graphical representation or interpretation is necessary in that case.

    6# Senso$! im%ai$ment3ne most important factor is that if somebody is deaf, color blind or have some sensoryimpairment, he should be deal in particular way.

    7# Am i uit!If the topic or delivering style is not clear to others can create communication difficult.

    8# a$ onIf the abbreviation or technical terminology is used in communication, it can be problemfor receivers.

    =# ,ental im%ai$mentIf somebody has problem with understanding has no such level.

    ># in attentionIf sender is not paying full attention towards receiver so that it can also make suchproblem in which communication does not successful.

    # In e %e$ien*e0 If sender is in e6perience so it also a barrier to communication..$in*i%les o *ommuni*ation0

    1# -irect yourself towards and reach intended recipient.

    /# 0ommunicate in the way that is easy to understand.5# se open ended /uestions %e.g. how will you doA etc*6# se close ended /uestions to confirm %e.g. answers in yes or no*7# se clear terms8# be assertive=# be concise># Ensure understanding

    # 0heck to ensure understanding1 # "sk for feed back

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir


    1# Noti*e oa$dsse for displaying health and safety information and news, including photograph of

    safety representative and staff with health and safety responsibilities is highlyeffective in raising profile of worker involvement. For it s effectiveness it needs tobe regularly updated with information about safety meeting, accident statistics etc.It should be prominently displayed and use of color makes it more appealing.

    /# Team meetin sMaking health and safety a standard agenda in team meeting is proven way of raising it s standard in organi1ation. Managers should encourage feed back fromstaff and ensure that concern and suggestion are responded to and registered.

    5# Ne(slette$sse newsletters to inform staff about health and safety and ways to get involved.

    Try mi6ing media e

  • 8/15/2019 IGC 1(Itsoftwers.blogspot.com)


    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    "# An inde%endent audit o o$ ani3ation *on*luded that em%lo!ee has $e*ei'edinsu i*ient t$ainin #

    &* -escribe the factors that should be considered when developing e6tensiveprogram of health and safety training within organi1ation.

    $hen developing a training program first of all training needs of the employees should beidentified that what they already know and what trainings they re/uire. For developingtraining the factor should be considered that what work and employee is performing andwhat is the risk involved in that work, and what training should be given that minimi1e thatrisk. It is also important that a senior manager re/uire different type of training where as asupervisor or worker at shop floor re/uired different training according to his nature of work. From the training need analysis should emerge information of the number of workers involved, this type of training need and the resources in term of financial lost,time and facilities re/uired to carry out program. The factors should include at this stagecompetence of trainer re/uired to provide trainings. The possible need to involve e6ternalsources and means of communication of program at all levels.


    @hat is T$ainin +Training means helping people how to do something. It is systematic development of attitude, knowledge, and skill patterns which a person re/uired to do their job in aade/uate manner.

    E e*ts o t$ainin o human $elia ilit!0• $ill contribute towards making employees competent in health and safety.• 0an help business to avoid the distress %to cause mental pain* that accidents and

    ill health cause.• 0an help to avoid the financial costs of accidents and occupational ill health.• 0an help to avoid civil claims, fines and indirect costs such as increased insurance

    premiums and loss of reputation.

    Bene its o t$ainin to em%lo!e$ • Ensure your workers are not injured or made ill by the work they do.• -evelop a positive health and safety culture.• Find out how you could manage health and safety better.• Meet legal duty to protect !ealth and safety or employees• 7eduction in loses• 7educed claims• Increase profits

    "# Outline 'a$ious measu$es to assess e e*ti'eness o t$ainin #

    ;ost training evaluation by trainer trainees and their supervisor sickness and absence rate and incident5accident ratesLevels of compliance with lay down procedure such as use of ;;E.#.The result of attitude surveys and number of /uality suggestion make

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    0oncerns raise by employees to health and safety

    "# Gi'e ou$ $easons that em%lo!e$ should )ee% $e*o$d o em%lo!ee t$ainin #;rovide proof of competence level of employeeIdentification of future trainingTo assess training program against targets;rovide evidence in future in case of accident5incident investigation and legal


    BENEFITS TO E,.LOYEE OF HA?ING T4AINING .4OG4A,Following are the benefits which an employer can take

    • Morale of employee raised and work efficiency increases• 7eduction of personal injury• etter welfare awareness• -evelop e6perience further

    INDUCTION T4AININGIndu*tion t$ainin in*ludes0

    • 7eview of discussion of policy• #pecific re/uirement• Fire and emergency procedure• $elfare facility• ;;E,#• !ealth and safety legislation• Individual responsibility and authority


    Inte$nal in luen*es E te$nal in luen*esManagement commitment #ocial e6pectations;roduction demands %realistic* Legislation0ommunication Enforcement0ompetence Insurance 0ompany0onsultation Trade unions

    #take holders

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    4IS ASSES,ENTElement 7


    Is defined as something that has the potential to cause harm including ill health and injury,damage to plant, products or environment e.g. slippery floor, electricity etc.

    4is)Is the probability %likelihood* of that harms actually occurring and severity of theconse/uencesA

    O 2e*ti'e o 4is) assessmentMinimi1e the likelihood and severity of harm possess by ha1ards.Minimi1e the economic conse/uences.0omply with national5legal re/uirement.

    7isk assessment is defined as the identification of ha1ards present in an undertaking, andan estimate of the risk involved, taking into account what precautions are taken and needof any additional precautions.

    @h! (e %$e'ent a**ident+There are three reasons that why we prevent accident.

    Human ha$m0 "ny health and safety accident which leads to human harm will involve a degree of painand suffering for the individual, possibly their family and friends.

    Le al0Failure to comply health and safety law within country, which than cause an incident canthen lead to a criminal and5 or civil legal action and If found guilty then this could involveconsiderable fines and5 or compensation awards.

    E*onomi*0 "ccident cost money both direct and indirect to an organi1ation. -irect involvecompensation, fines, sick pay and medical allowances where as indirect involves loss of good will, loss of reputation, accident investigation cost, over time, Machinery damage,loss of production and poor /uality of products.

    "# @ith $es%e*t to unde$ta)in ene$al $is) assessment on a*ti'ities (ithin a(o$)%la*e .

    a*. 3utline key stages of risk assessment processC identify issues that need to beconsidered at each stage.

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    First stage of performing the risk assessment is to identify all the significant ha1ards thatare involved in job, ha1ards that may be of different natures i.e. physical, chemical,biological or agronomical etc.

    "fter identifying the ha1ards the second key stage to identify that who will be effected andhow will he5she be affected, consideration may be given specially when there are youngworkers performing the job or special workers like, the e6pectant mothers as for e6ampleif e6pectant mother is working on production line and different movement can end on for two lives.

    "fter determining that who and how he5she suffer the third key stage is to evaluated therisk in term of probability and severity and e6amine the e6isting controls and if there isre/uirement for some other control.

    "fter this the fourth key stage to serve the findings on paper.Final stage is to review date must be mentioned as different circumstances need reviewof risk assessment.

    "# E %lain *$ite$ia (hi*h must e met o$ $is) assessment to e suita le andsu i*ient#

    For a risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient must include all the significant ha1ardsinvolved with the job. It must include that who will be affected and how he5she beaffected. " suitable risk assessment must include evaluation of the risk in terms of likelihood and severity and what are the e6isting controls and if there is re/uirement of new control measure. For a suitable and sufficient risk assessment if should be carriedout by a competent person and it must remain valid for a certain period of time.

    "# Outline a*to$s that em%lo!e$ should ta)e into a**ount (hen sele*tinindi'iduals to assist in *a$$!in out $is) assessment#Employer should take into account the previous e6perience of the employer assisting in

    risk assessment that in past he5she had knowledge of the process or e/uipment so thathe can easily assist. Employer must consider the age of persons because a matureperson can assist better than a young person. !e5she must have the knowledge of regulations and legislation. #he5she should have writing skills and have knowledge of standards and finely the attitude of the person.

    "# Outline t!%i*al *i$*umstan*es (hen (e mi ht $e'ie( $is) assessment# "ns. Typical circumstances that might re/uire review of the risk assessment are

    • 0hange of premises %e6ternal or internal layout*• 0hange or personnel affected. %no, age*• 0hange of plant and e/uipment• Introduction of new work process such as hot work, confined space etc.• 0hanges in legislation• pon availability of new information, new research• "s a result of incident reports• "s a result of 3ccupational health and safety monitoring• "s a result of enforcement action• "s a result of consultation• "ccidents

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    • "s a result of routine active monitoring

    GENE4AL .4INCI.LES OF .4E?ENTIONIn order to control risk identified by risk assessment the employer and the self employedneed to introduce a risk control strategy of prevention. This is bases on the followingprinciples.

    e!# ADAA4.IEC• "void ha1ard• -eveloping a coherent policy• "dopt work to individual• "dopt modern technology• 7eplacing dangerous by less dangerous• ;roviding information, instruction, training• Issue ;ersonal protective e/uipment• Evaluating unavoidable risks• 0ontrolling the ha1ard at source

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    Prepared By: Awais & Amir

    .4INCI.ALS OF CONT4OLElement 8

    "# E %lain the te$m Hie$a$*h! o *ont$olIt is defined as list of measure to control ha1ards5 risk associated with work, starts withstring controls and at the end ;;E, # as last option.


    e!0 E4IC.D

    Eliminate the ha1ard, substance or workplace.7educe %the use or fre/uency* or subtitle e.g. powder with pallet.Isolate e.g. a glove bo6 for handling biological substances.0ontrol %engineering control and safe system of work e.g. ;T$.;;E %personal protective e/uipment like hard hat, gloves etc*-iscipline %enforcement of rules* procedure and info, instruction, training.

    S.ECIAL CA4E 4IS ASSES,ENT OF YOUNG .E4SONSA !oun %e$son is statistically at a considerably higher risk of from both a health andsafety stand point in workplace. There are ) main reasons

    Immaturity %both physical and mental*Lack of e6perienceLack of awareness!igh susceptibility to peer pressure

    Ne( o$ e %e*tant mothe$s0E6pectant mothers are at significant risk from whole ranges of occupational ha1ards.

    &. iological e.g. !epatitis2. 0hemical e.g. Lead, co, mutagens4. ;hysical e.g. E6treme temp, e6cess manual handling, prolonged

    standing.). psychological e.g. #tress

    "s such they should have a specific risk assessment carried out to ensure that neither theemployer nor their unborn subse/uent breastfeeding child is e6posed to risk that woulddamage their health and safety. The specific risk assessment should be undertaken whenan employer provide written notification that she is pregnant.There are way to ensure health and safety of e6pectant and new mothers.

    • -iscuss the risk assessment with the employer and get her input• #hould be given suitable alternative work or be suspended on full pay.

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    • #pecial health and safety consideration should be given to pregnant night workers.• Employer should provide facilities for any pregnant workers or nursing mothers to


    Disa le %e$son0 " disabled person is generally accepted as someone with a physical and mentalimpairment which has a substantial and long term adverse affect on his or her ability tocarry out normal day to day activities. est practice for ensuring the health and safety of employer with disabilities in workplace to identify ha1ards of both the work activities andthe workplace. 7isk assessment should also be considering the risk to others who mightbe affected by the action of employer.


    Lone worker are those who work by themselves without close of direct supervision.


    .eo%le0 infectious patients, people with history of violence to staff, mugging. !a1ardsspecific to individual which may create particular risk for lone worker e.g. medicalcondition, disabilities, female employees, e6pectant mother, age, e6perience andimmaturity etc.

    EJui%ment0 !a1ards specific to work e/uipment which may create particular risk for loneworker, e.g. manual handling and operations of emergency control and work on electricalsystem.

    ,ate$ial0 !a1ards such as heavy items including display stands and carcinogenic gases.

    En'i$onment0 !a1ards specific to workplace5 environment e.g. remote areas,laboratories, workshop and confined spaces.

    Cont$ol measu$e#pecific information, instruction and training %e.g. emergency procedure, personalsafety training*.Improved communication system such as fre/uent contact on mobile phone.#upervision by adhoc visit to inspect their working practices.Increased security with control access, secure car parking, personal alarms.Increased lighting at entrances, e6it and car park.


    " safe system of work is a step by step process resulting form a systematic e6aminationof working process that identify ha1ards and specific work methods designed either toeliminate the ha1ards control and minimi1e the relevant risk.

    There is a legal re/uirement to provide and maintain safe system of work in manycountries including Ireland, #ingapore "ustralia, and Malaysia. Further local laws make

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    specific re/uirement in respect of safe system of work, for e6ample those relevant tomanual handling, use of ha1ardous substances and use of display screen e/uipment.#afe system of work will fre/uently be addressed in the arrangements section of anorgani1ation health and safety policy within the risk assessment. #afe system of work willdevelop by a competent person with sufficient training and e6perience5knowledge andother /ualities.

    #taff that are to be actively involved with carrying out the work also have valuable role toplay in the development of the system. "ll relevant staff must clearly understand thesystem of work and it is e/ually important that it is effectively communicate to others.

    #afe system must be documented to provide an une/uivocal reference point for allconcerned including the employers. They may also prove essential if there is aninspection by enforcement agencies of if any proceedings arise from and accident.

    The safe system of work should comprise three types of controlTe*hni*al such as engineering controls such guards.

    Beha'io$al how individual and group should act in relation to the ha1ards..$o*edu$al specifying e6act nature of task, including se/uence.

    The system will be developed by an analysis and assessment of the risk inherent withinthe task and the re/uisite controls. #ources of information that need to be consultedinclude reference to legislation, guidance notes, manufacturer s information, companypolicy. The safe system of work may be in the form of a permit to work.Finally all safe system of work need to be monitored regularly to ensure that they are fullyobserved and effective. In order to maintain the safe system of work It will be necessaryto monitor its ade/uacy and review as necessary.

    0onclusion For each activity a risk assessment then needs to be made.

    CONFINED S.ACES0 " confined space means a enclosed or partially enclosed space that is not designed orintended for human occupancy e6cept for purpose of performing work.& has restricted means of access and egress.2. May become ha1ardous when employee enter due to

    • Its design, construction, location.• Its material or substances.• "ny other condition relating to it.

    4is)s01# 36ygen deficiency and enrichment/# Fire and e6plosion5# To6icity6# -rowning in li/uid or entrapping in free flowing solids7# E6tremes of temperature

    "# Outline a*to$s to e *onside$ed (hen ma)in assessment o Fi$st Aid .$o'isionin (o$)%la*e .

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    Gey -++L#

    Dist$i ution0The spread of workers throughout the workplace is important consideration. "re theyspread over a large areas of construction site or they tightly located e.g. and office block,so it is important to consider.

    Num e$s0+umber of worker employed is another factor.Natu$e o (o$)0Is the work is of high risk, low or medium obviously higher risk, higher the level of first aidprovision.Lo*ation0Location is very important if premises were ne6t door to hospital, then need for first aid isless but if it is far away then first aid provision will be more.

    Shi t (o$)0$hen there is more than one shift, then there is re/uirement for more than one first aider and arrange should be made of leaves and off day.

    "# Identi ! ei ht sou$*es o in o$mation that mi ht usuall! e *onsulted (hende'elo%in sa e s!stem o (o$)#

    • 7eference to legislation• 9uidance notes• Manufacturer information• 0ompany policy• 7esult of risk assessment• ;ractical !#E standards• Incident5accident statistics• Industry or trade

    "# Follo(in si ni i*ant in*$ease in a**idents< a health and sa et! *am%ai n islaun*hed in o$ ani3ation to en*ou$a e sa e$ (o$)in ! em%lo!ee#

    a: Outline ho( the o$ ani3ation mi ht ensu$e that *am%ai n is e e*ti'el!

    *ommuni*ated to< and unde$stand ! em%lo!ees#

    "ns. 3rgani1ation must set clear objective and targets for campaign and clear to achievethem. It is also important that key responsible for campaign are allocated and acceptedwith the commitment to avoid mi6ing of messages variety of means for campaign can beused such like posters, toolbo6 talk, safety sign, and and one to one meetings. Thelanguage to communicated should be very simple avoid any jargons and use simplelanguage so that every body can understand.#uggestion bo6es and surveys should be used to take feedback from employees that thecampaign is progressing properly.

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    : Othe$ than %oo$ *ommuni*ation that *an limit the e e*ti'eness o the *am%ai n#

    &. Lack of management commitment is the factor than can limit the campaigneffectiveness that if the management not serious.

    2. ;roduction or other issues such as to meet production target taking priority over the health and safety issues.

    4. Insufficient resources allocated to campaign can limit its effectiveness.

    ). ;oor working condition can cause the campaign to limit.

    >. ;oor industrial relations or lack of confidence of management.

    ?. #hift pattern may because shift is not conveyed properly because of the nonavailability.

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    ,ONITO4ING 4E?IE@ AND AUDIT Element =


    There are two monitoring systems.&. "ctive or pro

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    6: Su$'e!< tou$s and sam%lin " survey identifies needs for e6ample a noise survey may identify if there is need for anyassessment. Tours are to be carried out by most senior person of an organi1ation.

    7: "ualit! assu$an*e $e%o$t and auditHuality assurance reports and audit clearly shows that what were the performance levelset by the management and whether the set performance level is achieved or not.

    8: 4e%o$ts "nnual reports on health and safety are used when safety performance re/uired beingreview.

    AUDIT "n audit is the systematic and critical e6amination of an organi1ation s system todetermine the e6tent of compliance with set of agreed standards.

    .$e-audit %$e%a$ations0-The audit must be structured and coordinated in its assessment of system. This is bestachieved by auditing checklist developed or obtained before audit.

    The audit involves assessment of document, interviewing of people and observation inworkplace. In order to prepare for audit it is necessary to decide who needs to beinterviewed and organi1e a time table in order to meet them in organi1ed method.

    Interview should be structured to provide interview with opportunity to e6press what theyare doing to re/uirement being audited. The outcome of an audit should be detailed

    report. " structure and approach should be agreed at pre

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    >* $ill see organi1ation performance with fresh pair of eyes.Disad'anta es o E te$nal Audit&* +eed to plan well to identify nature and scope of organi1ation.2* Individual may not be forth coming, be narrow and reluctant to discuss issue withoutsiders.4* May seek unrealistic targets as he doesn t know constraint of organi1ation.


    Element >


    There are three reasons for accident investigation.&. !uman2. Economic4. Legal

    4ole o in'esti ation&. Establish what happened2. Establish why it happened4. Identify measure to prevent recurrence). Establish legal or workers compensation>. -ate gathering?. Identification of trend(. -etermine cause including underlying causes

    A%%$oa*h to In'esti ation

    #teps of accident investigation involve&. 9athering the information that what happened and to whom it happened. Theinformation gather will include interviews, photograph, sketches of workplace andenvironmental condition.

    2. "naly1e the information, that why it happened. "naly1ing the information of immediate and root causes. "t this stage it should be determined that either individual, job or management factor cause the accident.

    4. Identify suitable control measures that either risk assessment re/uire to bereviewed, engineering and administrative controls.

    ). The action plan for implementation that which risk control measure should beimmediately applied either the technical or administrative specific measurableagreed time scale.

    The$e a$e t(o t!%es o in'esti ation

    1# Su%e$'iso$! in'esti ationThis investigation is necessary for all majorities of incidents. It should result in swiftremedial action and underline supervisor responsibility for day to day basis.

    /# Fo$mal in'esti ationsIn some time formal investigation take place. The committee includes

    • " senior manager to fit as chairperson

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    • " manager lower than senior manager %supervisor*• " competent person• " safety engineer

    Summa$! o a*tion ta)en in eme$ en*!

    &. Isolating services and make area safe2. "dministrating first aid services and summons emergency services.4. Inform ne6t of kin). +otify the enforcement agency by /uickest practical means.>. 0ollect initial evidence such as photographs and sketches.?. #etting up accident investigation.

    T!%i*al $oot *auses

    &* Lack of understanding2* Lack of training4* Time constraints)* ;oorly supervised>* $rong e/uipment provided?* Inade/uate e/uipment

    Immediate *auses

    &* nsafe acts %using damaged e/uipment, not following rules*2* nsafe condition %slippery, temperature*

    "# A (o$)e$ has een se$iousl! in2u$ed ! st$i)e o $e'e$sin 'ehi*le in loadin a!#a: 9ive four reasons why the accident should be investigate by an employer.

    &* Facilitating re/uirement to the legal obligations.2* 0ollecting evidence to defend a civil claim where applicable.4* -etermining economic loss.)* -emonstrating management commitment to health and safety.>* To ensure that there types of accident never occur again.

    : Outline in o$mation that should e in*luded in in'esti ation $e%o$t#• ;ersonal detail of injured party.• -ate, time and location of accident.• Environmental conditions.• 0ontrol measures in place.• ;recise circumstances of incident.• Type and e6tent of injury.• -etail of witnesses and copy of their statement.• -rawing, sketches, photograph

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    • Immediate and root causes.• ;ossible breaches of law.

    "# Identi ! ou$ immediate and ou$ unde$l!in *auses#

    Immediate *auses&. !uman error or failure to comply with procedures.2. Mechanical failure4. ;oor visibility in loading bay.). 7estricted view for driver.>. Environmental conditions such as high noise levels.

    4oot *auses1# Lack of driver or employee struck training./# Lack of supervision.5# "bsence of rules in site for reversing vehicles.6# Failure to separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic.7# Lack of maintenance of vehicle.

    "# Outline $easons (h! a**ident should e $e%o$ted and $e*o$ded in (o$)%la*e#

    "ccidents are re/uired to be properly reported and recorded as it is statutory %legal*re/uirement. They should also be reported because it indicates the gap in riskassessments and their review is re/uired. It also shows the statistical analysis andindicates the level of training re/uired for staff and improvement to the procedures.

    "# Outline a*to$s that mi ht dis*ou$a e the (o$)e$s $om $e%o$tin a**idents+&. Ignorance of reporting procedures.2. ;ossibility of retribution %blame culture*4. ;eer pressure). ;revious lack of management responses>. "n aversion to form filling?. " reluctance to lose time from job in hand(. " desire to preserve company s department and individual record particularly

    where bonus payments are affected by it.

    H# Outline the immediate and lon e$ te$m a*tions that should e ta)en ollo(in ase$ious in2u$! at (o$)#Immediate a*tions0

    • ;reserve the scene.• ;rovide first aid to the injured.• Inform his ne6t of kin.• -etermine immediate and root causes

    Lon e$ te$m a*tions

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    • Inform law enforcement agencies• #et up and investigation• 7ecord witnesses• "nd on findings revised the procedures.