IFPD - Public Survey

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  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey




    Public Opinion SurveyFall 2014

    Research Team: Junior Analyst: Amber Waite Research Associates: Benjamin

    Brownlee, Kylee Despain, Camron Despain, Jason Plaisted, Nic Hargraves,

    Michael King, Zac Ellis



  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


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    "#$%&'()$ *&++,-.

    This report provides methodology for distributing a public opinion survey to the

    Idaho Falls community as well as an analysis of the survey results. Methods of

    analysis include: cross tabulation, t-test, p-value tests, and excel formulas.

    The following was found to be statistically significant through an analysis of 437

    respondents from the Idaho Falls area:

    - 97% of respondents reported that they feel safe

    o Culture of Idaho Falls is the biggest reason

    - The three main services the community would like to see the Idaho Falls

    Police Department (IFPD) improve are:

    o Assaults/threats/stalking investigations and responses

    o Community relations


    Theft/robbery/burglary investigation and responses- People who have developed their perceptions about the IFPD through local

    media tend to have a better perception about the IFPD than those whose

    perception was formed through other sources

    - The people who live in the zip code 83406 are the most likely to think that

    the Idaho Falls Police Department has too little presence in the


    - People who have had interactions with the IFPD are more likely to have a

    negative perception

    - Out of the qualities friendly, helpful, fair, respectful of rights, and

    adequately forceful, adequately forceful is the quality that the IFPD is

    rated the most poorly on

    The perception of the IFPD ranges from very good to very bad throughout the

    community. However, the people who perceive the IFPD very poorly are outliers

    as there is a general positive feeling within the community of IFPD.

    To have a confidence level of 95% with a confidence interval of 5, a total of 382

    surveys were to be collected. These surveys were collected. However there is a 5%

    probability that conclusions were drawn based on data that are incorrect.

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    /012" 34 536/"6/*

    Objective & Scope ..................................................................................................... 4

    Objective ........................................................................................................................... 4

    Scope ................................................................................................................................. 4Research Plan ................................................................................................................... 4

    Methodology ............................................................................................................. 6

    Building The Survey ......................................................................................................... 6

    Pilot Survey ....................................................................................................................... 6

    Survey Changes................................................................................................................. 7

    Survey Approach .............................................................................................................. 8

    Places The Survey Was Distributed ................................................................................. 9

    Surveying The Hispanic Population............................................................................... 10

    Total Surveys Per Week ................................................................................................... 11

    Analysis .................................................................................................................... 11

    Survey Analysis ....................................................................................................... 13

    Safety ............................................................................................................................... 13

    Public Perception of Police .............................................................................................. 18

    Interest In Classes .......................................................................................................... 33

    Key Findings ........................................................................................................... 37

    Appendix A ............................................................................................................. 39

    Appendix B ............................................................................................................. 44

    Appendix C ............................................................................................................. 49

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    317"5/89" : *53;"


    Determine the public perception of the Idaho Falls Police Department.


    Develop and conduct a public opinion survey and analysis of the Idaho Fallspopulation.

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    5 | P a g e

    e. Personal contactf. Past experiences with officers in other locations

    6. Educational pieces offered by the departmenta. Are citizens interested in any of the following?

    i. Drug education


    Home/Business securityiii.

    Internet safetyiv. Using Crimemapping/AlertIDv. Property Crime Prevention

    vi. Frauds/Scams/Identity Theftvii. Police Tactics Education

    viii. SWAT Responseix. Anti-bullyingx. Emergency Response

    xi. Car Seat Safetyxii. Reporting Crimes

    xiii. Bicycle Safetyb.

    Administering Surveyi. Time

    1. All different times of dayii. Places

    1. In Persona. Idaho Falls

    i. Mall intercept1. Groceries stores2. Mall3. Parks4. Boo at the Zoo


    Deseret Industries6. Coffee shops7. Gas stations

    2. Social Mediaa. IFPD website

    c. Data Analysis (Qualtrics, Microsoft Office, Public Opinion Survey)i. Analyze data

    1. What is the general perception?2. Do community members feel safe?3. What educational pieces would people be interested



    Analyze trends1. Gender2. Socio-economic standing3. Age4. Zip code

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    1B82?86@ /=" *B

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    A trip to Idaho Falls was made the following weekend where 25 surveys were

    collected from Idaho Falls residents. The results were analyzed to determine

    errors, unclear questions, as well as the drop out rate for survey takers.


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    not answering the question like it was stated. Most results showed respondents

    writing Serve and Protect for all 3 responsibilities.

    The question How well do you think the Idaho Falls Police Department is

    meeting its responsibilities? was removed because the same results were

    received from the question What are the top 3 services you would like to see theIdaho Falls Police Department improve? just in a different format.

    The question If you chose 1 or 2 for any responsibility in the previous question,

    how can the Idaho Falls Police Department better meet those responsibilities? If

    you chose 3-5 for all, please skip this question. was removed because it was a

    follow-up to the previous question that was removed.

    The question What is your occupation? was removed because the results for

    that question showed that only 24% of people answered it.

    The surveys on Qualtrics were left the same length so that when there was

    Internet connection or when the survey was sent to people over the Internet,

    those individuals would still be able to answer all of the questions.


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    During the third week of survey distribution, Deseret Industries was spoken with

    to see if surveys could be distributed in front of the store. It was agreed upon that

    the manager would give the surveys to their employees. Five surveys were

    collected from Desert Industries.

    Coffee shops and bookstores were also visited in search of people who had leisuretime to take the survey. From these locations, 55 surveys were collected.

    During the fourth week of survey distribution, three additional surveys were

    received from Deseret Industries.

    The library was also revisited. A parenting and business group took the survey, as

    well as various people throughout the library. 54 surveys were received from the


    The main source of surveys for the fourth week was online surveys, which camethrough businesses posting the survey on their Facebook page. 102 surveys were

    received through this method. Chart 1 shows where each survey was collected.

    The other category includes all surveys collected in various places that were not


    Chart 1





    Surveys Collected In Each Area


    Public Library

    Coffee Shops/Book Stores

    Grand Teton Mall

    Desert Industries


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    - The publics perception of the fairness of the Idaho Falls Police

    Department to demographics

    - The publics perception of safety to demographics

    - The publics perception of how everyone is treated to demographics

    - The publics perception of the presence of the Idaho Falls Police

    Department to zip code

    - The classes the public is interested in to their perception of safety

    Wordle.net was used to create a word cloud of responses to the surveys.

    The most significant findings are listed in the survey analysis. Information is

    considered significant if it has a p-value of .05 or lower.

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    ,+ ' + . % ( !% * +# -

    Chart 3 shows the general feeling of safety in Idaho Falls as represented by 436

    respondents who answered the question Do you generally feel safe in Idaho


    Chart 3

    97% of Idaho Falls residents generally feel safe in Idaho Falls. Only 3% of the

    surveyed population answered that they did not feel safe in Idaho Falls, which

    amounts to a total of 11 people. These results indicate that, generally, citizens feelsafe in the Idaho Falls community.

    .+ % !&' ! *&. *+ + ( "' , $' !% * +

    The follow-up question Why do you feel unsafe? was asked to those individuals

    who responded that they did not generally feel safe in Idaho Falls. Their

    reasoning for feeling unsafe is shown in chart 4. Only 11 out of 437 people were

    asked this follow-up question.


    Do you generally feel safe in IdahoFalls?



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    Chart 4

    The 11 people who dont feel safe were of various demographics. These

    individuals range from 25-59 years old, both male and female, are of white race

    or indicated that they would rather not say, have an income from $0-$99,999 a

    year before taxes, and live in the zip codes 83401,83402, and 83404.

    Four of these individuals indicated they were involved with the Idaho Falls Police

    Department in an investigation of an assault, threat, or stalking investigation and

    three of these people indicated the Idaho Falls Police Department didnt address

    the issue adequately.

    Eight respondents indicated that they would like to see the Idaho Falls Police

    Department improve assaults, threats, and stalking investigation and responses

    although not all of them indicated they were directly involved in them.

    Five of the 11 respondents who dont feel safe have a negative perception of the

    Idaho Falls Police Department and think that the Idaho Falls Police Department

    has too little presence in the community. Three of the respondents indicated that

    there were too few officers in at least one place in the survey.

    These results show that there is no specific type of person who feels unsafe in

    the community. These individuals come from different ethnicities, socio-

    economic statuses, genders, zip codes, etc.

    Gangs, 1

    Neighborhood, 2

    Drug Users, 1

    People, 5

    Alone, 1

    Never Do, 1

    Why Do You Feel Unsafe?

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    C= 3EC= 0 / =" 2 ; * A3 B 4" " 2 *04 "F

    This question was designed to help understand what helps Idaho Falls citizens

    feel safe in the community. This question was open-ended and answers were

    grouped into categories. Chart 5 shows 372 responses of the citizens of Idaho


    Chart 5

    The responses are divided into 7 sections. They are as follows: the policedepartment, family and friends, the city, the culture of the city, ones self, the

    crime rate, and other. Because many survey takers gave multiple responses that

    fell in multiple sections, one survey could result in responses in multiple

    categories. If one survey taker gave multiple responses that fell in the same

    section it was accounted only once.

    - The data label Culture contains all responses that mention religious

    topics, citizens being law abiding, kind people, and similar responses.

    - The data label City contains all responses that mention the size of the

    city, population, good neighborhoods, the lighting, the income level,and the conditions of the city.

    - The data label Self contains all responses that mention anything

    about street smarts, safety precautions, self-defense weapons, or the

    ability to take care of ones self in a fight.


    88 87













    Who/What helps you feel safe?

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    - The data label Family/Friends contains all responses that mentioned

    a family member, boyfriend, spouse, being around friends, being with

    people, friends, neighbors, or anything of that nature.

    - The data label Police Department contains all responses that

    mentioned the police, the area being secured, or the law.


    The data label Crime Rate contains all responses that mention the

    lack of crime or low crime rates.

    - The data label Other contains all responses that mention not knowing

    why or a response that didnt fall in another section and was not

    significant enough to have its own section.

    These results show that people feel safe in Idaho Falls mostly because of the

    religious culture that is so prevalent in the community. People also feel safe

    because of the city itself, their own knowledge or safety precautions, the police

    department, and low crime rates.

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    ;B1285 ;" " * / 3 A 3 B< > 86 ? C = " 6 A 3 B = " 0 < / = "

    C 3 < ? * G8? 0 = 3 40 2 2 * ;3 2 85 " ?" ; 0 < / > " 6 /HI

    The word cloud below shows each word that was mentioned in the questionabove. The words that are bigger were mentioned more frequently. The wordcloud includes responses from 376 Idaho Falls citizens.

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    the past, and these results indicate that there is a group of individuals who

    believe that the amount of force used by the IFPD is not appropriate. Whether

    this means that the IFPD is too forceful, or not forceful enough has not been


    39" < 0 2 2 ;" < 5 " ; / 83 6 34 84;? 86 90 < 83 B* 0< " 0 *

    The following question was designed to see what the Idaho Falls citizens

    perception is of the Idaho Falls Police Department in many different areas. The

    question was, Please indicate your opinions about the following statements:

    and it contained a list of statements in which respondents could strongly agree,

    agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree. Chart 6 and 7 show the statements

    as well as the responses received from 393 Idaho Falls citizens separated into

    positive and negative statements. (Chart 6 being positive and Chart 7 being

    negative statements)

    Chart 6








    I have confidence Effective atinvestigating crime

    Treats everyonefairly

    Overall Opinions of Respondents About TheIFPD

    Strongly Agree





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    Chart 7

    The general opinion of the Idaho Falls Police Department held by Idaho Falls

    citizens is skewed positively or neutral. This indicates that most citizens of Idaho

    Falls have confidence in the Idaho Falls Police Department, think that they have a

    strong presence in the community, media coverage is positive, they are effective

    at preventing crime and at investigating crime, and their perception is positive.

    /3 ; K *" < 985 " * /3 8> ; < 3 9"

    Chart 8 shows 402 responses of the top three services that the Idaho Falls

    community would like to see improve within the IFPD.








    Perception is


    Too little


    Media coverage

    is negative

    Not effective at


    Overall Opinions of Respondents AboutThe IFPD

    Strongly Agree




    Strongly Disagree

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    Chart 8

    The top three services that the Idaho Falls community would like to see the Idaho

    Falls Police Department improve are assaults/threats/stalking investigation and

    responses, community relations, and theft/robbery/burglary investigation and

    responses. With a p-value of .09, there is little to no correlation between the

    interactions respondents have had with the police department and which service

    was chosen as a desired improvement.

    These results show that the areas that citizens would like to see improved are not

    areas that they have necessarily been involved with the police department in, but

    they have heard of elsewhere and/or think are the most severe incidents.

    9 85 / 8> * L C 8/ 6 " * * " *L 06 ? 3/ = " < * 3; 86 83 6 3 6 5< 8> " ;< " 9" 6 / 83 6

    A t-test was ran to identify if there was significance between individuals who have

    been victims, witnesses, and others in specific instances with the IFPD said about

    how well the IFPD is at preventing crime. With a p-value of 0.56, this was found

    to be insignificant.

    These results show that people who have been involved with the IFPD as a victim,

    witness, or other do not have a consensus in opinion of the effectiveness of crime

    prevention by the IFPD. There is no significant difference between their opinions

    and the opinions of others.

    138 135123 117

    76 71 68

    46 43 40









    Desired Improvements

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    3; 86 83 6 * 3 4 84;? 86 9" * / 8@ 0 / 89" "4 4 " 5 / 89" 6 " * * 9*I 5 8/ 8M" 6 * /A ; " 3 4 86 / " < 0 5 / 83 6

    C 8/ = /= " 84;?

    A t-test was run to identify if there was any significance between how people view

    the effectiveness of the IFPD at investigating crime versus the interaction they

    have had with the IFPD. Chart 9 compares 213 respondents who indicated on ascale of agreement to disagreement that the IFPD is effective at investigating

    crime with the type of interaction they have had with the IFPD. The percentages

    of respondents who agree are in black boxes at the top of the chart.

    Chart 9

    Chart 9 demonstrates that the majority of the citizens who have had interactions

    with the IFPD have a neutral to positive opinion of the investigative effectiveness

    of the IFPD.

    One outlier is people who report their interaction with the IFPD to be other.

    These respondents, although still having a mostly neutral opinion (34%) of the

    investigative effectiveness of the IFPD, have a total of 32% disagree or strongly



    32% 32% 32%









    Interaction Type

    Opinion of InvestigativeEffectiveness Vs. Interaction Type

    Strongly Agree




    Strongly Disagree

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    disagree that the IFPD is effective at investigating crime. Their interactions with

    the IFPD are listed in the table below.

    Interaction Type Frequency Percentage of


    Ambulance 3 21%Speeding Tickets 2 14%

    Domestic Violence

    Response 2 14%

    Personal Relationship 2 14%

    Disturbing the peace 1 7%

    Tenant Issues 1 7%

    Court House 1 7%

    Car Window Shot Out 1 7%

    Donating furniture foruse in training exercise 1 7%

    Table 4

    These results show that most people who have had interactions with the IFPD

    believe that the IFPD is effective at investigating crime or they are neutral about

    the topic. Some things that the IFPD could work on to improve the perception of

    investigative effectiveness are listed in the table above.

    3; 86 83 6 * 3 4 84;? 86 9" * / 8@ 0 / 89" "4 4 " 5 / 89" 6 " * * ="2? 1A 9 85 / 8> * L C 8/ 6 " * * " *L 0 6 ?

    3/ = " < *

    A t-test was run to identify if there was significance between what victims,

    witnesses, and others said about how well the IFPD is at investigating crime.

    With an average p-value of 0.05, these were all found to be significant. Chart 10

    shows the percentage of 214 victims, witnesses, and others who responded on a

    scale from strongly agree to strongly disagree to the statement The Idaho Falls

    Police Department is effective at investigating crime.

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    Chart 10

    The results of this graph show that witnesses agree that the IFPD is effective at

    investigating crime. People who identified themselves as other were more

    inclined to a neutral response.

    The responses in the other category included: 8 people who said they were the

    perpetrator in the incident and 11 miscellaneous responses, which are included


    - Verifying statements/did not witness

    - The one pulled over the one in the wreck

    - Took place on my property

    - Driver in traffic stop

    - Neither. I just worked on a ceiling and talked to them as they were passing

    one day

    - I know a lot of the officers from my family

    - Observer of IFPD interactions with immediate family members


    Attending a seminar at the court house; registering my vehicle in Idahoand getting an ID drivers license

    - My dog was in the shelter

    - Plaintiff

    - In the car









    Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyDisagree

    Is the IFPD Effective at Investigating Crime?

    IFPD Investigative Effectiveness vs.Interaction Type




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    A t-test was run to identify if there was significance between the opinions about

    the investigative effectiveness of the IFPD with people who have and havent had

    interactions with the IFPD. With a p-value of 0.01, this was found to be very

    significant. Chart 11 demonstrates this comparison.

    Chart 11

    The results of this graph show that people who have had interactions with Idaho

    Falls Police offers are more apt to disagree that they are effective at investigating

    crime compared to those who have not.

    9 85 / 8> * L C 8/ 6 " * * " *L 06 ? 3/ = "

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    The largest portion of responses are in the other category (13 responses or 27%),

    which consists of unclear responses and responses that did not fit in the defined

    categories. The responses were:

    - I was a teenager


    Didnt seem interested at all until traffic stop- The punishment was not enough to keep them in jail long enough and

    they were back continuing the same old thing

    - Only the law not what they CAN do

    - They believe the person with $ as their acquaintances

    - Did not act like it was important

    - They would not prosecute

    - The man abusing an elderly women should have been removed from the

    premises and not just warned

    - When I informed IF police of a drug buy, the dealer was informed


    Improper training

    - Lack of knowledge

    - Hypocritical

    - Harassment

    The second largest portion of responses (12 responses or 25%) indicated that the

    reason the Idaho Falls Police Department did not address their issue adequately

    was because of poor communication or that they didnt follow up or follow

    through with their issue. These results show that the IFPD could improve the

    publics opinion of the adequacy of issues addressed if all situations were

    followed through with.

    84;? ; > B6 8/ A 9*I M 8; 53 ? "

    173 respondents were used to compare these data points.

    26% of the citizens surveys agreed with the statement The Idaho Falls Police

    Department has too little presence in the community. 25% disagreed and 49%

    were neutral.

    A cross tabulation was run between the responses to the statement The IdahoFalls Police Department has too little presence in the community compared to

    the zip code in which these individuals reside in. A t-test was run to identify if

    there was significance. With a p-value of 0.01 these values were found to be


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    In the following zip codes, a larger percentage of people agreed with the

    statement than disagreed (or thought there was too little police presence):

    - 83401 (2% more)

    - 83403 (13% more)


    83406 (20% more)

    The data shows that the people who live in the zip code 83406 are more likely to

    think that the Idaho Falls Police Department has too little presence in the

    community. This could be due to the fact that a portion of the zip code 83406 is

    technically Ammon, which is not in the jurisdiction of the IFPD.

    >3 * / * 8@ 6 84 85 0 6 / >" ? 80 86 4 2 B" 6 5 " *

    Chart 13 shows the responses of 408 citizens indication the top 3 things that

    most influence their perception of the IFPD.

    Chart 13

    This chart indicates that most people form their opinions based on stories heard

    from others. Because of this, the IFPD is not able to control what information is

    shared about them. By sharing more on local media, the IFPD might be able

    influence the public perception more.












    Stories Personal Contact Local Media Past experienceswith other


    National Media

    Influences of Perception

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    National media: Only 5 individuals said this was how they developed theirperceptions so the data isnt statistically valid.

    Stories: 76 individuals said this was what most influenced their perceptions of theIFPD. Their average ratings are included in the table below.

    Respectful ofRights

    Friendly Helpful Fair UseAdequate


    2.13 2.08 2.04 2.19 2.24

    Table 8

    Police officers from other areas: 62 individuals said this was what mostinfluenced their perception of the IFPD. Their average ratings are included in thetable below.

    Respectful ofRights

    Friendly Helpful Fair UseAdequate


    2.00 2.09 2.11 2.30 2.31

    Table 9

    These results show that people who developed their perceptions about the IFPD

    through local media ranked IFPD lower in all categories. (1 means agree, 5 means

    disagree) This suggests that exposure to local media helps in creating a more

    positive perception of the IFPD. However, people in all categories ranked the

    IFPD less than 3 (which is neutral). Thus, the citizens of Idaho Falls consider the

    IFPD respectful of rights, friendly, helpful, fair, and adequately forceful. The

    extent to which the citizens feel the IFPD has the qualities listed could be

    improve, but the generally feeling is positive.

    ;" < 5 " ; / 83 6 3 4 /= " 40 8< 6 " * * 34 /= " 84;?

    There were 399 people who responded to the statement The Idaho Falls Police

    Department treats everyone in the area fairly on a scale of agree to disagree. 44%

    of those who were surveyed agree with the statement, while 32% were neutral,

    and 24% disagree.

    A t-test was run to identify if there was significance between respondents that

    think the IFPD treats everyone fairly versus their respective demographics. There

    was significance based on age, with a p-value of 0.04, however all other

    demographics were not significant.

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    67% of 55-59 year olds disagree with the statement that the IFPD treats everyone

    in the area fairly, as well as 43% of 30-34 year olds. Both of these age ranges have

    a higher percentage of people who disagree that the IFPD treats everyone fairly

    than those who agree.

    There was not a significant difference between ethnicities perception of fairnessof the IFPD, however chart 14 shows how the Hispanic population views the

    fairness of the IFPD. The p-value was not significant on this correlation, possibly

    due to the fact that there werent many responses from the Hispanic population.

    Chart 14

    Out of the 12 Hispanics that answered this question, 4 strongly disagreed ordisagreed with the statement, 5 were neutral, and 3 agreed or strongly agreed.








    Agree Neutral Disagree StronglyDisagree

    The Idaho Falls Police Department TreatsEveryone Fairly


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    33 | P a g e


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    34 | P a g e

    same in interest, all classes were included. A t-test was run to identify if there was

    significance between the demographics and their interest in classes. With an

    average p-value of .05, the following were found to be significant:

    /"0 1&2 +

    Zip Code Most Interested Class or Classes

    83401 - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    - Anti-Bullying

    83402 - Emergency Response

    83403 - Anti-Bullying

    - Police Tactics Education

    83404 - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    - Anti-Bullying

    83406 - Emergency Response

    Table 10

    (No 83405 residents were interested in classes offered by the IFPD)

    "' 1 &3 +

    Income Most Interested Class or Classes

    Less than $10,000 - Car Seat Safety

    $10,000-$24,999 - Emergency Response

    - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft


    Anti-Bullying$25,000-$49,999 - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    $50,000-$99,999 - Internet Safety

    $100,000-$199,999 - Anti-Bullying

    More than $200,000 - Emergency Response

    - Police Tactics Education

    - Anti-Bullying

    Table 11

    People with an income less than $10,000 are interested in car seat safety. This

    could be a significant finding because most stay-at-home moms have an incomeof less than $10,000. Middle class individuals ($10,000-$49,999) are interested

    in making sure that they are not scammed and their identity is not stolen.

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    ,+ ' 2 + .

    Gender Most Interested Class or Classes

    Female - Anti-Bullying

    Male - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft


    Police Tactics Education- Anti-Bullying

    Table 12

    %, +

    Age Most Interested Class or Classes

    18-19 - Emergency Response

    20-24 - Emergency Response

    - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft


    Anti-Bullying25-29 - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    30-34 - Emergency Response

    35-39 - Internet Safety

    - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    - Anti-Bullying

    40-44 - Internet Safety

    45-49 - Home and Business Security

    50-54 - Internet Safety

    55-59 -

    Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft60-64 - Internet Safety

    - Emergency Response

    - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    65-69 - Home and Business Security

    - Internet Safety

    - Anti-Bullying

    70-74 - Internet Safety

    - Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    Table 13

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    +# 4 ' "1 "# -

    Ethnicity Most Interested Class or Classes

    American Indian - Anti-Bullying

    Black or African American - Emergency Response


    Anti-BullyingHispanic or Latino - Anti-Bullying

    White - Internet Safety

    - Emergency Response

    - Property Crime Prevention

    - SWAT Response

    Table 14

    All ethnicities, except for whites, are interested in a class on anti-bullying

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    D"A 486?86@*

    - 97% of the respondents reported that they feel safe. This is mostly due to

    the culture of Idaho Falls.

    - The citizens of Idaho Falls consider the IFPD respectful of rights, friendly,

    helpful, fair, and adequately forceful. The extent to which the citizens feel

    the IFPD has the qualities listed could be improved, but the generally

    feeling is positive. People who have had interactions with the police

    department in the past 10 years were more apt to disagree that the IFPD

    has the qualities listed than those individuals who haven't had interactions

    with the IFPD. The quality that the least amount of people agreed with is

    that the IFPD uses adequate force.

    - Exposure to local media helps create a more positive perception of the

    IFPD. Local media is ranked the third out of five ways that individuals

    build their perception of the IFPD. Through the usage of more local media,this could increase.

    - Residents in the zip codes 83401,83403, 83406 are more likely to agree

    that the Idaho Falls Police Department has too little presence in the

    community. People who live in the zip code 83406 more frequently think

    that the Idaho Falls Police Department has too little presence in the

    community. This could be due to the fact that a portion of the zip code

    83406 is located in Ammon, which is not the jurisdiction of the IFPD.

    - Classes that residents are most interested in and their respective counts



    Emergency Response: 154o Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft: 138

    o Internet Safety: 128

    o Anti-Bullying: 127

    o Home/Business Security: 119

    - The only ethnicity that is not interested in the Anti-Bullying class is


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    1 81283@

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    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] A. Traffic accident responses/Traffic stops

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] B. Theft/robbery/burglary investigation and responses

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] C. Vandalism/Trespassing investigation and responses

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] D. Assaults/Threats/Stalking investigation and responses

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] E. Animal Control

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] F. Responding to complaints

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] G. I dont know

    8) If you chose 1 or 2 for any responsibility in the previous question, how can the

    Idaho Falls Police Department better meet those responsibilities? If you chose 3-

    5 for all, please skip this question.

    9) What are the top 3 services you would like to see the Idaho Falls Police

    Department improve? (Please circle the top 3)

    a. Traffic accident responses/ Traffic


    f. Community relations

    b. Theft/Robbery/burglary investigation

    and responses

    h. Other (Please specify)

    c. Vandalism/Trespassing investigation

    and responses

    i. It needs no improvement

    d. Assaults/Threats/Stalking

    investigation and responses

    j. I dont know

    e. Animal Control

    10) Have you had any interactions with an Idaho Falls Police Officer in the past

    10 years?

    __A. Yes

    __B. No (Skip to question 15)

    11) Please indicate the interactions you have had with the Idaho Falls Police:

    (Select all that apply)

    ___A. Traffic accident responses/Traffic stops

    ___B. Theft/robbery/burglary investigation and responses

    ___C. Vandalism/Trespassing investigation and responses

    ___D. Assaults/Threats/Stalking investigation and responses

    ___E. Animal Control

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    ___F. Responding to complaints

    ___G. Other (Please indicate) _________________________

    12) In the previous situation(s), were you a: (Select all that apply)

    ___A. Victim

    ___B. Witness

    ___C. Other

    13) Did the Idaho Falls Police Department address the issue(s) adequately?

    ___A. Yes (Skip to question 15)

    ___B. No

    14) Why do you think the Idaho Falls Police Department did not address the issue


    15) Idaho Falls Police Officers are generally: (Place an X in one box for every


    1 2 3 4 5


    of your




    of your


    Friendly Unfriendly

    Helpful Not helpfulFair Unfair





    16) Please indicate your opinions about the following statements: (Place an X in

    the box to indicate your opinion)

    Strongly Strongly

    Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

    I have confidence in

    the Idaho Falls Police


    The Idaho Falls Police

    Department has too

    little presence in the

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    Media coverage of the

    Idaho Falls Police

    Department is

    generally negative.

    The Idaho Falls Police

    Department treats

    everyone in the area


    The Idaho Falls Police

    Department is not

    effective at

    PREVENTING crime.

    The Idaho Falls Police

    Department iseffective at



    The overall perception

    of the Idaho Falls

    Police Department is


    17) Please rank the top 3 items that have most influenced your perception of the

    Idaho Falls Police Department: (Place a 1, 2, or 3 by the 3 answer choices, 1 beingthe most influential)

    ___A. Personal contact

    ___B. Local media

    ___C. National media

    ___D. Stories/ information I have received from friends/family/coworkers/etc.

    ___E. Past experiences with police officers in different locations

    ___F. Other (Please specify) __________________________

    18) If the Idaho Falls Police Department were to offer the following classes, how

    likely would you be to attend? (Circle or place an X over your choice: 1- VeryUnlikely: 5- Very Likely)

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] A. Drug Education

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] B. Home/Business Security

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    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] C. Internet Safety

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] D. Emergency Response

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] E. Using Crimemapping/AlertID Safety

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] F. Property Crime Prevention Crimes

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] G. Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] H. Police Tactics Education

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] I. Bicycle Safety

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] J. SWAT Response

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] K. Anti-bullying

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] L. Car Seat

    [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] M. Reporting

    19) What is your gender?

    ___A. Male ___B. Female

    20) What is your age?

    ___A. 18-19 ___G. 45-49 ___M. 75-79

    ___B. 20-24 ___H. 50-54 ___N. 80-84

    ___C. 25-29 ___I. 55-59 ___O. 85 years or older

    ___D. 30-34 ___J. 60-64 ___P. I would rather not say.

    ___E. 35-39 ___K. 65-69

    ___F. 40-44 ___L. 70-74

    21) What is your ethnicity?___A. Alaska Native ___E. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander

    ___B. American Indian ___F. White

    ___C. Black or African American ___G. Other

    ___D. Hispanic or Latino ___H. I would rather not say

    22) What is your personal annual income level from all sources before taxes?

    ___A. Less than $10,000 ___G. $75,000-$99,999

    ___B. $10,000-$14,999 ___H. $100,000-$149,999

    ___C. $15,000-$24,999 ___I. $150,000-$199,999

    ___D. $25,000-$34,999 ___J. $200,000 or more___E. $35,000-$49,999 ___K. I would rather not say

    ___F. $50,000-$74,999

    23) What is your occupation?

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    24) What is your residential zip code?

    ___A. 83401 ___B. 83402 ___C. 83403 ___D. 83404___E. 83405___F. 83406

    ___G. 83415 ___H. Other (Please Specify) ______________

    25) Please share any comments you many have about the Idaho Falls Police

    Department with us on the back of this page.

    *** The margins and formatting have changed from the actual paper


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    12) Idaho Falls Police Officers are generally: (Place an X in one box for every


    Respectful of

    your rights

    Not respectful of

    your rights

    Friendly Unfriendly

    Helpful Not helpful

    Fair Unfair





    13) Please indicate your opinions about the following statements: (Place an X inthe box to indicate your opinion)

    Strongly Strongly

    Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree

    I have confidence

    in the Idaho Falls



    The Idaho Falls

    PoliceDepartment has

    too little presence

    in the community.

    Media coverage of

    the Idaho Falls


    Department is



    The Idaho Falls



    treats everyone in

    the area fairly.

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    The Idaho Falls


    Department is not

    effective at



    The Idaho Falls


    Department is

    effective at



    The overall

    perception of the

    Idaho Falls PoliceDepartment is


    14) Please rank the top 3 items that have most influenced your perception of the

    Idaho Falls Police Department: (Place a 1, 2, or 3 by the 3 answer choices, 1 being

    the most influential)

    ___A. Personal contact

    ___B. Local media

    ___C. National media

    ___D. Stories/ information I have received from friends/family/coworkers/etc.___E. Past experiences with police officers in different locations

    ___F. Other (Please specify) __________________________

    15) If the Idaho Falls Police Department were to offer the following classes, would

    you attend? (Circle your answer)

    Yes |No |Maybe Drug Education

    Yes |No |Maybe Home/Business Security

    Yes |No |Maybe Internet Safety

    Yes |No |Maybe Emergency Response

    Yes |No |Maybe Using Crimemapping/AlertIDYes |No |Maybe Property Crime Prevention

    Yes |No |Maybe Frauds/Scams/Identity Theft

    Yes |No |Maybe Police Tactics Education

    Yes |No |Maybe Bicycle Safety

  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


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    Yes |No |Maybe SWAT Response

    Yes |No |Maybe Anti-bullying

    Yes |No |Maybe Car Seat Safety

    Yes |No |Maybe Reporting Crimes

    Other (Please specify) __________________

    16) What is your gender?

    ___A. Male ___B. Female

    17) What is your age?

    ___A. 18-19 ___G. 45-49 ___M. 75-79

    ___B. 20-24 ___H. 50-54 ___N. 80-84

    ___C. 25-29 ___I. 55-59 ___O. 85 years or older

    ___D. 30-34 ___J. 60-64 ___P. I would rather not say.

    ___E. 35-39 ___K. 65-69

    ___F. 40-44 ___L. 70-74

    18) What is your ethnicity?

    ___A. Alaska Native ___E. Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander

    ___B. American Indian ___F. White

    ___C. Black or African American ___G. Other

    ___D. Hispanic or Latino ___H. I would rather not say

    19) What is your personal annual income level from all sources before taxes?

    ___A. Less than $10,000 ___G. $75,000-$99,999___B. $10,000-$14,999 ___H. $100,000-$149,999

    ___C. $15,000-$24,999 ___I. $150,000-$199,999

    ___D. $25,000-$34,999 ___J. $200,000 or more

    ___E. $35,000-$49,999 ___K. I would rather not say

    ___F. $50,000-$74,999

    20) What is your residential zip code?

    ___A. 83401 ___B. 83402 ___C. 83403 ___D. 83404___E. 83405___F. 83406

    ___G. 83415 ___H. Other (Please Specify) ______________

    21) If you have any comments you want to share with the Idaho Falls Police

    Department, please ask us for an additional sheet of paper.

    *** The margins and formatting have changed from the actual paper


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    Locked doors and small community

    The police department

    Police, lighting conditions, less crime here then in larger cities.

    Good friendly people

    Family and neighbors

    Good people

    Family, Locked doors

    Military training


    Plenty of jobs so income levels stay above crime levels, police presence, plenty of

    housing, halfway houses and shelters

    Pepper spray. Knowledge of the area.

    I live in a neighborhood where there is a police officer living on every corner

    Small, calm city, not a lot of crime

    Police, good neighborsThere are not that many bad things that happen here. Compared to other states

    I've lived in.

    Cops that listen and respond quickly when dispatched

    Good neighbors, good home security

    The community is law-abiding. I know all my neighbors.

    The business area feels safe because of the people

    Lights and other people and occasional police

    Good Neighborhoods

    Low Crime and Good Neighborhoods

    Being with friends

    General Atmosphere

    I trust the environment



    The Police and people in the community

    Friends/family and neighbors

    Being prepared, being able to protect myself if needs be.

    Lighting, amount of traffic that goes by.

    The people in the community.Neighbors, low crime

    Knowing safety rules.

    Not a lot of people, nice neighborhoods and nice people

    My neighborhood feels very safe

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    Well lit streets and unassuming people.

    Low crime rate

    No experiences of being unsafe

    I feel I can protect myself.

    My home security system, law enforcement.


    Cell phones, street lights

    Friends, family, neighbors, and law enforcement

    My Husband, the police

    Police, good honest people

    Good people, the cops

    Its a good area, nothing to worry about

    Myself and my faith in God

    The community (Lots of Mormons)

    The PeoplePeople generally watch out for each other.

    Being with my family and staying in safe situations

    God (I'm a Christian) Personal Protection Training

    Being in Groups and Police

    Police and family

    People don't seem to be malicious

    The people that live here don't seem to be too malicious; the general environment

    seems to be family friendly

    Law Enforcement

    Idaho Falls Residents don't seem dangerous. It's a pretty small community

    Small Community, lower crime rate

    My dog and myself and my Bat

    My home, law enforcement.

    Locks on doors, husband @ home, safe neighborhood

    Spouse, family

    The People in the community/Community standards

    Low crime rate

    Neighborhood, Boyfriend

    Police and that in general most people are good people.my neighborhood and my family.

    Police, neighbors general safety issues

    Cell phone, street lights, patrol cars, concealed weapons permit

    Seems like a lot of people are caring and are around to help.

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    Lock on my doors, phone handy.

    My right to bear arms

    Lit pathways, clean pathways, having sidewalks.

    Its and easy feeling place


    Majority of people are good

    I just generally feel that it is a safe community. Yes, we do have crime here, but

    not on the same level that larger cities see.

    My dog.

    Small Town

    Good neighbors, locks on my doors.


    Have not felt threatened by anything

    I'm familiar with areas to avoid.My family and ward

    The family life atmosphere

    My body

    Friendly people

    It is a good community

    Friendly people


    Most people here are good people

    4. Why dont you feel safe in Idaho Falls?

    Text Response


    I live boarder lined to some sketchy neighborhoods

    I never feel safe in general

    People who seemingly could care less about anyone else

    There is a lot of bad people

    Doesn't matter where you are, there are always those crazy people who don't care

    what they mess up or who they hurt.

    A lot of drug addicts that freaks me out.Myself people here are too intrusive in every passive aggressive way. Way to

    mean psyco social communication in a negative way.

    Usually it is the area I am in when I am alone.

    There are a lot of rundown sketchy areas and at night there is defiantly not

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    enough streetlights. It is scary

    5. Please write the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words

    Idaho Falls Police Department.

    Text Response

    Safe Tickets

    Safe We need more

    Annoying The song Bad Boys

    Non-existent They could do better

    Safety Where are they

    Nice guys Where have all the good men gone

    I see them everywhere Worthless


    They probably deal w/ a lot of drug

    problems and domestic violence. But

    not very hardcore crimesSafety Great

    Ready to help when there is a problem Safety

    Sincere, devotedNice, most time the city feels great so

    Im glad they're doing their job

    If there is a police department Good Guys

    Mayor Fuhriman There was a car accident, or an accident

    Incompetent An accident

    Eric rose It's ok

    Small Quick to response

    Needs more training, public relations Idaho Falls Police Department

    IFPD, Police, see them all over Safety, and money

    Traffic stops Few of the officer are good just a few

    Cool dudes Responsible

    Cops Help

    Patrol Cars Nervous

    Honestly just nothing...but cops ahh... Am I speeding?

    Ugh Helpful

    Prevalent Safe

    Am I speeding? ProtectionSafety Am I speeding?

    Car Power struggle.

    Tickets Crooks!

    Mouthful to say Safe, but slow.

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    Speeding Tickets Petty and they're bored

    Speeding Tickets Speeding tickets

    Dodge Chargers Cops

    Too few Effective

    Effective Good group of people

    Donuts Dependable, good at deterring crime.

    Busy, large city and too few officers Jerks. Controlling. Self-Centered.

    Traffic ticket Lazy

    "The Cops" Safety

    Pro-Active Getting a ticket

    Small Protection

    Traffic ticket Bored- they look for things to get you

    Slow response Safety, protection

    Strict Stopping crime

    Small town, speeding tickets, low crimerate


    Drug enforcement Donuts

    The police are good to have. Friendly

    Safety Protect and serve

    Police Abuse of power

    Police!! Donuts


    6. What are the top 3 services you would like to see the Idaho Falls Police

    Department improve?

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Traffic accident responses 76 19%



    investigation and


    123 31%



    investigation and


    117 29%


    investigation and


    138 34%

    5 Animal Control 68 17%

    6 Responding to complaints 46 11%

    7 Other 71 18%

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    8 Community relations 135 34%

    10 It needs no improvement 43 11%

    11 I don't know. 40 10%


    Round about traffic

    put in right turn lanes at major intersections

    Educate Officers in knowledge of the law

    family abuse support

    continue DARE

    speeding on 17th street

    save the animals!!!!

    Neighborhood Police Officers


    Response time in generalCPA case follow-up

    child protection responses

    Domestic violence resonse

    They need to stop being Lords

    round about traffic

    Juvenile Help

    Safety classes gun/intruder etc. Took them for work but would like them

    available to public.

    Drug Enforcement

    Size of Force

    Drug Related


    7. Have you had any interactions with an Idaho Falls Police officer in the past 10


    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Yes 234 56%

    2 No 187 44%

    Total 421 100%

    8. Please indicate the interactions you have had with the Idaho Falls Police:

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    16 Traffic accidents/Traffic 144 62%

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    investigation and


    44 19%



    investigation and


    28 12%



    investigation and


    44 19%

    20 Animal Control 24 10%

    21 Responding to complaints 44 19%

    22 Other 48 21%


    Discussing parking violations at Wal-Mart in fire zone near Ammon


    Speeding Tickets

    Parental kidnapping response

    Work related

    Domestic violence

    Responding to domestic violence


    Daughter was missing

    Ambulance responses

    Through my employment

    I worked for a bank. They were always quick to respond to alarms and dispatch

    always asked the right questions

    Mediation for children pick up. "Divorced"

    Personal Relationships

    Disturbing the peace.

    Following up on child abuse report.

    Our car window was shot out.They work undercover for us at the Deseret Industries



    Issues with Tenants

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    Open container

    I was part of the citizens police academy. I also have applied to work there.

    I manage apartments. I se it all

    Donating furniture for use in training exercises



    Professional Interaction

    Elder abuse

    Hit and run

    I worked doing ceiling tiles in the Key Bank where the D.A.R.E. officers work.

    Friendly conversations

    Reporting Suspected Fire

    Just talking with some of the Officers

    Traffic violation

    NeighborEducation at Clinics or Fairs


    My neighbor is an officer. He is also a coach for his sons many sports teams and

    his wife does cute things for holidays. They are nice people.

    Speeding ticket

    Just talking with an officer one day


    Court house, and DMV registration/licensing

    Family Member

    Car registration

    Juvenile Drugs

    9. In the previous situation(s), were you a:

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Victim 134 58%

    2 Witness 84 36%

    3 Other 79 34%


    Verifying statements/did not witness

    The one pulled over or the one in the wreck

    Took place on my property

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    Driver in traffic stop


    Cause of traffic accident

    Neither, I just worked on a ceiling and talked to them as they were passing one


    I know a lot of the officers from my family




    Observer of IFPD interactions with immediate family members

    The speeder.

    I was speeding

    Attending a seminar at the court house; registering my vehicle in Idaho and

    getting an ID drivers license

    My Dog was in the shelterPlaintiff

    In the car

    Law breaker

    10. Did the Idaho Falls Police Department address the issue(s) adequately?

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Yes 179 78%

    2 No 51 22%

    Total 230 100%

    11. Why do you think the Idaho Falls Police Department did not address the issue


    Text Response


    Improper training and lack of knowledge on landlord/tenant issues. They gave

    false advice and did not want to be bothered.

    People still park in the fire zone marked "No Parking' including the police officers

    Officer didn't understand the law. He ignored the issue to avoid paperwork

    They didn't find out enough details - I had only been speeding for a few secondsThey are very condescending if you are a single woman esp. if driving at night

    alone. I've been stopped by a few dozen times at night for no reason. Even the

    cops told me I wasn't doing anything wrong. Stop the "routine' traffic stops. They

    are routine harassment.

    Poor Communication

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    Too few

    They don't investigate reports and excuse themselves from investigating.

    Sometimes they use a lot of force in investigations and then make no arrests.

    Which traumatizes the family and leaves them faithless in the police.


    The punishment was not enough to keep them in jail long enough and they were

    back continuing there same old thing

    I was a teenager

    No consideration on what happened, no listening

    Responding to complaints, police were called with a teenage neighbor, drinking,

    smoking, and driving to fast down the street. The police had been called multiple

    times and there was no difference, he kept doing those things that made us feel


    Didn't seem interested at all until traffic stop

    One of the two situations, there was no response to my call at all!!!!Because they had to investigate. The job wasn't already done

    Only the law not what they CAN do.

    Honestly...I think they are lazy.

    Paperwork more important then helping

    They don't listen to all sides, to drunk on power

    They believe the person with $ as their acquaintances

    Investigation was not followed through - we had witnesses and know who the

    criminal was and police made one phone call to criminal got voicemail and then

    dropped investigation and would not follow up on leads.

    Because they listen to the other party and its all your fault

    Because I don't think they took the situation serious and laughed at me off like it

    was not an issue


    Nothing Happened

    Too many tailgaters who violate the rights of others

    Did not act like it was important

    I felt they wouldn't get the job done so I just dropped it.

    Because I had to call dispatch 3 times cause they were taking their sweet ass time

    to respond NOT OK!! Especially when I had my children present in the violentsituation with my ex husband. BULLSHIT!!

    Didn't follow up

    Do not Follow through

    They would not prosecuted

    They didn't take care of it as quickly as they could have

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    The man abusing an elderly woman should have been removed from the premises

    and not just warned.

    They wouldn't help me because the person who hit my car with a shopping cart

    was only 14 and they didn't want to get involved.

    In one of the instances, I was a victim where a young teenage driver ran a stop

    sign and pulled in front of me. He then reacted to something on the road and

    slammed on his brakes. I rear-ended him. The teenage driver had no proof of

    insurance and no ID (license). And yet I was the only one ticketed, for an

    accident where I was not at fault. I know that the person that rear-ends someone

    is ALWAYS at fault. But it was ridiculous. Because the officer seemed to know

    the boy, he faced no consequences for his actions.

    Initially the complaints were taken in a professional manner but the detectives

    did not seem to care and did a lazy job investigating.

    They seemed to brush off the situation like it wasn't a big deal, even though we

    weren't the only ones calling in with the complaint.Lazy or didn't care

    It did not feel like they cared to be doing their job, that some tasks are petty. t

    may be petty to them but it is important to us. They also never followed up and

    the report that was written was full of inaccurate and false information.

    Lack of interest

    When I informed IF police of a drug buy, the dealer was informed

    I was only going 2 miles over the speed limit and I was pulled over and given a


    12. Idaho Falls Police Officers are generally:

    Number Question 1 2 3 4 5Total



    Not Respectful169 112 67 20 11 379 1.92


    Unfriendly154 122 69 21 17 383 2.02

    3Helpful: Not

    Helpful151 117 76 20 13 377 2.01

    4 Fair: Unfair 148 102 86 33 9 378 2.08






    133 100 98 23 15 369 2.15

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    13. Please indicate your opinions about the following statements:

    Number QuestionStrongly

    AgreeAgree Neutral Disagree






    I have

    confidencein the Idaho

    Falls Police



    82 209 87 17 5 400


    The Idaho

    Falls Police


    has too little

    presence in



    23 73 171 114 18 399



    coverage of

    the Idaho

    Falls Police


    is generally


    6 41 191 142 13 393


    The IdahoFalls Police



    everyone in

    the area


    19 151 153 65 11 399


    The Idaho

    Falls Police


    is noteffective at


    NG crime.

    6 44 158 157 32 397

    6 The Idaho 18 138 186 45 9 396

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    62 | P a g e

    Falls Police


    is effective






    My overall


    of the Idaho

    Falls Police


    is negative.

    8 43 109 177 62 399

    14. Please rank the top 3 items that have most influenced your perception of theIdaho Falls Police Department. (1 being the most influential)

    Number Answer 1 2 3 4 5 6Total


    1 Personal contact 193 44 45 0 2 0 284

    2 Local media 69 87 85 2 0 0 243

    3 National media 5 8 37 3 4 0 57


    Stories/Information I

    have received from



    76 149 75 1 0 0 301


    Past experiences with

    police officers in

    different locations

    62 66 83 4 1 0 216

    6 Other 3 2 5 0 0 1 11




    010 7 1 -



    Client treatments


    Seeing police cars/police

    One is a neighbor

    Strong Presence

  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


    63 | P a g e

    Observations as a resident

    15. If the Idaho Falls Police Department were to offer the following classes, would

    you attend?

    Number Question Yes No Maybe



    1 Drug Education 64 216 86 366


    Security119 147 108 374

    3 Internet safety 128 160 87 375

    4 Emergency Response 154 127 92 373

    5Using Crime

    mapping/AlertID83 180 94 357

    6Property Crime


    107 156 107 370


    Theft138 135 107 380

    8Police Tactics

    Education103 171 86 360

    9 Bicycle Safety 56 234 73 363

    10 SWAT Response 88 192 83 363

    11 Anti-bullying 127 161 93 381

    12 Car Seat Safety 78 211 76 365

    13 Reporting Crimes 112 168 87 367

    16. What is your gender?

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Male 82 43%

    2 Female 108 57%

    Total 190 100%

    17. What is your age?

    Number Answer Response Percentage1 18-19 9 5%

    2 20-24 21 11%

    3 25-29 33 17%

    4 30-34 22 11%

    5 35-39 28 15%

  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


    64 | P a g e

    6 40-44 22 11%

    7 45-49 15 8%

    8 50-54 14 7%

    9 55-59 6 3%

    10 60-64 7 4%

    11 65-69 5 3%

    12 70-74 3 2%

    13 75-79 1 1%

    14 80-84 0 0%

    15 85 years and older 0 0%

    16I would rather not

    say7 4%

    Total 193 100%

    18. What is your ethnicity?Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Alaska Native 0 0%

    2 American Indian 3 2%

    3 Asian 1 1%

    4Black or African

    American1 1%

    5 Hispanic or Latino 13 7%


    Native Hawaiian

    and Pacific


    3 2%

    7 White 154 80%

    8 Other 4 2%

    9I would rather not

    say14 7%

    Total 193 100%

    19. What is your personal annual income level from all sources before taxes?

    Number Answer Response Percentage

    1 Less than $10,000 15 8%2 $10,000-$14,999 13 7%

    3 $15,000-$24,999 27 14%

    4 $25,000-$34,999 28 15%

    5 $35,000-$49,999 25 13%

  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


    65 | P a g e

    6 $50,000-$74,999 31 16%

    7 $75,000-$99,999 9 5%


    $149,9997 4%


    $199,999 5 3%

    10 $200,000 or more 1 1%

    11I would rather not

    say28 15%

    Total 189 100%

    20. What is your residential zip code?

    Number Answer Response Percentage1 83401 52 28%

    2 83402 49 26%

    3 83403 9 5%

    4 83404 37 20%

    5 83405 1 1%

    6 83406 15 8%

    7 83415 0 0%

    8 Other 25 13%

    Total 188 100%

    21. Please share any comments you may have about the Idaho Falls Police

    Department with us.

    Text Response

    They do well with what they have and need more positive coverage

    Give Eric Rose a raise

    I am very glad IFPD is here, would like to see better victim treatment for sex

    crimes and mental health.

    Give me Busses!

    NoneResponse times could improve in crisis situations.

    When will there be a "Community justice agency?"

    I was told I was a liar by the officer

    More important to hit quotas and do the busy work

    Obey the laws you expect us to obey.

  • 8/9/2019 IFPD - Public Survey


    The first thing that comes to my mind of IFPD: Abuse of Power

    If people knew what you had to deal with, they would move! Thank you for all

    that you do. We appreciate all that you do for the city of Idaho Falls.

    Why Don't I feel safe: "I have seen gang violence in my neighborhood 1st thing

    that comes to my mind about IFPD: "Kind"

    Thank you for all that you do

    Q11) Why not addressing issues adequately: Not spying - Doing Well

    You're doing great

    More radar on Sunnyside

    Where is there a need for volunteers?

    Q4) Why don't feel safe in IF? Because there are a lot of sex offenders

    Q4) A lot of drugs and gang like activities