ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g...

fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl ifiiWiyW!!' 1 nasMrx " 4 .r " 5 s '" "i ' ir . V . .. .W ',w,r!,iIIP'''iPPwx I A'Vh s X IV' rv ""' MM " ' oto4t9 Best Advertising Medium, f f 77w 7M Eight Tagc jv ZW AVflrf Bulletin BVGNING ULLGT IN Evening Paper Published i you Don' I Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands. It Reaches ALL the Tcople. Subscription 75c a month. i,, Vol. II. No. 38G. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 189G. Piuoe 5 Cento, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published overy day except Snndny nt 609 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. 8UJ1SCUIPTIOX KATE8. Per Month, nnywheto In tho Hn-- wnlinn Islands ? 75 Por Year. S 't0 Por Year, postpaid to Auiotlca, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countrios , 13 00 I'nyublo Invariably In Ailvouoo. Telephono 250. Vr O. Dox 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. . T. WATERHOUSE There is always an oppor- tunity to pick up bargains in a Department Store like ours because there are so many odds and ends that have to be got rid of in order to make room for now goods. Wo arc constantly bringing out into tho sunlight pieces that attract the cyo of tho buyer. Some- times there are pieces that do not meet road7 purchasers. Those are the things which have to be cut in two in price. Our stock of Haviland ware has been culled over so uften that it does not present as handsome appearance now as it will when tho now goods arrive. Plenty of the old stock left for those who want odd bits at a quarter off regular prices. Tho patterns are right if the prices are what you need to fill up your set or to uo in serving a course dinner. Asparagus Dishes, Mustard Cups, Toast Racks, After Din- ner Cofl'ees, Mush Sets and Plates. White Haviland bes quality cheaper than you ever saw it. Our patterns are all "stock." We sell you a single piece or a full set. J. T. WATE Quoon Street. Retail Their . . . . . . Large Stock of. DRY GOODS! At Wholesale Prices! Specialties THIS WEEK SHIRTING ...a SHEETING QUILTS and TABLE , r COVERS, SERGES and LAWNS, SILK RIBBONS, Etc. 307-G- L'v4kJfah TRXL WPGS ,,- -- . a .4te2k -- - v.v,3tr ?rteaffi POM I ij Cure DYSPEPSIA, cure uiuiuuiiua, I Cure CONSTIPATION, I Cure SICK HEADACHE. Are Purely Vegetable, Are Sugar Coated, Are Mild but Effective. Good tor the Stomach, Good tor the Liver, Good tor the Bowels. THERE ARE HO OTHER PILLS SO COOP AS AVER'S PILLS. Highest Awards at tho Vorld'3 Croat Expositions. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. 3olo AgeutH far tbe Republic of Hawaii. LEWEBS & OQQKE A GREflTJNVENTION The Traveling Lawn Sprinkler Movo3 itflelf nbout yourLnwn. Travels in a straight lino or a circle Stops autom- atically. Hot for any length of hoso. ITiT No such Sprinkler has over been placed on tho market before. Come and See it! LEWERS & C00KE,. Tort Street, ... - Tolcphouo 20. My Special Reduction Sale is Over! Hut I am Bellini; nil of my stock of jrood crv clii-an- . My ppeclaltiei) for tills week aro , . , . Silk Crepes -- - Curtains AND STRAW HATS! IWAKAMI. Robinson lllock Hotel strict. LOTS AT WA1KIKI FOR SALE. There aro G Lots at Waiki-ki- , lying on the Waikiki sido of Kalia Road for sale, about 11 G feet makai of Waikiki Road. Those lots will bo sold for cash or on installment plan. 3? For further particulars apply to WILLIAM C. ACHI, Real Estate Broker, Bethel St., near King. Aug. 18, 1896. 384-l- m Mtf.. - t WORSHIPED AS A WINNER tiik piun'ce of wAlus a kino or THE TUItr. 1.03'itl Demonstration I'Ichkc the Queen Tlioiluh M10 Detent Home ltncliiK-Eniiie- mr IVIIIInm'ii Ji. In tho "Loudon Chat" oE tho Now Zealand llornld tho follow- ing spicy romnrks nppear: A cynic would find abundant provocation to Buulunio ninth in tho fact that tho winning of a horso ruco by tho Princo of Wales Bhould havo pent tlio bulk of tho British population into transports of wild joy. Perhaps it dooa seem just n triflo childish. But, after all, masses of peoplo aro very like children, and a small thing rouses them to gleo or rago. So it was when tho won two successivo Dorbies: so it has boon this year whon tho 'blue ribbon of tho turf O horrible trite phrase! has fallen to thoHoir-Appnreu- t. Tho peoplo rojoico, and aro ex ceeding gad. Anything liko tho scene of en- thusiasm on Epsom Downs whon the result wns known, and when tho Prince proudly lod the winner to tho saddling enclosure, has never boforo boon witnessed in England. It raised tho mere sport into historic importance, bo-cau- it voiced tho true public feel- ing of hearty loyalty to tho Mon- archy. A Now Zealaudor who was present remarked to mo that ho would not havo missed tho sceuo for all Jhojwas worth, and that its memory would dwoll with him so long as his life lasted. On what I boliovo to bo cood authority I hear that tho Prince has won handsomely in point of cash as well as porting fame, and that his pocuuiary winnings will como in with particular accept-ablones- s just now. Also I hear that the Duko of York won a far larger Bum than his father, and that ho will bo much relieved in mind thereby. For oven royalty is hard pressed sometimes in thoso days of lavish show and oxponso, and it does not do to soem poor. I bolievo the Yorks find it all thoy can do to keep up tho appoar-nuco- a expected by tho public and yet to mako both ends meet. And tho Heir Apparent has his special outlets for coin of tho realm. So, altogether, this great win has been a trobly welcome event. It is said that tho Qucon is not nt all plensed with her sou's suc- cess. She dotOBts horso-raciu- and doubly dotosts betting. Ilonco she grieves that hor sou should by this groat triumph havo dono so much to populariso still fur- ther what she deems a hateful vico. Her Majesty would havo greatly preferred to hour that her Hoir-Apparo- nt had received so sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin- g and bet- ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence- forward. But this was not to bo. On tho othor hand, 1 mn told that Ilor Majesty was pleased in spito of horsolf to read of tho tremen- dous enthusiasm with which hor son's success was hailed by tho nation. That is only natural. Also 1 hear that tho Princess of Wales, who hae hitherto rather voxod hor husbaud by hor luok of all interest in tho turf, showed on this occasion quite unexpected do-lig- at tho Prince's victory, and that ono happy offeet has beon a closer rapprochement than has somotimos existed. So that is all right! When tho Priucp and Princess mado their public entry into East Loudon on Saturday thoy had, porhaps, tho most tumultously cordial reception thnt oven thoy ovor experienced. Tho crowd was composed exclusively of what aro called tho Mowor orderB,' yot nothing could oxcoed its orderli- ness and gouuiuo rapturo at tho presonco not meroly of royalty, but of successful sporting royalty. Most of tho triumphal niches and special banners boro rofoionces to irtiffi " hAt - - ai r in ii jr rm the Priuco'e rocont victory nt Ep.sotn." Had Porsimmon himself been also preBont I really fear tho public joy would havo been too much for tho good people, and that tlicy would havn gone off theii In nltogcthur ! Here is another absurd instnnco of the association between sport 1 and pn'dic feeling. Tho Kaiser's j new yacht, Moteir, has beaten tho . Prince' of Wiili-b- hitherto tinnoii- - quercd Britaunin into a cocked hat. The Em pet or is so much delighted that ho has nont a gushing tolegram about blood than water, etc., and a positive lovival of good feeling ifw"!i England and Geinmny seem likely to result from this game of play between two of their respective personalities. By such trifles is tho fato of tho world iniluonced. had a Miiuow r,soii:. Jiimt'N (tltl. Junior, T.iLcs a II I K Drink il oll I'olsoli, Yestorday evening about ( o'clock James Olds. Ji wont to tho Kukui streot residonco of tho family and aftor denouncing tho world in general announced his intention of putting au end to his existence. Ho carried out his by picking up a bottlo containing poinon and swallowing tho greater part of its contonts. Tho poison would not assimilato with tho sundry fluids which tho young man had been imbibing and iustead of killing him caused him only a 60voro attack oE vomit- ing, which saved his life. A phy- sician was summoned aud ho was soon out of danger. Olds has been drinking more than was good for him and during yestoiday was ventilating his real and fancied grievances ovor famil- y"" troubles to several of his friends, in the course of which conversation ho threatened to put an end to his existonco, but always qualified tho assertion with tho throat to "do up" soveral of his fancied enomies boforo ho finished his own job. Iloeklnir-Rciine- r. The marriage of Mrs. May Honner to Senator Hocking of Maui took placo at St. Androw's cathedral this afternoon nt 1 o'clock, Tiight Rov'il Bishop "Willis officiating. Aftor tho cere- mony tho nowly-wedde- d couple drove to the rosidouco of Dr. Her- bert whoro a number of friends woro gathered to offer thoir con- gratulations. Just beforo 2 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. Hocking woro driven to tho Alamoda, on which they took passago for San Francisco, with tho intention of spending a few mouths in tho Golden tato. At Tliaruna Siinurc. Tho governmont band will give another moonlight concert nt Thomas square this evening, com- mencing at 7:30. Tho following program has beon arranged: I'AIIT 1. Overturn Pint and I'comnt Snppo Hutilu-- - Cnrmun lllct belectlon 11 tionnninuula Hclllnl Mll.lol, I'll 11 OI111I11. HIM no mu A'u. PAIlT If. Mi ilkv Plantation Sons Coiiloi no Quadrille Paul Jones Plnuquutto Wnltss- -- I.ucrtlli Fulirbnik Polka bijutyte M annoy Uuwnll Ponol. The Alphik "Iliiiitiiiliif: Illril." This is tho name of a now "baby" cream soparator latoly in- troduced to tho Island trado by tho Hawaiian Hardware Compa- ny agents for tho Do Laval Sopa- rator Company. Thoso machines aro now in almost universal creamery or factory uso tho world ovor, and in tho past fow years tho dairy or "Baby" sizes havo almost nB completely revolutioniz- ed general dairying hb had the largor machines previously tho creaniory industry. Beautiful, artistic, accurate, charming island viows at King Bros. Every prominent point on tho islands is photographed by us and painted by tho best of our artists. - '' 'ijrf-mh'iffi-iTri-- m, THE BOARD OF HEALTH 1'iiooi:i:dinc:s or tiik session iii:m vi.sn:itiAY afti:knoo.n. Are I.lulil Wi:iilril fur the ttlinratl- - tine Million-rropoM- 'ri t'reimiiir I)r W001I nn IMItrntlon. Tho members of tho Bouid of Health mot yesterday afternoon in rogular session, and tho routine reports wro received nud ap- proved. A roport was received from Superintendent Meyer of tho Leper Settlomont suggesting that tho proposed colTeo shop at tho Bottloment should bo run by duly licensed parties under bond rather than by tho Board. President W. O. Smith dis- agreed with Mr. Meyer because a licanso would havo to bo grant- ed for a year and in case of troublo with tho holder it could not bo revoked under that time. It was finnlly dotormined to havo Mr. Mover send ovor the names of three persons, ono at Kalawao and two at Kulaupnpn, who would make good mnuagers of coireo stands. It was ordored that in reply to n letter from Dr. Bond of Kohala ho bo notified that it is not part of tho duty of a covornmont physician to examiuo and grant certificates of health to pupils of privato scnools and thnt thoro ib no settled fee in such cases. Dr. Wood entertained tho Board with a description of tho courso of procedure followed in Japan in tho matter of granting licenses to physiciaiiB to prnctico medi cine. Discussion on mattors connect- ed with tho quarantine station lod to tho executive officer of tho board being instructed to inquire into the cost of a furnnco to pro- vide hot water for bathing pur- poses. Tho request of Superin- tendent McVoigh for two or threo urc lights at tho stution was also roforrod to Mr. Reynolds to confer with tho superintendent of tho olectrio light plaut.. Sections of tho law relating to tho registration of births, deaths and inarriajjos woro ordered print- ed for distribution to physicians and olorgymen throughout tho islands. The president brought up a proposition for tho establishment of a cromntory for disposing of tho bodies of thoso who died of infections disease's at tho quaran- tine stntion and Dr. Eldredgo of Yokohama will bo requested to furnish plans nud estimates there- for. A communication was received from Dr. Eldredgo, under dnto of July 31st, giving statistics of var- ious infectious diseases prevalent in tho Japanese empiro. Dr. "Wood introduced tho sub- ject of wator filtration ns practiced in Hongkong and nrguod in favor of tho adoption of a similnr plan for tho Nuuanu stroam wator sup- ply. Tho doctor wants tho Nuu- anu wntor conducted to tho top of Punchbowl aud then filtered and distributed. iiv nn: Ai..nii:iiA. J.uto t'olonlitl mill Uniern! Nawn from .tiicklunil I'npuni. Tho first train upon tho Siber- ian railway has arrived at Tomsk. Tho Houso of Lords has passed tho socond reading of tho Encou-ragomo- ut of Light Railways bill. It is proposed by the Financo Ministor of Now Zealand to borrow a million pounds ($3,000,-000- ) for public works. Judge "Williams of Victoria, Australia, has beon nomiuntod to Secretary Chamborlnin for n mem-bo- r of tho Judicial Cominitteo of tho Privy Council, tho highest court of nppoal in tho British Em- pire James Edward Fitzgerald, of Now Zealand, died August 2, aged 78 years. - "':J,iirVifAf n,f mM'.ft""''T'I"i,.V1iW His favorito occupation in private life was that of a journalist. H was a brilliant legislator in Inn prime. Tho Labor party of Victoria has adopted 11 program that in- cludes the referendum, enfran- chisement of nomads, registration to bo only a Parliamentary quali- fication, elective Miuistriea, and tho abolition of tho Legislative Council. SAMOA. From uiiiptiucxs at lust proviouK accounts tho municipal treasury has S81G on hand. Tho Gorman warships Falko and Bussnrd and tho British Goldfinch woro at Apia on tho 8th. Tho Snmoa Times has on arti- cle on a local girls' collego, instead of a political disquisition, in its issue of August 8. This is some- thing startling. An ordiauco has beon adopted by tho Apia Municipal Council to put a limit of 14. days in morry-go-rou- nd licenses nnd mako them pay 25 por cout on gross returns. It is proposed to post the town with notices to tho effect thai Hindoo peddlers aro requested to steor clear of our shores. Briefly they aro not wanted unleBB ns shilling a day ninn for rond con- struction purposes. So says tho Times. .Mom: Hoititaus in cnirrE. Austria desiroB that tho control of Croto shall apply equally to the Turks ant Cretans. Tho Embassi"S are iiiBistino- - that tho Porto Bball pormit tho refugees at Canon, who aro chiefly women, to leave tho islauds. Ton thousand Moslems sacked Horakliou, and many of tho in- habitants woro killed. Tho Governors aro powerless to prevent outrages, and a gonoral massacre of tho Christians is feared. A thousand loft tho place oh Thursday. Tho warship Hood nnd tho Frouch cruiser Liuois have Bailed for Horakliou. Five hundred Moslems- havo taken refuge in mosques in Croto, nnd many aro said to bo in a etato of starvation. A raid on tho Christians is feared. Fivo thousand Moslems anr-round- ed tho Hotaklion gate, nnd tho Governor, in endeavoring to pacify thorn, was dragged from Ilia horso and Bovoroly maltreated. ANAltCHY IN CHINA. News received at Sydney by steamer from China Btatos that rumors of robollion como from all parts of the Empire. Tho Miatohes, aboriginal savages, havo riBon in Ucochuon, and committed, n number of outrnges, and it is boliovod they will form a junction with tho Mahommedans, who are at presont marching in a south- west diroction. Knnsu, ovor since the war with the Chinese, has been iu astoto of foment, ns tho pooplo nro dissa- tisfied with tho Governors and the rulers of the country. Tho posi- tion on tho borders of Chaulung aud KauBU is very serious. Tho natives havo rison ngainst tho Mandarins, several villages havo beon captured and tho iuhabit'inU butchered. During tho rising in Formosa against tho Japanese, Ollis, n well-know- n Hongkong merchant, wns killed. The auti-foioig- u inovomont is ngain vory pronounced, and is bringing about a reuownl of ont-rog- os on missionaries. Ono lady has boon abducted from ono ol tho stations near Shanghai. Many French missions havo been de- stroyed, tho pooplo scattered about, nud two killed. A Correction. An item appeared with some words missing in the court news yestorday, which is now given correctly below: Tin Po Apa vs. Hon Clwni et. nl. Ejectment. Jury waived. On trial. Macoou & Edings lor pluiutiff; W. R. Cnstlo for defen- dant but not present. "rTirTPTWffTiTr ifflSwii 1 v n 1 jt

Transcript of ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g...

Page 1: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.



nasMrx " 4 .r " 5 s

'" "i ' ir . V. ...W ',w,r!,iIIP'''iPPwx

I A'Vh s XIV' rv""' MM "

' oto4t9Best Advertising Medium, f f 77w 7M Eight Tagc

jv ZW AVflrf Bulletin BVGNING ULLGT IN Evening Paper Published iyou Don' I Get ALL the News. on the Hawaiian Islands.It Reaches ALL the Tcople. Subscription 75c a month.i,,Vol. II. No. 38G. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 189G. Piuoe 5 Cento,


Published overy day except Snndny nt609 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

8UJ1SCUIPTIOX KATE8.Per Month, nnywheto In tho Hn--

wnlinn Islands ? 75Por Year. S 't0Por Year, postpaid to Auiotlca,

Canada, or Mexico 10 00Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countrios , 13 00

I'nyublo Invariably In Ailvouoo.Telephono 250. Vr O. Dox 89.

B. L. FINNEY, Manager.


There is always an oppor-

tunity to pick up bargains in

a Department Store like ours

because there are so manyodds and ends that have to be

got rid of in order to make

room for now goods. Wo arcconstantly bringing out into

tho sunlight pieces that attractthe cyo of tho buyer. Some-

times there are pieces that do

not meet road7 purchasers.

Those are the things which

have to be cut in two in price.

Our stock of Haviland ware

has been culled over so uften

that it does not present as

handsome appearance now as

it will when tho now goods

arrive. Plenty of the old stockleft for those who want oddbits at a quarter off regularprices. Tho patterns are rightif the prices are what you need

to fill up your set or to uo in

serving a course dinner.

Asparagus Dishes, MustardCups, Toast Racks, After Din-

ner Cofl'ees, Mush Sets andPlates. White Haviland bes

quality cheaper than you eversaw it. Our patterns are all"stock." We sell you a single

piece or a full set.


Quoon Street.

Retail Their . . .

. . . Large Stock


DRY GOODS!At Wholesale Prices!

Specialties THIS WEEK







,,- -- . a.4te2k

-- -v.v,3tr?rteaffi


cure uiuiuuiiua,I Cure CONSTIPATION,


Are Purely Vegetable,Are Sugar Coated,Are Mild but Effective.

Good tor the Stomach,

Good tor the Liver,

Good tor the Bowels.



AVER'S PILLS.Highest Awards at tho Vorld'3

Croat Expositions.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.3olo AgeutH far tbe Republic of Hawaii.



The TravelingLawn Sprinkler

Movo3 itflelf nbout yourLnwn. Travelsin a straight lino or a circle Stops autom-atically. Hot for any length of hoso.

ITiT No such Sprinkler has over beenplaced on tho market before.

Come and See it!

LEWERS & C00KE,.Tort Street, ... - Tolcphouo 20.

MySpecialReductionSale is Over!

Hut I am Bellini; nil of mystock of jrood crv clii-an- .

My ppeclaltiei) for tillsweek aro , . , .

Silk Crepes --

- CurtainsAND


IWAKAMI.Robinson lllock Hotel strict.


FOR SALE.There aro G Lots at Waiki-ki- ,lying on the Waikiki sido

of Kalia Road for sale, about11 G feet makai of WaikikiRoad.

Those lots will bo sold forcash or on installment plan.

3? For further particularsapply to

WILLIAM C. ACHI,Real Estate Broker, Bethel

St., near King.Aug. 18, 1896. 384-l- m

Mtf.. -t


tiik piun'ce of wAlus a kino orTHE TUItr.

1.03'itl Demonstration I'Ichkc theQueen Tlioiluh M10 Detent Home

ltncliiK-Eniiie- mr IVIIIInm'ii Ji.

In tho "Loudon Chat" oE thoNow Zealand llornld tho follow-ing spicy romnrks nppear:

A cynic would find abundantprovocation to Buulunio ninth intho fact that tho winning of ahorso ruco by tho Princo of WalesBhould havo pent tlio bulk of thoBritish population into transportsof wild joy. Perhaps it dooa seemjust n triflo childish. But, afterall, masses of peoplo aro very likechildren, and a small thing rousesthem to gleo or rago. So it waswhen tho won twosuccessivo Dorbies: so it has boonthis year whon tho 'blue ribbon oftho turf O horrible trite phrase!

has fallen to thoHoir-Appnreu- t.

Tho peoplo rojoico, and aro exceeding gad.

Anything liko tho scene of en-

thusiasm on Epsom Downs whonthe result wns known, and whentho Prince proudly lod the winnerto tho saddling enclosure, hasnever boforo boon witnessed inEngland. It raised tho meresport into historic importance, bo-cau-

it voiced tho true public feel-ing of hearty loyalty to tho Mon-archy. A Now Zealaudor whowas present remarked to mo thatho would not havo missed thosceuo for all Jhojwas worth, andthat its memory would dwoll withhim so long as his life lasted.

On what I boliovo to bo coodauthority I hear that tho Princehas won handsomely in point ofcash as well as porting fame, andthat his pocuuiary winnings willcomo in with particular accept-ablones- s

just now. Also I hearthat the Duko of York won a farlarger Bum than his father, andthat ho will bo much relieved inmind thereby. For oven royaltyis hard pressed sometimes in thosodays of lavish show and oxponso,and it does not do to soem poor.I bolievo the Yorks find it all thoycan do to keep up tho appoar-nuco- a

expected by tho public andyet to mako both ends meet. Andtho Heir Apparent has his specialoutlets for coin of tho realm. So,altogether, this great win hasbeen a trobly welcome event.

It is said that tho Qucon is notnt all plensed with her sou's suc-cess. She dotOBts horso-raciu-

and doubly dotosts betting. Iloncoshe grieves that hor sou shouldby this groat triumph havo donoso much to populariso still fur-ther what she deems a hatefulvico. Her Majesty would havogreatly preferred to hour that herHoir-Apparo-

nt had received sosovero and wholesome a lesson ontho ovHb of horse-racin- g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily andkoop him clear of both thence-forward. But this was not to bo.On tho othor hand, 1 mn told thatIlor Majesty was pleased in spitoof horsolf to read of tho tremen-dous enthusiasm with which horson's success was hailed by thonation. That is only natural.Also 1 hear that tho Princess ofWales, who hae hitherto rathervoxod hor husbaud by hor luok ofall interest in tho turf, showed onthis occasion quite unexpected do-lig-

at tho Prince's victory, andthat ono happy offeet has beon acloser rapprochement than hassomotimos existed. So that is allright!

When tho Priucp and Princessmado their public entry into EastLoudon on Saturday thoy had,porhaps, tho most tumultouslycordial reception thnt oven thoyovor experienced. Tho crowdwas composed exclusively of whataro called tho Mowor orderB,' yotnothing could oxcoed its orderli-ness and gouuiuo rapturo at thopresonco not meroly of royalty,but of successful sporting royalty.Most of tho triumphal niches andspecial banners boro rofoionces to

irtiffi " hAt- -ai r in ii jr rm

the Priuco'e rocont victory ntEp.sotn." Had Porsimmon himselfbeen also preBont I really fear thopublic joy would havo been toomuch for tho good people, andthat tlicy would havn gone offtheii In nltogcthur !

Here is another absurd instnncoof the association between sport 1

and pn'dic feeling. Tho Kaiser's j

new yacht, Moteir, has beaten tho .

Prince' of Wiili-b- hitherto tinnoii- -

quercd Britaunin into a cockedhat. The Em pet or is so muchdelighted that ho has nont agushing tolegram about blood

than water, etc., and apositive lovival of good feelingifw"!i England and Geinmny

seem likely to result from thisgame of play between two oftheir respective personalities. Bysuch trifles is tho fato of tho worldiniluonced.

had a Miiuow r,soii:.

Jiimt'N (tltl. Junior, T.iLcs a II I K

Drink il oll I'olsoli,

Yestorday evening about (

o'clock James Olds. Ji wont totho Kukui streot residonco of thofamily and aftor denouncing thoworld in general announced hisintention of putting au end to hisexistence. Ho carried out his

by picking up a bottlocontaining poinon and swallowingtho greater part of its contonts.Tho poison would not assimilatowith tho sundry fluids which thoyoung man had been imbibingand iustead of killing him causedhim only a 60voro attack oE vomit-ing, which saved his life. A phy-sician was summoned aud ho wassoon out of danger.

Olds has been drinking morethan was good for him and duringyestoiday was ventilating his realand fancied grievances ovor famil-y"" troubles to several of hisfriends, in the course of whichconversation ho threatened to putan end to his existonco, but alwaysqualified tho assertion with thothroat to "do up" soveral of hisfancied enomies boforo ho finishedhis own job.

Iloeklnir-Rciine- r.

The marriage of Mrs. MayHonner to Senator Hocking ofMaui took placo at St. Androw'scathedral this afternoon nt 1o'clock, Tiight Rov'il Bishop"Willis officiating. Aftor tho cere-mony tho nowly-wedde- d coupledrove to the rosidouco of Dr. Her-bert whoro a number of friendsworo gathered to offer thoir con-gratulations. Just beforo 2 o'clockMr. and Mrs. Hocking worodriven to tho Alamoda, on whichthey took passago for SanFrancisco, with tho intention ofspending a few mouths in thoGolden tato.

At Tliaruna Siinurc.

Tho governmont band will giveanother moonlight concert ntThomas square this evening, com-mencing at 7:30. Tho followingprogram has beon arranged:


Overturn Pint and I'comnt SnppoHutilu-- - Cnrmun lllctbelectlon 11 tionnninuula Hclllnl

Mll.lol, I'll 11 OI111I11. HIM no mu A'u.PAIlT If.

Mi ilkv Plantation Sons Coiiloi noQuadrille Paul Jones PlnuquuttoWnltss- -- I.ucrtlli FulirbnikPolka bijutyte M annoy

Uuwnll Ponol.

The Alphik "Iliiiitiiiliif: Illril."This is tho name of a now

"baby" cream soparator latoly in-

troduced to tho Island trado bytho Hawaiian Hardware Compa-ny agents for tho Do Laval Sopa-rator Company. Thoso machinesaro now in almost universalcreamery or factory uso tho worldovor, and in tho past fow yearstho dairy or "Baby" sizes havoalmost nB completely revolutioniz-ed general dairying hb had thelargor machines previously thocreaniory industry.

Beautiful, artistic, accurate,charming island viows at KingBros. Every prominent point ontho islands is photographed by usand painted by tho best of ourartists.

- '''ijrf-mh'iffi-iTri-- m,


1'iiooi:i:dinc:s or tiik sessioniii:m vi.sn:itiAY afti:knoo.n.

Are I.lulil Wi:iilril fur the ttlinratl- -tine Million-rropoM- 'ri t'reimiiir

I)r W001I nn IMItrntlon.

Tho members of tho Bouid ofHealth mot yesterday afternoonin rogular session, and tho routinereports wro received nud ap-proved.

A roport was received fromSuperintendent Meyer of thoLeper Settlomont suggesting thattho proposed colTeo shop at thoBottloment should bo run by dulylicensed parties under bond ratherthan by tho Board.

President W. O. Smith dis-

agreed with Mr. Meyer becausea licanso would havo to bo grant-ed for a year and in case oftroublo with tho holder it couldnot bo revoked under that time.It was finnlly dotormined to havoMr. Mover send ovor the namesof three persons, ono at Kalawaoand two at Kulaupnpn, who wouldmake good mnuagers of coireostands.

It was ordored that in reply ton letter from Dr. Bond of Kohalaho bo notified that it is notpart of tho duty of a covornmontphysician to examiuo and grantcertificates of health to pupils ofprivato scnools and thnt thoro ibno settled fee in such cases.

Dr. Wood entertained tho Boardwith a description of tho courso ofprocedure followed in Japan intho matter of granting licensesto physiciaiiB to prnctico medicine.

Discussion on mattors connect-ed with tho quarantine station lodto tho executive officer of thoboard being instructed to inquireinto the cost of a furnnco to pro-vide hot water for bathing pur-poses. Tho request of Superin-tendent McVoigh for two or threourc lights at tho stution was alsoroforrod to Mr. Reynolds to conferwith tho superintendent of thoolectrio light plaut..

Sections of tho law relating totho registration of births, deathsand inarriajjos woro ordered print-ed for distribution to physiciansand olorgymen throughout thoislands.

The president brought up aproposition for tho establishmentof a cromntory for disposing oftho bodies of thoso who died ofinfections disease's at tho quaran-tine stntion and Dr. Eldredgo ofYokohama will bo requested tofurnish plans nud estimates there-for.

A communication was receivedfrom Dr. Eldredgo, under dnto ofJuly 31st, giving statistics of var-ious infectious diseases prevalentin tho Japanese empiro.

Dr. "Wood introduced tho sub-ject of wator filtration ns practicedin Hongkong and nrguod in favorof tho adoption of a similnr planfor tho Nuuanu stroam wator sup-ply. Tho doctor wants tho Nuu-anu wntor conducted to tho top ofPunchbowl aud then filtered anddistributed.

iiv nn: Ai..nii:iiA.

J.uto t'olonlitl mill Uniern! Nawn from.tiicklunil I'npuni.

Tho first train upon tho Siber-ian railway has arrived at Tomsk.

Tho Houso of Lords has passedtho socond reading of tho Encou-ragomo- ut

of Light Railways bill.It is proposed by the Financo

Ministor of Now Zealand toborrow a million pounds ($3,000,-000- )

for public works.Judge "Williams of Victoria,

Australia, has beon nomiuntod toSecretary Chamborlnin for n mem-bo- r

of tho Judicial Cominitteo oftho Privy Council, tho highestcourt of nppoal in tho British Em-pire

James Edward Fitzgerald,of Now Zealand,

died August 2, aged 78 years.

- "':J,iirVifAf n,f mM'.ft""''T'I"i,.V1iW

His favorito occupation in privatelife was that of a journalist. Hwas a brilliant legislator in Innprime.

Tho Labor party of Victoriahas adopted 11 program that in-cludes the referendum, enfran-chisement of nomads, registrationto bo only a Parliamentary quali-fication, elective Miuistriea, andtho abolition of tho LegislativeCouncil.


From uiiiptiucxs at lust proviouKaccounts tho municipal treasuryhas S81G on hand.

Tho Gorman warships Falko andBussnrd and tho British Goldfinchworo at Apia on tho 8th.

Tho Snmoa Times has on arti-cle on a local girls' collego, insteadof a political disquisition, in itsissue of August 8. This is some-thing startling.

An ordiauco has beon adoptedby tho Apia Municipal Council toput a limit of 14. days in morry-go-rou- nd

licenses nnd mako thempay 25 por cout on gross returns.

It is proposed to post the townwith notices to tho effect thaiHindoo peddlers aro requested tosteor clear of our shores. Briefly

they aro not wanted unleBB nsshilling a day ninn for rond con-struction purposes. So says thoTimes.

.Mom: Hoititaus in cnirrE.Austria desiroB that tho control

of Croto shall apply equally to theTurks ant Cretans.

Tho Embassi"S are iiiBistino--

that tho Porto Bball pormit thorefugees at Canon, who aro chieflywomen, to leave tho islauds.

Ton thousand Moslems sackedHorakliou, and many of tho in-

habitants woro killed.Tho Governors aro powerless to

prevent outrages, and a gonoralmassacre of tho Christians isfeared.

A thousand loft tho place ohThursday.

Tho warship Hood nnd thoFrouch cruiser Liuois have Bailedfor Horakliou.

Five hundred Moslems- havotaken refuge in mosques in Croto,nnd many aro said to bo in a etatoof starvation. A raid on thoChristians is feared.

Fivo thousand Moslems anr-round- ed

tho Hotaklion gate, nndtho Governor, in endeavoring topacify thorn, was dragged fromIlia horso and Bovoroly maltreated.


News received at Sydney bysteamer from China Btatos thatrumors of robollion como fromall parts of the Empire. ThoMiatohes, aboriginal savages, havoriBon in Ucochuon, and committed,n number of outrnges, and it isboliovod they will form a junctionwith tho Mahommedans, who areat presont marching in a south-west diroction.

Knnsu, ovor since the war withthe Chinese, has been iu astoto offoment, ns tho pooplo nro dissa-tisfied with tho Governors and therulers of the country. Tho posi-tion on tho borders of Chaulungaud KauBU is very serious. Thonatives havo rison ngainst thoMandarins, several villages havobeon captured and tho iuhabit'inUbutchered.

During tho rising in Formosaagainst tho Japanese, Ollis, nwell-know- n Hongkong merchant,wns killed.

The auti-foioig- u inovomont isngain vory pronounced, and isbringing about a reuownl of ont-rog- os

on missionaries. Ono ladyhas boon abducted from ono oltho stations near Shanghai. ManyFrench missions havo been de-

stroyed, tho pooplo scatteredabout, nud two killed.

A Correction.An item appeared with some

words missing in the court newsyestorday, which is now givencorrectly below:

Tin Po Apa vs. Hon Clwni et. nl.Ejectment. Jury waived. Ontrial. Macoou & Edings lorpluiutiff; W. R. Cnstlo for defen-dant but not present.

"rTirTPTWffTiTr ifflSwii





Page 2: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.

lU:fr. '


f '




NAMAI'AIA MY Till! NKA. Henry Gehring(XXV.)


81 SClaa-j- r Street. DO vIOU IIKE CUEBY?JOUP.NAMBM. 0. J. WAM.KII - - - MANAOW1, k Company,

Ity Annk iUiilK 1'hkscott.M

I.The Thames (Isis), and "The


(Continued from yesterday.)

Tho first printed newspaperwas tho Gazotto of Nuromborg1457. So Gormnny led tho wayin journals. In 1G22 uppenrodtho first regulnrly printed Eng- -'

liBh nowspnpor tho Weekly News.Nothing can bo finor than tholiovuo deB Deux Moudes. "Paris,lino Bonaparte, 17."

Sot tho newspaper mark high,with the Times, and tho Tribuneof Greelty, the Transcript ofgBos-to- n,

tho Living Church of Chicago, tho Eclectic of Canada, tho witof K Jerrold, tho fuu of a Punch;anything unci everything thatcaters to "tho true and tho beauti-ful." "Living water" in our livesmid in our Journalism.

Wo do not say bocnuso of ourfew contributions, far from it!.thai wo think the Bulletin, ifnot tho best nowspapor in thecountry, certainly as good as thobest; und we can prove it if neces-sary. Tho tout ensemble of thojournal is, for a small town, audworking under mauy "lets andhindrances," fine The wholegotup of tho paper is good, andmakes for good.

Wo must say, wo can't "aboar"a paper split opon at tho top.Thero is to mo a cortain charm incutting tho loaves of my own nowvolumo; aud in turning mydwn newspaper insido outand outside in for myself,and no meddling of otherhands. It makes us not angrybut annoyed. Indood, wo havenever been "angry" but once inthese islands; and we are not ovorthat, quite, yet. It was when amanuscript, on Literature, thooutcome of years of study, thoughtaud v8jiirch was read, and thenstolen from tho Gazette ollico inHonolulu, tho latter part of lastyear, aud destroyed. It hud not60 much as a soupcou of islandaffairs in its lines excepting, per-haps, a few words of humor. Bytiny honest critic it would havebeen put at $50. Tho world domauds (oven before priuting wasthoiVght outt and will have news-papers; and a demoralized journalis like putrid, stagnant wulorBonding out its stench and fover-is- h

contagion into the world.Let us- - twist them all to ourliking, and lot that liking rest ontho., hoights. t Lot us publishwhat maukind is about, atits best not at its gutter end,its "swipes" and its canaillo.

Let us try to "level up" in allof our work. See! hero wo aro attho termini of London and GreatWestern, tho London and South-eastern, tho Great Eastern, thoMidland, and tho London audBlockwrtll.'Loudon on theThaniPs.'

Oh,lhat we might live in Londonfor oven ouo twelfth of ono yoar!But tho dissatisfaction of tho stay,bo short, would breed other de-

sires iievor to bo gratified; and itis better as it is just Makapalaby tho sea, Kohnla.

When a dear friend had spouta winter in London sight seeing,he related to tho writer his ex-

perience, from Gad's Hill to Bag-fa- ir

life at St. James, aud life un-d- or

tho bridgeB, and nil tho rest.But ho declared, ho would bonever content uutil ho could spendtwo years moro in that city; andhe thought in that time, if indus-trious, he could "get round." But,rlptith got round to him; and,seemingly, his work undone. Myfriends! make, with no certainty,your plans for auy London.

We may have hnd a fairy god-mother at our birth. Wo behevofirmly that we did; but, she hadgiven everything away to othertmbias of our class, and como Avith

an empty bosket; writing upontho soles of our feot "work," andin tho palms of our hands "pover-ty," and weiit on her way with agrim smile..London, tho world of "letters!"

L'uidbn brave, &weot and fair.The couutlesB myriads of tho goodand tho truo, men and women whoho o trod these streets havd lived

W$W Sp2!TbuUnniirlni with Throat, T.rniRor Vtlnc rlwiwi?mchCtrrli,8crofiil, AMIinia, or Xriiiintc, wMl ! uIipii a Mini.lfl Wtl f lilt. 0(Ut.VOX'S OHOaoLATK EMIIIJilON for trial. Call tlftort of lloix KTril l'niK ' . , Ilrn..lalti, IJ. I, "itlfiurtntccil as 1'olaiablu tt ilKk or lluuey.

Books, wo know,Aro a substantial world both

puro and good.Bound theso with tondrils

strong as llesh and bloodOur pestimo and our happi-

ness will grow.Wadsworth, Porsonal Talk,

stanza 3.

We Wave Them:


All, the LatestBooks of theffouR.





To be Found

Tn the City.

8"" If you don't find what you

want, lot us ordoritfrom tho Pub-

lisher, it takes only a few weeks,

and wo chargo you nothing oxtra

for tho getting of it.

Try us.

The BigBook Store.

Wall, Nichols f?o,KING STREET.

Why Pay $110

For a Bicycle.tlint sells in Iho Coast for $"r,whou you can buy nn honestBIcyolo at au honest price at

The v Cleveland v Ageucy

1806 Model $100.1S!)' Model 7.7.

1805 Model, Indies 70.

H. E. WALKER,Mauonlo Tomplo,

Valuable ; Homestead3?Q3:t BALE.

Tho promiaos nt prosont occu-pied by E. Kopko, Ebq., Bituatoat tho corner oE Groon and Victo-ria streets on the plopo of Punch-bowl, aro offored for sale. Thodwolling house uudaro well arranged and commodi-ous and the grounds aro largoand well laid out. Excellent viewof Diamond Head and tho ocean.AVill bo sold very reasonably andpart of tho purchaso money mayremain on tho proporty securedby mortgage.

For further particulars applyto J. F. HACKFEL1),Attoruoy-i- n fact of A. Elilors, Esq.



Mercantile Agency000 King streot.

Difficult Collections a Specialty371-- tf



)Naw Contractors.Refrigerated Poultry

-- AND-


Mefoopolito 1bM Go.

Telephone 45.

Central MarketNocano Street.

Tho Very finestOF

MfigeMed .-

-. Meaty

Tender-wwsassSffiSi-Sw- eet


Como aud see our


Westbrook & Gares,1'roprlctorB.

Telephone - - - - 104.

City MarketEstablished 18S3.

Joseph Tinker, - - Prop,

Beef, p Mutt0I1

Pork, SSL Veal,01 tho Fiueat VurietioH.

Makers or tho Celebrated Pork Sausage.

Nuuanu street, opp. Chuplnin lnue.

Telephone 289.

City Feed Store,Old Armory, Boretanlft Sts.

L. H. Dee & Co.

Hay, Grain and Feed received ex Asloun,Miowera and Aloha. Expcctod by 8 S

Mt Lobanon lot of AI

WKU gURpRlgE OJpft

Middlings, Bran, Flour. Feeds of all kindsand II A WATT AW COItNPOTATOES ...v.....-.-- ..

always fresh from Maui.


For tho Equine Tablo in thoway of all kinds First Glass


Aro on sale by tho


51 Port St Tel. 422.

STANDARD LINESof Groceries are more palatable as wellas healthier than the other kind.

VOELLER & CO.(Wurinj; Block, Ucretanla Street).

Handle nothing but the best. Llbby &McNeill's Canned Meat. King-Mo- no

Tnule Fruits, Ohlrarilelll's Chocolate,Milkmaid llraud Milk, Paragon l'ure Lardand

'CVPCIIBTMT nnilDM'telephone

B9- - 080 -- b


Cash. -:- - Grocers

is-NO- OPEN a

Fort StrHBt& Chaplain Lqhb,

H. VfiY co.,Wholesale aud Retail Groceries.

08 Fort Street, HonoluluTelophouor 2'J P.O. Box 470




wsPlumbing and Gas-fittin- g

Sanitary Work a Specialty

MF Jobbing promptly attended to.Tolophouo 75. 285--

Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


139-t- f King Street.


WHAT?My $10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with best

quality, No. 10 tiuc, G in. I'ipu, Chum uudl'lug, with wood rim all completo. Othetdealers are dumfonnded, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, thoso Bath Tubs havtbeen Bold for $14 until I reduced tho prlco.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantto satisfaction: Estimates fur-nished.

If you want n good Job cheap for Gaiih,ring up Tolophouo 844, and I am yourman.

JAR NOTT Jn,Tinsmith A Plnmbot

U.UrlSw.. , .1 .

For Family Use!

Just Deceived, ox "0. 0. Funk," a cargo of

Wellington, Departure BaiJ, Goal

Which is offered in quantities to suit.

2240 lbs. to the Ton.DELIVERY FREE.





Also White and Black Sandat the very lowest marketrates. Tolphone No. 414.

ffeto&ii&n Fertilizing

Is prepared to furniah

4oooTons Cane FertilizerTo ordor for 1HUU.

In Quantities to Suit;

gjgfT Orddra solieitod for a future do.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.

Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on enr lino and on A

KOAD nenr FertilizingPlant.

Theso Lots aro Very Cheap and Sold

on Easy Terms.Denirablo Aero Traotn near tho city andother Properties for ealo.

BltUCE, WAltlNG CO.,Dealers in Lots uud Lands,

Vnrt Rtrpot. npnr Kinc.TELiirnoNK C07. P. O. Box 821.

!( V?4. ' ikW!'4'jite4'iA "'A-'rtlfr;-v &&&& a5 m'- '(,j ::jii,tm . . ;.. ji . a i .. &. IC-- 1 W.&: I

vmmw&f?-',ym- ' "'"fm?0mij



Curry Powder as made by us is prepared after tho OriginalRecipe from tho Purest Ingredients.

vsr THY IT OISTOJi) -- a

Bicycles to BurnComo and havo

Barnes Whiteflyer


Tho leading wheel of tho world. I am agent for thoabove bioyclo and also for tho

. . . UNION . . .

A. Xerfect "Wheel. My Prices Suit theTimes and I am Selling

"7a,3r ZDoTX7-r-L X-.C-"w

So a8 to fit your pocket book.

Sole Ageut.

"elDTwTlliam sT


(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams & Co.

and Williams Bros.

Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,

and For Sale


Pianos Sale, Moved. Chairs Rent



for Hire and for

a look at the

ami in- -

Undertaker and Enibalmer,Tom bsUmes and Monximents.

Residence and NiRbt Tol. 815. 611 KING" STREET, Tel. 179,

H. HACKFELD.& CO.liniiorlerd


Plantation Supplies.


Just ReceivedAt the New Stand, King Street,

(Adjoining the Arlington.)

Whole Wheat Flour,'Golden Gato Flour,Choice Hams,Bacon,Fresh A.lmonds and Walnuts,Cul. Block Butter,Smoked Beef,New Pobitoep,Onions, otc, etc.

Chas. Hustace,KlKO SlUEKTi



Page 3: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.


m mw vi'w r jmmm. wr ?wf-- '

nnd toiled mid dreamt, proncliednnd writtou, sung nnd prnyed; nndloft thoir murk in atono, on pnpof,in church, in book, in lioflpitnl, ingrandest deeds nnd in the heartsof men, nnd influence upward fornil time. How unsatisfactory tosinglo out oven hundreds of thoeohoroos, and call them by nnmolKing Alfred. "Hero." 13odo.

"Horo." Bunyau. "Horo." JeremyTaylor, Kon, Herbert, Paloy, Ko-bl- o,

Pusoy. "Horo. "Wron, Inigo,Jonos, "horo.; Tho Pitts, Shaf-tesbury, Bnleigh, nnd nil of theirlines. "Hore." Shakespeare andall in his train. "Hero;" Now shallwo go on ? Tho work is deepening,and a book now of three volumeswould not suffico!Ah,"jouriin' hid,"and its contemporaries, jii.'ih.hsomething not in the intact"Unabridged," oven! Here, fromhor homo on tho bleak moor, wastwico soon tho Charlotte Brontoof immortal fame; horo, tho authorof "Silas Marnor," hero "LittleNoll" and her grandfather, horoTiny Tim, horo Tho Ohimos, herodied "little Paul Domboy," herolived "Oolonol Nowcome," horoare, nnd wore, "Olubs" worth yourwhile don't talk! But faces andbooks aro crowding into thesoprecincts now so faBt, and I canseo a donBO masB nil the way fromtho hills from "outside," from"Niulii" nnd 1 Bhnll bo troddendown and suffocate boforo I canwrite of n lit ho of tlii'in. "Shuttho door put up tho clmiu! Myl"

"London on tho ThnmeB."Journalism! 18.

I'ftlmt In I1n Nntne.

Climnto of every variety exertsa different iniluonco on tho do-Bir-

of mankiud for a stimulant.In colder zones bovornges of groatalcoholic strength aro used to avery much largor degree than inthe tropica. Beor is best Bnitedto our climate and nono found intho market is better than thatbearing tho brand of "Paust,Milwaukee." It is brewed fromtho best of malt and hops nnd isn groat thirst quencher and iuvi-gorat-

and stimulates tho nervesnnd mueoles. At tho Koyal, Cos-mopolitan and Pacific saloons itmay bo found, cold and pure. In-terchangeable checks aro issuedwhich may bo used nt any of thothroe roBorts.

Art.' Yoti TlrrilAll tho time? Tills condition U a sure In-

itial t Ion tliut your blood Is not rich nndnourishing as It outfit to bo and as It maybo If j on will tuU'o a lew bottles of tliu sreatblood purltler, Hood's Sarsaparllla. Thou-ean- d

wrlto that Hood's ciarsapRrllla hascured them of that tired feeling by givingthem rich, led blood.

Boon's Pills net easily and promptly ont ho liver and bowels. Curt) sick headache-- .

Nirdy furnished rooms at thePopular Houso, 154 Fort street,from $1.0.0 per week up.

Sterling, tho painter, is pro-pare- d

to quoto prices on roofpainting. He UBes a com position ofcoal tar nnd com on t. Cheapestnnd best roof preparation in Ho-nolulu.

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. It yuu want abuck with good horso and care-ful drivor ring up I'nlophnno 113,corner of Fort and Merchnntstretp Hack nt all hours.

When you nro down on yourluck and feel nB if tho world wascold, hard and clrotiry, just stepinto the Criterion saloon and put aroso-coloro- d tint on everything byimbibing a glass of Seattlebeer.

Singors lend tho world. Over13,000,000 inado and sold. High-est awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excollonco ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, groat speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convomonco of

B. Borgorsen, ngout,King nnd Bothol streets.

Thoro seems to bo somo blightaffecting tho bloom of tho beauti-ful Puncinna Regin, this season,for of nil tho trees in tho city butfow hnvo blossoms enough to at-

tract attontion. Tho one on Hotolstreet next to tho Arlington is anotablo exception, aud in

jb a sourco of wonderand dolight to visitors who hnvonovor boforq Boon this troo inbloom. King Bros, have madoseveral excellent pkotchos in oilnnd wator colors of this subject,which aro meeting with readysale.


ToalUtXTorlne with Throat, Liin or WnHlim WwaulStouiacttCatrrli, Scrotal. AMIuna, or Ntrwius IHMUItv, etc., nil) m kIvhi a Minila t.olllo of lljt. CilllUMN'H PIfllCOI.ATK KMULsilON for trial. Call atH'.rvf lloii.iHTHi liruu Honolulu, U. I. ltU(uuraiitvuU ua I'uUtUMu a iluW ur Horn.).


killerWill cure a cold before it settlesor niter it settles. The rightlime to tnke it is when ycu

1CC1 uic COKl C01111U(J ou.Prepared only iff

Perry Davis & Son,rroviaeacc.u.i.

'. - ..'1 'unZZZM

V mmTflifTCiCM

jji-Z-' 'U-r- & xtPXmA WMa.Mo w .tliouL any picviou3 wnrtt- -i. ;. xlte best way is nlwrya tobe prepared. Keep n bottle cf1'erry Davis" i'ain KiM.KRbyyou.

It relieves nt ottcc.It is also a auro cure for Cramps, Collo nnd

ana nil lniernai pain.

&0in it'll t fail where one d v of PuiuKiller would succeed. Ifyou haven cough or cold or nny other wintercomplaint, try I'atu Killer nt once.It never fails to give instant relief.rKV uavis & SON, Proridence, K. I.

Hoiiister -:- - DrugCompany,

13G-t- f Agents for the Hawaiian Islands,

J. J. Sullivan, 1. BUCKLUT,I'realdonti Seo'r.

Fasli ioiiSiafeCo.,11Honolulu, II. I.

Sdllivan & Buckley, Man'g'n- -FINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGES

in tho City, with Compotent and Caro-f- ul


Stand at tho Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

TeuErnoNE:Hnw'n Hotel Stables, 82.Pantheon Stables. 84.,

Fnsbion Stables. 148.


BAGGAGE dolivered and chook-e-d

to any Stnamor. Furnitureand Pianos carefully moved ntReasonable Rates.

SatisfactionFort and Queen Sts.

Day Tel. 912, Residence Tel. G43.

To Mjr Patrons.It gives mo much plensuro

to announce that MR. M. R.COUNTER, ono of tho moststilled watchmnkors evor inthese Islands, is now managingmy repairing departmout. Nowatch is bo complex in itsmechanism but wo can givo por-fo-ct

satisfaction in correctingtho evils to which watohes uruhoir. Watches are delicatethings to handle. Wo guarnnteothat they will receive no injuryat our hands and will leavoour store in porfoct ropair.




OF JEWELRY --bbbdh a lino iirt. Cosily jewelry whendumuned needs careful iittentiun, ex-

perience nnd cure. To got thin, houdyour work to

A. S. R, Vieira,AT KHOVfX ICUlti:Y'N.

Unique Designs in Jewelry.Telepiioxk 705. 331-t- f

h. a. jbiht.O na Puna llakana

Kit Hiwnhiwa oi loa aku oka Nani Makatnae.

E Eiki ke Hoomaemaepu ia na Wati poino a mo kahtiki o ko A--

Alanui Pjpu, kokoko nlnnui Moi.

"Min i1 pi n

' ? -






I Have HUNDREDS of DOZENS whichl am Soiling ,

--iTcT'"r OiTW7m m n w -- " ww3T Intcr-Ielan- d orders in quantity filled at a


. .

g CT m ff naara u, iimiiii iiiimaaw

CO.,Are to reccivo a big stock . .


BiOok Os: For 1's ! atur

To tnnko room. Como in nnd investigate.PnJiimuB,13timl3oo wire,Bronxe,


MURA.TA & CO., Hot'! nwl Xunnnu streets.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Has a largo assortment of '

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,32-t- d Manager.


Cottage Architecture.Complete Plans aid SDecificatlOES ani Foil


Designs of Now Model nnd ArtistioDwellings. From a $500 Artistio Cottnge10 n 3;k,uuu liweiung, nt sovoniy-nv- o percent less than prcsoat prico charged iu Ho-nolulu.

Tho owners and contractors will incurno Cxtra exponso on account faultyspecifications or not furnWhlng completeworking drawings to the contractor for hisestimates.

A. V. GEAlt.334-- tf COO King Strcot.


next to 1. n ens' Mill

Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

and RepairingDrays, Carts and

Wagon Building




Fitted up with nil tho ModernAppliances for

Manufacturing and Repairing Vehicles

of Every Description.

Blacksmithing and Horso Shooing.


arelep:bLQn.e 572HONOLULU

Carriage Manufactory128 & 130 FORT STItEET.

Carriage E&uili&GrAND IISl'AIltUlI.

Blacksmithing in All lis Branches.

W. W. WIlIUirF, Proprietor.(Successor to Q. West)


(At the Union.)

LEONARD NTJNESlias jubt opcueil his bhop tit T. I). Murrny'n

Carriuo Factory and will

Your HorseAt Bottom Figures,

r iirgfTt- - $ wwpKtm--


Sfreet, nenr Hotel)

HATS : fjujA

trgr-G&ri- ni

'- - - i -- - -figure ltnjioFSlblc to meet.


GOOD:MTJRA.TA. & '"about of .



.... Tho very finest of flno lines.

aresciit Stot'lt Will B5e .Sold






SilUn,Lncquer ware,coppor,

Tje Yokohama Specie BanlLIMITED.

Subscribed Cnpitnl Yen 12,000,000Pnld Up Copitnl Yen 4.500,000Itcscrvo Fund Yen 1,130,000


BRAKCIIES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

Snn I'l'itticiHCu, S'mnelmi,Bombay, Hong Kong.

Transacts n Guncral Hanking nnd Ex-change Iinsiucus.

Agency Yokohama Spotio DinkHew Rcjntllc Bnlldlpg, Hcsololn. H. 1.

S. KIMTJRA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

Wines.Liquors ani rrovlslonn, SaU n ,cclnlty,

Allen Stkeet. Telephone 703.

Arrived ptr S. S. "AuBtrnliu."



American Goods,

English Goofls,

German Goods,

Chinese Goods,

Japanese Goods.

taw Qoods! plew Qoods!I2T Come early nnd get your cliolce.

RWONGlifiG LOY,407-- 0 King St., near Castle fc Cooke.

L. AHLO,No. 103, Nunanu street

Has jabt received a new line ofDltY GOODS, LADIES AND GENTS


Agent (or the following rico plantationti:-Wnip- io,

Wniawu, Wuimaln, WidaluhKitucohonnd Kapalamn.

gjBJ Jly rieo from Kuneohe is lu.irkurlL A aud is guaranteed Al.P. O. ItoxlH. .... Telonhone 1HB.

PALACE RESTAUKANTFormerly the Pay IloroO Saloon

Corner Euthel and Hotel Streets, Honeluln.

BrEOIAL EATING nOUSE:Private Room a for Ladies and Gentlemen.

Open from 0 a, in. to 1 in morning.Price of TiekelN, $1.50. Singlo Meal, 25o.

JN"ew IRestaurant,Bethel street nbovo Post Office

NICE AND CLEAN.Chiokou on TuetulayH, Thurgdays and

Saturdayg. Ice Cream on Sundays. FineSalads with dinner each day.

Meals, 25c. 22 Tickots, $4.50.

astob house;(AH CHOCK, i'ropr.)

Meals 25 Cents. gJNN.D. .

Private Boom for Ladies.

CoitNEu LTotei. and Union Sts.

TOM CHUNG KEE,No. 47, ... . Nuuanu street.

Denlor in Lfidies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

Hoots and Shoes to order. I U6e the bestmaterial, floods warranted towcar well. 14S- -

FOOK ON & CO.,Nuuann Street.

Just opened new supply of rirst-cla.- s Shoesjust received.

Ladies' & Gonts' Ehccs Mado to Ordor

From American r.nd Trench Ienthers.

LBbv Til410 Hotel street, ncnrNuunnu.

importersfif All Killllo nf nrlriol,..,,.w" "" " "' ' '"0w""

n r--t --ivjiniiHse xea ariaG-inge- r,

GROCERIES, -.'- - RICE,All kinds of Canned Fruit, Cigars,nnd n Inrgo ns3 irtnier t of goods toonumerous to mention at tho very


KAM TAl'S.Hotel Httcet, oppo. rmitheon.

NEW CIGARS! NEW CIGARS!!Finest in tho city.



jaiG-je-; Lurji: iAll at .


Sana Wo ChanNinanu street, near Kukul

NOAV OPEN !Uxnanas and Vt gctabies always on hand

ChickoLS and Ducks alive or dressed, Frosh Eggs dclivored

to all pai ts of the city.


We prow our own bananasand ogeUbleH


WING WO TA1 & CO.,214 Nuuanu sttcet.

Importers and Dealers iu

Coucrul -:- -

Kino Manila Cigars, Chinese nnd Jupano-- Ciockeryware. Mattiuus. Vases of allkinds, Oamphorwood Truuks, ltattauChairs. A lino ARsortinont of Dress Silks.Choicest brands of Chinese and Japanesexeas oi jaiest importation.

uST" New Goods by every steamer.Mutual Tol. SCO P. O. Hox 1C8

SIn.gr Lee Co.,502 KING STREET.

Fraissi-- I :- -: FRUITSBy every California steamer.

Importers of all kinds of Groceries, Fruits,Cauued Goods, Clears and Tobaccos,

at Lowest Prices.Fresh Vegetables Alitnys on HnntL

AH PING,Dealer in Chinese Ten, Cigars,

Peanut Oil, Sugtr, Boap,Candles, eta, at lowestinarkot price. . i . ,

Corner Nuuanu aud streets. 143- -

HOP HING & COMPANY,Wholesale Dealers In

Chinese 811k, Tea, ami Matting,Liquors and Manila Cigars, English and

American Groceries.403 Hotel street. - Telephone 147.

QUONG SAM KEE & CO.Importers ami Dealers In

General Merchandise,145-t- f Corner King and Mannakca Sts.


Tins-m- i th,Dealers hi Tinware, etc.. Piping Laid

nnd rcpalied.

Ry" Orders solicited; charges very mo-derate.

o.30'J Xuuaiill St. ,4 doors abovoKinR St.373-- 1 ra

FOR . . .Best Imported Chineso Tea,


WARE, CIGARS, ETC,Fino Chineso Teas freshly imported. Very

low prices Go toWING TAI LUNG.

14- 1- !Wl Nuuanu street.


J?Lumbersand dealers In

CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC.Water Pipes, laid und repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

14- 3- No 41, Nuuanu street


Plumber & TinsmithDoOer In Tin and Agate Ware.

All kinds of Plumbing done In a SatlsfactorjManner at Lowest Kates.

P. O. Box 374, 213 403 Hotel 8t.


:e:lct:m::b:ej:e3 ,All kinds of tinwnro, crockery,etc, at lowest prices. ...

141 Nuuanu and Ilotol streets

;T'--"""- r


W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to OUDEIl of thovery best mi. (dials and in tho verylatest style. . , . ,

A. ioriLub KitGrtiaranteed


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty

-- v9

W. W.ITo Whom it

ay Concern.

This is to certify that O. Akimahas mndo several suits of clothesfor mo and tlio workinauship hasbeen of tho best. I tako pleasurein recommending him and hiwork.


TIM KEE,MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Kino DnckSuit, $5 up: Fine Tweed Pants, i$4.60 npFino Suit, $18 up. Clothes cleaned nnd re-paired. 200 KING STKEET.

P. O. Box 144

Chock Chce & Co., Merchant Tailors,

Clothes Cleaned and Ilepaired.

No. 32J Nuuanu Street.215-l- y P. O. Box 233.


It you want your Clothes Dyed and m&4to look now, call around nt

CHOCK LOOK'SMerchant :- -: Tailor;

4S Nuuann street, P O Box 153. '

C T, AKA'NA. -

No. 324, Nuuanu street.

MERCHANT TAILOR, VFine Suitings made toWdcr at lowest prices,

145 Clothes cleaned and repaired.

"W. Ahiu fe Co.,320 Nuuanu Street.


Fine Suitings from Best American andEnglish Cloth.

Clothe.1) Cleaned aud Repaired.


Fashionable Dress Maker.


Drosses made to order. Sowiu,; ,raa-rante-

If the stitches break I will re-pair without extra charge. 307-2-


: AND : DEAL-ER : IN ... .

Furniture, Bedding, Etc., Etc.Contraotor nnd Builder.

No, 80, Nunanu street.11ns on hand Coffins, Camphor Trunks,

Mattiug, Wardrobes, Desks, Mitiuss.B,eto,jSl Call iu nnd iusnect goils.


Contractors, Builders,Furnituro Dealers and Painters.


Fort Street, opposite Club Stablos.

Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


Furniture of all kinds made and repairedllulldlmr huues and NiiMmr rice mills a ew- -clalty. P. O. Box Wi, corner Klnp miU Bethelstreets. m

muAruSubporibe for tho Kv rhino Bdl--

r.ETIN, 75 contB pr Month.







Page 4: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.


i 1


. f







Sale of Government Lot onProspect Street, Hono-

lulu, Oahu.

Ou MONDAY, September 21, 1890, at 12 '

ft'clook noon, at the front entrance of thei:eoulituUulU1luit, will bo Bold at l'ublioAuotlou a Government Iiot ou ProspectStreet, Honolulu, Oahu, containing an areaof 22,800 Square feet, more or less.

Onset Price! $225.00.

J. A KINO,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, A. 18, 180085 3t

5r)? Evei?ir?$ Bulletin,


THURSDAY, AUG. 20, 18.


Tn the course of a parliamenta-ry inquiry into tho position offciindry loading banks ami corpor- - i

fttions of Now Zealand, WilliamWatson, president of tho Bank ofNowZonhind, was tho first witnessexamined by tho House solectcoiumittco. He refused to an-sw- or

n question as to who werotho porsonB in whoso favoramounts aggregating moro thanoiio million dollars woro writtonoff subsequent to tho balancosheot of 1838. His reason wasUnit ho and all tho officers of thobank hud signed a declarationthat tlioy would not disclose any-thing rotating to individual ac-

counts. He had been appointedto conserve tho interosts of tho

i a ti.o, oi iw.u.. ...i. ,,,,,.,

ho would beagainst such interests to divulgethe information, and it was hisduty nut to divulge it. Tin'Premier said it was a questionthen whether tho bank oih'corsshould bo mastors of tho Housoof lvoproscntativos. Ou tho fol-

lowing day tho question was re-

newed, when Mr. Watson formal-ly ropeatod his answer. Next thochairman of tho committoe re-

ported tho mattor to thoHouse. Tho bank president wasbrought to the bar and questionedby tho Speaker, whon he said hobelieved, if ho were to anBWorouch quostions, tho customers oftho bank would fall away

nd tho colony wouldsuffer. Counsel for Mr. Watsonaddressed tho House in dofenseof his position, larta motion madeby tho Premier, to fiuo Mr. Wat-

son $2500 and detain him in cus-

tody until tho aniouut was paid,was carried by a vote of UC to 2(5.

Tho fine was paid, but the presi-

dent was not called before thocommittee aguin. Mr. Booth, oneof tho bank directors, refused arequest to produce a number ofdocument), aB they referred to theprivate affairs of the bank, but atlatest accounts no motion had boonmado to bring him before theHouso in tho way in which thopresidont was treat d. The iucidont haB general intorest as illus-

trating the old question, variouslyd.joided in different countries, ofprivileges of witnesses holdingprivato confidences of certainkinds. Statements mado to spi-

ritual advisors and confossorB., i :. .i i... !...:..:. .

nowiuuno Biwm-- uy yimismiioin their practice and, as in theinstance hero gnon,:.. facts JelatlVO

to tho financial standing of per- -

eone known to bank oilicers, asprivato trustees, frequently bo

come bones of contention in thecourts.

"A Califomian on n visit heresnid such exhibitions did morofor his State than all tho otheradvertising," says the Advertiser.California does not havo "Mich"exhibitions as the saniplo roomshow tho Advertiser advocates.

olonning-u- p of tbo city ns a pre-

cautionary luoasuro is liorobyduly acknowledged. It is n matterthat sliould bo considered withoutdelay by the Board of Honlth.

There ought to bo an official feo

nresoribed for health cortificatoflq 8(jnool chiUlron by Govornmout

physicians in tbo country districts.Tho absence of any regulation intho mattor leaves a door open foroppression.


rrnud Nlirrlflcil Ago I nut Knmnmntnul'.atiitr of AkmiB.

Ah Sam withdraw his plea ofnot guilty, and, pleading guilty totho chargo of common nuisauco,was sontoncod by Judgo Carterto six months' imprisonment.Thurston & Stauloy for defen-

dant.Two out of ton Chinese, charg-

ed with wambling, having withdrawn their appeal had theirsontonces in tho Distiiot Courtnfliriued with S2.50 costs each.I'lio other eight in a no o pro- -

Hutjui umuiuu lui mum uyAttorney General JJolo and worodischarged. .Robertson for de-

fendants.Minna Crommor had her trial,

for selling liquor without licenso,by a foreign jury today. Coun-sel aro closing this afternoon.Dole for tho llepublic; Ilosa fordefendant.

Akona and Akiua, administra-tors of tho estate of Akana, undernotice to show causo why thoyshould not bo committed for con-tomp- t,

filed their accounts andasked for discharge, ltoceiptsare given as SL4,7(J1.83 and pay-ments $15,207.40, showingduo tho administrators. Judge

'Carter ordered that tho accountsana books be submitted to tho receivor for examination, and thattho administrators go to Kona toreview the accounts with tho ro-e'iv- n.

An iinli r lins iMied toW. Jb Wilbou, receiver, to sell tholeasehold and coffee planting in-

terests of the estate. Ilenshallfor petitioner; ThurstoufcStanleyfor tho widow; Do Bolt for thoadministrators.

H. Havkfeltl it Co.lmo filed anamended motion in opposition tothe discharge of Kazamatsu frombankruptcy. Thoy allego that incontemplation of becoming abankrupt Kazamatsu mado utransfer of purt of his proporty toprevent its coining into tho handsof the assiguoos. Thoy say hopaid Yotsuuioto, his partner oragent, 31500 for tho ostensiblepurpose of purchasing goodB inJapan and lias not delivered thatamount to the assignee nor ac-

counted for it.Mrs. Lilia Hannia petitions for

letters of administration to her-self on tho estate of her late hus-band, which is valued at S1500.

Judgo Carter gavo judg-ment for plaintiff, awarding himthe land and $100 damages, in thoejectment caso of Tni Po Apa vs.Hen Qwai and othors.

Inventories have been filod oftho estates of tho late Thomas Sor-ons- on

and QuerinoFornandes.

Seattlo is fast becoming a groatoity. Uno thing winch makes itfamous is Seattle beer, which youfind at tho Criterion. A goodthing always makes its mark.This is one of tho best things onearth.

Two deserters from tho Iolauiworo captured and taken to thepolice station this morning.

Marshal's Sale.

I BY VIUTUE OF A. WMT OF I'Xmjtion ,8sI18,i out of the Flint Circuit Court.ou the llthdny of July, A.D. 1898, ngalnst

j Chan. T. Gullok, Administrator Estate ofJo8.Qoni08t decoased, defendant, in favorof Manuel Francisco, plaintiff, for the sumof $287.25, 1 hao levied upon and shall ox- -p0B8 ior me ai ti,e station House, in thoDixtrtct of Honolulu, Island of Uahu, at 12o'clock of Saturday, the 12th day of September, A. I). 1890, to tho highest bidder,all th right, title and iuteiost of the saidCliiis. T. Ciuhck, Ad" inistrator Esjato Jos.Gomes, deceased, defendant, in and to thofollowing property, unless said judgment,interest, costs and my expenses be previ-ously paid.

liist of property for sale:Consisting of au undivided half iuterest

in Heal 1'ioporty as set forth in L. 0. A.556. H.P 109 to Maknlawelawe, situatedin Honolulu, lslaud of Oahu.

A. M. BROWN,Marshal Hcpuhlio of Hawaii.

Honolulu, Oahu, Aug. 12, 180(1. 3S0-5- t

Support by tho Advertiser of j Ruberibe for the Evknino Bdl-Ih-o

proposal to institute a gouernl 76 cents ptir month.

r 'hi niw tiwiwit'HUHni PHMWPIMI'4 UfPipfPIIJi fffpPPPP


Jlmely Jopi65ON


A short time ago we intro-

duced the De Laval CreamSeparators to the notice of thepublic through this columnbut we were compelled tochange our advertisement in afew days as the demand createdby it soon exhausted the sup-

ply of Separators we had onhand.

We have just received afresh supply and again callattention to their merits.

Have you one or more cows?If so, what is your purpose inkeeping them? Is it your objectto tret the most money fromthem, with at same time somecomfort ancj satisfaction? Areyou doing il?

Have you kept pace withthe improvements in dairy ap-

paratus? Have you ever stop-ped to consider the benefits ofthe Cream Separator, not tothe world, not to your neigh-bor, but to you personally andindividually?

If not, you cannot do any-thing better, and the soonerthe better. Everybody nowunderstands the principle ofcentrifugal creaming. Gravitycauses the cream to rise in theold way. The separator sim-

ply adds centrifugal force togravity. It merely uses twonatural forces instead of oneonly. It effects the completeseparation of cream from milk,which is not possible in anyother way, and in the most allaround practical manner.

The De Laval Cream Separ-ators are in almost universaluse the world over. They haverevolutionized dairying me-

thods. The State Collegesand Experiment Stations alluse and advocate them. Morethan 8,000 have been sold.All practical creameries havelong used them. Progressivedairy farmers do so in all sec-tions. There must be manyusers around vou. No user ofa De Laval machine ever didotherwise than endorse it.

The De Laval "Baby" orDairy Cream Separators arenow made in six differentstyles and sizes. They rangein capacity from 1 $0 lbs. perhour to 700 lbs. per hour.Capacity means separatingcapacity per hour. They aremade for all requirements fromthe household buying its milk,to the dairy or irom one cowto one hundred.

The De Laval machines areHand machines. They are de-

signed and constructed forhand use. Women and chil-

dren run them. They are usedalmost wholly in such Way.Still they may be attached toany sort of light power, fromdog tread to engine.

We have also a smaller typeof the same machine, which isdesignated as the "HummingBird," especially intended forhousehold use. It is verysmall, very compact, extremelysimple, easily understood andcared for, safe and durable. Itpossesses every advantage tobe found in any of the larger

Alpha machines.Samples and prices of these

machines at

THEHawaiian Hardware Co.

LIMITED,Opposite Spreckols' Bank,





Onto your typo printed visifvagcard, when it is so easy .oget tho correct thing right athomo.

No card but an engravedone is acceptable; others arcconsidered shoddy nnd Bhouldnot bo used.

Wo know the correct thing,nnd nny work turned out byus, will placo you right intho swim.

Every effort is being madoby us to keep this work athomo, and if a strict adher-enc- o

to San Francisco prices,combined with good cleanwork is any inducomont toplaco ordors hero, wo will getall your work from now on.

Uoar in mmcl tuat wo aronot trying to meet the cutrates of Eastom DoportmentBtores for inferior work; butaro doing good work, usingtho very best of material, andadhering closely to rulingrates in San Francisco.

Nor is tho iwork confinedto CardB alone, but Weddingaud Socioty Stationery, Busi-ness Cards, Announcements,Bill Heads for Professionalmen, Embossing, nnd thogeneral run of work comingunder that head, have thosame careful attontion.

Yon may not need any-

thing now, but it is well toboar in mind when tho timecomes, nnd save the- - expenseof Bonding away for it.

H. F.Wickmanggj5ia,si5MsisiJeyi5ja!3ia?i5iasi3iafai




25 and 50

Feet Lengths

Just Received ex

"Archer." . .

Every piece of our

4 Ply Hose


Also, a supply of

3 Ply.

Gastle & Cooke

(Xjianaited-- )

I, S


We Have


Hope You

Are Well Fixed.

BSyWo refer of couree to Footwear, particularly all the now shadesin colors for Ladies and Qentlomon.

If You Need Fixing aHEsCome in and See TJ.


The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,

Big1 Shoo Fstoi'e.

E B (Hi B V H W'Pw'fr" V

7S.OOIf you aro thiukiug of getting a

Bicycle, now is tho time to getone while they last. This offer ofRamdleiis at $75.00' iB not acut inprice, so don't wait expecting toboo tho price come any lower. Wo-ar-

offering 1805 wheolB at thisprice and there aro but n few loft..'this whcol is fitted with the

Great C. & J. Tirowhich has proven so satisfactoryin this land of the- -

Ivive Thorn.We also havo a stock of tho 1896

wheels both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon easy terms. Come in aud havea look at our wheels and satisfyyouraelf that we aro in the BicycleBusiness.

An InvestmentStop and think how mauy Niok-le- s

and Dimes yon might savohad you a wheel. A rido to Wai-kik- i

is not ouly a pleasure but asure saving of health and strong! h.You will find new vigor by tlnuoof muscles never before broughtinto uso.



E. 0. Hal! & Son

Just hmedfrom the Press:

'How to live on the

Man Islands.'

A Summary of IndividualHygiene by

N. RUSSEL, M. DContents: Introductory! llawniinu

Soil nnd wntorj Tho influonco of

marks; Hawaiian Climato for invalids.

Price 50 Cents."ODE HEALTH POLICY."By tbo amo author: Vrico 10 cents. For

sulo ut nil booLaiore.374 17t

ti .0R1EHTk aK orWNnVJV

CiXG Fort Sti-oo- t.

3FW. DIMOND'SWe've said sometliinjr. once

or twice, nbout Iho beautiesof the dining table when'properly dressed with appro- -

priato china and glasswareEverything depends upon thequality and artistic design

You have had China news,galore now fur glassware.You've lived half your lifowith tho impression that cutglnss is too high priced anarticle for you to- possess.You nre wrong. We are sell-

ing to dny genuine cut glusssalt cellars, individual, indifferent designs, for two bits-each- ;

they've sold in other-store- s

in Honolulu ns high as$2. Its the' way we buy.Wo havo, also, sots consistingof a tray, one pepper and onesalt, sdvor tops $2. You neverheurd of tlioin being sold any-where f..r k'Fs. than $10. Younever saw tliem before in Ho-nolulu. Our stock goes fromtht'be small pieces to theheavier und larger dishes whichsell at $150..

Iuchu'p tumblers we-offe- r

a thoroughly finishul articleot 50 cenfc a dozen and incnsi' u might wish to usothem for preserve glasses,we throw in a tin top foroiu'h Wo havo an engraveddicaiitor, holds a quart. 35cents, a pressed glnss pickleor liv dish for 10 cents, abury sut, 7 pieces, 75 cents.

Liio average man does notknow how much glass isused in the household. Wedo, and wo have 150 patternsof glasses to select from. Inlamp chimneys we havo allsorih. ao. 1 A, three for aq rter; No. 2 &., ten centseach.

Vou Bolt Building.

Edw. Ingham,

Artistic Painter,Brass Signs and

Gilding on Glass Specialties

K? A.M kinds of Contracts forPniiituig tikon.

Union Street, noxt to Sterling,tho rmiutor's.

31 tr




Page 5: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.


,SV-- 1


Stars vs. llouolulus on Satur-day.

Elsio Adair in now Bongs to-

night at tho drill shed.

Muster Rusaoll will buir illus- -

tratod songs tonight tit tho drillshed.

An Australian weather prophetnamed 0. L. Wraggo arrivod bytho Alameda.

"Wm. Koogh, tho well-know- n

clariouot playor, is again with thogovernment baud.

Tho largest Krupp guns havo arango of seventeen miles and firotwo shots a minuto.

P. Molnorny has started a can-dy manufactory, with fine molas-ses "boss" a specialty.

Tho informal dance of tho Hoa-la- ni

Yacht and Boat Olub takosplace tomorrow evening.

Captain D'Allortia of tho Ita-lian urmy is a visitor to tho isl-

ands who arrivod by tho Alamo-da- .

Professor F. P. Dresslar, whoNhas boon locturiug at tho summerscuooi, leic on tno Aiameua

AC llio j.uiiK0-j.uar- u sans tomorrow' at 5 i). m. for Seattle. Wash. Wm.

G. Irwin & Co. aro agents of thovossol.

An aero of good-fishin- groundwill yield more food in a wookthan an aero of land in a twelve-month.

A. J. Dorby, D.D.S., Doutaloffice Cottiigo No. 100, Alukoastroet, telephone N o. 615. Officehours 9 a.m. to 4 P.M.

Tho steamship Alameda havingcome and gone, tho band willplay at Thomas square this even-ing at tho usual hour.

Tho engagement of Miss NellieC. Stoward and Herbert E. Garosis announced. The wedding willtako place tho latter part of nextmonth.

M. A. Peixoto, proprietor of theUnion barber shop, next to th(SArt Gallery, guarantees to give ashavo that will mako your haircurl with joy.

King Bros, latest consignmentof picture frames has takon thotown by ptorm. Tho designs aroelegant, and of thohandsomest.

There was a big lot of peoplescattered among tho trees ofThomas Squaro at tho band con-co- rt

last night. Officers Hammerand Cordos kept order among thowould-b- e hoodlums.

J. W. Bergstrom is agent forthe celebrated Kroeger pianos, ofNew York. Ho builds organs.Second-han- d pianos taken as partpayment. Pianos sold on instal-ments. Tuning and repairing.P.O. Box 387. Tele. 347.

Thoro is a gang of Portuguesetoughs who infest Thomas Squaroevery Sunday afternoon, tearingthe shrubbery and annoying resi-dents of tho vicinity by theirshouting and vile language. Thenttontion of tho police is called tothem.

Among tho passengers by thosteamer Alameda is Mr. ClementL. Wraggo, chief of tho Queens-land Weather Bureau, who is onhis way to Pari to attend tho sit-tings of tho Intercolonial Meteo-rological Conference shortly to boheld in tho French capital. Mr.AVraggo has stopped over in Ho-nolulu for another steamer.

Tiro Depirtmout drivers aro nolonger allowed to run their teams ton firo within the oity limits. Theymust trot their horses within thoboundaries of tho King Btrootbridge, School and Punchbowlstreets. Outside thoso limits thoymay go at a full gallop. This istho rosult of tho rocont accidentin whioh n valuablo horse waskilled.

A guard of one of the wheelson tho inside of one of tho cars ontho Nuuanu lino was missing yos-torda- y.

A Japaneso nearly caughtLib foot in tho naked revolvingwheel, and other passongors weroin danger of an ucoidont in thecrowded tram. In tho evening thodriver waB asked to attend to thomatter, when a board was substi-tuted for tho missing guard.

i m


fylakea Belter Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

Atk Your Grocer Fur It.

UNION FEUD CO., Sole Agents.

k'A i. J I - JCHjfe-jf"?'!:

WPWppRSi mmr "liyy " "pp"r rv PJPPP'PW'IPIP'' j

EVENING BULLETIN, AUGUST 20, 1890.wtiwwiimnT WH"

Emmctt tho great in a now vio-

lin speciatly at tho drill shed to-

night.Tho Alameda had only throo

passengers aud a nativo Samoautor this port.

F. W. Macfarlano and MissIrmgard Macfarlano loft on thoAlameda this afternoon.

Oharlna K. Snnncor. formerlymanager of tho Hilo Tribune, '

arrivod by tho steamer Hawaiithis afternoon. j

Bon Holladay of Portland, whohas boon visiting Mr and Mrs W.G. Irwin for somo weeks past, lofton today's steamer.

Two windows of tho PacificHardwaro Comyany'a storo arofilled with trophies and picturosof tho winning crows of tho Myr-tl- o

Boat Club in its various con-tests.

Lewis J. Lovoyis very ill withpnoumonia at his rosidonco onBcrotania near Alapai street, buthis physician, 3)r. Murray, doesnot consider him in oxtremodanger.

A nativo prisonor was broughtover from Koolauloa this morn-ing undor sontenco of six monthsat hard labor for tho larceny of awatch. Ho has boon conficlod totho tondor mercies of Jailor Low.

Harry Byug of tho Alamedasteward's BtafE has tho Bulletin'sthanks for files of Auckland andSydney daily and woekly papers.Harry is still bent on coming backto Honolulu for a permanenthome.

Tho Ohinoso girl who ib confin-ed in tho city prison pending thohearing of haboaB corpuB pro-ceedings on Saturday, has recov-e- d

her spirits and spends thotime chatting with the prisonguards.

A large number of tho friendsof Senator and Mrs. Hockingwero at tho wharf to bid themfarowoll. Tho bride was loadeddown with lois and bouquets, bo-sid-

boiug tho recipient of sever-al handBomo baskets of flowers.

Thoro was a largo crowd of peo-ple at tho wkaif to seo tho Ala-meda off. A number of tho teach-er's in attendan'co at tho summerschool sang "Aloha Oe" and othornativo airs as a farewell to Pro-- f

csr Dresslar, and the band madethings generally lively.

Excavations for the now bod ofNuuanu stream, on St. Louis Col-log- o

grounds, wore begun yester-day. With a rare instinct for in-

commoding people as much aspossible, tho chief digger startedwork on the road at the main gateof tho institution, tho very lastplace whore tho ground shouldhavo been broken.

Mr. Vandorlip having securedthe right of way through tho Ex-ecutive building for a railroadwill tell the audionco how to builda railroad to the pali. Neithersteam nor olectrio power will boused as a moans of locomotion.Tho wind that whistles throughtho gap will bo used. Misa Van-dorlip intends to locate tho newstock yards at Thomas or Emmasquaro.


Arthur I'lizjrernlil IMeml Guilty ofMtealluK' Jllurrnj 'n Cnrrlngra Wheel.In the Polico Court this morn-

ing ArthurFitzgeraldpleaded guil-ty of tho larceny of two carriagewheels from T. B. Murray's shop,valued at $20. Sontonco was sus-pended for two weeks.

Ching Tai, tho stockholder oftho Ohinoso Times who assaultedthe editor of that shoot with ahammer yesterday, was in thedock but his caso wont ovor to the25th, or until tho outcome of theeditor's wound is ascertained.

Sam Kanio and Ane Ah Hutwore out of luck today.Thoy wero found guiltyof adultery. Sam was fined $75and liiB Annie $25.

Two othor natives who wero upfor a similar offense pleaded notguilty thereof and their caseswont over.

Antonio Martins entered a pleaof not guilty to tho ohargo of las-civious conduct and speech andhis trial was sot for tomorrow.

Three opium cases wero set fortrial on tho 22d, tho defendantsbeing out on $100 bail each in thomeantime.

Thirty Ohineso fantan players,arrosted by Lioutouant Fornaudosand others at Kamoiliililast nightploaded not guilty and will botried at this aftornoon's session.Thoy aro all out on $12 bail each.

Highest of all in Leavoning Powor. Latest U. S. Gov't lloport.

M. m MSSEBfftlllC.


I'rexli AK4!eiiiurn( of Toucher Hocnmiiieiideil and Approved.

At tho mooting of tho Board ofEducation yestorday afternoontho following assignment ofteachers, recommended by thocommittee, was approved by thoboard:

Mrs E W Estop, Miss NollioRiokard, Misa May Wrinht, W HBeers, Honokaa; S Keliinoo,Thomas Bartow, Charles F Truo,Waiauao; St ChadPiianaia,Paho-ohoo- ;

Alex Ilihia, Waiawa; MissIsabel Kelly, Fort Streot; Miss AH Crook, Miss Ella Crook, Ulu-palaku- a;

Miss L Kaliooio, Laupa-hooho- o;

Miss Belle Walker, MissLizzie Graco, Maomao; Miss Ai-ku-- o,

Waiahole; Miss Byor, HiloSelect School; Miss Bella Woight,Hilo Union School; Lilinoo Ha-pa- i,

Louisa Brown, Wuiakea; JasM Taggard, Mrs Taggard, flaa--

hco; JN i Lemon, Oprockolsvillo;Wm Isaacs, Hauula; Miss MarySmith, Fort Stroet School; MissMabel Lampman, High School;Wm Kaluakini, Lahaiua; Augus-tus Brico, Kekaba.

Inspector-Genera- l Townsondreported tho nppointment of Ed-gar Wood as professor of naturalsciences ot tho Higli School, whichwas approved. Mr. Townsondwas also authoiizud to havo ono ofthe rooms of that school furnish-ed with chairs and tables.

A temporary committeo on ex-

amination consisting of PiofessorAlexander, H. S. TownBond, J. F.Scott and M. M. Scott was ap-pointed to suporviso tho examina-tions of next week.

Tho offer of tho Lalmina plantation people to furnish wator toLahaiua Union School at S800per year was rejected, after Min-ister Cooper had explained that thoCabinet was unfavorable towardstho project.

Deputy-Inspecto- r Scott wasauthorized to havo tho roomformorly used as a kitchen in thoHigh School building fitted up asa chemical laboratory.

President Cooper repeated thatof tho 83000 appropriation for thoEoform School $900 had been ex-

pended for repairs and that notenough remained for curront ex-

penses. .There was an old maid as sick ns sick could

be;Doctor said tlie troublo was drinking com-

mon Tea.Recommended "Salvation Aiuir Bkani,"

When, Oh. what Joy to tell,It quickly raised her from her bed,

Both Btronuaud sound aud well.

Harry Cannon, Palama Grocory,is appointed Sole Agent in thoHawaiian Islands for this justlyPopular Brand of Tea. Sold in30 cent $lb. packages. His Me-morial mixture, Youug Hysonand Japan, 25 cents, unrivaled forcheapness and excellence ofquality.



DRILL SHED!flair Loupy,j

Will present . . .

Farce, Comedy and Vaudeville !


Prices: $1.00, 7"o aud GOc.

X5T Seats ot Wall, Nloliok Go. 335.2t


Baseball SeasonStars


Saturday, Aug.. 22, 1896Game Gallkd at 3:30 i. ai.

A.clmission, - 25c.3S0-3- t



PabstMalt Extractwill brace, build and giveyou vim and bounce. Getit and thus take your ownadvice.

O J o &

Lafayette, Indiana,August 22, 1895.

Dn. Hun: says:

Evor since your excellent"Best" Tonic has been placed uponthe market, my family has been nbig consumer of this preparation,aud I havo found it a gratefulstimulant, appetizer, tissue builderand tonic. I consider it ono of thevery few piopurutions that reallydo all thntis claimed for it, and un-

hesitatingly recommend it to mypatients. Dlt. CHAS. IIUPE.

? O 5 J

Pabst "Best" Tonic for sale by

Hobron Drug Co.

OnlyaWindPllffBut It may lose you the race. Ilortowon't bring as much at the sale.Tt Looks Had And Indicates weakness.

ABSORB1NE ?McZvtUlthe Joint without removing tho natrorlaying the horso up. (2 00 a bottle. Otprogressive dealers or sent direct.

W. F. YOUNG. P. O. V.,o. 3 1 Amherst 8t. Bprlngfleld, Mass.

Hobron Drug Co.SOLE AGE1STS.

Tie Nippon Ymen Msba Tnis-FaciH- c Line.

For Seattle, Wash.Tlie Nippon Yuscn KalaWp Steamer

''KeiVlarirWill sail for Seattle, Wanli., on

Friday, Aug. 21 at 5 p. m.3J For Freight or Passage, apply to

Wm. U. 1UWIN & CO., L'n,886-S- t Agents.

Election of Officers.


The (ullowlni; OUlcen ere elected at theAnnuul Meeting ul tho Honolulu Chamberof Commerce held August lVth, KM:

l'naWlcnt JItAthertou,VUo President T It Walker,bicrclary& Treasure.... Jas (I


T It WalUcr, Win F Allen, O M Cooko, CIlolle, J F llaekfeld.

JAd O SPF.NCER,dtcretary.

Honolulu, AuKt Wth, 1800, S35-3- t.



Office: 20S Morchnnt street, CampbellBlock rear of J. O. Carter's offlco. V. O.Box 3.10.


DU1UNH MY ABsbNOE FKOM THEIsland, Mr W. U. Peacock will act for mounder full Power of A.toruey.

385-3- t O. A. PEACOCK.


Duriugmy nWimo from tho IlnwniinniBlfiudrt, ruy brother, N. Fernandez, willaot for me undor Power of Attorney.

AUKII.M FEltNANDEZ.Honolulu, August 15, 18U0. 333-l- w


During Mr. IJonrdmun's nbsonco, Mr.Ewiiitf will have churgo of my books andattend to nil collioi'nn. Ilo can bo foundeither ut Mr. Uourdmuu's oflico ut Ogura &

Co. s or at my oOlce,335-t- f DH. IIE1U1EUT.


Tho Htoimor Kinuu will leavo Hilo, y,

Aug. Stli, at 8 o'clock i, in j arriv-ing lit Honolulu Monday moruiiicr, Aug.21th, instoud of tho rogulur udortisodtiuio.

wiLnniv- - fl. s. co., ltd.Honolulu, Aug. It, 18U0. 381-- Ot

N. S. SACHS' .

520 1?orb Street.

Lace Striped Dress MullsIn dolicnto shades, silk lustro, just tho thing for evoningdrossos, only 20 oents a yard

Pin Dotted Swiss MuslinsIn solid colors, sulphur, pink, black and yollow.

Pure Linen Lawn for $2.50a pioco, containing 1G yards and guaranteed to bo puiolinon

Our White Goods Departmentis most comploto, Viotoria and Porsian luwn, dimitieain stripes and plaids, nancookn, mulls, swiss muslins,fancy plaid and stript'd whito goods

At Rock Bottom Prices!A.T


Fine Whito Muslin in openwork. Bountiful Patterns.A great stock of - -

Valenciennes Laees .


B Wo expect within ton days a groat unci now stock o

D 5c GOrdered Speeialy by Us !

This is known to bo thofinost Corset made . .

We Are Now

Selling a Special

CANE KNIFEMado to Romedy tho Defects


. . . A of ....

. .




13b revcre V--


Thoso Formorly Used Here.




TrainB will leave at 9:15 A. M.

and 1:45 p. St., nrrivinR in Hono-lulu at 3:11 and 5:55 r. M.

ROUND TRIPUt Clata 2d C1m

Pearl City $ 75 $ 60Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Wninnno 1 50 1 25

320 Fort street, near Merchant.

Commission Agent,Cuslom House BroXer anil Statistician


Ex "Australia," an invoice of tho Favorite

Eeyere : Garden : Hose,Scissors, Shears, Hair Clippers,

Packing of All Kinds, Fcatho Dusters,Brushes in Grat Variety, Shelf Hardware



Just Received

new importation

Fine Woolens





Take Outing


Henry Davis,'Merchandise Broker,







V asHtt

FORT AND HOTEL STREETS. ANl) maGeneral Business Agent


Page 6: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.


The plrl I lovwl vni mnrrlixl ypatenlny.I roaci no more, my yen nro Murrril w lth tcnrn,Ono lino of print cnn bring bnck all tlio yoarsI doomed nil dead and mako December May;For wo were young and dreams woro passing


And earth Roomed all to smile with tendernessUpon our lovo, and we wnro happy yea,A thonsahd wnya to 09 Ufa aeomed comploto.This love I learned to look upon as dead,And yut tonight I feel n dull, Ktrnngo piiln,An achu hero In tho throat I cannot swnyjI sea again that quaint trick of hor head,Tho swelling of hor throat but dreams nro

raintho clrl I loved vai marrtod yesterday.

John Northern Ullllard In Chicago Ilocord.


Jim Randall and Stovo Hall Bat intho village) inn of tho latter ono eveningafter it was closed to outsiders, muokiug

their pipe of pcaco and friendship, aswns their wont.

It was a plain country inn, wheroyou could buy almost anything, but italso showed signs of modern improve-ment', sineo tho increaso of populationand tho times demanded it.

Stovo Hall hud inherited it from hisfather, nnd, having como into possessionn year before, married tho girl ho lovedand fccttlcd down, which happy coursoof action he was constantly urging uponhis old friend, .Tim Knndall.

"If you lovo L'm well enough to havoher, why don't you mnrry at onco, in-

stead of spending your best years incourting ami waiting?" asked Stovo ofhis friend.

"Oh, I can't afford itl" answeredJim, stooping to knock tho nhes fromhis pipo. "Em's u goal girl and haspromised to liavo mo; but I told hershe, or rather wo, must wait until Icould sco my way clear to support afamily."

"What did sho say to that?" InquiredStcvo, with a curious expression on hisface.

"Sho s.iid of course wo couldn't ex-

pect to marry at onco you see, thatwas fivo years ago and sho was will-ing to wait, but didn't want mo tothink sho cared for money. To bo withmo joor would be happiness enough forher, and so en. Yon know how girls

talk under theso circumstances. ""Yes, and I know Emma Willis al-

ways moans what sho says. Jim, if yonhad married her four years ago, youwould have been a lieh man now. "

"A rich man! How?""Well, to tc ll tho truth, I s"0 a good

mauy signs of neglect about your farmwhich I know would nover exist wheroEmma Willis lived."

Jim colored at this intimation of hisindolence, and answered stiffly:

"Well, when it's all my own, I'lltako moro pains with tho old place, andmarry Em in tho bargain."

"Don't wait for that, old boy. Doboth right away, and, my word for it,you'll never bo sorry."

Theso words rang in Jim Randall'scars as ho walked back in tho starlightto tho only homo ho had known sinco howas n boy.

Hero ho had lived with his grandfa-ther and the old housekeeper ever sincofirst going to school, then assisting intho caro of tho farm until tho wholochargo gradually fell upon him. But honever took much interest in it it wastoo much like working for nothing.

"Wait until it is my own," ho wouldsay to himself j "then you'll seo some-thing wotth looking at. " For Jim washis grandfather's expected lioir, andsomoday, not far off perhaps, theso acreswould bo in his Then liowould bring his wifo hero and fix up thoold placo und show folks what ho couldda But now ho might as well tako thoworld easy und not work himself todeath U,r his board and clothes.

Thus ho had always reasoned, untiltonight ho began to wonder whether hohadn't clono wrong.

"Wife," said Stovo Hall that night,"I do belicvo Jim will livo on and onin tho old placo nntil tho old man dies,bufoiu ho will better himself. lie hasfallen in this careless, indolent way ofletting things go, until it wouldn't sur-pris- o

mo to hear that Em hersolf hlipprdaway from him. "

"It is a shame," lejoined Mrs. Hallwarmly, '"to let such a sweet, prettygirl as Emnia Willis wasto tho bestyears of her lifo wniting for such a man.I declaro I'd marry somebody elso justin spite!"

"No, you wouldn't, my dear. Bin itis too tnio that Jim doesn't seem toknow what ho's waiting for. I can't seothat his proptieetn improvo at nil. "

"They may before long, for old Mr.Randall has seemed unusually fecblolately."

Kvi u as ho spoke, Jim Randall wastrying to iouso tho old man from sleepin tho blgchair, whero ho was surprindto find liis gr.iiKifnthcrnt thfs Into hour.But in vain. No eaitlily poer couldarouse tho old farmer from tho sleepthat hnd como upon him alouo and

So tho news later bpre.tdthroughout tho town, and a few dayslater they laid him besido tho compan-ion of Jiis youth, who had gono yearsbefore

Then Jim Randall felt deolatoenough, and h's only comfort was intho thought that tho farm was now his,and ho could do as ho pleased.

Tho relatives assembled after tho fu-neral to hear tho will read, whichseemed a mero matter of form to most

roslUiifll'rtni; w Tln-'ia- r I nt or Wtli.i. 1 in n.KOIllmli lururrll, Sr.f'ilii. Inmn r S.ivuikJj. i!II , ' , a ' fJi'N e fUtirotil II. wt lit ( ,11 ll , I., 1, iu an III I: t.t iJ..ik .

FirstLest and nllthotlmo Hood's Sarsapnrlllahas been advertised as a blood purifier.Tho great cures by Hood's Barsaparlllaliavo been accomplished through purifiedblood. Scrofula, enlt rheum, eczema,rheumatism, neuralgia, yield to Hood'sBarsaparilla, because, it eradicates tho

EnStSlVeBtlgo of thoao impurities which havobeen developing, perhaps for years, inthe blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla curesnervousness by feeding tho norves uponpure, rich blood. It absolutely and per-

manently cures when all othor medicinesfail, because Hood's Sarsaparllla

AlwaysStrikes at tho root ot tho dlseaso, whichIs in tho blood. Thousands testify thatthey havo been absolutely cured of blooddiseases by Hood's Sarsaparllla, althoughthey had becoino discouraged by tho foli-

um of other medicines to glvo any relief.No othor medicine hns such a record otcures as Hood's Sarsaparllla, because

HoodsSarsaparilla 4

ll lh het In fact tho Ono True Blood rnrlfler,

are tho only Pills to tnkoHOOu S FlllS with Hood's barsaparllU

Ho"bron Drug Co., Agents.

CENTEALKona Sanatorium.Situated on a Deautiful Hil'hido Overlook-

ing tho Ocenu, and ISOOfeetabcvoSea Lecl.

Only 2-- i honr-i- ' sail from Honolulu.Cliniflto mild, c'cur diy atinosplicio, freefrom fogs nnd ninlnriu, especial provisionfor quiet and ivst ns well as for amuse-we-

mid outdoor life.tt Abdrets

DR. H. A. LINDLEY, Prop.,.123 tf Kona, Hawaii.

Seaside ResortWrights" Villa,A Short Distance from the Bridge,


Tourists aud others will And it to theiradvantage to visit the above resent, asthey will meet with every accommodationthat comfort requires.

325-t- f

MRS. TQOS. WRIGHT.Proprietress.

G. R. Harrison,Practical Piano Maker and Tuner,

Can Furnish tho BestFactory Refarence.

Office, Fort street, opposito Catholic School.Telephono 234, 442 and MO.

BS5T" Orders promptly attended to.



iff i J V

If i Wu $ )B N Iffffl ' tl - 2j

tfflj i



opposite Uackfeld's.


13$ V


Make You



A Now Lot of Nico Goods JuBtReceived. Oloiining nnd Re-pairing. 21C-t- f

We me jjoVed

Wo nro getting in n BIG STOCKtit our Now Storo

Waverley Block


Medeiros &

Pine Tailoring and

Furnishing Goods.

I3T My Hack does not tip in this man-ner, no matter how weighty tho load.



Staad: Pothl nnd K.nc n'rects.


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Meiclinnt ami Richards Sis.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES.tgy- - Carriages, 8urrc3 nnd Ilncka at all

hours. TELEPHONE 400.

The Evening Ihdlctin, 75 centsper month.


Hartford Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Conn.Assets, $9,229,213.09. Income, $7,0G0,1G3 03.

London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Company, (U. S.'Branch), Liverpool, England.

Assets, $2,700,S70. Income, S1,SP9,C0G.

Talatine Insurance Company, (U. S. 'Branch), Manches-ter, England.

AbketH15'S2,830,230.28. Inccme, S3,04f,UM.l.l'.

SF lriMiieB Fiibt-clni-- Meieautilo nnd MnnnfiKtiiiii p Hirl f. nnd Dvclling Troperty in tlit al ot wtH lnowu fonipuiiirs on the moht fiioiiiLie li in. i.

2ia-i- f

T. Jl.


Mkrthant Stiici.t.

GLTJB STABLES,Street, Tel. -- TVZE'-'o-

xt - - - -BOARDTNG, -:- - SALE -:- - AND -:- - LIVERY.

TO1--1 A PS 1ST ESS -- AuNTD -:- - SA.DT3LE

A specinlty.



T!i. l,t if pfti nfloii (jiven to iipIiiihIh Ifft witji ns. Careful drieiH, rospectfii.iliendunto, pioniptn'Hii. Huilih, Biuiitn, B.nko. lliiHvieb.Fhiioluim, Wuj;onotte8.

MwwriffiMfftt mjTOiiiTO wmMmm




j, iVKjiv

Cl.AUS SlMIGrKEI.S. Wm. 0. IinviN,

dl&n0 ppfBckelg h UO.


San Franei'co Agmtt'Tnit Nkvapa Mank or8am Fuancibco.


San Fkancisco The Nevada Hank ot SanFrancisco.

London The Union Hank of London, Ltd.New Youk American Exchange National

Dank,Chicago Merchant? National Hank.I'aiiis Comptolr National d'Ktcompt dc

Paris.llBnLiN Drcsdner Bank;IlONOKONO AN1 YOKOHAMA Hongkong it

BliaiiKhat Hanking Cornoratlon.New Zbaland ani Austkalia Dank of New

Zealand.VlOTOiitA anu Vascouveii Bank of Mont-

real.Transact a General Banking and Exchange Business

Term nnd Oullnary DepoIMs ltccelrcd.Loans made on Approved 8ccnrlty. Com-mercial ami Travelers Credits Issued. Billsof Exchange bought and sold.Collections Phovi-tl- t Accounted Fon.

p. o. JONES.



The Hawaiian


Investment Co.HAVE FOK SALE

A Fow Shnrea of

Pitia Suprrtr Stock,Ilawaiiun Stiyar Co. Stock.


Hawaiian Govcriiiucnt and 1stMortgage Sutrar 1' Imita-

tion Bonds.1ST For particulars apply to

Tho Hawaiian Safe Doposit &Investment Company,

4UH Furt Htrent ... Ilnuolntn

Ektnblishcd 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, available in all tho principal citiesof the world.

TljEd, $ 0,II3KEia:EI3D--


Commission .. Agents I

Dry Goods,

Hardware and

Groceries." One of tho divincst bcticfiis ihut hns ever ccine to the

human race." Tlwmas Carlyle.

u& OO.,

Corner Foit ninl Merclinnt Sts. "V1io1cpii1o ami Retail.


Crazed. "w&$h Palm.

Mrs. Brentner Completely Prostrated

Every Month with Nervous


Heart-fe- lt Praise for the Brledicine

That Cured Her.

Thousands of women' arc today blessingPaine' 8 Celery Compound for the great good ithas done them, and scoics have written letterssimilar to that of Mrs. L. A. Brentner.

Sax Jacinto, Cal.Dear Sirs: have suffered severely with

nervous sick headaches, with which I wastroubled every month. The pain was so severethat it completely prostrated me and itseemed to me that I should go crazy. I hud

tried all kinds of remedies without obtaining


Pipes, Tobacco, '

Cigars andSmokers' Articles.

Wo import from the Princi-

pal Factories of tho World.

Fine Cigars a Specialty


Bulletin, 75c. Per Month

nny permanent relief until I used Paine' s CeleryCompound which COIliplCtClj' CUTCd IUC.


The Medicine That

lakes PeoDlfl Well!i.

V"hy suffer longer with liver and stomachtioublt? Pitiiiti'h C'oiory Compouiul will makoyou well. Head how it cured Mr. J. M.Ruchncr.

Kutti.k Falls, Wash., Dec. 9, 1894.Gentlemen: f have taken only two bottles

of Paine' s Celery Compound for rheumatism,and liver and stomach troubles, anl will be

frank in saying that I am well pleased with theresults. I iii.ed one bottle and was SO muchbetter that I abandoned its use for atime, but my old stomach trouble made its ap-

pearance again. I procured another bottle inSeptember and after using that I felt well.

aiecsta..HOLLISTER DRUG Go.,

Wholesale Agents for the Hawaiian Islands



Page 7: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.

" mmm'MtF.IMWm ?TpftjiHjpp,jEVENING BULLETIN, AUGUST 20, 1800.

lM'""im OT I....".!!, " wnww lj. w uant"atiwjrf Twwtwigi wpwiinii



ot tncin, iw .Urn's oxpcctatiniii woreshared by nil.

After Bovorul small toqumtii tho law-yer read tho astounding passage:

"In conscqucnco of tho apparent din-llk- o

of nrytfriUidsou, Jnmeb Randall, totho pursuit of agriculture, I horoby givoand bequeath my farm, consisting of35 acred, with tho housq and b'nthulld-lug- s

therebn, to my In'other, WlJHnmIlnndnlK, and tb my grandson, JamesRandall, tho snm of 1,000, to bo paidono month after my decease, "

Everybody in tho room sat stupefieduntil tho lawyer commenced rolling uptho parchment which had brought suchconfusion in tho camp. Then a generalmovement took placo, and tho less fortunato legatees took their leave.

William Randall camo up to Jumcs,and taking him by tho hand said:

"This was entirely unoxpected andun desired by mo. I supposed and hadno other wish than that you would botho fortnnato one."

Tliis was said in n broken voice, withtears standing in tho spcakor's oyes, forho was a plain, hardworking farmer,and entirely ovcrcomo by his good for-tune.

.Tames grasped his hand, and saidhoarhcly :

"You aro wclcomo to it, Undo Wil-

liam. Thcro is no ono elso I would rath-er havo it go to. I'll sco you tomor-row," turning hastily away.

When ho was left alone, ho coveredhis faco with his hands and groaned.Where wore his prospects now? Whathod becomo of all his flno plans for im-provement? When would Emma overbecomo his wifo?

These uTid other things connected withtho mortification of having it knownthat his expectations had been disap-pointed caused him to feel miserableTho 1,000, which was surely his, sankInto paltry insigniflcanco besido tholoss of a farm woith 400 an acre andnil lost through his own laziness. Hocould not blamo his grandfather, for hoknow ho deserved tho lesson.

There ho sat miserably thinking untiltwilight had closed in, and ho was sum-moned to tho ovening meal; but hocould not cat, and resumed his placo bytho fire, wishing and not wishing ho'might R"o Emma Willis.

So, when her faco appeared behindthat of Mr. and Mrs. Hall, ho sprang tomeet her with more joy than ho had feltfor years. They had como to offer theirsympathy and advico to Jim, who wasin an excellent framoof mind to rcccivoit.

With his hand clasping Emma's, hosat and listened to his faithful friendStovo, who was suggesting somo usefulhints.

"It ain't so much tho less of tho pluce,Jim," said Stovo, "as it is upsetting allyour plans. It would tako a deal of mon-ey to got things all right again, andhero you'vo got 1,000 in cash to dowhat you'vo a mind to with. 'A bird intho hand is worth two in tho bush,yon know, and as you havo all your lifobeen waiting for something to turn up,snpposo you turn up yourself and showwhat kind of stuff thcro is in yon. "

"I will. Stovo, I willl" Jim exclaim-cd- ,jumping up. "I seo now what a self-

ish, aimless lifo I havo led, waiting Iam ashamed to acknowledge for an-

other man to dio that I might enjoy thofruit of his toil. From this hour I amresolved to livo to somo purpose, and,with Emma to help mo, know I shall boa happier man. "

Although agriculture was distastefulto him, ho resolved to conquer his dis-lik- o

and mako amends for tho past Soho bought a small placo and workedhard to bring it to n high stato of culti-vation.

Ho was so successful that his famo asa farmer spread abroad, and many ap-plications for ndvico and consultationdid ho receive, Tho old formers saidthcro was no uso compotingwith him attheir couuty exhibitions, for ho regular-ly bore off tho highest prizes. And hiswifo, now a rosy, cheerful matron, madothe bost buttor and cheeso in tho county.

His farm was growing too small forhis extended operations, and ho was ne-gotiating for tho purchaFo of more land,when his undo William was killed byn fall from a wagon and on reading thowill ho found, to his surprise and grati-fication, that tho old farm had beenwilled back to him, improved 100 percent.

Ho took possession with an overflow-ing heart, now fully appreciating andenjoying tho occupation which hadtaught him that tho greatest happinessof lifo is in tho full employment of ourtalents, whatever thoy may bo, aided inhis coso by tho great power of love.London Sparo Moments.

Mechanics' Homo, corner Hotelfind Nunnnii streets, lodging bydiv, wnl; or month. Torras: 25xncl 50 I'OntH jmv night $1, fttidSI J UOl WHttK.

If you wrtnt to frame anythingin tho vory best maunor; if youwant your framo to harmonizowith your picture; if you wont thobest and most tasteful frame intho market, go to King Bros.

Thoio is a handsomo piece ofproperty, 70x100 foot, on tho cor-ner Prospect and Ilaekfeld stroots.It is all fenced ready for buildingand water pipes aro laid on. En-quire of H AT. Dow.

I fi REE1 I'll nil BnfTillnr n III. 11r... T nnnn. M .Him. hlu.C.I" I Kl. "till II 11'HI, IIIIIIK HI Ulinnn .'I"' .

Mniiiiuti L'lrrli,8cruliil, AmMiio, or Nrnnm licUI.Itv, di nlll t pHcn a smniilo to(il of lilt. (NIK.IllN S ni(K,'OliMT. UMI'LSIOX fir trial. Collitoredf Ilin l.lTru Unix I n , Honolulu, 1. I. "ItUliuruiUcJ ai I'alatAblo as Milk or Lloiojr.


P. D. Corsets

In "White,Pink,

Creara,and G-ra-y .



. &)I$B$

AT- -



Dr. W. L. MooreDPlx-sTsicIar- i.

Hllo, Hawaii.

Special attention given to diseases of thecyoaudcar.

Office hours1 0 to 12 am.1 2 to 4 pin.

Waiannenno Ave. near Court House. iG3--

Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:-- and -:-- Surgeon

Residences next toH. W. Schmidt,Esq., Berotania street

Specialty: Diseases or Eye, Ear, Nose and Tttroat371-3-

:- - Dr. Russel, -- :

Office, Masonic Building.Hours: : am, B- -5 pm. - Telephone 4S4

Residence, Telephone 070,103-l-



Emma Street, near Beretania.X3T Hours: 3 to 5 and 7 to 8 pj m.


TELEPHONE 023.Ofllcoi Corner ot Fort and Berotania

streets.Office nours: 0 to 11 n. m,, 1 to i p.m.

Sundays, 0 to 10 a. tn.

I. MORI, M. D.,Office: Corner Fort and Kukuists.

Residence, Arlington Hotel.nours: 7 to 8:30 u m; 4 to 8:30 p m, Sat-urda- y

and Sunday, 1 to 5 p m. Tel. 630.

Dr. C. B. Hist!DENTIST.

Graduato Philadelphia Dental College,1892.

IMJasonio Temple.A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Hotel Streot, Arlington Cottago.



Honolulu, II. 1.

1ST Offlco : IH Merchant street.




miss m. if. i,eiu:iu;:..Office: Btuco Waring & Co., Fort


Castle & Cooke(LlMITIU)




. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd MnnnRorGlaus Spreckcls, ... nt

W. M. Qiffard, - Seoretary and TreasurerThoo. O. Porter, - - - Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AdENTS OF IBB




Queen Btrcct, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SueurCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, WailukuSu jpr Compati) , Walhue Suear Coimiaii) , MaUoSuear Company, Ualeaknta Ranch Company,

Ranch. 1'lantcrs' Line San Kranclscorackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'i Line of MotionPackets. Komii Bonn! uiTnilerwrHcri.Agents Philadelphia Hoard of Underwriters.

list or officers:P 0 Jones, President ; Goorgo II RobortHon,Mannger; E F Uishop, Treasuror nnd Sec-retary; Col. W FAIlon, Auditor; Oil Cooke,II Wnterhouse, A W Cnrter, Directors.

Club Hotel,(Mrs. D'Arcy, Proprietress.)

First-clas- s inEvery Respect.

Terms Reasonable 1

Beretania, near Fort Street.

Beaver Saloon,H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALIi UOUltS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAI8 ON ITAND.

Eagle -:- - HouseNiiiiiiiiii Avenue.

CARL KLEMME. Proprietor,

New management. Commodious rooms.Tftblo Hoard tho finest, iuoluding manyPalatablo German Dishes.

Board and Room, per week $6.50 to 57.50

Table Board, per week $5.00


T. ICroi3J30f - 2?xop.Per Day 8 2.00Por Wook 12.00

3jclca Xfioaatlily IJtoITho Best of Attondnnco, tho Brst Situa-tion and the Finest Mauls in this Oity

E HOKN3E3 .itN ZEZ JJ .to "32 I

Hotel streot, near Fort

BREAD, PJES and CAKESOf all kinds,

fjt$ The Finest Imported and Home.made Confectionery.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors

mm' 219 Headquarters for Island Curios.




Importers anoLIquor Merchants.No. C, Drumm Btreot, - San Francisco.

FOR SALE IN BULK.AiiEmcAN Bocbdon Whiskies in Bond per

oarroi coniainiug about 40 gallons eachat various prices according to ngo andnualitv.

California Grans DnAKnv in JJond iioiuarroi oi noout 40 to DO gallons.

OA8E OOOD8.Aholhecthbrattd Cnte mitlies:

"Lxtra Pony" Bourbon Wldsky, 12 bottlosj3 gallons per case.

"Bcarprnss" Donrbon Vhisky, 12 bottles, 22-- gallons por case.

"Old Pionocr" Bourbon Whisky, 12 bottles,2 2-- 5 gallons per enso.

"Tonnessee White Byo" Whisky, 12 DotUe8l2 2 5 gallons per caso.


Send orders by jiiail. Satisfaction

Bratinsclrweiger & Co.,HMn No. 5, Drnmm Btreot.

Empire SaloonA general stock of Liquors, Ales and




Are of tho finoHt and como to ndiroct from Europe. . .


Imported straight from Louis.vdlo, Ky.


COMMERCIAL SALOONCur. Miuttiiii utid UcrotiuiU S(i.

T. KKVEM, irannaeer.

COOL FRESH BEER !On Draught and the Standard Brands oi



tiiim: cr.Aiiirr a sitoiaitv.JT0'


The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .

David Dayton,42 Morohunt Stroot.

Lands For Sale situatedat Kaneohc, Oalut.

Lot near Lunalilo Home-Loi- s

at Pearl City.Furnished. HoomsTo Jjot.

David Dayton.42 ilorclmut street.


Custom Hou5a Broker,

ISTotary -- :- Public,General Business Agent.

Collections carefully attondod to,

ITff" Offlco with II. E. Walkor, Cum.mins Block, Merchant streot. 238-t- f

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Convoynnclng in

all its Branches, Collectingand ull Business Matters

of trust.

All Business entrusted to himwill rccoivo Prompt and CarefulAttention. Office:

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.

A New Abstract Office.

As n result of 15 year's experi-ence, in tho Abstract Business, Iam prepared to mako Abstracts ofTitlo in a most thorough, ncouratoami comploto maunor, and onshort notice.

F. AY. Makinney.In W. O. Smith's Ollico, 318

Fort Street. 215-t-f

PURIFINEIn tho disinfectant that tho world

la talking about. In tho UnitedStates Its merits nro becomingknown. The pcoplo nro using, It.Purlflno possesses many points Inits favor oyer other preparations.It Is odorless, and In employing itos a disinfecting agent, dues notcrcato another odor as offensive nsthat which It subdues.

too. That's an advan-tage children will mcddlo; ser-

vants misunderstand; then there'strouble Somo ono is poisoned.

Thoso who use It speak Its praiseIn convincing language. Here's ojofrom tho Department of Medlclnoin tho Uuherslty of Michigan.

"Wo uso Purlflne nnd find It verygood for deodorizing sinks nndboxes, etc., nnd for washing spongesused about subjects for dissec-tion. W. A. CAMPBELL,

Demonstrator of Anatomy."

upon you and explain tho merits of "Purifine" and tho "Au-

tomatic Distributors."

H0LLISTER DRUG CO.,523 Fort Street. Exclusive Agents for the Islands.


High Oracle


Telephone 240. Ill Eort


.--: THE:--,

(uomcr oi rori nuu

Just Ex. s

orH in

trj tio r?is 6 "WiECf i ;

""" iffl CT--

fe i iJ'i Or i?


PURIFINE is for sale by

tho Homester Co. in

25c, 50c, 75c. and bot-


Our Agents will call

4 CO.'S

CocoasStreet. P. O. Box 147.

'' S Ts..'mmi'iTPih'J-i.-


uvrciaam eirevis.; HtV II XI"

oesortment of '







Oitv Furniture Store, rilreceived Bk. Albort







-- JWILLIAMS, (Manager)

Undertaker and Embnlmer



Groceries, Provisions and 3Teed.New Goods Received by Every Tacket from tho Eastern States and Enropo

FRESH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMERAll Orders faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Purt of the City FREE,Island Oiunoia Boucitjcd, Batisjactiom Quaiuntxmi


TELEvnoNE 53. BfiT P. O. Box 222.

Oahu Lumber $ Building Co.,King Street, near Oahu Railway & Lund Co.'s Depot.

Lumber Merchants, Contractors and Builders.IMI'OIITEUS AND DEALEKS IN

Doors, Sash, Blinds, Paints, Oil,Buildors' Hardware, Etc., Etc.








. j' id-- - I ktii it .i&J

Page 8: ifiiWiyW!!'fiSHHHHHHWnlSiFBIWl V .W s i,,sovero and wholesome a lesson on tho ovHb of horse-racin-g and bet-ting as to disgust him uttoily and koop him clear of both thence-forward.

6t .








Ilawallnu UnrK Iolnnl for New VrkAlnmcda nppnrtrd for the Conit

Oilier Nolo.

The AUmeda departed at 3:15 p m for 8anKranclsco.

CftpUIn Patterson went out s mate In theJ A Cummins today.

Tho schooner Ada will aatl next Tuesdayfor llllo ultli general freight.

Tho liarkentlne W It Dlmond ducharsedthe last of her Inward cargo yesterday after-noon.

Tomorrow, hleli tide largo 3. U p m; hightldo Rtniill 2:11) am; low tide largo 7.53 n m;low tide small 10: 0 p m.

The steamer Walaleale arrived from Kauaithis morning. She goes to Labalna this

for a load of sugar.Tho li.uki-nlln-r Hubert Sudden was hauled

on tho Marine Hallway for cleaning and re-

pairs yesterday nllernooti.Bngar from the steamers J A Cummins

and Kanla was put into the Alameda Theliner also received ft large. shipment ofbananas.

The boiler of the steuincr Kaena has beenremoved. The "lnter-IMa- liabv" will red-

-he n new lndh-- himI he overhauled beforegoing Into service again.

A Chinese, washman drove down to thewaterfront In u brake today to deliver abundle of clothes aboard u escl. A soonas tho "pigtail" was out of sight, a fellowwho was near by jumped Into the rig, andtook n ride around town, coming back whenhe got tired of the lark.

The IInwall.ui Iron hirk Inlnnl. McCluremaster, sail t day for New York with H3.JMhairs sugar, which Is shipped by W (I Irwinfc Co to the American Sugar lleflnlng Co,

weighs uter'JUM tout, and Is valued at H'H,-4b- 0.

Three sailors of the vcscl skipped outthis morning, but were captured bv tho po-

lice before noon In the Jap.mese quarter.The following memorandum of the voyage

of the 3 ri Alameilu, which arrived early thismoinlng, i furiilstiiil bj the obliging purser-f- ealled from Sjilm-- Aug 11 ul 5 p m. arriv-ing at Auckland Aug 7 at i p m; failed fromAuckland Aug t nf.tpm, arriving at ApiaAug Vi nt i in; sailed Irom Apia Aug V? at 0

ii m, and nrrlml at Honolulu Aug SO at 5 am.Time; 17 days and tl houis. Had linoweather and riiiontlt seas.


Wnnsusinv, Aug IP.

Stmr Kaala, Thompson, trom Oalmports.

Stmr J A Cummins, Scarle, from Oalmports.

TiitmsiuT. Aug 'JO.

Stmr tValahnle. l'eturson, from Kauai.Btmr Hawaii, Fitzgerald, from Hawaii.

OSS Alameda, Von Otcrendnrp, from theColonics and Samoa


TllUlitWAT, Aug 20.

Haw bk Iolanl, McClure, for New York.Stmr Walaleale, I'ctcrson. for Lahalna.8 S Alaracda.Vnn Otercndorp.forSnn Fran-rlic-

Stmr J A Cummins, Scarle, for Oahuporta.


Stmr Kaala, Thompson, for Kahnku,Punaluu and Walolua.

rAsor-NOE- ns ahiuved.From Hawaii, per stmr Hawaii C K

8pcnccr and J Angus.From Kauai, per Btmr Walaleale, Aug 20

John Hush, Miss Ida Ihit.li and 17 deck

From tho Colonies, per 8 S Alameda, Aug20 Capt Enrico D'Allcrtls, A Mllke.J Milne,and I Samoa native, and l' cabin and 20steerage In transit.


For Pan Francisco, per S S Alameda, Aug20 It W McChesnej aud wife, .1 M McChes-nc- y

nnd wire, il children and servant, Mrs ,1 FHowler, Miss Deacou, ltonald Kennedv, IIStalnwuhl. F V Maufurlano and wife. Irm-pi- rd

Macfarlane, M O Edwards. Hen Hnll.i-ila- y,

J K Hlchards, wlfu and S son, A A

Nooper. II Ho"klng. Judgo Wldemnnn andwife, Mls 0 Wldemanu, Miss Anna Wide-mau-

Mrs Hhodes, A W Keech, F H Dress-l- r,

Mr Abbott, JNawahluud wife, ltooseShuaon, II Tol.iclia.


Ex slmr Wtlaleiilo 1727 bags paddy, SS

bags rice. ,

Ex stmr J A Cummins 800 bags sugar andsundry pakugce.

K stmr Kaala 1675 bugs sut'ar, 075 bagspaddy, 20 hug rli e, II bdlihldes, C'J pkt'ssundries nnd r hlils molastes.


Vessels Wheietrom Due

Am bk Albert S F DueAm hkS (J Allen,.. 8 F DuoAm lil Edward Mr, . . Nov Yuri, ..A'" !0.

tu bk Si'inlnolu...., Newcastle Duor shn Elwcll NimcuuMe. .. Due

(ler bk Snlrft llrcinun .Aug oHilt Un.nda l.lteipiml .Aug 3o


U 8 SAdaras, Wutson, San Fiaueleo.


(Coasters not Included In this list.)

.lap S S Mllko Mum, Young, Yokohama.Haw bk Andrew Welch, Drew, M FAm sclir Aloha. Dabel, Sun Francisco,Hark '1 IlHckfeld. Ilaiker. I.aysuii Island.Am bk Abb n lli-- c, Potter, San Krnnotsen.Am hktn Hubert H'ulitcii.Hlrklioliii, NewcastleAm bk Haiti i i H' "'k. V, hi littleHhlll Jill ,i..nl , i.. .

- !

Ilktn W II D.m.Mbl. Niimiii, nW IVuiHur. FilliBig. l'ort l

Nicely furnished rooms at thoPopular House, lfi-- Fort street, '

from S1.00 ppr wwl: up.

. rfiffWBBSv

. . ENOUGH FOR . .

144 Men

Tho 145th Mangets loft. . .

25 Cents.t& Your only chance; come and seo 'cm,

TLa TTncl

I, LEVIBGSTON, - Htinaeer.

Wnvorlcy Block, Hotel Street.

W3? Shirts Made to Order.

To Citizensof Hawaii z&

I tnko plensuro in announc-ing to you that I have remov-ed to ray now quarters nt NO.513 FORT ST11EET and ntnprepared to execute all orderspertaining to my business.Jewelry JRopniring, WatchRepairing, Fine Engraving,etc., etc. I have a handsomestock of Watches and Jowol-r- y

to show you including alargo variety of valuable Isl-and Curios. Your patrouogois respectfully solicited.

GK HAFFNEE.Commissioner of Deeds

Foil THE

State of California.

Having been appointed and commissioneda Commissioner of Deeds for tho State of Cal-ifornia, 1 am prepared

To ndmlnlstcr nnd certify oaths.To take aud certify depositions and affida-

vits.To takn and rnrtlfr thn n

jproof of powers of attorney, mortgages,'transfers, grants, deeds or other Instruments

A. V. GEAR,Telephone 250. COO King 8trcct.


Shaving ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon Stables.


A Dolicato Touch !

Keon Razors !

Artistic Hair Cutting !

Comfortable Chairs !

W Wo employ nono but tho most ex-perienced Tonsonnf Artists. Tho mostLuxuriously nppolntcd Shop in tho Inl-an-

For Sale or Lease

House and I-.o-tl

On the corner of Victoria nnd Greenstreets.

KT Apply to3-- AltTIIDIt HAItltlSON.

To Let- -

A HOUSE OF EIOI1T (8) HO0M8,licit to thn White House, Nuunnu stieet.$25 por mouth. Apply to

334-t- f A.V.GEAIt.

To Let.

A HOUSE OF KIOI1T (8) IIOOMS,next to tho Whito Ilnnso, Nuitiinu street.

.'5 per mouth. Tho Furuituio iu thohousn is for sale. Apply to

30S-l- f A. V. GEAR.

To Let or Lease.

THE JEfilDPNOE Or MRS. A. LONG,one mile from postofllco. L.irgo houso withfnrnitnre. Four lied rooms, parlor, largedining room, pantry, kitchen, buth rooms,hot nnd cold wnter, with patent closets,servant houses, stahlos, horse pnddook,pardon nnd trees. A charming location.

Apply to J ALFRED MAGOON.tf Merchnnt at., uoxt Postofllcoi

Tho Criterion Saloon is apleasant place to go to and itsgreatest attraotion iB tho pure,cold Soattlo boor on draughtthere. It makes one's uiustuchecurly and puts now lifo into f hofailing consumptive.


Real KstateJAxr Sale.


B Sold.8 Two Stores on Hnuinu street.4 Four Lots on Magazine Hill, 75x120.

From tiM to 1500 each.5 Lot on naekfeld street, 88x100.0 A Choice Itcsldenco on Lunalllo street,

having nil modern Improvements.7 A Desirable Itcsldenco at Maklkl.

Orouuds well laid out. Easy terms,8 Four Houses nod Lots on Punchbowl

street, all rented at monthly rental of 105.This property Is '.'III feet on l'unchbowl stree,with n depth of Wi Icet running to the drillgrounds or armory, with a frontage on samelor i or fi more cottages. The central loca-tion of tho property makes It most available.

0 House and Lot on Kinau street. Lot70xir,o ft. This property will be sold nt costand Is an excellent bargain for a home seeker,Tho house is elegantly llnlshcd and of thebest workmanship and materials. Thero is ncarriage house and barn on the premises nndthe yard Is well laid out with fruit nnd orna-mental trees.

10 A Flno Itcsldenco centrally located,containing ,5 rooms. Lot llWxlJOU ft. Twosmall cottages on tho lot bringing in goodrental.

1139 Acres of Lnnd In Kallhl valley, (Wal-kl-

side). A stream of water Hows alongthis lnnd. A bargain

12 .10 Acres of llcst Collec Land in I'una.llawnll, seven miles from Hep. It croft'sLarge Cotfto l'lnntutlon. The above laudIs held In fee simple. Also, HO years lease on150 acres adjoining nbove with a privilege of15 years more. Trice ?.000.

18 Sold.14 A Uoicmodious Itcsldcncc on llnsslngcr

street, fitted with all modern conveniences. Orwill trade lor suburban proper!) .


10 House and Lot on Dcrctanln street.House contains 0 rooms, nnd nil modern con-veniences. Lot NAxM5.

17. Fine Residence on Dcretnnla street.For further particulars Inquire at my olllce,

18. A House anil Lot on Young street.ID Houso aud Lot corner Victoria and

Ilcrctanla streets, opposite Thomas square,house contains 0 rooms, Size of lot lOuxUO.

20 Sold.'Jl House and Lot on Young street near

the residence ul the liev. Mr. II)de. Lot110x140. House contains eight rooms.

2--' Small House nnd Lot on Keauiuokustreet. Lot 50x100.

211 Pearl City Property.21 Desirable Tract of CofTeu Land on Ha-

waii.2 j Two Stores on Nuunnu st, opposite Ku-ki- ll

lane, aWo three lodging houses In therear of said stores containing 2u rooms In nil.The nbove pa) s 10 per cent, nnd Is leased toresponsible parties forn ternn of years.

I'D A most Desirable Homo ou TlmrHtounvenue. Large grounds nnd beautiful flow-er garden; houso furnished throughout inhnrd wood with nil latest improvements.Excellent view of the city nud ocean, nndone which cannot lie cut off.

27 V Large Lot nnd Commodious Dwel-ling on Giceu Strrot, commaiidiug an unobstructed viow of tho city nnd harbor. Nochoicer rohidcuco is to be had in the cityoven by the most fastidious.

2b A New House of seven rooms withelectric lights throughout, bath, patent WC, servants quarters ami stables. One blockfrom ear line at I'unahou.

20-- Only ten of those Lots left nearKamchameha school, fromf25o to tOno each.

HO Two Houses and Lots on Llllhn street.HI An 18 Acre Tract of Land at Kallhl

suitable for dividing up Into building lots.112 A House aud Lot on Alakca street.S3 A lleautlful Building Lot at Kallhl,

100x200, cleared, fenced and water laid on.H4 A Gently Sloping Lot on Thurston

avenue, 240x125, having a frontage on (Jreenstreet of 105 feet, and commanding a bird's-ey- e

view of the city and harbor.H5 A Lot on Alexander street, adjoining

rcsldenco of Claus Spreckels.HO Elegant Uench Property nt Wniklkl.37-S- old.

SS The only CIIOICK LOT left at Maklkl.It ndjclns tho residence of J A Oilman nndtho residence sites of W L Hopper, II Laws,and Dr Wood.

30-S- old.

40 A Lease of a Hotel centrally locatedand completely furnished. A good payingInvestment

41 Sold.42 Lot 75x150 New houso of 8 rooms,

elegantly finished; servants quarters, carrlagoliouxc, st.ioies, etc, at llie corner ol Alapaland Quarry hticets. (ioud view of the ocean.

4 Three houses of 0 rooms each, nil rent-ed to good tenants. Lot 1C0 feet on llere-tan- la

street hy u depth of 200 feet through toKlnau street, aud a frontage ou the hitterstreet of loo feet. Good opportunity for in-

vestment.44 Lot on Maklkl street, frxllo Cheap.45 Houso and lot on Peterson Lane,

House contains 11 looms. Lot 75x110.40 Dwelling House of U rooms, fitted with

all modern conveniences. Lot 125x110.Situated at Palatini.

47 Vacant Lul on Wniklkl lioad, 100x110.48 House and Lot on Nuunuii street.

House contains eight furnished rooms.Very conveniently located near the businesscenter of the city.

Notice: I can Negotiate Loans on any ofthe above property for purchasers desiringBarnu ut from 50 to 75 per cent of the value.

.For Kent.I Rented.

S Rented.4 Store on King street near Fort street.5 Olllce Hoom ou King btrcet near Fort

street.(' Warehouse on Esplanade.7 ltenled.8 Itenlcd.tl Iluulcil.10 A Store on Furl street next to Club

Stables.11 ltenled.12 A Modern Dwelling on Thurston nven-

ue, commanding an i.v. ptlonal view ol theharbor.

13 A Five Room Cutlaire ou Ueretanlastreet In a desirable locutbu, or will lease toa good tenant

ft A Furnished Coltngu Inn good locationfor two or thieu mouths.

10 limit nnd Lot, lOOxQDO, on Lane offSoi ool htieut, adjoining Knuliiw.-l- belioulhiiiino, l'nilor, .1 liudiiniiiiH, dining-room- ,

kitchen, puutry, bathhouse, cuuiiigu honso,bUbio and outbuilding. Rout $'M permouth.

17- - A lleautlful Summer Itcsldcncc at thePeninsula, Pearl City, completely furnished;five rooms and servant's quarters. Will lentchca) to a desiiublt. lenaiit Too lot Is overan nere In size and well laid out, and com-mands a hiauflful view of tho harbor,

18 Store Hoom, 00 x 48, 825 per month,driveway Into It. Deietanln htreet, rear ofCity Feed Store.

IU Piece gi on ml HO feet front, on Hercla-nl- nstreet, next to City Feed 8tore Will

erect good store ou giound and IcaBO 5 yearsat f.O per month.

0 A Neat Cottage on Nuunnu Avenue,containing 0 rooms nud bath.

21 A Furnished UeslJonce on King streetlu n desliablo locality.

A. V. GEAR,2Ti-- tr GuUKIuiretieut.

Canadian-Australia- n

JBtcnmora ot tho nbovo Lino running in connection with the

CACADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, 13. O., nnd Sydney, N. 8. W., nud calling nt Victoria, IL G.

Honolulu nnd Suva (Fiji),

--A.I5E X)TTE --A.11 HOaSTOXjTJIjTJ-O- n

or about tho dates below otatod, viz.;

From Sydney nml Suvn, for Vlciorlit nndVancouver. II. C.I

Stmr "MIOWERA" August 21Btmr "WAHMMOO" September 21Stmr "MIOWERA" October 2tStmr " WARRIMOO" November 2 1

Through TIclcctH issued from Honolulu to Canada,United States and Europe.


D. MoNicoll, Montreal, Canada.RonEitT Kehh, Winnipeg, Cnnadn.

M. M. Steiin, San Francisco, Ual.G. MoL. BttowN, Vancouver, B. O.

Oceanic Steams! Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco:Tho Now and Fino Al Steel Steamship

" "MariposaOf tho Occanio Steamship Company willbo duo nt Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

Sept. 17, 1 890.And will leno for tho nbovo port withMails and Passcngcra on or about thatdnte.

For Sydney and hickland:Tho New nnd Fino Al Steo Steamship

" Monowai "Of the Ocennio Stenmship Compnny willbo duo at Honolulu from San Franciscoou or about

A.ug. 27, H 890.And will have prompt despatch withMails and Fassongors for tho abovo ports.

Tho undersigned arc now preparedto issue

Through Tickets to All Pointsin tho United States.

tSTFor further particulars regardingFreight or Fassago apply to

WM. G. IRWIN &C0., L'd,General Agents.

Oceanic mm Co.


S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.Sopt.4, 1896.. . .Sept. 9, 1890Bept. 28, 1890. ..Oct. 3, 1890

THROUGH LINEFrom San Francisco From Syduoy for

for Sydney. San Francisco.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Monowai, Aug27,'90 I Mriposn,Septl7,90Alumeda, Sopt21,'90 Mouowni.Oct 15'98

A LIFE SIZECrayonPortrait

Framed CompleteWITH

One Dosen Photos of the SlUer

Only SBlo.OO1:9-- In the LATE8T OFFEIt wo have

to uuko.

J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapoFotographor.

FORT STRTGKT.J am.es L. Holt,

Gknkkal Businkss Aqknt, Ac-

countant and Collector.Offices No. 11 Knalmnmnu Street. Telo-phon- o

Vo. 0H9. Prompt attentionguaranteed. 217 tf

A. V. G-EA-

Telephono S50, : No. 00U, King St.

' t

Steamship Line

From Victnrln nml Vnncntivcr, It. C, toSinn nml Hjdnoyl

Stmr "MIOWEItA" September 10Stmr " WAltRIMOO" October 10Stmr "MIOWERA" Novomber 10Stmr "WARRIMOO" Deceinbor 16

t3T For Freight nud Fnsongo nud allGeneral Information, apply to

THE0. H. DAVIES & CO., L'dAgents for tho Hawaiian IrIiuhIr.

Pacific Mail Sieamshb k--AND TUB

Occiflental & Oriental Steamsliip Co.

For YOKOHAMA nnd HONGKONG-Steamer- s

of the nbovo Compnuics willcall at Honolulu on their way to thenlxivo ports on or about tho followingdntcB:

Stmr Coptic Sept. 2, 1890Btmr Itio do .Imieiro 10, 1890Stmr City of Fokliigf . . . .Kept. 23, 1S!)7

For SAN FEANCISCO:Steamers of tho nbovo Companies will

call nt Honolulu on their way fromHongkong and Yokohama to tho aboveport on or aliout tho following dates:

Stmr Rio do Janeiro Aug. 19, 18I1G

Stmr Gaoho Mig, 23, 1890Stmr Done Sept. 15, 1S90

Rates of Passage are as follows:TO TOKO TO nOSQ-1- 1


Cabin 81G0.00 8175.00Ciibm, round trip, 4

months 225.00 2G2.50Cnliiti, round trip, 12

months 262.50 310.25European Steerage 85.00 100.00

jsyPiiHscngers paying full fare will beallowed 10 tietceut off return faro if re-turning within twelve mouths.

CgfFor Freight nnd Passage apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,Agents.

llders Sfamsliii) Go's

TIME TABLE.0. L. WIGHT, Pres. S. B. ROSE, Seo.

Capt. J. A. KING, PortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 A. m., touching atLahaiua, Maulaeu Ruy aud Mukena theBiimo djy; llahukonii, Knwaihaeond

the following day, arriving atIlilo the samo evening.


"Friday Aug. 28 Monday,... Aug. 2-- t

Tuemlny Sept. 8 Friday, Sept. 4Friday Sept. 18 Tnewlny . . .Sept. 15"Tuesday, ..Sept 29 Friday,.... So pt.25

Returning, will bavo Ililo ot 1 o'clockP. 51., touching ut Laupuhoehoo, Mtiha-kon- a

and Kawaihuo saiuo day; Hnkeua,Maalaea Ray and Lnhaina the followingday; arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof luesdoy nud Fridnys.

Will cull nt Pohoiki, Pnna.yNo Freiglit will be received after

12 noon on day of sailing.

Start. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuesday at 5i'.m.(touching at Kiihulni, Hnna, Uninoa midKipuliulu, Maui, lleturniug arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will cull at Nuu, Kaupo, on second tripof each mouth.

PNo Freight will bo leeeivcd afterp. m, cm day of Bailing.

This Company will renervos the right toniako cliuiiges in tho tiiuo of departure nndanivnl of iln stcuuiors without notice andit will not be rcBpoiiHiblu for uuy conse-quences arising therefrom.

Oouxignpcs must bo nt tho Landings torocoivo tlioir Freiglit; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been lnudod.

Livo Stook only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for Monoy or Valuables of passengorsunless placed in tho caro of Pnrsors.

PaRsengors are requested to jiurolmfeotiokets befqro embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to nn additionalcharge of twenty.fivo por cent.



Propnro Toncliors for tho NextExumiimtiou.

V5T Apply nt Englo House, 353-l- m

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

A88el8 July, 1806, $106)fi.l5

Monoy Loaned on Approved Socurily.A Savings Unk for Monthly DopoiiU.Homes Bnllt on the Monthly Installment

Flan.Thirteenth Scries of Stock now open.

For further particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Soorotory.Chamber of Comnierco Rooms.Ofllco hours, 12:30 1:30 P.M. U73-t- f

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

Tho Equitablo Lifo Assuranco SocietyOf tho United Stolen for tho Hawaiian

Islands.Orr-o- Merchant street. Honolulu.



Assets, - - - $10,000,000.H. W. 8CHM1DT & BON3,

Agents for tho Hawaiian Inlands.


Instrument -:- - Maker,Bicycle repairing nud nickel platingsspecialty, also

Gold, Silver am Bronze Electroplating..130 KURT ST. : , Ti.L. C07.


C. B. WIGHT,..1; con,rnotK 'or "II kinds of STONE

ORK, luominitiit work, cuiu-u- t midstone sidewalks nud cuibing. I havo onhniid tho best llnwnimn stone, Chinosogruuilo, etc. Fino stone for monumentalwork. LstimntcH giveu nud lowest priccaassured. Telophoue 8!J3.

Cousoliflated Soda Water Co., L'i

Corner Allen & Fort St3., Honolulu.



Nuunnu Valley, abovo the Mausoleum.

All orders given prompt nnd faithful at-tention. No extra chnrge for deliveringFlowors to any part of tho city. Leis.Mountain Gieous uud Curuutious a spe-cialty 265-t- I


TaxidermistHawaiian nml Foreign Birds and Animals

moil nt fd In the best inniircr, unhijr tlio latestiiicthods only. Hotel til near l)r MiGiew.

827-t- f


TTotnl St.. nftnr Fort. Tel. 802.


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement 0 KealEstate and Furnittiro.



225 Qtioen stroot, Honolulu, H. I.M. S GIUNBAUM & CO.,

LlMlTKllQueen street, Honolulu, and 215 Front

street, San Francisco, Cnl.IMl'OKTUiS ok

Genoral Merchandise and . .

. Commission Merchants,


Wholealo Iuiporteis nnd .lobbers of

European and American Dry Goods.

Tort nnd Qnenu Sheets.


Doulors in Lumber and Couland Building Mattiiiula of ullkinds.

Quoen Ktreot, Honolulu.

.ROBERT GHLWE.Book and Job PrinterMerchant Stroot, Honolulu, H. I.

Ovor Hawaiian News Company'sBook Storo. my jg,



Cor. Fort and Qucun Gtreots, Honolulu.

ftll IfaltM ty$! .Hli..