ifeu - und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbHund Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH CONVERSION OF EUROPEAN...

ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH CONVERSION OF EUROPEAN PRODUCT FLOWS INTO RAW MATERIAL EQUIVALENTS Final report of the project: Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents conversion factors and calculation of RMC time se- ries Karl Schoer, Jürgen Giegrich, Jan Kovanda, Christoph Lauwigi, Axel Liebich, Sarka Buyny, Josefine Matthias commissioned by Statistical Office of the European Communities Eurostat; Directorate E Agriculture and Environmental Statis- tics; Statistical Cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics Contract no. 50902.2010.001.-2010.612 ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung, Heidelberg in cooperation with: Sustainable Solutions Germany Consultants, Wiesbaden (SSG) Charles University in Prague, Environment Centre CUEC Heidelberg, May 2012

Transcript of ifeu - und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbHund Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH CONVERSION OF EUROPEAN...

  • ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg GmbH


    Final report of the project: Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents conversion factors and calculation of RMC time se-ries

    Karl Schoer, Jürgen Giegrich, Jan Kovanda, Christoph Lauwigi,

    Axel Liebich, Sarka Buyny, Josefine Matthias

    commissioned by Statistical Office of the European Communities – Eurostat; Directorate E – Agriculture and Environmental Statis-tics; Statistical Cooperation Unit E3: Environment statistics Contract no. 50902.2010.001.-2010.612

    ifeu - Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung,


    in cooperation with:

    Sustainable Solutions Germany – Consultants,

    Wiesbaden (SSG)

    Charles University in Prague, Environment Centre


    Heidelberg, May 2012

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series


    Summary _______________________________________________________________ 1

    1. Introduction _________________________________________________________ 4

    1.1. Background ___________________________________________________________ 4

    1.2. The concept of raw material equivalents ____________________________________ 6

    2. The RME calculation model ____________________________________________ 10

    2.1. General considerations _________________________________________________ 10

    2.2. Overview calculation model _____________________________________________ 12

    2.3. Disaggregated monetary IOT ____________________________________________ 15 2.3.1. The concept and rationale for disaggregating the IOT _____________________________ 15 2.3.2. Calculation method and data sources __________________________________________ 17 Structural information based on German expanded IOT _________________________ 18 EU level balance column and line total _______________________________________ 20 Iterative adjustment approach _____________________________________________ 21 Data issues _____________________________________________________________ 25

    2.4. Disaggregated hybrid IOT _______________________________________________ 27 2.4.1. The concept and rationale for a hybrid IOT ______________________________________ 27 2.4.2. Calculation method and data sources __________________________________________ 30 Price adjustment of monetary use structure___________________________________ 30 Physical use structure for biomass and other minerals __________________________ 31 Physical use structure for metals ____________________________________________ 32 Physical use structures for energy carriers ____________________________________ 34

    2.5. Annual environmental extensions ________________________________________ 35 2.5.1. Domestic extraction used ____________________________________________________ 35 2.5.2. External approach for estimating RME of imported LCA products ____________________ 35

    2.6. Metal model for estimating RME coefficients _______________________________ 38 2.6.1. Introduction to the metal model ______________________________________________ 38 Representative RME coefficients ____________________________________________ 39 Methodology for polymetallic ores __________________________________________ 43 Auxiliary materials _______________________________________________________ 47 Metal content of alloys ___________________________________________________ 48

    2.6.2. Metal content of imported metal concentrates __________________________________ 49 2.6.3. Treatment of secondary metals _______________________________________________ 50 2.6.4. RME coefficients for imported metal products ___________________________________ 53

    2.7. A mixed Leontief / LCA approach _________________________________________ 54

    2.8. Data quality considerations _____________________________________________ 56 2.8.1. Comparison to standard approach _____________________________________________ 56 2.8.2. Comparison to other calculation models ________________________________________ 58 Czech approach _________________________________________________________ 59 German approach ________________________________________________________ 60 EXIOPOL approach _______________________________________________________ 61

    3. Analytical properties of RME accounting and selected results_________________ 66

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    3.1. Economy wide indicators _______________________________________________ 67

    3.2. Ecological link ________________________________________________________ 68 3.2.1. Disaggregation by raw material categories ______________________________________ 68 3.2.2. Pressure profiles of raw materials _____________________________________________ 71

    3.3. Economic link _________________________________________________________ 75 3.3.1. RME by products and categories of final uses ____________________________________ 75 3.3.2. Structural decomposition of RME _____________________________________________ 78

    4. Outlook RME model __________________________________________________ 81

    4.1. Migration from CPA 2002 to CPA 2008 _____________________________________ 81

    4.2. Options for regionalization of RME calculation ______________________________ 82

    4.3. Internalized capital formation ___________________________________________ 89 4.3.1. Concept __________________________________________________________________ 89 4.3.2. Calculation approach _______________________________________________________ 91 4.3.3. Results ___________________________________________________________________ 92

    5. Acknowledgements __________________________________________________ 95

    List of Abbreviations _____________________________________________________ 96

    Bibliography ____________________________________________________________ 97

    ANNEX 1 Product classification for expHIOT _________________________________ 101

    ANNEX 2 Data sources ___________________________________________________ 106

    ANNEX 3 Conversion factors imported metal to RME __________________________ 107

    ANNEX 4 Data documentation metal model _________________________________ 108

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 1

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series



    This report presents an approach for converting product flows into raw material equiva-

    lents (RME). The RME concept takes the perspective of raw materials embodied in prod-

    ucts. The RME of a product indicates how much extraction of material was necessary over

    the whole production chain for manufacturing a specific product, irrespective whether

    those raw materials where extracted from the domestic or the rest of the world environ-

    ment. The weight of the consumed raw materials is measured at the point of extraction

    from the environment.

    It was the objective of the project to improve the current European material flow indicator

    “Domestic Material Consumption” (DMC) by overcoming the asymmetry of measuring at

    the one hand the mass of domestic extraction of raw materials from the environment at

    the point of extraction, but on the other to measure the weight of material which is import-

    ed or exported at the time of crossing the border. By expressing all flows in RME it be-

    comes possible to make up a mass balance of domestic uses, imports and exports by a

    coherent unit of measurement. It is intended to use the indicator “Domestic Raw Material

    Consumption” (RMC), which is derived from the RME calculation system, as a central in-

    dicator of the European Resource Strategy.

    The estimation of RME is based on the Leontief approach, which is a well-established

    method for environmental economic analysis. That approach applies Input-Output analy-

    sis for assigning direct environmental pressures – measured in physical units – by the

    individual production activities to the products of final use and of imports.

    As far as the application of the “standard version” of the Leontief approach – which is

    based on the standard European monetary IOT of the size 60x60 - for the estimating RME

    is concerned, the following major deficits where identified:

    a) The resolution of the European monetary standard Input-Output table (IOT) with

    the format 60x60 is not sufficient for depicting the flow of raw materials through the

    economy with an acceptable degree of accuracy. Therefore an approach was de-

    veloped for estimating an expanded IOT of the format 166x166 at an annual basis.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 2

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    b) IOT use structures in physical units are able to provide much more accurate re-

    sults for calculation of RME than monetary use structures, as far as raw products

    and some primary processed raw products are concerned. Therefore a hybrid IOT

    was established, i.e. monetary structures of the monetary IOT where replaced by

    use structures in physical units for selected product groups

    c) The assumption that imported products are produced with domestic production re-

    lationships, which is inherent to the standard Leontief approach, is especially not

    maintainable in case of calculation of RME for metals. Therefore the RME of se-

    lected imported products where estimated by an external approach. That external

    approach is based on annual preparation of business reports of mining companies

    for 160 mines worldwide and of results from Life Cycle Assessment.

    A comparison of the outcome of the project approach and of the “standard approach”

    demonstrates that the new method yields calculation results which are significantly more


    An automated calculation procedure furnishes annual results for Raw Material Equivalents

    (RME) in a detailed disaggregation by categories of final use and imports, product groups

    and type of raw material. From that data the central economy wide material flow indicator

    of the European Sustainable Development Strategy “Domestic Raw material Consump-

    tion” (RMC) is derived by aggregation. At the same time that data set provides the basis

    for analyzing the RMC in an environmental economic context by linking it to the underlying

    economic driving forces (economic link) and to the environmental impacts (ecological link)

    which are intended to be addressed by that general indicator.


    Dieser Bericht stellt ein Verfahren zur Konvertierung von Güterströmen in Rohstoffäquiva-

    lente vor (Raw Material Equivalents, RME). RME beschreiben die Menge an Rohstoffen in

    Gewichtseinheiten, die über die gesamte Produktionskette hinweg für die Herstellung ei-

    nes Gutes im In- oder Ausland aufgewendet wurden (embodied raw materials). Das Ge-

    wicht der eingesetzten Rohstoffe wird einheitlich zum Zeitpunkt der Entnahme aus der

    Natur gemessen.

    Zielsetzung des Projektes war es, den bisherigen Europäischen Rohstoffindikator

    "Domestic Material Consumption" (DMC) zu verbessern durch Überwindung der Asym-

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 3

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    metrie von Messung der inländischen Rohstoffentnahme als Rohstoffgewicht bei der Ent-

    nahme aus der Natur und der Import- und Exportströme mit dem Gewicht beim Grenz-

    übergang. Durch die Darstellung der entsprechenden Ströme in RME wird es möglich,

    inländische Verwendung sowie die Importe und Exporte von Gütern in Gewichtseinheiten

    nach einem einheitlichen Maßstab zu bilanzieren. Es ist vorgesehen, den aus dem Be-

    rechnungssystem abgeleiteten Indikator „Domestic Raw Material Consumption“ (RMC) als

    zentralen Rohstoffindikator für die europäische Ressourcenstrategie zu verwenden.

    Die Berechnung von RME beruht auf dem in der umweltökonomischen Analyse etablier-

    ten Verfahren des Leontief Ansatzes. Dabei handelt es um ein Verfahren der Input-Output

    Analyse, das direkte Umweltbelastungen - gemessen in physischen Einheiten - durch die

    einzelnen Produktionsaktivitäten den Gütern der letzten Verwendung und dem Import


    Bezüglich der Verwendung dieses Verfahrens in der "Standardvariante" für die Schätzung

    von RME wurden allerdings folgende grundlegende Defizite identifiziert:

    a) Der Detaillierungsgrad der Europäischen monetären Standard Input-Output Tabel-

    le (IOT) mit dem Format 60x60 reicht nicht aus, um den Fluss von Rohstoffen

    durch die Wirtschaft mit hinreichender Genauigkeit abzubilden. Deshalb wurde ein

    Verfahren zur jährlichen Schätzung einer erweiterten IOT im Format 166x166 ent-


    b) Für Rohstoffgütergruppen und einige rohstoffnahe Gütergruppen führen Verwen-

    dungsstrukturen in physischen Einheiten zu deutlich genaueren Ergebnissen bei

    der RME Berechnung, als monetäre Strukturen. Deshalb wurden Verfahrenswei-

    sen zur Schätzung einer hybriden IOT entwickelt, bei der monetäre Verwendungs-

    strukturen selektiv durch physische ersetzt wurden.

    c) Die dem Leontief Verfahren inhärente Annahme, dass importierte Güter mit inlän-

    discher Produktionstechnologie produziert wurden, ist insbesondere mit Hinblick

    auf die Berechnungen für Metalle nicht haltbar. Aus diesem Grund wurden die

    RME ausgewählter Importgüter mit Hilfe eines externen Ansatzes geschätzt, der

    sich vor allem auf die Auswertung der Geschäftsberichte für weltweit etwa 160 Mi-

    nen und auf Ergebnisse von sogenannten Lebenszyklusanalysen (Life Cycle

    Assessment) stützt.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 4

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Ein Vergleich der Projektergebnisse mit den Ergebnissen nach dem Standardverfah-

    ren verdeutlicht, dass das im Projekt entwickelte Verfahren zu wesentlich genaueren

    Ergebnissen führt.

    In einem automatisierten Berechnungsverfahren werden jährliche Ergebnisse in Roh-

    stoffäquivalenten (RME) in tiefer Untergliederung nach Kategorien der letzten Ver-

    wendung und Importen, Gütergruppen und Rohstoffarten bereitgestellt. Aus diesen

    Daten wird der zentrale gesamtwirtschaftliche Rohstoffindikator der Europäischen

    Ressourcenstrategie "Domestic Raw Material Consumption" (RMC) durch Aggregation

    abgeleitet. Der Datensatz bildet aber zugleich die Grundlage, um diesen Indikator in

    einem umweltökonomischen Kontext zu analysieren und dabei den Indikator sowohl

    mit den dahinter stehenden ökonomischen Triebkräften (economic link) als auch mit

    den durch den Indikator indizierten Umweltauswirkungen (ecological link) zu verknüp-


    1. Introduction

    1.1. Background1

    Based on the Thematic Strategy on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources [EC 2005]

    and the 6th Environmental Action Programme [EC 2002] the EU Commission decided to

    provide policy makers and other stakeholders with a framework of information about the

    use of resources and products. Therefore, Environmental Data Centres had been estab-

    lished to fulfil this purpose. Within an agreement between other Directorates of the EU the

    responsibility for the Environmental Data Centres for natural resources, products, and

    waste had been assigned to Eurostat.

    The main task of the Environmental Data Centres on resources and products is to im-

    prove knowledge about the relationship between resource use, economic growth and en-

    vironmental impacts. The combination of economic information and environmental input

    and output information – both handled at Eurostat – is an important basis for fulfilling the

    needs of such an Environmental Data Centre. Resource productivity is considered to be

    an important indicator of Eurostat’s resource strategy.

    1 First results of this project are reported in the Journal Environmental Science and Technology.

    See: Schoer, et al. (submitted)

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 5

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    For the measurement of the resource productivity the domestic material consumption

    (DMC) is related to the gross domestic product (GDP). Therefore DMC is a key indicator

    for measuring the use of natural resources in an economy. This indicator is derived from

    economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA) which covers all material inputs into na-

    tional economies, the changes of stocks and their respective outputs.

    Domestic material consumption (DMC) is defined as the total amount of material directly

    used in a given economy. DMC is calculated by subtracting the exports from the direct

    material input (DMI) of an economy.

    Now a couple of research projects and expert groups pointed out that the value of DMI as

    a basis for the DMC depends strongly from where the input is coming from. If e.g. metal

    ore is extracted domestically the total amount of ore is accounted but if metals are im-

    ported only their imported mass is used. This asymmetry led to the proposal to express all

    imported goods (and also exported goods) in terms of raw material. Consequently all im-

    ported semi-finished and finished goods have to be be expressed in raw material equiva-

    lents (RME).

    Eurostat aims to convert the current asymmetric DMC indicator into an indicator which is

    expressed in raw materials equivalents (RMC). Conversion factors are needed to translate

    the masses of any imported good and exported good into their mass expressed in RME. A

    methodology had been developed in a past project2 how to calculate these RME with a

    reasonable effort. The methodology is based on an integration of IOT data and life cycle

    based data. That former project was conducted by the same consortium as this project.

    In the former project a first set of RME conversion factors were developed and applied for

    selected situations of the EU-27 and Germany as a pilot country. The set of RME factors

    where regarded as a first suggestion. It was the aim of this project to consolidate the

    method and the results and to develop an approach for calculating time series of RME by

    an automated procedure. A major issue for methodological consolidation was to develop

    an empirically broader founded "metal model" for estimating raw materials coefficients for

    imported metals.

    2 Conceptual framework for measuring the environmental impact of the use of natural resources

    and products; Eurostat Contract 50304.2008.008-2008.715

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 6

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The approach for calculating RME presented in this report is fully integrated into the sys-

    tem of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA) [UN (2003)] which is

    designed for depicting the interaction between the economy and the environment in a sys-

    tematic and coherent manner. The economic system at European level is described by

    the European economic accounting system of ESA [ESTAT (1996)]. Input output tables

    (IOT) are an integral part of the ESA. Applying an IOT based approach for estimating

    RME supports the objective of embedding those indicators into the accounting system.

    Behind that background a specific IOT based calculation model was developed which is

    called mixed Leontief / Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach. This type of approach is

    sometimes referred to as a hybrid LCA in the literature [Joshi (2000)].

    This report presents an annual automated calculation model for converting product

    flows into raw material equivalents (RME). The calculation approach provides detailed

    annual results on product flows in RME in a breakdown by the following dimensions:

    1. Categories of final uses and imports

    2. 166 product groups

    3. 52 raw material categories

    1.2. The concept of raw material equivalents

    The main purpose of establishing estimates in RME is to improve the existing environ-

    mental mass indicator DMC regarding meaningfulness and interpretability. The improve-

    ments refer to three main aspects:

    a) Improvement of the mass flow indicator DMC by converting product flows into

    flows of raw material equivalents.

    b) Establishing an ecological link by detailed disaggregation of RME by 52 mate-

    rial flow categories. A detailed disaggregation by material flow categories takes

    account of the fact that the different raw material categories can have extremely

    different pressure characteristics (environmental impact). That disaggregation is

    therefore a precondition of a meaningful ecological analysis and interpretation of

    material flows.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 7

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    c) Establishing an economic link by relating the direct and indirect demand for

    raw materials by 52 material flow categories to the final use of products by 166

    product groups. Further, the underlying IOT establishes a link between the final

    use of products and the direct economic production and consumption activities.

    That link is essential for embedding the material flow indicator into an environ-

    mental-economic context which is able to relate the demand for raw materials to

    the economic driving forces.

    The term raw materials equivalent (RME) corresponds conceptually to the term domes-

    tic extraction used (DEU) of the EW-MFA system. The RME is supposed to "convert"

    trade flows expressed in simple product weight into their equivalent of domestic extraction

    used (DEU). The RME concept takes the perspective of raw materials embodied in prod-

    ucts. The RME of a product indicates how much extraction of material was necessary over

    the whole production chain for manufacturing that specific product, irrespective whether

    those raw materials were extracted from the domestic or the rest of the world environ-


    One important aim of physical flow accounting of the EW-MFA system is to derive indica-

    tors – one of the most important indicators being DMC - which are used for the purpose of

    the European Resource Strategy.

    However, the DMC indicator inherently bears two major asymmetries:

    a) The imports and export are measured in a kind of different "unit" than the

    domestic extraction used (DEU). The latter is measured in virgin raw mate-

    rial extraction (e.g. tonnes of gross iron ore which is much heavier than the

    resulting steel). Trade is measured only in simple product weight (e.g. ton-

    nes of steel).

    b) The composition of imports and exports can differ leading to a further

    asymmetry. For the EU one knows that the imports are dominated by prod-

    ucts with a rather low degree of processing, like metal ores or primary en-

    ergy carriers. These raw or semi-manufactured products are usually much

    heavier than more finished products and have a rather low RME per tonne

    product. EU exports are rather dominated by finished products, like cars,

    machinery etc. The weight of the finished products usually represents only

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 8

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    a fraction of the weight of raw materials which were originally extracted for

    their manufacturing. This means that 1 million tonnes of imported products

    – measured in simple product weight – have a significant lower RME than

    1 million tonnes exported products.

    The RME concept overcomes these asymmetries in considering the imports and exports

    measured in raw material equivalents which have the same "unit" as the domestic extrac-

    tion used (DEU).

    Figure 1 illustrates the differences between original EW-MFA figures and the correspond-

    ing results which are converted into RME

    Figure 1: Comparison EW-MFA and RME accounts

    The figure shows that imports expressed in RME are double as high as the figures from

    EW-MFA accounts. The exports in RME are even more than three times higher than the

    original EW-MFA results.

    Eurostat aims to establish economy wide indicators where the trade components are

    "converted" from product weight into RME. The following accounting rule shows how the

    indicators – following the RME concept – are derived:









    DEU Imports Exports DMC / RMC

    2005Mill tonnes

    EW-MFA RME accounts

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 9

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    + Domestic extraction used (DEU)

    + Imports in raw material equivalents (IMPRME)

    = Raw material input (RMI)

    – Exports in raw material equivalents (EXPRME)

    = Raw material consumption (RMC)

    It has to be pointed out that it is an important property of the RME accounting system that

    the above accounting identity is not only valid for total materials, but also at the level of

    individual raw material categories. Compared to that, the DMC can only be disaggregated

    to the level of aggregated raw material categories (biomass, metal ores, non-metallic min-

    erals and fossil energy resources), as semi-finished and finished imported and exported

    products can only be lumped together into rather broad material categories like “products

    mainly from biomass” or “products mainly from metals”.

    Compared to the RME concept the TMR concept includes in addition also unused extrac-

    tion (e.g. mining overburden). Ideally TMR should be designed as a methodical extension

    of the RME accounts, i.e. RME supplemented by unused flows. Technically that would

    mean, that the RME including unused extraction are derived from RME by multiplying the

    RME of the individual raw material categories by a factor which expressed the average

    relationship between total (used plus unused) and used extraction.

    However in practice it is rather questionable whether it would be worth to estimate total

    extraction for data and methodical reasons.

    As described below in section 2.6, the statistical coverage of unused extraction is rather

    poor for metals. Unused extraction of metal mining is a major source of unused materials.

    Therefore, including unused extraction is likely to increase inaccuracy of the accounting

    system significantly, as it is necessarily burdened by applying quite rough estimates. Sec-

    ondly, in a general manner it is rather disputable that the specific element of unused ex-

    traction correlates with environmental pressures or impacts. However establishing mass

    flow indicators like DMC, RMC or TMR is not an end in itself in the sense that all materials

    which are activated by economic activities should be counted in the most comprehensive

    manner, but the ultimate purpose is to indicate the development of environmental pres-

    sures or impacts in an aggregated manner.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 10

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The structure of the report can be described as follows:

    Chapter 2 of the report presents the RME calculation model. It starts with some general

    considerations and a short overview over the steps and the data sources of the calculation

    model. In the following subsections the principal steps of the calculation model are de-

    scribed in a more detailed manner. One central issue is the “metal model” which provides

    coefficients for converting metal flows into RME. In a final section of that chapter it is tried

    to assess the quality of the final results.

    In chapter 3 the analytical properties of the RME accounting system are discussed and

    illustrated by analysing selected empirical results of the project.

    In chapter 4 issues for further methodological development of the RME accounting system

    are considered, as migration of the calculation system to new classification, regionaliza-

    tion of calculation of RME and the alternative approach of using an IOT matrix with “inter-

    nalized capital formation”.

    2. The RME calculation model

    2.1. General considerations

    This project has developed an annual automated calculation model converting product

    flows into raw material equivalents (RME). The RME are estimated by a specific Leontief

    type calculation procedure.

    Generally, the Leontief method is an approach of IOT analysis which is based on an IOT

    matrix and an environmental extension which carries the information on generation of

    pressures (direct pressures) by economic activities (homogenous branches and final use

    categories). By that approach, which is based on the so called Leontief inverses, the di-

    rect pressures are assigned to the products of final uses, as exports, consumption expen-

    diture and capital formation (embodied pressures). The embodied pressures of imports

    are generally estimated under the assumption that the imported products are manufac-

    tured under domestic production conditions ("domestic technology assumption"). That

    general Leontief type approach can also be applied to raw material consumption by treat-

    ing direct raw material consumption by production activities as type of environmental ex-


  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 11

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The Leontief approach for estimating embodied pressure is a well-established approach in

    environmental-economic analysis. For example, the environmental-economic accounting

    units of the Federal Statistical Office Germany and of EUROSTAT are regularly calculat-

    ing and publishing results on embodied air emissions [Statistisches Bundesamt (2011)]

    [Schoer et al (2007)]3.

    The "standard Leontief approach" is based on the monetary IOT as it is published by the

    National Accounts and the pressure flow tables (environmental extension) which are pro-

    vided by the Environmental Accounts. The standard monetary input output table (MIOT) at

    European level has the format 60 product groups by 60 homogeneous branches


    That standard Leontief approach was taken as a conceptual starting point for designing a

    method for converting product flows into RME at European level. For that purpose annual

    data from Eurostat are available for MIOT60 and data of the material flow accounts (EW-

    MFA) on domestic extraction used (DEU) of materials from the environment by 42 mate-

    rial categories.

    But the standard approach had to be considerably modified in order to cope with a num-

    ber of deficiencies which had been identified with respect to applying it for calculation of


    Figure 2 shows the major deficits of the standard Leontief approach and the solutions

    which were adopted for establishing a specific approach for the purpose of calculation of


    Further the following issue had to be regarded, which is not a specific feature of the stan-

    dard Leontief approach. The degree of detail of the breakdown of the domestic extraction

    used (DEU) of the Economy Wide Material Flow Accounts by 42 raw material categories

    was considered not to be adequate for metals. Therefore the standard breakdown was

    disaggregated for metals (expanded material classification of EW-MFA).

    3 See Eurostat's reference database:



  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 12

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Figure 2: Leontief standard approach versus project approach for RME calculation

    The description of the calculation model below follows those principal steps

    2.2. Overview calculation model

    The core of the calculation model is a specific annual expanded hybrid input output

    table of the format 166 product groups by 166 homogeneous branches (expHIOT166).

    That table is applied together with physical information of raw material inputs from domes-

    tic extraction and embodied RME of selected imported products into the economy in a

    type of Leontief approach (mixed Leontief / LCA approach). Figure 3 illustrates the steps

    and the data sources of the RME calculation.

    Problem Solution

    The degree of resolution of the

    standard 60x60 IOT matrix is not

    sufficient for tracking the flows of

    individual raw materials.

    Disaggregated monetary IOT of to the

    size of 166x166 (expMIOT166)

    Monetary use structures are in some

    cases not appropriate for depicting

    flows of raw material through the


    Establishing a hybrid IOT

    (expHIOT166), i.e. monetary

    structures of the expMIOT166 are

    replaced by use structures in physical

    units for selected product groups

    The "domestic technology

    assumption" is not suitable for

    representing the raw material content

    of a number of imported products in a

    sufficient manner

    External approach for estimating RME

    of selected imported products (mixed

    Leontief / LCA approach) was

    introduced to the model.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 13

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Figure 3: Calculation steps and data sources for RME calculation

    (3) DE 2000 expMIOT166Expanded monetary IOT for Germany 166x166

    (Structural information)

    (7) EU expMIOT166Annual expanded monetary IOT for EU-27 166x166(iterative adjustment approach for integrating German structural information into existing

    EU-level framework)

    (11) EU expHIOT166Annual expanded hybrid IOT for EU-27 166x166(replacement of selected monetary use structures by physical use structures

    (5) EU MIOT60 Annual monetary IOT for EU-27 60x60

    (6) Balance column for total domestic uses and total line for inputs by 166 product groups / omogeneous branches for EU-27

    (9) Physical flow tablesbv 166 branches- Biotic raw materials- Energy carriers- Metal ores and basic

    metals- Other minerals

    (2) DE 2000 MIOT72Monetary IOT for Germany 72x72

    (1) Auxiliary information forDE 2000

    - Supply and use table by about3000 product groups and 120

    branches (unpublished.- MIOT 120x120 (unpublished)- Agricultural IOT by 46

    agricultural product groups andbranches

    - External trade statistics,structural business statistics,

    and other sources

    (4) Annual auxiliary monetary information for EU-27- COMEXT- Balance of payment

    statistics- Structural business

    statistics- Agriculural accounts- other sources

    (10) EW-MFAAnnual domestic extraction used in tons by material categoriesl

    (8) Annual auxiliary physical information for EU-27- COMEXT (tons)- Energy balance

    statistics- Metal flow information from USGS and BGS (mine production of ores, prices, recycling, typical uses)- Agricultural statistics- other sources

    (13) Metal modelAnnual conversion coefficients (tonnes traded weigh to tonnes RME, total metal to primary metal) for imported metals by 60 metal categories

    (12) Auxiliary information for metal model for EU-27- annual business reports for

    about 160 mines - Information from life

    cycle assessment (LCA)

    - other sources

    (14) Auxiliary information for environmental extension for EU-27- COMEXT: imports in tons by 60

    metal categories)

    (15) EU ENVEXT166Annual environmental extension (52 raw material categories) by 166 branches for domestic extraction and imports (selected product groups)

    (16) EU Raw Material Equivalents (RME)Annual output, imports exports and 6 final domestic use categories in RME by 52 raw material categories and 166 product groups(calculation by mixed Leontief / LCA approach)

    Annual calculation of Raw Material Equivalents (RME)

    Calculation for Germany 2000

    Annual calculation for EU-27

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 14

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The EU level calculation procedure can be subdivided into the following principal steps:

    a) Annual expansion of the monetary EU-level standard IOT 60x60 to the size of

    166x166 (expMIOT166).

    b) Converting the expMIOT166 into an annual hybrid IOT (expHIOT166) by insert-

    ing physical use structures for selected product groups

    c) Estimation of annual environmental extensions (ENVEXT166), i.e. input of raw

    materials into the economy

    d) Converting product flows into RME by a specific Leontief approach

    Ad (a): The expMIOT166 can be regarded as a necessary interim step for estimating

    expHIOT166. However, data of that IOT are also required for appoaches of analysing the

    the "economic link".

    The expMIOT166 at EU-level is estimated by fitting structural information from the

    German expMIOT166 into the EU-level data framework of MIOT60 and monetary vectors

    by 166 product groups / homogeneous branches for outputs, imports, exports and inputs.

    Major data sources for estimating the German expMIOT166 are the national German

    MIOT72 and detailed information from internal supply and use tables of the format about

    3000 product groups x 120 homogeneous branches and agricultural IOTs by 46

    agricultural production processes.

    Ad (b): The expHIOT166 is obtained by replacing selected monetary use structurs of the

    expMIOT166 by physical use structurs. The physical use structures are obtained from flow

    tables in different physical units for biomass products (excluding animal production), metal

    ores and basic metals, non-metallic minerals and energy carriers. It was considered that

    for those selected products the underlying raw material flow are more closely represented

    by physical than by monetary information.

    Ad (c): Eenvironmental extensions in a breakdown by 166 homogenous branches

    (ENVEXT166) are required as an input to the Leontief calculation together with the ex-

    pHIOT. In the context of calculation of RME the ENVEXT denotes the input of raw mate-

    rial into the economy in physical units. Following the specific approach of Leontief calcula-

    tion of this project two types of ENVEXT166 are required for each raw material category:

    1. domestic extraction used of raw materials,

    2. raw materials embodied in selected imported products (called "LCA products").

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 15

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The RME of LCA products are estimated by an external approach which is based on the

    "metal model". The metal model provides RME coefficients (tonne RME per tonne traded

    weight) which are combined with data from external trade statistics (COMEXT) on imports

    in tonnes traded weight.

    Ad (d): In the final step RME of product flows are estimated by a "mixed Leontief / LCA

    approach". Whereas the standard Leontief approach estimates RME by assuming that

    the imported products are produced under the same conditions than the domestic prod-

    ucts, the mixed Leontief / LCA approach avoids the domestic technology assumption for

    "LCA products" by using external information which enters the calculation system as an

    additional environmental extension for imported products.

    The calculation approach provides detailed results on product flows in RME in a break-

    down by the following dimensions:

    1. Categories of final uses (consumption expenditure, capital formation, exports)

    and imports

    2. 166 product groups

    3. 52 raw material categories

    2.3. Disaggregated monetary IOT

    2.3.1. The concept and rationale for disaggregating the IOT

    The standard 60x60 IOT is primarily designed for analysing economic relationships. With

    respect to the relationship between the environment and economy it has to be regarded

    that – depending on the environmental problem under consideration – the focus may

    change. Some product flows which are not important in terms of income generation or

    other economic aspects can be highly relevant under an environmental perspective. In

    those cases the standard IOT may not able to provide the necessary degree of detail for

    tracking those flows.

    A high level of aggregation may seriously impair the accuracy of RME estimation for a

    number of reasons:

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 16

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    a) Flows of a raw material are usually related to rather specific production activi-

    ties, as far as the first steps in the production chain are concerned

    b) The degree of inhomogeneity of a product group usually increases with the level

    of aggregation

    Ad (a): With respect to estimating embodied raw material an important feature of raw ma-

    terial flows compared to many other pressure flows has to be taken into consideration.

    Other pressure flows, as for example CO2 emissions, usually originate from a wide range

    of production and consumption activities. Compared to that, each raw material enters the

    economy by a specific production activity (extraction). And also the following step of trans-

    formation is usually confined to one or a rather limited number of specific production ac-

    tivities (primary processing). Therefore it is very crucial to depict those first steps in a suf-

    ficient degree of detail for tracking the flow of a raw material through to economy. How-

    ever, in the standard IOT those flows are presented only in a rather aggregated manner.

    The production of all agricultural crops is grouped together with animal production in one

    product group / homogenous branch "agriculture". A substantial part of primary processing

    of agricultural crops as input to animal production takes place within agriculture. And the

    food production which is the major primary processing branch for agricultural crops and

    animal products outside agriculture is again grouped to only one branch.

    A similar situation can be stated for metal ores and other mining and quarrying products

    with one branch each for extraction and one (in case of metals) or two (in case of other

    mining) primary processing branches.

    Ad (b): It has to be pointed out that the degree of inhomogeneity – in terms of monetary

    value per unit of raw material equivalent or some other weight unit – is likely to increase

    with the level of aggregation. That is the composition of imports, exports or intermediate

    consumption of such a rather aggregated product group may differ. For example, the ex-

    ports and the imports of the product group "other mining and quarrying" (CPA 14) are in

    monetary terms highly dominated by "Other mining and quarrying products n.e.c" (CPA

    14.5) whereas the domestic use is prevailed by stone, sand and clay which have a much

    lower price than other mining products. For reference see annex 1 Product classification

    for expHIOT. RME calculation which is based on monetary relationships assumes that

    the average price for exported products of a product groups is identical with the prices for

    domestic uses of that product groups. That is not the case, if at the same time the struc-

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 17

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    ture of the exports within a product group differs from final domestic uses and the prices of

    the components are not nearly at the same level. In that case an estimation of RME which

    is based on monetary relationships for a product group is not able to provide a realistic


    As a solution for overcoming those deficits of the standard IOT an expanded IOT matrix of

    the size 166 product groups by 166 homogeneous branches (expMIOT166) was devel-

    oped as a first step.

    Raw materials are reported by the calculation system in a breakdown by 52 raw material

    categories. In order to meet the requirements for calculation of RME for each of those raw

    material categories a corresponding product group was established for the purpose of

    expMIOT166. Furthermore, also the branches of primary processing of raw materials, like

    agricultural animal production, food production, basic metal production, other non-metallic

    mineral products and energy transformation were disaggregated. In addition some further

    branches which are considered to be important under the perspective of raw material con-

    sumption (e.g. chemical industry, metalworking industry) are also presented in a disag-

    gregated manner. See annex 1.

    Beyond improving the accuracy of the calculation results for RME, the disaggregated

    IOT has a further important advantage. The breakdown of the calculation results by type

    of product follows the classification of the underlying IOT. Therefore also the analytical

    relevance of the RME indicators is strengthened by establishing an “economic link” at a

    much more detailed level.

    2.3.2. Calculation method and data sources

    The expansion of the MIOT60 to the format of MIOT166 means that individual cells of

    the MIOT60 have to be disaggregated. That disaggregation requires two principal types of

    auxiliary information:

    a) Structural information for those arrays which have to be disaggregated and

    b) Information for subdividing the IOT balance column for total domestic use and the

    total line for inputs to the size of 166 product groups / homogeneous branches.

    A systematic overview of all important data sources is presented in annex 2 data sources.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 18

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series Structural information based on German expanded IOT

    At European level only few auxiliary data are available establishing the required struc-

    tural information. Exceptions are energy (energy balance data in physical terms and

    some information from SBS on purchases of energy carriers) and agriculture (data on use

    of fodder crops from the agricultural statistics).

    Compared to that the data situation for Germany is much more favourable. The German

    economy accounts for roughly 20 per cent of total EU economy. Therefore, in a first step

    an expanded German IOT for the year 2000 was established with the objective to utilize

    the structural information of that IOT matrix for disaggregating the European IOT.

    The standard IOT of the German Statistical Office has the format 72 x 72. The expansion

    of that IOT was predominantly based on detailed supply and use tables of the size 3000

    product groups by 120 homogeneous branches. Those detailed tables are not published.

    They are designed as an internal tool of the German national accounting department for

    tuning different parts of the national accounting system and for generating the published

    IOT. Those parts of that table which carry significant information for disaggregating the

    standard IOT to the size of 166x166 where made available to this project by the German

    Federal Statistical Office.

    The breakdown by products of the detailed supply and use table widely covers the re-

    quirement for estimating the breakdown of the expMIOT by 166 product groups, with the

    exception of disaggregation for other metals (CPA 2745, excluding nickel). For further

    subdividing that item the output, the imports and the exports information from COMEXT

    and a special preparation of the German production statistics for metal was used. Such

    original disaggregated information was available for total supply (imports plus output) and

    for exports. As far as the domestic use is concerned, it was generally assumed that the

    disaggregated rows have the same use structure as the aggregated row. However some

    information from life cycle inventories on typical composition of steel alloys (e.g. nickel,

    manganese, chromium. tungsten, titanium, molybdenum) was applied for modifying the

    use structures of those metals.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 19

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    For the disaggregation by homogeneous branches further information was required for

    disaggregating agriculture (18 branches), metal ores (17 branches) and non-ferrous basic

    metals (16 branches).

    For subdividing agriculture a detailed agricultural IOT by 46 agricultural production

    processes for the year 1999 could be used. The agricultural IOT was estimated in a joint

    project of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institut and the German Federal Statistical

    Office [Schmidt, Osterburg (2009)]. The agricultural IOT provides detailed information on

    intra agricultural flows. But other inputs to the agricultural production processes are only

    reported in a summary manner. However some additional auxiliary information from the

    German Ministry of Agriculture on the allocation of important non-agricultural inputs (e.g.

    animal fodder from food industry, fertilizers, pesticides, energy and medical services)

    could be used for filling the most important gaps.

    Regarding disaggregation of agriculture it has to be paid some attention to the issue of so

    called ancillary activities. It is a special feature of agricultural production that quite fre-

    quently different crops and animal products are produced in the same holding. Above all

    crop and animal production are strongly intermingled. Animals consume fodder crops,

    crop residues like straw and gazed biomass on the one hand and on the other hand farm

    manure which can be regarded to be a by-product of animal production is used as input

    into crop production. Also within animal production there are interrelationships, like milk

    consumption by animals.

    Generally, the agricultural accounts treat the outcomes of activities which are usually mar-

    keted as products. That is, they are regarded also as output and as input, if consumed in

    the same holding. But the results of other activities which are usually not marketed, like

    grass which is directly taken up by the animals (grazed biomass) or farm manure, are re-

    garded as ancillary activities which are not treated as output but only as an interim stage

    within a production process. For example milk is the output of a specific production proc-

    ess. The milk producing animals may consume grazed biomass. Input which are neces-

    sary for producing that grazed biomass are assigned to production of milk, but the grazed

    biomass does not appear as a separate output. And the other way round also the produc-

    tion and use of farm manure is only regarded as an internal flow.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 20

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    However if total agriculture is subdivided into a branches production of grazed biomass

    and of milk the flows between both activities (e.g. grazed biomass and farm manure) have

    to be made explicit by treating those flows as outputs and inputs. Doing so would mean

    that the total outputs from and the total inputs to agriculture are higher for the disaggre-

    gated IOT than for the standard IOT. That effect has also to be regarded accordingly for

    disaggregating the EU level IOT.

    Regarding the disaggregation of metal branches it has to be noted that iron and casting

    services are shown separately in the German 72x72 IOT. The ore input into basic non-

    ferrous metal production was disaggregated by the general assumption that the ore of a

    metal almost fully enters basic metal production of the corresponding metal. Some rather

    insignificant corrections where made for alloys. The other inputs into metal production

    were widely allocated according to output relationship. Energy inputs into extraction and

    primary processing of metals were cross checked and adjusted by some information from

    life cycle inventories on typical energy consumption. EU level balance column and line total

    The second element for expanding the MIOT60 is monetary balance columns and line

    totals by 166 product groups / homogeneous branches for total domestic use and for in-


    The total domestic use is obtained by the following calculation:

    Outputs + imports = total supply = total use - exports = total domestic use

    Annual European information is widely available from Eurostat’s online reference data

    base4 for disaggregating the above items to the size of 166 product groups or homogene-

    ous branches.

    Monetary data from the European external trade statistics (COMEXT) are applied for dis-

    aggregating the import and export vector for goods. The product groups for services are

    4 Eurostat. Eurostat’s reference database:



  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 21

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    disaggregated by information from Balance of Payment Statistic (BoP). Main source for

    the subdivision of the output and the input vector is the Structural Business Statistic

    (SBS). The SBS data set had to be gap filled in order to cope for missing values, mainly

    due to suppressing of data for confidentiality reasons. For agriculture information from

    agricultural accounts on output structure can be utilized. For full disaggregation of metal

    mining and basic metal production it has also to be referred to data from the Production

    Statistics (PRODCOM) and information from USGS and BGS on physical production and

    on metal prices. Iterative adjustment approach

    The EU level expMIOT166 is estimated by fitting in the structural information from German

    expMIOT166 to the European data framework of MIOT60 and the disaggregated balance

    column and line total by a RAS-type approach5. The disaggregation of individual cells of

    the European MIOT60 is conducted by three principal steps:

    a) Estimation of raw values by disaggregating individual cells of the European IOT

    by structural information from the German IOT,

    b) Adjustment of the raw values of step a) to the vector of total domestic uses and

    to the corresponding cells of the MIOT60 in an iterative adjustment approach,

    c) Adjustment of the results of step b) to the vector of total inputs and the corre-

    sponding cells of the MIOT60 in an iterative adjustment approach.

    The principal steps of the calculation approach are schematically illustrated by Figure 4 to

    Figure 6.

    The green cells represent the European data framework and the red cells denote the dis-

    aggregated values. In the first calculation step raw values are estimated by subdividing

    individual cells (indicated by the arrows) of the EuropeaMIOT60 IOT (light green) by verti-

    cal, horizontal or matrix type disaggregation. Those raw values sum up to the disaggre-

    gated cell but they do not match to the vectors for total inputs and total final domestic


    5 The general RAS method is an approach to reconcile inconsistencies in data that should match or

    sum up to the same amount. “It is a bi-proportional adjustment algorithm that balances matri-

    ces in a mechanical way. See: [Bouwmeester (2007)]

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 22

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Figure 4: Scheme for the disaggregation of 60X60 IOT to the format of 166X166 (Step 1)

    Disaggregation of 60x60 IOT to the format of 166x166

    Step (1) raw values

    Schematic description

    (1) Adjustment of German structural information to the cells of the EU-level MIOT60





    c u

    ses b

    y 1

    66 p






    Total inputs / final uses by 166 homogeneous branches / final use categories

    EU-level framew ork Totals by 166 product groups /homogeneous branches

    Cells of 60x60 IOT not disaggregated

    Cells of 60x60 IOT disaggregated

    German structural information f it

    into the EU-level framew ork by an

    iterative adjustment approach

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by horizontal disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by vertical disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by matrix shape disaggregation

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 23

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Figure 5: Scheme for the disaggregation of 60X60 IOT to the format of 166X166 (Step 2)

    Step two shows the adjustment of the raw values of step one to the total domestic use

    vector in an iterative approach by observing the coherence to the cells of the MIOT60.

    The arrows indicate the adjustment steps.

    Disaggregation of 60x60 IOT to the format of 166x166

    Step (2)

    Schematic description

    (2) Adjustment of (1) to total domestic uses and MIOT60 by an iterative approach





    c u

    ses b

    y 1

    66 p






    Total inputs / final uses by 166 homogeneous branches / final use categories

    EU-level framew ork Totals by 166 product groups /homogeneous branches

    Cells of 60x60 IOT not disaggregated

    Cells of 60x60 IOT disaggregated

    German structural information f it

    into the EU-level framew ork by an

    iterative adjustment approach

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by horizontal disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by vertical disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by matrix shape disaggregation

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 24

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Figure 6: Scheme for the disaggregation of 60X60 IOT to the format of 166X166 (Step 3)

    The result of step two is adjusted in a final iterative approach to the vector of total inputs

    into intermediate consumption and of total final uses for the individual final use categories

    by observing the coherence to the cells of the MIOT60.

    Disaggregation of 60x60 IOT to the format of 166x166

    Step (3)

    Schematic description

    (3) Adjustment of (2) to total inputs / final uses and MIOT60 by an iterative approach





    c u

    ses b

    y 1

    66 p






    Total inputs / final uses by 166 homogeneous branches / final use categories

    EU-level framew ork

    Cells of 60x60 IOT not disaggregated

    Cells of 60x60 IOT disaggregated

    Totals by 166 product groups /homogeneous branches

    German structural information f it

    into the EU-level framew ork by an

    iterative adjustment approach Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by vertical disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by matrix shape disaggregation

    Cells of 166x166 IOT estimated by horizontal disaggregation

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 25

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    As a result a fully coherent monetary IOT matrix of the format 166x166 is obtained. It has

    to be pointed out that that IOT to a large extent is an approximation to real European rela-

    tionship and not the German conditions, as the German structural information was not

    simply adjusted to the European balance column and total line. The disaggregated IOT

    fully carries the information on European average production technology as it is repre-

    sented in the European MIOT60. Only below that level German technological relations

    have been used. But also for that level it has to be considered that the structural informa-

    tion from the German IOT was further adjusted to European demand and input totals. Data issues

    Structural Business Statistics

    Regarding Structural Business Statistics (SBS) data two major data issues have to be

    mentioned, filling of data gaps and transition to new classification beginning in 2008.

    Gap filling: At the EU-27 level there are many data gaps at the required level of detail,

    mainly due to confidentiality cases or non-reporting of individual countries for some years.

    Those gaps were filled by the following general approach: It was referred to country level

    data. At that level most gaps could be filled by referring to corresponding results of previ-

    ous or following years. In some cases further auxiliary information had to be consulted,

    like information from COMEXT, BGS, USG and even annual business reports.

    Change of classification: Data of the SBS are reported in NACE Rev. 1.1 until the year

    2008. For 2008 data are reported also according to the revised classification NACE Rev. 2

    and after 2008 data are only available in NACE Rev. 2. The calculation model is based on

    CPA 2002, which fully corresponds to NACE Rev. 1.1, except that the branches according

    to CPA are reported as homogeneous branches whereas branches according to NACE

    are demarcated as local kind of activity unit (establishments). From 2009 on SBS data

    have to be recoded from new to old classification. For that purpose a conversion key was

    developed which is based on two elements:

    a) A correspondence table which conceptually relates the individual items of both

    versions of the classification to each other at the most detailed level.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 26

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    b) An empirical conversion key which indicates what proportion of an item of the

    one classification has to be assigned to what item of the other classification.

    The conceptual correspondence tables are provided by Eurostat6. The empirical conver-

    sion tables are based on the conceptual correspondence tables and on double prepara-

    tions according to both versions of the classification for one year. The empirical conver-

    sion matrix for SBS shows what proportions of the items of the NACE Rev. 2 are assigned

    to the items of NACE Rev. 1.1. The disaggregation of NACE Rev. 2 follows the 4 digit

    level. NACE Rev. 1.1 is allocated according to the “166 level breakdown” of the expHIOT,

    which is a mix of 2 digit, 3 digit, 4 digit and some special disaggregation of 4 digit level

    items (metals). That matrix was estimated for production values.

    Beginning in 2009 the original data for production values and purchases of goods and

    services of SBS are converted by that matrix into the project specific 166 level breakdown

    of NACE Rev. 1.1.


    In some cases original COMEXT data had to be corrected. The corrections refer to both,

    results in EUR as well as in metric tonnes. The corrections go back to two major reasons,

    apparent assignment errors and non-plausibility.

    A number of apparent assignment errors were especially detected for gold and some oth-

    er high priced metals.

    Cross checking with external trade data from BGS lead to corrections of import and export

    figures in case of some high priced metals.

    In case of tin applying the original COMEXT data lead to inconsistent IOT relationships

    (negative domestic uses) for some years.

    Therefore it has to be noted that especially the calculation of separate results for gold and

    tin should be used with care.

    6 See: RAMON Eurostat’s metadata server:



  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 27

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    2.4. Disaggregated hybrid IOT

    2.4.1. The concept and rationale for a hybrid IOT

    For the specific purpose of calculation of RME the environmental IOT of the type of

    expMIOT166 was further developed by converting it into a hybrid IOT (expHIOT166)

    where monetary use structures were replaced by use structures in physical units for some

    selected product groups7.

    The aim of that modification is to arrive at an improved presentation of flows of raw mate-

    rials through the economy by the use structures of the IOT.

    For analysing raw material flows it would be crucial that the use structures for the ex-

    tracted raw materials (raw material products) represent the physical flows as much as

    possible. This may hold to a certain extent also for products of primary processing of raw

    materials, like basic metals or refinery products which still largely contain the original raw


    In principal the aim of depicting physical flows of raw material products and of primary

    processed raw materials could also be achieved by applying monetary use structures.

    However monetary units can only work well if there are no significant price effects, i.e. if

    the unit value is the same for all uses. However, it can be shown that this is sometimes

    not the case in practice.

    Physical use structures for raw materials (raw products) and primary processed raw mate-

    rials are required for the following reasons:

    a) Price differentiation: different users pay different prices for the same product

    b) Structural effects: the composition within disaggregated product groups differs by


    7 An early approach for a hybrid IOT was developed by Beutel and Stahmer. See: [Beutel (1982)]

    8 There were some attempts in the past by statistical offices also to estimate full physical input out-

    put tables (PIOT) where all use structures are expressed in mass units. One example is the PIOT of the German Statistical Office. However to establish such a table is extremely data demanding. In case of Germany the calculation were predominantly based on detailed mone-tary supply and use tables by 3000 product groups. For German PIOT see: [Waldmüller. (2001)]

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 28

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Case a) is especially relevant for energy carriers. Examples for case b) are: Significant

    structural differences for exports and domestic uses for other minerals n.e.c; differences in

    the share of secondary metal for exports and domestic uses; prepared animal feed (CPA

    156.7) for pets and farm animals has considerably different prices.

    Table 1 compares the prices as reported by COMEXT of imports with the prices of exports

    for raw materials and some products which represent the stage of primary processing of

    raw materials.

    That comparison reveals that the prices for imports and exports differ for almost all prod-

    uct groups9 which are presented in the table. Moreover the differences change over time

    in many cases. In some cases the differences may simply reflect statistical inconsisten-

    cies. But more generally it can be assumed that different prices rather reflect structural


    It has to be regarded that especially the quantitative relationship between the imports and

    exports in RME is most crucial for estimating the central indicator RMC. Therefore, it can

    be concluded that applying physical instead of monetary use structures for raw materials

    and some products of primary processing is likely to improve the accuracy of the calcula-

    tion results for RME.

    It has to be pointed out that for none of the products under consideration full physical in-

    formation is available for converting monetary into physical use structures. Therefore, the

    estimated physical use structures have to be always based on a mixture of physical and

    monetary information. In most cases only imports, exports and output are available in

    physical terms and monetary relationships have to be applied for disaggregating of do-

    mestic uses in physical terms. Only for energy carriers the energy balance provides rather

    detailed physical information on the consumption of energies by economic activities.

    9 As a matter of fact unit prices for imports and exports prices may not only differ for raw materials,

    but also for semi-finished and finished products. However, for those more complex products physical use structures are not likely to be advantageous compared to monetary structures for estimating the raw material content.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 29

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Table 1: Relationship unit value of imports to unit value of exports

    Selected product groups

    Excluding scrap

    Classification for expHIOT 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

    01.11.1 Cereals 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.3

    01.11.21 Potatoes 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.1 1.1

    01.11.22 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled 0.9 1.3 1.8 2.0 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.7 2.1


    Edible roots and tubers with high starch or

    inulin content 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.9

    01.11.3 Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.9

    01.11.4 Unmanufactured tobacco 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0

    01.11.5 Plants used for sugar manufacturing 2.7 3.0 24.7 47.3 23.6 92.9 21.8 41.7 29.2 23.2

    01.11.7 Raw vegetable materials used in textiles 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2


    Vegetables, horticultural specialities and

    nursery products 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9

    01.13 Fruit, nuts, beverage and spice crops 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.5

    01.11.8, 01.11.9, 01.19Other crop products 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.1



    AND RELATED SERVICES 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.1 0.8




    0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9

    10.1, excl 10.10.12 Coal, not agglomerated 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8

    10.2.a Lignite, not agglomerated 0.8 1.1 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.8

    10.3 Peat 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5


    Petroleum oils and oils obtained from

    bituminous minerals, crude 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0


    Natural gas, liquefied or in gaseous state

    0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.7

    13.1 Iron ores 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.7 1.0

    13.20.11 Copper ores and concentrates 1.3 1.8 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.2

    13.20.12 Nickel ores and concentrates 1.4 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.9 2.9 2.1 3.6 3.1

    13.20.13 Aluminium ores and concentrates 1.3 1.2 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.2 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.5

    13.20.14.a Gold 601.9 43.2 48.1 59.2 80.3 679.7 24.5 48.7 28.4 236.2

    13.20.14.b Silver 3.6 39.9 11.5 2.3 8.7 49.9 1.1 81.5 18.7 0.3

    13.20.15.a Lead 2.9 2.9 3.2 1.8 1.7 1.8 2.5 1.8 2.2 2.3

    13.20.15.b Zinc 1.0 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.2

    13.20.15.c Tin 1.2 0.6 0.0 0.3 0.4 1.1 1.5 0.1

    13.20.16.a Tungsten ores and concentrates 0.6 0.9 0.4 12.6 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.8 2.0


    Titanium ores (Ilmenite) and concentrates

    0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 1.4

    13.20.16.e Manganese ores and concentrates 0.8 0.9 1.2 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0

    13.20.16.f Chromium ores and concentrates 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6 1.1

    13.20.16.g Other ores and concentrates 0.7 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.7 2.2 1.6

    14.1 Stone 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.4

    14.2 Sand and clay 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.9

    14.3 Chemical and fertilizer minerals 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.9

    14.4 Salt 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4


    Other mining and quarrying products

    n.e.c. 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3

    23.1 Coke oven products 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.5

    23.2 Refined petroleum products 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0

    23.3 Nuclear fuel 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.7 0.7 1.2 1.0 0.5


    Basic iron and steel and ferro-alloys,

    tubes and other first processed iron and

    steel 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7

    27.41.1, 27.41.5, 27.41.62.a Silver and silver products 1.8 1.6 1.9 1.2 1.1 1.3 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.3

    27.41.2, 27.41.4Gold and gold products 1.2 1.5 3.0 4.4 1.7 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.2

    27.41.3, 27.41.62.b Platinum and platinum products 1.2 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

    27.42 Aluminium and aluminium products 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4

    27.43.11, 27.43.21-3 Lead and lead products 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.6 2.1 1.2 1.7 1.9 1.4 1.4

    27.43.12, 27.43.24-6 Zinc and zinc products 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8

    27.43.13, 27.43.27-9 Tin and tin products 1.0 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.1

    27.44 Copper products 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7

    27.45.1, 27.45.2, 27.45.42Nickel products 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7

    27.45.a Tungsten products 0.9 0.7 1.1 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.6

    27.45.b Tantalum products 2.1 1.6 1.9 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.3 1.6 1.5 1.4

    27.45.c Magnesium products 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5

    27.45.d Titanium products 1.0 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.6 0.6

    27.45.e Manganese products 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.7

    27.45.f Chromium products 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.9

    27.45.g Other non-ferrous metal products 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3

    Source: COMEXT

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 30

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    But notwithstanding, introducing physical information for imports, exports and outputs

    alone is a crucial step for improving the quality of the calculation result for RME.

    In a first step the monetary use structures for some product groups were corrected in or-

    der to cope for some identifiable price effects. In a second step, by integrating elements of

    that corrected monetary use structures, a set of different physical flow table in a break-

    down by 166 homogeneous branches was developed for the following product categories:

    a) biotic raw materials (agricultural crop production, wood, fish)

    b) energy carriers

    c) metals (ores and basic metals)

    d) other minerals

    For establishing those physical flow tables different methodical approaches are applied

    and different physical units are used. Those flow tables are inserted to the expMIOT166 in

    order to convert it to an expHIOT166.

    2.4.2. Calculation method and data sources Price adjustment of monetary use structure

    In a first step the monetary use structures for selected product groups were corrected in

    order to cope for some identifiable price effects. Those corrections are based on plausibil-

    ity checks which compare the inputs and the outputs of individual product groups in physi-

    cal units.

    For example, for checking the plausibility of the input-output relationship of swine pro-

    duction (CPA 01.23) the physical output was compared to the amount of relevant physi-

    cal inputs. For that comparison the output of the product under review and the relevant

    inputs have to be converted into tonnes. With regard to swine production cereals (CPA

    01.11.1) and prepared animal feed (CPA 15.7) were identified as the relevant inputs to be

    considered. The monetary use structures of both input product groups were converted into

    mass units by using information in tonnes for imports, exports and output and the relation-

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 31

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    ships of the monetary use structure for domestic uses. As a result the inputs of cereals

    and prepared animal feed into swine production were obtained in mass units.

    It turned out that the calculated relationship fodder input to meat output was far below the

    usual ratio of pig fattening as it is known from literature. In particular the assumption of

    equal prices for cereals as well as for prepared fodder for all users, which was inherent to

    the IOT based calculation approach, was identified as a reason for that discrepancy. That

    assumption neglects that the cereals which are used for animal fodder and human con-

    sumption represent different qualities which have different prices. The same holds for pre-

    pared animal feeds. The price for pet feed is much higher than for farm animal feed.

    Therefore, under the "equal price assumption" the amount of cereals and of prepared

    animal feed in tonnes which was allocated to swine production was too low. In order to

    cope for that effect of "price differentiation" the implicit calculative prices were adjusted in

    a manner that the physical input-output relationship for swine production arrived at a plau-

    sible order of magnitude.

    Following that consideration the original monetary use structure for cereals and prepared

    animal feed were corrected accordingly in order to represent rather the physical and not

    the monetary use structures.

    Similar considerations and corrections were made for the use structures of fish, stone,

    sand and clay and salt. Physical use structure for biomass and other minerals

    For agricultural crop products, products from forestry and fishery and for other mining and

    quarrying products physical use structures were estimated in the unit tonnes traded

    weight. Physical information on imports and exports are taken from COMEXT10 and the

    information on output is obtained from EW-MFA (domestic extraction)11. The physical use

    structures for domestic uses were estimated by applying the monetary relationship after

    correction for price effects (see section


    It can be assumed that the RME of imported and exported raw products of biomass and other

    minerals are reflected quite well by the traded weight. However, diamonds are an exception.

    The special case of diamonds has not been explicitly regarded so far in the calculation model.

    But it is planned to take account of that issue during the next round of updating. 11

    The MFA compilation manual of Eurostat recommends estimating the RME of domestic extrac-tion of those materials by referring to the traded weight. See [ESTAT (2011)]

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 32

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    Those physical use structures take into account effects of differences in the structural

    composition of imports, exports and domestic uses. Moreover, also within domestic use

    activities also some important price or structural effects are regarded. Physical use structure for metals

    Similar to the approach for biomass and other minerals the benchmark values for outputs,

    imports and exports of metals are estimated in physical units and for the disaggregation of

    the domestic uses the monetary relationships are applied.

    However, compared to those materials there are some peculiarities for metals which re-

    quire a more complex estimation approach for the benchmark values. One rather out-

    standing feature is that the differences between tonnes traded weight and tonnes RME

    are extremely high for most metals. Also the trade flows of ores are usually not reported in

    gross ore but for concentrates. Another issue is that the external trade figures for metals

    have to be adjusted for scrap and secondary metal (which is made of recycled metal).

    Finally the lack of reliable direct information on output of basic metals has to be regarded.

    In a first step of the calculation approach the benchmark values are expressed in metal

    content. That step is necessary for adjusting exports for secondary metal content. In a

    final step the benchmark values are converted into the unit tonne RME.

    The model is based on a number of sources as:

    a) Imports and exports of ores and basic metals (excluding scrap) in tonne traded

    weight (COMEXT)

    b) Mine production of metal ores in tonne metal content (BGS)

    c) DEU of metal ores in tonne RME (EW-MFA)

    d) Conversion coefficients tonne ore concentrate to tonne metal content

    (metal model)

    e) Conversion coefficients tonne metal content to tonne RME for ores and basic

    metal (metal model)

    f) Conversion coefficients tonne total metal to tonne primary metal for imports

    (metal model)

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 33

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC time series

    The RME concept refers to consumption of material that was extracted from the environ-

    ment, i.e. in the case of metal the amount of embodied ore. Metal scrap and secondary

    metal is not generated from new ore but goes back to ore which was already counted

    earlier. Therefore, it has to be excluded for the purpose of RME calculation12.

    The monetary IOT includes scrap and secondary metal which is a further reason that

    monetary relationships are not a suitable basis for estimating RME for metals.

    In a first step the benchmark values for imports, exports and outputs are estimated in

    tonne of metal content.

    The imports and exports of ores in tonnes traded weight are converted by coefficients

    from the metal model into metal content. The outputs of ores (mine production in tonne

    metal content) are reported by BGS.

    For converting the flows of basic metal into metal content of primary metal, scrap and

    secondary metal has to be excluded. As far as the data source COMEXT for imports and

    exports of basic metals is concerned, scrap can be excluded easily, as it is reported sepa-

    rately. But that is not the case for primary and secondary metal, except for aluminium.

    Therefore, average recycling coefficients for imported metal from the "metal model" (see

    section 2.6) are applied for estimating imports of basic metals in metal content. The coef-

    ficients represent the world average.

    As no direct reliable and complete information on domestic production of basis metals

    is available in tonne of metal content that item was estimated by assuming that the output

    of basic metal is equal to the input of ore, which of course is a simplification, as some of

    the metal which is contained in the ore maybe gets lost. The input of ore into the same

    metal – which is usually quite near 100% – was estimated by the relationships of the

    monetary use structure.

    The secondary metal content for exports cannot be simply estimated by applying an ex-

    ternal coefficient as it was used for imports. Exports of secondary metals can be ap-


    In principal this issue is also of relevance for other materials, like wood as also a rather high share of paper, which is the main use category for wood, originates from recycling. However due to the lesser quantitative importance for the overall results that issue was neglected so far for non-metal materials.

  • Assistance in the development and maintenance of Raw Material Equivalents page 34

    conversion factors and calculation of RMC ti