if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL....

W'V"." 'ft.- M Ma' ' 'V PA I tf if ! i I ' , I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 PKICE 5 CENTS. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIJI DAY , NOVEMBER 12, 188G- - VOL. V.-- NO. 2G9. i 11 drrrlisfmtnts. BONE MEAL !! 1 ' 1 J: i 1 i i. 1 1 i THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser 14 PUBLIiIlKI Every Moriiin Except Sundays. HUBSCRIPTIONS : Dailt P. V. Advkrtiskr, one yf-a- r ..6 00 Daily P. C. Auvkhtidick, rIx mouths- - 3 00 UAItr P. C. Auvkhtmkr, threA months 1 50 Daily P. C. Advkktiskh, per month 60 Wkkkly p. U. Advhrthkk, oca year- - ft 00 P ljfo HubBcrtptlou. W. P. C. A. (Jncludine ooatage) . 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance 3tJJjtrtiscmtnts. Birthday Jubilee -- OF- His Majesty the King To all Hawaiian subjacti and friends of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, Hia Majesty' loyal nubjecU, contemplating with grateful heart the continued reign in good health of our belored Sovereign, which ha boen vouchsafed u under the blesxingB of the Almighty, and hailintf with Joy the ap- proach of the aniiireratiry which mark the fiftieth jJfcar of His lift? an era in the life of a Ruler'which in any land i to be recog- nized among the propln ax a fitting occasion for marked rejoicing and ffStive jubilee do invite yoa all, Hawaiian Hiibject and friends of the'Nation, to join with ua in a loyal and loving celebration of the KifUeth. Birtlidav of HIS MAJESTY THE KING, ON THE 16th Day of November Next, in tha City of Honolulu, when, God willing, we may all unite in demonstrations of love and fealty to our Beloved King. PAUL P. KAN OA. JNO. M. KAPENA, L. AHOLO, JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH, JNO- - L. KAULUKOU. PAINTING.!! Ylifa SECURED THB SERVICES OF THE HA celebrated California Sign Writer and Urainar, IT. GAEIOT, I am now prepared to do all kind of Slea. IIono ml Ship llutlnaf. Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc, la all the Latest California Desleneand Styles, at California Price. BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat ing for the 50tn Dinnaay oi i Majesty solicited- - C. B. PATTERSON, PAINTER. N. 77 King St. Mutual Telephone 462 182 Jan 22 DIR. M. GOTO TAHYSICIAV AND SURGEON. LEPROSY A I BDecitlltT. Offlce hour at Kakaako, from t to 11 a. m. every day except Sunday. Will visit patient at their residence by request. All other disease treated at Lis onice, corner or jruuen- - howl and Beretanla streets. Office hour from 1 to p. m.: Sunday', from 8 to 12 a. m. 112apri a. L. mxLKT. JOHN rnvAMCK. Spruancc, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Pine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUORS 41U Front St.. Nan Frauelsee. 2 tf A w ISAAC K. DAVIS. HK.NET t.'OWkLL DAVIS & COWELL, NANrrACTURKK or Santa Cruz Lime, OF ENGLISH PORTLAND IMPORTERS A flKlt, KIRK HRICE4, FIRE CLAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Htreet, bet. Usv slid Waslilagtou, P. O. Box S,29i. SAN FRANCI?KX. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, VI aud 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal Agents for Klrby's aanta Crus Tanneries. Hois Harness and all other kinds of leather. 4 set ly H. H. KLLiS. f. W. MILL Ml. ELLISc; C. Wholesale and Commission Dealers lu Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and Mission. SAN FRANCISCO Order Kolirite1. fdec2-t- y Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACII1C RUBBER PAINT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21-2- 3 Front Kt., : t Nan Franeiseo C. M.UN. E. II. WINCHESTER Main & Winchester, Manufacturers and Importers of HarneMM, Natl die, HrldleM, Whip, COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. Nos. 214, 21, 218 and 220 Battery Htreet, Ban Francisco. Illustrated catalogue sent on application. 101raebJ9 REST0RED The reason that Thoutandt cannot get currd of SEMINAL WEAK A' ESS, LOSS OJT 11AX-IIOO- D, and the result of abute,diae or ercrnrs, it owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR-RU- E A. DR. LIEHIG'S IXV1Q0RAT0X it the ONLYcureorPROSTATORRIlEA. Price, 1 2.00 per paetane, 6 packmgtt. f 10.00. Cittte to Health and Self-Arutly- tt eent free. Addreu LIE-BI- O DlSPEN&ARTforDifraueof Men. 400 Geary St., San trancitco. Cat. 103-- tf Dodge, Sweeney & Co., Nan Francisco, Cal. Wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, and all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR JLibby, McNeill A I,llby' (anurd Bleat. A II. 91. Dnpee's (Eagle Ilrand) Clilcaye Ham. Henry Verbals Canned Vienna aud i Ham Nauaajfe, Aud O. W. Hume's. "Flag' Ilrand of Canned Nalraon. 104 in oh 29 87 G. M. Jossclyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in h'p Chandlery. 3$ and 4 Market NtNan Frenclaeo. Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufacturi- ng: Company. 12fe2-t-l- WATERHOUSE & LESTER. Importers of Wagon' Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Ilea I e Ntreet. Nan Franclwro. 13 ly7 LEVI STKAUSS & CO., 14 and is Battery street, San Francisco Cal. Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Mole Proprietors and Manufacturers of tnscele-barte-d PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING. 11 tan2 R7 PLANTERS, ATTENTION ! MULES !! Just received, exfrig CONSUELO, .SUvrrtijSfmfttts. SUN FiR OFFICE O F . it S I ON ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED UPON EVERY INSURANCES property at the current rate ot premium. Total ran Insured in 1885 - - 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the local abcqis, and pad with promptitude and liberality. The lurUdiotion of the Local Tribni.... recognizee G. W. Macfarlane & Co., 31d&wtf AgeutHfor the Hawaiian Inland. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. I'Al'IT A I. 5 I .(M.4KK UNLIMITED LIABILITY L,llre IiiMiirHiiee oi all le?eriitlou JO will be effected at Moderate liates of Prem um, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN & CO' tf Managers for Haw. Islands UNION Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zenlul. uaimtal. : iio.ooo.ooo K.Htblltiet nn Axeury wt UHvin for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Iahh promptly Ijstel A- - pnj-able- . 19-d- WM. . IRWIN & CO. THOMAS LINDSAY Jlaiiufaicturiiig Jeweler, No. Nuuaiiii Street, Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 32 it JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 AlHkea Street, Will furnish estimates and make contrutts for any description of wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest 57 tf Koliala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. Fauey drinks of every leerlf ion a specialty. EC, AVebb, SOdAwly Proprietor. Tahiti Lemonade Works. .Cratetl Table Waters. GINGER ALE. LEMONADE. GRENADINE. PLAIN SODA i Absolutely Pure. As supplied to the principal families in Hono- lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. :at W S. LUCE, WINE anil SPIRIT MERCHANT, Campbell Itloclt, Merchant Sit , Has Juflt received tnese celebrated brands oi Whiskies in case: 0. & O. S. S. KENTUCKY WHISKY, C. W. 8TITAUT KENTUCKY WHISKY, McKENNA'S KENTUCKY WHISKY, MALTED RYE WHISKY. And iu Bulk. " OLD CROW" WHISKY, " HERMITAGE " WHISKY, "NEW HOPE " WHISKY, "BEL AIR" WHISKY. Special attention drawn to NAGI.EE NEST OLD PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY. ATTORXETS-AT.LA- W, VOLNKY V ASHFoan. ASHroan. ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, KTC. Otn.-- e Ilon d ilu Hale, adjoining the Post Office. 4idAwti JOHN T. DAKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Office No. 12, Spree keln Block. Honolulu. 176 oct21tf BROWN, ATTOt NKT-AT-LA- AND ClKCIL Puhlic. Camptell's Block. Merchant street M. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY T-LAW, Aud Solk-iio- r in Chancery Ofllce, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and it. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 4t tf J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Etttate In any art or the Ktaifc Bough t. Sold aud Leased on Com mission Loans NegotLau-t-l and Legal Doeumenta Drawn o. 27 MERCHANT STREET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf WENNER & CO. 14 2 t'ort Ktrcet. nave on baud New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches Bracelets, Necklets, Fins. Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver aid Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Mirer Tea Set. suit-tid- e for Presentation. ENOKAVIV. AND NATIVE JEWELRY A specialty. Repairing iu all Its branches. tif sole Agcnl- - for King's Eye Preset vers. Metropolitan Market U1XU STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR Choicest Meat from Fluent Herd, families jand shipping supplied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. "All meats delivered from this market are thor ougly ohilled immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colero- Patent Dry Air Hefrlgerator Meat so treated retains all Its Ji Icr properties, and is GUARANTEE TO Kl MP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAT FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. 47-- tt Quong Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, WINKS, SPIRITS, DRY GOODS, DRUGS. S3 anil S7 Kill? street s Honolulu. g7""B R A NC 1 1 STOR RS. l'siauhou , Paauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa, Rice riantation at Kapaa. 212dec28 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printing at the Haelfle Commerelal l' -- rtlr Office will from this date be presented for pay r ment monthlv. Claua Spreokela Wna. O Irwia. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANIiU( lirsiw Kxcbauge ( the principal parts of the world. V7II1 receive depoolt oa opei account, make collection and couduct a general banking and exchaugtt business. DepoMta bearlug interest received In their Sav lugs Department subject to pnhllsheO rules and regulations. 17oc:uf clac araaoaei M. O. IB WIN. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., LL'UAlt FACTORS and 'oiiiiii1m1oii tj AOhN'TS. Honolulu H.I. M. PHILLIPS & Co., nutl W tiolewnle Oeiiler-- It Importers Boot, Shoes, HaU, Men' Furnish- ing and Fancy Oooda. No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreet. Honolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- tf MAOFABLANE & CO-- , 71IOL.ENALE DEAI.ERN AND EJi. erai J or De.ru in wi.piis,'? ana jiit. So. 12 KhrIiiiiiihuu Street, HONOLULU. 28-t- f H. HACKFELD & CO., ENERAL CMMlSSIOI AC3EXTS. CK 26 ti ' Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. W. MAJ&KTKN8. V OPFKKSELT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., fc MerclinnM. Importers Honolulu. U. I. 27-t- f WM. McCANDLESS, No.. 6 lucen Street, VHh Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, USH.etc. Family and Whipping Order carefully attended to. Live HtocW furnished to vessel at short notice, and vegetable of all kinds supplied to order. 29 tf ISTOTICE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND I after thi a date I will not be responsible for any debt contracted without tha written order of myself or wife. 8AMUET. PARKER Honolulu, September 10, 18H8. 378decll W. H. ALDRICH. Oeneral llunlnes Agent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st., where be will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Order for milk respectfully solicited, aud prompt attention given to the delivery of the am. 44 E. Mayhew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1. Oppaslt Fashion stables). P. O. BOX 31. BELL TELEPHONE 53. AM work in my line faltbtully done. Plans and specifications made. Jobbing in all details done short notice. Oood wort aua low enarges m motto. TO PLANTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces. Fo. four and five foot furnaces. complete with grnt bar, bearer and traah carriers. Machines of trl make are now It. successful operation at 8p;ekelvllle, Makee Sugar Company and other plan aaon. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above, nor price auu lurui.r particulars ap ply to Wm. Or. Irwin & Co., The undersigned are now prevred to re ceive order, for thia Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck A Ohlandt iSan Francisco. The fallowing ia a report of the compo- nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " 4.65 " " Silicious .Matter Lime 31.70 " " Phosphoric Acid 23.11 ' Oxide of Iron S5 ' " Carbonic Acid 1.39 Alka Salts 52 " 10(1.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prompt and Careful Attention. W. G. Irw in & Co., Agonts or the Hawaiian Islands 2ltfJ GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, t. L ll 4. fl . Manufacture and supply all kuuis of Flat nutl Ill PsprrK. lii litters kUtt rl. Twine, Ktc. V. G. RICHARDSON, RKSIDJSNT AUKST 2" IeiloMtlorir Htreet. Telephone No. 47. ssAN FRANCISCO. i:.Se-lj- l Attention given to Tirsre ,outraet. 8 tfftw The Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Bealc and Howard Streets, SA N FRANCISCO CA LIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR... President JOS. MOO UK Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY. IN XUILDKUS brunches: steamboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Rollers, liigh Pressure or Compound. STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference lo the trade iu which they are to be einployeu. Speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR 2IILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the moHt approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in unliable lengths for connecting together, of Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the Krouud. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water i'ipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to baud work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air aud Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Ta- ctic Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Worts' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawadau Islands ) 9se30-lyd-- w L. g. SRESOYICII & CO., Commission Merchantsand Wholesale Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and drien; manulacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas, Limes, Pine Apples. Sicily Lemon, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoauuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and Smyrna Figs, 1'tv.cking Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience in shipping to C hina, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Eastern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct by every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1338. Honolulu, H. I.. P.O. box 120. 413, 415 and 417 Washington street, opposite Post Oflice; 412, 414 and 41 Merchant street 10 feb2RS7 SAN FRANCISCO BEAVEB SALOCH. XO. - FORT STKKKT. Opposite Wilder t Co.'s H. J. Nolte, Propr. OPEN' TOM 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M FI&ST-CL1S- S LIXCIIF.S, COFFEK. TKA, SOni WATER. GI.VfJKR ALE, OigttT'si! and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PI PES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. rivers o BILLIARDS will fiud an Elegant emswisk i co. ium um on the Premises. Th' 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a caJj from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a L1JXCII, A SMOKE. OR A UAMK OF BILI.IARDS. H. J. NOLTE. tyietn ,f Edinburgh Street. WHOLKSALK A a KT AIL Dealers b. II A Y AXD U K A I X . Telephone No. 175. Goods delivered promptly. Inlnud Urilern feolielleU. 3.t eur:ka ! We have receive' a consignment o ttie moot Economical at.J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, via.- - COOKED LLNSEED 31E,VL. It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and Butter producer in use. Od Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of uu rltive matter: this nearly 3 per cent. 100 lbs. O this meal is equal to 300 tt9. of oats, or '.HH lbs. of com, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lots to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXED t EED, aa well as our c.sual mipply of the best kinds o Hay, Oat;, YYIi-at- , Vntut, Kte., Ele. LAINE ife CO. 3itf John F. Col bum. Importer and Dealer in BCay and. G rain, Corner Kinr and Maunakea streets. COoods delivered promitly. Jlutual telephone 387. 37 tf TELEPHONE 55 'KTESPRISP PLANING MILL. P Alakea. near ((nceu Sit. L3 3'-t- f To the lublic. The Pacific Transfer Co., Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391 I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayftge, hauling or moving work, al! of wuich I will guai-ante- e to execute falthfullv. 38 ly 8. F. GRAHAM. Proprietor. J. LYONS, u Tictioneer AND General Commission Merchantf Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu of furniture. Ktoek, Real Estate Sales General Merchandise properly attended to. Sole A g:e nt for Au'erican & European Merctaiise. 40-t- f ,T. H . SOT3 K "R Successor to J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merehant St., Honolulu. II. I. 4t- -f JOSHUA II END Y Machine "Works Xo. 35 to 31 Fremont Street. SN FRANCISCO. Mtmnfar turersof New and tiealers m Second-bau- d Boilera. Engines and Machinery Of Every Description. nave constantly In stock New and Second-han- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING, PIPE-FITTING- ETC. , Catalogues and price lists forwarded noon appd- - at i I my THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV IGATI0N COMPANY, (Limited). Kaep consUntly on hand, for sale, STEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. 326 ly New Photograph Rooms. NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREKT, OVER the Shooting Gallery. Picture. Port- rait and View. First-clas- s work. SatlnfaotlH guaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GOX6ALVLS. TO LET. A TP ALA MA T WO NICK C0TTAOE9 IN RO- - i. bello Lane, for 930 and 920 pr month re 18 Fine Young Mo Which are offered for stle on reasonable terms Apply tr WM. G. IRWIN & CO IOC stp29 tf tr Full line of the best brands of Chsmpugne, Brandies, Wblskles etc., always on hand. S0.aug6 Inquire at Hymaa Cxo., Queaa spectively. ' Honolulu, Match 2, I9r6. Cation. (irA.-wi- Agents. tf street. A V- -

Transcript of if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL....

Page 1: if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL. V.--NO. 2G9. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIJIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 188G--PKICE 5 CENTS.i

W'V"." 'ft.-

M Ma''


PAI tf

if ! i I ',I, I i I '

III if I FI II "1 it 5




1 '






1 i


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Moriiin Except Sundays.


Dailt P. V. Advkrtiskr, one yf-a- r ..6 00Daily P. C. Auvkhtidick, rIx mouths- - 3 00UAItr P. C. Auvkhtmkr, threA months 1 50Daily P. C. Advkktiskh, per month 60Wkkkly p. U. Advhrthkk, oca year- - ft 00P ljfo HubBcrtptlou. W. P. C. A. (Jncludine

ooatage) . 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance


Birthday Jubilee--OF-

His Majesty the King

To all Hawaiian subjacti and friends ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, HiaMajesty' loyal nubjecU, contemplating withgrateful heart the continued reign in goodhealth of our belored Sovereign, which haboen vouchsafed u under the blesxingB ofthe Almighty, and hailintf with Joy the ap-

proach of the aniiireratiry which mark thefiftieth jJfcar of His lift? an era in the life ofa Ruler'which in any land i to be recog-nized among the propln ax a fitting occasionfor marked rejoicing and ffStive jubilee doinvite yoa all, Hawaiian Hiibject and friendsof the'Nation, to join with ua in a loyal andloving celebration of the

KifUeth. Birtlidavof



16th Day of November

Next, in tha City of Honolulu, when, Godwilling, we may all unite in demonstrationsof love and fealty to our Beloved King.



Ylifa SECURED THB SERVICES OF THEHA celebrated California Sign Writer andUrainar,

IT. GAEIOT,I am now prepared to do all kind of

Slea. IIono ml Ship llutlnaf.Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc,

la all the Latest California Desleneand Styles, atCalifornia Price.


Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorating for the 50tn Dinnaay oi i

Majesty solicited- -


N. 77 King St. Mutual Telephone 462

182 Jan 22

DIR. M. GOTOTAHYSICIAV AND SURGEON. LEPROSY AI BDecitlltT. Offlce hour at Kakaako, fromt to 11 a. m. every day except Sunday. Will visitpatient at their residence by request. All otherdisease treated at Lis onice, corner or jruuen- -howl and Beretanla streets. Office hour from 1

to p. m.: Sunday', from 8 to 12 a. m. 112apri

a. L. mxLKT. JOHN rnvAMCK.

Spruancc, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Pine


41U Front St.. Nan Frauelsee.2 tf A w




CLAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Htreet, bet. Usv slid Waslilagtou,

P. O. Box S,29i. SAN FRANCI?KX.



VI aud 14 Pine street, San Francisco, Cal

Agents for Klrby's aanta Crus Tanneries. HoisHarness and all other kinds of leather.

4 set ly

H. H. KLLiS. f. W. MILL Ml.

ELLISc; C.Wholesale and Commission Dealers lu

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission. SAN FRANCISCOOrder Kolirite1. fdec2-t- y

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front Kt., : t Nan Franeiseo


Main & Winchester,Manufacturers and Importers of

HarneMM, Natl die, HrldleM, Whip,COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

Nos. 214, 21, 218 and 220 Battery Htreet, BanFrancisco. Illustrated catalogue sent

on application. 101raebJ9


The reason that Thoutandt cannot get currd ofSEMINAL WEAKA' ESS, LOSS OJT 11AX-IIOO- D,

and the resultof abute,diae or ercrnrs,it owing to a complication called PROSTA TOR-RU- E

A. DR. LIEHIG'S IXV1Q0RAT0X itthe ONLYcureorPROSTATORRIlEA. Price,12.00 per paetane, 6 packmgtt. f10.00. Cittte toHealth and Self-Arutly- tt eent free. Addreu LIE-BI- O

DlSPEN&ARTforDifraueof Men.400 Geary St., San trancitco. Cat.

103-- tf

Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,Nan Francisco, Cal.

Wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, andall kinds of provisions.

SOLE AGENTS FORJLibby, McNeill A I,llby' (anurd

Bleat. A

II. 91. Dnpee's (Eagle Ilrand) ClilcayeHam.

Henry Verbals Canned Vienna aud i

Ham Nauaajfe,Aud O. W. Hume's. "Flag' Ilrand of

Canned Nalraon. 104 in oh 29 87

G. M. Jossclyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers in

h'p Chandlery.3$ and 4 Market NtNan Frenclaeo.Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufacturi-

ng: Company. 12fe2-t-l-



16 to 22 Ilea I e Ntreet. Nan Franclwro.13 ly7

LEVI STKAUSS & CO.,14 and is Battery street, San Francisco Cal.

Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods,Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

Mole Proprietors and Manufacturers of tnscele-barte-dPATENT RIVETED CLOTHING.

11 tan2 R7


MULES !!Just received, exfrig CONSUELO,




EFFECTED UPON EVERYINSURANCES property at the current rateot premium.

Total ran Insured in 1885 - - 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the local abcqis, and padwith promptitude and liberality.

The lurUdiotion of the Local Tribni.... recognizee

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

31d&wtf AgeutHfor the Hawaiian Inland.



I'Al'IT A I. 5 I .(M.4KK


L,llre IiiMiirHiiee oi all le?eriitlouJO will be effected at Moderate liates of Premum, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO'tf Managers for Haw. Islands

UNIONFire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zenlul.uaimtal. : iio.ooo.ooo

K.Htblltiet nn Axeury wtUHvin for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Iahh promptly Ijstel A-- pnj-able-.

19-d- WM. . IRWIN & CO.


Jlaiiufaicturiiig Jeweler,No. Nuuaiiii Street,

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 32 it


House Carpenter & Builder,31 AlHkea Street,

Will furnish estimates and make contrutts forany description of wood buildings.

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest 57 tf

Koliala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Fauey drinks of every leerlf iona specialty.

EC, AVebb,SOdAwly Proprietor.

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

.Cratetl Table Waters.GINGER ALE. LEMONADE.



Absolutely Pure.

As supplied to the principal families in Hono-lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. :at


Campbell Itloclt, Merchant Sit ,

Has Juflt received tnese celebrated brands oiWhiskies in case:





And iu Bulk." OLD CROW" WHISKY,








Otn.-- e Ilon d ilu Hale, adjoining the PostOffice. 4idAwti


Attorney and Counsellor at Law.Office No. 12, Spree keln Block. Honolulu.

176 oct21tf

BROWN, ATTOt NKT-AT-LA- ANDClKCIL Puhlic. Camptell's Block. Merchantstreet



Aud Solk-iio- r in Chancery Ofllce, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and it. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 4t tf




Real Etttate In any art or the KtaifcBough t. Sold aud Leased on Com mission

Loans NegotLau-t-l and Legal Doeumenta Drawn

o. 27 MERCHANT STREET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. 45-- tf


2 t'ort Ktrcet.nave on baud New Foreign and Homemade


Watches Bracelets, Necklets,Fins. Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver aid Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Mirer Tea Set.

suit-tid- e for Presentation.


Repairing iu all Its branches.tif sole Agcnl- - for King's Eye Preset vers.

Metropolitan Market



Choicest Meat from Fluent Herd,

families jand shipping supplied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

"All meats delivered from this market are thorougly ohilled immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colero- Patent Dry Air HefrlgeratorMeat so treated retains all Its Ji Icr properties,and is GUARANTEE TO Kl MP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAT FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. 47-- tt

Quong Sam Kee Co.,

Importer and Dealer In

General Merchandise,





S3 anil S7 Kill? street s Honolulu.

g7""B R A NC 1 1 STOR RS. l'siauhou ,

Paauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa,Rice riantation at Kapaa.



All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat the

Haelfle Commerelal l' --rtlrOffice will from this date be presented for pay

r ment monthlv.

Claua Spreokela Wna. O Irwia.




lirsiw Kxcbauge ( the principal parts of theworld.

V7II1 receive depoolt oa opei account, makecollection and couduct a general banking andexchaugtt business.

DepoMta bearlug interest received In their Savlugs Department subject to pnhllsheO rules andregulations. 17oc:uf

clac araaoaei M. O. IB WIN.

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,LL'UAlt FACTORS and 'oiiiiii1m1oiitj AOhN'TS. Honolulu H.I.

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,nutl W tiolewnle Oeiiler-- ItImportersBoot, Shoes, HaU, Men' Furnish-

ing and Fancy Oooda. No. 11 Kaahumanu Htreet.Honolulu, H. I. 25tf-w- tf


71IOL.ENALE DEAI.ERN AND EJi.erai J or De.ru in wi.piis,'? ana jiit.So. 12 KhrIiiiiiihuu Street,

HONOLULU. 28-t- f


CK 26 ti ' Queen St., Honolulu, H.I.


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,fc MerclinnM.Importers Honolulu. U. I. 27-t- f

WM. McCANDLESS,No.. 6 lucen Street,

VHh Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, USH.etc.

Family and Whipping Order carefully attendedto. Live HtocW furnished to vessel at shortnotice, and vegetable of all kinds supplied toorder. 29 tf


HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM ANDI after thi a date I will not be responsible forany debt contracted without tha written orderof myself or wife. 8AMUET. PARKER

Honolulu, September 10, 18H8. 378decll

W. H. ALDRICH.Oeneral llunlnes Agent,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett's store, Queen st.,where be will attend to any business entrustedto his care.


Order for milk respectfully solicited, audprompt attention given to the delivery of theam. 44


86 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II 1.

Oppaslt Fashion stables).


AM work in my line faltbtully done. Plans andspecifications made. Jobbing in all details done

short notice. Oood wort aua low enarges m



We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

Fo. four and five foot furnaces. complete withgrnt bar, bearer and traah carriers. Machinesof trl make are now It. successful operation at8p;ekelvllle, Makee Sugar Company and otherplan aaon.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove, nor price auu lurui.r particulars apply to

Wm. Or. Irwin & Co.,

The undersigned are now prevred to receive order, for thia Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck A OhlandtiSan Francisco.

The fallowing ia a report of the compo-nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "

4.65 " "Silicious .MatterLime 31.70 " "Phosphoric Acid 23.11 'Oxide of Iron S5 ' "Carbonic Acid 1.39Alka Salts 52 "

10(1.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irw in & Co.,Agonts or the Hawaiian Islands



t. L ll 4. fl .

Manufacture and supply all kuuis of

Flat nutl Ill PsprrK.lii litters kUtt rl.Twine, Ktc.


2" IeiloMtlorir Htreet.Telephone No. 47. ssAN FRANCISCO.

i:.Se-lj- l Attention given toTirsre ,outraet. 8 tfftw

The RisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Bealc and Howard Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR... PresidentJOS. MOO UK Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY. INXUILDKUS brunches: steamboat, Steamship,Land Engines and Rollers, liigh Pressure orCompound.STEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference lo the trade iuwhich they are to be einployeu. Speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.

SUGAR 2IILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA-CHINERY made after the moHt approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in unliable lengths for connectingtogether, of Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe Krouud.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater i'ipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tobaud work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air aud Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Ta-ctic Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.

PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Worts' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. S. WILLIAMS- - HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawadau Islands )9se30-lyd-- w

L. g. SRESOYICII & CO.,Commission Merchantsand Wholesale Dealers InForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and drien;manulacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. Bananas,Limes, Pine Apples. Sicily Lemon, TahitiOranges and Cocoauuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

1'tv.cking Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in shipping to C hina, Australia, Mexico,Central America, Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, P. O. box 1338.Honolulu, H. I.. P.O. box 120.

413, 415 and 417 Washington street, opposite PostOflice; 412, 414 and 41 Merchant street



Opposite Wilder t Co.'s

H. J. Nolte, Propr.OPEN' TOM 3 A. U. TILL 10 P. M



OigttT'si! and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PI PES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.rivers o BILLIARDS will fiud an Elegant

emswisk i co. ium umon the Premises.

Th' 1'ioprietor would be pleased to receive a caJj

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire aL1JXCII, A SMOKE. OR A UAMK OF



tyietn ,f Edinburgh Street.WHOLKSALK A a KT AIL

Dealers b.

II A Y A X D U K A I X .

Telephone No. 175.

Goods delivered promptly.

Inlnud Urilern feolielleU.


eur:ka !

We have receive' a consignment o ttie mootEconomical at.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, via.- -

COOKED LLNSEED 31E,VL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Od Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of uurltive matter: this nearly 3 per cent.

100 lbs. O this meal is equal to 300 tt9. of oats,or '.HH lbs. of com, or to 767 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED t EED, aa well as

our c.sual mipply of the best kinds o

Hay, Oat;, YYIi-at- , Vntut, Kte., Ele.

LAINE ife CO.3itf

John F. Col bum.Importer and Dealer in

BCay and. G rain,Corner Kinr and Maunakea streets.

COoods delivered promitly.Jlutual telephone 387. 37 tf



Alakea. near ((nceu Sit. L33'-t- f

To the lublic.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Office with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayftge,hauling or moving work, al! of wuich I will guai-ante- e

to execute falthfullv.38 ly 8. F. GRAHAM. Proprietor.


u TictioneerAND

General Commission MerchantfMasonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

of furniture. Ktoek, Real EstateSalesGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole A g:ent for

Au'erican & European Merctaiise.40-t- f

,T. H . SOT3 K "RSuccessor to

J. 3L Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.27 Merehant St., Honolulu. II. I.

4t- -f


Machine "WorksXo. 35 to 31 Fremont Street.


Mtmnfar turersof New and tiealers m Second-bau- d

Boilera. Engines and Machinery

Of Every Description.

nave constantly In stock New and Second-han- d



, Catalogues and price lists forwarded noon appd- -

at i

I my



(Limited).Kaep consUntly on hand, for sale, STEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. 326 ly

New Photograph Rooms.

NICHOL'S STORE. FORT STREKT,OVER the Shooting Gallery. Picture. Port-

rait and View. First-clas- s work. SatlnfaotlHguaranteed. 114ap2 . A. GOX6ALVLS.


i. bello Lane, for 930 and 920 pr month re

18 Fine Young Mo

Which are offered for stle on reasonable termsApply tr

WM. G. IRWIN & COIOC stp29 tftr Full line of the best brands of Chsmpugne,

Brandies, Wblskles etc., always on hand.S0.aug6

Inquire at Hymaa Cxo., Queaaspectively. ' Honolulu, Match 2, I9r6.Cation. (irA.-wi-Agents.tfstreet.

AV- -

Page 2: if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL. V.--NO. 2G9. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIJIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 188G--PKICE 5 CENTS.i

v.PACIFIC COAJMEPvUlAL AD V Ell T1SE11. St) V KM !KK 12. lfcmi

THE DAILY children's holiday, to le hereafter iiiirii3tliUnU. Sduertiscmrnts.known in Hawaiian national fe.-tiv- als as

Pacific CoiMEFcial Advertiser j tibwk ZTllj ains covered with timber, thus adding

to the beauty of thf country and en- -ENGELIVHECHT'SPROGRAMME

IIS PUBLISHED hancing its natural wealth, while doingmuch to modify thr-- climate for thebetter.

-- OF THE- -

EVERY MORNING. It is su;igefetfd that each child should j

plant one tree, and there is no good rea- - R EGATT A.

without having their delicacy slK-ke-

and moral sensibility outraged by theirpresence.

In conclusion, Ut i;s say that wespeak more in sorrow than in anger. ;

The Y. M. C. A. is capable of doing agreat deal of good. It is also capable of !

being perverted from its true and legiti- - j

mate purose to be the shelter and abid- -

ing place of lazy, scheming, worthless j

and disreputable fellow. "Whether it is j

so or not i for the "Executive of theAssociation," or rather for the subscribersto its funds, to say. That it has not j

done a tithe of the good it should have j

done, or influenced the social and moral i

life of the community m a way that itwas jKssible or even easy for it to do isbeyond question. It is not too late to j

mend, however. Let it carve out a new ;

path for itself, and abandoning shams i

To he held on thtson vny eacn aauu siiuuiu not uo solikewine. The time is so short now tothe P,Oth of this month that verv little

& fR OVAL !iS".1? J Si


17th of November. 1880.I can be exacted in a general wav in thei .....

3)- fit

present season. But a beginning wouldbe made. The idea would take formand shaH, ,and preparation could bemade on a larger scale for the next"Arbor Day." Children on the otherIslands would also be prepared to partici

at 9 o'clockCommeiiciua. m.IT.

pate next year in the ceremonial of tree

TERMS OP Mi:nM'ItllTI..Per annum i ooSix months 3 00Per month w

9KntMerlptloit Payable ANnyHliiAdvance.

Com rnuoli.-- e lions from nil parts of the Kingdomwill always be Yery acceptable.

Person residing In any part ot the United Statescan remit the amount of subscription due by I'otOffice money order.

Matter In tended for publication in the editorialcolumns sbould he .li)rw(l to

Editor PAiinr: Comm kkciai, A ivkktibkk.'Business communications and advertLspnicnts

aould be addresned simply"P. C. ABVKRTBiKK,"

And not to individuals

-- m tiphinting, either at their homes or at1

and false pretense, as the "Gazette"might say, let it lay hold upon theeternal verities, and thore will le ndoubt of its moral influence ami success.

some place sjceially set apart anafor that purpose.

And this brings us to the practicalAn Approaching Marriage.

Cards of invitation have been issuedpoint of detail, which was very forciblypresented to us the other day by an old


liny Them! Smoke Them! Enjoy Thorn!


1st prize, f'.'iO.

lid prize,3d prize, ?10.Course From Can Buoy, passing out the chan-

nel, keeping hetween the buoys to leeward ofSpar and Bell Buoys, turning Hell Buoy to lee-ward to a dag boat off Waikiki, rounding samefrom leewaid to a flag boat off the Our.raotineGrounds, rounding same from leeward to Bell

hbsovJAy Pure,resident. "What is the use of plantingrees," he said, "unless you enclose Verity.

,' ro .' ti lr.iit J- r v. s " 1' i : 11 VO!U- -


them against cattle?" Thisis true; but afloid aTbey are a perfect luxury and a preventative of sicklies. Buy them M you candolUr'a worth by the box. or eveu a thousand at a time. It U aTin moaiy.or the present season a suitable place

for the marriage of William Waterhouse j

Dimond to Miss Carrie Higley, to take (

place at the Second Presbyterian Church, j

Cedar Kajiids, Iowa, on Thursday even-in- g,

November lth, at o'clX"k. lie- - j

ception from 7 to o'clock at the resi- - j

deuce of the bride's parents, Mr. and i

Mrs. M. A. Higley, 21 Fifth Avenue,!

Buoy, turning to windward, passing Spar Buoy

th;iiithnor-i:-.--t't io i


9d wtf

might be selected behind Punchbowl, , to leewaid, thence to windward of Can Buov inalthough we must say that the treat j the haitmr.

9.Tivii.(uirn Tin itment the young trees established insidethe crater of that picturesque mount are


Pacific Commercial Advertiser

fa dow for sale Imily at the f'f ilow ,t.g ytuctf ;

ENGELBRECHT, SON & CO.,, w& i r v - i ..... . THE EAGLE HOUSE,Ue:.ir Kapids, lowa. Jir. I'imonu a.?now receiving does not give one muchJ. T.

Mniiulnrtiirert.encouragement. In a word, the growth formerly connected with Mr.Waterhoiise's King street store.

of young timber for the season at least

lraiieisco, Ca,l.has been destroyed, by lopping off 21 Firstl'erttonal.S. H. SOPEBCBrSTAT, BO DAT-- O. THRUM ....

Street, San10S tnchS'J

Merchant stre tWOK KM Hotel street

.....Fort street branches and hacking and hewing indis Judge H. A. Widemann, of HonVlulu,.SKIPPERcriminately, to provide material for bon

arrived here yesterday, en rouie ior. nisrive f'eut per Copy. fires at the coming festival. Better far

1st prize, $10.2d pn te. ?o.Course From Can Buoy and aroujd buoy

anchored off Marine Railway to point.3 WHALE BOATS- - (Five O ire) Working wbala

tioats.1st prize, 40.2d prize, s:u.

Open to all.Course From Can Buoy out the channel and

around Spar Hnoy, keeping it on the port side,and back to place of starting.

4 FOUR-OARE- GIG i Junior Crews.)1st piize, 30.2d prize, 15.Course Same as third race.


1st prize. 20.2d prize, lo.

Free to all.Course Same an secoud race.

i. c ' Tr-- T - "m.r- -home, from Europe. He is accompaniedbv his son and daughter and Mrs. dur- -have bought lumber for the purKse and

The undersigned lias justopened up a new assortment

of Goods, suitable for theNovember 12tb.FRIDAY transported it to the summit, than run

the risk of destroying trees in the plant tis Iaukea, maid of honor in the Ha-

waiian Queen Consort's household, .Anding and protection of which the Kingtook such a warm personal interest.ABOUT "ARBOR DAY.'

aNTiixiaiin ralle v- -

IU-oni- s to let, with or without I'.oard.TERMS 1IEAH NA15LK. The house isnow ready for occupation.

However, there is abundant time to

wife of the Royal Chamberlain. .Theparty will leave here for Honolulu onthe 10th prox. They are stopping at thePalace. San Francisco Call, October27th.

isex, us esiannsn in tnis Kingdom a(( TRADE ))y IY1ARKdesignate a suitable place, and if neces-

sary it may be enclosed. If the appro



232 tf

children's holiday, to be known as"Arbor Day," uion which every childon the Islands, of whatever race, may




1st prize, S75 .

2d prize, .2..Free to all.

MTdecKplant a tree. Children will take a livelyinterest in arboriculture if it is identifiedin their minds with an annual holiday

priations of last session do not cover thisexpenditure, sufficient money may beraised by private subscription. Parentsand guardians may be exjected to fallin with this idea, and we have an assur-ance that "Arbor Day," if establishedon the lines suggested, will have the ac-

tive support and sympathy of the bestclasses of our fellow citizens.


ATHLETIC SPORTSand picnic to the country. And they-- A Twill thus learn to protect and care for

growing trees and plants, which add bo MUSIC HALL,November 12th and 18th.

much beauty to the landscape and pleasure to the home.


Thursday, November 18th,Commencing t 1 urlok p. in- -



Course From staiting line out the channel,leuving Spar Buoy on the port fcide; thence toand aiouud individual stake boats, on a linewith Bell Buoy, keeping same on port side Inrou n .iuu, and hack to starting point, keepingSpar Buoy on starboard side.


1st prize, 10.2d prize, S5.


1st prize, Sl'0.2d prize, d0.Course Same as in third race.

Intermission for One Hour,

During which there will take place the follow-ing events;

1 Tug of War Swimming Race I0.2 --Tub Race S3.

3 Diving Coutest SliJ

'ANNOYED.'It will inculcate in them a love of thebeautiful, and lead to a gradual elevationof the tastes and habits of the natives as We are

the Ao--No; we are not "annoyed."

ratified. A strav shaft fromwell as foreign people, thousands ofwhom have been brought to our shores made a

. S. fjold coin, s75 0010 00

' 00

r (hi

" 5 00

: 5 00

. Baseball match, l'rize, I2. 100 jards rac. prize

" " ad prize3. Putting 10-l- b. shot v.i

trials). Prize4. Running broad jump

(3 trials'. Prize'. Running bases (1 trial)


vertiser's quiver, it appearSjcenter sjiot in the Y. M. C. A.

Ito furnish the bone and sinew of labor, Entertainmenttarget Minstrelbut v.Lo should not therefore be denied Not that we intended injury to that inan opportunity of surrounding them FOB THE BENEFIT OF THEstitution. On the contrary, we had only

its reputation and general efficiency inselves with flowers and plants, and fo -- or-n.. o""" i. ...... v..in "View. IUl llie III mililll uujjg nu n,participating in the enjoyment of those

natural gifts which tend to the elevationHOjSTOLTILiTJ

Yacht and Boat Club,of doubtful age and still more doubtfulcharacter, who have fastened themselvesand happiness of mankind, and whicl

have lxen scattered around us witl Millinery aifd Fancy Goods,upon the Y. M. C. A., feel "annoyed" atONprodigal hand. mere is no excuse our allusion to their laziness and pio

whatever for any home on these Islands verbial tilth, and in the "Herald" of

6. Standing broad jump 0trials! weights. 1st prize ' 7 Of.

ditto '2d prize " 3 007. Sack race 1 trial). Prize " 5 On

8. Running high jump (3trials). 1st prize ' 7 00

ditto 'zd prize ' 3 009. Throwing base ball (3

trials). Prize " ". CO

10. Standing three jumps,weights, (3 trials). 1stprize " 7 00

ditto 2d prize ' 3 0011. 200 yards race. 1st prize " 15 00

' ld prize " 5 00

In all races there must be-thre- or morestarters to secure second prize

Entries free. To be made at the office of theSecretary before noon on Thursday, November18th. No entry will be accepted on the grounds.

JAS. G. SPENCER,Secretary Baseball League.

Honolulu, November 11, lssfi. 2o7novl6

however humble, to present a squalid yesterday they take up the cudgels inFriday and Saturday

Evenings.--TO BEGIN- -

appearance. Yet how many such there their o'vn defense, and presume to institute a comparison between the Y. M. Care in and around Honolulu.A. and "places further down Hotel"Arbor Day," such as we contemplate WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1880,will prove an educator in esthetic taste

PART II.9 YACHT R CE (Second CUsb.)

1st prize, $30.2d prize,3d prize, 10.Course From ( an Buoy out the channel, on

windward side of Spar Buoy, to leeward of boatoff (Quarantine Grounds, tack around same andreturn to starting point, passing ou windwardside of Can Buoy.


1st prize, 825.2d prize, 10.

Free to all.Course Same as second race.

GIGS (Junior Crews.)

1st prize, 50.2d prize, -- 5.Course Same as third race.


1st prize. 820.2d prize, tl0.Course Same as second race.


1st prize, 840.2d prize, sla.

Free for all.Course Same as third race.

The Performance will be Klven by members ofthe II. Y. and B. C, assisted by an Orchestra ofwell-know- n musicians and a native chorus.and the enthusiasm of the j'oung will no

street," judging from "those who hangaround" the resjective porches. As ourdaily walk along Hotel street goes nodoubt be communicated to the old

-- AT-END MENW. O. ARMSTRONGr AV MACFART.AXEDuring the discussion in the Legislatureon the vote in aid of the Government

farther than Fort street, we are quiteready to take up the challenge and standor fall by the comparison. We say that


nursery one of the native members, MrPrices of Aliniioii. The Popular Millinery House,if the character of the two places is to

be judged by the general appearanceand conduct of those who "hang around"


Kaunamano we think, remarked thatthe Hawaiian people were endeavoringto leautify their homes by plantingflowers and shade trees, and an inquiry


at the nursery itself convinced us that Honolulu.10-- 4 'Fort Street

Quong AVo SnnNOTIFIES THE PUBLIC THAT HIS DUCKSi are branded on the right feet, and anyonecaught in possession of said ducks, so branded,will be prosecuted according to law. and anyonegiving information of sale of such ducks will berewarded. Address: KALIA. 203novl8

1830. 1886.

Fire Department.

them, then is McCarthy's cigar shop anbilliard room infinitely the superior othe Young Men's Christian AssociationIn point of fact, they cannot be compared in the same breath, when esti

this remark did not fully convey thevs. SIX-OARE- D14 E CANOES

BOATS.significance of the fact in question. A

plications from natives for choice plant

llox iIan open on Wednefdny at 10A. 111.

gZT Seats reserTed WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGEat J. E. WISEMAN'S. Doors oren at 7:S0. Ier-forman- oe

begins at H p. in.

CnRISTJIAS WORK.mated upon this basis. We speak onlyand shrubs, as well as fruit trees, have

been very numerous, and there is every from the apjearance of those who "hang1st prize, S30.2d prize, fcl5.


1st prize, SCO.2d prize, 15.

Course Same as sixth race.

IST. S. SCI-IS-, 3?ropiietoTThe largest assortment of imported pattern IIATSnd IiONNETS ever before

exhibited'. Also, the latest novelties in TRIMMINGS.

around" both places, to quote the elereason to believe that this movement isgant phrase of the morning champion ofgeneral throughout the Islands. Indeed

that most hopeless of all spots on earth the Y. M. C. A. loafing fraternity, be- -

T4XT MRS. MELLIS' dressmaking establishment on the premises.the Leper Settlement of Molokai, : N. B. The races will be under the rules ofthe Hawaiian Rowing and Yachting Association.brightened by many flashes of beauty in

T ETTERING AND ILLUMINATING DONE1 j upon any kind of material. Mottoes, mon-

ograms and original designs outlined for fancywork. Orders takeu for Christmas cards of Ha-

waiian subjects and scenery, suitable to sendabroad. MRS. J. D. STRONG,

'218 Fort street.Mutual Telephone No. 32t).

its trim and well-ke- pt garden plotshowing that supreme misery does no QUARTERLY BUSINESSwholly extinguish a love of Nature'charms, and that the pleasure derive

Three or more boats io start to secure the sec-

ond prizes.Four or more boats to start to secuie the third

prizes.Entries for the races can now be made at the

office of H us tare A: Koliertson with the Secretary,and will close on Monday the 5th at 5 p. m.

The prizes will be awa.ded to the winningcrews at the finish of each race from the judges'stand.

from gratifying the sense of sight offset

in degree the most intense of woes th:i li V ISICM-A-IST- ,HEMON'AL

cause we are in blisstni ignorance oi theattractions inside either "institution."It does not lie within the scope of ourduty to explore either building, but if

one may judge from the outside, whichis usually the most presentable, weshould have no hesitation in looking for

better treatment, or at leat to meetwith a much less objectionable class ofpeople in the billiard room and cigarshop near Fort street than in the build-ing on the corner of Hotel and Alakeastreets, should we ever have occasion tovisit either.

Let it be clearly understood that wedo not attack "the executive of the in-

stitution" for permitting the porch of

poor humanity can be afflicted with. J.Campbell's

This idea of establishing a children' Committee.C. P. IAUKEA,CHAS. B. WILSON

national holiday, to be called. "Arbor JAS. W. ROBERTSON,Secretary.

General KhsIuchm Agrent,

Block, Merchant Street, Honolulu.ESTABLISHED 1879.

Toirhliffht ProcessionDay," did not originate with us. It 00

curred to several gentlemen who talke-- AND-Oceanica Bestanrant,the matter over of late and suggested

Furnished or UnfurnishedJP j. R --A. D Jithe thought as deserving consideration Books and accounts and collections attended to promptly.

Bell Telephone 172. I. . Box 315. 7: Mutual Telephone 373.82 HOTEL STREET.

Being at once a practical and feasi-

ble idea we deem it our duty tomake the suggestion public, and rely the Y. M. C. A. to be occupied day andupon the authorities of the Kingdom night by a class of beings who not only

4 COTTAGE ON LUNALILO AND PIKOII STfl.,furnished complete for housekeeping. Use

of horse and carriage; large garden. Apply toCHAS J. FISHEL,

127 octTtf Cor. Fort and Hotel Sts.

NOTICE!Having aecured the above premises, which are

thoroughly refitted in the best manner possible,I beg to Inform my friends and old patrons thatI am prepared to continue serving the best mealsat all hours. LEW IS fe CO.,

Ill Fort Street. Importer mii1 Healera In

Staple and Fancy Groceries.Ice ( roam at nil lionr. 13 cent perplnle.

Open till 1.1 3?. 3)1.


hedders of Wllder's Steamship Co., limited,will be held at their office MONDAY, November15, iNttr;, at a a. m. S. B. ROSE,

Secretary.Honolulu, November 8ih. 242 nl5

-- :o:-

JaTNOTIOE. The several companies of theDepartment are hereby requested to assemble inthe square opposite the hall of Mechanic EngineCompany No. 2, on the evening of

TUESDAY, November 16th,At 7 o'clock, in full uniform, with their severalapparatus, for the purpose of taking part in theTorchlight Procession and Parade in honor of HisMajesty's Jubilee Birthday.

Route of Procession.The procession will leave the Bell Tower at

7:30, coiug to the Palace through Hotel, Manna-ke- a,

King and Richard streets. On leaving thePalace the line of march will be through Rich-ards, Beretania, Nutianu, King, Fort and Hotelstreets, back to the Bell Tower, where the com-panies will disierse.

A full attendance is desired. Per order

HENRY SMITH,59 nIS Secretary H. F. D.


By every steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

Provisions, Etc. Etc.61 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box No. 297.


I).208 novl9

offend the sight, but insult every respect-

able female who passes, by their rudeand villainous leers and filthy and de-

graded appearance. It is no wonderindeed that refined women and childrenhesitate to run the gauntlet of the Y. M.

C. A. porch loungers, when many men,not over-scrupulou- s, prefer to give it awide berth and select some other ch

to the city.It is not our fault if we refer to the

"executive of the Association." Theyhave been dragged into this discussionby the sneer of the "Herald." Our only

puriose in referring to the side path wasto induce the "dead beats" and "bums"who sit upon the Y. M. C. A. ioreh,smoke bad tobacco and-expectorat- inthe face of a disgusted community,to do something by way of eomjensat-in- g

the Association for rest, shelterand countenance, by mending the side-pat- h

and doing an honest, half hour'swork for once in tlu'ir Jives. But thesejestilent nuisances must not be dis-

turbed. Let them enjoy their quiet.

for giving it effect.

The idea, as communicated to us,likewise embodied the happy thought ofidentifying "Arbor Day" with the lloyalFamily, by placing it under the specialcare and patronage of Princess Kaiulani,who celebrated her eleventh birthdayon October 10th, and whose future is so

intimately identified with the hopes of

the nation. A child herself, she wouldenter into the spirit of this nationalmovement with enthusiasm, as fromthe charming surroundings of her homeat Waikiki, she is cert-ii- to have im-

bibed a love for trees and flowers in alltheir countless forms of beauty. "ArborDay," with Princess Kaiulani as thehead and spring of action, would soonbecome the Children's Day, and le themost popular and welcome of all publicholidays, as well as being the mostbeneficial in its results.

The last day of Novemler has beensuggested as a suitable one in each yearfor "Arbor Day." The rains will thenhave softened the ground, and the sue- -

X. shareholders of the Waikapu Sugar Co. willbe held at the office of G. W. Macfarlane &. Co. onMONDAY, November 15, lfirfil, at noon.

WALTER S HANKS,Secretarv W. S. CO.

Honolulu, November 8, 1880. 2)0 n 5NOTICE.TO RENT.HOUSE CLIPPING

Done with UiopaU-l- i


Lirlitiiiiig Clipiiina: ATaeliine


2. ASHMAN can be found will confer a favorby notifying the Clerk of the Supreme Court atHonolulu. 264novl2




JL Nob. 14 and 18 School street, near Fort. Aj-p- ly

ou the premises or at 1R5 Fort street, or ringup Bell telephone No. 71 for Mrs. Steward.

23 novl2-- at tiie- -

AT- -Employment Office1


KIM YUEN HEREBY GIVES NOTICESAN he has disposed of his Furniture Busi-ness to Fung Wing, for whom be bespeaks a con-tinuance of the patronage heretofore bestowedon him. All accounts due to November l.'th willbe collected by San Kim Yuen, and all billsagainst said San Kim Yuen must be presented onor before November 15, 18-6- .

Ia accordance with tbe above the said FungWlag is to pay the said Sac Kim Yuen the priceagteed on on the 15th of November, 18S6. 2Clnl7


.j!.V to


reeding moisture will give a reasonable j There is "a tank of ice water inside,chance for the young plants to strike and they are sober while they can

root and thrive. There will be mam-- ; neither beg, borrow nor steal a "drink."failures doubtless, but the successes will If they could do one or other they would

not be few. Let Korember 30th, there-- i quit the porch, cure their-benefactor- s,

fore, in each year be constituted a and let decent people pass occasionally


THE office ot Mr. J. E. Wiseman, where he j

will be prepared to furnish household servants,collect bills, do Aaglo-Cblne- se interpreting, ard ageneral business. 51 SOYONG.

Page 3: if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL. V.--NO. 2G9. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIJIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 188G--PKICE 5 CENTS.i

j,,,.. "iV''6 ftAC.



flpi'k 1 rv 1 . . f 1(1 . . I i - . f

UV AUTllottm. J vi I ll I ;! .i.THREE DAYS LATER NEWS

ily Hie nnsuele.

j boiler and one ou boiler with machinery, etc. i

j She ha? al,r on deck six horses and one b'lll irr.- - ,

ported hy Mr. II. J. Agnew. Tbe Chief OiS-- r :


ejH:'dienoy of removing the Papal seat j

frum Rome. Nbdeeivion was arrived at. i

Cerent Fire in I.It crpoof.Lonpok, Oetober :!."th. A great tire f

occurred in the Hornby dock warehouse !

in Liverpool. It was stex'ked with cot- - j

'ton and grain. The darna is eti- -

j mated at 100,000. j

I Kiot Auiont Crofter. j

!j Lonlxjn, October 25th. The croiters j

i reports that the first three days out she bad verycalm '.vealher, hence liht northeast trades un-- jt;l tue 6th whsa she LaJ frfsh eoutb- -

west winds to port. The Mary Wiukelinan isj consljce 1 to Messrs. H. Hackfeli t Co., and is

doCkd near tae Paclfls Mail Copaay's wharf.Th steamer ieina arrived Novembsr 11th

The ItiiUHrlmi llltticulty.Sofia, Ort.jb.-- r i4th. The Chiefs uf

the S"branj !av.' decided to send to theCzar a dejiutaiiou instructed to complainof the action of (ieneral Kaulbars, andto ask the Czar to name a candidate forthe Bulgarian throne. The Kus.sianConsuls in Bulgaria have been ordered j

The uudersigned offer for aale, at KrM maiket me,jLAIllliNLLLloif freo HnAk'Os, Hawaii, with M bags (war and

1 head ttl from Xahukoa. of ILilmur, Isle of Skye, attacked n force j

of police who were assisting the Sheriff





to refuse passports to the memlters ofthe proposed delegation.

Paris, October" 2oth. The "Figaro"



.MUSCAT (sweet and dry),CHAMPAGNE,


The tng Eleu was haalei oa rte Grille P.iil-wa- y

November Uth, to' be cleaned and re-

painted. Sbe will be lowered to-da- y.

The schooner Heia brought 2 JO bgs paddyfrom Koulu, November 11th. ttiie sail. to-da-

j to make evictions, and the military had! to be called. It was necessarv to charge

The schooner Josephine brought 100 bagi satt



FKEETH & PEACOCK.P. O. Box 504. 373 Tlibon . 4.

Order of lteccpii-:- f to 21 e IIJ4 atIolanl PBlnro, Tusiiay. Novemberltttli.

6 a. ix. Marxbal uf Ringioiu mud FolicFore.

9:45 a. in. Ul Majeiy' Mialateri, JudgesSupreme Court, Oovernon, Nol( Privy Coun-cillor and member of the Lglslatur.

10 a. m to 111. lu. Educational Society, Divi-sion 2, II. R. U. Prlucek Poouaikelaal; Uookuo-noon- o

Society, 11. IV II. Prlacus Kalulaut; Edu-cational Society, DiviioD 1, U. K. H. PrincesLlkelike; Nlkoa Society, U. K. U. Piiacsu. LiH-uokala-

Meiuber of t'j oeiti; ar uioatraspectfully iavlted to n,iecubU at WaLlngtonPlac at 8 a. to.

11:15 a. hi. Charge d'Affalre of U. 3. A. to pre-sent the President's conyratuUtioig.

11:30 a. m. Diplomatic Corps.12 m. OoverDruent offlcsru.1 p. in. Hooulu Lahui Society, Her Majesty

the Queen; Hooulu L.abul Kaurnakapaill congre-gation, Hoonlu Dahul Mali Kauialu, Fi.her-ruen'- s

Society, Schools, Honolulu Flr Depart-ment, Puuwal Lokahi AMBociation. PooU Asso-ciation.

3 p. m. The Public.3:30 p. m. Military.

JN'O. A. CUMMINJ,Marnbl of the Day.

Honolulu, November 11, lfcafi. 270--tf

aays it U expected that De Giers, tlie the crorters with bayonets before theyRussian Minister of Foreign Affairs, will were dispersed. Several of them wereissue a circular to the Powers declaring wounded, and six were arrested,that active measures are necessary to Sir C'harle lilke.terminate the anarchy prevailing in London, October 25th. In responseBulgaria, and on the ground that it is to renewed and pressing appeals, Sirdangerous to the peace of the Balkan Charles Dilke has finally and emphat-State- s

and offensive to Russia. ically declined to re-ent- er public life,Vienna, October 25th. It is reported until he has disproved what he says to

tliat two Russian frigates have arrived at be the gross, unjust calumnies madeVarna. The Bulgarian Government ;

against him, to which object he intendsplaces no faith in the report. The Rus--1 thiit ' whole life shall be devoted,sian Consul at Varna has, however,! Msa-r- e of tiritin.asked for a warship to protect the Con-- j London, October 2tth. Details havesulate and Russian residents. j heen reived of a massacre of native

France is pressing Russia to initiate a j Christians at Uganda, Africa, by ordermovement on Constantinople. The I of Kin Mwanga. The massacre began

Russian fleet is read to leave the Black in June and was directly due to the re-St-- a.

Thy Baltic fleet has been raised to j fusal of a Christian toy, acting as theits fullest strength. i King's page, to commit an unnatural

Sofia, October 2(ith. Storanoff, the j crime. Many were tortured, mutilated

This absolutely pureCIDER is manufac-

tured in the orchardoneyear before plac-

ing it on tlie market,and generates its owngas by natural fer-


A small invoice justreceived and for saleby


CHAS. J. FISHEL(jK'AtD open ing


from I.wa, 0bu, November 11th.The bark Nellie My sailed from Sydney with

oal for this port October lltb.The saboner Leabl was hauled on the Marine

Hallway November 11th to be cleaned, recop-pere- d,

repaired and tepainted.Tbe schooner Jennie Walker, which baj been

occupying the slip for the past week, was low-

ered November 11th thoroughly overhauled.Tbe American brigantlne, W. i. Irwin, Captalu

J. . McCollocb, Hailed out of the harborfor San Franciico. She took 2,08

bags rice, 32o bunches bananas, 25 bundlessugar cane, and 10t barrels molasses. The cargowas valued at O.ti'J.

The British iron bark E. J. Spcnce anchoredoff port November 11th. 67 days from Hongkong,with a full caro of Chinese mercbancise coa-sigu- ed

to Mebitrs. Wing Wo Chan & Co. Shehaving some Chinese passengers on board,about 20 In number, was quarantined ouUide for21 hours. She will come in this morning, how-ever, to discharge her cargo.

Ihe tug leu, having laid up for necessary re-

pairs, the tug Pele towed in the barkentmeMary Winkelman and brlgantiue Consuelo No-

vember 11th.Tbe schooner Mary E.Foster arrived inbal-las- .

from Kleele, Kauai, November 11th. Shewill leave aain to-da- y wuh tfj tons coal forWa;mea, Kaunl.

The American brlgantine Consuelo, CaptainE. li. Cousins, arrived in port at 6 p. in. Thurs-day, Noven.ber 11th, 14 days from San Fran-cisco, with a full cargo of general merchandise,including 3o,6cO bricks for Mr. U. Lishman, 5

horses for Messrs. W. G.Irwin At Co., 273 pigs forMessrs. E. C. Winston and J. Burke. Sailed fromSan Francisco on the morning of October 28th.Experienced very fine weather and light tradesthe entire passage. Tbe Consuelo is docked

"I" T T T T AT TT "Tk XT' d i f f X mand speared, and thirtv-tw- o were

1U 1 u 1j 1 i JL H I f M ) Kburned alive. The appeals of the mis- -



jMjpular poet, intends to move in theSobranje in favor of declaring Bulgaria aRepublic.

Sofia, October 20th. Rumors arecurrent that a plot has been discoveredto seize the regents while on the way toTirnova. There is much excitementover the arrest of the Commandant whohad planned the seizure of the Ministers.

It is expected that the Sobranje willimiK'ach KaravelofF and compel him toresign from the rvency.

London, October 2Gth. Lord Ran-

dolph Churchill, speaking at Bradfordto-nig- said that England was not the

Saturday, Monday and Tuesday,

November 6th. 8th and 9th.DUFFY'S

sionaries were unavailing, me iaie oithese unfortunates did not serve tofrighten the candidates for baptism. Thediary of Bishop Hannington, who wasput to death by order of the King, willsoon be published in London.

IiiMiirrec tiou in Cnjm? Colony.Cape Town, October 27th. Ten thous-

and Pondos have invaded the neighbor-ing country, burning kraals and commit-ting depredations. Tlie Government israising volunteers to resist them. Thesituation is critical.

Xe market Ilace.London, October 20th. At the New-

market Houghton meeting the race forthe Cambridgeshire Stakes was won byW. Gilbert's six-year-o- ld horse, The

Tenders U'nuleil.Tenders will be received at the Interior 0.fic

until 10 a. in. Saturday, November lath, fordry repairs to tbe fence will of tbe Iolanl Palace,including cement plastering of tbe inside ofwall, cement wash forotitaide of wall, about 50lin. ft. of wr.ll (approach to jjate Likelike streetentrance), eight coucrete poats of same patternas thone now in place, about 400 lin. ft. copingfor top of rear wall, and one set of gates on tbeLlkelike side, to be made to correspond withgates now in position.

Tenders must state the price per sq. yd. forcement p'astering and cement wash; per lin. ft.for coping and side wall; per post for concreteposts, and for gates complete.

The work to be done under the supervision ofthe Superintendent Public Works, and subjectto his approval.

Specifications umy be seen at the office of theSuperintendent Public Works.

The Minister of the Interior reserves the rightta reject any or all bids.

L. AHOLO,Minister of the Interior.

Iaterlor Office, November 11, 183fl. 2W-novl- 3

P Halt WhislrvreV

onlv Power interested in the Balkan i

F O Rnear the Oceanic Company's wharf.

'I he barkeutine Discovery has been moored tothe wharf at the foot of Fort street.

The American bark Coloma, Captain U. M.

Noyes. sailed November 11th, with her 35v Chi-

nese passengers and 330,000 feet lumber intransit from Portland, Oregon, for Hongkong.

Medicinal Use.NO FUSEL OIL.

Absolutely Pure and Una'dulteratedLOCAL AND GENERAL.76i THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSE.


States, and did not feel called upon totake the sword alone of all the Powers tooppose Russian .schemes. He alsohinted that the eccentric conduct of theSultan with the Russian representativeat his capital had been weighed by theBritish Ministers, and that England isnot so inextricably bound up with Tur-

key us to be compelled against her willto neglect her own material interests forthe Sultan's. He stated that he spokewith the full authority of Lord Salisburyand Lord Iddesleigh. The Governmentwould follow the Beaconsfield policy as


closely as altered circumstances wouldallow.

The London "Standard" says: PrinceWaldemar of Denmark will be proposedfor and probably elected to the throne ofBulgaria.

Ttic Occupation of Eijpl.London, October 24th. Lord lddes- -

IIoHpital.Curative Institution.


FREETH & PEACOCK,Wholesale Mine int Spirit Merchant.


Mr. Gonzalves will photograph theteachers and pupils of the Royal School atnoon to-da- y.

Mrs. T. S. Southwick, nee Breeze, was apassenger from San Francisco by the Con-

suelo yesterday.Mr. J. II. Soper has got a fine assort-

ment of Hawaiian flags suitable for thejubilee festivities.

The brigantine Wni. G. Irwin took a

Prescribed bv Physicians Everywhere. 23 Nuuanu street Honolulu, U. I.

Department f Interior.Honolulu, November 9, 1830.

The anniversary of the recognition of Ha-

waiian Independence by tbe Governmeuts ofGreat Britain ard France, November 28th, fall-ing on Sunday, Saturday, November 27th, will beobserved as a National Holiday, and all Govern-ment offices throughout the Kingdom will beclosed on that day.

L. AXIOLO,262-3tiw- td Mini iter of Interior.

All water rates due on or before term endingDecember 31, 1880, must be paid at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works before the day ofNovember, 1886.

Parties paying rates will present their lat re-oel- pt.

CHAS. P. WILSOX,Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.


Minister of Interior.Honolulu. October 11. 1386. 133nol5d.w

--:o:-THK ONLY

Sailor Prince, Mr.. Mantan's three-year-ol- d

colt St. Mirin second, Mr. Somers'three-year-ol- d colt Carlton third. Therewere sixteen starters.

Soicitte of Kins I.mlw ip;.

Beklin, October 20th. At the trial ofHerr Wickels, the editor of the "Froen-kisc- h

Yolkesblatt," before the tribunalof Wurzburg for charging the BavarianMinistry with the late Kingand forcing the latter to commit suicide,one witness declared that he never re-

marked anything abnormal about KingLudwig; that the latter had been im-

pelled to commit suicide through theprocedure of the Commission of Exam-ination.

The French Crown Jewels.Pauis, October 26th. The Senate has

passed the bill providing for the sale ofthe crown jewels of France.

'Miscellaueoutt.Tlie Canadian Pacific Railway is mak-

ing arrangements to open a general of-

fice in New York.A rich gold mine was discovered near

the Stonewall on October 1st. It is saidto be one of the richest finds in San

JPure Stimml an tSolo agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT " (JIN, PelliflHon'A uncoWd,

unsweetened, pure old BRANDY only two qualities shipiied, 7 and 10 years old.Hy. W. Smith & Co. 's

THI8TLEDEW WHISKY,We offer for sale at reduced figures, a large and well aborted nlock of

ALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in bondor duty juid.

For the Sick, Invalid.--, Convalescing Patien t,Aged People,


small mail to San Francisco yesterdayfrom the Post Office.

The brig Consuelo arrived last evening,fourteen days from San Francisco. Shebrought three days later news.

Mr. F. Bckley, formerly with Messrs.J. M. Oat, Jr.,fc Co., left for San Fran-cisco yesterday by the W. G. Irwin.

Mr. J. II. Soper, stationer and news 1. O. Kox 501. 373 Telephone No.Awarded FIRST FRIZE GOLD MliDAL

World's Exposition, New Orleans, La.. 188".

For Excellence hiiiI Purity.I'OKT OF JiONOLLLL', 11. 1.



ni4 .i

i M



illv. !

I' -


Hi :

if ,


is -



j SIV -


Macfarlane & Co.,Sole Agent

AKSIIVAI.Tuursdat, November 11th.

Stmr Lehua, from HamakuaAm brgtne Consuelo, E. li. Cousins, 14 days

from San FranciscoAm bktne Mary Winkelman, C Backus, 20 days

from San FrauciscoHchr Mary E Foster, from WaianaeSchr He- a. from Koolau, OahuSohr Mile Morris, from WTaialae

69d-w- tf

DAVIS & WILDER,Importers and Dealers in

Mfaple Mntl Fancy Oroeerie, Produce. Prov tlons ami reed.N"o. 52 Fort street.

Particular attention Is called to the fact that all goods In oar line are WARRANTED KESHand of choice quality. All importations are so regulated as to avoid accumulations of old sto-ik- ,


Ice House DelicaciesReceived by every steamer from San Francisco, embracing all varieties tbe market affor4.

WOODLAWN DAIRY BUTTER, in 1-- tb bricks, and other choice Island Butter, always on band.Daily deliveries to all parts of the city, Waiklkl and the valley.

Australian 3iail Service.


The new and fine Al steel steamship

Diego county. '

George expresses himself as being"sure" of election as Mayor of NewYork; Roosevelt "thinks" he will beelected, whilst Hewitt says it will be agreat relief to him if he is not elected.

Alfred Smith, a Newport millionaire,has died suddenly.

The San Francisco "Chronicle" printsthe names of all the candidates publiclynominated for State, legislative, muni-cipal and judicial offices to be voted forin that city. The paper considers itshows that there is a deep-seate- d contestwith bossism.

DKPAKTl'ltlXThcrsdat, November 11th.

Stmr Waimanalo, for KoolauAm brgtne W G Irwin, J E McCulloch, fer San;

Francisco, at 12 mAm bark Coloma, Noyes, for Hongkonx at 10

a mSchr Mile Morris, WaialreSchr Rob Roy, for KoolauSchr Manuokawai, for Knolaa

leigh, Secretary of State for Foreign Af-

fairs, has received important dispatchesfrom Iiord Lyons relating to fresh com-

munications with the French Govern-ment. There is every indication that acrisis is on hand in the. negotiations be-

tween the two Governments on Egypt.The "Times" hopes that Lprd Iddes-leig- h,

Foreign Secretary, will tell Wad-dingto- n,

the French Embassador, plainlyand firmly that England will judge forherself when her task in Egypt is fin-

ished.Kudlcii Ieatli of )lr. A. T. Stewart.

New York, October 25th. Mrs. Cor-

nelia M. Stewart, wife of the late million-aire dry goods merchant, A. T. Stewart,died suddenly this morning at her resi-

dence, on the corner of Thirty-fourt- h

street and Fifth avenue. Mrs, Stewartdied at 10 o'clock of congestion of thelungs and heart trouble.

Ihe Statue or Liberty.New YoitK, October 25th. The pre-

parations for the unveiling of the statueof "Liberty," on the 2Sth instant, areprogressing rapidly.

A .Nemiier on Fire.Liverpool, October 25th. The Na-

tional Line steamer The Queen, whicharrived at this port on Saturday fromNew York, caught fire in three holds.The fire originated in cotton stored onthe steerage deck. The ship was filledwith water and the flames extinguished.

Tlie State of Ireland.London, October 2oth. In a sjeech

klealer, has the thanks of the Advertiserfor a file of late San Francisco papers.

The regular monthly social of the BethelUnion Church Society was held last even-

ing at the Lyceum. It was a very pleasantaffair.

Mr. Lewis J. Levey will hold his regularcash sale at 10 o'clock this morning, whenhe will offer a large and varied assortmentof goods.

Twenty-on- e Portuguese adults and fif-

teen children arrived by the Lehua yester-day from Paauilo Plantation. Their con-

tracts are ended.""""The Royal Hawaiian Band gave a moon-light concert at Emma Square lastevening,which was well attended. The programmewas an excellent one.

There will be the usual service at St.Andrew's Cathedral this evening, con-

ducted by the Bishop of Honolulu, whowill deliver a brief address.

The S. F. "Call," of October 27th. says:"G. II. Robinson, a wealthy resident ofHonolulu, arrived yesterday from Europe,en route for the Islands, and is stopping atthe Palace."

I The voune neonle of the Bethel Union

AUSTRALIA"Veel B.crvIiijc T-I:- y.

Schr Mary E Foster, for WaimeaSchr Heeia, for Koolau, OahuSchr Mile Morris, for Waialae

Roth Telephone. o. l:tO. 71 tf

Of tha Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney ami Auckland

on or Khont

November QOtliA mi will leave for the abvve port with mailx ahdpassengers on or about that (':ite.

For freight or p:issiie, having SCPKHIOKACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. (t. Irwin & Co.,AQKNTH.

HERE WE COME TO THE FRONT--With the finest custom-made- -

Church will hold their prayer and praise

Veel" In Port from Forclii Iort.Am bktne George C Perkins, H Ackerman

from Han FranciscoGerbark Pacific, C Altmann, from BremenHaw sccr Jennie Walker, B Anderson, from

Fanuing's Island.Brit bark Iron Crag, Win Junes, from LiverpoolAm bktne IMscovery. John Lee. from San

Fraucisco, via Mahukona, HawaiiAm bark C O Whitmore, T Thompson, from

Port Towuseud, W T j

Am br4tne John D Srreckela, C S Frlls, froin;San Fraucisco

Am bktne Mary . Winkelman, Chas Backus,from San Frauciico I

Am. brgtne Consuelo, E B Cousins, from SanFrancisco

For Sydney and Auckland.. made last night Lord Randolph Church

The sew and fine Al steel steamship


Tlie Miiintrel Entertainment.This evening the minstrel perform-

ance for the benefit of the HonoluluYacht and Boat Club will take place atthe Hawaiian Opera House. The pro-

gramme is a varied and attractive one.The solos are an appropriate selectionand are allotted to able performers,whilst the comic sketches are intrustedto gentlemen who are to the mannerborn. There will be a full house, as allthe seats have been sold. The per-formance commences at 8 o'clock. Thefollowing is the programme to be pre-

sented on this occasion :

Part I.Introduction and opening chorus. CompanySong "White Wings" J. BrightComic song "Ah, There!". W. ArmstrongiSong "Bold Jar Tar" II. W. MorseSong "I'll Take You Back, Kath-

leen" J. DowsettSong "I'll be True". ... W. HoogComic song "Climbing Up de Golden

Stairs" C. W. MacfarlaneNative Quintette.

The first part will conclude with "TheSkids," in which Messrs. Morse, Macfar-lane, Lillis, Armstrong and company willtake part.

Part II.Character song E. W. HoldsworthNegro sketch

Messrs. Macfarlane and ArmstrongTrio "Three Little Maids"

Messrs. Morse, Dowsett and HoogBanjo solo J. Appleby

The performance will conclude with theone-ac- t farce "A Slippery Day," in whichnumerous local hits will be introduced.

MARIPOSA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

meeting at the Lyceum this evening at7:30 o'clock. Mr. William Waterhousewill lead the meeting. ,

lu our "By Authority" column will befound the order of the reception to be heldat lolani Palace on Tuesday, Novemberl(Jth, the fiftieth birthday anniversary ofHis Majesty the King.

The box plan for the minstrel entertainment on baturday evening opens thismorning at 9 o'clock, at Wiseman's office.To secure good seats people should be ontime, as the rule will be "first come, firstserved."

The maximum penalty for larceny inthe third degree is two years' hard laborand a fine not exceeding twice the value ofthe property stolen. In our report yester-day Police Justice Bickerton was errone-ously represented as saying three years,et?.

The Honolulu Rifles will not hold anydrill this evening. They will drill nextMonday and Thursday evenings, and onWednesday, at 1 o'clock p. in., will as-

semble at their armory for target practiceat the range of the Hawaiian Rifle Asso-ciation.

The following are the officers of the Pa- -

Kesils Kxectet! Troiu Foreign Ports.Brit ship Hospoda, J Babcock, from Newcastle,

N 8 W. due October 10--30

Brit bark Glengaber, Rolloston, from Liver-pool, due Jan 15-3- 1

Am bark Mt.rtiia Fisher, from Glasgow, dueJan 15-3- 0 -

Brit bark W n Watson, from Liverpool, dueOctober

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Benson, sailed fromBoston August 7th, due December

Haw schr General Sieget, Sanders, fromFrench Frigate Shoal, due Nov 20-3- 0

Ger bark Hydra, from Hongkong, due Decem-

ber 1--

Haw S S Zealandia, R van Oterendarf, from SanFrancisco, due November 17

German bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October Uth, due February 20-2-8

Am bktne Amelia, Wui Newhall, from PortTowns ud. W T, due November 18-2-6

Am bark Forest Queen, J C M Winding, fromSan Francisco, due November 20-2- 8

Haw brig Hazard, W G Goodman, from SanFrancisco, due at Hilo, Hawaii, November 21-3- 0

Haw bark Star of Devon. A Lovell, from Fan-n- lrig's Island, due DecemberUawn schr Malolo, J B Holland, from Manl-bik- l,

via Fnnuiug's Island, due December 15-3-1

in bk Edward Kidder, from Portland, Ore-gon, en rovtte to Hougkomc, due November li-1- 6

Am bark Saranac, from New York, due Novem-ber 9--

Haw S S Australia, Webber, from the Colonies,n route to San Francisco, due November 20

Clothing and Furnishing Goods,Ever brought to these Islands, and which we will sell vt tbe following LOW PRICES;

100 dozen Boys' Wool Snits, per Bait $2 50 upward.100 dozen Boys' Jersey Suits, per suit $2 50 upward.

75 dozen Men's FiDe Business Suits, per suit $5 upwards.75 dozen Men's Fine All-Wo- ol Suits, per suit $9 upwaidj.50 dozen Men's Fine Black Dress Suits, extra value, p r uit $li upwards.

100 dozen Men's Working Pants, per pair, $1 upwards.Also, an extra fine line of Men's and Boys'

HOES.100 dozen l nlatindried Shirts, per pieeft 50c upwards.100 Men' Fine Undershirts, per piece 50c upwards.100 dozen Men's Fine White XJreas Shirts, per pi'.ce $1 25 upwards.100 dozen Men's All-Wo- ol Working Shirts, per piece $1 50 upwards.

50 dozen Men's Straw Rats, per piece 75c upwards.75 dozen Boys' Straw Hats, per piece 50c to $1 50.

We are confident these prices will satisfy the most exacting. We only advertisewhat we mean ! Any unsatisfactory article may be returned and tlie money will bcheerfully refunded. Remember the BLUE FRONT, corner Merchant and Eort trtti.

EA.G-A,Is-T & CO.'S70 if -

Just received, ex Lapwing, a large consignment ol

Genuine German CologneTre pared by Johann Maria Farina,

Gcge-nube- dem JulictPlatz Cologne, Germany.

November ,27And will have prompt iispatcn with malls andpassengers for the above ports.

For fieisjht or passage, baring SUPERIOR AC-COMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,U AGENTS

ill said that tlie official accounts reach-ing the Government of the social condi-tion and prospects of Ireland ire of anencouraging character. Throughout thecountry the landlords have helpedgreatly to lessen the difficulties of thecrisis, having made" very large reduc-tions. The Irish tenants also have co-oerat- ed

in a signal manner toward therestoration of order. The Separatistparty in the House of Commons pre-

dicted that a terrible time was comingto Ireland. With some exceptions thereis a marked decrease in crime and dis-

order. If tlie Unionists firmly follow upthe victory they have gained, we mayconclude, without any doubt, that thequestion of the maintenance or repeal ofthe Union is settled for at least twogenerations.

The Tories are going in for capturingthe working classes, with Churchill attheir head.

Tlie Argentine Republic.Panama, October 24th. The Buenos

Ayres "Standard" states that owing todrouth more than 20,000,000 head ofsheep have died, and while the imme-diate loss is estimated at nearly 5,000,-00- 0

sterling, it will in reality aggregatemuch more. The sheep died principallyfrom lung and throat disease, formerlyunknown in the Llanos.

Tbe Papal Seat.Rome, October 26th. The Pope at-

tended the congregation of the Cardinalsto discuss the position of the Holy Seetoward the Italian Government and the

! cine Navigation Company for the ensuingf s s MariDosa (Am). H M Hay ward, from

. . . . il 1 . . I; Tl : 3 . 1 If A T1 -ban r ranclsco, on rouie iu iu wiiumos, uue i;jcai ; i icsiuciu anu .uaiiuer, "v. i i.iunNovember 27 Cooke; Vice President, W. L. Wilcox;

j; Secretary and Treasurer, F. Tnrrill;


Kennedy and Martin Magazine Rifles. Reming-ton, Sharps and Ballard sporting Klties. Agentsfor W. W. (ireener. Colt. Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin- g Double Guns, Colt and Smith &Wesson Fiftols. X. Ll'KKV A BRO., 113 San-som- e

street, sail Franciseo Cal. 11-l-


Auditor, O. P. Castle; Director, W.

John W. McCarthy Ayrain.The San Francisco "Chronicle" of Oc-

tober 27th says: "John W. McCarthyhas been ordered to appear in the Pro-

bate Court on Friday next and showcause why he has not filed the requiredbond in the sale of real estate belongingto the late Daniel McCarthy. Also whythe letters of administration granted himshould not be revoked. The citation isissued at the request of Annie


From San Francisco, per brgtne Consuelo,November 11th: Mrs T S Sonthwick, Miss iiRoche, J Burke, C Swrms, and J Dohse.

DEPARTUHKS.For San Francisco, per brgtne W. O. Irwin,

A Pilot Boat Ciplel.Last evening tho pilot boat with

Babcock on board went out to theNovember 11th: Miss H Trgli.iu, Master HoraceOR A TERM OF ONE YEAR OU MORE, -- :o:-F

Tregloan, F N Eckley, H l'oliiu. Mrs Captain j The pilot had hoirddThompson, A de Bretteville, and N Geuosukt. , DnmonsueiO.. the brig, and the boat boys were making the premises situated on Printers' Lane.

I which connects with Punchbowl street, betweenPalace Walk and lieretania street. The housethe boat fast when she capsized, precipi- -MIII'PIXU OTE. HOLLISTER & CO.,

i fating them all into the water. TheyVIhe American DarKeuun. Mary wjmeimaa. rf

,d h fe fc d &U fc

contains four good sized rooms, and tbe pantryand kitchen are attached. Thone deniring to In-spect the premises can call on Mrs. Mills at thecottage on Punchbowl street, nearly oppositePalace Walk, or communicate by telephone withNo. a76 of the Mutual. Rent. ?25 a month.

239 HOY 0

Interesting local news will be found onthe fourth page.

The brig Consuelo brought five horsesand two hundred and seventv-thre- e hogs.

109 Fort Street.board gain, being none the worse fortheir audden inimersuon.

vember lltb, 20 days from San Fianclsoo, withl,l5p tons general merchandise, Including 73



- v r A lae mob I spanned by triumphal arch All the local f0 f x-- .. ,tn

Page 4: if · 2015-06-02 · W'V"." 'ft.-M Ma' 'V ' PA I tf if! i I I, I i I ' III if I FI II "1 it 5 VOL. V.--NO. 2G9. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FIJIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 188G--PKICE 5 CENTS.i

.1-- '


V. ill" nmior is ot tlioaeot i- - uU'crH$rcuii!5. "VMTXh.


:o:- -1886.! Third Year of Publication.



Eddy s 6c Jeuett's Refrigerators,




Directory of HonoluluWITH

- in Ice Cream i ,isn,iir. bee Let n.i11 f. Ht "n1 .l,Tf


For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil Ecclesiastic! Calem!'!'

Water Flitrs nd Coolers. Ice O e W tit MountMowers. Door .Mt, Uarc!eQ anj Canal Barivws.f;.otT' na, superior rt:-l- r.

Fence WireManila and lsa! Rope. The Ut.-s- t N' eitit-- in


Martim'lli'jj cMer is al-o!- ut ly j imYuen Kee t Co. have remove! to Hotel

street.Martinelli's cider is the !et and j.urest

made.Read advertisement of Martinelli's

cider.Endless variety of laces and embroidery,

at Sachs', 104 Fort street.Embroidery flowers, 43 inches deep, at

N. S. Sachs, 104 Fort street.Val Blatz Milwaukee lager beer it the

finest in the market. Bottled expresslyfor this climate.

Special for one week : LUle thread ladies'hose, open work, and assorted colors for75 cents, at Sachs'. 104 Fort street.

Undressed kid pIove. ladie-.- ' underwearpink, white, cream and blue cashmere juntreceived by last steamer, at (.'. J. Fisliei's.

"Duffy's Malt Whiky is the very beststimulant for invalids suffering from wast-ing diseases. It may be used by everyonewith full confidence of beneficial results."

The largest and best stock of Christmascards ever seen in this city ju-- t arrived; allnew and of the very latest designs. Callearly and select. King Bros.' art store.Hotel street.

Dr. J. Lesley Smith, M. D., Fort Plain,N. Y., writes: "I have Used your Duffy'sPure Malt Whisky, and am convinced ofits great purity, and its value as a stimu-lant to be prescribed."

No book ever published contains so muchreliable and valuable information regard-ing the Hawaiian Islands in such smallcompass as the IIoNoniLr Almanac andDirectory. 18. rr:e. 00 cents.

Messrs. Wing On Wo o Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the best quality, for saleat moderate prices.


Official and BusinessKerosene Oils.

Berry Bros. Furniture Varnish. For ale at the 1. west maiket rates by the


(LIMITED),Illllinslsniu v 'Suee"TorH to

Fort StreetFull Statistical and General Information


Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Dihectorv the most useful and comprehen-- :sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,

II. I:. iMcIiitvro & Bro..IMl iiRT ER AND DEALERS IN

Groceries? Provisions and. Feed.EAST itlKXKK FORT AND KING STREETS.

New (ioods received by every packet from the Eastern States ami E irope. resh CalifrnmProduce by every steamer. All orileis faithfully attended to, and Goods d Uvered to any p.irt of thecity free of charge. Island t.rders toIkMted. S;(tlsf.t-tlo- guaranteed. Postollice Hox No. HITelephone No. HJ. 6"

and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in foreign Coun-tries.

It3 Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lateemoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-

pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Elegantly Illustrated..THE HONOLULU IKON WOKKS CO.

Have completed ami offer lor snle the iolloMlnu: IloilerM. vie:

1 PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS ,11 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 it. 0 in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, J 2 ft. x 4 ft., also

1 SeeoimMIainl Tubular Roiler, 12 ft. x4 ft.6i je-'7- -s Apply to The Honolulu Iron Works Co.


215, 217, 21U, Bush street, San Franeiso.

Stationers, Printers, XjitliograDiiersand

Blank Book AJanufaoturers.15 Jy23 3m

ivi. v. MCUiiJLoiMi t ourshave

May 8th. Per Mariposa, 1,754 Pacini ges ;

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,022 Packagea :

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,


Will be Sold at the Lowest jNTavket Tjites.

yi-.- ; l . r. i.vt'- - i:i her rilittwoliec-- . of l:i?id ;it W.iU'liu and two piecesin Ilonokahau, Maui, part of whichproperty is applied lr and proposed to

c h:isfd. for wbirh theianhhip U created. Ordered that II !

Hon. Samuel Parker of Honolulu I

nointed tm.-irdia- of the ljersona - r

proierty of tliesaid minor, under Vond of


Military rJxture.Companies A and B of the King's

Own will Ix; in attendance at their Arm-

ory in undress uniform at 7 p. m. OnHis Majesty's birthday (Tuesday next)they will go on guard duty at the Palaceat o' a. in., the Prince's Own at 10 a. in.,and the Mamahaloa at 2 p. in. TheQueen's Own will man the battery onthat day, when three salutes will lietired morning, afternoon and evening.On Saturday, the 27th instant, the competitive drill of all the volunteer com-

panies will take place at Makiki by orderof Lieutenant General Iominis. Having assembled at the barracks at p. in., i

unler command of Major J.T.Baker,they Jwill march to the grounds, wherethey will be banded over to their ve

Capt litis. The trophy lastyear was a silk flag, which was won bythe King's Own. What it will be thisvear is not vet known.

"AIk Aiki Moi."Thin i.s the title of the thirteenth nuui-le- r

of the "Mele Hawaii" neries whichare being published from time to timeby Bandmaster Berber. The air is anexceedingly taking one and forms a valuable addition to the set. It i.s now onsale at the atore of Mr. J. It. Soper, thesupply being very limited.


The Paternity of "The Arkaniaw Trav-eler" Strain fenerations Old.

It was announced the other day that Mr.Tosso, the composer of "The ArkansawTraveler," lay dying in Cincinnati It musthave been news to Arkansas. The homelyAttorney General Gai land, who eschews thepigeon tail coat, mu.-.- t have bt en surprised ifnot shocked to learn that "The RackensackTraveler" owes its paternity to a musicalgentleman with an Italian name. The Ava-lanche declines to believe that "The Aikan-sa- w

Traveler" ever had a composer. It i3one of those airs of the people, one of thoserude and homely, lively, quick and devilishfantasies of the common people, that ' putlife and metal in our heels." "Nae cotillon,brent new fare France," nor whirling airfrom Germany, nor yet sport of an Ita ianfiddler, it is one of those rollicking tunes ofthe backwoods that grew somewhere in thebackwoods ages ago.

Its origin is lost in the mists of antiquity.It is probably older than the common law,as old as cu torn, hoarier than manners.Such airs, with varying names and variedstrains, are like the ballads, the proverbs,and the sayings of the people. They maybe traced back and back until the track ilost. Origin or author they never had.They have been harjed and blown and fid-

dled, thrummed and danced by the ages.Antiquarians have searched diligent'y forauthor and origin for the ballads and lorthe saws, proverbs and sy ins of the people.The search has only established that thesealways were just as they are, with minorvariations. Who comiosed "Rack HackDavie," "Old Granny," 'Rye Straw,""Forked Deer." "Leather Breeches," "OldZip Coon," "NaU hrtz-und- the Hill," "Riilyin the and hundreds of otherjopular country fiddler airs' Thcsir nanshave changed, and' their strains have beenvaried, but they may be heard fiddled outan 1 danced out the world over. They mighthave been heard centuries ago.

Sherman thought the air to "MarchingThrough Georgia" a war composition, buthe heai d a blind fiddler fiddling it in Edin-burgh. Harry McCarthy, "the Arkansascomedian," gave the "lionny Blue Flag"to the South, but the air is old as the hills.The air sung to Jim Randall's "Maryland,My Maryland," is gray with age. The airsof the people, grave an I gay, quick anddevilish, in the minor key, in the majormode, pathetic or sombre, or soft and lan-guishing with love and tears, and the bal-lads of the people and the sayings of thepeople, are equally without author or or-

igin. They go with the traditionx Per-haps they came from Adam, from beforethe falL "The Arkansaw Traveler" is oneof these. Unhappy the man who has notworn out his heels in early youth on pun-cheon floors in stolen midnight, and, per-haps, forbidden dance at qu.ltiu' or applebutter bilin' to these airs of the peoplaMemphis Cor. New York Times.

Counterfeiting Crow's Feet and Wrinkles.A few years ago Wallack had gout and

Boucicault rheumatism. Paint and pigmentcould freshen and smooth their visages to ayouthful a.spoct, but no oil could hi madeto reach their stiff joints, and consequentlywe had juvenile lovers with the movementsof centenarians. But they seem to haverecovered, for both are sprightly . in action i

as they were half a century agouo."Funny, isn't it," said old John Gilbert,

while waiting the other night for them t o

join him for a supper after their playswere over, "how time has " changed things.I have never played any thing but old men,since finding out at the outet of my stagecareer that I wasn't fit for other pa! ts. Ibegan at 21 and now I'm 74. Of course,I had a smooth faca to b:gin with, andevery mark of ago had to bi paint e 1 on it.Slowly but surely these artificial linesceased to be required, until now I don'thave to touch my countenance to make itup for an ordinary character, like the oneI am acting this week. During the timethat I was counterfeiting wrinkles andcrow's feet Dion and Lester were all rightfor juvenile roles without more make-u- p

than rouging. It was something like 1MX),

I guess that we cams together. That is tosay, they had tx paint out os many age-m- a!

ks as I had to paint in; but from thatperiod on my labors at the mirror steadilygrtw less, while theirs increased, until to-

night I walk off the stage with nothing towash away, and wait until they remove theoverlay." "Duran lal" in The Enquirer.

Giving Place to the Cat Craze.Since the fashion for lap dogs in fast giv-

ing place toUhe "pussy" craze, perhaps Thesoc iety women of New York would like toknow what a picturesque and curious p3ciesof the Tfeiine race we have up this way.The animal I refer to is the property ofMrs. Finley Hayes, of Greenbush. It ishalf raccoon and half Maltese, and in appearance much resembles the coon, but thecat-lik- e instincts are shown in h- -r actioris. j

The fur, which is a sort of a slate, reddi-a- ,j

brown and black in color, is long and j

bushy. The tail, unlike a cat's, is wi le and j

similar to that of a squirrel. The most cur- -

ious characteristic is a natural fur coilarabout its neck, formed by the hair growingthere much longer than on any part of the i

body. This unique ai.imal is the mother of j

two kittens just toddling about and partik- - j

ing largely of the peculiarities of the j

mother. It is said that Mrs. Hayes has had j

many large pecuniary offe: s for thse very j

interesting offsprings, and for the motherthe sum of 10o has been proffered. Co j

Albany Kipresa.


11 '



' (

P-- "






f!' : 1

.! r- -


Win. G. Irwin & Co



In Barrels,Half BarrN,

Ami H:.Jtt s.

(IKK- -

In Half Barrel!." pound BoxfS.

I'0VLKKKIIn Bni-s- .

r)LLKX C. K'OFFKE,In Half Barrel'

And Boxes





"sei Corned BeefAXD- -

hcIi Touiruen.

Flour.FAMILY t: quarter sacks),

BAKER'S EXTRA (la half sacks),

Cs Medium Bread.

Lubricating Oils.

Lime and Cement.

(al vnuizeU Corrugate! Iron Hoofing.6, TJand 8 foot lengths.


mis vi. imkhahh

Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

25 "A TKNTH, ( suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.)22 i


Commercial Advertiser


PRINTING OFFICEprepare'! to do all klmls o'

Commercial & Legal WorkHaving just Received a Complete and New

Assortment of

Job Types and Ornaments

Of the Latest Styles, from the intist Cekbra ted Foundries of the United States,

and emploj-inj- r only Experiencedand Tasty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Inciter llcatls.Bill Heads,

Circular.Note IlenuM.

Staten.entH.Kill of I.h1Ihk,

Contract.Mortgraire Blank.

Shipping: Contractu,(In ritewaUan A F.ngiUhj

Calendar.Blank Check,

Stock Ortilicatew.Business Carli.

Meal Cheek.Milk Ticket.

Bank Cl:eektOrders,

Receipt.narrlnee Certificate.


Blotting lnlHAnd in fact everything which a first-cla- ss

office can do

FRANK CERTZ,F(yjinDorter and Manufacturer JJ ;

Of all Descriptions of j


rr Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No, 111 Tort St.. Honolulu.5 tfwt

and Staples.. imt.tt.

ljun I- - ;.ti. 1 h very nest ani snu-.-

aiil Jainnel ott.



is ml 44 Queen Street, Jlouolnlii.

Square Flax

W. T. Y. SCIIENCK,feb23 87 San Fruriclsco. Cal


noiisekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron AYorH

M. W. McOhesney & Son,4'J

, ..... a .


otton Itnbher I.iiiel

FIRE HOSTS,Rubber nose, Hose Carts, II. and TM Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally.1 acking. Rubber l'acklnff , etc., etc. Send for circulars and prices.

3T California street. 1 4


Thursday, November 11th.C. Harae, Maka, Kealoha, Alikai, Xa.

hau, Kaaikalana and Kahiwa werecharged with conspiracy, and were re-manded until moved on by the Crown.

Frank Mora forfeited $6 for drunken-ness.

C IVIL CASES.Interisland Steam Navigation Com-

pany vs. the seven men whose namesappear above on a charge of conspiracy.The grounds of the civil action were re-

fusal to work under a labor contract atHonolulu on the 10th inst. Defendantspleaded guilty, but refused to return totheir employers. They were committedto prison there to remain at hard laloruntil they consent to serve according tolaw. Costs, $2 10 each.

John Nott vs. K. Lycan. Assumpsitforfl 90. Continued to 15th inst. byconsent.

Hatti Kawdini vs. Alexatider Lazarus.Action to recover $100 for damage to abuggy by collision with a hack, theproperty of defendant, the driver ofwhich, Samson Aola, was intoxicated.Messrs. Whiting and Crei-'hto- forplaintiff; Mr. 3. C. Smith for defendant.Judgment, for plaintiff, ."', 7.". Costs,$ 05. Appeal noted.

C . Ashlord vs. the same. Action-- arising out of the same circumstancesClaim, $50. Judgment for plaintiff, $:?0Costs, $3. Apjeal noted.

The Queen's Hospital vs. Heinn'clLudloff. Uishop & Co., garnisheeAssumpsit for $33. Settled out of courtCosts, $4 20.

The Billiard TouriiHineut.The third game in the billiard tourna

ment was played last evening at theHotel between Morris and McCIeeryThe former had to make 1,000 points tothe latter's 750. The game was won byMcCIeery in the forty-thir- d inningsscoring 750 to his opponent's 784. Morris gave one of the finest exhibitions obilliard playing ever seen in this city.His all round shots were brilliant, andhe was frequently applauded for his efforts. He was certainly in better formthan on Tuesday evening. The following is the full score :

Morris 3, 8, 1, 1, 0, 1, 137, 0, 5, 07, 3,20, 0, 2, 45, 3, 2, 112, 3, 28, 10, 2, 0, 8,15, 3, 3, 30, 1, 91, I, 0, 0, 48, 0, fi, 1, 21,10, 0, 6, 1, 23784.

McCIeery fi, 8, 1, !, 7, 0, 0, li, 2, 0,0, 5, 194, 02, 4, 2, 2, 6, 7, 0, 12, 0, 12, 2,0, 0, 1, 2, G, 1, 1, 78, C, 10, IS, 1, 47,0, 0,146, 11, 0, 23751.

Hoyal Hawaiian Agricultural SocietyA meeting of the Board of Manage

ment of the above named society washeld last evening. Committees wereappointed to make all neeessarj' ar-

rangements for the Stock Fair and theHorticultural Show. The date of theformer was fixed for Saturday, May 7th,and the latter is to be held during theweek following. The desirability of es-

tablishing an "Arbor Day" here wasdiscussed at some length, and it was ar-

ranged to communicate at once with thePresident of the Board of Education onthe subject with the view of having ageneral holiday for school children es-

tablished for this excellent purjKse. An-

nouncements in regard to the Society'sFair will appear next week.

The Palace AVall.

The Minister of the Interior calls fortenders for sundry repairs to the fencewall of the Iolani Palace, and one set ofgates on the Likelike street side, to cor-

respond with gates now in position.Tenders will be received at the InteriorOffice up to 10 a. in. Saturday, November13th. Specifications can be seen at theoffice of the Superintendent of PublicWorks.


TacnsD.vY, Novemler 11th.Estate of Kaaimoilani, minor, petition


FESTIVITIESTo he held in honor of the

50tli lAnniversaryf His Majesty the King's Birthday.

Tuesday, November 16th.

Grand Reception and Hookupu, from 10 io 4o'clock, and in the evening Fire Works and Hon-olulu Fire Department's Torchlight Procewsion.

Wednesday, November 17th.

Regatta, from 9 o'clock a. m.

Thursday, November 18th.

Historical Procession, from 9 o'clock a. m.Baseball Tournament, from 1 o'clock p. m.Historical Tableaux, from 7 o'clock p, m.

Friday, November 19th.

Grand Ball, evening.

.Tuesday, November 23d.

Grand Luan.J

Saturday, Noveinber27th.

Horse Race.

Monday, November 29th.

Military Parade.

Thursday, December 2d.

State Dinner. 198 tf


Steam Navigation Co.(LIMITED.)


BATES ....Comma nde

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Konaand Kau, Hawaii.


FRKKMAN ...Commando

Will run regulwrly to Na'vi'.lvt Hi Kolna, Eleeleand Waimea. Kauai.


Will run regularly to Hamoa. Maui, and Kukni-hael- e.

HonoUaa and Paaubau. Hawaii.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. FOSTER, President.J. Esa, secretary.



1I3W A 1 If X fi:!j

JIThe undersigned gives notice that be will leinattendar.ee at the Palace grounds from hisdate to the lrth tiay of November, to receive thegifts of all who wish to express iheir loyalty andaloha for His Majesty King Kalukaua, on theoccasion of the

Celebrations-- OF-

Ilis Majesty's 50th liirlliilay.

The articles presented will he duly registeredand cared for as the free-wi- ll gifts of a lovingpeorle to their King, in accordance with thecustom of our country; and it is requested thatthey may he given in charge of the undersigned

t as early a date as possible.JOHN A. CUMMINS,

Marshal of Birthday Ceremonies.110oct!2tfw


I.iinitef i.

STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanoei ;.

Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalura, Makeiia. Man ti-

le ona KawaihneLHipnhoehoe. Hilo and Keauhou:Commencing on MONDAY. July 26, l.vSH, and

on everv alternate Monday at 4 p. m.,the Kinauwill make the VOLCANO 1KII reaching Keau-

hou on Wednesday morning, where horses andrarriaevs are in waiting to convey passengers tothe VOLCANO llOlK (tive miles in the saddleand nine milt ty carriage';.

Passengers hv this route will have two daysand two nishts at the VOLCANO HOL'Sf.


The Klnau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On Hilo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return (Saturdaymorning.

PASSKNGKIt TRAINS will connect with theKinau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL. TOUCH at Honokaia andPaauhau on down trips from Hilo tor Passengersif a signal is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.lLorenzeu, Commander,

i Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m. tori Kannakakai. Kahul, uillnelo. liana and

Kipabulu. every week: Keanae, Mokulaii and Nunevery other week. Returning, will stop at the

i above ports, arriving back Saturday mornings.For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA IIOU,; (Cameron. Commander),i Will leave regularly for IhninH. 1'a.unlinu, Ko-- !

holalele, Ookala. Knkr.iau, Honohina, Ijmpahoe- -

hoe. Hakaiau and Onomea

STEAMERMOKOLILj (McGregor, ComniKiirtert.

j Leaves for the folh-wi- r g pcrts evtry nltrnateMonday at p. in.:

Commencing A lunst 2 To I ft a', Kaiv:lo. Pn-ko- o,

Lahainn. Clov. ji'u. Returning to Lnbaina.Pukoo. Ei'.malo, Lamd. arriving at Honolulu Sat-urda- v

morning.Com.nencing August 9 To Kaur.akakai. Kama-lo- .

Pukoo, Halawa. Vi r.ilau, Pelekunn. Kalaupapa.Returning to Pukoo, I.nb;.;nH. Obw:i!n. I aliMina.Pukoo, Knmalo, Kniinafc-kii- i. arriving at Hono-lulu Saturday morning.

y The Company will not be responsible lorany freight or packages unless roceipted or, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will he taken of Live Stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L G. WILDER, Present,s. B. P.OSK, Secretary.

OFFICF ''orner Fort and Queen streets.5r)-l- y Mar 80

1876. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.

BUILDER.75 and 77 KLiufy Street, - - - - Honolulu,

Bell Telephone No. 275. fl5 MiiIiihI Telephone No. 63.


Lumber and. Coal,Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BCII.BKKS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, MattingCorrelated Iron, Portland Cement : KTKKf. NAIIX, much superior to Iron, and cost but littlemore.



Stoves, Ranges nnd

Plumbing, Tin, CopperC7

)r guardianship. Mr. S. B. Dole fori


A' '1- -
