IES JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA 3º ESO B BILINGÜE · Bachillerato se van a Londres por unos días a...

JIMÉNEZ TIMES IES JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA 3º ESO B BILINGÜE Número 3 CURSO 2015 REPORTAJES EBOLA The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness which is often fatal if untreated. CHARLIE HEBDO MUSLIM ZEALDIS INTERVIEW LUCAS THE TEACHER OF ACADEMY B&H (SANTA FE) The Institute of America in Santa Fe has an exhibition that provides the details of the first voyage of Christopher Columbus ended with the discovery of America. This exhibition , produced and designed by the Institute of America, is because Santa Fe, needed a cultural facility that teaches one of the most important events that originated here. The exhibition is divided into three parts: preparations , travel and the discovery of the new world. And in it you can find original elements as much as false ones. In addition, you can enjoy things, paintings , weapons and artifacts. This exhibition is permanent and can be visited from Tuesday to Saturday in the afternoon, from 17.00 to 21.00 hours

Transcript of IES JIMÉNEZ DE QUESADA 3º ESO B BILINGÜE · Bachillerato se van a Londres por unos días a...


Número 3 CURSO 2015


EBOLA The Ebola virus causes an acute, serious illness

which is often fatal if untreated.





The Institute of America in Santa

Fe has an exhibition that provides

the details of the first voyage of

Christopher Columbus ended

with the discovery of America.

This exhibition , produced and designed by the

Institute of America, is because Santa Fe,

needed a cultural facility that teaches one of the

most important events that originated here.

The exhibition is divided into three parts:

preparations , travel and the discovery of the

new world. And in it you can find original

elements as much as false ones.

In addition, you can enjoy things, paintings ,

weapons and artifacts.

This exhibition is permanent and can be visited

from Tuesday to Saturday in the afternoon, from

17.00 to 21.00 hours

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


Teresa Sánchez Ruiz



Enrique Molina CCSS

J.Antonio Pérez Biología

Juan Becerra Francés

Teresa Sánchez Lengua

Matilde Gordo Inglés

Carmen Sáez Inglés

Ana Orgaz Ciudadanía


CURSO 2014-2015



Viaje de inmersión a Londres_22-26-Junio 2015_

IES Jiménez de Quesada

“Ya casi estamos preparando las maletas para

Londres”, ¡Que ilusión!

Este curso un grupo de 16 alumnos de 4º ESO y 1º

Bachillerato se van a Londres por unos días a finales

de Junio acompañados por dos profesores del

centro, Margarita de Valdivia, inglés, y Enrique

Molina, ciencias sociales, allí practicaran de una

manera más comunicativa el idioma asistiendo a

clase, además de conocer los lugares más

emblemáticos de la ciudad y acercarse más a la

cultura anglosajona; una buena toma de contacto

para empezar, ya que convivirán con familias

inglesas en las que se alojaran durante su estancia

en la capital inglesa.

¡Qué os divirtáis!¡Buen viaje!

Bilinguial coordinador Margarita De Valdívia


Álvaro Alcaide

Jaime Camacho

Juan de Dios Carmona

Alejandro Cuéllar

Rosa Díaz

Sergio Galiana

Francisco García

Paula García

María José García

Victoria García

Anabel Garrido

Vanesa López

Elena Marañón

José Marruecos

Aarón Martín

Alberto Martín

Moisés Martínez

Jerónimo Martínez

Raúl Navarro

Inés Nieto

Andrea Ortega

Miguel Pérez

David Pérez

Ana Belén Pérez

Inés Rodríguez

Paola Rodríguez

Ana Rodríguez

Elena Ruiz

Gerardo Salguero

María Salguero

Manuel Salvatierra

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


Los alumnos de 3ºESO, nos dan su opinión sobre el centro y proponen nuevos cambios

Debería haber más actividades extraescolares ,

por lo menos en el curso de 3ª ESO ,

mejoraría la convivencia entre compañeros y


Mejorar las instalaciones , en el tercer trimestre

pasamos mucha calor en las clases

Debería haber menos alumnos por aula , a veces

las actividades orales son imposibles .

Trabajar en grupo en clase mejoraría la

convivencia y el compañerismo

En general el alumnado de Tercero creemos

que las actividades en grupo y las excursiones

mejorarían los problemas de convivencia




En mi opinión es la mejor opción ,porque hoy

día te exigen un buen nivel de Inglés para

cualquier carrera o trabajo . También nos

proporciona que estemos más preparados para

salir a estudiar a otro país

Yo creo que estar en Bilingüe es una buena

opción , aunque claro , es mucho más difícil .Yo

me cambié en 2º ESO a bilingüe y pasé de

sacar 9 y 10 a sacar 8 y 7 . Necesita un gran

esfuerzo y fuerza de voluntad

Es bueno para el futuro porque nos prepara para

cuando tengamos que hacer una carrera , ya que

en casi todas las profesiones hoy día te piden el


Lo malo que le veo es que asignaturas como

Sociales y Biología necesitan más estudio , ya

que debemos estudiar vocabulario específico de

dichas materias

El Bilingüismo ha mejorado bastante mi inglés

,tanto en gramática como en vocabulario , a la

hora de hablarlo . Al principio cuesta , pero con

el tiempo se va volviendo más fácil . Lo malo es

que en las asignaturas de CCSS y Biología el

esfuerzo es mayor , ya que nos tenemos que

estudiar ciertos términos en español e inglés

Tiene ventajas e inconvenientes , es verdad que

sales más preparado en inglés pero encuentro

como desventaja que al acabar la ESO no

aparezca nada en el expediente que certifique

estos años de bilingüe

Nuestro nivel de inglés se ve muy mejorado con

respecto a otros cursos

Los exámenes son más complicados .

En estos años he estado muy a gusto , aunque

haya tenido que estudiar más . Creo que merece

la pena el esfuerzo



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


The Ebola virus causes an acute,

serious illness which is often fatal if


The current outbreak in west Africa is the

largest and most complex Ebola outbreak

since the Ebola virus was firs discovered in

1976.The most severely affected countries

Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liveria have very

weak health systems, lacking human and

infrastructural resources, having only

recently emerged from long periods of

conflict and and instability. On August 8, the

WHO Director-General declared this

outbreak a Public Health Emergency of

international Concern.


The Ebola virus is introduced into the human

population by contact with organs, blood,

secretions or body fluids of infected animals. In

Africa have been documented cases associated

with handling of chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit

bats, monkeys, antelopes and porcupines

infected had been found dead or sick in the


After, the virus spreads in the community

through transmission from person to person by

direct contact or indirect contact with

contaminated materials such liquids.

Natural host of the Ebola virus

It is considered that possibly fruit bats are the

natural hosts of the Ebola virus in Africa.

Signs and symptoms

The evola is a severe acute viral disease that is

often characterized by the sudden onset of

fever, intense weakness, muscle pain,

headache and sore throat, which is followed by

vomiting, diarrhea, rash, renal and hepatic

dysfunction and in some cases, internal and

external bleeding.

Patients are contagious as long as the virus is

present in blood and secretions. The incubation

period ranges


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Prevention and treatment There is no vaccine against Ebola. Are being tried several vacine, but none are yet available for clinical use. Severe cases require intensive care. The patients are frequently dehydrated and need intravenous rehydration or oral solutions containing electrolytes. There is no any specific treatment, although they are evaluating new drug therapies.

Spanish priest infected

with Ebola virus “stable”

but “slightly disoriented”

A Spanish priest who has been infected with the Ebola virus arrived in Spain this morning. Miguel Pajares was brought to the Madrid airbase of Torrejón de Ardoz by plane from Liberia, and touched down at around 8.10am. He is the first infected European to be repatriated to his country since the latest outbreak of the virus began in March. The United States has already brought two of its citizens who

have the Ebola virus back to American soil


Sanidad activa en Valencia el protocolo de actuación ante una sospecha de ébola Una vacuna experimental logra curar el ébola en monos La OMS se culpa por su respuesta ante el ébola: "No fuimos agresivos al alertar al mundo" Kenia, medidas desesperadas para salvar el turismo del ébola y la inseguridad Ver más en:

There is no any specific treatment, although they are

evaluating new drug therapies

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Babies with three genetic parents

This is the name given to babies born with a

new assisted reproductive technology that

allows the creation of embryos with genetic

material from 3 different people. Although we

should call it as the technology of the two

genetic parents as only employs 0.002% of the

genetic material of the third person.

These new developments will supouse the

reproductive solution to more than 150 couples

who each year see their desire truncated due to

mitochondrial diseases.


Method 1

-Ovules from a mother with ill mitochondria

and are collected from a donor.

-The core, which contains most of the genetic

material, is separated from the two ovuly.

The genes of the donor ovule is destroyed.

-The core of the mother is inserted into the

ovule of the donor, with healthy

mitochondria. Then is fertilized by sperm

from the father.

Method 2

-The eggs of the mother and the donor are

fertilized with the father's sperm to create two


-The pronucleus, as is called the core during the

process of fertilization, contains most of the

genetic material.

-The two embryos of the pronuclei are

separated, and the donor one is destroyed.

-A healthy embryo is created by placing the

pronucleus of parents in the embryo from the


Alana, the baby with three DNA


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15





The Cold War was a political, economic, social,

military, informative and even sports

confrontation started after the Second World

War, whose origin is usually placed in 1947

during the stresses of war, and lasted until the

dissolution of the Union Soviet (beginning of

Perestroika in 1985, fall of the Berlin Wall in

1989 and the coup in the USSR, 1991), between

the Western-capitalist blocs led by the United

States, and Eastern-communist led by the Soviet

Union. The reasons for this confrontation were

essentially ideological and political. While these

clashes failed to trigger a world war, the entity

and the severity of the economic, political and

ideological conflicts, which undertook

significantly marked much of the history of the

second half of the twentieth century. The two

superpowers certainly wanted to implement

their model of government worldwide. The

capitalist country was the United States and the

communist USSR


It is a concept that Islam is not a religious

obligation for Muslims. In Castilian this word is

translated as effort and 41 appears in the Koran

and how often the idiomatic expression effort in

the way of God. Those who participate and are

committed to jihad are known as Mujahideen.


Khomeini became a prominent Islamic

theologian, wrote more than 20 books on these

subjects and in 1962 became Head of the Shiite

community in Iran. Prominent critic of the

Pahlavi dynasty since 1930, was arrested in

1963 for opposing liberalization measures (such

as land reform and emancipation of women) and

went into exile, first in Turkey and then in Iraq,

where he lived (1964 ) in the Shiite holy city of

an-Najaf. When he was expelled from Iraq

(1978), found shelter in a suburb of Paris. From

there he continued his campaign against the

regime of Shah Reza Pahlavi and against his

main supporter, United States. Khomeini made

tape recordings inciting massive disobedience.

These were smuggled into Iran and issued to

people for shortwave radios. Back to Iran in

February 1979, after the Shah fled, Khomeini

chaired the Islamic Revolution of Iran actually

removed all Western influence, and any possible

opposition to Shiite theocracy.


Those who participate and are committed

to jihad are known as Mujahideen.

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


Al Qaida is a paramilitary jihadist organization

that employs terrorist practices and poses as a

Islamic resistance movement around the world,

while it is commonly cited as a network of

international terrorism. Its founder, leader and

largest contributor was Osama bin Laden

(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, March 10, 1957 -

Abbottabad, Pakistan, May 1, 2011), Saudi-born

billionaire who studied Religion and Economics

at the University of King Abdul Aziz.


Sunni movement that demands a return to the origins

of Islam based on the Quran and the sunna.


The pretension is anathema. This active in

Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Nigeria. Its

objective is the establishment of Sharia. The

group was formed by Ustaz Mohammed Yusuf.

In 2013 she starred attacks on schools. In 2014

Boko Haram burning alive 60 students at a

Christian school.


The XXI century poses to the Arab and Islamic

world a challenge that can make your future for

generations. The Arabs are very concerned

about the cultural manterer and its

independence from the superiority of the West

and its ubiquitous globarizacion. Proof of this is

the huge volume almost a flood of Arabic

literature on globarización and its dangers and

hundreds of seminars workshops and

conferences focused on Islam and its

globarización, elegados Arab and Islamic and

national and cultural identity.

However, Arab intellectuals adopt three

different aptitudes towards globarización. They

are those who reject it because it is the most

advanced stage of imperialismoy a cultural

invasion that threatens to dominate the

people, undermining its unique cultural identity

and destroy his legacy, its authenticity, its

beliefs and national identity.


The Arab-Israeli war of 1948, also known as

independence war or war of liberation. This was

the first conflict in a series of wars between

Israel and its Arab neighbors. Frame this war

the beginning of what they call Nakba

(catastrophe). United nations agreed on the

participation of British Mandate of Palestine

into two states: one Jewish (55%) and the Arab

rest except internationalized Jerusalem would be



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15





By: Paula Cristina García Gutiérrez, Vanesa López

Álvarez, Inés Nieto Sánchez, Paola Rodríguez Atienza

and Ana María Rodríguez Carreño – 3º ESO-B


Domestic violence in Spain

Women that are often abused in Spain are

around 40 years old and 65% of them are

married or separated. The majority of these

woman do not have a job, which increases

their fear of separation.

Regarding complaints, a lot of women don't

report their situation to the police for fear of

being killed by their aggressors. But other

women that denounce their case aren't enough

catered, so their abusers continue mistreating


12.5% of Spanish women has suffered

domestic violence at some time in their


The security of battered women is based on

the distance of their aggressors and the

protection of the victims, but still many

women die because they do not get enough


12.5% of Spanish women 16 and over has

suffered domestic violence at some time in

their lives, and 2.7% have suffered it in the

past year, according to a macro-survey

commissioned by the Centre for Sociological

Research and the Ministry of Health, Social

Services and Equality. In 64.2% of the cases,

minor children also suffered abuse.

The survey, recently presented by the minister,

Alfonso Alonso, and the governmental

delegate for Gender Violence, Blanca

Hernández, is based on a sample of 10,171

women aged 16 and over who have been

asked about specific aspects of psychological

control, emotional, economic, physical and

sexual violence, within and outside the couple.

According to the results, 12.5% of women

aged 16 and over has experienced physical or

sexual violence by their partner or ex-partner,

and 13% felt ever afraid of their partners

throughout their life. This figure represents an

increase compared to 10.9% who said they

had experienced gender violence in 2011.

However, the 2011 survey had only asked

adult women about the past 10 years in their

lives, while the new one has also asked 16-

and 17-year-old women addressing violence

in their lifetime. But, in fact, the new results

show that the rate rises among young women:

25.4% of 16- and 17-year-old women have

experienced gender violence in the last 12

months, compared to 21.9% claiming to have

suffered from emotional violence, and 10.8%

identifying economic violence.



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15




Bullying in schools is a worldwide problem

that can have negative consequences for the

general school climate.

Although much of the formal research on

bullying has taken place in the Scandinavian

countries, Great Britain, and Japan, the

problems associated with bullying have been

noted wherever formal schooling

environments exist.

Different types of bullying are ofteasing,

taunting, threatening, hitting and stealing, and

these behaviours are initiated by one or more

students against a victim.

Extent of the Problem

Various reports and studies have established

that approximately 15% of students are

bullied regularly or are initiators of bullying


Direct bullying seems to increase through the

elementary years, peak in the middle

school/junior-high school years, and decline

during the high school years.

However, while direct physical assault seems

to decrease with age, verbal abuse appears to

remain constant.

Characteristics of Bullies and Victims

Students who participate in bullying

behaviors seem to have a need to feel

powerful and in control. They appear to

derive satisfaction from inflicting injury and

suffering on others, seem to have little

empathy for their victims, and often defend

their actions by saying that their victims

provoke them in some way. Bullying

behaviors are generally defiant and

oppositional toward adults, antisocial, and apt

to break school rules. Students who are

victims of bullying are typically anxious,

insecure, cautious, and suffer from low self-

esteem. They may lack social skills and

friends, and they are often socially insulated.

Victims tend to be close to their parents, who

can be described as overprotective. The major

defining physical characteristic of victims is

that they tend to be physically weaker than

their partners --although they may have also

other physical characteristics such as

overweight, weard clothing, or wearing


How to prevent bulling

Parents, school staff, and other adults in the

community can help kids prevent bullying by

talking about it, building a safe school

environment, and creating a community-wide

bullying prevention strategy.

How to talk about bulliyng: parents, teachers

and other adults have a role to play in

preventing bullying. They can help kids

understand bullying, keep the lines of

communication open, encourage kids to do

what they love, and model how to treat others

with kindness and respect.

Prevention at school: Bullying can threaten

students’ physical and emotional safety at

school and can negatively impact their ability

to learn.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



L’attentat contre Charlie Hebdo est une

attaque terroriste islamiste perpétrée par

Chérif et Saïd Kouachi le 7 janvier 2015 à

Paris, jour de la sortie du numéro 1177 de

l'hebdomadaire. C'est le premier des attentats

de janvier 2015 en France.

Vers 11 h 30, les frères Kouachi pénètrent

dans le bâtiment abritant les locaux du journal

satirique Charlie Hebdo armés de fusils

d’assaut et y assassinent onze personnes, dont

huit membres de la rédaction.

Les victimes de la tuerie sont les dessinateurs

Cabu, Charb, Honoré, Tignous et Wolinski, la

psychanalyste Elsa Cayat, l'économiste

Bernard Maris, le policier Franck Brinsolaro

qui assurait la protection de Charb, le

correcteur Mustapha Ourrad, Michel Renaud,

fondateur du festival Rendez-vous du carnet

de voyage invité pour l'occasion, et Frédéric

Boisseau, un agent de la société Sodexo, en

charge de la maintenance du bâtiment.

Le bilan final est de douze personnes

assassinées et de onze autres blessées, donc

quatre grièvement.

Les deux auteurs du massacre sont abattus

deux jours plus tard par le GIGN, dans une

imprimerie où ils s'étaient retranchés, à

Dammartin-en-Goële, au nord de Paris. Les

assassins se réclamaient d'Al-Qaïda dans la

péninsule Arabique (AQPA), qui revendique

ensuite officiellement l'attentat

Parallèlement, un complice des frères

Kouachi, Amedy Coulibaly, assassine une

policière municipale à Montrouge le 8 janvier

puis, le lendemain, tue quatre personnes de

confession juive au cours d'une prise d'otages

dans une supérette casher porte de Vincennes,

qui s'achève le même jour avec sa mort lors

de l'assaut policier.

Le retentissement de ces événements est

considérable, aussi bien en France qu'à

l'étranger: des manifestations de soutien ont

lieu dans de nombreuses villes de France et

dans le monde. Quarante-quatre chefs d'État

et de gouvernement participent à Paris à une

«marche républicaine» le dimanche 11 janvier

2015, qui rassemble plus d'un million et demi

de personnes, tandis que sur deux journées,

plus de quatre millions de Français défilent

sur tout le territoire




JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



L’exprésident français Nicolas Sarkozy et

Carla Bruni passaient le temps à essayer de

résoudre leurs différences. Ils n'ont finalement

pas pu régler la situation et, en ce moment, ils

ne sont plus ensemble. La distance provoquée

par leurs engagements professionnels semble

avoir été le motif qui les a amenés à prendre

la décision de se séparer. Leur relation a

commencé en 2007. Bien que les rumeurs des

problèmes dans leur relation aient été

constantes, Carla Bruni les démentait

seulement quelques jours avant la nouvelle de

la séparation de son mari.

HEURE DE POINTE!!!! Vous rappelez-vous de la chanteuse

Isabelle Geffroy? Et ... de sa chanson Je veux?

Et … savez-vous pourquoi elle a écrit cette

chanson? Je vais vous le dire tout de suite:

elle a décidé de l'écrire parce qu'elle se sentait

triste et elle voulait se sentir mieux et parce

qu'elle a pensé qu'être pauvre ou riche n'a

aucune importance pour elle.

La chanson Je veux de Zaz (le groupe

d'Isabelle Geffroy) est la plus fameuse.

UNE AUTRE NOUVELLE!! La majorité des étudiants de France peuvent

apprendre à lire un livre de 300 pages en

moins d'une heure!!

Letra de Je Veux

Donnez moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas ! Des bijoux de chez CHANEL, je n'en veux pas !

Donnez moi une suite au Ritz, je n'en veux pas !

Des bijoux de chez CHANEL, je n'en veux pas !

Donnez moi une limousine, j'en ferais quoi ?


Offrez moi du personnel, j'en ferais quoi ?

Un manoir a Neufchatel, ce n'est pas pour moi.

Offrez moi la Tour Eiffel, j'en ferais quoi ?


Refrain: Je Veux d'l'amour, d'la joie, de la bonne humeur, ce n'est pas votre argent qui f'ra mon bonheur, moi j'veux crever la main sur le coeur papalapapapala allons ensemble, découvrir ma liberté, oubliez donc tous vos clichés, bienvenue dans ma réalité. J'en ai marre de vos bonnes manières, c'est trop pour moi ! Moi je mange avec les mains et j'suis comme ça ! J'parle fort et je suis franche, excusez moi ! Finie l'hypocrisie moi j'me casse de là ! J'en ai marre des langues de bois ! Regardez moi, toute manière j'vous en veux pas et j'suis comme çaaaaaaa (j'suis comme çaaa)


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15




“The differences are becoming

less time, but here in Spain family

is more important “


When and where did you born?


I was born in Michigan in 19768.


How old are you?


I'm thirty six years old.


When was the first time you visited Spain?


In the Christmas of 2003


What did you like the most?


The relax in the atmosphere, for example

people don't stress out.


What difference do you apreciate between

Spain and EEUU?


The differences are becoming less time, but

here in Spain family is more important in

Spain. People still care about thing that aren't

related to money like family or friends,

relaxing, enjoy your free time. They work to

live, they aren't married with their jobs like in



In your opinion, what country have got more




Here in Spain there's a lot of people that need

to learn english and is easy to find a work but

in terms of live I think Spain have got more



How do you live in EEUU?


In the USA I definitely spend a lot of time on

cars, so you spend a lot of time but basicly

there's a lot of space between one site to

another. I felt like I live in a bubble.


How was your childhood?


My childhood was good. My parents gave me

a lot of freedom so I practise a lot of sports. I

was very good at tennis, another times I spend

a lot of time reading.


Is EEUU like in films?


Is very similar, but there are a lot of differents

types of films and places. I think that USA is

more scarier then in the films.


What is the difference between English

people and Spanish one?


Spanish people work because they have to

work, however American ones are married

with teir works, but are more polite.

Centro De Idiomas B&H (Santa Fe)

Calle Ronda de Belen, 21, - Bajo - 18320 Santa Fe (Granada)




JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



SANTA FE _____________________________________

El aula municipal de teatro de Santa Fe se

lleva a cabo en la “Casa de la cultura José

Rodríguez Tabasco”.

En esta actividad los grupos se dividen por

distintas edades habiendo así cinco grupos,

representando distintas obras cada año. El

escenógrafo es José García.

Nuestro grupo está formado por gente desde

14 años hasta 20-21 años: Aranza, Héctor,

Ángela, Luis, Claudia, Ana A, Elvira, Ana

B,Cristina, Daniel, Beto, Judit, Lia, Erica,

Lucía, Elena y Andrea. Todos nos reunimos

una vez por semana durante dos horas.

Las clases son amenas y se realizan en el

propio escenario. Empezamos haciendo unos

juegos que nos ayudan a expresarnos mejor y

a perder la vergüenza.

El profesor elige una obra que se adapte a las

posibilidades del grupo y escoge el personaje

que mejor encaje con cada integrante del


A lo largo de estos años transcurridos desde el

comienzo de este taller se han realizado

distintos tipos de obras. Este año nuestro

grupo ha realizado una versión adaptada de

“Fuente Ovejuna”, una obra escrita por Lope

de Vega (1610).

La obra trata de un pueblo que se rebela

contra el Comendador (la máxima autoridad

del pueblo) defendiendo los derechos de la

mujer y la igualdad de los dos sexos; ya que

las mujeres son tan importantes como los

hombres, tanto en esta época como en la


Hemos estado preparando esta obra desde

septiembre (2014), ensayamos cada viernes y

ponemos en común las opiniones que tenemos

sobre cómo vamos desarrollando la obra. El

vestuario y el decorado lo hacemos nosotros

mismo ayudándonos unos a otros.

Las sensaciones que sientes el día del estreno

de la obra son inexplicables, las luces, el

público y el miedo a quedarte en blanco nos

afectan una y otra vez cada vez que pisamos

el escenario.

A continuación, algunos integrantes del grupo

de teatro nos contestarán a algunas preguntas

acerca de su experiencia:

-¿Qué cosas has aprendido del teatro?

Héctor: aprendí a romper con las barreras

sociales y a ser yo mismo.

Luis: me ha ayudado a expresarme mucho


Ángela: me enseñó a madurar de una forma

distinta porque me enseñó a confiar en mi

misma y en los demás.

-¿Por qué elegiste esta actividad?

Héctor: porque mis amigas me invitaron a

probarlo y luego no fui capaz de dejarlo.

Luis: improvisé, me lo dijo mi hermana y

Héctor, y enseguida dije que sí.

Ángela: yo desde pequeña era bastante tímida

y se apuntaron mis hermanos, y me animaron

y me apunté.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

-¿Cuándo comenzaste en teatro?

Héctor: yo empecé a los doce años y ya tengo


Luis: empecé hace tres meses.

Ángela: empecé a los ocho años y ahora

tengo diecisiete años.

-¿Cómo te sentiste en tu primera obra?¿Te

sigues sintiendo así cada vez que actúas?

Héctor: a penas recuerdo la primera vez que

actué de lo nervioso que estaba, hoy día sobre

el escenario me encuentro mucho más

cómodo que cuando hablo en la calle con una


Luis: estaba nervioso, pero sencillamente la

sensación fue brutal.

(La obra de “Fuente Ovejuna” ha sido su

primera obra)

Ángela: supongo que la primera obra se vive

de una manera diferente a las demás porque

era todo nuevo, lo de mostrarse y hablar

delante de un público, y conforme fui

haciendo más obras maduré y aprendí a

sentirme segura delante de un público. En la

última obra que hice sentí nervios antes de


-¿Qué es lo más difícil a lo que te has

enfrentado en esta actividad?

Héctor: me costó aprender a ser humilde. En

teatro empecé a destacar por mi buena voz y

eso disparó mi ego hasta el punto que empecé

a creerme por encima de mis propios

compañeros, con el tiempo, el cariño y el

afecto que me demostraron mis compañeros

me hizo darme cuenta que era uno más y mi

ego se vino abajo.

Luis: me resultó difícil aprenderme el texto

porque soy un desastre y dejo todas las cosas

para el final, lo que intensificó los nervios en

el momento de la obra.

Ángela: tener seguridad en mi misma en el




Luis: estaba nervioso, pero

sencillamente la sensación fue


Héctor: aprendí a romper con las barreras sociales y a ser yo mismo.

Os invitamos a que viváis esta experiencia



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Music and shows


Eurovision is music and entertainment.

There are defenders of the festival and

those who think that Spain should not

participate because "it's all politics and

Spain never win 'and if he wins Where

will the money come from to afford

next year? But the truth is that

Eurovision interests the public, as

evidenced by their audience data (last

year followed about 5 million people).

In the 50s the European Broadcasting

Union (EBU) launched the idea of an

international song festival where all

countries to participate in a TV show,

to be broadcast simultaneously in all

countries of the EBU.

The first edition of the Eurovision

Song Contest was held in Switzerland

on May 24, 1956. Seven countries

participated presenting two songs each,

giving a total of fourteen songs. This

was the only issue where a country

could play more than one song: since

1957 all competitions allowed only one

song per country.

The format of presentations has

changed over the years, but the basic

principles have always been the same:

the participating countries present their

songs, which are broadcast live on a

TV show that is broadcast

simultaneously in all countries EBU

members. This program prepares

exclusively one of the participating

countries and the transmission is sent

from the auditorium of the city where

the event is held. During this program,

after all songs interpreted, countries

come to vote for the songs he believes

to be the best, unable voted themselves.

At the end of the program, the song

with the most points is declared the

winner. The winner receives the

prestige of winning the festival, in

addition to the winning country is

honored to be the host of the next



In this edition will involve 40

countries. It will be held in Vienna

(Austria) on 19, 21 and 23 May 2015.

The theme of this year's Building



Suecia, ganadora de Eurovisión 2015


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15



Espagnole ou sarrasi

il n'est pas vue cité

Qui dispute sans ¡oh

A Grenade la jolie

La pomme de la bea

Et qui, gracieuse, éta

Plus de Rompe orieni

Sous un ciel plus enchanté


The route ends in Granada, with the best possible fina-le: the Alhambra and the Generalife. W. IRVING

Dejadme en Granada en medio del paraíso do el alma

siento henchida de poesía ya: dejadme hasta que

llegue mi término preciso y un canto digno de ella la

entonaré quizá. Si, quiero en esta tierra mi lápida

mortuoria; ¡Granada!... tú el santuario de la española

gloria: tu sierra es blanca tienda que el pabellón te da,

tus muros son el cerco de un gran jarrón de flores, tu

vega un chal morisco bordado de colores, tus torres

son palmeras en que prendido está.






Más vale pájaro en mano que ciento


Mieux vaut moineau en cage que poule

d'eau qui nage

Traducción literal: Más vale gorrión en jaula

que gallina de agua que nada

A bird in the hand is worth two in the


Traducción literal: Más vale pájaro en mano

que dos en el arbusto.

Marcador de uso: Muy usado

Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho

Il est plus facile de dire que de faire

Traducción literal: Es más fácil decir que


From word to deed is a great space

Traducción literal: De la palabra al hecho

hay un gran espacio

Cada oveja con su pareja

Chacun avec sa chacune

Birds of a feather flock together.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


The book traveller is a new invention, created

by us, José Hernández Montero and Ángela

Isla Casares, two Spanish students from I.E.S.

Jiménez de Quesada.

This amazing invention allows people to

travel into their favourite books, being the

character they choose; even you can create

their own character and change the story with

them, not alterating the essential things but

creating another type of situations.

Whatever, you can have a great and

unforgettable experience while you travel in

the pages of the book of your dreams.

We've created what every reader wants,

real or not?

-Real. (Adaptation of the last sentences of

“Mockingjay”, thrid book of “The Hunger







Eleanor Sutherland

Albert Einstein and Marie Curie were

pioneers in the world of science.

Emmeline Pankhurst and Martin Luther King

fought for human rights

Bill Gates and Tim Berners-Lee made the

computer an integral part of our daily lives.

They made information easily available and

instant communication possible.

These six people came from different time

periods, countries and backgrounds. Their

goals and visions were not the same, but they

all shared the desire and ambition to achieve

something important and meaningful. And all

six of them changed, and improved, our world.

Other selected titles for this level:


The war of the Worlds

Modern Masters


The book is the story by David Copperfield in his own life, from birth to old age, and those around him, for better or for worse. It starts the day he was born, coming into the world helped by Dr. Chillip, but his father was dead. Clara was the name of his mother, and his servant too, but she is called Pegotty. Betsy Trotwood is the aunt of Copperfield 's father, and visited to Clara the day that he born expecting help in raising the baby if it is a girl, however, is a boy. WORK DONE BY: PAOLA MARÍA RODRÍGUEZ ATIENZA


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

La alumna María Salguero de 3ªB nos

sorprende con sus hermosos poemas .

Enhorabuena y sigue por la senda de la



Puede que la vida haya sido injusta y traicionera conmigo, que me haya topado con piedras muy grandes incluso con volcanes que piensas que son inactivos pero al final resultan los más activos, te atacan cuando peor estas, ya

no es la lava ni el magma, sino la ceniza y el humo que cuando crees que todo ha pasado

vuelve y para hacer más daño, para no dejarte respirar e incluso para hacerte pensar que

mueres lenta y dolorosamente, pero… por ello siempre hay un destello, ese destello del cielo, pero el mío no está en el cielo, sino muy cerca

de mí, MI MADRE. Te quiero Mamá, gracias por todo, gracias por

ayudarme a esquivar esas piedras, ¡¡ ese volcán!! , por ayudarme y estar con migo. Gracias ¡¡Y NO TE DERRUMBES!! , porque detrás de ti vamos todos y yo la primera.


Hubiera caído en tu mirada De no ser por la maldad

Y frialdad de tu alma.

Para cuando la razón pierde

El sentido, para cuando el sentido

Pierde la razón.

No olvides que siempre hay un

Recuerdo que se olvida ese recuerdo

Olvidado eres tú.

Si por amor me consumo

Fue porque por amor me alimenté

Es tal el dolor que se adueña de mi vida

Que por costar, me cuesta abrir los ojos,

Dar un paso y olvidar.

No quise que te fueras, pero

El jinete llamó a tu puerta,

Y no pude protegerte.

Gritos, llantos, suspiros es

Lo único que me queda por vivir

Pero bendito elexir que se lleva

Mi último aliento para volvernos

A unir, a sentir.

Hablamos de ese presente

al que llamamos omnisciente.

Hablamos de ese después

que nos lleva al estrés.

Hablamos de ese futuro

que decimos que será duro.

Pero olvidamos ese pasado

que es el conjunto de lo formado.


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15


Floyd Mayweather, Jr. vs. Manny

Pacquiao, billed as The Fight of the

Century, Battle for Greatness or



Was a professional boxing gmatch between

the eight-division world champion Manny

Pacquiao and undefeated, five-division world

champion Floyd Mayweather, Jr. The fight

took place on May 2, 2015 at the MGM

Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Despite predictions that Mayweather–

Pacquiao would be the highest grossing fight

in history as early as 2009, disagreements

between the two professional boxers' camps

on terms for the fight prevented the bout from

coming to fruition until 2015. The failure to

arrange the Mayweather–Pacquiao fight was

named The Ring magazine Event of the Year

for 2010.

By 2015, negotiations for the fight had been

finalized, with all of the major issues that

have prevented the fight from happening in

the past resolved, including purse split, drug

testing, and location. On February 20, 2015,

Mayweather confirmed via a selfie app Shots

that he had indeed signed the fight, as

Pacquiao had already signed the contract of

the fight previously and the contract itself was

with Mayweather on that day. The contest

was agreed to be held on May 2, 2015.

Mayweather won the contest by unanimous

decision, with two judges scoring it 116–112

and the other 118–110

First negotiations

On December 5, 2009, ESPN reported that

Pacquiao signed a contract to fight

Mayweather on March 13, 2010. Shortly

afterward, Pacquiao denied ever signing a

contract to fight Mayweather, telling

FanHouse, "There are still some things that

need to be negotiated."On December 11,

Golden Boy Promotions sent an an eight-page

contract to Top Rank, proposing a 50–50

financial split for a fight to take place on

March 13, 2010. The contract was very

detailed, including such matters as who would

weigh-in first (Pacquiao), who would enter

the ring first (Pacquiao), and who would be

introduced first (Mayweather). The contract

included an HBO Pay-Per-View showing at a

cost of $59.95. Billing was to be

"Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, presented by Top

Rank, Golden Boy Promotions, Mayweather

Promotions and M-P Promotions in

association with [approved sponsors and the

site]." Also included in the contract was

Olympic-style drug testing. Venues for the

fight being discussed were Cowboys Stadium

in Arlington, TX, the MGM Grand Garden

Arena in Las Vegas and the Superdome in

New Orleans.

The winner was Floyd Mayweather Jr. but

there are a lot of critics. The combat of

century to tongo of century


JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

Futbol. Liga Española




La huelga planea sobre la Liga de Fútbol

Profesional después de que la Asociación de

Futbolistas Españoles (AFE) haya mostrado

su disconformidad con el Real Decreto

aprobado hace unos días para regular la venta

de los derechos de televisión del fútbol


Según ha podido contrastar ABC, la

posibilidad de que los futbolistas programen

un paro para la penúltima jornada de liga no

está descartada, aunque a estas horas se

trabaja para intentar solucionar el problema.

Luis Rubiales, presidente de la AFE, se

encuentra reunido con la Junta Directiva de la

Federación (RFEF) para buscar una salida al


Tras la reunión celebrada ayer por la Junta de

la AFE, los futbolistas decidieron no acepta el

actual reparto que regula el Real Decreto, en

el que en ningún momento se nombra al

sindicato como parte activa en los ingresos,

cuándo en otros países el sindicato de

futbolistas se lleva alrededor de un 1 por

ciento del total.

Además, el fútbol modesto -todo lo que no

son los clubes de Primera- se quedarían con

apenas el 10 por ciento del montante final,

lejos del 35 que obtienen los mismos clubes

en países como Francia.

De lo que se hable en la reunión entre

Rubiales y la RFEF dependerá buena parte de

la decisión que tomen los futbolistas en las

próximas horas, que podría paralizar el fútbol

español en la jornada en la que el Barcelona

podría proclamarse campeón de liga.

Have you ever dreamed of

flying? These sneakers

allow you to make your

dream come true. Yes,

friends, as you hear, these

are the new Air Predator.

Alejandro Vílchez and Óscar Díaz

What is the FiND-IT?

It is a microchip that you stick on

important objects and gives

you the exact position of it in every


This way, you will always know where your


valuable things are

Francisco Molina and Sebastián Figueras



JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15

JOKES -Where do mummies go for a swim?

-To the dead sea.

-What instrument do skellitens play ?


-What do you call 2 witches living together ?-


ENTERTAINMENT Une dame fait des reproches à son boulanger : - Je suis désolée de vous le dire, mais votre pain est rassis ! - Un peu de respect, Madame, je faisais du pain avant que vous ne soyez née ! - Justement, ce que je vous reproche, c’est de ne le vendre que maintenant !

Heure de passe-temps et de rires!!!

Cherche la meilleure route sans tomber dans les trous noirs


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3º ESO B

4º ESO B

JIMÉNEZ TIMES. Curso 2014/15