IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 28, NO. 1,JANUARY 2013 591 Survey on Reliability of Power Electronic Systems Yantao Song and Bingsen Wang, Senior Member, IEEE Abstract—With wide-spread application of power electronic sys- tems across many different industries, their reliability is being studied extensively. This paper presents a comprehensive review of reliability assessment and improvement of power electronic sys- tems from three levels: 1) metrics and methodologies of reliability assessment of existing system; 2) reliability improvement of exist- ing system by means of algorithmic solutions without change of the hardware; and 3) reliability-oriented design solutions that are based on fault-tolerant operation of the overall systems. The intent of this review is to provide a clear picture of the landscape of relia- bility research in power electronics. The limitations of the current research have been identified and the direction for future research is suggested. Index Terms—Fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant operation, power electronic systems, reliability. I. INTRODUCTION P OWER electronic systems play an increasingly important role in adjustable-speed drives, unified power quality cor- rection, utility interfaces with renewable energy resources, en- ergy storage systems, and electric or hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The power electronic techniques provide compact and high-efficient solutions to power conversion. However, intro- duction of power electronic techniques into these application fields challenges reliability of the overall systems. One of the concerns related to reliability lies in the power semiconductor devices and electrolytic capacitors that are the most vulnerable links. Most of power electronic converters are not equipped with redundancy. Therefore, any fault that occurs to the components or subsystems of the system will lead to shutdown of the system. These unscheduled interruptions not only cast significant safety concerns, but also increases system operation cost and partially offsets the benefits of introducing power electronic systems. For instance, in HEVs, faults of electric propulsion systems will im- pair fuel economy and lengthen cost recovery period [1]. For a photovoltaic (PV) generation system, the cost of failure is equal to the value of the energy that would be generated while the sys- tem is down plus the cost of repairing and replacing parts [2]. Over the past several decades, much attention has been di- rected to the reliability of power electronic systems. In [3]–[6], various metrics of evaluating system reliability are defined and Manuscript received February 15, 2012; revised March 21, 2012; accepted March 21, 2012. Date of current version September 11, 2012. Recommended for publication by Associate Editor A. Lindemann. The authors are with Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2192503 analyzed. In order to analyze the reliability of power electronic systems, mathematical estimation of reliability is necessary. Component-level failure models are studied extensively [3], [7]–[13], and several quantitative methodologies are presented to build system-level reliability models, both of which combine to give an accurate reliability prediction [5], [14], [15], [16], [17]. In many cases, the classic design cannot meet reliability re- quirement of specifications. Numerous solutions are proposed to improve the reliability. Active online monitoring, management of faults, and extending fault-tolerant operation by reconfigur- ing control strategies are among the commonly adopted methods to enhance reliability [18]–[29]. Since redundant design is an effective solution to maintain postfault operation and to thus re- duce the number of unexpected breakdown of systems, various power converter topologies equipped with redundant capability are proposed [30]–[48]. In view of the importance of reliability and much research carried out into it, it is considered a timely attempt to present a systematic perspective on the status of the power electronic reliability for engineering design and future research. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the reliabil- ity of power electronic systems. The composition of the review is based on three different scenarios. First, for any given system the reliability assessment or benchmarking is necessary before any reliability improvement effort is attempted. Second, if any reliability improvement of the system is deemed necessary, the algorithmic change may be preferred over significant hardware alternation. Third, the reliability assurance can be implemented in the design stage if the system is yet to be built. Based on these three scenarios, the organization of the subsequent text is as follows. Section II introduces fundamental theory of relia- bility that is relevant to this study. Several common reliability models are presented and compared in Section III. Section IV summarizes the existing methods that are commonly employed to enhance reliability of systems without fundamental change to the systems’ architectures. Such methods include active thermal and fault management and degraded operation under faulted situations. Section V introduces concepts of redundancy and modified power electronic systems that are equipped with re- dundant functionalities. The concluding remarks and discussion are summarized in Section VI. II. RELIABILITY PREDICTION METRICS The first step in evaluating and improving system reliability is to determine what metrics to analyze. Because metrics al- ways reflect the design goals, any information that is utilized to determine the metrics shall be based on requirements from customers and careful consideration of intended applications. The commonly adopted metrics for the evaluation of power electronic systems encompass reliability, failure rate, mean 0885-8993/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE


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Survey on Reliability of Power Electronic SystemsYantao Song and Bingsen Wang, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—With wide-spread application of power electronic sys-tems across many different industries, their reliability is beingstudied extensively. This paper presents a comprehensive reviewof reliability assessment and improvement of power electronic sys-tems from three levels: 1) metrics and methodologies of reliabilityassessment of existing system; 2) reliability improvement of exist-ing system by means of algorithmic solutions without change ofthe hardware; and 3) reliability-oriented design solutions that arebased on fault-tolerant operation of the overall systems. The intentof this review is to provide a clear picture of the landscape of relia-bility research in power electronics. The limitations of the currentresearch have been identified and the direction for future researchis suggested.

Index Terms—Fault diagnosis, fault-tolerant operation, powerelectronic systems, reliability.


POWER electronic systems play an increasingly importantrole in adjustable-speed drives, unified power quality cor-

rection, utility interfaces with renewable energy resources, en-ergy storage systems, and electric or hybrid electric vehicles(HEVs). The power electronic techniques provide compact andhigh-efficient solutions to power conversion. However, intro-duction of power electronic techniques into these applicationfields challenges reliability of the overall systems. One of theconcerns related to reliability lies in the power semiconductordevices and electrolytic capacitors that are the most vulnerablelinks. Most of power electronic converters are not equipped withredundancy. Therefore, any fault that occurs to the componentsor subsystems of the system will lead to shutdown of the system.These unscheduled interruptions not only cast significant safetyconcerns, but also increases system operation cost and partiallyoffsets the benefits of introducing power electronic systems. Forinstance, in HEVs, faults of electric propulsion systems will im-pair fuel economy and lengthen cost recovery period [1]. For aphotovoltaic (PV) generation system, the cost of failure is equalto the value of the energy that would be generated while the sys-tem is down plus the cost of repairing and replacing parts [2].

Over the past several decades, much attention has been di-rected to the reliability of power electronic systems. In [3]–[6],various metrics of evaluating system reliability are defined and

Manuscript received February 15, 2012; revised March 21, 2012; acceptedMarch 21, 2012. Date of current version September 11, 2012. Recommendedfor publication by Associate Editor A. Lindemann.

The authors are with Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824 USA (e-mail:[email protected]; [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2012.2192503

analyzed. In order to analyze the reliability of power electronicsystems, mathematical estimation of reliability is necessary.Component-level failure models are studied extensively [3],[7]–[13], and several quantitative methodologies are presentedto build system-level reliability models, both of which combineto give an accurate reliability prediction [5], [14], [15], [16],[17]. In many cases, the classic design cannot meet reliability re-quirement of specifications. Numerous solutions are proposed toimprove the reliability. Active online monitoring, managementof faults, and extending fault-tolerant operation by reconfigur-ing control strategies are among the commonly adopted methodsto enhance reliability [18]–[29]. Since redundant design is aneffective solution to maintain postfault operation and to thus re-duce the number of unexpected breakdown of systems, variouspower converter topologies equipped with redundant capabilityare proposed [30]–[48]. In view of the importance of reliabilityand much research carried out into it, it is considered a timelyattempt to present a systematic perspective on the status of thepower electronic reliability for engineering design and futureresearch.

This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the reliabil-ity of power electronic systems. The composition of the reviewis based on three different scenarios. First, for any given systemthe reliability assessment or benchmarking is necessary beforeany reliability improvement effort is attempted. Second, if anyreliability improvement of the system is deemed necessary, thealgorithmic change may be preferred over significant hardwarealternation. Third, the reliability assurance can be implementedin the design stage if the system is yet to be built. Based onthese three scenarios, the organization of the subsequent text isas follows. Section II introduces fundamental theory of relia-bility that is relevant to this study. Several common reliabilitymodels are presented and compared in Section III. Section IVsummarizes the existing methods that are commonly employedto enhance reliability of systems without fundamental change tothe systems’ architectures. Such methods include active thermaland fault management and degraded operation under faultedsituations. Section V introduces concepts of redundancy andmodified power electronic systems that are equipped with re-dundant functionalities. The concluding remarks and discussionare summarized in Section VI.


The first step in evaluating and improving system reliabilityis to determine what metrics to analyze. Because metrics al-ways reflect the design goals, any information that is utilizedto determine the metrics shall be based on requirements fromcustomers and careful consideration of intended applications.The commonly adopted metrics for the evaluation of powerelectronic systems encompass reliability, failure rate, mean

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Fig. 1. Typical failure rate curve as a function of time.

time to failure (MTTF), mean time to repair (MTTR), andavailability.

A. Reliability

Reliability is defined as the probability that an item (compo-nent, subsystem, or system) performs required functions for anintended period of time under given environmental and oper-ational conditions [2]. The reliability function R(t) representsthe probability that the system will operate without failures overa time interval [0, t].

The reliability of a system is dependent on the time in consid-eration. The reliability typically decreases as the time in consid-eration progresses. For commercial products, the time shouldcover the warranty time.

B. Failure Rate

The failure rate of an item is an indication of the “proneness tofailure” of the item after time t has elapsed. Fig. 1 shows a typicalfailure rate curve as a function of time, which is commonlyknown as the bathtub curve. The shape of the bathtub curvein Fig. 1 suggests that the life cycle of an item can be dividedinto three different periods: the burn-in period, the useful lifeperiod, and the wear-out period. Although an item is subjected toquite extensive test procedure and much of the infant mortality isremoved before they are put into use, undiscovered defects in anitem during the process of design or production lead to the highfailure rate in the burn-in period. When the item survives in theinitial burn-in period, the failure rate tends to stabilize at a levelwhere it remains relatively constant for a certain period of timebefore the item begins to wear out. While in wear-out period,systems have finished their required missions. Therefore, thefailure rate in useful life time is important to carry out reliabilityanalysis.

The failure rate λ(t) is related to the reliability function R(t)by

λ(t) = limΔt→0

R(t) − R(t + Δt)R(t)Δt

= − 1R(t)



where Δt is a time interval with Δt > 0. The reliability R(t)is determined from the failure rate λ(t) with the consideration

of R(0) = 1, i.e., the item is fully functional at the initial state

R(t) = e−∫ t

0λ(τ )dτ

. (2)

In many reliability models, the failure rates of componentsand subsystems are assumed independent of time, although thisassumption has limitations [4], [49]. With the assumption ofλ(t) = λ, (2) is simplified to

R(t) = e−λt . (3)

The failure rate is then estimated from the mean number offailures per unit time, which is expressed in failures in time(FIT)

1 FIT = 10−9 failure/hour. (4)

C. Mean Time to Failure

The MTTF is the expected time before a failure occurs. Un-like reliability, MTTF does not depend on a particular period oftime. It gives the average time in which an item operates with-out failing. MTTF is a widely quoted performance metric forcomparison of various system designs. This indicator reflectslife distribution of an item. Nonetheless, it does not convey theinformation that a longer MTTF than the mission time meansthat the system is highly reliable within mission time.

The relationship between MTTF and reliability function isdescribed by

MTTF =∫ +∞

0R(t)dt (5)

where R(t) is the reliability function. When the failure rate λ(t)is constant λ, the expression for MTTF is simplified to

MTTF =1λ

. (6)

D. Mean Time to Repair

The (MTTR) is the mean repair time that it takes to eliminatea failure and to restore the system to a specified state. The repairtime depends on maintainability, such as effective diagnosis offaults, replaceable components at hand, and so on.

E. Availability and Average Availability

The availability is the probability that a system will be func-tioning at a given time. The average availability denotes themean portion of the time the system is operating over a givenperiod of time. For a repairable system, if it is repaired to an “asgood as new” condition every time it fails, the average availabil-ity is

Aavg =MTTF

MTTF + MTTR. (7)

Therefore, availability improvement entails increasing MTTFand decreasing MTTR. The main limitation associated with themetric of average availability lies in the fact that it cannot reflectfrequency of failures or maintenances required. Hence, it is

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only utilized to assess the repairable systems where the primaryconcern is availability rather than reliability.



Reliability evaluation is important for design and operationmanagement of the systems. Quantitative assessment of relia-bility for power electronic converters is essential in determiningwhether a particular design meets certain specifications. It alsoserves as a criterion to compare different topologies, controlstrategies, and components. Moreover, the accurate reliabilityprediction gives a valuable guidance to management of the sys-tem operation and maintenance. All reliability analysis involvessome forms of models, which are either at the component levelor at the system level.

A. Component-Level Reliability Models

For power electronic systems, reliability research at the com-ponent level has been mainly focused on failure rate modelsfor the key components in power circuits, such as power semi-conductors, capacitors, and magnetic devices [1], [5], [14], [15],[16], [50]. Field experiences have demonstrated that electrolyticcapacitors and power switching devices such as insulated gatebipolar transistors (IGBTs) and metal–oxide field-effect transis-tors (MOSFETs) are the most vulnerable components. Magneticcomponents are much more reliable and feature failure rates thatare more than one order of magnitude lower than those of otherpower devices [2], [51]. There are numerous reliability mod-els available for these electronic components. Empirical-basedmodels, which typically rely on observed failure data to quantifymodel variables, are most widely employed to analyze the reli-ability of components. The premise is that the valid failure-ratedata are readily available either from field applications or fromlaboratory tests.

There are many empirical-based reliability models of elec-tronic devices, but the military handbook for the reliabilityprediction of electronic equipment (Military-Handbook-217) iswell known and widely accepted in both military and industrialapplications [7]. MIL-217 provides an extensive database formany different types of parts. It is intended to provide a uniformdatabase for reliability prediction without substantial reliabilityexperience of a particular component. However, the reliabilityhandbook is criticized for several limitations [8]. One of the lim-itations is that the models in MIL-217 assume constant failurerate for components over their lifetime [3]. Another main limi-tation is that the reliability results derived from these models areoften pessimistic and cause costly conservative design. Further-more, MIL-217 neither contains data to determine the influenceof dormant modes on components, nor contains the data thatreflect the effects of thermal cycles, which are all of significantimportance for practical application of power electronics. Thefailure rate model of some commonly used components such asIGBT is not covered by the handbook. Therefore, the referencevalues of MOSFETs are often chosen for analysis of failure rateof IGBTs.

Fig. 2. Illustration of a series configuration with n subsystems.

Another important data source of empirical-based failure ratemodels is RDF 2000, which considers dormant modes and ef-fects of the temperature cycles, and includes data of IGBTs [52].RDF2000 is a preferred reference in a complex analysis sinceit takes into account all types of stress. The failure rates of IG-BTs, diodes, and capacitors are estimated and compared in [5]from two data sources and also Coffin–Manson and ArrheniusEquations. It turns out that each approach has its disadvantages.

Since the empirical models of electronic devices are basedon previously observed data, reliability prediction results fromthese models are inaccurate for applications with differentdesign, and operational and environmental conditions. Thephysics-of-failure model is researched extensively for ana-lyzing reliability of electronic devices, which specifically in-clude power semiconductor devices and electrolytic capaci-tors [9]–[12]. Thermal failure mechanisms of IGBTs have be-come a focal area in the component-level reliability researchof power electronics. The methodology considers electrical andmechanical stresses, temperature changes, and spatial tempera-ture gradients. It tries to explore each root cause of componentfailures. The physics-of-failure method can model potential fail-ure mechanics, predict wear-out conditions, and integrate relia-bility into design process. However, building this type of modelsis complex and costly, and requires substantial knowledge aboutmaterials, process, and failure mechanism [13].

B. System or Subsystem-Level Reliability Models for Nonfault-Tolerant or Fault-Tolerant Systems

A system-level reliability model presents a clear picture offunctional interdependences and provides a framework for de-veloping quantitative reliability estimates of systems to guidethe design tradeoff process. Several methodologies to quantifythe reliability metrics of power electronic converters have beenintroduced. They can be categorized into three types of relia-bility models: part-count methods, combinatorial models, andstate-space models.

1) Part-Count Models: The following have been assumed inthe part-count model:

1) any fault that occurs to each of the components or subsys-tems will cause the overall systems to fail;

2) at components level, the failure rates of individual com-ponents are assumed constant during useful life time;

3) the system is treated as a series structure of all componentsor subsystems.

For a series structure with n subsystems as shown in Fig. 2,the ith subsystem has failure rate λi ; the failure rate λ of theoverall system is determined by

λ =n∑


λi . (8)

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Fig. 3. Schematic of a typical three-phase voltage-source inverter for HEV.

Fig. 4. Fault tree of a typical three-phase voltage-source inverter for HEV.

The main advantage of part-count method lies in its sim-plicity. A part-count model can provide an adequate reliabilityestimation for small systems. It is also an effective approach toreliability comparison among different power electronic systemarchitectures at the beginning of design stage. However, for thesystems that can tolerate some failures or that can be repaired,the approach lead to over conservative results. For power elec-tronic converters that are not equipped with fault-tolerant capa-bility, this part-count method is often adopted [1], [4], [5], [14].For example, part-count method in [5] is employed to estimatethe reliability of a three-phase voltage-source inverter for HEVsas shown in Fig. 3. Any fault of capacitor, IGBTs, and diodeswill lead the system to fail. The MTTF of the inverter is esti-mated based on this model



1λC + 6λT + 6λD


where λC , λT , and λD are the failure rate of the capacitor, theIGBT, and the diode, respectively.

2) Combinatorial Models: Combinatorial models are exten-sions to part-count models and include fault trees, success trees,and reliability blocks diagrams. These methods can be usedto analyze reliability of simple redundant systems with perfectcoverage.

Fault tree has been used to analyze reliability of electric drivesystems as illustrated by Fig. 4 [17]. Unfortunately, combinato-rial models cannot reflect the details of fault-tolerant systems,such as repair process, imperfect coverage, state-dependent fail-ure rates, order of component failures, and reconfiguration.

3) Markov Model: Markov model is based on graphical rep-resentation of system states that correspond to system configura-tions, which are reached after a unique sequence of componentfailures and transitions among these states. The system is said in

Fig. 5. Schematic of a two-phase boost converter.

Fig. 6. Functional block diagram.

failure-free state when all components are nonfaulted. The sys-tem can evolve from the failure-free state to other states whenfaults occur to the components. There are two types of statesin Markov models: 1) absorbing states that are associated withfailed system configurations; and 2) nonabsorbing states thatcorrespond to configurations in which the system can deliverfull or partial functionalities.

The Markov reliability model is used to analyze a two-phaseinterleaved boost converter for PV application [15]. The fault-tolerant system in [15] can operate with reduced phases anddepleted output capacitor bank. Each phase is divided into twosubsystems: input unit consisting of diode, switch, and induc-tor, and output unit including output capacitor. Only when allinput units, output units, or both in two phases are faulted, willthe whole system fail. Since inductors’ failure rates are muchlower than those of semiconductors and electrolytic capacitors,their failures are not considered. It is assumed that the system isnonrepairable, and that the controller is capable of fault detec-tion, isolation, and reconfiguration, i.e., the system has perfectcoverage.

The schematic, functional block diagram and state-transitiondiagram of the converter are shown in Figs. 5, 6, and 7. The nodesof the state-transition diagram in Fig. 7 represent the states ofeach system configuration. The edges in Fig. 7 represent transi-tions between configurations triggered by components failures.The state kmn (k = 1, 2, . . . , 7; m = 1, 2; n = 1, 2) denotesthe system state with m failed input stages and n failed outputstages. λT m and λDm denote the failure rate of IGBT or diodeunder the condition of m failed input stages. λC mn representsthe failure rate of capacitors with m failed input stages and nfailed output stages.

Evaluation of the model through simulation or mathemati-cal algorithms would yield the probability of the system be-ing in one of the states. The Chapman–Kolmogorov equationis used to analyze the Markov reliability model. For instance,the Chapman–Kolmogorov equations for states 000 and 311 are

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Fig. 7. State-transition diagram.

given by


= − [2(λT 0 + λD0) + 2λC 00 ] p0(t)


= 2λC 10p1(t) + 2(λT 0 + λD0)p4(t)

− [(λT 1 + λD1) + λC 11 ] p3(t) (10)

where pk (t) is the probability of the system being in state kmn

at time t. Since the system has four nonabsorbing states, thesystem reliability at time t can be expressed as

R(t) = p0(t) + p1(t) + p2(t) + p3(t). (11)

Once reliability R(t) is obtained, MTTF can be readily esti-mated based on (5).

Markov chain is a very effective approach to quantify the reli-ability of fault-tolerant systems. This approach can cover manyfeatures of fault-tolerant systems, such as sequence of failures,failure coverage, and state-dependent failure rates. One can es-timate different reliability metrics from the Markov model, suchas MTTF, reliability, availability, and so on.

There are some limitations associated with Markov model.One important property of Markov process is that the transi-tion probability from one state to another does not depend onthe previous states but only on the present state. Hence, theMarkov model cannot be used to evaluate the system reliabil-ity when components have time-varying failure rates. Anothershortcoming is that state space grows exponentially with thenumber of components. For large system, it is difficult to gen-erate the Markov model from the system functional descriptionand components failure analysis.

The challenge of applying Markov models to increasinglycomplicated systems can be clearly appreciated in a high-powermultilevel converter that may have hundreds of components andsubsequent failure mode transitions. In a centralized PV gen-eration plant, many individual inverter systems provide powerto loads together and interact with each other. It is difficult orlaborious to build reliability models for these complex large sys-tems. In order to effectively tackle the aforementioned problem,it is proposed to decompose a large system into several subsys-tems. Then, one of these reliability models or their combinationis used to analyze reliability of each subsystem and the overallsystem. Decomposition of a large system depends on the spe-cific system and failure modes of components. The PV inverter

for generation is decomposed into storage capacitor bank, powersemiconductor devices, and cooling subsystems, based on thesimilar failure rate models [2]. In [17] a motor drive systemis broken down into three functional blocks: stators, bearing,and electric drive. Further decomposition can be carried out forsubsystems in order to simplify analysis.


When reliability of systems designed cannot meet require-ments, it is necessary to improve it. Many solutions are proposedto enhance reliability of the power electronic systems from theperspectives of design and active management of operation. Theformer is effective at the beginning phase of system design andresults in higher cost, which is explained in the next section. Thelatter is based on the existing hardware and realized by modifiedor augmented control. This section is devoted to management ofoperation. The solutions found in literature can be classified intothree groups: thermal management, diagnostic, and prognostic.

A. Active Thermal Management

In power electronic systems, the key components, such aselectrolytic capacitors and power semiconductor devices, aresensitive to temperature and/or temperature variations. The mostcontributing stress factor to failure rates of MOSFETs and ca-pacitors are related to temperature [53]. The most commonfailures of IGBTs are related to thermal-over-temperature- orthermal-cycling-induced failures [18].

Active thermal management techniques are proposed to reg-ulate steady state and transient thermal-mechanical stress inpower electronic modules [18], [53]. Central to the concept ofactive thermal control is that the junction temperature of devicesdepends on power loss and can be controlled by regulation ofpower loss of devices. In [53], the junction temperatures ofIGBTs and diodes are estimated based on the instantaneoustemperature of the heat sink and a dynamic thermal model ofthe inverter for motor drives. Then switching frequency and loadcurrent are then regulated according to the maximum junctiontemperature to guarantee junction temperatures of all devicesbelow a critical value. In [18], the maximum junction tempera-ture and temperature changes are monitored as shown in Fig. 8.When junction temperatures or temperature changes exceed thesafety threshold, switching frequency and current limit are de-creased to regulate power loss and thus to prevent overtemper-ature and power-cycling failure in IGBT modules.

However, the delay between change in junction temperaturesand changes in power loss makes it a challenging task to balanceeffectiveness of thermal management and utilization of powerdevice thermal capacity.

B. Fault Diagnosis

Fault diagnosis, which consists of two stages, i.e., fault de-tection and identification, is another effective approach to im-proving reliability of systems. Accurate and timely detectionand protection can prevent fault propagation and catastrophicresults. The fault-tolerant operation also requires effective

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Fig. 8. Regions for an active thermal controller.

diagnosis of faults. Moreover, diagnosis reduces MTTR andin turn improves average availability of the system.

Many methods of fault diagnosis in power electronic systemshave been reported in the literature. These methods are mainlyclassified into two categories: 1) the methods based on informa-tion of input or output current or voltage at converter terminals;and 2) the methods based on current or voltage information ofdevices.

1) Diagnostic Techniques Based on Converter TerminalQuantities: The basic idea is that characteristics of the inputor output voltage or current of the converters under normal con-ditions are different from the ones under faulted conditions.These electrical variables are sensed and compared with pre-defined performance metrics to determine whether a fault hashappened and identify faulted components and types of faults.

Lezana et al. propose a method to detect a faulted cell in a cas-caded multilevel converter as shown in Fig. 9 based on output-voltage frequency analysis [22]. Due to phase shift amongPWM carrier signals, the output-voltage phasor vs at switch-ing frequency is zero. If a fault occurs in a cell, the switching-frequency phasor vs of the output phase voltage is nonzero.The phase angle of the phasor vs indicates the location of thefaulted cell. The magnitude and phase angle of the phasor vs

can be obtained through discrete Fourier transform (DFT) ofsampled output phase voltages. The same method is appliedto diagnosis of faults in flying capacitor multilevel converters(FCMC) [23], [24]. The method is simple and bears minimaladditional cost since only one sensor per phase is necessary re-gardless the number of converter cells. However, the difficultyis to find a proper phasor amplitude threshold to assert a faultsince practical vs is nonzero even under normal conditions. Thesecond challenge is to distinguish normal transients from actualfaults.

Smith et al. propose a method to detect intermittent misfiringfault of switches in the three-phase H-bridge inverter for motordrives based on motor stator current time-domain response [25].The principle is explained as follows. When a misfiring faultoccurs on one of the switching devices in the inverter, the voltagedisturbance will cause an increment to the stator current spacevector. The incremental current will be in the direction that isdetermined distinctively by the failed device. As the inverterrecovers from the disturbance, the length of the incremental

Fig. 9. Diagram of output-voltage phasors at switching frequency for the11-level H-bridge cascaded inverter in each phase leg. (a) Under the normalcondition the output-voltage phasor vs at the switching frequency is approxi-mately zero due to the phase shift of the carriers. (b) Under the faulted conditionthe switching frequency phasor vs cannot be nullified and the resultant phasor’sphase angle is correlated with particular faulted cell.

Fig. 10. Trajectories of current vectors under different fault scenarios.

current vector reduces to zero. The incremental system modelcan be used to provide compensation to the measured currentresponse, such that the modified incremental current signal willdecay in the opposite direction to the initial offset caused bythe voltage disturbance. Therefore, the trajectory of the currentresponse can be used to detect the occurrence of the misfiringfault and pinpoint the problematic switching device.

A method to detect faults of switches in a three-wire three-phase voltage-source inverter is proposed in [26]. The solutionis based on the analysis of the current vector trajectory in theConcordia frame. It can be observed that the current trajectoriestake a half cycle, rather than a cycle under faulted conditions asshown in Fig. 10. Therefore, the faulty leg in the inverter can belocated based on the knowledge of the current trajectory. Thefaulty transistor is isolated by determining the current polarityin the faulty phase. This method needs only two current sensors.However, this method can detect only open-switch faults, andis only applicable to a three-phase sinusoidal inverter with noneutral current.

In [27], the authors proposed a method of fault diagnosisfor a three-phase voltage-source inverter of motor drives. Themethod is based on Concordia stator mean current patterns.Under healthy and ideal conditions, the average stator currentpattern is a point. Considering offset current, the average currentpattern should be a circle. When a fault occurs, the stator currentsare no long symmetric, and a dc component exists in the statorcurrent vector. And correspondingly the average stator currentpattern is biased in the direction that depends on which switchis out of order. Seven patterns are formed with the mean stator

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Fig. 11. Concordia average current vectors.

Fig. 12. Fault-detection scheme based on the AI algorithm.

current vectors. One of these patterns is dedicated to the healthystate while the other six correspond to open-circuited fault ofsix switches, as shown in Fig. 11. This method only needs twocurrent sensors. However, the boundary design of the patternthat corresponds to healthy state has a significant influence ondetection accuracy.

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have been proposed todetect fault in a cascaded multilevel converter [28]. The pro-posed scheme is illustrated in Fig. 12. The first step is samplingof output-voltage signals. Then, the mathematical algorithmslike fast Fourier transform and correlation are applied to themeasured data. This is called feature extraction system (FES),which can reduce the number and size of neural network (NN)and training time. When FES is completed, the NN analyzesthe data to detect faults. The behaviors of the NN depend onselection of FES process, its own structure, and the trainingprocess. The detection process is computationally intensive andtime consuming.

Various specific methods of fault diagnosis have been pro-posed based on input or output currents or voltage information.These methods employ output or input voltages and current in-formation rather than states of power devices. Therefore, theybelong to indirect detection schemes and bear relatively lowcost. However, these methods need performance criteria built inadvance. Accuracy and reliability of diagnosis depend closelyon whether these criteria can distinguish all possible healthystates from faulted conditions.

2) Diagnostic Techniques Based on Voltages or Currents ofDevices: These methods are based on direct detection of de-vice faults. The principle is that the current and voltage acrosspower switches cannot track command signals (gate driver sig-nals) from the controller when they are open-circuited or short-circuited. The controller needs to monitor these voltage andcurrent parameters.

A diagnosis method for open-circuit fault in three-phasevoltage-source inverters without sensors is proposed [29]. Thecollector–emitter voltage drop of an IGBT follows voltage levelchanges of the gate driving signal during normal state. Whenan open-circuited fault occurs to the IGBT, its collector–emittervoltage remains constant at high level. Therefore, the controllercan detect a fault by judging the gate command signal and thecollector–emitter voltage drop of an IGBT. Hence, the open-circuited faults of six switches in the three-phase inverter can bedetected by monitoring of six gating signals and three collector–emitter voltages of the lower switches in three phase legs.

The techniques based on device voltage and current infor-mation feature high-speed response, accuracy, and reliability,and even can realize cycle-by-cycle diagnosis. However, largenumbers of sensors are needed since the controller needs almostall the current and voltage signals of each switch. Therefore,complex hardware and the associated high cost are the maindrawbacks although development of an integrated smart drivertechnique will mitigate this problem. In addition, for large sys-tems with hundreds of power switches, real-time monitoringconstitutes a daunting task for the controllers.

In summary, these techniques of fault diagnosis are mainlyfocused on power switches. Most of these methods amount toindirect detection of switch faults based on load currents ofthe power converter. Their salient characteristics include simplehardware circuit and low cost. However, they typically take morethan one fundamental period to detect faults. Such delay may beunacceptable for some applications that require real-time detec-tion. They also need complex algorithms to process measureddata. It is difficult to distinguish normal transient process andactual faults. Methods to improve accuracy of detection are pro-posed by some literature. On the other hand, direct monitoringof voltage and current signals of devices provides a reliable solu-tion to fault diagnosis with the substantial sensing requirement.Smart drivers are studied extensively, which could alleviate theproblem as further progresses are made.

C. Prognosis of Failures in Power Devices

Prognosis is the ability to accurately and precisely predict theremaining useful life of a failing component or subsystem [54].Prognosis can detect potential faults and notify controllers orpersonnel to take preventive or remedial actions [6]. In compar-ison to the fault diagnosis, significant challenges associated withprognosis exist since the prediction of fault evolution involvessubstantial uncertainty. Several prognosis methods reported inthe literature are mainly focused on the power semiconductordevices.

Prognostic system based on the saturated collector–emittervoltage VC ESat trace of the IGBT module is developed for HEVapplication [19]. As shown in Fig. 13, VC ESat of IGBT mod-ules exhibits a significant degradation trace. VC ESat of IGBTremains unchanged until approximately 5 × 105 cycles. Then,it starts decreasing gradually before a sudden drop (more than17%) at about 6 × 105 cycles, followed by a quick increase ofVC ESat . The prognosis method is based on the idea that an IGBTwill be considered as being seriously degraded if its measured

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Fig. 13. Variation of VC E S a t of the IGBT module at 400 A as a function ofpower cycles.

VC ESat deviates by more than ±15% from its normal referencevalue. A direct comparison is impossible because of wide andfast variation of operating current and temperature during ac-tual vehicle operation. So an adaptive approach is developed. Aprognostic subroutine is inserted into the vehicle control systemafter key-on and/or key-off of each vehicle period. The prognos-tic algorithm is responsible for building an adaptive referencetable and comparing measured VC ESat and the reference valuewith same temperature in the lookup table.

The evaluation of the increase in leakage gate current of powerIGBTs or MOSFETs is used for early damage fault prognosis[20]. The principle is that the initial gate current of 100 nA risesto the order of microampere under stressed conditions. When thestressed conditions are suppressed, the gate current remains atvalues that are several times higher than the initial gate current.

The component of output-voltage ripple at switching fre-quency in switching power supply is monitored to predict faultof electrolytic capacitors and their remaining life time [21]. Theincrease of the voltage ripple across capacitors indicates in-creased equivalent series resistance (ESR), which is one of thebest fault signatures for capacitors.

These methods of fault prognosis are all based on failuremechanism of components and need to monitor slight changesin electrical parameters. It is difficult and expensive to detectsmall signatures which reflect incipient faults of componentsfrom large signals.



Fault-tolerant operation means that a fault in a componentor subsystem does not cause the overall system to malfunc-tion [55]. The characteristic of fault tolerance avoids the systemfrom significant loss or unexpected interruptions and improvesavailability. The research in fault tolerance involves four dif-ferent aspects: redundancy, fault diagnosis, fault isolation, andonline repair. Redundancy can be realized by extra systems orcomponents. Here, just the latter is considered and online repairis unavailable. Fault diagnosis is covered by the last section, andthis part focuses on redundant design and fault partitioning.

A. Necessity of Fault Tolerance

Although reliability such as MTTF or availability can be en-hanced by many solutions and failure rates can be minimizedas low as possible, failure is inevitable during the mission timeof systems. In some critical applications, malfunction is unac-ceptable or causes serious losses. Therefore, fault tolerance isnecessary in many power electronic systems. For electric drivesutilized for EVs and HEVs, faults can be critical since an un-controlled output torque may have an adverse impact on thevehicle stability, which ultimately can risk the passenger safety.Hence, a limping-home function is desirable [30]. Wind turbineshould not stop under a breakdown of one or more power de-vices such that electrical energy can be provided to network andcostly disconnection time is avoided [45]. In high-power appli-cations, such as high-power motor drives for pipeline pumps inpetrochemical industry, for fans in cement industry, for pumpsin water pumping stations, and for steel rolling mills in metalindustry, reactive power compensation, and grid interface of re-newable energy resources, an unexpected shutdown would causesignificant production loss [31].

According to the performance of postfault operation, thereare two types of fault-tolerant operation: the degraded operationand quasi-normal operation, which differ in terms of systemcost, performance, and feasibility.

B. Degraded Operation

Degraded operation under postfault conditions denotes thatsystems can tolerant faults and continue to perform some keyfunctions with reduced output power or voltage, worsened powerquality, or other suboptimal performance metrics. Generally, de-graded operation is realized by reconfiguring control strategiesto explore inherent redundant capability of the converters withno or few additional devices. Degraded operation of multilevelconverters and three-phase voltage-source inverters are investi-gated extensively in the literature.

Degraded operation has been studied for cascaded H-bridgemultilevel (CHBM) inverter with space-vector modulation ap-plied to motor drives shown in Fig. 14 [32], [33]. In [32], thefaulted converter cells are isolated from the system, and redun-dant switching states are used to generate a neutral voltage shift.Thus, a balanced line-to-line ac output voltage and minimal har-monic distortion result. In comparison to normal operation, themagnitude of output voltage decreases and harmonic distortionincreases. Due to unbalance, the load neutral point cannot bedirectly connected to the neutral point of an inverter output.The main difference of control strategy proposed in [33] is thatthe faulted cells also participate in operation and contribute twooutput-voltage levels dependent on specific faulted switches.

Similar to CHBM converters, degraded operation of neutralpoint clamped (NPC) converters is realized by use of redun-dant switching states [34]–[37]. Fig. 15 shows the schematicof a conventional three-phase NPC inverter. Li et al. present acontrol scheme to maintain continuous operation of the three-level inverter for a flywheel energy storage system by utilizingthe redundancy of voltage vectors [34]. Without the need ofextra power devices, this method covers single short-circuited

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Fig. 14. CHBM inverter as a motor drive.

Fig. 15. Schematic of a conventional three-phase neutral point clamped in-verter.

failure of switches or clamping diodes. However, the switcheshave to withstand the full dc-link voltage. Therefore, overratingof these switches is necessary. Fig. 16 shows two solutions toachieving fault tolerance without device oversizing. The solu-tion shown in Fig. 16(a) is studied in [35]–[37]. Three pairs ofthyristors are added to conventional NPC inverter structure toprovide balanced three-phase output voltages for short-circuitedor open-circuited failures in switches or clamped diodes. Un-der the normal condition, the SCRs are in off-state. When Sa2or Sa3 fails to turn on, the SCRs are activated to connect loadto neutral point and thus maintain continuous operation. Thesolution shown in Fig. 16(b) features the same control schemewith the previous method to realize degraded operation of NPCconverters [38]. The advantage of these two solutions is that it isnot necessary to oversize voltage ratings of the power semicon-ductors. Common to these two solutions is that the maximummodulation index is reduced because of loss of some criticalswitching states as shown in Fig. 17. Therefore, the attainablemagnitudes of output voltages decrease.

Fig. 18 shows a three-phase voltage-source inverter for a mo-tor drive system with open-phase fault-tolerant capability [39].The principle of the proposed strategy is that motor can worknormally as a three-phase or two-phase machine by proper reg-ulation of the phase angles and magnitudes of stator current to

Fig. 16. Schematic of a phase leg of a neutral point-clamped inverter realizedwith two different fault-tolerant designs.

Fig. 17. Vector diagram of an NPC converter when (a) Sa1 fails in shortcircuit and (b) Sa2 fails in short circuit.

Fig. 18. Three-phase voltage-source inverter for motor drive.

keep electromechanical torque unchanged as the system transi-tions from three-phase to two-phase input power supply. Whenone phase fails in open circuit and the other two phase legs ofthe inverter function properly, the output currents increase to


times of the original value and the phase angle between themis regulated to 60◦. Under such condition, the torque generatedby motor remains constant. It is worth mentioning that thereare several limitations associated with this strategy: 1) it is onlyapplicable for motor drives; 2) only open-circuit faults of diodesand switches can be handled; and 3) oversized dc-link capaci-tors are needed to handle substantially increased ripple currentunder the faulted condition.

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Fig. 19. Three-phase matrix converter for motor drives with fault-tolerantcapability.

The similar principle is applied to a matrix converter for motorcontrol shown in Fig. 19. Likewise, only open-circuited faultscan be handled.

Degraded operation of power electronic systems can be re-alized mainly by taking use of systems’ natural redundancies.Since minimum additional components are need, simple andlow-cost solutions result. However, there are some significantlimitations.

1) Application is narrow band. Because of degraded perfor-mances, such as reduced output voltage, reduced power,and compromised harmonics distortion, it is only feasi-ble for applications that can tolerate the degraded perfor-mance. For some applications, the degraded performancemay be unacceptable. For instance, power converters withreduced output voltages under faulty conditions are notsuitable well to utility applications. The converters inFig. 18 and 19 are fault tolerant just for motor drives.

2) Faulted components and fault types that can be coveredare limited.

3) Degraded operation is used for multilevel converters dueto the fact that they have complex structures and thereforemany redundant switching states in combinations.

C. Quasi-Normal Postfault Operation

Because of many limitations relying on inherent fault-tolerantability of systems, redundant design is studied and reported ex-tensively to provide quasi-normal operation of power convertersunder fault situations.

Due to high modularity, cascaded multilevel converters asshown in Fig. 14 can provide approximately similar perfor-mances to normal operation by simple redundant design. Songet al. present a fault-tolerant control for a static synchronouscompensator (STATCOM) based on a cascaded H-bridge in-

Fig. 20. One phase of (a) a conventional three-cell FCMC; and (b) a fault-tolerant three-cell FCMC.

verter [40]. During normal state, the inverters operate withN + 1 cascaded converter cells in each phase and 2N + 3output-voltage levels. When a fault occurs to a switch, thefaulted cell is bypassed, and the number of output-voltage lev-els decreases to 2N + 1. The phase-shift angles are regulatedto generate a balanced output voltage. At the same time, thedc-link voltages of those cells in the faulted phases also need toincrease in order to keep voltage magnitudes unchanged. Thesame redundant design is proposed for a direct-drive wind tur-bine application [41]. The main disadvantage is associated withthe large number of extra components that are used by bypassswitches and backup converter cells. Power semiconductor de-vices and dc-link capacitors need to be oversized to withstandthe elevated dc-link voltage under faulty situations.

Maharjan et al. propose an improved control scheme for acascaded inverter with star configuration which is applied toa battery-energy-storage system [56]. The method makes all3N − 1 healthy converters in the three phases rather than onlyconverter cells in the phase with faults sharing the increased volt-age burden equally by introducing a neutral shift. As a result,the modulation indices for all remaining cells increase slightly.The solution can be used for other applications, and can miti-gate the pressure of overdesigning power devices. However, theneutral shift is realized by injecting a fundamental-frequencyzero-sequence voltage to each cell. Therefore, the neutral pointof the load cannot be directly connected to the neutral point ofthe inverter output.

FCMC as shown in Fig. 20(a) provide inherent series redun-dancy if the ratings of devices can withstand increased voltagestress. An open-switch or short-switch fault-tolerant design forthree-cell four-level FCMC as shown in Fig. 20(b) is proposedand its control strategy is presented in [42]. According to mod-ulation rules, there are 2m switching state combinations in eachphase leg of an m-cell. However, based on previous clamped ca-pacitor voltages, only m + 1 states are effective and are utilizedto generate m + 1 output-voltage levels while other states are

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Fig. 21. Modified general multilevel converter with fault-tolerant capability.

redundant. The presented method in [42] optimizes the switch-ing states by maximizing the number of output-voltage level.For the three-cell converter, the output phase voltage Vxg hasfour levels under normal operation. When a single-switch faultin one phase occurs, the faulted switch and its counterpart arebypassed. The corresponding capacitor is isolated from the sys-tem or connected in parallel to the one in a healthy cell. Theremaining capacitor voltages are regulated appropriately, andaccordingly the inverter still can provide four line-to-groundlevels. The disadvantages mainly lie in: 1) under faulty con-ditions, some switches need to withstand full dc-link voltage,which necessitates oversized design; and 2) large number ofextra devices are commanded.

Fig. 21 shows a modified general multilevel converter thatis proposed by Chen et al. This converter can tolerate short-switch or open-switch faults without loss of any output-voltagelevel [43]. At least one redundant switching state combinationis obtained for any output-voltage level by the change of the cir-cuit configuration. The modified topology achieves redundancyat the price of higher power loss and higher cost compared tothe original five-level architecture. Even during normal oper-ation, some output voltage levels have to be realized by fiveconducted semiconductor devices, while only four devices arein a conduction path for any voltage level for conventional topol-ogy. In open-switch or short-switch fault conditions, six deviceshave to conduct to provide a current path. Increased number ofconduction devices will lead to higher conduction losses. Onthe other hand, the original architecture features good symme-try, where only eight main switches conduct load current andother clamping switches only balance the capacitor voltages.Therefore, the clamping switches only need low current rating.

Two solutions to maintain short-switch fault-tolerant opera-tion of three-phase NPC converters are presented in [44]. Forsolution I shown in Fig. 22(a), the upper or lower fast fuse iscleared by turning on the SCR when Sa2 or Sa3 fails to open. Thefaulted phase leg operates with two voltage levels, the high level

Fig. 22. One leg of NPC three-level converters with two different redundantrealizations.

and low level with the absence of the middle level. Likewise, forshort-circuited faults of Sa1 and Sa4 , high and low voltage lev-els remain while fuses and transistors are not actuated. In viewof loss of middle voltage level, solution II shown in Fig. 22(b)is proposed. For any single short-circuited fault in one phase,the converter still provides three output-voltage levels, which issimilar to normal operation. These two solutions can maintainnormal output voltage under conditions of no more than onefaulted switch in each phase leg. However, some of the switcheshave to withstand the total dc-link voltage under faulty states.Therefore, oversizing of the component ratings is necessary.

Although the two solutions aforementioned maintain similar-to-normal operation of the NPC converters under faulted con-ditions, necessary oversized voltage ratings of semiconductorswill lead to loss of the most significant advantage of multilevelconverter, that is, voltage stress of devices is the half of dc-linkvoltage. The oversized design results in high cost and low ef-ficiency even under the normal condition. A redundant phaseleg is added to the original topology to overcome these limi-tations [45], [46]. Fig. 23 depicts the overall structure. Whena fault occurs to phase leg x with x ∈ {a, b, c}, fuses Fx andFn are cleared. Thus, the faulted leg is isolated from the sys-tem. In addition, the bidirectional switch Tx , S5 , and S6 areactivated such that the redundant phase leg replaces the faultedone. The system is reconfigured into a standard NPC converter.The main disadvantage is due to the large number of additionalcomponents and therefore higher cost.

Kwak et al. present a matrix converter with a redundant phaseleg for heavy electric vehicles as shown in Fig. 24 [47]. Themain idea is that the fourth leg replaces the faulted leg by abidirectional switch and thus normal operation of the system ismaintained. The limitation lies in the fact that the topology withredundant capability can cover only the open-circuited fault ofswitches or freewheeling diodes.

There are some other modified topologies with quasi-normaloperation capability. The aforementioned solutions include thepower electronic converters for which fault-tolerant operation

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Fig. 23. Three-level converters with a redundant phase leg.

Fig. 24. Matrix converter for motor drives with a redundant phase leg.

is of importance due to their high part-count property and theirapplication with high requirement of reliability.

In comparison to the degraded fault-tolerant operation, thesystems with full redundant capability feature augmented num-ber of additional auxiliary components, which increases theinitial cost of the system. Furthermore, some redundant de-sign compromises performance such as efficiency under fault-free state, which is undesirable or even unacceptable forsome applications that demand very tight efficiency or thermalrequirements.


A comprehensive review of the reliability of power electronicconverters has been carried out with the intention to providea clear picture of the current status of this particular researchfield. The classification of reliability of power electronics sys-tems is based on three levels. Methods of reliability assessmentare first analyzed and compared to provide designers an easy se-lection of an appropriate reliability model. For existing systemsor cost-sensitive systems, several solutions to improve reliabilitybased on active management of operation are introduced, and

their advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. For mission-critical applications, fault-tolerant design of power electronicsystems serves as a suitable design option. From the analy-sis of main modified topologies with fault-tolerant capability ofmultilevel converters, matrix converters, and conventional three-phase half-bridge inverters, it is shown that these new topolo-gies with redundancy increase the complexity and cost of sys-tems and even decrease some performance. The more-effectivecomponent-level redundant design for power electronic systemsshould be studied further.

The status of the current research and identified limitationsare summarized as follows:

1) Study of fault-tolerant operation is mainly focused onmultilevel converters with more components and natu-ral redundant switching state combinations. Some stud-ies reported in the literature involve three-phase matrixconverters and voltage-source inverters for motor driveswhere it is possible for the inverters to operate with two-phase output.

2) More components are added to the standard power con-verters to realize fault tolerance, especially for redundantdesign. In a true redundant design for all components(switches, diodes, and capacitors) and all types of faults(short circuit and open circuit), the total number of powercomponents even hits four times of that of the standardtopology [48]. As a result, the cost could even exceed thatof system-level redundancy.

3) It appears that the fault tolerance is assumed in certain toimprove the reliability of the power electronic systems.Very few quantitative estimation of increase in MTTFor average availability due to redundant design has beenreported except that Lenana et al. compare failure rates ofsemiconductors devices of standard multilevel convertersand ones with fault-tolerant design [31].

4) In contrast to the research effort devoted to switch (IGBT)-fault-tolerant capability of systems, very minimal atten-tion has been directed to faults of diodes and capacitors.

5) Since short-circuited faults and open-circuited faults needdifferent isolation and postfault operation strategies, somecontinuous operations are only feasible for certain types offault. If systems are designed to handle two types of faults,the number of extra components increases substantially.

6) Due to many redundant switching-state combinations formultilevel converters, effective utilization of these redun-dant states can optimize and simplify redundant design. Itis beneficial to further study redundant states and modu-lation strategies.

7) Successful detection of faults and transition from faultystate to postfault state are prerequisites. Low-cost and re-liable detection techniques and transient processes fromoccurrence of faults to postfault steady state should bestudied further.


The authors would like to thank Dr. E. Strangas for his valu-able inputs during the preparation of this paper.

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Yantao Song received the B.S degree fromZhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China, in 2004,and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering fromZhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2006. Heis currently working toward the Ph.D degree atMichigan State University, East Lansing.

From 2006 to 2008, he was with Emerson Net-work Power as an Electrical Engineer. Then, he joinedFSP-Powerland as a Senior Design Engineer. His re-search interests include power factor correction andLLC resonant converters for power supplies, power

conversion for renewable resources generation, powertrains for hybrid electricvehicles, and reliability of power electronic systems.

Bingsen Wang (S’01–M’06–SM’08) was born inChina. He received the M.S. degrees from ShanghaiJiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, and the Uni-versity of Kentucky, Lexington, U.K., in 1997 and2002, and the Ph.D. degree from the University ofWisconsin-Madison, Madison, in 2006, all in electri-cal engineering.

From 1997 to 2000, he was with Carrier Air Con-ditioning Equipment Company as an Electrical Engi-neer at Shanghai. Upon his graduation with Ph.D., hejoined General Electric (GE) Global Research Cen-

ter, New York, as a Power Electronics Engineer. While being with GE, he wasinvolved in various research activities in power electronics, mainly focusedin the high-power area. From 2008 to 2009, he was with the Department ofElectrical Engineering at Arizona State University. Since 2010, he has been anAssistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Michigan State University, East Lansing. His current research interests includepower conversion topologies, in particular multilevel converters and matrix con-verters, dynamic modeling and control of power electronic systems, applicationof power electronics to renewable energy systems, power conditioning, flexibleac transmission systems (FACTS), and electric drives. He has authored or coau-thored more than 20 technical articles in refereed journals and peer-reviewedconference proceedings. He holds one Chinese patent.

Dr. Wang received the Prize Paper Award from the Industrial Power Con-verter Committee of the IEEE Industry Application Society in 2005. He is amember of Sigma Xi.