IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 52, NO. 5, MAY 2017 1443 A Subthreshold Voltage Reference With Scalable Output Voltage for Low-Power IoT Systems Inhee Lee, Member, IEEE, Dennis Sylvester, Fellow, IEEE , and David Blaauw, Fellow, IEEE Abstract— This paper presents a subthreshold voltage reference in which the output voltage is scalable depending on the number of stacked PMOS transistors. A key advantage is that its output voltage can be higher than that obtained with conven- tional low-power subthreshold voltage references. The proposed reference uses native NMOS transistors as a current source and develops a reference voltage by stacking one or more PMOS transistors. The temperature coefficient of the reference voltage is compensated by setting the size ratio of the native NMOS and stacked pMOS transistors to cancel temperature dependence of transistor threshold voltage and thermal voltage. Also, the transistor size is determined considering the trade-off between diode current between n-well and p-sub and process variation. Prototype chips are fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS process. Measurement results from three wafers show 3σ inaccuracy of ±1.0% from 0 °C to 100 °C after a single room-temperature trim. The proposed voltage reference achieves a line sensitivity of 0.31%/V and a power supply rejection of -41 dB while consuming 35 pW from 1.4 V at room temperature. Index Terms— Internet of things (IoT), low power, subthreshold, voltage reference. I. I NTRODUCTION A low-power Internet-of-things (IoT) system requires low- power building blocks to extend system lifetime or reduce battery size. A voltage reference is typically always turned on and contributes to standby power consumption. Thus, it should be designed within stringent standby power constraints to ensure a long system lifetime. Bandgap voltage references [1]–[7] are the most com- mon type of voltage reference, but they are not accept- able in ultra-low-power sensing systems (e.g., 8-nW standby power [8]) due to their high power consumption (3 nW [1], 29 nW [2], 32 nW [3]). In contrast, subthreshold voltage ref- erences [9]–[17] have lower power consumption (2.6 nW [9], 2.2 pW [17]). The picowatt power consumption [17] is achieved using the difference of two transistor threshold voltages (V th ) [13]–[17]. However, their output voltages can be quite low (e.g., 0.2 V [17]). If this low voltage sets the operating voltage of analog blocks, it can significantly limit their dynamic range compared with the supply voltage (e.g., 3.8 V for a lithium battery operating system). A higher reference voltage (V REF ) can be obtained with an analog Manuscript received June 1, 2016; revised September 28, 2016 and January 7, 2017; accepted January 11, 2017. Date of publication January 31, 2017; date of current version April 20, 2017. This paper was approved by Associate Editor Woogeun Rhee. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com- puter Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2017.2654326 voltage multiplier using an amplifier and resistors, but they can dwarf the power of the voltage reference itself. Thus, a new low-power voltage reference with a high V REF is desirable for battery-operated systems. This paper proposes a subthreshold voltage reference in which V REF is similar to that of bandgap voltage references (1.2 V). This higher V REF than in conventional subthresh- old voltage references is the result of stacking four PMOS transistors and can be raised further by increasing the number of stacked transistors. We discuss the proposed voltage refer- ence [18] in detail in this paper, including measurement results obtained using a newly fabricated design across multiple wafers. The prototype voltage reference is implemented in a standard 0.18-μm CMOS process, and measurement results show 3σ inaccuracy of ±1.0% from 0 °C to 100 °C after a single temperature trim while consuming 35 pW from a 1.4 V supply at room temperature. The proposed subthreshold volt- age reference shows limited noise performance (24.4 μV from 0.1 to 10 Hz) compared with conventional bandgap voltage references (6.1 μV [4] and 9.1 μV [7] from 0.1 to 10 Hz). Hence, such low-noise but high-power references might still be required to perform noise-critical operations. However, the proposed circuit can continually run and support other opera- tions with less strict noise requirements without increasing the total system power significantly in low-power IoT systems. This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the proposed voltage reference, Section III discusses its circuit design, and Section IV reports the test chip measurement results. Finally, Section V concludes this paper. II. PROPOSED VOLTAGE REFERENCE Fig. 1 shows the proposed circuit with four stacked PMOS transistors. It consists of top PMOS transistors ( M CX ) with high V th (0.7 V), zero-V th NMOS transistors ( M NX ), and stacked high-V th PMOS transistors at the bottom ( M PX ). The zero-V th NMOS transistors are native NMOS devices that are typically available in modern process technologies [19], [20]. Standard NMOS devices can be used, but the output voltage is reduced due to a lower V th difference. M NX serves as the current provider and transistors M CX function as digital switches to control the amount of the current and trim the reference temperature coefficient (TC). In different branches, the size ratio between M CX and M NX is maintained to obtain the same leakage current through M CX per unit transistor width of M NX . M NX and M PX operate in the subthreshold region, and their drain current can be expressed as follows [21]: I d = μC OX W L (m1)V 2 T e ( Vgs V th mV T ) 1e V ds V T (1) 0018-9200 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.



A Subthreshold Voltage Reference With ScalableOutput Voltage for Low-Power IoT Systems

Inhee Lee, Member, IEEE, Dennis Sylvester, Fellow, IEEE, and David Blaauw, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— This paper presents a subthreshold voltagereference in which the output voltage is scalable depending onthe number of stacked PMOS transistors. A key advantage is thatits output voltage can be higher than that obtained with conven-tional low-power subthreshold voltage references. The proposedreference uses native NMOS transistors as a current source anddevelops a reference voltage by stacking one or more PMOStransistors. The temperature coefficient of the reference voltageis compensated by setting the size ratio of the native NMOSand stacked pMOS transistors to cancel temperature dependenceof transistor threshold voltage and thermal voltage. Also, thetransistor size is determined considering the trade-off betweendiode current between n-well and p-sub and process variation.Prototype chips are fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS process.Measurement results from three wafers show 3σ inaccuracyof ±1.0% from 0 °C to 100 °C after a single room-temperaturetrim. The proposed voltage reference achieves a line sensitivityof 0.31%/V and a power supply rejection of −41 dB whileconsuming 35 pW from 1.4 V at room temperature.

Index Terms— Internet of things (IoT), low power,subthreshold, voltage reference.


A low-power Internet-of-things (IoT) system requires low-power building blocks to extend system lifetime or reducebattery size. A voltage reference is typically always turned onand contributes to standby power consumption. Thus, it shouldbe designed within stringent standby power constraints toensure a long system lifetime.

Bandgap voltage references [1]–[7] are the most com-mon type of voltage reference, but they are not accept-able in ultra-low-power sensing systems (e.g., 8-nW standbypower [8]) due to their high power consumption (3 nW [1],29 nW [2], 32 nW [3]). In contrast, subthreshold voltage ref-erences [9]–[17] have lower power consumption (2.6 nW [9],2.2 pW [17]). The picowatt power consumption [17] isachieved using the difference of two transistor thresholdvoltages (Vth) [13]–[17]. However, their output voltages canbe quite low (e.g., ∼0.2 V [17]). If this low voltage setsthe operating voltage of analog blocks, it can significantlylimit their dynamic range compared with the supply voltage(e.g., 3.8 V for a lithium battery operating system). A higherreference voltage (VREF) can be obtained with an analog

Manuscript received June 1, 2016; revised September 28, 2016 andJanuary 7, 2017; accepted January 11, 2017. Date of publication January 31,2017; date of current version April 20, 2017. This paper was approved byAssociate Editor Woogeun Rhee.

The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Com-puter Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are availableonline at

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2017.2654326

voltage multiplier using an amplifier and resistors, but they candwarf the power of the voltage reference itself. Thus, a newlow-power voltage reference with a high VREF is desirable forbattery-operated systems.

This paper proposes a subthreshold voltage reference inwhich VREF is similar to that of bandgap voltage references(∼1.2 V). This higher VREF than in conventional subthresh-old voltage references is the result of stacking four PMOStransistors and can be raised further by increasing the numberof stacked transistors. We discuss the proposed voltage refer-ence [18] in detail in this paper, including measurement resultsobtained using a newly fabricated design across multiplewafers. The prototype voltage reference is implemented in astandard 0.18-μm CMOS process, and measurement resultsshow 3σ inaccuracy of ±1.0% from 0 °C to 100 °C after asingle temperature trim while consuming 35 pW from a 1.4 Vsupply at room temperature. The proposed subthreshold volt-age reference shows limited noise performance (24.4 μV from0.1 to 10 Hz) compared with conventional bandgap voltagereferences (6.1 μV [4] and 9.1 μV [7] from 0.1 to 10 Hz).Hence, such low-noise but high-power references might stillbe required to perform noise-critical operations. However, theproposed circuit can continually run and support other opera-tions with less strict noise requirements without increasing thetotal system power significantly in low-power IoT systems.

This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents theproposed voltage reference, Section III discusses its circuitdesign, and Section IV reports the test chip measurementresults. Finally, Section V concludes this paper.


Fig. 1 shows the proposed circuit with four stacked PMOStransistors. It consists of top PMOS transistors (MCX) withhigh Vth (∼0.7 V), zero-Vth NMOS transistors (MNX), andstacked high-Vth PMOS transistors at the bottom (MPX). Thezero-Vth NMOS transistors are native NMOS devices that aretypically available in modern process technologies [19], [20].Standard NMOS devices can be used, but the output voltageis reduced due to a lower Vth difference. MNX serves asthe current provider and transistors MCX function as digitalswitches to control the amount of the current and trim thereference temperature coefficient (TC). In different branches,the size ratio between MCX and MNX is maintained to obtainthe same leakage current through MCX per unit transistor widthof MNX.

MNX and MPX operate in the subthreshold region, and theirdrain current can be expressed as follows [21]:

Id = μCOXW

L(m−1)V 2

T e(



1−e− Vds



0018-9200 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See for more information.


Fig. 1. Circuit diagram of the proposed voltage reference.

Fig. 2. Simulated TC, IVDD, and � IDIOX/IVDD with different gateconnection. (a) TC and IVDD. (b) � IDIOX/IVDD with different temperatures.

where μ is mobility, Cox is oxide capacitance, W and Lare transistor size, m is subthreshold slope factor, and VT

is the thermal voltage. Since the same current flows throughturned-on MNX and each MPX, the following equation can beobtained assuming all of the MPX transistors are identical:

I = μ1COX1W1

L1(m1−1)V 2

T e

( −VREF/N−Vth1m1VT


= μ2COX2W2

L2(m2−1)V 2

T e



). (2)

Here N is the number of MPX. W1 is the sum of thewidth of MNX connected to supply voltage by MCX. L1 isthe length of MNX. W2 and L2 are MPX size. The factor“1-exp(–Vds/VT )” in (1) can be ignored since the error isnegligible for Vds >150 mV (0.3% error). Since the body ofMNX is connected to ground and its drain is connected to VREF,the body effect should be considered for Vth1 as follows [21]:

Vth1 = Vth1.0+γ√

2ϕ f +VREF−γ√

2ϕ f . (3)

Fig. 3. Diodes between n-well and p-sub in the proposed voltage reference.

Fig. 4. TC across L2 from 1 k-sample MC simulations.

Vth1.0, γ , and ϕ f are the threshold voltage without the bodyeffect, the body effect coefficient, and the difference betweenthe Fermi potential and the intrinsic potential, respectively. Thebody effect shifts VREF by 12% by changing Vth1 by 8.8 mVin simulation.

From (2), VREF can be obtained as follows:














)}. (4)

To simplify the solution, Vth1 is first calculated using the targetvalue of VREF for computing and including the body effect.A 100 mV estimation error of the body voltage results inonly a 1% difference in VREF by changing Vth1 by 0.2 mVin simulation.

Vth is complementary to absolute temperature [21]. How-ever, the first term can be proportional or complementarydepending on m1 and m2. Also, VT in the second term isproportional to temperature. However, the temperature coef-ficient of the second term can be also changed by transistorsizing of (W1/L1)and (W2/L2) in the log function. To achievea low TC of VREF, the temperature coefficient of the first termwhich is dictated by process technology can be cancelled bythe second term through proper transistor sizing. By settingdVREF/dT = 0, the optimal transistor size can be found tominimize TC.(




= μ2COX2(m2−1)




m1· dVth1

dT − 1m2

· d|Vth2|dT




Fig. 5. Simulated � IDIOX/IVDD at different temperatures across diode sizes(1× is the design point).

Fig. 6. Simulated impact of the diode current on TC.

where k is Boltzmann’s constant and q is the elementarycharge. The transistor size ratio is set to 0.52 based oncalculation and simulation, considering the second-order tem-perature dependence of Vth and the temperature dependenceof μ and m. In measurement, the average TC of 22.5 ppm/°Cfrom 0 °C to 100 °C is achieved, which is comparable withthat of other state-of-the-art voltage references. In the voltagereference with TC of 22.2 ppm/°C, the second-order effectdegrades the TC by 70.3% while deviation from the optimaltransistor sizing due to process variation contributes to the TCwith 29.7%.


In Fig. 1, the bias current of MPX (IVDD) mainly dependson the gate voltage of MNX. As shown in Fig. 2(a), when thegate of MNX is connected to V3 we achieve an optimal TCwhich is lower than 50 ppm/°C (which is a competitive valuewith other state-of-the-art voltage references). It sets IVDD to12 pA in simulation with transistor size requirement for TCoptimization. If the gate is connected to V2, V1, or ground,IVDD can be lowered, but it results in TC degradation. Thisis because the ratio of current through diodes between n-well

Fig. 7. Simulated VREF, TC, and used W1 across the number of MPX.(a) VREF., (b) TC., (c) W1.

Fig. 8. Die photograph of the fabricated voltage reference.

and p-sub (IDIOX in Fig. 3) to IVDD becomes larger. As shownin Fig. 2(a), compared with the gate connected to the othernodes, the gate connected to V3 provides >12× larger IVDD.In Fig. 2(b), it keeps � IDIOX/IVDD less than 3.2% and helpsachieve TC less than 50 ppm/°C. The constant 3.2% of� IDIOX/IVDD across temperatures results in TC of 1.2 ppm/°Cin simulation. It shows that the exponential increase of� IDIOX/IVDD is the reason for the TC degradation.

DX (Fig. 3) pulls down relatively more current from theinternal node at higher temperature and worsens the curvatureof VREF. The increased � IDIOX/IVDD can be explained withthe diode current equation as follows [22]:




)≈IS =q A










i .


VD is the voltage across the diode, A is the cross-sectionalarea, DP is the diffusion coefficient of holes, DN is thediffusion coefficient of electrons, ND is the n-well donorconcentrations, NA is the p+ acceptor concentrations, ni isthe intrinsic carrier concentration, τp is the carrier lifetimesof holes, and τn is the carrier lifetimes of electrons. Notethat the diodes are reversely biased. In Fig. 3, VD acrossD1 − D4 is larger than 250 mV, and the factor “1-exp(-


Fig. 9. Measured voltage reference without trimming. (a) VREF across temperatures., (b) Distribution of VREF., (c) Distribution of TC.

Fig. 10. Measured voltage reference after room-temperature trim. (a) VREF across temperatures., (b) Distribution of VREF., (c) Distribution of TC.

VD/VT )” in (6) can be ignored since the error is negligiblefor VD > 150 mV (0.3% error). Thus, IDIO is to the firstorder independent of VD and IDIO = IDIO4 = IDIO3 =IDIO2 = IDIO1. The stronger temperature dependence ofIDIO than IVDD comes from n2

i proportional to exp(−Eg/kT).Eg is the silicon bandgap. In simulation, � IDIOX is increasedby 5–22× more per 25 °C compared with IVDD [the subthresh-old current in (2)].

Four high-Vth PMOS transistors are used to match theoutput voltage level to that of the bandgap voltage references(∼1.2 V). Length of MPX (L2) is set to 0.6 μm consideringa trade-off between process variation and the size of diodesshown in Fig. 4. W2 is changed according to L2 to maintainW2/L2. Variation on Vth of MPX is inversely proportional toW2 × L2 [23]. This variation causes the transistor size todeviate from the optimal value. 2× shorter L2 increases theaverage TC from 19.7 to 44.5 ppm/°C. On the other hand,larger W2 and L2 increase the diode size of DX (Fig. 3)and degrades TC. As shown in Fig. 5, larger diodes increase� IDIOX/IVDD and exacerbate TC. For TC less than 35 ppm/°C,L2 needs to be smaller than 1.04 μm.

As shown in Fig. 6, without considering IDIOX, L2 can beset to long value (e.g., 5 μm) just for low-process variation,

Fig. 11. Measured start-up waveform of VREF.

and the reference achieves a TC of 2.0 ppm/°C (simulation)with the optimal W2 (26.5 μ, curve A). However, consideringIDIOX, VREF is reduced at higher temperatures, increasingTC by 231× (curve B). By reducing the W2 to 5.1 μm,


Fig. 12. Measured supply voltage dependence. (a) LS. (b) PSR.

Fig. 13. Measured current consumption across supply voltages andtemperatures.

TC can be lowered to 153 ppm/°C (curve C). Here, the diodesize is equivalent to 18.5× the diode size in Fig. 5(a) and� IDIOX/IVDD is ∼30% at 100 °C. Although TC is improvedby 3× with a narrower W2, it is 77× worse than that achievedwithout considering IDIOX. When 0.6 μm is selected for L2,the difference in TCs is only 2.2×. The proposed circuitachieves TC of 18.7 ppm/°C in simulation with the optimaltransistor length (L2) chosen by understanding the trade-offbetween process variation and TC.

Fig. 7 shows the scalable output voltage of the pro-posed circuit. In simulation, VREF can be varied from0.32 to 2.11 V by stacking different number of MPX whilemaintaining TC < 20 ppm/°C. Due to the body effect, higherVREF requires wider W1 to maintain the supply current(13.6 – 22.0 pA). Within W1 of 59 μm, the circuit can provideseven different voltages up to half the level of thin-filmLi battery voltage (3.6−4.2V), typically the most importantreference voltage. VREF is linearly increased with the numberof MPX. The voltage step size has a mean (μ) of 299 mV andsigma over mean (σ /μ) of 2.3%.


The proposed voltage reference is fabricated in a 180-nmCMOS technology (Fig. 8). The area is 120 μm × 21 μm

Fig. 14. Measured VREF and TC from −25 °C to 175 °C.

Fig. 15. Measured noise spectrum of VREF.

including a 1.8 pF decoupling capacitor. A total of 60 volt-age references (three different wafers) are packaged inceramic [24] and measured. Fig. 9 shows the measured VREFand TC distribution without trimming. The voltage referencesachieve the average TC of 22.5 ppm/°C and 3σ inaccuracyof ±2.47% from 0 °C to 100 °C. Fig. 10 shows the resultsafter room-temperature trimming to the average VREF ofuncompensated voltage references. The 3σ inaccuracy from0 °C to 100 °C is ±0.99%, and average TC is 30.9 ppm/°C.Thus, inaccuracy is reduced by 2.5× at the expense of a 37%TC increase. To trim VREF to a different voltage, W1 can bechanged using transistors MCX by sacrificing TC. In simula-tion, VREF can be adjusted by 37 and 59 mV within TC of50 and 100 ppm/°C, respectively.

Fig. 11 shows the measured start-up waveform of VREF and1% settling time of 92.2 ms. Time taken from 0 to 0.9 Vis in 200 μs since Vgs of MNX (Fig. 1) is near to Vthinitially. Fig. 12 shows line sensitivity (LS) of 0.31%/V across1.4—3.6 V supplies and power supply rejection of ∼−40 dBfrom 10 Hz to 10 kHz at room temperature.

The voltage reference dissipates 35.0 pW on average over60 measured voltage reference from three wafers with a sigma




of 2.1 pW at 1.4 V supply voltage and room temperature.As shown in Fig. 13, the circuit is not sensitive to the supplyvoltage since Ids of MNX is not sensitive to Vds. However, thesubthreshold current is sensitive to temperature, and powerconsumption increases by ∼200× from 0 °C to 100 °C. Theoperation of the proposed circuit is confirmed from −25 °Cto 175 °C in measurement as shown in Fig. 14. To improveTC for a wide temperature range, IVDD needs to be increasedwith larger W1/L1 to reduce � IDIOX/IVDD. Fig. 15 shows themeasured integrated noise of 24.4 μV from 0.1 to 10 Hz,which is larger than that of conventional bandgap voltagereferences (6.1 μV [4] and 9.1 μV [7] from 0.1 to 10 Hz)mainly due to a trade-off between power consumption andnoise performance. More on-chip decoupling capacitor canreduce noise, but it increases the initial settling time at startupand area [5].

Table I summarizes the performance of this voltage ref-erence and compares it with previous low-power voltagereferences. Voltage references without a bipolar junctiontransistor (BJT) [9]–[12], [17] and two bandgap voltage refer-ences [3], [6] provide output voltages of less than 1 V. Com-pared with the bandgap voltage references in [1], [2], and [5],the proposed voltage reference achieves competitive perfor-mance in terms of 3σ inaccuracy, TC, LS, and active areawith >83× lower current consumption. The bandgap voltagereference in [4] demonstrates superior performance in theseparameters; however, the current consumption (55 μA) is sim-ilar to the active current consumption budget in microsystemsand therefore it cannot be used for the targeted IoT systems.


This paper proposes a subthreshold voltage reference withstacked pMOS transistors. The stacked transistors elevate theoutput voltage and help increase the dynamic range of analogcircuits in battery-operated systems. The prototype voltage

reference with four stacked pMOS transistors is fabricated ina standard 0.18-μm CMOS process. The measurement resultsfrom three different wafers show 3σ inaccuracy of ±1.0%from 0 °C to 100 °C with a single room-temperature trimwith 35-pW power consumption at a 1.4 V supply and roomtemperature.


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Inhee Lee (S’07–M’14) received the B.S. and M.S.degrees in electrical and electronic engineering fromYonsei University, Seoul, South Korea, in 2006and 2008, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree fromthe University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,in 2014.

He is currently a Research Scientist with theUniversity of Michigan. His current research inter-ests include energy harvesters, power managementcircuits, battery monitoring circuits, and low-powersensing systems for Internet-of-Things applications.

Dennis Sylvester (S’95–M’00–SM’04–F’11)received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineeringfrom the University of California, Berkeley,CA, USA, in 1999, where his dissertation wasrecognized with the David J. Sakrison MemorialPrize as the most outstanding research at theElectrical Engineering and Computer ScienceDepartment.

He is currently a Professor of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science with theUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA,

and the Director of the Michigan Integrated Circuits Laboratory, a groupof ten faculty and 70+ graduate students. He held research staff positionsat the Advanced Technology Group of Synopsys, Mountain View, CA,USA, and the Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA, USA, andvisiting professorships at the National University of Singapore, Singapore,and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He also serves as aConsultant and the Technical Advisory Board Member of electronic designautomation and semiconductor firms in these areas. He co-founded AmbiqMicro, Austin, TX, USA, a fabless semiconductor company developingultra-low-power mixed-signal solutions for compact wireless devices. He hasauthored over 375 articles along with one book and several book chapters,and holds 20 U.S. patents. His current research interests include the designof millimeter-scale computing systems and energy efficient near-thresholdcomputing.

Dr. Sylvester was a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award, the BeatriceWinner Award at ISSCC, the IBM Faculty Award, the SRC InventorRecognition Award, eight best paper awards and nominations, the ACMSIGDA Outstanding New Faculty Award, and the University of MichiganHenry Russel Award for distinguished scholarship. He serves on theTechnical Program Committee of the IEEE International Solid-State CircuitsConference and served on the Executive Committee of the ACM/IEEEDesign Automation Conference. He served as an Associate Editor of theIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN and the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION SYSTEMS, and aGuest Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II.

David Blaauw (M’94–SM’07–F’12) received theB.S. degree in physics and computer science fromDuke University, Durham, NC, USA, in 1986,and the Ph.D. degree in computer science fromthe University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign,Champaign, IL, USA, in 1991.

He was with Motorola, Inc., Austin, TX, USA,where he was the Manager of the High-PerformanceDesign Technology Group. Since 2001, he has beena Faculty Member with the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, MI, USA, where he is currently a

Professor. He has authored over 450 papers and holds 40 patents. His currentresearch interests include very large scale integration design with a focus onultra-low-power and high-performance design.

Dr. Blaauw was a member of the ISSCC Technical Program Committee,the Technical Program Chair, and the General Chair of the InternationalSymposium on Low-Power Electronic and Design, and the Technical ProgramCo-Chair of the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.