IEEE E-Tools Offering Mentor IMAT –IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool.

IEEE E-Tools Offering Mentor IMAT –IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool

Transcript of IEEE E-Tools Offering Mentor IMAT –IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool.

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IEEE E-Tools Offering

Mentor IMAT –IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool

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What is MentorWhat is Mentor?

• It’s a Flexible, web based tool for Working Groups Share information/document in the Group.

• Easy to use Roster Log in, using IEEE Web Account

• Private and/or Public access

Public = anyone can access specific info

Private = only open to the groupShare information with a group






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Mentor Feature

Mentor Features Include

•Web-based tool that allows users the ability to share information through:




• If you want your documents to be public –this needs to be part of the feature set up.

• This option will make all documents public unless unchecked by the user who posts the document.


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Mentor Feature ContinuedMail

Mail View Options

•Only group members can see mail

•Anybody (even non-users) can see mail

•Administrators can set visibility on each message

Mail Reply Options

•Only group members can send email

•Only admin can send email

•Any registered user can send email

•Anybody even non-users can send email

•Nobody (not even admin) can send emails

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Mentor Navigation• Log into Mentor at and choose the option for Mentor off the drop box with your IEEE Web Account username and password.

• Once you log in you will have navigation that corresponds to your access rights.

• For example:

• •Administrators will have EDIT and DELETE capabilities

• •Authorized Group MEMBERS will have READ/WRITE capabilities

• •Others will have READ only access or access to only PUBLIC areas

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Mentor Naviation

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Mentor Navigation

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Mentor Navigation –whole screen shot

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Mentor Navigation

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Mentor Navigation –Administrator

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Mentor Navigation

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Mentor Roles and Access Rights

Working Groups in Mentor

Working Group (WG)

Users are linked to myProject

Group is linked to a Standards WG

Roster is managed in myProject

Individual will need to enroll in myProject Roster

Chair will need to authorize access in myProject Roster

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Mentor Roles and Access RightsWorking Group Roster

• The roster for Mentor is managed in myProject

• Interested parties will log onto and enter their interest in the group through “Manage Activity Profile”

• Working Group Chair then goes into myProject “Manage Committees” and provides an Interest Level to each individual

• Access based on Interest Level• Officer = admin type access• Voting member = read/write access• Other than Voting member = read only• No Interest Level = no private access• Only allowed public document access

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Mentor Roles and Access Rights

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Sample WG set up

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IMAT – IEEE Meeting Attendance Tool

Meeting Management & Attendee Instructions

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Two Components

IMAT consists of two components

1. Manager System (IMAT Manager)• Web-based IEEE system which

Sets up the Session and Meeting structure links to IMAT AttendeeRetains all historical data on meetings and WGsAllows some data to be shared with myProjectCan be used as a stand-alone system to upload meeting rosters

• URL access is

2. Attendee System (IMAT Attendee)• Web-based IEEE system which

URL for access is :*

Uses Session Meeting structure defined by IMAT ManagerGathers attendee data (from attendees)Provides management services (for WG Chairs)

*NOTE: 802 Wireless Interim and Plenary sessions may use MURPHY

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IMAT Manager

This system is considered the management tool which can be used either :

– before or during the session (to set up or change individual WG Meetings) or

– after the event (to view the attendance results)

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Before the Session

Setting up Meetings for a Session

Each screen has HELP available. If you need help, please click the link in the upper right hand corner for more information.

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IMAT Manager: Event/Session Selection

After logging, select Events you can:

View details & Edit an event

Add a new event

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IMAT Manager: Add a New Event

This is where you set up the event details like location, time zone, and session access code.

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IMAT Manager: Set up Time Slots

Timeslots regulate when meetings should be occurring during your event and prevent attendees from logging their attendance in multiple meetings

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IMAT Manager: Add a MeetingThe Meeting name (e.g. TG3c or TGN)

The Meeting is associated with a PAR or the WG in myProject

The Day of the Meeting

The Start and Ending timeslots– Normally both will be the same

thing for a regular 2-hour timeslot. The example shows this for AM0.

– If your meeting does not align with the defined timeslots, you must select the overlapping timeslots to create the meeting, click OK/Done and then edit it.

What credit value to assign to this meeting – normal, extra or zero.

– If something else, then select other then OK/Done and edit the meeting

The Facilitator is the person who will be chairing or otherwise responsible for this meeting – by default it is the WG Chair

Fill out all fields and click Fill out all fields and click OK/Done to return to the OK/Done to return to the detail screen or OK/Add detail screen or OK/Add New to add another New to add another sessionsession

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IMAT Manager: Enter/Edit Meeting


Timeslots for the week

Add New Meeting

Export or copy meeting

Edit or delete previously added Meeting

Note that you can only edit meetings that you ‘own’ and not common meetings belonging to the Sponsor

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IMAT Manager: Designee Access

The designee is given access to IMAT Managerto assist the Chair with managing the attendance tool. The designee being assigned must have an active IEEE Web Account to access IMAT Manager.

Log onto IMAT Manager– Click “Setup”– Click “Assign Designees and Planners”– Enter the Web ID for the designee.

Designees have full access to IMAT Manager.

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IMAT Manager: Meeting Planner AccessThe meeting planner must have an active IEEE Web Account to access IMAT Manager reports.

Log onto IMAT Manager– Click “Setup”– Click “Assign Designees and Planners”– Enter the Web ID for the meeting planner.

Meeting Planners have limited access to reports only.

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IMAT Manager: After the Event

Attendance Management Tools

– Viewing and managing attendance records

– Downloading reports

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IMAT Manager: View Attendance Accessed from Sessions View Details View Attendance

These functions are only available from the main maintenance screen after the Session is complete and all of the data has been uploaded.

Attendance can be viewed historically or on a by-meeting basis for a specific Session

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IMAT Manager: View Attendance Accessed from Sessions View Details View Attendance

Click on the View Attendance link for a specific breakout.

All attendees will be shown for that breakout along with the date/time they signed in, their email and their affiliation

To add attendee (if missing) you will need the individual username and affiliation

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IMAT Manager: Change Attendee Data Accessed from Home Attendance Summary

From the Home page, click on Attendance Summary link

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IMAT Manager: Change Attendee Data Accessed from Home Attendance Summary

To change involvement level you must do so in myProject Rosters

Click on meeting percentage to override %

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IMAT Manager: Daily Report Accessed from Home Event Reports Daily Attendance

This screen displays the Meeting attendance detail

All meetings and the credit accrued for the person will be displayed

Export daily attendance data is available

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IMAT Attendee Tools

Use your IEEE Web Account credentials to log in. When the chair logs onto this site he has privileges to help manage attendee data.

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IMAT Attendee: Attendance Screen

After logging in, you will be taken to your personal individual attendance registration page just as all other attendees – don’t forget to log your attendance

To enter management mode, click the manage link

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IMAT Attendee : Management ScreenIn this management screen you can:

Reset User Password

Export User List

Export Attendee List

Export Attendance Records

Missing Web ID Report

Attendance will allow you to download a .csv file to your local machine for your own records

To return to your Individual page, click Home

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IMAT Attendee: Manage Attendees

Chairs can manage attendee meeting attendance on this screen.

This page is exactly like the normal registration page except that all days and timeslots are active – be careful!!

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IMAT Attendee : Attendee Instructions

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There are three steps to using this system, only one of which is recurring – the first three are onetime.Prior to or during the meeting

1. (one time) Get a free Web Account if you don’t already have one. Keep your contact data in this area up to date.

During the Meeting3. Log onto IMAT (the chair will provide you with the

URL to access this system)4. (Each Meeting Breakout) Register your attendance

and affiliation

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Step 1: Get a free Web Account

If you already havean IEEE Web Accountyou can skip to the next step

Otherwise log onto

and click on the link to get a Web Account

Note that you must have an IEEE Web Account in order to

get credit for any breakouts you attend.

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Step 2: Log onto IMAT Attendee

Make sure you have an IEEE Web Account per Step 1

Log into IMAT using your IEEE Web Account username and password. The chair for the meeting will advise the URL to log into for this meeting.

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Step 3: Register your attendance by Selecting the Breakout

Select the Day and Breakout you are attending and update the screen

– Note that you will only be able to click a single button in the active timeslot column for the current day

– Once updated, the column will turn green and your selection will be locked in.

– Selections may not be changed once the timeslot closes

Repeat Step 3 for each distinct breakout you attend

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Step 3a: Supply your AffiliationYou must provide an in order to receive credit for your attendance.

You will be asked your affiliation once for the WG and once again for each unique TG or SG you attend. Start typing your affiliation/company name and either choose from the dropdown list or continue typing to add.

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Prior to the meeting – Get a free IEEE Web Account if you do not

already have one

During the meeting– Use IMAT to record attendance, your WG Chair

will supply the URL– Login to IMAT and register your attendance at

each breakout you attend

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Malia Zaman

IEEE-SA Program Manager

[email protected]


Christina Boyce

IEEE-SA Standards Solution Services Manager

[email protected]